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Is it possible to have dysbacteriosis? Violation of the general development of children with dysbiosis. Causes of dysbiosis in children

In adults. It is worth noting that this disorder is modern medicine is registered quite often. So what is a disease? What are the main reasons for its occurrence? What treatment methods do doctors offer? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many readers.

What is a disease?

Signs of dysbiosis in adults appear quite often. However, not everyone knows what this disorder is.

It's no secret that the human large intestine is home to about 500 strains of various bacteria, which make up the so-called intestinal microflora. The basis is bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Beneficial microorganisms ensure normal metabolism, participate in the synthesis and metabolism of many vitamins, and are also part immune system body.

In addition, the microflora also includes so-called opportunistic microorganisms. Normally, they do not pose any danger, since their number is strictly controlled by the immune system. But in some cases, pathogenic bacteria begin to actively multiply, which leads to changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora and, accordingly, affects the processes of digestion and metabolism. It is this disorder that is called dysbiosis.

The main causes of the disease

Of course, today many people are interested in the question of what dysbiosis is, treatment, drugs used in therapy, etc. But no less important issue in this case, there are also the reasons for the development of the disease, because the treatment regimen depends on them.

  • Quite often, dysbiosis develops against the background of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including inflammation, chronic disorders, disturbances in enzyme synthesis, poisoning, etc.
  • Plays a huge role in the development of the disease poor nutrition. For example, not eating enough plant foods deprives beneficial bacteria nutrients, and excessive amounts of meat stimulate putrefactive processes.
  • Recently, the number of cases of dysbacteriosis as a result of improper and uncontrolled use of antibiotics has increased significantly. The fact is that antibacterial drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora.
  • The reasons include hormonal disorders, which can develop against the background of diseases of the endocrine system or hormone therapy.
  • Aggressive treatment methods, such as radiation and chemotherapy, also lead to the development of dysbiosis.
  • Naturally, one should not discount constant stress, mental and emotional stress, as well as insufficient sleep and rest.

Degrees of dysbacteriosis

In most cases, this disease develops gradually. Signs of dysbiosis in adults directly depend on the stage of development of the disease. Today, it is customary to distinguish four main degrees of severity of the disease:

  • The first stages of dysbiosis, as a rule, occur without any symptoms. The activation of pathogenic microorganisms is just beginning, while beneficial bacteria, despite a decrease in their number, still cope with their main functions.
  • The second stage of the development of the disease is characterized by more clear-cut disorders. Activity pathogenic microflora increases, and beneficial microorganisms are no longer able to cope with their main task.
  • The third stage of the disease is accompanied by severe damage to the intestines, which affects the functioning of everything digestive tract. At this stage, all the main symptoms of dysbiosis are present - disturbances in the digestion of food become constant companions of a person.
  • The fourth stage is also characterized by extraintestinal pathologies. Prolonged chronic dysbiosis leads to anemia, vitamin deficiencies, and a weakened immune system, because, regardless of the quality and quantity of food, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are simply not absorbed.

What are the main symptoms of the disease?

Many readers are interested in questions about what are the main signs of dysbiosis in adults.

  • As a rule, problems with stool appear first - in patients, prolonged constipation is often replaced by diarrhea and vice versa.
  • Naturally, with such a disease, dyspeptic symptoms also appear, in particular, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, as well as rumbling in the stomach, belching, and frequent heartburn.
  • Another sign of the disease is flatulence, because indigestion leads to increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines.
  • Activity pathogenic microorganisms may lead to bad breath and increased sweating, constant weakness, allergic sensitivity.
  • Advanced forms of the disease affect the functioning of the entire body - anemia, vitamin deficiency, heart pain, insomnia, chronic fatigue, increased susceptibility to infections, etc.

Diagnostic methods

Of course, the presence of characteristic complaints may lead the doctor to think about a disruption of the microflora. But before you prescribe tablets for dysbiosis, you need to conduct tests. The simplest and accessible method in this case is bacteriological culture cultures obtained from stool samples onto a nutrient medium. After 4-6 days, the cultures of grown bacteria are studied under a microscope, counting their number and ratio. In some cases, additional biochemical tests are performed

Dysbacteriosis: treatment, drugs for drug therapy

Only after examination and diagnosis will the doctor be able to draw up a suitable treatment regimen. So how to cure dysbiosis with medications?

  • In the most severe cases patients are prescribed antibiotics that suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora.
  • Along with antibacterial agents They also take sorbents (for example, Polyphepan, Enterosgel), which help cleanse the intestines of dead microorganisms and toxins.
  • But the most important stage of therapy is the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. So which tablets for dysbiosis are considered the most effective? Patients must take medications containing live strains of beneficial bacteria. The most effective are Bifiform, Linex and some others. In addition, prebiotics are also needed, which stimulate the colonization of the intestines with beneficial microorganisms (Hilak Forte, Lactulose).
  • Sometimes it is necessary to take choleretic drugs (Hofitol) and enzymes (Mezim, Festal, Creon) - this makes it possible to establish normal digestive processes.
  • To normalize peristalsis, drugs such as “Immudol” (for diarrhea) or “Trimedat” (for constipation) are used.

