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What is the cause of food allergies and how to treat it. Foods that cause allergies

Over the past two decades, the number of diagnosed allergic diseases has doubled. In addition to various types of allergies known to medicine, a new variant has appeared - food intolerance. However, idiosyncrasy has been known since ancient times, but only a few suffered from it, which is probably why the disease has not been studied as carefully as other diseases. Today the products allergic, are ubiquitous, the list of them is increasing every year.

So, quite recently, soybeans were considered almost the most dietary product in the world, but in just ten years, starting from 2000, the number allergic reactions for soy products increased from 1% to 22-25%. More than 10% of allergy sufferers suffer from intolerance to a particular product. age group, that is, children and about 5% of adults. The most common foods that cause allergies are protein food, since the protein is a thermostable component, that is, it does not lose its immunogenicity during heat treatment, the protein is also quite resistant to the effects of enzymes and acids. The most aggressive in terms of allergy provocation are cow's milk and all products containing it, fish and chicken eggs. Also, protein in small quantities can be contained in vegetable food, despite the small amount, the protein components may well provoke food intolerance.

Here is a short list of the main products containing immunogenic protein:

  • Wheat and its derivatives (cereals).
  • Rye and products containing rye.
  • Oats and oat products.
  • Corn.
  • Soy and some other legumes - beans, peanut, lupine.
  • Almost all umbrella plants are parsley, carrots, celery, dill.
  • Almost all nightshades - eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes.
  • Fruits and berries containing a certain amount of protein and salicylates - strawberries, peaches, apples, strawberries, kiwi, avocados, watermelon.
  • Almost all nuts - chestnut, peanuts, cashews, Walnut, hazelnut, almond.
  • Plants of the cruciferous family - radish, mustard, cabbage, radish, horseradish.

Allergic foods from the list above can for a long time be relatively safe. However, if there is gastrointestinal diseases, with an allergenic readiness or an already existing allergic reaction to pollen, medicines or another substance, food can become a real trigger for severe allergies.

Foods that cause allergies are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Dyspepsia, diarrhea, colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Babies under one year old often spit up.
  • Hives.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Swelling of lips, face.
  • allergic rhinitis.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Cough up to an asthmatic attack.

anaphylactic shock in food allergies rare, most commonly caused by peanuts, lobsters, crabs, crayfish, eggs, and fish.

Foods that cause allergies can provoke and aphthous stomatitis when an allergic reaction develops oral cavity. The tongue, lips, pharynx swell, all these signs are combined with severe itching and colitis. More often allergic stomatitis occurs in adolescents after eating citrus fruits, mushrooms or nuts. Seizures bronchial asthma are typical for adult allergy sufferers, and they are provoked by tomatoes, carrots or apples. Urticaria and dermatitis are provoked by nuts.

Nowadays, food allergies are becoming more common and on a variety of products. Allergic to milk, gluten, chocolate, and many vegetables and fruits. And if vegetables are rare, then fruits, especially with a high degree allergenicity, quite often cause unpleasant symptoms.

Medicine has long been studying the factors that cause the body's sensitivity to certain products. Alas, these factors are still not fully understood. But doctors are sure that the basis of the allergic reaction is a genetic predisposition.

Causes of food allergies

So what fruits cause allergies? An allergic reaction manifests itself in the following cases.

  1. The body does not like some component chemical composition fruit or vegetable - specific fruit acid, carbohydrates or even vitamins.
  2. It is now known that fruits that cause allergies are most often red or orange in color. Probably, the body reacts to the pigment that turns the fetus red. It happens that with this type of allergy, not only fruits of these shades are impossible, but also tomatoes or carrots that are harmless to most. It happens that when peeling the skin, an allergic person can safely consume the product inside.
  3. There is also a reaction to stone fruits - these can be apricots, peaches, plums, etc.
  4. People suffering from pollinosis to pollination) are more susceptible to a negative reaction to fruits, because it is pollination that becomes the beginning of fruit ripening. So, allergy sufferers who are tormented by allergies during the ripening period of apples also cannot tolerate apples themselves.
  5. A negative reaction of the body to fruits grown in other countries is also not uncommon. That is why when visiting tropical countries, you need to use local fruits with extreme caution. In this case, there are several reasons for causing allergies - either the body did not like the composition of the tropical fruit, or chemical treatment which he passed.
  6. The so-called pseudo-allergic reaction occurs when the product is simply overeaten. In this case, in small quantities, it is now allowed to eat it. The main thing is not to overeat.
  7. In addition, there is also a version that an allergic reaction is a sign of infection with helminths, by destroying which, food intolerance can be eliminated.

