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Why did my goat have bleeding after lambing? Uterine bleeding in mares, goats, cows. Diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention

When a goat lambs easily, as a rule, its condition remains good and all discharge from the goat’s genital slit is associated with the natural process of cleansing the uterus. In such a situation, the pet does not require the help of a veterinarian, and everything ends within 3-5 weeks. When a goat’s discharge after lambing causes concern for the owner, it is necessary to urgently take measures to identify the cause and carry out adequate treatment.

Discharge after lambing varies, and the owner should be able to distinguish which of them pose a danger to the animal and which do not. All discharge from a goat can be divided into natural and pathological.


With natural physiological secretions in a female, the following picture is observed:

  • Bleeding immediately after lambing is not severe and stops completely within 30-40 minutes;
  • Minor bloody issues no unpleasant odor for a week after lambing;
  • Not strong (they stain the base of the tail and in a rare case udder) brown discharge without an unpleasant odor and does not worsen the goat’s condition.

The animal does not require treatment, as it natural process restoration of the genital organs.


Pathological discharge is evidence of the development of inflammation, penetration pathogenic bacteria or traumatic injury fabrics. In such a situation, you will definitely need to consult a veterinarian and carry out therapy.

  1. Purulent discharge - occurs if there is acute inflammation, in which a purulent-necrotic process develops in the tissues of the vagina or uterus. This discharge is most often brown mixed with pus and unpleasant smell. It is extremely rare that the discharge can be completely purulent. In this case they are white and quite thick with an unpleasant putrid smell. The causes of this phenomenon are infected lesions of the vaginal mucosa, as well as improper care of the goat after lambing, when bacteria receive an ideal environment for reproduction. As a result, the vagina becomes infected first, and then the uterus. A problem may also arise due to the introduction of dirt. With absence timely treatment the condition worsens significantly and sepsis develops, due to which the animal dies.
  2. Bloody-putrefactive discharge - the reason for its occurrence is the incorrect process of cleansing the uterus. The phenomenon occurs in most cases in firstborns if there are any disturbances in the development of the uterus or its significant damage during lambing. In such a state it is impossible to do without urgent help veterinarian, as this will lead to the loss of the animal due to uterine necrosis or sepsis.
  3. Bloody discharge - occurs immediately after lambing or a few hours after it. In the event that after the birth of a kid, along with mucus, residues amniotic fluid and then scarlet blood is released, or independent profuse bleeding scarlet blood, immediate veterinary intervention is required. Such bleeding, if delayed, can often lead to the death of the goat due to blood loss.

According to experts, they pose a particular danger purulent discharge, which, if the pet is not closely monitored, can go unnoticed, as a result of which the female does not receive timely therapy. If pathological discharge is detected in an animal, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Without urgent need, you should not risk the animal by trying to carry out therapy based on the advice of friends.

How to properly care for a goat after lambing to prevent complications

Often suppuration and inflammation of the vagina and uterus occurs in a goat due to improper care during the period after lambing. In order to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to carry out a full treatment of the external genitalia and vagina as soon as the placenta is released.

It is very important to quickly antiseptic treatment, which should be repeated in the future until physiological discharge stops.

Use to obtain safe antiseptic solution followed by manganese. It is dissolved in boiled water until an intense pink, but not too dark, solution is obtained. They wash the area around the slit and the base of the tail, and also wash off all the secretions that get on the udder. To treat the vagina, use a weaker solution of light Pink colour to prevent burns to the mucous membrane. It is most convenient to administer the product using a syringe. On the first day after the birth of kids, it is necessary to wash them twice with an interval of 12 hours.

Next, external treatment is carried out daily, and internal treatment every other day until the discharge completely stops. If after some break they reappear (this is normal phenomenon), processing should begin again.

How to properly care for a goat with pathological discharge

It is important for the owner to know what to do if the pet has bad discharge after lambing. As soon as they were discovered pathological discharge, treatment should be started immediately. Ideally, a veterinarian should prescribe it, but if his visit on the same day is not possible, you must begin therapy on your own.

The first thing to do is measure your pet's temperature. If it is elevated, this is evidence acute inflammation which should be treated with antibiotics.

