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It's like you're feeling sick, but you're not sick. Constant nausea: causes

Minor ailments are not uncommon during pregnancy. Some are caused by a change in your condition, others may be caused by negative impacts external environment.
Nausea and vomiting caused by early toxicosis, to one degree or another accompany most pregnancies. These phenomena are unpleasant, but if they do not lead to malnutrition expectant mother, she is not losing weight, her body is not in danger of dehydration due to frequent vomiting, and this condition does not require medical intervention.

Most experts consider morning nausea to be a completely normal phenomenon that accompanies the onset of pregnancy, since it is quite explainable by the beginning of the restructuring in the woman’s body. Active production of hormones, increased load on the liver of the expectant mother - all this is the cause of morning sickness. As a rule, the condition of the expectant mother improves significantly by the 10-12th week of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to function.

Complications. Severe vomiting can lead to the development of dehydration and disturbances in electrolyte metabolism (usually hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis), and is relatively rarely accompanied by ruptures of the esophagus - partial (Mallory-Weiss syndrome) or complete (Boerhaave syndrome). Long-term vomiting can lead to malnutrition, weight loss, and metabolic disorders.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting occur when the vomiting center is irritated. Direct causes can affect the gastrointestinal tract or central nervous system or be observed as part of systemic diseases.

The most common reasons:

  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Impact of drugs.
  • Exposure to toxins.

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a relatively rare disorder characterized by severe, repeated attacks of vomiting or nausea alone that occur at varying intervals; however, during the period between attacks it is not possible to detect any structural changes. This disorder is most often observed in children ( average age onset - 5 years), with a tendency to develop remission as they grow older. SCR in adults is often associated with long-term use marijuana (hemp extract).

Nausea (nausea) and vomiting (vomitus) most often occur by neuroreflex with irritation of the stomach, especially the pyloric region, and the nearest organs - the beginning of the duodenum and jejunum, the lower segment of the esophagus, the pharynx in acute gastritis, esophagitis and pharyngitis (morning mucous vomiting of alcoholics ) etc. Impaired movement of food and chyme, stagnation and reverse peristalsis especially often lead to nausea and, to a certain extent, appropriate vomiting. Vomiting clean is characteristic gastric juice with peptic ulcers, especially with duodenal ulcers, bringing relief and often caused artificially by the patient himself; further vomiting with narrowing of the pylorus, which occurs rarely (as opposed to irritable vomiting with acute gastritis), usually once a day, and emptying the stomach of stagnant masses. Reflex vomiting observed in diseases of various organs, primarily the intestines and peritoneum with appendicitis, helminthic infestation, with colic - hepatic, renal, uterine, tubo-ovarian. Vomiting can also be of central nervous, including cortical origin, due to toxic irritation of the vomiting center (uremia, alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide, digitalis, sulfonamides, apomorphine, ipecac; however, with uremia, alcoholism, the effect of sulfonamides, local irritation of the stomach cannot be denied), with an increase intracranial pressure(tumors, meningitis, acute hemorrhage meninges), with damage to the semicircular canals. Cerebral vomiting is characterized by the absence of nausea, which is probably more closely associated with antiperistalsis of the stomach and intestines. Habitual nervous vomiting without anatomical changes can reach an indomitable degree and lead to death from exhaustion and self-poisoning. Vomiting in pregnant women probably occurs with the participation of endocrine changes (the effect of the pituitary gland on the stomach) and nervous factors. Reflex and central nervous vomiting is more easily caused in women and children, especially with frequent repetition of vomiting. The practical diagnostic meaning of nausea and vomiting, as well as treatment methods, can be very different in each individual case.

Causes of vomiting without nausea:

  • Intracranial tumors.
  • The patient is asked if he suffers from headaches or double vision; check whether the gait is impaired.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Important signs: nystagmus, nipple swelling optic nerve, pathology of the cranial nerves.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Migraine.
  • Periodic vomiting.
  • Vomiting usually recurs at intervals of 2-3 months and occurs in children, adolescents or young adults. It is often accompanied by migraine. With such vomiting, beta blockers sometimes help.

The vomiting center is localized in the medulla oblongata near the centers that control breathing and salivation (for this reason, vomiting is combined with hyperventilation and increased salivation). The center receives signals from the chemoreceptors of the trigger zone located in the bottom of the fourth ventricle, in the area postrema. The area postrema is supplied with blood from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and there is no blood-brain barrier here.

The trigger zone is the site of action of some drugs that cause vomiting; in addition, it receives information from the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, peritoneum and heart via afferent fibers:

  • The feeling of nausea appears to be formed by the passage of impulses along the same pathways responsible for the feeling of satiety, so nausea is usually accompanied by anorexia.
  • It is necessary to distinguish vomiting from belching (the latter occurs without effort, i.e. without the participation of muscles that provide gagging movements; it usually gives a sour or bitter sensation in the mouth and is not accompanied by nausea).

