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Asd application in oncology. Asd cures cancer

Hello my dear. Thank you for not forgetting and visiting my site. Many have heard, or maybe someone has already tried treatment with ASD-2. For those who have not heard anything about this drug, I will briefly tell the story of its creation.

Back in the days Soviet Union The task was set to create a drug that would protect the body from radiation and increase immunity, but at the same time remain accessible for production. And only after 5 years one candidate of sciences A.V. Dorogov in the VIEV laboratory is not traditional and experimental method It turned out that we were getting closer to solving the problem.

And so from what this drug was received? At first, the drug was extracted from frogs, but later they began to use meat and bone meal, since during heat treatment, data on the type of use of the body is not saved. The first fraction was similar to water and had no biological value. During the testing process, 2 more fractions were obtained; they were dissolved in water, fats and alcohol. Therefore, only the last two fractions could be used for animal and human organisms.

The ASD-3 fraction was recognized for external treatment, which cannot be said about the ASD-2 fraction. ASD-2 is highly soluble in water and has been used both externally and internally. During the experiments, effective treatment of various oncological diseases without side effects was revealed. The drug ASD - 2 quickly established itself as a drug for the treatment of pulmonary, gastrointestinal, skin, and cancer diseases. But the “Heads” of the Ministry of Health negatively accepted the fact that such a “miracle drug” was developed by a veterinarian. Therefore this drug for a long time does not have official recognition, but is already widely used in medicine. So we briefly got acquainted with the history of creation drug ASD.

Now I will tell you several options for treating lung cancer with the “miracle drug” ASD-2:

The first option is the simplest and most effective.

Treatment option #1

Dilute 5 drops of ASD-2 in 50 ml drinking water, then drink with infusion of oregano and so on 4 times a day. The course of administration is strict, since the reception is time-bound, we begin at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours, according to this scheme we take 25 days. Afterwards we take a break for 10 days, during this period we take metronidazole 0.25 mg/3 times a day.

Treatment option No. 2

Together with taking ASD-2 for oncology, we also do the same procedures: intestinal microenemas. To prepare, take 50 ml of warm boiled water 36-37C and 12 drops of the drug, then take the “birch tree” pose or put a pillow on it - this will allow the drug to be completely absorbed. It is better to do the course of procedures at night for 25 days without breaks. At the end of the course, it is advisable to re-examine and donate blood.

Treatment option No. 3

The third treatment option follows the 1/40/1 scheme, or as it is also called “slide”, and has become effective for the treatment of ASD-2 lung cancer. You need to start at 0.5 tbsp. We take just one drop of water (water can be replaced with: carrot juice or oregano infusion), add drop by drop every day up to 40 drops. We take 40 drops a day, then we begin to reduce it to 1 drop.

Treatment option No. 4

Option 4: Scheme of A.V. himself. Dorogova for the treatment of cancer

8 hours 12 hours 16 hours 20 hours

5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days

10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days

15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days

20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days

25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days

30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days

35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days

40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days

45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days

50 drops - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery

And I almost forgot, you need to use the drug ASD-2 extremely carefully. The drug loses its properties upon contact with air - this is one minus, but not significant enough in relation to its medicinal properties. The drug must be drawn up with a syringe with a needle through a rubber cap, removing the aluminum circle (there is no need to remove the entire cap). To prepare the required dosage for administration, it is necessary to introduce the drug directly into the water without introducing air, introducing the drug slowly. I also want to note that the drug has a rather pungent odor due to the content of carboxylic acids, compounds with a sulfhydryl group, cyclic and aliphatic carbohydrates, as well as amide derivatives.

There are legends about this drug. Official permission ASD faction 2 I got it only from veterinary medicine. However, the world is filled with news about the effectiveness of this drug for treating cancer and people. According to one of the legends, the authenticity of which is not supported by anything, with the help ASD fraction 2 Beria's mother was cured.

Therefore, when making a decision to heal with means for which a license from the Ministry of Health has not been issued, you take responsibility for your life only on yourself, unless, of course, you are Beria.

Interest in ASD fraction 2 against cancer has increased recently, largely due to the exaggeration of this topic in the press.

They say that ASD greatly increases immunity, this valuable property.

ASD method 2 cancer treatment

The drug itself was developed in 1947 in the laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine (VIEV), where frog tissue subjected to thermal sublimation with liquid condensation was used as raw material. With this type of sublimation, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids– decompose to the formation of low-molecular components.

