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Healing motherwort tea. Just. Effective. Recipes for infusion, tincture, motherwort tea. For nervous system disorders

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions


Motherwort grass.

Indications for use

Recommended: for cardiovascular neuroses, angina pectoris and hypertension; with increased nervous excitability, psychasthenia and neurasthenia, accompanied by insomnia, a feeling of tension and increased reactivity, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia and neuroses.

Release form

herbal tea; filter bag, filter bag 1 g;
herbal tea; filter bag, filter bag 2 g;
herbal tea 50-500 g; pack;

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to components.

Directions for use and doses

2 filter bags, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Take 1/2 cup orally 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Precautions for use

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Description of the vitamin Herbal tea Motherwort is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace specialist advice and cannot be a guarantee positive effect the drug you are using. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or biological active additives, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information on the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosage and contraindications, notes on prescribing the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Alesya Kim, 4160

  • Use of motherwort
    • 1. Treatment of pathologies using motherwort
    • 2. Pediatricians’ opinion on the use of motherwort tea in children
    • 1. Motherwort + hawthorn
    • 2. Motherwort with cudweed, mistletoe and hawthorn
    • 3. Motherwort, St. John's wort, mint
    • 4. Collection of motherwort and mint leaves, green walnut, valerian root and hawthorn fruit
    • 5. Ivan tea with motherwort
    • 1. Recommendations for taking Koporye tea with motherwort
    • 2. Brewing method
    • 3. Contraindications

After a busy have a hard day you fall into bed tiredly and it seems that now all you have to do is close your eyelids and deep, restorative sleep is guaranteed. But 5, 10...15 minutes pass, and you are still lying in your bed and trying to force yourself to sleep by force of will. You start tossing and turning, and each turn is accompanied by more and more nerves.

In the morning, without sleep, with a heavy head and bad mood you go about your business, and in the evening everything repeats again. If you are familiar with this situation, then the first thing that can come to your aid is tea with motherwort.

How to collect, properly prepare and where to store motherwort

For medicines, only the upper part of the plant is taken during the flowering period. The most suitable time is July, during the period of full color set.

Dry it:

  • under a canopy, on paper, in the shade, laying it out in a thin layer and occasionally turning it over, otherwise the raw material runs the risk of lying around and turning black.
  • There are specialized dryers that significantly speed up and simplify the harvesting process.

It must be stored in a dry place in a linen bag. Subject to storage conditions, raw materials can live up to 3 years without losing medicinal properties. What ailments will it help with? this herb?

Use of motherwort

Let's say right away that, first of all, motherwort is a medicinal product.

Efficacy of the herb:

  • Eliminates arterial hypertension, cardialgia and arrhythmias.
  • Effective when complex therapy on initial stage heart failure.
  • Preparations containing motherwort normalize sleep, increase body tone and improve general health.
  • The key effects include a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate, and an increase in heart muscle contractions.
  • With its help, you can get rid of psychological stress and mental fatigue, and reduce irritability.
  • At simultaneous administration with sleeping pills and tranquilizers enhance their effect.

Let's take a closer look at taking herbs for tachycardia. Similar to valerian, motherwort is endowed with a calming effect, although more pronounced. After taking the infusion, patients noted a decrease in shortness of breath, a decrease in heart palpitations, heart pain, headaches and spasms subsided. Usefulness noted with for preventive purposes for the heart after previous infections of a viral or bacterial nature.

Treatment of pathologies using motherwort

Motherwort is indicated for use in the presence of the following pathologies:

Myocardial dystrophy;



Tachycardia and functional extrasystole;

Angina pectoris and hypertension at the initial stage;

Fatigue, nervous overexcitation;


Vegetoneurosis during menopause or thyrotoxicosis.

For what arrhythmia is motherwort indicated for use?

  • tachycardia of sinus origin;
  • extrasystole due to nervous or physical stress;
  • reflex increase in rhythm during sympathoadrenal crises.

But along with this motherwort has a hypotensive effect– lowering blood pressure, which can increase headaches. It can cause a feeling of weakness throughout the body, spatial disorientation, and even negatively affect vision in people suffering from bradycardia (a type of cardiac arrhythmia).