Tampons with ichthyol ointment, levomekol and ASD faction as a means of first aid for your pet. The ointments are mixed in equal quantities and a fraction is added to them at the rate of 2 drops of the drug per 1 tsp. mixtures. The resulting composition is generously lubricated with a tampon and inserted into the vagina, previously washed with a solution of manganese. Tampons are used until the discharge stops completely and for a couple of days after that to consolidate the result.

In parallel with local application An antibiotic agent requires administration of antibiotics intramuscularly. How most effective remedy Amoxicillin has proven itself. Should take veterinary drug with a concentration of 15%. Its dosage is calculated based on the norm of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight. The drug must be injected into the muscles on the thigh. At severe inflammation injections are given daily for 5 days, and for weak and moderate symptoms - 3 times every other day.

During this period, rinsing the external genitalia and vagina with manganese is carried out 2 times a day. Manganese can be replaced with chlorhexidine (purchased at a regular pharmacy).

Helping a goat with bleeding

If there is bleeding, it is necessary to increase the force of uterine contraction, which will lead to vasoconstriction and reduced blood loss. To do this, the female is injected intramuscularly with oxytocin: 1 ml immediately and 2 more times during the day. Then, for 3 days in a row, 15 minutes before milking, the drug is administered 2 times a day. Also, to improve the blood clotting process, 2 ml of dicinone is administered. Injections of ascorbic acid will also be necessary: ​​2 ml once a day for 5 days, always intramuscularly. In addition, to prevent inflammation, it is recommended to use bicilin-3, which is a mild antibiotic.

Discharge in a goat after lambing is normal, but only if it is physiological. After lambing has occurred, the owner must examine the female daily for timely detection. pathological condition, if it arises. Any suspicion of inflammation and suppuration is an indication to contact a veterinarian.

Bloody discharge in a goat after birth, they normally do not last long and are caused by physiological processes. As the body recovers, they should stop on their own. If this does not happen, the animal may have health problems.

They can be physiological or pathological. The goat breeder must be able to distinguish the norm from the symptoms of the disease in order to take the necessary measures in time and save the animal.


After the birth of offspring, females of all mammals secrete ichor from the genital organ. At first, it has a brownish-red color, but gradually there is less blood in the discharge, it acquires a pale pink, and a little later - a yellowish tint.

This means that the wound is healing and the cleansing of the uterus is proceeding normally. Lochia ( normal discharge in recently given birth females) last from 5 to 12 days, and yellow excreta can be observed up to 21 days. When the discharge of the reproductive organs smells normal and does not contain inclusions in the form of yellow-green or bright scarlet impurities, there is no cause for concern.


It is not normal for discharge to flow from the vulva of a lambing goat:

Important. If physiological discharge from the uterus and vagina caused by childbirth lasts longer than expected, this also indicates pathology.

Bleeding after lambing

Within three hours after lambing, the placenta (placenta) emerges from the goat's genitals. With it, the remains of amniotic fluid and mucus mixed with blood are released. The goat breeder should not interfere with the process, speed up the release of the placenta, or forcefully remove it. This risks rupturing the placenta, as well as the fact that part of it will remain in the uterus and provoke inflammation.

Heavy bleeding in a goat is a cause for concern for the owner

As soon as the placenta comes out, the bleeding decreases and by the end of the second day it stops completely. If this does not happen, and the red discharge continues to flow profusely, the goat owner should immediately call a veterinarian.

Hemorrhage (bleeding) may occur:

  • due to trauma caused by the fetus when it is quite large or does not come out correctly. Normally, the baby moves forward along the birth canal with his front legs, while his head rests on them. By being born, for example, with raised and crossed hooves, the baby severely damages the goat's uterus from the inside;
  • due to the fact that the muscles reproductive organ contracts weakly, the walls of the vessels do not compress and blood continues to flow out. This is called subinvolution of the uterus - a pathologically slow reduction of the organ to its original state, which was before conception.

Among the causes of subinvolution:

  • overextension uterine walls because of multiple pregnancy(polyploidy) and/or large quantity amniotic fluid (hydroamniosis);
  • large size of offspring;
  • adynamia - loss of strength, general muscle weakness goats, because of which she moves little or lies all the time;
  • deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Important. Bleeding is dangerous because it can cause anemia in the animal. Large-scale blood loss causes increased blood production. Tissues lack oxygen and accumulate toxins. The goat is in depressed state, suffers from loss of strength, cannot eat or drink normally, and loses consciousness. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the animal will die.


