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The influence of harmful factors on the reproductive system. Substances affecting reproductive function cause

Smoking. Great harm Such harmful phenomena as smoking can cause harm to the entire body. The main active agent of tobacco is nicotine. This is a narcotic poison. The smoke generated during the combustion (smoldering) of tobacco contains not only nicotine, but also a number of other substances harmful to the human body. These include ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, resinous substances, etc. During each puff of smoke when smoking, it comes into direct contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx, with the bronchi and lungs. At the same time, the substances included in the composition tobacco smoke, quickly penetrate the blood and reach all human organs and tissues.

Exclusively bad influence Smoking affects the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Tobacco smoke entering the mouth irritates the mucous membrane, reduces the sense of smell, taste sensations, destroys tooth enamel.

According to the World Health Organization, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction occur in heavy smokers 12-13 times more often than in non-smokers, stomach ulcers - 10 times more often, etc.

A natural increase in the risk of congenital deformities has been established with an increase in the number of cigarettes a woman smokes daily, especially during the 3rd month of pregnancy. Swedish scientists Erikson, Kellen and Westerholm found a significant predominance of smokers in a group of women who gave birth to children with cleft palate and cleft lip. It is appropriate to note at the same time that, according to the German scientist Knerr, heavy smoking of fathers also contributes to an increase in the frequency various defects development in children.

Children born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy often have altered body reactivity and a weak and unstable nervous system. By one year, children of smoking mothers catch up in development and body weight of children of non-smoking mothers. However, there is evidence that such children lag behind their peers in growth and development by 7 years.

In addition, smoking allows you to pause between a word and an action, between a question and an answer. This is where a cigarette helps buy time to think for at least a minute. Indecisive people, smoking a cigarette, seem “cooler” to themselves, and teenagers seem more mature. And finally, the cigarette is soothing just because it’s in your mouth. Nature designed it so that a person experiences a feeling of peace and comfort under the influence of the sucking reflex. Just as a baby calms down at his mother's breast or when he is given a pacifier, adults come to their senses by putting a cigarette in their mouth (this is also based on known remedy for insomnia: glass warm milk drink through a straw at night).

Research by scientists in recent years allows us to state with certainty that previous ideas about the benefits of smoking are nothing more than a myth. If it was previously believed that smoking helps cope with stress and relaxes, then new studies refute this opinion. Nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke act on brain receptors in such a way that they cause deterioration of mood, even mental disorder. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing depression by four times.

Alcohol is a biological poison. It affects all organs and systems, disrupting their functions, significantly reduces the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences, to the influence of toxic and infectious agents.

The drinking age has dropped sharply in the last few years due to the fact that more and more teenagers under 13 years of age are starting to drink alcohol. Teenagers reproduce the norms of female and male alcoholic behavior accepted in Russian society, in which two “alcohol cultures” simultaneously coexist: the “male” one, focused on alcohol abuse, and the “female” one, focused on moderate consumption.

There are also significant differences in the attitude towards alcohol among young people from different walks of life. So. Students of vocational schools (vocational schools), where adolescents from families with low social and educational status of parents often enroll, drink much more often than students of secondary schools and are more likely to get very drunk. In addition, they more often “start” not with champagne or dry wine, like their more socially prosperous peers, but with the heaviest alcoholic drink - vodka.

An analysis of the motives for turning to alcohol among school and vocational school students also indicates a greater degree of social deprivation of the latter. “Holidays” and “socializing”—the dominant motives for alcohol consumption among schoolchildren—are less common among their peers from vocational schools than references to negative emotions and boredom (“I’m hungry,” “they take money away, the older guys beat me,” “it’s cold in hostel”, “sick”, “uneasy”, “I don’t want anything”).

Thus, while for schoolchildren alcohol is primarily an attribute of fun, for vocational school students it is an opportunity to change mental condition, “get away” from problems they cannot solve. A series of studies carried out by the sociology sector deviant behavior Institute of Sociology Russian Academy sciences among students of several cities near Moscow, showed that the most “heavy drinkers” are working minors. As a survey conducted in Moscow among young people 14-39 years old employed in production showed, 77% of boys and 51% of girls drink once a month and more often, while among them, 45.5% and 30.6%, respectively, have experience of repeated severe intoxication. The reason for this is a highly alcoholic adult environment in which working young people under 20 years of age find themselves, usually employed in unskilled labor. It is difficult for them to avoid drinking alcohol with workmates, since in Russia, as is known, the practice of drinking in the workplace during the working day is widespread. This allows us to talk about the increasing differentiation of alcohol consumption by teenagers who grew up in different social environments.

All this inevitably leads to increased morbidity and mortality in people suffering from alcoholism. Drunkenness is especially acute and severe in girls and young women.

