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Relieve mastopathy. The best folk remedies for treating mastopathy at home. Complex herbal mixture for the treatment of mastopathy

Mastopathy is a fibrocystic pathology that develops in the mammary glands. The disease is accompanied by abnormal processes that change the epithelium and connective tissue. Like other diseases of the mammary gland, mastopathy can lead to the development of a malignant tumor. Initially, the process is benign, but neglect of health, ignoring symptoms and lack of therapy lead to serious complications. If you are diagnosed with mastopathy, treatment with folk remedies at home can help, but only with a competent and comprehensive approach.

The method of treating mastopathy in women is influenced by the stage of development of the pathology. The severity of the disease changes its symptoms and course. IN neglected form disease, the risk of developing complications increases several times. Mental and mental health problems can also aggravate the situation. emotional disorders, experiences, disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

On initial stage development of the disease obvious manifestations mastopathy may be absent. Swelling and tenderness of the breasts before the onset of menstruation is possible, but often such symptoms are associated specifically with menstruation. This causes late diagnosis of the pathology and untimely initiation of treatment. Regular examination by a gynecologist or mammologist (every six months) will allow you to identify the disease at an early stage and carry out competent therapy.

If the development of the disease is suspected, mammography is prescribed. Before hardware diagnostics are carried out, a woman may notice the following signs of mastopathy, which already indicate a progressive pathology:

  • chest pain of varying intensity;
  • causeless discharge from the nipples (in the absence of pregnancy and lactation);
  • hardening of the glands, palpation of knotty lumps in the chest.

Pain syndrome with the development of pathology can spread to the upper limbs and radiate to the scapula. It is possible that there will be no painful sensations - in medical practice more than 15% of such cases were recorded.

The color of the discharge can be:

  • transparent;
  • whitish;
  • brownish;
  • green;
  • with blood streaks.

In the latter case, the symptom indicates a complex form of pathology that requires immediate medical attention, since severe mastopathy of the mammary gland must be treated urgently. Surgery may be required.

Venous stagnation causes coarsening of the gland tissues, as well as an increase in their size. Touching the breast causes discomfort and increased sensitivity.

Why does mastopathy develop?

In medical practice, most cases of mastopathy are associated with hormonal imbalance in women. Failures in production female hormones lead to general violations functions of women reproductive system, and breast diseases arise for the most part precisely because of this. Therefore, before treating mastopathy, women first determine the condition hormonal levels. If the causes of the pathology are associated with deviations in this regard, then to normalize the condition, a hormonal complex is selected according to individual deviations.

There are a number of other factors that can cause the formation of fibrous tissue in the breast:

  • menstruation that began before the age of 12;
  • miscarriage or artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • late menopause;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • absence of childbirth before age 30;
  • short lactation period (less than two months) or lack of milk after childbirth;
  • prolonged stress and anxiety, emotional disorders;
  • past injuries and illnesses mammary glands;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • lack of vitamins and iodine;
  • uncomfortable underwear;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • dysfunctions and tumor processes in the thyroid gland and liver;
  • overweight;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs due to irregular sexual activity.

Risk factors include the woman's age. After 35 years, the likelihood of developing mastopathy increases three times.

With a competent approach to therapy, mastopathy can be eliminated forever, and therefore there is no need to panic when it is detected. By eliminating risk factors and restoring the balance of hormones, the disease can be stopped without resorting to conservative methods.

You can successfully treat mastopathy at home using folk remedies. You can use traditional medicine methods. Treatment, as a rule, is determined by the form of the pathology, which can be diagnosed through ultrasound examinations, mammography or an in-person examination by a doctor.

If the disease has not reached an extreme stage, then you can use folk remedies for treating mastopathy, the recipes of which have helped more than one woman in the fight against the fibrotic process.


Self-treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaves is considered almost the most effective the folk way. The vegetable copes well with swelling, reduces pain and has an antitumor effect.. Regular cabbage for mastopathy is most often used in the form of compresses, but freshly squeezed juice can also be consumed. For therapeutic effect you need to drink 100 ml of juice three times a day. This treatment of mastopathy with cabbage should continue for at least two months.

There are several recipes for compresses, and each of them has long proven its effectiveness.

  1. You need to mix grated raw beets with honey, maintaining a 3:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture evenly onto a cabbage leaf, then secure the compress on the chest using regular cling film. The course of treatment in this way is a month.
  2. Cabbage with the addition of yogurt will help relieve pain and cure the disease. For a compress, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of curdled milk and 7 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped cabbage. For fixation, it is better to use a natural fabric on which the product is applied and apply it overnight. Night time is optimal for treatment, since cabbage leaves need to be applied for at least 10 hours. The procedures continue for 20 days.
  3. You need to thoroughly coat the cabbage leaf with butter. After this, the compress is generously sprinkled with “Extra” salt and applied to the chest. The compress is made at night with a course duration of a week.

Cabbage leaves are often used for mastopathy in pure form. It is thoroughly washed, large veins are removed and lightly beaten using a kitchen wooden hammer. Such a compress is considered one of the best means for mastopathy among all folk recipes. It needs to be changed as soon as the sheet is completely dry. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

For mastopathy, treatment with folk remedies at home can give the same effect as drug therapy. If you make cabbage compresses regularly and correctly, the results will not be long in coming and the disease will be cured.

