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Asd 2nd fraction for human use. ASD2 for humans use according to rules and schemes

ASD fraction 2 is a drug belonging to the group of immunomodulators. Initially, the drug was developed as a broad-spectrum antiseptic to protect animals from radiation and pathogenic microflora. It was also used to reduce negative impact radiation and on the human body. However, those amazing properties drugs that were identified during clinical studies, allowed it to be called almost the elixir of life, capable of healing any disease, including cancer, AIDS and other diseases considered incurable.

During the Second World War, Soviet research institutes, on a secret order from Stalin himself, were developing medical product, allowing the body to resist radioactive radiation and promoting speedy recovery body. The main requirement was create an immunomodulatory drug, which has a powerful adaptogenic and radioprotective effect with minimal financial investment. This seemed almost impossible, and many scientists gave up during unsuccessful experiments.

However, in 1947, the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine provided its findings, which completely fulfilled the task. Candidate of Sciences A.V. Dorogov used a not entirely traditional approach and achieved some success.

Initially, the tissues of river frogs were used as raw materials for the drug, which were heated in a special apparatus until high temperatures. This method is called dry thermal sublimation. The liquid condensed as a result of this processing method had antiseptic and stimulating qualities. This substance was called ASD - Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, after the name of its creator.

In his subsequent experiments, the scientist replaced frogs with meat and bone meal, which did not in any way affect the medicinal properties of the drug.

As a result of thermal sublimation, several fractions were obtained. The first did not have any special medicinal qualities. But fractions two and three turned out to be unique in their medicinal properties. These substances were soluble in water, fat and alcohol, and it was they who were introduced by the scientist Dorogov for use in therapeutic practice.

Asd drugs once cured serious illnesses many high-ranking party workers and their relatives. However, after the mysterious death of the scientist, all his discoveries were strictly classified and for a long time didn't appear in free access. And only relatively recently did this drug appear on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies.

Nowadays this amazing drug still not recognized official medicine and is used only for the treatment of animals - cats, dogs, cattle and poultry. Although it was originally created to stimulate the immunity of both humans and animals, by today's standards it is a relatively cheap drug and is completely unprofitable for medicine that has taken the path of commerce. Most likely, this is why ASD will for a long time be considered exclusively a folk “panacea for all diseases.”

Composition and release form

Second faction of the SDA is a volatile transparent alkaline liquid, highly soluble in water and having a color from yellowish to dark red.

The drug has a sharp, characteristic smell of rotten meat due to the protein breakdown products contained in the composition, which the creator was unable to get rid of - when trying to eliminate the unpleasant aroma, the fraction lost almost all medicinal properties. Therefore, when consuming, it is recommended to close your nose and exhale only through your mouth for a while. Or you can drink it with a sip of water with 1-2 drops of mint tincture or lemon juice.

The composition of the drug is very interesting. ASD fraction 2 contains the following components: carboxylic acids, aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, as well as amide derivatives.

Acd is available in brown glass bottles with a nominal volume of 100 ml. During storage, a slight sediment may appear - this is acceptable.

Biological activity and properties

Scientists who have studied the effects of the drug ASD 2 on the human body have repeatedly proven its ability to activate all the protective forces of cells, accelerate tissue regeneration and ensure the stable operation of all systems.

Immunomodulatory properties of the ADS stimulator manifest themselves due to the presence of adaptogens in its basis - special substances released by the cell during its decay during sublimation. Adaptogens are designed to help damaged cells survive and regenerate. Therefore, when entering the human body, these substances mobilize all the body’s defenses, and it gradually restores damaged cells, tissues, and organs.

The uniqueness of the antiseptic stimulant lies primarily in the fact that it itself does not directly fight any types of microbes, but tunes the body to fight them, increases its ability to resist, easily integrating into all metabolic processes.

Treatment Options various diseases were developed directly by the creator himself - Alexey Dorogov. A wide range of applications determines the versatility of the product and its popularity in folk medicine due to its non-recognition as official.

There is a standard dosage- 15−30 drops of ASD-2 per 50−100 ml of cool boiled water, taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day 20−40 minutes before meals.

The regimen in this case is 5 days, then 3 days of rest. The course lasts until full recovery body.

At various problems With health, other, specific treatment regimens are used:

In most cases, the benefits of ASD fraction 2 are obvious during treatment. The use of this drug for humans can sometimes cure diseases that the patient has unsuccessfully struggled with for many years. There are very positive comments about diseases in the field of gynecology.

In the treatment of serious diseases such as cancer 2 methods of taking ASD are used- gentle and radical. However, it must be remembered that in the case of any dosage regimen for any disease, responsibility for health consequences falls only on the shoulders of the patient, because official medicine approves the use of the drug exclusively in the treatment of animals, and not a single doctor will recommend Dorogov’s stimulant to humans.

But since things are not going well with the cure of oncology in official medicine, and cases of cancer are becoming more frequent, people are increasingly resorting to the treatment method with ASD fraction number 2.

Gentle treatment regimen

According to this scheme, on the first day take 3 drops per 40 ml of water, in the next 5 days. increase the amount by 2 drops every day. On the seventh day they rest. This technique is followed for 4 weeks, then a break is taken for a week. In the fifth week, the drug is taken according to the same scheme, only starting with five drops, and not three. This continues for a month, followed by rest again.

If your health suddenly worsens, you must stop taking the drug.

Radical method of admission

With this regimen it is necessary to take the drug 4 times a day- at 8 o'clock, 12, 16 and 20. Dosage:

ASD-2 prevents further tumor development and relieves pain. The rate of cure, of course, depends on the degree of damage to the body, the location of the foci of the disease, age and physical condition sick.

The use of this drug for humans has its contraindications. The main one is only the individual immunity of the drug. It is also necessary to take the stimulant with caution when diagnosing kidney problems, increased blood clotting and a tendency to blood clots.

