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Prolactin how to lower folk remedies? Causes of increased production of prolactin in women. Diagnosis and treatment


The hormone prolactin is responsible for the development of the corpus luteum in a woman's body and lactation, regulates water-salt metabolism in the body. An increase in prolactin can be both functional and caused by prolactinoma, a benign neoplasm in the anterior pituitary gland.

The level of this hormone in the blood increases during stressful situations, after eating, after sexual intercourse. A physiological increase in the hormone prolactin in the body occurs during pregnancy, when the content of estrogen hormones increases in the blood.

In other cases the reason high content of this hormone in the body can serve as dysfunctions thyroid gland, taking oral contraception, pituitary injuries and some systemic diseases, including dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, chronic kidney failure, neurosyphilis, tuberculosis. In women, functional hyperprolactinemia may accompany various gynecological diseases.

The main symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in women: absence of menstruation, problems with conception, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, painful intercourse, late stages possible development of osteoporosis, blurred vision, decreased metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Men have similar hormonal disorders lead to impotence.

Prolactin levels can be determined by diagnostic measures, which include 3-fold blood sampling on days 5-8 of the menstrual cycle; thyroid hormone levels; conducting computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging; examination of the fundus and visual fields to detect a pituitary tumor.

To treat hyperprolactinemia, hormone replacement therapy is used under the supervision of an endocrinologist. The main drug for the treatment of this disease is “Bromocriptine”; it suppresses the secretion of prolactin and activates the body’s natural mechanisms of its suppression.

Treatment of this disease is usually long-term, at least 2-3 years, even after normalization of prolactin levels in laboratory tests. Ultrasound and tomography monitoring is carried out periodically once every six months.

Usually 1-2 months after the start of treatment, ovulation is restored and normalized menstrual cycle, if necessary, additional diagnostic measures are required if treatment does not lead to pregnancy with regular sexual activity.

If the cause of hyperprolactinemia is a pituitary neoplasm, it is indicated surgery with removal of overgrown tissue. With timely consultation with a doctor, in the vast majority of cases it is possible to avoid the development of severe complications: blindness, development of osteoporosis and malignant neoplasms pituitary.


If pregnancy occurs during treatment, the treatment is not interrupted, but it is carried out according to a special scheme under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist. Taking drugs to reduce prolactin levels does not cause any complications for the child and pregnancy.

Prolactin is a lactogenic hormone produced by the pituitary gland in all vertebrates and humans. An elevated level of the hormone may indicate very serious diseases that are difficult to treat even with medication, not like folk remedies. Therefore, if as a result of the examination it is established that the level of prolactin is elevated, it is necessary to constantly visit the endocrinologist, follow all the doctor's recommendations, not refuse the operation and, in addition to the main treatment, use folk recipes.

You will need

  • - examination;
  • - treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist;
  • - motherwort;
  • - valerian;
  • - lemon balm;
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - passion flower;
  • - hops;
  • - hawthorn;
  • - elderberry;
  • - "Novo-Passit".


Normal hormone levels are from 19.8 to 441.83 IU / ml, from 50.43 to 615.06 IU / ml. Elevated prolactin also happens, with amenorrhea-galactorrhea, polycystic ovaries, pituitary tumors, disorders of the hypothalamus, insufficient production of thyroid hormones, with kidney diseases, liver cirrhosis, autoimmune diseases, in chronic, when taking certain medications, for example, antipsychotics. In this regard, in order to reduce the level of the hormone, the underlying disease that caused its increase is necessary.

The prolactin hormone (lactotropin or luteotropic hormone) plays an extremely important role in the female body. Without an appropriate concentration of it in the blood, the following pathologies are observed: mammary glands do not develop in girls in puberty(puberty), the menstrual cycle fails or there is no menstruation, pregnancy does not occur or miscarriages occur, and there is no lactation in the postpartum period.

Low level lactotropic hormone in practice is much less common than high.

Prolactin is one of the hormones that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland (anterior pituitary gland), which is located at the bottom of the brain. This hormone is produced in both women and men.

It performs many different functions throughout the body. The most important function in women is breast development and milk production during pregnancy, and especially after childbirth.

Low concentrations of the hormone prolactin can be caused by a number of factors.

  1. Postpartum necrosis (infarction) of the pituitary gland.
  2. Heavy bleeding.
  3. Damage to the skull and brain.
  4. Post-term pregnancy.
  5. Pituitary gland diseases.
  6. Removed pituitary gland.
  7. A brain tumor.
  8. A course of radiation therapy for a brain tumor.
  9. Taking certain hormonal and other medications (thyroxine, bromocriptine).

Symptoms of low readings:

  • spontaneous abortions;
  • infertility;
  • lack of lactation after childbirth;
  • hirsutism (excessive hair on the body and face);
  • nervousness or depression;

Treatment for low prolactin levels depends on the cause of this imbalance. For speedy recovery the required amount of this hormone is used complex therapy, which provides for the normalization of the female reproductive system, endocrine and nervous system.

Often, to eliminate the problem, it is necessary not only to take drugs that can increase prolactin, but also to prescribe diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. If lactation is disrupted after childbirth, hormonal medications are sometimes required.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can also increase the level of the hormone prolactin in the body using traditional medicine. For this purpose, as a rule, medicinal herbs are used.

It should be noted that the synthesis of prolactin in the body is activated by estrogens - female sex hormones. Violation of this relationship can lead to serious illnesses. There are many herbal recipes that can solve health problems. All dosage forms(decoctions, tinctures and infusions) with low lactotropin it is recommended to take from the 3rd to the 13th day of the menstrual cycle.

1. Raspberry leaves and flowers are poured with boiling water in a thermos. For 2 large spoons of dry raw materials, take 300 milliliters of water. After an hour, drink the infusion in small sips. During the day you need to drink two such servings. Raspberries are a natural estrogen.

2. Positive influence Sage influences the production of prolactin by pituitary cells. It is used for severe uterine bleeding, infertility, ovarian dysfunction. Sage leaves are brewed in boiling water: take 1 liter of water for 50 grams of raw material. Take the infusion three times a day, 100 milliliters.

3. Increases lactotropin in the blood, reduces nervousness and improves the reproductive function of a woman - hops. It is necessary to prepare the following tincture: a dark glass bottle is half filled with fruits and topped up with vodka, diluted alcohol or homemade moonshine. Leave in darkness for 20-25 days. Take the potion twice a day, 10 drops.

