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Frequent belching of air in adults. Causes of constant belching of air and methods of its treatment

Belching food in a simple way, in scientific terms, is called regurgitation, the essence of which is the regurgitation of food not burdened by nausea or vomiting.

Unexpected release of gases from the mouth digestive tract accompanied by a specific sound, the second definition of belching. It appears to be one of a set of phenomena called gastric pneumatosis.

Regurgitation is the same burp. It receives the eruption of food or digestive juices from the stomach into the pharynx, but without the efforts of the diaphragm.

There is a phenomenon of food backflowing into the digestive tract from the stomach, called reflux.

This form of belching looks like a slight chewing of food, which passed without muscle tension and expelled excess air from the stomach, which may have entered there during eating.

Based on the specifics of belching that occurs in a person, it is possible to establish its prerequisites and what pathological processes provoke it:

  • belching that has a sour taste indicates a large volume of fluid has formed of hydrochloric acid;
  • sour belching is evidence of increased acidity;
  • bitterness in belching is evidence of the reflux of bile from the upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) into the stomach;
  • belching of a rancid, rotten taste occurs when food decomposes for a long time in an environment of low acidity. May be a sign of the onset of peptic ulcer disease or oncology;

Belching after eating, acquiring systematic manifestations, requires diagnosis and consultation with specialists to find the cause that creates such discomfort.

Description of the causes of harmful belching

The phenomenon of belching is a well-known condition. Healthy body, with healthy functioning digestive system has its manifestations sporadically.

Belching has different etiologies. But its main occurrence is inherent in peristalsis:

  1. On the one hand, the pressure in the stomach increases, and at the same time, the tone of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach weakens. Trapped air tends upward during eating, sometimes involving food fragments, and, coming out, takes the form of belching food;
  2. Restraining the transport of stomach contents may be the cause of regurgitation of food and evidence that the duration of the period after ingestion is 8 hours or more;
  3. Intensive conversation during a meal can be a precursor to the onset of belching after eating. Absorbing food hastily, being in an excitable state under stress. The air presses in the stomach and the latter tries to get rid of it by belching. If overeating occurs, then regurgitation of food is also possible;
  4. Not only factors related to dietary culture influence the causes of belching, but also foods from the human diet. There is a category of products that cause increased gas formation: legumes, cabbage, milk, soda of any quality;
  5. Aerophagia is a nervous belching of air, persistently flowing chronic illness associated with habitual swallowing of air. With aerophagia appear discomfort.

Coming out in the form of a belch, the patient’s condition is alleviated. Accompanied by sound manifestations, belching air can be stressful for patients.

During aerophagia, the following phenomena are distinguished:

  • gastrocardial Roemheld syndrome is a gastrointestinal neurosis that combines abdominal pain with cardiac symptoms - heart pain, tachycardia, hypotension, extrasystole and others. The possibility of psychogenic disorders inspires the doctor with a thorough somatic examination of patients. This is necessary to exclude organic pathologies;
  • the presence of acquired pharyngitis contributes to the swallowing of air. Increased swallowing is likely in the presence of smoking and hypersalivation;
  • the presence of psychological disorders, especially when there is hyperventilation symptom, the swallowing process becomes more frequent, and the entry of air accelerates sharply.

The reasons for belching food can be varied. And although each specific phenomenon may not cause concern, an increase in the number of manifestations is a sign of significant problems.

Among them may be pathologies:

  • gastritis, the essence of which is inflammation of the mucous layers of the stomach, which contributes to disruption of its functioning;
  • gastroduodenitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pyloric focus of the stomach and duodenum
  • pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue;
  • lesions of the gallbladder - the anatomical part of the liver;
  • hernia - protrusion of the digestive tract organs under the skin of the peritoneum;
  • ulcer is a purulent, inflamed lesion on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

How do belching factors manifest themselves?

You can't miss the symptoms:

  • in adults in good health, with air accumulated there after eating, fragments of eaten food enter the larynx;
  • belching food occurs from the abundance and satiety of the food eaten. It intensifies if the meal is washed down with carbonated drinks.

An associated symptom of this condition is bloating, intestinal colic, diarrhea or constipation. A frequent companion to overeating is nausea, and possibly vomiting and heartburn.

This combination of factors means either the manifestation of harmless belching of food, or more significant complications of gastrointestinal pathologies. Especially if there is a return of food in the mouth within a range reminiscent of vomiting.

Factors of constant burping

Due to an unavoidable aspect of the functioning of the body, belching food may be normal or it may be a frequent abnormality.

If it occurs in up to 4 cases, this is the norm, above this figure may be evidence of an illness:

  • Significant regularity of sudden expulsion of air from the stomach along with a small amount of food may indicate weakness of the sphincter that separates the esophagus and stomach. And this is a permanent pathology, the consequences of which affect after surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of a hernia in the area of ​​the diaphragm;
  • An independent model of neuropathy is damage to the nerves of the peptic system, which are involved in the processes of supplying organs and tissues, ensuring their connection with the central nervous system (CNS).

This disease constantly has a negative effect on the movement of food throughout all digestive organs, expressed in unevenness and delay in the evacuation of food. This is a strong prerequisite for the development of reflux.

Regular belching of food reflects unfavorable developments associated with the functioning of the digestive organs.

Each specific case requires its own measures aimed at the root cause of the underlying pathology.

Principles for diagnosing belching

The diagnosis of belching after eating is made to the patient by a doctor in the field of a scrupulous examination of the anamnesis - information on the medical history, previous illnesses, and the patient’s living conditions.

During medical assistance from a medical specialist, the following symptoms are clarified:

  • how long ago did belching begin after eating;
  • the frequency with which air belching occurs;
  • how long after eating food does the result appear;
  • duration of air belching;
  • the presence of pathologies of the digestive system.

Measures to treat belching with food

An approach to treatment is chosen that combines all the causes and factors that cause belching after eating.

If diagnostic measures give a detailed picture of the main pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, then treatment should begin with it from a specialist of a narrow profile.

Immediately stopping the negative development of the pathology makes it possible to somewhat reduce the manifestations of belching after eating.

Belching with air, which is not a concomitant factor of the disease, but is a constant reminder of itself, can be corrected with nutrition.

Treatment provides the patient with recommendations on developing the correct diet, optimal diet, balanced menu, and application of dietary principles.

Why does air burp occur? healthy people? The reason immediately arises related to food culture. Nobody pays attention to this term.

But it is precisely this that includes the main range of measures for proper food consumption.

What is the basis of the term food culture? Approximately the following activities are important knowledge about our nutrition:

  • sets of provisions based on knowledge of the properties of each of their sets, so that they compensate for the balance of useful elements;
  • methods of their processing;
  • technological processes for making dishes and baked goods;
  • nationality of cuisine;
  • food restrictions and prohibitions;
  • diet;
  • forms of meal arrangement;
  • etiquette and rituals of the feast.

Treatment of not only belching is related to nutrition. Almost any slightly complicated pathology always requires adjustments to the patient’s diet.

Therefore, it is useful to gain information on food culture. She will never be superfluous.

So, to summarize, it is stated that it is mandatory to seek help medical workers in case of frequent belching within an hour. Observation takes at least 5 days.

If the duration and quantity are confirmed, the possibility must be taken into account developing disease. Treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis.

Treatment is not expected if the belching of air is insignificant, without constancy. It occurs due to dietary culture.

There is a list of practical tips that are useful in matters of burping air:

  • exclusion of food, the digestion time of which requires a long time;
  • forget about drinking carbonated drinks;
  • establish the principle of fractional nutrition, the absorption of small portions promotes rapid absorption and eliminates overeating;
  • the eating process should be leisurely, with chewing movements up to 15 times in the mouth;
  • postpone meals in moments of emotional outbursts and stress. Refrain from talking at the table.

By observing your own condition and well-being, you can develop your own strategy for relating to food, in which belching will be excluded.

Preventive actions

Belching air is reduced to “no” by following the rules and principles, following which you will never encounter this phenomenon.

The following measures serve as guidelines for action:

  • avoidance of foods that stimulate increased gas formation;
  • treatment, after a timely diagnosis, reduces the urgency of the problem. Any pathological belching is associated with ailments of the digestive system. By eliminating the root cause, the problem of belching is eliminated.
  • treatment of hernias of the diaphragmatic area; preventive factor of belching with air. The fact is that due to a hernia, the sphincter malfunctions, as a result of which food fragments enter the oral cavity;
  • Last but not least is the rather hackneyed truth - leading a healthy lifestyle. Moderate smoking, alcohol intake, increase mobility.

