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The herb St. John's wort can be cured. What therapeutic properties does the plant have? Application in classical medicine

St. John's wort also goes by other names. It is popularly called youth blood, red grass, blood grass and healthy grass. There is a fabulous legend about the origin of this plant, which tells that St. John's wort grew from the blood of a magical bird. There was a battle in the sky, and the bird was seriously injured by an evil monster. She descended to the ground, and St. John's wort grew from droplets of blood and lost feathers.

The Catholic Church attributes the appearance of St. John's wort to the blood of John the Baptist. After the executioner cut off his head, the falling drops of blood gave birth to St. John's wort.


St. John's wort is a low perennial subshrub. Belongs to the St. John's wort family. The stem of St. John's wort has four sides. Leaves with short petioles are located opposite each other. You can see small black gland dots on them.

Yellow and rather large flowers, each having five sepals and petals, are collected in inflorescences and are located mainly in the upper part of the plant. The center of the flower is the abundance of stamens. Flowers are not brightly saturated yellow, they have a brownish tint. The flowering period lasts from June to August.

The fruit of St. John's wort is a triangular capsule, which, after ripening, opens into nests. There can be from 3 to 5. Small seeds shaped like an oval fall out from there. The seeds ripen in late summer early autumn.

St. John's wort root is branched.


There are approximately 110 species of this plant. The most common:

  • The stem of this species is dihedral. The name speaks for itself. Black glands located on bright green leaves create the feeling that the leaf is full of holes.
  • Unlike the previous species, it has a smooth stem. It is not for nothing that it is called large, since its height is more than a meter. Accordingly, its flowers are very large in size. They are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. St. John's wort is classified as an ornamental plant.
  • The height of this species reaches 50 cm. The leaves are also equipped with glands. There are many flowers. They are whitish-yellow. Flowering period May-July.
  • The height of mountain St. John's wort is from 20 to 60 cm. The stem is cylindrical in cross section. The leaves, which are located in the upper part of the plant, are equipped with glands.
  • It can be either 10 cm in height or 70. There are quite a lot of stems and they are covered with oval leaves with a few glands. The flowers form a paniculate inflorescence. The flowering period lasts until September.
  • The stem of this type of St. John's wort is purple. In the upper part the stem gives off many branches. The flowers are light yellow.
  • It is very similar to the perforated one, but its stem has 4 longitudinal edges, and not two, like the perforated one.
  • The height of this species reaches 40 cm. The stem has a brown or reddish color and is covered with small glandular growths.

Where does it grow?

When is it collected and how is it dried?

St. John's wort is collected during its flowering period by simply cutting off the stems with flowers. The root is not used. Moreover, when collecting raw materials, make sure that the root remains in place. Then on next year the plant will again delight you with its flowers and medicinal properties.

By folk beliefs, special magical and healing power possesses St. John's wort, collected on the night of Ivan Kupala

During the drying process of St. John's wort, good ventilation of the room is necessary. St. John's wort should be spread in the shade on paper or on a wire mesh. The layer of plants should not exceed 7 cm. The raw materials must be mixed. You can dry St. John's wort in bunches, hanging them, for example, in the attic. If the St. John's wort stems break with a crunch, then the drying process is complete. Bags are suitable for storing finished dry raw materials. Beneficial properties last for 3 years.


The entire above-ground part of the plant, its stems, leaves and flowers is used.


Does not have any distinct odor. The taste is bitter, a little astringent.

Calorie content and chemical composition

100 grams of dry St. John's wort contains 10 kcal. The following flavone compounds were found in the herb St. John's wort:

  • glycoside;
  • hyperoside;
  • routine;
  • quercitrin;
  • isoquercitrin.

The chemical composition of St. John's wort also includes:

  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • acids (nicotinic, ascorbic);
  • vitamin P;
  • ceryl alcohol;
  • choline;
  • trace elements (Mg, Zn).

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of St. John's wort from the following video:

Beneficial features

  • Shows antispasmodic properties.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Stops bleeding.
  • Disinfects.
  • St. John's wort has choleretic properties.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves the body's regenerative ability.
  • Is a sedative.

You can easily find dried St. John's wort in any pharmacy.


Despite what St. John's wort brings great benefit our body, we should not forget about its name, which speaks for itself:

  • The use of this plant has a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman, or more precisely, on the fetus. Consumption of St. John's wort can provoke early labor or cause mental retardation in the newborn baby.
  • If a nursing woman consumes St. John's wort, her milk begins to taste bitter.
  • St. John's wort increases blood pressure.
  • St. John's wort contains toxic substances, therefore, abuse is fraught with consequences: allergies and poisoning.
  • Negatively affects male potency. If corresponding problems arise, men should immediately stop using St. John's wort.
  • St. John's wort-containing preparations of strong concentration (infusions, decoctions) can harm the body.
  • Under the influence of St. John's wort, the body becomes extremely susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, its use should be limited on sunny days.
  • St. John's wort weakens the effect of contraception, drugs that treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, and antibiotics.
  • Completely neutralizes therapeutic effect drugs used to treat HIV.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypertension.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  • HIV infection.
  • Childhood up to 12 years old.

St. John's wort is slightly toxic and can cause an allergic reaction


  • Recipe 1. To prepare St. John's wort oil, you will need fresh crushed flowers and leaves of the plant (25 g), which need to be filled with vegetable oil (250 g). Olive, sunflower or flax oil will do. The oil is infused for about 3 weeks in a warm place. It needs to be shaken periodically. After the allotted time, strain the oil and pour it into a dark glass bottle in which it should be stored.
  • Recipe 2. Take 0.5 kg of fresh raw materials and fill them with a liter of olive oil and half a liter of white wine. The mixed ingredients are left for three days, and then everything is put on fire to evaporate the wine.

St. John's wort oil is used in the treatment various burns(including solar), dermatitis and eczema, wounds. It is used in compresses, for example, for lumbago. Heated, but not boiled, oil is applied to the cotton wool. Next, cotton wool should be applied to the affected area and wrapped well with a towel.


St. John's wort tea is especially useful if you use a glass or porcelain teapot to prepare it. It should be rinsed with boiling water and only then begin the brewing process itself. For 250 ml of boiling water you will need 1-2 teaspoons herbal mixtures. After 10 minutes of infusion, the tea is ready to drink.

St. John's wort goes well with various herbs. Here are a few recipes for such mixtures:

  • Recipe 1. Take two parts of oregano and one part each of St. John's wort and dry rose hips. This tea is infused for 30 minutes. This time is necessary for rose hips.
  • Recipe 2. Mix St. John's wort and black currant leaf in equal parts. Brewed in the usual way. It turns out to be a very aromatic and healthy drink.
  • Recipe 3. Cranberry and St. John's wort tea. This is a necessary drink during treatment colds. It is noteworthy that decoctions of cranberries and St. John's wort are made separately from each other and then mixed. It is recommended to brew them in the evening to make the infusion especially beneficial. In the morning, the decoctions are mixed and sweetened to taste with sugar.