Food allergies in babies

During breastfeeding any fruits that a nursing mother consumes can cause an allergy in a baby. The risk increases if one of the parents suffers from this type of ailment. But usually these are fruits of red and orange colors. Also, chemical additives often cause a reaction, so fruits should be chosen with extreme caution.

An allergy to fruits in a child is citrus fruits, red fruits, and even usually occurs on a red pigment or on ascorbic acid that they contain. But since apples themselves are very useful product, try to give your child yellow or green varieties (they are hypoallergenic) or bake them, cook compotes from them - heat treatment reduces the allergenicity of fruits.

Bananas are another fruit that babies start feeding at an early age. Despite their popularity, bananas should be given to a child very carefully. Not only are they among the fruits that cause allergies in children, but they are also difficult for the intestines, especially such a small one.

Attention! Bananas have long been known to be treated with chemicals, so it's a good idea to wash them before using them.

Allergenic fruits

The diet of growing children and adults is much wider than that of babies. This section contains berries, vegetables and fruits that most often cause food allergies. Can cause allergic reactions in both children and adults following products:

  1. Yellow and orange fruits - peaches, apricots, all kinds of citrus fruits (especially lemon), which also irritate the stomach lining, pears.
  2. Purple fruits and berries - plums, black grapes, currants, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberry.
  3. Red fruits and berries, as mentioned above, are watermelon, cranberries, pomegranates, cherries, etc. According to the degree of allergenicity, strawberries and wild strawberries are in the lead. Compotes and juices based on them are also allergens.
  4. Dried fruits - dates, figs, raisins, dried apricots.
  5. Fruits that are not typical for our area - pineapples, mangoes, persimmons, papaya, kiwi, melon, to which the body may respond inadequately.

Attention! It has been proven that overripe fruits cause more allergic reactions - not only do they contain more fruit acids, they can already be affected by mold fungi.

Food allergies: symptoms

Immediately after using the product, swelling, itching and redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and later other parts of the body, may occur, since, once in the general bloodstream, the allergen begins to irritate nerve endings. Allergies are manifested by rashes, and sometimes by rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and digestive disorders. The most dangerous allergic reaction is angioedema.

As shows medical practice, often an allergy to fruits manifests itself either skin diseases(the main symptom is rashes on the epidermis, redness and itching), or dyspeptic disorders.

Vegetables and food allergies

Allergy to fruits and vegetables usually manifests selectively. In case of an allergic reaction, doctors advise eating boiled vegetables more often than raw ones. For example, raw carrots can easily cause allergies, and boiled carrots - only in exceptional cases.

Potatoes are another favorite vegetable that sometimes causes allergies due to their high starch content. That is why it is advised to soak it in water for several hours before cooking. During this time, almost all starch will go into the water. In case of intolerance to potatoes, doctors recommend replacing it with sweet potato (sweet potato) or mashed banana. In fact, if you are allergic to some vegetables, it will not be difficult for you to replace them with others that are no less healthy.

The most allergenic vegetables include: tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, sorrel, celery, eggplant, red pepper, beets, radishes, horseradish, sauerkraut. Pickled cucumbers and other vegetables in jars are also included.

Interesting fact! Allergies are much less affected by people who limit the use of alcohol and sugar.

Vegetables and fruits are hypoallergenic

What fruits can you eat with allergies? The human body is so unique that negative reactions occur even to the most harmless gifts of nature.