4. In case of ovarian dysfunction, infertility, menopause, amenorrhea, lack of lactation, associated with low prolactin concentration, you need to drink a decoction of sweet clover. It is prepared in this way: add a spoonful of dried herbs to 220 ml of hot boiling water. Boil on steam bath within 12-15 minutes. Take 50 ml of the product three times a day.

5. It will restore the lost cycle of menstrual bleeding and improve sleep. “ female herb", like oregano. In addition, it is able to restore lactation in the breast after childbirth, stimulates the development of the mammary glands and uterus in girls during puberty. Throw 2 spoons of plant flowers into 300 ml of hot 95-100° water. Take in small portions throughout the day. The crushed plant is also added to various dishes as a seasoning.

6. Cumin is used in folk medicine to improve lactation. The following kvass is prepared from it: 50 grams of cumin, 1.5 kilograms rye bread, 0.5 kilograms of granulated sugar, 25 grams of yeast, 11 liters of water. The composition is infused like regular kvass. Drink instead of water.

For infertility, take black cumin oil. Dosage: one spoon (teaspoon) in the morning and evening after finishing the meal.

8. An infusion of plantain seeds and leaves will help increase prolactin. The raw materials are mixed 2:1 and take three tablespoons per cup of boiling water. Boil over low heat and let it brew. Take 30 ml three times a day. Recommended course of treatment for hormonal disorders: five months.

9. Activates the production of luteotropic hormone by the pituitary gland, eliminates negative symptoms, including nervousness, migraine, infertility, regulates the menstrual cycle, eases menopause plant - helba (fenugreek, fenugreek). An infusion of seeds has a beneficial effect on the normal development of the mammary glands and improves lactation several times. Recipe: crush one tablespoon of seeds and pour 240 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 4 hours. Recommended intake: 50 ml - five times a day. You can add honey to the drink. There is no need to throw away the seeds; they can be eaten.

10. Mealy aletris also helps. It is prescribed for frequent spontaneous abortions or amenorrhea.

The crushed dried roots of the plant are infused with alcohol, vodka or homemade moonshine. For 300 milliliters of 40-50% alcoholic beverage, take one large spoon of raw materials. They insist for 10 days.

This remedy should be taken 25 drops three times a day. It is advisable that the tincture be taken an hour before the next meal.

11. It is known that licorice root (licorice) is also capable of increasing lactotropin. It is prescribed for polycystic disease, infertility, amenorrhea and menopause. You can use licorice as a whole: yarrow, St. John's wort, juniper (fruit). The plants taken in equal quantities are mixed and one spoon of herbs is poured into 190 ml of water. Heat in a water (steam) bath. Take 90-100 ml twice a day.

Licorice tincture. For 30 g of root take 240-250 grams of vodka or alcohol diluted to 45-50%. Next, the potion is infused. It will take 9-10 days. (Choose a dark place!) Take half a teaspoon of the potion (at least 3 times a day).

12. Fennel (sweet dill) is a natural stimulator of luteotropic hormone production. It is used to normalize women's health: restore the menstrual cycle, alleviate the symptoms of menopause, and activate milk production in the breast. Brew one spoon (tablespoon) of seeds in 180-200 milliliters of water. Drink several of these servings a day. (The infusion should be taken between meals!)

Anise. A spoonful of seeds is poured into a cup of water (90-95°). When the drink is infused, take it.

Doctor's opinion

Hormonal imbalance requires mandatory correction. The treatment strategy for hypoprolactinemia depends on the level of this hormone in the blood. Small and medium deviations can be corrected with decoctions and tinctures: sweet clover, oregano, sage, caraway, fenugreek.

An increase in prolactin in order to increase the amount of milk should be carried out with extreme caution, including folk methods. Herbal infusions are strong medications, and their penetration into milk can harm the baby. Be sure to consult with your doctor. The best remedy Increasing lactation is good sleep and proper nutrition.

Prevention of low prolactin levels

In order to prevent low concentrations of the hormone prolactin in the blood, you should review your diet. It is useful for women to include in the daily menu: wheat cereals, legumes, sprouted oats, unripe grains of corn and barley, rice, lentils, hops, nuts.

The following vegetables stimulate the production of luteotropic hormone: carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, celery and garlic. You should also eat: apples, pomegranates, ginger, black and red grapes. Prolactin levels will noticeably increase if you add oils such as soybean, pomegranate, flaxseed, date, palm and sesame to your food.

You should also prohibit yourself from: smoking, drinking alcohol, strong coffee and tea. And it is also important to remember: if prolactin is reduced, you cannot use any low calorie diets for weight loss.

Prolactin is an important hormone of the pituitary gland. Produced in small quantities by the endometrium. As a rule, there are 3 types in the body:

  • monomeric - it is among the hormones the largest number, within 80%;
  • tetrameric - 0.6-6%;
  • dimeric - 6-20%.

How does it affect the body?

Now science does not know exactly how this hormone affects the body. It is worth noting its significance for:

  • colostrum secretion/formation;
  • female breast growth;
  • converting colostrum into milk;
  • optimization of water-salt metabolism;
  • the corpus luteum phase is prolonged;
  • the number of milk ducts/lobules increases.

In women, this hormone acts as a “contraceptive” - it helps block conception during lactation and carry a child. The fact is that when prolactin is released, conception does not occur. If your baby stops feeding mother's milk, your chances of getting pregnant increase again. For men, the presence of the hormone in the body is considered important. In addition to water-salt metabolism, it enhances the formation of testosterone and affects the stimulation of sperm growth. When the level of this hormone in the body is higher than normal, women sometimes have problems conceiving.

Features of analyzes

The question of what day to take prolactin is of concern to many people. Blood testing for prolactin is given on any day of the menstrual cycle. The luteal, follicular phase is ideal. If a woman is at the beginning of her period, she can also donate blood for other hormones. It is advisable to do this from the 2nd to the 5th day, and from the 5th to the 8th day. During the follicular phase, blood can be tested for the presence of pituitary hormones. Immediately checked laboratory conditions prolactin, LH, FSH. As a rule, pregnant women undergo tests to check different hormones on the same day.

If a woman needs to donate blood only to determine prolactin, then on what day she does it does not matter. The fact is that the results will be deciphered depending on what day of the cycle the blood was taken. The amount of the hormone in the body varies depending on the phase of the cycle, so to understand whether the levels are normal or not, the test can be taken on any day. And even if the doctor recommends taking the test on a specific day, but his recommendation for some reason does not suit you, you can clarify the date. Most likely, you will be able to indicate a number when it will be convenient for you to take the test.

