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Why are cholesterol plaques dangerous? What are dry patches on the face?

Often on the eyelids and on the skin of the face you can notice the appearance of small yellow plaques. As a rule, these are xanthelasmas, or simply plaques. These plaques are classified as benign neoplasms.

The main reason for the appearance is a simple violation fat metabolism substances. When fat metabolism is disturbed, there is an increase in blood components such as cholesterol and sugar, and at the same time, a plaque can form on the skin of the face.

Important! True, the reasons for its formation should not necessarily lead us to the conclusion that we are talking only about diabetes mellitus, hypertension or excess weight.

What is a plaque

A cholesterol plaque consists of cholesterol and triglyceride, and it is this combination that forms the neoplasm. Most often the plaque is localized in the area of ​​the internal angle upper eyelid.

It can also be noted that the plaque is quite “ female disease", in the sense that more often the neoplasm appears in women, since female body more prone to metabolic problems and cholesterol accumulation.

According to the type of location, plaques can be presented both in single manifestations and in the plural.

In principle, plaques on the face and eyelids should not affect vision. And even more so, it cannot be said that xanthelasma can threaten human health. By and large, the only problem that has direct relation to the plaque, this is cosmetic dissatisfaction.

In addition, even after an ideal removal of the plaque, it can recur again, since without treating the cause, that is, without normalizing metabolism, the whole procedure again takes on a strictly cosmetological focus.

What can be offered in treatment

In the treatment of plaques today, several main methods are used, and each of them is represented by the removal of the tumor. This is basically:

  • Conservative surgical removal. The plaque is simply excised or opened and its contents removed. The method can be unpleasant, as it leaves behind a barely noticeable scar.
  • Cryodestruction. Liquid nitrogen is used here, which destroys the plaque at an abnormally low temperature. Such removal involves the use of local anesthesia.
  • Removal using laser beam. Quite an expensive method, but also the most effective. Removal concerns strictly the plaque and does not affect surrounding tissue.

Important! First of all, when a plaque appears on the face, you need to undergo a cholesterol level test. In addition, it is necessary to undergo examination of cardio-vascular system. In general, any relationship with cholesterol should be carried out together with a diagnosis of the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Plaques – warts

Another reason for the appearance of plaques on the face are common flat warts. This type of neoplasm is represented by a small elevation on the skin of the face, ranging in size from 3 to 5 mm.

These plaques differ in color; they are slightly different from the flesh color and are presented in pink shades. Besides. The surface of such a plaque is smooth and shimmers a little in the light. Such plaques can rarely appear individually and are most often diagnosed as a group rash.

Note that their appearance on the skin does not cause certain subjective sensations; there is no itching or any other unpleasant sensations.

It is precisely due to the absence of symptoms that warts, like cholesterol plaques, belong to the category of cosmetic problems. However, warts must be treated. If you ignore them, then over time they can begin to spread, covering increasingly large areas of the body and not being localized only on the skin of the face.

Distribution and treatment

In terms of prevalence, flat warts most often appear in people in adolescence, which is why they have a second name - “youthful”. True, such formations can also appear in an adult.

Removal of such a plaque occurs using exactly the same methods as the destruction of a cholesterol tumor, as we wrote about above.

You can try to cope with warts using special ointments. Eg, high efficiency demonstrated:

Certainly, local treatment gives not so much quick effect, however, the process of drying out of the plaque can be completely completed in 3-4 weeks.

One of the recommendations is to slightly steam the skin before applying the ointment to the area of ​​skin with plaques. It is best to apply the ointment at night, so it will long time influence the plaque.

It can also be noted that kaolin ointment copes especially well with plaques; it has the ability to seriously inhibit the human papillomavirus, and this seriously reduces the likelihood of relapse.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the human papillomavirus, which is the root cause of flat warts, is incurable. However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of relapse, or even eliminate it altogether, if proper prevention. And this is sports, proper diet, and support immunity at a high level.

Cholesterol plaques on the face under the eyes

Yellow cholesterol plaques on the skin of the eyelids are benign formations and are called xanthelasma. What it is? Let's figure it out.

Xanthelasma (translated from Greek as yellow plate) is a disorder of fat metabolism, which causes an increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This does not mean that xanthelasmas appear only in people suffering from excess weight, hypertension and diabetes.

