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The feeling of a full bladder in men – is it worth worrying about? What does the feeling of a full bladder indicate?

Persistent feeling of fullness Bladder in women, after a successful act of urination, it causes them physical and emotional discomfort. This condition occurs for several reasons, which are in one way or another related to disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system.

If the feeling of a full bladder after urination, as the main symptom of discomfort, periodically makes itself felt, then you should not ignore it. It is better to find out the cause, since the consequences if left untreated can be unfavorable.

First you need to understand what exactly is bothering you. Is this a true feeling of fullness of the bladder (BF) after urination or is it an erroneous feeling of a full bladder in women due to emerging frequent urges?

The mechanisms of development of these symptoms are different. Inflammation increases the sensitivity of the organ, and physical obstacles to the outflow of urine do not allow the corresponding actions to be performed in full.

Important diagnostic value also acquire other possible associated symptoms existing pathology: any pain, distension in the groin, pain when urinating.

Adverse factors directly affecting MP are:

  • organ inflammation;
  • hyperactivity syndrome;
  • atony of smooth muscles with impaired contractile activity;
  • stricture (narrowing) of the urethra or sphincter;
  • presence of stones.

Or the feeling of a full bladder in women may have indirect causes:

  • tumors in the urinary drainage system;
  • frequent constipation with an increase in intestinal size, which creates additional pressure on the bladder;
  • pathological processes in other organs (kidneys, appendix, uterus, ovaries);
    disorders of neuromuscular transmission due to injuries or diseases of the central nervous system;
  • erroneous impulses from the brain;
  • late gestation.

In men, the feeling of a full bladder often occurs with prostatitis.

If there really is urinary retention, then this creates an optimal environment for the development of bacterial colonies and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, when it occurs constant feeling a full bladder in women, it is important to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an examination.

What are the main symptoms of possible diseases:

  • Cystitis, urethritis. Develop upon penetration and growth in the urinary tract pathogenic bacteria. Inflammation gives a feeling of fullness of the bladder, increased urge, pain and burning.
  • Pyelonephritis is also characterized by fever, the presence of blood and pus in the urine.
    Stones. Stones of any size in the bladder or urethra can cause a feeling of a full bladder in women, while urine comes out in intermittent portions and with weak pressure.
  • Adnexitis. Accompanied by fever, uncharacteristic discharge from the genital tract, pain in groin area, lower back. Along with stool disorders, a feeling of bladder fullness is often observed.
  • Hypotension. Smooth muscle weakness manifests itself in fecal and urinary incontinence.
  • Narrowing of the urethra. It is expressed by the inability to urinate adequately despite the fact that there is a feeling of fullness of the bladder (the pathology manifests itself in the same way in women and men). The flow of urine is intermittent, often with pain and blood.

If after full examination If none of the listed diseases is detected, the doctor may diagnose overactive bladder syndrome. In this case, there is uncontrollable urination, interruption of night sleep to go to the toilet, the urge after each serving of liquid, a constant feeling of fullness (possible at any age and in people of any gender).

It is important to remember that any malfunctions in the functioning of the organs responsible for the formation and excretion of urine (no urge, retention, incontinence, pain) require contacting a urologist or gynecologist.

According to statistics, 17% of women and 16% of men suffer from bladder disease, but only 4% seek help from a specialist. Many people simply do not realize that they have any health problems. So how can you recognize the presence of bladder disease? First of all, it is necessary to find out what is meant by this term.

What does overactive bladder (OAB) mean?

The bladder is an organ consisting entirely of muscle tissue. Its task is to accumulate and excrete urine through urethra. It is worth noting that the location, shape and size of the organ change depending on its filling. Where is the bladder located? The filled organ has an ovoid shape and is located above the transitional connection between the bones of the skeleton (symphysis), adjacent to abdominal wall, displacing the peritoneum upward. The empty bladder lies completely in the pelvic cavity.

GPM is clinical syndrome, in which there is a frequent, unexpected and difficult to suppress urge to urinate (they can be both at night and at night). daytime). The word “overactive” means that the bladder muscles work (contract) in an increased mode with a small amount of urine. This provokes frequent intolerable urges in the patient. Thus, the patient develops the false feeling that he has a constantly full bladder.