Belching air, being, in fact, a symptom, does not lead to either an improvement or a deterioration in a person’s well-being. It does not arise as a positive or negative shift in the course of the underlying disease.

Despite this, one must not fall into the misconception that one can neglect treatment and preventive measures in order to prevent an exacerbation of the pathology in which air belching appears.

Medications and traditional medicine

If all the reasons why belching appears are considered, the doctor’s recommendations are taken into account, but there is no relief, then you should try to use medications in combination with home therapy.

Drug therapy helps patients individually. The slightest difference in the consequences of the activity of the digestive tract creates reasons for the absorption of drugs.

What for some reason helps one person does not result in positive changes for another. Even if the pathologies are the same, then the biochemistry of the blood may be different, which will give different result in treatment with the same drugs.

Treatment of unpleasant symptoms by specialists after the cause, which arises in connection with the pathology, consists of taking medications of different pharmacological groups:

  • antacids, the essence of which is to protect the gastric mucosa, catalyze the breakdown of food, normalize pressure in the peritoneal cavity: “Vicair”, “Rennie”, “Vikalin”;
  • inhibitors proton pump, reducing the production of hydrochloric acid: “Omeprazole”, “Lancet”, “Bioprazole”;
  • medications that improve digestion: “Creon”, “Festal”, “Mezim”, “Panzicam”, “Pancreatin”;
  • agents that improve the acidity of gastric juice: “Omez-D”, “Nolpaza”, “Ventrisol”, “De Nol”, “Novobismol”;
  • antibacterial drugs: “Oxamp”, “Ecoclave”, “Metronidazole”, “Amoxiclav” - these drugs are used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Let us remind you once again that drug treatment is individual in nature and depends on the clinical picture of the pathology.

You can practice folk experience if there is no doubt that the causes of belching have been established correctly.

The same principle applies to all decoctions. The composition mixes well. According to the recipe, the specified portion of the mixture is taken. Pour boiling water, infuse, strain.

There may be differences in dosage per dose and quantity. Herbal treatment is long lasting.

Treatment of belching is closely based on the advice of home medicine:

  1. freshly squeezed vegetable juices beets, white cabbage help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and promote wound healing in the form of ulcers and erosions;
  2. the use of decoctions of plantain and beans, on the contrary, effectively increases acidity in the stomach. At the same time, antacids and adsorbents are prescribed;
  3. chronic gastritis of high acidity is helped by decoctions and teas from leaves and twigs of lemon balm, blackberry mint;
  4. a mixture of fennel and flax seeds, linden flowers and mint leaves gently normalizes acidity;

Gastritis with high acidity lasting less than ten years is effectively helped by the following decoctions:

  • a mixture of rowan fruits and flowers, with the addition of calamus root;
  • a mixture of trefoil leaves, yarrow inflorescences, dill seeds, mint leaves, St. John's wort;
  • composition of half a glass of cranberry juice + aloe juice + liquid honey + a glass of boiled water; The course of use is 7 days, after a month the treatment can be repeated;
  1. severe heartburn is relieved with fine calamus root powder on the tip of a knife, washed down with water;
  2. a cocktail of potato and carrot juices is good for digestion;
  3. Goat's milk has long been revered as a healing drink. It will not spoil the mass in case of belching or gastrointestinal pathologies;
  4. Nervous belching can be relieved with a little exercise that relieves tension. A decoction of valerian root should be drunk before meals;
  5. A recipe familiar to many for ulcers is made from aloe leaves and honey. You have to tinker with it in preparation, following all the recommendations, but the effect is very impressive from use;
  6. Sometimes an increase in acidity is required. In this case, a drink of rose hips + sea buckthorn, or apricot juice and fruits can be used;

There are still many recipes that have not been covered, some effective and some that are not very effective, on the Internet.

The reasons for belching after eating are covered in some detail in the article. The main thing that the reader should learn from the article is that one should not be vigilant, even if the symptom is minor and does not entail danger.

After all, as happens in life, first there is discomfort with sound, and then serious complications. Take care of your health and that of your loved ones.

Useful video

Belching air often occurs in adults and children against the background poor nutrition.

Before therapy, it is necessary to find out what belching is. This phenomenon is physiological in nature.

Medical indications

Loud belching of air occurs in adults and children due to excessive penetration of air masses into the stomach during meals, or less often outside of this process. This phenomenon occurs with pneumatosis of the stomach.

Normal functioning of the stomach can cause belching without taste or smell. Neurotic aerophagia is a phenomenon in which air is swallowed outside of meals.

In this case, belching occurs after eating or at other times. This indicates the course of a pathological syndrome that requires the attention of doctors.

Etiology of the process

A common cause of belching in humans is non-compliance with the regime and rules of eating. Other reasons why belching of odorless air appeared are:

  • impaired nasal breathing;
  • diseases oral cavity;
  • fast food intake;
  • binge eating.

What diseases cause constant belching? The phenomenon in question occurs in dental pathologies, ulcers, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Additional reasons why belching occurs:

  • 2nd trimester of pregnancy - the uterus grows, suppressing the diaphragm, constantly causing belching;
  • filling the stomach with gases due to drinking a lot of carbonated drinks, including beer and baking soda;
  • neurosis;
  • aerophagia.

Loud belching with a bitter or sour taste in an adult or child can be caused by the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.

Constant belching accompanies reflux disease, ulcers, and gastritis. A bitter taste means bile has entered the esophagus.

It is formed in the liver and enters the duodenum. A bitter taste occurs in humans due to the alternate reflux of intestinal contents into the area of ​​the stomach and esophagus.

Bitter and constant belching of air is also observed with pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

The patient may have frequent belching with putrid smell. If it occurs constantly, this is insufficient functionality of the stomach. Why does this happen so often?

The phenomenon under consideration occurs during the production of hydrogen sulfide as a result of fermentation.

This occurs when the acidity of gastric juice is low, which is a favorable environment for bacteria to live.

Frequent belching of air sour smell may be associated with various diseases, including atrophic gastritis.

With this pathology, degradation of the tissues of the gastric mucosa occurs, and the volume of the glands decreases. Air may leave the body due to mucosal scleroderma.


With this disease, the sphincter closes partially, which causes reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and pharynx. Against this background, heartburn bothers me.

This is due to the presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice and the sensitivity of the mucous membrane to acidic environment.

The phenomenon in question often appears when bending and changing body position. With GERD, it is very common not only to belch air after eating, but also to vomit, flatulence, cough, and symptoms of tachycardia.

Reasons for the development of GERD:

  • consumption of certain foods, including citrus fruits;
  • while taking certain medications;
  • excessive food consumption;
  • eating while lying down.

Often the development of this disease is the cause of erosion and ulcers of the esophagus.


If belching air frequently bothers you, the patient has gastritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Why is this happening?

Common causes of inflammation:

  • infection;
  • toxins;
  • irradiation.

Gastritis can be atrophic. In this case, belching of air is accompanied by a decrease in the excretory function of the mucous membrane. The non-atrophic form appears if the secretory function is not inhibited during inflammation.

The main symptom of gastritis is accompanied by the following clinic:

  • nausea;
  • pain;
  • vomit;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

With the constant atrophic form of the disease, rotten belching of air is observed. At the same time, it is accompanied by increased weakness, very pale skin, and frequent dry hair.

The latter symptoms may indicate iron deficiency anemia.

For chronic gastritis The symptoms described above are also characteristic. They can be long lasting. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis are advised to undergo continuous diet therapy.

The causes of non-atrophic forms are the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body. Frequent clinical manifestations of the disease can provoke serious consequences.

Ulcer and tumor

With frequent ulcers, belching of air appears after eating. Several layers of the stomach lining degrade at the same time. Main symptoms of the disease:

  • flatulence;
  • poor appetite;
  • constipation

Belching air can be a symptom of a cancer process. To make a diagnosis, the doctor considers additional symptoms:

  • frequent heaviness in the stomach;
  • poor appetite;
  • anemia;
  • weight loss.

Diseases of the esophagus

If after eating there is belching of air, but no odor, it is necessary to examine the esophagus. The symptom in question may indicate a narrowing of the lower part of this organ.

