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Cough until vomiting and with hoarseness. Causes of coughing before vomiting. Chronic respiratory diseases

Very often, with a strong cough, a person begins to produce vomiting reflex, while experts point to several reasons for its origin. So, according to them, when it comes coughing before vomiting, one can assume the development of several respiratory diseases. This phenomenon causes anxiety and worry among parents, especially if coughing to vomiting is observed in a child who has not yet turned one year old. Having discovered such a process, it is important to understand for what reasons it may occur.

Why do children cough and vomit?

Cough with vomiting in a child is one of the symptoms of whooping cough; consultation with a pediatrician is necessary

The simultaneous occurrence of cough and vomiting in a child is much more common than in adults. Pediatricians find a fairly simple explanation for this process: the fact is that in children, the cough and vomiting centers are located very close, moreover, they are closely related to each other. If parents repeatedly notice a cough with vomiting in a child, first of all, it is worth excluding the development of such dangerous disease like whooping cough. One of the most striking and main signs of this disease is dry whooping cough which always causes vomiting. In addition, with this process, any antitussive drugs, which parents previously considered very effective in treating colds, are powerless. During coughing attacks, the baby tries to clear his throat, but he fails, his face becomes red, his tongue sticks out. In some cases, as a complication of the disease, swelling of the vocal cords may occur, posing a great danger to the patient's life. That is why it is so important when a child has a strong cough to the point of vomiting, to immediately seek medical help. experienced specialists. A pediatrician can make a diagnosis of whooping cough only based on the results of tests.

In cases where whooping cough is excluded as a cause of vomiting, it is worth considering other possible options such a state of the body. Such an unpleasant and dangerous process can be caused by the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • runny nose.

Very often, when the cough that accompanies a cold is neglected, bronchitis begins to develop. The accumulation of thick mucus in the bronchi causes a cough, which can lead to vomiting due to the fact that the mucus is not separated and brought to the surface of the respiratory tract. In addition, it is possible that coughing and vomiting may be the result of mucus accumulation in the nose. It can be intensively produced and accumulate in the nasal cavity not only due to a cold, but also as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen. In this case, mucus begins to flow down the back wall throat, causing a dry cough and vomiting in the child.

Why does this process occur in adults?

In adults, vomiting when coughing is quite rare.

In adults, coughing attacks that lead the body to develop a gag reflex occur extremely rarely. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that their immunity is much stronger, and therefore they tolerate colds much easier. But, nevertheless, adults can also sometimes be frightened by the phenomenon when a strong cough causes vomiting. Coughing to the point of vomiting is usually caused by advanced disease, which occurs in a very complex form when noted severe inflammation respiratory tract. According to experts, the gag reflex is produced due to irritation of the receptors in the throat wall. Typically, this complication is typical for pneumonia and bronchitis. advanced stage their development. Most often, vomiting due to severe coughing attacks occurs in the evenings, as well as during night sleep. It is also possible that a child may cough at night, which is especially dangerous, since during sleep the child may suffocate from vomit entering the respiratory tract. Therefore, for the entire period of treatment, in order to avoid such irreversible consequences, the mother should sleep with the child, monitoring his condition all night. This condition in children and adults is always accompanied by severe pain in the throat and chest, as damage to the mucous membranes occurs. A muffled cough that occurs mainly in the morning or on the street, causing a gag reflex, may indicate a leak in the human body. chronic bronchitis. In adults, a cough that causes vomiting may be associated with the development of diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.

In addition, such complaints may be heavy smokers, as well as people who work in dusty areas.

How to help a patient?

Having discovered such a debilitating cough, it is important to help the patient until he is examined by a doctor. Experts recommend sticking to next steps aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition:

Parents who see that the child's cough is about to cause vomiting can raise his hands up, after which temporary relief should come. If the baby does not know how to blow his nose, it is necessary to constantly rinse and clear his nose of mucus, or teach him to spit it through his mouth. In any case, if you have a cough that causes vomiting, you should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

The close proximity of the cough and vomiting centers in the brain segment explains the appearance of nausea when coughing. Bronchospastic syndrome is preceded by pathologies of the ENT organs, allergies, infections and viruses, cancer and heart diseases.

In order to correctly identify the cause of the irritating reflex act and select an adequate treatment regimen, medical participation will be required.

Why does a cough provoke a gag reflex?

Vomiting cough is more common children's body, which explains insufficient development of the meninges. This symptom in an adult indicates serious pathological disorders.

During intense bronchospasm, mucus accumulating in the projection of the respiratory tract irritates the pharynx, provoking a reflexive eruption of the stomach through the mouth. If stringy mucus concentrated in the nasal cavity, it flows down the back wall of the larynx, causing gagging.

For reference! By the nature of the sputum, you can determine the disease that prompted the formation of a cough with gag reflexes. With flu and colds, clear sputum is formed, with ARVI - with a green-yellow tint. Indicates cancer or tuberculosis blood clots in the secreted, rich yellow is characteristic of bronchial asthma, closer to brown - pneumonia.

An irritating cough has a negative effect on the body as a whole, accompanied by pain in the chest and throat, general malaise, weakness.

The intensity of attacks increases in a horizontal position and at night. They can be so frequent and intense that the patient does not have time to catch his breath before he is overtaken by a new urge to forcefully exhale.