Therapy with iodine

For mastopathy, treatment at home often involves the use of iodine. Its healing effectiveness has long been proven for tumor and fibrous formations in the mammary gland. Iodine allows you to safely regulate and restore the functions of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

Often mastopathy of the mammary gland develops when the body suffers from a lack of iodine. But products based on this component can only be used after the approval of a doctor.

You can independently find out that your body lacks this element. Will help with this iodine mesh, drawn on any part of the body. If after the night it has completely disappeared, then the body is experiencing iodine deficiency. You can draw a mesh on your chest for a week, which will make up for its lack, remove painful sensations and get rid of mastopathy.

You can also focus on nutrition by including iodine-containing foods in your diet:

  • seaweed;
  • special salt with high iodine content;
  • seafood.

You can take iodine orally, diluting it with water or milk. First add 1 drop of iodine tincture to 0.5 cups of liquid, increasing the dose by 1 drop daily for a week. After a week, the number of drops is reduced to reverse order: starting from seven and going up to 1 drop.

You can treat mastopathy at home using iodine using external applications. For cooking effective means The following ingredients will be required:

  • egg yolk;
  • 6 large spoons of rye flour;
  • 6 drops of iodine;
  • a small spoon of honey.

The components are mixed until a homogeneous dough is formed, after which a cake is formed and applied to the breast. The use of this remedy for mastopathy in women helps with a 2-week course. After a 3-week break, the course of treatment can be repeated.


The use of a salt compress for mastopathy allows you to quickly get rid of pain and thickening of the glands. In 1 liter of liquid you need to dissolve 3 large spoons of salt. Use salt compresses for mastopathy at night, wetting soft cloth in the solution and fixing the bandage well. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Propolis applications for mastopathy help to quickly cure the disease, provided there is no allergy to this product. It is better to visit a doctor before starting therapy, who will confirm the possibility of using the drug.

You can treat mastopathy with folk remedies from propolis using different methods: taking it internally or for external rubbing. In the first case, the tincture will help:

  • 50 g of crushed propolis is poured into 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • place the tincture in a dark place for 14 days;
  • You need to shake the container with the product twice a day.

After preparation, the tincture is placed in the refrigerator. You need to take it twice a day, 1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of water, 30 minutes before meals. You should be treated with this remedy for a month, since it is not possible to quickly get rid of mastopathy with the help of propolis.

For rubbing, mix 30 g of ground propolis with 100 g lard. The funds must be placed on water bath for two hours, then strain. Apply in the morning after sleep for two weeks.

Essential oils

Any oils for mastopathy can aggravate the pathology. Therefore, when treating a disease traditional methods on their basis, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. The most dangerous essential oils with fibrotic process in the chest:

  • coriander oil;
  • cypress oil;
  • frankincense oil

For baths and compresses you can use oils based on:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • fennel;
  • lavender.

Essential oils are more of an addition to treatments that use folk remedies for mastopathy, because they balance the nervous system, helping to get rid of everyday worries and stress.

It should be remembered that everything folk recipes They will help against mastopathy only when the disease has not reached a critical form of development. Otherwise, only qualified medical assistance is necessary.

According to statistics, in 80 out of 100 women of childbearing age, critical days are accompanied by malaise, irritability, increased appetite, that is, premenstrual syndrome. If, even before your period, your breasts feel heavy, your nipples hurt, and when you palpate your breasts, you can feel some lumps under the skin, these are signs of mastopathy.

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, which is expressed in the proliferation of its tissues. The cause of the disease is considered hormonal disbalance, manifested against the background of stress, inflammation of the appendages, liver and thyroid disease. In this case, there is an increase in estrogen in the blood and a decrease in progesterone production.

Diagnosis and types of mastopathy

So, if you have chest pains that have become constant companions during your period, contact a gynecologist who will prescribe an examination: blood tests for hormones, ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography. There are two types of mastopathy:

  • Diffuse mastopathy is the initial stage of the disease, in which an increase in connective tissue occurs and the formation of spherical seals.
  • Nodular mastopathy - growths in the breasts form into three-centimeter dense plaques, the nipples bleed, pain radiates to the axillary region.

Treatment is mainly carried out conservative methods: homeopathy, vitamins, hormones, herbal medicine. If all this fails, surgical intervention is recommended to avoid the development of oncology.

Treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural plant, animal and mineral raw materials. They help the body launch internal forces to fight the disease.

  • Mastodinon. Reduces the formation of prolactin in the body. Stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone, normalizes hormonal levels, relieves inflammation and reduces swelling of the mammary glands.
  • Mastopol. Dissolves small formations.
  • Mastiol. Prevents relapses and tumors in the reproductive organs.
  • Mamoclam is a concentrate of brown algae. Regulates the hormonal chain: thyroid gland – ovaries – mammary glands.

Vitamin therapy for mastopathy

Vitamins are natural regulators of hormonal processes in the body.

  • Vitamin A. Anticarcinogen. When using retinol, there is a reduction in growth epithelial tissue, soreness of the glands decreases.
  • Vitamin P. Rutin reduces breast swelling and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid– natural antioxidant. Prevents toxic damage to glandular tissue cells.
  • Vitamin D. Prevents the transition of the disease to the malignant stage.
  • B vitamins. Reduce the amount of prolactin, relieve stress, painful sensations.
  • Vitamin E. Removes inflammatory processes, regenerates tissues due to the formation of collagen.

