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Which pills are best for insomnia? List of effective sleep pills without prescriptions

How to choose/select?

It happens that even after a hard day at work a person cannot fall asleep, and sleeping pills help to cope with such a problem. Exist various drugs from insomnia. However, many of them, if used incorrectly, negatively affect the body’s condition, especially if a person has any pathologies.

Assign any sleeping pill Only a doctor can do it after preliminary diagnosis. However, to alleviate your condition, you should carefully observe sleep hygiene before going to a specialist.

If such measures do not help to cope with the problem, then you can use herbal-based sleeping pills, which are sold without a doctor’s prescription.



All sleeping pills and medications are divided into prescription and over-the-counter. In the first case, sleeping pills are purchased only as prescribed by a doctor, in the other, they are available for purchase to all citizens.


  • Barbiratures These are drugs that have many side effects. Such remedies are prescribed only as a last resort. The advantage of the product is that due to its pronounced sedative effect, it quickly neutralizes insomnia. The downside is that addiction occurs after the first dose. These include: Andipal, Corvalol, Valocordin.
  • Histamine receptor blockers- These are sedatives used to treat allergies, some of them fight insomnia. The advantages are that the drugs can be taken even by pregnant women. The downside is that when combining such a medicine for insomnia with alcohol, it is possible death. These include: Reslip, Donormil.
  • Agonists of melatonin processes- sleeping pills that act on brain receptors, causing sleep. The main advantage is that insomnia is quickly neutralized. The downside is that such a sedative affects testosterone production. These include: Melaxen, Rozerem.
  • Non-benzodiazepines (z-hypnotics)- sleeping pills that allow you to cope with such ailments as insomnia. The main advantage is that such drugs have short-term action, which is relevant for this disease. The downside is that with continuous use they can have Negative influence on the body. These include: Zolpidem, Zopiclone.
  • Benzodiazepines- sleeping pills that have an anesthetic effect. They are used for surgical intervention, as well as for advanced neurological disorders. The main advantage is that this medicine can achieve quick results. The downside is that if you abuse such means, a person will constantly feel a loss of strength.


  • facilities are made on the basis of natural ingredients and have a safe, calming effect. The advantage is that any herbal preparation normalizes the functioning of the entire nervous system. The downside is that such drugs have a weak sedative effect in case of serious neurological abnormalities. These include: Motherwort, Valerian, Persen.
  • Homeopathic remedies to improve sleep are made on the basis of natural ingredients. The advantage is that such drugs even treat sleep disorders in children after 6 years of age. The downside is that it is not the best sleeping pill for patients with serious problems. These include: Coffea, Valeriana-hel.
  • Synthetic products used for insomnia and depression. The advantage is that such a drug helps to quickly cope with the problem. The downside is that some medications from this group are addictive. These include: Lunesta, Ambien.
  • Combination drugs For good night are made on the basis of plant and synthetic components. The advantage is that such drugs have a more pronounced effect on sleep disorders than herbal-based medications alone. The downside is that taking such sleeping pills is not suitable for some people with an allergic reaction. These include: Dormiplant, Novo-Passit.

Non-medicinal products

Non-drug methods to combat sleep disorders:

  • Sleep hygiene includes several rules. Limited time in bed; if you suffer from insomnia, you should not force yourself to fall asleep. For sound sleep, you need to remove the clock from the accessible area. Stop drinking caffeine and drinks containing alcohol. Before going to bed, you need to load yourself with a lot of things to do in order to feel tired. It is necessary to consume the last time no later than 3 hours before bedtime. You should only stay in bright rooms during the day. It is advisable to avoid nap. This technique is especially relevant for those people who do not exercise during the day. physical activity, which is why insomnia occurs in the evening. Getting up early in the morning also helps to cope with the hated problem. Using this technique, you can normalize the correct rhythm of life, which will help you fall asleep in the evening.
  • Acupuncture is a method of introducing special sterile needles into biologically active areas of the human body. This therapy has a strengthening, calming effect on the body. In this way, even serious pathological diseases of the nervous system can be treated, as well as sleep disorders. This method can call painful sensations, especially if performed by an unqualified specialist. It is strictly prohibited to carry out such therapy on your own.
  • Encephalophonia– this is a method in which a person listens to a certain melody, an encephalography is performed, an EEG of the patient’s brain is recorded, and then converted into a melody. After which, a person listens to the “melody of the brain”, this allows him to cope with anxiety and insomnia without any medications. Used for obstructive apnea, as well as for other pathological changes, which provoke sleep disturbances.
  • Phototherapy– the method involves influencing the human body using sunlight or artificial light. Depending on the particular diagnosis, the light source and wavelength are individually selected. However, the effectiveness of therapy is short-term, so it must be used regularly. It is used mainly for patients with biological rhythm disturbances. For example, a person sleeps the required 8 hours a day, but not from 11 to 8, but from 3 to 11. And he needs to wake up at 8 in the morning, it turns out that he does not get enough sleep for several hours.
  • Sleep restriction is a behavioral method of sleep control. So, in order to fall asleep, a person needs to feel tired. To induce sleepiness in the evening, reduce the amount of time you spend in bed by 1 hour over a period of weeks or a month. It is allowed to stay in bed only for the time when a person is actually sleeping plus 15 minutes. In the morning you need to wake up at approximately the same time. This method gradually normalizes the regime, and the patient begins to sleep the prescribed 8 hours. The technique is suitable for people with minor neurological disorders. Not suitable for vehicle drivers.
  • Training in relaxation techniques is a method where the patient is taught to relax through the use of meditation and hypnosis. To do this you need to submit visual images, establish a connection with them, while relaxing the entire muscular system. This technique is great for people whose insomnia is caused by nervous stress.
  • Psychotherapy is also a behavioral method of sleep correction. Various factors that may interfere with sleep are corrected. These include: pets, too low or heat premises. In addition, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is controlled, as well as physical activity immediately before bedtime. This technique helps to normalize sleep for adults with primary manifestations. Because in some patients such deviations appear due to self-hypnosis.
  • Phytotherapy– used as auxiliary treatment insomnia in severe psychoneurological disorders. This technique is also relevant for people with primary manifestations, as a preventive therapy. A cure for insomnia involves collecting medicinal herbs with a calming effect that can be added to tea. In addition, the pharmacy sells ready-made herbal teas. They have a mild sedative effect, so they are available without a prescription.
  • Auto-trainings originate from childhood, when parents advised children to count elephants to fall asleep faster. Now such therapy has a higher level; it includes the technique of self-hypnosis. So, in order to prepare for the training, you should thoroughly ventilate the sleeping area and lie down comfortably on the bed. Next, the person mentally fills one or another part of the body with warmth and energy, while freeing himself from extraneous thoughts. This method of treatment even sometimes helps to avoid taking tranquilizers. Suitable for people with depressive disorders to varying degrees.
  • Supplements– are a remedy for insomnia with an alternative hypnotic effect. Such preparations contain only natural ingredients, which normalize sleep. These drugs are prescribed for use by people who do not need potent tranquilizers.