St. John's wort tea is recommended for weather-sensitive people. It helps the body cope with natural fluctuations. A mixture of lemon balm, hawthorn and St. John's wort is useful for older people. In essence, you will not feel a special taste and aroma in St. John's wort tea, which cannot be said, of course, about its medicinal manifestations.


  • Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort is a remedy that relieves inflammation.
  • She is being treated for a sore throat.
  • Treat wounds and cuts.

To prepare an alcoholic St. John's wort tincture, take dry crushed raw materials and vodka at a ratio of 1:5. A dark place is suitable for infusion. A week later the medicine is ready. It is consumed three times a day. Single dose – 40 drops.


St. John's wort decoction, like many others herbal infusions, prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into the pan and pour in 10 g of dry raw materials. This mixture is placed in another container with big amount water. The broth needs to be heated in a water bath for half an hour. You can't let it boil. After this, everything should be removed from the heat, cooled and strained. The resulting liquid is added with boiled water to make 200 ml.

Before taking the resulting medicine, it must be shaken.


  • St. John's wort extract is primarily an antidepressant with calming properties.
  • Beneficial for the nervous system.
  • Eliminates anxiety during sleep.
  • It has a positive effect on the performance of the body.
  • Recommended for pain caused by burns and injuries.

Driving should be avoided while using the drug. vehicle, as well as actions that require increased concentration. St. John's wort extract is a substance that can be either dry or oily. The oily extract is red in color and has a pleasant aroma. It has astringent properties and also relieves inflammation and pain caused by spasms; heals wounds, cuts and ulcers, providing a healing effect. St. John's wort extract is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is added to toothpastes, shampoos and soaps, various lotions and tonics, etc.

Oil extract St. John's wort relieves pain and burning in the legs

Produced based on St. John's wort extract medicines from depression


In cooking

Culinary dishes St. John's wort imparts a tart note with a hint of bitterness. St. John's wort is usually used in dry form.

  • An ideal combination of St. John's wort and fish dishes.
  • St. John's wort is added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • It is a component of various tinctures and healing balms.

In medicine

  • One of the most important uses is the treatment of depression.
  • Used to improve the process of falling asleep.
  • It is a means of restorative effect.
  • St. John's wort treats tuberculosis and diseases of the respiratory system, stomach, and gall bladder.
  • With the help of St. John's wort they get rid of helminths.
  • Recommended for gout, arthritis, rheumatism of joints.
  • Fights liver diseases, eliminates flatulence.
  • Infusions and decoctions are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity.
  • St. John's wort infusion treats urinary incontinence. It is prepared as follows: infuse the herb with boiling water for 2 hours (3 tablespoons of raw material per glass of water). For achievement maximum effect Wrap the dishes with the infusion in a towel. The infusion is taken orally (100 ml) before meals.
  • Applicable in complex therapy in the treatment of alcoholism.

In cosmetology

  • St. John's wort tones and rejuvenates our skin. It is easy to prepare a lotion at home that will an indispensable tool to maintain youth and beauty. Place a glass of water and 1 tbsp on the fire. a spoonful of dry crushed St. John's wort. Boil this infusion for 10 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and added boiled water to get a glass of the finished liquid. Pour 1 teaspoon of vodka into it (cologne will also work). You can wipe your face with this lotion before going to bed.
  • St. John's wort helps normalize oily skin. Just use the infusion as a cleanser. To prepare it, you need to take 20 g of dry raw material per glass of water. Boil the broth for 10 minutes. Next, he needs to brew for half an hour. Only then can the broth be filtered and used for its intended purpose.
  • For oily skin St. John's wort mask is recommended. The crushed dry raw materials are mixed with water to a paste-like state. Then it is heated over fire to +70°. Apply the warm mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. For the effect to be felt, about 20 such procedures will be required.
  • Many women suffer from cracked heels. This is both painful and unpleasant. To eliminate this problem, St. John's wort baths will help. The decoction is prepared from a liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. spoons of dry St. John's wort. The bath is made hot. After the procedure, steamed feet are wiped dry and lubricated with cream.
  • St. John's wort smoothes out fine wrinkles, preventing premature aging. Very good effect It works if you freeze a decoction of St. John's wort and then wipe your face and neck with the frozen cubes.
  • When taking a bath, add a little tincture, decoction, or simply throw a few branches of St. John's wort into the water. This will help you relax and relieve nervous tension.
  • A steam bath with St. John's wort will relieve acne, excessive oily skin.
  • Thanks to antiseptic properties, destroys acne.
  • It is a wonderful product that strengthens hair and gets rid of dandruff. We rinse our hair with a decoction made from half a liter of water and 5 tbsp. spoons of dry grass.
  • Fresh St. John's wort juice is used to treat warts.

Baths with St. John's wort decoction tone and tighten the skin, help in the fight against cellulite

Oil cocktails based on St. John's wort and calendula are highly effective after hair removal

When losing weight

When losing weight, St. John's wort is used as part of a variety of herbal mixtures, which usually have the main goal of losing weight. St. John's wort promotes the metabolic process and the removal of fluid from the body. Thanks to this, a person loses weight. If you use only St. John's wort and hope that the extra pounds will go away, then it is in vain. The decisive factor is still a skillfully selected diet.

St. John's wort tea with lemon is very effective as an accompanying element. The combination of these two components transforms body fat into energy. In combination with a properly selected diet, this will allow you to lose extra pounds. To prepare such an effective drink, you will need 1 teaspoon of dry St. John's wort, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water. After the temperature of the infusion reaches +50°, add a slice of lemon. The tea is ready to drink.

Do not forget that St. John's wort is a slightly toxic plant and using it for more than a month is dangerous to health.

In field conditions

When going on picnics or hiking trips None of us are immune from bruises, cuts and various troubles that lie in wait along the way.

  • If there is a bruise, remove pain syndrome A mixture of herbs St. John's wort, plantain, burdock, wormwood, and dandelion will help. Herbs should be finely chopped, mashed and applied to the sore spot. Change when dry.
  • For cuts and wounds, you can apply either St. John's wort leaves or a plant ground into pulp.
  • Sometimes it happens that the wound begins to fester. It is useful to take a decoction of St. John's wort internally.
  • If chest pain occurs, it is recommended to brew St. John's wort and drink the decoction.
  • If someone gets burned while hiking, St. John's wort lotions will help.