Women who drink alcohol experience disturbances in menstrual and reproductive functions, and their libido weakens. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on offspring. It is known that common cause neuropsychiatric and physical development children is caused by the drunkenness of their parents, and sometimes even their single use of alcoholic beverages.

The main danger is the birth of a defective child with developmental defects. Outstanding writers and scientists, such as L.N. Tolstoy, V.M. Bekhterev and others, also emphasized that the consequences of alcoholism are nervous and mental illness, degeneration of offspring.

Drugs. Drug use, unlike alcohol use, until recently was not considered a problem traditional for Russia. It is difficult to assess which of these problems is now more pressing for young people. On the one hand, alcohol abuse in Russia is widespread, while drug use is still less common. Problem of use psychoactive substances seriously modified by the socio-economic crisis, the contingent of their adherents has become younger: the first drug trials occur as early as 13-14 years old, and sometimes even at primary school age.

Schoolchildren say the dominant motive for trying drugs for the first time is “curiosity,” while drug addicts in recovery say “the desire to have fun.”

Apparently, one of the main mistakes in promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is that the consumption of alcohol, drugs and smoking is not separated from each other, and the main attention is focused on the harm they cause to health, while a teenager, making decisions about Whether he should try alcohol, tobacco or drugs is guided in each case by different considerations.

According to the World Health Organization, drugs ranked number one among the culprits. premature death people and are already ahead cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors. There is a surge in drug addiction among men and women all over the world. Behind them, boys, girls, teenagers and even children are drawn into this whirlpool.

Undoubtedly, drug addiction is a serious disease and a problem for the entire society. And this disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For each person, the question of a sober life and a drug-free life is resolved differently depending on his character, interests, health, and life situations.

One of the main features of the harmful effects of drugs is that it is a disease young, to a much greater extent than alcoholism. One of the main features of the modern incidence of drug addiction is the reduction of the lower age limit for the onset of drug addiction to 12 - 15 years. This is one of the dangers of drug addiction. “Indulging” in drugs can lead to tragedy.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that the sociology of health is becoming a special theory that, through its development, will contribute to the further expansion of the sphere of interests of general sociology and at the same time, through the latter, reaching a higher level of theoretical development of its own issues. In its developed form, it will make it possible to overcome communication difficulties between the natural, technical and social sciences, between medicine, health care and the social sciences. Its fruitful generalizations, scientific methods and particular techniques can be applied directly in the field medical research problems of health and illness, norms and pathologies.

Nowadays, the incompatibility of pregnancy and taking alcoholic or drug stimulants has been clearly and convincingly proven: the risk of miscarriage and the birth of a sick child increases. IN early dates the result of the action of nicotine, alcohol and drugs is the death of fertilized eggs and embryos, delayed growth and development of the fetus, disruption of the formation of fetal organs and systems, spontaneous miscarriages, stillbirths

Reproductive health(RZ), a-priory World Health Organization (WHO), is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the functions and processes of the reproductive system, as well as psycho-sexual relations at all stages of life.

In other words, this is the ability of people to conceive and give birth to children, the possibility of sexual relations without the threat of sexually transmitted diseases, the guarantee of the safety of pregnancy and childbirth, the survival of the child, the well-being of the mother and the ability to plan subsequent pregnancies, including the prevention of unwanted ones.

Thus, RZ is the most important component general health each individual, each family and society as a whole.

Human reproductive health is influenced by many factors. First of all, this is his way of life. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) lead to infertility and infection of the unborn child. Alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction lead to miscarriage and the birth of seriously ill children. Early onset of sexual activity, and as a consequence - abortions in nulliparous women are the causes of infertility and the development of many diseases, both of the reproductive system itself and of the entire body as a whole.

Compared to the recent pre-industrial past, when infertility was an exceptional, isolated phenomenon, today there is a complete loss or decrease in fertility (from the Latin fertills - fertility) - the ability to bear children among citizens reproductive age is characteristic feature Russian reality.

According to different authors(V.Yu. Albitsky, N.N. Vaganov, I.I. Grebesheva, T.Ya. Pshenichnik, V.N. Serov, etc.), the frequency of infertile marriage ranges from 10-15 to 18-20%, t .e. V best case scenario Every tenth, and at worst - every fifth married couple faces the problem of infertility. As a result, their total number is already measured in millions!

According to N.N. Kuindzhi, a survey of 5,000 schoolgirls and students in Moscow showed that 90% of the girls surveyed had never visited a gynecologist, of which 35% of students and 25% of schoolgirls had their first sexual experience before the age of 16, which indicates a low level of sexual education and sexual awareness.

To improve health indicators, it is necessary, first of all, to instill chaste behavior among young people, i.e. virgin marriage. Billions of dollars are being spent on programs to instill chastity among teenagers in the United States, since the sexual revolution, which was one of the first to sweep this country, has brought nothing but sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, early abortions and infertility.

