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Pills that prevent pregnancy for 72 years. Contraceptive pills after abortion and childbirth. Features of contraceptive drugs “72 hours”

Sometimes during sexual intercourse such an unpleasant event as a rupture of a condom can occur, which will lead to the entry of seminal fluid into the woman’s body. Also, during sex, partners may forget use contraception. And some couples even have sex without a condom, using coitus interruptus as a method of contraception.

Without careful care, this can lead to unwanted pregnancy, which is a serious problem for both partners.

What is 72 hour emergency contraception?

One of the methods of emergency contraception is special pills against unwanted pregnancy, which you need take to a woman within 72 hours. This medical method, aimed at suppressing the ability to become pregnant through unprotected sex.

This medical supplies, which contain a huge dose of the female steroid hormone - gestagen (progestogen), which suppresses ovulation by affecting anterior pituitary gland. Also, gestagen thickens cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg.

If fertilization has occurred, then under the influence female steroid hormone the endometrial layer regresses, thereby making it impossible for the zygote to attach to the fallopian tube.

In other words, the principle of action of these drugs is based on artificial stimulation of menstruation in a woman. Uterine contraction occurs, resulting in the egg is washed away.

So emergency contraceptive pills can stop pregnancy at the moment of conception within 72 hours.

Name of drugs for emergency contraception

Nowadays medicine provides enough big choice pharmacological therapy for unwanted pregnancy.

Postinor- a contraceptive drug that includes the substance levonorgestel - a synthetic gestagen. The medicine prevents pregnancy in about 85% of cases. The drug must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Gynepristone– active component mifepristone. Take within 72 hours.

– the drug contains the same substance as the previous one. Take within 72 hours.

Genale– the active ingredient mifepristone is a synthetic steroidal antigestagenic agent. Causes inhibition of ovulation, prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Take the drug within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

A drug like Regulon not suitable as an emergency contraceptive, but with long-term use, regulon provides a contraceptive effect.
Regulon is a combined contraceptive drug. Its pharmacodynamics is inhibition of the effect of gonadotropin, inhibiting ovulation and preventing sperm from entering the cervical canal.

Rules for using tablets

It is important to take emergency contraceptives early after unprotected intercourse, preferably within the first 12 or 24 hours. Deadline– 72 hours, after which the contraceptive will not work. Remember, the sooner emergency contraception is used, the greater the chances of successful action of the drug.

But this type of contraception is a last resort method. Emergency contraception can only be used twice a year due to the enormous consequences for the body in form hormonal imbalance , which is very dangerous for women’s health and can lead to a long series of diseases.

Side effects

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rashes;
  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • aching, nagging pain lower abdomen;
  • ectopic pregnancy is a complicated pregnancy when a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterine cavity. This is a medical emergency and is life-threatening;
  • mastopathy – pathological fibrocystic changes in breast tissue. Painful, fine-grained lumps form in the mammary gland. This benign formation. However, there is a high risk of their malignancy and transformation into malignant tumor process;
  • uterine bleeding– a serious condition that also requires emergency medical care. Life threatening;
  • infertility (emergency contraception is especially dangerous for never nulliparous girls);
  • thrombus formation - hormonal drugs can provoke thrombus formation, which in turn can lead to thromboemboia pulmonary artery, strokes;
  • Crohn's disease - hormonal drugs increase the risk of Crohn's disease by 3 times;
  • emotional lability.

It is worth noting that it is better to make the choice of drug with a medical specialist. You should not rush to take the first contraceptive you come across without first consulting a gynecologist. Incorrect use hormonal drugs very dangerous for both health and life. The doctor will select the drug that is more suitable for you and tell you the risks and what you can expect after taking the drug. Under the supervision of a specialist, the effects of taking these drugs are significantly reduced.

If for some reason you still cannot go to the gynecologist, then before taking the drug, carefully read its instructions. This is important not only for the correct application pharmacological action, but also for your health.

After taking hormonal medications, it is advisable to consult a doctor within two weeks, even if you feel well and have no complaints.


For girls under 16 years of age, emergency contraception is contraindicated because they have not developed cyclicity of ovulation and menstruation. This can lead not only to infertility, but also to irreparable health problems. Other

Do not take under any circumstances oral contraceptives for confirmed pregnancy, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
The use of hormonal contraceptives is excluded in case of pathology of the liver, biliary tract, or liver failure. If glucose absorption is impaired or lactose intolerance, the use of these drugs is also prohibited.

The use of drugs during breastfeeding is prohibited infant. Do not breastfeed your baby for 24 hours if the drug was taken.

Interesting fact that the body of a breastfeeding mother secretes the hormone prolactin, which, under certain conditions, practically eliminates pregnancy for a woman at this time

Hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated, if a woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, with tumors, with increased blood clotting rates, or with long-term use of corticosteroids, with anemia, Crohn's disease.

Any pathology on the part of a woman’s body may cast doubt on the use of hormonal contraceptives. You should think twice before taking these drugs, weighing the pros and cons.

Each body is individual, and especially women’s. It's hard to say how he will react healthy body to a hormonal surge. In some cases, the consequences after taking oral emergency contraceptives do not appear, or appear only slightly, while in other cases, taking hormones can lead to serious consequences for a woman’s health. There is a big risk that not only will it suffer reproductive system, and the entire body as a whole.

Unwanted pregnancy can lead to social problems, especially at a young age. To prevent unwanted consequences, before taking emergency contraceptives, it is better to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe you a gentler medicine.

One of the main reasons for many gynecological diseases and infertility is artificial termination of pregnancy. Abortions that are accompanied by instrumental dilatation of the cervix, vacuum aspiration and, especially, curettage are characterized by a particularly high risk of complications and trauma to the genital organs.

Termination of pregnancy using pills early stages gestation allows you to avoid mechanical trauma to the cervix and body of the uterus, significantly reduce the risks of bleeding and acute and chronic inflammatory processes, which often complicate abortions performed surgical methods. Besides, medical abortion completely eliminates the risks associated with anesthesia and significantly reduces the degree of psychological trauma.

Drugs for medical abortion

The medication method is based on the use of medications belonging to different groups, which affect the function of the luteal (yellow) body and increase the contractility of the uterine myometrium. These include:

  1. Synthetic derivatives of prostaglandins.
  2. Progesterone antagonists (antiprogestins).

Prostaglandin derivatives

This group includes the only drug “Misoprostol” registered in Russia, produced in tablets in a dose of 200 mcg, and can also be under trade name"Mirolyut." It is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1. Misoprostol initiates contractions of smooth muscle fibers, which not only facilitates opening cervical canal and stimulates myometrial contractions, but also increases the strength and frequency of uterine contractions, which leads to the expulsion of the contents of its cavity.

The mechanism of action of misoprostol is explained by the fact that it binds, like oxytocin, to the specific receptor apparatus of the muscle cells of the uterus, as a result of which calcium ions are released from the endoplasm of the latter, increasing the contractile activity of smooth muscle fibers. In addition, it helps to enhance impulse transmission in the presynaptic membrane of adrenergic nerve endings, which leads to an increase in their release of norepinephrine.

Progesterone antagonists

Misoprostol, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1, is used in combination with the antiprogestin mifepristone. The names of abortion pills of this group are “Mifepristone”, “Pencrofton”, “Mifolian”, “Mifegin”, “Mifeprex”. All of these remedies are equally effective as active component contain 200 mg mifepristone.

The latter is a synthetic steroid drug intended for oral administration. Tablets for early pregnancy termination containing mifepristone are characterized by a high degree of affinity for progesterone receptors. By binding to them, it leads to a specific blocking of the effects of progesterone on the corresponding receptors located in the endometrium and myometrium. Mifepristone also causes a significant decrease in blood levels, which may be due to its destructive effect on the corpus luteum and its ability to reduce human chorionic gonadotropin levels in the blood.

