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When you got pregnant after hysteroscopy. Foreign bodies in the uterus. Removing the IUD or its remains

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the uterine cavity using a special instrument, which also allows for a range of therapeutic procedures. This procedure has many advantages over both conventional curettage and laparoscopy. Hysteroscopy is performed for pathology of the uterine cavity, including those that can affect conception - polyps, adhesions, etc. Why is it special, is it possible to get pregnant after the procedure and when?

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The essence of the hysteroscopy procedure

Modern hysteroscopy is somewhat different from those techniques and instruments that were used 5 - 10 years ago. The new equipment has a flexible and thin structure, all images are colored and displayed on a computer monitor, it is possible to simultaneously remove (cauterize) pathological lesions and other minor operations.

The main instrument is the hysteroscope, which is a tube with optical system, which gives an increase of approximately 20 times. It is this that is placed in the uterine cavity and then conductors are passed through it, for example, to take a biopsy or resection (removal) of some area.

Progress of hysteroscopy

The woman lies down on the gynecological chair, as usual during an examination. In most cases, general intravenous anesthesia is used - the introduction into the vascular bed of a substance that acts as a hypnotic and analgesic. As a result, the woman falls asleep, no discomfort does not experience, but comes to his senses after everything is done. Such anesthesia is safe and most effective in this case.

After this, the hysteroscopy procedure itself begins. Using vaginal speculum, the cervix is ​​fixed and the instrument is inserted. If necessary, expansion is carried out cervical canal special devices. The hysteroscope gradually moves from the cervical canal into the cavity, all walls are examined to detect pathological foci.

During hysteroscopy, a sterile saline solution is constantly supplied into the uterine cavity through a guidewire. It washes away distant elements and provides visibility.

If necessary, a resectoscope is passed through the guide to remove the septum and even small submucosal nodes. At the same time, cauterization of pathological areas is performed.

Often after hysteroscopy, a separate diagnostic curettage is performed, which does not differ from the usual one. The only advantage is that the doctor knows which wall the pathology was on and with what intensity to carry out the manipulation. Material is sent to histological examination.

Problems that hysteroscopy solves

Using this technology, you can solve many issues related to infertility, hormonal disorders and others.

Removal of submucosal fibroids

Small fibroids (on average up to 3 - 4 cm), located in the submucosal layer, can be removed using a hysteroscope. This allows a woman to get rid of the problem of infertility, heavy menstruation, etc. without serious surgical intervention.

Removal of intrauterine synechiae

Often, adhesions in the uterine cavity that form after abortion inflammatory diseases and for other reasons, in the future they bring big problems to the woman: pain during menstruation, infertility and many others.

Hysteroscopy is the only method that allows you to remove such synechiae both in the uterine cavity and in the cervical canal, and give a woman the opportunity to subsequently become pregnant and carry a baby without any special restrictions or problems.

Correction of abnormalities in the structure of the uterus

Sometimes a girl does not even suspect that her genitals have abnormal development, for example, an intrauterine septum. This pathology can cause infertility, miscarriage, painful and heavy menstruation and others.

By performing hysteroscopy, it is possible to remove such anomalies without resorting to serious surgical interventions, namely abdominal surgery with opening of the uterine cavity. This significantly reduces rehabilitation period, reduces blood loss and pain.

Solving the problem of endometrial pathology

Diseases such as (atypical, simple and others), polyps are also best subjected to hysteroscopy. The advantages of this method, compared to conventional curettage, are the following:

  • Hysteroscopy makes it possible to visually assess where exactly the pathological formation, how many there are, etc.
  • The “root” of the polyp is precisely removed, this makes it possible to minimize the likelihood of recurrence of the pathology.
  • You can simultaneously remove the nodes, identify endometrioid lesions and cauterize them, examine the orifices fallopian tubes(important for infertility), etc.

Watch the video about the hysteroscopy procedure:

Removing the IUD or its remains

If the rules of use are not followed intrauterine device(exceeding the deadlines, inflammatory processes, etc.) or its incorrect installation may cause problems with its removal. The IUD can also become dislodged and cause pain and discomfort to the woman. The optimal solution in these cases is hysteroscopy.

During the procedure, the reason for the change in the position of the contraceptive can be determined, and the location can be removed or corrected. Other methods do not allow this.

