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When does your period begin after an abortion: medical, conventional, vacuum, and what you should be wary of. Types of discharge after vacuum abortion and how many days it lasts

Not every woman, having learned about pregnancy, perceives the news with joy and anxious anticipation of motherhood. For some girls, circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy, in other words, have an abortion. The most gentle and less traumatic option for interruption is considered vacuum aspiration. Menstruation after a mini-abortion may come with some irregularities, which makes the woman worry. What is it? this procedure and what features characterize menstruation after a vacuum abortion.

Many women require lengthy recovery after an abortion procedure.

A mini abortion is the surgical removal of embryonic tissue in the early stages of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration, which is a suction procedure. For such an interruption, special equipment is required, such as a vacuum suction, which creates negative pressure in the uterus, causing the embryonic egg to peel off from the endometrium. It’s just that in the early gestational period, chorionic villi do not grow into the endometrium firmly enough, so removing the embryo does not cause difficulties.

Vacuum aspiration is performed exclusively when menstrual bleeding is delayed up to 21 days, although the most optimal time for such an abortion is 14-15 days of delay. For more early stages the embryo may not be noticed and not removed, but later there is a high probability of developing complications. Therefore, the most optimal gestation period during which a mini-abortion can be performed is considered to be 3-5 weeks of gestation.

When is a mini-abortion performed?

There are no special indications for abortion by suctioning the fetus using vacuum aspiration. Usually the leading indication is the desire of the patient herself to carry out the interruption in this way. Although there are some special conditions in which abortion is a necessity, for example:

  • Intrauterine fetal death;
  • Anembryonia, which is characterized by the presence ovum without an embryo inside, similar condition often called empty sac syndrome;
  • If a woman at the time of alleged conception and immediately after it suffered from severe flu, rubella or any other infection;
  • If pregnancy in any way threatens the patient's life (for example, diabetes mellitus, severe kidney or liver diseases, cancer, etc.;
  • If there are social indications such as sexual rape, stay in the MLS, etc.

Moreover, vacuum aspiration can also be used for other gynecological purposes such as incomplete miscarriage, congestion in the uterus serous fluid or blood menstrual irregularities, remnants of placenta particles after delivery or fetal fragments after medication interruption, as well as, if necessary, obtaining a biosample of the endometrial layer.

Vacuum abortion also has some contraindications. It cannot be performed on patients with ectopic embryo implantation, in a state of fever, with any cold or infection, with acute or chronic pelvic pathologies, poor blood clotting, or abortion less than six months ago.

Advantages and disadvantages

The vacuum interruption method is considered one of the safest

Vacuum interruption has many advantages over other interruption methods. Firstly, during the intervention there is no need to expand the cervical canal, therefore there is practically no discomfort during such an abortion, and the development of cervical insufficiency as a complication is minimized. Secondly, after a vacuum abortive procedure, within three weeks the uterine mucosa is restored, and the vessels of the organ do not have serious damage, which practically eliminates the possibility of bleeding.

When performing an abortion by suctioning the fetus, complications such as perforation are excluded uterine wall, which often occurs with traditional curettage. A vacuum abortion takes about 10 minutes, after which the woman is left under medical supervision for another couple of hours. The procedure does not require general anesthesia and can be performed with anesthesia local action. In the early stages of gestation, the hormonal background has not had time to transform and adjust to pregnancy, so the body will not experience stress. The fetus is not yet formed, psychologically such an interruption is easier.

But this abortive method also has some disadvantages. For example, it can only be carried out during a certain period. Incomplete suction of fetal tissue is also possible, in which case repeated aspiration or curettage is necessary.

Features of post-abortion discharge

In the first days after vacuum aspiration, the patient develops bloody issues, which have nothing to do with menstruation, although they are very similar to it in structure and consistency. The duration of such discharge is about 1-1.5 weeks. To alleviate the condition, experts recommend that patients during this period:

  • Direct all efforts to restore the body, and, therefore, get more rest;
  • Avoid coffee and dark chocolate and follow dietary ration nutrition;
  • Eliminate unhealthy habits;
  • Take temperature measurements before bed and in the morning.

If rehabilitation goes well and there are no complications, then after a couple of weeks you need to undergo ultrasound diagnostics, in order to make sure that the abortive procedure was successful and nothing more was left in the uterine cavity. One of the most frequently asked questions after a mini-abortion - when your period comes and how much discharge is observed.