Development of the disease

Excessive bladder activity is caused by a decrease in the number of M-cholinergic receptors. Their number changes under the influence of certain reasons. In response to lack nervous regulation in the smooth muscle tissues of the organ, structural formations of close relationships between neighboring cells are formed. The result of this process is a sharp increase in the conductivity of the nerve impulse in the muscular lining of the bladder. Smooth muscle cells have high spontaneous activity and begin to respond to a minor stimulus (not a large number of urine). Their contraction quickly spreads to other groups of cells in the organ, causing OAB syndrome (overactive bladder).

Factors in the occurrence of gas-filled earthworms

1. Neurogenic:

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (for example, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease);


Multiple sclerosis;



Spinal cord injuries;

Schmorl's hernia;

Consequences of surgical treatment of the spine;

Spondyloarthrosis of the spine;



2. Non-neurogenic:



Anatomical disorders of the vesico-urethral area;

Sensory disturbances, mainly associated with a lack of estrogen during fasting menopause.

Forms of the disease

In medicine, there are two forms of GPM disease:

Idiopathic GPM - the disease is caused by a change in the contractile activity of the bladder, the cause of the disorders is unclear;

Neurogenic bladder - disturbances in the contractile function of the organ are characteristic of diseases of the nervous system.

Characteristic symptoms

An overactive bladder is defined by the following symptoms:

Frequent urge to urinate, with small amounts of urine being released;

Inability to hold urine - a sudden urge to urinate so strong that the patient does not have time to make it to the toilet;

Repeated urination at night ( healthy man should not urinate at night);

Urinary incontinence is the uncontrollable leakage of urine.

GPM in women

Overactive bladder in women most often develops during pregnancy and old age. During pregnancy, the body undergoes great changes and experiences heavy load, which is associated with an increasing size of the uterus. Frequent urination during this period causes considerable discomfort. to the expectant mother, but a woman should not be embarrassed to tell her doctor about it. Today, there is a wide selection of drugs for this problem that will not harm either mother or baby. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Your doctor will tell you how to treat your bladder during pregnancy.

In old age, GPM occurs with the onset of menopause. This is due to changes hormonal levels women, lack of vitamins and minerals, the appearance nervous disorders during this period, etc. In this situation, a woman should also seek help from a doctor. At proper treatment the painful symptoms of the disease will disappear after a few weeks.

GPM in men

Bladder diseases are also common among men. If there are no diseases of the nervous system, then common cause GPM are pathologies of the prostate gland. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the walls of the bladder. This pathology often found among middle-aged and older men. If GPM is a consequence of prostate disease, then treatment should be comprehensive. Frequent urination is a completely solvable problem. But for this, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, a man needs to consult a specialist.

GPM in children

Frequent urination is much more common in children than in adults. This is due to the special structure of the bladder and the active functioning of the kidneys in early age. But if a child under 3 years of age has not learned to control urination, then he needs to be shown to a doctor. To correct urination in children, there are special drugs, intended for young patients.

Most often, uncontrolled urination in children is a consequence of fear. In this case, the disorder will be treated in combination with correction psychological state child. Parents should not attribute uncontrollable frequent urination in a child to age. If the disorder is not treated, the disease will bring a lot of discomfort to the baby in the future.


1. Taking an anamnesis (the doctor records the patient’s complaints).

2. Analysis of existing health problems (presence chronic diseases, surgical interventions etc.).

3. General blood test.

4. Biochemical analysis blood.

5. General urine analysis.

6. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

7. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky.

8. Urine culture for bacterial and fungal microflora.

9. Ultrasound of the bladder.

10. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

11. Cystourethroscopy.

12. X-ray examination.

13. CUDI (complex urodynamic study).

14. Consultation with a neurologist.

15. Neurological examination to determine diseases of the spinal cord and brain.

Overactive bladder: treatment

The following methods are used to treat GPM:

1. Drug therapy(antimuscarinic drugs that have a regulating effect on the bladder, etc.). Conservative treatment occupies a leading place in the treatment of GPM. Patients are prescribed:

M-anticholinergic blockers, adrenergic blockers that reduce efferent impulses;

Antidepressants (calm the nervous system and thereby improve urinary control);

Toxic substances (reduce sensitivity nerve endings bladder), for example, butolotoxin is administered intravesically;

Antidiuretic hormone drugs (cause a decrease in urine formation).