All this, in turn, becomes the reason:

  • inhibition of the development of cells of the nutrient layer (trophoblast) of the embryo and necrosis of the fetal egg;
  • hypoplasia and necrosis of the transformed functional layer of the uterine mucosa (decidua of the embryo) with its subsequent rejection;
  • the occurrence of uterine contractions and the development of bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding or slightly exceeding it in blood volume, which (clinically) is the essence.

In addition, mifepristone increases the sensitivity of the muscular layer of the uterus to the effects of endogenous (own) and exogenous (additionally administered in the form of misoprostol) prostaglandins. Thus, drugs for abortion in the early stages, when used simultaneously, act as synergists.

Basic regimen for the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol

It consists of a single dose of three tablets (600 mg) of mifepristone in the presence of a gynecologist, after which 36-48 hours later the prostaglandin misoprostol is prescribed at a dose of 2 - 4 tablets (400-800 mcg). After taking the latter, the woman is observed by a doctor for 2 to 4 hours. A repeated examination by a gynecologist with an ultrasound examination is carried out at the end of the second or 3 weeks (14 days) after taking mifepristone.

Side effects and complications

When performing a medical abortion, in 2-10% of cases the following side effects and complications of the combined use of the listed drugs are possible:

  • chills and fever (sometimes to high values), which usually lasts no more than 2 hours;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • dizziness, headache, fainting;
  • a feeling of discomfort and minor pain, mainly in the lower abdomen, associated with spastic uterine contractions (sometimes, in 5-15%, the pain can be quite intense, requiring the use of analgesic and/or antispasmodic drugs);
  • bloating, nausea (50%), vomiting (30%), diarrhea (less than 25%);
  • allergic reactions in the form skin rashes(rarely);
  • incomplete abortion, due to the insufficient effectiveness of the drugs - the longer the pregnancy, the higher the risk of incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding after taking abortion medications.

Bleeding is the most serious and dangerous complication. As a rule, this bleeding is longer and more pronounced compared to menstrual bleeding. At the same time, it does not lead to a decrease in blood hemoglobin levels. However, in approximately 0.2-2.6% it can be quite intense. In these cases, hemostatic therapy, surgical stopping of bleeding by performing or curettage, transfusion of blood substitutes, blood plasma, and red blood cells may be required.

Terms of use of tablets

In the instructions for Misoprostol and Mifepristone, registered in Russian Federation, their use for medical abortion on an outpatient basis is limited to 42 days of absence of menstruation. At the same time, the World Health Organization limits this period to 63 days. In addition, safety and high degree the effectiveness of these funds.

In this regard, a period of 63 days of absence of menstruation is accepted as normative. Abortion drugs for later can be used exclusively in an inpatient gynecological department with the ability to provide medical care to the required extent. It should be remembered that the longer this period, the lower the degree of effectiveness of the drugs.

Contraindications for use

Absolute contraindications are:

  1. Individual intolerance to one of the drugs or their auxiliary components.
  2. Availability assumption.
  3. Long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs due to certain concomitant pathologies, and/or chronic failure adrenal glands
  4. Chronic renal or liver failure.
  5. Pigment metabolism disorder accompanied by increased level porphyrins in the blood (hereditary porphyria).
  6. Heavy concomitant pathology extragenital nature, as well as the presence of glaucoma, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe bronchial asthma.
  7. Hormone-dependent tumor formations, as well as dysfunction of the glands internal secretion, including diabetes mellitus.
  8. Exhaustion.

Relative contraindications:

  1. Absence of menstruation (with confirmed pregnancy) for more than 63 days. The need to use misoprostol and mifepristone during a longer pregnancy requires hospitalization in the gynecological department.
  2. The presence of significant size, which is a risk factor for bleeding. The use of drugs is possible when the size of the dominant myomatous node is up to 4 cm and there is no deformation of the uterine cavity by myomatous nodes.
  3. The initial hemoglobin content in the blood is less than 100 g/l, which increases the risk of even more severe anemia due to possible blood loss.
  4. Bleeding disorders, including taking anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which sharply increases the risk of blood loss.
  5. Acute inflammatory processes female genital area (despite the fact that medical abortion does not increase the risk of developing an ascending infection, the simultaneous use of antibacterial agents is nevertheless desirable).
  6. Smoking in women over 35 years of age, as they are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Before prescribing the above drugs, it is necessary to conduct an examination by a therapist.
  7. Period breastfeeding. It must be canceled for 7 days from the day of taking mifepristone, and for 5 days from the day of taking misoprostol.
  8. Development of pregnancy during the use of an intrauterine contraceptive device. Before taking mifepristone and misoprostol, the intrauterine contraceptive device must be removed.
  9. Long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives, which increase the risk of bleeding disorders. Although this contraindication is relative, a preliminary study of the coagulogram is nevertheless necessary.

Carrying out abortion in the early stages using these drugs is characterized by more prolonged bleeding and, often, longer pain syndrome, compared to surgical abortion. However, complications resulting from medical abortions occur much less frequently. In addition, psychologically it is much easier to bear.

It is practically impossible to purchase pills for medical abortion in pharmacies, especially without a prescription. They should be used only under the supervision of a gynecologist, and are distributed mainly to specialized private medical institutions or gynecological inpatient departments, having official permission to perform abortions and having the ability to carry out not only infusion and transfusion therapy, but also to provide emergency gynecological and surgical care or, as a last resort, emergency delivery of the woman to the appropriate medical institutions.

According to international studies, 19% Russian women had an abortion. Almost half of them - repeatedly. Moreover, according to surveys, only 1% of women in age group Those aged 16-49 admit that they could have an abortion in the next three years. 54% believe that they would never choose this method. Moreover, there are now emergency contraceptives that can safely prevent unplanned pregnancy when used in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. More than half of the women surveyed (57%) would rather take the “pill” next day"than they will go for an abortion.

Modern women use all reproductive planning measures. At the same time, many couples (17%) still resort to outdated methods of birth control - the calendar method and coitus interruptus - which lead to pregnancy in 25 and 27% of cases, respectively.

True, even if various methods of contraception are used, no one is immune from failure. For example, 35% of women found themselves in a situation where a condom broke or slipped off. But also in emergency situations It is not necessary to think of abortion as the only method of solving the problem.

The need for emergency contraception

Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) are intended to prevent pregnancy after unprotected or insufficiently protected sexual intercourse. That's why they are sometimes called "morning after pills."

Especially for emergency contraception, the following are used:

  • Levonorgestrel. Dose 1.5 mg or 0.75 mg (in this case, take twice with an interval of 12 hours).
  • Ulipristal acetate. Dose 30 mg.
  • Mifepristone. Dose 10-25 mg.

The tablets should be taken within 5 days after sexual intercourse. Taking levonorgestrel reduces the possibility of pregnancy by 60-90% (in the case of one unprotected sexual intercourse). Ulipristal and mifepristone are more effective than levonorgestrel.

To take ECP you do not need to undergo an examination or undergo laboratory tests.

Emergency contraceptive pills are indicated for use when:

  • no other contraceptive was used;
  • the contraceptive was used incorrectly;
  • the contraceptive was used correctly, but it immediately became clear that it did not provide the desired effect.

Here are the most common situations in which ECPs may be needed for a woman using standard contraceptive methods.

Oral contraceptives, contraceptive patch, vaginal ring

  • We started using this method at a later stage of the menstrual cycle than required by the instructions.
  • During the menstrual cycle, this method was not used correctly.
  • We took medications that could reduce the effectiveness of the method.

Progestin-only injections

  • I started using this method at a later stage of the menstrual cycle than the instructions require.
  • The contraceptive protection provided by the injection expired before sexual intercourse.


  • The contraceptive protection provided by the implant expired before sexual intercourse.

Intrauterine device or system

  • The product was involuntarily removed.
  • You don't feel the antennae.
  • The contraceptive protection expired before sexual intercourse.


  • The condom has broken, slipped, or been used incorrectly.