Clinic indicating a pathological condition of the esophagus:

  • lump in throat;
  • severe heartburn;
  • constant pain in the chest area;
  • weight loss;
  • constant belching of air.

With this pathology, the esophagus becomes inflamed and irreversible consequences develop. This can lead to problematic eating.

After eating, belching without odor or with sour taste if the patient has scleroderma of the esophagus.

The main causes of the disease are burns and injuries. The pathology can also be hereditary.

Problematic diaphragm and hiatal hernia

The diaphragm is a muscular wall that separates the peritoneum from the sternum. If it is damaged, the process of eating is disrupted.

The causes of odorless belching are diaphragmatic hernia. In the chronic course of the disease, the patient is bothered by pain, heartburn, and bitterness in the mouth.

Belching of air after eating can occur with preudodenal-gastric reflux. The reasons for its appearance are associated with the reflux of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach area.

Ducts and pancreatic enzymes also exit into this intestine. After eating, the patient is bothered by a bitterness on the tongue.

The causes of rotten belching are dysbacteriosis. It is characteristic of antibiotic therapy and an infectious process. At the same time, the patient is bothered by symptoms of flatulence.

With such diseases, severe loss of water is observed, so drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Diseases of the biliary tract – cholecystitis, HD. With these stomach diseases, the patient may experience pain and heaviness under the right rib, nausea after eating.

A person may have an empty supragastric belch, in which only the airy contents of the esophagus are expelled. This belching of air is easily controlled by a person.

It can be provoked intentionally after food, water and at other times. If the patient complains of this symptom, then the doctor may assume that the patient is not aware of his actions and needs psychotherapeutic therapy.

For chronic pharyngitis belching of air is also characteristic. The nature of the course of chronic pharyngitis depends on the form of the disease:

  • catarrhal;
  • granulosa;
  • subatrophic.

Chronic catarrhal pharyngitis is characterized by high body temperature, sore throat, swelling of the pharynx with ridges, worsened general health, belching of odorless air.

Chronic granulosa pharyngitis is characterized by the appearance of bright red granules on the mucous membrane.

Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, which often affects older patients, is characterized by high fever, pain may be absent, but dryness and difficulty swallowing, and nasty belching of air appear.

Clinical picture

If the gastrointestinal tract functions normally, belching air after eating will rarely occur. This phenomenon is explained by excessive swallowing of air during food consumption.

This is observed if a person quickly absorbs food, chews it poorly, or eats on the go. Belching air after eating appears in the following cases:

  • abuse of carbonated drinks;
  • predominance of hot or cold food in the diet;
  • talking while eating;
  • stress.

Swallowed air masses contribute to the formation of a large air bubble, which presses on the walls of the stomach. It is necessary to treat the patient by lowering the pressure.

To do this, the sphincter located between the esophagus and stomach opens. Excess air enters the esophagus and then into the mouth, which causes belching.

Repeated belching of air occurs against the background of systematic violation of the rules of eating. But sometimes the phenomenon under consideration is pathological in nature, which indicates the development of neurotic aerophagia.

The causes of illness and belching include:

  • problematic breathing through the nose;
  • frequent swallowing of saliva;
  • various forms of pharyngitis.

Frequent belching of air not after eating is characteristic of neurosis. Aerophagia can develop with the following pathologies:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • disorders of motility and gastric tone;
  • stenosis;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • aneurysm of the descending aorta;
  • narrowing of the esophagus.

With the pathologies described above, the following general clinical picture is observed:

  • prolonged belching of air;
  • if the patient suffers not only from the underlying pathology, but also from hysteria, a loud scream is observed;
  • the appearance of belching - the period after eating and at other times other than sleep;
  • heaviness and distension of the abdomen.

In case of severe pharyngitis, the patient needs urgent help doctors. Otherwise, irreversible processes will occur.

Prolonged stomach cramps may be accompanied by belching of air, CI. Patients who suffer from ischemia experience heart pain and angina attacks.

From a complex form of pharyngitis, the patient may complain of difficulty breathing and attacks of suffocation.

Modern experts believe that normal belching with air is observed in the patient during examination. It disappears quickly if the patient's attention is diverted.

During the examination, the doctor observes the process of swallowing air. The patient is recommended to stretch his head forward, pressing his chin to his chest. Then swallowing movements are performed.

If the cause of belching is associated with aerophagia, then the doctor diagnoses a swollen abdomen in its upper region. An x-ray reveals a high condition of the diaphragm.

A similar clinic is typical for newborns and infants. Sometimes nervous system the child is not able to regulate the functioning of the digestive system.

The pathology develops due to sucking on small breasts or pacifiers. This helps to increase the amount of air swallowed.

The main clinic for aerophagia in children:

  • crying while eating;
  • the stomach swells quickly;
  • weight loss.

If the body position is burped, the baby burps air. Then he calms down, continuing to suckle. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-rays.

Some newborns swallow air masses, treating this as a habit. Treatment for such children involves strict regulation of food intake.

Aerophagia in a child is often associated with neuropathy. Less commonly, this is characteristic of pharyngitis. With age, the functioning of the stomach normalizes, the apparatus of nervous regulation of the gastrointestinal tract improves, and belching will disappear on its own.

Belching after eating may cause pain, which indicates the development of serious diseases of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs.

The above clinic may appear in the following cases:

  • smoking after eating - this contributes to the ingestion of excess air and smoke, which provokes belching and pain in the stomach;
  • fruit abuse – you should not eat fruit for dessert. They are consumed before or after meals 2 hours before. Otherwise, the organic acid that is part of the fruit will interact with minerals, influencing the process of digestion and absorption of food;
  • tea drinking - tea is drunk after meals, as it contains enzymes that “weight” proteins. This disrupts the functioning of the stomach;
  • bath procedures - it is not recommended to take a shower after a meal. This procedure increases blood flow in the legs, reducing it to the stomach area. At the same time, the digestive system weakens, pain and belching appear;
  • You should not unfasten your belt after eating, as this action negatively affects intestinal function;
  • cold drinks - interfere with normal fermentation and absorption of lipids;
  • sleep after eating – during sleep, proper digestion and stomach function are disrupted.

Since the symptom in question is characteristic of many diseases, treatment should be carried out after examining the patient.

Diagnostic techniques

Treatment of persistent belching is based on the results of examinations. The patient is first examined by a gastroenterologist. If symptoms of pharyngitis appear, the help of an ENT specialist is required.

From instrumental studies radiography is prescribed. To carry this out, a contrast agent is used.

Using an endoscope, the doctor visually examines the damaged gastric mucosa. If a tumor is suspected, a biopsy is indicated.

If the etiology of belching is associated with a violation acid balance, pH-metry is shown. For pancreatic pathologies, ultrasound is performed. Sometimes CT and MT are performed.

To rule out pharyngitis, the symptoms of which are similar to a sore throat, it is recommended to donate blood.

Also, this technique will help to identify or refute the presence of an inflammatory process that may occur in the stomach area.

Analysis results feces can refute or confirm the inoperability of the digestive organs.

Treatment of belching is carried out after collecting anamnesis. With the help of a visual examination, you can only determine the painful area and the location of the swollen abdomen.

When belching is combined with other symptoms, differential diagnosis is indicated. With its help, the doctor will be able to diagnose accurate diagnosis, prescribe proper treatment for the stomach.

Therapeutic techniques

Before starting treatment, you need to consider that belching can appear as an independent symptom.

Therefore, in order to get rid of it, you need to eliminate the disease itself that caused the belching. As the underlying pathology progresses, they may join additional disease and another clinic.

Treatment of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs is conservative or surgical. The doctor will tell you what to do when diagnosed in each case individually.

Conservative treatment of belching characteristic of pharyngitis, gastritis, ulcers - taking medications. The list of medications is compiled by the doctor taking into account the type of disease.

For primary pathology associated with pathogenic bacteria living in the stomach, antibiotic therapy is indicated.

If acidity has increased, taking medications that reduce the value of this indicator is indicated.

Treatment consists of taking antacids and proton pump inhibitors. If pancreatic function is insufficient, enzyme medications are taken.

If the pathology leads to insufficient bile production, taking choleretic drugs. At the same time, taking antispasmodics and sorbents is indicated.