Diet for dysbiosis

Of course, nutrition for dysbiosis is extremely important. After all, quite often it is the wrong diet that causes a disruption in the composition of the normal microflora. First of all, you should exclude from your diet foods rich in preservatives, dyes, and other food additives. If the disease is accompanied increased gas formation, then you need to give up food for a while, fermentative, for example, white bread, pastries, cabbage, legumes. For such a disease, alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Nevertheless, nutrition for dysbiosis should be balanced - strict diets will not correct the situation. To begin with, include in your diet foods rich in lactic acid bacteria, in particular fresh yoghurt and kefir. But milk and ice cream are prohibited. Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. Meat must be stewed or steamed - fried foods, as well as spices, negatively affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

What can traditional medicine offer?

Of course, there are many non-traditional methods of therapy. So how to cure dysbiosis using folk remedies? It’s worth mentioning right away that such recipes can only be used as aids and under no circumstances should you refuse your doctor’s recommendations.

Traditional healers recommend drinking decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. For example, sage, medicinal chamomile, calendula, and yarrow are considered beneficial. But mucous decoctions of rice, flax seed, as well as oats and elecampane have an enveloping effect, which helps eliminate dyspeptic symptoms.

In order to cure intestinal dysbiosis in an adult, you need A complex approach, which can help get rid of the disease and prevent relapse. Prevention of the disease, as well as medication and alternative treatment will help prevent relapse in men and women. What are the main causes of intestinal dysbiosis in adults, how do the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves, what to do if the disease bothers you during pregnancy, and what is the treatment regimen for dysbiosis?

What kind of disease?

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic intestinal microflora. Against the background of inflammatory processes and therapy in the intestines, the development of an imbalance of microflora begins and the pathogenic microorganism exceeds in quantity beneficial microbes. Diseases as such medical reference book no, however, according to the classification of diseases, the code according to ICD 10 is 63.8.0 “Dysbacteriosis”. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, it is important to correctly diagnose and know how to restore the mucous membrane, since the clinic does not have characteristic symptoms and similar in symptoms to other organ diseases gastrointestinal tract.


Degrees of dysbacteriosis

Bacteria disrupt the intestinal microflora.

You can get rid of intestinal dysbiosis and prevent relapses after a complete diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis. The disease is divided into primary and secondary. With primary, a person’s intestinal microflora changes, and with secondary pathology in the intestines develop as a secondary manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is divided into the following stages:

  1. Dysbacteriosis of the 1st degree is characterized by a decrease in beneficial symptoms, while the patient does not experience obvious symptoms or discomfort.
  2. Dysbacteriosis of the 2nd degree is characterized by a sharp increase in pathogenic microflora. The patient feels pain and has problems with digestion and absorption of food.
  3. Dysbacteriosis of the 3rd degree of manifestation is characterized by the fact that the intestinal walls begin to become inflamed, food is poorly digested, the patient feels weakness, heaviness in the lower abdomen, constipation is bothersome, which is followed by attacks of diarrhea, nausea, and a putrid odor is felt from the mouth.
  4. Dysbacteriosis of the 4th degree is characterized by the addition of bacterial and infectious complications. Food is not digested sufficiently, internal bleeding occurs, against the background of which the patient develops anemia, weakness, and dizziness. Regardless of what stage of the disease is diagnosed in a person, immediate drug therapy and adherence to a therapeutic diet must be started.

Causes of the disease

The causes of dysbiosis in the intestines are varied. But the most common are:

Other diseases

Characteristic symptoms

Patients with dysbiosis often feel heaviness in the stomach.

Symptoms of dysbiosis are similar to symptoms of diseases of other organs of the digestive tract. It is important to distinguish the signs of intestinal dysbiosis from other diseases; for this, the patient needs to undergo the doctor’s instructions. diagnostic test, after which a treatment regimen will be prescribed. The doctor decides which drugs to use and how long the therapy will last based on the results obtained. Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women and men are:

  • heaviness and constant discomfort in the abdomen, which are accompanied by flatulence, nausea, sometimes vomiting and loss of appetite;
  • problems with stool, when constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa, particles are visible in the stool undigested food and mucus;
  • loss of body weight due to inadequate digestion of food;
  • deterioration of health, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness;
  • bad taste in mouth unpleasant smell and coating on the tongue;
  • abdominal pain after eating, which cannot be ignored; it indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the organ and damage to the mucosa.

Intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy

An imbalance of beneficial intestinal microflora in pregnant women leads to the development of diseases of the digestive tract, including thrush. The fact is that during pregnancy, the body’s protective properties decrease, and all chronic diseases or primary manifestations worsen, so during such a period it is important to monitor your health and take all measures to strengthen it. The microflora of the vagina and intestines are closely related, so treatment of dysbiosis should be comprehensive and prescribed by a doctor. The diet for intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy excludes spicy and fatty foods, sweets, and fast food. When the balance of microorganisms in the colon is restored, treatment of vaginal dysbiosis can begin, the regimen of which is determined by the doctor. Most often these are fluconazole suppositories for dysbacteriosis.


First of all, the doctor will prescribe general analysis blood.