Diaphragm or cap

  • The product was dislodged or removed before or during sexual intercourse.
  • The product was dislodged or removed after sexual intercourse earlier than required by the instructions.


  • The spermicidal agent was not administered before sexual intercourse, as required by the instructions.
  • The spermicidal tablet or film did not have time to dissolve before sexual intercourse began.

Contraceptive methods based on self-determination of the fertile period

  • Were in the fertile period at the time of sexual intercourse.
  • Unsure whether you were in your fertile period at the time of intercourse.

Coitus interruptus

  • Ejaculation occurred in the vagina or external genitalia.

Contraindications and effects of ECPs on the body

Women who plan to use ECPs are concerned about a number of issues. Let's look at them in order.

1. Are there any contraindications?

The tablets are not dangerous under any known circumstances: even if there are health problems. ECPs are not prescribed to women who are already pregnant - they are no longer effective. However, if it is not clear whether there is a pregnancy or not, ECPs may be used as there are no examples of harm to the developing fetus.

But there are side effects - irregular vaginal bleeding, nausea, headache, pain in the abdominal cavity, breast tenderness, dizziness and fatigue.

2. Effect on pregnancy

Studies of women who became pregnant while taking levonorgestrel or used it accidentally after pregnancy show that this hormonal drug does not harm either the pregnant woman or her fetus. In particular, it does not increase the likelihood of miscarriage, low weight at birth, birth defects fetal development or pregnancy complications. There have been only a few reports of pregnancy occurring after taking ulipristal, but no complications have been observed.

3. Use by teenagers

4. Use during lactation

If less than six months have passed since the birth, and the woman is only breastfeeding, if there has not yet been menstruation during the postpartum period, then ovulation is unlikely to occur. Then fuel and energy complexes are not needed. However, women who do not meet all three criteria may become pregnant. The use of levonorgestrel during lactation is not contraindicated.

5. Use before sexual intercourse

There is no data on how long the contraceptive effect of ECPs lasts after taking the pill. Supposedly, ECPs taken immediately before sexual intercourse are as effective as ECPs taken immediately afterward. However, if a woman has the opportunity to plan to use a method of contraception before sexual intercourse, then a method other than ECPs, such as condoms or another barrier method of contraception, is recommended.

6. Use after several unprotected sexual intercourses

Women should try to take ECPs as soon as possible after each unprotected sexual intercourse; It is not recommended to delay taking it until after the last sexual intercourse. However, a woman should not abstain from taking the drug simply because she has had several unprotected sexual acts. However, she should be aware that the effectiveness of ECP may be limited if the earliest unprotected sexual intercourse occurred more than 4-5 days ago. She should limit herself to one dose of ECP at a time, regardless of the number of previous unprotected sexual acts.

7. Reuse tablets

ECPs are not intended for intentional reuse or use as a regular, systematic method of contraception. Women who do not want to become pregnant in the future are advised to start or continue using contraception on a consistent, long-term basis after taking ECPs. There are no specific data on the effectiveness or safety of frequent use of current ECPs. However, at least 10 studies have confirmed that taking multiple doses of levonorgestrel 0.75 mg per cycle does not cause serious adverse effects. side effects. It is unknown whether the effectiveness of levonorgestrel is reduced by recent or subsequent use of ulipristal, which is a progesterone receptor modulator. Therefore, if a woman who has recently taken levonorgestrel needs emergency contraception again, it is better for her to use the same drug.

8. Use of ECPs during the infertile period

Research has shown that fertilization through intercourse can only occur 5-7 days before, after or during ovulation. Theoretically, ECPs might not be needed if unprotected intercourse occurs at other times in the cycle, since the likelihood of pregnancy even without ECPs would be zero. However, in practice it is often impossible to determine whether sexual intercourse occurred on a fertile or infertile day of the cycle. Therefore, women should not refrain from using ECPs because of the assumption that a particular sexual act occurred during a nonfertile period.

9. Interaction with other drugs

There are no specific data regarding the interaction of ECPs with other drugs. However, the effectiveness of levonorgestrel may be reduced due to the use of medications that may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Women who use bosentan and medications for treatment increased acidity stomach or stomach ulcers (such as omeprazole) or have taken them in the past month, you should consider inserting a copper-containing intrauterine device. If they choose levonorgestrel ECP, they should take a double dose. It is better not to use Ulipristal in these cases. Since it is a progesterone receptor modulator, it could theoretically reduce the effectiveness of other hormonal contraceptives containing progestin hormones.

Contraception after taking ECPs

Transition to (resumption of use) regularly taken contraceptives after ECP use

ECPs do not provide contraception for subsequent sexual intercourse. Therefore, a woman should choose another method of contraception before resuming sex life. When should you do this?

Condoms or other barrier methods of contraception

Start using immediately before your next sexual intercourse.

Hormonal methods: oral contraceptives, contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, injections, implants, levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine hormonal system.

Start using immediately - that is, on the day you take ECP or the next day. Use the barrier method for 7 days after taking levonorgestrel or for 14 days after taking ulipristal.

Alternative: start using after next menstrual period, but in between use the barrier method.

By the way, before introducing implants or a hormonal intrauterine system, it makes sense to conduct a pregnancy test: this way you will rule out the presence of an existing pregnancy.

If a woman requests to have a copper-containing IUD installed, and more than 5 days have passed since the use of ECPs, then this will be done after the next menstruation begins.


This procedure should be undertaken after the onset of menstruation following the use of ECPs. Until the final completion of sterilization, the barrier method should be used.

Because it is difficult to determine the risk of pregnancy in each individual case, and because mistimed or unwanted pregnancy has serious consequences, a woman who wants to avoid conception should consider taking ECPs after sexual intercourse during which contraceptive protection was not adequately provided.

Remember: If you don't get your period within 3 weeks of taking ECPs, you may be pregnant.

Based on materials Science Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakova


Good afternoon I had a week ago with my boyfriend unprotected sex. What pill do you recommend taking to avoid pregnancy?

01/12/2019 14:36:41, Asem

I don’t support all this honeymoon. It's horrible

05/10/2016 10:29:27, masha33

Emergency protection is not the best the best way out. Now there are such a huge number of different, convenient and safe methods of contraception that resorting to them is stupid.

I do not trust such methods of contraception, I think strongly negative impact on the body.

Killed: Most women would not have an abortion, but “there are now emergency contraception that can safely prevent unplanned pregnancy.” After all, the “next day” pill has an abortifacient effect - in the event of conception, it prevents implantation.

A good article about the abortifacient effect of IUDs and hormonal contraceptives, incl. "next day" tablets [link-1]

01/13/2015 23:50:11, Baffy

This one especially killed me:
3. Use by teenagers
Clinical or programmatic considerations should not limit adolescent access to ECPs; they are safe regardless of age. Teenagers are able to understand instructions for use this method contraception.

02/03/2014 14:24:38, for life

02/03/2014 14:22:15, for life

Comment on the article "Contraceptive pills: 9 questions about emergency contraception"

Take 4 tablets of Femoden (or any other OC, but only if 72 hours have not passed after unprotected intercourse). But taking pills every day, and even when nothing hurts, is something only the most disciplined person can do.


My situation is similar, it’s too early to get married and it’s not time to become a mother either. The spirals didn’t fit, there was even a problem with them, the gynecologist picked up a drug, tablets, called Chloe. ugh ugh right now, no problems, the cycle became like a clock, even my breasts began to fucking grow, although I don’t really need it, with my natural not small size. MCH is just happy, the weight hasn’t changed much because of them, well, maybe a little plus, but this is most likely because I’ve finally calmed down. Just like that. I don’t know, it probably helps everyone in their own way.

In such cases, the most sensible thing is to sterilize the “cat”.