Sometimes a goat that has recently given birth produces clots from the genitals with a nauseating odor, which is one of the signs of endometritis - inflammation of the membrane lining the inner surface of the uterus. More often, the process is accompanied by the discharge of a purulent discharge of a dirty brown color, with streaks and elements of necrotic epithelium.

Placenta that is not completely released during childbirth is one of the causes of endometritis.

The cause of the pathology is the activity of infectious pathogens that have entered the uterine cavity. They penetrate there when damaged during childbirth, as well as as a result of lambing in unsanitary conditions. The mucous membrane of the reproductive organ in the first time after the birth of offspring represents open wound, which is an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic microflora.

Important. To catch the infection, a goat just needs to sit down and touch its vulva to the ground, dirty floor or bedding. The immune system, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, will not be able to resist the microbes that live everywhere.

Another cause of endometritis is fragments of the placenta remaining in the uterus. They become necrotic, causing severe inflammation. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the infection will enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body - sepsis will develop, which in most cases ends in the death of the animal.

Treatment postpartum conditions, which caused bloody discharge in a goat, is a complex of medical measures.

Therapy for bleeding after lambing of a goat

Purpose therapeutic measures are:

To achieve this, use different techniques and groups of medications.

Activation of uterine contractions

Oxytocin is prescribed to induce uterine contractions. It is administered once, in a dosage of 10–15 IU. The medicine is sold in several concentrations, so you should carefully read the instructions.

Important. There is an opinion that one injection to obtain desired result not enough. In fact, the activity of Oxytocin can be enhanced if you first inject Sinestrol. In addition, contraction of the uterus stimulates the milking process very well. Even if negligible milk is produced, the procedure should be performed three times a day.

Fighting bleeding

Vikasol, a source of vitamin K, which regulates coagulation, is used as a hemostatic agent. To improve the condition of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, ascorbic acid preparations are used.

Normally, the intestinal microflora of ruminants ensures sufficient production of vitamins K and C, but in an animal weakened by childbirth, the body is not able to produce such an amount to fully meet the requirement.

In case of severe bleeding, calcium chloride with glucose is administered intravenously. When saving a goat from blood loss, it is important not to overdo it: using a large amount of coagulants can lead to thickening of the blood, thereby creating additional stress on the heart and increasing the risk of blood clots.

Prevention of complications

One possible complication is extreme loss of fluid from the body. To prevent dehydration, the goat should be given good water, including Regidron solution. In severe cases it is indicated infusion therapyintravenous administration Ringer's solution, saline and other compounds, restoring normal level fluids in the body.

For warning cardiovascular disorders possible after significant blood loss, Caffeine and Sulfocamphocaine are prescribed.

Treatment of endometritis

When a goat is diagnosed with this pathology, it requires special therapy, which:

Cleaning the uterine cavity

In order for the pathological contents of the uterus to come out faster, it is necessary to activate the contractile function. This is achieved by using Oxytocin, which was already mentioned above.

Antibacterial therapy

Antimicrobial medications are used to combat pathogenic flora. Preference is given to drugs with prolonged (long) action, sulfonamides, nitrofurans. They are introduced into the body parenterally, that is, not through the gastrointestinal tract. Individual antibiotics, despite their wide spectrum of action, are not recommended. These include, for example, Bicillin and other drugs penicillin series, since against the background of prolonged use, dysbacteriosis develops.

To improve the condition of the uterine cavity it is used vaginal suppositories(suppositories) that are inserted through the vagina. Once in the body, they melt under the influence of temperature, enveloping medicinal composition mucous membrane of the reproductive organs.

Table 1. Drugs local action used to treat endometritis in goats

Name of the drugNote
Ichthyol candlesRectal suppositories, which can also be used to treat gynecological diseases. Thanks to ichthyol in the composition, they relieve inflammation, relieve pain, cleanse tissues and stimulate healing
Chlorhexidine suppositoriesA broad-spectrum agent that is active against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections.
Bedtadine candlesContains iodine in a concentration that cannot cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Causes the death of pathogens.
Hexicon candlesThey have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
“Biogel – 10” - semi-liquid composition with propolis, for introduction into the cervical canalContains propolis. Destroys germs, stimulates the immune system and natural immunity to pathogens.

The last of the drugs listed in the table belongs to the category exclusively veterinary drugs, the rest are successfully used to treat endometritis and other inflammations of the genital organs in both women and goats.