New generation drugs

Drug treatment in most cases is the most effective method that improves sleep status. However, medicine does not stand still and new pharmacological agents are constantly being developed. Such substances are considered to be a new generation of drugs.

Classification of the latest generation of sleeping pills:

  • Z-drugs. This category includes all hypnotics, which are united by the fact that they all begin with the letter “Z”. The sleeping pill acts selectively and is also quickly eliminated from the body. However, this insomnia medicine is found in various types, with alternative mechanisms of action.
  • Melatonin based. Such tools will help in a natural way control sleep. This is because melatonin is produced in the human body in the late afternoon. However, if there is a deficiency, there is a need to take such active agents. Such new generation drugs do not have a hypnotic effect due to the use of synthetic substances, but rather contribute to the natural regulation of sleep.
  • Blockers. This drug blocks the regulatory system responsible for wakefulness. The need to take it arises when there is a disruption in the biological rhythm.

IMPORTANT! Any substance that acts on nervous system humans, it is not recommended to take without preliminary diagnosis. And it doesn’t matter whether the drug is produced in a new generation or an old one.

List for adults

List of sleeping pills that combat sleep disorders in adults:

Drug name Action
Valerian The drug in tablets is based on the natural herb valerian, has a mild sedative effect
Persen This product also contains auxiliary components of plant origin that help with sleep disorders of varying degrees.
Motherwort Tablets for natural basis motherwort, have a mild sedative effect
Novopassit A product that has a good calming effect during the initial manifestations of insomnia, due to its natural composition
Valocordin Drops of plant origin to combat sleep disorders

You can receive a complete table with more than 50 drugs for insomnia by email by leaving it using the link. Tables contains full information about all drugs.

If you have doubts about which sleeping pills are best to buy for insomnia, then you should opt for natural drugs. It can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Which ones are better and why

To choose the best remedy for insomnia, you must first consult with a specialist. You can also buy sleeping pills that do not require a prescription based on reviews from other patients.


Refers to medications based on melatonin. Helps naturally normalize sleep.

Plus The drug is that it has a rapid effect on the body. The disadvantage is that the patient during the treatment period similar drugs It is not recommended to drive vehicles.

Price for medication ranges from 650 to 700 rubles.


  • Constantly suffer from disturbed sleep due to frequent flights. I took the remedy at night if I couldn’t sleep. In the morning I felt cheerful.
  • I have never seen a more effective remedy than this. The next morning I noticed an improvement in my mood. In addition, I began to see vivid and positive dreams.


A sedative-based sedative natural herbs.

pros The fact is that the product not only eliminates insomnia, but also relieves spasms. The downside is that it is not suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Price for the drug ranges from 370 to 600 rubles


  • Drink Persen when there is a stressful period at work. If you take it at night, a sound sleep is guaranteed.
  • Due to constant nervous stress, I stopped sleeping peacefully. Every morning I felt broken. Tried all the best sleeping pills, but Persen is beyond competition.


A drug that affects the system responsible for wakefulness.

His plus The fact is that it has virtually no side effects and does not provoke dependence on the drug. The disadvantages include the fact that when using the product in excess of the prescribed norm according to the instructions, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Price The drug depends on the dosage, but is not yet known. Because it has not yet entered Russian pharmacies.


  • The doctor helped me choose this drug. Already on the first day of treatment I was able to sleep fully.
  • Mom constantly suffered from insomnia and did not sleep at night. The doctor prescribed us to take these inexpensive tablets and the problem went away. Although before I didn’t even know the name of the medicine.


Plus is that it has an impact. The downside is that it is not used to treat children.

Price ranges from 300 to 370 rubles.


  • I'm constantly tired at work and can't sleep. The doctor prescribed me this good drug. Immediately after using it I fell asleep like a baby.
  • My daughter is 18 years old, studies at the institute and constantly suffers from insomnia. It became unbearable to live like this, we went to the doctor, and he prescribed this remedy for us. Now he sleeps at night and feels great.


Soothing drops with sedative action on a natural basis.

Refers to the new generation of sedative drugs. Has a calming effect on the human body

TO pros refers to the fact that the product has a minimum number of contraindications. Its disadvantage is that in some cases individual intolerance to the components of the composition occurs.

Price The average cost for the drug is about 1,990 rubles.


  • My daughter studies at a gymnasium, where she has to perform daily a large number of homework. Insomnia appeared, only with these the best drops we were able to overcome the problem.
  • I worked on an urgent project for several days and had to go to bed late. As a result, the rhythm was completely disrupted, and insomnia occurred. I started taking this remedy, and it really works.


Refers to the new generation of sedative drugs. Has a calming effect on the human body.

TO pros It can be attributed to the fact that the product is not addictive. The only downside is that the drug cannot cope with serious sleep disorders.

Price The price of the drug fluctuates around 990 rubles.


  • This drug is the best. I have long been looking for a remedy that is not addictive. I drink it constantly, my sleep has returned to normal.
  • My husband began to get nervous and his sleep was disturbed. He went to the doctor and was prescribed this remedy. Takes the medication before bed.


A sedative that affects the central nervous system.

His plus in that it helps cope with insomnia and relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The downside is that in some cases it provokes an allergic reaction.

One of the cheapest drugs, it price fluctuates up to 100 rubles.


  • I suffer from insomnia, but I prefer to be treated only with natural remedies. The pharmacist advised me to purchase this product. I don't understand how I previously didn't know about the best method for dealing with sleep disorders.
  • I am 18 years old, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, I suffer from nightmares and insomnia. I bought this product at the pharmacy, I’ve been drinking it for a week now and I’m happy with the result. I will continue to use the best tablets.

Motherwort forte

A natural remedy for combating insomnia based on motherwort.

Plus The fact is that the drug has a natural composition and has a pronounced sedative effect. The downside is that in some cases it provokes allergies.