Coitus interruptus is the removal of the male penis from the female. I had coils twice, and used suppositories and pills. everything And it is used in the case of any unprotected sexual intercourse, if it is ineffective barrier method(torn...


in general, just the opposite: many people douche with soda BEFORE PA, WITH THE PURPOSE to increase the chances of fertilization, because alkali suppresses the acidic environment of the vagina, promoting faster progress larger number sperm)))

Lemon and vinegar are acidic, soda is alkali. Next time, better than a pill Dissolve aspirin (also an acid) in water. But in principle, if you use douching for protection, then you don’t have to poison yourself with acid, just plain water (boiled, of course). Better with chamomile. You just need to do this immediately after PA. The less time passes, the less chance of pregnancy. In combination with interrupted PA and an ovulation calendar, this is quite a protection.
I have ice cubes with chamomile and mint infusion at home. I usually use them for my face, but sometimes I use them for more :)) turn on the kettle before the PA and throw a few ice cubes into a glass with hot water before douching is not difficult. You can also buy chamomile in bags and brew it in advance during the day.
There is little chance of pregnancy. And it’s a shame that I didn’t pass by here earlier. Here we like to call others fools, while bursting hormonal pills like seeds.

Emergency contraception: when to start after unprotected sex. Girls, how long does it take to restore your cycle after taking pills for a year (Diana)? the fact is that physically M. during the reception is not In fact, if a woman after 22-23 years of age for...

Unplanned pregnancy is usually a consequence of neglecting protective measures or using low-quality contraceptives. This problem requires an immediate solution, since it is easier to fix it by early stages.

Pills for unplanned pregnancy after intercourse are almost as effective as surgical abortion. However, such medications should be used with caution, so it is advisable to learn more about them before using them.

Pregnancy pills after an act in which fertilization of the egg may have occurred should be taken as soon as this fact has been discovered.

There are several types of drugs for ending pregnancy:

Drugs belonging to these types act differently and have different properties. However, the unpleasant sensations that arise after taking it are similar, since the action has the same direction. Regardless of the type of drug, side effects such as vomiting, headache and abdominal pain cannot be avoided.

Medicines for emergency contraception

Emergency contraception (other names: ambulance, emergency) involves the termination of pregnancy using various medications. With emergency contraception, the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus and the further development of the fetus at an early stage are prevented.

The effectiveness of emergency contraception depends on when the drugs were taken and on the type of drug itself.

The most effective emergency contraceptive medications are:

The drugs listed above are the best for emergency contraception. If you follow the instructions, the effectiveness is 95%.

Medicines containing mifeprestone

Medicines containing mifeprestone are effective even 3 weeks after conception. Mifeprestone acts on the uterus, increasing its tone. As a result, the fertilized egg is rejected by the uterus. Medicines containing mifeprestone have a strong effect on the female body, so they should only be used in the presence of a specialist.

The most popular drugs in this group are:

  1. Mifepristone- These are tablets that have a yellowish or greenish tint. In addition to the main component, the composition includes the following substances: cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose, a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, polyvinyl lyrrolidone. You need to take the tablets 1.5 hours after a small snack, 3 tablets at a time. They must be washed down with water. They can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription, the approximate cost is 1500-3000 rubles.
  2. Mifegin- These are tablets with a yellowish tint, having a biconvex shape. On front side there is an engraving in the form of the numbers 167. The composition also includes silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cellulose and povidone. Mifegin is the most effective remedy, which has few side effects compared to others. Mifegin should be used in the same way as Mifepreston, 3 tablets at a time, in the presence of a doctor, after meals (at least 1 hour). The price of the drug ranges from 2500 to 3500 rubles.
  3. Genale. The drug Zhenale is available in the form of yellow or green tablets round shape. The composition includes magnesium stearate, a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, povidone and lactose monohydrate. Unlike the drugs listed above, you can take it yourself, 1 tablet. At least 2 hours should pass after the last meal. After taking, you should not eat for 2 hours. It is not recommended to use the drug for people suffering from porphyria. venereal diseases, anemia, liver and kidney diseases. It is also not recommended to take it together with painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. The price of the drug ranges from 300 to 800 rubles.
  4. Mytholean are abortion pills based on mifeprestone. Mytholeana tablets are round in shape and have a yellowish tint. In addition to mifeprestone, the composition also includes a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, magnesium stearate, lactose, and hypremelose. Like other drugs that include mifeprestone, it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. You need to take 3 tablets at once. The effect of the drug will be reduced if it interacts with anti-inflammatory drugs. The approximate price of Mythelian is 2000 rubles.

Products containing mifeprestone are 98% effective. Their effectiveness does not depend on the time of administration. However, such drugs can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Abortion of pregnancy using birth control pills

Pregnancy pills after intercourse without the use of contraceptives give results if taken within 3 days. During the first few days, you can even use birth control pills to terminate a pregnancy.

However, these pills are less effective than other remedies because they simply suppress ovulation and increase mucus production, which prevents the semen from reaching its destination.

There are exceptions among contraceptives that are quite effective:

  1. Yarin tablets. The drug is a yellowish tablet in the shape of a hexagon. On the front side there is the inscription “DO”. The main components are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone; it also contains a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, lactose, magnesium stearate and povidone. The cost ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Logest Available in the form of round white tablets. The main components of the composition are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene; the composition also includes starch, lactose monohydrate, polyvidone, calcium carbonate, sucrose, talc, glycolic wax. Price 700-2500 rub.
  3. Novinet– tablets with a yellowish tint, having a convex round shape. There is an engraving on both sides. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Also contains: silicon dioxide, stearic acid, povidone, tocopherol, a mixture of amylose polysaccharides and amylopectin, dye. The cost ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price depends on the number of tablets in the package and the region of sale.
  4. Silest– tablets with a blue tint, round in shape with modified edges and engraved on both sides. The main elements in the composition are norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. In addition, the composition includes a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, a compound of magnesium and stearic acid, and a dye. Approximate price – 500 rub.

Abortion pills (birth control) can only be used 1 to 3 days after sexual intercourse. You need to take 2-5 tablets at once. The same amount should be drunk after 12 hours. Birth control pills often fail, their effectiveness is 80%, even if taken immediately, so it is better to use other drugs.

The effectiveness of drugs against unwanted pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy is much simpler than surgical termination. However, pills do not always bring results.

The effectiveness of medications depends on the following factors:

  1. age;
  2. physical data (weight, height);
  3. health;
  4. menstrual cycle.

The most important effect on effectiveness is the amount of time that has passed since sexual intercourse. If you use emergency contraception immediately after contact or after a short time, the effectiveness is 99%. With every hour and day that passes, the percentage of success decreases.

The most effective emergency contraception drugs are those containing mifepristone:

  1. Mifegin.
  2. Mytholian.
  3. Mifeprex.
  4. Pencrofton.

It is prohibited to use them independently.


Anti-pregnancy pills should not be taken after intercourse without the use of contraceptives without familiarizing yourself with the composition and contraindications, since they affect not only the uterus and egg, but the entire body. Some people are not advised to terminate their pregnancy using the pill. This can lead to childlessness.

It is prohibited to perform a medical abortion procedure:

  • at long term pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy;
  • with disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • for anemia, blood leukemia, etc.;
  • with inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • people suffering from asthma;
  • women with tumors of the breast and uterus;
  • for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • with hormonal imbalance.
  • when allergic reaction for the components indicated in the composition.

This general contraindications, which apply to all means for terminating pregnancy in the early stages. Some drugs have additional contraindications, so it is important to fully study the characteristics of the selected drug before use.

Side effects

Terminating pregnancy using medications always causes discomfort, since pregnancy, even at an early stage, changes the female body, and the removal of semen is an external intervention. Side effects almost always occur after emergency contraception.

It could be:

Such unpleasant sensations should not cause concern to a woman, as they are natural and pass quickly. But sometimes (if taken incorrectly) more serious side effects can occur.

For example:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • unbearable abdominal pain;
  • infertility (with frequent use of pills).

Where can you buy abortion products and can you use them yourself?