Detection of postpartum pathology

Hysteroscopy is performed after childbirth on days 6–15, when there is a suspicion of partial or complete attachment of the placenta. By performing this manipulation, you can avoid life-threatening bleeding and removal of the uterus in a young girl.

Identifying causes of bleeding

For many unclear bleedings, hysteroscopy may also be the method of choice. For example, with constant bleeding due to oral contraceptives or IUDs.

Hysteroscopy in menopause is the preferred method of examination for unclear spotting, bleeding, etc. Since it is precisely this that makes it possible to most reliably establish the cause of the pathological condition and, if possible, eliminate it. The fact is that during menopause, a woman’s uterus atrophies (becomes very small in size) and polyps, hyperplasia, and even areas of cancerous tumor sometimes extremely difficult with normal curettage.

Hysteroscopy allows you to take a biopsy from the most suspicious lesion under visual control.

Advantages of hysteroscopy compared to other methods

Hysteroscopy is widely used in modern clinics for diagnosis and treatment pathological conditions. This is largely due to the advantages of the method. The main ones include the following:

Advantage of the procedure What is the reason
Does not require special anesthesia To carry it out, it is enough to administer the medication intravenously for 10 - 20 minutes with an anesthetic and hypnotic effect. Office hysteroscopy with minimal intervention can be carried out without it at all.
High diagnostic abilities Hysteroscopy allows you to detect what others cannot detect existing methods. After all, the examination is carried out from inside the uterine cavity.
At the same time, it is possible to perform a biopsy of suspicious areas During hysteroscopy, the doctor easily resects and sends polyps, endometrial areas, nodes, etc. for histological examination.

At the end of the procedure, conventional curettage is additionally performed, the material of which is also sent to the laboratory.

Expanded capabilities of modern hysteroscopes, which allow performing operations during manipulation - removing nodes, septa, adhesions, polyps, etc. Moreover, it is important that the uterus, as a reproductive organ, does not suffer at all, and the woman can plan a pregnancy in the future.
Hysteroscopy allows you to monitor and detect tumors with maximum reliability This helps to detect malignant tumors in the early stages.
Aesthetics Even if an operation was performed during hysteroscopy (for example, to remove a node), no scars or other marks remain on the body.

Why is hysteroscopy with laparoscopy prescribed?

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy refer to endoscopic methods research and treatment. IN gynecological practice Often both methods are combined. This is used to establish the maximum accurate diagnosis and carrying out the most radical treatment. In most cases, laparoscopy is performed first, and then hysteroscopy, but it all depends on the clinical situation and the expected pathology.

The main cases when these two methods are combined are:

  • In case of infertility, especially unspecified reason. At the same time, a study is carried out to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • For endometriosis, for coagulation (cauterization) of the maximum number of lesions.
  • With polycystic disease, it is often combined with infertility.
  • For uterine fibroids and simultaneous endometrial pathology, as well as in some other situations.

When to plan a pregnancy after hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is often performed for infertility. And in this case, the question arises when you can start planning a pregnancy. It all depends on the amount of treatment performed:

  • Diagnostic laparoscopy, during which no pathological curettages were removed. In this case, you can plan a pregnancy immediately after your next period (not to be confused with spotting after the procedure).
  • If curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal was performed, it is advisable to think about pregnancy after two or three menstruation.
  • In cases where fibroids, septum in the cavity or synechiae were removed, the doctor sets the time frame individually. But complete healing requires at least 4 - 6 months, sometimes more.
  • If endometrioid lesions are cauterized, in most cases it is prescribed hormonal treatment for 3 - 6 months, after which you can start planning a pregnancy.

But you should understand that the time when you can become pregnant without fear for yourself and the unborn baby can only be determined in each specific situation by a doctor. He can determine it based on the volume of intervention, how long it will take for complete restoration of the endometrium (the embryo is subsequently attached to it) and myometrium (if a node was removed, for example).

Most often, hysteroscopy is performed in the first phase of the cycle and rarely (for example, with endometriosis) in the second.

After the procedure, a woman may have spotting associated with manipulation inside the uterine cavity. “Your” periods will go on schedule, if they haven’t additional operations. In the case where the procedure was supplemented by curettage of the uterine cavity, menstruation will not occur earlier than in a month. This should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after hysteroscopy?

You can get pregnant quickly after hysteroscopy, especially if it was performed in the second phase of the cycle. After all, the procedure does not affect the ovulation process. The question is how successful the pregnancy will be. After all, for correct formation chorion (in the future placenta, child's place) requires a full-fledged endometrium. And it grows during the cycle; after curettage, it takes even more time for full recovery.