For women

  • St. John's wort is a plant that is beneficial for female body. During menopause, women are recommended to have a soothing tea that any woman can prepare. The following components are taken: three parts each of St. John's wort and lemon balm leaves, two parts each of hop cones and mantle grass. Pour two teaspoons of this crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Take tea three times a day, 0.5 cups.
  • St. John's wort treats diseases of the reproductive system, various inflammatory processes (uterus, appendages, ovaries). Sterile tampons soaked in St. John's wort oil should be inserted into the vagina.
  • Helps bring things back to normal menstrual cycle. Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink St. John's wort infusion.
  • St. John's wort tea is very useful for premenstrual syndromes. It will help the female body cope with increased nervousness and excitability, and will have a sedative effect.

St. John's wort treats many women's diseases, but it is also useful for men - tea with St. John's wort stimulates potency


Grow on your own personal plot St. John's wort is not particularly difficult. You can use seeds, or you can use ready-made seedlings. Seeds are sown in the ground in autumn or early spring. +6°C is enough for the seeds to germinate. You are not required to take any special actions when growing. Like any other plant, St. John's wort needs bright sun, weed-free soil, watering, etc.

Please note that the plant does not produce flowers in the first year of life and generally grows very slowly. Clean up weeds, because they interfere with the normal growth and development of St. John's wort. In one season, you can harvest two harvests with a one-month difference between them. St. John's wort can survive in one place for about 5 years.

During pagan times, St. John's wort was used to protect against evil spirits and witches. The juice of this plant was attributed with magical properties. And branches of the plant, placed in a headdress or in shoes, protected from the evil eye.

In Rus', the plant was not accidentally called “St. John’s wort”. People noticed that many pets died after eating these bushes. Interestingly, herbivores with light coat color and usually on a sunny day were poisoned. Subsequently, scientists discovered the cause of the phenomenon. The herb St. John's wort contains substances that make the body overly susceptible to ultraviolet rays.

The herbaceous plant reaches a height of 1 m, prefers meadows, river valleys, and is found on forest edges and clearings. St. John's wort grass is cut with garden shears. Harvested during the flowering period, from June to September. The collected raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated place. After drying, it is useful to put it in a clean cloth bag and thresh it with a stick so that the stems are eliminated and only grass remains. Infusions, tinctures, and oils are prepared from St. John's wort, which have a number of medicinal properties.

Composition of St. John's wort herb

It is much easier to prevent a particular disease than to treat it when it has taken an advanced form. Moreover, the healing effect of medicinal plants in advanced stage illness is insignificant.

  • St. John's wort treats with the properties of its tannins.
  • The essential oils of the plant are formed by pinenes, also used in capillary therapy.
  • Geraniol has a calming effect, destroys salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, coli, influenza virus.
  • Myrcene inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Cineole helps to lift your mood and relieve stress.
  • The properties of St. John's wort alkaloids to treat and eliminate depressive conditions are used as part of appropriate complex therapy.
  • Hypericin destroys weakened cells, causing the formation of new ones. As a result, the body rejuvenates and heals.
  • Azulene has a calming, healing effect.
  • Saponins have a diuretic and mild laxative effect, soothe, and prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques.
  • The medicinal properties of St. John's wort coumarins prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Hyperoside (hyperin) is broken down into quercetin (reduces the tone of vascular smooth muscles, helps cope with manifestations, inflammation and swelling), rutin (treats diseases accompanied by increased permeability and fragility of capillaries) and other vitamin P flavonoids.

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort are enhanced by vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The combination of vitamins C and P helps reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries and prevent the appearance of malignant formations.

Part medicinal herb includes carotene, plant form, vitamin B3 (other names vitamin PP, nicotinic acid), various macro- and microelements.

Dosage forms: St. John's wort infusion, tincture, oil

Of course, dried herbs or ready-made alcohol tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. But it is much more effective, especially during the season, to use medicinal properties St. John's wort in fresh. The juice of fresh herbs contains one and a half times more nutrients than the tincture.

St. John's wort infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. herbs per glass of boiling water. It is enough to brew for 15-20 minutes, preferably in a water bath. The infusion time and the amount of plant material can be increased. Strain the finished infusion.

Dishes for preparing the infusion should only be enameled, ceramic, glass, but not metal (aluminum).

St. John's wort tincture takes a month to prepare. Half a three-liter jar is filled with grass and flowers of the plant, filled to the top with vodka, and closed with a lid. Store in a cool, dark place, shaking every day. As a rule, the medicinal properties of St. John's wort tincture are used externally, for compresses or rubbing.

There are many known recipes for preparing medicinal St. John's wort oil. Dried grass or flowers are filled with cold-pressed vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, flaxseed, etc.). To prevent the plant material from becoming moldy, it must be pressed under pressure so that it is completely immersed in the oil.

St. John's wort oil acquires medicinal properties within a month. But it’s better to strain and bottle it in glass bottles after two months. Store in a cool, dark place. Healing remedy used internally and externally.

The healing properties of St. John's wort in the treatment of coughs and colds

St. John's wort oil helps with diseases accompanied by cough. The oil is slightly heated and applied to a soft cloth. The compress is placed on the throat. Compress paper is placed on top, and the neck is wrapped warmly.

Treatment procedures are carried out before bedtime, at night. Wash your neck in the morning warm water with soap.

Similarly, the healing properties of St. John's wort oil are used in warming compresses on the chest.

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort are used for inhalation, when a dry cough without sputum production is bothersome. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. Brew the herbs with a glass of boiling water, strain. Breathe in pairs for 15-20 minutes.

If you have a sore throat, gargling with St. John's wort tincture is helpful. A water-alcohol solution is prepared at the rate of 20-30 drops of tincture per glass warm water. Rinsing is performed 5-6 times a day.

A sore throat is treated with the following recipe. Add 1 tsp to a glass of warm water. table, 1 tsp. soda, 10 drops and 20-30 drops of St. John's wort tincture. Rinse several times a day.

To quickly cure a cold, sweat profusely, reduce fever and wake up healthy the next morning, brew 1 tbsp of dry raspberry leaves in a glass of water, 1 tbsp. herbs or flowers of St. John's wort. After 15-20 minutes, squeeze the juice of several cloves into the prepared infusion, add honey to taste. It is better to be treated with this method in the evening, so you can immediately go to bed.

The following recipe for colds is also useful. Mix 40 ml of St. John's wort tincture, the juice of a small onion, and the juice of half a lemon. Take 1 tsp. several times a day, diluting slightly with warm water if necessary. For an hour after administration, refrain from eating and drinking. Treat for 5 days.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The healing properties of St. John's wort are especially effective for gastritis, and duodenum, diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The use of the infusion helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and eliminates stool disorders.

Recipe for heartburn

St. John's wort infusion is useful for abdominal pain accompanied by.

Take 1 tsp. herbs St. John's wort, cudweed, yarrow, brew the mixture with a liter of boiling water, leave. Take half a glass warm half an hour to an hour before meals.

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort infusion help with stomach pain, heartburn, and to normalize digestion.