According to Chastity Day coordinator Rina Lindewaldsen, more than 3 million American teenagers become infected with sexually transmitted diseases every year. In addition, 20% of the 1.3 million annual abortions in America occur among young people, the highest rate of teen pregnancy in developed countries.

Drawing the attention of his students to the high moral value of love in marriage, V.A. Sukhomlinsky spoke! “You are future fathers and mothers. In a few years you will have children, you will think about raising them the way your fathers and mothers think about you now. Remember that the relationship between a man and a woman leads to the birth of a new person. This is not only a biological act, but above all a great creativity.”

Gynecologists and obstetricians deal with RD problems in women, and urologists and andrologists in men. Gynecology (from the Greek gine + logos - female + science) is a field of clinical medicine that studies the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female reproductive system, its diseases and develops methods for their prevention and treatment.

Issues related to pregnancy and childbirth are studied by obstetrics (from the French accjucher - to help during childbirth). Urology (from the Greek uron + logos - urine + science) is a field of clinical medicine that studies organ diseases urinary system. Andrology (from the Greek andros + logos - man + science) is a branch of urology that studies diseases of the male genitourinary organs.

Reproductive health indicators

The main indicator of good reproductive health is a successful pregnancy and birth healthy child.

Every month, a follicle, a sac containing an egg, matures in one of a woman’s ovaries. Having reached a certain size, the follicle ruptures - ovulation occurs, and the mature egg leaves it and begins to travel throughout the world. abdominal cavity and fallopian tubes towards the uterus.

Only at this moment can fertilization occur - the fusion of an egg with a sperm, since the life expectancy and ability to fertilize female cage lasts only 24 hours. Ovulation occurs around the middle menstrual cycle.

In the uterus, an already fertilized egg is implanted and attached to its wall. The egg is the largest cell human body, and having merged with the sperm, it immediately begins to divide and becomes even larger. A fertilized egg can successfully enter the uterine cavity only through healthy the fallopian tubes.

Their lumen is very narrow, and if they are changed due to transferred inflammatory processes, then they become even narrower and the egg gets stuck there - an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy develops. Such a pregnancy, at best, ends with a planned operation to remove it, and at worst, emergency surgery to remove part of the fallopian tube.

That is why it is very important to take care of your health from childhood, to ensure that your legs and lower back are warm and that inflammatory processes of the ovaries and their appendages do not occur. The fashion for wearing cropped jackets and low-waisted jeans leads to exposure of the lumbar region and the development of inflammatory diseases because of this. Such clothing styles are not suitable for countries with cold climates, such as Russia, but will lead to infertility for many girls.

Gynecologists consider the first day of pregnancy to be the beginning of pregnancy. last menstrual period.

Pregnancy in a woman or the antenatal period (from Latin ante + natalis - before + related to childbirth) - the period of intrauterine development of the unborn child is divided into two stages:

  • embryonic (from the Greek embryon - embryo) - up to 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, during which the formation and differentiation of all organs and systems occurs;
  • fetal (from Latin fetalis - offspring, fetus) - from 12 weeks to 40 weeks of pregnancy (childbirth), when the final formation of all fetal organs occurs.
The use of modern medical equipment allows us to know exactly what the embryo and fetus are like at different stages of their development.

In the third week of development, the rudiments of internal organs are already beginning to form in the embryo. On the 18th day from the moment of fertilization, the first heartbeat sounds.

In a four-week embryo, black spots are clearly visible on the head - the rudiments of the eyes. This is the period of transition from the formation of the embryo to the formation of the organs of the unborn child. The embryo takes its final form and becomes like a bean with outgrowths that will become limbs, with the rudiments of organs that will later develop. At the end of the first month, the embryo is 4 mm long.

At five weeks, the rudiments of the cerebral hemispheres appear.

At six weeks, tooth formation begins. The heart is already the size of a small cone, and four heart cavities have formed. The stomach, intestines, pancreas, and kidney apparatus develop.

During this period, with the help of special equipment, the work of the heart can be recorded, which contracts at a speed of 110 beats per minute. Using an electroencephalograph, you can record brain impulses that confirm that the fetus is a living person. But it is during this period that the largest number of mini-abortions occur!

A seven-week embryo feels touch.

At eight weeks, the embryo can already move its arms and legs. From the 8th week, embryonic development ends and fetal development begins. From this moment until the birth of the child, the main changes in the fetus are associated with its growth and subsequent specialization.

By the end of the tenth week, all organ systems begin to function and the embryo acquires the status of a fetus. Facial features appear more clearly: two small slits for the eyes, two grooves for the ears, one hole for the nose and mouth. At the end of this period, the embryo measures 3-4 cm and weighs 2-3 g. This is the 12th obstetric week. It is precisely during the period of 10-12 weeks that the largest number of medical abortions - instrumental - occurs.