When making a responsible decision about treatment with this drug, Some rules should be taken into account:

There are no side effects if you follow these rules..

There are hundreds and thousands of positive reviews about the treatment of ASD 2. Use for humans, however, is not approved by doctors, and everyone must decide for themselves in their specific situation whether it is correct to take this drug or whether they should still trust official medicine.

Attention, TODAY only!

ASD fraction 2 (ASD stands for Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulant) is a product of the decomposition of organic raw materials that occurs at high temperatures.

It is of animal origin and is extracted using the dry sublimation method.

Initially, tissues of amphibians (more specifically, frogs) were used to make this drug, then meat and bone waste with meat and bone meal was used.

Typically, the liquid is yellowish or brown in color. It may also have an amber tint. All the components of which the ASD consists are not known with certainty.

However, we can say for sure that the Faction contains the following components:

  • Carboxylic acid derivatives (Amides);
  • Ammonia derivatives (Amines);
  • Carboxylic acids;
  • Hydrocarbons.

The drug is not officially recognized, but is quite widely used among the masses. There are several reasons for this:

  • Low cost (less than 300 rubles);
  • Comparative availability - it can be bought at almost any veterinary pharmacy;
  • Wide range of applications (see section “For what diseases);
  • Estimated effectiveness for the treatment of severe diseases;
  • Versatility;
  • Reputation as a miracle cure severe conditions, including in oncology.

It is no wonder that such a remedy has gained wide popular popularity, even despite being virtually ignored by the medical community. But what's the matter, why did this happen? Is the refusal of the ministers of the panacea to use it in treatment justified?

History of creation

ASD fraction 2 was first obtained by A.V. Dorogov in 1947.

Its background is as follows: according to available sources, several years earlier, some research institutes and laboratories of the USSR were assigned to work on a secret government order.

They had to create a drug that would meet the following requirements:

  • protected the body from radiation;
  • raised;
  • had a low cost;
  • was available for mass production.

Not everyone was able to cope with such a difficult task, but Dorogov succeeded. It is not known for certain how, but it is believed that in his research he processed the works of alchemists who lived during the Middle Ages. Initially, the resulting product was intended for use in the veterinary field - that is, for farm animals and birds. Then they began to offer it to people.

According to one version, this happened because ASD was so effective that it could replace many other drugs. Interested groups in the emergence of such an innovative tool on pharmaceutical market it didn’t turn out, so he was quietly removed, consigned to oblivion and slandered. Here we can also recall the famous conspiratorial theory of limits to growth. As is known, it states that further growth of the Earth's population is not beneficial, since the resources available to humanity are extremely limited. If you wish, you can see a correlation with this fact.

According to another source, the miraculous power is actually actions of ASD for humans is greatly exaggerated. The scope of its use does not go beyond improving the quality of life of cattle and treating skin ailments. And this is exactly what is indicated in the official annotation for the antiseptic. They also talk about the supposed significant harm of the drug, which outweighs the beneficial properties, and about numerous contraindications.

Another possible explanation is that Dorogov’s original formula was lost, and, as a result, the correct manufacturing technology has sunk into oblivion. As a result, the composition itself has changed. This made the antiseptic stimulant less effective, and it also acquired big amount unacceptable defects, no longer meets the requirements.

And the latest option is that there is an opinion that the production of counterfeit drugs has become more frequent. And this was the reason why the remedy became so unpopular. People have become afraid of purchasing and consuming low-quality SDA.

One can only guess what caused the real reason refusal to use the Fraction in official medicine. However, the decision may depend on the original version, according to which you will have to choose the lesser of two evils: use this controversial Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulant, knowing possible risks, or abandon it completely.

For what diseases should I take Asd fraction 2?

Only the dosage regimens will be different. Numerous sources provide an impressive list of conditions for which it is intended to treat.

The drug is recommended to be used for:

  • gynecological diseases talk about abilities treatment of ASD almost all painful conditions of the female reproductive system. It is believed that complete normalization is occurring hormonal levels. They even talk about the possibility of healing infertility;
  • hypertension helps to quickly reduce blood pressure and get rid of associated conditions;
  • vision problems promotes improvement;
  • accelerating growth and restoration of damaged hair;
  • for weight loss, getting rid of obesity apply immediately in large doses. The result is achieved by improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the overall health of the body;
  • oncological diseases It is believed that ASD fraction 2 relieves pain and stops the proliferation of malignant tumors. On the Internet you can find many stories that mention the almost fantastically healing (!) effect of Dorogov’s antiseptic. The drug can also be consumed for the prevention of cancer in pre-existing conditions;
  • liver pathologies has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect. It is believed that it can even cure;
  • prevention and treatment of colds: ASD is recommended as an immunostimulating agent;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal problems: the antiseptic normalizes the condition of the tract, disinfects it, improves secretion, reduces gastric acidity, stimulates the quality of peristalsis;
  • impotence: enhances masculinity sexual function;
  • cures any form of disease;
  • toothache eliminates inflammation, relieves discomfort;
  • cures even advanced disease. True, this may require a long course;
  • general rejuvenation of the body and so on. indications.

Having looked at this list, one gets the impression that antiseptic is the elixir of life.

However, one should not rush to conclusions—use for humans is also fraught with certain difficulties.

One of them is the refusal of official medicine to work with it. Not surprisingly, this may raise some doubts.

Another reason is that, like every drug, Dorogov’s antiseptic has its own benefits and harms. They will be discussed in detail in one of the following sections of the article.

How to take Dorogova antiseptic

Attention! ASD fraction 2 is intended primarily for oral use. Despite this, it is believed that it can be used externally.

To ensure that the drug does not lose its healing qualities, it must be opened and stored correctly. Contact with oxygen is unacceptable, it destroys beneficial properties.