Treatment of gastritis with St. John's wort infusion

The causes of this disease are considered to be the abuse of rough, spicy or fatty foods, and a monotonous diet. There is heaviness in the stomach, fullness, nausea. I don't feel like eating, I feel weak.

The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of St. John's wort infusion help cure. The infusion is taken 1 tbsp. after meal.

How to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers with St. John's wort oil

St. John's wort oil has an astringent property, stimulates, and is considered effective folk remedy treat stomach ulcers. The exact dosage is selected individually after consultation with a doctor.

For effective healing duodenal ulcers during the day it is useful to take a mixture of 0.5 liters of St. John's wort infusion and 10 ml of lavender oil.

The healing properties of St. John's wort oil are useful for those suffering from constipation. It stimulates and improves the processes of digestion, absorption of food, and intestinal motility. As a result, going to the toilet becomes noticeably easier.

St. John's wort treats hepatitis and cholecystitis

Liver damage occurs with regular alcohol abuse and the penetration of viruses. As a result, chronic hepatitis (liver inflammation) is diagnosed.

The liver produces bile, it accumulates in gallbladder. Bile is needed to digest fatty foods. In case of inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis is diagnosed. After eating, your stomach starts to hurt, you feel nauseous, you may vomit, your mouth tastes bitter, and your temperature rises.

The formation of congestion in the gallbladder is prevented by flavonoids from St. John's wort; their medicinal properties prevent the formation of stones. In the absence of preventive measures, cholelithiasis develops.

Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis are treated with St. John's wort infusion, taken 1 tbsp. after meal.

Another recipe. Pour 3 tbsp. herbs 300ml, add half a glass of red wine. Leave in a cool, dark place for a week, stirring every day. Then boil for 45 minutes. Let sit for another month, then strain when finished. Take 1 tsp for three months. once a day 15 minutes after eating.

Received medicinal oil St. John's wort has the beneficial property of improving liver function and preventing the formation of gallstones.

The use of St. John's wort for the treatment of urolithiasis, cystitis

Grass in one way or another dosage form It has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent, and diuretic properties, which makes it possible to effectively use it for the treatment of diseases associated with impaired renal function.

As a result of the broken acid-base balance Crystals form in the kidneys of different nature, diagnosed urolithiasis disease. Your stomach may hurt and you often want to go to the toilet. Temperature rises, nausea occurs.

After consultation with a doctor, to prevent the formation and dissolution of stones, it is useful to be treated with an infusion of St. John's wort, brewing 1 tbsp of herb with a glass of boiling water. The infusion is taken throughout the day, one-third of a glass.

In the case of cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by pain when urinating, it is necessary to undergo tests to accurately determine the nature of the infection. After consulting with a doctor, treat with herbal infusion.

Mix - 3 tbsp, oregano - 4 tbsp, knotweed - 4 tbsp, St. John's wort - 8 tbsp. Brew 4 tbsp. mixture with a liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take half a glass an hour after meals.

Medicinal mixture with St. John's wort for heart diseases

The healing properties of the herb strengthen the heart, help cope with arrhythmia, characteristic symptom a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

Medicinal fee prepared according to the following recipe. Mix lemon balm herb - 2 tbsp, yarrow - 2 tbsp, valerian root - 2 tbsp, St. John's wort herb - 4 tbsp.

Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain the infusion. Take half a glass once a day in small sips.

Treatment with St. John's wort for diseases of the oral cavity, adenoid

To rinse the mouth in case of inflammation of the mucous membranes or gums, mix 1 tbsp. vegetable raw materials and 1 tbsp. medicinal, brew with boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. If there is no sage, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a weak St. John's wort infusion.

The anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties of St. John's wort are used in the recipe for another medicinal infusion. Stir chamomile - 2 tbsp, - 2 tsp, St. John's wort - 2 tsp, brew with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain and use for rinsing after meals.

The healing and anti-inflammatory properties of St. John's wort tincture treat bad gums, it strengthens the gums. Preparation healing composition doesn't take much time. Add 20-30 drops of tincture to half a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth several times a day.

To treat adenoids, grind plant materials into powder and sift. Add butter at the rate of 1 part chopped herbs to 4 parts butter. In every tsp. Add 5 drops of juice to the resulting mixture and mix with shaking to form an emulsion. Apply into each nostril several times a day.

Getting rid of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease

The medicinal properties of the herb St. John's wort are used to get rid of various diseases oral cavity. For rinsing, an infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. pour into a glass of boiling water, strain after a few hours.

Keep the warm infusion in your mouth for several minutes without swallowing. Repeat 2-3 times. It is useful to perform the procedure several times a day after meals.

St. John's wort oil is used to treat periodontitis using its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The product is used in the form of compresses on the affected areas, or in the form of inhalations. The compress is applied 2-3 times a day for no longer than 15 minutes.

Rinsing with a mixture of St. John's wort and rose oils strengthens loose teeth, restores gums, and eliminates bad breath.

Calming properties of St. John's wort in the treatment of the nervous system and in case of stress

Headaches, insomnia, irritability, emotional instability, depression, as well as neuralgia and epilepsy are treated with the healing properties of St. John's wort. The plant calms and relieves tension in the nervous system.

To eliminate depression, it is useful to brew tea by mixing equal parts of herbal raw materials, lemon balm, rosemary leaves, and berries. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, take as tea.

St. John's wort has the property of healing skin damage

Various forms of the plant are used in case of certain damage to the skin, acne, ulcers, wounds, scratches, inflammations, burns.

St. John's wort infusion is used to wash ulcers and wounds, treat acne, and apply compresses for bruises and abrasions.

In case of vitiligo, take St. John's wort infusion orally. Brew incomplete s.l. herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Take several times throughout the day. Lubricate white spots on the skin with St. John's wort oil.

The properties of St. John's wort oil treat trophic ulcers and skin cancer. Tampons soaked in healing oil, are fixed with a bandage for a long time.

Skin inflammations or burns are lubricated with St. John's wort oil. To enhance the healing and healing effect, beat 30 ml of oil with raw egg, obtaining a homogeneous mass.

Harm and contraindications for the use of St. John's wort

  • You should not use the medicinal properties of St. John's wort constantly, so as not to cause impotence and urticaria.
  • The use of the plant weakens the effect of female contraceptives.
  • Abuse of St. John's wort causes headache, vomiting.
  • St. John's wort infusions and tinctures should not be used to treat elevated temperature, they do not combine well with antibiotics.
  • You should not take St. John's wort for hypertension to avoid miscarriage.
  • During treatment, you must avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, chocolate, smoked or pickled foods.
  • If you have to take antidepressants, it is better to avoid taking medicinal herbs. Otherwise, dizziness, confusion, anxiety and headache may occur.
  • St. John's wort tea causes cramps and abdominal pain in those suffering from gastritis or gastric ulcers in case of an overdose.
  • The plant changes the effect of anesthesia drugs; it may become longer or, conversely, shortened. The observing doctor must be informed about self-treatment.
  • Long-term use can cause pain in the right side, constipation, bitter taste in the mouth, and decreased appetite.
  • St. John's wort should not be treated for hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver or in cases of nephritis.
  • Heart patients should be careful; the plant neutralizes or significantly weakens the effect of heart medications, as well as drugs to reduce blood clotting.
  • St. John's wort has the property of increasing sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, during treatment, so as not to happen sunburn, don't sunbathe.
Modified: 02/18/2019

There are several types of St. John's wort. But beneficial features characteristic of two of them - ordinary, or perforated, and tetrahedral. In both cases, it is a perennial herb with a well-developed rhizome. The perforated underground stem is dihedral and dense. The second type is tetrahedral and hollow. The first has leaves with frequent translucent glands; in the tetrahedral - rare.

