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What to do if you overeat: urgent help for the stomach and intestines. What to do if you've eaten too much and have a stomach ache: first aid. Why do children have stomach ache?

If your baby complains of abdominal pain, pay attention to its frequency or frequency. Perhaps these are isolated cases and are associated with overeating or rejection of any product. But, if discomfort and painful sensations occur frequently, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Only a specialist can determine why a child has a stomach ache.

The reasons may be the following:

    Food poisoning. This is a common cause of poor health, which is accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, fever, dizziness and general weakness. If the baby is lethargic and complains bad feeling, he is vomiting, then go to the hospital, as this is quite dangerous disease, leading to unpleasant consequences. In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, and diarrhea and vomiting quickly dehydrate it, which requires emergency measures treatment and hospitalization.

    Constipation. The appearance of problems with stool does not provoke proper nutrition, overeating and sedentary lifestyle life. The abundance of flour and bakery products, sweets and chocolate has a detrimental effect not only on weight, but also on digestion. As a result, stool retention occurs, and if gases still accumulate in the intestines, the pain can be very severe. In order for such problems to arise as rarely as possible, it is necessary to give the child more fruits, normalize drinking regime and provide physical activity.

    Dysbacteriosis. Complete digestion of food and protection of the body is impossible without the participation of microbes living in the intestines. Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which the composition of microorganisms inhabiting the intestines changes (there are fewer beneficial bacteria and, accordingly, more harmful ones), which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. When the immune system weakens and malnutrition occurs, these bacteria begin to actively conduct their life activities. The state of the intestinal microflora is also affected by taking antibiotics. To normalize the microflora and populate it beneficial bacteria, specialists prescribe medications with lactobacilli and a diet.

    Infections in the intestines. Inflammatory process occurs due to the penetration of viruses and bacteria, causing diseases, for example, dysentery. In addition to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heat. If these signs occur, you should contact your doctor immediately.

    Intestinal obstruction - a syndrome characterized by partial or complete violation movement of contents along the digestive tract and caused by a mechanical obstacle or impaired intestinal motor function. This disease is divided into mechanical and dynamic. With mechanical obstruction, the cause is blockage of the intestinal lumen due to some obstacle, and dynamic obstruction is caused, for example, by injury, and as a result, a weakening of intestinal motility and its muscle tone. In addition to pain, vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes with blood, appears. strong gas formation. In this case, you must immediately contact a medical facility.

    Viral and bacterial infections. Painful sensations appear due to the fact that bacteria and viruses reach not only respiratory tract, but also to the stomach. The sensations are not strong and go away after recovery.

    Helminthic infestations. The presence of worms is indicated by symptoms such as: poor appetite, pale skin, flatulence and abdominal pain. In this case, you need to see a doctor and take a necessary tests and undergo treatment.

    Appendicitis. Pain from appendicitis is not always localized on the right side. This is explained by the fact that the appendix is different people may be shifted to the right or left side. Therefore, the stomach may prick or pull on the right, in the middle or below. Associated symptoms are elevated temperature, nausea and vomiting.

    Binge eating. The stomach and intestines cannot cope with such an amount of food, it bursts the walls, causing problems. discomfort. Monitor your baby’s diet, try not to feed him fatty and heavy foods, and don’t force him to finish everything on his plate. If this condition occurs regularly, it can cause intestinal problems and form a certain line eating behavior, in which weight problems and all associated diseases will arise in the future. When overeating, abdominal pain occurs very often, so carefully monitor how your baby eats.

    Stress. Because of the worries and negative emotions Stomach pain occurs not only in children, but also in adults. This is a physiological reaction of the body. Therefore, due to stress, such sensations can occur quite often, especially if the child is emotional, has just started school, or there has been some upheaval in the family.

This is the most common reasons unpleasant sensations, but not all. Therefore, if your child has severe stomach pain, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. He will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and suggest suitable therapy.

