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Herbal pills for insomnia. Topical sleeping pills for the treatment of insomnia

The long process of falling asleep ends bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. People are forced to resort to sleeping pills to get enough sleep. The pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs against insomnia. Some of them not only normalize sleep, but have many side effects that cause harm to the body - addiction, impaired attention, severe psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, if you have symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to the pharmacy for a sleeping pill. Consult a specialist who can help you choose a medicine that will promote normal sleep in each specific situation. The fight against insomnia will be effective if you establish the causes of its occurrence and select correct therapy.

Medicines for insomnia vary in therapeutic activity, but they work on the same principle - they inhibit brain activity and relieve nervous and muscle tension. The duration of action of drugs depends on the rate of their elimination and the degree of influence on the functions of the central nervous system.

Short-acting sleeping pills eliminate difficulties in falling asleep and do not interfere with the duration and relationship of sleep phases. Facilities average duration actions relieve excitation and increase inhibition. The effect lasts longer, which improves falling asleep and sleep quality. Drugs long acting help with difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, and frequent awakenings at night.

All sleeping pills differ in chemical composition and have different effects on the central nervous system.

Types of medications to treat sleep disorders

Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Reladorm) are effective for severe insomnia, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, irritation after sleep, headache and muscle pain. At long-term use mental and physical dependence. Barbiturates shorten REM sleep cycles, which are important for nervous system recovery. Barbituric acid derivatives are available by prescription only.

Anti-insomnia drugs from the group of tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Sibazon, Midazolam) are low-toxic, do not give pronounced aftereffects, and are less likely to cause addiction. Particularly effective for insomnia caused by anxiety and emotional stress.

Insomnia medications containing melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melarena) do not disrupt the physiological structure of sleep, speed up falling asleep, and reduce the number of night awakenings. In the morning they do not cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Group Z medications for insomnia have virtually no side effects and do not cause post-somnia disorders. After waking up, a person does not feel discomfort. The drugs differ in their duration of action. If you have difficulty falling asleep, Adante is prescribed. Ivadal, Zolpidem works for 5-6 hours. Long-acting sleeping pill Zopiclone supports sleep throughout the night without changing its structure. In patients with nocturnal manifestations bronchial asthma the duration of attacks decreases. After long-term use of group Z drugs, addiction may occur.

First generation antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Diprazine) have a mild sedative effect and are quickly eliminated from gastrointestinal tract.

A doctor should choose a drug to treat insomnia. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can create dependence, increase excitability instead of the expected hypnotic effect, cause muscle weakness, withdrawal syndrome, impair attention and memory.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Depending on the composition, medications are divided into three groups.

  • Plants (Persen, Motherwort Forte).
    Substances contained in plants normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the psyche, relieve anxiety, and calm the nervous system. Herbal remedies against insomnia are non-toxic, act gently, can be taken for a long time, and have a minimum number of contraindications. Facilities plant origin effective for mild disorders of the physiological process, for the prevention of insomnia under stress of various types. In cases of severe insomnia, they are used only as additional therapy.
  • Synthetic (Melaxen, Reslip, Phenibut).
    Medicines help improve sleep, suitable for everyone age groups, do not affect psychomotor functions, have minor side effects.
  • Combined (Barboval, Corvalol).
    The products contain plant extracts and active medicinal components. All substances enhance each other's actions. Due to this, rapid hypnotic effect. Medicines in this group are indicated for minor sleep disturbances and neurotic disorders, relieve irritability and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Homeopathic (Hypnosed, Nota, Passidorm).
    Harmless, non-addictive drugs contain a balanced set of components that eliminate fear, anxiety, and problems falling asleep. Homeomedicines do not disrupt the biochemical processes in the body, direct reserve forces to fight, and are not accompanied by symptoms of aftereffects. For a stable and long-lasting effect, long-term use of homeopathic remedies is recommended.

Which sleeping pill to choose

Without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase drugs that have a moderate effect on the nervous system. They normalize sleep heartbeat, reduce nervous excitement. An effective remedy for insomnia does not have to be strong. At correct selection even a mild sleeping pill will give a positive result.

List of the most popular drugs for insomnia.