For these reasons must be kept under control the following indicators: pulse and arterial pressure.

An alcohol extract can simultaneously slow down the heart rate and increase the force of heart contractions. Thanks to this, it begins to work in energy-saving mode, which contributes to its rapid recovery.

The opinion of pediatricians on the use of motherwort tea in children

Pediatricians say: if the child has good tolerance to the drug, there are no contraindications to taking it if the dosage is observed. But it is very important to follow exactly the dose that will be appropriate for the age of your child.

This key moment which should not be neglected. The main thing is not to self-appoint, and seek advice from your doctor.

There are plenty of options for combining with other herbs. Let's give some striking examples.

Recipes for making motherwort tea

Motherwort can be consumed both in isolated form and in combination with green tea. An excellent combination is the following drink:

Pour in a mixture of hop cones and motherwort herbs for 10 minutes, then add green tea, then let it all together for about 5 minutes and strain. It is recommended to add honey to the drink according to your taste. We take herbs for cooking in equal proportions.

With this tea there is no stress!

Motherwort + hawthorn

The drink can relieve fear, anxiety and irritation, and will help people with vegetative dystonia.

So: motherwort - 20 grams, hawthorn 5 grams, 10 grams each of valerian root and lemon balm leaves, 15 grams of St. John's wort. Pour a glass of boiling water into a mixture of all ingredients in a volume of 2 teaspoons and strain after 5 minutes. We drink it warm.

Motherwort with cucumber, mistletoe and hawthorn

We take all components in equal proportions. For 500 ml of water you will need 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Prepare the drink in a water bath for 15 minutes, decant and cool. This option is perfect for hypertensive patients.

Motherwort, St. John's wort, mint

The ingredients are added with chamomile flowers and yarrow.

The combination of a sedative drug is made based on the norm for the whole day, just 1 spoon of the mixture and 1 glass of water is enough. IN finished form The drink is divided into 2 doses. For convenience, you can use a thermos for cooking.

A collection of motherwort and mint leaves, green walnuts, valerian root and hawthorn fruits

Suitable for people with thyroid disorders.

Everything is taken in equal proportions with the exception of hawthorn - it will require 2 parts.

Ivan tea with motherwort

Unlike many others, it is fireweed with motherwort Already from the first cup it will begin to affect your nervous system. After 2-3 weeks, a tangible result will be noticeable: sleep will become calmer, irritability will decrease, calm will appear and the feeling of being “trapped” will go away.

Beneficial properties of fireweed tea with motherwort

Fireweed with motherwort will improve conditions with:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (it makes it easier to tolerate weather changes)
  • Tachycardia (normalizes heartbeat)
  • Increased hyperactivity in children (relieves excessive overexcitation)
  • Increased mental stress and stress (calms the nervous system)
  • (acts as a pain reliever)
  • At bad work digestive system (improves intestinal motility, helps cope with nausea, vomiting)
  • (increases resistance to viral infections)
  • Women's diseases (and relieves “stagnant” processes)
  • Menopause (will reduce the number of hot flashes)

The reason for the healing properties of Koporye tea with motherwort is hidden in the fact that it contains a huge amount useful substances. These are both alkaloids and essential oils, also diterpenoids, steroid glycosides. It also contains paracoumaric acid, tannins, marubin bitterness, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum, etc.

Fireweed alone contains about 70 types of beneficial substances, to which is also added the power of motherwort, which is also called “heart herb” due to its beneficial effects on the heart.

1. You should start taking small doses, gradually increasing them. Monitor your body's reaction while taking it.

2. It is better to drink it in courses.

3. (or mild sleep disturbances), such Herb tea You should drink it an hour or two before falling asleep.

4. After regular use for a month, you should take a break for two to three weeks and repeat the course if necessary.

5. If you drank motherwort tea because stressful situation which has already passed, you can stop taking it as soon as you feel better.

7. While taking it, you should refrain from sunbathing, as it increases skin sensitivity.

Brewing method

In order to properly prepare tea, use fresh water of the first boil. It is advisable to boil it until lung formation excitement and no more than once. The water temperature should be 60-80 degrees.