A child has a stomach ache: what to do and how to help

Any parent, seeing how his baby is suffering, how much pain he is in, will do everything possible to help him.

But he cannot be given most drugs - either contraindications or age restrictions.

When a child has a stomach ache, not all parents know what to do. The scheme of action depends on the age of the baby. And parents must analyze and understand possible reasons occurrence of pain. Remember what he ate today, ask when the pain began, and after what. This will help both you and the doctor if you call him.

If you understand that most likely your child has overeaten, or the discomfort is caused by gas formation and constipation, then you can help him in the following ways.

Strengthening intestinal motility and massage

In cases of gas formation, overeating and constipation, massage will help. You need to put the baby on his back and stroke his belly clockwise with your palm. If the baby is an infant, then you can help him get rid of gases with the help of gymnastics.

Place your baby on his back and, holding his legs, lift them and press them to your chest. Perform this exercise for about 10-15 minutes, and excess gases will release the baby’s intestines, and therefore the pain will go away.

Quick help: the drug "Neobutin"

Released into production new drug"Neobutin", which, despite its novelty, has already proven itself positively.

It is available without a prescription, so it is available to everyone and at any pharmacy.

The drug has the following advantages:

  1. High speed of action. After taking Neobutin, the pain goes away within 20 minutes.
  2. The drug affects the cause of the pain, therefore eliminating it for a long time.
  3. Normalizes gastrointestinal motility.
  4. Approved for use by children over 3 years of age.

At the slightest suspicion of appendicitis or other serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, consult a doctor.

Abdominal pain in children: prevention measures

These tips will not prevent appendicitis, intestinal infections, or other serious illnesses, but will help prevent overeating, bloating and other unpleasant conditions caused by poor diet and lifestyle.

    Physical activity. The key to good digestion. Encourage your child to exercise physical culture. Make it a tradition to exercise and play outdoor games fresh air. Such games strengthen the abdominal muscles, improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism. As a result, digestion improves and problems with it do not arise.

    Diet. Eating five or six meals a day will prevent overeating. Since very often a hungry child eats much more than he can. And with this regime, he will eat every 3-4 hours, which will prevent the development of a great feeling of hunger.

    Drinking regime. Insufficient water intake can cause constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that your baby drinks water throughout the day. It is best to drink regular drinking water without gas.

    A set of useful products. The baby’s diet should contain everything balanced – vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals and dairy products. The content of cakes, buns, sweets and chocolate in the diet should be minimal, as these products contain a lot of carbohydrates, are difficult to digest and cause digestive problems.

    Maintaining hygiene. Washing your hands after going outside, using the toilet, or doing other activities should be a mandatory procedure. Maintaining good hygiene will reduce the likelihood of intestinal infections, worms and roundworms.

By following these tips, you will see that digestive problems have disappeared, and your child is cheerful, active and healthy.

Almost every person is familiar with overeating. Heaviness and pain in the abdomen, nausea, depressed state of mind - these are the main symptoms.

What to do if you overeat? Rules of first aid for the body.

What to do if you overeat: reasons for overeating

It's quite easy to overeat during a holiday feast. Family feasts on New Year or a birthday is a real stress for the body. A lot of tasty food plus alcohol, which removes inhibitions and stimulates appetite, and overeating is very difficult to avoid.

There are other reasons for overeating:

If a person constantly overeats, we're talking about O psychological problem. It is unlikely to be resolved without the help of a professional psychologist;

If a person does not constantly overeat, but is prone to it, most likely, some physiological processes in organism. Maybe endocrine disease, hormonal disorders, lack of vital microelements, vitamins;

Increased appetite due to certain circumstances. For example, it will pay for a hotel stay under the All inclusive system; some people find it difficult to refuse free food;

The habit of seizing problems and Bad mood delicious until the feeling of overeating becomes painful.

