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Increased nervous excitability. Hyperexcitability Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment


Increased nervous excitability is considered a fairly common disorder of the nervous system. Increased nervous excitability is often observed in young children and adolescents. Male children and adolescents are more susceptible to this disorder.


Symptoms of increased nervous excitability are: movement disorders eyeballs, asymmetry of the facial muscles, poor orientation in time and space, awkwardness and lack of composure. In addition, there are headaches and slight delay intellectual development.
It is insomnia that is hallmark increased nervous excitability. Insomnia is determined by a person’s condition if he cannot fall asleep within three to four hours, he rushes about in bed, trying to find comfortable position bodies. Also, a person may wake up in the middle of the night and lie until the morning with with open eyes. In some cases, insomnia is considered as a symptom of some somatic pathology.


Increased nervous excitability usually develops if a person is exposed to frequent stress, lack of sleep, irritation and nervousness. All this can be expressed in frequent conflict situations with other people. Sometimes the cause of the development of increased nervous excitability is not emotional and mental factors, but anxious and suspicious character traits. However, often the first and second reasons are present in combination. Folding in progress vicious circle: lack of sleep – irritation – nervous stress- insomnia.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

To prevent increased nervous excitability, it is necessary to adjust your sleep schedule, in particular, stick to the same bedtime. In other words, you should try to go to bed at the same time every day. In addition, it is necessary to maintain sufficient sleep duration - at least seven hours. Older people usually need five hours of sleep.
Remedies for increased nervous excitability

Calendula officinalis flowers have a calming effect nervous system action. In addition, they reduce arterial pressure, eliminate pain in the temples and help you sleep. As a rule, for increased nervous excitability, take a tincture of calendula in alcohol, thirty drops twice a day.

A decoction of calendula flowers helps eliminate symptoms of increased nervous excitability. To prepare the decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of calendula, the same amount of oregano, and a tablespoon of tansy. Chop the herbs and mix. tablespoon herbal mixture Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Take half a glass in the morning and evening. The course of therapy is three weeks.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of patients diagnosed with increased nervous excitability syndrome is increasing with geometric progression and very soon may become a serious problem on a global scale. Any person is susceptible to this disorder of the nervous system, regardless of age and gender, although teenagers and male children suffer more often than others from nervous excitability. What causes the disorder and is it possible to fight it? In this article we will answer all your questions.

Symptoms of the disease

Individuals with this disorder can be easily identified by external signs: due to asymmetry of the facial muscles, impaired movement of the eyeballs, poor orientation in space and time, as well as awkwardness and lack of composure. In addition, the patient complains of constant headaches, and experienced doctor There may be a slight delay in intellectual development. However, the main symptom of nervous excitability is insomnia. At the same time, we can talk about insomnia only when a person does not fall asleep for 3-4 hours and constantly turns over from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position. In addition, with insomnia, a person may wake up in the middle of the night and not sleep a wink until the morning.

Causes of the disease

This disorder occurs in adults and children. In adults, this disease develops against a background of constant stress, a frantic pace of life, lack of good rest and especially lack of sleep. As a rule, in 80% of cases, residents of megacities suffer from this disorder. Children are mainly susceptible to this disease, since their nervous system is not yet stable enough and cannot cope with the huge amount of information received. The disease is aggravated by excessive workloads in educational institutions, a turbulent situation within the family and, of course, sitting for many hours in front of the TV and computer. Computer games have a particularly negative effect on the psyche. In addition to emotional and mental factors, suspicious character traits can provoke increased nervous excitability. Moreover, in most cases, the doctor detects both of these reasons in the patient.

Treatment of the disease

To combat this disorder modern medicine produces a lot of drugs. The most popular medicines, such as or extract, have plant based. Besides, experienced specialist, depending on gender, age, as well as the reason that caused nervous breakdown, may recommend one of the following medications:

  • sedatives in capsules and drops Barboval or;
  • cardiac drug Tricardin;
  • metabolic agent;
  • homeopathic medicines Calm and Cardioica;
  • nootropic drug;
  • antimenopausal drug Klimadinon;
  • vitamin preparation with metabolic action Magnefar B6.