This condition poses a health threat; with severe bronchospasm, there is a risk of violating the integrity of the mucous membrane and blood vessels, increasing blood pressure, and tachycardia.

An unhealthy environment, stressful and emotional upheavals can cause a vomiting cough.

Causes of coughing to vomiting in an adult

Cough accompanied by vomiting occurs against the background of the following pathologies:

  1. . Acute infection associated with an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and paroxysmal barking cough. The spasmodic reflex is fixed in a segment of the brain, which leads to an increase in the frequency and intensity of attacks. The disease can be recognized by the nature of reflex acts: after a wheezing inhalation (reprise), coughing tremors follow without stopping. The face appears swollen, and hemorrhages appear on the skin. With absence medical care there is a risk of suffocation and swelling of the vocal cords.
  2. . The cause of the inflammatory process in the bronchi is a viral or bacterial infection. Due to swelling of the mucous membrane, the tracheobronchial tree is blocked and the outflow of secretions is disrupted. The disease is accompanied by a dull, irritating cough that provokes vomiting, and which intensifies in morning time. Purulent impurities may come out along with sputum. If bronchitis remains untreated high probability that the disease will go from an acute form to a chronic one.
  3. Pneumonia. initial stage pathology is accompanied by muffled forced exhalations, which intensify as inflammation progresses. At the same time, the amount of mucus produced increases, which, during bronchospasm, irritates the receptors in the throat, causing vomiting.
  4. . Clinical picture identified by elevated body temperature, general malaise, pain in the chest and throat, dry cough, which can lead to a gag reflex. Coughing acts are activated mainly in the morning, when inhaling too cold or hot air, toxic elements, or hypothermia.
  5. Colds (ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza). Deviations are accompanied by severe bronchospastic syndrome, which can cause vomiting. At the beginning of the disease, a dry, irritating cough appears, followed by a productive cough. The amount of viscous pathological secretion increases, the abundant secretion of which greatly irritates the laryngeal mucosa.
  6. Tuberculosis. Initial symptom- slight cough. If the disease is started, the body is poisoned by the products of the inflammatory process, stagnation develops in the pulmonary circulation, which precedes the appearance of a spasmodic cough before vomiting. Bronchospastic attacks intensify and cause discomfort throughout the day.
  7. Oncology. Malignant neoplasms in the lungs, larynx and other organs irritate the cough center and provoke prolonged coughing attacks in adults to the point of vomiting. The patient cannot cough and lacks oxygen. During jerking acts, blood clots come out along with sputum..
  8. Allergic reaction. The sensitive mucous membrane reacts to the effects of allergens with a dry, barking cough. A non-standard reaction is characterized by profuse lacrimation, redness and itching skin, conjunctivitis. If contact with the irritant is not limited in a timely manner, coughing attacks intensify, affecting the vomiting center.
  9. Diseases of cardio-vascular system . Intense spasm is caused by heart failure and its clinical forms. Due to stagnation of venous blood in the pulmonary circulation, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, fluid from the vessels enters the pulmonary alveoli, the lumen of the respiratory tract. These phenomena are annoying nerve endings tussogenic zones, causing emetics.


The patient’s condition and further therapeutic results depend on how competently and timely first aid was provided.

Cough that causes a gag reflex, accompanied by pain in the chest area

To normalize the patient’s well-being during intense bouts of vomiting cough you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Keep windows and doors open free access air.
  2. Give plenty of fluids to drink. It's better if it is warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries or lemon, herbal decoction. They will help relieve irritation and soften the mucous membrane, thin the mucus, and improve its evacuation.
  3. Do not overfeed. If a person is hungry, give easily digestible food in small portions.
  4. Ensure rest and avoid any physical activity.
  5. Execute steam inhalations based on medicinal plants with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties: coltsfoot, eucalyptus, chamomile, pine needles. Contraindications to the procedure are elevated temperature bodies.
  6. Offer a set of breathing exercises.

Nuance! Immunomodulating drugs and vitamin complexes have a beneficial effect on the body.

Cough is not a disease, but a form of its manifestation, therefore treatment should be aimed at the cause that provokes this symptom. To achieve positive dynamics and shorten the recovery course, a comprehensive scheme is used.

After conducting a differential diagnosis and determining the etiology of the destabilizing factor, the doctor prescribes drugs of various pharmacological directions:

  1. Antitussives of central or peripheral action that do not inhibit activity respiratory system. Preference is given combined composition or herbal products: “”, “Libexin”, “Codelac”, “Bronchicum”. They suppress the excitability of the cough center, reducing the frequency and intensity of reflex acts, transforming the cough into a productive one. They exhibit analgesic and bronchodilator activity.
  2. Expectorants: “ACC”, “”, “Fluimucil”, “Mukobene”, “Acestin”, “Stoptussin-Fito”. Palliative care consists in liquefying the viscous pathological secretion, facilitating removal from the tracheobronchial tree.
  3. Mucolytic: " ", " ", " ", " ", "Flavamed", "Halixol", "with plantain". They change chemical and physical properties sputum, normalize the ratio of serous and mucous components, which reduces the viscosity of the secreted substance, and facilitate evacuation from the bronchi.
  4. Antibacterial: “Sumamed”, “Augmentin”, “Zinnat”, “Azithromycin”, “Amoxicillin”. Antibiotics are preferred wide range actions that have a bactericidal effect on inflammation. Prescribe with caution in case of increased hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, liver dysfunction, during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Antihistamines: “Zodak”, “Cetrin”, “Cetrinal”, “Xyzal”, “Allergostop”. Medicinal substances the composition inhibits the synthesis of biogenic amine receptors, reduces the intensity of allergic reactions or prevents their occurrence. They have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties, reduce hyperemia and inflammation of soft tissues.