In general, in order to get rid of the problem and not worry about what to do if you overate, it is important to analyze the reasons and make some kind of decision. If we are talking about psychology, then you need to adhere to certain rules. For example, not keeping a lot of tasty food at home, or making it a habit to eat half a head of iceberg lettuce, etc., before reaching for the first cake. If overeating is accompanied by other symptoms, you must be examined by an endocrinologist.

What to do if you overeat once: help your stomach

One-time overeating happens to everyone and, as a rule, serious consequences does not lead. However, the person's condition is terrible. The stomach hurts or there is a feeling of heaviness, fullness, you don’t want to move or think. It also makes me feel sick and my conscience gnaws at me. In general, it is required urgent help body.

Let's take a simple situation: a New Year's feast with an abundance of delicious food and, as a result, overeating. What to do if you overeat?

The first thing is to stop. Even if overeating has already occurred, you have the right to choose: tell yourself to stop or continue in the same spirit, calming your conscience with the cowardly thought “It happened anyway, more harm It won’t happen anymore, so at least I’ll eat from the heart.”

But no: everything could be even worse, both in the short-term and in the sense long term consequences. So you need to pull yourself together and stop the unhealthy feast. Continuing to fill your stomach with food, you make it difficult to work, creating an incredible burden on your stomach. digestive organs. All this food will have to be digested, absorbed and, excuse me, evacuated. It will no longer be possible to do this in the usual way, which means you should prepare for poisoning the body with toxins.

The stomach needs urgent help. What to do if you overeat? Here is a plan of possible actions.

Brew herbal, green or regular black tea and drink - but no more than 150 ml, so as not to stretch the stomach even more. You shouldn't add sugar and honey, but here's a spoon lemon juice, lemon leaf or slice ginger root This will come in handy: they will speed up digestion.

Instead of tea, you can prepare a digestion-stimulating drink by dissolving a tablespoon of natural tea in a glass of clean drinking water. apple cider vinegar. The drink can be flavored with half a spoon natural honey. Drinking this stimulates the production gastric juice, relieves stomach and intestinal spasms.

For stomach pain, take enzymes in tablet form: pancreatin, mezim, creon, festal. Enzymes facilitate digestion, accelerating the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Important nuance: You can’t take these pills all the time. In this case, the body will stop synthesizing enzymes on its own, and digestive problems will become permanent.

By the way, taking a tablet of Festal or another enzyme preparation in the middle of a feast is a reasonable decision. Just don’t take it as permission to eat everything in unlimited quantities. It’s just much easier to cope with the first signs of overeating than to then painfully decide what to do if you’ve overeaten completely and feel disgusting.

Instead of enzymes, you can simply take chewing gum to stimulate profuse salivation. Together with saliva, the same enzymes will begin to be produced, and it will be easier for the body to digest food.

What you should never do is drink a lot of water, much less drink alcohol. Water will stretch the stomach even more, which means there is a high risk of injury to the delicate mucous membranes of the stomach. Well, alcohol can provoke secondary gluttony, that is, it will aggravate the problem.

It is important not to let yourself go to bed with a full stomach. This is very harmful to the body. Fermentation, rotting, intoxication are guaranteed. So, having provided first aid to the stomach, you need to force yourself to move a little. If you're at a party, try dancing, but only if you have the energy. You cannot bend over sharply or jump, so as not to harm your overfilled stomach and cause intestinal volvulus.

It’s great if you can get out into the fresh air and just walk a little. Cardio exercise will help burn extra calories, prevent food from being stored in fat, and stimulate metabolic process. Stagnation can be avoided.

After the first symptoms of overeating have been relieved, you can lie down and help digestion mechanically. You need to clench your palm into a fist and stroke your stomach clockwise around your navel. Describe sufficient big circle, including the lower abdomen and the space 7-8 centimeters above the navel. Under no circumstances should you press too hard.

Stroking will improve digestion, stimulate peristalsis, actually helping the bolus of food move through the intestines.