At eighteen weeks the fetus is fully formed and viable.

Fig.5. Position of the fetus in the uterus

Three times during pregnancy, all women are sent for an ultrasound examination:

  • at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 22-24;
  • 32-34 weeks.
These examinations are carried out not for the purpose of determining the sex of the future fetus, but in order to identify defects - malformations of its development.

In developed countries, when malformations are identified using ultrasound, in many cases they are corrected using intrauterine operations on the fetuses, and sometimes they are simply prepared to correct the defects immediately after the birth of the child. In our country, such operations are a huge rarity even in the capital, and we don’t even have to think about the periphery.

If congenital deformities are detected, then Russian women are informed about this and are faced with a choice: continue to carry the pregnancy in order to give birth to a obviously sick child, doom him and themselves to suffering for the rest of their lives, or terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons. Termination of pregnancy at 22 weeks is possible through artificial birth.

The paradox is that precisely during this period of time international standards the fetus is already viable and cannot be considered aborted.

  • gestational age - 28 weeks or more;
  • body weight - 1000 g or more.
The manual has already noted the influence of iodine and iron on the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of healthy children. Gynecologists in last years pay great attention to the role in this process folic acid- vitamin B 12.

Folic acid deficiency is the most common hypovitaminosis among pregnant women, newborns and young children. Moreover, a lack of vitamin B 12 is transmitted from mother to fetus due to its insufficient content during pregnancy in the mother’s body or to a newborn child due to a lack of folic acid in milk.

Vitamin B deficiency 12 during pregnancy in the mother's body can lead to various negative consequences:

  • miscarriage;
  • partial or complete placental abruption;
  • spontaneous abortions and stillbirths;
  • development of neural tube defects in the fetus; in hydrocephalus (water on the brain);
  • anencephaly (absence of the brain);
  • delay mental development in the unborn child, etc.
Due to a lack of folic acid, pregnant women themselves may suffer from toxicosis, depression, anemia and leg pain.

To maintain pregnancy, mother's health and the birth of a healthy child, doctors prescribe folic acid tablets when planning pregnancy and during gestation. But you need to take vitamin B 12 in a strict dosage prescribed by your doctor. An overdose of folic acid is no less dangerous to health than a deficiency.

In order to resolve all reproductive health problems, family planning and reproduction centers were created in the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of family and reproduction centersare:

  • application modern technologies infertility treatment;
  • treatment of the reproductive system using the latest achievements science and technology, including endoscopic operations;
  • implementation of prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of fetal pathology.
Such highly costly treatment methods can only be afforded by family planning and reproduction centers in large Russian cities.


Infertility in marriage is the absence of pregnancy when the spouses have had regular sexual intercourse for 1 year or more without the use of any contraceptive methods. Modern methods of infertility treatment allow the vast majority of such families to have healthy children.

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility should be carried out by specialists - reproductologists, and both spouses should be included in the treatment process.

When using modern methods, aimed at improving RH, many ethical problems arise. They are dealt with by such a science as biomedical ethics.

Biomedical ethics is a complex phenomenon of modern culture that emerged in the early 70s. last century in the USA. The term “bioethics” was first proposed by the American oncologist Van Rensselaer Potter. In the 70s. The first research and educational centers for bioethics are being created in the United States, and the problems it studies are beginning to attract the closest attention of politicians, journalists, religious figures and the general public in general.

The interdisciplinary study of anthropological, moral, social and legal problems caused by the development of the latest biomedical technologies (genetic, reproductive, translanthological, etc.) comes first.

In the next decade, biomedical ethics rapidly gained recognition in Western Europe, and since the beginning of the 90s. - in the countries of Eastern Europe (including Russia) and Asia (primarily Japan and China).

With many perinatal centers Genetic counseling rooms and departments have been opened. Genetics (from the Greek genetikos - relating to birth, origin) is a science that studies the patterns of heredity and variability of the body.

Today, medical genetics has many moral problems:

  • The suffering “subject” is not only an individual, but also a group (clan, family), therefore a conflict arises between the right to confidentiality of possession of this client information and the communication of this information to his relatives.
  • There is a significant gap between the number of hereditary diseases that can be diagnosed and the number of diseases that can be treated, and if so, then why traumatize a person by informing him of the presence of a fatal gene?
  • The subject of concern for a geneticist is often the health of an unborn or even unconceived individual, but do we have the right to spend money on this, taking it away from people already living?
  • In genetics we have to deal not with unambiguous, but with probabilistic information.

Reproductive technologies

Reproductive technologies- these are methods of infertility therapy, in which certain or all stages of conception and early development embryos are carried out outside the body.