Both plants are considered medicinal and are used to treat many health problems in women and men. After full flowering, the above-ground part is collected, cutting off near the ground. The grass is tied into “bouquets” and dried outdoors in the shade. From raw materials to medicinal purposes prepare a decoction, tincture, oil, tea. Let us consider in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications of St. John's wort.


The healing properties of the herb were known to Russian people in ancient times. It is believed that the name of the plant comes from the Kazakh “dzheroboy” - “healer of wounds”. St. John's wort is used in folk medicine and in pharmacology for the preparation various drugs. Used to improve the health of men, women and children.

Beneficial features:

  • The grass has pronounced bactericidal effect. It contains more than 1% essential oils, about 13% tannins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid.
  • St. John's wort is famous antiseptic characteristics. It promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. Preparations based on herbal raw materials are used for burns (even extensive and deep) and wounds of various origins(mechanical; for boils, abscesses, ulcers, etc.).
  • The plant gives anti-inflammatory effect. Infusions and decoctions are taken orally for gastrointestinal diseases, used as rinses for stomatitis, inflammation in the mouth, throat, and gums.
  • Numerous clinical trials have found antidepressant effect herb concentrate. A huge plus is that there are no contraindications that are typical for chemical antidepressants. Hypericin provides antidepressant properties. Herbal preparations are suitable for women and men for mild treatment and moderate depression, anxiety, stress. In folk medicine, strong tea and oil can be used for this purpose.
  • St. John's wort is good copes with nerve pain, neuralgia and exhaustion. Herb tea helps to quickly recover after a serious illness or surgery.
  • Tocopherols and ascorbic acid in chemical composition plants protect against free radicals. It turns out that the herb carries out an anti-cancer fight in the body of women and men.
  • For the full functioning of the visual organs, you need carotene, which is present in St. John's wort. The same substance is involved in cellular renewal.
  • Plant helps heart activity. Thanks to niacin, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Hyperoside and rutin strengthens vascular walls.
  • Vitamin C helps improve immunity, restore cartilage, and renew ligaments. Herbal tea has a mild pain-relieving effect. Therefore, it is indicated for joint pain.

The chemical composition of St. John's wort is varied. It contains carotenes, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, essential oil, tannins and phytoncides, selenium, chromium, nickel, lead, etc. This combination is biologically active elements explains the many beneficial properties of the herb. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, analgesic, regenerating, and soothing effects. It can be used to treat and prevent a number of diseases.

The use of herbs in cosmetology

Women will be especially pleased with the cosmetic properties of this plant. St. John's wort helps get rid of acne and inflamed rashes, allergic dermatitis and dandruff, soothes the skin, and improves complexion. The plant provides anti-inflammatory, tonic, anti-aging care.


  • For multiple acne Every evening you need to wash your face with herbal infusion. To prepare it, a tablespoon of herb is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Leave for a third of an hour. After washing your face, do not wipe or blot your face.
  • For increased fat content and greasy shine It is recommended to wipe your face with the decoction. Ingredient proportions – 2 tbsp. vegetable raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes.
  • Well regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands mask made from a steamed plant. You need grass and boiling water in a ratio of 1:2. The gruel should cool at room temperature. It is then applied to washed skin. After a quarter of an hour, wash off with cool water.
  • For aging skin Ice rubbing with cubes of frozen broth is useful. Treat face and décolleté after every morning wash.
  • For wrinkles A lotion made from a glass of infusion (recipe above) and a tablespoon of vodka is effective. Wipe face, neck and décolleté after evening wash.
  • For baldness in men herbal infusion taken orally. Amount – a third of a glass twice a day before meals.
  • Purulent skin lesions treated with a strong decoction. To prevent the spread of infection, each abscess is soaked with a clean disc.
  • For cracked heels shown foot baths. Calculation of components - 4 tablespoons of the plant plus half a liter of water. Cook for about five minutes. Place your feet in water with a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Keep until the broth cools down.

Application in classical medicine

In pharmacies you can find both dried raw materials and preparations based on them. The herb has numerous medicinal properties, so its scope of application is classical medicine varied:

  • inflammation in the oral cavity (sore throat, stomatitis, laryngitis);
  • pathologies of the bile ducts and digestive tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis, diarrhea, biliary dyskinesia, flatulence, etc.);
  • depressive states, insomnia, pathological mood swings;
  • purulent processes on the skin (abscess, burn, sinusitis, infected wound);
  • swelling due to prostatitis in men.

Official herbal preparations are usually sold without a prescription. Contraindications are minimal. The drugs do not reduce the reaction rate, do not cause drowsiness or lethargy.

Use in folk medicine

St. John's wort herb can be used to treat a particular disease only after consultation with a specialist doctor and an accurate diagnosis. Be sure to consider contraindications for simultaneous administration several remedies (as a rule, traditional medicine is combined with traditional medicine).

Herbal forms used in folk treatment:

  • Fresh leaves and inflorescences. In crushed form they help with ulcers, wounds, and bruises. Based on them, lotions are prepared for the treatment of allergic rashes and insect bites. You can mix it with honey and make a bandage for a sore joint or lower back.
  • Infusion. For a glass of boiling water, take three tablespoons of fresh or one and a half tablespoons of dry herbs. Leave for about 4 hours. Medicinal properties of the product - therapy of gastritis, colitis, cystitis, headaches, low pressure, cholelithiasis. Take 50 ml orally, divided into 3 doses. Suitable for rinsing for colds and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Used in the form of lotions to treat inflammation of the skin.
  • Decoction. The herb in the amount of one and a half tablespoons is poured into a glass of boiling water. Cook for 20-30 minutes (preferably in a water bath). Taken orally to treat diarrhea and intestinal infections. Externally – for rinsing hair, washing.
  • Tincture. St. John's wort plus vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:7 or 1:10. Leave for 3-5 days. For use, the finished tincture is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. The main use is as a warm compress for muscle and joint pain.
  • Oil. Grass and vegetable oil are taken in a ratio of 1:1.5 (for a dry plant), 1:1 (for a fresh one). Infuses for three weeks. Olive, peach or almond oil is more suitable for preparing the medicine. It turns out very effective remedy for women and men, which is worth talking about separately.
  • Tea. Place a teaspoon of plant material in a teapot. Pour a glass of boiling water. You can add a pinch of herb to black or green loose leaf tea. It is effective to mix St. John's wort with linden blossom or strawberries. This tea is drunk warm as a prophylactic to strengthen the immune system. For taste – with a spoon of honey.

