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Depressed (depressed) state: why it occurs and how to cope with it. What is overwork and why does it occur?

The notorious " transitional age"are also characterized by a change in character not in better side. During this period, most of them have exactly this character - complex and difficult. But, when the hormonal changes end, the guy or girl again becomes quite adequate, and the epithets that others use to describe them no longer include these definitions. Hormonal changes, the cause of menopausal changes, is also often accompanied by changes in behavior and deterioration in character. But these are all temporary phenomena. There are people whose character is “difficult” for others throughout their lives.
People with complex personalities tend to have strong energy, creativity, and the ability to accept non-standard solutions, which, in some cases, makes them good workers.

This behavior is a psychopathic disorder and, most often, it is hereditary disease and one of this person’s parents also had a difficult character. A child who has taken such manifestations for granted since childhood will also not learn to restrain himself emotionally. But this is not only a pedagogical problem, but also a medical one. Neurologists say that a difficult character is a consequence of slight brain dysfunction. U ordinary person His cortex contains special mirror neurons that help him understand the feelings of people around him and predict their behavior and reactions. As a result, a person easily predicts what will please others and what may cause them pain. According to one medical theory, people with complex personalities, or, more simply put, psychopaths, have a deficiency of mirror neurons, especially in frontal lobes brain.

Accept complex nature partner as a given and don’t try to change him, just take this into account in everyday life.

Manifestations of a complex nature

The inability and unwillingness to understand the feelings of other people makes people with complex personalities sociopaths; they are not constrained by generally accepted norms of behavior. Therefore, it seems to them that they can allow themselves anything: to violate moral principles, throw tantrums in public, and not control attacks of anger or irritation. They can cause a scandal in the family or at work because of some nonsense and then, when the rest are unsettled and drink Corvalol, they are quite sincerely surprised - what did they say or do? It is difficult to expect sympathy from a person with a complex character when moving towards his goal; he does not recognize moral barriers, so you should not expect behavior from him that is adequate, from your point of view.

Literary theory identifies many linguistic means used to enhance the expressiveness of both written and oral speech. One of these means, extremely common and very often used, but very ambiguously perceived by theorists, is the epithet.

The term "" comes from the ancient Greek ἐπίθετον, translated as "attached". The concept of epithet in defines words and entire expressions that, having a certain structure, carry a special functional and semantic load that allows them to significantly influence the emotional perception of other words and expressions. In general, epithets can be characterized as words and phrases that influence the expressiveness of other words and phrases.

Typically, epithets give the speech patterns associated with them additional color and richness or a special semantic shade, and sometimes even change their meaning altogether. Epithets are used especially widely, but are often found in prosaic literary works. Strictly speaking, none piece of art, as a rule, cannot do without the use of epithets.

From a morphological point of view, epithets can be expressed by completely different parts of speech. These can be adverbs (“passionately”) or nouns (“hour of fun”), or infinitive (“desire to forget”), and even numerals (“second life”). Epithets are especially often expressed by an adjective (“eyes”, “white hands”, etc.).

Functionally, epithets, being analytical, highlight special entities represented by the words they define. It could be like constant signs(“clear azure”), and signs obtained by analyzing the objects described by the creator of the work (“scrupulous London”).

Despite its enormous prevalence in written and oral speech, the theory does not have a clearly defined view of epithets as a phenomenon. Some of their researchers focus on figures, others – on paths. Some theorists draw a line between permanent and decorative epithets, but many identify them. In general, the signs of epithets are described approximately, although the figures themselves can be easily identified in any text.

Video on the topic

Over time, many special terms penetrate from professional speech into colloquial speech. In particular, this applies to psychiatric definitions. For example, it has recently become fashionable to use the term “sociopath” to describe a particular individual.

Initially, sociopaths were people who were diagnosed with dissocial - a mental disorder characterized by increased aggression combined with rejection of social rules. In addition, people with such a deviation, as a rule, experience problems with the formation of various types of attachments: friendly, romantic, family.

The concept of sociopathy in psychiatry

From a medical point of view, sociopathy is one of the forms of mental pathology: psychopathy. It must be understood that in this case we're talking about not about a whim or bad upbringing, but about a really existing mental illness, as a result of which an individual develops a wrong idea about relationships between people. Because sociopaths are unable to understand the underlying motives of human attachments, they believe that the only meaningful form of relationships is the manipulation of others in order to achieve their goals. Such people, as a rule, are selfish, concerned with their own interests and easily ignore public morality if its norms interfere with their plans. In addition, they are suspicious of others' attempts to get close to them, believing that they are simply being used.

In a broader sense, a sociopath is a person who experiences prejudice against the majority of society, social norms and stereotypes, and does not hesitate to express this prejudice. As a rule, such individuals are quite unsociable, withdrawn and often aggressive.

Sociopathy and misanthropy

Very often, sociopathy is confused with misanthropy, that is, with hostility towards all humanity. Indeed, the external manifestations of sociopathy can be similar, but we must not forget that sociopathy is a mental disorder, but simply a system of views on the world and people. In addition, the significant difference between these concepts is that sociopaths, first of all, are characterized by opposition to society and its laws, while they are characterized only by opposing themselves to the rest of humanity.