The listed vitamins can be taken separately, but it is better to use multivitamin complexes, where all components are contained in the required proportion. Most often prescribed: Aevit, Vitacan, Triovit.

Don't forget about the living vitamins contained in natural products. Once you start treatment, introduce vegetables, fruits, grains, unrefined vegetable oils, fish, nuts into your diet - everything that is called healthy food.

Treatment of mastopathy with hormones

When homeopathy and vitamins do not help, doctors recommend hormonal treatment. It is aimed at normalizing the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Drugs are prescribed to patients depending on test results.

  • Antiestrogens - Tamoxifen, Fareston and others. Helps reduce estrogen levels.
  • Oral contraceptives - Silest, Femoden, Marvelon, Mercilon. Restores the menstrual cycle, reduces the signs of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  • Androgens – Danazol. They reduce the density of the gland and prevent the formation of cysts.
  • Gestagens. Used for mastopathy of any complexity. Norkolut, Pregnil, Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Norethisterone. Among external agents, Progestogel gel, which is used topically for pain relief, has proven itself well.
  • Prolactin secretion inhibitors. Parlodel. Reduce the size of nodes in the tissues of the glands, restore reproductive functions.

How to treat mastopathy with folk remedies

In folk medicine there are many proven recipes for this female ailment. But for grandma’s drugs to work, they must be used in combination with the main treatment.

  • Infusion of burdock roots. Brew a tablespoon of dry raw materials in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Take 1/3 cup twice a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  • Dill decoction in milk. Pour a liter of milk into an aluminum pan. Pour 100 grams there. dill seeds Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. After three hours, pass the mixture through cheesecloth and drain glass jar. Drink a glass before meals for 14 days.
  • Chamomile poultice. 50 gr. Pour a glass of boiling water over the flowers, and after 15 minutes, squeeze out the grass. Heat the liquid, soak a napkin in it and apply it to your chest. Wrap yourself in a scarf. Keep the poultice until it cools. It is useful to do such procedures within a month.
  • Woodlice applications. Place fresh grass inside your bra and throw a sweater on top. Remove the woodlice after two hours. The course is the entire summer period.
  • May celandine ointment. Pass a bunch of grass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and mix it with pork fat 1:3. Lubricate the breasts with this mixture, cover with film and a warm cloth. Wrap yourself in a scarf and lie there for two hours. Then take a warm shower. You need to be treated for three weeks, with a break for the same amount of time. It is recommended to complete four cycles per year.

Mastopathy – serious illness, and if left to chance, it can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, follow your doctor's recommendations, connect vitamin nutrition, take on board people's councils, as an addition to the main treatment, and the disease will recede.

Breast mastopathy is a disease that many women face; it requires timely detection and proper treatment. The disease develops for a number of reasons, and before choosing a treatment method, it is recommended to establish the root cause of the appearance of a tumor in the mammary gland. Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home gives a good effect; its popularity is also due to the fact that such methods have virtually no side effects.

How to achieve an antitumor effect?

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies in the first stages of the disease should be aimed directly at reducing tumors in the gland. Such therapy should not have a strong impact on the functioning of the body as a whole.

During this period, it is best to use a decoction prepared from young burdock roots. It effectively copes with the inflammatory process, reducing its activity. To prepare the decoction, you should chop young, thoroughly washed burdock roots. In total, you will need 20-25 g of crushed roots. The resulting product is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 12 hours in a closed container. After this, the broth must be filtered and taken 1 tbsp daily. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Burdock juice is widely used for mastopathy. For getting remedy The leaves of the plant need to be washed well, chopped with a knife and passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. The juice must be carefully squeezed out of the resulting pulp. The course of treatment lasts 2 months, during which the juice should be taken 3 times a day, 20 ml, regardless of meals.

Note! Only young, bright green leaves of the plant are suitable for making juice. It is best to start therapy in late spring, so that throughout the course there is an opportunity to collect leaves of young plants.

You can also reduce breast growths by taking a decoction of knotweed. This folk remedy for mastopathy has proven itself as effective method speed up recovery. The knotweed must be washed, crushed and poured with 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours. Divide the resulting amount of decoction into 3 equal portions and take them throughout the day before meals. The course of treatment lasts from 1 week to a month.

There is a way to cure mastopathy at home using potato inflorescences. The product is best used at the initial stage of tumor development; during this period it will be most effective. The decoction is prepared from 1 tsp. washed, chopped potato flowers and a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to take the product 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before meals. Therapy lasts 7-10 days.

Note! Therapy with a decoction based on potato inflorescences requires compliance with the established dosage. Exceeding the amount of medication used can negatively affect the functioning of the liver.

Useful compresses

Treatment of breast mastopathy with folk remedies also involves the use useful compresses. The most popular is cabbage. You need to take half a head of cabbage and grind it in a meat grinder or blender. Place the resulting mixture in gauze and apply it to your chest, leaving it for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is best carried out several times a day, then the therapeutic effect will be achieved to the maximum. fast deadlines. Therapy lasts from 7-10 days.