Medicines that cause nausea and vomiting

  • Opiates, digoxin, levodopa, ipecac, cytotoxic agents (act on the chemoreceptor trigger zone).
  • Antibiotics (tetracyclines, metronidazole, erythromycin). Sulfonamides (including mesalazine).
  • Acetylsalicylic acid, NSAIDs (damage the gastric mucosa and can stimulate the vomiting center through ascending afferent influences).
  • Alcohol (acts directly through the chemoreceptor trigger zone and due to its damaging effect on the gastric mucosa).

Symptoms and signs of nausea and vomiting

The following signs are especially important:

  • signs of hypovolemia;
  • headache;
  • signs of peritoneal irritation;
  • bloating, severe tympanitis. Interpretation of results. Many signs are characteristic of certain causes of vomiting.

If vomiting occurs through a short time after taking medication or toxic substance or sudden changes in body position, in the absence of significant changes according to neurological examination and assessment of the abdomen, vomiting with high probability can be explained by these factors. The same applies to cases of pregnancy - in the absence of pathology according to the examination. At acute development vomiting and diarrhea in initially almost healthy patient and the absence of significant changes according to the examination data, there is a high probability of infectious gastroenteritis; further examination can be delayed.

Vomiting that occurs when thinking about food or is not associated in time with eating suggests psychogenic cause, the same is indicated by the presence of a history of functional nausea and vomiting in the patient himself or his family members. You should ask the patient in more detail, because... he himself may not be aware of this connection or may not even admit that he was experiencing a state of stress.

Examination. All women of childbearing age should have a urinary pregnancy test. In case of severe vomiting, vomiting lasting more than 1 day, or the presence of signs of dehydration according to examination data, laboratory tests should be performed (in particular, assess the content of electrolytes, urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum glucose, perform a urine test, and in some cases, liver tests). If there are signs of alarm, the examination plan is based on the corresponding clinical manifestations.

At chronic vomiting, as a rule, it is necessary to carry out the specified laboratory tests, as well as endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract, x-ray examination small intestine, studies of gastric emptying and anthro-duodenal motility.

Examination for nausea and vomiting

Deciding on the list of blood tests is usually simple; their set is based on the medical history, as well as on the results of the examination carried out before:

  • A general blood test sometimes reveals anemia. The development of iron deficiency is possible with peptic ulcer disease or malignant tumors with ulceration, as well as with pathology of the small intestine, an increase in MCV is typical for situations with alcohol abuse, deficiency of vitamin B 12 or folic acid.
  • The concentration of urea and electrolytes can change both due to vomiting (at the same time the content of K +, Na + decreases, hyperchloremic metabolic alkalosis develops), and due to the underlying primary kidney dysfunction - it is advisable to check the calcium concentration, as well as determine biochemical indicators of liver function. To rule out acute pancreatitis, blood is immediately sent to determine amylase activity.
  • Diagnosis can be aided by endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, especially if it is performed to exclude peptic ulcers or other changes in the mucous membrane, or bile reflux. For diagnostics functional disorders endoscopy provides little information. In this regard, X-ray is much more effective contrast study, with its help, stasis in the upper gastrointestinal tract and narrowing are detected.

Anamnesis. History of present illness helps clarify the frequency of vomiting episodes and their duration; association with possible precipitating factors, such as exposure to drugs or toxins, traumatic brain injury, body movements (traveling by car, plane, ship, riding a merry-go-round); the presence in the vomit of bile (bitter taste, yellow-green color) or blood (red color, “ coffee grounds"). Important accompanying symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is necessary to evaluate the time of last bowel movement and passage of gas, the presence of headache and/or systemic dizziness(vertigo).

Condition assessment various systems is aimed at identifying signs of conditions that may be accompanied by vomiting, for example, amenorrhea and swelling of the mammary glands (during pregnancy), polyuria and polydipsia (with diabetes), hematuria and pain in the lateral abdomen (with urolithiasis).

Anamnesis past diseases helps identify conditions that may be accompanied by vomiting, in particular pregnancy, diabetes, migraine, liver or kidney disease, cancer (it is necessary to establish the timing of chemotherapy or radiation therapy), as well as previous abdominal surgeries (which may cause adhesive obstruction). It is necessary to clarify what medications and substances the patient has taken recently; certain substances may not show toxic effects for several days (eg, acetaminophen, mushroom poisons).

Indications of recurrent vomiting in other family members should be taken into account.

Physical examination. When assessing vital signs, note the presence of fever and signs of hypovolemia (tachycardia and/or hypotension).

At general examination The presence of jaundice and skin rash should be noted.

When examining the abdomen, you need to pay attention to bloating and scars after previous operations; assess the nature of peristaltic noises (normal, increased); perform percussion to assess tympanitis; upon palpation, evaluate pain, signs of irritation of the peritoneum (symptom of muscle protection, rigidity, the phenomenon of “rebound pain” (Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom)), the presence of space-occupying formations, an increase in the size of organs, hernias. At rectal examination and transvaginal examination (in women) reveal local pain, mass formations and bleeding.

A neurological examination evaluates consciousness, the presence of nystagmus, signs of meningism (Kernig and Brudzinski's symptoms), ophthalmological symptoms characteristic of increased intracranial pressure or subarachnidal hemorrhage (retinal hemorrhage).