You can find out how to do this correctly step by step below:

Such simple manipulations will allow Dorogov’s antiseptic not to lose its properties. It is recommended that they be carried out as quickly as possible. Speaking of storage, you need to find a dry, dark room in which the temperature will be in the range from +4◦C to +30◦C. After the first application of ASD should be placed in the refrigerator. The temperature in it should be from +3◦C to +8◦C.

Various sources are replete with all sorts of miraculous regimens. There are countless options alone for the treatment of oncologies of all localizations! Not to mention other situations. Depending on the chosen method, not only the recommended dose may change, but also the number of doses per day, as well as the course itself - the ratio of days taken and days off.

General recommendation next: about half an hour before meals you need to use an antiseptic. To do this, you need to add the drug to cool boiled water, milk or strong tea. The ratio is as follows: half a glass requires 30 drops. It is believed that the entire cycle must be repeated until the patient recovers completely.

The Dorogov Faction also has a regimen that is considered standard or traditional. It consists in the fact that from 20 to 60 drops should be consumed daily. The above amount must be divided into 2 equal doses.

On the Internet you can also find the so-called “shock” technique by A.V. Dorogova, which is used in the treatment of advanced cancer cases. According to the author, ASD should be taken orally four times a day starting at 8 am. The interval between doses is 4 hours.

10 courses are carried out, in each of which 5 days are designed for taking the medicine and 2 for rest. During the first course, drink 5 drops per dose (20 drops per day). With each new cycle, add another 5 drops. Thus, course 10 will correspond to 50 drops per dose. It must be repeated until complete recovery.

If desired, you can find more gentle method. One of their regimens looks like this:

1 week of 1st course

  • Monday: 3 drops;
  • Tuesday: 5 drops;
  • Wednesday: 7 drops;
  • Thursday: 9 drops;
  • Friday: 11 drops;
  • Saturday: 13 drops;
  • Sunday: rest day.

2,3, 4 weeks – a method of administration similar to this. They are followed by a break of a week.

1 week of 2nd course

  • Monday: 5 drops;
  • Tuesday: 7 drops;
  • Wednesday: 9 drops;
  • Thursday: 11 drops;
  • Friday: 13 drops;
  • Saturday: 15 drops;
  • Sunday: rest day.

2,3, 4 weeks – a method of administration similar to this. After them you need to take a break.

Also, for each disease a special set of combinations is used permissible dosage, the number of days of admission in relation to the days of the break:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision: take 500 ml and add 3 to 6 drops. In this case, they use a scheme in which 5 days are days of admission, and 3 days are given for rest;
  2. Diseases of the female reproductive system: a standard scheme is used and douching is done with a 1% solution;
  3. Pathology of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, liver: add 10 drops to 500 ml of liquid for 5 days in a row, give 3 days of rest, then do the same, but with each new course add another 5 drops. So they reach the 25 mark. They don’t stop until they reach a satisfactory state;
  4. Toothache: you will need to use sterile cotton wool. It is dipped in Dorogov’s antiseptic and applied to the source of pain;
  5. Increased blood pressure: to begin with, use 5 drops twice a day, adding one more with each new day. This way they reach 1 ml;
  6. and other forms of Koch bacillus disease: use a 5 to 3 day scheme. The first course is taken 5 drops, the second, third and fourth add 5 additional drops each time. Repeat the last cycle until the condition stabilizes. It is recommended to take one trimester;
  7. ZhKB (): use the traditional scheme;
  8. , : take 5 to 3. Each dose is from 4 to 6 drops. It will also be useful to take a sterile bandage, soak it in ASD, and place it on the area of ​​concern;
  9. For colds, it is made with the addition of ASD;
  10. Male sexual dysfunction: take the traditional 5 to 3 scheme and consume up to 5 drops;
  11. Strengthen hair growth: rub the scalp with a 5% ASD solution;
  12. Runny nose with cough: you can take up to 20-30 drops and drink twice a day; for incontinence, take the traditional 5 to 3 scheme and add 20 drops;
  13. For radiculitis and back pain, use up to 5 ml in two doses. Finish after recovery;
  14. Peptic ulcer, inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, inflammation of the colon, the antiseptic is taken according to the standard regimen;
  15. To get rid of obesity, use the 5 to 5 scheme. During the first five-day period they consume 2 ml, during the second - 0.5 ml, and during the third - 1 ml.
  16. Douching is done. To do this, take 3 ml each time and add it to 100 ml of liquid;
  17. As a preventive measure to protect against colds, acute respiratory infections take 20 drops;
  18. For vascular spasms of the upper or lower extremities, apply gauze soaked in a 20% solution. Manipulations are carried out for 4 months;
  19. Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and: use compresses based on Dorogov’s antiseptic. You can also rinse regularly and consume 1 ml orally per day.

ASD fraction 2 is extremely different unpleasant smell and taste. It is described as a combination of the taste of burning, rotten meat, and rotten eggs. In general, far from the most pleasant.

However, this is not something to be afraid of. This smell is due to the composition and does not indicate its unsuitability. As it became known later, numerous attempts were made to get rid of him, but they never led to success.

During the course of treatment with an antiseptic, it is necessary to categorically exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages, antibiotics, and alcohol-containing drugs. You should consult your doctor about the compatibility of the Fraction with other drugs.

You should also refuse bad habits, start leading healthy image life and drink as much water and liquids as possible - up to 3 liters per day. This will increase the effectiveness of the product, as it will reduce the body’s toxins.

To minimize the effect of blood thickening, you need to consume more sour fruits, berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices from them. Apples, currants, cranberries, lemons and oranges are ideal for this. You can also use aspirin for this purpose - a quarter of a tablet per day is enough.

Benefits and harms of Antiseptic-Stimulant Dorogov

Moreover, opinions vary from extreme to extreme. What to do in this case? The answer is, first of all, you need to become familiar with the potential beneficial and harmful properties.