Finally, sociopaths are not capable of various kinds of affection, while, in principle, they can be friends and fall in love. Another thing is that they place fairly high demands on those people whom they are willing to allow into their “inner circle” of communication, which is why misanthropes, like sociopaths, are often lonely.

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It is often said that a person has a complex character. However, such a description does not always characterize an evil and terrible person. It is known that leadership positions are most often occupied by people who have a difficult character in the opinion of others.

What is a complex character

Complex character is a rather broad concept that can include a number of personality shortcomings or, on the contrary, advantages that are difficult for others to perceive. For example, first you need to imagine a person with a complex character and then take him apart “in parts.” The fact is that a complex character is our assessment of this or that person, but he himself can feel great in his body. It's hard to find him mutual language or agree on something. With a simple person you can always easily decide something, since his emotions are always visible, that is, you get the feeling that the conversation is going on as if you have known your interlocutor for 100 years.

A powerful person is a difficult person

As a rule, powerful and reasonable people have a complex character. They have their own unshakable point of view and it is impossible to convince them. Also, such a person with a difficult character may be afraid of criticism or negative evaluation because he is overly hot-tempered. You don't know how to react to the behavior. Strong people often called complex, since their behavior cannot be predicted and their train of thought has solid foundations.

What is included in the concept of “complex character”

So, complex character is qualities that we are not able to influence or cannot explain. Human behavior is difficult for us. Among such people there are strong and authoritative individuals who have their own rules, principles and solid ground under their feet. These qualities can be called positive, so a complex character is not a sentence, but simply a different point of view on the world.

The downside of a difficult person

But there is also a negative person with a difficult character. For example, excessive touchiness, whims. Everything must be exactly as he said! These are, as a rule, gaps in education. A person is accustomed to the fact that everyone around him creates conditions for him better life. Here you need to work on yourself and realize your desires on your own, without demanding anything from others. After all, everyone in this world works for themselves.
Excessive touchiness is a kind of manipulation. Through resentment, psychosis, a person achieves what he wants. And this can last for years. You can continue to live like this even if a person has a complex character, but it is best to help him overcome his weak sides. This will improve not only your life, but also that of everyone around you.

What to do if you have a difficult character?

If difficult character you, then think about what can create difficulties for others and if these qualities are negative, then try to improve!


  • People's opinions about complex character

We all know the situation when it becomes difficult to communicate with family or friends. To avoid spoiling your mood, use these recommendations.

What to do if you find it difficult to communicate...

...with a relative

Unfortunately, ideal relationship there is no such thing as between children and parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandchildren. It’s one thing when you coexist peacefully and only sometimes argue over trifles, but it’s quite another thing when there is a total divergence of views on life and the surrounding reality. Sometimes it can make your life miserable. All kinds of people meet, so first be honest with yourself. Is this relative really unbearable and do you feel like a squeezed lemon after communicating with him? If the answer is yes, feel free to limit your communication with this person. It’s better to take care of your moral health than “what people will think.”

...with my boyfriend

Here everything is almost the same as in the case of relatives. Constant “litigation” with your lover is a sure sign that the relationship is beginning to depreciate. If it's all about the little things, then you just need to learn how to communicate more effectively. Learn to express your thoughts competently and clearly, as well as listen to your partner. If you understand that no matter how hard you try, your young man this is not interesting and your needs and opinions are not taken into account at all, feel free to break off such relationships. They will only bring you pain and humiliation.

...with colleagues and superiors

In the modern rhythm of life, when work takes up almost all of our time, it is necessary to be able to communicate well with superiors. If you don’t particularly understand what exactly they want from you, don’t hesitate to make an appointment and ask directly about everything in detail. It may be that what is said will not be pleasant, but it will give you an idea of ​​what you need to work on, and this understanding can change your work environment to the exact opposite.

… with friends

Friends are the family we choose. Usually there are only 1-2 true friends, and we value this friendship very much. But even here there are problems in communication. Since you know each other best, try to control yourself as tightly as possible during an argument, since in anger you can say something that will cause a huge emotional wound to your friend. If you see that your friend has completely changed, and this is no longer the same person with whom you were once friends, but you would not be even a kilometer closer to the person he has become, maybe it’s time to think about changing your circle communication.

The zodiac cycle is divided into 12 signs, which in turn are divided into four groups of elements: water, air, fire and earth. Every zodiac sign has its own characteristics, which describe in detail the positive and negative qualities.


It is worth noting that there is perhaps no unanimous opinion about which is the most complex, since each sign is filled and positive qualities and negative ones inherent in its owners. However, there is still one sign that is most often mentioned with the characteristic “complex character” - this is the mysterious sign of Scorpio, which belongs to the water element.

Many astrologers unanimously say that Scorpio is one of the complex signs in which all qualities are intertwined, both good and bad, often contradictory and exaggerated. People born under this sign are secretive and choose their social circle carefully, as they constantly expect some kind of trick from those around them. Scorpios are sensitive to close people, but at the same time constantly analyze their behavior, external features, if they find even the slightest flaw, they will be happy to express all criticism.