You can only purchase emergency contraceptives at a pharmacy. Medicines will be issued only if there is a doctor's order. Most funds for emergency contraception You can take it yourself, but only after carefully studying the characteristics and instructions.

However, it is advisable not to perform abortions on your own, since complications often arise after an incorrect procedure. Emergency contraceptives, which include mifeprestone, can only be used in a medical facility, under the supervision of a specialist.

How to check if the termination of pregnancy was successful

It is impossible to verify the success of the procedure on your own. You can find out whether the procedure was successful only by performing a control ultrasound or visiting a specialist. Only a specialist in this field will be able to determine the result of taking the drugs; for this he needs to study the condition of the woman’s reproductive organs.

A woman should choose means to terminate pregnancy, taking into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications.

Pregnancy pills will help prevent the development of a fertilized egg after unprotected intercourse, however, they can also cause serious complications.

Before the procedure, you must consult with a gynecologist who will help you choose the drug. Pregnancy, even in the early stages, is a major change in the body, and carrying out the procedure without due care often leads to infertility.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about pregnancy pills after intercourse

Emergency contraception:

Types of contraception:

Emergency contraception helps prevent unplanned pregnancy that can occur after unprotected sex. Based on the name, the use of these drugs in no way implies regularity of such contraception and is intended only in emergency cases.

Next day pills, or as they are otherwise called “72 hour birth control” are usually used in cases where:

  1. the condom has been damaged;
  2. sexual contact occurred while taking oral contraceptives was stopped for at least two days;
  3. rape occurred.

Contraceptives have 72 hours different efficiency. A pill taken the next day gives the expected result in 95% of cases. If up to two days have passed, the effectiveness of this method of contraception is reduced to 85%. On the third day after intercourse, the probability of preventing pregnancy does not usually exceed 58%. If pregnancy has already occurred, then birth control will not have any effect for 72 hours.

What effect do birth control pills have in the first 72 hours?

Birth control pills for 72 hours work due to their ability to prevent the release of an egg from meeting sperm. And if fertilization occurs, they prevent the egg from implanting into the walls of the uterus.

What 72-hour tablets exist today?

Of course, permanent contraception will be more effective and safe than emergency contraception. But if it so happens that it cannot be avoided, then it is worth having at least the slightest idea about the drugs. Today this is not a big deal. It is enough to enter the phrase “72 hour birth control pills name” into any of the search engines, and the result will not be long in coming. Below are the most common names of these drugs.

Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful period of life for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception comes as a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. This article will talk about what pills there are against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning what kind of birth control pills are available. The price of such drugs and their name will be indicated below.

The drug Postinor is a contraceptive used by women immediately after sexual intercourse. The active substance is levonorgestrel, which exhibits pronounced antiestrogenic and progestogenic activity. If the contraceptive is used during the period when the possibility of fertilization is maximum, it suppresses ovulation and fertilization.

The drug Escapel is a progestogen and belongs to postcoital contraceptives. The action (gestagenic and antiestrogenic) is determined by the active substance included in its composition. Levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation, slows down the proliferation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) and thereby prevents the fertilized egg from attaching (implanting) to the wall of the organ.

Regulon is a contraceptive. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The blister contains 21 tablets. The active substances are represented by hormones that prevent ovulation: ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel.

Janine, produced in tablets, is a hormonal contraceptives. It is incredibly popular among modern women. The medicine has an excellent contraceptive effect and is used to treat many gynecological diseases. In addition, the tablets have positive influence to all organs of the body.

Diane 35 is a drug in the form of pills from the group of low-dose oral contraceptives for women with high level male sex hormones. Release form: tablets in blister No. 21 with a calendar scale.

Novinet is used for oral contraception, relief premenstrual syndrome, recovery correct frequency menses. The medicine can be used to prevent cancer of the uterus and ovaries. The product also reduces the risk of colon cancer, treats acne, and makes the skin clearer and more beautiful.

The drug Logest belongs to oral monophasic contraceptives, presented in the form of round dragees with a characteristic white color. The main components are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Medicine affects the activation of the secretion of pituitary hormones, slows down the maturation of follicles, resulting in the inhibition of the ovulation process in women.

Jess is a modern combined contraceptive with antimineralcorticoid and antiandrogenic effects. It is available in the form of tablets (biconvex round). The medication has an effective positive effect on hormone-dependent fluid retention, in the treatment of acne, premenstrual syndrome, etc.

Yarina tablets are a hormonal contraceptive with an antiandrogenic effect. Available in special blisters of 21 tablets.

How does conception occur?

First, it’s worth finding out how conception occurs, as a result of which a child can be born. On average, once a month the average woman experiences hormonal changes in her body. The production of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and an egg is released from the follicle. If sexual intercourse occurs at this moment, pregnancy may occur. Conception can also occur if sperm enters the woman’s body a few days before or after the follicle ruptures.

Immediately after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, active preparation of the endometrium begins. The layer thickens and becomes looser. In this way, the body prepares to accept the fertilized female gamete. If conception has taken place, the fertilized egg descends to the reproductive organ through the fallopian tube within a few days. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrial layer. This is where it will develop in the following months if the pregnancy continues.

How can you interrupt an existing conception?

Currently, there are many ways to stop the development of an embryo. It is worth noting that in this case it is better not to engage in amateur activities. Otherwise, you may end up with serious health problems.

One of the most popular methods of abortion is curettage or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes ovum and part of the endometrium from the uterus. This manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of embryo development.

It is also possible to terminate a pregnancy with medication. In this case, a prerequisite is a delay in menstruation of no more than forty days. After taking certain medications, a woman’s endometrium and fertilized egg are shed and menstruation begins.

There are also special emergency methods of contraception. In this case, the drug is taken several hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Due to the action of the drugs, the woman begins to experience hormonal changes and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Quite often, during sexual intercourse, damage to protective equipment occurs, which can lead to the penetration of sperm into the female egg. Even more often, before sex, protection is simply not put on, because sex without the use of protection brings more pleasure. All these facts have one thing in common - unplanned pregnancy. What to do next?

Medicines produced in the form of “urgent tablets” will help correct the resulting situation. They were developed specifically to stop unplanned conception caused by unprotected sex.

You need to know: Pregnancy pills should be used only after fertilization has occurred. Using them “for prevention” is extremely dangerous for the body and can greatly harm later life.

Briefly about contraceptives

These drugs are popularly called “morning-after pills” because they are effective for 72 hours. Immediately at this time after sexual intercourse, the effect of the drug is determined. The highest anti-pregnancy effect obtained from the use of drugs is observed on the first day. Next hours reduce the effectiveness of the drug by almost 20%.

If intimacy does occur and you are afraid of unwanted fertilization, and do not want to allow this to happen, take the chosen drug on the same day. Using the drug every other day, its effectiveness will be 50%. And note: when fertilization is confirmed after sexual intercourse, using the product will not make sense. That is why they are called “emergency”: they are used to prevent the activity of sperm that have entered the female body.

Types of contraceptives

Anti-pregnancy pills are divided into types according to the time of their use, after unprotected intercourse:

  1. “24 hour” products. They should be taken immediately after sex or within the time specified in them.
  2. “72 hour” products. They are used when a day or more has passed since sexual intercourse. In this case, they are the only successful option for resolving the issue.
  3. Spiral. This product is intended to prevent pregnancy after three days. The main advantage of such a spiral: it gives a positive effect within five days after sex.

Anticonception drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • non-hormonal;
  • containing estrogen.

Preparations containing estrogen are hormonal. Their use may be accompanied by side effects such as headaches, nausea, and groin pain. When the use of the product is accompanied by a deterioration in the condition, do not hesitate to go to a specialist. This will be necessary to find out the cause of the side effect, because they may indicate. Sometimes after using drugs, you can feel pain “echoes” in the chest, arms or legs. These symptoms indicate an incorrect dosage of the drug.

