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Vegetative-vascular dystonia - classification, causes, symptoms, principles of treatment. Vegetative vascular dystonia symptoms treatment

Vegetovascular dystonia is a complex of several characteristic symptoms and is not a disease. This term appeared in Soviet years, and many patients were diagnosed with this.

It is worth noting that in International classification There is no such disease, and neither European nor American doctors have even heard of such a diagnosis.

However, they are quite unpleasant and require treatment.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) occurs in both adult patients and children, and is characterized by the following symptoms:

According to statistics, more than 80% of adults and children experience symptoms of VSD.

The modern rhythm of life, poor ecology, frequent stress are the main causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and therefore worry many people.

In addition, there may be diseases of the heart and nervous system, as well as endocrine disorders. Therefore, treatment of VSD should be comprehensive and include a number of measures.

General principles of treatment

First, you need to determine the cause that causes the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In most cases this normal fatigue caused by stress, therefore treatment of VSD consists of taking certain medications, traditional medicine, as well as relaxing procedures.

In some cases, when conventional remedies do not produce an effect, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will advise on how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The basic principles of VSD treatment are:

In addition to these activities, a positive attitude has a positive effect on the body. That's why main principle solving the question of how to cure VSD is first and foremost good mood And correct image life! IN difficult cases When symptoms persist for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.


Before resorting to drug treatment, it is better to consult a specialist who will prescribe suitable medications, depending on the symptoms and individual characteristics patient.

These can be sedatives, mild sleeping pills, restorative vitamins, antidepressants, nootropics (medicines whose action is aimed at improving appetite, normalizing metabolic processes in the body, as well as activating the brain).

As first aid for severe stress, you can take Corvalol or valerian (30 drops for adults, 15 for children).

Adaptation therapy

One of effective ways The solution to the problem of how to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia is adaptation therapy. This application special drugs(adaptogens) of plant origin. The action of adaptogens is aimed at increasing tone, strengthening the immune system, activating the brain and metabolism. Such medicines include:

Despite vegetable origin, before use, you should consult with a specialist who will prescribe the optimal dosage and duration of treatment. It is important to remember, like any other medicine, adaptogens can cause side effects and allergic reactions, so self-medication can be dangerous.

Folk remedies

There is a huge amount folk recipes for the treatment of VSD. You can prepare such products at home.

Here are several effective folk remedies for treating vegetative-vascular dystonia:

This is far from full list folk recipes for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sometimes it’s enough just to drink strong tea with lemon and honey and your health will improve significantly. Some doctors even recommend adding a spoonful of cognac to your tea.

Daily execution physical exercise is one of the most important conditions For wellness, especially for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Many people believe that active image life is inaccessible to them due to a basic lack of time.

In fact, 15-20 minutes a day is enough to feel a surge of strength, improvement general well-being and moods.

Yoga classes are very effective for VSD. Many patients note that immediately after the first lesson they feel a surge of strength, their mood improves, their performance increases, and their nervous system calms down. If you do the exercises regularly, the effect will only increase! Posture will improve, immunity will increase, the nervous system will calm down, and sleep will normalize.

One of the yoga complexes is called “Five Tibetans”; performing such exercises is easy and pleasant, and the classes do not take much time. It is recommended to repeat all exercises 21 times, but if it turns out less, it’s okay.

After each exercise, take several deep breaths and exhalations.

It is better to practice in a ventilated room or on fresh air.

In this case, the psychological attitude is very important. During classes, you shouldn’t think about your problems and worries; it’s better to step away from everything and just have fun.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to perform all 5 exercises daily. It is enough to perform 2-3, or even 1 exercise to feel much more energetic and cheerful.

Feedback from patients after training with the “5 Tibetans” complex:

Marina. suffered constant feeling tired, had no energy for work or household chores. A friend recommended this complex and started doing it in the morning. After the first lesson, I began to feel much more cheerful, my mood improved, and I began to keep up with everything. Very pleased!

Alina. I was always interested in yoga, but there was no time to practice. I found this complex on the Internet on a website for the treatment of VSD. Great complex. I tried it several times, I didn’t even expect that I would feel better after the first lesson.


Our ancestors also noticed the beneficial effects of water on the body. Water procedures calm the nervous system, increase tone, strengthen the body, and have a relaxing effect. It is no coincidence that one of the most popular procedures in fashionable spa salons is taking a bath with various additives. Hydrotherapy is also recommended for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Do not drop oil directly into the water! It is better to mix it with a few tablespoons of milk, then the oil will completely dissolve and give the expected effect.

Meditations to strengthen the nervous system

Since ancient times, Eastern culture has paid great attention to meditation as a means of putting thoughts and mind in order, spiritually cleansing and calming the nervous system. Today this technique has become quite popular in our country. You don't need any preparation to start meditating. It is enough to allocate only 5-10 minutes a day to get the effect.

The best pose for meditation is the lotus position. You need to meditate alone, in a calm environment, you can turn on pleasant music. Sit comfortably, place your hands on your knees, palms up, close your eyes. Move away from all thoughts and watch your breathing, it should be deep and even.

If something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, over time you can achieve perfection in everything, you just have to try a little.