Before taking the test, it is important to refrain from:

The amount of hormone is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Sometimes laboratory tests are written in units of µIU/ml. To convert ng/ml to µIU/ml, divide the latter value by 30.3.

The level of the hormone increases when a woman sleeps, so blood sampling should be done no later than three hours after waking up. In this case, you should donate blood on an empty stomach. When an increased amount of the hormone is noted, it is recommended to take the test several more times. This way you will make sure that the jump in prolactin is not a one-time occurrence.

Insufficient amount of prolactin

IN different times The hormone levels vary throughout the day. After waking up, the amount of prolactin decreases. Almost in 60 minutes. after falling asleep the level increases significantly, but most more quantity in the blood is observed in the early morning. A low level indicates that the functioning of the pituitary gland may be impaired. Such cases occur less frequently than with increased prolactin.


When there is an increased amount of the hormone in the blood, the signs are as follows:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted (sometimes menstruation is completely absent);
  • there is no sexual desire;
  • unable to conceive a child;
  • there is discharge from the mammary glands;
  • obesity;
  • hair grows on the back, chest, and face of women;
  • women do not ovulate;
  • a lot of acne.

However, if the hormone level is higher than normal, all of the above symptoms may not appear immediately. Since the symptoms of low/high prolactin are quite easy to notice, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the symptoms may indicate the presence of quite serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Conception and prolactin

The pituitary gland causes ovulation. At the same time, the formation of FSH and LH is noticeably reduced if the level of prolactin is high enough, so pregnancy is impossible. If a woman is unable to get pregnant for six months or longer, it makes sense to donate blood for hormones.

When a large amount of the hormone is observed in a woman's body, this causes reluctance to have intimacy, and the breast also acquires big size. Against the background of such changes, breast cancer may develop. In this case, men may experience such symptoms in the presence of a large amount of this hormone:

When an increased amount of prolactin is suspected, the symptoms described above are the basis for treatment. However, for starters, it is still better to take tests that will help you understand why such failures occur.

Causes of elevated prolactin

Hyperprolactinemia is observed in 2 types:

In this case, the latter form contributes to an increase in prolactin due to lactation, pregnancy, deep sleep, strong physical loads, during intimacy, when the diet is rich in proteins, in case of emotional stress.

In men, an increased amount of prolactin in the morning is the norm. And this state is optimal for 5-7 hours. morning. The causes of pathological hyperprolactinemia are as follows:

  • tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland;
  • radioactive impact;
  • surgical interventions in the chest area;
  • lack of vitamin B6 in the body and so on.

When there is a lot of prolactin in the blood, it happens that obesity becomes the cause. Fatty tissues contain estradiol, which causes an increase in prolactin levels. And the more estradiol, the more hormone will be observed. Thus, high level prolactin in the body is the prerogative overweight men and women.

Decreased hormone levels

How to do it? This problem must be solved by the doctor after the patient has donated blood for analysis. The specialist should also take into account the cause of hyperprolactinemia. Prolactin levels increase during breastfeeding, and as soon as the baby weans, the hormone in the body returns to normal.


An MRI is prescribed for diagnosis. Tomography makes it possible to determine whether an increase in the amount of prolactin is associated with any specific disease whether the patient has tumors. Treatment may include radiation therapy, taking medications, surgical intervention. Prescriptions are given by the doctor after examination, when the causes of the problem are known. Self-medication is strictly forbidden, as it can cause harm to health.

Prolactin hormone levels

Prolactin is a hormone produced by acidophilic cells in the pituitary gland. He takes part in normal function reproductive system, responsible for normal lactation processes. This hormone is produced not only in men, but also in women.

Prolactin in the female body is responsible for such processes.

  1. Ensuring normal lactation by increasing the amount of colostrum (then it passes into milk).
  2. Full development of the mammary glands.
  3. Extension of the luteal phase of the monthly cycle.
  4. Suspension of ovulation and new conception during breastfeeding.
  5. Cessation of menstruation during lactation.
  6. Normal development of secondary sexual characteristics in women.
  7. Helps correct sexual behavior.
  8. Promotes the manifestation of maternal instinct.
  9. Regulates water-salt balance in the body, especially the interaction of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
  10. Promotes weight gain.
  11. Helps a woman overcome stress.

Prolactin norm table

A table of prolactin norms in women can be presented as follows:

When analyzing the indicators of the hormone prolactin, the norm for women by age, the table will look like this:

Optimal hormone levels in the female body

The norm is not constant and varies between 4.6-49 ng/ml. This indicator will depend on what day of the cycle the tests were taken. The optimal values ​​for cycle phases are indicated in the table below:

In expectant mothers, hormone levels are increased during pregnancy. When carrying a child, it changes:

The amount of prolactin increases around the 8th week of pregnancy. The most high concentration observed at 21-25 weeks. At the same time, the level of prolactin is quite significant for proper development fetal lungs. The amount of the hormone decreases immediately before childbirth and increases only when the woman begins to breastfeed.

There are significant physiological fluctuations in normal prolactin levels in women: the table shows that significant fluctuations in its content are possible. They are physiological, because peak levels occur right around ovulation. During the luteal phase, the hormone content is also high.

Prolactin in men

Prolactin is a gonadotropic hormone. In men, it controls the normal processes of testosterone production. The concentration of this hormone is responsible for:

  • normal development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • characteristics of male character;
  • the strength of male attraction;
  • spermatogenesis.
  • Male hormone norm

    IN male body contains much less prolactin than women's. So, if a man is completely healthy, the hormone levels will be at the level of 2.6-17 ng/ml.

    Prolactin levels may change depending on stress or the presence of physical fatigue.

    Reasons for hormone reduction in men:

  • brain injuries;
  • damage to the pituitary gland;
  • infectious pathologies - tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • irradiation of the pituitary gland.
  • Symptoms of low prolactin:

      decreased libido;
    • hair loss on the face, pubic area;
    • decrease in testicular size;
    • decrease in sperm count.

    An increase in prolactin levels may result from chronic prostatitis, lung cancer, taking H2 blockers, narcotic substances.

    When analyzing prolactin, norms in men by age, the table will look like this:

    The norm of prolactin MME l in men is always constant. This hormone should not be produced too much.