Note! If you add 2-3 tbsp to the cabbage pulp. l. curdled milk, the therapeutic effect will increase significantly.

There is another way to treat breast mastopathy with folk remedies, using cabbage leaves, butter and salt. For this procedure you need:

  1. Apply butter to the cabbage leaf in a thin, even layer.
  2. Add a little salt, spreading it evenly over the butter.
  3. Place it on your chest, carefully secure everything with a thin cloth and a bra.
  4. The compress should be applied all night, removing it in the morning.

If you use this folk remedy for mastopathy, the condition will improve in just a few days, and chest pain will disappear. Therapy should last from 7 to 10 days.

An effective folk remedy for breast mastopathy is a cabbage-honey compress. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect it should be applied to the breast 2 times a day, morning and evening, leaving for 1-2 hours. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.

Looking for a way to treat mastopathy with folk remedies, Special attention needs to be turned to pumpkin. This product is capable of a short time alleviate the condition, remove the unpleasant pain that often accompanies the disease.

The pumpkin must be peeled, boiled and crushed to a puree. You need to apply the pulp to the chest when it is warm; the compress should not cause any discomfort, much less burn the skin. The procedure is best done in the evening, leaving the compress on all night, securing it with a bandage.

Among the recipes for treating mastopathy with folk remedies that have helped many women is a remedy made from wax. To prepare the product you will need yellow honey wax. It should first be melted in a water bath, but not brought to a boil. Pour the liquid mass into plastic lids for jars, greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. The wax should harden into cakes, after which it can be removed from the lids.

Note! Wax cakes can be used 2-3 times in a row, after which a new product should be prepared.

Beetroot treatment

When looking for a suitable option for treating mastopathy at home, you need to pay attention to recipes with beets. This vegetable contains a lot useful vitamins and minerals, it helps to reduce the size of tumors in the mammary gland and speed up recovery.

At night, you can apply a compress made from beets and honey to your chest. Peel the beets and grate them. You will need 1 part honey and 3 parts of the resulting beet pulp. The components should be thoroughly mixed, spread in an even layer on a cotton cloth or cabbage leaf, applied to the chest, and carefully secure everything on top with a bandage.

The compress can be removed in the morning, the honey and beet pulp can be transferred to a glass container, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator, and reused in the evening, preheated in a water bath.

Among the ways to treat mastopathy at home using beets, there is another recipe in which, apart from the vegetable, no other ingredients are used. The vegetable needs to be washed, chopped on a fine grater, squeezed out the excess juice and made a compress from the resulting pulp, securing it with a cloth and a bra. The compress is applied throughout the night.

The course of therapy is 10-16 days.

Folk remedies for mastopathy have proven their effectiveness in fighting the disease for a long time. There are many ways to cure mastopathy with folk remedies, among which every woman will choose the option that suits her.

Mastopathy is considered a very common disease among the fair sex. According to various sources, this pathology affects from 40 to 90% of women. Despite such a wide prevalence of the disease, it is still not worth taking lightly. Mastopathy is considered a precancerous condition, which is why it is important to undergo regular examinations and follow the prescribed treatment.

Causes of mastopathy

Mastopathy called a disease based on the proliferation of glandular and connective tissue of the mammary glands. Such changes are provoked by hormonal imbalances. The growth and development of glandular tissue and mammary gland structures is influenced by a large number of hormones, but highest value play , and .

Gynecologists call estrogen the hormone of the first half. menstrual cycle. It stimulates the development of glandular tissue. Prolactin has a similar effect. And progesterone (the hormone of the second half of the menstrual cycle) inhibits the development of breast tissue.

The causes of hormonal imbalance may be:

Types and forms of mastopathy

There are several classifications of mastopathy. But the most convenient is the clinical and radiological version of the classification, according to which the following types of mastopathy are distinguished:

  1. Diffuse mastopathy;
  2. Nodular mastopathy;
  3. Diffuse nodular mastopathy.

Diffuse This is called mastopathy when changes occur in the entire gland. The proliferation of glandular tissue (lobules) may prevail, in which case the diagnosis sounds like diffuse mastopathy with a glandular component. Similar form The disease is observed mainly in young girls

Diffuse mastopathy with fibrous component is a consequence of the proliferation of connective tissue. And if there are cysts in the parenchyma, they speak of diffuse mastopathy with a cystic component.

The mixed form of diffuse mastopathy combines signs of proliferation of both glandular and connective tissues.

At nodal form Diseases in the parenchyma of the mammary gland form nodes that have clear boundaries and are not fused with the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of mastopathy

The first and, as a rule, the most worrying sign of mastopathy is the appearance of pain in the mammary glands. Both glands may hurt equally, or one may hurt more. Increased pain is usually observed during the premenstrual period. At this time, women with mastopathy also complain of a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands and their increase in volume. When palpating the mammary gland, lumps can be detected.

With mastopathy, liquid or mucus-like discharge from the nipples of a gray-white color may also be observed. The appearance of blood is alarming symptom, since this is not typical for benign breast diseases.


Mastopathy can be detected using such instrumental methods studies such as mammography. To identify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to examine the hormonal status. But the simplest and most accessible diagnostic method is self-examination.