Meditation perfectly calms, strengthens the nervous system, and gives a boost of energy for the whole day.

It is better to meditate in a ventilated room or in the fresh air.

It is important to know that meditation classes without special preparation should not last more than five minutes. Prolonged meditation can lead to mental disorders and aggravate the symptoms of VSD.

Sound therapy

Our ancestors also noted positive influence sounds per person. The sounds of music affect a person psychologically and physiological level, cause pleasant emotions, improve mood, relax and distract from negative emotions.

It is no coincidence that when we are happy or sad, we turn on appropriate music. The sounds of the sea or forest, as well as calm classical music, are perfect for sound therapy.

Singing has an even greater effect. All you have to do is choose pleasant music and have fun. It is better to do sound therapy with headphones so that nothing distracts from the process. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

One of my favorite activities in the evenings, after a difficult working day, in Japan is karaoke. Everyone knows that the Japanese are the most hardworking people. They devote a lot of time and effort to work, which leads to stress in the body.

To relax, recharge with positive energy and get distracted, the Japanese go to karaoke. The next day they feel great and are ready for new work feats.

Chromotherapy - treatment with color

Chromotherapy in last years has become quite popular and is successfully used to treat VSD. Even in ancient times, people noticed that certain colors have different actions on the human psyche.

You can do chromotherapy different ways: drawing, contemplation of a certain color in nature. You can buy a table lamp suitable color. Even your favorite soft blanket of a certain color is enough to calm you down and feel comfortable.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that a correct lifestyle and harmony with oneself will help to avoid vegetative-vascular dystonia. Health is a priceless gift that must be protected under any life circumstances!

In contact with

Vegetovascular dystonia is a very common disease today. The pathology is caused by impaired functioning of the nervous system. People suffering from this disease experience a deterioration in their health, and strange malfunctions in the operation of certain systems occur. Many doctors do not consider it a serious disease. this pathology. Despite this, patients require adequate treatment. Drugs that can provide relief should be prescribed by a competent specialist. After all, pathology can negatively affect many organs.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a set of human mental pathologies responsible for the continuous, coordinated work of the whole organism. This disease is very specific, since the symptoms of its manifestations have not yet been fully studied. And not even everyone experienced doctor will be able to understand from the first time that his patient has dystonia - it is so similar to many other diseases.

However, to date, doctors have still managed to identify several distinctive features VSD:

  1. Elevated or, conversely, too low heart rate, sudden fluctuations in pressure, pain in the left side of the chest.
  2. Certain difficulties in inhaling and exhaling, shortness of breath, rapid breathing caused by a feeling of suffocation (lack of air).
  3. Diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bloating, nausea.
  4. High fever or chills, a feeling of coldness in the fingers and toes, and excessive sweating may occur.
  5. There are often complaints of dizziness and conditions close to fainting, and headaches with VSD are observed.
  6. Too much frequent visit toilet, there may be pain when urinating and discomfort in the genital area.
  7. Mental disorders are extremely rare: paranoia, anxiety and worries, the causes of which a person usually cannot explain. It is possible that various phobias may appear that did not exist before the illness. The patient is characterized by low activity and performance caused by an increase in the body's fatigue threshold. Observed Bad mood, sleep disturbance.
  8. Change in skin color: from painfully pale to various shades of cyanosis. Female representatives may experience inflammation on the face, neck and décolleté.
  9. The dependence of a person’s condition and his mood on the weather (manifestation of weather dependence).

Of course, it is quite difficult to cope with so many manifestations with the help of one medication. Most often, the patient requires complex treatment for VSD. Drugs selected in individually, will eliminate negative symptoms much faster. Therefore, it is completely undesirable to practice self-medication.

Drug therapy

However, this does not mean that all drugs listed on this list must necessarily be included in the treatment program. It's just the opposite. Prescription of excess quantity pharmacological agents to the patient - the highest sign doctor's incompetence. After all, such an approach will not only not help in curing the disease, but will also significantly worsen the situation. Don’t forget about this if you need treatment for VSD.

Drugs designed to combat both the symptoms of the disease and the disease itself are divided into several groups.


Such medications should be chosen based on their main component. Give preference to those made from plant extracts.

These are medications such as:

  • "Valerian";
  • "Motherwort".
  • "Novo-passit";
  • "Persen";
  • "Dormiplant";
  • "Sedaphyton".

Sometimes more is prescribed strong drugs(mixture of botanicals and barbiturates):

  • "Valocardin";
  • "Barboval";
  • "Corvalol".

Prescription of tranquilizers

Tranquilizers include medications:

  • "Adaptol";
  • "Gidazepam";
  • "Afobazole";
  • "Buspirone."

Antipsychotic drugs

Used for normalization heart rate, blood pressure. Reduce irritability, nervousness and aggressiveness.

Effective drugs:

  • "Neurispin";
  • "Ridazine";
  • "Sulpiride".

Sleeping pills

Restore disturbed sleep patterns. They are able to eliminate many symptoms, including headaches due to VSD.

Sleeping pills include medications:

  • "Zolpidem";
  • "Donormil";
  • "Dormikum";
  • Zopiclone.