There are the following reproductive technologies associated with human birth:

  • artificial insemination (fertilization) with the sperm of a donor or husband;
  • in vitro fertilization(IVF) (fertilization outside the body, invitro, i.e. in a test tube) with subsequent implantation of the embryo into the woman’s uterus;
  • "Surrogacy" is when one woman's egg is fertilized in vitro and the embryo is then implanted into another woman, who acts as a uterus donor, bearing the fetus for the genetic mother.
At artificial insemination donor sperm raises a number of ethical issues related to the confidentiality of the identity of the donor and the couple who received his sperm. The issues of remuneration for semen donation have also not been completely resolved.

In addition, the very process of donating sperm is considered by opponents of this method to be either promiscuity or an irresponsible attitude towards the highest gift (God, Nature) that every healthy person possesses.

Another modern reproductive technology is in vitro fertilization. The IVF method was created by English scientists - embryologist R. Edwards and obstetrician-gynecologist P. Steptoe. Their research led to the birth of the first “test tube baby,” Louise Brown, in 1978 at the Cambridge University Hospital.

The use of IVF is associated with risks for the woman. In addition, since the probability of pregnancy when the embryo is transferred into the uterus is not very high, several embryos are introduced into the uterine cavity to increase it.

This carries the risk of developing multiple pregnancy, which is many times greater than during natural conception. Therefore, with IVF it is often necessary to perform an “embryo reduction” operation, that is, to abort excess implanted embryos. It turns out that treatment, the purpose of which is to overcome infertility and ensure the emergence of a new life, leads to the artificial termination of those same lives...

Particularly heated debates are caused by the problems of “surrogacy”. In this case, in addition to the surrogate mother, the child has a “carrier mother”, “donor woman”, “temporary mother”, etc. - there is also a social mother - a “tenant”, an employer.

She, in turn, may not be the woman who releases her egg - a third woman will act in this capacity. Thus, a child born thanks to such manipulations may have five (!) parents: three biological (a male sperm donor, a female egg donor and a female uterus donor) and two social ones - those who act as customers.

Are all these tricks really necessary? reproductive technologies, if there are so many orphans, street and abandoned children in the world? Issues of cloning are no less controversial, i.e. recreating from one cell an entire human body or some of its individual tissues or organs.

There are reproductive and therapeutic cloning:

  • reproductive cloning aims to produce a genetic copy of an existing or former person;
  • The goal of therapeutic cloning is to obtain genetically identical embryonic stem cells, which are supposed to be used to treat various diseases (myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus and etc.).
Most countries in the world have either a complete or temporary ban on human reproductive cloning. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights (1997) states: “...practices contrary to human dignity, such as the practice of cloning for the purpose of reproducing a human individual, are not permitted...” In Russia, a law was adopted in 2002 on a temporary (for a period of 5 years) ban on human reproductive cloning. Since 2008, timelessness or lawlessness has set in in the Russian Federation on this issue.

Thus, it becomes clear how important it is to carefully preserve your reproductive health by healthy image life, undergoing regular examinations by a gynecologist and maintaining chastity until marriage.

All these aspects are important not only for the state, but also for every person. In many ways, the possibility of procreation depends on the person himself, as well as on the foundations of his family. The state is not able to force people to live according to clear canons, so the birth of future offspring is considered according to individual parameters.

General criteria

Features of reproductive functions presuppose criteria by which the body’s ability to conceive or fully bear a fetus is assessed. Similar aspects have been noted medical specialists who have been monitoring birth statistics for many years.

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  • Deterioration general condition body.
  • Deviation from the norm in the biological parameters of the body.
  • Impaired functionality of organs and systems.
  • Presence of genetic abnormalities.
  • Development of tumors in the reproductive system.

The demographic situation largely depends on the fact that people avoid visiting medical institutions, not realizing the importance of health problems for procreation. To increase the birth rate, it is necessary to create norms of human behavior that will prioritize a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body. The concept of “reproductive health” is not even known to many today.

Factors influencing RF

Features of reproductive functions are that Negative influence they may be affected by diseases of different nature and external environment. Risk factors also influence. It should be noted that all these reasons may have different effects in each individual case.


There are many diseases that can negatively affect the ability to give birth (conceive) a child. Some types of diseases lead to damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

  1. Infectious. Dangerous diseases infectious nature leading to infertility are mumps, chicken pox and others. The peculiarities of these infections are changes in a number of genes that lead to infertility. These diseases are most dangerous for boys.
  2. Somatic (general). If vital internal organs do not function correctly, a change occurs hormonal levels, which accordingly affects the radio frequency range.
  3. Congenital. Infertility can be congenital if in the womb the fetus was exposed to some kind of negative impact, as a result of which its organs may not function properly. A failure can also occur during the formation of the embryo.
  4. Effect of medications. Many medications have strong effect on the functionality of the reproductive system. Therefore, tranquilizers, corticosteroids, antidepressants, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants are prescribed only in extreme cases. Such drugs are contraindicated for children.