Therefore, women are advised to use protection for some time, even if hysteroscopy was performed for infertility. This is due to the fact that in the case quick conception risk of miscarriage, abruption ovum, pregnancy loss and other complications are much higher.

Hysteroscopy – modern, affordable and safe method diagnosis and treatment gynecological diseases associated with pathology of the uterine cavity and cervical canal. This technology provides ample opportunities to perform operations that preserve the uterus as reproductive organ in a woman. But it must also be performed according to strict indications, taking into account all the doctor’s recommendations.

In gynecological practice, hysteroscopy is a frequently used diagnostic method. It is also used to treat some gynecological diseases, including infertility. However, this procedure is very traumatic and damages the uterine mucosa, which is necessary for the attachment of the fertilized egg. How long before pregnancy can be planned after hysteroscopy so that it develops and proceeds without pathology.

What is hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is a type of endoscopic examination used in gynecology. Using a special device (hysteroscope), the doctor examines the uterine cavity and, if necessary, performs some medical manipulations.

The image is transmitted to the screen, so several specialists can monitor the manipulation at once. The procedure is painful, so it must be performed under general anesthesia.

The procedure allows you to examine the uterine cavity and its appendages

Indications for use

Hysteroscopy is used to diagnose and treat many diseases reproductive system.

  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, which may be associated with hyperplastic processes.
  • Myomatous nodes in the uterus.
  • The presence of synechiae in the uterine cavity after inflammatory processes and operations.
  • Diagnosis of polyps and endometrial cancer.
  • The presence of intrauterine septa leading to infertility.
  • Pathology of the development of the uterus and its appendages.
  • The presence of a dead fertilized egg or its remains in the uterine cavity - after an abortion or frozen pregnancy.
  • Foreign body in the uterine cavity.
  • Impossibility of removing the intrauterine device due to its adherence to the walls of the uterus.
  • Diagnosis of uterine infertility.
  • Therapeutic manipulations for hyperplastic processes of the endometrium.

There are many indications for hysteroscopy, so this procedure is performed quite often. Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is used to treat infertility, the manipulation itself is traumatic. After it, time is needed to restore a normally functioning endometrium, which will be able to accept the fertilized egg and securely attach it.

How the procedure can help

Infertility can occur due to many reasons. They can be hormonal - when a woman’s body does not have enough hormones that are necessary to maintain pregnancy and preserve the fertilized egg. Infertility can also be caused by uterine factors:

  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus itself - infantile, bicornuate, the presence of septa in its cavity;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes - due to adhesions, fusion of their cavity or entry into the tube;
  • the presence of adhesions in the cavity of the uterus itself - the fertilized egg cannot penetrate it and gain a foothold in the endometrium;
  • hyperplastic changes in the endometrium - the fertilized egg cannot attach to such mucosa.

Hysteroscopy can help remove these barriers to pregnancy. With an infantile or bicornuate uterus, the procedure can only help establish the diagnosis, but treatment is not possible. If there are partitions, they can be destroyed using a hysteroscope. The same applies to adhesive processes- any, even the densest synechiae can be destroyed and removed during this procedure.

The hysteroscope allows you to remove adhesions and endometrial polyps

You can also clean the cavity of the fallopian tubes. To eliminate their infection, pneumohysteroscopy is used - when the fallopian tubes are inflated with air and the adhesions are broken. For endometrial hyperplasia, complete curettage of the uterine cavity is performed, removing all the mucous membrane. After this, the woman is prescribed a course hormone therapy to restore normal endometrium.

Many women who have had the procedure note that it helped them get pregnant. Although before this, other methods of treating infertility were ineffective.

Complications and consequences

This procedure refers to surgical interventions. Its implementation is fraught with a number of complications. They can depend on the surgeons and on the woman’s body. What are possible complications with hysteroscopy:

  • perforation of the uterine wall;
  • development uterine bleeding- in some cases it is not possible to stop it and the uterus has to be removed;
  • ingress of microbial flora and development of suppurative processes;
  • Trauma to the mucosa can lead to the formation of adhesions.

Such consequences are quite rare. To prevent them, the following measures are taken:

  • usage antibacterial drugs during and immediately after the procedure;
  • visual control of the procedure;
  • the presence of an anesthesiologist and surgeon in case of bleeding or perforation of the uterine wall;
  • hormonal and resorption therapy to prevent adhesions and restore normal mucosa.