The resulting drug had antiseptic, stimulating, and wound-healing effects. They dubbed it ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant).

Making ASD for cancer treatment

IN modern conditions ASD liquids are produced using special technology from tissues of long-lived animals. LSD fraction 2 is a tea-colored liquid with a very specific smell. It is used both externally and internally.

Scientists believe that ASD fraction 2 against cancer has a clearly expressed antibacterial effect, while it is a powerful adaptogen, that is, it easily passes tissue barriers, since its structure is similar to the structure of a living cell and is not rejected by it. Therefore, there are no side effects Negative influence. ASD not only supports the coordinating role of the peripheral nervous system, but also provides the necessary hormonal background. He takes part in everything metabolic processes, manifests itself as a modulator immune system body. Restoring them normal ratio cells that regulate various processes, necessary for the body provides and normal work all organs and systems. ASD does not act on a specific microbe, but on the entire human body, which, due to the action of the drug, itself destroys this microbe, enriched with the resulting forces and material.

Cancer treatment ASD 2. Disadvantages

Its downside, perhaps the defining one for some, is the strong, nauseating smell.

No addiction to the drug has been registered.

When treating ASD, it is necessary to take a large amount of fluid (2-3 liters per day) to remove toxins and waste from the body. Special diets It is not required during treatment with the drug; overdose is also not dangerous.

“For” treatment of lung and stomach cancer using ASD

Precancerous forms of the disease are perfectly treatable with ASD fraction 2. In this case, a general dosage and scheme are used, compresses are applied to external tumors.

The patient's age, location and nature of cancer lesions are of primary importance in the treatment of cancer. ASD F-2 quite quickly stops the course of the disease and relieves pain. IN advanced stages cancer is not used total dosage, and up to five milliliters of ASD per hundred milliliters of water twice a day. All these actions are only with the approval and under the supervision of a doctor.

Intensive cancer treatment using ASD

Intensive technique Cancer treatment with the use of ASD is carried out according to a progressive scheme (four doses), in which the doses of the medication taken are gradually increased.

Take at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 daily. Doses increase every five days. The first five days - five drops, the second - ten, the third - twenty, etc., until you reach a dose of fifty drops. After this, take fifty drops until recovery.

A gentle method of treating cancer using ASD

On the first day (for example, Monday) in the morning 30 minutes. Before eating, pour 30-40 milliliters of drunk tea into a cup and add three drops of ASD F-2.

Tuesday - five drops, Wednesday - seven, Thursday - nine, Friday - eleven, Saturday - thirteen, Sunday is a day of rest and analysis of your feelings.

The second, third and fourth are also devoted to taking the drug according to the same regimen. Then a week off. After a break, taking ASD again begins according to the same scheme, but they start not with three, but with five drops of ASD, adding two drops daily. Treat for a month (four weeks), then rest for a week and the entire course is repeated.

Be sure to monitor your health; any deterioration in health is a signal to stop using the drug.

In the middle of the last century, a talented scientist Alexey Dorogov developed an amazing Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulator (ASD), which is popularly called the elixir of life. With its help, diseases such as tuberculosis are cured, bronchial asthma, damage to the nervous system, skin, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The news of the miracle drug spread very quickly around the world and hundreds of seriously ill people whom she could not help reached out to Alexey Vlasovich official medicine. Hundreds of patients recovered thanks to treatment using his methods; even the mother of Lavrentiy Beria, who was dying of cancer, was brought back to life by the drug ASD. But, despite this, medical officials greeted Dorogov’s invention with quite hostility. Such an unexpected invention did not fit into the framework of scientific research and generally accepted beliefs of the time.

Method of treating cancer ASD

Currently, the drug ASD is successfully used to treat seriously ill patients, including cancer patients. When starting a course of treatment with Dorogov Stimulant Antiseptic, you need to remember that this pharmaceutical drug, which must be stored in the refrigerator and follow all instructions. There is no need to open the bottle of medicine; you just need to take out the required amount of the medicine daily using a syringe.

There are several known regimens for taking the drug ASD:

First option most simple. 5 drops of the drug should be diluted in 50 ml of drinking water, washed down with oregano infusion. Take the drug for 25 days, 4 times a day, strictly according to the clock: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours. Then take a break for 10 days. On these days, take 1 tablet of metronidazole at a dosage of 0.25 mg 3 times a day.