Price the drug ranges up to 200 rubles.


  • ABOUT healing properties I heard motherwort as a child; my grandmother used an infusion of this herb to treat insomnia. Since I don’t have time to prepare decoctions and tinctures myself, I bought this product. Great for helping normalize sleep.
  • I don’t use synthetic products, even good ones. Therefore, I purchased the well-known motherwort. The drug helps cope with stress and fatigue, which cause insomnia for me.

Imovan (Zopiclone)

A drug from group “Z”, a new generation. It provides quick sleep after consumption.

Also belongs to the category of new generation products. The drug has a rapid effect on the body

Main plus it is that it is eliminated from the body in 3 to 6 hours. Therefore, with its constant use there is no drowsiness. The downside is that it is still not recommended to use the product for more than 4 weeks.

Price fluctuates around 310 rubles.


  • I'm happy I found out about this the best way. Previously, I couldn’t sleep all night, and after using the drug I slept until the morning.
  • This is the most effective sleep aid. It was prescribed to my mother, she is 70 years old and constantly does not sleep at night. With this drug everything returned to normal.

Ivadal (Zolpidem)

His plus is that it not only allows you to fall asleep quickly, but also helps prevent sudden awakening. The downside is that when using the drug for more than 4 weeks in a row, drowsiness may occur.

The drug has a very high price more than 3000 rubles.


  • I am 50 years old, and with age, insomnia began to develop. I tried all the best adult pills for sleep disorders. The doctor prescribed Ivadal, a name I had never even heard of before. But in vain, because the drug really helped.
  • I can't sleep too often. I walk around the house until 4 a.m., somehow fall asleep, and then get up at 8 a.m. for work. They prescribed me to take this drug and said it was one of the best. I did not regret that I purchased it, my sleep returned to normal.

Andante (Zaleplon)

A new generation drug that is rapidly absorbed.

Plus The fact is that the product helps normalize sleep. At the same time, in the morning, patients noted vigor. While many other sleeping pills acted on the contrary.

Minus The fact is that the drug, strictly according to the classification, is approved for use by patients only up to 75 years of age.

Price The average price for the drug is about 200 rubles.


  • Suddenly, insomnia began. I decided to look on the Internet which product is better and how long it takes to work. There were many drugs on the list, but I chose this one. I consulted with a doctor first and he approved the appointment.
  • I have been using this drug periodically for a long time. Helps cope with insomnia, and also costs a penny.


Combination type sedative. It contains plant components together with auxiliary substances.

His main plus is that it does not establish dependence on taking the drug. The only downside is that it is not recommended to drive during the therapy period.

Price the drug ranges from 250 to 320 rubles.


  • These are very good tablets. I first started using them several years ago on the advice of a friend. At that time she suffered from depression and insomnia. I still buy medication immediately when necessary.
  • With age, my grandmother became very restless, sleeps poorly, and then suffers from headaches all day. The doctor prescribed me to take a drug, this remedy is an achievement of pharmacology. After several uses, we already noticed results.
  1. All hypnotic drugs of group “Z” are permissible for use for no more than 4 weeks in a row.
  2. It is prohibited to take more than 10 sleeping pills per month.
  3. Sleeping pills should be taken only when it is impossible to fall asleep on your own.
  4. For adults and children, it is necessary to observe a sleep and rest schedule.
  5. Don't force yourself to sleep;
  6. If necessary, use sleep reduction therapy;
  7. Do not use alcoholic drinks.

IMPORTANT! When treating insomnia, you must strictly follow the rules described above. Then, the condition will quickly return to normal.

For the elderly

Reasons for violations:

  • Decreased melatonin production;
  • Withering of the body, a person in old age needs to spend much more time sleeping.
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities.

The effects of drugs on the body of an elderly person:

  • Donormil is a sleeping pill with a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Persen is a herbal preparation that is used as a prophylactic for sleep disorders.
  • Novo-passit – this one combination drug also allowed for use in old age. Its effect is due to the fact that due to the content of auxiliary components, plant components are much better absorbed by the body.
  • Motherwort is a safe herbal-based sleeping pill.
  • Passidorm is a mild, herbal homeopathic remedy.
  • Hypnosed – homeopathic medicine, which contains natural ingredients.
  • Valocardine, Corvalol - taken when insomnia is caused by disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • “Calm” is a homeopathic medicine that effectively relieves nervous tension.
  • Tanakan is necessary for insomnia in older people, because in addition to normalizing sleep, it allows you to improve blood circulation in the brain.
  • Memoplant is a bladeless herbal preparation with a calming effect.

Since the body of an elderly person is weakened, it is not necessary to use any potent drugs during the primary manifestations of insomnia. It is worth giving preference to drinking herbal tea.

For children

Reasons for violations:

  • Eruption of baby teeth;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Poor adaptation;
  • Neurological disorders due to fright.

The effect of drugs on the children's body:

  • Magne B-6 is a drug that has a sedative effect in case of magnesium deficiency.
  • Glycine is a mild drug. Used for insomnia and autonomic disorders.
  • Bayu-bai are safe drops that make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Calming tea Babushkino Lukoshko is a tea based on natural herbs, which is used to combat insomnia from 5 months of age.
  • Dormikind – calming pills for resorption, have a safe sedative effect.
  • Citral is a sedative that is used even in the treatment of infants.
  • Notta are drops used for excessive excitability before bed.
  • Nervochel – homeopathic tablets, the composition of which includes plant substances.

Methodology drug therapy If a child has sleep disorders, only a doctor can determine. Even the safe ones herbal remedies It is not advisable to use without medical supervision.

For pregnant

Reasons for violations:

  • lower back pain;
  • stretching of the skin that causes itching;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive activity of the baby;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartburn.

Folk remedies

Some patients believe that traditional medicine has the best treatment method. It is based on the use of various herbal infusions for the treatment of insomnia.

Benefits of herbs:

  • Honey is safe means to calm down. Allows you not only to fight insomnia, but also relieves headache. Sometimes it provokes allergies.
  • Sleep-herb – has a sedative effect, reduces arterial pressure. Recommended for tachycardia, which also causes sleep disturbance.
  • Motherwort – promotes general strengthening human nervous system.
  • Wormwood – used in the form of a tincture to treat sleep disorders.
  • Hawthorn – eliminates neurological disorders, normalizes heart rhythm.
  • Valerian is a herb with sedative properties that helps fight nervous stress and insomnia.
  • Melissa is a plant that contains medicinal essential oils allowing to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Passion flower extract – has a calming, regenerating effect.
  • Mint - tea based on this plant helps calm the nervous system.
  • Peony - a tincture based on this plant helps not only neutralize insomnia, but also normalize sleep.