In general, the duration of post-abortion discharge is influenced by the method of interruption, gestational age and age of the patient, her state of health, the quality of the intervention performed and the professionalism of the doctor. When unpleasant odor from discharge, you should urgently contact a gynecologist, because such a sign indicates the development of an inflammatory process and infection.

First menstruation

For persistent pain symptoms you need to see a doctor as soon as possible

The time when the next ones come menstrual days after a vacuum abortion may vary slightly for each patient. For some girls, their periods come with some delay, while for others, on the contrary, they may begin ahead of schedule. In general, for the final restoration and settlement menstrual cycle after the abortive vacuum procedure, it takes about 6 months for nulliparous patients, and 3-4 for those who have given birth.

It is especially necessary to monitor the nature and consistency of the incoming menstruation. If she has a sharp, putrid smell, yellowish tint and is accompanied by severe painful symptoms, and the patient’s condition noticeably worsens, it is necessary to urgently visit a specialist and undergo the necessary examination.

As a rule, the intensity of the first post-abortion menstruation is different for each patient and generally depends on how heavy the periods were before the interruption. Some patients have scanty, spotting bleeding, while others suffer from heavy and painful periods. Usually, after a vacuum abortion, the first menstrual bleeding can occur within a month.

How to calculate the arrival of the first menstruation

A woman needs to know the approximate time when menstruation begins after a gentle abortion in order to timely navigate and notice deviations. First offensive critical days should occur approximately a month after the interruption. But this does not always happen, and the amount of bleeding can be frightening, as well as excessive pain, although such sensations are normal.

Experts suggest using in a simple way an approximate estimate of when your period will begin.

  1. If the standard cycle for a woman is a 28-day period, then the first menstruation will begin approximately the same number of days after the abortion.
  2. A delay of critical days of approximately a week to a week and a half is allowed.
  3. On average, menstrual bleeding begins after 28-38 days if a woman had a 28-day cycle.

If female cycle before the abortion was 30 days or more, then we add 10 days to this duration and get possible deadline, after which the first menstruation should come.

If you don't have your period

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and help restore the body well.

If a woman does not have periods a month and a half after the abortion procedure, then it is worth undergoing a gynecological examination in order to identify possible complications. If menstruation does not come, and signs of it imminent arrival are absent, then it is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist, because the cause of such a long delay can be quite serious factors such as blood accumulation in the uterine body, incomplete suction of the fertilized egg, etc.

If the reasons lie in accumulations of blood, then this could happen due to the blood-clotting drugs used, spasm of the cervical canal or inhibition of uterine contractile functions, due to which the woman’s main reproductive organ lost the ability to expel blood masses. Such a complication is very dangerous and can lead to the development of serious intrauterine infectious pathologies, therefore requiring mandatory surgical intervention.

If during vacuum aspiration the fertilized egg was not completely removed, then its remains can continue the production of chorionic hormone, thereby deceiving the body, creating the illusion of a pregnant woman hormonal status and interfering with the formation normal cycle. Why else might there be problems with menstruation? There are many reasons for this. This may be an inflammatory lesion of the uterine appendages, too deep damage endometrial layer during abortion or new pregnancy.

How to understand that complications have arisen

It also happens that menstruation began around the due date, however, the appearance of it frightens the patient, because the discharge has an abnormal consistency, color, smell or structure. Abnormal discharge usually indicates development serious complications abortion and may manifest itself in various forms. Any gynecological intervention, be it vacuum abortive aspiration or traditional curettage, cannot pass without a trace for a woman and will immediately affect the condition of the body. Therefore, patients are especially advised to monitor not only the nature of the discharge immediately after an abortion, but also the structure of the first menstrual bleeding.

  • If the first menstruation after an abortion has an intense red or bright scarlet hue, then such a sign may indicate an opening inside uterine bleeding. If sanitary pad is not enough even for an hour, and the bleeding itself continues with similar intensity for quite a long time, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.
  • If menstrual flow acquired a yellowish-white tint and an unpleasant, fetid odor, then such vivid symptoms indicate developed inflammation, which is often accompanied by hyperthermic signs.
  • If menstruation is underway is too painful and scanty, and then stops, appearing again a day or two later in an equally scanty amount, then this may indicate thrombus formation in the cervical lumen. A similar complication can also manifest itself as a complete absence of menstruation against the background of severe pain in the abdomen. The clot prevents the bloody masses from coming out, which leads to the development of deadly intrauterine inflammation.
  • No less dangerous are menstruation, which is accompanied by copious discharge of mucous accumulations or clots. They may indicate the incompleteness of the vacuum mini-abortion, which requires repeated suction of the fertilized egg or cleaning of the uterus using the traditional curettage method.