When can you plan a pregnancy?

So, when can you get pregnant after hysteroscopy? This question worries all women who have undergone such a procedure.

The period when you can plan a pregnancy depends on the indication for which the procedure was performed. If it was done to clarify the diagnosis or exclude other diseases, no traumatic manipulations were performed - pregnancy occurs almost immediately and no special preparation is required for it. Optimal time For pregnancy after hysteroscopy, an interval of 3–5 months is considered diagnostic.

If adhesions were removed or the endometrium was scraped, pregnancy cannot occur quickly. Getting pregnant becomes possible only after a full-fledged endometrium is formed. How long it will take for this to happen depends on the woman’s body. On average, with hormonal therapy, the endometrium grows within six months. If after the procedure adhesions form again, the period increases by several more months until they are removed again.

Pregnancy can be planned when a normal endometrium is formed

There is no point in trying to get pregnant quickly after such a procedure. It is necessary to wait for a complete recovery and carefully prepare for pregnancy so that it proceeds physiologically and is not complicated in any way.

Advertisements for the procedure claim that it can restore the fertility of the female reproductive system. Is this really so, and if so, what period of time after the intervention is possible? Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Is hysteroscopy a universal way to restore a woman’s fertility?

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that combines the ability to conduct an examination wide range disorders in the uterine area with the possibility of painless elimination.


Known pathologies localized in the uterine area can be divided into congenital and acquired during a woman’s life.

  1. Disorders of the first type include disorders associated with insufficient development of the organ, a bicornuate uterus and the presence of septa in its cavity.
  2. Acquired deviations of the reproductive system include the presence in the uterine area of ​​the remnants of the fertilized egg after an abortion, adhesions and septa, surgical intervention, and the presence of an intrauterine device. Hysteroscopy makes it possible to detect and eliminate infection of the cavity or area of ​​entry of the fallopian tubes, disorders associated with hormonal imbalance, pathologies of the endometrial mucosa.

The procedure allows you to detect the causes of bleeding that is uncharacteristic in frequency or quantity, foci, malignant structures localized in the lining surface of the uterus.

The essence of the procedure

A modern hysteroscope is a tube (flexible probe) equipped with optical devices that make it possible to enlarge the area under study up to 20 times while obtaining high-resolution and high-quality color images on the monitor screen attached to the device.

  • Before performing the procedure, the woman is positioned on a gynecological chair, after which intravenous administration painkiller.
  • Using vaginal speculum, the cervix is ​​fixed.
  • To expand the area under study, gas can be supplied through the tube of the device during examination. In the process of studying inner surface endometrium, it is possible to insert conductors through the tube to take a sample of material for histological examination.
  • After this, a resectoscope is passed through the guide with simultaneous supply of saline solution to eliminate the removed particles and ensure visibility in the area of ​​manipulation.

In addition, during hysteroscopy, cauterization of areas with pathological formations is performed.


The period required for recovery after hysteroscopy depends on the woman’s health and the time of the menstrual cycle at which the procedure was performed.

During the first 24 hours after the intervention, vaginal bleeding and cramps may occur. However, if you experience severe pain in the abdomen or fever, you should urgently seek qualified medical help.

Carrying out hysteroscopy imposes restrictions on douching for two weeks after the procedure and entering into intimate relationships for the time necessary to restore the internal structure of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system.

Pregnancy after hysteroscopy with curettage

After eliminating adhesions or removing pathological structures from the surface of the endometrium, it takes some time to restore its structure.

The time frame for this period depends on physiological characteristics woman's body. On average, the period required for rehabilitation of the internal structure of the lining surface of the uterus takes from 1 to 6 months.

After this time, it becomes possible to become pregnant, with the exception of cases in which hysteroscopy provoked the formation of new adhesions. To reduce the recovery period, it is recommended to perform hysteroscopy with curettage several days in advance. In this case, pregnancy may be delayed for several months, which is necessary to re-eliminate the pathological structures.

When to plan a pregnancy

Specific recommendations regarding after the procedure can only be given by the attending physician. After diagnostic examination, the optimal period for conception is considered to be a time interval from 3 to 5 months after the procedure.

Experts warn women about the dangers of trying to get pregnant after a short period of time. It's connected with high danger failure to consolidate the fertilized egg, with unrestored endometrial structure.