Other treatments for insomnia:

  • Sleep pillow - contains various herbs as a filler that give aroma. This method can be appreciated by both an adult and a child.
  • A bath before bed is one of the possible ways relaxation. For better effect, you can add sea salt to the water.
  • Aromatherapy allows you to cope with the primary manifestations of insomnia. Healing oils, which are used for the lamp, have a calming effect.

Herbal Recipes:

  1. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over valerian roots and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain and add a little honey to the resulting broth. Use before bed.
  2. Add a small amount of chopped elderberry root to boiling water and leave on the fire for 15 minutes. Then the broth should infuse for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve warm.
  3. Brew 20 grams of fireweed tea in a container with boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then use 2-3 times a day.
  4. Mix in equal proportions (20 grams) lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. Then pour in a small amount of boiling water and leave for up to 30 minutes. Use throughout the day.
  5. Pour 20 grams of dried dill into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes and consume before bed.

Contraindications for use

In recent years, pharmacology has made significant progress in the development of new drugs that cause minimal side effects. However, some types of sleeping pills are not recommended for the following reasons:

  • with alcohol abuse;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • pathological changes in the liver and kidneys;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • when taking other drugs.

When choosing a particular drug, you need to pay attention to the classification. This will help you choose the right treatment method.

A good night's sleep is necessary for each of us, so various sleep disorders play an important medical and social role. Often in their practice, doctors of various specialties deal with lack of sleep (insomnia). Around the world, approximately 15-20% of people suffer from insomnia, with women more often than men. Sleep disorders are directly related to increased risk cardiovascular, neurological, mental illness. Due to this great importance acquired among somnologists effective means from insomnia.

Sleeping pills facilitate the onset of sleep and ensure its sufficient duration

Possibilities of pharmacotherapy of sleep disorders are presented various groups medicines for adults.

  1. Prescription drugs: benzodiazepines, barbiturates, z-group hypnotics (non-benzodiazepines).
  2. H1-histamine receptor blockers.
  3. Preparations based on the sleep hormone melatonin.
  4. Herbal remedies.

Benzodiazepine-type hypnotics

These are hypnotics that have a strong effect of sedation, suppression of anxiety and fear, expressed hypnotic effect. The drugs can also relieve cramps and relax muscles. The mechanism of action is associated with stimulation of GABA receptors (GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid), an increase in the flow of chlorine ions into the neuron and, as a result, a decrease in its excitability.

Today, benzodiazepines are practically not used to treat sleep disorders. This is due to a large number of unwanted side effects. Some specialists use benzodiazepine drugs short courses in the presence of a history of mental illness ( panic attacks, anxiety disorder, epilepsy).

Use funds fast acting(help you fall asleep in 5 minutes) with a short elimination period:

  • Triazolam;
  • Temazepam.

Benzodiazepine sedative

They are indicated for treatment transient disturbances sleep or a short course, are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under 18 years of age, as well as for those with individual sensitivity. Common side effects are the desire to sleep during the day, headaches, and ataxia (unsteadiness when walking).

While taking benzodiazepine drugs, the development of addiction, dependence and withdrawal syndrome is possible! There is evidence of the possibility of changes in behavior or thinking processes, expressed in aggression, violence, and the occurrence of delusional hallucinations!


Derivatives of barbituric acid, which can have a strong sedative effect on the central nervous system (central nervous system) up to anesthesia. Phenobarbital is considered a striking example of this group of drugs. Like benzodiazepine drugs, barbiturates today have an extremely narrow therapeutic use, mostly:

  • for the treatment of epilepsy;
  • introduction to superficial anesthesia;
  • in veterinary medicine for euthanasia of animals.

Very rarely, they may be prescribed for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Phenobarbital has the following effects:

  • sleeping pills, sedative;
  • instant muscle relaxation;
  • relieves cramps;
  • eliminates anxiety;
  • anesthetic.

Antiepileptic and hypnotic drug from the group of barbiturates

Side effects include short-term memory loss, drowsiness, severe weakness, anxiety, and the appearance of hallucinations. Barbiturates cause drug addiction (dependence). Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

Non-benzodiazepine drugs (z-group) for the treatment of insomnia

They differ from benzodiazepines in the structure of the molecule, but have a similar mechanism of action on the central nervous system. Representatives of this group (Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Zaleplon) have a hypnotic effect due to binding to GABA receptors. Mainly used in elderly patients in short courses, since long-term use addictive.

Studies by American physiologists show that there are no clear differences in the soporific effect on the patient’s body between benzodiazepines and z-drugs. There are still discussions in scientific circles about the effectiveness and safety of using this group for the treatment of insomnia.

IN usual doses These drugs do not have anticonvulsant, anxiolytic or muscle relaxant effects. They speed up the time it takes to fall asleep, reduce the number of night awakenings, and improve the overall quality of night sleep. On a positive note is the absence of daytime sleepiness. The drugs are used daily before bedtime, 1 tablet. Z-drugs are usually well tolerated, but sometimes side effects such as weakness and drowsiness are possible. Contraindications are similar to benzodiazepines.

Modern sleeping pills Z-groups

With prolonged use, addiction may occur!

Histamine receptor blockers

Donormil (doxylamine) has been known since the mid-20th century as a non-addictive remedy for insomnia. Has anticholinergic, hypnotic and sedative effects, does not change slow phase sleep, improves its duration and quality. In a large study involving 340 patients with sleep insomnia, Donormil was compared with the z-group, in particular, Zolpidem. The results revealed their almost identical positive effect on sleep, a small number of side effects, a small percentage of addiction (for Zolpidem), good reaction for the drug.

Donormil is available without a prescription; deep sleep at night continues 7-10 days after stopping treatment. Indications for use are temporary sleep disturbances. Contraindications: age under 15 years, increased sensitivity to doxylamine and similar drugs, glaucoma, prostate diseases.

Caution in treatment with Donormil is necessary in patients with sleep apnea syndrome, as the drug can worsen the course and frequency of respiratory arrests!

A drug that has a hypnotic and sedative effect

Research shows that Donormil is the safest for pregnant women at any stage. The drug is not recommended during breastfeeding. The course of treatment is designed for 5 days, 1-2 tablets 15 minutes before bedtime. If insomnia continues, consult a doctor. Donormil can cause dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision due to its M-anticholinergic effect, and also daytime drowsiness, which requires increased caution while driving.

