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The essence of social maladjustment. Social maladjustment (desocialization): causes, signs, correction

Disadaptation as a social phenomenon

“Deviant” (deviant) behavior is behavior in which deviations from social norms are persistently manifested. At the same time, deviations of the selfish, aggressive and social-passive types are distinguished.” brochure

Social deviations of a selfish nature include offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to illegally obtain material, monetary and property benefits (theft, bribes, thefts, fraud, etc.).

Social deviations of an aggressive orientation are manifested in actions directed against the individual (insults, hooliganism, beatings, rape, murder). Social deviations of the selfish and aggressive type can be both verbal (insult with words) and non-verbal (physical impact) and manifest themselves at both pre-criminogenic and post-criminogenic levels. That is, in the form of actions and immoral behavior that cause moral condemnation, and in the form of criminal criminal actions.

Deviations of the socially passive type are expressed in the desire to give up active life, evasion of one’s civic responsibilities and duty, and reluctance to solve both personal and social problems. These types of manifestations include avoidance of work, study, vagrancy, consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances that immerse one in a world of artificial illusions and destroy the psyche. The extreme manifestation of a socially passive position is suicide.

Particularly widespread both in our country and abroad is this form of socially passive deviations such as the use of drugs and toxic substances, which leads to rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and body; this behavior is called self-destructive behavior in the West.

Deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and disturbances in the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of adolescent maladjustment at a fairly early age.

Disadaptation– a state of inability to adapt to changed conditions or overcome emerging difficulties.

Author's approaches to the definition of the concept “DESADAPTATION” G. M. Kodzhaspirov, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov - maladaptation is a mental state that arises as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of a child and the requirements of a new social situation.

V.E. Kagan - maladjustment - a disorder of objective status in the family and school, which complicates the educational process.
K. Rogers - maladjustment is a state of internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the “I” and the person’s direct experience.

N.G. Luskanova I.A. Korobeinikov - maladjustment is a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the socio-psychological and psychological status of the child and the requirements of the school learning situation, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult, in extreme cases impossible.

A.A. Northern - the functioning of an individual is inadequate to his psychophysiological capabilities and needs and/or environmental conditions and/or requirements of the microsocial environment.
S.A. Belichev - maladaptation is an integrative phenomenon, which has a number of types: pathogenic, psychosocial, and social (depending on the nature, character and degree of maladjustment).
M.A. Khutornaya is a manifestation of violations of interpersonal relationships and violations of the child’s “I” image, from the point of view of the child’s connection with the outside world. [, p.166-167] social ped Surtaeva

Adolescent maladaptation manifests itself in difficulties in mastering social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (family, school, etc.) that perform the functions of institutions of socialization.
Depending on the nature and nature of maladjustment, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladjustment are distinguished, which can be presented either separately or in a complex combination.

Pathogenic maladjustment is caused by deviations and pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional and organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladaptation in the degree and depth of its manifestation can be stable, chronic in nature (psychosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc.), which is based on serious organic damage to the central nervous system.

There are also milder, borderline forms of neuropsychic disorders and deviations, in particular the so-called psychogenic disadaptation (phobias, tics, obsessive bad habits), enuresis, etc.), which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, or family situation . “In total, according to St. Petersburg child psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov, up to 42% of preschool children suffer from one or another psychosomatic problems and need the help of psychoneurologists and psychotherapists.”

The lack of timely help leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladjustment and deviant behavior.

“Among the forms of pathogenic maladaptation, problems of mental retardation and problems of social adaptation of mentally retarded children and adolescents are separately distinguished. Oligophrenics do not have a fatal predisposition to crime. With adequate training and education methods for their mental development, they are able to master certain social programs, obtain several professions, work to the best of their abilities and be useful members of society. However, the mental disability of these adolescents certainly complicates their social adaptation and requires special socio-pedagogical conditions and correctional and developmental programs.”

Psychosocial maladaptation is associated with the age-gender and individual psychological characteristics of a child or adolescent, which determine their certain non-standardity, difficulty in educating, requiring an individual pedagogical approach, and in some cases, special correctional psychological programs. By their nature and nature, various forms of psychosocial maladjustment can also be divided into stable and temporary, unstable forms.

Social maladaptation manifests itself in violations of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

Depending on the degree and depth of deformation of the socialization process, two stages of social maladaptation of adolescents can be distinguished: pedagogical and social neglect. social ped Nikitina
Social maladaptation is a violation of moral and legal norms by children and adolescents, antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of internal regulation and social attitudes. short dictionary

Temporary maladaptation is an imbalance between the individual and the environment, giving rise to the adaptive activity of the individual. [, p.168] social ped Surtaeva
The author's approaches to the definition of the concept “ADAPTATION” “Adaptation” (from the Latin adaptare - to adapt) - 1.- adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions. 2. In the theory of T. Parsons, A. is material-energy interaction with the external environment, one of the functional conditions for the existence of a social system, along with integration, achieving goals and preserving value patterns.

D. Gery, J. Gery Adaptation is the way in which social systems of any kind (eg, family group, business firm, nation-state) “manage” or respond to their environment. According to Talcott Parsons, "Adaptation is one of the four functional conditions that all social systems must meet in order to survive."
V.A. Petrovsky - adaptation of a philosophical and psychological phenomenon. In the broadest sense, it is characterized by the state of the result of an individual’s activity and the goal adopted by him; as a certain ability of any personality to “build their vital contacts with the world”

B.N. Almazov - the philosophical concept of social adaptation is specified by at least in three directions: adaptive behavior, in the interests of the educational environment; adaptation state (reflecting a person’s attitude to the conditions and circumstances in which he is placed by the educational situation); adaptation as a condition for effective interaction between a minor and an adult in the educational system”; and adaptive, as “the student’s internal readiness to accept the circumstances of upbringing,” brings to the fore the psychological aspect.
Social adaptation is the process and result of an individual’s active adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment. For an individual, social adaptation is paradoxical: it unfolds as a flexible search activity organized in new conditions. [p.163] Surtaeva

With pedagogical neglect, despite lagging behind in studies, missing lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not experience a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of work remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (as a rule, working), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referent connections are preserved.

With social neglect, along with antisocial behavior, the system of value-normative ideas, value orientations, and social attitudes is sharply deformed. A negative attitude towards work, an attitude and desire for unearned income and a “beautiful” life at the expense of dubious and illegal means of subsistence are formed. Their referent connections and orientations are also characterized by deep alienation from all persons and social institutions with a positive social orientation.

Social rehabilitation and correction of socially neglected adolescents with a deformed system of value-normative ideas is a particularly labor-intensive process. Kholostova

Deeply understanding child psychology, A.S. Makarenko noted that in most cases the situation of abandoned children is more difficult and dangerous than that of orphans. Betrayal by adults close to a child causes irreparable mental trauma: a breakdown of the child’s soul occurs, a loss of faith in people, and justice. Childhood memory, which has preserved the unattractive aspects of home life, is fertile ground for reproducing one’s own failures. Such childhood needs rehabilitation - restoration of lost opportunities to live a normal, healthy and interesting life. But this can only be helped by the humanism of adults: nobility, selflessness, mercy, compassion, conscientiousness, selflessness...

The importance of rehabilitation and pedagogical work especially increases during crisis periods in the life of society, causing significant deterioration in the condition of childhood. The uniqueness of the moment for rehabilitation pedagogy is to find effective measures to overcome the problematic situation of childhood using pedagogical means.
What image of a child in need of rehabilitation appears in our minds? Most likely it is:
disabled children;
children with special educational needs;
street children;
children with deviant behavior;
children with poor health, with chronic somatic diseases, etc.

All the variety of definitions of adolescents who need pedagogical rehabilitation for various reasons can be reduced to the name “special adolescents.” One of the main signs by which adolescents can be classified as “special” is their maladaptation - disrupted interaction of the individual with the environment, which is characterized by the impossibility of him fulfilling his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities and demands.
The concept of “maladjustment” is considered one of the central concepts of rehabilitation pedagogy in considering problems that require pedagogical rehabilitation of children. It is teenagers with environmental adaptation disorders in the primary educational community that should be considered as the main object of pedagogical rehabilitation.

Scientists at the Institute of Psychotherapy (St. Petersburg) consider “school maladaptation” as the inability for a child to find “his place” in the space of school education, where he can be accepted as he is, maintaining and developing his identity, potential and capabilities for self-realization and self-determination. Morozov

In the psychological literature, adolescence is noted as a crisis age, when rapid development and restructuring of the adolescent’s body occurs. It is at this age that adolescents are characterized by special sensitivity, anxiety, irritability, increased dissatisfaction, mental and physical malaise, which manifests itself in aggressiveness, whims, and lethargy. How smoothly or painfully this period will pass for a minor will depend on the environment in which the child lives and on the information received from any objects of interaction. Taking all this into account, it is necessary to remember that if a child of this age did not experience positive influence from adults, teachers, parents, close relatives, did not feel psychological comfort and security in his family of origin, did not have positive interests and hobbies, then his behavior characterized as difficult. con

A significant part of the center's pupils are social orphans. They have both or one parent, but their presence only increases the child’s social maladjustment for various reasons.