Women often experience an overactive bladder during menopause. Treatment in this case consists of taking hormonal drugs.

2. Non-drug treatment.

Behavioral therapy consists of developing a urination routine and lifestyle correction. During the treatment period, the patient must follow a daily routine, avoid stressful situations, do daily hiking on fresh air, watch your diet. People suffering from GPM are prohibited from eating spicy foods, carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, cola), chocolate, sugar substitutes and alcohol.

In addition, during behavioral therapy the patient needs to empty the bladder according to a certain schedule (depending on the frequency of urination). This method helps to train the bladder muscles and restore control over the urge to urinate.

Physiotherapy may consist of electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, etc.

Exercise therapy - a variety of exercises aimed at strengthening pelvic muscles.

Treatment is based on biofeedback. The patient uses special devices (special sensors are installed, which are inserted into the body of the bladder and rectum; the sensors are also connected to a monitor, it displays the volume of the bladder and records it contractile activity) observes at what volume of fluid the bladder contracts. At this time, the patient must, through volitional efforts, through contraction of the pelvic muscles, suppress the urge and restrain the desire to urinate.

3. Surgery used only in severe cases(denervation of the bladder, intestinal plastic surgery to divert urine into the intestine, stimulation of the sacral nerve).

Complications of GPM

An overactive bladder affects the patient's quality of life. The patient develops mental disorders: depression, sleep disorders, constant worry. Also happens social maladjustment- a person partially or completely loses the ability to adapt to environmental conditions.


1. Visiting a urologist for a preventive examination once a year (passing necessary tests, performing an ultrasound of the bladder if necessary, etc.).

2. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor if symptoms of urinary problems appear.

3. It is important to pay attention to the frequency of urination, the development of urge, and the quality of the stream if there are neurological diseases.

Also with for preventive purposes You can do Kegel exercises to help strengthen your bladder muscles.

1. First you need to tense your muscles, as when holding urination, slowly count to three and relax.

2. Then tense and relax the muscles - it is important to try to do this as quickly as possible.

3. Women need to push down (as during childbirth or bowel movements, but not as hard); for men to strain, as when passing stool or urination.

Frequent urination has a very negative impact on all areas of life. To avoid development psychological problems, you need to seek help from a specialist in time.

A healthy bladder does not cause any unpleasant symptoms in humans. But if there is a feeling of a full bladder, this is a sign of serious pathologies of the urinary system. Such sensations interfere with the normal course of a person’s life, because they can be accompanied by more unpleasant manifestations, such as incontinence or acute pain. Therefore, it is important to know what the feeling of a full bladder indicates.

The feeling of bladder discomfort, such as false filling, should not be left without due attention.

The process of urination

The human bladder is capable of holding 300 ml of urine for 5 hours. The walls of the organ are covered with receptors, from which signals are sent to the center, which is responsible for urination. It is located in the sacral region of the spinal cord. This area controls bladder activity through stimulation through parasympathetic nerve fibers. Under the influence of signals from the nerves, the walls gradually tense up, and the sphincters of the organ, on the contrary, relax, this is how the bladder is emptied, that is, at this moment urine comes out of the bladder.

Reasons why you feel like your bladder is full

As noted above, the bladder can normally hold 300 ml of urine. If such an amount accumulates in it, a person has a feeling of a full bladder, as the pressure on the walls increases. At the same time, you will really want to relieve yourself. But there are a number of factors that interfere with the normal excretion of urine, and, accordingly, cause discomfort in the bladder:

  • diseases associated with inflammatory processes in organ tissues urinary system: cystitis, urethritis;
  • diseases associated with inflammatory processes neighboring organs that spread to the bladder (there may not be urine in it, but it feels like it’s not): pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, pelvioperitonitis, inflammation of the appendix;
  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma (in this condition it puts pressure on the urethra);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system in women: adnexitis, fibroids, endometritis, ovarian tumors;
  • urolithiasis, due to which the walls of the bladder are affected - the presence of stones does not allow it to completely empty;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • problems with spinal cord: multiple sclerosis, radiculitis, spinal hernia;
  • congenital impaired conduction of the nerves of the bladder, causing increased urinary function;
  • excessive reduction in the lumen of the urethra;
  • decreased contractile function of the walls and muscles of the bladder, which makes it impossible to fully contract it during urination;
  • problems with stool, constipation, during which an overcrowded intestine puts unnecessary pressure on the bladder.

Feelings of incomplete emptying of the bladder and associated symptoms

Attention to discomfort symptoms when urinating is the key timely treatment emerging diseases.

The feeling of a full bladder after urinating is complemented by other unpleasant sensations:

  1. constant pain that intensifies when palpating the abdomen, active movements, lifting heavy things;
  2. seizures acute pain in the lumbar region, characteristic of urolithiasis;
  3. feeling of heaviness and fullness in the lower abdomen;
  4. pain during the emission of urine;
  5. elevated temperature, fever;
  6. changed composition of urine;
  7. involuntary frequent urination or trouble urinating;
  8. the appearance of blood in urine.

Possible complications due to incomplete emptying

When the bladder is not completely emptied, stagnation of urine forms in its cavity. Very often this residue provokes a constant pressing sensation and the feeling that the bladder is full. In addition, bacteria begin to develop in stagnant urine and pathogenic microorganisms which affect the bladder and urethra. This means that cystitis occurs as a result. If the inflammation rises urinary tract and reaches the kidneys, the person will also develop pyelonephritis. Whatever sensations a person has, it is important to seek timely help. medical care, otherwise there is a chance of starting an already progressive disease.

What are the characteristic signs to use to diagnose the disease?

Since a large number of diseases can provoke a feeling as if the organ is full, it is necessary to undergo full diagnostics before prescribing treatment. When making a diagnosis, not only the patient’s symptoms are taken into account, but also diseases of any nature that he had previously suffered from, gender and age. According to statistics, women are more often susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system.

Inflammation of the urinary system

During development inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system the most frequent illnesses- cystitis and urethritis. If you do not pay attention to the felt filling of the bladder and other manifestations, the disease will develop into pyelonephritis. Most often it is women who get sick due to physiological characteristics. Characteristic manifestations inflammatory process: In men, sensations incomplete emptying may occur due to prostate problems

outward and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The main signs indicating prostatitis:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a weak, intermittent stream when a man relieves himself;
  • involuntary leakage of a certain amount of urine.

Also, swelling and similar symptoms are characteristic of the development of impotence. If the patient has prostate adenoma, in addition to the previously listed signs, weight loss and prolonged elevated temperature will be added. In addition to prostate tumors, neoplasms can also occur in other organs of the genitourinary system. The appearance of blood in urine is a signal of the onset of bladder cancer.

A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen and a frequent need to urinate are dangerous symptoms, indicating pathologies of the urinary system. A constant feeling of bladder fullness in men can accompany prostate diseases.

A common cause of discomfort in the bladder area is cystitis. This disease often develops against the background of decreased immunity. Cystitis has infectious nature and is characterized by inflammation of the organ mucosa. Specific symptoms of the disease:

  • , which do not bring relief;
  • spastic pain;
  • foreign matter in urine
  • and in the urethra.

After visiting the restroom, you may find bloody spots or light flakes in your urine, which indicates bacterial inflammation. A feature of the disease is difficulty urinating. After visiting the restroom, the urge to urinate appears again after a few minutes. The frequency of urges reaches 10-15 per hour.

Another cause of discomfort in the bladder is calculi (stones). Pain, a feeling of fullness and distension in the organ appear when formations are displaced, for example, after physical activity. If the stones are large, the lining of the organ may be damaged and blood may appear in the urine.

The same signs are characteristic of pyelonephritis - bacterial infection kidney

With urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), there may be a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder along with a frequent urge to urinate. The increased frequency of urges is caused by irritation of the inflamed urethra. There may be pain when urinating.