But the hypoallergenic products most often include apples of green and yellow varieties, pears. The main thing is to ensure that they are not imported. In general, buy large, beautiful fruits, ideal in their own way. appearance not worth it, as they are most likely stuffed with chemicals.

From hypoallergenic berries - white varieties of cherries and plums, white and red currants, blueberries, gooseberries.

Of the least allergenic vegetables, zucchini, cucumbers, parsley, potatoes, young green peas, light pumpkin, all types of cabbage are isolated.

Dried fruits with low level allergenicity - prunes (even if you are allergic to plums, it may be safe), apples and

Food Allergy Treatment

If allergy symptoms begin to appear, identify and rule out the allergen. This is usually fairly easy to do, but last resort there are laboratories where you can donate blood to detect antibodies to a huge range of products. Alas, there is no cure for food allergies. If there is a genetic predisposition to it, you will have to permanently, completely or partially, exclude the allergen from the diet, and if it is acquired (for example, a consequence of the transferred intestinal infection), then with age it will go away on its own.

Doctors usually prescribe two types of drugs - enterosorbents and antihistamines.

Enterosorbents cleanse the body and remove toxic substances. It can be like normal Activated carbon, which still remains popular due to its low cost and effectiveness, as well as more advanced tools - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Atoxil, etc.

Especially popular is "Enterosgel" in the form of a paste.

Antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs - Suprastin (allowed from the first year of life), Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenistil, Loratadin. Usually long-term use drugs are not required, because the main thing is to remove the allergen from the diet in time.

Ointments are used to treat external manifestations of allergies in children. They soothe the skin, eliminate rashes and itching.

Folk methods

Some effective recipes, which Alternative medicine offers to allergy sufferers.

Mummy is a truly universal remedy. It is also used for allergic reactions. Natural Shilajit in an amount of 0.5 g should be dissolved in 0.5 l boiled water. Take 100 ml of solution in the morning, on an empty stomach for 20 days. If the allergic reaction is very strong, drink 50 ml of mummy in the morning, and half before dinner. Mummy is contraindicated for children under 12 years old.

Rosehip infusion is prepared as follows - 100 g of berries are washed and poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Take, including children, 100 ml half an hour before meals.

Chamomile is indicated for external use in the form of baths and lotions. It relieves itching and inflammation on the skin, has antibacterial properties.


Allergies to fruits are quite common these days. But usually children "outgrow" it by puberty and in adulthood either forget about it altogether, or it bothers them much less often.

If the body somehow unnaturally reacted to some product, then you have an allergy to it. It usually behaves like this the immune system, thus reacting to some substance. The symptoms of a food allergy can be very different.

As practice shows, allergies can be observed not only in children, but its manifestation in adults is possible. The reason may be a predisposition at the genetic level, the stress that a person has experienced, with self-treatment of symptoms, or with poor ecology. There are a lot of allergens. In this article, we will talk about food allergies.

Although this disease is little studied, it affects between twenty and forty percent of adults living throughout the earth. The whole problem is that our body may not perceive some of the proteins that are contained in food. As for carbohydrates and fats, there is no allergy to them. But when consumed with protein foods, they also cause an allergic reaction.

Usually, during a lifetime, a person already knows what foods he is allergic to, so he excludes them from his diet. But the disease can progress. Therefore, even an ordinary familiar product may become allergic if you have not eaten it for a long time.

How to eat right with allergies?

If you find yourself suffering from certain foods, then it's time to make a list of your diet. The point of such a list and diet is to rid the body of the allergen. It is only very important not to self-medicate, but be sure to consult a doctor. Dieting doesn't have to be your life sentence. But during the period of exacerbation, it should be adhered to.

Consider the three steps that must be followed to avoid the consequences of an allergy.

  1. Do not eat anything during the day. Just drink clean, non-carbonated water. It should be drunk up to two liters per day. If you already know what causes allergies, then stop eating this product.
  2. Further, during the week it will be necessary to introduce hypoallergenic foods into food in small portions. It's about about yesterday's bread, vegetable soups, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat and rice porridge. Cook everything without oil. Eat six small meals a day.
  3. If the allergic reaction disappears, you can add meat to your diet, preferably veal, chicken breast. Also, we can talk about vegetables, fruits, weak tea, unsweetened cookies.
    Food should be taken four times a day. Eat like this for a week. If everything goes well, then you can stick to a similar diet for up to three weeks. During this time you will drop overweight and rid yourself of the allergen.