Tablets 72 hours

When more than a day has passed since sex, anti-conception medications, better known as 72 hours, will help correct the situation. Using the product within the specified interval will help stop an unwanted pregnancy. They have high hormonal activity and should be consumed no more than four times within 31 days. The use of funds can bring complications:

  • noticeable pain in the stomach; appear within a month after using the product. May indicate ectopic pregnancy. Immediate hospitalization is required;
  • difficulty breathing and blurred vision;
  • a rash appears on the body and symptoms of chest pain.

To avoid the appearance of such symptoms, take the pills in consultation with a specialist.

Let's look at the names of the most popular medications in the 72 hour series:

  1. "Escapelle". Used when ineffective means protection, through the use of which sperm entered the body. The drug contains lovonorgestrel. It prevents the fertilization of the egg, and when pregnancy occurs, it rejects the embryo from the body, causing a miscarriage. The effect of Escapelle is regulated by the period of its use after the end of intimacy - there is a greater chance of preventing conception if taken early. There are practically no side effects.
  2. Genale. The basis of the product is histamine, which acts for three days. It is classified as a potent component because it contains synthetic components. They help slow down the ovulation process and prevent the egg from being fertilized. You should not take the drug if, after taking it, you notice blood clots or unbearable pain in the groin.
  3. . It is based on the hormone levonorgestrel. It is a kind of hormone that does not allow the egg to be fertilized after completed intimate contact for three days. Levonorgestrel is used in the development of protective equipment used before sex, only it is contained in smaller doses than in Postinor.

The drug package contains 2 tablets. They should be used like this: one immediately after sex, the second after 12 hours. Postinor is not able to help if pregnancy has already occurred. And remember: when you take the drug after sex, and a few days later you have sex again without a condom, the medication will not protect you from conceiving again.

If, after taking the drug, you still discover an unwanted conception, immediately go to the doctor. Postinor may increase the chance of getting an ectopic pregnancy. The doctor will do necessary examination and will clarify where the fetus is located.

Medicines 24 hours

These are tablets characterized by their effect in the first day after intimacy. The most common cases of their use are:

  • carrying out sexual contact without protection;
  • damage to contraceptives;
  • rape.

Before an embryo has formed, the pills are 95% effective. Using them after 24 hours is pointless. When you decide to take the drug, make sure you are 100% sure that the fetus has not yet conceived. The use of tablets in this series can cause the following side effects:

  1. Vomit. Pain in the groin. Spasm.
  2. Fatigue quickly. Dizziness.
  3. Unstable menstrual cycle.

Vaginal preparations

Vaginal pills will also help you fight unwanted pregnancy at home. They cannot boast of being 100% effective: it is approximately 85%, but they are absolutely safe for women. The substance contained in the medication helps block sperm, reducing the ability of the egg to be fertilized.

The main positive property of such drugs is the complete absence of side effects, which makes it possible to use the drugs at any period of the menstrual cycle. These types of drugs include:

  1. Pharmatex.
  2. Benatex.
  3. Ginakotex.

These products are non-hormonal substances, which makes them completely safe. Just keep in mind that they will only be effective if they are used in combination with other means.

To summarize, it should be noted that the production of remedies for unwanted pregnancy is necessary and extremely necessary. The use of such medications makes it possible to prevent a huge number of unnecessary conceptions, and is still doing so successfully. Before use, carefully read the instructions for use.

Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Let's look at what pregnancy pills are, whether they help and how to take them correctly.

There are situations when, for one reason or another, a woman has to terminate her pregnancy. Since pregnancy can be unplanned or occur with serious complications that threaten the life and health of the mother. Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to refuse an abortion and carry out a medical termination of pregnancy.

The first pregnancy pills were invented in France at the end of the last century. All medications that terminate pregnancy are based on the synthetic drug mifepristone. This drug blocks the functions of progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for the normal and successful course of pregnancy. Today, pills that terminate pregnancy are produced by many manufacturers. Sometimes in tablets, mifepristone is written as Mifegin, Pencrofton or Mifolian.

Pregnancy pills must be taken in the early stages. Up to approximately 40 days from the date of the delay in the menstrual cycle. But you cannot take such drugs on your own. Only a gynecologist gives permission to take pills to terminate a pregnancy, after conducting a complete examination of the woman.

Previously, only abortion, that is, surgical intervention, was the only solution to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. But abortion poses a serious threat to a woman’s life and health and can deprive her of the opportunity to have children in the future. Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to reduce the high percentage of deaths and diseases during abortions. The most popular abortion pills: Mifolian, Postinor, Mifegin, Mifeprison, Pencrafton and others.

Abortion pills

Abortion pills are hormonal steroids that cause embryo death. This is due to the fact that the tablets contain drugs that increase the sensitivity of the uterus to a hormone such as oxytocin. Because of this, the uterus begins to contract intensely, which causes the embryo to be rejected and removed from the uterine cavity.

The procedure for taking pills to terminate a pregnancy, that is, performing a medical abortion, consists of the following steps:

  1. Before taking drugs to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should undergo examination by a gynecologist. A complete gynecological examination and tests make it possible to find out whether a woman has contraindications to a medical abortion. For these purposes, an ultrasound examination is performed, which determines the exact duration of pregnancy. If the test results are normal, then the gynecologist gives a prescription for pregnancy pills and introduces the instructions for use of the drug. Also, the woman signs papers that express her consent to the procedure and confirm that she is familiar with all the nuances and information about medical abortion.
  2. Pregnancy pills are taken orally. After taking the drug, the woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist for 2-4 hours and, after his permission, go home. If necessary, the woman also receives a prescription for a contraceptive drug. A few days after taking the pill, the woman begins to experience rejection of the fertilized egg. The process is accompanied heavy bleeding which can last up to two weeks.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the gynecologist examines the woman. This allows you to check whether the abortion procedure went well. If the fetus is not completely gone, the gynecologist prescribes surgery.

Do pregnancy pills help?

Do pregnancy pills help? Yes, they help if they are taken in the early stages of pregnancy and after examination by a gynecologist and obtaining a doctor’s permission to take these drugs. Let's look at the benefits of pregnancy pills versus abortion.

  • When undergoing a medical abortion, you do not need to go to the hospital.
  • The procedure for termination of pregnancy, that is, rejection of the fertilized egg, is no different from normal menstruation.
  • When taking anti-pregnancy pills, there is no possibility of contracting HIV.
  • Medical abortion does not require anesthesia or surgery.
  • The tablets protect against the risk of developing secondary infertility.

But, despite these benefits of pregnancy pills, do not forget that they can only be taken after the permission of the gynecologist. Self-administration of pills can pose a threat to a woman’s life. Also, before taking medications, it is necessary to conduct an examination to ensure that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Name of abortion pills

Before you decide to have a medical abortion, you need to know all the nuances of this procedure. Also, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the medications, that is, find out the name of the abortion pills. Represents the most common and reliable drugs.

  • Postinor is a drug used for emergency contraception. As a rule, the drug is used in cases where unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place. The drug contains levonorgestre. These pills do not provide a 100% result in abortion, but only 80-85%. The first tablet of the drug must be taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, but not later than 74 hours. But the second tablet is taken after 12 hours. After this, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.
  • Mifegin - French anti-pregnancy pills. The effectiveness of the drug is close to 100%. For better action tablets, they must be taken if the pregnancy period does not exceed 6 weeks.
  • Pencrofton is a pill used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, as well as a drug for emergency contraception. The tablets contain mifepristone. This drug can be taken by all women, even those who are pregnant for the first time. The tablets do not cause secondary infertility.
  • Mifepristone are tablets that contain the active hormonal substance of the same name. It is this component of the tablets that promotes the detachment and removal of the fertilized egg if the pregnancy period does not exceed six weeks.
  • Mifolian is an effective drug for abortion. In addition, these tablets gynecological practice used to speed up the process of natural childbirth.
  • Mifeprex is a drug with high efficacy and good tolerability. Allows you to terminate a pregnancy up to 42 days. Please note that after taking this drug, a woman may experience spotting for several days.