Any abortion, whether performed using pills, vacuum aspiration or curettage, carries a risk of female body a certain threat. Therefore, patients who decide to take such a desperate step need to be extremely attentive to the signals that the body gives after an abortion procedure in order to avoid serious complications and irreversible consequences. One of these signals is a delay in menstruation, indicating infection or inflammation, severe hormonal imbalance and other deviations from the norm requiring qualified medical intervention.

Any termination of pregnancy has a negative impact on women's health And psychological state. But there is a more gentle method of performing this operation. This is a mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. It is carried out using a special instrument equipped with a catheter, which is inserted into the uterus.

Despite the obvious advantages of this method, the prefix “mini” does not mean complete absence complications and consequences. In addition, vacuum aspiration has a limited time frame during which it is permitted.

Timing for a mini-abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out in very early stages, almost immediately after the fact of pregnancy is established, when menstruation is delayed by 2-3 weeks. Extremely permissible period– this is 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. An earlier procedure is also undesirable, since the fertilized egg is invisible even to modern technology. There is a risk of incomplete removal, which can lead to complications. IN in rare cases the doctor fails to “detect” the fertilized egg and the pregnancy continues to develop further.

Indications for the procedure and its advantages

A vacuum abortion is prescribed after the fact of pregnancy has been established and there is no desire to continue it. There are also a number medical indications to mini-abortion, in which pregnancy and childbirth can cause significant harm to a woman’s health.

These include:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • Availability malignant tumors of various origins;
  • infectious diseases suffered after conception that can negatively affect the development of the fetus (influenza, rubella, scarlet fever);
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • rape or other social indicators.

Vacuum aspiration is one of the most effective methods cleansing the uterine cavity after diagnosis. The method is used not only for abortion, but also for other gynecological interventions. It is used to remove elements of the placenta remaining after childbirth and eliminate uterine bleeding varying intensity, incomplete miscarriage, to prevent retention of the remaining fetal egg in the uterus, if necessary, to cleanse the organ of pathological accumulation of blood.

Among the advantages this method in comparison with the following:

  • efficiency final result– there is virtually no risk that particles of the fertilized egg that can cause inflammation may remain in the uterus;
  • low-invasiveness - there is no need to expand the cervical canal or scrape out the walls of the uterus with a sharp curette;
  • lack of preparatory period;
  • the manipulation is not accompanied by severe painful sensations;
  • possibility of use various types pain relief;
  • relatively low risk of secondary infertility;
  • short recovery period.


Despite the fact that mini-abortion is gentle, the manipulation belongs to surgical operations, so it has a number of contraindications:

  • the presence of infectious diseases at the time of testing, especially if they are accompanied by fever and chills;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the blood clotting system;
  • Less than six months have passed since the last abortion.

As already noted, vacuum aspiration of the fetal egg is not performed if the gestational age exceeds six weeks, if anomalies are detected in the structure of the uterus or if there are deforming tumors in its cavity.

A negative Rh factor is one of the aggravating factors when performing a mini-abortion. The immune system begins to perceive the fetus as foreign body, producing antibodies that destroy its red blood cells. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of premature or complicated birth increases, hemolytic disease newborns.

Preoperative examination

First of all, it is aimed at establishing the fact of conception. To do this, a complex of data is used. These include the results of an examination in a gynecological chair, the use of a pregnancy test and a transvaginal ultrasound.

At gynecological examination noted increased size and changes in the structure of the uterus, softening of its cervix. A pregnancy test is one of the most reliable ways to confirm its presence. It is based on the determination in the body human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), which is produced only in pregnant women.

Every day the concentration of the hormone increases. At correct implementation test, the reliability of its results is about 97-99%. Typically, the test is done in the morning using overnight urine.

Once pregnancy is determined, general urine and blood tests, tests for HIV and sexually transmitted infections, and swabs from the vagina and urethra are prescribed.

How is a mini-abortion performed?

Carrying out a mini-abortion does not require special preparation.

Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration)

During the procedure, general or local anesthesia is used. General anesthesia carried out at the request of the patient herself. In this case, she is warned that on the day of the procedure she should not eat or drink anything to avoid vomiting.

Before the procedure, the woman's pubic hair is shaved, after which the patient takes a shower and lies down on a gynecological chair. The external genitalia, vaginal walls and cervix are treated with a special antiseptic. Then gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina and the uterus is fixed with bullet forceps.

A tube connected to a vacuum excoleator is inserted into the vagina. Rotating movements reveal the fertilized egg and remove it. The internal and external genitalia are additionally treated with an antiseptic. The whole procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. After it is carried out, the woman is in medical institution at rest for at least an hour. After this period, if there are no complications, the patient can go home.

Complications and their treatment

Despite gentle vacuum aspiration, rough intervention in natural process the body is fraught with both physical pathologies and changes in the psychological state.

The consequences of mini-abortion are divided into three groups:

  1. Those that arise immediately after it is carried out.
  2. Appearing during the first months.
  3. Long-term complications that develop 2-5 years after the intervention.

Immediately after vacuum aspiration, spasmodic pain in the abdomen may be felt. They are caused by uterine contractions, the body's natural reaction to outside interference. The pain may be complicated by swelling of the vagina. If painful sensations are mild and do not worsen well-being; they are not considered a pathology. Such manifestations go away on their own within a few hours/days after the abortion.

Much more dangerous are profuse bleeding, which begins 2-3 hours after vacuum aspiration. Excessive bleeding leads to the development of anemia, dizziness, and general weakness. In this case, hemostatic drugs and therapy to enhance uterine contractility are prescribed.

The most dangerous complication– . This is a severe injury to the muscular walls of an organ caused by unsuccessful use of medical instruments. Pathological condition manifests itself severe pain, dizziness, weakness, fever. Urgent surgery is indicated.

Complications that occur in the first weeks after gynecological surgery include:

  • incomplete removal of fetal particles from the uterus - remnants of placental tissue or fetal membranes cause inflammatory process and spotting bleeding (the way out of the situation is repeated cleansing of the uterine cavity);
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages - can occur even with full compliance with the rules of asepsis, when a mini-abortion provokes existing foci of chronic infections;
  • pathological accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity due to disruption of the outflow (hematometer).

Patients note sharp increase body temperature, pain and bleeding. Treatment is carried out in a hospital using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Any methods of terminating pregnancy at home are strictly prohibited. Even if the abortion is performed in the early stages in a specialized medical institution an experienced doctor, there are some risks of bleeding or other complications. By deciding to undergo such procedures at home, a woman seriously risks her health, and often even her life.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration

Spotting discharge after vacuum aspiration is normal. Many women perceive them as another menstruation, which is not true. Their presence is associated with a sharp intervention in the body and the reaction of the ovaries to a drop in the level of progesterone in the blood.

Normally, the duration of discharge should not exceed 7-8 days. After the 3-4th day they become less abundant. If the discharge is very strong, with clots and foul odor, accompanied by dizziness, fever and general weakness, immediate medical attention is required!

The first menstruation after vacuum aspiration occurs approximately a month after the gynecological intervention. This usually occurs after 28-35 days and depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation does not yet indicate that the body has fully recovered after the procedure.

The duration of recovery varies from person to person; it usually takes from three to nine months. Age, the number of previous abortions, the period at which the pregnancy was terminated, and the presence of gynecological diseases are important.

IN post-abortion period The following recommendations must be followed:

  • control the amount of discharge in the first 3-4 days; to reduce it, take water pepper extract;
  • measure body temperature, if it exceeds 37.5 ° C, consult a doctor;
  • exclude visiting the pool, sauna, solarium, bathhouse;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • maintain sexual rest for a month to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the vagina;
  • visit a gynecologist 10-14 days after a mini-abortion for a control ultrasound.

Fortunately, many women, having undergone a mini-abortion, retain their ability to conceive. In exceptional cases, pregnancy can occur even 6-8 weeks after vacuum aspiration. This is an undesirable period, since the body does not have time to fully recover. Such a pregnancy occurs with complications and often ends in the death of the fetus.

The optimal time for pregnancy is after six months. During this time, normalization occurs hormonal levels, healing possible damage internal genital organs. Great importance It has correct use. Your doctor will help you choose them.