Is it possible to get pregnant

Numerous reviews of patients who underwent hysteroscopy to eliminate adhesions and polyps indicate that pregnancy occurs within 3 to 6 months after the procedure.

However, given many reasons, causing loss fertility problems and the fact that not all of them can be eliminated by this operation, there are also negative comments.

When is it possible

To avoid problems with conception and pregnancy, gynecologists recommend planning a pregnancy after the woman’s reproductive system has been fully restored.

Conception after elimination of polyps is possible only after a course of hormonal therapy. During this period, the patient is registered at the dispensary, takes necessary tests, periodically undergoes examinations using an ultrasound machine.

Complications and consequences

Even something like hysteroscopy can cause consequences; the attending gynecologist must notify the patient about possible complications after the procedure before the operation begins. Among the most common complications that arise after such an intervention, gynecologists call:

  1. the appearance of vaginal muscle contractions that appear for several days after surgery;
  2. infection of the reproductive system;
  3. an allergy to the saline solution or gas used to dilate the uterus;
  4. bleeding, normally allowed within one day after the procedure, for longer or heavy bleeding it is necessary to urgently seek qualified medical help;
  5. damage to the cervix;
  6. inflammatory reactions in the pelvic organs.

To prevent their occurrence, a series of preventive measures regarding the use antibacterial agents, preventing bleeding, etc.

The course of pregnancy after hysteroscopy of endometrial polyp

Duration of endometrial recovery with hormonal drugs is about 2 months. In this case, you can plan a pregnancy within a year after the procedure.

Contraindications to pregnancy after hysteroscopy

Contraindications to conception after the procedure include cases in which the examination does not reveal the presence of mucous areas of the uterus on the inner surface.

In this case, pregnancy in all cases ends in miscarriage.

Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic and surgical procedure, the implementation of which allows the patient to be relieved of a number of pathologies of the reproductive system, in particular infertility. However, it is not a panacea and there is a small percentage of cases in which more radical intervention, such as laparoscopy, is necessary.

Since during hysteroscopy the mucous surface of the uterus is damaged, it takes some time to restore the structure of the endometrium, after which (1 - 12 months) it returns to most patients.

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Hysteroscopy is a popular diagnostic and medical procedure, used for various pathologies uterine cavity. This procedure was first performed in 1869. After 100 years, hysteroscopy has become available to many women; it can now be performed in almost any antenatal clinic or gynecological departments.

Description of the procedure: main features

Any woman who is about to undergo gynecological manipulation, especially if it involves the use of instruments, is naturally concerned about a number of questions: will it hurt, what are the possible complications, how will the procedure affect reproductive function and is pregnancy possible after hysteroscopy? In order to get answers to them, it is necessary to clearly understand how this medical procedure is carried out. Hysteroscopy is carried out after a thorough examination, which is carried out by a gynecologist using a specialized hysteroscope apparatus. During the procedure, the doctor sees the uterine cavity using a camera located on the device. The image is displayed enlarged on the screen, which allows the specialist to see the presence of any pathological processes and assess the severity, and often make a decision to eliminate the pathology.

Why is this procedure needed?

Hysteroscopy makes it possible to examine the uterine cavity with the possibility of further performing the necessary various manipulations on the patient:

  • Removal of myomatous node.
  • Carrying out monitoring of the remains of the fertilized egg after termination of pregnancy.
  • Removal of endometrial polyps by diagnostic curettage.
  • Performing a surgical abortion.
  • Targeted endometrial biopsy.

Indications for use

Hysteroscopy can be performed both routinely and as an emergency. Planned medical procedures are carried out in the following cases:

  • the presence of polyps in the uterus;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders;
  • adenomyosis and submucosal fibroids;
  • various anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • suspicion of presence cancer cells endometrium;
  • removal of an ingrown or remnant IUD;
  • failed IVF;
  • infertility;
  • impossibility of pregnancy.

Emergency indications to be carried out:

  • some severe types of bleeding;
  • some types of polyps (for example, placental);
  • nascent myomatous node;
  • endometritis of postpartum origin;
  • suspicion of suture dehiscence after caesarean section.