What is cholesterol plaque?

A cholesterol plaque is an accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol.

As a rule, xanthelasmas are located in the area of ​​the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Women often suffer from such formations, since the female body is most prone to metabolic disorders. That is why, when cholesterol plaques are detected under the eyes, it is necessary to carefully check the entire body for the presence of similar formations.

Cholesterol plaques on the face under the eyes can be either single or multiple, forming an integral ribbon-like tumor. Xanthelasma does not affect vision and does not pose any threat to life, but it still causes inconvenience due to its unaesthetic appearance. In addition, after removal, xanthelasmas may appear again. This is due to the lack of changes in fat metabolism, that is, it is still disturbed, and plaques form again and again.

Treatment of cholesterol plaques

There are three types of relief from xanthelasma:

  • Surgical removal;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Laser irradiation.

Remember, if you have cholesterol plaques on your face, first of all, contact medical Center to undergo a thorough diagnosis of the cardiovascular system, instead of running to a cosmetology center to remove xanthelasma.

Cholesterol may also be beneficial, since cholesterol is essential building element in the body, involved in the construction of cells, the production of vitamin D, hormones. We get harmful cholesterol from food of animal origin, it can be fatty meat, butter, margarine, sour cream. This cholesterol helps reduce heart function, forming so-called cholesterol plaques. For this reason, blood circulation slows down, blockage of blood vessels may occur, and as a result, a stroke or heart attack.

Cholesterol control

In order to always know your cholesterol level in the body, you need to conduct a special blood test twice a year. Normal bad cholesterol can range from 4 to 5.2 mmol/l. If the values ​​are higher, you must visit a doctor.

The most interesting news

Deposition of cholesterol under the skin is the scourge of young people

Cholesterol is usually spoken of as the main culprit in vascular damage.

It is deposited there and forms cholesterol plaques, which lead to various cardiovascular diseases And premature death. Although cholesterol is not so picky. It doesn't matter to him where he sleeps. The skin is no worse than the blood vessels.

Clumped particles of this substance can accumulate under the skin in the form of yellow-white nodules. They are larger than in vessels and are visible even to the naked eye. Such nodules appear on the face, neck, and arms. On the one hand, these plaques are a cosmetic defect, on the other hand, they signal progressive atherosclerosis. If they are found on the skin, they also have a place in the vessels.

However, in such cases people are more concerned cosmetic defect. “These flat nodules are called xanthelasma,” says Elizaveta Yankovskaya, a dermatovenereologist at Vinnitsa city clinic No. 2. - They are a type of benign neoplasm and consist of adipose tissue. The reason for the appearance of this pathology is a violation metabolic processes, which lead to atherosclerosis.

It so happens that xanthelasma most often affects young people. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that atherosclerosis is a genetically determined disease, so plaques form under the skin starting from adolescence. The problem is that xanthelasma does not stop there. Today a person has one nodule on the skin, tomorrow - two. The appearance of new plaques can only be prevented by lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Doctors usually do not recommend removing these nodules, but if they really spoil the appearance and look ugly, then they can be removed at any time. surgical department. And at the same time, patients are advised to quit smoking, be less nervous, exercise instead of sitting at the computer, and regularly check their blood cholesterol levels. If it is higher than normal, a therapist and cardiologist will help you choose treatment to reduce it.

Women who have turned thirty often develop golden-yellow plaques on their skin. Cholesterol plaques on the skin are not only unsightly, but also dangerous. Some doctors are convinced that this phenomenon is typical symptom atherosclerosis in severe form. Others believe that such a defect indicates a high risk of developing myocardial infarction.

general information

Cholesterol plaques on the skin that appear on the face are deposits of triglycerides and cholesterol itself. Favorite location: upper eyelids. Plaques can be single or multiple. They do not affect the quality of vision and in themselves do not pose any particular threat to the health or life of the patient. But they do not look particularly aesthetically pleasing and can cause moral discomfort to a woman. The insidiousness of plaques is that even after removal they often appear again.

Why does a tumor appear?

Researchers have not determined exactly why cholesterol plaques begin to form on the face. It is generally accepted that such body fat under the skin are formed due to impaired lipid metabolism.

This phenomenon in medicine is called xanthomatosis.