Helps relieve the condition and breathing exercises. You need to stand up, stretch, then straighten your back, relax your stomach and slightly arch your lower back. Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, filling the air not with your chest, but with your stomach, feeling how it protrudes. As you exhale, pull in your stomach, trying to “pull” it as close to the spine as possible.

Breathing exercise really stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the digestion of food bolus.

What to do if you overeat: radical methods

What to do if you overeat and feel nauseous? Is it possible to induce artificial vomiting? Specialists and non-specialists approach this issue differently. Artificial vomiting is undesirable in the sense that the food bolus can injure the mucous walls of the stomach and throat.

In addition, there is a high risk that a regularly overeating person will resort to such simple way constantly. And this is already serious psychological illness- bulimia. Here you don’t need to think about what to do if you overeat, but get treatment.

However, it must be admitted that, having gotten rid of excess heaviness in the stomach in an unconventional way, you will feel a sharp relief. So in as a last resort, once, soberly assessing the situation and recognizing that you do not suffer from bulimia, you can resort to the method of artificial emptying of the stomach.

In the end, Indian yogis do not see anything wrong with this. Although, to be fair, at the moment of liberation their stomach is not filled with Olivier and dumplings, but filled with water.

By the way, if overeating is accompanied by alcohol withdrawal, vomiting is highly desirable. This quick way will stop the absorption of alcohol through the walls of the stomach. If alcohol poisoning obviously, it is important to take the sorbent immediately. The simplest penny drug - Activated carbon from the pharmacy (one tablet is needed per ten kilos of weight), although there are more effective drugs. It is important that the sorbent and enzymes cannot be taken at the same time, since enzyme preparations will not work in this case.

What to do if you overeat: important nuances

Having provided the body with first aid, it is important not to harm it in the future. What to do if you overeat the next day? The stomach needs unloading, but artificial fasting is unacceptable. It’s normal if you don’t feel like eating at all after waking up. And, of course, you don’t need to force yourself to eat breakfast. It's enough to drink a glass clean water room temperature. It is very good to add a slice of lemon to the water or squeeze a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.

Hunger can only wake up around lunchtime, or even dinner. This is a signal that the food has been digested. Now you can eat, but neither fatty, nor salty, nor smoked, nor generally heavy foods are allowed. Porridge is ideal after overeating, rich in fiber. Buckwheat and oatmeal are what will help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very good to add bran to porridge to cleanse the intestines faster. The serving size cannot be more than 250-300 grams.

After 2-3 hours you can have a snack with an apple, nuts, natural yogurt, dried apricots. The second meal should also be small in volume and easy to digest. Chicken bouillon or a piece lean fish will do just fine.

But with raw vegetables you need to be extremely careful. Yes, they contain fiber, but coarse fiber. And if the stomach is not used to digesting it, then after overeating it will be very difficult to do so. There may be discomfort in the abdomen, including pain.

Be sure to eat it the next day after a heavy meal. The fact is that overeating in itself was stressful. But fasting is also stressful. So it’s not worth aggravating the problem, so as not to cause even more severe upset. In addition, any fasting is perceived by the body as a signal to accumulate energy, that is, fat. So instead of preventing weight gain, you will actually promote it.

Concerning physical activity, then they are not required. If you are used to training every day and have the strength, then please, there is nothing wrong with sports. But if you try to get rid of extra calories in this way, without having any sports training, then the training will not be beneficial, it will simply become another stress factor.

It is not necessary to cleanse the intestines with enemas., as well as using laxatives. You can only get rid of processed food, but not excess calories and fat, so there is no point in relaxation or enema. But it can easily cause harm to the body. Both methods deprive the intestines of the natural microflora necessary for normal digestion. So, instead of relief, you can get a severe disorder and subsequently treat dysbiosis for a long time.