Previously, hot water, warm up the teapot, pour 2 teaspoons of fermented tea into it and pour 250 ml of water. Let it brew, after 10-20 minutes you will have tea of ​​medium strength.

Rendering soft sedative effect it does not cause drowsiness and lethargy is also not observed during daytime use. The taste of fireweed tea with motherwort is pleasant, but with a slight bitterness; it can be “covered” with honey or adding sweet fruits to the tea.


By itself, fireweed tea has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, but in combination with motherwort there are significantly more of them.

  • Motherwort has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, so pregnant women should not drink it. Tea based on it can cause miscarriage. Tea is not consumed breastfeeding
  • Uncontrolled consumption of such tea can disrupt the menstrual cycle.
  • It should not be taken by people suffering from bradycardia, erosive gastritis, and gastritis in acute form, peptic ulcer in the acute stage or unstable remission;stomach bleeding.
  • Contraindicated when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs simultaneously
  • Motherwort regulates the production of stress hormones, minimizing them, thereby calming the heart muscle. If your pulse is below 60 beats per minute, you should stop using it.
  • Individual intolerance to the component may occur.

An overdose of this drink is manifested by belching, nausea, stomach pain, and headaches. To avoid such situations, before you start drinking herbal tea, you should consult your doctor, since the motherwort it contains enhances the effect of many heart medications. Read carefully and look at the reviews about this tea, then the risk that you will harm yourself will be minimal.

What is it really - a harmless herb or a drug?

Motherwort herb is primarily a sedative medicine. Therefore, you must take it consciously, having carefully read the instructions and instructions regarding the dosage used. The drug is presented in various forms release, as a rule, the popular options are tinctures and tablets. There are also varieties liquid extracts, in the form of filter packages. The most effective and fast-acting format is the tincture.

This 7-minute video will additionally tell you about the medicinal properties of motherwort:

Motherwort grass, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, is a herbaceous perennial plant. In traditional and folk medicine it is valuable for its calming, sedative, cardiotonic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, hypotensive effect. Mainly used in the form of tablets and alcohol tincture.

Motherwort, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which people have long known, is excellent remedy from insomnia and “nerves”. But grass has a number of others beneficial properties. It is used actively as a general tonic, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, and diuretic. This herb takes its place of honor in the state pharmacopoeia of our country.


What does a motherwort plant look like? There are 25 species of this herbaceous perennial plant. Only three of them are used in medical purposes. In terms of beneficial properties and morphological structure, these species are similar to each other.

Motherwort hairy (five-lobed)

The height of this plant can reach 150 cm. This species has an erect stem with a small number of branches, as well as pubescent hairs. An interesting feature of the leaves is that the edges are serrated, 3-5-lobed; dark green above, gray below; on both sides of the leaf with glandular hairs. The flowers are collected in whorls, two-lipped, small, Pink colour. In the botanical classification, it previously belonged to the species of motherwort.

Motherwort (cordial)

Its main difference is that the stem is bare and slightly hairy on the ribs. In addition, it has very few glandular hairs on the leaves, and the flowers have a bare calyx and are smaller.

Blue motherwort

The leaves and stem have a grayish color, hence the name of this plant. The stem is pubescent and can reach a height of 1 meter. The flowers on the whorls are small, pale pink.


All 3 species belong to weeds (ruderal) plants. They can quickly capture resource-free areas and form thickets. They prefer to grow near homes and roads, in weedy places, gardens, sparse forests, ravines, ravines, wastelands, slopes and cliffs, railway embankments and abandoned quarries, pastures and pastures, and can be found less often along river banks. The grass prefers clayey, sandy soils, which are enriched with nitrogen.

Distributed throughout Eastern and Central Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, in Central Asia, as well as Western and Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, as well as the Caucasus. Well established as an alien plant in North America. The range of the blue motherwort in Russia is somewhat limited; it can mainly be seen in the European part and in the southern regions of our country.


Therapeutic effect

Motherwort has very different medicinal properties and contraindications for men and women. His pharmachologic effect:

  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • bactericidal;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • cardiotonic;
  • antipyretic;
  • hypotensive;
  • restorative;
  • wound healing.