Melatonin-based products


Melaxen is synthesized from plant amino acids and belongs to pharmacological group adaptogens. Each tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin. The active drug easily passes through the BBB (blood-brain barrier) and has a hypnotic effect, therefore it is considered the best for the treatment of insomnia. Natural melatonin is a hormone of the pineal gland, produced in the dark and normalizing circadian rhythms.

Due to the above factors, this remedy for insomnia effectively affects the process of falling asleep, increases the quality and depth of sleep, does not cause a feeling of weakness in the morning, and eliminates nightmares. Melaxen is used not only to treat insomnia, but also:

  • when changing time zones;
  • temporary insomnia caused by stress;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect.

Adaptogen that normalizes physiological sleep

During and after treatment, no addiction or dependence syndrome was detected.

Dosage for therapy: half or a whole tablet half an hour before bedtime. Can be used for a long time, but only after consulting a doctor. Contraindications include: myeloma, lymphoma, diabetic patients, pregnancy, leukemia, kidney disease.

Roserem (ramelteon)

Melatonin receptor antagonist. Selectively binds to types 1 and 2 melatonin receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Regulates the time of falling asleep, improves the overall depth of night rest, can be used for a long time (according to American studies this drug). Rozerem does not affect GABA receptors, therefore it does not have an anxiolytic or anticonvulsant effect.

Side effects (clinical trials):

  • increased risk of cancer;
  • teratogenic effect on the fetus;
  • increase in blood prolactin levels compared to placebo.

Side effects on health appear with long-term use of the drug. Available in the form of tablets of 8 mg of active substance. The doctor decides how to use Rozerem. Mainly used abroad.

Herbal remedies for insomnia

Herbal medicines that can help against insomnia can be divided into complex and single-component ones. Let's take a closer look at the combined group. Pharmacy windows display a huge number of products based on herbal ingredients, biostimulants for the treatment of insomnia, and this list is also supplemented by homeopathic medicines, preparations from organ extracts, microelements, and vitamins.

It is worth noting right away that many of them did not pass the required clinical trials and safety and effectiveness studies. That is why the choice of a particular pharmaceutical drug must be approached with all responsibility, following the recommendations of your doctor. Otherwise, there is a high risk of aggravating the existing sleep disorder or developing chronic insomnia.

A remedy for insomnia based on lemon balm, valerian and mint. Has the following effects:

  • sedative, mild hypnotic effect;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • eliminates nervous tension;
  • reduces sensitivity to stress;
  • helps you fall asleep faster.

Herbal medicine with sedative effect

The effect develops after several days of regular use. The medicine is also suitable for children over 12 years of age. Persen is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with a deficiency of sucrose and lactase, and diseases of the biliary tract. Take 2-3 tablets before bed, but no more than 12 per day. Persen can be prescribed to patients with sleep disturbances for up to two months. Further treatment perhaps after consulting a doctor.


The composition includes several herbs with a sedative, sedative and antispasmodic effect. Indications for use are similar to the previous drug. For convenience, Novo-Passit is available in the form of drops and tablets. Course of treatment for insomnia: 1 tablet (or 5 ml of solution) 3 times a day. If your sleep does not return to normal within a week, you should consult a doctor.


An effective drug based on valerian and lemon balm makes it easier to fall asleep, reduces nightmares and night awakenings, does not cause drowsiness during the day, and does not depress psychomotor reactions and attention.

Sedative with extracts of valerian and lemon balm


The phytocomplex has a mild sedative, hypnotic, and sedative effect, increases resistance to stress, and regulates blood pressure. Thanks to active components Neurostabil has a positive effect on sleep phases. It is not a medicine; it is used for increased emotional excitability and associated insomnia. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, as a rule, take 1 tablet 3 times a day for a long time.


Relatively new drug, which has been on the market since 2015. Indicated for various sleep disorders in adults and children over two years of age. In addition, Sonilyux treats anxiety and increased fatigue.

  • Gaba Alishan (high mountain green tea);
  • castoreum;
  • lofant;
  • complex of 32 herbs.

Sonilyux is available in the form of drops; you need to take 1 dosed spoon three times a day.

Biogenic concentrate of plant extracts and natural ingredients


Homeopathic complex remedy German company Heel for the treatment of anxiety, increased excitability, suspiciousness, vascular dystonia, anxiety, and also from insomnia. Indicated half an hour before meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. The course lasts 2-3 weeks under the supervision of a doctor. Can be prescribed to children from three years of age. Side effects are very rare.

In the treatment of insomnia pharmacological drugs or homemade tinctures, it should be remembered that any sleep disturbances can be eliminated simply by normalizing its regime, behavioral therapy. In some cases they resort to combined treatment using hypnosis, psychoanalysis, auto-training, physical therapy. Yoga, relaxation methods, aromatherapy, self-analysis, elimination of negative factors leading to insomnia, and normalization of the nervous system help a lot. In any case, before using this or that sleep aid, you need to consult a competent specialist in this field. Only after this can you safely begin therapy and be confident in its effectiveness.

Adequate sleep is key wellness and successful working ability. But when it is violated, health problems begin that need to be solved as soon as possible. Not always used herbal infusions and soothing decoctions, as well as hydrotherapy, in the form of pine or sea baths, help restore good sleep.

Then there is a need to use medications. What pills for insomnia can be bought without prescriptions in the pharmacy chain and how quickly normalization of sleep is achieved, a specialist should give recommendations. Correct treatment and the choice of certain drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of disturbance of night rest.

The pharmacy network has a sufficient number of products that have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, which are available for free sale. These products are made on a natural basis and are not addictive. Most often, in case of sleep disturbances, it is with such medications that the correction of night rest begins.

All drugs that have a hypnotic effect, according to the method of production and composition, can be divided into several large groups:

Hormone-like drugs

What medications for insomnia are available without prescriptions, and which are the most popular and safe? First of all, this is a drug that has a number of advantages over other medications and is well tolerated by patients of different age groups.

Melaxen – medicine, which is an adaptogen and a synthetic analogue of the hormone melatonin produced by the pineal gland. Gently acting, the drug does not disrupt sleep phases, promoting falling asleep quickly and improving the quality of night's rest. The absence of physical and mental dependence on the drug makes it in demand in the pharmaceutical market.