Such products are usually of plant origin. But often they are antipsychotics and tranquilizers. Therefore, their long-term use is highly not recommended.

Antidepressant drugs

Designed to combat depression, apathy, decreased activity and reluctance to take any action.

Representatives of antidepressants are:

  • "Amitriptyline";
  • "Sidnofen";
  • "Paroxetine";
  • "Coaxil";
  • "Sertraline";
  • "Cymbalta."

Nootropic drugs

Helps restore concentration and memory. They help overcome dizziness during VSD, headaches, as well as general weakness body.

Excellent medicines are:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Pantogam";
  • "Noofen."

In addition to nootropics, you can also take neurometabolites:

  • "Cerebrolysin";
  • "Actovegin".

Cerebroangiocorrector drugs

These kinds of drugs are necessary to normalize blood circulation in the brain and eliminate headaches.

The following agents are effective in treating pathology:

  • "Cavinton";
  • "Stugeron";
  • "Pentoxifylline";
  • "Oxybral".

Such medications are quite often prescribed to patients. Therefore, let's look at some of them:

  1. Taking Cavinton medication(the price of which is not at all high) improves cerebral blood supply, dilates blood vessels, and helps to utilize glucose more efficiently. This effect is achieved due to the relaxing effect of the product on smooth muscle tissue. One more positive thing The drug is to increase the plasticity of red cells in the blood and reduce its viscosity. However, it is worth knowing about its pitfalls. Sometimes the medicine Cavinton helps to slightly lower blood pressure. The price of this medication is 252 rubles for 50 tablets.
  2. Effect of the drug "Stugeron" also aimed at dilating blood vessels. However, unlike its counterpart described above, it has little effect on blood pressure levels. This is its undoubted advantage. In addition to everything, the drug "Stugeron" has antihistamine properties. It reduces excitability and gives elasticity to red blood cells. This is how the instructions for the drug “Stugeron” characterize it. Reviews from patients indicate that using this drug as prescribed can significantly improve the condition and eliminate many negative symptoms.

Drugs that lower blood pressure

The pathology can develop according to the hypotonic or hypertonic type. Accordingly, in the first case the patient suffers from low pressure. Whereas in the second situation the indicators can reach high numbers. When prescribing medications, the doctor must take into account the VSD types.

Treatment to lower blood pressure may include the following medications:

  • "Anaprilin";
  • "Bisoprolol";
  • "Metoprolol."

Natural products will provide good results:

  • hawthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • oregano;
  • valerian.

Drugs that increase blood pressure

Completely different medications are needed for patients who have hypotonic pathology.

The following medications are excellent for increasing blood pressure during VSD:

  • lemongrass tincture;
  • caffeine;
  • ginseng tincture;
  • "Mezaton";
  • Rhodiola rosea tincture.

Drugs that affect cardiac metabolism

Used in medicine to relieve chest pain.

These include medications:

  • hawthorn tincture;
  • "Riboxin";
  • "Mildronat".

To restore normal heartbeat, medications are used:

  • "Corvaldin";
  • "Concor";
  • "Panangin";
  • "Barboval."

Vegetotropic drugs

The spectrum of action of this type of medicine is quite wide. By influencing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, they eliminate various pains, susceptibility to excessive sweating and improve general state person emotionally.

Representatives of vegetotropic drugs are:

  • "Platifillin";
  • "Bellataminal";
  • "Bellaspon."

Antioxidant drugs

Like cerebroangiocorrectors, these medications are aimed at improving cerebral circulation and its supply with necessary substances.

Excellent antioxidants are medications:

  • "Succinic acid";
  • "Mexidol";
  • "Vitrum-antioxidant";
  • "Cratal."

In the modern medical market, the palm in terms of the effectiveness of its antioxidant properties belongs to the relatively young drug Mexidol.

This product has a very big list advantages:

  • increases concentration and stress resistance;
  • improves memory, sleep;
  • warns ischemic disease hearts;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces pain by lowering the body’s general sensitivity threshold;
  • promotes better saturation brain oxygen.

The medicine is quite effective and practically does not cause side effects, as evidenced by the instructions for the drug "Mexidol".

Analogues of this medication with the same properties:

  • "Neurox";
  • "Mexidant";
  • "Cerekard";
  • "Mexipridol";
  • "Medomexy".

Vitamin complexes

They are quite often included in the treatment of VSD. They are taken for the general health of the body.

Preparations containing B vitamins are effective in combating the disease:

  • "Neurobeks";
  • "Neurovitan";
  • "Neurorubin."

Due to its wide range of symptoms, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not one of those diseases whose presence in a person is easier to determine. Therefore, the range of means designed to combat this disease is quite extensive. Some of the drugs have a dual effect. For example, the drug “Barboval” (a sedative that increases cardiac metabolism) or “Hawthorn tincture” (lowers blood pressure, eliminates chest pain). It is important to remember that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is inappropriate in this matter.