Second option suitable for people with good tolerability of the drug and the absence of side effects from it. ASD should be taken 4 times a day (8, 12, 16 and 20 hours), starting with 5 drops of solution, and adding another drop daily, reaching 15 drops at a time. One course lasts a month. In parallel with internal administration of the drug, it is necessary to carry out local procedures: microenemas into the rectum (12 drops of ASD-2 per 50 ml of warm boiled water) and vaginal irrigation (12 drops of ASD-2 per 10 ml of warm boiled water). It is better to carry out such procedures at night for 25 days in a row. After completing the course, blood tests must be done. tumor and metastases, stages, degrees.

Third option: take ASD-2 cancer treatment according to the 1-40-1 regimen. To do this, start taking the drug with one drop and increase it by one drop daily, bringing the single dose to 40 drops. Then daily reduce the dose by one drop and go down to one drop of solution per dose. The drug should be taken with water, carrot juice or infusion of oregano.

Fourth option. The drug is taken for 3-6 months by diluting it in a glass of water or herbal infusion. You need to drink the drug according to this regimen exactly by the hour: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.

From the first to the fifth day, drink 5 drops of the solution at a time.
From the fifth to the tenth day, drink 10 drops of the solution at a time.
From the tenth to the fifteenth day, drink 15 drops of the solution at a time.
From the fifteenth to the twentieth day, drink 20 drops of the drug at a time.
From the twentieth to the twenty-fifth day, drink 25 drops of the drug at a time.

Side effects

Before you start taking ASD-2, people with stomach problems need to know that sometimes the reaction to the drug is manifested by belching, nausea, and discomfort in the stomach. To remove these discomfort It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir 10-15 minutes after taking the medicine. Kefir should be drunk slowly, in small sips. The drug should be dosed carefully, as an overdose can cause a temperature increase of more than 38 degrees. If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug for 1-2 days, and then continue, significantly reducing the dose. In patients with chronic diseases kidney at long-term use ASD may cause pain and colic. To prevent this side effect It is recommended to drink kidney tea in between courses. During treatment, you need to carefully monitor the level blood pressure, listen to the state of the body and conduct control tests of urine and blood several times during the course.

FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" - manufacturer of veterinary and medical supplies- reports a change in the packaging of the drug "ASD fraction 2" - Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant.

Detailed information on our website http://www.goodmanlab.ru/articles/. The aluminum cap on the bottle is complemented by a plastic cap gray, which depicts the trademark of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory". The standard label now contains a barcode.

The purpose of the changes is to combat counterfeiting. A large number of Counterfeits of "ASD fraction 2" produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Armavir Biofactory" are identified by consumers and distributors, noting that the color of the packaging, label and even the drug itself is noticeably different from the original.

According to the director of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" E.V. Sussky appearance of counterfeits in several regions Russian Federation indicates the scale and preparedness of this action. During the investigation, the company is actively interacting with Rosselkhoznadzor and the Department of Economic Security of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Please be careful when purchasing the drug "ASD fraction 2" produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Armavir Biofactory". We kindly ask anyone who finds any differences from original packaging, report this to the product quality control service of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" by e-mail: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

ASD fraction 2 is a product of the decomposition of organic raw materials that occurs during high temperatures. It is of animal origin and is extracted using the dry sublimation method.

Creator unique drug called it an antiseptic stimulant. In addition to the pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial activity, medicine has a powerful adaptogenic effect. Due to its easy passage through the biological barriers of the body, the drug quickly penetrates the tissues and exerts its healing effect.

In this material we will tell you about the drug ASD fraction 2, what effect its use has on a person, for what diseases it can be used, as well as what benefits and possible harm for people.

Drug ASD fraction 2

ASD fraction 2 (stands for Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulant) is a drug that today is officially used only in veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals.

The mid-50s of the last century became a time of breakthrough for the scientific world of medicine in the USSR. During this period, on behalf of the government leadership the best minds Countries are busy with a new drug aimed at treating immune deficiencies.

This medicine has existed for more than 50 years, but is still officially used only in veterinary medicine.

ASD fraction 2 is a volatile liquid, can be from all shades of yellow to deep red with a specific odor and alkaline reaction. The presence of fine dark sediment is allowed.

The main purpose of the drug- is the protection of the human and animal body from the effects of radiation. But after identifying other healing abilities, it was proven that it has excellent immunostimulating, restorative and protective effects.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD does not resist any types of microbes, but increases the body's defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe.