Attention to the condition of the body, including prevention and timely treatment, can significantly reduce the risks of infertility. It must be taken into account that aspects normal operation the body - the basis of reproductive capabilities.

External environment

The external environment is of great importance for the general condition of the body and, accordingly, reproductive functions. The external environment itself is not the reason for changes as a result of which the reproductive organs cease to function. The decisive factor is a weakened body that is easily susceptible to negative influence.

In recent years, cases of diagnosing tumor formations (cysts, fibroids and others) in young girls and women have become more frequent, which, if left untreated, lead to infertility. Features of the increase in the number of patients lie in the influence of external causes.

Risk factors

According to statistics, women most often suffer from infertility. What are the characteristics of the female body, scientists are studying different countries. Based on research results, risk factors have been identified that cause infertility or abnormalities during pregnancy.

The peculiarities of risk factors are that the impact on the body is gradual. In order to restore the functionality of the reproductive organs, it is necessary to exclude any types of negative influence and undergo treatment.

The reproductive health of each person and the entire society as a whole are one whole. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary for all people to be familiar with the reminder, which is the key to the continuation of the human race.

  1. In order to reduce the number of abortions, if there is no desire to get pregnant, you should use contraception.
  2. Any disease must be treated.
  3. It is worth regularly carrying out the prevention of diseases of the genital organs.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections should be treated promptly.
  5. It is better to prepare for pregnancy several months in advance.
  6. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Constantly strengthen your immune system.
  8. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  9. Eliminate bad habits.

In order to ensure that reproductive functions are not impaired, it is very important to explain all behavioral features in childhood. If a responsible attitude towards health is instilled from an early age, there will be no problems with the birth of healthy children.

Reproductive health is a condition that includes physical, mental and social well-being. The basis of reproductive health is the absence of diseases that affect childbearing.

First you need to get acquainted with the concept of “reproductive system”. This is not one, but a whole set of organs that participate in the birth of a child. The foundations of reproductive health begin to be laid in childhood. Every parent needs to explain to their children how important it is to take care of it. This will help avoid many fatal events in your child’s life. A timely heart-to-heart conversation between parents and child helps to avoid abortions, many diseases of the reproductive system, promiscuity, and so on.


So, again, reproductive health is a very important component of a person’s overall health. Translated, the word “reproduction” means “reproduction.” Reproductive health implies well-being in relation to the reproduction of offspring and the continuation of the human race. It directly affects the harmony of family relationships.

It is also very important to mention that the Ministry of Health Russian Federation introduced certain standards to reduce the number of abortions and the risk of unwanted pregnancy. These norms have been in place for several decades. To maintain reproductive health, every person from childhood must be instilled with rules that relate to contraception, a responsible approach to family planning and procreation.

Human reproductive health

What is the most terrible diagnosis for people who are planning to expand their family? Of course, this is infertility. It is very important to know that the disease can develop in both the female and male half of the population. For people who want to become parents, infertility is a real death sentence, since this diagnosis prevents procreation.

This disease is often acquired. The reasons for its development in women can be:

  • a large amount of prolactin secretion;
  • menstrual irregularities (this includes amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, and so on);
  • genital defects;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • endometriosis;
  • formation of adhesions in the pelvis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • psychological disorders associated with sex life, and so on.

Very often the reason lies in previous abortions and promiscuous sex life. Reproductive health is, according to WHO standards, the mental, physiological and social readiness of every person to procreate. Although everyone perceives and interprets this phrase in their own way. It is very important from the very beginning early age prepare the child for adult life, timely conversations will help avoid a lot of problems in the future.


The concept of a woman’s reproductive health must be explained to the girl’s parents in elementary school. Raising little princesses is very hard work, because you need to explain just a lot of everything that the girl will have to face in the future.

Proper upbringing of a girl directly affects her worldview in the future. Even from school, it is necessary to instill several mandatory character traits:

  • modesty;
  • decency;
  • selectivity towards the opposite sex.

If you explained everything to your child in time and instilled in him the same necessary rules, then there is absolutely no need to worry about your reproductive health. Otherwise, an adult girl may face many problems: unplanned pregnancy, abortion, venereal diseases, which are very often diagnosed in adolescents. According to statistical studies, it becomes clear that all this leads to terrible and tragic consequences for woman.


It is very important to know that very often infertility is diagnosed in men. The male factor is very common in medicine. When should you sound the alarm? If you cannot conceive a baby within a year, although you have already completely abandoned all means of contraception, then there is a health problem.

What determines reproductive health in men? There are only two factors:

  • spermatogenesis;
  • potency.