Laboratory diagnostics intestinal dysbiosis includes laboratory and instrumental methods. To determine dysbiosis, the doctor collects all the information about the patient, asks about symptoms, palpates, and then prescribes diagnostic measures. When the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis shows a decrease in bifidobacteria, while bad microflora predominates, it means that the patient is developing bacteriosis in the intestines. The patient is advised to undergo the following procedures:

  1. a general blood test shows inflammatory processes, and in case of dysbacteriosis - low hemoglobin;
  2. irrigoscopy is X-ray examination using contrast. The doctor takes several photographs, which show the condition of the organ tissues, whether there are any changes or neoplasms;
  3. colonoscopy, with the help of which the doctor sees in real time the condition of the organ, whether there are any pathologies and what kind of disease is bothering you;
  4. gastroscopy, which will show the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, which is the root cause of dysbiosis;
  5. intestinal dysbiosis with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics - a study that shows the extent of disturbance in the composition of microorganisms and shows the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics.

According to scientists, almost 90% of people in the Russian Federation suffer from dysbacteriosis. The disease has a constant connotation: nine out of ten people are plagued by chronic dysbiosis. Stress is often the cause of intestinal disorders; doctors promise to cure the discomfort in 2 weeks. The duration seems incredible, but look at how long any medicine is expected to take. Can it be cured at an accelerated pace?

We believe this is an acute form of the disease. A person notices obvious signs, goes to the doctor, and the doctor prescribes a test. According to the results . The disease is being treated, things are getting better, and... Judging by the statistics of doctors, a person falls into the network of the disease again. This is due to an incorrect lifestyle, poor nutrition, etc.

Think about the term: it is not described in the literature similar phenomenon. The documentation refers to stages or degrees of severity. Doctors say that almost everyone is sick. Consequently, many patients exhibit an imbalance intestinal flora, it’s just that most people don’t notice the discomfort.

Dysbacteriosis is not chronic. An imbalance of beneficial and opportunistic flora is a consequence of other diseases. Let's say it develops chronic enteritis or colitis, and this phenomenon occurs against the background of illness. Dysbacteriosis is a symptom of an associated gastrointestinal disease that occurs in a chronic form. Chronic form– a sluggish ongoing process, not too annoying, without exacerbations (with fever and corresponding symptoms).

Chronic diseases are mild. At the first stage, microflora disturbances are sometimes minor and can recover on their own. We can conditionally call sluggish dysbacteriosis compensated.

At the second stage, we are concerned about certain signs of a pronounced nature, phenomena typical of dysbacteriosis, manifested in:

  • Dyspepsia.
  • Drawing pain.
  • Bloating.
  • Belching.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth.

Lost appetite. Nausea sometimes leads to vomiting. Diarrhea alternates with constipation. There is a subcompensated pathology.

Acute stage

The inflammatory process means the onset of acute stage. The signs are already clearly expressed. The discomfort caused causes a person to consult a doctor. In addition to symptoms of malaise, migraines, irritability caused by a lack of nicotinic acid, weakness and sleep disturbances appear specific symptoms. As a rule, unbearable diarrhea. The temperature rises to 39 degrees. A typical decompensated type of disease course is described.

Young children are unable to complain about pain; parents have to guess based on the symptoms. The baby refuses to take the breast, starts screaming, squirms and calms down over time, then starts again.

It is important to be able to palpate the necessary areas of the abdomen and check for the presence of characteristic signs (bloating, belching, seething). If left untreated, weight loss or fluctuations occur. This is a long-term indicator that is usually used when making a diagnosis. Lack of vitamins also negatively affects the nervous system.


The composition of bacteria in children differs from that in an adult, which greatly influences the diagnosis. What is normal for a baby looks developed in a mature person. This statement is easy to understand if you remember the chair infants. Nowadays, science has a number of methods for analyzing the situation (some of which have been rejected in the West):

  1. Bacteriological analysis consists of analyzing the microflora. It is produced indirectly by sowing excrement on a nutrient medium. The ability of microflora to carry out defense is judged by development.
  2. The express method (for example, the Ardat method) provides answers to pressing questions within an hour (the usual method takes a week) with high accuracy. Research is not carried out to determine the type of pathogenic flora.
  3. Electrophoresis on paper is based on the difference in the speed of movement of molecules in an electric field. A few hundred volts is enough to see the difference. In the case of dysbiosis, researchers look for metabolites of bacterial strains.
  4. Ion chromatography is based on the exchange between the mobile and stationary phases, due to which the concentrations of certain ions in the substance under study are calculated.
  5. Gas-liquid chromatography is similar to the previous version, except that one phase becomes gaseous.
  6. Various techniques related to genetic engineering.
  7. Microflora samples obtained in different ways. Previously, it was mainly about examining stool; this sample is easier to obtain. Using an endoscope, it is possible to reach other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

The first method is the most common. Bifidobacteria are sown at various dilutions; evidence of dysbacteriosis will be the absence of germination at 10/7. Similar evidence is provided by a decrease in the number of E. coli below 1 million with an average number of 300-400 million in Levin and Endo media (or 800 million on blood agar). Other signs are acceptable.