Scorpios themselves are very human and achieve their goals by any means, they are not afraid of difficulties, they overcome them with hard work and perseverance, which is why there are so many workaholics among Scorpios who demand the same fanatical attitude from their colleagues and even more so from their subordinates.

This sign is ruled by the planet Pluto, so Scorpios may seem outwardly calm and even cold, but in fact they are very emotional and even sometimes unbalanced. It is probably this tendency to disguise, to hide their own feelings that makes many consider Scorpios to be complex and ambiguous people.

Scorpios must necessarily have faith in life, this is what their entire value system will be built on, but if it is not there, Scorpios will acquire a tendency to self-destruction. They often act as a leader, a “gray eminence.” They skillfully manipulate other people, thereby quickly and confidently paving the way to their own happiness. This sign has a powerful natural charm that allows him to easily enter various groups of people, but at the same time not let anyone get close to him.

Friendship for Scorpios is sacred, despite visible contradictions with even very close people, Scorpios, like no one else, are faithful: if a loved one needs help, then Scorpio will do everything possible. But in the matter of destroying their enemy, Scorpio will spare neither effort nor time: they are so touchy that they can harbor a grudge for the rest of their lives.

Such a complex and contradictory character does not always help Scorpios, because it is quite difficult to control emotions, and besides, excessive straightforwardness often plays a cruel joke with star arachnids.

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Tip 7: What is materials science as an academic discipline?

Materials science is one of the most important disciplines for engineering majors. Just as it is impossible to learn to read without knowing letters, without materials science it is impossible to understand more complex sciences.

Goals of materials science as an academic discipline

When studying materials science, students must learn to understand the structure, physical, chemical, magnetic, optical, thermal properties of various materials and substances of which they are composed. They must understand how this knowledge is applied in practical terms, and not just in theoretical ones. The goal of studying materials science is to understand what processes occur in substances, as well as how they can be controlled and influenced. You need to know how they change physicochemical characteristics materials under external thermal, mechanical or chemical exposure on them. It is also very important to understand how to use this or that material or construction and whether it can be used at all in a particular case. The future specialist simply must be competent in these matters. The knowledge that a student acquires while studying materials science can be useful in almost any industry, during design, as well as in solving specific technological problems.

Interdisciplinary nature

Materials science as an academic discipline is notable for the fact that it is built at the intersection of several other sciences. These are sciences such as mathematics, chemistry, physics. Without basic knowledge in these areas, the study of materials science will be very problematic. And without studying a course such as materials science, it will be very difficult in the future to comprehend the basics of such disciplines as “Strength of Materials”, “Technical Mechanics”, “Theoretical Mechanics”, “Machine Parts” and many others.

Implications for science in general

Just as it is impossible to move forward and look into the future without knowing history, it is also impossible to advance in the scientific field and create new areas, new materials with special, unique properties, without knowledge in the field of materials science. The application of knowledge gained from the study of materials science has become widespread in many areas of industry. New methods of processing materials and their processing have emerged. Thanks to this knowledge, it is possible to create new, cheaper and safer types of production. All these innovations in science would be impossible without classical knowledge of materials science.

The pathological process itself in the body occurs in the absence of an adequate immune response, which should ensure destruction with an altered structure, unable to perform functions typical for cells of this type. The reason for this is the constant formation of such (atypical) cells, but the body’s defense system is able to promptly neutralize them. If this is not the case, then massive cell proliferation begins according to the laws geometric progression(changed cells are able to divide much faster), and atypical cells with the lymph flow enter the regional lymph nodes closest to the affected organ.

The ability of the body at this stage to retain pathologically altered cells and extinguish the source of tumor growth largely determines the fact whether extensive damage will occur to all organs into which tumor cells are carried by current and lymph. For malignant tumors of different organs, different target organs for such metastasis have been observed, therefore, when identifying the primary focus, a full examination of the patient with suspicion of a malignant nature of the process must be carried out. Or, if formations resembling metastases are identified in the target organ, a search for the primary source of the tumor process will necessarily be undertaken.

For malignant tumors, the predominance of similar ones for all similar diseases manifestations over symptoms of damage to a particular organ or system human body. Moreover, most often patients complain that even if a malignant tumor develops against the background of a benign precancerous disease, they are much more worried


Health 05/07/2018

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of overwork: after prolonged psycho-emotional stress or difficult work, a feeling of partial or complete depletion of all reserves of strength and energy appears. At the same time, you don’t want to do anything, and your mood is often depressed.

It is difficult to say exactly what overwork is, because for everyone it will have its own manifestations. Someone will become drowsy or, conversely, suspiciously agitated and even aggressive. But one thing is clear: signs of overwork cannot be ignored, because they require rest - both physical and psycho-emotional. Otherwise, overwork will turn into a state of prolonged stress and depression. Let's talk about how overwork manifests itself in adults and children.