Causes of reproductive health problems may include:

  • stress;
  • severe fatigue;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • presence of bad habits (drugs, alcohol, tobacco);
  • diseases.

If you cannot have a child for a long time, you can contact a reproductive health center, which can be found in absolutely any city. Data medical institutions specialize in restoring or maintaining reproductive health of the population.


Now we will talk a little about adolescent reproductive health. Adolescence is a very important period. At the moment of onset adolescence Parents must provide their child with reproductive health care as much as possible. This will help avoid some behavior in their future. When does it come transition period? In girls it begins with the onset of menstruation, in boys - with emission. It is very important to explain to your child that these are not the only changes that will happen to their body.

According to statistics, teenagers often choose the wrong path in life, namely:

  • do not observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • enter into early and ill-considered marriages;
  • give in to temptation and try drugs;
  • drink alcohol frequently;
  • many smoke.

This all significantly reduces reproductive abilities in both boys and girls. It is also very important to know that this problem has become global.

Reproductive health of the population

Human reproductive health is noticeably affected. This is due to a number of factors, which we will talk about a little later. Now we will touch upon the environmental problem, which has a strong negative impact on the health of the population at the reproductive level. No matter how sad it may sound, the environmental problem is global and is being solved at the state level. The state is trying with all its might to protect the young population from the harmful effects of a spoiled ecological environment.

In addition, special programs have been developed for young people social programs aimed at explaining the concept of reproductive health to the population. In addition, schools actively practice lectures on the prevention of sexual diseases and the use of contraceptive measures.

Reproductive health factors

About the woman this concept You need to think about it even during pregnancy. After all, even when carrying a baby, she is obliged to ensure his reproductive health.

In this regard, gynecologists recommend taking a responsible approach to replenishing the family and becoming familiar with the concept of “pregnancy planning.” It implies full examination future parents, which allows us to exclude genetic pathologies or congenital diseases in the child. If any diseases are detected, it is necessary to urgently eliminate them, because they can lead to complications in the unborn baby. Factors that influence the health of the reproductive level are carefully studied by our modern medicine.

Destructive factors

Reproductive health is influenced by many factors. We invite you to get to know them in a little more detail. Firstly, attention must be paid women's health, if there are any irregularities in the menstrual cycle, then this indicates the presence of a reproductive health problem. Family planning involves accurately calculating the time when there is a high probability of conceiving a baby. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle do not allow tracking in the usual ways ovulation, which interferes with pregnancy planning. This problem must be solved at the gynecological level.

Let us also note that there are a number of other factors that are usually divided into two large groups. You can learn more about them by studying the table in this section.


Reproductive health is an integral part of human health. It is of great importance, because thanks to the health of the reproductive level, procreation is possible. In order to avoid a lot of problems that are associated with deterioration of sexual function, you need to know about the available preventive measures. These include: measures that were developed to treat diseases of the reproductive system; getting rid of the psychological barrier; pregnancy planning; prevention of sexual diseases; activities that are aimed at eliminating maternal and infant death; examination and treatment hormonal imbalances; lectures on the beginning of sexual activity; lectures on the rights of a young family; lectures on early pregnancy and diseases of the reproductive system.


Reproductive health care refers to a whole range of measures that help restore and preserve the function of reproducing healthy offspring. Such measures include: avoiding a large number of sexual partners, unprotected sexual intercourse, timely treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, excluding unplanned pregnancy, taking courses of vitamin therapy, taking folic acid during pregnancy, preventing abortions, family planning, and so on.

According to WHO definition, reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes.

In the current socio-economic conditions, the state of reproductive health of the Russian population remains one of the most pressing problems, being a factor of national security.

The negative trends characterizing reproductive health that have taken place in recent years continue to persist. Low level The birth rate and the high rate of general mortality of the population contribute to a decrease in the level of population reproduction and a deterioration in the quality of children's health.

The state of reproductive health is significantly influenced by the somatic and mental health of the population. Despite the fact that the overall morbidity rate over the past eight years has increased by only 10.5%, the structure of morbidity in the adult population has changed, the proportion of diseases with a chronic and recurrent course has increased, there has been an increase in tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, AIDS, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism.

The most important factor influencing the health of women and newborns is working conditions. In Russia, about 1.5 million women work in unfavorable conditions. Among the total number of cases occupational diseases every fifth is women. Harmful production factors have a negative impact on the reproductive health of men, causing infertility and the birth of defective children.

One of the most pressing problems modern society became the problems of adolescent children, who are most susceptible to the socially negative influence of the environment and society.

The quality of health of pregnant women continues to deteriorate. Over the past 10 years, the incidence of anemia in pregnant women has increased more than 6 times, the number of pregnant women with late gestosis has increased by 40%, and the number of normal birth up to 30%.