The drug does not cause side effects, morning awakening is accompanied by vigor and feeling good rest. There is no daytime sleepiness after taking the medicine, and no memory impairment is observed. Taking the drug does not provoke apnea, that is, short-term cessation of breathing during sleep. It is an excellent sleeping pill for elderly patients who, due to an age-related decrease in the sleep hormone, experience disturbances in night rest.

The drug is quickly eliminated from the body, therefore it does not have the ability to accumulate. Recommended use is no more than three weeks. It does not have side effects, but taking the medication for chronic renal failure is undesirable.

Vita-Melatonin is an analogue of Melaxen. Contains in its composition, in addition to the active principle, in the form of a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone, vitamin complex. The drug not only restores disturbed sleep and provides restorative effect, but also increases the body's defenses.

It restores disturbed sleep well and has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Increases resistance to emotional stress. Has a beneficial effect on elderly patients suffering from hypertension. The drug stabilizes blood pressure and the number of contractions of the heart muscle.

Melarena – domestic drug, which has an adaptogenic, hypnotic and sedative effect. The active ingredient is melatonin. Effectively adapts the body when changing time zones, reduces the threshold of excitability and has an immunostimulating effect. Unlike Melaxen, the drug is inexpensive, that is, it has a budget price.

Herbal medicines

These are non-prescription remedies for insomnia, the safest for the body, which act gently and are not addictive. These drugs effectively relieve mild sleep disorders, anxiety and tension, resulting in improved sleep processes and sleep quality. To the most effective medicines This group of drugs includes drugs that are indicated for sleep disturbances.

Valerian – tablets or tincture of valerian root extract are an effective and safe remedy that has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, as well as helping to restore sleep. Is a medicine that reduces anxiety and lowering the threshold of excitation. Helps reduce migraine headaches. To achieve results, valerian tablets should be taken for a long time.

Motherwort – used in tablet form or alcohol tincture. The drug is widely known as a drug with sedative, hypnotic, and antispasmodic properties. In addition, it has a positive effect on the heart muscle. Well relieves neurasthenic manifestations with sleep disturbances during menopause in women. At correct dosage of the drug taken, side effects are very rare.

Palora - the drug is available in tablets and the active ingredient is passionflower extract. The natural remedy has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves sleep, and helps relieve anxiety and tension. For insomnia, the course of taking the drug is three to four weeks.

Peony is available in the form of a tincture, the active principle of which is an extract from the root and stem of the peony. Most wide application In medicine it is found as a natural remedy to combat insomnia. Good effect from the drug is observed in an emotionally unstable background of the nervous system. Gives a persistent sedative effect. Has a minimum number of contraindications. The course of treatment is one month.

Novo-Passit is a drug containing extracts of various herbs that have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Some herbs included in the product have a hypnotic effect. Therefore, all components, selected in a certain way, give positive effect in the fight against insomnia;

Persen is a medicine whose active principles are extracts of lemon balm, peppermint, and valerian root. This natural preparation sedative effect, which relieves irritability, anxiety, improves falling asleep and returns normal sleep.

Despite the fact that natural remedies are safe and available in pharmacies without a prescription, consultation with a doctor is required. The specialist will select a remedy taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the daily dosage of the drug and the course of treatment.

Biologically active additives

Medicines for insomnia, purchased without prescriptions in the form of dietary supplements, find their use and occupy a fairly large niche in the pharmacy chain among drugs to combat sleep disorders. This is explained by the fact that the drugs are created on a natural basis and are safe.

In addition, a number of dietary supplements are enriched with vitamins, which enhances their effect not only in the fight against insomnia, but also in increasing the body's defenses. The most popular dietary supplements are domestically produced products that give good results, according to patient reviews, and have a budget price.

Dream book - available in capsules. The active ingredient is valerian root extract, passionflower, vitamin B8, L-tryptophan. Thanks to soft action natural extracts valerian and passionflower, has a sedative effect and promotes better sleep.

The quality of night sleep also improves. The presence of L - tryptophan increases the effectiveness of the drug, providing an antidepressant effect. As a result of treatment with this dietary supplement, the patient receives normal healthy sleep, resistance to stressful situations and a significant reduction in anxiety.

The drug has a minimal number of contraindications. The only side effects noted are individual intolerance to the constituent components of the product.

Sleep formula is a dietary supplement containing active substances in the form of extracts of eschscholzia, hop cones, motherwort. The product is enriched with B vitamins (B1, B6, B12) and magnesium. The drug relieves feelings of tension and anxiety well, acting beneficially on the patient’s unstable emotional background. Corrects the process of falling asleep and improves sleep quality.

An allergic reaction to certain components of the drug and individual intolerance are possible. The dietary supplement is available in the form of tablets, syrup, and solution. The course of treatment is three to four weeks.

PhytoHypnosis is a dietary supplement that contains extracts of passionflower, eschscholzia, and green oats. Relieves night sleep disturbances. Promotes rapid falling asleep and does not produce residual effects upon awakening in the form of headache, fatigue, or daytime drowsiness. Has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. The drug is indicated for nervous tension, physical and mental fatigue.

Available in the form of lozenges. According to patient reviews, it is well tolerated and gives good results. The course of taking tablets is three to four weeks.

Homeopathy for insomnia

Treating sleep disorders with homeopathic remedies, is becoming increasingly popular. It can act as independent method combating insomnia, and in the form of complex treatment. Considering that homeopathic remedies are preparations made from natural ingredients selected in a certain way, they have no contraindications or side effects.

Only individual intolerance to a certain ingredient in the composition of the product is possible. The most popular and frequently prescribed homeopathic remedies for insomnia are those that help solve sleep problems.

Ignacy – has a sedative effect. The drug is indicated for patients with difficulty falling asleep after stressful situations, when an influx of negative thoughts interferes with healthy sleep.

Arsenicum album - the drug is most effective for anxious and suspicious patients who have sleep disorders in the form frequent awakenings, accompanied by irritation, low mood, complaints of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac muscle. The product has a gentle effect on the nervous system, relieving anxiety and tension. Frequent night awakenings are stopped, and sleep becomes complete.

Lycopodium is a homeopathic remedy, the use of which has an effect on sleep disturbances in the form of frequent morning awakenings. In addition, the drug relieves irritability, anxiety, and nightmares.

The selection of homeopathic drugs is carried out only by a specialist doctor. Prescribing treatment with homeopathy has its own characteristics. Except clinical manifestations diseases or disorders of body functions must be taken into account psychological picture patient. Therefore, the prescription of drugs for treatment by a homeopath is always strictly individually.