It is also important to keep a diary of what you eat and how your body reacts to this product. So you can find out what is the carrier of the allergen. A diary can also help you keep track of your calories. But there are foods that cause allergies only after a few days. Therefore, a diary may not always help identify substances that cause allergies. Exactly this important reason why you need to see a doctor.

Food allergy symptoms

Consider what may be the symptoms of food allergies in adults that appear on certain foods. Symptoms do not always directly indicate that you have a food allergy. This complicates its diagnosis.

  1. Skin problems, so a rash is possible, there may be itching, the skin turns red, swelling, small bubbles form, which contain liquid inside.
  2. Problems with the respiratory system, may cause a runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, bronchospasm, asthma attacks.
  3. Problems with vision, frequent tears appear, conjunctivitis jumps up, eyes itch and swell.
  4. Stomach problems, possible severe pain, vomiting, a person suffers from diarrhea, his taste sensations change.
  5. Problems in the nervous system that are characterized by dizziness, loss of orientation, confusion or even loss of consciousness.

If you find these symptoms, be sure to think about what you ate. Even if these products are familiar to you from childhood, they can still cause allergies. When it becomes clear which product caused such problems with the body, it will be possible to simply exclude it from the diet. Then after a few hours it will be better. But still, it is important to see a doctor, since allergies can be caused by several products at once. Your doctor will take a blood test to check for the allergen.

Products with a high degree of allergenicity

Consider a number of products with high allergenicity, we will talk about:

  • About whole milk
  • About fish
  • About seafood
  • About eggs
  • About cereals
  • About citrus, melon
  • About tomatoes, red bell peppers, carrots, celery
  • About chocolate, cocoa, coffee
  • About nuts
  • About mushrooms
  • About honey

Allergies are caused by one type of milk, and all. We are talking about goat, sheep and cow. As for fish, it is an excellent allergen, but in the river it is less than in the sea. From eggs it is better to eat the yolk, it contains less allergens than in protein, especially in combination with meat broth. Quail eggs are hypoallergenic.

Foods that contain moderate allergens

Products from medium degree allergens do not have such a strong effect on the body, so they can be eaten with less concern. What products are we talking about:

  • About beef, veal, chicken and broths on it.
  • About cereals, oats, rice, buckwheat.
  • About beans.
  • About root crops, potatoes, turnips, beets.
  • About nectarines, peaches, apricots.
  • About wild berries, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries.
  • Red fruits: strawberries, red apples
  • About rose hips, cherries, black currants.

Why can you eat small amounts of meat with allergies in adults?
Its protein at heat treatment changes its structure, so it is easily split in the stomach into components. But you can't eat fried meat cooked in in large numbers fat. If we talk about berries, then fresh ones can cause allergies, but processed ones, from which compotes are obtained, are already less dangerous. Also be careful with root vegetables and legumes, as flatulence is possible.

Foods with low allergenicity

Products with a low degree of allergic substances harm an adult even less. Here's what it's all about:

  • About fermented milk products that contain little fat,
  • About lean pork and lamb, rabbit and turkey meat,
  • About cereals, barley, millet, corn, oatmeal,
  • About cabbage of all kinds,
  • About cucumbers and zucchini
  • About parsley, dill and cumin,
  • About white currant and white cherry,
  • About the yellow variety of plum,
  • About apples and pears, which have green and white varieties.

When buying products in a store, read the label carefully. It should indicate not only the expiration date, but also the composition this product. This is the only way to avoid allergies. After all, you will exclude substances that cause such unpleasant symptoms that we discussed earlier.

How is allergy treated?