According to statistics, about 80% of the entire world population suffers from manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. What is VSD? It is important to note that this is not a separate disease, but a complex of symptoms that are a consequence of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The ANS consists of two sections that perform opposite functions: they are responsible for wakefulness and sleep, physical or mental stress and rest, etc. If the balance between them is disturbed, a person faces a pathology, which is called vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur at any age, even in infants in the womb. Among the reasons that cause unpleasant condition, includes:

  • genetic factors;
  • hormonal disorders and changes in the body (for example, during pregnancy and in adolescents during puberty);
  • wrong lifestyle ( excess weight, alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • flaw physical activity or, conversely, excessive loads;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine and nervous systems;
  • regular emotional stress;
  • features of human psycho-emotional development (hysteria, suspiciousness, anxiety);
  • irregular sex life;
  • sleep disorders;
  • frequent viral and bacterial infections;
  • negative impacts environment(intoxication, radiation exposure).

It is possible to completely get rid of VSD only after identifying and eliminating the factors that cause it. Otherwise, patients are advised symptomatic treatment, which alleviates their condition and improves their quality of life.

Symptoms of VSD

Symptoms of VSD are variable and may appear as a consequence of any irritating factors(stress, physical activity, worsening weather conditions), and at rest:

  • blood pressure surges, vegetative crises;
  • attacks of palpitations (the patient literally feels contractions of the heart muscle);
  • headaches (especially - a feeling of compression in the back of the head, migraine pain);
  • stuffy ears, dizziness;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • squeezing thoracic, pain in the heart area;
  • impairment of performance, coordination;
  • nervousness, anxiety, fear;
  • nausea, loss of appetite;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • frequent mood swings, psycho-emotional disorders (anxiety, nervousness, fear, apathy, manifestations of depression);
  • trembling and sweating of the limbs;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pallor of the skin.

The manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are also influenced by its type: VSD is distinguished into hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed type.

VSD typeDevelopment mechanismMain symptoms
HypertensiveThe predominance of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic, due to which the body quickly gets tired and cannot regain strengthIncreased blood pressure ( diastolic pressure remains normal), rapid heartbeat, hot flashes (feeling of heat in the head and face), increased temperature
HypotonicThe predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system over the sympathetic, as a result of which the body suffers from excess energyDecreased blood pressure depressive states, pale skin, frequent headaches, dizziness, chilliness, sweating
MixedConflict between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systemsThere are symptoms of two other types of dystonia, which can alternate with each other, or can occur in combination

The presence of VSD is indicated in following cases: if the symptoms of the disorder occur over the course of two months, they go away on their own (without taking medicines), and during the examination no other pathologies were revealed in the body.

Typically, symptoms of VSD occur in paroxysms, so the disease is differentiated by severity (depending on the characteristics of the attack).

  1. Mild degree. Signs of VSD are mild, appear rarely, with virtually no decrease in performance, and periods of remission last quite a long time.
  2. Average degree. The symptoms of the disorder are quite vivid, periods of exacerbation are long and are accompanied by panic attacks.
  3. Severe degree. Blood pressure drops or rises significantly, other diseases (disorders of the cardiovascular system, neuroses) may occur against the background of symptoms, and working capacity is completely lost.

Often the symptoms of the pathology are so pronounced that the patient begins to suspect that he has some serious illness. In this case, it is important to normalize the psycho-emotional state and undergo full examination from a neurologist.

The main thing in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is complex and individual approach, and it should include both medicinal and non-medicinal means.

When dealing with unpleasant manifestations of pathology, we must not forget about the characteristics of a particular type of disease. VSD of the hypertensive type requires the following therapeutic measures:

  • elimination of inflammation of vascular walls;
  • prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases that often accompany VSD;
  • promotion muscle tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • cleansing the body;
  • normalization of sleep.

Therapy for hypotonic VSD includes increasing and normalizing blood pressure, eliminating migraines, and combating concomitant diseases.

VSD of the mixed type is practically not amenable to drug treatment, since its symptoms are too diverse. For this reason, experts focus on general strengthening measures: hardening, physiotherapy, stay in the fresh air, and most importantly, normalization mental state patient and reducing stress.

Treatment of VSD with medications

The number of medications that are used to combat the manifestations of VSD includes drugs that improve the functioning of of cardio-vascular system and central nervous system, as well as sedatives.


  • natural sedatives (“ Persen», « Novopassit»);
  • barbiturates and medications containing them (“ Bromcamphor», « Valocordin», « Corvalol»);
  • extracts of valerian, hawthorn, peony, Chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus.

Drugs that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

  • blood pressure lowering agents, beta blockers;
  • drugs to normalize heart rhythm (“ Asparkam», « Panangin»);
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulationCavinton», « Stugeron»).

To improve the psycho-emotional state of patients, reduce anxiety and combat insomnia, tranquilizers are used (“ Gidazepam», « Seduxen"), neuroleptics, sleeping pills and antidepressants. For drowsiness and decreased performance, caffeine-based psychostimulants are indicated.

To maintain basic body functions, patients diagnosed with VSD are recommended to take adaptogenic and diuretic drugs, vitamins and amino acids, calcium and other trace elements.