It is not always possible to notice symptoms of overwork in a timely manner while dealing with a series of tasks and solving everyday problems. Many are accustomed to working long hours, with virtually no breaks or vacations for several years in a row. And it is precisely this kind of monotonous, tedious work that most often causes a feeling of weakness and extreme fatigue.

After all, overwork is a signal from the body that there is no more energy and desire to continue working.

Oddly enough, it is not only adults who can become exhausted and show indifference to what is happening. Overwork occurs more and more often in children today. And the child endures this condition much more difficult, since he is actively maturing nervous system and many self-regulation mechanisms still work ineffectively.

Fatigue and overwork are successive stages of exhausting physical or mental activity. If in adults depletion of energy reserves usually occurs mainly under increased emotional stress, then children first become very tired for many months at school or at home during the learning process, and in their free time they also attend several clubs.

Subsequently appear characteristic features overfatigue in children:

  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • strange sleepiness during the day;
  • the appearance of fatigue after minor exertion;
  • a sharp change in mood when it is necessary to do the usual housework or when asked to do homework;
  • alarming night sleep;
  • mental instability, the appearance of strange and causeless hysterics;
  • loss of appetite, up to complete failure from food;
  • rudeness in dealing with elders;
  • an increase in temperature in a child due to overwork, after an active school day, when it is necessary to a short time remember and absorb a lot of information.

When such changes appear in children’s behavior, adults often begin to talk about the child’s ingratitude or bad manners. But it's worth looking deeper. School curricula today are not just fast-paced, but confusing, and classrooms are overcrowded. Teachers simply do not have the opportunity to convey information to every student, and parents do not always have the time and knowledge to study new topics with their child every day.

Children become hostages of this situation. They bring bad grades, which upsets moms and dads, grandparents, and if at first they try to keep up and understand new information, then, not seeing the result, they simply give up and begin to despise some subject and some work that brings so much problems and negative emotions.

Expert opinion Children, due to overwork, often get sick for a long time, and they have an increased risk of developing infectious complications of common ARVI. A child in this condition needs to immediately reduce physical and mental stress for several weeks and get as much positive emotions.

But overwork is not a reason to be lazy. On the contrary, take more walks with your children fresh air, change your activities so that more positive emotions arise and you can use those muscle groups and areas of the brain that are not used so actively during normal times.

Characteristic symptoms of fatigue in adults can appear at an advanced stage, when the body's reserves are depleted and it is difficult to restore them only with the help of short-term rest. For a long time compensatory mechanisms replenish lost strength and energy. This is why the initial symptoms of overwork go unnoticed or are perceived as ordinary fatigue.

Table The main signs of overwork of varying degrees in adults

Signs of overwork Initial degree Average degree Severe degree
Decreased physical performance Decreased physical activity during intense exercise and sports Reduced performance under normal load Performance decreases even when doing light work
Emotional condition Temporary decrease in interest in what is happening against the background of increased workload Unstable emotional state, frequent mood swings, irritability Severe chronic fatigue causes obvious depression, possible outbreaks of irritability and even aggression
Sleep disorders Absent or slightly expressed There is severe drowsiness during the day, and at night sleep is often restless and intermittent. Serious sleep disorders (insomnia, sleepiness during work hours)
Decreased mental activity None The ability to perceive and remember information decreases A person does not tolerate even minor mental stress and reacts with depression, headaches, and aversion to work.
Resistance to stress High The body begins to react more acutely to even short-term stress Low resistance to stress factors, the adaptogenic capabilities of the body are sharply reduced

Additional signs of fatigue:

  • rapid heartbeat that occurs several times a day;
  • sweating, especially at night and in moments of excitement;
  • forgetfulness and confusion;
  • a slight increase in body temperature is possible;
  • headache.

Severe symptoms of fatigue in adults are an indication for treatment and comprehensive care. Behind long months In this state, certain mental changes occur. A person begins to get used to the fact that he often grumbles or remains silent, and may respond impolitely or react aggressively to other people’s statements. AND nervous fatigue just the worst to treat.

During tiring physical work, a short rest is enough to recover. Overfatigue in sports, for example, can be easily relieved with the help of quality nutrition and long sleep - literally in 3-4 days. But long-term exposure to psychotraumatic factors and nervous overstrain requires additional help from a psychotherapist.

What Causes Overtiredness

Overwork is the first step to the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue and even depression. Moreover, when physical and mental resources are depleted, a person is under real threat get seriously ill. Other sores easily “cling” to it. And to say exactly from which side the blow will come in the form of an exacerbation of a chronic disease or the development of an acute pathological process- impossible.

The main causes of overwork in adults:

  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • psychological pressure coming from loved ones, work colleagues, business partners;
  • financial difficulties;
  • irregular working hours, which involves a violation of the standard sleep and wakefulness pattern;
  • psychotraumatic situations in life;
  • flaw nutrients, strict diets;
  • dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance, an obsessive desire to change something about oneself;
  • grueling workouts, especially strength training, increased anaerobic loads;
  • unfavorable living or working conditions;
  • long course chronic diseases, development of pathologies that are accompanied by a pronounced deterioration in well-being, pain syndrome, motor restrictions, deterioration in appearance.