Treatment in each case is complex. The stages sometimes follow in different sequences. Sample list:

  • Fighting excess strains by destroying some of the bacteria.
  • Dispersal of normal microflora in the intestine.
  • Improved peristalsis and digestive functions.
  • Stimulation of immunity.

There are medications for each stage. If the stages are carried out in parallel, the drugs are taken together.

Antibacterial stage

In most cases, there is an excessive proliferation of certain strains. Then antibacterial drugs are prescribed to suppress excess intestinal flora. Antibiotics from the following families are used:

  1. Tetracyclines.
  2. Quinolones.
  3. Cephalosporins.
  4. Penicillin.
  5. Metronidazole.

Reception lasts up to 1 week, rarely – two.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Unlike antibiotics, these medications are aimed at combating dysbiosis. They are live strains, waste products of bacteria or nutrient media. These components are also found in everyday food. You need to choose the right diet, which is the doctor’s task.


The normal functioning of the intestinal muscles is restored with antispasmodics. They prevent dull and aching pain. Don't forget to take vitamin complexes(and minerals). Especially vitamin A.


Interferons are responsible for immunity. For the colon, they are available in the form of anal suppositories. Interferons are not intestinal.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a disease accompanied by an imbalance in the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria.

The intestines of a healthy person are inhabited by an innumerable mass of microbes, 90% of which are representatives of obligate flora (healthy), 5-10% are facultative (conditionally pathogenic). Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, anaerobic propionobacteria, Escherichia are involved in digestion, metabolism, protect against allergies, entry and uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Elements of conditionally pathogenic flora (fungi, fusobacteria, gram-negative bacilli, staphylococci, streptococci) do not cause diseases if present strong immunity in humans. Under certain circumstances, the number of obligate flora decreases and the growth of pathogenic organisms in the intestines increases.

What it is?

Intestinal dysbiosis is a change in the intestinal microflora, which leads to deterioration of absorption and the development of pathologies throughout the body. Normal quantity beneficial bacteria in the intestines, the correct percentage of their content is called normal flora. It maintains homeostasis in the body.

Normal microflora

This focus on the tiny inhabitants of the human intestine is explained by the fact that these microorganisms have an extremely positive effect on health. They have many beneficial functions. So, beneficial microflora:

  • protect the intestinal mucosa from infectious agents, allergens, and excess opportunistic microbes;
  • synthesizes vitamins (especially group B), antitumor substances, enzymes for the breakdown of proteins and sugars;
  • neutralizes toxins and harmful metabolic products;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • activates immunity:
  • produces short-chain fatty acids, which ensure the integrity of the colonic mucosa;
  • stimulates the absorption of necessary substances (water, iron, calcium, gases, vitamins E, D).

In addition to beneficial microbes (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, etc.), opportunistic microorganisms (Klebsiella, Proteus, staphylococci, atypical Escherichia, Serracia, Enterobacter, yeast-like fungi, etc.) live in the intestine. In a healthy person, their number is strictly limited, so they do no harm. But when immunity drops, after intestinal infections, stress, etc. these insidious bacteria and fungi are activated, begin to multiply and have adverse effects, leading to clinical symptoms.


Dysbacteriosis does not necessarily develop in people with health problems. Quite often, the problem can appear in adults and children who have never previously experienced any problems with the digestive system.

The main reasons for the development of dysbiosis may be the following:

  1. Incorrect use of certain medications;
  2. Sudden change in food type;
  3. Eating poor quality food;
  4. Lack of fortified and fermented milk foods in the diet;
  5. Recent intestinal infections;
  6. Frequent use of antibiotics;
  7. Insufficient protection of the immune system;
  8. Having acute or chronic diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.

On initial stages Development of dysbacteriosis may practically not make itself known. A person may only occasionally suffer from minor abdominal pain, bloating, and rare stool disorders.

Main signs

The first signs of intestinal dysbiosis in adults:

  1. Abdominal pain;
  2. Feeling of heaviness;
  3. Bloating;
  4. Flatulence;
  5. Diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  6. Feeling of increased discomfort.

Symptoms directly depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

In adults, the symptoms of dysbiosis are varied in their manifestation and severity. The severity of their manifestations depends on conditions such as age, lifestyle, immune system, and stage of development. In one person, a week of antibiotic therapy will cause only a slight disruption of the intestinal microflora, while in another it will cause severe symptoms dysbacteriosis.

  1. Stage 1 of dysbiosis is characterized by a slight imbalance of normal and pathogenic bacteria. This condition may be due to a short course of treatment antibacterial drugs or changing your usual food and water. At this stage, symptoms are mild and may be limited to minor intestinal upset. After completing antimicrobial treatment or getting used to new nutritional conditions, the balance of intestinal microflora is restored independently.
  2. At stage 2, the intestines cease to produce sufficient quantities of enzymes necessary for normal digestion of food. The result of this may be a fermentation process characterized by bloating, bitterness in the mouth, pain, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms may indicate the development of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but most often indicate progressive dysbiosis.
  3. Stage 3 requires medical intervention, since pathogenic flora, affecting the intestinal walls in large quantities, causes inflammation. Symptoms become more pronounced, the patient experiences nausea and vomiting, undigested food fragments can be seen in the stool, patients complain of severe pain in the abdomen, body temperature may rise.
  4. At stage 4, pathogens almost completely displace the beneficial intestinal microflora. This disrupts the absorption mechanism useful substances, which leads to the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. In addition, toxins formed as a result of incomplete digestion of food and the activity of pathogenic microflora, entering the blood, cause severe allergic reactions. The previously described symptoms may include rash, eczema, hives, asthma, chronic fatigue, insomnia and problems concentrating. Lack of timely treatment threatens the development of severe intestinal infections.