Make your life easier

First of all, find out which tastes and smells cause the strongest reaction in your body. Most expectant mothers react negatively to the smell of gasoline, cigarette smoke, various perfume compositions and detergent flavors, as well as the smell of roasted coffee and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Avoid “meetings” with them, spend time in a well-ventilated area, and perhaps nausea will not bother you during the day.

In order to make the morning less gloomy - and, as you know, attacks of nausea most often occur in the morning, on an empty stomach - follow a certain ritual of getting up. The best remedy to alleviate your condition now it will be light breakfast in bed. Ask someone from your family to look after you or take care of yourself - in the evening, put a plate of crackers or corn flakes, put an apple. These foods are usually well accepted by the stomach and do not cause nausea. Choose those foods that are pleasant to you: it could be a light fruit salad, yogurt or boiled eggs.

Throughout the day you should eat small meals 5 to 6 times. Drink more fluids - many women benefit from sour drinks fruit juices, diluted in half with water, although you may prefer slightly salted tomato. It helps to relieve nausea by rinsing your mouth with mint infusion or water with a small amount of lemon juice.

Look for your remedy - a small mint candy, a slice of lemon or a crust rye bread can be a real salvation.

The increased load on the liver requires special attention to this organ. Nowadays, animal proteins must be present in your diet. Eat lean meat, cottage cheese and mild cheese. Avoid broths, fried, fatty and spicy foods, and canned foods.

To alleviate your condition, your doctor may recommend that you take vitamin B6. Antioxidants such as vitamin E, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene have proven themselves well (take only as directed by a doctor!). But you don’t need additional iron intake yet; moreover, iron-containing drugs can increase the manifestations of toxicosis.

At home, you can prepare infusions of herbs that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system and the functioning of the stomach, liver and bile ducts: valerian root, peppermint, calendula and chamomile flowers will help.

Aromatherapy can also help, for example, the beneficial effects of the smell of ginger on women have been proven.

Treatment for nausea and vomiting

Identified diseases and dehydration are treated. Even in the absence of severe dehydration, intravenous infusion (1 liter of 0.9% saline solution; in children - at a dose of 20 ml/kg body weight) should be administered, which often helps to reduce symptoms. In adults, various antiemetic drugs are effective (Table 7-6). The choice of one or another remedy depends on the underlying cause and severity of vomiting.

Typically used:

  • at seasickness(motion sickness): antihistamines and/or scopolamine in the form of a patch;
  • for mild to moderate symptoms: prochlorperazine or metoclopramide;
  • for severe, refractory vomiting and vomiting during chemotherapy: 5-HT3 receptor antagonists.

If vomiting continues, it is necessary to prescribe drugs parenterally.

In psychogenic vomiting, establishing a trusting relationship with the patient involves understanding the discomfort they are experiencing and working together to relieve the symptoms, whatever their cause. Remarks like “you’re fine” or “it’s an emotional problem” should be avoided. A short trial of symptomatic therapy with antiemetics may be given. During long-term follow-up of the patient, regular follow-up visits to the doctor help resolve the underlying problem.

Causes of vomiting not related to pain


  • Viral gastroenteritis.
  • Food poisoning; Possibly HP related infection. Infections of other localizations, including inflammatory diseases urinary tract and pneumonia in the elderly.
  • Viral labyrinthitis.

Mechanical obstruction:

  • Pyloric stenosis, duodenal obstruction due to stomach or pancreatic cancer. Esophageal carcinoma.
  • Biliary reflux, especially if you have had previous gastric surgery or gastroenterostomy.

Alcoholic gastritis:

  • A common cause of belching in the early morning hours. The belching is usually not profuse, often mixed with blood.

Acute liver failure:

  • For example, with an overdose of paracetamol (paracetamol poisoning), acute fatty liver in pregnant women

Metabolic reasons:

  • Addison's disease (if such a suspicion arises, efforts are directed to the search for postural hypotension, pigmentation of the mucous membranes).
  • An increased or normal K content is especially important, since vomiting typically reduces the concentration of potassium in the blood.
  • The possibility of hypercalcemia, uremia and hyperthyroidism must be considered.
  • Up to 30% of people with diabetes experience occasional episodes of nausea and vomiting.

Many medications are prescribed for nausea and vomiting. They must be used with caution, keeping in mind that they all have side effects.

Basic provisions

  • In many cases, the causes of vomiting are obvious; examination of the patient does not reveal significant abnormalities; Only symptomatic treatment is sufficient.
  • There is a need to be alert to the possibility of the syndrome acute abdomen and dangerous craniocerebral pathology.
  • Patients of childbearing age should be screened for possible availability pregnancy.

Morning sickness is a common phenomenon experienced by people of all genders and ages. If you feel sick in the morning, the reasons can be varied. All of them are divided into physiological and pathological. To understand how to get rid of nausea in the morning, you need to understand what triggers it.