Folk remedies to combat VSD

Traditional medicine, which is used to treat pathology, often has no less effective effect than pharmaceutical drugs. However, do not forget that they have a number of contraindications and side effects, so when taking them you should be careful and closely monitor your health.

Pharmaceutical infusion

It is effective, but at the same time strong remedy for the treatment of VSD. Before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications. Mix pharmacy tinctures valerian root, hawthorn and motherwort with Corvalol in equal proportions, take 12 drops dissolved in half a glass of clean water, every morning before meals and in the evening before bed. The course is 12 days.

Pharmaceutical infusion No. 2

This recipe is a little similar to the previous one, so it also requires great care when using. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and peony (all 100 ml);
  • 25 ml peppermint tincture;
  • 50 ml eucalyptus tincture.

Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl, throw in 10 clove buds (spice), leave for two weeks in the dark, shake from time to time. After the specified time, take the infusion three times a day, 20-25 drops before meals, diluting the medicine in clean water or dripping it onto a piece of sugar. The therapeutic course is 30 days, then you should take a two-week break and repeat the treatment.

The drug improves blood circulation in the brain, has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects, stimulates hematopoiesis and prevents thrombus formation.

Tibetan decoction

This recipe is called Tibetan because it has been used for a long time Tibetan monks not only for the treatment of dystonia, but also for normalizing metabolism, strengthening blood vessels and rejuvenating the body.

Take 100 g of birch buds, the same amount of St. John's wort leaves, immortelle and chamomile flowers. Mix the raw materials, chop them, pour a tablespoon of herbs into a thermos and steam with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 3.5 hours, drink instead of regular tea until the medicine runs out. Treatment is repeated only after five years.

Vessel cleaner

Poor vascular condition and various pathologies are one of the causes of VSD, so a little cleaning can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. To do this, take dry dill seeds (200 g) and valerian root (2 tbsp), steam with a liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. Strain, add 2 tbsp. honey (preferably May), drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals until the infusion ends. Store the product in a cool place.

Video - Vegetative-vascular dystonia, causes, symptoms, treatment

Infusions for the treatment of VSD with high blood pressure

The greatest effectiveness for vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by high pressure, have white mistletoe and magnolia. Infusions of these plants can be purchased or prepared with your own hands.

Infusion of white mistletoe. Take 15 g of dry herb, steam 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain thoroughly. Take a third of a glass three times a day, carry out treatment in three-week courses, with breaks of 7 days between them. For maximum effectiveness, you should take at least three courses.

Magnolia tincture. Pour crushed leaves of the plant medical alcohol in equal proportions, seal tightly and leave in the dark for two weeks. Filter, store in a place protected from the sun, take 20 drops dissolved in 50 ml of clean water three times a day. You need to drink the infusion for 10 days in a row every month.

Infusions for the treatment of VSD with low blood pressure

You can get rid of hypotension during VSD using the root Rhodiola rosea, St. John's wort, as well as an herb called angelica.

Infusion of Rhodiola rosea root. Take 100 g of root, pour a bottle of vodka, leave in a dark place for a week, shaking from time to time. Drink 10 drops dissolved in clean water three times a day. The therapeutic course lasts two weeks, in the absence desired result extend up to a month.

A decoction of St. John's wort and angelica. Mix fresh herbs St. John's wort (10 parts) and angelica (1 part), pour into a tightly sealed fireproof container and steam in the oven for three hours. After this, grind the mixture and brew as regular tea. Take a glass twice a day until symptoms relieve.

To completely get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the patient needs to completely change his lifestyle. It is necessary to give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), balance your diet, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible and do physical exercise. It is better to replace coffee and strong tea with herbal infusions, and exclude fatty, smoked, and salty foods from the menu. Patients with VSD are recommended to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, take cold and hot shower and attend massage sessions.


Today I continue to talk about a very interesting disease - vegetative-vascular dystonia or VSD. It is interesting because a person experiencing very unpleasant, painful symptoms that do not allow him to live normally, after a thorough examination, turns out to be practically healthy. That is serious illnesses, life threatening, loss of ability to work, no. In many countries in general. However, the question of how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia at home remains relevant for many. After all, often doctors, not seeing serious problems, either prescribe sedatives or simply send you to a psychologist.

The trouble is that after the doctor says that there are no serious illnesses, the person calms down and then tries to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Take some pill, increase your blood pressure with coffee, cheer yourself up with alcohol. This is a big mistake.

After all, in fact, if you have symptoms of VSD, it means that the body wants to convey to you through them that something is wrong with it. That we are doing something wrong, that we are not treating our body correctly. And if we don’t listen to him and continue to treat him the same way, then we’ll simply earn more serious illness. Then there will be no time for jokes.

We can say that VSD is a harbinger of more serious problems with the body.

If you look at it from this side, the person who developed VSD was simply lucky. His body warned of impending trouble and it was time to take action.

But many, leading an incorrect lifestyle, simply do not know that they are abusing their body. The body doesn't show this as clearly. And then bang, stroke, heart attack, gastritis or even cancer.

Therefore, let’s take care of our body as quickly as possible, get rid of VSD forever, before trouble strikes, but let’s do it without drugs.