The drug is not officially recognized, but is quite widely used among the masses. There are several reasons for this:

  • Low cost (less than 300 rubles);
  • Comparative availability - it can be bought at almost any veterinary pharmacy;
  • Wide range of applications (see section “For what diseases);
  • Estimated effectiveness for the treatment of severe diseases;
  • Versatility;
  • Reputation as a miracle cure severe conditions, including in oncology.

Composition and release form

Fraction ASD 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor that mixes well with water.

At first it was made from frog tissue, but now meat and bone meal and waste from meat processing plants are used to produce the drug. After dry sublimation of these organic residues, a yellowish-brown liquid is obtained, quickly soluble in water.

ASD fraction 2 is not perfect - it has very specific smell. It is impossible to rid the drug of this “aroma”; all attempts ended in failure - the deodorized antiseptic stimulant loses its active properties. When it comes to life and health, little things like bad smell medications can be neglected.

pharmachologic effect

  1. The first option resembled in many ways plain water, therefore had no value for medicine.
  2. Second option (ASD 2) It is a yellowish-red liquid with a specific odor. It can be used both externally (compresses, rinses) and internally; it dissolves well in water.
  3. The third option of antiseptic (ASD 3)- used only externally, mainly on animals, but experiments have also been conducted on humans. Oral administration is strictly contraindicated.

All fractions of ASD easily evaporate in the air. When taken, the required amount of liquid is sucked out with a syringe by piercing the rubber cap.

ASD fraction 2: benefits and harm to humans

ASD fraction 2 should be considered as a natural biogenic stimulator of vital important functions our body. This drug is recommended to be used for the treatment of many ailments. internal organs and skin. It can be used both internally and externally.

Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Rapid penetration into tissues and full compatibility with the human body;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system;
  • Activation immune defense and strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of intracellular ion exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • accelerating the healing of the dermis.

Possible harm

The main harm of ASD fraction 2 is that many patients try to use it for self-medication serious illnesses, including malignant tumors. The consequences of such therapy can be unpredictable.

Those who decide to undergo treatment should know: only fraction-2 is used internally (drinking)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants.


Fraction ASD 2 is shown in alternative medicine Take for the following serious diseases:

Official instructions for humans have not been approved. A bunch of positive effects funds have not been officially confirmed.

Surprisingly, despite the ability of ASD 2 to cure many diseases, official medicine does not recognize the drug as a medicine for people.

Instructions for use:

  1. Dilute 15 to 30 drops remedy 1/3 cup boiled water or tea, cool temperature.
  2. You need to drink the fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately 20-30 minutes before your planned meal.
  3. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. After which you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further regimen for taking ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the person recovers completely.

Also, for each disease a special set of combinations is used permissible dosage, the number of days of admission in relation to the days of the break:

Disease Instructions for application of ASD factions 2 for people
  • For toothache, you need to use sterile cotton wool. It is dipped in Dorogov’s antiseptic and applied to the source of pain;
Eye diseases
  • At , 3-5 drops of the fraction are diluted in half a glass of boiled water. Consumed orally for 5 days or used to wash inflamed eyes. If necessary, repeat the scheme after 3 days.
Rheumatism and
  • Dilute five drops of the drug in 100 ml warm water. Consume within five days, on an empty stomach. As a supplement, it is recommended to apply compresses to sore spots.
Fungus on the skin
  • lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • A 1% solution of the drug is used externally.
  • Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of medicine in 100 ml of water.
Gynecological diseases
  • The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).
Urinary incontinence
  • For incontinence, take the traditional 5 to 3 scheme and add 20 drops;
Back pain
  • For radiculitis and back pain, use up to 5 ml in two doses. Finish after recovery;
Runny nose and cough
  • Dissolve 1 ml of medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink twice a day.
  • Inhale 15 milliliters of the product per 1 liter of boiling water. After 5 days of taking it, take a break for 2 days.
  • standard scheme, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
Stomach ulcer Standard dosage regimen.
For weight loss
  • Start taking 30 drops for 5 days, take a break for 5 days.
  • The next period begins with 20 drops for 5 days.
  • The minimum dose is 10 drops, then the dose is increased again until the weight is normalized.

The medicine is taken 30-40 minutes before meals, starting with a small dosage. After a 5-day course, you should take a break for 2 days. You can start therapy only after consulting a doctor.

Universal schedule for taking the drug (for all diseases)

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

Monitor your health and stop using if it worsens.

  • Then use 35 drops morning and evening.