Physiological causes of nausea

The first thing that comes to mind for a woman of reproductive age when morning sickness occurs is pregnancy. Indeed, the development of the fetus in the uterus provokes activation of the immune system. Join hormonal surges, the process of formation of the dominant of pregnancy in the cerebral cortex.

These factors provoke gestosis. The main signs of pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • nausea in the morning, more often after eating or smelling a strong smell;
  • vomit;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • positive test for human chorionic gonadotropin.

After the formation of the placenta, from about 12 weeks, the symptoms of gestosis subside and nausea gradually disappears.

Another cause of nausea in the morning is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Violation of the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments nervous system leads to a drop in pressure in morning time which may result in nausea and vomiting.

Except physiological reasons morning sickness, pathological conditions associated with bad habits are distinguished:

  • smoking on an empty stomach provokes the development of nausea;
  • hangover syndrome is accompanied by morning sickness.

A common side effect when taking the pills is morning sickness. Malaise is caused by:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • iron-containing preparations;
  • antihistamines.

Diseases that cause morning sickness

Nausea is dangerous as one of the symptoms of a serious pathology internal organs. With many pathologies, morning sickness is the only manifestation early stage development of the disease. Pathological reasons for morning sickness:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract- The most common cause of morning sickness.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine glands.
  3. Acute surgical pathology.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Infection.
  6. Neurological problems.
  7. Kidney diseases.
  8. Oncology.

Pathology of the digestive system

If you feel sick on an empty stomach, the cause may be gastritis or a stomach ulcer. Nausea is accompanied hunger pain. worsens, a bursting sensation appears in the epigastrium. If you have symptoms, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Gastroscopy and analysis for Helicobacter pylori infection will help the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cholecystitis may be accompanied by nausea, morning heartburn, yellow coating in language and unpleasant smell from mouth. Sonographic examination of the abdominal organs has a high diagnostic value in making this diagnosis.

Pancreatitis is manifested by morning sickness and pain in the right side of the abdomen. The condition worsens after eating fatty, fried, spicy food.

Endocrine pathology

When function decreases thyroid gland– hypothyroidism severe nausea. In addition, appetite decreases, hair falls out, and swelling increases throughout the body. The mass increases. Tearfulness and depression are observed. Tests for thyroid hormones T3, T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone help decide the diagnosis.

Symptoms characteristic of hypothyroidism

If morning sickness and even vomiting appear against the background of diabetes mellitus, this may indicate a high level of ketone bodies in the blood. Ketoacidosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment, otherwise coma will occur. The accumulation of ketone bodies occurs against the background of decompensated diabetes mellitus and untreated hyperglycemia. The condition is accompanied by thirst, itching in the genital area, and poor wound healing. To establish a diagnosis, consultation with an endocrinologist and fractional blood glucose testing are necessary.

Acute surgical pathology

Nausea occurs when intestinal obstruction, . Any of the conditions is accompanied by pain.

  • appendicitis is characterized painful sensations in the right iliac region;
  • with intestinal obstruction, the entire abdomen hurts and there is bloating;
  • cholecystitis hurts in the right hypochondrium;
  • with pancreatitis, pain of a girdling nature.
Acute pathology requires immediate surgical assistance.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

If after the age of 40 you feel sick in the morning, the cause may be the onset of hypertonic disease. The clinic is complemented by headache, redness of the facial skin, pain in the heart area, and a feeling of pulsation of blood vessels.

Arterial hypertension can be complicated by a crisis. During an attack, the pressure rises to 200/110 mm Hg, the patient may feel sick, even to the point of vomiting.

If the patient is bothered by nausea and there is pain in the left half chest irradiating into left hand, then perhaps we are talking about myocardial infarction. Doctors identify several forms of atypical course of a heart attack. One of them is gastralgic, accompanied by nausea, pain in the right and left hypochondrium, and diarrhea. If similar symptoms appear, you must call an ambulance. Specialists will conduct an examination. Electrocardiography will provide information about the condition of the heart muscle.

Infectious pathology

An intestinal infection can cause morning sickness, vomiting, diarrhea and sharp pain in a stomach. The provocateur of the condition is pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating the body with dirty hands, stale food, raw eggs, milk. Bacteria, multiplying, cause intoxication. In mild cases, treatment is carried out at home, with the appointment drinking regime, antibiotics and sorbents. In case of severe toxic infection, treatment should be in a hospital.

Helminth damage

Typical localization of echinococcus in the liver

Neurological diseases

Migraine is a condition familiar to many people. An unbearable headache is accompanied by severe nausea. Often people suffering from pathology wake up in the morning with an attack. Morning sickness caused by migraine does not go away after vomiting. Painkillers and sleep will solve the problem.

According to statistics, most often a cerebral stroke develops in the early morning. In addition to nausea, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, there are also specific symptoms. Depending on the location of the ischemic injury, the patient may experience facial asymmetry, lateral deviation of the tongue, decreased strength in the arm, or the inability to lift one of the legs. If a similar clinic appears, you must urgently seek medical help.