People who do monotonous work for a long time, get little rest and periodically experience stress are prone to overwork. An alarming signal should be a feeling of extreme fatigue and weakness that occurs closer to the middle of the day, when most people still have strength and physical activity to continue business as usual.

If your performance decreases significantly until the evening and an irresistible desire to sleep arises, you need to take a break and change your occupation for at least a few days.

Without treatment, symptoms of overwork can develop into more serious conditions, including depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, which is so common among metropolitan residents. For many, the share of physical labor is negligible, and mental stress without release in the form of sports, walks and a change in habitual activity quickly tires and negatively affects the psychological emotional condition person.

Which doctor should I contact if I have signs of fatigue?

Many people incorrectly believe that symptoms of fatigue do not require any treatment. In fact, a person needs medical care. But not in prescribing any serious medications (although they may be necessary at a severe stage of fatigue), but in using methods that have a positive effect primarily on the nervous system and emotional sphere.

A consultation with a psychologist is often required: experts have long noticed that people “burn out” and get tired faster if they have problems communicating with relatives, and quarrels periodically arise due to misunderstandings. A psychologist will help you understand the situation, tell you how to improve relationships in society and avoid conflicts in the future.

It is imperative to involve a psychotherapist, neurologist or neurologist in the treatment of overfatigue. These specialists order an examination and determine accompanying illnesses. Fatigue can be combined with hypertension, chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, and then the doctor refers the patient to a therapist, gastroenterologist and other specialized specialists.

In this video, a psychotherapist talks about the causes of overwork and options for dealing with the problem.

Features of treatment

The approach to treatment depends on the severity of the clinical manifestations of fatigue. It is necessary to normalize your lifestyle as soon as possible:

  • give up tedious physical or mental labor for at least 2-4 weeks;
  • restore a full night's sleep, go to bed and wake up at the same time;
  • change your diet, exclude fatty, fried, smoked foods and alcohol in any form, it is also necessary to limit simple carbohydrates;
  • walk in the fresh air every day and play sports at least 2-3 times a week;
  • take high-quality multivitamin complexes;
  • change your attitude towards stress and situations that cannot be avoided.

Recovery wellness and performance. The most important thing is to reduce physical and mental stress. Not every person will allow himself to completely give up work for several weeks, but it is quite possible to reduce the rhythm of activity.

Severe depression is the most complex form of depression. Signs of the disease are manifested in behavior, physiology, emotional sphere. How to diagnose and cure this disease, and not allow it to ruin a person’s life?

Depression is a disease of the 21st century. This has been confirmed by research by scientists around the world. Depending on the severity, severe, moderate and mild forms are distinguished.

Severe depression is a complex, multifaceted mental disorder, a serious illness that affects communication, ability to work, and general physical tone.

This form is considered the most critical and has physiological, behavioral, mental, and emotional manifestations. Statistically, severe depression is frequent illness residents of developed countries.


A person is susceptible to depression regardless of his social and financial status. Researchers classify the causes of depression depending on the nature of their origin.


  • poisoning or overdose medications, alcohol, drugs;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.
  • overwork;
  • injuries (mainly traumatic brain injuries).
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hormonal abnormalities, irregular sex life;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition.


  1. Stress– the body’s reaction to a factor that disrupts the stable state of the nervous system. Very often stress factors are troubles at work or school, or family difficulties.
  2. Frustration- a state that arises as a result of a discrepancy between what is desired and what is actually realized, the effect of unfulfilled hopes.
  3. Mental trauma– damage caused to a person as a result of a single or repeated exposure to adverse factors: physical or sexual violence, death loved one, presence during the commission of violence, disaster.
  4. Existential crisis– a personality conflict that arises as a result of the loss of the meaning of life, goals and priorities, and internal harmony.

Modern scientists have conducted a number of studies, as a result of which models of the main factors of severe depression have been identified:

  1. Bio-psycho-social model considers the causes of depression as a complex: disorders of health, physiology, psyche and social realization personality. A striking example is postpartum depression. Here we can talk about a change in the social role of a woman-mother, and about biological, hormonal changes, and about mental changes - the emergence of a sense of responsibility for the child, fears of making a mistake and harming him.
  2. Biological model The main causes of severe depression are hormonal imbalances and other neurochemical processes.
  3. Psychological model puts stress factors, communication problems in society and in the family in the first place.
  4. Social model is considering severe depression, as a consequence of social isolation, high competition in society, difficult economic situation, instability - political and economic.

Symptoms and signs

How does severe depression manifest? The symptoms of severe depression are multifaceted. The most typical manifestations are as follows.


  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • pain in the muscles, heart, headaches;
  • high fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia against a background of general weakness;
  • appetite disorders;
  • lack of sexual needs.


  • state of despair, melancholy, sadness;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • constant self-flagellation - blaming oneself for all failures, heightened feelings of guilt;
  • insensitivity – a person is unable to rejoice or have pleasure;
  • heightened sense of anxiety, danger;
  • loss of interest in what is happening around.


  • lack of work activity, lack of initiative;
  • consumption of alcohol, psychotropic substances;
  • unauthorized social isolation, solitude;
  • refusal active rest, walks, entertainment.