Treatment regimen chronic form pharyngitis includes alkaline gargling, irrigation soda solution. At the same time, the throat is lubricated with a solution of collargol. Granules can be treated with liquid nitrogen and irradiated with a laser.

Physiotherapy helps with pharyngitis. During atrophy, the mucous membrane does not recover, which requires symptomatic treatment.

Pharyngeal blockade techniques help with subatrophic pharyngitis: giving injections into the back wall of the pharynx.

An important part of therapy for any illness is diet. If the syndrome is caused by frequent swallowing of gases, you need to avoid foods that stimulate gas formation.

The diet is designed to eliminate specific pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is required to eat properly. At the same time, they give up bad habits.

For symptomatic aerophagia, therapy is aimed at eliminating the primary cause. If the first disease is neurotic in nature, psychotherapy is prescribed.

Before finding a course of treatment, the patient must understand the essence of the disease, doing everything necessary for a complete recovery and suppression of the symptom in question.

This task is difficult, since the ingestion of air masses is often involuntary. This process occurs unnoticed by the patient. Therefore, he needs the help of loved ones.

This is explained by the fact that the patient automatically provokes belching by swallowing air masses. There is a misconception that this symptom helps to get rid of a bloated stomach.

It is on this issue that the patient’s attention needs to be focused. When the belching disappears, the entire reflex in question is disrupted, which leads to its disappearance.

If observed increased salivation, the saliva needs to be spat out. Any food should be eaten slowly, without talking.

In any case, diet therapy is indicated, which involves eliminating foods that linger in the stomach for a long time.

Gastroenterologists advise eating little and often. IN severe case shown separate meals solid and liquid dishes.

It is advisable to exercise by doing breathing exercises. At the same time they calm and strengthen the nervous system.

Belching is a fairly common occurrence, and many people even tend not to notice it. However, at a certain frequency and in combination with certain symptoms, this phenomenon begins to bother a person. What is it, what causes it, and can the release of air from the stomach indicate some serious illness?

Description of the phenomenon

As you know, the lungs are far from the only internal human organ filled with air. And there is air in the stomach, and normally its volume there is quite large (up to 1.5 liters). This is due to the fact that the stomach is not hermetically sealed from the outside world. The presence of air inside the stomach ensures optimal pressure inside this organ.

Causes of belching air

To understand why this phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to consider the principle of operation of the digestive system. When food enters the body, it passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. If there is a lot of food, then some of the air from the stomach comes out. This phenomenon is not pathological and indicates normal motor skills. gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if a person, after a hearty lunch, experiences several episodes of belching with odorless air, then this is not a cause for concern.

In some cases, belching can also occur after intense physical exercise, during which a sharp displacement of the contents of the stomach occurs, and some of the air in it comes out. Belching is often caused by a person wearing tight belts or tight clothing. This circumstance prevents the stomach from expanding when filled and therefore excess air tends to escape from it. This phenomenon is especially typical for fat people. But all this usually happens a short time after eating.

In the cases described above, belching of air is sporadic. However, sometimes a person suffers from frequent belching. The reasons for it can sometimes be difficult to establish.

Belching air occurs quite often, especially in the later months of pregnancy. This feature is not a pathology, since it is explained by natural causes. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, puts pressure on the diaphragm and also pushes air out of the stomach.

It’s a completely different matter if belching occurs too often, for no apparent reason, and, in addition, belching occurs on an empty stomach, that is, it is in no way related to food intake. This is already a reason to be wary. And what should be even more concerning is the symptom in which belching is accompanied by a smell rotten eggs, the release of sour or bitter contents into the mouth area. If you are tormented by this phenomenon, which is repeated regularly, then this most likely indicates some pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, in some cases, involuntary burping can also be influenced by factors such as poor diet or poor eating habits. The phenomenon of aerophagia, that is, literally, the swallowing of air, is well known. This phenomenon can occur if a person quickly eats and swallows food, without chewing it thoroughly, and eats on the go. Aerophagia can also be caused by talking while eating, wearing incorrectly fitted dentures, or chewing. chewing gum, smoking, deep breathing, frequent inhalations during treatment respiratory diseases. In this case, there is too much air in the stomach, and it returns back through the esophagus.

Some foods can also trigger belching. First of all, this applies to. After all, it is well known that they contain a lot of dissolved substances inside carbon dioxide, which, once in the stomach, will strive to get out. Many other foods also stimulate increased gas formation in the stomach, for example, legumes, fatty foods, onions and garlic, strong tea and coffee. In this case, it is enough to eliminate these foods from the diet and the unpleasant symptom will disappear on its own.

However severe belching air is rarely completely independent symptom. Quite often, burping air in an adult is accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena:

  • heartburn,
  • heaviness in the stomach,
  • nausea,
  • pain in the stomach (in the epigastric region).

In this case, belching can be a symptom of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis (atrophic and non-atrophic),
  • ulcers,
  • pancreatitis,
  • gastroduodenitis and duodenitis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • inflammation of the esophagus,
  • hiatal hernias,
  • weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter,
  • injuries and burns of the stomach and esophagus,
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
  • oncological diseases.

Why does burping have different tastes and smells?

It is worth dwelling on the causes of burps that have a bitter and sour taste, as well as burps with a rotten smell. A sour taste is usually caused by gastric juice refluxing into the esophagus. This syndrome can often be found with reflux disease, stomach ulcers and gastritis.

A bitter taste in most cases indicates bile entering the esophagus. As you know, bile is formed in the liver, and then through a system of special ducts enters the duodenum. Thus, the taste of bitterness indicates that the contents of the duodenum were alternately refluxed into the stomach area, and then into the esophagus. A similar syndrome can be observed with cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

The most unpleasant symptom is the putrid smell of regurgitated air. If bad breathing due to the stomach is repeated regularly, this indicates a lack of function of this organ. The fact is that a putrid smell (the smell of rotten eggs) usually indicates the production of hydrogen sulfide in the stomach by bacteria located there during fermentation processes. And this, in turn, indicates that the acidity of gastric juice is quite low, since otherwise bacteria in large quantities simply would not be able to exist there. This circumstance can be caused by various diseases, the most common of which is atrophic gastritis. This disease is characterized by degradation of the tissues of the gastric mucosa and a decrease in the volume of glands that generate juice. Also, the release of air may be a consequence of scleroderma of the esophageal mucosa.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

This disease is one of the most common causes of air belching. It is due to the fact that the sphincter, located on the border between the esophagus and the stomach, does not close completely. Because of this, there is frequent reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and then into the pharynx. As a result, heartburn appears. This is the name for the feeling of intense burning in the esophagus. This happens due to the fact that gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid and is highly acidic, while the mucous membrane of the esophagus is sensitive to an acidic environment. This phenomenon occurs especially often when a person bends over or changes body position, long time lies.

GERD is not characterized by belching alone. Also, the disease may have the following symptoms:

  • pain behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • bloating,
  • feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen,
  • fast saturation,
  • cough,
  • dyspnea,
  • tachycardia or arrhythmia,
  • pharyngitis and difficulty swallowing.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • consumption of certain foods - citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee;
  • taking certain medications;
  • binge eating;
  • low physical activity;
  • eating while lying down;
  • smoking.

The development of the disease can cause erosions or ulcers of the esophagus.


Gastritis can also be a common cause of belching. Gastritis is a disease in which there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

There are several types of gastritis due to their occurrence:

  • infectious,
  • autoimmune,
  • ray,
  • toxic.

Gastritis can also be divided into atrophic, in which the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the excretory functions of the mucous membrane, and non-atrophic, when only inflammation of the mucous membrane is observed, but its secretory function is not inhibited.

However, burping air is not the only symptom of gastritis. As a rule, the following symptoms are observed with this disease:

  • nausea,
  • pain (sharp or aching),
  • vomit,
  • heaviness in the stomach area.

In the atrophic form of gastritis, a putrid (rotten) smell may be observed simultaneously with a decrease in appetite and rapid satiety. Weakness, pallor skin, brittle nails and dry skin and hair are symptoms of iron deficiency anemia or deficiency caused by atrophic gastritis.

Non-atrophic gastritis is usually caused by the pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori. With this form of gastritis, frequent reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus is observed. This leads to frequent belching with a sour taste. The reasons contributing to the occurrence of this form of gastritis are poor nutrition and the use of certain medications.