Before making a final decision about planning to conceive a child, you need to undergo a medical examination. It is necessary even for those women who have not previously experienced menstrual disorders, inflammatory processes of the genital organs and other pathologies.

Every woman, when having sexual relations, should know about the dangers of abortion and do everything possible to prevent it. Abortion during the first pregnancy is especially dangerous. This is what most often leads to secondary infertility and various gynecological pathologies. Vacuum aspiration belongs to the relatively safe methods, but even its implementation will not protect against negative consequences.

Doctors are convinced that vacuum abortion can be performed between 6 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, sometimes it can be done earlier - in the fifth or fourth week. Before such complex operation it is necessary to undergo a series of procedures, including a pregnancy test, as well as an examination by a gynecologist and, accordingly, ultrasonography. If the pregnancy is indeed confirmed, the doctor during the consultation discusses with the girl what actions need to be taken in the future.
If you nevertheless decide to have an abortion, the doctor must set a date for performing the method. However, in some cases, an abortion is performed on the same day as the consultation. However, having decided to undergo such an operation, you must remember that there may be risks and even side effects from such a traumatic procedure.

How is abortion performed?

Removal of the fertilized egg is performed using vacuum suction. This atraumatic method makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of infection and the development of bleeding, and also prevents the possibility of injuring the uterus. Doctors call this method of terminating pregnancy in the earliest stages a vacuum or blink abortion.

It must be said that vacuum abortion is necessarily performed in a clinical setting using anesthesia. In order to perform the operation, the doctor does not need to perform additional dilation, because the doctor inserts a catheter through the cervix. This simple method makes it possible to balance pressure. Under its influence, the fertilized egg, which is implanted in the uterus, begins to gradually separate and be excreted.

The undeniable advantage of this method is that there are absolutely no consequences affecting the expansion of the uterus. This reduces the possibility of traumatic action. An innovative and unique method makes it possible to reduce by an order of magnitude the possibility of such “common” consequences for abortions as infection, disruption of the integrity of the cervix and bleeding. The main advantage of this traumatic method of termination of pregnancy is that it requires a small amount of time. In other words, the entire operation will last no more than 10 minutes.

Sometimes vacuum abortion is performed using ultrasound beams. This approach to the matter makes it possible to determine the location of the fertilized egg as accurately as possible. Thus, the likelihood of complications is minimized.
After the operation is performed, the girl must be observed and her well-being monitored. In the event that a woman has copious discharge With sharp pain in the lower abdomen, this indicates that the doctor has not completely removed the fertilized egg, so a similar operation must be performed again. Patients who performed similar procedure, they claim that healing occurs quite quickly.

If the vacuum abortion was successful, then the girl will have to contact her doctor after 1.5 weeks in order to exclude the possible occurrence of side effects. That is why, in order to avoid various kinds of side effects, the doctor must prescribe prophylactic drugs and treatment. In addition, girls need to know that menstruation is restored only 2 months after a mini-abortion.


In any case, termination of pregnancy is surgical intervention. And it can be caused by a number of complications, the main one of which is considered partial removal fertilized egg. And in order to completely remove it, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. TO side effects also include hormonal shifts and menstruation disorders. In addition, the course of follicle maturation and ovulation is imbalanced.

Expert opinion

Gynecologists are convinced that vacuum abortion is fraught with the development inflammatory diseases and various types of infections. In addition, girls who decide on such a radical procedure need to know that even such an improved method as vacuum abortion is fraught with infertility.

Even a minor operation can affect the nature of menstruation. This also applies to such relatively gentle surgical interventions as vacuum aspiration. Real menstruation after vacuum aspiration begins only on the 30-40th day. They are preceded by menstrual-like discharge, the arrival of which can be expected 4-5 days after the operation.

The next menstrual cycle begins on the day of surgery. Discharge preceding normal periods indicates that the damaged uterine lining is healing. If there are no pathologies, they are present for 5-10 days and have bloody inclusions. Sometimes during the first 2-3 days there is a mild pain syndrome., but over time these sensations gradually pass.

Whether to make a vacuum or not should be decided by the woman herself, based on her moral beliefs and doctor’s recommendations. This is an approved method of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. Surgical intervention is carried out in outpatient setting, and the duration of the operation varies from 2 to 10 minutes.