The first 3 groups of reasons are noticeable from the outside, but the last one does not always manifest itself openly.


  • feeling of uselessness;
  • pessimism, gloomy perception of the world;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • it is difficult for a person to concentrate and make a decision.

Borderline symptoms are hallucinations that develop against the background of other mental disorders.


Reactive is the most common and simplest form of depression. Mainly exists in mild or moderate forms. The factor is any event: moving, dismissal, death of a loved one, divorce, ruin.

What all these factors have in common is the loss of something. It becomes severe in cases of lack of qualified assistance.

  1. Postpartum depression caused by a complex of reasons, often becomes severe. After childbirth, physiological and hormonal changes occur, and a reassessment of values ​​and one’s social role occurs. There is no single factor; a complex of reasons operates.
  2. Manic-depressive form characterized by relapse of symptoms, there are periods of agitation. The danger of this form is that it is often ignored, explaining mood swings by fatigue, stress or bad character.
  3. Severe depression against the background of schizophrenia: it acts either as its main symptom or as a consequence of other symptoms.
  4. Senile form associated with age-related changes. In men it occurs later than in women. Most often, a person suffering from senile depression has not previously had other forms of this disease. Characteristic: withdrawal from social contacts, withdrawal, decreased tone.

What can it lead to?

The consequences of severe depression can follow a person throughout his life:

  1. Without treatment, depression can become more severe and last for years.
  2. Loss of social status.
  3. Suicide attempts.
  4. Overflow into other mental illnesses.

What to do? Treatment

Remember: this disease must be treated! A patient with severe depression needs combined help. The main methods of treatment: medicinal biological and psychological.

  1. Biological therapy: The patient is helped to get rid of depression with the help of antidepressants prescribed by the doctor. While taking medications, regular visits to your doctor are necessary.
  2. Psychotherapy:
  • Psychodynamic therapy is based on helping to overcome unconscious conflicts. The therapist helps to transfer the conflict into the conscious sphere and find a constructive solution.
  • Cognitive therapy is complex in nature; the patient is helped to deal with everyday and social difficulties, unconscious problems, and behavioral manifestations of depression.
  • Behavioral therapy focuses on current symptoms of depression: withdrawal from socializing, withdrawal from entertainment, and lack of interest in activities.
  • Family therapy.
  • Group therapy.

Treatment of severe depression requires the use of psychoanalysis, existential, behavioral, and body-oriented theories.

Video: How to cope

Severe depression is a mental disorder in which, simultaneously with a constant depressive mood, a pronounced decrease in interest in everything that was previously liked, and increased fatigue suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, excessive inadequate feelings of guilt, impaired appetite and a number of other signs are noted.

It is necessary to understand that this state- this is not laziness, not the whim of a person, but dangerous disease, requiring proper treatment!

To assess the severity of a mental illness, they resort to additional methods research, special psychodiagnostic scales, the most accurate of which are the Hamilton Depression Severity Scale, the Montgomery-Asberg scale, and the Beck scale.

Why does it occur

Why severe depression occurs in a particular person is one of the first questions a doctor will ask himself when communicating with a patient. Further treatment tactics will depend on this.

The role of genetic, organic and socio-psychological factors in the development of severe depression has been reliably confirmed.

Genetic factors

A significant proportion of severe depressive disorders are... The latter arise due to a deficiency in the body special substances, called monoamines, involved in the regulation of emotions, cognitive processes, attention, memory. These are the well-known norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.

The deficiency of these substances does not occur out of nowhere, but is triggered by the action of special genes responsible for development depressive disorder.

Depression may be one of the phases of a disease with a hereditary predisposition.

Social and psychological factors

Some people are predisposed to depression. They are distinguished by uncompromising, straightforwardness, and an “excessively serious” understanding of the sense of duty. The experiences of such people are affectively rich, but at the same time they tend to inhibit the external manifestation of emotions.

Social factors that may lead to the development affective disorder- bereavement (death of a loved one, divorce, separation), absence social support when a person has to overcome everything on his own, there is no one to expect help from, financial problems, loneliness, various serious illnesses and associated social problems and financial costs.

Organic factors

Depressive disorder may not only be an independent disease caused by genetic characteristics or social problems, but also secondary pathology, a complication of another nosology.

Brain stroke, Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, thyrotoxicosis, hepatitis, oncological diseases and many other pathologies can be complicated by the development of a depressive episode.

Characteristic manifestations

The current international classification of diseases, 10th revision, distinguishes 3 degrees of severity of depression (depressive episode):

  1. mild depressive episode;
  2. moderate depressive episode;
  3. severe depressive episode with or without psychotic symptoms.

Main symptoms of depressive disorder:

  • a depressed, clearly abnormal mood for a given person, which persists almost all the time, for at least two weeks;
  • a distinct decrease in interest in activities that the person previously liked;
  • severe fatigue, lack of energy.

These symptoms (or at least 2 of them) are almost always observed during a depressive episode of any severity.