As a rule, xanthomas bother those patients who have overweight. In addition, this may be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • high cholesterol.

A genetic predisposition to xanthomatosis cannot be ruled out.

How does pathology manifest itself?

The plaques look small round formations, the color of which can vary from light yellow to orange or brownish. There are plaques ranging in size from 2 to 30 mm; they protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and have smooth surface. Xantheplasma does not cause any discomfort to a person, it does not itch or hurt. But it does not dissolve on its own, and over time it becomes larger in size.

Most women are trying to get rid of plaques different ways. But after removal, there is a high probability that the plaque will reappear in the same place. This suggests that it is not the plaques themselves that need to be removed, but rather the reason why they appeared - that is, the normalization of lipid metabolism.

How you can help

Everyone over 30 should control their cholesterol levels. To do this, you need to visit a doctor once a year and have your blood checked. Indicators from 4.0 to 5.2 mmol/liter are considered normal at this age. If the indicators deviate from the norm, the doctor will select the optimal treatment.

You can remove formations on the face using the following methods:

  • surgery;
  • cryodestruction – cauterization with nitrogen;
  • laser exposure.

But it should be understood that this phenomenon is not just age-related; it often signals the development of heart or vascular pathology. The cosmetologist will only eliminate external symptoms, and a therapist and cardiologist will radically help you get rid of the problem.

Traditional medicine methods

There are recipes traditional medicine, which will also help get rid of plaques on the face. But they can only be used after consulting a doctor. A decoction of rose hips and immortelle is considered very useful. It is prepared like this:

  • mix three parts of immortelle with four parts of rose hips;
  • add one part of mint;
  • Place the mixture in a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of liquid.

The medicine should be infused for three to four hours, then strained and drunk 150 ml four times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment lasts from two to three weeks, then a pause is made and after two months the course is repeated.

Yarrow removes cholesterol plaques very well. The infusion is prepared in the same way: a tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until it cools, then the infusion is filtered. They take it according to the same scheme.

You can also lubricate formations mercury ointment, or replace it with zinc-ichthyol. The product is applied only to the plaques themselves for two weeks, morning and evening. By the time the course of treatment is completed, the formations should disappear.

Not proper nutrition can also cause plaques to appear on the skin. Main source bad cholesterol– these are animal fats, meat, offal, eggs. Therefore, first of all, you should give up fatty pork and lamb, butter, margarine, mayonnaise. Any semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, fast food are harmful.

Preference should be given to fresh sea ​​fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products. Alcohol should also be avoided. It is only permissible to drink a glass of high-quality dry wine occasionally.

We hear about the risk of increased cholesterol levels at every step. This disease causes dangerous consequences disease - atherosclerosis. As a result of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, blood pressure destabilizes, weakness appears, and memory decreases. Another unpleasant consequence high cholesterol in the body - plaques (xanthoma) appear on the skin. It is this manifestation that will be discussed in the article. We will tell you what the causes are, how to identify the disease, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Plaques that appear on the skin are called xanthomas. It's bright external sign increase in the body of low density, with a reduced level of high-density lipoproteins.

What is the difference between these two types of cholesterol?

  1. Low-density lipoproteins are a type of substance popularly nicknamed “bad.” This cholesterol is directly related to the appearance of atherosclerosis. It contains a high level of fat molecules and also has atherogenic properties. It is important to control the content. Because it is low-density lipoproteins that are a component of the cell membrane, and also influence hormonal background. Therefore, if LDL is too low, a decrease in physical activity, mood, and even the occurrence of neuroses and depression may also occur.
  2. Lipoproteins high density- so-called, . Its function is to regulate LDL levels. It captures cholesterol molecules and transports them to the liver for processing and removal from the body.

Xanthoma consists of LDL and triglycerides. It can form on the walls of blood vessels or under the skin. Cholesterol plaques on the skin are painless, but they are a cry from the body about the need to treat improper fat metabolism.

Causes and location of xanthomas

As mentioned above, the cause of the appearance of plaques on the body is. The appearance of this disease depends on a number of factors, which will be discussed further.

So, what influences the formation of xanthomas:

  1. Excess weight is one of the most common causes of atherosclerosis, and therefore plaques.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Exercising will help avoid problems with cholesterol levels and help get rid of existing problems.
  4. Violations of nutritional rules - consumption of large quantities of foods with animal fats.
  5. Liver disorders.
  6. Hereditary diseases.
  7. Disorders of the internal secretion organs.