In addition to treatment, a goat weakened by childbirth and illness requires a gentle diet. This is the case when partial starvation is much healthier than overfeeding. The diet during this period should consist mainly of hay and dry leaves. You can read about how to feed a goat before lambing.

When the goat begins to recover, improve it general state and recovery can be accelerated by using nutritious and healthy feed additives.

Table 2. Feed additives that can quickly restore the balance of microelements in the body of a weakened goat


It contains vitamins, mineral supplements and healthy carbohydrates. Available in tablet or powder form.

Contains retinol and sulfur, iodine and selenium, zinc and cobalt, copper and cholecalciferol. The same volume of ground wheat grains or flour is added to a half-kilogram package, and then the mixture is added to the feed.

Its composition is the same as in Zinka, but is enriched with magnesium and also tocopherol. Sold in 600 g packaging.

More information about how and in what doses the supplements should be fed can be found in the instructions for each of them.

How to properly care for a lambing goat

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of gynecological diseases in goats is poor animal hygiene. A woman in labor requires special care:

After the birth has taken place, the bedding should be changed and the animal’s external genitalia should be treated with antiseptic. This will have to be done regularly until the discharge stops.

To prepare a solution for treating goats, boiled water and crystals of potassium permanganate are used. They are dissolved to a bright pink liquid, which is then filtered and used to wash the area around the genital slit and at the base of the tail. In addition, blood and other secretions that have entered the udder are carefully and thoroughly removed.

For douching in the goat's vagina, use a less concentrated solution so as not to burn the mucous membrane. It is enough if there is water pale pink. Inject the solution with a syringe. During the first day after delivery, rinsing is performed twice, with an interval of 12 hours. Subsequently, external treatment of the animal is performed once a day, and internal treatment every other day, until the discharge stops. Manganese solution can be replaced with chlorhexidine, which is freely sold in any pharmacy.

When caring for a lambing goat, it is important not to treat it on your own when there is no veterinary education. It is better to consult a doctor at an animal clinic about medications and how to use them. This is even more important when it comes to postpartum pathologies associated with bleeding and infection. In this case, the doctor should be called when the first warning signs appear. The specialist has the necessary level of knowledge, is able to assess the condition of the animal and, if necessary, prescribe adequate therapy.


Scanty bleeding in a goat after birth is considered normal when its consistency and duration are within physiological limits. After lambing, the owner should examine the animal daily to assess its condition and well-being. Any suspicion of pathology is a reason to call a veterinarian.

Video - Bloody discharge after childbirth in a goat

Bleeding from the uterus occurs in mares, cows, goats and rarely in other animal species due to injury blood vessels.

Bleeding from the uterus can occur during childbirth (during the gestation stage and the placenta stage) and in the postpartum period. The vessels of the chorion or the mucous membrane of the uterus or the circulatory systems of the fetus and mother at the same time can be opened into the uterine cavity. Bleeding can be either capillary, venous or arterial. In 3-5% of cows and heifers, during the stage of excitement with pronounced estrus, the mucus becomes bloody due to the rupture of small blood vessels of the mucous membrane and especially the caruncles.

Etiology. The immediate cause of uterine bleeding is injury to the uterus associated with improper positioning and positions of the fetus (when the fetus walks with its legs crossed over its head, rests its hooves on the vault of the uterus and injures it). During rendering obstetric care, especially if it is performed by ignorant personnel, injuries to the uterus can be caused by instruments, nails, or fetal bones during fetotomy. In some animals, even complete perforation of the uterine wall may occur during childbirth. Bleeding from the uterine cavity in animals is especially common when rough surgical separation of the placenta is performed, during which the uterine mucosa is injured, as well as the caruncles are torn off from their legs. Rarely, bleeding occurs when we try to forcibly expand the cervical canal, with a belated attempt to perform surgical separation of the placenta. Bleeding occurs when the caruncles are torn, when we strongly pull on the separated part of the placenta with our hands, and also when animal owners tie weights to it in order to speed up the separation of the placenta.

In some cows and heifers, bleeding from the uterus occurs 1-3 days after the end of the animal's excitation stage during heat due to diapedesis and rupture of the blood vessels of the uterine mucosa. This type bleeding does not affect the fertility of animals.