In severe depression, not only the main, but also most of the additional signs of severe depression will be observed, namely:

  • excessive causeless feeling guilt or self-condemnation, it is these manifestations that can contribute to the emergence of thoughts of suicide;
  • a gloomy, even pessimistic vision of the future;
  • feeling of self-doubt, low self-esteem;
  • recurring thoughts of suicide or even suicidal attempts (how to suspect the presence of suicidal thoughts in a person, during which periods the risk of attempting suicide is greatest, you can read about this in the article “ “);
  • problems with concentration, the ability to think, the appearance of indecision;
  • appetite disturbances (it can be either increased or decreased), combined with weight changes;
  • sleep pathology;
  • motor disorders manifested in the form of lethargy or severe emotional arousal.

Psychotic signs

Psychotic manifestations that may be signs of severe depression:

  • delusional ideas - unlike schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusions of a fantastic nature, with severe depression delusions of guilt, attitudes, denial, nihilistic delusions may occur (the patient claims that the world has stopped, or internal organs stopped working), hypochondriacal delirium (the patient is confident that he has serious illness, although in fact there are no signs, he is completely healthy);
  • hallucinations;
  • depressive stupor - immobility, numbness.

Somatic signs

In severe depression, so-called somatic symptoms will almost always be present, which are not necessary in a mild or mild depressive episode. medium degree gravity.

Somatic symptoms of severe depression:

  • waking up in the morning 2 hours or even more before the usual time;
  • mental state is more severe in the morning;
  • significant decrease in appetite;
  • lack of reaction to an activity, an event that in the past should have necessarily caused it;
  • weight loss (5% or more of last month's weight);
  • decreased sex drive.

Not every patient can have all of the listed symptoms of severe depression; sometimes, due to depressive stupor or strong emotional arousal (agitation), a person cannot talk about the manifestations of the disease that bother him; in this case, the information that close people can tell, how attentive they are, is very important were.


A sick person is unable to drive normal life, work, get around yourself, take care of yourself or someone. As they say, it exists, but does not live.

This disease places an unbearable burden not only on the person himself, but also on his family and society as a whole. This is why this condition needs treatment. Waiting for a person to come out of severe depression on their own is extremely imprudent. So you can wait dangerous consequences severe depression - suicide attempts.

Suicide: when is it possible?

As a rule, patients with severe depression are lethargic and lethargic. Despite having suicidal thoughts, they do not have the strength to act on these thoughts.

There are 2 dangerous period when the chances of committing suicide attempts are highest: the onset of the disorder and the moment of recovery from it.

At the initial stages of a depressive episode, the mood is already painful, the patient may be visited by various bad thoughts, and motor retardation is not yet very pronounced. During such periods, it is necessary to carefully monitor the person so that he does not do something irreparable.

A similar situation occurs a couple of weeks after the start of treatment. The first symptoms that begin to improve with treatment for severe depression are movement disorders. Negative thoughts, unreasonable feelings of guilt, a pessimistic vision of the future disappear a little later. During a slight improvement, patients can put into practice everything that they had time to think at the peak of depression. So during this period, maximum control is also necessary not only over the patient’s actions, but also over one’s words, so as not to say anything unnecessary or provoke the person to do something.

Support from loved ones and their care is necessary for depression of any severity, so I recommend reading the article ““ to know how to support such a person, what can be said in his presence and what should not be said.

Depressive disorder occurs a little differently in women than in men. That’s why I dedicated it to this topic.

Features of therapy

How to get out of severe depression? Can I do this myself? These questions are most often asked by patients and their relatives.

The first thing to do is see a doctor. It is important to understand that severe depression is a serious mental disorder that not only negatively affects the patient’s life, but can also lead to dangerous consequences.

Such a disease does not go away without competent and comprehensive treatment.

In one of the articles I already described. These measures are very effective for mild or moderate depression, but for severe forms of the disease they are, unfortunately, powerless or ineffective. It is impossible to do without drug treatment.


Antidepressants - medicinal substances, promoting normalization mental state. They eliminate the motor, somatovegetative, and emotional manifestations of depressive disorder, thereby helping the person return to their previous pre-morbid state.

Antidepressants for severe depression are the drugs that form the basis of therapy.

The choice of drug depends on a number of factors:

  • existing symptoms;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • the effectiveness of treatment in previous episodes (if any);
  • the patient’s level of income - if a person’s financial situation is not high, then it makes no sense to prescribe him effective but expensive drugs that he will not be able to take as long as he needs.

The main groups of antidepressants used to treat severe depression:

  • serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine);
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (paroxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline);
  • tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine) and others.

Tranquilizers and neuroleptics

Another group medicines, actively used in the treatment of severe depression - tranquilizers (diazepam, clonazepam). These substances relieve anxiety, sleep disorders, and emotional tension.

If psychotic manifestations are present, then there is a need to prescribe antipsychotics. They help eliminate delusional ideas and hallucinations. In the treatment of depression, preference is given to atypical antipsychotics, such as risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine.