    What you need to know if prolactin is higher than normal in women

    The level of prolactin in the blood of women is subject to sharp jumps. They can be as a result of taking certain drugs, intense sexual life. Physiological reasons for the increase in the indicators of the hormone in question in women:

    • pregnancy and postpartum period;
    • breast-feeding;
    • severe stress or depression;
    • fasting, strict diets;
    • intense intimate life;
    • consumption of large amounts of protein foods;
    • physical activity.

    Prolactin levels are higher than normal in women for pathological reasons:

    • hypothalamic-pituitary disorders;
    • liver or kidney failure;
    • ovarian diseases;
    • diseases of the female reproductive system.

    An increase in prolactin, provided that a woman is not pregnant and is not breastfeeding, can be dangerous to health. This often leads to infertility. It is important to diagnose the hormone depending on the day of the cycle. Thus, prolactin levels on the 3rd day of the cycle are normal - from 252 to 504 mU per liter (physiologically, this number should be higher during menstruation.

    What you need to know if prolactin is below normal in women

    Prolactin levels are lower than normal in women for the following reasons:

    • Sheehan syndrome, or postpartum hypothalamic dysfunction;
    • use of certain types of medications;
    • traumatic brain injuries;
    • pathological conditions of the pituitary gland;
    • gynecological pathologies;
    • post-term pregnancy;
    • tumors of the pituitary gland and other parts of the brain;
    • radiation therapy (especially if the effect occurred on the brain area);
    • menopause.

    Symptoms reduced level Prolactin levels in women are:

    • a drop in the amount of milk produced and even its absence immediately after the birth of a child;
    • infertility;
    • pronounced violations of the monthly cycle;
    • early miscarriages;
    • migraine;
    • disruption of the vegetative-vascular system;
    • obsessive fears and phobias;
    • development of edema;
    • growth of hair on the body, especially in the facial area.

    For each woman, the severity of complaints can be individual. Depending on the discovered cause and the clinical picture of the violations, necessary treatment patients. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

    Prolactin is a hormone whose norm in women often and dramatically changes. In the presence of any deviation, a thorough diagnosis of the state of the body and treatment of the problem that has arisen is necessary.

    Prolactin is increased

    This hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. In the female body, its level fluctuates widely. Consider why prolactin is elevated in a woman, the causes, symptoms, treatment of such a disease.

    This hormone plays an important biological role in a woman’s body.

    1. Promotes milk production.
    2. It prevents a possible pregnancy immediately after the birth of a child, thereby the female body can recover.
    3. During pregnancy, the glandular lobules of the mammary gland grow.
    4. The hormone protects the fetus from exposure immune system mother.
    5. It prepares the baby's lungs for independent breathing.
    6. Helps reduce the threshold of pain sensitivity.
    7. During coitus, a person can experience orgasm.
    8. The hormone promotes normal sleep.

    So, biological role prolactin is huge. However, there are cases when its content in the blood significantly exceeds the physiological norm.

    Reasons for increased prolactin in women

    If prolactin is elevated in a woman, the reasons for this may be as follows.

    1. Cystic formations of the brain.
    2. Pathologies of the hypothalamus.
    3. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
    4. Lactation period.
    5. Decreased blood glucose levels due to fasting and other reasons.
    6. Increased physical activity.
    7. Increased sexual activity.
    8. Eating foods rich in proteins.
    9. Stress.
    10. The period of bearing a child.
    11. Some medical procedures- for example, massage for cervical osteochondrosis.
    12. Excessive irritation of the nipples due to poor-quality underwear.
    13. Some kidney pathologies, ovarian diseases.

    There are other reasons why prolactin is elevated: medical forums point to factors such as the use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, amphetamine-type drugs, narcotic drugs, etc.

    How does hyperprolactinemia manifest, what to do if prolactin is elevated

    If a woman has elevated prolactin, the symptoms and causes of this phenomenon are interrelated, since it is from the influence of the damaging factor that the woman will feel certain signs of trouble. You should pay attention to the following phenomena in the female body:

    • infertility (it is associated with a lack of ovulation: if prolactin is elevated in a woman, the consequences may specifically affect the ability to become pregnant);
    • miscarriages up to 12 weeks;
    • amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea (often women may miss periods completely)
    • discharge of milky fluid from the nipple;
    • acne;
    • hirsutism (hair growing in the area near the nipple, on the stomach and sometimes on the face);
    • frigidity and other disorders of sexual desire;
    • thyroid dysfunction;
    • memory impairment, visual impairment;
    • severe sleep disturbances;
    • increased appetite;
    • decrease in strength bone tissue in the form of osteoporosis and other pathologies.

    A woman may develop prolactinoma. This pathology contributes to the previously mentioned visual and memory impairments. Women may become irritable; some of them are diagnosed depressive state and increased irritability.

    If the hormone prolactin is elevated in a woman, treatment should be started as early as possible. This is the only way to avoid further health complications.

    Only a doctor can determine if prolactin is elevated in women. For this, the following types of analyzes are assigned:

    • determination of the amount of the hormone in plasma;
    • MRI of the head;
    • X-ray examination of the head or CT scan;
    • fundus diagnostics.

    In some cases it is necessary to completely diagnostic examination the whole body.

    Do not panic if the diagnostic results reveal an increase in the amount of prolactin. Modern technologies help eliminate the manifestations of hyperprolactinemia.

    Increased hormone prolactin in women: treatment

    If prolactin is elevated in a woman, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Some patients do not know in what cases prolactin is elevated, what it means and think that treatment should be done in any condition. This is not true. Hyperprolactinemia of pathological origin should be treated only. If the patient has physiological hyperprolactinemia, then therapy is not required.

    Natural preparations based on ergot have proven themselves well. Doctors recommend that their patients take Cabergoline or Bromocriptine. Long-term use of these medications is necessary (even up to 3 years). Every few months, additional examination of prolactin levels in the blood is necessary.

    The same treatment will be sufficient if the patient has a pituitary adenoma. For hypothyroidism, inclusion in the course of treatment is mandatory replacement drugs thyroxine.

    If the patient has pathologies of the kidneys or liver (against the background of hyperprolactinemia), then their treatment is carried out by specialized specialists of the appropriate profile.

    A woman can prevent the increase of such a hormone in the blood. To do this, you should listen to these recommendations.