Traumatic brain injury occurs after damage to the skull and microdamage in the structure of the brain. Changes occur in the vestibular regions, and therefore dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, nausea and vomiting develop without relief. As a rule, changes begin the morning after the injury. The correct diagnosis is made based on the conclusions of a traumatologist and neurosurgeon.

Pathology of the urinary system

Infectious kidney diseases cause intoxication, which is manifested by an increase in body temperature. Also a consequence of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis is nausea in the morning. The malaise is accompanied by swelling of the face after sleep and dysuric phenomena. With similar symptoms, it is better to consult a therapist.

Comparison of a healthy kidney and a kidney affected by pyelonephritis


Morning sickness is a symptom that accompanies many cancers. The most common of them.

We have all encountered this most unpleasant problem. Sometimes we know what is happening: we are seasick or overeated - that's one thing.

But if you experience discomfort and anxiety constantly or from time to time, if you often experience nausea, there may be a variety of reasons other than pregnancy.

The cause of nausea may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract - poisoning, gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis; at the early, pre-icteric stage of hepatitis and others.

Of course, if you just feel seasick, there is no need to treat nausea. But if you feel sick for no reason and regularly, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Most often, nausea is a sign of digestive diseases. But not only them: sometimes with this symptom you need to go not to a gastroenterologist, but to a neurologist, endocrinologist or even a cardiologist.

A number of scientists believe that the cause of nausea and vomiting, including nausea during pregnancy, is the body’s desire to get rid of harmful substances and toxins.


Symptoms: Nausea worsens after eating, as does bloating or heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. Pain or burning sensation in the upper abdomen on an empty stomach and after eating.

Treatment: Gastroscopy, general and biochemical blood tests, as well as a test for antibodies to bacteria Helicobacter pylori which causes ulcers. You will also need an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. You may be prescribed antibiotics. In any case, you have to change your eating style - not to get carried away with spicy, fatty and other non-dietary foods.


Symptoms: Begins to feel nauseous even while eating, a feeling of fullness appears. It hurts closer to the right hypochondrium. Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, heartburn, increased gas formation.

Treatment: First, ultrasound, and then, depending on the diagnosis: it could be dyskinesia of the gallbladder, the presence of stones in it, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). At the same time, it is advisable to check the liver - these organs closely interact. Treatment ranges from antibiotics to surgery to remove the gallbladder.


Symptoms: Nausea after eating, stomach bloating. A dull aching pain appears in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Intestinal upset, possible weight loss.

Treatment: Contact a gastroenterologist and take a blood test for sugar (possible type 2 diabetes). An ultrasound of the abdominal organs, blood and stool tests are required. The doctor will prescribe enzyme and anti-inflammatory drugs, and most importantly, dietary fractional meals.


Symptoms: Nausea is not related to food and may progress to vomiting. Vague pain, first in the upper abdomen, and then concentrates in the right half of the abdomen, often below. The temperature may rise to 37-38° C.

Treatment: Call urgently ambulance. Do not take painkillers so as not to complicate the diagnosis. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a blood test (leukocytes are elevated) and surgery are required. Delay is fraught with peritonitis.


Symptoms: Some time after eating, nausea increases and almost always ends with vomiting. Weakness, headache and top part abdomen in the navel area. Sometimes the temperature rises to 37-39° C. Over time, diarrhea occurs.

Treatment: If you suspect what exactly you were poisoned with, and no more than 2 hours have passed, drink 2-3 glasses in small sips warm water and induce vomiting. Then begin to replenish fluid loss (water, light tea, fruit juice). You can take 2-4 tablets of activated carbon. If the vomiting does not stop, bile appears in it, and you feel dizzy, it is better to call an ambulance - this could be a serious infection like salmonellosis.


Symptoms: Nausea and dizziness occur suddenly when you change the position of your body and head (for example, turning over on your other side in bed, standing up suddenly). Additional symptoms: loss of balance, tinnitus or nystagmus (when following an object, the eyes cannot stay on it, the gaze slides off).

Treatment: Contact an ENT specialist and a neurologist. This may be damage to the auditory or vestibular apparatus- for example, Meniere's disease. It is quite unpleasant, but not dangerous and can be successfully treated.


Symptoms: Nausea throughout the day, especially in the morning. You get tired quickly, your head often hurts or feels dizzy, and in the morning your face is a little swollen, sometimes red.

Treatment: Go to a therapist or cardiologist and measure your blood pressure after a five-minute rest. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe medications that will need to be taken constantly.


Symptoms: Nausea is persistent, sometimes to the point of vomiting. Pain has appeared and is growing in the upper abdomen, in the pit of the stomach. Possible hiccups, a feeling of stuffiness, and pallor.

Treatment: It is best to call an ambulance or immediately go to a cardiologist and ask for a control ECG. Especially if you are over 45-50 years old, you have just experienced physical or emotional stress, or have recently complained of discomfort in your heart and pain radiating to your left arm and lower jaw.


Symptoms: Nausea is slight but constant. Your appetite is reduced, but you have gained weight. Anemia, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, forgetfulness, chilliness in the heat.