We recommend reading:

Palpation of the mammary glands

Palpation of the mammary glands should be carried out in a standing or lying position. Using your fingertips, you need to palpate the surface of the mammary gland in a clockwise direction. Then you need to press on the nipples to determine if there is any discharge. It would also be useful to examine the axillary lymph nodes. Doctors recommend conducting such self-examination regularly, optimally on the fifth to tenth days of the menstrual cycle. During palpation, try to remember the tactile sensations so that next time you can compare whether there are any changes.

What signs should alert a woman? Induration, tenderness of the gland, a feeling of lumpiness under the fingers indicate the presence of a diffuse form of mastopathy. Women can also feel small pockets of compaction under the skin, scattered throughout the gland (usually in its upper part).

In the cystic form of the disease, against the background of uneven compaction of the gland, nodular formations can be detected, which can reach various sizes. The formations usually become more pronounced in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Instrumental research methods

All diagnostic methods studies are carried out on the fifth to twelfth days of the menstrual cycle. If a woman does not menstruate, the study can be carried out on any day.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands performed with the patient lying on her back. During the examination, the doctor is able to detect heterogeneity in the structure of the gland, dilation of the milk ducts, and the presence of nodes and cysts. The procedure can be performed on women of any age.

Women over the age of forty should undergo mammography . If mastopathy is suspected, the doctor may refer the patient to undergo this study unscheduled. X-ray mammography is performed in two planes: direct and lateral. It is worth noting that mammography is not performed on women under thirty years of age.

To exclude malignant diseases of the mammary gland, a puncture biopsy of the tissue can be performed with further examination of the material.

Laboratory research

Since the development of mastopathy is caused by disorders hormonal status, it is necessary to examine the level of certain hormones. On what day of the cycle should you take it? venous blood The doctor decides to determine this or that hormone. Typically, a study of hormonal status is carried out from the fifth to the ninth or from the twentieth to the twenty-second days of the menstrual cycle.

To diagnose mastopathy, the level of the following hormones is examined:

  1. Estradiol;
  2. Progesterone;
  3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine,;
  4. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)s.

Treatment of mastopathy

The fight against mastopathy must be comprehensive. The diffuse form of the disease is treated with medication; in the case of a nodular form, the doctor may recommend surgical removal of the formation.

Hormone therapy

Correction hormonal disorders- the causes of the development of the disease is the basis for the treatment of mastopathy. The following hormonal agents are used:

Non-hormonal therapy

In the treatment of mastopathy, additional medications can be used that can not only influence the pathological process, but also eliminate disturbing symptoms . Non-hormonal therapy includes the appointment of such groups medicines:

  • (aevit, triovit);
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin);
  • Decongestants.

Diet correction also plays an equally significant role. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods containing fat large quantities, flour products, since such food leads to the development of subcutaneous fat, in which estrogens are produced. Preference should be given to cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

In addition, you should minimize the consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol, as they retain fluid in the body, thereby contributing to swelling of the mammary glands and increased pain.

Of all the breast diseases, fibrocystic disease, or fibrocystic cystic mastopathy, is the most common. It occurs in almost 30% of all women, and in women under 30 years of age - in every fourth case of visiting an antenatal clinic. Among women suffering from chronic gynecological diseases, mastopathy was found in 30-70%.

What is mastopathy

The term “mastopathy” combines about 30 synonymous terms - mammary dysplasia, dyshormonal mammary hyperplasia, Schimmelbusch disease, chronic cystic mastitis, masoplasia, cystic mastopathy, mastodynia, etc.

All these and many other terms are used to designate those numerous changes of a morphological nature (proliferative, cystic, fibrous), which are often, but not necessarily, present simultaneously and are united by one common name.

In practical medicine, the term “mastopathy” is used in relation to many benign diseases of the mammary glands, differing in diversity clinical manifestations and, most importantly, the histomorphological structure, and united by the main cause of their occurrence - disorders hormonal balance in organism.

Thus, mastopathy is a group of benign diseases, morphologically characterized by a wide range of both regressive and proliferative processes, in which a pathological relationship between the connective tissue and epithelial components of the mammary glands occurs with the occurrence of cystic, fibrous and proliferative changes.

Why is mastopathy dangerous? Despite the fact that this disease is benign and is not considered directly a precancer, at the same time, breast cancer develops on average 4 times more often against the background of diffuse diseases of the latter and 40 times more often against the background of cystic forms with signs of growth (proliferation) of epithelial cells. The risk of malignancy in non-proliferative forms of mastopathy is no more than 1%, with moderate proliferation of the epithelium - about 2.5%, and in the case of significant proliferation, the risk of breast cancer increases to 31.5%.

From this point of view, the prevention and treatment of mastopathy are at the same time the real prevention of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, 90% of pathological formations are detected by women on their own and only in other cases are they detected medical workers accidentally as a result of a routine examination.

Combination of dishormonal hyperplasias with malignant neoplasms, identified in most studies, is explained by the common causes and risk factors, the identity of certain variants of mastopathy and malignant tumors, similar hormonal and metabolic disorders in organism.