Drugs for the treatment of severe cough to the point of vomiting are selected taking into account the patient’s age and the characteristics of the course of the pathology. IN individually The dosage and duration of the course are calculated.

An allergic cough accompanied by vomiting is provoked by external irritants: dust, pet hair, flowering plants

For reference! The simultaneous use of cough medicines and expectorants is contraindicated.


A condition where coughing causes a gag reflex requires medical attention to make a correct diagnosis and choose a treatment regimen. Helps reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant symptom occurring active image life, abandonment bad habits, balanced diet, increased drinking regime, scheduled visits to the doctor every six months.

What is a cough? This is the reaction of our respiratory system to external or internal stimuli. The nature of the cough varies. Dry or wet, with sputum production, which causes quite unpleasant feeling in a sick person.

A dry, paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is an indicator of inflammation, exposure to foreign body or an allergic reaction of the respiratory system. Air flow leaves the lungs, without discharge, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated.

A dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is an indicator of inflammation, foreign body entry or an allergic reaction of the respiratory system

A spasm of dry paroxysmal cough occurs, which can lead to vomiting in an adult, cause small blood vessels to rupture, and damage the mucous membrane.

Causes of dry paroxysmal cough before vomiting in an adult

Heart failure

One of the causes of dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is insufficient functioning of the heart.

Blood stagnation is created in the lungs (pulmonary circulation), the mucous membrane swells, and fluid from the blood vessels enters the respiratory tract and pulmonary alveoli. Irritation of the nerve endings occurs, and the person develops a dry cough that leads to vomiting.

One of the causes of dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is insufficient functioning of the heart.

Possible types cardiac cough:

  1. Rare cough at night or after activity.
  2. Cardiac asthma with acute failure hearts. Occurs at night due to increased coughing and shortness of breath. Pinkish sputum is formed, resulting from the penetration of red blood cells and fluid in the respiratory organs. The patient wants to sit down, wheezing and rapid heartbeat appear in the lungs.
  3. Pulmonary edema in this disease. Formed during: heart attack, hypertensive crisis. The patient secretes abundant foamy fluid, pinkish in color, and wheezing is heard.

Attention! In this condition, the person must be hospitalized immediately.

A cough in a person with heart failure should not always cause panic. Like all people, they may cough due to viral inflammatory diseases, with an increase in temperature, pain and sore throat.

Usually, after a morning sleep, the patient coughs up gray sputum. Taking some heart medications can cause a dry paroxysmal cough to the point of vomiting in an adult.

Carefully! When taking prescribed medications, you must be careful and monitor side effects on the body. The source of such a patient’s cough is bronchial asthma, lung diseases that have become chronic, or other diseases that the patient has.

Nervous cough

An unhealthy environment, anxiety and stress can become the motive for the formation of such a cough. Having arisen suddenly, it can suddenly stop.

The culprits of cough are:

  • Troubled, tense environment at home;
  • Anxiety, quarrels, stress, exams, public speaking;
  • Coughing and vomiting at the sight of sick people, blood, death, accidents;
  • Disgust for an unloved activity or activity.

An unhealthy environment, anxiety and stress can become the motive for the formation of such a cough.

A dry, paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting of a psychogenic nature in an adult cannot be treated. Providing a calm environment, comfortable living conditions, eliminating nervous and physical tension, observing a timely alternation of work and rest will help a person calm down.


Allergy refers to external reasons cough. Convulsive muscle contractions during an allergic cough cause gagging and are accompanied by sneezing, like a common cold. Cough is caused by an allergy to pollen of flowers, plants, ordinary dust, or any particles - irritants in the airspace.

Cough is caused by an allergy to pollen of flowers, plants, ordinary dust, any particles - irritants in the airspace

First of all, the following are at risk:

  • People who are allergic to pollen during flowering, dust, smoke, wool, toxic substances, objects and phenomena;
  • Patients with bronchial asthma;
  • People who inherited allergies from relatives.

Oncological diseases

A dry cough lingers in the body for a month or more - this phenomenon is typical and cancer, dangerous to human life. Malignant neoplasms often cause coughing dry paroxysmal to vomiting in an adult. Here you need a mandatory check with an oncologist and pulmonologist. It is necessary to do a blood test, x-ray, MRI of organs, bronchoscopy, etc.

Lungs' cancer

Scratching in the throat, hacking cough, slight fever appear when there is development cancerous tumor throat. This condition is caused by irritated nerve endings in the mucous membrane of the throat, narrowing of the larynx due to swelling and breathing becomes difficult.