Before treating, it is necessary to get rid of the source of the problem. Therefore, the allergen is identified first. In the meantime, treat the symptoms to alleviate the suffering of the patient. When the allergen is identified, the product that causes such backfire. After a few hours, the person gets better. But in rare cases treatment is possible not only by eliminating the allergen, but also medicines.

Here are some folk recipes that relieve symptoms


You need to pour one spoonful with a glass of water, then breathe over the broth. Take the tincture on a spoon six times a day.


Drink tincture of succession instead of coffee and tea. Take a spoon for a glass of water. It takes half an hour to insist. Take orally three times a day for a glass.

Viburnum inflorescences

Use with string. You only need a small spoon, which must be insisted on a glass of water. Drink half a glass before and after meals three times a day.

Food allergy is backlash organism, on the product, the properties of which are observed hypersensitivity. Main Feature food allergies are considered to be caused by any product without exception.

Since recently, the number of people suffering from food allergies has increased, doctors and allergists are increasingly prescribing a diet for their patients. Moreover, the diet for food allergies is individual for each individual.

Basic principles of diet for food allergies

Diet for food allergies: a subtle healing process. Whatever form of diet for food allergies you are offered, in any case, foods to which you have a negative reaction will be excluded from it. Foods that, in principle, contain allergens are also excluded: vegetables / fruits, fish / seafood, canned food, soda. In this case, you can get rid of allergies much faster.

In principle, there are quite a lot of products that contain a lot of allergens. Long list such products can be easily excluded from the diet: sweet soda, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, alcohol. They also include products with flavors, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers.

But among the products that cause allergies, there are also useful ones, namely: fish / seafood, chicken meat / beef, offal, whole milk, eggs, fruits / vegetables / berries, citrus fruits, cocoa / coffee, chocolate.

The diet for food allergies categorically prohibits their use, and, as you yourself understand, you will not be able to competently make a full-fledged replacement on your own. Be sure to consult an allergist, and he will draw up a diet for you that will give your body good nutrition and, at the same time, relieve allergies.

The consolation is that the food allergy diet will slowly but surely relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, and you can return your favorite foods to your diet - but carefully and little by little. When and how much this can be done - your doctor will decide.

The diet will teach you to monitor your diet very carefully, and you will definitely lose weight and feel much better.

What foods are the most allergenic

Variety. So, for example, among residents of coastal regions, where fish is considered one of the main food products. It often causes an allergic reaction.

Most often, an allergic reaction occurs on sea ​​fish. Some people are allergic to the smell of fish. Quite often there is an allergy to seafood, such as: shrimp, crayfish, caviar, crabs, as they contain a very large amount of pure protein.

However, meat, although it contains a high amount of protein, rarely causes an allergic reaction. For example, pork, horse meat, chicken are much more likely to cause allergies than lamb or beef. In these types of meat, the quantitative composition of the protein varies greatly, and therefore those who cannot eat beef may well eat lamb or pork.

It would seem that the most useful foods for humans, such as vegetables, fruits, berries, can be potential allergens.

Particularly active are:

  • tomatoes
  • peas
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • lemons
  • tangerines
  • raspberries
  • black currant
  • blackberry
  • strawberries

One of the strongest allergens are nuts.

True, an allergy can manifest itself to one type of nuts and not at all occur when using another. The manifestation of a nut allergy can be so severe that even just the traces left by the presence of any type of nut can cause a strong reaction.

Food allergy symptoms

The symptoms and timing of a food allergy depends on the type of allergic reaction. So with an allergic reaction of an immediate type, an allergy manifests itself after a few minutes (usually 20-30 minutes) or 3-4 hours after eating.

The following manifestations occur: urticaria, anaphylactic reactions, rhinitis, dermatitis, asthma, vascular edema.

Reactions of the same delayed type appear after 10-24 hours or a few days after taking the product.

Symptoms appear gradually: depression, muscle pain, inflammation of the joints, headaches, vascular spasms, urinary dysfunction, enuresis, bronchitis, poor appetite, constipation, blurry vision.

In children with food allergies, symptoms are more likely to occur on the skin and respiratory system, less often from the side gastrointestinal tract.