It must be remembered that it is easiest to eliminate dysbacteriosis by initial stages. If you discover a list of suspicious symptoms that do not go away within a couple of days, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

Chronic dysbacteriosis

Chronic dysbacteriosis is somewhat less common. At the same time, disturbances in the composition and quantity of microflora do not return to normal long time(months, years). As a rule, there are prerequisites that do not allow normal microflora recover. However, in most cases, this problem can still be solved with proper treatment.

At chronic course dysbacteriosis, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the following factors:

  • self-medication and unqualified treatment;
  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases intestines;
  • non-compliance with the prescribed diet;
  • presence of intestinal tumors;
  • the presence of a constant source of infection (poor quality drinking water and etc.);
  • possible resistance of bacteria to prescribed antibiotics (checked by antibiogram);
  • chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach.

In the presence of the above factors, the prerequisites are created for changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora. If these factors are not eliminated, treatment in most cases will not have the desired effect. The disease takes a chronic course.


In order to determine the presence and nature of dysbiosis, it is necessary to find out which microbes populate the intestines and in what quantity. Today, two main diagnostic methods are practiced:

  1. The method for examining microflora metabolites is based on the determination of substances (volatile fatty acids), which microbes secrete during their development. This method is highly sensitive and easy to determine microbes and allows you to get results within a few hours. In addition, it is not as expensive as bacteriological.
  2. Bacteriological research. With the bacteriological method, depending on the specialization of the laboratory, from 14 to 25 species of bacteria are determined (this is only 10% of all microorganisms). Alas, you will receive the result of this analysis only after 7 days; on average, this is the time it takes for bacteria to grow in special nutrient media and be identified. In addition, the quality of the results of this analysis also depends on compliance with delivery times and the quality of the material; there are also difficulties in cultivating certain types of bacteria.

It must be remembered that the composition of the intestinal microflora is individual for each person. It depends on age, food consumed, and even the time of year. Therefore, making a diagnosis based solely on tests is a mistake. Need to additional examination to determine the cause of dysbiosis.


Most serious consequences can cause the following complications of dysbacteriosis:

Considering the lack of vitamins and weakened immunity that occur with dysbiosis, there is a risk of other complications that are not directly related to disorders of the intestinal microflora. In general, we can say that dysbiosis is not dangerous disease, but it’s still not worth starting the disease.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

In case of confirmed intestinal dysbacteriosis, planned treatment is carried out using drugs that restore normal intestinal flora and correct other disorders in the body (using enzymes, sorbents, vitamins).

Groups of drugs prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis in adults:

  1. Sorbents are prescribed for severe signs of intoxication. Activated carbon is prescribed 5-7 tablets at a time, for 5 days.
  2. Prebiotics - have a bifidogenic property, i.e. contribute to the stimulation and growth and reproduction of microbes that are part of the normal intestinal flora. Representatives of this group include: Hilak-forte, Duphalac. Hilak-forte is prescribed 40-60 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Antibacterial drugs are used for the 4th degree of intestinal dysbiosis, to destroy pathogenic flora. The most commonly used antibiotics are: tetracyclines (Doxycycline), cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone), penicillins (Ampiox), nitroimidazoles: Metronidazole, prescribed 500 mg 3 times a day, after meals.
  4. Symbiotics (Bifidobak, Maltodophilus) are combined preparations (prebiotic + probiotic), i.e. simultaneously stimulate the growth of normal flora and replace the missing number of microbes in the intestines. Bifidobac is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, with meals.
  5. Bacteriophages. To eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, you can take medications containing viruses that attack a specific type of bacteria. They are combined with antibacterial treatment or used as an alternative therapy.
  6. Enzymes are prescribed in case of severe digestive disorders. Mezim tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day, before meals.
  7. Antifungal drugs (Levorin) are prescribed if there are yeast-like fungi such as Candida in the stool. Levorin is prescribed 500 thousand units 2-4 times a day.
  8. Multivitamins: Duovit, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

The dosage, duration of treatment and group of drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the degree of dysbacteriosis. Below are the dosages of drugs for adults; for children, the dosage depends on the weight and age of the child.


Probiotics (eubiotics) are preparations containing live microorganisms (i.e. bacteria of normal intestinal flora), they are used to treat grade 2-4 dysbacteriosis.