Clinical signs. We talk about bleeding from the uterus when we see periodic or constant discharge of blood from the genital tract of an animal. Veterinary specialists judge uterine bleeding by the appearance of blood on the hands when providing obstetric care to an animal during a difficult birth or surgical separation of the placenta. If the bleeding in the uterus is profuse, then when the animal strains, the contents of the uterus mixed with blood or pure blood are released from the external genitalia.

When the mucous membrane and internal circular layer of the cervix are injured, we note parenchymal bleeding, which quickly stops. If the vascular zone in the cervix ruptures, the resulting bleeding can be intense, longer and more dangerous. In case of severe bleeding in an animal, we diagnose.

Diagnosis. When making a diagnosis, you first need to make sure that bleeding is coming from the uterus, not the vagina. To do this, using a vaginal speculum, we examine the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal part of the cervix. If the vaginal cavity is filled with blood, use a tampon to remove and wipe it and eliminate vaginal bleeding. With uterine bleeding, we find blood clots in the vagina, which do not form with vaginal bleeding.

Forecast in case of bleeding, it is always doubtful; therefore, a veterinary specialist cannot always determine either the nature of the bleeding or its source. In mares, blood spilling between the maternal and fetal parts of the placenta leads to their separation and ultimately leads to abortion. In a cow with a multiple placenta, even significant bleeding usually occurs without harmful consequences (blood accumulates between the placentas without disrupting the placental connection). If the animal's bleeding does not end with abortion, the spilled blood is partially resorbed and partially calcified, later turning into royal sand.

Treatment. Help for an animal with bleeding from the uterus must be provided as an emergency. If bleeding began during childbirth assistance, then it is necessary to urgently complete the extraction of the fetus; if bleeding appears during the surgical separation of the placenta, the veterinary specialist quickly completes the operation to separate the placenta, if it comes to an end, or immediately takes measures to stop the bleeding. Considering that bleeding is usually intense with uterine atony, and in order to reduce uterine bleeding, measures are taken to increase uterine contraction, during which narrowing of the blood vessels occurs. To contract the uterus, we administer drugs that cause its contraction: oxytocin intramuscularly and subcutaneously for large animals (bred cattle, horses) 30-60 U.D., dogs - 5-10 U.D., cats -3 U.D. To stop bleeding, you can use 1% water solution ichthyol by intravenous administration at the rate of 1 ml of solution per 3 kg of animal body weight. We prepare the ichthyol solution as follows: pour pure ichthyol into the flask, add the required amount of distilled water or saline and bring to a boil. Then we filter the resulting solution through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze and use a Janet syringe to inject it intravenously into large animals.

To increase blood clotting, we inject 150-200 ml of a 10% calcium chloride solution intravenously, and to increase blood viscosity, a 10% gelatin solution, for large animals up to 100 ml, for other animals we administer subcutaneously at a dose of 0.1-1 ml per kg. animal body weight.

We inject cows intramuscularly and intravenously with ascorbic acid (Vit. C) 2 g daily for 3-5 days. Vikasol (Vit.K) intramuscularly 0.1-0.3 g 2-3 times a day.

For uterine bleeding, use: biozinc 1-3 capsules per day, course of treatment is 30 days. Cordyceps 1-5 capsules 2 times a day, course of treatment 10 days. Biocalcium 0.5 packets 2 times a day, course of treatment 30 days.

The animal must be given rest. We apply cold locally to the abdomen, lower back and sacrum.

In case of large blood losses and weakening of cardiac activity, saline solution or a glucose solution in saline solution is injected intravenously (saline solution -1000, glucose-40-cow).

If it is impossible to administer an isotonic solution to the animal intravenously, 2-3 liters of it are administered as an enema into the rectum (after preliminary removal of the contents from it). This solution is absorbed quickly, having a beneficial effect on the animal’s body.

Medicines that increase cardiac activity and increase blood pressure(caffeine, camphor), it is not recommended to use at the first stage of assistance, because with increased blood flow to the uterus, uterine bleeding may resume.

In case of bleeding from the vessels of the cervix, the canal is tamponed with a gauze cloth into which cotton wool is inserted. The ends of the napkin should protrude into the vagina. Gauze and cotton wool are pre-impregnated antiseptics(turpentine, iodoform ether, undiluted eucalyptus tincture, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, furacillin solution, rivanol, ichthyol, etc.), or 10% gelatin solution. With the simultaneous use of agents that contract the uterus and narrow the blood vessels, it helps to stop bleeding more quickly, and the tampon can be removed after 3-5 hours. The insertion and treatment of tampons is carried out using a vaginal speculum with an illuminator.