And one last thing. A single overeating will not harm your waistline and will not cause sudden weight gain. Of course, after 2-3 days you can see weight gain on the scale, but it will not be associated with the accumulation of fat, but with the retention of water in the body, that is, with swelling. A low-calorie healthy diet will help quickly solve the problem.

But if you overeat constantly, then you won’t have to count on staying slim. At the same time, eating disorders will not allow you to lose weight, since diets will be constantly violated. That is why it is important to analyze the causes of overeating and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

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Overeating leads to bloating, pain, stomach upset (diarrhea, nausea and vomiting), heaviness in the stomach and general discomfort. After you overeat, you may experience one or more of the above symptoms for an extended period, but over time, the pain and discomfort will go away on its own. If you do not intend to wait for relief and want to eliminate these unpleasant and painful symptoms, there are some natural remedies that can help improve your condition.

What to do if you overeat - natural remedies and methods will help

Here's what you can do to make life easier for yourself and your stomach.

Drink a cup of herbal tea

Peppermint tea is generally good for stomach pain associated with overeating and more in older children and adults (see 5 Health Benefits of Peppermint). Chamomile tea helps to calm you down during the entire period of time that your stomach needs to digest a large amount of food, and this tea can also be drunk by small children.

Peppermint essential oil

Drop one drop essential oil peppermint onto a sugar cube and dissolve it. This will help improve your condition after overeating.

Apply warm

Apply something warm to the stomach area for 20 minutes, for example, you can use a heating pad, bottles of hot water or hot compress.

Take a rest

Lie down and rest for 30 minutes. Allow your stomach muscles to move some food further down the gastrointestinal tract. Breathe deeply to help relax contracted muscles as... their compressed state can contribute to stomach discomfort.

Take a walk

If you're still feeling full, taking a short walk outside can help digest your food and move it along, helping relieve symptoms of overeating.

Homeopathic remedies

If you sometimes overeat, consult a homeopath about homeopathic remedies that may help treat your symptoms. For bloating, this is sometimes used homeopathic remedy, How Lycopodium. During discomfort arising from overeating or after consumption spicy food, use Nux vomica.


What should you do if you overeat and have a stomach ache, but the remedies described above do not help? You can also use antacids or carminatives, which can help relieve abdominal pain, discomfort, and other symptoms. But don't forget - synthetic medicines always have contraindications and side effects.

Time after overeating

If, some time after overeating (for example, the next morning), you experience an upset stomach and your gastrointestinal tract refuses to work normally, eating certain foods will help you normalize your digestive system. Here's what you need to do:

Eat a banana

Drink some orange juice

Indigestion can sometimes be caused by insufficient stomach acid, and the natural acids present in oranges can correct this. In order to eliminate an upset stomach with orange juice, you need to drink it before meals and not drink it along with carbohydrate-containing foods, as this can lead to increased gas formation.

Add some spices

While you may not be craving anything spicy after overeating yesterday, adding a little spice to your meals today can help settle your stomach. For example, cumin stimulates the liver to produce more bile, which helps with digestion.

Eat rice porridge or something else

Use rice porridge made from white rice, makes it possible to minimize the load on the stomach, due to the fact that such porridge is very soft and contains little fiber. Toast and boiled potatoes, like white rice, provide relief to an already sensitive stomach and also help stop diarrhea by absorbing liquid.

Drink apple cider vinegar

Natural apple cider vinegar helps improve digestion and relieve cramps. Try adding one tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey to a cup of water. Consuming this composition helps calm the stomach. You can also add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water. Its use may help relieve

There are troubles that you can handle on your own. But in some cases, the child needs to be taken to the doctor urgently.

Acetonomic crisis

Overwork, long trip, poor nutrition- all this is quite a difficult test for child's body. As a result, the child produces a large number of ketone bodies (acetone and acetoneacetic acid).

Baby vomits - first undigested food, after that with bile. Even a small sip of water causes him to vomit repeatedly. A strong smell of acetone is felt from the mouth, more often it resembles the smell of pickled apples (urine smells the same). The child's temperature rises and he complains of abdominal pain.