Normal discharge

First menstruation after surgical intervention usually less intense. This condition is not considered pathological. It is explained by the incompletely restored functioning of the ovaries and insufficient thickening of the endometrium.

For many young ladies, their periods come later after a vacuum. Some women can expect the arrival of “critical days” earlier than expected due to the stress on the body caused by the intervention.

The final return of the cycle to normal in women who have become mothers is observed within 3-4 months. For nulliparous young ladies, it is acceptable to be “late” for six months. After this, “critical days” again begin to come once a month regularly.

No allocations

Sometimes women complain that, despite discomfort in the lower abdomen, no. In this case, the following pathologies can be suspected:

  • cervical stenosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • uterine bend.

In addition, it is logical to assume a new pregnancy or the presence of a hormonal disorder. The development of cervical stenosis is more typical for women who did not have time to become mothers. Vacuum aspiration involves enlargement of the cervical canal. Against this background, a decrease in the uterine cervix may be observed.

Pathology leads to the fact that the “needed” layer of the endometrium is rejected, but the discharge has no opportunity to leave the uterine cavity. Over time, menstrual secretions accumulate and severe pain occurs. Against this background, the inflammatory process easily develops due to the proliferation of microorganisms in the secretions.

Due to the expansion of the veins located in reproductive organs, thrombosis often develops. Appeared blood clots are an obstacle to the outflow of secretions. In this case, there is pain in the lower abdomen. If the disease is not treated, an inflammatory process develops in the uterine cavity, similar to that with cervical stenosis.

If the organ originally had incorrect position, surgical intervention makes its deviation even stronger, which prevents free exit menstrual blood. Accumulated secretions in the uterine cavity cause inflammation and severe pain.

Due to refusal hormonal contraceptives a new pregnancy may occur. Theoretically, it can occur already in the first cycle after vacuum aspiration.

How to calculate the period of appearance of discharge

Many women are interested in how to calculate the timing of the appearance of new “critical days” after surgery. This is quite easy to do.

  1. First, a woman must determine.
  2. The next step is to add the delay duration to it.
  3. After this, focusing on the date when the operation was performed, you need to add the resulting amount to it.

It all depends on the length of the cycle. For most women, its duration is 28 days. Considering possible delay in 7-10 days, the arrival of the first menstruation after surgery should be expected approximately 35-38 days after vacuum aspiration.

It's time to sound the alarm

You should contact a doctor if there are differences from the usual discharge. You need to sound the alarm in the following cases:

If a woman feels like her period is about to start, but on a certain day only spotting appears, which then stops, you should be wary. The next day you can see a drop of fresh blood on the hygiene product. After another 24 hours, menstruation suddenly disappears. This symptom warns of the presence of a large blood clot in the area of ​​the uterine cervix.

The appearance of discharge of a whitish or yellowish tint is considered especially dangerous. If they are accompanied by a sharp “aroma” and an increase in body temperature, we may be talking about the beginning of an inflammatory process.

The presence of mucus and clots is a sign of incomplete vacuum aspiration.

In this case, the woman needs additional examination. If ultrasound detects the remains of the fertilized egg, a new operation is performed.

If the discharge takes on a dark red or scarlet hue, we may be talking about. When the hygiene product fills with blood within 60 minutes and this condition does not disappear within 3-5 hours, the woman should immediately visit the gynecological office.

After the vacuum, soon it is possible. To do this, a woman must give up smoking and alcohol. Consumption of chocolate and caffeine should be kept to a minimum. Food should be healthy, properly prepared and easy to digest. It is advisable to completely avoid fatty and spicy foods. You need to drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, compotes and fruit drinks. Sleep should be long and full. Stressful situations and performing heavy physical work should be avoided whenever possible.


Any surgical intervention, even the most delicate, does not pass without a trace. Most often appear alarming symptoms, warning about problems in the body. To avoid the appearance serious illnesses a woman should listen to herself and, if necessary, seek help as soon as possible.

Abortion by vacuum aspiration and its consequences

There are two methods of vacuum aspiration (also called suction aspiration).

  • Manual vacuum aspiration. This procedure can be used approximately 5 to 12 weeks after your last menstrual period (early first trimester of pregnancy). It involves using a specially designed syringe to perform suction. This method is not available everywhere, but may be more affordable than machine suction in some geographic areas.
  • Machine vacuum aspiration. This procedure is a common method used in the first 5 to 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Machine vacuum aspiration involves the use of a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached to a bottle and a pump that provides soft action vacuum. The cannula is inserted into the uterus, the pump is turned on, and the tissue is gently removed from the uterus.