Depending on the diseases the patient has, the effect may vary. In addition, each organism is individual. When they talk about the use of Dorogov’s antiseptic for humans, they always mention the systemic nature of the effect, which consists of:

  • normalization of metabolism, acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • antimicrobial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory action;
  • activating the gastrointestinal tract by stimulating the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • immunomodulatory properties;
  • lack of accumulation effect, which means that the level of its activity during long-term use will not decline;
  • strong adaptogenic effect;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • stimulation of restoration of damaged tissues;
  • biogenic stimulation, etc.

Obviously, Dorogov’s antiseptic really has a wide spectrum of action. It is not without reason that it is used in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer.

However, like any other drug, the antiseptic stimulant has its own weak sides. The fact is that the drug was originally created for the benefit of agricultural development. In other words, for animals.

That is why it is often said that it is not suitable for humans. In addition, if used incorrectly or after the expiration date, it can cause some harm. In order to avoid this, you need to be aware of the possible risks and know the contraindications.

Contraindications ASD fraction 2

  • ASD fraction 2 is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system, which means that it, especially in large doses, can contribute to overexcitation. For this reason, it is not recommended for people who have neurological pathologies.
  • fraction can thicken the blood. And this, as is known, contributes to the formation of blood clots, which can even lead to and;
  • the drug reduces the acidity of the stomach, which can contribute to all sorts of disorders of the digestive system;
  • it has a serious effect on the kidneys and. If there are any problems with them, they may worsen;
  • There are cases when the antiseptic turns out to be individually incompatible with the patient’s body or causes an allergic reaction;
  • the use of ASD during pregnancy can affect the development of the fetus.

It is for these reasons that before starting treatment with Dorogov’s antiseptic, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, conduct an examination and be under control throughout the entire appointment.

If your health worsens (headaches, weakness, vomiting, nausea appear), from using this tool should be refused.

Thus, ASD fraction 2 is one of the most mysterious remedies today. Although controversial and not fully proven for unknown reasons, it probably has a number of clearly positive and negative aspects.

Among them it can be noted antimicrobial effect, a special systemic effect aimed at increasing the body's defenses, normalizing metabolic processes and restoring hormonal levels.

There is not enough information to accurately lean in favor of a particular side. It follows from this that each patient independently decides whether he should use this remedy or whether it would be better if he gives it up altogether. For the same reason, it should be taken with great care, not forgetting the responsibility for one’s own life, which is placed on the shoulders of the person suffering from the disease.

The patient should carefully read this article and choose what is personally important to him - be it the reputation of the drug, scientifically proven effectiveness, availability, personal experience close relatives or something else. One thing is obvious in this situation - you definitely shouldn’t abuse it. Make your choice wisely, weighing all the known pros and cons!

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Since ancient times, man has dreamed of conquering death. Invent an elixir of immortality ( living water, ambrosia, amrita, haoma, etc.), capable of making life endless, and the body young and healthy, has been tried by countless alchemists, healers, and scientists. All to no avail. And a substance discovered by pure chance, which was a side component of some experiment, suddenly, completely unexpectedly, turned out to be a miracle cure.

ASD fraction 2 turned out to be just such a miracle - a medicine from the group of immunomodulators with a wide range of action.

During the development process, it was planned to create an antiseptic wound-healing agent capable of protecting animals from pathogens and radiation, but research results showed the presence of unique properties, thanks to which some began to declare: ASD is almost a panacea for all diseases, others considered it a common fiction. So what is it - a discovery that can change the world, or ordinary quackery?

History of the creation of the drug ASD

In the 50s of the 20th century, the government of the Soviet Union instructed leading specialists in the field of medicine to create an effective radioprotective, immunoprotective and adaptogenic agent intended for both people and animals.

The fundamental condition was the high effectiveness of the drug at the lowest financial costs. Many researchers considered the task impossible until the experiment was led by a gifted medical scientist, candidate of veterinary sciences A. V. Dorogov. It took him about 4 years to implement his plan.

The active substance was extracted from the organic fraction of frog tissue by thermocatalytic sublimation and further condensation. The first substance obtained was of a stimulating and immunomodulatory nature. The medicine effectively cured shallow damage to the epithelium, had adaptogenic and antiseptic effect. In honor of the creator, it was decided to give it the name Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant of the 2nd fraction.

The unique ability of the product to heal wounds and increase immunity led to the need to find an additional source of starting material. Instead of amphibian tissues, meat and bone meal, bone and meat waste from cattle began to be used.

It is interesting that the 1st fraction is not bioactive and is essentially not suitable for use, but the 2nd and 3rd fractions, easily soluble in water, fats, and organic solvents, already have a number of useful characteristics.

Important: ASD-2 is taken orally, ASD-3 is taken externally only!

The antiseptic stimulant is endowed with the ability to disinfect and heal various skin lesions, inhibit the development of bacterial lesions, and, according to some unconfirmed data, even effectively combat psoriasis.

Biological activity of ASD-2

The medicine, in addition to being antiseptic and antibacterial, is a strong adaptogenic agent. It easily bypasses all biological barriers, penetrating tissues and exhibiting its exceptional healing qualities. Experiments revealed its absolute biological compatibility with the human body and did not show any significant side effects or contraindications for use.

The downside is the persistent unpleasant smell of rotting flesh caused by protein decomposition products (cadaverine, putrescine), which cannot be completely eliminated. Active ingredients drugs do not accumulate in the body, its biological activity does not decrease even after a year of use, that is, we can talk about the absence of a cumulative effect.

The composition of the antiseptic stimulant includes:

  • Polycyclic aliphatic compounds;
  • Aminopeptides in combination with an active sulfhydryl group;
  • Inorganic substances Ca (sulfates);
  • Organic substances (carbohydrates);
  • Water.