    1. Do not overuse medications. All medications are best taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
    2. You should not get carried away with sunbathing, as excessive exposure to direct sunbeams contributes to the emergence tumor diseases pituitary.
    3. Reception should be limited sleeping pills. It is best to replace them with natural sedatives.
    4. You need to wear comfortable underwear so that it does not irritate your nipples.
    5. If there is discharge from the breasts during menstruation and pregnancy, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of the hormone in the blood.

    If prolactin is elevated, reviews of the treatment of patients are usually positive. Good treatment results can only be achieved if the woman promptly consults a doctor for treatment. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as this contributes to the development of severe pathologies.

    How to lower prolactin

    Decrease in prolactin in women

    It is necessary to take drugs that reduce prolactin in women in cases where a pituitary tumor is detected or symptoms of the disease appear. Often a tumor in a specified lobe of the brain is determined to be benign. Even then, it poses a serious threat to a woman's life. Large adenoma - with a diameter of 1 cm or more can cause vision impairment.

    Drugs to reduce prolactin in women should be taken in the following cases:

    • pathological enlargement of the mammary gland;
    • the appearance of discharge from the gland if the woman does not feed the child;
    • pathology of menstrual function;
    • infertility;
    • severe obesity;
    • tendency to bone fractures;
    • caries.

    Men need to take corrective treatment in case of impotence if it is caused by hyperprolactinemia.

    Treatment of these conditions should be carried out only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication may cause further deterioration of health.

    Prolactin-lowering agents

    Today, the most optimal use of dopamine receptors. Common prolactin-lowering agents are as follows.

    1. Bromocriptine. It is an ergot alkaloid. Reduces the secretion of prolactin, maintains its effect for 8 - 12 hours. First, the patient is given lower doses; if well tolerated, it is gradually increased. The dosage of such a drug is determined only individually. The drug allows you to restore normal prolactin secretion in the vast majority of cases.
    2. Abergine has a longer therapeutic effect. This is explained by slow absorption from the intestines. The features of taking this drug are the same as those of Bromocriptine.
    3. Quinagolide is a long-acting dopamine antagonist. A decrease in the amount of prolactin is observed within two hours after oral administration. It is prescribed only once a day, as its effect lasts for 24 hours.
    4. Cabergoline has a prolonged effect. Duration effective action persists for 1 - 4 weeks due to a long half-life from the body. Another name for this drug is Dostinex. Usually, if prolactin has decreased after Dostinex, the woman does not feel unpleasant consequences(of course, if all the doctor’s prescriptions were followed)

    Often observed side effects while taking drugs of this group are constipation, dyspepsia, weakness, hot flashes, pain in the breast area, decreased blood pressure. Usually, indicated symptoms weakly expressed, and after two weeks pass.

    If a patient has a hormone-dependent pituitary tumor, it is necessary to surgery. It is also prescribed in cases where the tumor begins to compress the centers of vision of the brain. Surgical intervention is prescribed only according to the results of a thorough examination, the decision is made by the attending physician.

    How to lower prolactin in men

    How to lower prolactin in men? The most common scheme conservative therapy- the appointment of drugs based on bromocriptine. Doctors often prescribe Parlodel to their patients. Abergin well inhibits the production of prolactin by the body, does not affect other hormonal drugs. Possesses the prolonged action. Care must be taken when taking this medication, as it has severe side effects.

    Men can also be prescribed Dostinex. Such a medicine created on the basis of cabergoline has a well-pronounced therapeutic effect. It should be taken twice a week. This pattern of drug use guarantees a reduction in the severity of side effects, the use of the drug will allow short time normalize the patient's condition.

    Norprolac is well tolerated. It should be taken once a day. The indicated dosage regimen well controls the concentration of prolactin in the patient’s blood.

    If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgery is prescribed. Its effectiveness with early treatment reaches 90 percent. As additional treatment Radiotherapy (irradiation with gamma rays) is prescribed.

    How to lower prolactin with folk remedies

    Lower prolactin folk remedies It won’t be possible without the use of medications: they are not effective enough in correcting disrupted hormonal levels. Still, some remedies help alleviate the suffering caused by increased hormonal levels. At the same time, the effectiveness of general treatment increases.

    How to lower prolactin in women using folk remedies? Here are some common and simple means normalization of a woman’s condition.

    1. Sedatives based on valerian, motherwort, and lemon balm relieve nervous tension and other results of hyperprolactinemia.
    2. Chamomile tea relieves tension well.
    3. It is necessary to lead active image life, do gymnastics, yoga.
    4. A woman should drink enough water.
    5. The diet should be balanced, without foods containing harmful antioxidants and carcinogens.
    6. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

    The doctor can explain in more detail how to lower prolactin with folk remedies.

    Treatment of hyperpolactinemia is necessary in each case of its occurrence. Preferred individual approach to therapy: the patient is prescribed the most effective medicine just in his case. Self-medication of elevated prolactin is dangerous to health, as it can cause further deterioration in health. If a decrease in prolactin is diagnosed, reviews of treatment with proper use of medications are positive.

    Decreased prolactin

    In some cases, men and women may be diagnosed with reduced prolactin. Let's consider how low prolactin manifests itself in women, the causes and treatment of this condition, and the characteristics of the disease in men.

    Causes of low prolactin

    The reasons for low prolactin in women are as follows.

    1. Tumor processes in the brain and in particular in the pituitary gland.
    2. tuberculosis process.
    3. Traumatic brain injuries with damage to the brain substance.
    4. X-ray studies of the brain in the treatment of tumors.
    5. Birth hemorrhages.
    6. Use (often uncontrolled) of hormonal medications.
    7. Ovarian diseases.
    8. Diabetes insipidus.
    9. Genetic pathologies of endocrine organs.
    10. Hormonal changes in the body during menopause.
    11. Poor quality food. This also includes a passion for diets that recommend fasting. Contribute to the emergence reduced content prolactin in the blood and a decrease in the amount of protein food, a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
    12. Physical activity, heavy labor.
    13. Stress. Constant nervous tension leads to aggravation of everything in the body. pathological processes and is violated natural balance hormones.
    14. Smoking, drug use.
    15. Alcohol addiction.

    Causes and symptoms of low prolactin in men

    The main causes of hypoprolactinemia in the stronger sex are:

    • sharply increased intracranial pressure;
    • diseases in childhood leading to a delay in sexual development;
    • some genetic pathologies;
    • parotitis and other past pathologies;
    • disruption of the pituitary gland;
    • gamma radiation;
    • smoking;
    • insufficient intake of carbohydrates and fats in the body;
    • pituitary gland injuries (may result from damage to the skull);
    • disruption of the hypothalamus;
    • drug use;
    • alcoholism;
    • stress.