Benefits of hysteroscopy

This examination method is one of the safest. According to reviews, pregnancy after hysteroscopy is not only possible. In some cases, the chances of conceiving a child increase. The doctor has the opportunity to visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane, in addition, which is important, to take a biopsy from unfavorable areas for further research pathological cells. If necessary, complete curettage of the entire endometrium is performed, and most importantly, this method reduces to zero the likelihood of the presence of residues and unscraped areas. Another of the most important advantages is that timely hysteroscopy can detect the development of cancer cells in the uterine cavity. The sooner the patient finds out about this and consults a doctor, the greater his chances of a favorable outcome of the disease.

Hysteroscopy during surgical abortion

This procedure for abortion will cost an order of magnitude more than ordinary abortion. Unfortunately, many women are forced to undergo this procedure not of their own free will. There are different cases: frozen pregnancy, fetal malformations, unsuccessful IVF. Therefore, many are interested in the possibility of pregnancy after hysteroscopy of the uterus. And here this opportunity increases significantly, because, firstly, there is strict control, which is the key to safety; secondly, the possibility of damage to the deep layer of the endometrium is eliminated; thirdly, when scraping the fertilized egg, there is practically no chance of its remains, since the procedure takes place under full visual control.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

The use of hysteroscopy when removing uterine fibroids is possible if, according to ultrasound, it is small in size and the myoma nodes are located in the submucosal layer of the uterus. The presence of a myomatous node in young women is often the cause of infertility or spontaneous abortion. Previously operations This kind of surgery was performed only through the abdominal cavity. Plus this method is not only the absence of incisions on abdominal cavity, but also the preservation of the uterus itself, which is important when planning pregnancy after hysteroscopy. Carrying out this type of examination will reveal to the doctor a complete picture of the patient’s health condition and will help prescribe adequate treatment.

Chances of getting pregnant after hysteroscopy

No doctor can give a definite answer. Pregnancy after hysteroscopy is definitely possible, it all depends on the specific problems of the patient. Using this procedure, the condition of the fallopian tubes is quite successfully determined, and if polyps or adhesions are found in them, their elimination often helps women conceive a child. When pregnancy is removed during the procedure, pregnancy after hysteroscopy can begin to be planned no earlier than 3-6 months later, at which time the patient is most often recommended to use oral contraceptives. Polyps are growths inner shell uterus. Their appearance is usually associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. A woman who has a polyp in the uterine cavity often cannot get pregnant because the polyps act on the body in the same way as the IUD. The statistics for this disease are very good: 90% of women manage to conceive a child after hysteroscopy with removal of polyps and further hormonal treatment.

It is worth keeping in mind that each person’s body is individual, but we can say for sure that if there was a hysteroscopy increased chances. In the treatment of infertility this medical procedure is now being used more and more often. Based on the patient’s diagnosis (non-functioning ovaries, the presence of endometriosis, and much more), the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination and tries to eliminate pathologies. If pregnancy does not occur after hysteroscopy, the woman is recommended to undergo IVF.

When can you plan to conceive a child?

One of important issues for women who want to have a child: when to plan a pregnancy after hysteroscopy? No doctor can give an exact answer because everything is very individual. After medical procedures, the patient must be observed by a doctor and follow all his instructions. According to the recommendations of specialists, pregnancy is not advisable during the first 6 months after the procedure. There are cases that after hysteroscopy, pregnancy occurs already in the second cycle after the examination. But this is still a risk; such medical intervention often entails subsequent treatment in the form of taking antibacterial or hormonal drugs, which will adversely affect a pregnant woman.

They try to perform hysteroscopy on the 6-9th day of the menstrual cycle, and after it, the patient will need sexual rest for 3 weeks. If the patient feels well and no abnormalities have been identified, then in a month she can already plan a pregnancy after endometrial hysteroscopy, but it is better to wait longer. In some cases, the timing of conception planning will be affected by the type of treatment and its timing, which will be determined by the nature of the pathology identified during the examination.

It is important for a woman to understand that the timing of conception planning and its implementation are two different things. Everything depends not on hysteroscopy, but on gynecological health at the moment. Many couples manage to achieve fertilization after 6 months. For some, this happens only after several years. We can safely conclude that hysteroscopy does not negatively affect reproductive function women, and in some cases it can be prescribed for the treatment of infertility.

Contraindications to the procedure

Before performing hysteroscopy, a qualified doctor always examines the patient, identifying the presence or absence of contraindications to this medical procedure. Contraindications include viral and infectious diseases(ARVI, sore throat, influenza), acute inflammatory and infectious diseases in the pelvic organs, cardiovascular diseases, uterine cancer, pregnancy, uterine stenosis, excessive uterine discharge, Availability large tumors. In such a situation, the gynecologist prescribes appropriate treatment, which is aimed primarily at minimizing all the adverse consequences of the hysteroscopy procedure.