To get out of severe depression, you need not only to take the medications prescribed by your doctor, you need to eliminate the external factors that caused this condition. Of course, it is not always possible to completely eliminate them, but you can change your attitude towards them, accept the current situation if there is nothing else left. It is best to work in this direction with a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy is most effective in cases where socio-psychological factors are leading in the development of the disease. It is very difficult for a person to understand himself, his problems, complexes, relationships with other people, but a psychotherapist will help you look at the problem from the other side and find the right way out.

After watching this video, you will learn how depression and self-esteem are interconnected, a look at this problem from Jacques Fresco, designer and futurologist, organizer of the Venus Project.

Others can also be used in the complex treatment of depressive disorder.

Prevention of depression and duration of therapy

How to not only cope with severe depression, but also prevent its development in the future?

Treating severe depression is a long process. It is necessary to take medications not for a week or even a month. It turns out that the best prevention of severe depression and relapses of the disease in the future is compliance with the optimal treatment period.

Even if you feel practically healthy, this does not mean that you can stop taking your medications. You must carefully follow your doctor's recommendations.

In the treatment of depression, there are 3 main phases, compliance with which is the best prevention subsequent relapses of severe depression:

  1. The active treatment phase (acute) lasts about a month. During this time, many patients experience elimination of most symptoms. mental disorder, your mood noticeably improves, and your ability to work is even restored. If treatment is interrupted at this stage, there is a high probability that after some time the disease will relapse and the symptoms will return again.
  2. The stabilizing phase (ongoing) begins after remission is achieved. However, even a significant improvement in mental state does not mean that the disease has receded forever. It is necessary to continue treatment, take antidepressants, albeit in smaller doses. The duration of this phase is from 6 months to 1 year.
  3. The maintenance phase consists of taking the minimum dose of the drug necessary to control the course of the disease. The duration of this phase is determined individually.

It is necessary to stop taking medications gradually, reducing the dose over at least 4 weeks. If you suddenly stop taking antidepressants, there may be a rebound of symptoms. This condition manifests itself both by the appearance of new signs of a mental disorder and the return of similar symptoms. initial symptoms depressive disorder.

Depressed state (depressed state) is a pathological state of the psyche, characterized by lack of interest and deterioration general condition. A depressed state can be one of the symptoms of neurosis, depression, or arise as an independent pathology.

From time to time, this condition occurs in completely mentally healthy people who are experiencing or have experienced a severe emotional state, mental trauma or prolonged stress.

This condition can become pathological if symptoms persist for several months or symptoms of other symptoms appear. mental illness or the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions.

A depressed state may occur due to:


Experienced stress or psychological trauma can cause a state of depression that lasts from several days to several weeks and does not require special treatment. A depressed person continues to perform daily duties, communicates with others and does not refuse help. In more severe cases, the person’s psyche cannot cope with unpleasant experiences, and he “gets stuck” in this state.

There are several forms of pathological depression:

  • psychological depression;
  • emotional depression;
  • internal depression.

Psychological depression

It most often arises due to internal conflict, the inability to achieve what you want, achieve your goal, and so on. A person spends too much energy and internal resources on what he has planned or on experiencing some kind of failure and cannot cope with it on his own. As a result, he withdraws into himself, stops achieving his goal, and feels motivated. In this state, people may stop communicating with people, attend any entertainment events, and in difficult situations, even refuse to leave the house.

Emotional depression

Its appearance can be triggered by psychological trauma, severe stress or other experiences. The inability to experience and “live” negative emotions leads to the fact that they accumulate, block a person’s consciousness and become the cause of the development of psychosomatic diseases or emotional depression.

This pathology most often develops in those people who in childhood were forbidden to openly express their emotions, shamed for tears, fear or weakness. As an adult, not being able to cope with your feelings can cause many mental problems - if negative emotions are too strong, they can cause a nervous breakdown or severe depression.

With this form of the disease, a person seems to “freeze”, he becomes a little emotional, stops enjoying life and being interested in anything. Unexperienced emotions can cause problems with sleep, appetite, headaches, heart or stomach pain, and general deterioration.

Inner depression

The cause of its development can be any negative experience or psychological trauma. Internal depression occurs due to difficult experiences or negative emotions that “accumulate” inside a person.

Internal depression constantly manifests itself bad mood, lack of motivation, desire to avoid contact with others. Such a person can completely stop trying to achieve anything, take any actions at all, and simply “go with the flow.” Internal depression is dangerous because patients may begin to take alcohol, drugs, gamble, or do something dangerous or illegal in an attempt to somehow fill the inner emptiness.

Danger and consequences of this condition

Depression or depression can cause the development of depression and lead the patient to alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, the lack of motivation and desire to achieve something leads to the fact that a person does not develop, agrees to exist in any conditions and does not try to achieve something better.


You can cope with a depressed state on your own or. If a person is aware of his problem and wants to change his condition, psychoanalysis, lifestyle changes or taking herbal sedatives will help cope with depression.

Drug treatment

Treatment for depression and apathy usually includes:


Psychotherapeutic treatment helps the patient understand the causes of depression and cope with internal problems.

Most often they use rational, psychoanalysis and auxiliary techniques: dance therapy, art therapy, music therapy and so on.