Scratching in the throat, a tearing cough, a slight fever appear when there is a development of a cancerous tumor of the throat

Certainly, malignant formations They are less common than simple colds; it is not at all necessary to immediately run to the oncologist after sneezing. But, if attacks of dry cough in an adult drag on, it is better to simply consult a doctor. It won't take much time, but will keep you healthy.

It is important to know! Early diagnosis– this is 90% of the cure for cancer.

Bronchial asthma

In bronchial asthma there is inflammation respiratory tract. With the manifestation of bronchial activity, the patient has shortness of breath, congestion, wheezing, a strong suffocating, debilitating cough. These phenomena are noticeable in the morning after a night's sleep.

In bronchial asthma there is inflammation of the airways

Cause of bronchial asthma:

  1. Professional. Work with poisonous means, dust deposits, gases, etc.;
  2. Bad ecology;
  3. Household chemical substances: aerosol sprays, perfumes, colognes, varnishes, etc.;
  4. Hereditary cause;
  5. The effect of some food as an irritant;
  6. As a result, long-term inflammation of the respiratory system.

This disease is treated symptomatic means regulating the patient's breathing, dilating the bronchi. They not only relieve coughs, but also relieve spasms and relieve pain.

These are drugs for an asthmatic cough attack., sympathomimetics and corticosteroids, metered dose inhalers, including:

  • Beclamethasone (beclazone, becloforte, becotide);
  • Flunisolide, Fluticasone (loctisod);
  • Budesonide.

Note! Purpose medicinal drugs for asthma is carried out only by a doctor after studying the test results and diagnosis.


ARVI, acute form of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. The cough in these diseases is initially dry, and after a few days (2-3) it becomes damp, with copious discharge of thick, yellowish sputum. Usually people cope with treatment themselves, but in case of a protracted illness, they should see a doctor.

The cough during ARVI is dry at first, and after a few days (2-3) it becomes wet

ARVI - acute respiratory viral infection. Spreads quickly. The source is a sick person, infected birds or animals. The virus is transmitted by air, oral, and handshakes.

At the beginning of the disease infection multiplies in the nose, in the larynx, a rare dry cough appears, developing into a continuous one, runny nose, watery eyes. After infection enters the bloodstream, general intoxication of the body occurs, headache, chills, and aching limbs. At the end of the illness - moist cough with purulent discharge.

Types of inflammation:

  1. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, as a result of colds. Reason: hypothermia, overheating, transmission of infection from the mouth of a sick person, due to dust or overstrain of the larynx. This is another source of such cough.
  2. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, with symptoms of dryness, sore throat, pain when swallowing, slight fever, hacking cough, headache, mucus from the nose. Pathogens: staphylococci, streptococci.
  3. Tracheitis is inflammation of the trachea. The disease is associated with laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. Pathogens: staphylococcus, streptococcus. Symptoms: fever, severe cough in the morning, at night, chest pain, a sore throat. Possible complications: bronchopneumonia, bronchitis.
  4. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. Cause: viral or bacterial infection (pneumococci, streptococci, influenza viruses, adenorinoviruses).

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. Cause: viral or bacterial infection

Non-infectious agents can also influence irritating factors, dust, odors, gases. Distributed by by airborne droplets through contact with a sick person. Severe bronchitis causes hemorrhage of the mucous membrane.

Identifying the source of a cough is only possible through medical tests. Entry of a foreign object. A foreign object entering a person's respiratory tract is one of the reasons for the appearance of an unexpected outbreak of continuous coughing.

Choking, vomiting, and acrocyanosis may occur. There are many known cases of death. A foreign object enters the respiratory tract from the mouth, through a wound in the neck, or through chest.

Cough, fast driving, deep breath, laughter, conversation, dental treatment, loss of consciousness, etc. – can serve as a motive for the penetration of a foreign object.

Its location can be determined by external examination, percussion, x-ray examination, tracheobronchoscopy. To remove a foreign object, medical, sometimes surgical, intervention is required.

Other Possible Causes

Dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult it occurs not only for the reasons listed:

  • Some types of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are also sources of this cough. It appears after eating, when there is a crack, hole, or esophageal diverticulum in the trachea.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (nodular diffuse goiter).
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs or bronchi is the source of a long, dry cough.
  • There are medications for heart and hypertension that have side effects: nausea, dizziness, dry continuous cough. For example, such drugs: for inhalation ipratropium bromide, beclamethasone; for pressure nitrofurans, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin. The patient should report to his doctor if there are side effects from the medications he is taking.

The appearance of a dry cough is also influenced by the purchased item, furniture in the room, wallpaper, washing powder, smells.

How to find out the cause by sputum

Dry paroxysmal An adult's cough to the point of vomiting often becomes wet, i.e. with sputum. This is observed with prolonged colds. The doctor always pays attention to the features of the cough: its frequency, sputum color, smell, consistency.

A dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult often becomes wet, i.e. with sputum

It is possible to recognize the disease by the state of sputum patient, source of cough:

  1. Transparent and liquid sputum is characteristic of colds, respiratory inflammation, asthma, and allergies.
  2. Thick, yellow-green sputum is characteristic of diseases: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  3. Sputum is brown - burgundy color, bloody-colored discharge occurs with advanced pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, larynx, and respiratory injury.

If you have a cough with sputum, you should definitely contact your doctor, especially if there is blood in the sputum.