Oncological diseases

Any inflammatory diseases occur with acute symptoms, except in cases chronic inflammation. In addition to the constant fullness of the bladder, there are always symptoms of malaise, deterioration in performance, dull or cramping pain in the lower abdomen and pressure in the urethra.

Bladder cancer on initial stages is asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy difficult. Quite often about development malignant process only a feeling of fullness of the bladder indicates, pain and discomfort are completely absent.

The same symptoms can accompany prostate cancer. Due to the compression of the tissues of surrounding organs by the enlarged prostate, the bladder is constantly filled. Additionally, pressure is observed in anus. As a rule, in the initial stages of cancer there is no significant discomfort at all. In this regard, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner to make a diagnosis. The earlier cancer is detected, the better the prognosis for the patient.

How are the prostate and bladder connected?

The two most common pathologies of older men are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. One of the symptoms of impaired functioning of the prostate gland is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Congestive prostatitis develops as a result of impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic organs. In this case, the trophism of the prostate gland is disrupted, which entails the development of inflammation. The inflamed organ swells and increases in size, putting pressure on surrounding tissues. Against this background, there is a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra and an increase in the tone of the bladder muscles. As a result, the outflow of urine worsens, and a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder appears. Discomfort increases at night, which is caused by swelling of the inflamed prostate.

With adenoma, the symptom appears for the same reasons, but is caused not by inflammation, but by an enlargement of the organ, due to physiological changes related to natural process aging.

What to do if you feel discomfort?

Get rid of unpleasant symptom is possible only after identifying the cause of its appearance and treating the underlying disease. First of all, you should consult a urologist. To make a diagnosis, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Bacterial culture of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the bladder.
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys and prostate.

Treatment is selected depending on the cause of the discomfort. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own. Symptomatic therapy will not bring results; it is useless to fight discomfort without treating the underlying disease.

Most common male diseases begin with one single cause - incomplete emptying of the bladder in men. At normal functioning the organ remains inside a small portion of urine, approximately 50 ml. However, with various urological diseases, the accumulation of urine in the bladder can reach 1 liter.

Stagnation of residual urine, as a rule, is not only a manifestation of the disease, but also leads to complications in itself. This causes chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis. Violated sexual function, a person becomes maladapted in society.

The main sign of the onset of the disease is the feeling of a full bladder. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a urologist.

Causes of residual urine

It should be recalled that the bladder is a muscular organ. Urine begins to accumulate in its cavity when the walls contract incompletely. The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder becomes the main symptom of the disorder urinary tract. And it is included in the number of diseases such as:

  1. Inflammation of the urethra - urethra.
  2. Cystitis. The male urethra is elongated and narrow structure. The infection lingers in it, interfering with the outflow of fluid from the bladder, and urine is thrown back (reflux). It becomes more difficult to have bowel movements.
  3. Diseases of the prostate gland in men, which compresses the urethra and interferes with free evacuation.
  4. Cystolithiasis is the formation of mineral stones in the bladder.
  5. With poor innervation of the organ, when there are disturbances in the peripheral nervous system of the pelvis, the bladder does not empty completely.
  6. Atherosclerosis of bladder vessels. Lack of blood supply to the organ.

Possible infections

Let's take a closer look at what cystitis is. Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Reason acute cystitis is the penetration of infection through the urinary tract. Inflammation is caused by bacteria such as E.coli, Klebsiella, Candida (a yeast-like bacterium).

The acute form of cystitis is caused by the sudden onset of symptoms and more often leads to perforation of the muscle wall. Cystitis can also have a non-infectious etiology (development). Primary cystitis occurs after prolonged hypothermia and is caused by side effects injuries are a consequence chemical poisoning(alcohol abuse). Messy sex life greatly increases the risk of contracting complex infections.

Secondary cystitis occurs against the background urological diseases or accompanies others infectious diseases. With tonsillitis, sinusitis, and kidney tuberculosis, the infection penetrates the general bloodstream from a purulent source and spreads to other organs. Infection may result from unskilled examination by inserting a catheter into the urethra.