The patient’s well-being after hysteroscopy

The appearance of abundant bleeding from the vagina immediately after medical procedures of this kind is the norm. This usually lasts 7 days, but for some it can last up to 3 weeks. If after 3 weeks a person experiences severe painful sensations or bleeding does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. Hysteroscopy is usually performed on days 6-9 of a woman’s cycle, that is, before ovulation. With a favorable prognosis, there should be no delay in menstruation, although it may shift slightly, which will not affect the cycle as a whole. Typically, after this procedure, the woman spends several hours in the hospital, and as soon as she feels better, she can go home. Next, the gynecologist will recommend that the patient undergo an ultrasound after 1 month, then after 3 and 6 months.

Modern methods of diagnosing the reproductive organs take care of the female body, but pregnancy after hysteroscopy occurs only after a certain period of time. And this despite the fact that minimal harm is caused during the procedure. After all, the doctor tries to carry out the most necessary manipulations so as not to once again infiltrate female body. After completing the diagnosis, the woman must undergo recovery period before pregnancy to prevent possible complications.

Hysteroscopy is a gynecological procedure in which a special device(hysteroscope). The video camera at its end allows you to inspect inner area cervix, if necessary, remove polyps and neoplasms. The tool allows you to take material for further research.

This surgery does not cause harm to the body, because it is carried out without cuts or punctures through a natural opening. To avoid discomfort, a painkiller is administered.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is used to examine the female reproductive system. It is carried out under local anesthesia in a gynecological office. In turn, invasive hysteroscopy is similar to surgery. It is carried out in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. Its purpose is to carry out medical manipulations: remove a polyp, another tumor, take a piece of tissue for examination; in some cases, these 2 types of procedures are combined.

The procedure is successful in cases of infertility. Pregnancy occurs after hysteroscopy in most cases. Although this manipulation is not performed specifically to get rid of infertility.

Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope

Reasons for conducting the survey

Hysteroscopy is performed for pathologies of the female reproductive system. Indications for the procedure may include:

  • adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • the formation of neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • foreign object in the uterus;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • severe bleeding from the uterus;
  • infertility for various reasons;
  • hyperplasia of the mucous membrane;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the uterus;
  • incorrectly performed abortion;
  • complication after childbirth;
  • the need to remove remnants of the intrauterine device;
  • the presence of pieces of the fertilized egg during an ectopic pregnancy;
  • carrying out sterilization;
  • control of disease therapy.

After hysteroscopy (even if cells were taken for biopsy), the uterus quickly recovers. You can expect pregnancy in the coming months. But its occurrence cannot be guaranteed, because much depends on the identified diseases. If polyps or another problem are found in the uterine cavity, then you need to first undergo treatment and prepare for pregnancy so that nothing interferes with bearing the baby.

The connection between diagnosis and subsequent conception

According to statistics, there are many who became pregnant after hysteroscopy within 2 months after it was performed. There is a definite connection between the desire to conceive a child and medical manipulation. There are often cases when infertility is diagnosed due to adhesions and polyps in the uterine cavity. These formations are successfully removed during hysteroscopy.

Medical manipulation forces the body to devote its strength to recovery. Perhaps this serves as an impetus for pregnancy after hysteroscopy. You should plan such significant events in your life only after consultation with a gynecologist. Only he, after assessing the results of the examinations, can say whether the recovery process has ended. To avoid negative consequences, it is better to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Is it possible to get pregnant after hysteroscopy?

You should not immediately plan a pregnancy after the procedure. A woman needs to rest, restore strength and health. Sometimes you need to be treated for several months.

Almost always, after hysteroscopy, antibiotics are prescribed to avoid infection in the damaged uterine mucosa. Hormones are used to restore the general background and stimulate the ovaries.

Normal sexual relations begin 3 weeks after the manipulation. An ultrasound may be needed to confirm normal healing. It is recommended to plan pregnancy after hysteroscopy with or without curettage at least 6 months later.

Possibility of conception after polyp removal

At hormonal disorders Specific growths may occur on the mucous layer of the uterus - polyps. Sometimes they are the ones who do not give a woman a chance to get pregnant or the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage. Hysteroscopy allows you to remove such formations. Pregnancy after hysteroscopy of an endometrial polyp occurs, in most cases, a year after the operation.