Treatment: Check thyroid gland: take a blood test to check your level TSH hormones, T 4 , T 3 . If the indicators are not normal, go to an endocrinologist.


Symptoms: Nausea is not associated with food, temperature up to 38-40 ° C, sometimes vomiting. Pain (aching, dull or paroxysmal) in the lower back (less often in the abdomen), chills. Possible urination problems.

Treatment: Consultation with a therapist, nephrologist, urologist. At acute symptoms It's better to call an ambulance. General and special urine tests, general and biochemical tests blood, ultrasound of kidneys and other organs urinary system. You will need a diet and a course of medications, including antibiotics, if the inflammation is caused by an infection. Sometimes surgery is needed.


1. Side effect medicines. Any medicine can be to blame, but more often than others - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, iron supplements.
2. Pregnancy. As a rule, nausea subsides after 12-13 weeks. But in women, besides pregnancy, there may be other causes of nausea.
3. Migraine. Silence, darkness and a triptan drug, which should be prescribed by a neurologist, will help relieve the attack.
4. Concussion. If nausea does not go away or gets worse, it comes constant dizziness- call an ambulance.
5. Meningitis. If you feel very sick to the point of vomiting, your temperature has risen to 38-40° C, photophobia has appeared, your neck muscles are tense, call an ambulance as soon as possible.

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Nausea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms. Its one-time appearance most likely will not indicate serious pathologies. But if nausea appears regularly, you need to listen to this signal from your body and undergo a full examination. Why your health worsens and what to do when you feel sick, we’ll talk about this further.

Causes of nausea

Constant attacks of nausea and vomiting exhaust the body and worsen the quality of life. But the main danger of this unpleasant condition is possible risks and consequences associated with the loss useful substances or, even worse, possible rupture of the mucosa due to the constantly created pressure. So it is extremely important to promptly identify the causes of nausea.

Main causes of nausea:

  1. Gastritis or ulcer. With these diseases, the feeling of nausea intensifies after each meal, accompanied by heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Gallbladder pathologies. Most often, the general clinical picture is represented by nausea while eating, flatulence, pain on the right side and an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.
  3. Pancreatitis. The above symptoms in combination with an intestinal disorder may also indicate inflammation of the pancreas. The only difference is that the desire to vomit appears after the food enters the stomach, but the amount of enzymes is not enough to digest it.
  4. Appendicitis. In such cases, the occurrence of nausea and vomiting does not depend on food. A clear sign– wandering pain with gradual localization on the right side, mainly in the lower abdomen. Possible increase in temperature.
  5. Poisoning, intestinal infections. Nausea and stomach pain appear some time after eating, then increase until the first episode of vomiting appears. After this, the patient’s condition improves slightly, but the relief effect is short-lived. Besides common features intoxication (weakness in the body, fever, dizziness), diarrhea is noted.
  6. Violation of the vestibular apparatus. Attacks of nausea and dizziness are sudden in nature with a sudden change in body position, tilting the head. Concomitant symptoms may include tinnitus and headaches.
  7. Hypertension (high blood pressure). For chronic high blood pressure the appearance of nausea and dizziness is not related to food intake. The symptom is especially disturbing in the morning, but individual attacks can be observed throughout the day.
  8. Brain injuries and tumors.
  9. Mental disorders.
  10. Toxicosis in pregnant women. Morning sickness and vomiting is one of the first signs of pregnancy.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for constant nausea. But only qualified specialist Based on the diagnosis, it can help determine the origin of this syndrome. Therefore, when you feel sick frequently, it is strongly recommended not to self-medicate. Otherwise, the disease may progress to chronic form, which is difficult to treat. And if we are talking about brain diseases, then even the slightest delay can cost your life.

What to do if you feel nauseous

If there are constant attacks of nausea, the examination should begin with a visit to the therapist. After the initial examination will be appointed general tests that will help clarify the picture of the disease. When all the results are ready, a referral is issued for additional consultations with specialized specialists.

If you cannot see a doctor, you will have to act on your own. First aid, if a person is feeling sick, should be aimed at eliminating not only the symptom, but also the cause. Therefore, you need to pay attention to all changes in the patient’s health status.

Nausea after fatty foods

If you feel very nauseous and vomit after a fatty dinner, there is pain under the rib on the right, and there are traces of bile in the vomit, most likely you are worried about an attack of biliary colic
. Before consulting a doctor, eliminate all fatty foods, sweets and spicy seasonings from your diet. Eat small meals up to 6 times a day. And be sure to drink water!

First aid for biliary colicantispasmodics(spazmalgon, no-shpa), domperidone (Motilium, Domrid) and pantoprazole (rabeprazole). Half an hour after taking the pills, you must eat, even if the nausea has not yet passed.

If the pain intensifies, the temperature rises and darkening of the urine is observed, call an ambulance immediately!

Nausea after spicy food and alcoholic drinks

Nausea and mild pain under the rib on the left may indicate a malfunction of the pancreas
. Approved drugs: no-shpa, pankrinorm, cerucal. If vomiting and diarrhea occur, hospitalization is necessary.