You can fight the syndrome of increased nervous excitability by traditional methods. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of calendula flowers and leaves. To prepare the product you need to take 2 tbsp. dried calendula and oregano flowers, as well as 1 tbsp. tansy. After mixing the herbs, pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour. You need to take the product ½ cup 2 times a day for three weeks.

Prevention of disease

Increased nervous excitability is not a diagnosis that requires serious medical treatment. This is only a minor disorder that requires correction, including by normalizing life. To do this, you need to regulate your sleep schedule, which means going to bed at a certain time and sleeping at least 8 hours a day. In addition, you should avoid worries and stress, reduce the time spent at the computer and regularly take walks in nature. Peace and tranquility to you!

All this, in turn, is caused by a number of possible reasons, which provokes the rapid development of an aggressive state, which often underlies the formation of mental disorders and nervous exhaustion.

Symptoms of increased excitability

Increased excitability in modern world not such a rare problem. People encounter it different ages. It can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent, but in any of these cases it significantly affects a person’s condition, his worldview and self-perception, often leading to serious psycho-emotional and mental disorders.

To better understand whether you are suffering from increased excitability, you should pay attention to your behavior and attitude towards certain things. As a rule, a lot in your life changes when overexcitability takes over you completely.

1. Sleep problems begin. Now it is normal for you to wake up at night and have nightmares, followed by painful falling asleep and tossing and turning in bed. Often you cannot even fall asleep, you feel either hot or cold, and are unable to find a comfortable position.
2. Arise eating disorders. You either refuse to eat or cannot leave the refrigerator. As a rule, the latter is accompanied by serious weight gain and the development of depression against the background of a strong increase. There are also frequent cases of the formation of bulimia against the background of increased excitability and strengthening of the depressive state.
3. Minor difficulties, obstacles, disruptions in plans unsettle you. At the same time, you either withdraw into yourself or openly express your anger, are ready to cross out the whole day because of one small trouble, and tend to blame everyone around you for what happened.
4. You become very vulnerable and suspicious - any careless word can provoke aggression, crying, hysteria.
5. Everything annoys you! The jangling of keys in your pocket, an incorrectly parked car, groceries arranged carelessly in the refrigerator, the smile of your interlocutor, the weather, and so on.
6. You have stopped controlling yourself. Sometimes you may catch yourself laughing unreasonably loudly or talking in a raised voice. Most likely, at such moments you no longer hold back your words and express your dissatisfaction even when it is not very appropriate.

7. Problems with memory and reaction appear. It becomes more difficult to communicate with people in general.
8. Often the world in this state seems hostile. If you have no friends, everyone goes against you.
9. There is a desire to get away from everything and everyone, to hide alone so that no one touches you.
10. As additional symptom Immunity decreases, digestion is disrupted, and you begin to get sick often.

Causes of increased excitability

The main factor in the development of increased excitability is extreme fatigue of the body. When all its resources are depleted, natural defensive reaction, the goal of which is to protect a person from negative influence from the outside, so movements become abrupt and the level of aggressiveness increases. Added to overwork is stress and the development of depression. With regular stress exposure, the nervous system is forced to work in emergency mode, experiencing overload. This becomes the impetus before the formation prolonged depression, which in turn provokes a person’s desire to get away from everything as far as possible.

Excessive use foods such as red meat, sugar, and caffeine over time damage digestion and the central nervous system. If the first one fails, disturbances occur in the production of pancreatic and thyroid gland. If the second fails, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Taken together, this gives rise to problems that lead to the development of human overexcitability.

Chronic lack of sleep, overwork, fatigue, excessive time at the computer, hobby computer games, addiction to the phone and TV - all these are the reasons for the appearance of increased excitability!