Stomach ulcer

An ulcer is also one of the diseases, one of the symptoms of which is belching air. With a gastric ulcer, degradation of several layers of the gastric lining is observed, up to the exposure of the muscular walls of the stomach.

In addition to the release of air, with a peptic ulcer, a number of symptoms are observed that are in many ways reminiscent of the symptoms of gastritis:

  • pain (sharp or dull, after eating or on an empty stomach),
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • constipation,
  • decreased appetite.

Malignant tumors of the stomach

This is a severe and rapidly progressing disease, the symptoms of which often resemble those of the atrophic form of gastritis. These include:

  • decreased appetite, primarily in relation to animal proteins;
  • fast saturation;
  • anemia;
  • weight loss;
  • heaviness in the stomach area.

One of the symptoms of this pathology is belching air (or food).

Pathologies of the esophagus

This group of diseases can also cause belching of air. Quite often there is a pathology such as narrowing of the lower part of the esophagus and expansion of its upper part.

The main symptoms indicating that there is something wrong with the esophagus:

  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • pain behind the sternum when swallowing;
  • food entering the nasopharynx;
  • weight loss;
  • heartburn;
  • belching of air, including with a putrid odor.

As the disease develops, inflammation of the esophagus and its irreversible changes are possible, leading to problems when eating.

Another disease that can cause nausea and belching of air is scleroderma of the esophagus. Scleroderma of the esophagus is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of this organ and the formation of ulcers on its surface. The cause of the disease can be injuries and burns. Hereditary predisposition also plays a significant role in its occurrence.

Scleroderma of the esophagus is sometimes a special case of scleroderma that affects other organs, including the digestive organs.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

The diaphragm is the muscular wall that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest. Lower section The esophagus passes through the diaphragm and therefore its damage can affect the process of moving food between the esophagus and the stomach. In particular, a disease such as a diaphragmatic hernia often causes regurgitation of air. A diaphragmatic hernia can also be accompanied by pain, heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and even heart rhythm disturbances.

Duodenal-gastric reflux

This syndrome quite often causes belching of air, accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. With this syndrome, the contents of the duodenum, the initial part of the intestine, are refluxed into the stomach, from where, in turn, it can enter the esophagus. Since they exit into the duodenum bile ducts, and pancreatic enzymes are also excreted, then bitterness in the tongue may be observed.

A rotten smell during belching can occur due to intestinal dysbiosis. It is often characteristic of antibiotic therapy, as well as infectious intestinal diseases. This syndrome may also cause heartburn, nausea and lack of appetite.

Pancreatitis is a disease characterized by the release of air from the stomach into the esophagus. The disease occurs when there is inflammation in the pancreas, which produces enzymes necessary to break down food. The disease may cause symptoms such as alternating diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The disease may also have signs of diabetes.

Diseases of the biliary tract - cholecystitis and hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia - can also cause belching of air. With these diseases, patients may also feel pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium, nausea.

Supragastric belching

There is also a supragastric form empty burp, in which, unlike gastric, only the airy contents of the esophagus come out. This type Belching can be controlled by a person and caused by him intentionally. If a patient complains of supragastric belching, then this fact gives reason to believe that he is not aware of his actions and needs psychotherapeutic treatment.

Diagnosis of causes

If you are tormented by constant belching of air, then this is a symptom that you should pay close attention to. To find out the reasons, it is best to consult a gastroenterologist. He may prescribe a series of tests to identify the causes of the symptom and prescribe treatment.

Examinations include radiography with a contrast agent, endoscopy, which involves visual examination of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum, and biopsy of pieces of tissue from the digestive system. To determine the acidity level various departments pH-metry is performed in the gastrointestinal tract. If there are suspicions of pathology of the pancreas or gallbladder, then ultrasound can be used to study them. In some cases it may be prescribed CT scan and magnetic tomography.

A blood test will help identify inflammatory diseases affecting the digestive organs, the presence of anemia or changes leukocyte formula characteristic of some diseases. Stool analysis can reveal insufficient efficiency of the digestive organs and pathogens of infectious diseases. Important role The collection of anamnesis data also plays a role - the patient’s lifestyle, diseases he has suffered, information about the food he takes, etc. Visually examining the patient is sometimes helpful in identifying areas of tenderness and bloating.

As can be seen from the above list of diseases that can cause air to escape from the stomach, there can be many reasons for this phenomenon. And since different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often have similar symptoms, the correctness of their treatment largely depends on correct diagnosis.

Diagnostics cannot be delayed, since belching air can also occur with serious diseases such as cancer.


How to get rid of this phenomenon? It should be remembered that belching air is only a symptom, not independent disease. Consequently, until the disease causing belching is eliminated, it will not disappear, and as the disease progresses, other unpleasant symptoms may join it - pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.

Treatment methods for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be either conservative or surgical. How to treat specific disease, the gastroenterologist will tell you.

One of the most important conservative methods– drug treatment. The medications prescribed depend on the type of disease. So, if the root cause of the disease is pathogenic bacteria living in the stomach, then antibiotics are prescribed. When the acidity of gastric juice increases, drugs that reduce this parameter are antacids and proton pump inhibitors. In case of insufficiency of pancreatic functions, drugs containing digestive enzymes are prescribed. For diseases leading to insufficient bile production - cholecystitis and hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia - choleretic drugs are prescribed. Drugs are also used - antispasmodics, which reduce the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and sorbents, such as Smecta, which accelerate the removal of bacteria and pathogens from the stomach.

To others in an important way The treatment is diet. If the cause of the syndrome is frequent swallowing of gases, then you should stop consuming foods that stimulate the formation of gases in the stomach, for example, carbonated drinks. A diet intended for the treatment of certain pathologies of the stomach and duodenum is prescribed by a doctor. Great importance also has proper nutrition. For most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should eat small portions, but often enough (4-5 times a day). You should also give up bad habits - addiction to smoking and alcohol, chewing gum.

Belching air is often a sudden phenomenon and is the release of oxygen from the stomach in small portions through the mouth. The reason for its occurrence lies in the relaxed state of the cardiac sphincter and contraction of the gastrointestinal tract muscles. Healthy people have gases in the stomach, which accumulate, stimulate the intestinal tract, and then exit through the oral cavity. With a large amount of air, pressure in the organ increases, which leads to muscle contraction. Thus, regurgitation occurs. This review will highlight the causes of air belching in adults, pregnant women and children, and treatment with medications. During the reading, the reader will receive information about whether there is a danger in constant burping.

Patients often turn to doctors with the question: what is the reason for frequent belching. Usually the root of the problem is in gastrointestinal diseases. When air belching occurs rarely, it is considered normal. This is due to the fact that with each swallowing movement, oxygen penetrates into the body, approximately 2.5-3 ml. Air helps normalize pressure in the stomach and leaves the gastrointestinal tract in small portions after eating. But what to do if this is a constant problem. The main causes will be discussed in the following sections. Now we need to understand the norms and deviations.

Frequent belching of air is a pathological process that needs to be cured. Most often, this problem is addressed to a gastroenterologist. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the neurological aspect. That is, large ingestion of oxygen can occur regardless of food intake and occurs at any time of the day due to stress. Attention should be paid accompanying symptom, namely, smell, discomfort in the intestines, taste of belching and more. In the event that this begins to cause increased discomfort, you need to undergo diagnostics of the body. The causes and methods of treatment will be discussed below.

Seizures in adults

As a rule, constant belching is observed in those people who:

  • do not chew food thoroughly;
  • eat quickly;
  • they eat almost “on the go”;
  • drink a lot of carbonated drinks;
  • eat foods that are too cold or hot;
  • are subject to constant stress;
  • after eating, drink water immediately;
  • with airbrushing;
  • with dysfunction of peristalsis of the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • do not eat properly, eat provocative foods: carbonated drinks, beans, freshly baked bread, cabbage and others;
  • observed in people exhibiting physical activity after eating, or playing sports;
  • eat dry food, refusing first courses.

In addition to poor nutrition, the causes of air belching also lie in gastrointestinal diseases. Let us consider in detail the signs accompanying them:

1. If burping has a sour taste, this indicates high acidity in the stomach. There is a possibility that a person will develop gastritis or an ulcer.

2. Belching with an unpleasant odor is caused by the development of rot in the tract, that is, “on the face” there is stagnation in the stomach. This happens with stenosis, cancer, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

3. Excessive belching of air bothers patients due to the consumption of carbonated drinks or eating dry food. It also appears against the background of a runny nose or talking while eating.