Manual vacuum aspiration procedure

Manual vacuum aspiration usually takes from 5 to 15 minutes. It can be performed safely in a clinic or medical office using a local anesthetic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen. The procedure includes:

There may be some bleeding for a couple of weeks after vacuum aspiration. It may feel similar to menstrual bleeding. this time until it stops. This type surgical abortion is performed in women. between 7 and 15 weeks of pregnancy.

  • A numbing medicine (local anesthetic) is injected into the cervix.
  • If necessary, a small instrument is inserted into the cervix to slightly dilate it. However, in most cases the extension is not necessary.
  • A thin tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. A hand-held syringe is used to suction tissue from the uterus. As the tissue is removed, the uterus will contract. Most women experience cramps during the procedure. The cramps go away after the tube is removed. Some women also experience nausea. sweating and feeling weak. But usually the symptoms are less severe than with machine vacuum aspiration.

Machine vacuum aspiration procedure

A few hours or a day before the machine vacuum aspiration procedure, an osmotic cervical dilator may be placed in the cervix to slightly open (dilate) it. Immediately before the procedure, antibiotics are given to prevent infection. They may also be given a medicine called misoprostol to soften the cervix before the procedure.

Machine vacuum aspiration usually takes 10 to 15 minutes. It can be performed safely in a clinic or doctor's office under local anesthesia. The procedure includes:

  • You are placed on the examination table in the same position as for a pelvic examination, with your feet on the gynecological equipment and lying on your back.
  • A speculum is placed in the vagina.
  • The vagina and cervix are cleaned with an antiseptic solution.
  • A numbing medicine (local anesthetic) is injected into the cervix. Medicine for pain or with a sedative effect, in addition to local anesthesia, can be taken orally or through a vein. Vasopressin, or a similar drug. slowing down uterine bleeding. can be mixed with local anesthetic to reduce blood loss.
  • The cervix is ​​grasped using a device that holds it in place.
  • The cervical canal is opened (expanded) with a small device. Dilatation reduces the risk of any cervical injury during the procedure.
  • A thin, hollow tube (cannula) is inserted through the cervical canal and a gentle vacuum is applied to remove tissue from the uterus. As the tissue is removed, the uterus will contract. Most women experience cramps during the procedure. The cramps go away after the tube is removed. Some women also experience nausea, sweating and a feeling of weakness.

Tissue removed from the uterus during a vacuum aspiration procedure is examined to ensure that the tissue is completely removed and the abortion is complete.

Sometimes a dilatation and curettage procedure is necessary after vacuum aspiration if not all tissue has been removed. During the dilatation and curettage procedure, a sharp surgical instrument to remove tissue from the uterine cavity.

What to expect after surgery

Vacuum aspiration is minor operation. Normal recovery includes:

  • Irregular bleeding or spotting during the first two weeks. During the first week, avoid tampons and use only pads.
  • Cramps similar to menstrual pain, which may be present for several hours, and possibly several days, as the uterus shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size.
  • Emotional reactions lasting 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Take the full course of prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • Rest easy during the first day. You can carry out your normal activities the next day, depending on how you feel.
  • Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) or ibuprofen (such as Advil) may help relieve the pain of cramps.
  • Do not have sexual relations. By at least, one week. Use birth control methods after an abortion. Also use condoms. to prevent infection. You may start using certain contraceptives immediately after the vacuum aspiration procedure.

Signs of complications after vacuum aspiration

Call your doctor immediately. if you have any of these symptoms after an abortion:

  • Heavy bleeding. Both medical and surgical abortions usually cause bleeding that differs from the normal menstrual cycle. Heavy bleeding may mean:
    • Clots larger than a golf ball appear within 2 hours or more.
    • Using more than two large pads per hour for two hours straight.
    • Heavy bleeding lasting 12 hours.
  • Signs of infection throughout the body, such as headache. muscle pain, dizziness or general feeling diseases. Severe infection is possible without fever.
  • Severe abdominal pain that does not go away with painkillers medicines, rest or warm up.
  • Hot flashes or temperature of 38°C or higher that lasts more than 4 hours.
  • Vomiting lasting more than 4-6 hours.
  • Sudden swelling of the abdomen or increased heart rate.
  • The vaginal discharge is increased or smells foul.
  • Pain, swelling. redness in the genital area.