Treatment of dry cough

This cough compresses the bronchi, producing a spasm. The patient develops shortness of breath, heart failure, ruptured capillaries, and difficulty breathing.

A dry, continuous cough leads an adult to vomiting and impotence. If the disease drags on, it means it has taken on a chronic form of the disease. The patient needs to see a doctor who will refer you for a test. necessary tests.

To reduce a dry cough, the doctor usually prescribes mucolytics, secretolytics, antiviral and antibacterial

To reduce a dry cough, the doctor usually prescribes mucolytics, secretolytics, antiviral and antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and bronchodilators.

If necessary, prescribe antipyretics, hypnotics, anthelmintics drugs containing codeine (a narcotic) and other drugs that eliminate a debilitating cough. You cannot self-medicate; treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.


Warm compresses to relieve cough. The compress components are different:

  1. Mixture: honey and vegetable oil;
  2. Mixture: honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil;
  3. Medical alcohol, vodka;
  4. Camphor oil;
  5. Mustard wrap;

Mustard powder with honey for compresses for bronchitis

They rub the chest and back, do not touch the heart area, apply polyethylene or parchment paper to the rubbed areas, wrap in a warm blanket for 2-4 hours, it is advisable to do this at night.


An effective method for getting rid of dry cough– inhalation. It helps turn a dry cough into a wet one, which later makes it possible to cough up mucus and cleanse the lungs:

  • open the potatoes with the skins on, breathe in the steam of the potatoes, without water, covering your head with a thick blanket, you can add a drop of fir oil;
  • heat alkaline mineral water add a solution of tea soda;
  • two drops of essential oils: cedar, lavender, mint, eucalyptus per two glasses of boiling water.

Tinctures for drinking and rinsing

Any pharmacy sells fees medicinal herbs in packages. There are packages with herbal mixtures specifically against coughs, with brief notes on the composition and use. Dry herbs have such qualities: chamomile, calendula, mother and stepmother, licorice, marshmallow, St. John's wort, marsh rosemary.

Honey is healthy effective remedy from inflammation and cough. Honey is used independently, with hot tea or boiling water, as part of tinctures, hot milk, and grape juice.

Decoction: for one glass of milk, two cut onions, let stand for four hours, strain the decoction, take one tbsp after four hours. spoon

If you clean out the center of a green radish and fill the well not to the brim with honey, then in the morning juice will form, which is a good expectorant (1 tablespoon four times a day).

Decoction: for one glass of milk, two cut onions, let stand for four hours, strain the decoction, take one tbsp after four hours. spoon.
Raspberries with hot tea (usually raspberry jam), frozen raspberries quickly warm the body and have an expectorant effect.

How to provide first aid quickly:

  • Raise the pillow so that the head is at least 15 cm from the bed, in this position the wall of the larynx is at rest;
  • Open the window in the room to let air in;
  • Humidify the room;
  • Give warm, plenty of fluids;
  • Eliminate odors, smoke, dust, etc. from the room;
  • Gargling: decoction or tincture of sage with chamomile. For a glass of water 1 tbsp. herbs, boil the decoction in a water bath. Leave for 1.5 hours. Drink after 2 hours;
  • Compresses, rubbing, inhalation;
  • Chew a slice of lemon slowly in your mouth, after which you should not eat for an hour. Lemon kills germs;
  • Crush a clove of garlic and put it in hot milk, leave. Drink 3 times a day;
  • Yoga exercise: sit in the “Lion pose” on your heels, press them tightly to your buttocks, thighs on your calves. Take a deep breath through your nose, while inhaling, spread your fingers wider, tighten them. Throw your head back, arch your back, open your mouth, stick out your tongue as much as possible and growl as you exhale. And so several times a day.

The above remedies can give positive results in the patient’s recovery, more the effect will be when complex treatment prescribed by a doctor based on test and diagnostic results.

Watch a video on how to cure dry cough in adults:

In this video you will be told about an effective method for treating dry cough:

In this video, the doctor explains how to treat a dry cough:

Cough appears in people various reasons, as a result of colds and other diseases.

In some cases, coughing in an adult can be very inconvenient, especially if nausea occurs, which leads to vomiting.

Some people suffer from cough and nausea at night, and some all day long. In order to eliminate cough with nausea, you will need to know the main causes of its occurrence in adults, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of the symptoms.

Additional factors

Many people become very worried if the cough is so strong that nausea appears and there may be vomiting. IN such a case patients can simply deceive themselves and invent various diseases.

But most often, similar symptoms in adults and children indicate colds.

If proper treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then cough and nausea become more severe. serious problem, which becomes more difficult to treat. This condition can be diagnosed during attacks.

Also, a provocateur can be the accumulation of a huge amount of mucus in the nasopharynx, as a result of which, when they flow down the throat, a feeling of nausea appears, after which there may be the urge to vomit.

Provoke the appearance similar condition Maybe a cough that was not completely cured, due to which serious complications began to appear.

In some cases, an adult begins to involuntarily or specially swallow sputum, which is not possible to spit out.

They are released into the oral cavity when coughing. In such a case, when a large amount of sputum is swallowed, nausea occurs. Of course, this happens quite rarely, but if you cough, there will be no health hazard.