  • Melaxen.
    Synthesized hormone analogue pineal gland(melatonin) suitable for self-use for insomnia in people of different age groups. The tablets normalize the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, make it easier to fall asleep, and do not cause a feeling of lethargy upon awakening. The drug helps the body adapt when working at night and. IN in rare cases swelling occurs, headache, nausea. Melaxen is used to normalize biological rhythm, promotes falling asleep quickly and easy morning awakening.
  • Persen.
    Relieves irritability, anxiety, eliminates depression, promotes concentration. Part sedative for insomnia includes extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian roots. The components make it easier to fall asleep by enhancing inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. Persen is recommended for prolonged periods of falling asleep and frequent awakenings caused by stressful situations and overwork.
  • Donormil.
    Effervescent tablets have a pronounced sedative effect, give, increase the duration of night rest. May cause palpitations, daytime sleepiness, and dry mouth. Donormil does not affect brain activity.
  • Glycine.
    Sublingual tablets reduce central nervous system excitation, improve metabolism in brain tissues, increase mental performance, normalize sleep. Glycine is recommended for people with emotional instability and high excitability.
  • Valoserdin.
    Due to the content of phenobarbital, it reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. Drops for insomnia provide a mild hypnotic effect and are prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, neurosis-like conditions, disorders cerebral circulation. With long-term use, drug dependence and depression may occur.
  • Atarax.
    Relieves anxiety, psychomotor agitation, relaxes smooth muscles, increases. At the beginning of treatment, drowsiness and general weakness may occur.
  • Phenibut.
    It has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces the severity of complications after traumatic brain injury, and increases the brain’s resistance to high stress. Phenibut relieves anxiety, reduces emotional stress, and improves the quality of night's rest. Prescribed for insomnia of neurotic origin.
  • Corvalol.
    It has a calming effect, relieves spasms in the intestines, dilates blood vessels, and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is well tolerated, but with prolonged use or overdose it causes CNS depression. Experts recommend taking drops for mild and irritability.
  • Valerian.
    A herbal remedy with a sedative effect is used for nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep caused by overexcitation, stress. In rare cases, it provokes a depressed state.

New items

New generation drugs help cope with stress, improve sleep quality, and eliminate the causes of insomnia. They are quickly eliminated from the body, so there are no aftereffect symptoms in the morning. New medications for insomnia are safer because they only affect the brain receptors responsible for sleep.

  • Sonilyuks.
    The drops contain natural ingredients of plant origin, which quickly enter the bloodstream and improve the psycho-emotional state. The insomnia remedy Sonilux normalizes sleep and eliminates the causes of sleep disturbance, restores heart rhythm and the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Somnol.
    The action of the drug is aimed at improving the quality and duration of night rest. At long-term treatment the risk of addiction cannot be ruled out. Prescribed to patients with situational, transient, chronic forms insomnia.
  • Roserem.
    Recommended for insomnia associated with prolonged falling asleep, promotes sound sleep. The medicine for insomnia Rozerm does not cause side effects or dependence.
  • Sonnat.
    Prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, transient persistence, etc. The drug does not change the ratio of fast and slow sleep. Does not affect daytime well-being and performance.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

When a person gets into stressful situation, the need for B vitamins increases many times over. Deficiency occurs with gastritis, taking certain hormonal drugs, pregnancy, physical activity, poor nutrition. Insomnia can be provoked by a lack of serotonin, the synthesis of which involves pyridoxine (B6).

Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, etc. appear. Vitamins B, A, E and microelements potassium, magnesium, calcium will help get rid of insomnia.

  • Mega B Complex, consisting of 10 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • Sleep Optimizer, a complex of amino acids, plant extracts, melatonin, tryptophan;
  • ALPHABET biorhythm, containing folic acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B, lemon balm and motherwort extracts;
  • Yantifan, which contains L-tryptophan, succinic acid, vitamin B6.

Vitamin preparations reduce the excitability of the nervous system and promote a good night's rest.

A bunch of medicines and vitamins leads to confusion: “How to choose the best remedy for insomnia from all the variety?” For an answer, contact specialists at regional clinics or specialized centers. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can complicate the situation. The sleep department will tell you how to get rid of insomnia without medications with the help of,. Special clinics use drug-free methods for eliminating insomnia (electric sleep, relaxation therapy).

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects therapy for insomnia // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

A person should spend a third of his life sleeping - a lot. After good sleep The charge of vigor and efficiency lasts for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep and poor sleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of an important day.

The most powerful sleeping pills are limited-release drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamyl, phenobarbital. To acquire such modern and soft active drugs, like Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem, also need a prescription.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and an overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can help you fall asleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.