The regular occurrence of symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas can greatly complicate life. Over time, abdominal pain will begin to bother you more and more often, after each meal. And without providing emergency assistance patient with acute pancreatitis Possible death.

Nausea due to food poisoning

The main difference between the symptoms of food poisoning and pancreatitis is the absence of abdominal pain
. In addition to nausea, the patient is bothered by periodic vomiting and loose stool mixed with mucus. A high temperature combined with these symptoms indicates exposure to intestinal infection. In this situation, self-medication without diagnosing the causative agent of the disease will be ineffective and even dangerous.

To treat nausea in common food poisoning, sorbents (enterosgel, Activated carbon, smecta). If an infection is suspected, stopdiar or enterofuril is taken. The patient is also shown drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea.

If you have food poisoning, do not take imodium or loperamide. Active ingredients drugs block the natural elimination of toxins from the body, which is why nausea and other symptoms of intoxication can only intensify.

Nausea and pain in the lumbar region

Severe nausea, vomiting and pain in the lower back, radiating to the thigh, may be a sign of renal colic
. Its causes can be different - from inflammation of the ureter to the formation of a tumor. Therefore, with frequent attacks, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to eliminate possible risks of developing nephrosclerosis.

The only thing that can help in this situation is antispasmodic drugs in combination with analgesics. They, of course, will not eliminate the attack of nausea, but they will relieve the painful sensations. If half an hour after taking the medications there is no improvement, and nausea and vomiting only get worse, call an ambulance.

Nausea and dizziness

Symptoms accompanying nausea can say a lot about the true causes of this condition. If you feel nauseous, but not vomiting, but at the same time you feel severe weakness in the body and feeling dizzy, perhaps we are talking about the following conditions:

  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood. Treatment involves an iron-containing diet and taking ferrum preparations.
  • Hypoglycemia (low glucose levels). To get rid of nausea, you need to eat something sweet or drink tea with sugar.
  • Low blood pressure. In case of hypotension, a cup of strong brewed coffee or tea helps to cope with attacks of nausea and dizziness.
  • Depletion of the body caused by a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Balanced diet, taking multivitamin complexes and observing a work-rest regime will help you get rid of frequent attacks of nausea.

If nausea and headache bother you, the following diseases cannot be ruled out:

  • Migraine. With migraines, the pain is usually concentrated on one side of the head. There is nausea, but no vomiting. All other indicators (temperature, breathing, speech, physical activity) remain normal. Ergotamine-based medications will help get rid of nausea and headaches.
  • High blood pressure. Nausea, black spots before the eyes and pain in the back of the head are symptoms of a jump in blood pressure. First aid - drugs of the captopril group.
  • Encephalitis and meningitis. Both diseases have an infectious etiology and have pronounced symptoms of intoxication. In both cases, hospital treatment is indicated.

Stroke! If, in addition to nausea, there is a disturbance in speech and motor activity, the patient complains of numbness in the arms or legs, or loses consciousness, do not waste time on self-medication. Only in a hospital can they provide qualified assistance. And the sooner this is done, the greater the chances of minimizing the consequences.

What to do when you feel sick in transport

Complaints about motion sickness in transport are a very common occurrence. If every trip in a car is invariably accompanied by nausea, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will help you choose gymnastic exercises to train the vestibular system and medications that will alleviate your condition during travel.

You can't buy it yourself generic tablets"from motion sickness in transport." The list of these drugs is too long side effects and contraindications, so you can mindlessly take them every time you have to go somewhere.

General recommendations on how to get rid of nausea in transport:

  • do not ride on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • do not sit in the last seats, choose seats as close to the driver as possible;
  • position yourself so that you are facing forward;
  • do not read books or use your phone/tablet while driving;
  • If possible, keep the windows open to allow fresh air;
  • Take sour or mint candies with you on the road.

If you still feel inexorably nauseous, you need to get out of the car and breathe fresh air. In the absence of contraindications you can take an anti-nausea pill (Dramine and others) half an hour before your intended trip. But this should be a one-time thing and in the most extreme cases.

There is no need to fight the body, drowning out nausea with all kinds of pills. Listen carefully to this signal and begin to take measures to identify the cause of these attacks. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

Frequent or constant nausea during daylight hours is a sign of many pathologies of the human digestive system, and may also indicate general intoxication of the body. Especially if the person is leading healthy image life, eats only biologically healthy food, has no harmful dependencies. A physiological phenomenon such as an attack of nausea is a reaction of muscle fibers in the upper and lower parts of the esophagus to irritation of the nerve endings located in the circumference. After they are irritated by neural signals from certain centers of the cerebral cortex, muscle spasm occurs and vomiting reflex. In a pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract, food may not be released at all, but the person will always feel an uncomfortable feeling of nausea. Let's try to understand in as much detail as possible what are the reasons for the origin of such unpleasant sensation, and how to get rid of it in a short period of time.

It is believed that sudden nausea is a multifactorial symptom that may indicate the presence of several diseases in the human body at once. It is not a prerequisite that these will be pathologies of the digestive tract.