    If diagnosed low prolactin In women, the symptoms of this condition are as follows:

    • weight gain (sometimes very significant);
    • discharge of colostrum from the mammary glands;
    • irregular menstruation (sometimes its complete absence);
    • the appearance of acne on the face and other parts of the body;
    • infertility;
    • hirsutism, that is, excessive hair growth on different areas body;
    • fears, nervousness;
    • sleep disturbance.

    Such symptoms of low prolactin can be counted as chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, they can also indicate severe hormonal disorders. This is why women need to periodically consult an endocrinologist.

    Many women do not know how a decrease in prolactin affects estrogen. This dependence leads to the fact that involuntary miscarriage may occur during pregnancy. Often a decrease in prolactin occurs during lactation. In such cases, a woman may lose milk.

    If low prolactin is detected in men, the symptoms of this disease are as follows:

    • teenagers may be late sexual development;
    • absence of secondary sexual characteristics such as a deep voice and hair on the face, pubis, armpits;
    • lack of wet dreams in adolescents and young men;
    • decrease, and sometimes complete absence of sexual desire;
    • sharp violation potency, severe erectile dysfunction;
    • the appearance on the body, especially on the face, of acne and other rashes;
    • subject to regular sexual activity - the woman is not pregnant (if she does not suffer from hormonal imbalance and other pathologies).

    The appearance of all such signs indicates that the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. If there is very low prolactin in men, the symptoms of this disease are more pronounced. Often representatives of the stronger sex completely lack erection and ejaculation. Sometimes they have severe gynecomastia, female type obesity, prolapse pubic hair and other signs indicating a severe imbalance of testosterone in the body.

    Low prolactin after Dostinex

    Sometimes low prolactin may be detected after Dostinex. Let us remind you that Dostinex is a drug that promotes effective reduction blood prolactin levels. It is usually prescribed for hyperprolactinemia. If women or men are diagnosed with low prolactin, Dostinex is the cause of such a disorder if it is taken incorrectly. This often happens with self-medication.

    The consequences of such improper treatment the following:

    • infertility (both in men and women);
    • disorders of menstrual function in women, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation in men;
    • decreased mood;
    • depression;
    • sleep disturbances (may be drowsiness in daytime and insomnia at night);
    • severe obesity;
    • Women may have insufficient lactation after childbirth.

    Low prolactin levels in women and men require correction. For this, special medications. Self-medication for hypoprolactinemia is strictly prohibited, because this can adversely affect general condition health and lead to more serious complications.

    To prevent low prolactin, the following measures must be observed:

    • pay attention to how you feel and always consult a doctor if worrying signs appear;
    • establish normal mode work and rest;
    • regularly undergo diagnostics;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • never practice self-medication.

    A decrease in prolactin in the blood cannot be considered safe. This condition leads to severe disruption of the entire body. Timely diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment contribute to the correction pathological conditions. Do not self-medicate and use traditional methods because it will only make things worse.

    How to increase prolactin

    Normally, prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland. It is necessary that its level is always within the normal range. However, in women and men, there is often a decrease in the amount of such a hormone. Let's look at how to increase prolactin in women and men, what are used for this medications how to take them most effectively

    If a person has low prolactin, increasing it is necessary to prevent the development of complications. The hormone performs important functions in the female body:

    • contributes to the normal development of the mammary glands;
    • promotes the formation of colostrum and its conversion into milk;
    • prolongs the corpus luteum phase;
    • regulates salt and water metabolism.

    For men, this hormone is also important because it contributes to normal testosterone production and an increase in the quantity and quality of sperm. Tests to determine the content of such a biologically active substance in a person’s blood can be taken any day. For women, it is absolutely not important what day of the monthly cycle is at the time of the analysis. Sometimes, for convenience, a prolactin test is combined with other studies of hormone levels in the body.

    If a woman needs to be tested for prolactin and other hormones, the level of which depends on the menstrual cycle, then this is best done in the interval of 2-5 or 5-8 days. You should definitely donate blood in the morning, before eating. It is important that several hours pass after sleep, because the amount of the hormone varies greatly depending on the time of day. It is advisable to repeat the tests in a few days.

    Preparation for such an analysis includes:

    • giving up sweets and fast food;
    • abstaining from sexual relations a few days before the analysis;
    • cancel breast diagnostics a few days before the blood test;
    • avoid stress;
    • limit physical activity.

    Before producing an increase in prolactin in women, the causes of a reduced level of the hormone must be determined.

    Medicines to increase hormones

    If you need to increase prolactin, medications are taken as prescribed by your doctor. An individual approach in treating patients is preferable. The following medications are prescribed:

    • Amitriptyline;
    • Amoxapine;
    • Furosemide;
    • Methyldopa;
    • Carbidopa;
    • Megestrol;
    • Veralipred;
    • Verapamil;
    • Zimedin;
    • Zotepin.

    Flibanserin can be used to increase female libido. Requires long-term use. It is possible that such side effects like hypotension, fainting. The drug is contraindicated in patients who have renal insufficiency, it should not be taken simultaneously with strong or moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4. The drug is strictly prohibited for use with alcoholic drinks. Also this remedy should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Among dietary supplements, the use of Laveron and Silver Fox is indicated.

    If Cyclodinone has increased prolactin, you should avoid taking other similar drugs. After all, if the amount of such a hormone increases sharply, then instead of the expected effect, hyperprolactinemia may develop. It will be necessary to treat such a disorder.

    How to increase prolactin in men

    How to increase prolactin in men? First of all, it is necessary to use the following measures:

    • eliminate stress and all factors leading to it;
    • improve the functions of the reproductive system through proper nutrition and the use of dietary supplements;
    • optimize the functioning of the nervous system;
    • regulate the normal functioning of the pituitary gland.

    Among the medications, drugs are prescribed to inhibit the production of dopamine. It should be noted that they may have a negative effect on men's health. And if you need to increase prolactin, pills to correct hormone levels should be taken only as prescribed by your doctor. Gently increase the concentration of infusions from such herbs:

    • galegas;
    • seaside haux;
    • egg pods;
    • fennel seeds;
    • infusion of sweet clover;
    • thousand head;
    • fiddlehead;
    • morel decoction.

    It is recommended to use drugs to stimulate metabolism (usually it is reduced when prolactin is low).