Photo: img.zzweb.ru

Cost 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the “sleep hormone.” Its task is to cause a drowsiness effect, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (calming) effect.

Advantages: an overdose of the drug is impossible due to its very rapid disintegration. Good sleep continues after the drug is eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaxen works on the “done and gone” principle. The medicine does not change the course natural cycle and sleep structure, does not cause nightmares, does not affect awakening. After using the drug there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.


  • possible manifestations allergic reactions, the occurrence of peripheral edema;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in complex therapy functional disorders, accompanied by sleep disturbances, and also as a means for more rapid adaptation to rapid changes in time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: “I had absolutely no side effects, I was healthy and strong, normal sleep, in the morning there was not a bit of drowsiness, and at night I saw beautiful colorful dreams. I took it one tablet in 30 minutes. before sleep. After drinking the entire package, no addiction developed. One of the best means for insomnia, I recommend it!"


( doxylamine succinate, 15 mg in effervescent and regular tablets). Also released under the name Sungmil.

Photo: otravlen.ru

Cost 350 rubles (30 tablets).

Prescription drug.

It is a blocker of H1 histamine receptors, and, essentially, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for treatment allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. This is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving attacks of insomnia in young people, healthy people who don’t need to drive a car the next day

Advantages: effervescent tablet provides fast action, the drug reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases sleep time.

Flaws: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible daytime sleepiness. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with breathing disorders during sleep.

From reviews of Donormil:“The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I didn’t read the instructions and on the first day I took two tablets at once. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. Having slept all night, I felt drowsy for the first half of the day. next night took one tablet according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, my sleep was calm, my awakening was refreshing."

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (tablets - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g per 100 ml).

Photo: irecommend.ru

Photo: www.farmshop.ru

Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to a wide segment of the population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per dose.

Advantages: the drug has a characteristic odor; valerian and mint potentiate the effect of phenobarbital. Can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol; drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles internal organs, indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.


  • The characteristic smell of the medicine can permeate an entire apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended during breastfeeding.

From reviews:“Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I’ve been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it to my face in the summer - the medicine wonderfully repels mosquitoes, and does not contain terrible chemicals. A solid five!”

Novo - Passit

Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passionflower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifenzin). Available in tablet and syrup form.

Photo: novo-passit.com

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzine has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the drug to be used for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use syrup, which acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of treatment: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.


  • Daytime drowsiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated for children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit:"It's very good that the drug natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer."

Persen - Forte

Combined drug (melissa, mint, valerian).

Photo: europharma.kz

The cost of a package of 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. Has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passit, it does not contain guaifenzine, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an intrusive odor.

Advantages: The “night” variety of Persen is specially designed for night use. Helps you fall asleep well if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, a changed mood background.

Flaws: there is no liquid dosage form. Usually liquid form renders faster required action. The drug is not recommended for people with biliary tract diseases, as well as for children under 12 years of age. Long-term use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen:"I think that good effect provides only a course of treatment, and a one-time dose does not improve sleep. But if you drink it for at least a week, your mood becomes even and it becomes easier to fall asleep."


(herbal infusions for brewing in the form of filter bags)

Photo: www.piluli.ru

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) is 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of preparations (No. 2, No. 3), which differ in slight changes in the recipe. The basis of the composition is herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, left for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Advantages: has a mild, natural effect, makes it easier to fall asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia


  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, can be stored for no more than a day, and is best consumed warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan:"Herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive funds. I bought it at the pharmacy and brewed it. It is a little bitter, but has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use, I realized that it does its job perfectly: it does not cause fatigue during the day, and sleep comes softly and easily."


Photo: otravlenym.ru

Cost No. 50 - 49 rubles.

Glycine is a simple amino acid; its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it dissolves under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passage through portal system liver, which accelerates the effect.

Advantages: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible before reaching serious complications. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect and simultaneously improves memory and memorization processes. It is used in therapy, neurology, and is widely prescribed to school-age children.

Flaws: special hypnotic effect glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is reduced to restoring the imbalance between the transmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From reviews of Glycine:“I started using glycine on the advice of friends during a session, since I had previously abused coffee in order to remember a large amount of information. I started having breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and bad dream. A week after starting to take glycine, we managed to get rid of all discomfort. Improved sleep and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best remedies for insomnia that can be bought without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new agents or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely determined by individual reaction.