One of the main reasons for its development is also an addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs, which may include antidepressants, as well as a number of other addictions.

IN childhood A frequent impetus for the development of increased excitability is hyperactivity and lack of attention syndrome. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of it completely, and the syndrome passes into the life of an adult, where it behaves unpredictably. Against the background of this neurological disease overexcitability can be hidden or overt. And each is dangerous in its own way. In the first case, the person goes out due to emotional burnout, quickly loses working capacity, is prone to mental disorders and has a very difficult time getting along with people due to isolation. In the second case, the person is openly aggressive, irritable, does not get along with people due to the complexity of his character, is often dissatisfied with little things, and is prone to arguments and outbursts of rage. In both cases, people remain very susceptible to the influence of others.

How to deal with increased excitability

Home remedies for overexcitability

At home, a person with increased excitability can help himself in several ways.

1. Relaxing baths. Every 2-3 days, take baths with decoctions of chamomile, sage, thyme, lemon balm, motherwort, valerian root, juniper. They can be combined in one composition or used separately. After the procedure, you must go to bed immediately. The room should be at a comfortable temperature and Fresh air!
2. Instead of black, green tea and coffee, drink herbal teas with chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, mint, motherwort. They will help the nervous system recover, relieve tension, remove toxins from the body and normalize sleep.
3. Do morning exercises, stretch, yoga, dance! Movement is life not only for the muscle corset, but also for nerve cells. Regular exercise, especially with positive or relaxing music, can improve electrical impulses entering the brain and normalize the state of increased excitability.
4. Eliminate irritating factors. If you understand that there are a lot of things in your room that irritate you and that you can’t concentrate, then immediately or gradually change everything in a way that suits you. Get out of sight the things that bother you the most! And, of course, do not forget about regular cleaning - a mess does not contribute to recovery.
5. Meditation and proper breathing. Regular practices teach you to control your consciousness and keep your emotions in your hands.

To all this, it’s good to add a visit to the pool and periodic massage from a professional, who will help you get physical relaxation.

Medicine against increased excitability

An important element Correction of increased excitability is a visit to a neurologist! Since the cause of this problem can be serious abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system, it is important to exclude the development of the disease before engaging in treatment. In some cases, the doctor prescribes normalization of sleep and rest patterns, diet and physical activity, walks. But the basic approach does not always work, especially if we're talking about already about chronic condition. Then medications and supportive drugs are used, including mild sedatives, vitamins, nootropics, which allow you to correct nerve impulses and provide the brain with adequate nutrition.

Some of the common remedies are a variety of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, Pantocalcin, Tenoten, Novopassit and other medications.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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For a child, what is it fraught with, is there at least something good in it, and what should parents of such children do, read the website.

Every child varying degrees emotional excitability. Polish psychologist Kazimir Dabrowski studied in detail the issue of increased emotional excitability in children. In this article we will talk about what hyperexcitability syndrome in children is and how parents can relieve their child’s excitability.

Children attend kindergartens educational establishments and their emotionality is influenced by their educators, teachers, classmates. Emotional excitability may turn out to be a syndrome that needs to be treated.

Excessive emotional excitability is perhaps the most significant of the five excitability (intellectual, sensory, psychomotor overexcitability, and imaginative overexcitability) identified by Casimir Dabrowski, a Polish psychologist who observed how differently how people behaved in Poland during the Second World War. Some people may have committed acts of unheard-of cruelty, while others may have risked their lives. own life for the sake of saving others.

His observations were later formulated in the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Overexcitability, sometimes called super sensitivity, is part of the theory.

What is excessive emotional excitability?

Emotional hypersensitivity is most common among gifted children. They have the strongest emotional reactions to various events and experiences.

Children with this trait tend to have great emotional depth. They develop strong attachments to people, places and things. Because of their emotional intensity, they are often accused of overexpressing emotions or having overly dramatic and strong reactions to something. However, all their emotions are real. For such children, the ant hill seems like a huge mountain.