Since polyps arise due to a failure in hormonal system, then restoration is required hormonal levels, competent treatment(usually lasts 2 months). A woman must get tested, undergo routine examinations to prevent possible complications. If necessary, appointed ultrasound examinations reproductive system. Approximately 1 month after completing the course of hormonal therapy, pregnancy may occur.

Curettage during hysteroscopy

If a patient has serious pathological problems in reproductive organs LDV (therapeutic and diagnostic curettage) is prescribed. During the operation, the uterine cavity is immediately examined and necessary deletions surgically. During the process, the doctor uses a camera to monitor all actions. In order for the female body to be able to recover faster, the procedure is carried out approximately 4 days before the onset of menstruation.

Properly performed curettage helps to avoid complications and allows you to start planning a pregnancy within 1-2 months. A woman should contact her doctor, who will decide whether to carry out additional examination. A competent specialist will help you determine the time when ovulation will occur.

Possible complications

Any interference with work human body can lead to negative consequences. Complications are also possible after hysteroscopy. Incorrectly performed manipulations can lead to the following consequences:

  • addition of infection;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • cervical injuries;
  • allergy to anesthesia - gas that was used during the operation;
  • vaginal cramps.

Before performing the procedure, the doctor must warn the patient what complication awaits her if the operation is unsuccessful and how this may affect future pregnancy. Such consequences are rare; modern equipment allows all manipulations to be carried out at a high level.

The unpleasant consequences are bloody issues. This is the norm after such a procedure, because you are injured blood vessels. The discharge should end after 2, maximum 5 days. If you continue for more than this period, you should consult a doctor. Special attention you need to pay attention to your health, when unpleasant odor from discharge, changing its color, for example, to a black tint.

After hysteroscopy, the lower abdomen may hurt, radiating to the lower back. The duration of such sensations sometimes extends to 10 days. When the pain increases with more moderate degree if it is severe, you should complain to a doctor. Specialist consultation is also needed if nagging pain doesn't go away after specified period.

Another negative consequence- general malaise, weakness. This may be a consequence of anesthesia or emotional depression. Addition of chills, elevated temperature, migraines are a good reason to see a doctor.

Cycle recovery

It will take some time for the patient to recover after hysteroscopy. menstrual cycle. After diagnostic procedure the menstrual cycle is not disrupted, there is no delay. But sometimes there are exceptions. A missed period can range from 4 to 15 days without being a symptom of pregnancy.

Cycle restoration depends on the complexity of the procedure. When removing tumors, the delay is 1 cycle. During curettage, 1st menstrual cycle will also be missed. Recovery depends on individual characteristics woman's body. If your period has not started after a month, you need to consult a gynecologist.

In some cases, on the contrary, heavy periods begin. This indicates unfavorable processes in the uterine cavity. Particular attention should be paid to discharge with a strong odor, large clots. With such symptoms, there is suspicion of damage to the fallopian tubes. Self-medication is very dangerous; you should urgently seek help from a doctor. Large blood loss can cause sharp drop pressure, loss of consciousness.

Hysteroscopy - minimally invasive surgical intervention, avoiding the need for large, abdominal operations on the uterus

Chances of conceiving increase

The causes of infertility vary. The hysteroscopy procedure reveals the condition of the fallopian tubes and uterus more accurately than other methods. In addition to diagnostics, it can also be used for treatment. Hysteroscopy and pregnancy, at first glance, are not very related. But the procedure of treatment and such examination increases the chances of conceiving and bearing a child.

When it is possible to plan a pregnancy after hysteroscopy, only the attending gynecologist can answer. He will take into account chronic diseases, all features female body, contraindications, possible complications, features of the procedure. You need to listen to his recommendations, because this will avoid complications in the future.

After the procedure, the cervix remains unprotected for some time; there are wounds on its inner surface, and infection can penetrate there. For this reason, you should not have sex immediately after diagnosis. The period of abstinence is set by the doctor; for curettage, it is 15 days. During this time, the mucous layer will be restored. If recommendations are violated, they may begin inflammatory processes which will require long-term treatment.

When restoring sexual intercourse, sometimes a woman may feel pain, a burning sensation in the genitals, but this goes away over time. You must not miss the deadline when you can get pregnant after hysteroscopy. At this time, the chances of having the desired baby increase significantly.