Psychosomatic cause of VSD

Do not relieve stress with alcohol, do not take antidepressants, all this will temporarily relieve painful symptoms, weaken the psyche, and will not solve the problem at the root.

In the evening, after a hard day of work, instead of a stormy relaxation in a nightclub, in an entertainment center, it is better to do light sports, go to the pool, take a walk in the fresh air. This is important in the fight against VSD.

Such a pastime will have a beneficial effect on your nervous system; with this approach, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems train and work in pairs, mutually complementing each other. Light sports prevent you from relaxing too much, your blood vessels are toned, and the euphoria from sports prevents negative emotions from turning on.

If your sympathies are overexcited, and your parasympathetics can’t turn on, you need to learn how to relax properly. Techniques such as and are suitable for this.

Regular implementation alone has helped many get rid of VSD.

After all, in them you not only have a good rest, but also gradually get rid of unnecessary worries, fears and other negative emotions. After all, with high-quality relaxation, egoistic passions in our psyche settle down, subside, and they are discharged through the body. You learn to look at them from the outside, which means control them.

All this will help restore the nervous system and after a while, when it returns to normal, you will forget that you suffered from VSD.

I think you understand how and how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia at home.

To do this, you need to prevent negative emotions from eating you up from the inside. So that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in pairs, mutually complementing each other.

I repeat, working on both sides, you can get rid of VSD. This is the only way you can alternately turn on sympathy and parasympathetic and, over time, bring the autonomic system back to normal.

She will stop giving you troubles in the form of painful symptoms, and you will finally find health, which means happiness. Isn't that what you wanted?

Just pull yourself together, follow my advice, then the VSD will retreat from you.

Be healthy.

See you soon, friends.

And at the end of the article, there is an interesting video for you about the psychosomatic cause of diseases. At least there we're talking about specifically about VSD, but everything that has been said confirms that vegetative-vascular dystonia has a psychosomatic origin.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: types, causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

There is probably not a person among us who has never heard of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). This is no coincidence, because according to statistics it affects up to 80% of the adult population of the planet and about 25% of children. Due to their greater emotionality, women suffer from autonomic dysfunction three times more often than men.

The pathology is usually detected in childhood or at a young age, peak symptoms occur between 20 and 40 years of age– the most productive and active period, while the usual rhythm of life is disrupted, making it difficult professional activity, intrafamily relationships suffer.

What is it: a disease or features of the functioning of the nervous system? Question of essence autonomic dysfunction remained controversial for a long time, experts first defined it as a disease, but as patients were observed, it became clear that VSD is a functional disorder, primarily affecting the psyche and autonomics.

At the same time, functional disorders and subjective painful sensations not only force you to change your lifestyle, but also require timely and qualified help, because over time they can develop into more - coronary heart disease, hypertension, ulcers or diabetes.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, regulates the function of internal organs, maintaining a constant internal environment, body temperature, pressure, pulse, digestion, etc. The correct reaction of the body to external stimuli, its adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions, stress and overload.

The autonomic nervous system works independently, autonomously, does not obey our desire and consciousness.Cuteness determines such changes as an increase in pressure and pulse, dilation of the pupil, acceleration of metabolic processes, and parasympathetic responsible for hypotension, bradycardia, increased secretion of digestive juices and smooth muscle tone. Almost always, these departments of the autonomic nervous system have an opposite, antagonistic effect, and in different life circumstances the influence of one of them predominates.

When autonomic function is disturbed, the most different symptoms, which do not fit into the picture of any of the known diseases of the heart, stomach or lungs. With VSD it is usually not found organic damage other organs, and the patient’s attempts to find in himself terrible disease are futile and do not bear the expected fruits.

VSD is closely related to emotional sphere and mental characteristics, therefore it usually occurs with the most various manifestations psychological nature. It is very difficult to convince a patient that he does not have a pathology of internal organs, but really effective assistance A psychotherapist can provide this.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia very different and, sometimes, lie in early childhood or even the period of intrauterine development. Among them highest value have:

  • Intrauterine, abnormal birth, childhood infections;
  • Stress, neuroses, severe physical overload;
  • Traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections;
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy and adolescence;
  • Heredity and constitutional features;
  • Presence of chronic pathology of internal organs.

Pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, infections in early childhood contribute to the manifestation of signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children. Such babies are prone to whims, are restless, often burp, suffer from diarrhea or constipation, and are prone to frequent colds.

In adults, among the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia, stress, strong emotional experiences, and physical overload come to the fore. Morbidity in childhood, low physical health And chronic pathology may also become the background for VSD in the future.

In adolescents, vegetative-vascular dystonia is associated with rapid growth when for physical development vegetative system simply “doesn’t have time”, the young body cannot correctly adapt to the increased demands placed on it, symptoms of adaptation disorders appear, both psychological in the team and family, and physical - with palpitations, shortness of breath, etc.

Heredity plays an important role. It is no secret that personal characteristics, type of reaction in stressful situations, character and constitution a person inherits from his parents. If there are people in the family who suffer from autonomic dysfunction, associated diabetes, hypertension, or peptic ulcer disease, then there is a high probability of pathology in the descendants.