Emotional hypersensitivity also involves being overly concerned about others. They may worry about a child crying next to them or about a friend of the same age because of some trouble that happened to him.

These children not only sympathize with people, but also have a special relationship with animals. They often become vegetarians at a young age because they cannot handle eating a living thing.

Children do not outgrow this feature, so emotional sensitivity accompanies the child into adulthood.

Positive in increased excitability

Children with excessive emotional excitability sense and perceive things that others may miss or not notice. Their understanding of the world is structured to provide them with a depth of understanding that is highly valued. They often turn to friends and acquaintances for help and advice because of the strong connections they build.

Because of the intensity of their feelings and empathy for others, such children usually develop very strong friendly relations. Their feelings for their friends are very deep, which is why they always remain among the most loyal friends.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity are more likely than other children to be aware of their own feelings, which allows them to create very moving works of art in any form: written, musical, acting or artistic.

Negative in increased excitability in a child

Those who have emotional hypersensitivity have great empathy for others but little compassion for themselves. They are very self-critical and have a highly developed sense of responsibility, even for those things that were not entrusted to them.

This self-criticism and sense of responsibility can cause anxiety, guilt, and a feeling that everything has failed. The anxiety they experience can make it difficult to do simple tasks or chores, even homework. They may develop such psychosomatic symptoms like stomach pain or bouts of depression.

Depression in people with excessive emotional excitability is existential, that is, they are worried about problems that relate to basic life issues: death, poverty, war, illness, etc. Attacks of depression can occur after some specific event or irritant, but often occur and spontaneously.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity need time to get used to and adapt to changes. New situations or environments can cause a child to experience a new wave of anxiety. They may be shy and avoid social activities.

What can a parent do to relieve emotional excitability in a child?

The most important step for parents of an emotionally sensitive child is to accept all of their feelings, no matter how strong they are. Perhaps the first impulse will be to try to get the child to stop overreacting and making mountains out of molehills. But remember, for such a child, a fly is really the size of an elephant.

You should also not downplay the child’s feelings or ignore them. For example, don't say that he is too sensitive and that everything will be fine. The child was not born so sensitive on purpose so as not to please you. And he is unlikely to believe that everything will be fine only if you say so. You can't know for sure, can you?

Listen to what your child tells you without comment or judgment. Sometimes he simply wants to be understood, and not to be given a lecture or stuffed with advice, and even more so, he does not want to hear condemnation. This rule especially applies to little boys because they are often considered less emotional than girls. And what happens is that children with hypersensitivity really suffer, and boys are more likely to suffer. Avoid being criticized for being sensitive and being overly protective of the world around you. Neither the first nor the second will help.

Irritability is a symptom that very often occurs along with fatigue. They complement each other and manifest themselves from improper organization of working time and rest. When a person does not have normal free time, other things accumulate during the rest period, it gradually manifests itself chronic fatigue and irritability. That is why doctors strongly recommend that all people properly distribute time for work and rest.


Increased irritability is formed on the basis. The causes of symptoms can also be exacerbation chronic illnesses, physically, lack of sleep, disruption in daily routine. If a person succumbs to irritability, then his hormonal levels begin to change and his immunity decreases.

Clinicians have determined that the causes of irritability are internal and external.

Internal provoking factors include the following diseases:

  • anxious feeling;
  • feeling of hunger;
  • stress after injury;
  • severe fatigue;
  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • inability to express oneself;
  • imbalance of brain functionality.

TO external factors doctors attribute the reasons to external environment that cause dissatisfaction. The symptom can be provoked by wrong actions of people, traffic jams, disasters or other annoying things.

The reasons are divided into three further categories:

  • physiological - often diagnosed in women before menstruation, when hormonal levels change; they can also manifest themselves during pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid disease. Nervousness and irritability in women can progress from a feeling of hunger, lack of vitamins and microelements, or the use of medications;
  • psychological - typical for the manifestation of lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, fear, stress, addiction to nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
  • genetic - excessive impact on the nervous system. Irritability is not a symptom, but a character trait.