Combined remedies for insomnia

Barboval is a drug containing phenobarbital. Despite the fact that this component is potent, in combination with other components of the drug, the medicine for insomnia is available without a prescription, as it is not addictive. The components included in the composition potentiate each other’s action, which gives a quick therapeutic effect. There is a positive effect on the nervous system, its excitability decreases, and the process of falling asleep improves.

Corvalol is the most popular and affordable drug, which has a number of positive effects. It contains phenobarbital. Has a sedative effect on the nervous system, eliminates sleep disorders.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes for combating insomnia are popular. Use them at home using various decoctions or herbal infusions, for mild disturbances of night rest, are effective. Despite the fact that the raw materials for preparing medicine at home are natural and safe, their use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The most popular herbs in folk recipes from insomnia are:

  • valerian root;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • motherwort grass;
  • peony rhizome;
  • chamomile flowers.

Products prepared from this medicinal raw material are used in a course of at least one month. After a break of 10–14 days, the course is repeated or the remedy is changed.

A positive effect in the fight against insomnia is provided by drinking honey at night, which can be prepared with milk, mineral water, kefir, boiled water, or herbal decoction. Regular use folk remedies, in the fight against insomnia, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and normalizes night sleep.

What can you take at an advanced age?

Insomnia is common in older patients. The development of this pathological symptom is due to a number of reasons. Typically, such patients have chronic diseases various systems organism, accompanied pain syndrome, the presence of cardiac or respiratory failure.

Therefore, the choice of medications for elderly patients should always be made by a doctor, who will suggest the best prescription for insomnia on an individual basis. It is necessary to begin treatment of insomnia with drugs that have a sedative effect on the body and normalize night sleep.

These can be traditional medicine or medicines sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription:

  • Corvalol;
  • valocordin;
  • barked;
  • tinctures of peony, motherwort;
  • person;
  • novo - passit;
  • Melaxen.

According to patients, taking these drugs had a positive effect. Complex treatment elderly patients, including treatment of the underlying disease and the prescription of drugs for insomnia, significantly improved their general condition. The return of normal sleep significantly improved the patient's quality of life.

There is probably no need to say how important sleep is for each of us. A good night's rest gives you energy in the morning, a great mood, and fills you with optimism and the desire to move mountains. Not everyone, unfortunately, has the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. Insomnia has many causes, depending on age, some somatic diseases, emotional and mental state. This is where sleeping pills come to the rescue. Of course, you need to choose them wisely, buying first of all pills for insomnia without addiction.

There are pills for insomnia that are not addictive

Modern pharmaceutical market Today it offers a huge number of sedative and hypnotic medications. Some are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription (potent drugs), the rest are available for free sale. The first group is used strictly as prescribed by the treating doctor. extreme cases, but the second one is just available to everyone who wants to improve their sleep. It will be discussed below.

All non-addictive sleeping pills available without a prescription are called mild insomnia drugs or sedatives!

Histamine receptor blockers


Active ingredient: doxylamine. The French drug is available in 15 mg tablets. It has a calming and hypnotic effect on the body due to the blockade of histamine receptors in the brain. Such receptors constitute the histaminergic structure responsible for wakefulness. If you block it, drowsiness occurs.

Allergy medications are also histamine blockers, which is why drowsiness is observed when taking them (Diazolin, Suprastin)!

Donormil speeds up falling asleep, makes sleep sounder and deeper, without awakenings, and also does not distort the relationship between sleep phases. The last effect is typical for potent drugs(barbiturates, benzodiazepines), prescription drugs. Donormil is taken 1 tablet before bedtime for 2-5 days (suitable for the treatment of temporary sleep disorders). If insomnia persists, it is better to consult a doctor.


  • Glaucoma.
  • Prostate enlargement, prostatitis, urethral diseases.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines.
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Doxylamine intolerance.
  • Galactosemia (each tablet contains 100 mg of lactose).

Side effects:

  • Heartbeat.
  • Urinary retention.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Snoring with sleep apnea syndrome.
  • Daytime sleepiness.

Donormil has a hypnotic and sedative effect

Donormil can be used by pregnant women at any stage according to indications. There are studies in which the drug significantly reduced the manifestation of toxicosis (nausea) together with B vitamins.


  1. Do not take with alcohol (possible depression of psychomotor reactions).
  2. Due to increased sleepiness during the day, driving a vehicle is not recommended!
  3. Do not combine Donormil with other drugs with similar effects (barbiturates, benzodiazepines).

Antiallergic drugs

The group of medications also refers to histamine receptor blockers. Used mainly in the treatment of allergies (urticaria, hay fever, Quincke's edema). The first generation drugs (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin) have a pronounced side effect in the form of severe drowsiness. Antiallergic drugs are not used to treat insomnia!


Melatonin analogues

As you know, melatonin is a sleep hormone produced in the pineal gland. American pharmaceutical company was the first to release a drug based on natural melatonin, obtained from an amino acid of plant origin.


Tablet drug used for temporary adaptation disorders

Sold in the form of tablets of 3 mg of active ingredient. Melaxen most naturally regulates internal The biological clock(circadian rhythms), sleep phases, improves the process of falling asleep, does not cause lethargy and drowsiness in the morning and during the day, as well as addiction. The drug helps to adapt to time zone changes during flights, has an immunomodulatory effect, and inhibits the production of gonadotropins (sex hormones).


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Increased individual sensitivity.
  • Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and others serious illnesses blood.
  • History of epilepsy.
  • Diabetes.

Take Melaxen half or one tablet 40 minutes before bedtime once a day. The course of admission is not limited, but it is better to consult a doctor. The drug is often prescribed to older people for insomnia.

Side effects (extremely rare):

  • Headache.
  • Nausea, upset stool.
  • Allergy.

Herbal preparations


Herbal sedative

The composition includes lemon balm, mint and valerian. All herbs have a sedative, mild hypnotic, sedative and antispasmodic effect. Relieves irritability increased excitability, normalizes sleep. A one-time dose does not produce an effect; to get rid of insomnia, a course of the drug is required (up to two months).

Persen is available in the form of capsules or tablets. To relieve stress, use 2-3 tablets 3-4 times a day, for sleep disorders - 2 tablets before bedtime.


  • Deficiency of sucrase, lactase.
  • Hypersensitivity to herbs.
  • Hypotension.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.

Side effects:

  • Allergy.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Constipation.

Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease may experience increased symptoms of the disease!


Herbal sedative

Herbal preparation. Contains: lemon balm, elderberry, valerian, passionflower, hops, hawthorn, St. John's wort, guaifenesin. First 6 medicinal herbs have a sedative, mild hypnotic effect. St. John's wort has an antidepressant effect, and guaifenzine has an anti-anxiety and expectorant effect. Thus, Novo-Passit improves all indicators and phases of sleep by relieving stress, anxiety, depression, nervous excitability.

The drug is sold in two forms: syrup and tablets. It has a quick and powerful effect and does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. Improves sleep from the first dose.


  1. Neurasthenia, long-term nervous tension, fear, anxiety, worry.
  2. Headache, migraine.
  3. Disorders gastrointestinal tract functional nature, irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. Allergies (dermatoses) of nervous origin.
  6. Insomnia.

Novo-Passit is indicated for mild forms of insomnia

As you can see, Novo-Passit has even more indications than previous medications. It is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age or with individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Side effects:

  • Allergy.
  • Weakness, muscle fatigue.
  • Dizziness, migraine.
  • Slow reactions.

Before taking the drug, you should consult a doctor who will select the dose and duration of treatment for insomnia.


The company's drug Evalar for superficial and interrupted sleep plant based. Sold in tablets. Indications, side effects, contraindications are similar to Persen. Refers to dietary supplements, not medications!

Sedative fees

Calming collection Phytosedan

In addition to the listed medications, it is possible to use individual herbs with a hypnotic effect: lemon balm, motherwort, valerian, mint. The dose and course of treatment are selected individually, depending on the type of sleep disorder and concomitant diseases. It is worth saying that these plants also have other effects: they relieve spasms of smooth muscles, lower blood pressure, and relax the lower esophageal sphincter. This must be taken into account when prescribing medicinal herbs for insomnia, although they are not addictive.

Pharmacies sell a complex collection in the form of tea bags (Phytosedan). According to the instructions, use 1-2 packets per day (for nervous disorders) and 1 at night before bed for insomnia.


Combined product of plant origin (valerian and lemon balm). The action is similar to Persen. Makes it easier to fall asleep, prolongs sleep, does not cause daytime sleepiness, does not impair concentration or reaction speed.

Herbal preparation for the treatment of sleep disorders

Available in tablets. Prescribed 2 tablets half an hour before bedtime for a week. Can be used in children over 6 years of age. It is not advisable to use during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects are extremely rare (mostly individual sensitivity).

Homeopathic medicines


A long-proven German homeopathic drug for the treatment of insomnia, neuroses, and depression. Thanks to natural composition, it can be used in children. There are virtually no contraindications or side effects.


  • The period of menopause, accompanied by neuroses.
  • Depression.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Vascular dystonia.
  • Increased excitability, obsessive fears, panic disorder.

Treatment begins with three tablets per day, which must be dissolved before meals. In children from 1 year of age, therapy begins with half a tablet. At the beginning of treatment, a temporary increase in symptoms is possible (typical for any homeopathic medicines).

Homeopathic remedy that can be used for insomnia

All of the listed drugs for insomnia, which are not addictive, are quite easy to quit without consequences for the body, they do not have serious side effects and are approved for use in children from 6-12 years of age. They are good for self-use. The downside is the fact that these drugs have a weak effect on the structures of the brain and nervous system, sometimes they do not lead to the elimination of insomnia or nervous tension. Even after a long course, sleep disturbances can return again, so you will need the help of a specialist.

Be attentive to your health before using even herbal preparations Don't forget to consult your doctor!

The result of problems at work or worries in the family is increased irritability, insomnia and anxiety. IN modern life there are few who are not familiar with similar phenomena. The body tolerates minor nervous disorders easily and recovers quickly. But sometimes, in order to overcome stress, he needs additional support.

Any sedative is, first of all, a medical drug that must be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Remedies for increased nervous excitability are called sedatives. Their principle of action is to inhibit the functionality of the cortex cerebral hemispheres and, as a result, a decrease in psycho-emotional stress. Their effect on the nervous system is manifested in a decrease in heart rate, elimination of sweating, and trembling in the hands.

Soothing herbal monopreparations

Single-drug sedatives are well tolerated and are sold in pharmacy chains in free access. They do not develop dependence and have no adverse reactions.

Treatment by any sedative You can start only after consulting a doctor.

Ordinary (at first glance) nervous breakdown may be a sign of serious psychological illness, manifestation of hormonal imbalance or complex illness internal organs. The effectiveness of each drug is individual for each patient.

Combination sedatives

Blend of properties different plants gives positive results in treatment. The components enhance and complement each other's actions, reducing the need for an additional dose of one of the components.

The combined composition of this group of drugs improves and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system. Extracts of medicinal plants that have a calming effect are effective in treatment and do not have a detrimental effect on the body as a whole.

Alcohol-based medications

The most effective group of sedatives, which not only helps calm the nerves, but also helps stabilize the heart. Medicines in this group are contraindicated in pregnant women and children.

Nervous system dysfunction can be caused by for various reasons, therefore, it is necessary to choose a medicine with the utmost seriousness and care.

The most effective drug will be the one that the doctor prescribes after a preliminary examination of your condition. In the absence of protracted diseases of the nervous system, independent short-term use of drugs is possible.

Synthetic products

Herbal preparations are certainly safer for the body, but they do not always effectively solve the problem of stress and its consequences. In such cases, only medications with chemical components can help.

Using products from this group without permission is strictly prohibited and dangerous. Uncontrolled use can lead to poisoning, impaired psychomotor functions and even death.


Homeopathic medicines affect the entire body, make it possible to recover using one’s own strength, and normalize the nervous system and defenses at the same time.

Therapy with this group of drugs will be effective if a homeopathic doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen based on your clinical picture.

Therapy of neuroses and insomnia using homeopathic remedies has been successfully practiced for many years. When selecting a drug, all symptoms and the condition of the body as a whole are taken into account, which allows you to get excellent treatment results in a short time.

Vitamins and biological supplements

Stress, sleep disturbances, psychological shocks, physical exercise, poor nutrition and diets destroy the human immune system. Vitamins and dietary supplements help fill deficiencies useful substances and normalize the condition without affecting the body with drugs.

Modern medicine is ready to offer a huge selection of remedies that will alleviate your condition, help restore sleep and return to normal life. A timely and prudent solution to the problem will save you from problems and help maintain health and longevity.