The herb motherwort has a wide variety of medicinal properties and contraindications, as mentioned above. It also has other healing properties:

  • anticonvulsant;
  • hemostatic;
  • regulating the menstrual cycle;
  • astringent.

Indications for use

The herb motherwort extends its medicinal properties and contraindications to all human systems. What does it heal? For what symptoms and diseases is it most effective?

  1. The cardiovascular system. If you have high blood pressure, drinking it is useful to normalize your heart rhythm. This is famous in scientific medicine. It is prescribed for myocarditis, angina pectoris, heart failure, cardioneurosis, vegetative dystonia, shortness of breath, atherosclerosis, cerebral vascular sclerosis. The herb perfectly stimulates blood circulation, in addition, it effectively improves blood composition, therefore, it is prescribed for anemia.
  2. CNS. The herb helps with neuroses, insomnia, increased anxiety, hysteria, attacks of panic and fear, relieves neuralgic and headaches. It is not inferior in its effect on the central nervous system to valerian. In addition, the herb can be prescribed in the complex treatment of seizures, epilepsy, and paralysis.
  3. Digestive system. The herb is beneficial for gastrointestinal disorders, it relieves pain, spasms, eliminates bloating, and easily helps with intestinal and stomach colic.
  4. Urinary system. Used in therapy for edema, cystitis associated with heart and kidney failure.
  5. Respiratory system. This herb has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions are effective for coughs ( bronchial asthma, bronchitis, ARVI, pneumonia, influenza). In addition, it is used as an antipyretic and
  6. Endocrinology. The plant cleanses the blood, normalizes metabolism, acts on hormonal system, while motherwort is prescribed for various diseases thyroid glands
  7. Outdoor use. Infusions, Fresh Juice And alcohol tinctures plants are used popularly for treatment non-healing wounds, ulcers, burns.


So, motherwort has very different medicinal properties and contraindications for women and men. What are its contraindications? They are few: allergic reaction, individual intolerance, bradycardia, thrombosis, varicose veins. In addition to this, in official instructions It is prescribed that this herb should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This issue must be resolved individually with the treating doctor. The plant is prescribed with caution for hypotension, as it can cause harm - significantly lower blood pressure, cause lethargy and drowsiness.

Pharmacy drugs

Motherwort in tablets, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are similar to the plant itself, are available in various packages: from 10 to 100 pieces. The product refers to pharmacological drugs cardiotonic, sedative, anticonvulsant action. Also used as a diuretic

Medicinal properties and the contraindications of the tincture are similar. Main active substance— extracts of pentaloba and motherwort. The herb is infused with 70% alcohol. The main pharmacological action is hypotensive, sedative, sedative.


How to brew motherwort, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in this article? There is no difference between infusion and tea. Each recipe may be called differently in different herbalists. But usually infusions are infused longer, while tea takes about 15 minutes.

Infusion recipe

You will need a tablespoon of raw materials. Pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Then strain. Use motherwort in this form, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are of interest to many today, depending on the symptoms - ½ or ¼ glass three times a day. It perfectly helps with nervous excitability; the remedy is effective for diseases of the intestines and stomach that are associated with “nerves”.


Take a couple of tablespoons of the herb. Fill it with a glass hot water. Leave for about 10 minutes. Strain. Every other day you can drink a glass of this tea, dividing it into 3 uses. The course of treatment can last up to a month.

Calming collection

Prepare a mixture from equal parts of St. John's wort, motherwort, hawthorn and lemon balm, valerian. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture. Fill it with a glass of hot water. Infuse the product for about 10 minutes, then strain. This collection, according to reviews, perfectly helps with dystonia, relieves anxiety and attacks of fear. In addition, it is good to drink to prevent atherosclerosis, as well as normalize heart activity.

Alcohol tincture of motherwort: medicinal properties and contraindications

Some raw materials will be required. It must be filled with 5 full parts of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 7 days, then strain.

The course of treatment and dose is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the severity of symptoms and individual characteristics. The permissible dose is 30 drops three times a day. Dilute the drops in water. Contraindications are listed above.