    Increase prolactin folk remedies

    How to increase the level of prolactin in women or men with folk remedies? There are recipes based on medicinal plants that can increase prolactin. Medicines must be applied long time and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Women should take drugs from the 3rd to the 13th day of the monthly cycle.

    Consider how you can increase this hormone with the help of folk remedies.

    1. Fill raspberry leaves boiling water and place them in a thermos. For one and a half glasses of water, you need to take 2 tbsp. dried and crushed raw materials. It takes time to insist. Drink in small sips. For a day you need to drink 3 glasses of this medicine.
    2. sage renders positive impact on the body with reduced prolactin. The use of this medicine is indicated for infertility and ovarian dysfunction. For 50 g of the leaves of this plant, you need to take 1 liter of water. Drink half a glass of decoction 3 times a day.
    3. Able to increase the amount of this hormone and hops. A dark glass bottle should be filled halfway with fruits and filled with vodka or moonshine. Insist up to 25 days. Drink 10 drops 2 times a day.
    4. Sweet clover decoction helps with ovarian dysfunction, infertility, and lack of menstruation. Take a teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day.
    5. Oregano effectively restores the menstrual cycle. It can also be taken by women looking for an answer to the question of how to increase prolactin while breastfeeding. For one and a half glasses you need to take 2 teaspoons of herbs. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
    6. For infertility, it is recommended to take black cumin oil.

    Remember that if you need to increase prolactin using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor for advice before using any medicine. You can increase prolactin easily and quickly with drug therapy and public funds. But before starting treatment, you need to contact a specialist for blood tests and other examinations.

    The effect of prolactin on pregnancy

    When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to have your hormone levels checked. This is necessary to exclude possible problems when conceiving a child and carrying it to term. Let's consider how this hormone affects the onset of pregnancy and its course.

    Elevated prolactin in pregnant women

    Prolactin during pregnancy can vary greatly from week to week. First of all, it depends on the trimester and stage at which the embryo develops. Hormone indicators are:

    • during the first trimester its value ranges from 3.2 to 43 ng;
    • during the second trimester normal indicators rise from 13 to 166;
    • during the third trimester it can reach 318 ng per liter.

    As you can see, these figures are several times higher than those of non-pregnant women. There is no need to worry in this case: the amount of this hormone increases immediately after pregnancy.

    The amount of hormone during pregnancy can be determined using tests.

    Pregnancy with high prolactin

    Hormonal levels have a significant impact on the ability to conceive. With a reduced amount of prolactin, women experience significant difficulties in the process of fertilization. They are disturbed normal operation ovaries. In this case, it is necessary to treat low prolactin, as this is fraught with the development of other undesirable symptoms.

    If high prolactin is diagnosed when planning pregnancy, then this may be a sign of a benign brain tumor - an adenoma. Being small in size, it does not pose a significant health threat. But still, with its increased growth, women often experience infertility.

    Only a detailed blood test can find out the true causes of difficulties in conceiving. There are links between elevated prolactin and pregnancy: Internet forums indicate that many women have some difficulty getting pregnant. If prolactin is high, can you get pregnant or not? Increased quantity this biologically active substance prevents conception.

    Today, more and more gynecologists confidently claim that with elevated prolactin you can get pregnant. Until recently, it was believed that with such a disorder, conception and normal pregnancy were impossible. Now the pharmacological industry produces special drugs that increase the production of dopamine. Namely, this substance is responsible for the normal production of prolactin in the blood.

    Dopaminomimetics include:

    • Bromocriptyl;
    • Lisuride;
    • Dostinex or Cabergoline.

    These drugs can be taken by women when planning pregnancy. Sometimes with hyperprolactinemia caused by benign tumors prolactinomas, they must be taken throughout life. This is due to the fact that such formations are rarely operated on due to the presence of complications. The operation can be prescribed only after the birth of the child if the tumor is rapidly progressing and exists real threat disturbances in the normal functioning of the brain.

    Dopaminomimetics restore the normal menstrual cycle, and therefore the woman’s ability to become pregnant. This restores the normal formation of luteinizing hormone. So the answer to the question is it possible to get pregnant with elevated prolactin, provided correct application is positive.

    Sometimes women leave questions: even though I take pills and have high prolactin, I can’t get pregnant. This means that the patient needs to undergo additional examination, which can determine the real reason hyperprolactinemia and associated infertility.

    What does high prolactin mean during pregnancy?

    Elevated prolactin in pregnant women almost always occurs. The fact is that he takes an active part in normal functioning female reproductive system. It has been proven that such a hormone is necessary for correct formation respiratory organs of the fetus.

    This hormone is especially necessary in the first weeks of pregnancy, as it prevents miscarriage. He also governs normal amount amniotic fluid.

    If the patient was taking drugs from a number of dopaminomimetics, then when pregnancy occurs, they are canceled. There are no cases during pregnancy sharp increase prolactin, even if she previously had hyperprolactinemia, especially against the background of pituitary tumors. Only in certain cases, Bromocriptine can be prescribed during pregnancy. This usually happens in the case of progressive growth of pituitary tumors.

    In general, pregnancy with high prolactin is possible. This phenomenon does not in any way affect the normal course of the process of bearing a child. To date, there is no evidence that prolactin caused miscarriage or other complications during childbirth. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, an increase in prolactin is normal. On the contrary, a woman should worry about its decline.

    Pregnant women who were prescribed Bromocriptine for health reasons had an increased risk of infant death immediately after birth. This happened because his lungs did not expand in time, and as a result he was unable to take his first breath. This complication also occurs because a sufficient amount of the active substance has not accumulated in the lungs, covering the alveoli from the inside. Because of this, they stick together. It is prolactin that promotes the normal synthesis of such a surfactant.

    From this it becomes obvious that high prolactin during pregnancy is not terrible. However, due to this condition, a woman cannot become pregnant. Much more dangerous is a decrease in the level of this one of the most important biologically active substances for the female body.

    Prolactin is a tropic hormone that is responsible for reproductive functions, regulates the menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation.

    Especially important role This element plays a role in pregnancy and lactation. In such a situation, an increase in prolactin is normal.

    In other cases this state needs correction. So, how to lower prolactin in women using folk remedies?

    Functions of prolactin

    Prolactin solves a number of important problems:

    • stimulates the growth and development of mammary glands;
    • ensures milk production during lactation;
    • helps synthesize progesterone during pregnancy;
    • regulates water-salt metabolism;
    • increases the body's defenses;
    • activates metabolism;
    • increases weight;
    • maintains normal levels of sodium, calcium and water.