A child has a stomach ache and vomiting: treatment

Give your child a teaspoon of alkaline every 5 minutes. mineral water without gas or rehydron solution. Do a cleansing enema (2 teaspoons of soda per 200 g cool water). A sorbent will also help in such a situation: smecta, polysorb, sillard. Put your child on a diet for a few days: give him pureed vegetable soups, porridge, crackers.

Prevention of acetone crisis

Nutritious meals and a calm environment - these simple measures will prevent such problems in the future.

Constipation in a child

If a child has bowel movements only once or twice a week, doctors say constipation occurs.

Symptoms of constipation in a child

Lack of stool is not the only symptom of constipation. There are two more characteristic signs of this ailment: abdominal pain and flatulence.

Treatment of constipation in a child

First of all, consult your doctor. After all constipation in a child may be a manifestation functional disorders liver, as well as pancreas or thyroid gland. In most cases, no medication is required. A change in diet and lifestyle is enough. Give your child more fermented milk products. “Live” yoghurts, acidophilus milk and kefir remarkably activate intestinal function. Some dried fruits also have a laxative effect: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. Fiber and other substances contained in them enhance intestinal motility. You need toddlers and vegetables - raw and boiled. Beets, carrots, tomatoes and apples stimulate the secretion of bile acids, and constipation disappears. But be careful with pomegranates, pears and blueberries - they are strong.

Drinking plenty of fluids is a major part of therapy. Constipation often occurs as a result of dehydration. It is best to give your child carrot, plum and apricot juices. And here is black and green tea, as well as cocoa are contraindicated for it. Teach your child (and yourself too!) to start the morning with exercise. Also, move more together. If a toddler behaves actively, stagnant processes do not occur in his body.

Prevention of constipation in children

A nutritious diet, walks in the fresh air - insurance against constipation.

Salmonellosis in a child

The causative agents of this disease are very tenacious. In open reservoirs, salmonella thrive for 120 days; sea ​​water- 217, in eggs and frozen meat - up to a year, and in room dust - up to a year and a half! It is enough for a child to eat a contaminated soft-boiled egg to get sick. A newborn can become infected from carriers of this bacterium.

Symptoms of salmonellosis in a child

An insidious disease makes itself known in different ways. In infants, it is most often disguised as a cold. Lethargy appears, appetite disappears, and the temperature rises slightly. But within a day the thermometer shows 38° C, diarrhea begins, stools are watery and greenish, and advanced cases- with reddish veins. Vomiting occurs frequently. In older children, as a rule, the disease is immediately accompanied by a high fever. The child is vomiting, has diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Treatment of salmonellosis in children

The child needs to drink a lot (he should receive the daily fluid intake within 6-12 hours). Give liquid little by little, but often, so as not to provoke vomiting. Doctors begin treatment with sorbents: smecta, sillard, activated carbon. Microparticles of such drugs collect microbes and toxins and transport them from the body to the outside. The specialist will most likely prescribe and antibacterial drugs. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease.

Prevention of salmonellosis in children

Salmonella are afraid of high temperatures. Cook the meat longer, offer your child only hard-boiled eggs. Do not swim with your baby in unfamiliar bodies of water, especially in those where there is a warning about water pollution. After all, there may be salmonella there.

Shigellosis (dysentery) in a child

The bacteria that causes dysentery love warmth. Only in hot environments do they reproduce especially actively. Therefore, the peak of the disease occurs in the summer months. Sometimes one unwashed berry is enough for a child to get sick. Incubation period illness - from 2 days to a week.

Symptoms of dysentery in a child

It all starts with sharp increase temperatures up to 38-39 °C. It can last up to 5 days. Characteristic signs illness - painful urges to defecation, watery stool mixed with mucus, greens, and blood.