Everyone knows that the main source healing properties for humans - these are products plant origin, herbs, flowers, fruits. One of the most famous plants, which is medicinal, is motherwort. This is a perennial herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The name of the plant corresponds to its place of growth, because motherwort loves desert places, including slopes and ravines. Among the people, motherwort has a number of names, such as dog nettle, core and heart grass. The described representative of the flora has a number of useful properties, which are we'll talk in this article.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of medicinal herbs

It will not be a secret to anyone that motherwort is extremely valuable product for human health, having a number of beneficial properties. This plant is considered healing due to its rich chemical composition, consisting of hundreds of substances. Among the components included: tannins, essential oils, vegetable acids, beta-carotene, carbohydrates, glycosides, flavonoids, etc.

As for the beneficial properties of the herb, there are quite a lot of them, which allows you to use medicinal plant For complex treatment a wide variety of diseases. Typically, herbal tinctures based on motherwort are taken in order to achieve a diuretic effect, which is what the remedy does effective tool to cleanse the body and remove accumulated harmful substances.

The plant also has an astringent, anticonvulsant and sedative effect. It is especially necessary to note the pronounced sedative effect that can be achieved by taking motherwort. Its properties are in many ways similar to those of valerian, since the described product of plant origin relieves stress, relaxes, and stimulates the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation nervous system. It is necessary to separately note the antispasmodic properties, as well as cardiotonic ones, which allows them to be used not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes.

What does the plant help with: indications for use

It is necessary to begin with the fact that preparations made on the basis of the described plant are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. In some cases, the herb may be used as the only therapeutic tool, resulting in speedy recovery. It is also worth noting that the effect of using natural medicine largely depends on the auxiliary components included in the drug. However, it is worth separately describing the situations in which the use of the plant will be most relevant and effective.

For the treatment of the nervous system

The main purpose of using motherwort tincture in folk medicine is to bring the nervous system to a state of rest. The components of the herbal remedy affect the central and peripheral nervous system, increasing the transit time of the nerve impulse between neurons. Thus, a sedative effect is achieved, which inhibits the reactivity of nervous activity.

In connection with the above, it should be noted that motherwort has a calming effect on the body, helping to cope with stress, mental experiences, voltage. Drugs based on a specific component are used in courses, which can significantly improve a person’s neuropsychic state

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Based on the fact that one of folk names motherwort - core, it is obvious that the plant is used for the treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases associated with malfunction of cardio-vascular system. First of all, you need to start with the fact that a particular drug dilates the walls of blood vessels, preventing thrombosis.

It is also recommended to take the product for people suffering from arrhythmia, since this herb relaxes the heart muscle, normalizing the heartbeat. At the same time, it is important to note that active substances, present in motherwort, have a beneficial effect on blood functions, which also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Benefits for infertility, mastopathy and menstruation

It is also important that the use of motherwort tincture has a beneficial effect on work reproductive system, since in a specific medicine contains active substances that normalize hormonal background V female body. Also, some gynecologists claim that motherwort can be drunk if there is a violation menstrual cycle, which allows you to reduce painful sensations and put the cycle in order.

The extract of the described herb is used as a prophylactic against mastopathy and other pathological phenomena associated with impaired ovarian hormone production. In this regard, a decoction of motherwort flowers is useful for pregnant women and women who are planning to conceive a child.

For stomach diseases

During exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and other ailments affecting gastrointestinal tract, doctors advise, in addition to classical drug treatment, to use motherwort. Due to the fact that the herb relaxes the smooth muscles of the walls of the stomach and intestines, bright spasmodic pains that cause significant discomfort disappear. Due to reception herbal preparation work is returning to normal digestive system, the intestinal microflora is restored, as well as from the body naturally accumulated toxins and waste are removed.

From high blood pressure

At high blood pressure Motherwort is the best tool that quickly improves well-being and reduces performance. This happens because a tincture based on motherwort dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow. However, using the drug in medicinal purposes, you should be extremely careful, since the composition has a pronounced vasodilating effect and can lead to a significant slowdown in heartbeat and pulse.