Thus, we can say that street children are raised mainly in single-parent families where parents are remarried. The absence of one parent makes it difficult for children to get acquainted with various options for social experience and entails the one-sided nature of their moral development, a violation of stable adaptive abilities, and the inability to make independent decisions.

Many families are without regular income, because... Parents in such families are unemployed and do not try to find a job. The main sources of income are receiving unemployment benefits, child benefits, including pensions for a child’s disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, child support, as well as begging, both for the child and for the parents themselves.

Thus, the neglect and homelessness of a huge number of children is a consequence of deprivation or limitation of certain conditions, material or spiritual resources necessary for the survival and full development of the child.

The percentage of children entering the centers requiring state protection due to antisocial behavior of their parents is quite high. In most families, one parent abuses alcohol, or both parents drink. In families where parents abuse alcohol, punishment is often used against children: both verbal reproaches and the use of physical violence.
The majority of pupils upon entering the center do not have self-care skills, i.e., being raised in a family, they did not receive the necessary sanitary, hygienic and household skills.

Thus, minors in specialized institutions have a sad experience of living in a family, which affects their personality, physical and mental development.

They are characterized by inferior emotional experience and underdeveloped emotional responsiveness. They have a weakened sense of shame, they are indifferent to the experiences of other people, and show intemperance. Their behavior often manifests rudeness, mood swings, sometimes turning into aggression. Or street children have an inflated level of aspirations and overestimate their real capabilities. Such teenagers react inadequately to comments and always consider themselves innocent victims.

Experiencing constant uncertainty and dissatisfaction with others, some of them withdraw into themselves, others assert themselves through a demonstration of physical strength. Children who have experienced street life have low self-esteem, they are unsure of themselves, depressed, and withdrawn. The sphere of communication in these children is characterized by constant tension. The aggressiveness of children in relation to adults is noteworthy. On the one hand, they themselves have suffered a lot from the actions of adults, on the other hand, children develop a consumerist attitude towards their parents.

Lack of a sense of psychological security weakens adolescents' need for communication. The deformation of the communication process manifests itself in different ways. Firstly, this may be a variant of isolation - the desire to get away from society, to avoid conflicts with children and elders. A strong motivation for personal autonomy, isolation, and protection of one’s “I” is manifested here.

Another option may manifest itself in opposition, which is characterized by rejection of proposals and demands emanating from others, even very benevolent ones. Opposition is expressed and demonstrated through negative actions. The third option is aggression, which is characterized by the desire to destroy relationships, actions, and cause physical or mental harm to others, which is accompanied by an emotional state of anger, hostility, and hatred. .

A medical examination of children at the center shows that they all have somatic diseases, which in most are chronic. Some children did not see a doctor for several years, and since they did not attend preschool institutions, they were completely deprived of medical supervision.

A feature of the teenagers at the center is their addiction to smoking. Some pupils have experience of smoking, which leads to a disease such as acute trachitis.

Experts have noted that neglected and homeless children have great problems in intellectual, mental and moral development.

From all of the above, we can draw a general portrait of a child in need of social rehabilitation. These are mainly children aged 11-16 years old, raised in single-parent families and in families where a parent has remarried. The lifestyle of their parents is in most cases characterized as antisocial: parents abuse alcohol. As a result, such children have a distorted moral consciousness, a limited range of needs, and their interests are mostly primitive in nature. They differ from their prosperous peers in the disharmony of the intellectual sphere, underdevelopment of voluntary forms of behavior, increased conflict, aggressiveness, low level of self-regulation and independence, and negative volitional orientation.

Therefore, today it is necessary to carry out social and pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents.

To successfully implement the adaptation of maladjusted children, “knocked out” of life’s rut, and prepare them for independent life in society, I have developed the program “Social and pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents through labor activity in the educational institution of the SRCN,” which has a review. The program I developed was adapted to this category of experiment participants, implemented and used in practice.
We objectively assessed the results of the experiment and calculated the percentage of adolescents’ practical readiness for work before the experiment and at the time of completion. The degree of effectiveness is determined by the level of social activity of maladjusted adolescents at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors and the ability to self-actualize in a social environment.

The end result is positive, because During the implementation of the program, work contributed to the formation of adolescents’ interest in work for the common benefit, the development of the need and ability to work, the cultivation of stable strong-willed qualities, the formation of moral qualities of the individual, socially valuable attitudes towards all types of work activity, the inculcation of discipline, hard work, responsibility, social activity and initiatives. What is the basis for the successful socialization of a teenager’s personality.

“Social maladjustment of adolescents and ways to overcome it”

, MOO "Social Volunteer Center"

At the moment, the majority of the population of our country lives in conditions of economic and domestic instability, persistent psychological stress, and personal confusion. Not only the economic and political state of the state, but also culture, moral values, and attitudes towards the family and the younger generation have undergone changes. This is the main reason for such an unsightly picture of destabilization of society and family. The instability of the economy led to a sharp impoverishment of the population, the stratification of society into the poor and the rich. The most vulnerable layer were children and adolescents, who reacted more sharply to these changes. In a school setting, there is a need to differentiate degrees of difficulty and active assistance and rehabilitation.

In society, we can distinguish 3 types of dysfunctional families, where “difficult teenagers” appear more often:

The first is a criminogenic type of family, where relationships are built in such a way that they harm the spiritual and physical development of the child: systematic drunkenness, often shared by father and mother, criminal lifestyle of parents, sometimes involving children in it, and frequent beatings. Such a family often has several children. The educational process in these families is completely absent.

The second type is “outwardly calm” families, where behind the “prosperous façade” are hidden long-term and difficult to suppress negative feelings of parents towards each other; long periods of bad mood, melancholy, and depression often occur when the spouses do not talk to each other. The educational process is formalized and limited to increasing demands on the teenager and an acute emotional reaction to his behavior.

The third type is families with low social status. They are characterized by a weakened moral and work atmosphere, constant conflict, an anti-pedagogical attitude towards children, nervousness in relations between other family members, and a lack of common culture and spiritual needs. These families have a difficult financial situation, poor care for children, and a lack of useful organization of life and activities. Children from these families strive to compensate for the lack of love and care from their parents on the street by asserting themselves in neighborhood and school groups.

These relationships are often accompanied by serious neuropsychic disorders of adolescents and are complicated by problems of the age crisis. The concept of “age crisis,” introduced, denotes a peculiar behavioral reaction of the child himself to the need for change that arises in him. The teenager “pronounces” all this in the clear text of his behavior. Parents of teenagers are the first to face the manifestations of the age crisis. In the criminogenic type of family, they approve of the child’s antisocial behavior. A family with “outwardly calm” relationships is met with an “explosion” of relationships, conflicts and rejection of the teenager’s problems. In families with low social status, manifestations of the age crisis often go unnoticed.

To mitigate the problems of adolescence, it is necessary, in the opinion of adults, to pay attention in time to the positive content of the teenager’s crisis message. To do this, it is necessary to consider the experience of other states. Margaret Mead showed that in some human communities there is no trace of an adolescent crisis. For example, in the traditional society of Samoa, instead of an adolescent crisis, there is a smooth transition; adolescents of 10-15 years old are gradually included in adult work. In Western culture, a child begins to be prepared for the process of socialization very early. The problems of “difficult teenagers” are solved by deeper differentiation of “difficulties”. They are considered from the perspective of stable emotional states in which ideals, values, life style, social role and behavior are represented. The teenager still tests all these ideas for “strength” in real life conditions, coordinates them with the values ​​of his family, which is ready for changes.

Thus, a teenager’s negativism is seen as an asocial or antisocial reaction to a discrepancy between personal and socially approved values. “Difficult teenagers” must be considered not in isolation, but as a significant component of the family structure and strive to maximize the change in the specifics of family relationships. To do this, it is necessary to educate parents about the difficulties of adolescence.

Negative reactions of adolescents manifest themselves not only in the family, but also at school. A school psychologist often has to deal with children who exhibit negativism and unwanted behavioral reactions. In modern schools, a steady order has been formed by teachers and parents to work individually with one or another “difficult teenager.” Therefore, in practical activities there is a need to differentiate “difficult teenagers”. Such children can be roughly divided into the following groups:

1. Children with antisocial behavior. This group includes teenagers who are registered at school or registered with the commission for minors, children from disadvantaged families;

2. Children with nervous and mental disorders, manifested at the behavioral and emotional levels.

3. A special group consists of teenagers who use drugs.

This division into groups of “difficult teenagers” makes the problem of choosing and applying adequate correctional work more targeted. To prevent manifestations of negativism in adolescence, it is necessary to specially create conditions where the child would have the opportunity to become different: more successful, self-confident, etc.