What is St. John's wort oil used for?:

  • to normalize the hydrolipid balance in the skin;
  • for the treatment of rosacea on the face;
  • oil tightens pores, cleanses and whitens the skin;
  • effective in the presence of whiteheads and furunculosis;
  • can be used as a tanning product;
  • treats neurodermatitis and allergies;
  • rub the oil into the scalp for dandruff;
  • prevents early hair loss in men;
  • indispensable for women - for pain and fatigue in the legs;
  • improves peripheral blood circulation, soothes stomach pain, relieves spasms, and has a diuretic effect.

Mothers of little men should definitely have this oil at home. It helps with long-term wounds, bruises, abrasions, dog and cat bites.

Tea with St. John's wort rarely used in pure form(as a decoction, infusion or oil). It is more effective to mix the herb with rose hips, cranberries or strawberries, raspberry syrup or black currant leaves. It is even cooked with milk.

Healthy teas:

  • Tonic. Oregano and rose hips are added to St. John's wort. Proportions – 1:2:1. This tea steeps for a long time, because... It takes longer to brew rose hips.
  • Refreshing. Currant leaf is mixed with the main raw material. Drink only fresh.
  • Healing. Additional ingredient: cranberry. Brewed in the evening. And drinks within next day. The beneficial properties of cranberries, coupled with St. John's wort, make this tea indispensable during colds.

Who is prohibited from St. John's wort therapy?

The herb contains toxic substances, which impose certain restrictions on use.

General contraindications:

  • hypertension (the plant increases blood pressure);
  • concurrent use of heart medications, antibacterial agents and contraceptives (the activity of the drugs is reduced or even completely neutralized);
  • visiting a solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun (hypericin increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays).

Contraindications for females:

  • period breastfeeding(a bitter taste appears in the milk, which may cause the baby to refuse the breast);
  • pregnancy (due to hormonal changes, any herbal preparations may harm the mother and/or baby).

Treatment of edema in men against the background of prostatitis should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Failure to comply with the timing of administration and the amount of herb can lead to temporary impotence.

Contraindications for children– age up to 12 years. After 5 years (after consultation with a pediatrician), the decoction can be added to the bathtub.

In Rus', St. John's wort was called a herb for “99 ailments.” It was steamed, brewed, crushed, infused. The beneficial substances contained in the plant have given it great fame. After all, it helps against rheumatism and colds, ulcers and diarrhea, allergies and burns, dandruff and hair loss. Long-term use is undesirable. Since even in a healthy person it causes pain in the liver area, symptoms of acute gastritis, etc.

Our article will tell you about the medicinal properties of St. John's wort, and also tell you in which cases it is better to refuse its use.

St. John's wort is a flowering plant that grows mainly in the middle climatic zone. Since ancient times, people have used it to treat various diseases. St. John's wort heals skin problems, diseases internal organs and also helps to normalize mental condition. For cooking useful means Mostly flowers and young leaves and shoots are used.

They are used to prepare ointments, decoctions, lotions and various masks. St. John's wort contains quite a lot of useful substances: essential oil, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, flavonoids, as well as vitamins E, C, P, PP. From it you can prepare antibiotics that will block pathogenic bacteria without depleting the body.

But the most important thing is that medicines prepared from St. John's wort flowers and leaves do not suppress the properties of other components, but even enhance them. Therefore, it can be safely combined with other plants without fear that it will negatively affect them.

Herb St. John's wort: beneficial and medicinal properties

St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties

Almost one hundred species of this plant are familiar to humans. But in medical purposes St. John's wort is most often used. It is believed that it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

When used correctly and regularly, this plant will short time can normalize the functioning of internal organs and tidy up the dermatological surfaces.

Useful properties of St. John's wort:
Stops bleeding quickly
Renders positive action to capillaries
Salmonella, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus decrease quite quickly
Has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects
Puts things in order nervous system
Prevents the formation of vascular plaques
Increases protective properties body

St. John's wort harm and contraindications

Allergy is a serious contraindication to the use of St. John's wort

But, despite the fact that this plant has many positive qualities, in some cases it can worsen the well-being of a sick person. If, for example, you have hypertension, then you need to take medications that contain St. John's wort quite carefully.

If the dose is large, there is a possibility that the person will develop a hypertensive crisis.

Also, do not forget that St. John's wort contains a certain amount of not very useful substances. Therefore, you should not take it for a very long time. This can cause problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for use:
Cirrhosis of the liver
Lactation period
High body temperature
Diseases of the vascular system

Herb St. John's wort for men, benefits

St. John's wort will help get rid of erectile dysfunction
  • If we consider the benefits of this plant for men, then first of all we need to talk about potency. Since ancient times, people have called a decoction of St. John's wort a "love" drink.
  • It was believed that he helped a person to relax. This effect is due to the fact that the herb has a positive effect on the nervous system, elevating mood and reducing apathy.
  • Therefore, a person who drinks this miracle tea usually quickly loses all fears and gains vigor and a desire to live. And since problems with potency are most often associated with a poor emotional state, its normalization usually quickly improves intimate life

The benefits of St. John's wort for the male body:
Treats gastroenterological diseases
Relieves prostate inflammation
Normalizes urination
Boosts immunity

Herb St. John's wort for women, benefits

St. John's wort for women

It has been proven that St. John's wort is the most indispensable remedy for the female body. Its use has a positive effect on hair, nails, skin and internal organs. Due to the fact that this plant has an analgesic effect, it can help reduce the manifestation of PMS.

The benefits of St. John's wort for the female body:
Regulates the menstrual cycle
Treats endometriosis and fibroids
Eliminates gastrointestinal problems
Promotes wound healing
Adds shine to hair
Setting up metabolic processes in the skin

Herb St. John's wort during pregnancy

It is best for pregnant women to avoid using St. John's wort.
  • Typically, gynecologists prohibit pregnant women from using drugs that contain St. John's wort to treat diseases.
  • Since during this period the woman’s hormonal levels are slightly elevated, it is believed that the body may not respond correctly to such treatment, and this will lead to a problematic pregnancy or even miscarriage
  • It is also believed that regular use of St. John's wort decoctions can spoil the taste. breast milk, and the baby will refuse to eat it

Side effects that may occur in a pregnant woman:
Allergic reaction
Swelling of the limbs
Fetal development disorders

Herb St. John's wort for children. Is it possible to give St. John's wort to children?