Many "doubles" are not listed. So, the drug " Dormiplant"just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Not described homeopathic medicines, since they do not have a detectable effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, attention should be paid to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom dangerous diseases . Thus, insomnia may indicate the following health problems:

  • hyperthyroidism. Arises low-grade fever, weight loss, short temper and irritability;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia can be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If it was not possible to stop unpleasant symptoms sleep disturbances for several days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Possibility of short but great mental, mental and physical efforts - important condition victory and a feeling of fullness of life. In order to spend regularly, resources must be regularly replenished. The main replenishment of resources occurs during sleep. The quality of life depends on the balance of spending and saving:

  • If vitality steadily decrease, a feeling of anxiety arises, depression and reluctance to do anything develop.
  • If vitality steadily increases, calmness sets in, joy, optimism, and a thirst for activity appear.

It is very important that during sleep the body can restore resources no less than it spent during the day, or even better, a little more, then vitality will increase. However, this doesn't happen every night. Chronically poor sleep can lead to depletion of vitality.

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Persen tablets

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Insomnia pills without prescriptions

A person should spend a third of his life sleeping – quite a lot. After a full sleep, the charge of vigor and performance lasts for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep and poor sleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of an important day.

The most powerful sleeping pills are limited-release drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamyl, phenobarbital. To purchase such modern and mildly active drugs as Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem, you also need a prescription.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and an overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can help you fall asleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.

  • Melaxen
  • Donormil
  • Corvadol (Valocordin)
  • Novo-Passit
  • Persen–Forte
  • Phytosedan
  • Glycine

Pills for insomnia without addiction

Is there a cure for insomnia? addictive? People suffering from this disease should understand that any drug that affects the quality and duration of sleep, if taken for a long time, will lead to the formation of a habit.

The body adapts to the effect of the main active substance and either no longer reacts to it, or with each subsequent dose the dose will have to be increased.

All medications are selected individually and only by a doctor. In addition, before appointments, the patient needs to consult a psychologist, neurologist and other specialists.

Mostly, we're talking about about drugs based on barbiturates and benzodiazepines. All medications for insomnia, regardless of the degree of their effect on brain function, have a number of contraindications for long-term use. Among them: respiratory failure, bradycardia.

Those who suffer from night snoring or have chronic illnesses lower sections respiratory system- should refrain from trying to relieve insomnia with pharmaceutical drugs.

Insomnia tablets for the elderly

In old age, up to 35% of patients suffer from insomnia. This is due to the fact that with age, the production of melatonin decreases, and there is a deterioration in cerebral circulation, which entails a disruption in the structure of sleep. In this age category, it is important to choose a medicine that has a hypnotic effect and, at the same time, does not affect a person’s mental functions, does not cause drowsiness, lethargy and imbalance.

Transient (passing) insomnia in the elderly does not require medication, and feelings of anxiety and tension can be relieved herbal preparations. For severe insomnia, preference is given to safe medicines with a short half-life, since there is a risk of their accumulation in the body and the likelihood of side and toxic effects increases.

Currently the safest and best medicine from insomnia in old age has already been determined. These are representatives of the group of third-generation sedatives (Zopiclone, Zolpidem), which are dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. These drugs have a pronounced hypnotic effect; they provide sleep that approaches physiological sleep. The drugs are well tolerated and do not lead to the development of lethargy and drowsiness the next day.

Insomnia treatment pills

Before taking sleeping pills, you should try taking complex sedatives, because there is a high probability that the cause of insomnia is emotional overexcitation. If taking sleeping pills is still indicated, then you need to remember several rules for healthy use to avoid addiction and so-called “medicinal addiction”:

  • start off drug treatment necessary with drugs produced on the basis plant extracts; they can also be used during medicinal “vacations” when hypnotics are canceled;
  • The maximum duration of a course of powerful sleeping pills is 3 weeks, because after this the habituation stage begins;
  • Preference should be given to fast-acting medications that help you fall asleep quickly and are quickly eliminated from the body, since they do not cause daytime sleepiness;
  • older people should take half the recommended dose of sleeping pills, and possible cross-effects when combining the drug with medications for other pathologies must first be studied.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 9 minutes

Prolonged insomnia negatively affects all areas of a person’s life. Internal organs, nervous system, brain activity and performance suffer from lack of sleep. It will be useful for people of any age to know what helps with insomnia and what procedures folk remedies and medications can restore normal sleep.