1. Children with antisocial behavior need, first of all, to organize constructive employment outside of school hours (sections, clubs, interest clubs); conduct trainings for them on personal growth, emotional stability, effective communication, the content of which includes exercises such as: exercises: “kindness”, this exercise contributes to the development of trust and group cohesion; The “reed in the wind” exercise provides a wonderful experience of mutual trust.

It is advisable that the mini-training take place in a group of 10-16 people and last 60-90 minutes. The interval between classes is 1-2 days. The training group includes teenagers at will, not only “difficult” ones, but also children with normalized forms of behavior.

2. A group of children with nervous and mental disorders. It is important for a psychologist to constantly monitor the health status of these adolescents. This requires constant contact with parents, who, depending on the health status of the teenager, undergo medical rehabilitation 1-2 times a year. In a school setting, it is necessary to conduct mini-trainings on the development of stress resistance, the formation of emotional stability, the prevention of neuroses, psychotherapy for psychosomatic diseases, which may include tasks of the following type:

The “Press” exercise neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions of anger, irritation, anxiety, aggressiveness... The “Mood” exercise removes the aftertaste from a traumatic situation.

3. A group of teenagers who use drugs. If such children are identified, the most optimal solution would be to send them to drug treatment or social rehabilitation centers. And after that, it is necessary to actively include them in constructive employment and work with them as with children of the first group.

Thus, given the increase in social maladaptation of adolescents in society, the need arose to create a wide network of centers for socio-psychological assistance to children and adolescents, with which the school psychologist should actively cooperate.

The practice of working as a school psychologist shows the need to expand the circle of people who help overcome the problems of the age crisis, relying on teachers, parents, significant and authoritative adults for teenagers.

When working with such teenagers, it is important to make wider use of group forms of work, in which children are “infected” with positive forms of behavior and stable adequate reactions.

List of used literature:

1. Zakharov Yu. “Teenagers at risk” // Education of schoolchildren No. 4 "00;

2. Krasnovsiy L. “When it’s difficult for the “difficult”” // Education of schoolchildren No. 9’02;

3. Lushagina I. “Children at risk need help” // Education of schoolchildren No. 4’97;

4. , “Training for effective interaction with children” St. Petersburg’ 01;

5. “Games that are played...” Dubna’00;

6. , “Psychology of self-development” M’95;

Social maladjustment is the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent an individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, illegal actions, moral violations. Teenagers experience painful growing up - a gap between adulthood and childhood - a certain emptiness is created that needs to be filled with something. Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, start a family, or be good parents. They easily cross the line of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation manifests itself in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the internal regulation system, referent and value orientations, and social attitudes.

The relevance of the problem of adolescent maladjustment is associated with a sharp increase in deviant behavior in this age group. Social maladaptation has biological, personal-psychological and psychopathological roots, and is closely related to the phenomena of family and school maladaptation, being its consequence. Social maladaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based not on one, but on many factors. Some experts include among these:

A. individual;

B. psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect);

C. socio-psychological factors;

D. personal factors;

E. social factors.

Factors of social maladjustment

Individual factors operating at the level of psychobiological prerequisites, complicating the social adaptation of the individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, motor impairments, disorders and decreases in the functions of sensory systems, immaturity of higher mental functions, residual organic lesions of the central nervous system with cerebrovascular disease, decreased volitional activity , purposefulness, productivity of cognitive processes, motor disinhibition syndrome, pathological character traits, pathological puberty, neurotic reactions and neuroses, endogenous mental illnesses. The nature of crime and delinquency is considered along with forms of deviant behavior, such as neuroses, psychoasthenia, obsession, and sexual disorders. Persons with deviant behavior, including neuropsychic deviations and social deviation, are characterized by feelings of increased anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity, and an inferiority complex. Particular attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which serves as the root cause of violent crimes. Aggression is behavior whose purpose is to cause harm to some object or person, arising as a result of the fact that for various reasons some initial innate unconscious drives are not realized, which gives rise to aggressive energy of destruction. Suppression of these drives, strict blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, gives rise to feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socially maladaptive forms of behavior.

One of the manifestations of the individual factor of social maladaptation is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders in maladjusted adolescents. The basis for the formation of psychosomatic maladaptation of a person is a dysfunction of the entire adaptation system. A significant place in the formation of personality functioning mechanisms belongs to the processes of adaptation to conditions environment, in particular, to its social component.

Environmental, economic, demographic and other unfavorable social factors in recent years have led to significant changes in the health of the child and adolescent population. The vast majority of children under the age of one year discover functional-organic insufficiencies of the brain ranging from the mildest, revealing themselves only in conditions of an unfavorable environment or concomitant diseases, to obvious defects and anomalies of psychophysical development. The increased attention of educational and health authorities to the issues of protecting the health of students has serious reasons. The number of children with developmental disabilities and poor health among newborns is 85%. Among children entering first grade, over 60% are at risk of school, somatic and psychophysical maladjustment. Of these, about 30% are diagnosed with a neuropsychiatric disorder in the junior group of kindergarten. The number of primary school students who cannot cope with the requirements of the standard school curriculum has doubled over the past 20 years, reaching 30%. In many cases, health problems are borderline in nature. The number of children and adolescents with mild problems is constantly increasing. Diseases lead to decreased performance, missed school sessions, decreased productivity, disruption of the system of relationships with adults (teachers, parents) and peers, and a complex psychological and somatic relationship arises. Worries about these changes can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and their systems. A transition from somatogeny to psychogeny and vice versa is possible, with the emergence in some cases of a “vicious circle”. Psychotherapeutic interventions in combination with other treatment methods can help the patient get out of the “vicious circle”.

Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect), manifested in defects in school and family education. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to the teenager in the lesson, inadequacy of educational measures taken by teachers, unfair, rude, insulting attitude of the teacher, underestimation of grades, refusal to provide timely assistance in case of justified absence from classes, and lack of understanding of the student’s state of mind. This also includes a difficult emotional climate in the family, parental alcoholism, family sentiment against school, school maladaptation of older brothers and sisters. With pedagogical neglect, despite lagging behind in studies, missing lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not experience a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of work remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (as a rule, working), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referent connections are preserved. Adolescents experience difficulties in self-regulation not so much at the cognitive level, but at the affective and volitional level. That is, their various actions and antisocial manifestations are associated not so much with ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of generally accepted social norms, but with the inability to inhibit themselves, their affective outbursts or resist the influence of others.

Pedagogically neglected adolescents, with appropriate psychological and pedagogical support, can be rehabilitated already in the conditions of the school educational process, where the key factors may be “advancement with trust”, reliance on useful interests that are related not so much to educational activities, but to future professional plans and intentions, as well as restructuring to more emotionally warm relationships of maladaptive students with teachers and peers.

Social and psychological factors that reveal the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational community. One of the important social situations for a teenager’s personality is school as a whole system of relationships that are significant for a teenager. The definition of school maladjustment means the impossibility of adequate schooling in accordance with natural abilities, as well as adequate interaction of a teenager with the environment in the individual microsocial environment in which he exists. The occurrence of school maladaptation is based on various factors of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature. School maladaptation is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - social maladaptation of minors. Over one million teenagers are homeless. The number of orphans has exceeded five hundred thousand, forty percent of children are exposed to violence in families, the same number experience violence in schools, and the death rate among teenagers from suicide has increased by 60%. Unlawful behavior among teenagers is growing twice as fast as among adults. 95% of maladjusted adolescents have mental disorders. Only 10% of those in need of psychocorrectional assistance can receive it. In a study of adolescents aged 13-14 years, whose parents sought psychiatric help, the personal characteristics of minors, the social conditions of their upbringing, the role of the biological factor (early residual organic damage to the central nervous system), and the influence of early mental deprivation in the formation of social maladjustment were determined. There are observations according to which family deprivation has a decisive role in the formation of a child’s personality in preschool age, manifesting itself in the form of pathocharacterological reactions with signs of active and passive protest, and child aggressiveness.