For insomnia for good sleep

As you know, the main cause of insomnia, as the main manifestation of sleep disturbance, is nervous tension. Motherwort tincture, in turn, is one of the best and safe means to calm the nerves. Thus, if the problem of poor sleep is present, then it is necessary to take the described drug in a course, which will reduce the overall neuropsychic stress.

The specific effect of the product on the nervous system is to reduce the activity of excitation processes. The effect is similar to sedatives medication, however, motherwort has natural properties, which do not disrupt cognitive processes and do not allow a person to lose a sense of reality. For this reason, taking the infusion at night, you don’t have to worry that it will be difficult to wake up in the morning, or that you may not hear the alarm clock.

Why do you need motherwort tincture and how to drink it?

Usually motherwort is taken, regardless of the type of product, to normalize cardiac activity, drying, calming; it is used for insomnia, arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. The drug should be taken before meals, and the dosage depends on the type of drug:

  • tincture - twice a day, 50-100 milliliters;
  • extract 3-4 times a day, 20 drops;
  • tablets 3-4 times a day, 14 milligrams.

Motherwort preparations: extract, tincture, collection and tablets

Although motherwort is an herb that is collected for cooking medicinal tinctures and decoctions, it can also be purchased in pharmacies, since the extract of this plant is used to create a variety of preparations. Motherwort can be presented in the form of dry collections, alcohol infusions, dragees, tablets and extracts. It should be noted that the dosage of each separate drug determined by the doctor taking into account the existing problem.

Among the most common medications are the following: Motherwort Forte from Evalar, Cortex, etc.

Harm from use and contraindications

Despite the fact that motherwort is a miraculous herb that has a number of beneficial properties for the human body, there are a number of contraindications that make the treatment process with tinctures and decoctions inaccessible. As noted above, you can drink motherwort tincture during pregnancy, but it is worth clarifying that the drug is not harmful only for later carrying a baby. If you take the tincture for early stages, then this may be fraught with miscarriage.

Worth giving up similar treatment and breastfeeding mothers, since the components of the herb may be poisonous to infants. Some disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as low blood pressure and weak heart rhythm, may also serve as contraindications.

Recipes for motherwort products and how to take them

Preparations based on motherwort can be prepared at home. There are quite a lot of recipes for creating tinctures and decoctions, the most effective and proven of which are given below.

How to make tincture at home

To create a tincture at home, you will need to chop and squeeze fresh motherwort herb to obtain 40 milliliters of plant juice. The resulting product must be diluted with vodka in a volume of 60 milliliters. The mixture should be sent to a warm, dark place, where it should infuse for a week. You need to use the product three times a day after meals, mixing a third of a glass of water with 30 drops of tincture.

How to brew tea

Motherwort tea is not just a healthy, but a very aromatic drink that can be purchased ready-made in bags, or you can use a dry mixture and a teapot. To brew tea properly, you need to pour two teaspoons of crushed dry raw materials into a glass of boiling water and cover the kettle with a lid. After 15 minutes the drink is ready to drink.

How to make a medicinal decoction

For creating medicinal decoction You will need to pour a tablespoon of dry herbs into the pan and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Now the container needs to be sent to water bath, where the future broth should be boiled for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, you need to strain the product and let it cool. The product must be consumed three times a day before meals.

When to collect motherwort for medicinal purposes

According to the recommendations of experts, it is necessary to start collecting motherwort to create preparations for medicinal purposes at the very beginning of the flowering of the plant. This is the position official medicine, based on the results of molecular studies, according to which it was during this period chemical composition Motherwort is the richest in substances beneficial to the human body.

It is worth paying attention to the specifics of harvesting, during which the stem is cut off top part, not exceeding forty centimeters in length. It is worth noting that the length of the plant ready for harvest should be about one meter. You can also cut off the side stems of motherwort at the last leaves.

There are also unspoken rules for collecting this wonderful herb. Despite the fact that motherwort belongs to perennial plants, it is necessary to show respect for nature and not destroy its growth completely. Not every bush is cut; when cutting the main stem, the side stems are left, or vice versa. When collecting the plant, it is important to avoid growing near roads, since motherwort very well absorbs fuel combustion products emitted by cars. The same rule applies to grass growing near fields where chemical work is carried out.