Treatment of dysentery in children

Glucose-saline solution is the first thing that should be given to the child. Don't insist that he drinks a whole liter at once; feed him from a spoon. And when the baby gets better, replace the solution with unsweetened tea. The pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics. Give medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not interrupt therapy at your own discretion, otherwise the disease will recur or become worse. chronic form. A child with dysentery must follow a diet: soft cereals, steam cutlets and baked apples.

Prevention of dysentery in children

Wash berries, fruits and vegetables thoroughly on all sides. Make sure that your child does not pick up anything from the ground outside. After walking, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

If the child has eaten too much

Your child asked for more, but you couldn’t refuse? Don't be surprised that after a short time he will begin to complain of stomach pain. Symptoms of overeating - apathy, lethargy, nausea

If the child has eaten too much, put him to bed and give him warm water, stroke your tummy clockwise. Enzyme preparations in children's doses will alleviate the condition a little, but they can only be given on the recommendation of a doctor. Is your child feeling sick? Invite him to drink a weak solution of chamomile or enterosorbent “Enterosgel” (as much as he can). If your child vomits, give him some water.

Most likely, the child will feel better the next day, but you still keep him on the diet for some time.

Teach your baby to eat in moderation (and stick to this rule yourself).

Colic in a child

In the first months of life, the baby may experience discomfort from the air in the intestines.

Symptoms of colic in a baby

Problems begin after the baby has eaten. The crying does not subside for several minutes, or even hours.

Treatment of colic in children

Are you breastfeeding? Then be sure to make sure that he captures both the nipple and the areola around it with his mouth. Control your diet, eat only easily digestible foods. And for an artificial baby, after consultation with a doctor, you need to choose the optimal mixture.

Prevention of colic in children

After eating, hold your baby upright until any excess air is released from the stomach. It's okay if a small amount of milk comes back with it.

Enteroviral diarrhea

It's easy to catch this infection. All a child needs to do is interact with infected children or put a dirty rattle in his mouth. Doctors say this disease is more common in children under 4 years of age. The explanation is simple: up to this age digestive tract very vulnerable and cannot resist infection.

Symptoms of enterovirus infection:

The baby begins to have diarrhea and a fever. A stuffy nose, coughing, and sore throat are also characteristic of an enterovirus infection.

Treatment of enterovirus infection

Medicines that are used to treat common colds will be useful. However, before using them, check with your doctor about the dosage and dosage regimen.

Your baby will need more fluids than usual. After all, he loses a lot of fluid during diarrhea. Food should be the most tender so as not to overload the stomach.

Prevention of enteroviruses

Boost your child's immunity with everyone possible ways, and viruses will not be able to break through the body’s powerful defenses.

Hepatitis A in a child

This disease is caused certain type enteroviruses. A child can “catch” them through contaminated dishes, personal hygiene items, and even by drinking tap water. The incubation period for hepatitis is from 15 days to one and a half months.

Symptoms of hepatitis A in children

The child's temperature rises sharply. His stomach hurts and he is tormented by nausea. In some cases it may be severe diarrhea, in others - constipation. After 3-5 days, the temperature drops, while the urine turns dark yellow and the stool becomes discolored. Yellowness of the whites of the eyes, face, and then the whole body are typical manifestations of infectious jaundice.

Treatment of hepatitis A in children

Prepare your child for the fact that he will have to stay in the hospital for several days. The doctor will closely monitor the child's condition and, as soon as he gets better, will discharge him home.

You should carefully plan a diet for your baby. He will benefit from light vegetable soups, dietary boiled or baked meat - rabbit, turkey, chicken. IN children's menu There should be dishes from boiled, stewed and raw vegetables. Do not limit your child's drinking. Offer him more fruit drinks, juices, compotes.

Prevention of hepatitis A in children

Experts are confident that vaccination is the best insurance against hepatitis A. But a lot depends on you. Teach your child to wash their hands after every walk and visit the toilet, eat only washed fruits, and drink only boiled or bottled water.

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