Personal factors that are manifested in the individual’s active selective attitude to the preferred communication environment, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to the pedagogical influences of family, school, and the public, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate one’s behavior. Value-normative ideas, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values ​​that perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators, include cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudes) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, an individual’s antisocial and illegal behavior can be caused by defects in the internal regulation system at any level - cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral -. At the age of 13-14 years, behavioral disorders become dominant, a tendency to group with antisocial older teenagers with criminal behavior appears, and substance abuse phenomena appear. The reasons why parents turned to a psychiatrist were behavioral disorders, school and social maladjustment, and substance abuse. Substance abuse in adolescents has an unfavorable prognosis, and 6-8 months after its onset, signs of a psychoorganic syndrome with intellectual-mnestic disorders, persistent mood disorders in the form of dysphoria and thoughtless euphoria with increased delinquency increase sharply. The problem of maladaptation and related substance abuse in adolescents is largely determined by social conditions - family, microenvironmental, and the lack of adequate professional and labor rehabilitation. Expanding opportunities at school for engaging in a variety of productive work and early vocational guidance have a beneficial effect on the education of pedagogically neglected, difficult-to-educate students. Work is a real sphere of application of the efforts of a pedagogically neglected student, in which he is able to raise his authority among classmates and overcome his isolation and dissatisfaction. The development of these qualities and reliance on them makes it possible to prevent alienation and social disadaptation of those who are difficult to educate in school groups, and to compensate for failures in educational activities.

Social factors: unfavorable material and living conditions determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. The problems of adolescents have always been relevant, but they have never been as acute as they are now in conditions of an unstable social and political situation, an unresolved economic crisis, a weakening role of the family, devaluation of moral standards, and sharply opposing forms of material support. It is noted that many forms of education are inaccessible to all adolescents, a reduction in the number educational institutions, vacation spots for teenagers. Social neglect, in comparison with pedagogical neglect, is characterized primarily by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, as well as useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and the requirements of the team, and unwillingness to take into account the norms of collective life. The alienation of socially neglected adolescents from such important institutions of socialization as family and school leads to difficulties in professional self-determination, significantly reduces their ability to assimilate value-normative ideas, moral and legal norms, the ability to evaluate themselves and others from these positions, to be guided by generally accepted norms in your behavior.

If a teenager’s problems are not solved, then they deepen and become complex, that is, such a minor has several forms of manifestation of maladjustment. It is these teenagers who make up a particularly difficult group of socially maladjusted ones. Among the many reasons that lead adolescents to severe social maladaptation, the main ones are residual phenomena of organic pathology of the central nervous system, pathocharacterological or neurotic personality development, or pedagogical neglect. Of considerable importance in explaining the causes and nature of social maladaptation is the system of self-esteem and expected assessments of the individual, something that relates to the prestigious mechanisms of self-regulation of adolescent behavior and deviant behavior in the first place.



State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo State Vocational Pedagogical College" (KemSPPK)



Course work

KR 050711. 00. 00.00.

Completed by student gr. SP – 051:

Ilyushchenko N.N.


EAT. Zabolotskaya


1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents………………………………………………………………………………….....2

1.1 Conceptual structure of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents………………………………………………………………2

1.2 Historical retrospect of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents…………………………………………………………………………………...13

1.3 Modern approach to solving the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents………………………………………………………………...15



Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………………28

Appendix 2………………………………………………………………………………31


The problem of educating the younger generation is of particular relevance at the present stage of development of our state, characterized by rapid transformation processes in various areas of public life, a significant renewal of the entire system of existing relations in society.

In these conditions, the question is paradoxical: why, against the backdrop of growing statistical indicators on the standard of living and well-being of the population, the problem of increasing the number of maladapted and desocialized children remains one of the urgent and unresolved problems of our state, why social work with adolescents with behavioral disorders is becoming particularly acute and relevant . The problem of adolescent maladjustment is by no means a one-day problem; it was influenced by many factors, in some cases extremely aggravating and complicating the existing problem. Existing institutions of the state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency often act fragmented and ineffective. Deviations in a child’s behavior, difficulties in his adaptation and socialization arise as a result of political, socio-economic instability of society, the increasing influence of pseudoculture, changes in the content of value orientations of young people, unfavorable family and household relations, lack of control over their behavior, excessive employment of parents, and an increase in divorces . Despite the fact that a problem can be caused by one reason, it can manifest itself in multifactorial and multifaceted deviations in the physical and mental spheres of adolescents at different points in life and coping with it at the stage of adulthood is very problematic. Hence the choice of the topic of our research, “Social maladjustment of adolescents and ways to overcome it.”

The purpose of the work is a theoretical substantiation of social maladjustment of adolescents.

The goal was determined by the following tasks:

    to form a conceptual infrastructure of the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents;

    study the historical retrospective of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents;

    analyze modern approaches to solving the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents.

The problem of social maladaptation is studied by such sciences as pedagogy, psychology, sociology, defectology, and jurisprudence.

The problem of social maladjustment of adolescents is addressed in the works of V.A. Baltsevich, S.A. Beligeva, G.P. Gavrilova, I.S. Kona, A.P. Krapovsky, V.A. Krutetsky, V.F. Lelyukh, A.S. Makarenko, L.F. Obukhova, R.V. Ovcharova, A.M. Prikhotan, B.A. Titova, M.V. Tsiluiko, D.B. Elkomina, M.G. Yaroshevsky and many others.

The methodological basis of the work was the ideas of A.S. Makarenko on the role of the team in the formation of a teenager’s personality, B.A. Titova on the role of cultural and leisure activities in the process of adaptation of adolescents, G.I. Frolova about the importance of the club in the club activities of the team in the formation of personality, the ideas of A.S. Belicheva about the importance of organizing full communication with others to correct deviant behavior.


1. 1 Conceptual infrastructure of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

There are different views on the problem of maladjustment (including social).

Some scientists compare the stages of human adaptation with the main periods of the life course.

I. S. Kon considers childhood, adolescence and youth to be the main stages of human personality formation.

Other researchers, such as Shibutani, believe that the process of adaptation continues throughout life and do not present it as strictly normative. Shibutani understands adaptation as adaptation to new, changing living conditions [2, p.20 – 22].

The term “adaptation” is used, on the one hand, to characterize the level of a person’s adaptability to environmental conditions; on the other hand, adaptation acts as the process of adapting a person to existing conditions.

Psychologist I. Epifanova understands social maladaptation as non-compliance with moral and legal norms, an asocial behavior associated with the process of socialization [1, p.50].

Moscow professors S.A. Belichev and V.A. Fokin talk about two stages of social maladjustment:

Pedagogical neglect (characterized by a chronic lag in the school curriculum, insolence, a negative attitude towards studies and various socially negative manifestations - foul language, smoking, hooliganism, conflictual relationships with teachers.

Due to mistakes made in the upbringing and re-education of pedagogically neglected students, such a phenomenon as social neglect also arises (we are talking about teenagers who resist pedagogical influence, they have not developed useful skills and their sphere of interests is narrowed; socially neglected teenagers are characterized by vagrancy , drug addiction, crime, immoral behavior, etc.

According to E. S. Rapatsevich, social disadaptation is a violation of an individual’s adaptive behavior to the norms of social life due to certain external or internal reasons - excessive or unfair demands, excessive loads, difficulties and disagreement, resistance, self-defense, etc. d. Most often, maladaptive behavior develops gradually as a reaction to systematically, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with on his own. The beginning is the child’s disorientation: he is lost, does not know what to do, the teenager either does not respond at all to the requests and instructions of adults, or reacts in the first way that comes his way. She views the social adaptation of adolescents as a process of their integration into society, the formation of self-awareness, skills of self-cognition and role behavior, abilities for self-service and adequate connections with others. M. V. Shakurova uses the term “adaptation,” on the one hand, to characterize the level of a person’s adaptability to environmental conditions; on the other hand, adaptation acts as the process of adapting an individual to more or less rapidly changing conditions.

She considers social maladjustment to be a high degree of general maladjustment, which is characterized by antisocial manifestations - foul language, bad habits, impudent antics, as well as alienation from the main institutions of socialization - family and society.

The state of maladjustment can be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, as a relatively short-term situational state, resulting from the influence of new, unusual stimuli that have changed the environment and signal an imbalance between mental activity and the demands of the environment, as well as encouraging re-adaptation. This is reflected in Table 1. In this sense, adaptation is a necessary and inevitable component of the adaptation process.

Dedicated to adolescence greatest number works and publications in the field of medicine, pedagogical psychology. Among them are works by A.S. Vygotsky “Pedagogy of a teenager”, A.P. Krakovsky “About teenagers”, D.B. Elkomin “Issues of psychology of educational activity of younger schoolchildren”. It is impossible not to mention foreign researchers of this period - E. Spranger “Psychology of Adolescence” and many other scientists. .

If we talk about the concept of “teenager,” then the scientist-researcher Glebova speaks of him as a person between the ages of 11 and 15–16 years. She calls adolescence transitional, as it is characterized by the transition from childhood to adulthood. In terms of the level and nature of development, adolescence is a typical era of childhood. On the other hand, a teenager is on the threshold of adulthood and feels the need for independence, self-affirmation, and recognition of his rights and responsibilities from adults. Glebova calls adolescence a critical phase of human development.