Make an appointment with a doctor. if you have any of the following symptoms after a recent abortion:

  • Bleeding (not spotting) for more than two weeks.
  • New, unexplained symptoms that may have been caused by taking medical supplies during treatment.
  • No menstruation for 6 weeks after the procedure.
  • Signs and symptoms of depression. Hormonal changes after pregnancy can lead to depression, which requires treatment.

Why is vacuum aspiration performed?

Vacuum aspiration is done in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Vacuum aspiration can be done as:

  • Induced therapeutic abortion
  • After an unsuccessful medical abortion
  • Upon fetal death (missed spontaneous abortion)
  • In case of incomplete miscarriage (incomplete spontaneous abortion)

How successful is the procedure?

In the first trimester, surgical abortions are safe and effective and have few complications.

In rare cases, the aspiration procedure does not successfully terminate the pregnancy. This is more likely to happen during the first weeks of pregnancy. Among manual aspirations performed before 6 weeks, about 3 in 100 are unsuccessful and a repeat procedure is necessary.

Risks of Vacuum Aspiration

Surgical abortions in the first trimester are considered the safest surgical procedures. The risk of complications is low. Some minor complications include:

  • Damage to the lining of the uterus or cervix.
  • Infection. Bacteria can enter the uterus during the procedure and cause an infection. This is more likely if you have an untreated condition. for example, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that existed before the procedure. Symptoms of fever, pain and weakness in the abdominal area usually begin 2 to 3 days after the procedure. Taking antibiotics during or after the procedure reduces the risk of infection.

Rare complications are possible:

  • A hole in the wall of the uterus (uterine perforation, rare), which most often occurs when the cervix dilates. Bleeding is usually minimal and there is no need for recovery. If bleeding is a concern, laparoscopy (a procedure that uses a lighted viewing tool) can be used to see if the bleeding has stopped.
  • Tissue remaining in the uterus (undistributed products of conception) usually causes recurring cramping abdominal pain and bleeding for a week after the procedure. Sometimes prolonged bleeding develops only after a few weeks.
  • Blood clots. If the uterus does not contract to expel all the tissue, the cervix may become blocked and begin to prevent blood from leaving the uterus. The uterus becomes enlarged and painful, often causing abdominal pain, cramping and nausea.

Repeated vacuum aspiration and medications to control bleeding are used to remove retained products of conception or blood clots.

Undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy after manual or machine vacuum aspiration

There may be an undiagnosed ectopic (tubal) pregnancy that was not detected before the abortion procedure. Although a pregnancy test. passed before the procedure, positive, the pregnancy itself is not in the uterus. Thus, this method of abortion does not terminate the pregnancy. Symptoms ectopic pregnancy problems that occur after an abortion procedure may include:

  • Abdominal or pelvic pain that gets worse
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Dizziness or fainting. caused by blood loss

An ectopic pregnancy requires urgent medical care. Call your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of a possible ectopic pregnancy.

Things to think about

The choice of medical or surgical abortion procedure will depend on your medical history what week of pregnancy you are in, what options are available where you live, and your personal preferences.

In the United States, vacuum aspiration is the most common abortion method used during the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Early in pregnancy, for most of the first trimester, a woman may also consider using medication (medical abortion).

About 90% of all abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Abortion rarely affects your ability to become pregnant in the future. So it is possible to become pregnant within a few weeks immediately after the procedure. Avoid sex until your body has fully recovered, usually at least one week. Use contraception in the first weeks after an abortion. And also condoms to prevent infection.

Depression may occur due to pregnancy hormones changing after an abortion. If you continue to have symptoms of depression such as fatigue for more than two weeks. drowsiness. changes in appetite or feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety or irritability, consult your doctor about treatment.

The hospital or surgery center may give you instructions on how to prepare for surgery. or the nurse may give you instructions right before surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will be monitored and cared for by nurses. You will likely stay in the recovery room for a while and then go home. In addition to any special instructions from your doctor, the nurse will explain information to you to help you recover. You'll go home with printed care instructions, including who to contact if problems arise.

Find out more on the topic of abortion vacuum:

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum

Mini abortion – vacuum aspiration

Mini abortion (vacuum aspiration) and other types of abortions

More information