Postinor for abortion

Postinor for abortion is a drug that is based on an experimentally selected dose of the active substance. It is this substance that helps prevent pregnancy. If the pills are taken immediately after unprotected intercourse, this increases the chances of successful protection against pregnancy.

Postinor contains the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, which is an analogue of the corpus luteum. This hormone is included in almost all drugs that have contraceptive status. Since Postinor is a drug to prevent pregnancy, the hormone described above is contained in it in high quantities. Therefore, taking pills should only be done in emergency cases.

This drug must be taken within three days, that is, 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The second tablet of the drug must be taken 12 hours after taking the first. That is, a woman should take two postinor tablets. The second tablet of the drug is required to be taken, especially if a woman experiences nausea and vomiting while taking the first one. But do not forget that the drug is not a means of regular contraception and should be used only in emergency cases.

Mifepristone for abortion

Mifepristone for abortion is effective drug, the main effect of which is to block progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. The drug lowers the level of progesterone in the body and causes peeling of the uterine mucosa. Due to this, the muscles of the uterus relax, which can cause bleeding. After taking the drug, bleeding may occur within 6-8 hours, which will indicate that the pregnancy has been terminated.

There is no strict time frame for using mifepristone. Therefore, a woman can take the second tablet of the drug 12-72 hours after taking the first, which is taken immediately after unprotected intercourse or pregnancy up to six weeks, that is, 42 days. Thanks to this, medical abortion can be controlled. This allows you to comfortably and effectively terminate an early pregnancy.

Escapelle from pregnancy

Escapelle for pregnancy is a means of emergency contraception. The drug is taken if contraceptives did not work or were ineffective and pregnancy still occurred. The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel. This substance prevents the process of fertilization of the egg. If fertilization occurs, the drug causes embryo rejection.

The effectiveness of the escapelle is 84%. The earlier a woman takes the drug, the higher the likelihood that pregnancy will not occur. Correct Application the drug does not provide negative impact on the body, on the blood clotting process or metabolism. Escapelle is called a “72 hours after” emergency contraceptive drug. Taking the drug is possible only after examination by a gynecologist. Escapelle should not be taken during lactation. Since with breast milk, 0.1% of the substance levonorgestrel enters the child’s body.

Zhenale tablets for pregnancy

Zhenale tablets for pregnancy are an antihistamine for internal use. The drug is based on the drug mifepristone. This drug is of synthetic origin and blocks the action of progesterone. After taking Zhenale pregnancy pills, the fertilized egg is rejected, which causes endometriosis, that is, a slowdown in the ovulation process. As a result, implantation of a fertilized cell does not occur in the female body.

The drug is available in the form of round tablets that are yellow in color with a greenish tint. Zhenale is used for emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse for 72 hours. But Zhenale has a number of contraindications that can negatively affect life important functions and body systems. For example, pregnancy pills can cause bleeding from the vagina, cause pathologies of the uterine appendages, cause the lower abdomen. Gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and vomiting are also possible. If you experience these symptoms, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Vaginal pills for pregnancy

Vaginal pills for pregnancy are safe drug, which successfully prevents fertilization. Vaginal tablets contain active substance– Nanoxynalone. The main effect of the drug is that the contraceptive penetrates the vagina and reduces the activity of sperm. Efficiency vaginal tablets is 75-80%.

The advantage of the pills is that they are safe for the female body. Vaginal preparations have virtually no side effects. Thanks to this, the drugs can be taken at any period of the menstrual cycle and the woman’s condition. Vaginal tablets can be used with other contraceptives and for a long period of time.

The most popular vaginal pills:

  • Benatex
  • Pharmatex
  • Ginakotex
  • Traceptin

The choice of vaginal pills for pregnancy depends on each woman, the characteristics of her body and the method of contraception. But don't forget non-hormonal drugs, preventing pregnancy, are much more effective in combination with other contraceptives.

Chinese abortion pills

Chinese abortion pills contain the same substances found in other birth control and emergency contraceptive medications. But taking Chinese abortion pills causes many complications and dangers that can cause the death of a woman.

Taking Chinese abortion pills can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after a full examination. Another rule for allowing the use of Chinese drugs is the instructions translated into Russian. Since there are often cases when Chinese drugs contain completely different drugs that do not correspond to those specified by the manufacturer.

If after taking Chinese pregnancy pills you experience symptoms such as elevated temperature, nausea or vomiting, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist, as there is a threat to life.

How to take pregnancy pills?

If you decide to have a medical abortion, then you are probably interested in how to take pregnancy pills. Abortion pills are taken in two stages.

  • The first dose of the drug causes oxygen starvation amniotic egg. That is, an embryo that is three to five weeks old dies from lack of nutrition and oxygen.
  • The second time you take the pregnancy pill, it causes your uterus to contract harder, causing nauseating and sometimes painful contractions. As a result of this, the dead embryo is expelled from the uterus. This stage may be accompanied by bleeding that resembles menstruation and lasts up to two weeks.

Pregnancy pills can also be taken in the first days after a missed menstrual cycle. But this is only possible after an examination by a gynecologist, who will confirm that the woman has no contraindications for a medical abortion, and the pregnancy period allows her to take the drug.

You can take pregnancy pills on an outpatient or inpatient basis. If drug interruption pregnancy occurs in the clinic, the gynecologist monitors the woman’s condition for 2-4 hours. This helps prevent complications of abortion in the early stages.

10-15 days after taking the drug, the woman goes through full examination at the gynecologist. The gynecologist performs a bimanual examination of the vagina and an ultrasound examination. This allows you to find out how the abortion went; in case of an incomplete abortion, the doctor prescribes surgical cleaning.

Early termination of pregnancy with pills

Early termination of pregnancy with pills is quite possible. Moreover, this type of abortion is the safest. This method has practically no disadvantages. The only thing worth remembering is that pregnancy pills only work if you are not yet six weeks pregnant. Due to the fact that not all women seek advice from a gynecologist and it is too late to perform a medical abortion, they have to resort to more traumatic and dangerous operations.

Early termination of pregnancy with pills gives almost 100% results. But before taking the drug, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy and obtain permission to take anti-pregnancy pills. After taking the drug, after 10-15 days, you also need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor must check how the abortion went and, if necessary, prescribe surgery or take other measures.

Emergency pill for pregnancy

An emergency pregnancy pill is taken immediately after unprotected intercourse. There are medications that must be taken 24 hours and 72 hours after fertilization. Pills that protect against pregnancy for the first 24 hours are considered more effective. The emergency pill prevents pregnancy before it even occurs. That is, it can be used as an emergency aid. But an emergency pill will not help get rid of an already existing pregnancy; it is effective as emergency contraception.

The mechanism of action of the emergency pregnancy pill depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle. Let's look at the benefits of the emergency contraceptive pill:

  • An emergency pregnancy pill delays the maturation of the egg and prevents its release from the ovaries.
  • Active chemical substances in the tablet prevents the possibility of fertilization of an egg released from the ovary.
  • The tablet prevents the attachment of an egg that has already been fertilized to the endometrium.

Please note that after taking emergency pills Pregnancy may cause slight changes to the menstrual cycle. Menstruation can start earlier or later, be scanty or, on the contrary, very heavy and painful. Also, after taking the drug, a woman may experience spotting, which will last until her next menstruation.

Pregnancy pills 24 hours

24 hour pregnancy pills are a means of emergency contraception. This drug is called the next-day birth control pill. Typically, this tablet is used when:

  • Had unprotected sex two or more days ago.
  • During sexual intercourse, the condom broke or leaked, which may have caused fertilization.
  • The woman was raped.

The effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill increases depending on how much time has passed since unprotected intercourse. So, according to research, if the tablet was taken within 24 hours, the effectiveness of protection is 95%. If pregnancy has occurred, then taking the pill is not effective and will not cause fetal rejection.