Symptoms of VSD

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are extremely diverse and affect the functioning of many organs and systems. For this reason, patients, in search of a diagnosis, undergo all kinds of research and visit all the specialists they know. Usually, by the time the diagnosis is made, particularly active patients have an impressive list of completed diagnostic procedures and often they themselves are confident in the presence of a serious pathology, because the symptoms can be so pronounced that there is no doubt about the presence of more terrible diagnoses, rather than VSD.

Depending on the predominance of one or another manifestation, types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished:

  1. Sympathicotonic;
  2. Parasympathicotonic;
  3. Mixed type of VSD.

The severity of symptoms determines the mild, moderate or severe course of the pathology, and the prevalence of VSD phenomena makes it possible to distinguish generalized forms and local ones, when many systems or just one are affected. The course of VSD can be latent, paroxysmal or constant.

The main signs of VSD are:

  • Pain in the heart (cardialgia);
  • Arrhythmias;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Autonomic disorders;
  • Fluctuations in vascular tone;
  • Neurosis-like conditions.

Cardiac syndrome with VSD, occurring in 9 out of 10 patients, consists of a feeling or sinking of the heart, chest pain, interruptions in rhythm. Patients do not adapt well to physical activity, get tired quickly. Cardialgia can be burning, long-lasting or short-term. appears or , . A thorough examination of the heart usually does not show any structural or organic changes.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeding according to the hypertensive type, is manifested by an increase, which, however, does not exceed borderline figures, fluctuating between 130-140/85-90 mm Hg. Art. True hypertensive crises are quite rare. Against the background of pressure fluctuations, headaches, weakness, and palpitations are possible.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of hypotonic type associated with increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system. Such patients are prone to apathy, drowsiness, experience weakness and fatigue, faint, asthenics and thin subjects predominate among them, they are pale and often cold. Their systolic blood pressure is usually 100 mm Hg. Art.

Body temperature increases for no reason and also decreases spontaneously. Characterized by sweating, “hot flashes” in the form of redness of the face, trembling, chilliness or a feeling of heat. Patients with VSD are weather sensitive and poorly adapt to physical activity and stress.

The psycho-emotional sphere, which always suffers when various forms autonomic dysfunction. Patients are apathetic or, conversely, overly active, irritable, and fearful. Panic attacks, phobias, suspiciousness, and depression are common. IN severe cases Suicidal tendencies are possible, there is almost always hypochondria with excessive attention to any, even the most insignificant, symptom.

VSD is more often diagnosed in women who are more emotional, more prone to worry about various things, and experience heavy loads during pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent child rearing. Symptoms may worsen as menopause when significant hormonal changes occur.

The symptoms of VSD are very different, affecting many organs, each of which the patient experiences very acutely. Along with apparent illnesses, the emotional background changes. Irritability, tearfulness, overindulgence with their complaints and search for pathology they violate social adaptation. The patient stops communicating with friends, relationships with relatives deteriorate, and the lifestyle may become withdrawn. Many patients prefer being at home and solitude, which not only does not improve the condition, but contributes to even greater concentration on complaints and subjective sensations.

For the time being, apart from functional disorders, no other disorders of internal organs occur. But it’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Long-term VSD can sooner or later lead to other diseases - colitis or stomach ulcers. In such cases, in addition to correcting the emotional background, more significant treatment of the developed pathology will be required.

Diagnosis and treatment of VSD

Since there are no clear diagnostic criteria and pathognomonic symptoms of VSD, then Diagnosis usually occurs on the principle of excluding other somatic pathologies.. The variety of symptoms prompts patients to visit various specialists, who do not find any abnormalities in the function of internal organs.

Patients with signs of VSD consultation with a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and in some cases a psychotherapist is necessary. Doctors carefully question the patient about the nature of the complaints, the presence of cases of peptic ulcers, hypertension, diabetes, and neuroses among relatives. It is important to find out how the mother’s pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, early childhood patient, because the cause of VSD may lie in adverse effects even before birth.

Examinations usually include blood and urine tests, electroencephalography, functional tests to analyze the activity of the autonomic nervous system, required.

When the diagnosis is beyond doubt and other diseases are excluded, the doctor decides on the need for treatment. Therapy depends on the symptoms, their severity, and the degree of disability of the patient. Until recently, patients with VSD were under the care of neurologists, but today it is considered undeniable that the greatest amount of help can be provided by a psychotherapist, since VSD is primarily a psychogenic problem.

Of primary importance in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is general events. Of course, most patients expect that they will be prescribed a pill that will immediately relieve all the symptoms of the disease, but this does not happen. To successfully get rid of pathology, you need the work of the patient himself, his desire and desire to normalize his well-being.

General measures for the treatment of VSD include:

  1. Healthy lifestyle and proper routine.
  2. Diet.
  3. Adequate physical activity.
  4. Elimination of nervous and physical overload.
  5. Physiotherapeutic and water procedures.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. In case of VSD, smoking and alcohol abuse should be excluded. It is necessary to normalize the work and rest regime, with severe symptoms a change in appearance may be required labor activity. After a hard day at work, you need to rest properly - not lying on the couch, but better walking in the fresh air.