  1. 1st generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Lifepack probiotics. They are liquid concentrates of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and are not stored for long (about 3 months). This group of drugs is unstable under the influence of gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to their rapid destruction and the intake of insufficient concentrations, the main disadvantage of 1st generation probiotics. Bifidumbacterin is prescribed orally, 5 doses of the drug 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals;
  2. 2nd generation drugs: Baktisubtil, Flonivin, Enterol. They contain spores of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, which in the patient’s intestines secrete enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, stimulate the growth of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, and also suppress the growth of putrefactive flora. Subtil is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals;
  3. 3rd generation drugs: Bifikol, Linex. They consist of several types of bacteria from the normal intestinal flora, and therefore are highly effective compared to the previous 2 generations of probiotics. Linex is prescribed 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  4. 4th generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin forte, Biosorb-Bifidum. This group of drugs represents bacteria of normal intestinal flora in combination with enterosorbent (with activated carbon or other). Enterosorbent is necessary to protect microorganisms when passing through the stomach, it actively protects them from inactivation by gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. Bifidumbacterin forte is prescribed 5 doses 2-3 times a day, before meals.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is prescribed comprehensively depending on the degree of the disease. Since dysbiosis develops under the influence of many factors, it is important to eliminate the cause of its development, otherwise taking probiotics will not have a positive effect. Elimination of foci of infection and chronic diseases the main task in the treatment of dysbiosis.

Diet for dysbiosis

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis? With a mild degree of imbalance in the intestinal microflora, it may be sufficient to eliminate these causes with the help of rational nutrition, taking prebiotics or probiotics.

In case of severe disorders, it is also indicated simultaneously with complex antimicrobial therapy. dietary food. Basic Rules:

  1. Products are steamed, boiled, baked, stewed. No frying!
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, mostly clean water. For diarrhea, it helps against dehydration, and for constipation, it softens clotted stool.
  3. The food is balanced, rich in foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats, minerals, vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  4. Remove foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract, have a laxative or fixative effect.
  5. Refusing products causing gas formation, fermentation, rotting.
  6. Remove sauces, hot spices, smoked meats, marinades, and strong alcohol. No fast food, semi-finished products, dry food, on the go. Rich broths, confectionery, baked goods, whole milk, strong tea are prohibited.
  7. They consume products that create favorable conditions for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. They place emphasis on fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, acidophilus milk), and foods rich in plant fiber.
  8. Refuse fresh vegetables, fruit. Any is preferred heat treatment. Baked apples– an excellent dessert, rich in vitamins and healthy elements.
  9. Eat food regularly, every 2.5-3 hours in small portions. Long intervals between meals should not be allowed.
  10. The temperature of the food should be pleasant and warm. You can't eat hot, it's too cold.

Following a diet is an important condition for successful treatment dysbacteriosis in adults and children. Food consumption is not limited, its composition is changed. Balanced diet, properly prepared food will help restore the lack of vitamins, increase hemoglobin, normalize digestion, and ensure complete excretion of bile.

Can the patient do without treatment?

Cases of independent voluntary disposal of minor disturbances in the intestinal microflora are recorded quite often in medical practice. But most of these examples are associated with disorders due to emotional shocks or rapid acclimatization.

Please note that dysbiosis can stop progressing only in the first phase of its development. This is the big problem, because during this period it is almost impossible to notice characteristic changes in the intestinal microflora. And if the patient already has severe symptoms of the disease, then he needs medical assistance, because we're talking about about a seriously neglected process.


The most important method of prevention is timely and rational antibacterial therapy. In this way, the patient can protect himself from the symptoms of dysbiosis and the development of the disease.

A common case of dysbacteriosis is long-term use antibiotics. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • eat fermented milk products;
  • start using antifungal drugs;
  • take probiotics, multi-enzymes and multivitamins.

The complex of drugs must be prescribed by a doctor; it is not recommended to use any medications on your own.

An adult's intestines contain about 500 species of bacteria. various types, which weighs 2-3 kg. The function of microorganisms is to digest food, break down various compounds, absorb nutrients and remove toxins and carcinogens.

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria improve metabolic processes, process complex carbohydrates, produce lactic acid, inhibit the growth of pathogens and prevent the development of allergic reactions. E. coli synthesize B vitamins and reproduce vitamin K. Streptococci and staphylococci, Candida, and bacteroides provoke the development of inflammatory processes.

If the balance between beneficial and harmful microflora is disturbed, dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis develops.

There are several degrees of pathology:
  • Latent or compensated. Deviation from the norm in the amount of beneficial microflora is up to 80%.
  • Subcompensated. Against the background of a reduced number beneficial microorganisms Pathogenic flora begins to multiply, pronounced symptoms appear intestinal disorders, inflammatory processes often develop.
  • Decompensated. Classified as aggression from the outside anaerobic microorganisms, signs of dysbiosis affect the general condition, the large and small intestines are affected.
  • Heavy. Functional organic disorders appear.
The absorption of nutrients is impaired, the cleansing function of the liver is reduced, and chronic intoxication develops. The impetus for the appearance infectious processes in the intestines in 70-72% of cases there is dysbiosis.

Causes of development of intestinal dysbiosis

The imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic microflora is strongly influenced by: frequent viral diseases, change of place of residence and climatic factors, unfavorable ecology and emotional instability, which also affects the state of the immune system.