4. Constant belching of air with a bitter taste is formed due to the return of bile to the stomach. Causes: cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Indigestion, rotting food, rotten smell and much more when belching air. A similar symptomatic picture is caused by the following ailments:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroesophageal disease;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis A;
  • hernia;
  • gastrointestinal motility dysfunction;
  • the presence of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oncological processes;
  • cholecystitis.

Due to such a broad picture possible diseases Even belching is odorless, but constantly occurring indicates disturbances in the digestive organs. Based on this, you should visit a specialist’s office for a full examination, a correct diagnosis and concomitant treatment.

Seizures in pregnant women and children

Frequent or constant belching of air during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. This is caused by the following:

1. Hormonal changes connection with the status of women.

2. The uterus, expanding, begins to put pressure on the organs. Thus, gases accumulate more and more, and belching appears more and more frequently.

3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

4. The stomach has changed location.

5. Excessive consumption of sour, salty, fried and fatty foods.

6. Uncomfortable posture after eating.

7. The woman lay on her back for a long time.

If the burp has no odor, then there is nothing to worry about. Most often this is normal and does not indicate pathological processes. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as heaviness in the stomach, nausea after eating, heartburn or a lump in the throat, you need to be more careful about your diet and consult a doctor for treatment. Only qualified specialists With experience, they will provide the correct therapy and advise how to avoid this phenomenon in the future.

Regarding the reasons for regurgitation of air in a child under one year old or infants, this is mainly caused by the ingestion of a large volume of oxygen at the time of feeding. Due to the fact that in young children the gastrointestinal tract has not yet been formed, air is retained in the organ and passes into the intestines. As a result, bloating is formed. Therefore, the child regurgitates excess oxygen so that it does not irritate the mucous membrane. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in children up to a year old; if the belching does not stop, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis in order to cure a possible illness.

Another cause of seizures in a child is the bottle or pacifier. irregular shape. Constant regurgitation in children is caused by weak stomach muscles. However, as the child grows older, they become stronger, and the phenomenon is no longer a concern.

Belching on an empty stomach

Belching of air on an empty stomach occurs due to neuralgic conditions of patients, in which disorders and spasms are observed in the gastrointestinal tract. Such empty regurgitation of air, not associated with food intake, occurs against the background take a deep breath or nervous breathing.

Along with this, a person may experience a feeling of a lump in the throat or behind the chest, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, pain and bloating. Often there is a change in these signs into intestinal irritability, and as a result, various diseases. If the patient also has difficulty swallowing food and fluid gets stuck, then this is a good reason to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination, based on which he can establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Belching food and heartburn

Oral regurgitation, in which all or part of the digested food is expelled, may taste unpleasant. Most often, patients with ulcer disease, gastritis with high acidity, as well as fermentation due to the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach are observed. The expulsion of food along with regurgitation of air and a bitter taste also indicates that stomach contents and bile have entered the esophagus. This is where the bitterness in the mouth comes from. This manifests itself against the background of eating a lot of food, as a result of which the stomach is not able to process a large volume of food. In this case, digestion does not occur properly, and food residues begin to ferment, decompose and release ammonia. Therefore, a person belches and feels rotten in his mouth.

Almost 85% of all cases are accompanied by heartburn, which brings much more discomfort. This mainly indicates gastrointestinal dysfunction. Leftover food that didn't come out naturally, begin to “walk” through the stomach, coming out in the form of a belch, getting stuck in the throat and irritating the mucous membrane. After this, the person feels a burning sensation in the stomach and chest, and develops in the oral cavity bad smell. This symptomatic picture is a good reason to consult a doctor. You already know what diseases can cause regurgitation.

Medication therapy

Pharmaceuticals provide a wide range of drugs to eliminate the symptoms of regurgitation and prevent it. Treatment of belching with medications must be carried out according to the instructions and based on consultation with a doctor. Self-treatment often leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, and a painful syndrome may appear in the anamnesis. To avoid constant regurgitation of air, experts recommend undergoing an examination to identify the root of the problem.

In order to cure the disease, doctors most often advise taking the following medications:

  • Rennie.
  • Immodium.
  • Festal.
  • Almagel.
  • Motilium.

Any drug for the treatment of air belching should be taken strictly as prescribed by the gastroenterologist after the diagnosis has been established. Doctors prescribe antacids that soften the mucous membrane, prokinetics to normalize digestion and bile ducts, as well as drugs to reduce acidity.

It should be emphasized that if regurgitation occurs exclusively after eating and there is no discomfort, then treating such a manifestation is simple. It is enough to chew your food thoroughly, follow a diet, do not talk during lunch and drink water 20-30 minutes after finishing. In addition, doctors advise eliminating carbonated drinks and not overeating. If belching has become a constant occurrence and is accompanied by a specific smell, nausea, and a lump in the throat, then you need to consult a doctor. Ignoring these signs leads to pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

If belching of air and associated factors occur, you should contact:

  • therapist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist.

Treatment is necessary event, aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can return a person to a healthy lifestyle.

Prognosis of the disease

Belching air in itself is not pathological process, but just a symptom behind which the root of the disease is hidden. The prognosis for frequent belching is positive. After all, if the main reason is food and how a person takes it, then it is enough to change the diet, regime and your attitude towards eating food, and the problem will be solved overnight.

In cases where additional symptoms occur, you need to think about visiting a doctor. Relieving the causes of the disease clearly entails getting rid of the symptoms. Proper treatment and a careful approach to health will allow you to return to a favorable lifestyle and enjoy it.

We must remember that you should not put up with the disease. Indeed, in addition to internal discomfort, a person may feel awkward when belching air along with food occurs in public. Therefore, you should not ignore this state of affairs. Doctors advise observing the body’s reaction throughout the day, recording what happens after that and what accompanies regurgitation. Based on the compiled picture, the patient is able to identify why this is happening and, at an appointment with the doctor, outline the collected facts. This will allow as soon as possible It will be easy to establish the cause, and therefore to treat.

It seems that there is no person who has not at least once encountered such a phenomenon as belching (the removal of gases and undigested food from the throat). If such phenomena are rare, then there is no need to worry - this is physiologically normal and is just the body’s response to a certain stimulus. But if you experience constant belching, you should think twice and go to the clinic and consult with a specialist - after all, this could be a symptom of some disease.

Causes of constant burping

In the stomach of any person (healthy or suffering from pathological changes) there is always a certain amount of gas present, the volume and content of which directly depends on the patient’s age, his culinary preferences, lifestyle and pathological changes present in his body. The reasons for constant belching are quite diverse and are caused by many reasons:

  • Aerophagia - this term refers to excessive swallowing of air during feeding. This result can be obtained when a person eats very quickly, talks while eating, overeats, drinks heavily carbonated drinks or smokes. Belching allows the body to expel excess gas.
  • You can observe such a reaction of the body if a person immediately after eating begins to show increased physical activity.
  • Failure of peristalsis in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
  • An unbalanced diet that includes a large number of foods that cause gas production: legumes, fresh bread, cabbage and many other products.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Chronic and ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Pregnancy, especially the last third trimester of its course. The fetus grows, enlarging the uterus, which gradually begins to put pressure on nearby organs and systems, increasing intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Excessive food consumption.
  • A hernia located in the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.
  • Gastric stenosis.
  • A mental state close to hysteria and hysteria itself.
  • Excess weight, which in certain body positions can compress the stomach.
  • Failure of the fermentation process in the body: both to a lesser and more extent. For example, such a reaction can be provoked yeast fungi Candida albicans.

Symptoms of constant burping

Within certain limits, belching is a natural physiological process, but if the manifestation of these symptoms becomes more frequent, then we can safely talk about an emerging pathology. Symptoms of constant belching are the periodic independent “outflow” of gas or its release together with “portions” of food through the esophagus and pharynx. Belching itself is already a symptom that can represent a fairly wide range of diseases.