The Pedagogical Encyclopedia describes a teenager as a person who is at the stage of ontogenesis between childhood and adolescence. The main feature of adolescence is sudden, qualitative changes affecting all aspects of development. Adolescence is considered as a period of alienation from adults; at this stage, the child opposes himself to the world of adults, defends his rights and freedoms, and, in addition, strives to occupy a position that satisfies him among his peer group.

It is in adolescence that a person commits the first most serious crimes and offenses; in adolescence, the first manifestations of deviant behavior are observed and they are explained by the relatively low level of intellectual development, the incompleteness of the process of personality formation, the negative influence of the family, the immediate environment, the teenager’s dependence on the demands of the group and accepted in her holistic orientation.

Deviant behavior in adolescents often serves as a means of self-affirmation and expresses protest against the reality or perceived injustice of adults.

In turn, deviations are divided into:

Deviations of selfish orientation;

Aggressive orientation;

Deviations of the social-passive type.

Deviations of a selfish nature - these include offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to receive material, monetary, property support (theft, theft, speculation). Among minors, this kind of deviation manifests itself in the form of criminal acts and in the form of misdeeds and immoral behavior.

Social deviations of aggressive orientation manifest themselves in actions directed against the individual (insult, hooliganism, beatings, rape and murder).

Deviations of socially passive type are expressed in a desire to withdraw from active public life, in evasion of one’s civic responsibilities and duties, and an unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include avoidance of work and study, vagrancy, consumption of alcohol and drugs, toxic substances that immerse one in a world of artificial illusions and destroy the psyche. The extreme manifestation of this position is suicide.

Thus, antisocial behavior, varying both in content and target orientation, and in the degree of social danger, can manifest itself in various social deviations, from violations of moral and legal norms, from minor offenses to serious crimes.

There are several forms of manifestation of deviant behavior of minors:

Alcoholization - this phenomenon is spreading more and more. The number of teenagers drinking alcohol is increasing every year.

Comparative sociological studies have revealed several patterns of this problem:

Drunkenness occurs more often where there are more socially tense situations.

Drinking is associated with specific forms of social control. In some cases it is an element of some obligatory rituals, in others it acts as anti-normative behavior, a means of liberation from external control, being part of maladaptive behavior.

Alcoholism is often tolerated in internal comfort, conditioned by the individual’s desire to overcome the feeling of dependence that weighs on him.

Drug addiction - while under the influence of drugs, a teenager can commit any act. Hence the number of crimes, thefts, and murders increases. According to A.E. There are different levels of drug addiction:

Single or rare drug use;

Repeated use, but without signs of physical and mental dependence;

Stage 1 drug addiction, when mental dependence has already formed, the search for a drug for the sake of obtaining pleasant sensations, but there is no physical dependence yet, and stopping drug use does not cause painful sensations;

Stage 2 drug addiction, when there is physical dependence on the drug and the search for it is no longer aimed so much at causing a high, but at avoiding suffering.

Stage 3 drug addiction – complete mental and physical degradation.

According to the observations of psychologists and narcologists, 2/3 of teenagers first take up drugs out of curiosity, a desire to find out what is beyond the forbidden.

Aggressive behavior.

Teenage aggression is most often a consequence of embitterment and low self-esteem as a result of experienced failures in life. Sophisticated cruelty is often shown by spoiled mama's boys who do not know how to take responsibility for their actions.

Suicidal behavior: among adolescents examined by A.E. Lichko:

32% of suicide attempts occur among 17 year olds;

21% - 15 year olds;

12% - 14 year olds;

4% - 12-13 year olds.

The research design used by A.E. Lichko is presented in Appendix 1 - Questionnaire.

Prevention of teenage suicides does not consist in avoiding conflict situations, but in creating a psychological climate where a teenager would not feel lonely, unrecognized and inferior.

In 9 cases out of 10, youthful attempts are not a desire to commit suicide, but a cry for help.

Illegal behavior:

Adolescents living in dysfunctional families have the greatest propensity for criminal behavior, which is associated with poor housing and material conditions, tense relationships between family members and low concern for raising children.

According to the observations of psychologists, there are quite a lot of juvenile delinquents who, although they are sane, have certain deviations from the norm. According to a sociological study that took place in the Saratov region among juvenile delinquents, 60% of them have some kind of mental disorder (psychosis, neurosis, etc.) In the family, the child receives the first skills of communication and behavior, and the first “baggage” accumulates knowledge, the first habits are formed. The formation of spiritual needs, (ideals, moral, ideological and cognitive interests) and cultural values ​​depends on the conditions in which upbringing takes place.

G.M. Minkovsky identifies ten types of families with different educational potential:

Educationally - strong - the share of such families in the number of those surveyed is 15-20%, the educational situation is close to optimal. Its main feature is the high moral atmosphere of the family.

Educationally stable - this type of family creates generally favorable opportunities for education, and shortcomings that arise in the family are overcome with the help of other institutions of socialization, primarily schools.

Educationally unstable - this type of family creates generally favorable opportunities. This type of family is characterized by the incorrect pedagogical position of the parents, which is nevertheless leveled out thanks to the relatively high educational potential of the family.

Educationally – weak – with loss of social contact (family) with children and control over them. Families where parents, for various reasons, are unable to properly raise their children, have lost control over their behavior, losing their influence to the society of their peers;

Educational - conflict - with a constant conflict atmosphere;

With an aggressive-conflict atmosphere;

Marginal families with alcohol and sexual degradation;



Mentally - burdened.

The last five types of families are negative, and even criminal, from a socio-pedagogical point of view.

Direct desocializing influences of the environment come from the immediate environment, which are directly demonstrated by patterns of antisocial behavior, antisocial orientations and beliefs, when antisocial norms and values, group prescriptions, and behavioral regulators are in effect aimed at the formation of an asocial type of personality. In such cases, we are dealing with so-called situations of desocialization. The role of such institutions can be criminogenic informal teenage groups, groups of criminals, speculators, people without certain occupations, etc. The same role can be played by some families of an immoral type, where inheritance, an immoral lifestyle, scandals and brawls of parents have become the norm in everyday relationships.

As is known, deviant antisocial behavior is behavior that contradicts legal or moral norms accepted in society. .

The main types of deviant behavior are crime and non-criminal (not illegal) immoral behavior. In the origin of deviant behavior, a significant place is given to the study of its motives, causes and conditions conducive to its development. In the origin of deviant behavior, defects in legal and moral consciousness, the content of individual needs, character traits, and the emotional-volitional sphere play a particularly important role.

Deviant behavior is the result of improper personality development and the unfavorable situation in which a person finds himself.

Among antisocial manifestations, it is advisable to highlight the so-called pre-criminogenic level, when a minor has not yet become the subject of a crime, and his social deviations manifest themselves at the level of minor offenses, violations of norms and rules of behavior, evading socially useful activities, in the use of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances. drugs that destroy the psyche and other forms of antisocial behavior that do not pose a great public danger.

Criminogenic (criminal) level - in this case, social relations are expressed in criminal, criminally punishable actions, when a teenager becomes the subject of a crime that is considered by the judiciary and poses a more serious public danger.

In order to better understand the nature of the social relations of minors, let us consider a patent analysis of about a thousand cases discussed at commissions on juvenile affairs.

The age composition of minors coming through the commission is older teenagers 14-16 years old (about 40%), followed by younger teenagers 11-13 years old (up to 26%).

Antisocial manifestations were also reasons for consideration: 48% of adolescents were discussed for avoiding school and work; 10% - for escapes and vagrancy; 3-5% - for drinking alcohol and the same amount for immoral behavior.

A more in-depth psychological and socio-psychological study of the personality of adolescents with deviant behavior showed that they are also characterized by varying degrees of deformation of the system of internal behavioral regulation - value orientations, needs. Noticeable trouble is revealed in the system of interpersonal relationships in the family, school, and on the street.

All this indicates that deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable social development and a violation of the adaptation process. A special type of such disorders occurs during adolescence, the so-called hormonal transition period from childhood to adulthood.

Thus, the process of disrupting the socialization of minors occurs when a person experiences certain negative influences that come from the environment and the immediate behavior of the individual.

In this regard, the negative influence experienced by a teenager from his immediate environment can be divided into direct and indirect maladaptive influences.

Direct maladaptive influences of the environment come from the immediate environment, which are directly demonstrated by patterns of antisocial behavior, antisocial orientations and beliefs, when antisocial norms and values, group prescriptions, and behavioral regulators are in effect aimed at the formation of an asocial type of personality. In such cases, we are dealing with so-called situations of desocialization and maladaptation. The role of such institutions can be criminogenic informal teenage groups, groups of criminals, speculators, people without certain occupations, etc. The same role can be played by some families of an immoral type, where inheritance, an immoral lifestyle, scandals and brawls of parents have become the norm in everyday relationships.