From the skin: itching, rashes, redness and dryness skin. The following products are most often caused: tomatoes, citrus fruits, milk, chocolate, eggs.

From the respiratory system: cough, nasal discharge, sneezing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, nasal congestion. The following foods are more likely to cause: milk, vegetables, fruits, wheat, eggs.

From the side digestive system: violation of the stool, vomiting, abdominal pain, perspiration in the throat. The following products are most often caused: milk, fish, cereals, meat, eggs.

Diet for tree pollen allergy

(birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm, maple)


  • bread products - bread, bakery products and cookies;
  • soups and meat dishes - any of lean beef, veal, poultry;
  • egg dishes - any
  • milk and dairy products - milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream, non-acidic cottage cheese short term storage;
  • cereals, cereal casseroles, pasta;
  • vegetables - potatoes of the old crop, beets, radish, radish, cucumber, tomato;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils, peanuts;
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.


It is forbidden:

  • apples
  • nuts
  • cherry
  • peach
  • apricot
  • cherries
  • strawberry
  • new potatoes
  • carrot
  • Birch juice
  • cognac

In addition, the use of certain drugs is prohibited. herbal remedies- birch buds, alder cones.

Diet for cow's milk allergy

Allergy to cow's milk is one of the most common, especially in children. From the diet with such an allergy, it will be necessary to exclude all products that contain milk or are prepared on its basis.

Often people who are allergic to cow's milk, normally tolerate goat's milk, which allows you to slightly expand the diet.

Forbidden to use:

  • any soups made with milk;
  • cheese (including homemade), sausages containing milk;
  • mashed potatoes(cooked with milk);
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • bakery products prepared with the addition of milk: donuts, cookies, cakes, pancakes, pancakes, waffles, pies, rich crackers;
  • cereals with milk, as well as cereals with a high protein content;
  • butter, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese (some patients tolerate cottage cheese in moderation);
  • mayonnaise and margarine containing milk in its composition;
  • yoghurts and curds;
  • condensed milk with or without sugar, powdered milk, cocoa with milk;
  • milkshakes, alcoholic drinks with the addition of cream;
  • milk chocolate;
  • products cooked in butter;
  • products cooked in breading (in breadcrumbs);
  • for children - artificial mixtures prepared on the basis of milk; some children do not tolerate kefir and cottage cheese, while others can be given these products, but in moderation.

It should be remembered that milk contains in its composition: butter, margarine, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, powdered and condensed milk, ice cream and many ready-made confectionery products. Milk also includes names: whey, lactose, casein, casein hydrolyzate, which can be read in the composition of products.

Before buying a product, be sure to ask the seller how it was prepared and what is included in its composition, or carefully read the label. If the label does not indicate the composition of the product, then it is better not to take it.

Allowed for use:

  • broths and decoctions seasoned with foods included in the diet;
  • foods high in protein - meat of all varieties, fish, poultry, ham, kidneys, liver, sausages and canned meat, not containing milk and its components;
  • eggs, nuts and legumes;
  • any vegetables and fruits;
  • bakery products: French, Italian and Viennese rolls and other types of wheat bread that do not contain milk and its components (most types of bread include milk), Rye bread;
  • cereal dishes: cereals and casseroles from cereals and pasta, not containing butter, milk and its components;
  • drinks: water, weak tea, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices no milk or cream.

Diet for egg allergy

Excluded from the diet: foods containing egg whites(marshmallows, omelettes, bakery products, sausages, mayonnaise, sausages, ice cream, yoghurts). You should also pay attention to the labels of products on which the names of egg whites are written: lecithin, albumin, ovomucin, vitellin, globulin, livetin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, ovomucoid.

Treatment only with a diet allows you to achieve recovery in terms of 1 week to 1 month. If the duration of the disease does not exceed 3 years, then in most patients the complete disappearance of symptoms occurs in 5-7 days. With a disease duration of more than 4 years, remission occurs after at least 1 month. The earlier the appropriate diet is started, the faster the stabilization of the allergic process is achieved.