Quite often, mild nausea, which is constant, is the first sign of diseases such as renal and liver failure, intoxication of the body with vapors toxic substances with a volatile molecular structure, the presence of which a person is not even aware of.

Based on many years of medical practice in the field of gastroenterology and toxicology, there are: following reasons persistent nausea with frequent vomiting, or without such an attack.


An acute or chronic inflammatory process in the tissues of the gallbladder, which is characterized by a decrease in the functional activity of this organ of the digestive system. As a result of this, in duodenum a significantly smaller volume of bile is supplied, intended for the breakdown of fatty foods. The patient feels nauseous throughout the day, and the symptom is most severe after the next snack.


We are talking about a general toxic effect on the body. Labor activity at chemical, metallurgical, coal enterprises, leads to the fact that heavy metals and harmful substances accumulate in the liver tissue and over time begin to have a toxic effect. The factor of bad habits cannot be ignored.

People who frequently use alcohol, soft drugs, tobacco products, may experience nausea for the same reason, but in a less severe form.



Most often occurs in people suffering from the initial stage of this disease, when the disease has not yet become chronic and the body signals that severe irritation of the gastric mucosa is occurring, requiring urgent drug treatment. For this reason, you may feel suddenly nauseous, a spasm will occur inside the abdomen, and then everything will suddenly go away.


This causal factor is unique to women. Nausea is diagnosed in the first trimester, when the fetus is actively developing and all body systems are being rebuilt to new order work. Physiological processes are accelerated, and to ensure intensive metabolism, a large concentration of hormones is required.

These secretions are responsible for the functioning of the organs of the digestive system, the functioning of the reproductive and central nervous systems. Therefore, nausea occurs against the background of a sharp surge hormonal levels.

High blood pressure

Each person has their own working blood pressure. As soon as excessive compression of the walls of the great vessels occurs, the patient begins to experience not only severe headache, but also a feeling of nausea appears. Quite often this pathological condition turns into full-blown vomiting. In this case, the patient requires emergency treatment medical care With intravenous administration antispasmodics.

Disorders of the cerebral cortex

Certain brain centers are responsible for stable compression of muscle fibers in the upper and lower parts of the esophagus, including the gastrointestinal tract. If a person the day before suffered an intracranial injury, suffered from meningitis, or other severe infectious diseases, the development of which leads to damage to the main thinking organ, then in this case, nausea may occur due to its systemic dysfunction.

Disturbance of intestinal microflora

This organ of the human digestive system has its own stable balance and ratio of both beneficial and harmful microorganisms. After pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi enter its cavity, a strong immune reaction occurs, aimed at quickly clearing the intestinal tract of biologically hazardous agents. In this case, the patient not only experiences frequent nausea, but also severe vomiting associated with liquid diarrhea.


This reason, which can make you feel nauseous, does not occur often, but still occurs in a wide range medical practice. Moreover, the pathology of this type not so easy to diagnose. Especially if a person lives in a small locality where there is no expensive medical equipment. The disease is characterized by the fact that the thyroid tissue produces an insufficient amount of hormones involved in the digestion and absorption of food.

In this regard, a person who has relatively satisfactory tests suffers from frequent attacks of nausea, but at the same time cannot establish the true cause of his painful condition. Analysis only venous blood indicates the concentration of hormones clinical picture diseases.

Pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas

This organ of the human digestive system plays a critical role in the stable functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if an inflammatory process occurs in its tissues, then all the food entering the stomach is not fully absorbed. In this regard, there is a natural rejection of undigested food particles back through the esophagus.

Quite often, the causes of constant nausea with bouts of vomiting are peptic ulcer. Single or multiple erosions irritate the gastric mucosa or its denser layers of epithelium. In this regard, the patient feels so unpleasant feeling spasm gastrointestinal tract.

Which doctor should I see and what tests should I undergo?

If you notice pathological symptoms associated with nausea, you should immediately seek help from a gastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct initial examination, palpation of the abdomen, and then prescribe for delivery the following types tests and passing diagnostic measures:

  • blood from finger clinical examination and from the vein for the purpose of it biochemical research;
  • feces for sowing on pathogenic microflora, as well as helminth eggs;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs;
  • endoscopic examination of the health of the small and large intestines;
  • gastroscopy of the stomach to identify ulcerative formations.

Patients who have been diagnosed with a tumor in the tissues of a particular organ of the gastrointestinal tract are additionally prescribed an MRI, as well as a biopsy of a foreign particle to determine its malignant or benign etiology.

What to do - how to quickly relieve signs of nausea?

It is believed that treatment of nausea is not advisable, since it is not an independent disease. This is just one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. Despite this, there is one proven and universal way to relieve such an unpleasant sign of the disease. It is necessary to take a horizontal position. Namely, lie on your stomach. Right hand it is clenched into a fist and placed under the peritoneum directly into the navel area.

You need to lie on the formed fist for 5-10 minutes and at the same time make sharp deep breaths. In most cases, during the specified time, a reflex relaxation of the muscle fibers responsible for spasm and vomiting occurs. This method is indicated for everyone except pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.