Types of mastopathy

Due to the great variety morphological forms diseases exist various classifications. In practice, depending on the predominance of certain changes identified during palpation (palpation) and/or mammography, as well as taking into account the results of histological examination, three main forms of the disease are distinguished, which some authors consider to be different stages of development of the same pathological process :

  1. Diffuse large- or small-focal, representing early stage development of the disease. The histological picture is determined by the areas of the organ with normal structure, hyperplastic (enlarged) and atrophic lobules, dilated ducts and small cysts, coarsening and proliferation of connective tissue structures and collagen fibers.
  2. Nodular, characterized by a predominance of cystic elements and fibrous tissues, proliferation of gland lobules and epithelial cells that line inner surface cysts and milk ducts. The detection of individual atypical cells is a reason to characterize this form as a precancerous condition.
  3. Mixed, or diffuse nodular - nodular formations of more or less pronounced size are determined against the background diffuse changes mammary glands.

In turn, diffuse and nodular forms are classified into types. The diffuse form is divided into:

  • adenosis, in which the glandular component predominates;
  • fibroadenosis - fibrous component;
  • fibrocystic - cystic component;
  • sclerosing adenosis - compact proliferation of gland lobules with preservation of the inner and outer epithelial layers and the configuration of the lobules, despite compression of the latter by fibrous tissues;
  • mixed form.

In the nodal form, the following types are distinguished:

  • adenomatous, which is excessively overgrown glandular passages with the formation of small adenomas, consisting of enlarged elements of the glandular structure located close to each other;
  • fibroadenomatous, including leaf-shaped - a fast-growing connective tissue formation of a layered structure containing cellular elements, cysts and glandular ducts, which are lined with growing epithelial cells;
  • cystic;
  • intraductal papilloma, Mintz disease, or bleeding mammary gland; is an easily injured overgrown epithelium in the dilated excretory duct behind the areola or close to the nipple;
  • lipogranuloma, or;
  • hemangioma (vascular tumor);
  • hamartoma, consisting of glandular, adipose and fibrous tissue.

Despite the fact that malignant tumors of the mammary glands are not necessarily the consequences of fibrocystic changes. However, their presence greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, which largely depends on the severity of epithelial proliferation inside the ducts and glandular lobules. In accordance with histological studies of material obtained during operations, in 46% malignant tumors are combined with diffuse tumors. This fact further supports the assumption that the prevention of mastopathy is also the prevention of breast cancer.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

The etiology and mechanisms of development of mastopathy have not been fully elucidated, but a direct connection has been established primarily between the development of this pathology and the state of hormone balance in the body. Therefore, the hormonal theory of the formation of diffuse fibrocystic disease was the basis for the name of the disease dishormonal mammary hyperplasia.

The latter are an organ that is highly sensitive to any changes in the level of hormones, especially sex hormones, and at any time in a woman’s life. The mammary glands are never in states characterized by functional rest. Their development and condition, physiological changes during menstrual cycles after puberty, activation of function during pregnancy and lactation are carried out and regulated through a whole hormonal complex.

These hormones include GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) of the hypothalamic region of the brain, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid-stimulating and chorionic hormones, glucocorticosteroids and insulin, and, most importantly, sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, progesterone).

Therefore, any hormonal imbalance, especially between progesterone and estrogens, among which estradiol has the maximum effect on the mammary gland, is accompanied by changes in the structure of its tissues and, as a consequence, the development of mastopathy. The differentiation (specialization) of cells, their division, development and proliferation of epithelial cells of the organ ducts depend on estradiol. This hormone also induces the development of the structural and functional unit of the gland (lobules), the development of the vascular network and the filling of connective tissue with fluid.

Progesterone prevents the division and proliferation of the epithelium of the milk ducts, reduces the permeability of small vessels caused by the action of estrogens. By reducing swelling of connective tissue, progesterone ensures lobular-alveolar separation and promotes the development of glandular tissues, lobules and alveoli.

The greatest importance is relative (in relation to estrogens) or absolute deficiency of progesterone. Its deficiency causes not only edema, but also an increase in the mass and volume of connective tissues inside the lobules, as well as growth of the epithelium of the ducts, leading to a decrease in their diameter, blockage and the formation of cysts. The hormone is able to reduce the degree of activity of estrogen receptors, reduce the local concentration of active estrogens, which helps limit the stimulation of proliferation of glandular tissue.

An increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood also plays a certain role in the development of mastopathy, which leads to an increase in the number of receptors in the tissues of the glands that perceive estradiol. This helps to increase the sensitivity of gland cells to the latter and accelerate the growth of epithelium in it. In addition, an increase in the level of prolactin is one of the reasons for the imbalance in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, which is accompanied by corresponding symptoms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - swelling, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands.

There are quite a lot causal factors risks, but the main ones are:

  1. Late (after 16 years) or premature, inappropriate for age, onset of menstrual cycles (before 12 years), as a result of which the girl’s body does not have time to adapt to changes in the hormonal state, to which the mammary tissue reacts accordingly.
  2. Later (after 30 years) onset of sexual activity.
  3. Early (before 45 years) or late (after 55 years) menopause, which is associated with an early imbalance of sex hormones or more long lasting influence estrogens.
  4. , absence of pregnancies resulting in childbirth or late (after 30 years) first pregnancy.
  5. Frequent abortions in adolescence or after 35 years. Three artificial interruptions after 6 weeks of pregnancy, when glandular tissue grows significantly, are a trigger for the transformation of physiological proliferation into pathological one. Abortions during these periods increase the risk of developing mastopathy due to interruption by 7 times. hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy.
  6. Absence, excessively short (less than 5 months) or excessively long breastfeeding.
  7. Hereditary predisposition and age after 45 years.
  8. Chronic inflammatory diseases female genital area (about 40-70%), which are not so much a provoking factor as a contributing factor or concomitant to endocrine disorders;
  9. Genital endometriosis (80%), (85%), the hormones of which affect the mammary glands directly or through their influence on receptors that perceive other hormones.
  10. Ovarian tumors and menstrual irregularities (54%).
  11. Hormonal disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, diseases thyroid gland(found in 40-80% of women with mastopathy), dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, hormonal imbalance in metabolic syndrome.
  12. Disposal violation steroid hormones, in particular estrogens, and their elimination as a result of pathological changes or dysfunction of the liver, biliary tract and intestines.
  13. Long-term psychological stress and chronic stressful conditions, long-term depression and sleep disorders leading to disorder feedback between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and the rest of the endocrine and vegetative systems. Such disorders are present in almost 80% of women with mastopathy.
  14. Poor nutrition - excessive consumption of food, rich in fats, carbohydrates, animal proteins, and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with dietary fiber.
  15. Nicotine intoxication and abuse of alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks and products - strong coffee and tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate.
  16. Negative influence external environment(chemical carcinogens and ionizing radiation) is often the impetus for the occurrence of mastopathy.

Mastopathy and pregnancy are to a certain extent related. If late or interrupted pregnancy, as well as infertility, are risk factors for the development of mastopathy, as mentioned above, then, accordingly, its presence, and even more so repeat pregnancies and childbirth can be considered prevention of the disease. In addition, some authors believe that during pregnancy there may be a delay in the development of mastopathy and a decrease in the degree of its manifestations. This is explained high content progesterone in a woman’s body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Diagnosis of any pathology is based on finding out the history of the disease during a conversation with the patient, his subjective feelings and external visual and palpation examinations. All this allows the clinician to choose further methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics in order to establish a diagnosis, provoking factors and concomitant diseases that influence the development of a specific pathology.

The main and most characteristic initial signs of mastopathy:

  1. Mastalgia, or pain in the mammary glands (85%) varying intensity forcing women to see doctors. They arise as a result high content estrogen and compression of nerve endings edematous connective tissue or cystic formations. Another reason is involvement. nerve endings into tissues that have undergone sclerosis.

    The pain is local, aching or dull, but sometimes intensifies with movement and radiates (gives) to the scapular and axillary regions, shoulder girdle, and arm. They occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle - usually a week, and sometimes more, before the onset of menstruation. After the start of menstruation or after a few days, the pain disappears or its intensity decreases significantly. Severe pain leads to cancerophobia (feelings of fear about a malignant tumor), anxiety or depressive state, emotional imbalance.

  2. The most common concerns are sensations of discomfort, fullness, heaviness, engorgement (mastodynia) of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, headache, nausea and vomiting, discomfort and cramping abdominal pain (). They, as in cases of mastalgia, are associated with the menstrual cycle and arise as a result of increased blood supply and swelling of the connective tissue structure of the glands that form the stroma.
  3. Discharge when pressing on the nipples is transparent, whitish, brownish, greenish in color, or even mixed with blood. If there are a lot of them, they may appear on their own (without pressure). We should be especially wary bloody issues, also found in malignant neoplasms.
  4. The presence of one or more nodular formations of various sizes, detected by palpation and sometimes visually. More often they are determined in the upper outer quadrants of the glands, which are functionally the most active. External examination and palpation examination in horizontal and vertical (with arms lowered and raised up) are the main objective and easy available methods research that requires, at the same time, sufficient practical skills. They make it possible to determine the severity of the skin venous network, the consistency and boundaries of the compactions, fibrous cords and heaviness of the lobules, and their soreness.

It should be noted that enlargement of regional lymph nodes, their soreness and temperature during mastopathy are not signs of the latter. Increasing local and/or general temperature body, increase in supra- and subclavian, axillary lymph nodes usually occur when there is inflammatory processes in the mammary gland (). In addition, when examining the mammary glands, the doctor always carefully checks the regional lymph nodes, which are the first site of metastasis of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease

Easy accessibility of the mammary glands for visual examination and manual examination, great similarity in different periods of their functioning physiological changes with many forms of pathology often lead to erroneous interpretation of the examination results and are the cause of both over- and under-diagnosis.

Therefore, clinical examination data should be supplemented by such basic research methods as x-ray mammography and ultrasound diagnostics, allowing to confirm, clarify or reject a preliminary diagnosis.

The X-ray method is the most informative, allowing timely detection of gland pathology in 85 - 95% of cases. The World Health Organization recommends every 2 years any healthy woman after 40 years, and after 50 years - annually. The study is carried out from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle in two projections (direct and lateral). If necessary, targeted (certain limited area) radiography is performed.

For women 35-40 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers, it is recommended to carry out an echographic examination every six months. Its advantages are safety and high resolution. Ultrasound can accurately distinguish cavitary formations from solid ones, examine glands with a high density (in young women, with tissue swelling as a result of injury or acute inflammation), conduct targeted puncture biopsy. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to visualize X-ray negative tumor formations located close to the chest wall and regional lymph nodes, and to carry out dynamic monitoring of treatment results.