St. John's wort may cause nausea in children

Although St. John's wort is considered a non-toxic plant, it is best not to give it to small children. This is due to the fact that no one has ever studied how it affects the developing child’s body.

Typically, young children are prone to allergies, and as is known, it is herbs that provoke the development of this pathology. Therefore, all you can afford is to use the decoction for bathing or treating inflamed skin.

Side effects that occur in children:
Dry mouth

Is it possible to drink tea with St. John's wort herb?

Tea with St. John's wort herb

The most commonly used way to use St. John's wort is in properly brewed tea. Of course, you can drink it, but do not forget that the substances that are in this plant can accumulate in the body.

Therefore, prolonged and uncontrolled use of such tea can lead to not entirely pleasant consequences. If you want it to bring you only benefits, then add other herbs to the tea leaves, and don’t forget to take at least a minimal break from taking this broth.

Do not make a very concentrated brew under any circumstances.
Brew tea immediately before drinking it
This drink is best consumed in autumn and winter.

How to brew St. John's wort?

Brew tea with St. John's wort

Since St. John's wort is a medicinal plant, it is best to consult with your doctor before you start taking it. This is the only way you can be sure that this tea will have an extremely positive effect on your body.

Rules for brewing St. John's wort tea:
Rinse the kettle with boiling water
Pour 1 tbsp into it. dried St. John's wort flowers
Fill them with freshly boiled water.
Leave the tea leaves to infuse
Pour the tea leaves into cups and add water to it (stick to the proportion of 1:3)

St. John's wort treatment for depression

St. John's wort will help lift your mood

Depression is a mental condition in which a person loses the desire to do things, meet with friends and simply live. Typically, people who develop such a pathology are quite poor at making contact and try to lead a reclusive lifestyle.

The situation can be corrected by means that have a positive effect on the nervous system and help improve mood. St. John's wort could well be such a remedy.

Recipe for a soothing tincture with alcohol: So, take half a liter of vodka or medical alcohol, add 20 g to it dried leaves St. John's wort and place the liquid in a dark place. After two weeks, the plant mixture must be strained and poured into a clean container. You need to take the sedative 30 drops twice a day for 45 days. Be sure to drink it with plenty of water.

St. John's wort for liver treatment

St. John's wort based drug

This plant is quite good choleretic agent, Not addictive. Therefore, if you have problems with your liver, then without hesitation, start taking a decoction of St. John’s wort.

He, for the maximum fast deadline, will help improve the functioning of this organ, and will also have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Recipe medicinal decoction: To prepare it, you will need the leaves and stems of the plant and water. To begin, put the plant material in a pan, fill it with water and boil it for 10-15 minutes. After this time, remove the pan from the heat and leave the mixture to infuse. Then the broth must be filtered and can be taken. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for a month.

Treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort


Vitiligo is a disorder of skin pigmentation in As a result, pink and white spots appear on the human body. This problem is usually dealt with with ointments containing a photosensitizer, which increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

This makes it possible to gradually even out the color of the skin and minimize the manifestation of the disease. St. John's wort has all these qualities.

But in order for this method of treatment to give good result it should be started as soon as the first spot appears on the body. After all, the older vitiligo gets, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

Treatment of sinusitis with St. John's wort

We treat sinusitis with St. John's wort

A person who has suffered from sinusitis at least once in his life knows how much it is unpleasant problem. This disease at its most acute stage It provokes not only nasal congestion, but also headaches and increased body temperature. Therefore, antibiotics are often prescribed to treat sinusitis.

Everyone knows that although these drugs contribute to the disappearance of the disease, they have a rather bad effect on the internal organs of a person. The most harmless side effect of such drugs is dysbacteriosis. If you want to avoid such problems, then try treating sinusitis with St. John's wort.

Recipe for nasal drops: So, take 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and chamomile flowers, fill them with water and put on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave the plant mixture to infuse. When the liquid darkens and cools down, you can pour it into a convenient bottle. The resulting product should be instilled 4 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with St. John's wort

Sitz bath with St. John's wort decoction

Hemorrhoids are a rather unpleasant, painful pathology that is familiar to many adults. Most often, the development of this disease is provoked by vascular dysfunction in the rectum. All this leads to painful cracks and bumps appearing in the anal area, interfering with normal bowel movements.

A decoction of St. John's wort will help you quickly get rid of this problem. All you have to do is brew a concentrated solution and add it to the water for sitz baths. If you repeat this manipulation every evening before going to bed, then after 10 days you will be able to forget about hemorrhoids.

Treatment of alcoholism with St. John's wort

  • On initial stage when a person’s dependence on alcohol is exclusively psychological character St. John's wort can be used for treatment
  • Due to the fact that this plant has antiseptic, tonic, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, it quickly normalizes the emotional state drinking man, will establish the proper functioning of internal organs and contribute to the gradual weaning off of alcohol
  • You need to prepare a decoction of St. John's wort and take it 2 times a day for 20 days.

Treatment of gastritis with St. John's wort

The use of St. John's wort for the treatment of gastritis
  • People usually know they are developing gastritis when they begin to experience late symptoms. A sick person experiences a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, dizziness and bloating
  • Further, these minor manifestations fade into the background and severe pain appears in the stomach area, which can only be relieved with the help of painkillers
  • And since medical supplies have the ability to irritate mucous membranes, then St. John's wort can easily replace them. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties will help reduce painful manifestations, and after some time, generally relieve you of gastritis

Treatment of the intestines with St. John's wort

St. John's wort will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

In the case of the intestines, treatment of the disease must be approached comprehensively. It is necessary to choose a remedy that would simultaneously restore water balance, removed toxins and killed harmful microorganisms. A good option in this case would be a slightly concentrated decoction of St. John's wort leaves.

It will improve the digestion process of food and promote proper absorption useful microelements, and will also improve intestinal peristalsis. But know that St. John's wort can stimulate your appetite and make you want to eat more than usual. This may become another problem for you as well as treatment intestinal infection requires dietary nutrition.

Treatment of prostatitis with St. John's wort

Infectious prostatitis

Most often, the development of prostatitis is provoked by infectious inflammation prostate tissue. If you do not begin to eliminate the problem when the first unpleasant sensations appear, then after some time the man will experience pain when urinating and problems with sexual life will begin.

Therefore, herbs that can relieve inflammation and normalize blood circulation in tissues are ideal for the treatment of such pathology.

Recipe for a decoction for prostatitis: Take 1 tbsp of St. John's wort leaves and pour into a glass hot water. Wrap the herbal remedy in a cotton towel and leave to infuse. The resulting liquid must be filtered, divided into three equal parts and drunk throughout the day. Treatment should last at least 25 days.