Vomiting is considered a result of colds and other viral diseases. During the diagnosis, doctors can identify several other diseases through which the cough appears:

  1. Poor heart function. Cough appears when acute form heart disease, when the organ does not have enough air and an attempt is made to swallow more oxygen through coughing.
  2. Allergic reaction. In some cases, a cough occurs due to an allergy to certain foods or substances. In this case, gagging is often added when coughing. In addition, there may be rhinitis, as well as frequent sneezing.
  3. Tuberculosis or lung cancer. Two similar diseases very dangerous for humans, while an adult may not just have a cough, it becomes convulsive and not only vomiting appears. In advanced forms of pathology, a small amount of blood will come out of the patient’s mouth, and the temperature may increase.
  4. Bronchial asthma. IN this state In an adult, only cough and vomiting are observed. Often the problem appears at the very beginning of the development of the disease. But there are times when symptoms occur when chronic form course of diseases.

The above are only additional factors what can happen when you cough. You also need to know the main reasons why nausea, vomiting, and cough are possible.

Knowing the possible factors, it will be possible to quickly determine the cause and begin treatment.

Main causes and their symptoms

When an adult or child coughs, there may be sputum different color. If a person has bronchial asthma, then sputum becomes yellow with bright colors.

The main reason for this condition is a large number of eosinophils.

If the sputum becomes reddish, rusty in color, then this is a sign of pneumonia. With tuberculosis in the active stage of development, blood clots begin to appear.

If the cause is a common cold, the sputum will not have any color, it is simply transparent, although in some cases it may have a yellow and green tint.

If a lot of sputum accumulates in the respiratory system due to a cold, smoking or negative environmental influences, then breathing will be difficult.

In such a case, the body tries to get rid of mucus on its own and cough, nausea, and vomiting appear.

Quite often, cough with sputum production and vomiting can be found in children. All this appears as a result of the fact that the body is not fully formed and the cough and vomiting centers are close to each other.

Cough in children often appears as a result of a runny nose, and if the baby has not yet learned to blow his nose, then phlegm will accumulate in the body, after which he will try to remove it out.

The situation is much more serious if a child develops whooping cough. In this case, children will have a frequent and dry cough, and during an attack, children begin to stick out their tongues and their faces become red. After an attack, vomiting may begin.

Knowing possible reasons and symptoms must be treated in any case, and only after tests and examination by a doctor can an accurate diagnosis be made and correct, effective treatment used.

Drug therapy

Before starting treatment with pills and other medications, it is worth noting that it is better not to cope with the pathological condition yourself.

Every person can have individual characteristics and the causes of attacks, and doctors can accurately determine their nature and occurrence.

As a result of the data obtained, doctors prescribe correct treatment for quick recovery.

If a cough appears and begins to feel nauseous, doctors can prescribe medications that have the following effect:

  1. Relieves seizures. Medicines called Codeine, Glycine, and Oxeladin can stop coughing in an adult.
  2. Affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Among the effective means are Neocodin and Linkas.
  3. If the cough doesn't go away long time and constantly feel nauseous, then doctors can use preparations made from marshmallow and licorice root. Similar medicines help stop seizures a short time about 4 hours, so you will need to take medications 4-5 times a day.

If you do not want to use medications for treatment, you can seek help from traditional medicine, which can have a positive effect during attacks.

Folk remedies

Before use traditional methods Treatment It is recommended to consult a doctor before taking a particular prescription.

Natural products can easily relieve a person from severe attacks and other unpleasant symptoms, but it is better to use them in combination with drug treatment. For therapy it is used:

  1. Breast collection. This remedy will relieve cough and additional discomfort. It is easy to buy the mixture at the pharmacy, the cost is low, and you need to take the medicine 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Rubbing. Before going to bed, it is useful to rub the body during attacks. Honey is ideal for this, and after rubbing it is useful to wrap part of the body in a woolen scarf. Can also be used for rubbing badger fat, which is especially good for children.
  3. Milk. At night it is recommended to drink milk, to which a little honey and butter are added.

You should drink more warm water throughout the day. In addition, during attacks it is useful to drink teas that are made from rose hips, raspberries, and you can use uzvar.

Such drinks have an expectorant effect and alleviate symptoms.

If a child had whooping cough, then in adulthood the body will not be afraid of such a disease, the immune system will protect the person.

Therefore, coughing with vomiting or nausea can be a terrible symptom that indicates illness. In most cases, the symptom appears when incomplete treatment colds.

Quick help

  1. Drink more warm water, and also adjust your diet. Warmed milk with honey, as well as raspberry tea, are great for attacks. Food products should be light and also based on plant ingredients.
  2. It is recommended to lie down and rest more.
  3. It is useful for the patient to carry out constant inhalations with herbs. To do this, you can use mint or chamomile, or breathe hot jacket potatoes.
  4. It is useful to rinse your nose with saline solution. To prepare, you need to dilute ½ tsp in 250 ml of warm water. salt.
  5. If you experience a feeling of vomiting or nausea during the next attack, you need to quickly raise your hands to the top, and then keep them up until the cough and other symptoms go away.
  6. At home, you can put mustard plaster on your chest or back. It is recommended to do this at night, and in the morning there will be significant relief and the attacks may pass.