Color– from all shades of yellow to intense brown-red.

Methods of administration: externally and orally.

The creator of the substance, Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov, recommended using the drug ASD fraction 2 for humans in this way: dissolve 15 to 30 drops in a third of a glass of cold boiled liquid (water, tea). Take orally, 2 times a day, half an hour before meals. Duration of use - 5 days, after which take a 3-day break. Drink until complete recovery.

How to use ASD Fraction 2 for diseases?

In relation to the specifics of the disease, the method of using the medication may vary:

  • Pathologies of the organs of vision. Dissolve 4-5 drops in half a glass of cold boiled liquid, take orally for 5 days, after which take a 3-day break.
  • Diseases of a gynecological nature. Drink according to the recommended method, additionally douching with a 1% aqueous solution.
  • Cardiac, liver, neurological diseases. Dissolve 10 drops of the fraction in 1/2 cup of cold boiled liquid, consume orally for 5 days, after which take a break for 3 days. Then drink according to the 5/3 scheme, adding 5 drops each time, bringing the number to 25. Continue treatment until you feel better. If a crisis occurs during the course of the disease, it is necessary to stop taking it until the pain disappears, and then start using it again.
  • Sick teeth. Moisten a sterile cotton swab with the product and apply it to the diseased tooth.
  • Arterial hypertension. Drink according to the recommended method, but start not with 15-30 drops, but with 5. 2 times a day, adding 1 drop, with recommended breaks, bringing the number to 20. Use until blood pressure stabilizes.
  • Tuberculosis. Drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, 5 drops dissolved in 1/2 cup of cold boiled liquid. Duration – 5 days, after which – a 3-day break. Then repeat according to the 5/3 scheme, dissolving 10 drops of the drug, in the next cycle - 15, then 20 drops. Duration of treatment - 3 months.
  • Thrush (candidiasis). It is necessary to repeatedly apply a 1% solution in the form of irrigation and baths, adding 35 drops to 0.5 liters of warm water, until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • Cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis, cholelithiasis), pyelonephritis. Follow the scheme recommended by A. Dorogov.
  • Gout, rheumatism. At the same time, take the medicine orally, 4-5 drops diluted in 1/2 cup of chilled boiled liquid, and apply a compress based on the drug to the affected areas.
  • Acute respiratory and colds. Dissolve 15 ml of the product in 1 liter of boiling water and use as inhalation.
  • Erectile disfunction. Use at intervals of 5/3, 30 minutes before meals, a solution of 4-5 drops in half a glass of cold boiled liquid.
  • Slow hair growth. Rub a 5% solution into the scalp.
  • Rhinitis, cough. Add 1 ml of medication to half a glass of boiled liquid and apply 2 times a day.
  • Urinary incontinence, involuntary urination (enuresis). Dilute 5 drops of the fraction in 2/3 glass of cold boiled liquid, drink for 5 days, after a 3-day break.
  • Radiculitis. Take 5 ml of ASD-2 per glass of boiled cooled liquid. Take 2 times a day until the condition improves.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum. Treat according to Dorogov's method.
  • Colitis, gastritis. Drink according to the recommended method, but once a day.
  • Excess body weight. Obesity. Add 35 drops of medication to 200 ml of boiled liquid. Use for 5 days, after which take a break of the same duration, then 4 days, 10 drops each, 4 – no intake, 5 – 20 drops each, 3-day break.
  • Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis). Dissolve 60 drops of the product in 100 ml of water, douche with this solution.
  • Preventive measures against colds. Take 1 ml of medicine dissolved in 1/2 cup of boiled liquid.
  • Spasm of blood vessels in the arms and legs. Make gauze stockings, moisten with a 20% solution, use on the upper and lower extremities for at least 4 months. Blood circulation should be restored.
  • ENT disease. Otitis (inflammation of the middle ear). Simultaneously with daily oral administration of a solution of 20 drops of medication diluted in 200 ml of boiled liquid, rinse the sore ear and make compresses with the medicine.

The use of ASD-2 is widely used in the treatment of numerous diseases, disorders and abnormalities. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the treatment method for each specific diagnosis.

Can the drug cure cancer?

The author of the drug was confident that at the precancer stage it could be very effective, including when used according to the general recommended method. For skin cancer and visually noticeable malignant formations, A. Dorogov recommended the use of compresses. The required dose should be calculated by the doctor taking into account the location of the tumor, the stage of the process, and the age category of the patient.

Fraction ASD 2 helped in oncology a large number patients, relieving pain, inhibiting the growth of tumors. At severe forms The doctor recommended taking 5 ml of the drug, diluted in 100 ml of liquid, 2 times a day. Along with this, he especially emphasized that the prescription of dosage and treatment should not be carried out by the patient independently under any circumstances. This must be done by professional specialists. In the event of a crisis, the use of the medicine is discontinued.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in addition to positive reviews about the effect of ASD-2 on the course of the disease, there are not only neutral, but also negative reviews. In this connection, it is incorrect to speak with complete confidence about the unequivocal positive results of using the medication.

How to properly remove the medicine from the bottle?

When opening the bottle, you only need to remove the metal cap. The rubber cap must be left in place. A disposable syringe is inserted into the remaining cap, the bottle is turned over and shaken. The required amount of product is taken into the syringe, after which it is carefully removed without a needle. It remains in the lid.

The seized drug is slowly added to boiled water, the solution is mixed. The medicine is ready for use.

Important: the prepared solution must be used immediately after preparation.

ASD-2 – benefit or harm for humans? Research indications

At first it was planned to use the medicine to combat all kinds of skin pathologies. Its ingestion has never been fully studied. The first experiments were carried out, as usual, on animals. Their results came as a complete surprise. It was hard to believe the effectiveness of the frog medicine.