It is important to know! Plaques on the face appear as a result of an increase in the level of low-density lipoproteins to 6.24 mmol/l.

Most often, external manifestations occur. At the same time, women have a higher predisposition to the appearance of xanthomas. They are located on:

  • face;
  • centuries;
  • legs;
  • joint projections.

To avoid such defects, it is necessary to begin normalizing it at the first preconditions for an increase in LDL levels.

Types of plaques that appear on the skin

Patients can not only ignore small xanthomas on the body, but not even notice them. But what is a disaster, especially for girls, are plaques on the face.

Main types of xanthoma:

  1. Xanthelasmas are the most common type, located around the eye. It causes inconvenience, because it is a significant cosmetic defect.
  2. Flat - located in the area of ​​​​the folds of the skin of the feet and palms.
  3. Tendon - located on the flexor and Achilles tendons.
  4. Tuberous - localized on the fingers, knees and elbows.
  5. Multiple nodular - diffusely spreads throughout the skin.

It is necessary for the skin to shine with freshness and beauty again. Proper nutrition, sports and daily routine will help with this.

Diagnosis of xanthomas

If you have an appointment with an experienced doctor, then even initial examination tells him about the nature of the appearance of plaques. If in doubt, do a biopsy. To choose the right treatment method, some tests are performed:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • checking sugar levels in the body;
  • creating a lip program;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract

If necessary, carried out genetic testing. The results of these procedures will show the doctor what treatment is appropriate and effective.

Methods for treating atherosclerosis

Treatment should begin with identification. The process should be aimed at correcting violations.

Doctors advise:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol.
  2. Give up cigarettes.
  3. Don't drink coffee.
  4. Reducing consumption of foods with animal fats.
  5. Including fiber-rich vegetables, fruits and grains.
  6. Adding to schedules for physical activity.
  7. Spend more time outdoors.
  8. In some, advanced cases Doctors recommend stimulating the process with medications.

Three main groups of such drugs:

  1. - reduce the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver. The process of breakdown and elimination of LDL is also accelerated.
  2. Bile acid sequestrants bind lipoprotein molecules and are quickly removed from the body.
  3. Fibrates - accelerate the removal of low-density lipoproteins by taking molecules from the blood and transporting them to the liver.

Cholesterol plaques on the skin do not have serious health consequences, but they are aesthetically unpleasant. Therefore, they are removed mainly in such cases:

  • in case of xanthoma appearance on the neck or face.
  • the appearance of plaques on the feet or palms, because they can become damaged and also inflamed.

To avoid the appearance of plaques on the skin, watch your daily routine. Don’t forget also about playing sports; if your health does not allow for full-fledged training, you can replace it with walks in the air. Normalize your diet. If you have removed the plaques, then a period of rehabilitation is necessary - following a diet and taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

Forgetfulness, decreased performance, constant jumps blood pressure, weakness in the arms and legs - only small part symptoms of atherosclerosis, causing discomfort and concern among patients. Unlike atherosclerotic lesions internal walls vessels, when cholesterol plaques appear on the face and body, a person is in no hurry to see a doctor: these formations are absolutely painless and are prone to very slow growth, although they indicate gross violations fat metabolism in the body.

Is it possible to treat plaques on the body only as a cosmetic defect? ​​Do they require treatment and how to prevent their reappearance? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

What does cholesterol plaque consist of?

Painless plaques on the skin of a yellowish color (scientifically they are called xanthomas) are considered a manifestation of dyslipidemia - a disorder of fat metabolism in the body, in which the level of atherogenic, “bad” cholesterol in the blood increases and the concentration of beneficial high-density lipoproteins (HDL) decreases.

To understand why there is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful lipids, it is worth delving a little into the biochemical processes of regulation of fat metabolism. So, cholesterol is a substance from the class of fatty alcohols, necessary for the synthesis of cell membranes, steroid hormones And normal operation nervous system. Most (up to 80%) of this substance is produced in the liver and only about 20% comes with foods rich in animal fat: meat and lard, offal, especially kidneys and brains, full-fat milk and dairy products.