Unfavorable trends are also observed in the health of newborns. Every third child is diagnosed with one or another pathology, and there is a high rate of birth of premature and immature children. Maternal and infant mortality rates remain high compared to European averages.

In the structure of maternal mortality, 1/3 of all cases are abortions. Abortion problems for Russia have national character, especially against the backdrop of low birth rates: out of 10 pregnancies, 7 end in abortion and only 3 in childbirth; Every tenth abortion in the country is performed on persons under the age of 19, and every year more than 2,000 abortions are performed on adolescents under 14 years of age. The level of complications after abortion remains high: more than 70% of women suffer from inflammatory diseases female genital area, high level endocrine disorders, failure to carry a pregnancy to term, infertility. The main cause of death of women after abortions is out-of-hospital or criminal abortions.

One of the main reasons high level abortions and mortality after abortions is the insufficient use of modern hormonal contraception (7.2% of women of fertile age).

There is still no industry in Russia hormonal contraception. Since 1997, financing of centralized procurement has been stopped contraceptives. Due to rising prices for contraceptives, they have become practically inaccessible to most women.

Birth control is one of the important tasks each state and the main factor ensuring normal conditions existence of future generations of people on Earth. Along with the threat of overproduction of the population on the planet, there is another problem - an increase in the number of childless families, so family planning issues should be brought to the attention of everyone medical workers and first of all - a family doctor. According to the WHO definition, family planning is the provision of reproductive function for the birth of healthy and desired children.

There is a close relationship between a woman’s age, health status and her reproductive function. Thus, pregnancy and childbirth in women with extra genital pathology can lead to maternal and high perinatal mortality.

Thus, the health of future generations is linked to family planning and choice optimal time conception. Family doctor can give recommendations to spouses planning a pregnancy, based on the following provisions:

Optimal conditions for conception

1) the favorable age of the mother for reproductive function is 19-35 years;

2) the interval between births should be at least 2-2.5 years;

3) conception is permissible 2 months after the spouses have suffered an acute infectious disease;

5) the woman must be removed 2 months before conception from the area of ​​contact with chemicals I and II hazard classes;

6) spouses should completely give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs) 2 months before the planned pregnancy;

7) for a woman suffering from chronic somatic diseases, pregnancy is permissible only if stable remission occurs and there is no exacerbation for 1-5 years (depending on the nature of the disease);

8) pregnancy for female workers exposed to adverse factors can be recommended after the development of stable adaptation (1-2 years of work in production).

It is known that the health of the unborn child depends on many reasons: heredity, the health status of the parents, factors environment, features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

It should be noted the significant contribution of heredity to reproductive dysfunction. Almost all losses before the end of the 2nd week of life after fertilization and 75% of losses before the end of the 4th week of pregnancy are associated with chromosomal aberrations. Among the fruits that die in more than late dates(before the completion of the embryogenesis stage), 35% have birth defects development. The rate of surviving newborns with chromosomal abnormalities or congenital malformations is 6%.

In connection with the above, it is necessary to provide for mandatory medical and genetic counseling in order to reduce the likelihood of the birth of a defective child in the family.

Contraindications for conception

Availability hereditary pathology from spouses and their immediate relatives;

Aggravated obstetric history (stillbirth, habitual miscarriage, birth of children with developmental defects and hereditary diseases);

Indication of the effects of mutagenic and antenatally damaging factors (infections, medications, xenobiotics, radiation, bad habits in the first trimester of pregnancy);

Mother's age is over 35 years;

Gynecological diseases in the mother (menstrual irregularities, genital malformations, impaired sexual differentiation).

It should be borne in mind that perinatal diagnosis, in addition to determining sex chromatin and karyotyping, includes ultrasound examination, amniocentesis and choricentesis optimally at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, as well as determination of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood serum of pregnant women. If a chromosomal pathology of the fetus or congenital malformations is diagnosed, a perinatal consultation is held and the issue of terminating the pregnancy for medical reasons is decided.

The problems of shaping the reproductive behavior of adolescents deserve special attention. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the term “adolescents” includes people aged 10 to 19 years; “youth” - between 15 and 24 years old; and “young people” are between the ages of 10 and 24 years.

IN adolescence the following changes occur: biological development, starting from puberty to full sexual and reproductive maturity; mental development from the cognitive and emotional types of childhood to those of an adult, and the transition from a childhood state of complete socio-economic dependence to some type of relative independence.

If we classify adolescents based on puberty, then a younger age is determined puberty. However, in older age group, boundaries are more social than physiological in nature.

Young people are characterized by sexual activity with all the ensuing consequences, including unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. They have the right to choose the degree of sexual activity and to responsibly exercise their right regardless of political and economic power.

However, social, political and economic factors cannot but have a significant impact on the reproductive health and reproductive behavior of adolescents.