  • Belching may be a factor indicating a failure of the normal functioning of the cardia fixation process. The mechanism of belching during this process is not a spasmodic compression of the gastric muscles, but a decrease in the activity of the cardiac sphincter. This manifestation of pathology is inherent in the following diseases:
    • Dyskinesia is problems with the outflow of bile resulting from the absence or weak functioning of the contractile activity of the gallbladder muscles.
    • Hiatal hernia.
    • Lack of cardia.
    • Scleroderma of the esophagus.
    • Postoperative period (if surgery affected the esophagus and stomach).
  • Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Experienced specialist, based on the description of the patient’s belching, is able to specify the pathology somewhat more definitely.
    • Belching with the taste of rotten eggs indicates the stagnation of putrefactive processes occurring in the digestive system and leading to increased formation of such chemical elements like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. This symptomatology may occur in the case of malignant neoplasms in the stomach, ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, the absence or reduced production of digestive enzymes.
    • Sour belching may indicate stomach damage associated with increased production gastric secretion.
  • Pathology of the gallbladder and liver. With almost any damage to these organs, constant belching is necessarily observed.
  • If a person has a history of aerophagia of a neurotic nature, the patient himself involuntarily swallows large portions of air, and this process is in no way related to food intake. This symptomatology usually intensifies against the background stressful situations and emotional arousal.
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system - this can be angina pectoris, Uden-Roemheld syndrome, myocardial infarction and some other diseases.

Constant belching of air

An excellent upbringing and adherence to the requirements of etiquette, without a doubt, ennoble a person, but how to behave if at the most crucial moment your own body can suddenly fail? Constant belching of air may not indicate anything, but it may indicate a serious disease affecting the body. Therefore, to get rid of her constant appearance, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the pathology, and then undergo a course of treatment.

A sudden release of air from the digestive system, accompanied by an unaesthetic “roar” and a foul odor, can come from two directions:

  • The physiological nature of belching is observed after eating and is characterized by a small volume of escaping air. There is no foul odor observed. Such belching is natural and bothers its owner quite rarely, without causing significant discomfort.
  • The pathological nature of belching is gas with an unpleasant odor coming from the stomach. In this case, other symptoms are added.

Constant belching of air may be associated with the habit of eating very quickly, swallowing air along with food, and talking while eating. provoke air burp May be excess food consumption, love of highly carbonated drinks. In this case, the liquid is absorbed, and the gas tries to leave the body. In case of overeating, the stomach is simply not able to cope with such a volume of food, the food begins to stagnate, ferment and rot - hence the unpleasant smell of gases released. Chewing gum lovers run the risk of malfunctioning the digestive system, which can cause airy burps.

Constant belching of air is quite often observed in pregnant women during later carrying a child. At this time, the fetus is already quite large and the uterus, having also expanded in size, begins to put pressure on internal organs, including the stomach and lower part of the pulmonary diaphragm.

But still, this deviation should not be ignored. The right decision in this situation would be to consult a doctor for a consultation. After all, constant belching may also indicate a malfunction in the functioning of the body. A fairly loud belching may indicate the progression of a diaphragmatic hernia or gastric neurosis.

The criterion for belching is its smell: if the gas comes out without changing the smell, then there is a trivial swallowing of air, if the smell is unchanged mouth goes fetid, then the pathology can be quite serious, even malignant neoplasms.

Constant belching of food

Belching, in which fully or partially digested food comes out along with gas, can have a different taste: it can be putrefactive, bitter or sour. Constant belching of food with a sour taste is observed in patients suffering from peptic ulcers, accompanied by increased acidity of the stomach component, caused by hypersecretion of the gastric enzyme, as well as the appearance of the fermentation process due to the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

If a patient feels a bitter taste in the mouth after belching, this may indicate that a certain amount of bile enters the esophagus along with the contents of the stomach. An unpleasant putrid taste can arise due to heavy libation (caused by a large volume of food), and the inability of the stomach to cope with such an amount of food. At the same time, unprocessed products begin to gradually ferment and decompose, releasing hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Hence the unpleasant rotten smell.

Constant belching after eating

If belching occurs after eating and does not cause any discomfort, then this is a common occurrence and does not go beyond the norm. And you just need to take your time and chew your food more thoroughly, without being distracted by other things while eating, and be more attentive to your diet (minimize carbonated drinks and foods that promote increased gas production). This will be enough to resolve the issue of belching. But if the above irritants are removed, but you still experience constant belching after eating, then it is necessary, without “putting it on the back burner,” to make an appointment with a specialist and undergo a general examination of the body to determine the cause of these symptoms.

Constant heartburn and belching

The overwhelming percentage of cases where heartburn plagues people is due to pathology associated with a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which develops on the basis of increased acidity of gastric secretion. In this case, the substance located in the stomach periodically partially returns back to the esophagus, or even to the throat, irritating the mucous membrane. After such volley returns, the patient experiences a burning sensation in the esophagus and chest, and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. If the patient constantly suffers from heartburn and belching, then this discomfort is very difficult to endure, and it is not worth it. Such symptoms are a signal to go to the doctor. After all, this combination of manifestations may indicate the presence in the patient’s body of diseases such as stomach or duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, gastritis, reflux esophagitis. This combination of symptoms can result in pregnancy in a woman.

Constant heartburn and belching worsens a person’s quality of life, negatively affecting his performance and psychological health. Such symptoms cannot be tolerated, especially heartburn. It may cause ulcerative lesion mucous membrane of the digestive system, lead to erosion and provoke bleeding.

During pregnancy, in most cases, the cause of heartburn and belching is toxicosis, which provokes frequent gag reflexes. This leads to constant exposure of the esophageal mucosa to gastric juice. The second factor provoking the development of this symptomatology is the growth of the uterus, which contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to incomplete closure of the cardiac sphincter. This allows the contents of the stomach to return freely to the esophagus.

Lovers of “good food” especially spicy foods and carbohydrates in large quantities, experience constant heartburn and belching. If you stand upright, this can at least partially help get rid of these symptoms. To relieve the burning sensation at least a little, you can drink a solution of soda or eat a little of it without diluting it. Such emergency therapy will briefly relieve the attack, but will not solve the problem. The results from alkaline mineral shungite water are much more noticeable. If you drink it regularly, you can get rid of many moments that bring discomfort to the patient. But these are still temporary measures. To get rid of belching and heartburn once and for all, you need to undergo diagnostics and a full course of treatment for the disease that causes them.

Constant belching and nausea

Any patient suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract always waits for autumn and spring with tension. After all, it is during this period that an exacerbation of these diseases is observed. During these same periods, people get sick more from colds and viral diseases and many, in the fight against infection, heavily consume onions and garlic. This is, of course, a “killer” remedy for the prevention of respiratory diseases, but at the same time they seriously affect the mucous membranes. Against the background of all of the above, constant belching and nausea, or even heartburn, may appear.

People prone to such reactions should be more careful about their diet and use folk recipes with caution. Most people consider the means traditional medicine absolutely harmless, because they are made on the basis of natural materials, but this is not true. By thoughtlessly using such products and treating one disease, you can provoke the emergence of another pathology. Constant belching and nausea can also occur with banal overeating. If this happens rarely – you had a great New Year’s celebration – then there won’t be much harm, but if overeating is already a system, then you need to sound the alarm. After all, in this case, you won’t get away with just unpleasant symptoms in the form of belching and nausea. This attitude towards food can lead to more serious consequences.

To understand the reason for such symptoms, it is worth observing carefully and determining after what actions the body produces such a reaction. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you should seek advice from a specialist. Only he will be able, thanks to examination and additional tests, to restore all clinical picture and based on it will make the correct diagnosis.

Such symptoms can also plague a woman during pregnancy. This is physiologically explainable and should go away on its own after delivery, unless the woman suffers from another provoking pathology.

However, more often these two symptoms occur separately: belching without nausea or nausea not accompanied by an “eruption” of gas. If they are observed in tandem, then, most likely, the person simply overate. You need to eat in small portions, but often, without stretching the stomach wall.

Constant belching and gas

Every person - some more often, some less often - periodically experiences unpleasant sensations associated with disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract: constant belching and gases. This moment is especially unpleasant when he is in public place: psychological discomfort is added to the physical bad state, because even though this natural processes, but it is not customary to express them publicly.

Belching is a natural reaction of the body to excessive amounts of gas in the stomach. Gases or, as they are scientifically called, flatulence is a process increased gas formation, occurring in the intestines. During the digestion of food, the intestines do not fully cope with their duties, food products (for example, dairy products and fruits) are not completely broken down, and the fermentation process begins, which occurs with the release of gases. Flatulence can also be caused by taking strong antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect not only on the pathogenic flora of the stomach and intestines, but also inhibit the “correct” bacteria necessary for high-quality food processing. Hence - dysbacteriosis with its unpleasant symptoms.