Video: St. John's wort. Useful, medicinal properties of the herb

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at this wonderful plant, which has medicinal and other beneficial properties, like St. John's wort, as well as its beneficial properties and contraindications, composition and treatment with St. John's wort. So…

St. John's wort (lat. Hypericum)- one of the most effective plants in therapeutic practice. It grows up to 30–70 cm, blooms with small yellow flowers from June to September. Favorable habitats are dry meadows, river valleys and light forest glades.

In nature, there are several types of St. John's wort, growing both as shrubs and small trees. In folk medicine, St. John's wort (St. John's wort) and St. John's wort are used. Externally and healing properties they differ slightly.

It is no coincidence that St. John's wort got its name. This medicinal plant has the ability to increase the sensitivity of certain areas of animal skin to solar radiation. The first eyewitnesses were the shepherds. They noticed that after cattle ate St. John's wort, redness and itching appeared on the light areas of their skin. Non-healing ulcers often occurred and the glands became inflamed. Sometimes the consequences were quite strong, even leading to the death of animals.

It is best to harvest St. John's wort from the beginning of flowering, cutting off the leafy tops with inflorescences with garden shears. The collected raw materials must be dried in a well-ventilated place. Then place in a clean cloth bag and thresh with a stick to remove the stems.

Chemical composition of St. John's wort

Unique combination biologically active substances as part of St. John's wort allows it to be used in the treatment of:

Flavonoids- strengthen blood vessels, normalize gastric motility, increase bile outflow and reduce blood clotting. They also have a diuretic and antiviral effect;

Essential oil(azulene, resinous substances, phytoncides) - has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, tissue regenerating, expectorant and sedative properties, and also accelerates metabolism in the human body;

Phytoncides— suppress the proliferation of pathogenic fungi and;

Tannins– have astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal properties;

Saponins- enhance the secretion of glands, dilute and remove mucus from the bronchi, reduce the amount cholesterol plaques in the blood, have a diuretic, laxative and sedative effect. But, an excess of these substances irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, which can lead to disorders such as -, and;

Hypericin, hyperforin- have a sedative and hypnotic effect, improve the functioning of the nervous system;

Overdose of St. John's wort

An overdose of St. John's wort can occur even if you drink too strong tea containing this plant or consume several dietary supplements and teas with St. John's wort at the same time. This intake of St. John's wort can negatively affect the intestinal microflora and the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. For example, even an absolutely healthy person can develop gastritis from drinking too much tea.

St. John's wort is considered slightly toxic medicinal plant Therefore, with prolonged use of the herb, an unpleasant sensation in the liver area and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth may develop. It can also lead to a decrease in appetite.

For men, violations in taking St. John's wort or an increase in the duration of time in some cases can lead to impotence, although it is predominantly temporary. After stopping medications containing St. John's wort sexual dysfunction usually recovers, but may persist for some time.

When using this plant in small quantities, for a short period of time and without any contraindications, you will not harm yourself.

Important! Before use traditional methods When treating St. John's wort, be sure to consult your doctor!

St. John's wort tea. It is recommended to brew St. John's wort tea in a porcelain teapot, but before use, scald the teapot with boiling water. Take about 10 g of dried leaves and flowers of St. John's wort and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Let the product sit for a few minutes and the tea is ready. Drink tea only fresh. St. John's wort tea is a healthy and tonic drink. It is also drunk for digestive disorders and for calming depressive states, anxiety and bad sleep ().

St. John's wort decoction. Place 10 g of St. John's wort in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the product for 10 minutes at room temperature, strain and squeeze. Bring the volume of the decoction to 200 ml with boiled water. Store in a cool place, but no more than 2 days.

St. John's wort tincture. Pour dry and finely ground St. John's wort herb with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Afterwards, leave the product to infuse for 2 weeks, then strain. The shelf life of this tincture is 4 years.

St. John's wort oil. Take 20-25 g of fresh crushed leaves and flowers of St. John's wort, pour 200-250 g of olive oil (you can use sunflower or linseed oil). Leave for 2-3 weeks in a warm place, stirring constantly, then strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Store in a dark glass container.

St. John's wort ointment. 1 part alcohol tincture St. John's wort mix thoroughly with 4 parts of melted butter. Store in the refrigerator.

Recipes for using St. John's wort for medicinal purposes

At . If gastritis is accompanied severe pain, then it is possible to use herbal mixture. Take one part each of meadowsweet and St. John's wort. Place the mixture in a dry jar and stir with a wooden spoon. To prepare the product, 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a teapot and fill it with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and drink 0.5 glasses 5 times a day before meals.

At . Take and mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort, dried cucumber and. Pour in 1 liter of water. Let stand for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cups (100 ml) warm 30 minutes before meals or during an attack of heartburn.

For vitiligo - infusion. Take 1 teaspoon of dried St. John's wort herb, put it in a faience teapot and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before bed for 3 weeks. Next, take a break for 8 days and repeat the course of treatment. In total, do 8 treatment courses for 3 weeks with breaks of 8 days.

For vitiligo - ointment. Collect fresh flowers St. John's wort and compact them in glass jar up to the shoulders. Pour in cold-pressed vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Place in the sun for 2 weeks. Then again collect fresh St. John's wort flowers, compact them tightly into a jar and fill with squeezed oil from the first portion. Let it brew for 2 weeks. Collect the flowers in a jar again and fill with squeezed oil from the second portion. Do this 5 times. The last time the oil will turn into a thick viscous liquid, which has a creamy consistency. Apply this cream to vitiligo spots once a day and leave until completely absorbed (30 minutes). Then you can rinse off with warm water.

At . To treat sinusitis with St. John's wort, you need to rinse your nasal sinuses (sinuses). Before rinsing, place vasoconstrictor drops into your nose to relieve swelling and free up access. healing water to the nasal sinuses. To prepare the product, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about 10 minutes, and strain. Rinse your nose with warm broth 2-3 times a day. Rinsing can be done using a syringe without a needle: tilt your head over the sink, draw a decoction into the syringe and insert it into the nostril, spit out the liquid. After the procedure, blow your nose well with both nostrils at once. The course of treatment is 7 days.

At . Pour 15 g of dried St. John's wort into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then strain and take 30 drops 3 times a day with water.

At . Not a large number of Lightly heat the St. John's wort oil and saturate a soft cloth with it. Apply to the sore throat, wrap it with compress paper on top and wrap it warmly. Do this procedure at night, and in the morning wash the area where the compress is applied with warm water and soap. This warming procedure can also be effectively applied to the chest.

When , and . When using St. John's wort tincture as a gargle. To prepare the remedy, dilute 25 drops of tincture in a glass of warm water. Gargle 5 times a day.

Also, to gargle a sore throat, you can use the following recipe: 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda, 10 drops of iodine and 20 drops of St. John's wort tincture. Rinse also 5 times a day.

For a cold. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of raspberry leaves (dried) with the same amount of St. John's wort herb and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 20 minutes and strain. Mix with lemon juice and a teaspoon. Have a drink at night. The next morning you will feel much better.