What to do if you have insomnia? Elimination of causes

Pharmacology and ethnoscience offer many recipes for insomnia. But it is important to understand that you need to fight the problem, and not its consequences. One of the main tasks of a person is to find out the reason that prevents normal sleep and eliminate it. If you can’t do this on your own, you need to consult a therapist or neurologist.

Various factors can trigger insomnia, including:

If insomnia is caused by pathologies of the nervous system or diseases, it is necessary A complex approach. Drugs that eliminate neurosis or are aimed at treating pathologies are added to the means for improving sleep.

Difficulties falling asleep are often combined with shallow sleep, accompanied by nightmares and constant awakenings. This does not allow the brain to rest and does not bring the necessary relief. The next morning the person will feel exhausted, the desire to sleep continues throughout the day. In the evening, history repeats itself, and, despite being tired, it takes a long time to fall asleep.

How would you characterize the sleep disorder that is bothering you?

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    Difficulty falling asleep: I can toss and turn in bed for several hours. 39%, 320 votes

    I constantly wake up in the middle of the night, and then it is difficult to fall back to sleep. 30%, 242 vote

    Sleep does not bring a feeling of rest, regardless of the number of hours spent in bed. I always want to sleep! 18%, 144 vote

    I wake up too early in the morning, regardless of my bedtime. 14%, 113 votes


How to prevent insomnia: prevention

Regular insomnia can be brought under control with simple rules:

  • Don't go to bed too early. According to experts, the most suitable time is 22–23 hours.
  • For a good night's sleep, daytime sleep is completely excluded.
  • You should not go to bed in a state of irritation. Before going to bed, you need to relax properly: read, listen to music or take a warm shower.
  • Intensive physical exercise V evening time are excluded, but a quiet jog or a short warm-up is welcome.
  • The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  • In the evening you should not drink coffee or strong tea.
  • A clear schedule is necessary: ​​it is advisable to go to bed at approximately the same time.

IN modern world stress has become almost normal occurrence. It is not surprising that many are looking for sleep pills without prescriptions, because if you don’t sleep for a long time, your ability to work decreases and your health deteriorates. However, sometimes it is impossible to overcome this condition on your own, so sleeping pills Pharmacies often require prescriptions. However, there are a number of medications and additional ways to improve sleep.

A good sleeping pill without prescriptions for a calm and good sleep, doctors strongly do not recommend that people select such drugs on their own. Consultation with a doctor in such a situation is mandatory. Insomnia can be a dangerous sign of pathology, so making a diagnosis is a priority. Even an ordinary over-the-counter drug can be dangerous for humans and cause addiction. A quick effect does not always mean positive dynamics in treatment.

Criteria for selecting a medicine

Buying sleeping pills without prescriptions for sound sleep is not a problem. An adult acquires lungs sedatives at the pharmacy. However, choosing a remedy for insomnia is difficult. There are also many prescriptions for drugs for insomnia, so it is recommended to study what to look for.

Just a few decades ago, the basis of such therapy were drugs based on babiturates and benzodiazepines. The person received not only a hypnotic effect, but also a sedative one. However, the list of contraindications is extensive.

Today doctors prescribe gentle medications, but with no less lasting effect. These are non-benzodiazepine drugs, like Zalplon or Zolpidem, which have powerful results, but the list of contraindications is smaller. In the brain, such drugs affect only the sleep center, without affecting other areas. The duration of therapy should not exceed 1 month, otherwise addiction cannot be avoided.

Mild hypnotic and sedative effects are prevented by antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine or Donormil. But laboratory research These drugs have not been studied as treatments for insomnia. Sometimes the problem of insomnia is solved by an antidepressant or melatonin.

Release form

To decide on a suitable drug, you need to understand how the release form affects its effectiveness.


To make falling asleep calm and easy, you can buy one of the over-the-counter remedies, which are many in both regular and online pharmacies. The following tablets for restful sleep will be useful:

  • Valerian;
  • Persen;
  • Motherwort;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Novopassit;
  • Dormiplant
  • Persen et al.


Strong sleeping pills without a prescription are available in ampoules and drops in pharmacies. The list of such funds is extensive, but among them the following can be distinguished:

  • Motherwort;
  • Vapocardin;
  • Persen;
  • Novopassit.

Every drop of these products will make you sleep peacefully and soundly. The sale of medicines is allowed without a prescription, so there should be no problems with purchasing.