It was revealed that the use of ASD-2 orally helps in combating the most various diseases, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. It normalizes hormonal balance, restores elasticity to blood vessels, eliminates varicose veins, improves immunity, treats diseases of the nervous system and intestinal infectious diseases, and rejuvenates the body. The drug has demonstrated amazing achievements in the treatment of gynecological diseases, including such serious ones as breast and uterine cancer.

In addition, the medication does not have side effects. But there are no officially confirmed results of the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against fatal forms of diseases. Some scientists even say there is no benefit from its use. Despite this, the popularity of the antiseptic stimulant continues unabated.

Failure or success of ASD-2?

Who is he - scientist, doctor, candidate of veterinary sciences Alexey Dorogov? There is a version that when inventing a unique remedy, he turned to ancient manuscripts of alchemists. In addition, his mother was engaged in witchcraft, was a midwife, and a herbalist. And the drug is often called the elixir of life.

So why, despite all these facts, ASD-2 is still not officially recognized, a patent has not been issued for its invention, although Dorogov was awarded the State Prize for its discovery? Why is the only application today in veterinary medicine, the treatment of skin diseases?

Some information about the medication:

1 Initially, one of the objectives of the invention of the ASD was the development of agricultural production and assistance in the development of livestock farming;

2 Bioactivity to dermatological pathologies was revealed purely by chance and was a side component of the experiment;

3 Bioactivity to malignant neoplasms, as well as the composition of the drug, have not been fully studied, although there is a single registered case of suppression of liver tumor cells when the drug is placed in a test tube (in practice, there are no registered cases of curing cancer in humans or animals);

4 The substance greatly stimulates the nervous system, which threatens overexcitation;

5 Contraindications for use are: childhood, the presence of heart and vascular diseases, hypertension, pathological changes in the nervous system;

6 The composition includes protein decomposition products - potent cadaverine and putrescine cadaveric poisons, which are dangerous in their pure form, but have healing disinfection, anti-putrefactive and antimicrobial properties in a biological complex.

After the mysterious death of the scientist in 1957 at the age of 48, all development of the drug was suspended. The classification of secrecy on the drug was removed only in 1962.

Before deciding to use the ASD-2 medication by a person, it is still necessary to weigh the pros and cons, carefully read the instructions, find out required dosage, method of administration and duration of treatment.

ASD fraction 2 is a product of thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. This drug developed as a wound healing and antiseptic. It was used to neutralize negative influences radiation exposure on the human body. It can also quickly increase the level of immunity and help in the treatment of many dangerous diseases of people and animals.

  • Compound: low molecular weight organic compounds (lower carboxylic acids, their amides, ammonium salts, choline esters of carboxylic acids, choline, primary and secondary amines, peptides), inorganic nitrogenous compounds (ammonium salts of carbonic acid, ammonium salts acetic acid), water.
  • Pharmacotherapeutic group: immunostimulant.
  • Release form: solution for external, oral, intravaginal and intrauterine use, drops.
  • Storage conditions: store in sealed manufacturer's packaging, dry, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of + 10 ° C to + 30 ° C, separately from food products. Shelf life: 4 years from the date of production, after opening the bottle - no more than 14 days. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.
  • Terms of sale: the drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • Manufacturer: FKP "Armavir Biofactory".

Indications for use

  • diseases of the external female genitalia, bacterial lesions vagina;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • inflammation visual analyzer;
  • baldness, hair loss, need to stimulate hair follicles;
  • hepatocyte damage;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system and PNS;
  • diseases of the urinary and biliary tract, parenchymal lesions of the kidneys;
  • toothache;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • colds;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a strong dry or wet cough;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer stomach, inflammation of the large intestine, Crohn's disease;
  • gouty damage to the body;
  • regional lymphadenitis due to bacterial infection;
  • rheumatism of various types;
  • an inflammatory process localized in the roots of the spinal cord;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculomas of other parenchymal organs;
  • nutritional obesity;
  • otitis.

The use of the drug in the treatment of oncological pathologies is popular. The effect is especially noticeable in the fight against precancerous forms, the so-called “zero” stage of cancer. Thus, the medicine successfully fights cancerous tumors(carcinomas) of many organs.

The medicine shows its effectiveness against oncology of the blood and lymph - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis. In addition, the ASD-2 fraction successfully copes with benign diseases of many organs.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to any of its components, as well as susceptibility to acute uncontrolled allergic reactions.

pharmachologic effect

Dorogov’s drug ASD-2 has the following therapeutic properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • general strengthening;
  • protective against the central nervous system;
  • detoxifying.

Scientist Aleutsky has long studied the therapeutic mechanisms, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug fraction ASD-2. The professor came to the conclusion that the therapeutic effect of the drug is based on its stimulation of the neurohumoral system, which radically changes metabolism in all organs endocrine system. In this regard, the drug of the ASD-2 fraction is effective in compensating for stress, improving anabolism and metabolism, protecting redox reactions, and slowing down the formation of free radicals.

ASD-2 is low-toxic, with a small number of contraindications. Does not have a cumulative effect. ASD-2 is combined with many medicines, herbal decoctions, which contain potent substances, and other phytocomponents. Chemically active elements of the ASD-2 fraction do not accumulate in the form of metabolites in the liver and renal tissues subject to the schedule of breaks in therapy.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to prepare a solution according to the method developed by Professor Dorogov. Take 18-23 drops of the drug ASD-2, dilute it in 80-120 ml boiled water. Take in the morning, before breakfast, during the day - at least 40 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment depends on specific disease and is measured in cycles. One cycle: 5 days of taking the drug of the ASD-2 fraction, break (3 days).


For hypertension, a standard scheme is used with a gradual increase in the concentration of the fraction. Therefore, taking the ASD-2 fraction must begin with 5 drops, gradually increasing the dosage (in each new cycle it is necessary to increase the concentration of the fraction) to the standard one.