Women with breast pathologies often need hormonal testing. These laboratory tests in some cases make it possible to determine the cause of the disease, risk factors, and adjust treatment in terms of the use of certain hormonal agents.

How to treat mastopathy

There are no generally accepted standard principles of therapy, despite the prevalence of the disease and its importance early detection and treatment for cancer prevention.

Treatment of women with nodular forms begins with puncture (using a thin needle) aspiration biopsy. If signs of dysplasia (improper development of connective tissue structures) are detected in the node, surgical treatment is recommended - sectoral resection or complete removal organ (mastectomy) with mandatory emergency histological examination removed tissues.


Preventive and medicinal value has a diet for mastopathy, since nutrition largely affects the metabolic processes of sex hormones, especially estrogens. Limited consumption of carbohydrates and fats is recommended, meat products, which helps reduce the content of estrogen in the blood and normalize the ratio of androgens and estrogens. In addition, it has been proven anti-cancer properties coarse types of fiber found in vegetables and fruits, especially some grain products.

It is important to eat food that contains large quantities of vitamins and microelements, especially iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, titanium, and silicon. To replenish them, it is advisable to take additional special food additives and vitamin-mineral complexes in dragees. One of these drugs is Triovit in peas, enclosed in capsules.

Taking hormonal medications

Because the main reason Mastopathy is a hormonal disorder, the main goal of therapy is their correction. For this purpose, progestogens are most often used. hormonal drugs, the mechanism of effect of which is based on suppressing the activity of the pituitary-ovarian system, reducing the degree of stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue.

For these purposes, Utrogestan, Duphaston and especially Progestogel Gel are used. The latter contains micronized plant progesterone, identical to endogenous and acting at the cellular level. At the same time, it does not increase the hormone content in the blood serum. It is applied to the skin for 3 months from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle or daily.


IN last years Homeopathy, based on the use of small doses, has taken a certain place in the prevention and treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy active ingredients contained in plants, minerals, substances of animal origin, etc. They do not cause negative side effects. Their action is aimed at stimulating and maintaining the protective abilities of the body itself. TO homeopathic remedies include such pills for mastopathy as:

  • Mastopol, prescribed for 2 months, 1 tablet three times a day, half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals; it contains alkaloids of spotted hemlock, thuja, and goldenseal and has a sedative effect, significantly reduces the severity of mastalgia;
  • Mastodinon, available in tablets and drops, is prescribed for use for three months twice a day, 1 tablet or 30 drops; it is a complex of products, the main ingredient of which is an extract from common twig (Abraham's tree, Vitex sacred).

    Active substances help reduce the synthesis of prolactin by acting on the pituitary gland, thereby improving the function of the corpus luteum of the ovaries and normalizing the ratio of estrogen to progesterone; this medicine leads to the elimination of signs of premenstrual syndrome, reduction or elimination of discharge from the nipples, normalization of the menstrual cycle, helps reduce the intensity of proliferation processes in the mammary glands and regression pathological processes for mastopathy;

  • Cyclodinone, containing only an extract of the same plant, moreover, in a higher concentration;
  • Klimadinon, the main component of which is an extract from the rhizome of black cohosh, or black cohosh; treatment of mastopathy during menopause is often highly effective, since black cohosh eliminates vascular-vegetative disorders well, being slightly inferior only to hormonal drugs; its mechanism of action is based on modulation of the function of estrogen receptors in the central nervous system, suppression of excessive secretion of luteinizing hormone involved in the mechanism of menopausal disorders and worsening the course of mastopathy among women 45–50 years of age.
  • Gelarium in tablets containing St. John's wort extract; it contributes to the elimination slightly severe depression, which accompanies premenstrual syndrome, normalizes sleep and appetite, increases psycho-emotional stability;
  • Femiglandin, which is obtained from evening primrose oil, contains vitamin “E” and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Femiwell - consists of soy isoflavonoids, mahogany extract and vitamin “E”

After consultation with the doctor, treatment of mastopathy at home can be carried out using infusions prepared independently from the above or other individual medicinal plants or collecting herbs that are offered by the pharmacy chain.

Patients often ask the question, is it possible to do massage for mastopathy? Physiotherapy, ointments, massage, compresses not only in the area of ​​the mammary glands, but also soft tissues in the area thoracic of the spine lead to the expansion of small and medium-sized vessels, increasing the volume of blood flowing to the tissues of the organ. This helps to increase tissue nutrition, accelerate metabolic processes, which stimulates the growth of existing tumor formations. Therefore, mastopathy is a contraindication for the use of such treatments for the named zones and areas.

For engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by pain, Dimexide can be used externally, but not as compresses or ointment, but in the form of 25 or 50% gel, produced in tubes. The drug has anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects when applied to the skin of the mammary glands.

Conducted studies of women in reproductive age and those suffering from various gynecological pathology, revealed a diffuse form of mastopathy in an average of 30%, mixed (diffuse-nodular) - in the same number of patients, nodal forms mastopathy was usually combined with uterine myomatosis, endometrial hyperplasia and genital endometriosis. Thus, the choice of treatment methods depends on the form of the pathology, the presence of hormonal imbalance and concomitant diseases.