TOP 3 products in the online pharmacy

Among the diversity pharmaceutical drugs from insomnia, the leading positions are occupied by the following three.


This name is familiar to those for whom sleep problems are a constant phenomenon. Thanks to the innovative developments of scientists, it was possible to create natural medicine 100% without contraindications. While taking the medication, sleep is sound and restful at a relatively affordable price.

Effect of the drug:

  • rapid falling asleep and transition to the deep stage of sleep;
  • protection of the nervous system and stable operation;
  • reducing the risk of disorders in the cardiovascular system.

This fast-acting drug the result of the painstaking work of scientists Russian Federation. It contains only natural ingredients, so it is allowed to be used by children from two years of age. Thanks to one course, you can completely get rid of insomnia, eliminate anxiety and fatigue in the body.

  • gaba alishani;
  • lofanta;
  • beaver stream;
  • collection of 32 herbs.


The action of the product is due to 100% naturalness and unique composition, which quickly and easily eliminates the signs of insomnia. They started selling it in the USA, where it was invented by T. Wilkinson. The drug will help:

  • remove insomnia;
  • provide prevention of snoring;
  • eliminate frequent waking up at night;
  • prevent sleep apnea;
  • fall asleep in any body position.

Treating severe insomnia: over-the-counter medications

Choosing a safe, cheap, but effective drug is a fundamental task in the fight against sleep disorders. To make this choice easier, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of well-known and popular remedies for insomnia.

The price of Donormil in pharmacies starts from 360 rubles for a monthly course. The active ingredients of the drug block histamine receptors, which makes them, in fact, an antihistamine. But not a single doctor will recommend this medication for the treatment of allergic manifestations.

The purpose of the product is to remove insomnia and related problems with sleep. As a rule, it is prescribed to young patients whose work is not related to precise work or driving vehicles.

Pros of Donormil:

  • the effervescent composition ensures the rapid action of the medicine;
  • falling asleep quickly;
  • sleep becomes sound and long.

But it also has disadvantages:

  • thirst;
  • difficult to wake up;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • It is not allowed if there is fluid retention in the body or if you snore.


This remedy is actively used for the treatment of neuroses and psychopathological conditions provoked by anxiety, fear, and emotional instability. Enough dangerous drug Therefore, consultation with a doctor is recommended to determine the source of the problem and the severity of the disease. The drug is often compared in effectiveness to antipsychotics. That's why daily dosage must not exceed 0.01 g of active substance.

Doctors believe that it should be sold by prescription, because the active substance melatonin is called a sleep hormone that forms sleep cycles. Melaxen price starts from 650 rubles per package. Causes drowsiness, which will lead to falling asleep, and also acts as a mild sedative.

  • there is no need to fear an overdose, since the medicine disintegrates quickly;
  • the person sleeps peacefully until the substance is completely eliminated from the body;
  • the structure of the effect is stable, which eliminates disturbing and nightmare dreams;
  • after taking it during the day there is no drowsiness.

There are only 2 disadvantages:

  • may provoke allergies and peripheral edema;
  • high price.

The active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. It's strong and quick drug which ensures that you fall asleep quickly. Histamine receptors are blocked not to relieve allergies, but to remove signs of insomnia. It is this drug that is best taken for one-time use when the feeling of overexertion and fatigue prevents you from falling asleep.


  • over-the-counter form of sale;
  • quick and easy to use because it comes in the form of effervescent tablets;
  • affordable.


  • thirst;
  • difficult to wake up;
  • feeling sleepy all day;
  • you cannot drive and do precision work;
  • Contraindicated for apnea, prostatitis, and liver kidney pathologies.

Common over-the-counter medications for insomnia

The following products are freely available and have a good sedative effect that promotes restful sleep:

  1. Corvalol or Valocardin. This potent drug based on the barbiturate phenobarbital, which can be freely purchased without a prescription. It is inexpensive, which makes it competitive with no less effective means for insomnia, but more expensive. A single dose varies between 10-40 drops. Advantages: pleasant mint-valerian aroma; can be used to remove pain in the region of the heart; has a mild antispasmodic effect; prescribed for palpitations. But it also has flaws: The smell is persistent, it is not easy to remove and cannot be used during breastfeeding.