However, the process of maladaptation does not always occur as a result of the direct influence of direct maladaptive environmental influences. Thus, among the studied minors with deviant behavior (the total number of which was about 1200 people), registered in juvenile affairs, only 25-30% were brought up in families with acquisitive orientations; the school environment, where a significant part of minors live, also contains direct examples of the known behavior. And, nevertheless, in a certain part of adolescents brought up in a completely favorable environment, social maladjustment with antisocial behavioral manifestations is possible. unfavorable factors causing antisocial behavior of minors, and in turn significantly expand the scope of application of educational and preventive measures to prevent deviations in the consciousness and behavior of adolescents.

1.2 Historical retrospective of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

Since social maladaptation is a destruction, a disorder of the results achieved in the process of adaptation of the individual to society, it is necessary first of all to understand the essence of this most important social phenomenon. R. Merton examined individual ways of adaptation of an individual to society, based on the factor of acceptance or non-acceptance of the values ​​of a given society and ways to achieve them.

The social sciences take the baton for the study of adaptation from the hands of biology, and in almost all modern studies there is the idea that individuals endowed with both a social and a biological essence participate in social adaptation. This approach originates from G. Spencer, who considered society as a social organism and, accordingly, the adaptation of individuals as a constant achievement of balance between the organism (individual) and the environment (society). As a result of such continuous adaptation, the social structure becomes more complex.

A significant stimulus for the study of social adaptation in Western sociological science was the immigrant nature of American society, as a result of which each individual and each national group had to adapt to new conditions. The works of F. Znaniecki studied the adaptation of immigrants from Poland to America, and the author explores this process through the assimilation of social experience by individuals in the process of social action. His research and theoretical principles clearly show that the process of human adaptation to new conditions is primarily of a social nature.

Although E. Durkheim does not use the term “adaptation,” he studied the adaptation of a person’s internal organization to existing norms in society. At the individual level, this is expressed in the acceptance of the prevailing public morality, the assimilation of ideas about one’s duty, which is manifested in ideological ideas and actions. At the level of society, the main instrument of such adaptation is the very presence of these norms, their universally valid nature. Deviation of norms or their weakness, “anomia” (no normativity) is a pathology of the entire society that must be overcome.

This understanding was a step forward for its time, however, the passive nature of the individual’s subordination to norms, ignoring the activity of the individual and the role of sociocultural factors required further consideration of the essence of the relationship between the individual and society. M. Weber, recognizing the role of social normativity, at the same time drew attention to the issue of compliance or non-compliance of social norms with the interests and expectations of a person. The basis for following norms is rationality, the ability to achieve effective results in this process. The individual searches for the most suitable norms for him in the mosaic of social values ​​and also independently modifies or creates them.

Weber considers both goal-rational and value-rational behavior, and in this version, a person’s adaptation to society is also a source of social progress. However, the activity described by M. Weber, built on the achievement of individual benefit and applied without taking into account the interests of other individuals, could upset the balance of society. T. Parsons considers the process of interaction between the individual and society as a mutual compromise, the constant integration of individual social elements into the system. This process is built on the balance of mutual expectations of the individual and the social environment. Therefore, in accordance with his ideas, adaptation is both a process of achieving stability and the result of this process, a social order that is favorable for both the individual and society. As in his other studies, Parsons proceeds from the analogy of applying to social reality the biological mechanism of homeostasis, that is, the equilibrium of a social organism or system that restores its stable state regardless of external influences.

Thus, we can say that although different sociologists and researchers had their own views on the theory of human adaptation to society, none of them denied its importance for normal human development.

1.3 Modern approaches to solving the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

The process of maladaptation manifests itself in all forms of life activity of adolescents - in the cognitive, transformative, value-orientation and communicative spheres. The complexity of personal changes that occur with maladjusted adolescents, the depth of destruction of social connections and deformation of social qualities, and the comprehensiveness of the tasks of their restoration and correction determine the comprehensive nature of the prevention of social maladaptation of minors.

Taking into account the multifactorial nature of the causes and consequences of maladaptation of children and adolescents in the process of prevention, measures of legal, organizational, social, psychological, and economic assistance should be taken, the implementation of which is within the competence of different bodies and institutions. In general, we can say that in order to organize comprehensive assistance to maladjusted adolescents it is necessary formation and development of an institutionalized prevention system that promotes the upbringing of adolescents in the family.

Priority tasks include supporting the family as a natural environment for children’s livelihoods, strengthening the legal protection of childhood, ensuring safe motherhood and protecting children’s health, and much more. A National Action Plan in the interests of children and adolescents until 2010, the Federal Program “Children of Russia” for 2003–2008, and other documents defining the main priority areas of activity of federal executive authorities, bodies of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency have been developed and adopted.

In order to improve coordination and interdepartmental interaction to prevent social maladjustment of children and adolescents, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are adopting relevant regulatory and legal acts.

The main directions for the prevention of maladaptive behavior in adolescents, according to M. V. Shakurova, are:

Early diagnosis of children at risk;

Consultative and explanatory work with parents;

Mobilization of the educational potential of the environment, work with contact groups of minors;

Organization of correctional and rehabilitation activities depending on the level of maladaptation, attraction of the necessary specialists, recourse to the help of specialized institutions, centers and services;

Patronage of maladjusted minors;

Development and implementation of targeted programs and technologies aimed at the prevention and correction of behavioral disorders.

A successful area of ​​work with maladapted and desocialized children and adolescents is cultural and leisure activities.

Cultural and leisure activities are one of the most important means of man’s essential forces and optimization of the socio-cultural environment surrounding him. The process of functioning of the CDA can be represented as the interaction of two trends: socialization and individualization. If the first consists in the individual’s appropriation of a social essence, then the second in his development of an individual way of life, thanks to which he gets the opportunity to develop.

It is known that personality develops in the process of activity. And therefore socialization, as a personal property, arises in the process of social activity, as a result of this activity. Consequently, the formation of the personality of adolescents can be carried out in the process of social activity.

Such activity is a two-pronged process, where on the one hand, the subject, as a result of activity, “giving away his essential powers” ​​and abilities, objectifies himself in them, on the other hand, this very objectification of the subject presupposes a counter process of cognition, mastery, disclosure and assignment of properties “ an object that was created by the previous generation, by other people before him.”

Such appropriation of “social connections, knowledge, skills and abilities is successfully and most actively carried out in the conditions of cultural and leisure activities. It is in leisure activities that children and adolescents become acquainted with art, nature, work, norms and rules of interpersonal communication, moral and aesthetic values. As is known, deviant behavior of adolescents is a consequence of a violation of the process of socialization and adaptation. And its correction is possible only through the involvement of adolescents in the sphere of leisure activities, since here adolescents are more open to the influence and interaction of a variety of social institutions on them, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency.

When considering cultural and leisure activities as a pedagogical process, important has a definition of the most effective forms and methods of influence, constituting a methodology in the system that allows you to achieve social and pedagogical goals in working with adolescents with deviant behavior - the object of pedagogical influence.

First of all, the effectiveness of the educational impact of cultural and leisure activities on adolescents largely depends on the choice of forms as important methods of expressing the content of the activity. Form is a combination of the method and means of organizing the process of cultural and leisure activities, determined by its content.

Organizational forms of work with teenagers should be aimed at developing their cognitive interests and abilities. It is important to note that the teenage period of development is characterized by significant changes in all aspects of the personality - psyche, physiology, relationships, when a teenager subjectively enters into relationships with the adult world. Therefore, only a differentiated approach in the selection of certain forms can ensure the effectiveness of their impact. One such form is the art form. Includes messages about the most active events, which are combined by degree of importance and presented figuratively using emotional means of influence.

This form includes mass performances, recreational evenings, show performances, spectacles, literary evenings, creative meetings with famous people.

The above forms, such as recreational evenings and show performances, will arouse particular interest among teenagers in two cases: if they are imbued with the spirit of competition, and if they are imbued with deep lyricism. After all, unrealized tenderness of the soul and the desire to compete with peers in everything are characteristics of difficult teenagers.

A striking form of organizing spectacular performances are balls and carnivals. They are dedicated to the most important events in the lives of teenagers, but, unfortunately, these forms are now rarely used, since such holidays require beautiful costumes, which many leisure institutions cannot provide.

Educational forms include lectures, conversations, debates, conferences, and excursions. So, for example, in the process of participating in a dispute or discussion, a teenager learns not only something new, but also learns to form his own point of view.

For example, in adolescence, a child is very concerned about problems of sexual development, and therefore lectures and conversations on this topic will arouse great interest.

In the practice of cultural and leisure activities, there is such a form as educational and entertaining. It is of great importance for adolescence. It is during this period that the nature of gaming activity changes; one might say, the game loses its “fabulousness,” “mystery.” The cognitive significance of the game comes to the fore.

The greatest effect is achieved by forms borrowed from the television screen, for example, educational and entertaining games “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?".