In order to prevent inflammation of the uterus and septic complications, it is prescribed sulfa drugs and antibiotics, including modern ones: cephalosporins. Antibacterial suppositories are administered intrauterinely.

You cannot massage the uterus through the rectum, as this can destroy the blood clot in the damaged vessels and bleeding will resume.

Prevention. Prevention of uterine bleeding comes down to careful treatment of the tissues of the uterus and birth canal during childbirth, careful and patient surgical separation of the placenta. Great importance has an increase in the body's resistance and uterine tone, which ensures normal retraction of the uterine muscles.


In all mammals, after the birth of a baby, ichor is secreted from the uterus, first brownish-red, then pale pink and yellowish. This physiological process healing and cleansing of the reproductive organs after they are traumatized during lambing. The duration of bloody lochia in a goat is 5–12 days; yellowish excreta can be excreted for up to three weeks. If the discharge from the goat's uterus does not have a strong odor and does not contain any traces of scarlet blood, there is nothing to worry about. When fluid oozes from the vulva after specified period - we're talking about about a disease of the reproductive organs of an animal. The purpose of this article is to inform novice goat breeders about the rules for caring for a pet when it lambs, what to do if the goat starts bleeding or another pathology occurs.

The nature of postpartum discharge

The bloody discharge flowing from the birth canal in a goat after lambing can be physiological or pathological.

Physiological secretions

Natural, inherent normal birth consider following processes:

  • After lambing, the goat experiences moderate bleeding from the uterus, which stops within half an hour.
  • Scanty bleeding does not smell of anything and stops, usually within a week.
  • The excrement is brownish and stains the tail and sometimes the udder.
  • Yellowish discharge can be observed up to 20 days after lambing of a goat.

Pathological discharge

Goat breeders should be wary the following types vaginal discharge:

  • purulent;
  • bloody scarlet color.


Sometimes a goat will have thick white discharge with an unpleasant odor. These are symptoms of endometritis. Most often, inflammation of the uterus is accompanied by a dirty brown discharge with streaks of white pus and scraps of necrotic tissue. This occurs due to traumatic infection, or the introduction of dirt during childbirth. The uterine mucosa after lambing represents a wound surface, which is a breeding ground for secondary microflora. Contact of the goat's vulva with dirty bedding is enough and the weakened body will not be able to cope with the microbes that live everywhere. Often endometritis occurs after retained placenta. If the pathology is not treated, sepsis develops, usually ending in the death of the goat.

When a livestock breeder suspects something is wrong when examining a pet, he is obliged to seek the help of a veterinary specialist.

Scarlet bleeding

Scarlet discharge from the uterus appears in postpartum period. The pathology requires immediate professional intervention, otherwise the goat will die from blood loss. Hemorrhage can develop as a result of trauma caused by the fetus if it is too large or comes out in an incorrect presentation. When born with its hooves crossed over its head, the baby goat injures the wall of the uterus.

Bleeding can also develop for another reason - the organ does not contract vigorously enough, so compression of the vessel walls does not occur, they continue to bleed little by little. This condition is called uterine subinvolution, that is, a delayed return of the organ to its original state in which it was before conception. Why does the anomaly occur? For the following reasons:

  • excessive stretching of the uterus with polyploidy and hydroamniosis;
  • large-fruited kids;
  • adynamia;
  • macronutrient deficiency;
  • vitamin deficiency A.

Hemorrhage is dangerous because it can lead to anemia in the goat. Daily blood loss exceeds its production. Tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen, toxic metabolites accumulate in them. The goat is depressed, experiences a loss of strength, and may faint.


The concept of treatment for postpartum endometritis and bleeding is not the same.

Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances for recovery and prevention of complications. The therapeutic strategy is developing in the following directions:

  • activation of uterine contractions;
  • use of coagulants;
  • preventing complications.

Activation of uterine contractions

To stimulate uterine contractions, Oxytocin is used, once, 10–15 IU per goat. The drug is available in different concentrations, so you should carefully study the instructions.