Causes of dysbiosis:

  1. Treatment medicines: glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, cytostatics. Chemo- and radiotherapy.
  2. Poor nutrition, overeating sweets or foods containing sparingly soluble fats.
  3. Organic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency states - HIV infection, oncological processes.
  4. Effect of ionizing radiation.
  5. Anatomical abnormalities of the intestine and operations, maldigestion syndrome (deficiency of digestive enzymes) and malabsorption (impaired absorption in the small intestine).
  6. Acute conditions - internal bleeding, development of an allergic reaction.
  7. Enzymopathy of various types - lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance), gluten deficiency (celiac disease) and similar conditions.
  8. Worm infestations- helminths secrete toxins that inhibit the activity of beneficial microflora.

Short-term dysbiosis can occur in healthy people due to changes in living conditions, nutrition, and occupational hazard. The balance of intestinal microflora also appears as the body ages.

Main symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

Signs of dysbiosis depend on the severity of the condition and the physiological status of the patient. Mild degree For adults it goes unnoticed, and in children it causes minor disturbances. The symptom complex can increase sharply or develop gradually.

Signs of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

General symptoms of deterioration: a feeling of fullness in the intestines and noticeable bloating, nausea and headache. The stool changes its smell and structure, liquefies, and acquires a greenish tint.

The deterioration of the condition increases depending on the degree of dysbacteriosis:

  • In the latent stage, when the character or diet changes, short-term intestinal disorders and mild nausea. There are no general symptoms.
  • In the second degree, the stool becomes liquefied and an unpleasant odor appears. Any deviations from the regime and stressful situations cause long-term digestive disorders. Constipation may appear, nausea and slight dizziness may occur 1-2 hours after eating.
  • In the third phase, due to increased activity Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus and Enterococci various types Digestive disorders are prolonged, fragments of food and mucus are found in the stool, the stool is often liquid. It also happens that prolonged distension in the intestines and the inability to have a bowel movement are replaced by the release of loose stool. After eating, heaviness is felt in the epigastric area and colic appears.
  • In the fourth phase, signs of chronic intoxication join the symptoms of digestive disorders. Appear constant nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weakness, it becomes difficult to concentrate. A coating appears on the tongue, the skin turns pale. Due to impaired absorption of nutrients, organic diseases develop.

The division into stages is conditional, since signs of dysbiosis in adults can appear constantly or symptomatically, against the background unfavorable factors, when using certain foods, medications or illnesses.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in children

In children, the disease manifests itself almost in the same way as in adults, but there are some peculiarities. If in adults nausea rarely turns into vomiting, then in children from birth to 3-5 years the main symptom is first regurgitation and then vomiting.

Abdominal pain is also more pronounced - localized in the navel area and has a cramping character. When spasms appear, babies arch, turn red, and a sharp cry flies out of their mouths, followed by a heart-rending, plaintive cry.

The “duck” syndrome develops quickly - immediately after eating, the urge to defecate appears. The stool may be greasy or watery, with mucus and undigested food fragments.

Appetite decreases, allergic reactions often develop, and dermatitis appears. Growth and physiological development begin to lag. Hair begins to fall out, skin peels, nails become soft and teeth begin to deteriorate. The enamel darkens and the pulp is destroyed.

The child becomes susceptible to infections and often gets sick. Even without illness, the low-grade temperature is constantly maintained at 37.2-37.5 degrees. The behavior of children changes, they become capricious, whiny, and difficulty falling asleep.

Diet for intestinal dysbiosis

To improve the condition, it is necessary to reduce the load on the intestines and create optimal conditions to accelerate the growth of beneficial microflora. You should not eat too hot or cold food, you will have to give up fatty and spicy foods.

Products must contain the following substances:

  1. Cellulose. It is a natural probiotic, adsorbs toxins and waste, normalizes, supports the growth of microorganisms with enzymatic action. You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits and whole grain cereals in your diet. Provided for children instant porridge with the addition of pro- and prebiotics.
  2. Pectins. Natural sorbents, accelerate the speed of peristalsis, help remove old toxins. High content of substances in apple puree, apple marmalade, black currants, cabbage and boiled beets.
  3. Vitamins. They normalize metabolic processes, replenish the reserve of nutrients, and increase immunity. The higher the immune status, the easier it is to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Can be introduced into the body with fresh fruit and vegetables or purchase a vitamin-mineral complex.
  4. Lactobacilli. Restores microflora balance. Contained in fermented milk products. When eliminating dysbiosis in children under 3 years of age, preference should be given to containers labeled “baby food” on the packaging.
Limit the consumption of sugar, honey and oils. Standard for adults: 2 tablespoons vegetable oils and 15 g of butter per day. For children, the amount is reduced by analyzing the condition.

Adults are allowed to include sour berries and fruits in limited quantities in the daily menu. When treating children, such dietary supplements are avoided.

During an exacerbation of dysbiosis, you should avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: seasonings, spices, canned food, semi-finished products and offal, sweet baked goods. Millet and semolina, brown rice, legumes, seafood, pork and mushrooms are prohibited. Cooking fat should not be used for cooking. Prohibited drinks: alcohol in any form, strong coffee, tea, whole milk and heavy cream.