For inflammatory diseases of the visual analyzer, the method of using the medicine is as follows: take 4-6 drops orally in half a glass of boiled water for 3-5 days, then take a break (2-3 days).

For mycoses, the ASD-2 fraction is used as follows: the areas of mycotic lesions on the skin are carefully wiped with a damp sponge, previously moistened with a warm soap solution (with a low alkali content, it is better to use liquid antibacterial soap), and then the undiluted ASD-2 fraction is applied with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

For chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular, hepatic and nervous systems, the treatment regimen is as follows: we start with 10 drops of the fraction, adding 5 drops with each new cycle until the total number reaches 20-25. Following the schedule of breaks, continue treatment until you receive positive result. In case of exacerbation of the disease, stop treatment and immediately seek qualified medical help.

Diseases renal system, urinary and biliary tract, the treatment regimen is standard. For therapy erectile dysfunction the fraction is used as follows: 1 cycle, 3-5 drops per half cup of boiled water 1 hour before meals.

To prevent colds and ENT diseases, 1 ml of the fraction is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water and taken orally before meals. Also, the ASD-2 fraction can be used for inhalation: 1 tbsp. fractions per liter of boiled water.

Of particular interest is the use of the ASD-2 fraction in therapy oncological diseases. Stage zero cancer can be inhibited using a standard treatment regimen. Skin forms, in particular, melanoma - through the use of a combined compress with the 3rd generation fraction.

The overall success of oncology therapy depends on the age of the patient, the stage of the cancer process, and the location of the tumor. ASD-2 is able to slow down the spread of secondary lesions, eliminate pain syndrome caused by neoplasms. In the terminal stages, aggressive treatment is possible: 5 ml of the drug is diluted in half a glass of boiled water and taken twice a day. However, it should be remembered that with such aggressive therapy there is a high risk of damage to the liver tissue. There are other ways to use ASD-2 in the treatment of cancer.

"Shock" technique

1-5 days 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
8-13 days 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9
16-21 days 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14
24-29 days 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19
32-37 days 23-24 23-24 23-24 23-24
40-45 days 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29
48-53 days 33-34 33-34 33-34 33-34
6-61 days 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39
64-69 days 43-44 43-44 43-44 43-44
72-77 days 48-49 48-49 48-49 48-49

“Gentle” technique

Dilute 3 drops of the fraction in 25-45 ml of water. Every day the dosage must be increased by 2 drops. On day 7, take a rest. The duration of treatment under this regimen is no more than a month.


The use of the drug ASD-2 in the treatment of children is contraindicated.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Taking the drug of the ASD-2 fraction during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Side effects

During therapy with the ASD-2 fraction in compliance with the above recommendations, side effects are minimal.

Among them:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • allergic reactions.


In relation to any pharmacological agents, this condition is characterized by intoxication syndrome:

  • fever;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • in severe cases – necrotic liver damage.

The complex of treatment and resuscitation measures corresponds to common actions in case of poisoning pharmacological agents– gastric lavage, administration of an antidote, use of adsorbents.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug can be combined with other pharmacological agents. No pathological interaction was detected.

special instructions

The product has a sharp, specific odor, therefore, to facilitate its oral use (to avoid the gag reflex), ASD-2 can be diluted not in water, but in fresh milk. It is convenient to dose the medicine using a syringe or pipette.


Full and full-fledged analogues ASD-2 does not exist.

Price, where can I buy?

ASD-2 is freely available in veterinary pharmacies. Its cost, depending on the specific pharmacy and container capacity, varies from 47 to 265 rubles.

The drug ASD Fraction 2 does not have official status medical medicine for a person. Currently, its effect is recognized and approved for use only in veterinary medicine and dermatology. The use of ASD for the treatment of diseases in humans is not permitted by law.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant (ASD) was developed in the middle of the 20th century as an experimental protection of living organisms from radiation exposure. The antiseptic got its name from the name of its creator, Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov, who headed the laboratory that created the drug. Scientists from the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine spent four years producing the multifunctional product. During clinical trials It turned out that the medicine has high efficiency for a wide range of diseases.

For unknown reasons, the production of ASD Fraction by Dorogov’s laboratory was stopped, and the drug did not take up worthy place in the register of official medicines. Daughter of scientist O.A. Dorogova is seeking to have the drug included in the list of officially approved drugs for treating people. In modern pharmacology, there is no information on the development of analogues of ASD


The uniqueness of ASD

At the initial stage of development, Dorogov used ordinary frogs to produce the drug. Further, the raw materials were replaced by meat and bone meal. The replacement did not affect the effectiveness of ASD Fraction 2. The antiseptic is unique in that its energetic manifestation is aimed not at eliminating microbes, but at strengthening protective functions body. ASD is organically integrated into tissues and metabolic processes, stimulating the body to fight diseases. The ASD fraction is tissue biogenic stimulant with immunomodulating properties.

The drug ASD-2 contains adaptogens - specific substances that living cell thrown away before death. When adaptogens penetrate a living organism, a global mobilization of immune reserves occurs. These properties of ASD are recognized as fundamental.

The positive participation of the drug ASD 2 in all vital processes of the body makes it possible to use it to combat many diseases of different origins. According to experts, the only drawback of the medicine is its extremely unpleasant aroma.

Components and appearance of the medicine

ASD Fraction 2 is a water-soluble liquid, without signs of any microorganisms. The ingredients are organic acids and chemical compounds. Full composition drug:

  • closed (cyclic) compounds of hydrogen with carbon;
  • single (acyclic) hydrocarbons;
  • water;
  • organic compounds of carboxyl groups (carboxylic acids);
  • compounds that protect body proteins from irradiation (sulfhydryl group);
  • substances produced by organic acids (amides).