    On average, the volume of prolactin should be 120-600 mU / l. This amount of hormone is observed in the female body from the beginning of menstruation until the onset of menopause.

    However, pregnancy and lactation are exceptions. In girls and women during menopause, the prolactin level should not exceed 400 mU/l.

    Hormone prolactin

    There are several categories of factors that cause an increase in prolactin levels in the body.

    TO physiological reasons include the following:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • postpartum period;
    • stimulation of the cervix;
    • irritation of the nipples;
    • physical activity.

    There are also abnormal factors that cause an increase in prolactin volume.

    Thus, pituitary adenomas lead to organic hyperprolactinemia. Damage to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland may also be the cause.

    Endocrine factors that cause this disorder include primary forms of hypothyroidism and hypofunction of the adrenal cortex.

    Systemic pathologies that cause problems include the following:

    • kidney failure;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • malignant lesions of the bronchi;
    • kidney cancer

    Most often, the occurrence of problems is caused by taking the following drugs:

    TO functional reasons Increases in prolactin include the following:

    • stress - emotional shock, surgery, bruises;
    • pathologies that affect the wall chest, - for example, shingles.

    Clinical picture

    The following manifestations indicate an increase in the content of prolactin:

    • absence of menstruation;
    • increase in breast size, the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands;
    • infertility;
    • sudden weight gain;
    • decrease in libido.

    When hypothyroidism is detected in a woman, a drop in blood pressure occurs, increased drowsiness and weakness. Many patients complain of memory impairment, dry skin and alopecia.

    If cirrhosis of the liver is observed, ascites develops, and the skin acquires a yellowish tint. With kidney damage, there is a risk of pain, swelling and increased pressure.

    How to lower prolactin in women? To do this, it is recommended to follow these rules:

    • eliminate the cause of stress or depression;
    • normalize the daily routine;
    • avoid smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • cancel appointment oral contraceptives or choose another drug;
    • provide a balanced diet;
    • Avoid drinks containing caffeine.

    Prolactin levels have a direct effect on conception and pregnancy. Many women who experience an increase in this hormone try to reduce its amount in order to become pregnant. However, doctors categorically do not advise self-medication.

    In such a situation, you need to undergo a detailed examination to exclude a hormone-producing tumor. After this, the doctor prescribes medicines depending on the cause of the problem.

    Only after use special drugs you can plan a pregnancy.

    Traditional recipes for reducing prolactin levels

    If the volume of prolactin has increased due to severe psychological stress or intense physical activity, you can use folk recipes.

    How to lower prolactin in women without pills? For this you should use herbal teas, which contribute to the normalization of the nervous system.

    Such plants include lemon balm, mint, and hops. You can also use valerian root and motherwort.

    Answering the question of how to lower prolactin, we can advise taking common twig.

    From the seeds of this plant you need to prepare alcohol tincture . To do this, you need to take 40 g of dry raw materials and add 230 ml of 70% alcohol. The composition must be infused for at least 12 days.

    The course of treatment lasts quite a long time. Achieve sustainable results It will be possible only in 10-12 months.

    If an increase in prolactin volume is observed against the background of stress and psycho-emotional disorders, it is useful to take herbal remedies.

    To do this, you need to chop and mix 70 g of peony root, adonis herb, mint, mother liquor, scrofula, hops and motherwort. Then take 3 tablespoons of the mixture and brew in a thermos with 800 ml hot water. Infuse the composition and drink 125 ml before meals.

    To normalize the balance of hormones and reduce emotional stress, you can use plants such as lemon balm and St. John's wort inflorescences, hawthorn berries, hop cones, and passionflower.

    All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions and mixed, then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 220 ml of hot water. Leave to infuse and take 30 minutes before meals.

    If prolactin levels increase due to pathologies of the mammary glands, abortion, ovarian dysfunction, or severe stress, you can use Japanese kelp.

    Today this algae can be bought in every pharmacy. To reduce the amount of the hormone, you need to take half a teaspoon of kelp once a day. This treatment should be continued for 15-20 days.


    When prolactin levels increase, cycle disorders, infertility and menopausal syndrome are indicated, the use of sage is indicated.

    From this plant you need to prepare an infusion for douching. For this purpose, you should take 1 large spoon of herb per 280 ml of boiling water. Infuse the product for a quarter of an hour.

    Then the strained infusion should be injected into the vagina using a syringe and held there for 10 minutes. When planning a pregnancy, these procedures must be carried out for 9-10 days, starting on the 4th day after menstruation.

    Sage infusion is also suitable for internal use . To reduce prolactin levels, take 100 ml of warm product about 30 minutes before meals. This can be done 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 9-10 days after menstruation.


    To normalize prolactin levels, you can take products prepared from white cinquefoil.

    To do this, 50 g of plant roots need to be mixed with 500 ml medical alcohol. Then the composition must be left to infuse. It is recommended to do this within a month.


    To restore the functions of the pituitary gland, normalize the menstrual cycle and ovulation, and reduce the amount of prolactin in the blood, you can drink a decoction of elecampane.

    To make this product, 1 tablespoon of the crushed root of this plant must be mixed with 220 ml of hot water and brought to a boil.

    Then the mixture needs to be left in a thermos for another 4 hours.

    Take 25 ml 4 times a day. This must be done from the 13th to the 27th day of the cycle.

    Other recipes

    When prolactin levels increase, it is useful to drink cherry juice. This product helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improves the functions of the pituitary gland, restores the menstrual cycle and copes with the unpleasant manifestations of menopause.

    To reduce the amount of prolactin and cope with amenorrhea, you need to take an infusion of meadow lumbago. To do this, 1 large spoon of raw material should be mixed with 300 ml cold water. Leave to infuse, then drink in small sips throughout the day.

    To reduce the amount of prolactin, you can drink raspberry tea. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of this plant and mix with 170 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Take 50-70 ml.

    No less effective means when prolactin levels increase, a cuff is considered. For the manufacture of useful composition you need to take a couple of tablespoons of raw material and mix with 300 ml of boiling water.

    Boil and take 80-100 ml three times a day. To improve the taste, you can add sugar to the drink.


    To avoid an increase in prolactin, you need to adhere to the following rules:

    Prolactin is an important hormone that is responsible for women Health. However, in some cases there is an increase.

    To reduce the content of this element, you can use effective folk recipes and change your lifestyle.