The properties of motherwort for women have been known since ancient times. This herb is used in scientific and folk medicine in the form of tinctures, infusions and teas. The leaves and rhizomes of this plant are used. Over time, new information appears about motherwort. Let's get to know them better.

Motherwort - heart herb

Most of us only know that this herb can only benefit heart patients. Indeed, this plant in its own way soothing properties It is several times stronger than valerian, but its indications are much broader.

Look at the photo of the plant. It grows along roads, near fences, in vacant lots. They say that if this green doctor has grown up near your house, it means he wants to help you get rid of cardiovascular diseases.

What ailments can the green healer help with?

Indications for use:

  • cardiac neuroses;
  • bad dream;
  • swelling, colds;
  • excited state;
  • hypertension on early stage;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • Graves' disease or goiter;
  • to enhance the effects of anticonvulsants;
  • menopause;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • epilepsy.

The most commonly used tincture is alcohol. It is prescribed orally 3-4 times a day, 30-40 drops.

Traditional healers prepare healing decoction:

  • 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the herbs and leave for half an hour. Drink a third of a cup three times a day.

It is recommended to take motherwort extract. Reviews from patients who took the extract indicate that their excessive agitation decreased, their heart rate normalized, their blood pressure decreased, and shortness of breath disappeared. Recommended dosage: 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

How to drink tea with motherwort

Tea with this herb is the same infusion, only you need to infuse it 2 times less. Add 2 tbsp to 250 ml of boiling water. l. dry raw materials, leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink tea in small sips 3-4 times during the day. Course - 2-4 weeks.

For greater benefits, the drink is prepared complex collection:

  • valerian root - 5 g,
  • 1 tsp each St. John's wort, lemon balm leaves, hawthorn flowers.

Take 2 tsp. mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes, drink like tea.

If you have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then prepare depressant . Herbal collection contains:

  • motherwort,
  • valerian root,
  • St. John's wort herb,
  • lemon balm leaves.

All this is taken in the ratio 2:1:1:1. The mixture is prepared as described above.

The effectiveness of the following recipe deserves positive reviews, especially in the treatment of the initial stage of hypertension:

  • Take 1 tsp of everything: motherwort, mistletoe leaves, hawthorn (flowers), cudweed.

Put the mixture in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Course - 1 month.

Herbal elixir with motherwort for high blood pressure

The following elixir lowers blood pressure:

Take 1 tbsp of everything:

  • knotweed,
  • calamus root,
  • motherwort,
  • bearberry leaves, put in a thermos overnight.
  • then 1 tbsp. l. stir honey in 0.5 liters of vodka, mix with herbal infusion, let it brew for 9 days.

Take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening for 7 days. Then drink 1 tablespoon at a time until all the liquid is gone.

Soothing collection for nervous diseases

Application medicinal herb with hand tremors or the initial stage of Parkinson's disease due to its sedative properties.

Prepare the following collection:

  • 150 g hawthorn fruits,
  • 100 g valerian root;
  • 50 g each of mint leaves, motherwort herb, hop fruits, dill seeds.

Take 2 tbsp. mixture, put in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Take a third of a cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

But even this useful herb has contraindications:

  • bradycardia
  • gastrointestinal ulcer
  • acute stage gastritis
  • hypotension

(Be careful when driving).

Application and use of motherwort in medicine

Herbal remedy Available in powder, tablets, tincture or extract. The most popular form is tablets. They are convenient to take, and even if you have liver problems or alcoholism, it is better to take tablets.

How to drink motherwort in tablets?

For the treatment of heart ailments, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nervous tension You should take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, half an hour after meals. The course is 1 month, then take a break for 14 days and repeat again.

Children can also be given crushed tablets. Up to 5 years of age, half a tablet three times a day after meals. And after 5 years you can give 1 tablet.

If your nerves are frayed

Return restful sleep, overcome nervous tension caused by prolonged stress, a mixture of tinctures will help remove the feeling of fatigue and irritation: peony, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian. Pour all 4 types of tincture into one bottle.