Dorogov's stimulator is presented in the form of two drugs: ASD Fraction 2 and ASD Fraction 3. The first option is taken orally, the second is used for local surface application. ASD-3 is a viscous substance of a dark shade, soluble in oil, alcohol and ether. Has a powerful antiseptic effect. The basic composition of ASD is identical in both versions.

Impact on humans

The medically useful properties of ASD are based on biogenic stimulation of vital body systems. The medicine has the following effects:

  • activation of the central nervous system;
  • stimulation of vegetative processes;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • treatment inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • stopping the progressive development of cancer cells;
  • elimination of bacterial infections;
  • stopping the process of fungal proliferation;
  • regeneration of damaged body tissues;
  • increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of chemical, physical and biological factors;
  • destruction of microbes;
  • healing of deep damage to the epidermis (for topical use of ASD-3).

Effective use of ASD

The use of ASD Fraction 2 for humans is most effective when pathological changes in the organs of the digestive system.

  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach;
  • colitis, gastritis and gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • helminthiasis (especially for children).

It is acceptable to use ASD as a cure for colds. Included complex therapy inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis and adenoma) in men.

In addition, the ASD Fraction effectively treats:

  • trichomoniasis infection;
  • fungal infections (candidiasis);
  • hypertension;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • enuresis;
  • gynecological pathologies (as an antiseptic for douching for erosions);
  • rheumatism, gout;
  • visual impairment;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • weakened immune system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • persistent lesions of the epidermis (dermatitis of various etiologies);
  • obesity.

Important: Medicine ASD-2 and ASD-3 do not have medical accreditation for human use. A doctor may recommend a drug, but will never officially prescribe it. Therefore, all responsibility for the consequences falls on patients who use the antiseptic voluntarily and independently.

Release form

The ASD fraction is produced in thick glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml. The medicine is a sterile soluble liquid for oral administration or local application. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is patented and available without a prescription. ASD is prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment of animals.

Practical use

The instructions for use developed for humans belong to the creator of the medicine, A.V. Dorogov. There are several recommendations on how to use Fraction 2. The individual dosage and method of administration depend on the disease.

Scheme-1. The standard 1-dose regimen is universal and is allowed for any diseases included in the list of indications. The average dose of the drug is maintained.

The course of treatment using the average method is up to 3 months. Directions for use: orally, half an hour before the first meal, once a day. The dosage on the first day of use is 5 drops per ½ glass of water. On the second day - 15 drops. From the third to the sixth day, the dose is increased daily by 5 drops. The volume of water remains unchanged. On the seventh day the body is allowed to rest. From the eighth the cycle is resumed, adding a second evening dose drug.

Scheme-2. Contains a description of how to drink ASD-2 to eliminate certain diseases.

  • high blood pressure. On the first day, drink 5 drops in the morning and evening. The dose is increased daily by one drop until it reaches 20. Next, ASD should be taken until the blood pressure level is completely stabilized;
  • diseases of bones and joints. The dosage is 5 drops per dose. The dosage schedule is 5 days every 3. To achieve greater results, treatment is supplemented with compresses on the affected areas;
  • trichomoniasis infection. Directions for use: douching with an antiseptic solution at the rate of 40 drops per half glass of boiled water;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The dose is 10 drops per single dose for five days. After a three-day break, the initial amount of medicine is increased by 5 drops daily. Maximum dosage– 25 drops;
  • unstable immunity, regular ARVI. A solution diluted with boiled water: 7-8 drops per half liter of water, used for inhalation. This form of taking ASD 2 for prevention is acceptable for children;
  • skin diseases. The dosage is used according to scheme-1 for internal use, with the addition of daily compresses to the affected areas with ASD-3.

Scheme-3. Represents instructions for ASD 2 for oncological tumors in the body. An initial dose of 10 drops per dose is prescribed to a person with cancer for five days. Further, 5 drops are added every five days. Maximum limit – 50 drops medicine. This method of fighting cancer has proven itself to be positive according to patient reviews. But in the dose used, the simulator has a rather aggressive effect and requires special caution.

Objective contraindications

According to laboratory studies, the methods of using ASD 2 are not dangerous for humans. But, since there are no clear instructions for use, extreme caution is required when using it.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate without prior examination. It has been proven that the stimulant is not combined with alcohol-containing liquids (not only pure alcohol, but also alcohol-based tinctures), otherwise persistent side effects are observed. Do not do it long time drink Fraction for coagulation disorders (hemophilia), and allergic reactions of unknown nature.

There are no clear contraindications to ASD 2 from the vital systems of the human body, since the stimulant is not recognized by official medicine. Determining whether the drug used is suitable for a particular patient is possible only empirically, under the constant supervision of a medical specialist.

An absolute contraindication for ASD Fraction 2 is the use of the product during pregnancy. Adaptogens easily cross the placenta and can cause irreparable harm health of the unborn child.

Undesirable manifestations

During the therapeutic course, side effects from the digestive system and vestibular apparatus. In this case, you should not continue to take the antiseptic.

Drug interactions

A thorough analysis of compatibility with various medications has not been carried out. To avoid risk side effects, you should not combine the stimulant and other pills.

special instructions

The taken solution of the drug ASD-2 cannot be stored in an open bottle, as it has a tendency to oxidize.

This process kills the active substances of the drug, making its use useless. Random dust fragments can also get into the liquid. For correct use means, certain rules must be followed:

  • pierce the rubber stopper with a disposable needle and syringe;
  • Shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly;
  • take medicine;
  • disconnect the syringe from the needle and inject the medicine into the required amount of pre-prepared water;
  • the needle remaining in the lid can be removed or wrapped in a cotton swab;
  • Do not change the method of administration and the recommended dose without permission.

ASD-2 Fraction is not a panacea. Despite all the variety of beneficial properties, the fractional stimulant has not been thoroughly studied and is not approved for full use in medicine.