Diet for fish allergies

Approved products:

  • decoctions and broths seasoned with the list of allowed products;
  • high protein foods(legumes, nuts, mushrooms, fish-free preserves, liver, kidney, ham, animal and poultry meat of all varieties),
  • any bakery products
  • any fruits and vegetables
  • any dishes from cereals,
  • any dairy,
  • products with a high content of sucrose (halva, sweets, chocolate, molasses, marmalade, confiture, jam),
  • drinks (any alcohol, any vegetable and fruit juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, drinking water).

It is forbidden:

  • fish and fish products in absolutely any form;
  • products containing fish components ( fish fat, bone flour, caviar).

☀ Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they increase blood flow, accelerating the absorption of food by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, enhance the effect food allergens.

☀ Do not purchase products containing GMOs (they are allergenic): most often it is soy, corn, rice, pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, also, transgenic proteins are used in cooking baby food, milk mixes for children, sausages, sweets, various drinks.

Know that in Russia more than three hundred products contain GMOs, which is why the number of children with allergies has tripled over the past five years.

☀ Dyes, additives prohibited for allergy sufferers: E100, E101, E102, E104, E107, E110, E120, E122-E124, E127-E129, E131-E133, E141.

☀ To avoid an allergy attack, remove summer period carpets, down pillows. Also, it is necessary to do wet cleaning often.

☀ We remove poisonous, allergenic houseplants(ragweed, plants of the spurge family, aroid, amaryllis, kutrovy, primrose).

☀ Shower more often and wash your long hair.

Allergy is a very unpleasant and little-studied disease that affects, according to various estimates, from 20% to 40% of the adult population of the planet. The most common type of this disease is food allergy.

Allergic reactions to food are usually observed with early age. In this case, over time, a person forms a list of foods that cannot be eaten. But it happens that an adult suddenly begins to notice incomprehensible and unpleasant reactions organism. What is it and how to deal with it?

Food products of plant or animal origin contain a large amount of foreign to human body proteins. If the human immune system is normal, metabolic processes not broken and no genetic diseases associated with protein intolerance, then our body secretes a sufficient amount of enzymes that can digest these foreign proteins.

Allergy foods are a list of familiar and favorite foods that you will have to give up if you notice unusual reactions to their consumption.

Adults are often allergic to those foods that did not cause concern in childhood.

The mechanism of triggering allergic reactions is not fully understood. Therefore, there is no cure that can affect the cause itself. But there is a mass medicines that relieve symptoms.

All food products are conventionally divided into three types according to the degree of allergenicity: high, medium and low.

Products with a high degree of allergenicity:

  • whole milk (cow, goat, sheep);
  • freshwater fish and all dishes from it;
  • seafood and caviar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cereals (wheat, rye, barley);
  • citrus, Exotic fruits, persimmon, melon;
  • tomatoes, bell pepper(red and yellow), carrots and celery;
  • chocolate, cocoa and all its derivatives, coffee;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;

Whole milk can cause allergies in both children and adults. Dairy intolerance, in particular lactose, and milk allergy are two different things.

Allergy can cause only one type of milk, such as cow's. But in most cases, goat's milk has this ability. The protein that is in this milk is somewhat different from the proteins in other types of milk. Goat's milk is not recommended for children under one year old, as it frequent use can cause anemia.

The resources of the human body are not unlimited. Over time, they dry out. The quality and quantity of enzymes capable of digesting food changes. Adults, especially those over the age of 60, lose the enzymes that break down lactose. Therefore, they are not recommended to eat whole milk. It is better to cook porridge with half boiled milk. The exception is dairy products.

People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular colitis, are not recommended to eat whole milk and dishes prepared from this product. With this disease, there is almost complete absence enzymes that digest lactose. If we take into account the frequent dysbacteriosis accompanying colitis, fermented milk products will the best way out, because they contain lactobacilli, which are natural bacteria in the human body and help the digestive process.

Fish is a fairly strong allergen, the impact of which can even lead to anaphylactic shock. River fish less allergen than marine.