When cholesterol enters the bloodstream, it binds to special carrier proteins – apolipoproteins. Depending on how saturated the transport protein molecules are with fat, they are divided into:

  • HDL is “good” high-density cholesterol, which cleans blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques and transports them to liver cells for further utilization;
  • LDL is the “bad” low-density cholesterol that contains a large number of fat molecules and has atherogenic properties.

Excess low-density cholesterol, which in its morphological properties resembles viscous liquid wax, provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques not only on the walls of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis, but also in the thickness skin. The plaque contains molecules of this fatty alcohol and triglycerides. Essentially, these are small encapsulated flat or protruding accumulations of fat above the surface of the skin. Cholesterol plaques are benign tumor-like neoplasms and tend to grow, albeit slowly. In this case, the plaques are absolutely painless, soft to the touch, not fused with the surrounding tissues, i.e., they have some mobility.

Typical location and distribution

This external manifestation of impaired lipid metabolism in the body occurs in every fifth inhabitant of the planet over 55 years of age. Female representatives are more susceptible to the formation of cholesterol plaques. Since the second half of the twentieth century, experts have noted a significant increase in the incidence of atherosclerosis, including its external manifestations. The appearance of plaques on the skin directly depends on the level of cholesterol: they begin to form when its threshold value of 6.24 mmol/l is exceeded.

Most often, cholesterol plaques develop:

  • on the face and eyelids - although such formations do not pose a health hazard (unlike the cause that caused it), they are a cosmetic defect;
  • on the neck;
  • in the projection of large joints;
  • on the buttocks;
  • on foot.

Reasons for appearance

The main factors in the appearance and spread of cholesterol plaques in adults include:

  1. Metabolic disorder - metabolism.
  2. Overweight and obesity.
  3. Physical inactivity, low physical activity, hypertension.
  4. Poor nutrition with a predominance of foods rich in animal fat.
  5. Liver diseases leading to disruption of its functioning.
  6. Pathologies of internal secretion organs.
  7. Malignant lesion of the blood system.

In children, dyslipidemia is most often explained genetic diseases and hereditary predisposition.

Most doctors call obesity, which is associated with a slowdown in metabolism, excessive intake of atherogenic products into the body, one of the main causes of atherosclerosis. in a sedentary manner life. All these factors create the preconditions for an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and the formation of plaques on the skin of the body.

Clinical picture and diagnostic principles

Typically, tumor-like formations in atherosclerosis have typical manifestations and do not cause difficulties in diagnosis.

Cholesterol plaques develop most often on the face. Usually they are multiple in nature and are yellowish stripes of various sizes located on the eyelids, the skin of the inner and outer corners eye. Such formations are called xanthelasma.

Torso may have various symptoms: The color of the formations varies from white-yellow to rich brown, the shape from flat to nodular, and the size from 1-2 millimeters to several centimeters. Often the plaque is surrounded by dry areas healthy skin. Painlessness and a tendency to grow slowly are typical.

Plaques are less common on the legs than on the face and upper body. If the foot becomes the site of formation of cholesterol plaques, they are often injured, causing chronic, low-grade inflammation and discomfort during long walking.


Diagnosis of xanthomatosis is usually not difficult: experienced doctor may suggest the cholesterol nature of the plaque already upon examination. IN difficult cases a biopsy is performed followed by morphological study. Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the cause of the disease. For this purpose it is carried out comprehensive examination body:

Laboratory tests:

  1. Are common clinical tests blood and urine;
  2. Biochemical blood test with determination total protein, direct and indirect bilirubin, liver enzymes ASAT and ALAT, urea and creatinine, alpha-amylase;
  3. Determination of blood sugar;
  4. Blood lipidogram, including calculation of the concentration of total cholesterol, chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL, as well as the atherogenic coefficient;
  5. Genetic tests - according to indications;
  6. Instrumental examinations: Ultrasound of the liver.

Based on the results of the examination, complex therapy diseases: treat only it separate symptom– cosmetic defect on the skin is ineffective.


Treatment of cholesterol plaques should begin with the correction of identified lipid metabolism disorders. Changing your diet and lifestyle is an important step in the fight against cholesterol plaques. General recommendations doctors include:

  • adherence to the principles of a low-cholesterol diet, including rare consumption of foods rich in animal fat. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits, and cereals;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • giving up coffee;
  • drinking enough clean drinking water;
  • expansion of physical activity, regular participation in sports approved by a doctor;
  • walks in the open air.