If various measures have been taken to normalize the condition, but the symptoms do not go away, then the help of a doctor is required. Quick diagnosis will allow you to identify diseases at early stage and you can easily get rid of them.

Useful video

Before vomiting, how to treat? Sooner or later, many parents are faced with this issue, because this course is characteristic of several common diseases at once. At the same time, you need to understand that it is the cause that needs to be treated, not the consequences, therefore, if a child has a fever, cough, or vomiting, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a timely diagnosis and, based on the information received, take measures to restore health. Attempts to self-medicate can lead to complications, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than the original pathology.

Child: in danger or not?

Modern children are not flowers growing, like that rose, under a glass cover. They communicate with each other and explore the world, enjoy public places and constantly encounter a variety of alien microorganisms. In childhood, the immune system is quite weak, constantly adapting to the characteristics of the environment, and therefore is more susceptible to the aggressive influence of various factors. Therefore, a dry cough leading to vomiting is observed much more often in a child than in an adult.

Usually a cough and runny nose indicate a cold, since it defensive reactions an organism that cleanses tissues of mucus and dust. Coughing usually does not cause concern, but coughing attacks with vomiting in a child often become a reason to panic.

Where did the trouble come from?

In childhood, such a severe cough, which is accompanied by gagging, is observed quite often. IN younger age the body is not yet developed enough, and the organs responsible for the cough reflex are quite close to those that provoke vomiting. These organs are interconnected, and if a child has a coughing attack to the point of vomiting, there is probably nothing wrong with it - it’s just the specifics of physiology. However, there is a possibility of a more serious illness. To rule it out or confirm concerns, you need to seek help from a qualified pediatrician.

The greatest concern should be caused by the situation when such attacks occur frequently, are repeated with small frequency, and persist for a long time. It is known that a child’s severe cough at night before vomiting can indicate the presence of a serious illness. Which one will be determined by the doctor based on information from the tests.

Whooping cough

This is an infectious disease that preventive vaccination goes quite easily. At first, the symptoms are mild, so whooping cough is mistaken for a common cold. When incubation period infection comes to an end, the patient’s health condition deteriorates sharply. The most striking manifestation of whooping cough is a suffocating, severe cough in a child to the point of vomiting, accompanied by convulsions. Tears appear in the eyes, the face turns red, the body tenses, the tongue reflexively sticks out.

Such a strong cough in a child to the point of vomiting often comes at night, in severe cases Several attacks can occur in one night, each of which ends with a peculiar sound.

What to do?

Anti-drugs do not show effectiveness. If there is an assumption that the reason that a child has a strong dry cough to the point of vomiting is whooping cough, it is necessary to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. IN laboratory conditions They do a mucus culture and take information from the blood of a small patient.

It is necessary to understand that coughing attacks during whooping cough are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, since the body’s tissues do not receive oxygen during such “attacks” of the disease. The first thing that suffers from this is nervous system. The disease torments the little man and deprives him of strength, and the immune system is too weak to give any effective response. Self-medication for whooping cough can lead to numerous complications; it is not practiced at home; constant medical supervision is required. So, if a child coughs to the point of vomiting, what should you do? First of all, consult a doctor to identify the exact cause.


This disease is quite common and usually accompanies a cold as a complication if the primary cause has not been treated. Most favorable conditions- change of seasons, high humidity, temperature changes. Often, coughing and vomiting in a child without fever are observed if the baby spent some time in a drafty room. Hardening and multi-layered windproof clothing, unfortunately, cannot prevent the onset of a cold.

Bronchitis is one of the most difficult complications of a cold. The fight against this disease takes a long time. If you start it, there is a possibility that the form will become chronic. If the problem is bronchitis and it is observed, it is necessary, if possible, to urgently contact your local pediatrician. Each next attack is usually accompanied not only by vomiting, but also by shortness of breath, and when the sputum is discharged, the baby becomes better.

Bronchitis: can’t be started

If vomiting in children when coughing is caused by bronchitis, this situation should be given special attention. Pathology is associated with bacterial or viral damage to the body, and each option requires specific therapeutic approach. If the reason why children vomit when coughing is viral bronchitis, with the right treatment, the disease will completely go away in just a week. But with the bacterial form, therapy will take a much longer period and will be more difficult.

If vomiting in children when coughing is provoked by viral bronchitis, the use of antimicrobial drugs will not give the desired result, but will noticeably weaken immune system. But with bronchitis caused by microbial infections, it is antibiotics that come to the rescue, and of the group that is effective against the pathogen found in the child. If vomiting in children when coughing is caused by bronchitis, it is necessary to use modern and effective means, the use of which is associated with least danger for good health. Treatment with antimicrobial drugs always lasts a course and under the supervision of a doctor; there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction, so choosing this option on your own is unacceptable.

Cough and runny nose

At a very young age, children do not know how to clean their nasal passages well on their own, and mucous secretions flow down the back wall of the throat, causing irritation. The body reacts to this with a cough reflex, accompanied by the urge to vomit. At the same time, a runny nose may not be noticeable externally, especially if the disease is associated with severe swelling, when snot simply cannot come out through the nose.