In most cases, the problem of constant belching and gas can be solved on your own by adjusting your lifestyle and diet, but if these symptoms are accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, it is still worth contacting a specialist, allowing him to determine the correct causes of the pathology.

Constant belching in a child

Often mothers observe belching in their baby, which greatly worries them, and this is right, because the causes of such a pathology can be different. Constant burping in a child, depending on age, can be caused by many sources.

If the baby is not yet a year old, the cause of discomfort may be a normal, physiologically justified imperfection of the newborn’s digestive system. During the feeding period, the little man swallows air along with his mother's milk, which then leaves his body in the form of belching. In this case, pediatricians advise to prevent the baby from burping, immediately after feeding, hold him in an upright position for several minutes. This will allow the air to leave the child’s body with less cost and loss.

More excitable children especially suffer. During the feeding process, they are often distracted from eating by screaming, while swallowing more air than ordinary babies. Against the background of a gastrointestinal tract that is not yet fully formed, air portions enter not only the stomach, but also reach the intestines. Trying to get out, the gas bubbles cause the baby sharp pains and lead to intestinal spasms. This happens until the gases naturally leave the child’s body. After this he calms down.

If the baby is older, the reasons for the child’s constant burping are somewhat more varied.

  • Kids with increased excitability more often suffer from belching, since they usually quickly grab food, while they manage to talk, play and watch cartoons, which in no way contributes to thorough grinding of food and normal digestion.
  • ENT diseases and pathologies can also provoke burping in a child. respiratory organs. In this case, the baby is not yet able to adequately control the respiratory process and swallows large volumes of air. It can be:
    • Adenoids.
    • Tonsillitis with hypertrophied palatine tonsils of a chronic nature.
    • Chronic otitis media.
    • And others.
  • Excessive salivation and swallowing.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Pathology of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.
  • The cause of constant belching in a child may also be a congenital pathology of the cardia (a defect in the structure of the muscle covering the passage between the stomach and the esophagus).

Constant belching during pregnancy

These nine months radically change a woman’s life and, probably, there is no greater sacrament on earth than the birth of a new person. Although this period still needs to be lived through, going through multiple physiological discomforts, it’s worth it. Constant belching during early pregnancy may be associated with restructuring hormonal status women. You can reduce the amplitude of such symptoms by adjusting your diet. In a later period, when the baby gains weight, the uterus begins to affect neighboring internal organs, creating increased intra-abdominal pressure. The load begins to increase on the stomach, which reacts to this with belching, heartburn, and bloating.

Another reason for constant belching during pregnancy can be an exacerbation of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. In any case, if a woman experiences such discomfort, she must notify her obstetrician/gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy. Having analyzed the patient’s complaints and based on the results of her tests, he will determine the cause of uncomfortable state in a pregnant woman and adjust her diet, give recommendations on lifestyle or, if necessary, prescribe treatment. The physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during the period of carrying a baby can aggravate or reveal diseases that she had not previously suspected. Although, the possibility of curing those diseases that plagued a woman before pregnancy also exists.

Diagnosis of persistent belching

Recognizing belching is not so difficult, but determining the cause that causes it is simply necessary. Therefore, the diagnosis of constant belching is primarily associated with the analysis of concomitant symptoms. A complete examination of a person may include:

  • General urine analysis.
  • Blood test for sugar levels (normal range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l).
  • Obtaining general blood characteristics: level of red blood cells and hemoglobin (prevention of iron deficiency anemia). The degree of leukocytes in the blood, indicating the presence or absence inflammatory processes in the human body.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is one of the most informative modern methods studies that allow the gastroenterologist to study the condition of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract.
  • Analysis of the ratio of electrolytes in human blood.
  • Esophagotonocymography is a research method that allows you to determine the state of the cardiac sphincter and the level of its working tone.
  • Examination of plasma for antibodies - the presence of strains of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which provokes gastric ulcers.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Esophagofibroscopy – study of the cardia. Its pathology provokes partial reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
  • Internal esophageal pH-metry – the level of acidity is assessed.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Treatment of persistent belching

Only after a complete diagnosis of the body can we talk about therapy and prescribe treatment for persistent belching. If the cause of pathological symptoms is related to food, then:

You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly and swallowing small portions. Divide daily meals into six meals.

  • Eliminate excess food consumption.
  • Don't get too carried away with chewing gum.
  • Avoid highly carbonated drinks.
  • You should not use straws when drinking (give preference to drinking directly from glasses and cups), they provoke excessive swallowing of air.
  • Exclude from food fatty foods and those that cause increased gas formation.
  • There are also multiple traditional medicines that can help cope with this problem:
    • Mix freshly squeezed aloe and cranberry juices, taking half a glass each, and dilute with one glass of warm boiled water. Gently add a tablespoon of honey. Drink the resulting drink three times a day throughout the week, one tablespoon. Take a two-week break. The course can be repeated. And so alternate. The total duration of treatment can be up to six months.
    • Elecampane root also performed well. Add two tablespoons of well-crushed plant to a liter of water and boil. Let it brew. Take half a glass of decoction, before meals, twice a day. The duration of therapy is five to seven days.
    • Make a collection: take 15 g of peppermint leaves, yarrow flower umbrellas, dill seeds, 30 g of St. John's wort and 2 g of trefoil leaves. Grind everything thoroughly and mix. Pour half a liter of boiling water over two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and leave for two hours. After this, you can filter the liquid and start taking it. Drink one to two tablespoons throughout the day. In this case, you need to drink two glasses of infusion per day. This infusion is an excellent remedy for reducing the increased acidity of stomach secretions, which occurs with belching and problems with stool.
    • Half a teaspoon of crushed dried calamus root, taken a quarter of an hour before meals, will enhance peristalsis.
    • If a person tolerates goat milk normally, then for two to three months it is worth drinking one glass three times a day.
    • Take 50 ml of carrot and potato juice. Mix and drink, before eating, half a glass of the drink three times throughout the day.
    • After a meal, it is useful to treat yourself to fresh whole carrots or puree instead of dessert.
    • An apple or a mixture of an apple and a carrot is taken in the same way.
    • Before eating you can drink a little in small sips clean water, food should not be washed down.

Belching is not a disease, but it brings a person many unpleasant moments, both physically and psychologically. But do not forget that this symptom may be an indicator of pathological changes taking place in the patient’s body, and in order to cure constant belching, you must first make a correct diagnosis and then undergo a full course of treatment - only a certified specialist can do this. Only after stopping the cause of belching can you get rid of it.

Preventing persistent belching

Man is structured in such a way that he cannot live outside of society, but this also imposes on him multiple conventions that fall under the rules of etiquette or education. Therefore, certain processes that are naturally physiological are not usually demonstrated publicly. Belching refers specifically to such processes, but it also entails physical discomfort for a person, which can be fraught with severe pathology. Therefore, preventing constant belching is not only a problem of the physical health of the body, but also a person’s psychological comfort in society.

  • If a person suffers from some disease, there is no need to self-medicate; it would be much more correct to make an appointment with a doctor who will determine the cause of the deviation and give further recommendations. If a pathology is detected, treatment will be prescribed.
  • Prognosis for persistent belching

    Constant or rare belching is not a pathology, but just an unpleasant symptom, behind which there is a root cause. In any case, the prognosis for constant belching is definitely favorable. After all, if the source of the pathology is the food that the patient eats or the manner in which he does it, then it is enough to slightly adjust his diet, as well as his daily routine and attitude towards the very process of food consumption, so that this problem is resolved. If constant belching is a consequence of some disease, then you just need to treat the disease. If the problem is stopped, the symptoms will go away.

    A sudden release of gas from the mouth is not a disease, but you don’t want to put up with it either. After all, besides unpleasant discomfort on a physical level, a person begins to feel awkward, especially if this process finds him in a circle of strangers. Constant belching may also indicate deeper health problems. Therefore, in any case, you should not brush aside this state of affairs. Observe your body throughout the day, you may be able to determine the cause of the belching yourself, but in any case, consulting a specialist will not hurt. Decide this problem not that difficult, but necessary. After all, not only you yourself suffer from it, but also the people around you. Therefore, take care of yourself, be more careful with your health and respect the feelings of others.