The advantage of the elixir “in one bottle”

The advantage is that the action of these components complement each other, affecting all the “weak areas” in the human body that appear due to loose nerves.

What does each plant help with?

Hawthorn strengthen the heart muscle, reduce blood cholesterol levels, as well as the risk of heart attack and other heart ailments. In addition, it improves immunity, tones, and calms.

Valerian has an excellent calming effect, slows down the heartbeat, improves its ability to pump blood. After 1-2 weeks of taking the drug, the person calms down and begins to sleep well.

Motherwort is the main “soothing” component of this balm. It effectively relieves vascular spasm, irritability, improves blood circulation, sleep, and overall well-being.

Peony quickly returns strength and great mood, reduces emotional excitability, increases the production of “joy hormones”, strengthens general health.

How much should I drink this balm? It is recommended to take 10-15 drops, dissolving them in 1/4 tbsp. water, 1 time in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime. Gradually increase the dose to 1 tsp per 1/4 tbsp. water. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

How to prepare the potion? Buy alcohol tinctures at the pharmacy, pour into a dark bottle, add 15 ml of Corvalol, stir, let stand for 1 day.

Recipe from traditional healers for headaches, tinnitus

Mix in a dark bottle pharmacy tinctures:

  • 100 ml each of motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, peony;
  • add 50 ml eucalyptus leaf and 25 ml peppermint;
  • put 10 buds of cloves (you don’t have to add cloves), let it brew with cloves for 10 days.

Take 1 tsp three times a day, dissolved in 1/3 glass of water.

What are the benefits of this truly miraculous drug? It will save you from headaches, tinnitus, heart problems, prevent the formation of blood clots, and help with disorders cerebral circulation, will help preserve excellent memory, which is lost due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain.

Constriction of blood vessels in the brain can begin not only in adulthood, so everyone who has such symptoms should pay attention to the above-mentioned cocktail.

If you have frequent headaches that occur in attacks, memory loss, dizziness, poor coordination, and a shuffling gait, increased fatigue, then the above cocktail will help you get rid of these symptoms. In addition, it reduces intracranial pressure, perfectly strengthens the nervous system.

To help nursing and pregnant women

Women often ask: is it possible to drink motherwort during lactation? After the birth of a baby, a woman is burdened with so many worries that she becomes nervous and irritable.

Doctors are not against taking the drug during breastfeeding in the form of tablets: 1 tablet 2 times a day. This medication does not have to be taken every day, but is best when nervous state.

During pregnancy at any stage, it is also better to take tablets of this heart healer than valerian preparations. The plant normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes better secretion of bile, and has a mild diuretic effect.

The drug is prescribed according to indications:

  • with tachycardia,
  • slight increase pressure,
  • for insomnia,
  • as a prevention of toxicosis,
  • with increased uterine tone.

Despite the safety of this drug, it is not recommended to take it on your own. The doctor must see the woman's condition.

The best remedy for pregnant women is considered “Motherwort Forte” with magnesium and vitamin B6, which have a positive effect on emotional state expectant mother. It is better to take this drug than tablets with various additives that can harm the unborn baby.

It is allowed to drink tea made from dried herbs. How to brew? Take 1 tbsp. raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water, keep in a thermos for 2 hours.

How to use: a third of a glass three times a day, an hour before meals or 2 hours after.

This infusion helps:

  • improve blood circulation,
  • relieve attacks of nausea,
  • eliminate gas accumulation.

You can drink tincture of the plant 30-40 drops. But you should not use more than this. An overdose is dangerous because side effects may occur:

  • severe thirst, vomiting,
  • loose stool mixed with blood
  • body aches.

If the above reactions occur, stop taking it immediately or reduce the dose.

Complex for strengthening the nervous system

Antistress, that’s the name of this complex. It includes valerian, motherwort and glycine. It doesn’t help immediately, you need to drink it for a week, then you will feel an amazing effect. The course is 1 month, then a 10-day break and the course can be repeated. The only negative is to be careful when driving.