To eliminate vomiting in children when coughing, provoked by this reason, it is necessary to use drugs against the common cold. True, this should be done only after the child has been examined by a pediatrician and the assumption has been confirmed that the gag reflex is caused by a runny nose. The doctor will also help you choose a safe and effective medicine, which can be used at a tender age.

Allergies and cough

Allergies are often accompanied by various unpleasant, severe symptoms, including runny nose, cough and gag reflex. Many children suffer from nasal congestion, and medications to relieve a runny nose do not show any effectiveness in this situation. Real benefits can bring special medications designed against allergic reactions - antihistamine group.

In a gentle childhood Taking such drugs is usually not possible, so you should consult a doctor before choosing treatment. Often the only reasonable option is to find out which allergen provoked the body’s reaction and exclude it from the baby’s daily routine. Preventing contact with causing allergies composition, substance in most cases gives best effect, and the symptoms exhaust themselves quite quickly.

Foreign body and cough

Sometimes vomiting in children when coughing is caused by something that has entered the body. foreign body. Children are the most curious participants in human society, and they want to taste everything. Often, elements of absorbed food and small parts of toys end up in the respiratory tract, where they get stuck. In such a situation, a cough reflex develops as an attempt by the body to cleanse itself of foreign matter. These attacks may well be accompanied by vomiting.

Usually this is the reason, if the child’s condition has deteriorated sharply, without any assumptions as to why this could happen, and also in the absence of prerequisites such as a cold or fever. To prevent unwanted severe consequences, you need to urgently seek help from specialists. If in the nose, larynx for a long time there will be foreign objects, this will cause tissue damage. In the most unfavorable development of the situation, the respiratory tract is completely blocked, which provokes suffocation, leads to a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues of the body, and in some cases can even provoke death.

There are many options!

There are a huge number of known causes of vomiting in children when coughing. It is very unlikely to determine on your own what is wrong without special education and the ability to conduct a series of tests. It is known that cough can be accompanied by a gag reflex in pneumonia, which requires urgent medical intervention. Such symptoms are also typical for asthma, croup, and pharyngitis. In some cases, the symptom indicates serious violations in the integrity of organ tissue. In this way, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system can manifest themselves. In addition, vomiting in children when coughing may indicate infection with the tuberculosis bacillus.

To determine what’s wrong and take the right measures to eliminate the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist who has the knowledge, equipment, and other capabilities to fully examine the child’s body. It is the responsibility of parents to promptly address qualified help. In this case, relief of the condition will be accompanied by the most effective measures against the real root cause of the symptom.

Dry cough and vomiting

A dry cough is associated with strong muscle tension, which can provoke a gag reflex, since the center responsible for it is located relatively close to the pharynx, and the gag reflex is also transmitted here. nervous excitement. Vomiting in this situation does not last long, and after it the cough disappears for a while. Each new attack causes fear in the child, the patient seems weak and feels tired.

There are quite a few causes for dry cough. This symptom can be caused by a variety of infections, viruses that cause respiratory pathologies. When microscopic harmful life forms enter the respiratory tract, it provokes inflammation and the receptors responsible for coughing are activated. In some cases, the cause is inflammation affecting the vocal cords. Often a dry cough is caused by allergic reaction, infection with pathological bacteria or inflammatory processes pleura. Such a symptom is known if there is a reverse throwing of food into oral cavity, esophagus A dry cough can accompany being in a room with harmful fumes, as well as the consequences of such stay. Finally, this may indicate heart defects, aortic aneurysm. Accurate diagnosis can only be diagnosed by a qualified doctor after carefully examining the patient and examining the tests taken.

Night cough and vomiting

Regardless of the cause, cough at night is always stronger than during the day. This is due to the accumulation of mucous secretions during sleep. At the same time, the body does not have the ability to absorb secretions, which irritates the receptors responsible for coughing and activates the reflex. At the same time, blood flow slows down when a person takes horizontal position, the lungs receive less oxygen, and mucus and phlegm simply cannot be resolved in a timely manner. The accumulation of these masses generated by mucous tissues leads to severe coughing, often accompanied by a gag reflex.

It is likely that in daytime If the child coughs, it practically does not bother him and does not attract attention, but at night the situation becomes very aggravated, severe attacks begin, and breathing is blocked even for short periods of time. Coughing at night is much more difficult than during the day, and getting rid of phlegm requires a very intense effort. This condition is associated with a number of health risks, including the possibility of choking on vomiting fluids. To prevent such a development of the situation, during an attack, adults should be near the child and provide him with all possible assistance.

What else should you pay attention to?

It is known that vomiting in children when coughing can accompany a long stay in cool room. In particular, if a child sleeps in a cold room with dry air, this causes increased likelihood cough. Dry air provokes irritation of the mucous membrane, which activates cough receptors.

If the cough is caused by whooping cough, it also becomes much stronger at night, and the attacks are more severe than during the daytime. The cough is dry, literally tearing and tormenting the child and preventing him from sleeping. But if coughing attacks, including those accompanied by vomiting, appear in the morning, this signals asthma. Often, when inhaling, the child makes a characteristic whistle.

Attention to all aspects

In some cases, vomiting in children when coughing is caused by teething. This process is accompanied by copious salivation, and at night, during sleep, the swallowing reflex does not work, so saliva accumulates in the laryngeal area. This activates cough receptors and provokes an attack.