The greatest interest among teenagers is caused by such a form of organizing leisure time as a disco-club. There are two types of discos - educational and educational (disco-club) and dance and entertainment (disco-dance floor). If in the first case a clear goal is pursued, which is accompanied by some kind of theme, then the second has no goal. Thus, the creation of a disco club contributes to the development of musical taste.

Social and practical forms play a special role in the development of the spiritual principles of a teenager’s personality and its specialization. Taking into account the social and practical interests of adolescents, it is possible to create rooms for psychological relief, sections, clubs for physical education and sports, training in sewing, and technical creativity.

Thus, the currently established forms of cultural and leisure activities are aimed, first of all, at the spiritual development of the adolescent’s personality, built on relationships with the social environment and society as a whole.

Let's consider the main areas of cultural and leisure activities necessary for the education and self-education of adolescents. In the pedagogical process, one of the main activities of cultural and leisure institutions is civic education, which forms a scientific worldview and develops the civic activity of a teenager. In civic education, you can use such forms as lectures, conversations, debates. Approximate topics of lectures: “Fatherland at the turn of the century”, “Historical past of our Motherland”; topic of discussion: “What kind of hero is he of our time?”, etc.

In this case, the use of visual technical means can add emotional coloring and expressiveness that will arouse the greatest interest among teenagers

Another important area of ​​cultural and leisure activities is labor education. The purpose of labor education is to assist in the vocational guidance of adolescents. Meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production sites, where children get acquainted with representatives of various professions, and technical modeling clubs are important.

The next direction of cultural and leisure activities is the formation of a personality with high moral consciousness and behavior - moral education. The principle of moral education is the principle of education based on positive examples. Moral education in the club is carried out in the sphere of communication with peers, through a system of moral education (ethical conversations, debates, meetings with interesting people). When developing a personality, it is important to take into account her ability to correctly understand beauty in all the diversity of its manifestations.

Therefore, one of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is aesthetic education. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beautiful in life and art from the universal perspective of spiritual heritage. The pedagogical task of cultural institutions is to involve teenagers in their activities through organizing show performances, creative beauty contests (“Miss Summer”, “Gentleman Show”), meetings with musicians, fashion designers, poets, visiting exhibitions and much more. other. Direction to physical education determines the development and strengthening of health and physical abilities of children and adolescents. One of the tasks of physical education is the education of will and character, its moral qualities and aesthetic tastes. In this way, the connection between physical and moral and aesthetic education is realized.

The development of this area is facilitated by the organization of clubs, sports sections, meetings with people who are directly related to sports (coaches, masters of sports).

Thus, all these areas of cultural and leisure activities are interconnected, interdependent, and personal improvement makes this activity the most effective. In the process of directed education of a teenager’s personality, on the one hand, spiritual and moral development occurs, on the other, a kind of differentiation of the teenager’s abilities occurs, various interests and needs are revealed, socialization and adaptation of teenagers takes place, which are of a positive orientation.

The current state of the pedagogical process convinces that their activities need a more intense ethical direction, highlighting social problems aimed at harmonizing relations between adolescents, satisfying the individual and society as a whole.

The nature of deviant behavior of minors and its determination are such that in the fight against it, not only measures of criminal repression should be used, but also, first of all, preventive approaches.

The fundamental element in the formation of models for the prevention of social maladaptation of minors should be the understanding of this problem as a highly socially significant, multi-level and multi-aspect task, at the center of which is the personality of the teenager, which is formed in the social environment. The modern general model of the system for preventing maladjusted children and adolescents is an association of multi-departmental bodies, institutions and services, whose activities are aimed at implementing state social policy in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors, preventing neglect and delinquency, and implementing a differentiated approach to various groups of the child population. Taking into account the social nature of children's ill-being, the activities of all elements of the prevention system involve, first of all, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors in all spheres of their life, support in the family and adaptation to society.

In order to create the most effective models for the prevention of social maladaptation of minors, it is necessary to identify children who find themselves in a difficult life situation as early as possible. Prevention of deviations is the most important part of preventive work, the content of which is the targeted identification and elimination of the causes and conditions of specific deviations. The more successful the prevention, the less effort and money have to be spent on the rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents and the prevention of deviant behavior into criminal (delinquent) behavior.

Researcher Kholostova includes the following areas in the prevention of disadaptation of deviant behavior among minors:

Minimizing, neutralizing and, if possible, eliminating the social determinants of adaptation and deviant behavior of children and adolescents;

Reducing child victimization, i.e. the facts and conditions that contribute to situations in which children become victims of crime (including their involvement in unlawful and criminal exploitation by adults);

Activation and development of positive social and personal factors and processes that ensure optimal socialization of adolescents.


A study of the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents has shown that in conditions of instability in the development of society, the processes of maladaptation of children and adolescents are sharply increasing, associated with an increase in family poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction, an increase in homelessness and neglect of minors, and an increase in teenage crime. The creation of a system for preventing adolescent maladaptation is facilitated by the development of a network of social rehabilitation institutions for working with families and children.

Summing up the results of the work, it should be noted that currently there are rapid processes of change in society, which accordingly affect the social adaptation of adolescents. In general, society requires its members who are capable of living in this society.

Today in Russia, due to a change in the political and economic orientation of the state, the main traditional agents of socialization and adaptation are in crisis. The average Russian family is not able to qualitatively fulfill its socializing role; there is a sharp decline in its educational functions. The same processes occur at school. The lack of funding in the school has led to a crisis in the education system - a shortage of teachers, handouts, etc. - all this affects the level of education of children. Teenagers, instead of being controlled by parents and schools, are left to their own devices and socialize on the street in informal youth groups. Hence the sharp increase in crime among teenagers.

People do not have all the necessary skills for living in society from birth; they acquire them throughout their life.

In the process of his adaptation, a teenager must adapt to the conditions of his existence, and other people act as instructors and role models for him

During adaptation, a teenager learns a set of roles that he will play in society and introduces into his system of behavior those patterns that are sanctioned by the group.

In the course of the work, possible points that could lead to maladaptation of a modern teenager were investigated, ways to solve the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents and possible forms of preventing the problem were developed. Designing the process of social rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents on the principle of integrity consistently reflects all stages of creating models of prevention for maladjusted adolescents.


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    Brief psychological dictionary / comp. Karpenko L.A.; edited by A.V. Petrovsky, p. 50, 121, M., 2001

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    http//www. Yandex. ru

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We kindly ask you to take part in a small study, the results of which will be used in scientific interests. Your participation is of great importance to us, but it will only be useful if you take the matter seriously, sincerely and personally. The purpose of this study is to identify the range of interests, needs, and life values ​​of adolescents. The questionnaire consists of 9 questions, for each of which you are asked to choose one (2-3) answer options that you consider most suitable for yourself. If the questionnaire does not contain the answer to the question that you consider correct, you can write your own answer in the “other” section.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

First, please provide some information about yourself.

    What do you prefer to do in your free time?

b) watch TV;

c) meet with friends (girlfriends)

d) visit leisure facilities;

e) visit discos and nightclubs;

e) other

    What films do you prefer to watch?

a) militants;

b) thrillers;

c) detectives;

d) films with erotic elements;

e) comedies;

e) melodrama;

    What is, in your opinion, a healthy lifestyle?

a) do not smoke;

b) do not drink alcohol;

c) play sports;

d) live a full spiritual life;

d) other.

    Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

(underline what applies to you)

    I drink alcohol

    I don't play sports

    I use drugs

    If you have already tried alcoholic drinks, under what circumstances did this happen?

a) in the company of friends;

b) on days of family celebrations;

d) having nothing to do;

d) out of curiosity;

f) by chance;

g) other.

    If you have already tried smoking, what prompted you to do it?

a) the influence of friends;

b) example of parents;

c) curiosity;

e) the desire to feel more mature;

e) other.

    If you have any serious problem, who do you discuss it with?

a) with friends;

b) with parents;

c) I don’t discuss it at all;

d) other.

    What kind of family are you growing up in?

a) in full;

b) incomplete (raised by one mother or father).

    What life values ​​are most important to you?

a) happiness in the family;

b) material security;

c) health;

d) love;

e) career;

f) morality;

g) education;

h) other.

Thank you for your answers!!!

Stable forms

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  • Relatively recently, the term “disadaptation” appeared in the domestic, mostly psychological literature, denoting a violation of the processes of interaction between a person and the environment. Its use is quite ambiguous, which is revealed, first of all, in assessing the role and place of states of maladaptation in relation to the categories of “norm” and “pathology”. Hence the interpretation of maladaptation as a process that occurs outside of pathology and is associated with weaning from some familiar living conditions and, accordingly, getting used to others, note T.G. Dichev and K.E. Tarasov.

    Yu.A. Aleksandrovsky defines maladaptation as “breakdowns” in the mechanisms of mental adaptation during acute or chronic emotional stress, which activate the system of compensatory defensive reactions.