Despite the effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill, the drug can cause a number of side effects. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Increased fatigue and headache
  • Irregular menstrual cycle and vaginal pain

Pregnancy pill 72 hours

72 hour pregnancy pills are “emergency” contraceptives that help prevent unwanted pregnancy. Effective action tablets are possible if sexual intercourse was no later than 72 hours ago. Taking the drug during this period allows you to stop the process of conception.

Anti-pregnancy pills for 72 hours help if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse or if conventional contraceptives do not help. Tablets can be taken no more than four times a month, as they are hormonal. The effectiveness of tablets 72 is slightly lower than that of the 24 hour drug. Among all pregnancy pills, there are two most popular drugs: Postinor Duo and Escapelle. But taking abortion pills can cause a number of complications.

Strong cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which appears 3-5 weeks after taking the pills. If you experience similar symptoms, then this is a sign that the embryo is in fallopian tubes, then an ectopic pregnancy.

If you have any of the symptoms described above, contact your gynecologist immediately.

The action of the "72 hours after" tablets The action of the "72 hours after" tablets occurs in two stages. If a woman has not yet ovulated after taking the drug, the pills slow down the onset of ovulation. Regardless, the 72 hour after pill makes it difficult for sperm to pass through the fallopian tubes. If fertilization has occurred, that is, the woman becomes pregnant, then the pills protect the egg from conception.

You can take pills only after examination by a gynecologist. But you shouldn't use this drug too often. Since the basis of the tablets are potent hormones that can cause many side effects.

Price of abortion pills

Every woman who has decided to undergo a medical abortion is interested in the price of abortion pills. Let's look at the most popular pregnancy medications and their cost.

  • Mifepristone - tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 700-900 hryvnia.
  • Ginepristone - tablets, 10 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 50 hryvnia.
  • Mifolian - Chinese tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 250-300 hryvnia.
  • Zhenale - tablets, 10 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 70-100 hryvnia.
  • Pencrofton - three tablets in a package, 200 mg of active ingredient, cost 100 hryvnia.
  • Mifegin - French tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost of the drug - 700-800 hryvnia.

Please note that the price of abortion pills may differ from the above, but not significantly. Before purchasing and taking pregnancy pills, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Modern pharmaceuticals have an alternative to abortion that can be offered to the fairer sex.

The ability to end an unwanted pregnancy without surgery using pills is called medical abortion. Such a pregnancy is terminated in the early stages, up to about seven weeks.

Early abortion drug

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, and how safe it is, we will try to figure it out below.

To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy with medication, the antiprogestagen Mifepreston will help. This drug has many other names.

  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifeprex.
  • Mifegen.

This drug may also help with emergency contraception. But the dosage in this case is different and the name of this medication is Ginepriston.

Abortion with drugs can be fraught with side effects, the main one being a blood clotting disorder, which can lead to bleeding. Various tumors and inflammations may develop, and there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the pregnancy will disappear.

Conditions under which an abortion can be performed:

  • First of all, this desire of a woman does not become a mother.
  • If a woman is pregnant for no more than forty-nine days.

Benefits of using tablets

When you have a medical abortion, you receive some benefits:

  • A hospital that you don't need to visit.
  • Fetal rejection is similar to menstruation.
  • Minimal risk of secondary infertility.
  • There is no need for anesthesia or surgery.

Contraindications for use

Termination of an unplanned pregnancy using pills is not recommended:

  • If you are in the eighth week of pregnancy.
  • If there is any suspicion.
  • Acute and chronic liver failure.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive system.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Personal intolerance.

List of medications

To avoid having to undergo an abortion using any methods, you can use emergency contraception using pills after unprotected sexual intercourse.

  • . A drug that helps against unwanted pregnancy. The package contains two tablets. The first tablet should be taken immediately within seventy-four hours. The next tablet is taken twelve hours after the first. This process will help you urgently protect yourself from pregnancy. The guarantee is 85%.
  • Pencrofton. This medication can be used as an emergency contraceptive. It is also used to terminate an already existing pregnancy at a short period of time. This remedy is recommended for women who have not given birth.
  • Mytholian. To get rid of a pregnancy that does not exceed six weeks, you can use these pills. They are also used as a means to induce labor.
  • Mifepristone. Helps end pregnancy for no more than six weeks. To do this, you need to use three tablets at once.
  • Mifeprex. A medicine that is very effective for... It is also quite easy to carry.
  • Mifegin. Very good remedy, distinguished by its reliability. Used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What tests need to be taken for pharmabort?

Abortion without surgery should, like surgical intervention, be supervised by specialists. And it is not advisable to spend it at home. List of tests you will have to take:

  • The first step is to undergo an ultrasound.
  • Rhesus is a trading blood group.
  • Smear.
  • Tests for HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis.

Remember that the deadlines are not long, so the sooner you get tested, the better. Some clinics perform express tests and terminate pregnancy on the same day of treatment.

What is medication interruption?

Such an abortion must be performed in a medical institution, since it is a complete miscarriage.

Drugs that are approved for this procedure in Russia.

  • Mytholian.
  • Mifepristone.
  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifegen.

Mirolut and Misoprostol are taken a few hours after the above drugs so that the fetus comes out.

Interrupt stages:

  1. Determine pregnancy.
  2. Make a decision about medical abortion.
  3. Sign the relevant documents.
  4. Get tested.
  5. Determine the absence of contraindications or their presence.
  6. If everything is fine, then the doctor gives you a pill, which you should take on an empty stomach and under the supervision of a specialist.
  7. After taking the medication, the doctor’s observation continues for a couple of hours, in order to react urgently in case of side deviations.

Each organism’s reaction to this process is individual and can manifest itself after an hour or within two days. If there are bloody issues, then the process has begun. Be sure to purchase and take pads with you before going to the hospital. Don’t forget to take all the specialist’s contact information so that if something happens you can contact him.

You will have to visit the doctor again a couple of days after the procedure.

There is also a small nuance: fetal death does not always occur without the use of drugs that contract the uterus. So, you may also have to take another medication on an empty stomach and under the supervision of specialists.

After taking the uterine contraction, bleeding should begin, so the presence of medical personnel is very important.

Types of body reactions to taking the drug

Each body tolerates medication differently.

  • In the best cases, abortion proceeds like normal menstruation, although with the release of clots and more abundantly.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting occur.
  • Headaches may bother you.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.

If the pregnancy is not terminated

Ten days after the pharmaboration, you should definitely undergo an ultrasound, this will help determine whether the pregnancy was terminated or not, and check for the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg.

  • If the abortion was not complete and there are residues, then you will have to use other methods for complete cleansing.
  • If, despite the bleeding, the pregnancy continues, then under no circumstances should it be abandoned.


The body is given one month for this process. During this period, we must take seriously any even minor deviations from the norm. If suddenly something starts to cause concern for you, contact your doctor immediately.

Prohibited during the recovery period:

  1. Drinking alcohol.
  2. Heavy, physical activity.
  3. Sauna, steam bath, and hot tub.
  4. Have sexual intercourse.
  5. Supercool.
  6. Use tampons.

Until what period can medical abortion be used?

According to the law of the Russian Federation. Abortion is allowed up to twelve weeks; the time frame for pharma-abortion is much shorter.

  • Maximum period, six weeks.
  • The optimal period is three to four weeks.

At later stages, termination of pregnancy is not recommended, as this is fraught with:

  • Incomplete abortion.
  • Bleeding.
  • Continued development of pregnancy.

In such cases, you will have to resort to surgery.

If you decide to end your pregnancy at home, you need to remember:

  1. It is very dangerous.
  2. It is necessary to study the instructions for use thoroughly.
  3. Abortion at home can have negative consequences for health, and sometimes for life.
  4. Try to have someone else at home so that, in an emergency, there is someone to call an ambulance.