During an exacerbation, it is better to stew, boil, or microwave vegetables and fruits. The number of meals is increased to five in adults and seven in children, portions are reduced. A strict diet is maintained for 2-3 weeks, the diet is expanded gradually.

IN acute period it is allowed to introduce into the diet non-rich broths, vegetables - boiled or stewed, porridges - preference should be given to rice and oatmeal, dairy products, unsweetened compotes and rosehip decoction, dried White bread.

After 2-3 days, when the condition improves, the menu will be supplemented with steamed meatballs and cutlets, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, jelly, dry cookies. Juices for children are diluted with water - 1:1. As the condition improves, the diet is gradually expanded.

Features of the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is a fairly general diagnosis. In order to eliminate digestive disorders, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. This may require consultation with a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, immunologist, allergist, and sometimes an endocrinologist. Laboratory examinations: bacteriological culture and biochemical analysis stool, coprogram, a scraping from the intestinal wall or a smear from the anus may be required - most often taken from children. Tests help determine which part of the intestine the problem is in.

Medicines for dysbiosis

The list of medicines is quite extensive. It includes medications, accelerating the growth of beneficial microflora, and medications that stop the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.


This group includes medicines that contain live bacteria:

  • Synbiotics are bacteria and substances that provide optimal development conditions. Bifidobac is most often used. Analogues - Maltodophilus, Laminolact.
  • Single-component - Linex. Only beneficial bacteria. Analogue - Bifiform, Biobakton.
  • Combined - lacto- and bifidobacteria, immunostimulants. Acipol is most often used, less often - Bifiliz.
  • Monocomponent products are the most convenient - Lactobacterin and its analogues (Colibacterin and Bifidumbacterin).
  • Of the antagonists - drugs that contain substances that suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - Enterol is the most “popular”. Similar action with Bactisubtil and Bactisporin.
The duration of treatment with this group of drugs is 5-7 days; if necessary, the course can be extended.


These medications are used to increase the activity of beneficial bacteria and normalize the functioning of the large intestine. TO specific drugs include Duphalac or Normaze, but you can also use analogues from the group of dietary supplements - Prebio or Lactusan.

Intestinal antiseptics

Medicines for intestinal dysbiosis include specific antiseptics that act selectively. Such agents suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms without inhibiting beneficial lacto- and bifidumbacteria.

The most commonly prescribed is Intetrix, a three-component drug containing tiliquinol, tiliquinol lauryl sulfate and tilbroquinol, which helps stop the development of cocci, anaerobic bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Entoban syrup has similar properties.

Nifuroxazide or its analogues - Enterofuril or Ersefuril - can be used. For adults, the medicine is available in tablets; for children, a suspension is a convenient form. Currently produced under the Stop-Diar brand.

Antibacterial agents

If the cause of dysbiosis is the introduction of infection, antimicrobial drugs may be required. Prescriptions are made by a doctor based on biological culture or a characteristic clinical picture:

  • More active action cocci are treated with macrolide or penicillin antibiotics.
  • When isolating Pseudomonas aeruginosa, preference is given to aminoglycosides.
  • E. coli is suppressed by sulfonamides.
  • If candidiasis is detected, antifungal agents are prescribed.
Additional treatment

The therapeutic regimen may include drugs that stabilize general state and accelerating the return to a normal diet. These include:

  1. Multivitamin complexes - Decamevit, Alphabet, Multi-tabs, Pikovit;
  2. Antihistamines - optional, depending on the symptoms of dysbiosis;
  3. To eliminate intestinal spasms - No-shpa (analogue of Papaverine);
  4. For constipation, medications are prescribed choleretic action- for example, Allohol;
  5. For diarrhea - sorbents of various types.

Folk remedies for intestinal dysbiosis

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for the treatment of dysbiosis. Can be used:
  • . Brew mint in a glass of water - 2 tablespoons. Tea is drunk throughout the day, in equal portions, 45 minutes after meals.
  • Infusions with an enveloping effect. Hot water, 200 ml (not boiling water!), pour in 4 tablespoons of flaxseed, unhulled oats, marshmallow grass or angelica. Shake constantly for 15 minutes, then filter. Drink on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.
  • Alder infusion. Tea made from alder cones will help stop diarrhea caused by indigestion due to dysbiosis. Brew 2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water. To enhance the effectiveness of the infusion, add a tablespoon of snakeweed root.
  • To normalize intestinal flora. Mix equal parts of coriander, licorice root and buckthorn bark. Brew a tablespoon of 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a sealed container. Drink before bed.
  • Astringents. To stop diarrhea, use dried bird cherry, pomegranate peels, and oak bark.
  • Recovery potion. The milk is boiled, cooled slightly, mixed with crushed crackers from rye bread- you need to get a puree-like consistency. After a day, the starter is combined with hot milk, a little crushed garlic is added and left for 5-6 hours. Store and infuse in the refrigerator.
During treatment folk remedies the condition of patients should be analyzed. If one medicine does not work, others are used. Duration of therapy is up to 2 months.

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis - watch the video:

To prevent the development of dysbiosis, at the first signs of intestinal disorders, it is necessary to switch to a gentle diet, supplement treatment with antibiotics with probiotics, eat rationally and treat diseases of the digestive tract in a timely manner.