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Blood in the middle of the cycle when taking hormonal drugs. Brown daub and birth control pills

Many women choose to take hormonal contraceptives. But quite often the use of this option is accompanied by a side effect, such as spotting after using contraceptives, for example. Hormones contained in the drug lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle - and this phenomenon is quite common.

The main female hormones are progesterone and estrogen. They are the ones responsible for the flow menstrual cycle, affect ovulation and the ability to fertilize. All hormonal drugs against unplanned pregnancy are divided into two groups: capsules, which include only progesterone, and combined tablets, which include both female hormone. Mostly, spotting occurs when taking Duphaston, which is one of these combination drugs double action.

Causes of side effect

Bloody discharge when taking Jess or other contraceptives usually goes away after three months. It happens that the period of adaptation lasts for six months, but this situation is extremely rare. However, there is a group of women who long time taken and noted throughout this long period. And the spotting side effect persists even after changing the drug multiple times.

This is due to the fact that monthly cycle depends on successive transformations hormonal balance, in which the composition of the blood changes significantly. The initial stage of the cycle is characterized by increased production of estrogen; by the time of ovulation, its content in the body reaches a peak; after, if conception does not occur, its content in the blood decreases, and the level of the second hormone, progesterone, on the contrary, increases, preparing the endometrial layer for menstruation.

Therefore, at different phases of the cycle female body produces varying amounts of hormones, and the dosage of current drugs is insignificant; initially, this amount may simply not be enough. Therefore, contraception with Duphaston requires time to adapt so that the endometrium is not rejected by the body before completing the course of treatment.

What is the norm

If the discharge after Clotrimazole is insignificant, the blood is only slightly smeared, then there is no cause for alarm. It is considered normal if, to maintain hygiene, the consumption does not exceed two pads per day per day. That is, if for several months of use it will be smeared
thus, discontinuation or replacement of the drug is not required.

Discharge at the initial stage of admission

If the habituation period is over, and slight discharge occur on the first tablets of administration, this indicates that the dosage of estrogen in this drug is not in sufficiently. Therefore, if you continue to take, for example, Utrozhestan, the spotting will continue. You need to choose another contraceptive containing large dose estrogen.

At the end of the appointment

If, at the end of the adaptation period, a blood smear appears on the last tablets of the package, this is due to the low dose of the progestogen component in the drug. In this case, you need to select tablets with a different composition.

Breakthrough bleeding

If the mucus released when taking contraceptives is volume and appearance are no different from normal bleeding during menstruation, they are classified as breakthrough bleeding. This phenomenon is determined by the accelerated separation of the endometrial layer
in the process of the uterus getting used to the new composition of hormones. In modern contraceptives estrogen is contained in small quantities, which interferes with the hemostatic function.

In addition, breakthrough bleeding may occur in the following cases.


Before using as a contraceptive method birth control pills, woman need to know that bloody issues occurring throughout the entire period of use hormonal drugs, are the most common effect of this warning variant unwanted pregnancy, for example, daub after Duphaston.

If during the first few weeks of taking the pills, discharge of varying intensity appears, regardless of the course of the menstrual cycle, do not worry. Basically, such phenomena disappear without a trace already in the third month after taking hormonal drugs. But it happens that the discharge continues for about six months.

If even after six months there is blood vaginal discharge bother the woman, and choosing a drug with a different composition or dosage of hormones did not bring the desired result, then most likely it is worth choosing another method of contraception for protection. There are quite a few options and they are quite varied; after consulting with a gynecologist, you can choose any optimal method.

If oral contraceptives are used to prevent untimely pregnancy for the first time, an adaptation period is most likely expected. Most often, adaptation is accompanied by the discharge of brownish mucus from the vagina or even bleeding.

If you suspect any deviations from the norm, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor. The gynecologist will conduct an examination, based on the results of which he will be able to select a more suitable drug or another method of contraception.

It is worth noting: All groups of birth control pills have a blocking effect on ovulation, which means they equally reliably prevent unwanted pregnancy. Ovulation is affected by progestogen, the content of which is the same in all drugs without exception. combined action. The drugs differ only in estrogen content. But this hormone is added to the composition not to protect against fertilization, but to correct and control the monthly cycle.

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Known as the most popular method modern contraception, which, despite its known benefits, may have some side effects, both short-term and long-term. from the vagina may be one of side effects birth control pills. This kind of thing can cause inconvenience and cause some anxiety. You should know that the appearance of a brown spot is not always a sign of infection or the presence of any serious illnesses; brown daub may just be a signal for some hormonal changes caused by taking oral contraceptives. In most cases, Brown color The discharge represents old blood.

Women who use oral contraceptives often complain of brown spotting, which in this case is a side effect of the action of birth control pills on the woman's body. Why might women on birth control pills develop dark spotting? What are the causes of brown spotting when taking birth control pills? Should the appearance of brown spotting be considered as a signal about the need to change the method of contraception? Is there a connection between missing a birth control pill and getting brown spot?

Before giving any explanations or advice, it is important to understand how birth control pills work.

It is well known that contraceptive pills, intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy, act through the following mechanisms:

  • Blocking ovulation (the release of an egg from mature ovarian follicles), blocking the action of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), thus preventing pregnancy;
  • Changes in the quality of mucus in the cervix, the mucus thickens and becomes difficult for sperm to pass through;
  • Changes in the maturation processes of the endometrium (inner mucous membrane of the uterus), it becomes unsuitable for implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg;
  • Activity change fallopian tubes(the tubes through which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus), the tubes cannot effectively move eggs to the uterus.

All of the above changes are achieved by changing the hormonal balance in the body, by reducing the levels of FSH and LH. Low levels Both hormones (FSH and LH) are responsible for reducing the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for changes that favor pregnancy. As a result of hormonal changes, the inner mucous membrane of the uterus becomes thinner, which may peel off slightly and be excreted through the vagina along with blood in the form of a brown smear. Another reason for brown vaginal discharge while using birth control pills may be missing pills. Missed pills are disruptive hormonal mechanisms and can cause some endometrial detachment. Taking birth control pills at the same time every day can minimize the chance of developing brown spot.

Most modern birth control pills contain two components - estrogen (mainly ethinyl estradiol) and progestin. Different birth control pills have different combinations of both components, the concentration of the estrogen component can vary, and progestins can differ in their properties. The concentration of estrogen and the type of progestin play a role in the development of side effects when using birth control pills. Besides, different women react differently to one or another composition of birth control pills. This means that brown spotting may occur in women who are more sensitive to certain types of birth control pills.

How to avoid brown spots when using birth control pills:

  • Use birth control pills regularly every day, at the same time as prescribed. Do not miss taking your pills, if you forget to take your pills, follow the instructions for using the medicine.
  • Women who do not take birth control pills as prescribed may become imbalanced hormonal background in the body, which can cause brown vaginal spotting.
  • Drink enough fluids per day - Adequate hydration (6-8 glasses of water per day) can prevent brown spotting. Use cranberry juice.
  • Choose birth control pills that best suit your body's physiology. In some cases, low-dose contraceptives are not strong enough to regulate menstrual flow, and their use in some women can cause cycle disruption and the appearance of brown spots, while low-dose contraceptives can be perfect choice for a certain group of women. Therefore, ideally, before starting to use one or another type of birth control pill, it is better to make the choice together with a gynecologist.
  • Often changing the type of birth control pill will eliminate intermenstrual brown spotting.