The diet of patients with VSD should not contain excess salt and liquid (especially when hypertensive type), you should give up strong coffee, flour, fatty and spicy foods. Seafood, cottage cheese, and tea are recommended for hypotensive patients. Considering that most patients experience difficulties with digestion, suffer from stool and intestinal motility disorders, the diet should be balanced, light, but nutritious - cereals, legumes, lean meat, vegetables and fruits, nuts, dairy products.

Physical activity helps normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, therefore, regular exercises, exercise therapy, hiking– a good alternative to spending time at home sitting or lying down. All types are very useful water procedures(baths, contrast showers, douches cool water, swimming pool), because water not only helps strengthen muscles, but also relieves stress.

Patients with VSD need to protect themselves as much as possible from emotional and physical overload. TV and computer are strong irritants, so it is better not to abuse them. It will be much more useful to communicate with friends, go to an exhibition or to a park. If you want to work out in the gym, you should exclude all types of strength exercises, weight lifting, and it is better to prefer gymnastics, yoga, and swimming.

Physiotherapeutic procedures help significantly improve the condition. Acupuncture, massage, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with magnesium, papaverine, calcium are indicated (depending on the form of the pathology).

Spa treatment indicated for everyone suffering from VSD. There is no need to choose cardiological institutions; it is enough ordinary sanatorium or trips to the sea. A break from usual activities, a change of scenery, new acquaintances and communication allow you to abstract from symptoms, distract yourself and calm down.

Drug treatment determined by the predominant symptoms in a particular patient. The main group of drugs for VSD consists of drugs with a sedative effect:

  • Herbal remedies – valerian, motherwort, novo-passit, etc.;
  • Antidepressants – cipralex, paroxetine, amitriptyline;
  • Tranquilizers - seduxen, elenium, tazepam, grandaxin.

In some cases, they are prescribed (piracetam, omnaron), vascular drugs(cinnarizine, actovegin, cavinton), psychotropics – grandaxin, mezapam, sonapax. With hypotonic VSD type It helps to take adaptogens and tonic herbal remedies - eleutherococcus, ginseng, pantocrine.

As a rule, treatment begins with “milder” herbal remedies, if there is no effect, mild tranquilizers and antidepressants are added. With severe anxiety, panic attacks, and neurosis-like disorders, medication correction is absolutely indispensable.

Symptomatic therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms from other organs, primarily the cardiovascular system.

For tachycardia and increased blood pressure, anaprilin and other drugs from the group (atenolol, egilok) are prescribed. Cardialgia is usually relieved by taking sedatives - Seduxen, Corvalol, Valocordin.

Bradycardia less than 50 heart beats per minute requires the use of atropine and belladonna preparations. Cool, tonic baths and showers and physical exercise are helpful.

Treatment folk remedies can be quite effective, given that many herbs provide that much-needed calming effect. Valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, mint and lemon balm are used. Herbs are sold in pharmacies, prepared in the manner described in the instructions, or simply brew the prepared bags in a glass of water. Herbal medicine can be successfully combined with medication.

It is worth noting that the prescription of the described “heart” drugs does not yet indicate the presence of a real cardiac pathology, because in most cases problems with heart rhythm and blood pressure are functional in nature R. Patients who are looking in vain for signs of truly dangerous diseases should know this.

Psychotherapeutic activities deserve special attention. It so happens that a trip to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is often regarded by both the patient and his relatives as an undoubted sign mental illness, which is why many patients never reach this specialist. Meanwhile, it is the psychotherapist who is able to best assess the situation and carry out treatment.

Both individual and group lessons using various techniques impact on the patient's psyche. With many phobias, unjustified aggression or apathy, an obsessive desire to find a terrible disease in oneself, a psychotherapist helps to find out the real reason such disorders, which may lie in childhood, family relationships, long-suffered nervous shocks. Having understood the cause of their experiences, many patients find a way to successfully deal with them.

VSD must be treated comprehensively and with the participation of the patient himself, choosing individual regimens and names medicines. The patient, in turn, must understand that the symptoms of ill health on the part of the internal organs are associated with the characteristics of the psyche and lifestyle, so it is worth stopping the search for diseases and start changing your lifestyle.

The question is whether it is worth treating VSD at all if it is not independent disease, should not stand. Firstly, this condition worsens the quality of life, reduces performance, and exhausts the patient’s already exhausted nervous system. Secondly, long-term VSD can lead to the development of severe depression, suicidal tendencies, and asthenia. Frequent and arrhythmias will eventually cause organic changes in the heart (hypertrophy, cardiosclerosis), and then the problem will become really serious.

With timely and correct correction of VSD symptoms, the prognosis is favorable, well-being improves, the usual rhythm of life, work and social activity are restored. Patients must be under dynamic observation from a neurologist (psychoneurologist, psychotherapist), and courses of treatment can be taken for preventive purposes, especially in the autumn-spring periods.

Video: vegetative-vascular dystonia, “Tablet” program

Video: vegetative-vascular dystonia in the “Live Healthy” program

Video: psychotherapist about vegetative-vascular dystonia