    In a broad sense, social maladjustment refers to the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent an individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

    For a deeper understanding of the problem, it is important to consider the relationship between the concepts of social adaptation and social maladjustment. The concept of social adaptation reflects the phenomena of inclusion of interaction and integration with the community and self-determination in it, and social adaptation of the individual consists in the optimal realization of the internal capabilities of a person and his personal potential in socially significant activities, in the ability, while maintaining oneself as an individual, to interact with the surrounding society in specific conditions of existence.

    The concept of social disadaptation is considered by most authors: B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, T.G. Dichev, S. Rutter as a process of disruption of the homeostatic balance of the individual and the environment, as a violation of the individual’s adaptation due to certain reasons; as a violation caused by a discrepancy between the innate needs of the individual and the limiting requirements of the social environment; as the inability of an individual to adapt to his own needs and aspirations.

    Social maladjustment is the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent an individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

    In the process of social adaptation, a person’s inner world also changes: new ideas and knowledge about the activities in which he is engaged appear, as a result of which self-correction and self-determination of the individual occur. The self-esteem of the individual also undergoes changes, which is associated with the new activity of the subject, its goals and objectives, difficulties and requirements; level of aspirations, self-image, reflection, self-concept, self-assessment in comparison with others. Based on these grounds, the attitude towards self-affirmation changes, the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. All this determines the essence of his social adaptation to society and the success of its course.

    An interesting position is that of A.V. Petrovsky, who defines the process of social adaptation as a type of interaction between an individual and the environment, during which the expectations of its participants are agreed upon.

    At the same time, the author emphasizes that the most important component of adaptation is the coordination of the subject’s self-esteem and aspirations with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment, which includes both the real level and potential development opportunities of the environment and the subject, highlighting the individual’s individuality in the process of his individualization and integration in this a specific social environment through the acquisition of social status and the individual’s ability to adapt to this environment.

    The contradiction between the goal and the result, as V.A. Petrovsky suggests, is inevitable, but it is the source of the dynamics of the individual, his existence and development. So, if the goal is not achieved, it encourages continued activity in a given direction. “What is born in communication turns out to be inevitably different from the intentions and motives of the communicating people. If those entering into communication take a self-centered position, then this constitutes an obvious prerequisite for the breakdown of communication,” note A.V. Petrovsky and V.V. Nepalinsky.

    Considering personality maladaptation at the socio-psychological level, R.B. Berezin and A.A. Nalgadzhyan identify three main types of personality maladjustment:

    a) stable situational maladaptation, which occurs when a person does not find ways and means of adaptation in certain social situations (for example, as part of certain small groups), although he makes such attempts - this state can be correlated with the state of ineffective adaptation;

    b) temporary maladaptation, which is eliminated with the help of adequate adaptive measures, social and internal mental actions, which corresponds to unstable adaptation.

    c) general stable maladaptation, which is a state of frustration, the presence of which activates the development of pathological protective mechanisms.

    The result of social maladaptation is a state of personality maladjustment.

    The basis of maladjusted behavior is conflict, and under its influence an inadequate response to the conditions and demands of the environment is gradually formed in the form of certain deviations in behavior as a reaction to systematically, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with. The beginning is the child’s disorientation: he is lost, does not know how to act in a given situation, to fulfill this overwhelming demand, and he either does not react at all or reacts in the first way that comes his way. Thus, at the initial stage the child is, as it were, destabilized. After some time, this confusion will pass and he will calm down; if such manifestations of destabilization are repeated quite often, then this leads the child to the emergence of persistent internal (dissatisfaction with himself, his position) and external (in relation to the environment) conflict, which leads to persistent psychological discomfort and, as a result of this condition, to maladaptive behavior.

    This point of view is shared by many domestic psychologists (B.N. Almazov, M.A. Ammaskin, M.S. Pevzner, I.A. Nevsky, A.S. Belkin, K.S. Lebedinskaya, etc.) The authors define deviations in behavior through the prism of the psychological complex of environmental alienation of the subject, and, therefore, not being able to change the environment in which being in which is painful for him, awareness of his incompetence prompts the subject to switch to protective forms of behavior, create semantic and emotional barriers in relations with others, reducing the level of aspirations and self-esteem.

    These studies form the basis of a theory that considers the compensatory capabilities of the body, where social maladaptation is understood as psychological condition, caused by the functioning of the psyche at the limit of its regulatory and compensating capabilities, expressed in the insufficient activity of the individual, in the difficulty of realizing his basic social needs (the need for communication, recognition, self-expression), in the violation of self-affirmation and free expression of his creative abilities, in inadequate orientation in the situation communication, in the distortion of the social status of a maladjusted child.

    Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, illegal actions, moral violations. Teenagers experience painful growing up - a gap between adulthood and childhood - a certain emptiness is created that needs to be filled with something.

    Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, start a family, or be good parents. They easily cross the line of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation manifests itself in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

    Within the framework of foreign humanistic psychology, the understanding of maladaptation as a violation of adaptation - a homeostatic process is criticized and the position of optimal interaction between the individual and the environment is put forward.

    The form of social maladaptation, according to their concepts, is as follows: conflict - frustration - active adaptation. According to K. Rogers, maladaptation is a state of inconsistency, internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the “I” and the person’s direct experience.

    Social maladaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based not on one, but on many factors. Some experts include among these:

    · individual;

    · psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect);

    · socio-psychological factors;

    · personal factors;

    · social factors.

    Individual factors operating at the level of psychobiological prerequisites, complicating the social adaptation of the individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, motor impairments, disorders and decreases in the functions of sensory systems, immaturity of higher mental functions, residual organic lesions of the central nervous system with cerebrovascular disease, decreased volitional activity , purposefulness, productivity of cognitive processes, motor disinhibition syndrome, pathological character traits, pathological puberty, neurotic reactions and neuroses, endogenous mental illnesses. Particular attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which serves as the root cause of violent crimes. Suppression of these drives, strict blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, gives rise to feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socially maladaptive forms of behavior.

    One of the manifestations of the individual factor of social maladjustment is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders. The basis for the formation of human psychosomatic maladaptation is a dysfunction of the entire adaptation system.

    Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect), manifested in defects in school and family education. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to the teenager in the lesson, inadequacy of educational measures taken by teachers, unfair, rude, insulting attitude of the teacher, underestimation of grades, refusal to provide timely assistance in case of justified absence from classes, and lack of understanding of the student’s state of mind. This also includes a difficult emotional climate in the family, parental alcoholism, family sentiment against school, school maladaptation of older brothers and sisters. Social and psychological factors that reveal the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational community. One of the important social situations for an individual is school as a whole system of relationships that are significant for a teenager. The definition of school maladjustment means the impossibility of adequate schooling in accordance with natural abilities, as well as adequate interaction of a teenager with the environment in the individual microsocial environment in which he exists. The occurrence of school maladaptation is based on various factors of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature. School maladaptation is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - social maladaptation of minors.

    Personal factors that are manifested in the individual’s active selective attitude to the preferred communication environment, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to the pedagogical influences of family, school, and the public, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate one’s behavior.

    Value-normative ideas, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values ​​that perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators, include cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudes) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, an individual’s antisocial and illegal behavior can be caused by defects in the internal regulation system at any level - cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral -.

    Social factors: unfavorable material and living conditions, determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. Social neglect, in comparison with pedagogical neglect, is characterized, first of all, by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, as well as useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and the requirements of the team, and unwillingness to take into account the norms of collective life.

    Providing professional socio-psychological and pedagogical support to maladjusted adolescents requires serious scientific and methodological support, including general theoretical conceptual approaches to considering the nature and nature of maladaptation, as well as the development of specialized correctional tools that can be used in work by adolescents of different ages and different forms of maladaptation .

    The term "correction" literally means "correction." Correction of social maladaptation is a system of measures aimed at correcting shortcomings of socially significant qualities and behavior of a person with the help of special means and psychological influence.

    Currently, there are various psychosocial technologies for correcting maladjusted adolescents. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on methods of play psychotherapy, graphic techniques used in art therapy and socio-psychological trainings aimed at correcting the emotional and communicative sphere, as well as developing skills of conflict-free empathic communication. In adolescence, the problem of maladjustment is usually associated with troubles in the system of interpersonal relationships, therefore the development and correction of communication skills is an important area of ​​the general correctional and rehabilitation program.

    Corrective influence is carried out taking into account the positive development trends in the “cooperative-conventional” and “responsible-generous” types of interpersonal relationships identified in the “I-ideal” of adolescents, which act as personal coping resources necessary for mastering more adaptive strategies of coping behavior when overcoming critical situations of existence.

    Thus, social maladjustment is the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent an individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Social maladaptation manifests itself in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.