Constant irritability can be a sign of such pathologies - mental illnesses.

If irritability appears along with, then most likely the problem lies in somatic diseases, lack of vitamins, pregnancy or hormonal imbalances when menstruation begins.

Also, the symptom often appears without any objective reasons. As a rule, in adults this phenomenon is associated with somatic disorders or internal experiences. Under such circumstances, irritation develops in people with mental disorders. The group of such individuals includes those who cannot accept the realities of the world, agree on certain rules and cope with social problems. In such cases, people are diagnosed with a mental disorder and may experience irritability, aggression, anger, or other symptoms from time to time.

It was mentioned earlier that irritability often appears in women when there is a failure hormonal levels. However, this symptom is increasingly developing in men. This is not surprising, since male body releases many hormones that can decrease or increase.

During a period of testosterone deficiency, the stronger sex exhibits abnormal aggression and irritability. The formation of the sign may be associated with the fear of developing impotence.

The symptom can also appear in young children as young as two years old. The causes of irritability can be the following factors:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • genetic.

Irritability may also appear as a symptom of severe pathologies - perinatal encephalopathy, allergies, infections, food intolerances, psychiatric illnesses.


Irritability in men and women manifests itself in increased excitability and the formation of negative emotions in relation to minor provoking factors. Any little thing can cause a person to have an attack of anger and irritability. To be able to distinguish this symptom and know how to prevent it, the patient needs to understand what symptoms it manifests itself in.

When a person is irritable:

  • the intonation and volume of the conversation changes;
  • movements are more abrupt;
  • eyeball movements accelerate;
  • dehydrated oral cavity;
  • sweaty palms;
  • breathing becomes too fast.

Sometimes there may be a desire to get rid of all your emotions, or in psychology this process is called “throwing out negative emotions.” If you do not provide yourself with emotional release, then outbursts of anger, neurosis and other negative reactions may periodically appear. Such signs inform a person about mental disorder, and forces the patient to turn to.

When irritability appears, men complain of fatigue and depression. And here female body, during flashes hormonal disorder, provokes such signs - mood changes, conflict, anxiety, restlessness.


All large quantity The population is interested in the question of how to get rid of irritability. In the modern world, this issue is very relevant, since the number of external provoking factors has increased and people are much more susceptible to them. In this regard, doctors suggest different ways how to deal with irritability.

For all patients, clinicians derived general rules behavior when identifying irritability:

  • alternate work;
  • engage in physical and mental activity consistently;
  • when working at home, you can do cleaning or cooking, and for office employees you can go for a walk outside;
  • drink daily norm water;
  • get enough sleep;
  • ventilate the room;
  • eat healthy food.

When considering how to cope with irritability, it may seem like there is nothing complicated about it. However, in many people whose symptom is triggered external stimuli, difficulties arise in adequately eliminating the symptom. Quite often, people try to relieve stress with nicotine and alcohol, but this is completely wrong. Using these drugs can only aggravate the situation, damaging the brain and other cells and tissues of the body.

Also, doctors do not advise coping with the disease by drinking strong coffee and tea. They lead only to a temporary effect of activity, and then fatigue and aggressiveness returns with new intensity.

Psychologists advise all patients to cope with attacks of irritability in simple ways:

  • don't focus only on negative emotions;
  • express your troubles to relatives and friends;
  • restrain outbursts of anger, do not show them in front of loved ones;
  • learn to give in different situations;
  • set realistic goals for yourself;
  • do more sports and walk outside;
  • engage in auto-training;
  • get enough sleep;
  • with frequent manifestations of irritability and fatigue, a short vacation is needed.

Can be used in symptom therapy medicinal methods. Medicines are prescribed to the patient when severe irritability and the development of mental illnesses.