Drug therapy

Among the drugs that have a lipid-lowering effect are:

  1. Statins are the most popular drugs used to treat atherosclerosis. The mechanism of their action is associated with a decrease in the production of own cholesterol in liver cells, as well as an increase in its breakdown and utilization. The course of treatment is long, from 3 months to several years. The first results are noticeable after 1-2 months of daily pills. Representatives: Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin.
  2. Fibrates are lipid-lowering drugs that increase the uptake of cholesterol circulating in the blood and its transport to the liver for further processing and excretion from the body as part of bile. Can be used in conjunction with statins. The course of treatment is also long. Representatives of the group: Clofibrate, Fenofibrate.
  3. Bile acid sequestrants – medicines, which bind cholesterol and promote rapid elimination it from the body.

According to the latest data, taking statins is recommended by doctors if non-drug treatment will be ineffective within three months.


In general, cholesterol plaques do not lead to serious consequences for health, even if they reach large sizes. Their removal is usually carried out for the following reasons:

  • the location of unaesthetic formations on the skin of the face and neck is a cosmetic defect;
  • growth of cholesterol plaques on the legs (especially feet) and palms of the hands. Due to their location, they are prone to injury and inflammation and can cause severe discomfort to the patient;
  • the patient's desire.

Today there are several ways to painlessly, quickly and effective removal plaques.


Cryodestruction is the fight against cholesterol formations on the skin using cold exposure (usually liquid nitrogen).

The advantages of the method include:

  • short duration - no more than 30 minutes;
  • performing the procedure on an outpatient basis;
  • no need for pain relief;
  • the procedure is minimally invasive, does not cause damage to healthy tissue, and does not lead to the formation of scars or scars.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the possibility of use for the treatment of persons over 20 years of age only;
  • the risk of complications, including hypothermia of the eyelid or eyeball;
  • a large number of contraindications to use ( childhood, cataract, glaucoma, infectious inflammation iris, cornea, sclera or skin at the site of exposure, damage to the integrity of the skin).

Laser removal

Laser removal is another popular method of treating cholesterol plaques. Thanks to high-wave radiation, plaque tissue is destroyed with gradual absorption of released cholesterol into the bloodstream. The advantages of this method of treating the disease are:

  • lower risk of complications;
  • painlessness;
  • complete removal of the plaque without damaging healthy tissue;
  • eliminating the appearance of scars and cicatrices;
  • reducing the possibility of relapse.

Like any other treatment method, laser exposure has its disadvantages:

  • presence of contraindications for use: implants, metal constructions face, head or torso;
  • frequent by-effect in the form of irritation, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye or skin at the site of exposure.

Dry skin caused by laser exposure can be eliminated using any emollient cream.


Surgical treatment of cholesterol plaques involves excision of formations followed by postoperative treatment. After a small incision in the area of ​​the xanthoma, the doctor separates the formation, consisting of adipose tissue, from the vessels that feed it and carefully removes it, being careful not to damage the capsule. The wound is then sutured for faster healing.

Currently, this traditional method of tumor formation is rarely used, as it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. the need to use anesthesia;
  2. the appearance of scars and cicatrices;
  3. danger of complications and injury to healthy tissues;
  4. longer healing time compared to other methods.

Doctors prefer to perform the operation at very large size xanthoma and if it is impossible to use laser therapy or cryodestruction.

Following a diet, taking lipid-lowering medications prescribed by your doctor, and physical activity will help prevent cholesterol plaques from appearing again. It is important to maintain your total cholesterol level within the target value (below 5.0 mmol/L) and cholesterol plaques will completely go away.

Cholesterol plaques on the eyelids or xanthelasmas are benign neoplasms, which are formed on inner surface century. In most cases, such neoplasms do not pose a threat to life, do not affect visual acuity, and the person does not feel any pain or discomfort. Most of the troubles are related to aesthetic criteria.


Scientists have not been able to fully determine the exact cause of cholesterol in the eyes. But, in most cases, such pathologies arise due to lipid metabolism disorders. They appear as fat that has accumulated in the papillae of the skin.