  2. NovoPassit. It is sold without a prescription and, in addition to its pronounced sedative effect, helps relieve anxiety, which makes it indispensable for the treatment of insomnia. Advantages: quick effect on the body, no need to undergo a course of therapy; Suitable for single use. Flaws: the main side effect is daytime drowsiness and a feeling of depression, especially if you drink more than the prescribed dose; not for children; not suitable for the treatment of insomnia in alcoholics.
  3. PersenForte. It has a sedative and hypnotic effect, which helps relieve insomnia. Has a weak antispasmodic effect. Advantages: pleasant smell, night formula copes well with insomnia, suitable for nervous feelings and stress. Flaws: There is no syrup or injection form that gives more quick effect; not suitable for people suffering from gallstone disease; prohibited for children; Long-term use may cause constipation.
  4. Phytosedan They are produced in several variations of recipe composition. The base of the drug consists of motherwort, oregano, thyme, sweet clover, and valerian. You just need to brew it and drink it a quarter of an hour before going to bed. pros: the effect is soft and natural; relieves mild gastrointestinal spasms; used for the treatment of vegetative-vascular pathologies. Minuses: not allowed during lactation and pregnancy; Prepared tea must be drunk immediately, as it cannot be stored.
  5. Glycine Sold at a penny price of 50 rubles. Affects inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. Suitable for complex therapy not only for problems with insomnia. Improvement occurs as quickly as possible. because the tablet just needs to be placed under the tongue, and this prevents the medicine from passing through the liver. Advantages: overdose is practically excluded; relieves feelings of anxiety, nervousness; improves memory and ability to memorize; recommended for schoolchildren. Flaws: the hypnotic effect of the drug has not been tested, and the effect is achieved by relieving an imbalance in the nervous system.
  6. is considered a combination drug that has a sedative, hypotensive and antispasmodic effect on the body. Validol, which is the base of the drug, relieves irritability, neurosis and insomnia. Effective in the fight against bloating, has an analgesic effect. Long-term use not recommended, because the drug forms a dependence, prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

  7. Gidazepam, which is classified as a tranquilizer, but is sold without a prescription. It is not difficult to buy, but how much it will cost most often depends on the seller. Helps to remove severe stress and insomnia because of it. You need to drink it immediately before going to bed, because the effect begins a few minutes after taking it. Improvement is also achieved with anxiety and convulsions. Rapid addiction to the product has been proven, so long-term use is not recommended.
  8. – took first place in the ranking of drugs for insomnia, because it is a strong sleeping pill. It actively affects even older people due to melatonin in the composition. Does not cause addiction, but if the dosage is exceeded, it may fatal outcome. There will be no drowsiness during the day, but you should not choose the dosage yourself. May cause allergies.
  9. Snodox Also strong drug from insomnia. Approved for use from 15 years of age. The result is visible within 60 minutes after administration. With it, vertigo and migraines go away faster, which makes it so popular, because insomnia often provokes headaches. Affordable price.
  10. recommended not only for stress or irritability, but also for solving sleep problems. Has no side effects. With it, sleep comes faster, and the nervous system works stably.
  11. Trypsidan It is prescribed specifically for insomnia and other sleep pathologies. The course of treatment is at least 30 days without gaps. At the same time, you should not be afraid of addiction, just like allergies. The nervous system quickly returns to normal. Efficiency increases.

Rating of drugs without a prescription

Based on consumer reviews, the following rating was compiled:

How to avoid addiction and negative consequences?

To avoid sleep problems, it is recommended to monitor your sleep schedule and hygiene. Failure can lead to insomnia and aggravate the situation in the presence of stress or depression. Therefore, not only the schedule is important, but also careful treatment of the nervous system. Negative emotions- an enemy to health. You should immediately give up smoking and alcohol, which many mistakenly consider to be good sedatives. Useful before bed hiking on fresh air.

Insomnia should not be ignored, because it can be a dangerous and alarming sign. If you have fever, irritability and weight loss, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Often these signals from the body indicate a serious pathology, which can be dangerous to life and performance if ignored. Oncological diseases that's how they start. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it will be to solve. In addition, apnea can signal disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems, depressive states, Parkinson's disease, vascular problems, failure of the heart.

Even one night without sleep is a strong test for the body, let alone when it lasts for a long time. Due to the inability to relax, the nervous system will malfunction, and the family will suffer, because it is often affected by the patient’s irritability and emotional instability. You shouldn’t leave things to chance or try to solve problems with sleeping pills.