Symptoms of cystitis are expressed by painful sensations in the abdomen with pain and burning when trying to urinate. Small amounts of blood and bacterial mucus may be excreted in the urine. Urine is opaque (cloudy) in color and may contain epithelial tissue(particles of the rejected mucous membrane of the bladder). After urination, there remains a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

The initial stage of cystitis is characterized by sharp pain after urination in the urethra, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Then painful sensations localized in the pubic area, groin, scrotum. Acute attacks Cystitis interferes with free bowel movements. The urge to go to the toilet is frequent, urination occurs without complete release of fluid. Chronic cystitis It has moderate symptoms, without much of their manifestation.

This disease also affects other excretory organs and can cause the development of inflammation of the peri-vesical tissue. Confirmation of the diagnosis requires appropriate tests: general analysis urine, bacterial culture, ultrasound examination bladder with measurement of its volume, scraping for genital infections.

Neurogenic diseases

Symptoms of incomplete bladder emptying are associated with nervous syndromes. Damage to neurons in the spinal cord or brain leads to disruption of innervation in the nerve ganglia associated with genitourinary system. This can be caused by various inflammations of the nervous system: encephalitis, encephalomyelitis. Brain tumors and Parkinson's disease affect the disorder of impulses in neuromuscular tissue.

There is a decrease in urethral tone, in which the bladder remains full. Or an increase occurs, which leads to uncontrolled emptying. Increased tone urethra or sphincter requires frequent pushing during urination.

A disorder of the detrusor muscle (the muscle that creates pressure in the bladder and helps push urine out) causes fluid retention in the bladder and an inability to overcome the force of the sphincter to open or relax. The main causes of neurogenic bladder are injuries to the back above the sacrum.

In some cases, brain tumor syndrome predominates, which interferes with the passage of nerve impulses throughout the body. Bladder inactivity is difficult to treat. Stagnation of urine can be accompanied by frequent infections and poisoning of the body with its own urates.

There may be attacks of nausea, weakness, and fever. Treatment methods include periodic or continuous catheterization, improving the tone of the pelvic muscles, and massage.

Stones with high calcium content

The cause of stagnation of urine in the bladder is the presence of stones in it. They come in large and small sizes, with sharp and smooth surface, when moving, bodies move. Based on salt content they are divided into: urates, phosphates, oxalates. Stones make it difficult for urine to pass through the urethra. If stones accumulate in the ureter, they begin to interfere with urine leaving the kidney - they arise kidney pain in the lower back.

Stones in the bladder not only cause urate retention, but also increase when they accumulate in the bladder cavity. The reasons for the formation of stones are increased level calcium in the blood and the presence uric acid. Other causes of stones in the urinary tract of the body are drinking diet, increased consumption of salty foods. Sedentary lifestyle, such as working at a computer.

The main disorders affect the process of urination. There is a slow outflow of fluid. This leaves a feeling of a full bladder. The located stone irritates and puts pressure on the muscle wall of the bladder, which can cause a false urge to go to the toilet or a constant urge with frequent interruptions. The release of urine may be accompanied by pain and bleeding.

The urine itself is concentrated, saturated yellow color like after a night's sleep. During treatment, drugs are used to dissolve stones. After their use, small stones come out naturally. There is also surgical method crushing stones - lithotripsy.

Symptom of prostatitis

The formation of stagnation of urine in the bladder can be a symptom accompanying inflammation of the prostate gland in men - prostatitis. Infectious bacteria or viruses cause inflammation cell tissue gland, and it increases in size. The enlarged gland begins to compress the urethra.

Along with this comes inflammation and increase lymph nodes in the groin area. When the disease occurs pain symptoms in the groin area. The pain may radiate to the back, sacrum or anus. The process of urination becomes more frequent and painful.

Urine excretion is accompanied by cutting pains, the urine itself becomes cloudy, with mucous discharge. Headaches and back pain may occur. rises heat. Inflammation of the prostate gland can be caused not only by infections, but also by stagnation of gland secretions during prolonged sexual abstinence.

Prostatitis does not have acute form or temporary symptoms.

This disease occurs once and immediately becomes chronic.

It is necessary to consult an andrologist for advice.