Xanthelasmas and xanthomas have an almost similar structure, however, metabolism does not occur in xanthomas. Women are most prone to developing this pathology. And scientists believe that this is one of the manifestations of the development of atherosclerosis in the body.

There are also risk groups that may develop cholesterol plaques on the face:

  1. Excess weight of various etiologies.
  2. Diabetes mellitus of insulin type.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes.
  4. Cirrhosis.
  5. Myxedema.
  6. Nephrosis.
  7. Hereditary factor. In this case, the disease will appear in the first months of life.


When contacting a specialist, the doctor visually determines the following manifestations of cholesterol in the eyes:

Important! The presence of cholesterol in the eyes is not malignant formation, therefore they do not pose any threat to the patient.

In addition, other foci of inflammation may occur:

  1. Face.
  2. Hands.
  3. Knees.
  4. Any skin folds.
  5. Oral mucosa and others.


There are several types of cholesterol plaques on the skin:

  1. Flat.
  2. Lumpy.
  3. Eruptive, which does not reach a diameter of more than 2 mm.
  4. Lobulated, formed as the fusion of several plaques.

If condylomas or xanthelasmas appear, then during life without appropriate treatment they only progress and do not go away on their own.


If xanthelasma is detected, the patient needs to consult several specialists: endocrinologist, dermatologist, cardiologist. Symptoms and lesions allow a diagnosis to be made immediately after examining the patient.

For diagnosis, a specialist uses a diascope - pressing on the lesion with a glass slide. In this case, the specialist ensures complete drainage of blood from the tumors and notes their yellowish tint.

The patient must be examined for metabolism in the body. At the same time, a biochemical blood test is prescribed to determine the content of cholesterol in the blood plasma and low- and high-density lipoproteins.


Therapeutic measures must be comprehensive, and the patient requires surgical intervention, since cosmetical tools, proper nutrition and lifestyle will not be able to completely remove the plaque formed in the vessel. At the same time, a specialist can use several options on how to get rid of plaques under the eyes:

  1. Cryodestruction is a method that allows the doctor to as soon as possible get rid of cholesterol tumors before your eyes without leaving a trace. The lesions are exposed to cold, xanthelasma tissue is destroyed, and cholesterol is released into the bloodstream.

Advantages of the technique:

But, as with any method, there are a number of significant drawbacks. These include:

  • danger of severe tissue hypothermia, eyeball Strong cooling is contraindicated;
  • contraindicated for use in patients under 25 years of age;
  • cannot be performed in case of infection, inflammation of the eye, infectious diseases.

If you resort to removing cholesterol plaques on the eyelids by cryodestruction, you can quickly restore the beauty of your face, without scars.

  1. Surgical removal is an old, but proven method of getting rid of xanthelasma over the years. It is done only under anesthesia, and subsequently it is necessary proper care behind the wound. During the operation, the patient is made a small incision in the area of ​​the tumor, then it is carefully separated from the tissues and vessels, which contributes to its nutrition. After this, the wound is sutured.

This method has its significant drawback - after surgical intervention a scar remains on the face. However, there is a plus: the risk of relapse is minimal.

Microsurgery is also possible. There are no scars left, but the cost will be high.

  1. Laser irradiation allows you to remove tumors in the shortest possible time, absolutely painlessly. At the same time, the laser affects the neoplasm tissue, after which they die, and cholesterol gradually releases into the blood. Advantages of the technique:
  • does not take more than 15 minutes;
  • painlessness;
  • no scars remain;
  • the risk of complications and relapses is minimal.

There are a number of disadvantages and contraindications:

  • if you have metal implants on your face, you cannot use it;
  • possible eye irritation;
  • Careful care is required after the intervention.

Cosmetic procedures

Regular eye skin care is an excellent prevention of cholesterol deposits in the eyes. A person selects the following manipulations for himself:

  • massage;
  • visiting a beauty salon;
  • warm masks that will help prevent the occurrence of tumors.

The patient must understand that if cholesterol plaques occur, cosmetic methods, creams and masks will not be able to completely get rid of the pathology. Such procedures can be used exclusively as preventive measures.

Unfortunately, get rid of it completely cosmetic procedures It’s impossible to get rid of cholesterol in front of your eyes. But through surgery, complete relief without relapse is possible.