Eggs, combined with chicken meat and broth, cause pretty severe attacks allergies. This feature is distinguished by protein. Yolk chicken egg cause less allergic reactions. Therefore, it is the yolk that is introduced into complementary foods for babies, starting with a very small amount. Quail eggs are hypoallergenic.

Products with an average degree of allergenicity:

  • beef meat, veal, chicken meat and broths from it;
  • cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat);
  • legumes;
  • root vegetables (potatoes, turnips, beets);
  • nectarine, peaches, apricots;
  • wild berries (, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries);
  • , cherry and blackcurrant.

In meat, during any heat treatment, the protein is modified and is well broken down by gastrointestinal enzymes. The exception is meat fried in a large amount of fat.

Berries that have a coloring pigment can cause allergies in both children and adults. But with heat treatment (comotes, jams, jelly and other dishes), their tendency to cause allergies decreases.

When eating root vegetables and legumes, you should take into account the peculiarities of your digestion, as these foods can cause flatulence.

Products with a low degree of allergenicity:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean pork and lamb, rabbit and turkey meat;
  • cereals (barley, millet, corn, oatmeal);
  • cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage);
  • cucumbers and zucchini;
  • parsley, dill, cumin;
  • white currant and cherry;
  • yellow varieties of plums and cherries;
  • apples and pears of white and green varieties.

Eating these foods can cause allergies only in rare cases, and mostly in adults. It is these products that are recommended first of all to be introduced as complementary foods for babies up to a year old.

If you buy from a store finished products pay attention to their composition. Dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers and flavors can cause allergies, even if they are already familiar and not causing a reaction products.

Dairy products and meats may be treated with chemicals or drugs to extend their shelf life. These can be antibiotics, sulfonamides, formaldehydes. They will be strong allergens and will cause an immediate reaction even in an adult, not to mention children.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals may contain trace amounts of pesticides, fertilizers and chemical substances with which they are processed to extend the shelf life.

Pay attention to the container in which the product is enclosed. After all, substances that can cause allergies can also get into food from it. Also look at the expiration date and storage conditions. If they do not comply with the established rules, decay products or mold fungi may appear in them. These are also powerful allergens that can cause severe poisoning and lead to anaphylactic shock.

How to recognize food allergies. If you notice that your body somehow began to react in a special way to seemingly familiar things, try to establish the reason for such strange behavior your body.

You may be disturbed by organs completely independent of digestion. But food allergies are insidious in that they can masquerade as other problems, the treatment of which will not bring any relief.

Food allergy symptoms:

  • on the part of the skin: rash, itching, redness, swelling, the formation of small bubbles with liquid;
  • on the part of breathing: runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, bronchospasm, asthma attacks;
  • from the side of vision: lacrimation, conjunctivitis, severe itching, swelling;
  • on the part of digestion: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, change in taste sensations;
  • from the side nervous system: dizziness, loss of orientation, confusion, loss of consciousness.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, analyze what foods you ate. These may be familiar foods, but which you have not eaten for a long time.

If you have accurately found out the cause of your ailments, then you should simply eliminate the allergen product from your diet and the symptoms will go away.

But it often happens that several foods cause allergies at once. Then the best way out is to keep a food diary. In it, you will daily record what exactly you ate and the reaction of the body to the food eaten. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the ailment.

There are foods that give an immediate, almost instantaneous, allergic reaction. Then it is very easy to identify them. But there are products that give a distant allergic reaction. That is, you can feel allergy symptoms even a few days after eating such a product. Therein lies the difficulty.

Allergy, food in particular, is a very insidious disease that requires a serious attitude. After all, you can get not just lacrimation, rash and itching. The consequences are much more tragic. Foods that cause allergies can not only undermine health, but also take life.

If you have noticed manifestations of allergic reactions to any food product remove it from your diet immediately. The next step in your fight against an insidious disease should be a visit to an allergist. It is the specialist who will be able to determine the cause of such reactions and prescribe adequate treatment. Follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor. Only then can you keep your body under control and avoid the sad manifestations of food allergies.