The statement of non-specialists who recommend repeated use of the medication is erroneous. Activity hormonal drug increases if you pre-inject Sinestrol. Stimulating effect on reproductive organs provides milking. It is useful to carry out the manipulation three times a day, even with scanty secretion secret.

Application of coagulants

Among hemostatic agents, the championship belongs to Vikasol, a medicinal source of vitamin K, which is responsible for coagulation. Goat breeders adapted the medicine Dicynon as an anticoagulant.

Application shown Ascorbic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing their porosity. The microflora of a healthy ruminant synthesizes vitamins C and K, however, in a goat weakened during childbirth, the need for them exceeds the body's resources.

If your goat develops severe bleeding, your veterinarian may prescribe intravenous calcium chloride with glucose. When using antihemorrhagic drugs, one should not overdo it: thickened blood creates problems for the functioning of the heart, and increased thrombus formation is possible. In addition, unnecessary injections cause additional suffering to the sick animal.

Preventing complications

In any doubtful situations, partial fasting is better than overfeeding. Therefore, until the goat’s condition normalizes, it needs to be given hay and dried leaves of woody plants. Your veterinarian may recommend the use of injectable antimicrobial agents prolonged action, used once, for example, Nitox.

Should be considered possible contraindications and do not use antibiotics together with the products indicated in the instructions. You need to take care of yourself and those around you, do not drink milk for a week or another period specified in the instructions for using the medicine. Beware of thoughtless use medical supplies, especially Amoxicillin, Bicillin and others penicillin drugs, which inhibit microflora.

IN severe cases carry out infusion of rehydration mixtures - Ringer's solution, Trisol or others. A goat will happily drink Regidron offered to it or solutions of its cheap analogues.

In some situations there is a need to maintain cardiac activity, you can use Caffeine, Sulphocamphocaine, medical supplies.

When the goat's condition begins to improve, feed additives containing carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, such as Felucen, will help restore its strength.

Treatment of endometritis

The treatment strategy for endometritis is developing in the following directions:

  • removal of pathological contents from the uterus;
  • antimicrobial therapy;
  • use of general strengthening agents.

Removal of pathological contents from the uterus

In order for the fluid filling the uterus to be released as quickly as possible, the contractility of the organ is stimulated by administering oxytocin using the methods mentioned above. In demand non-hormonal agent Oxylate, which, in addition to enhancing contractility, sanitizes the organ. It is injected into a lambing goat two days later.

Antimicrobial therapy

Use parenteral antimicrobials and intrauterine devices. Long-acting antibiotics, sulfonamides, as well as foaming preparations based on iodine-containing and nitrofuran components are effective. Some antibiotics, for example, Bicillin and other penicillins, are unacceptable for long-term treatment, because they inhibit vital activity beneficial microbes large intestine and cause dysbiosis. The most convenient form for intrauterine administration is considered to be suppositories, which at body temperature transform from solid to liquid, evenly distributing medicinal components throughout the body. inner surface affected organ.

Use of restoratives

After recovery, the lambing goat, which has used up its reserves of vitamins and minerals during childbirth, as well as in the fight against the disease, needs to be replenished. Therefore, it is useful to use feed additives - premixes, for example the following:

Hello goat

Rules for caring for a goat

Majority gynecological diseases goats is associated with unsatisfactory zoohygienic conditions. Therefore, a woman in labor needs special care - the bedding should be clean, dry, the room should be ventilated, without drafts. When servicing a newly lambed goat, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is justified to introduce furazolidone sticks or foaming suppositories into the uterus after separation of the placenta and sanitize the vulva. If the goat breeder considers it necessary to syringe the goat’s uterus with antiseptics, he must first consult with veterinarian. Important feature postpartum care is the organization of rational feeding.

Immediately after the goat has managed to lamb, the woman in labor is given a mash of finely ground bran or oatmeal to restore her strength. Of the voluminous ones, hay and branch feed are left. For three days, mucous decoctions based on flour and flaxseed are useful for the goat. The resumption of giving concentrates, as well as succulent feed, begins on the fourth day. It must be taken into account that a goat is a ruminant animal, and the microflora needs time to adjust to new ingredients.

Discharge after lambing is present in many animals and the goat is no exception. It is important to distinguish a physiological process from pathological symptoms. The owner is obliged to conduct a daily inspection of the lambing goat, help it recover after giving birth, and in doubtful cases, contact a veterinarian.