The use of fraction ASD 2 for cancer in oncology

There are many cases of curing cancer with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Wide Application Dorogov received antiseptic stimulant during therapy:

  • cancer processes various organs;
  • fibrocystic;
  • leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • fibromas or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;
  • nodular goiter;
  • polyposis of the stomach and intestines;
  • cystic formations of the kidneys and liver.

Despite all positive reviews on the Internet about ASD fraction 2, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

How to correctly draw ASD-2 from a bottle?

In order to correctly remove the drug, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. When opening the bottle, you do not need to remove the rubber cap. Only the metal cap is removed.
  2. Insert the needle of a disposable syringe into the stopper.
  3. Shake the drug and turn the bottle over.
  4. Take the required number of milligrams of medication.
  5. Carefully remove the syringe from the cap, leaving the needle in it.
  6. Slowly introduce the substance into the prepared water.
  7. Stir the solution. After this, you can take the medicine. Prepare it immediately before taking it.

That's it, the product is ready for use. One more thing: you need to dilute the liquid immediately before use.


ASD F-2 has contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney diseases;
  • weakened body;
  • ASD is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause overexcitation. The product should not be given to children, people with diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in the acute stage.
  • cardiovascular diseases in children;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is unacceptable to use the product together with nitrosorbide.

The drug is contraindicated if blood clotting indicators exceed the norm and if there is a tendency to increased thrombus formation. These indicators will always be increased when venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects on the human body

Special adverse reactions after taking the fraction was not detected. The only contraindication to taking the drug can only be individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In addition, if your health condition worsens sharply after starting therapy, you should stop taking it. Perhaps ASD is simply not suitable for this person.

Special instructions for ASD-2

To ensure that ASD fraction 2 brings benefits and not harm, follow the following recommendations:

  1. During treatment you should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages.
  2. ASD thickens the blood. During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods as lemon, garlic, orange, pomegranate, beets, and olive oil.
  3. When consumed orally, ASD-2 is carefully mixed with boiled cool water, or strong tea (quick mixing will lead to active foaming of the solution).
  4. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible (up to 3 liters) per day during treatment with the drug. This will help to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  5. For external use, permanent paper is applied over the bandage. This measure is necessary to avoid evaporation.

As the professor himself noted, when using the 2nd fraction of ASD, harm to a person can be caused by non-compliance with the rules of administration and an overdose of the drug, which can cause functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, vascular spasms, etc.

Best before date

The bottle of Fractions ASD 2 should be stored in a dry, dark place, away from children at temperatures up to 30 °C. Shelf life – 4 years.

Phase II ASD is still not approved for use modern medicine and it is not possible to find it in pharmacies. Now the daughter of the creator, A. V. Dorogov, is actively fighting for this drug to be recognized by doctors and finally included in the list of approved

Remember that any medicine must be used as prescribed by a doctor, and ASD fraction 2 is no exception. In order for the drug to be beneficial and not harmful to the human body, be sure to follow the instructions for use and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, stop using it. Be healthy and leave your reviews and comments!

The problem of cancer is currently a priority. Mortality from this disease is in second place after cardiovascular diseases. Many institutes and scientists are researching medicines to get rid of this terrible disease.

This is bearing certain fruits: the number of deaths is decreasing significantly every year: risk factors are being identified, and preventive examinations of the population are being carried out. However, no panacea for this disease has been found. But the well-forgotten old things still help in some cases. Among effective methods Many doctors use ASD (fraction 2) to combat malignant damage to tissues and organs of the body. Use in oncology and other serious diseases shows a good therapeutic effect.

What is ASD?

ASD is an antiseptic stimulant - a drug that was invented by A.V. Dorogov in 1947-48 in the laboratory of veterinary chemical protection. The scientist studied the effect of sorbents in the body during poisoning. He revealed that the captured substances, which are obtained by burning frogs in particular, have some new interesting properties. After numerous experiments and testing, the drug began to be actively used for patients with non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, chronic inflammatory diseases, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis.

History of invention

The ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of cancer has established itself as a panacea for this serious illness: many people overcame the oncological process, in particular, Beria’s mother, who had uterine and liver cancer. Then, for unknown reasons, persecution of the scientist and mysterious death followed. This was due to the fact that the invention did not belong to a physician, but to an ordinary veterinarian who taught professors of medicine. Developments have not stopped; they are still ongoing. Fraction ASD-3 has been patented for external use by patients with various skin lesions. ASD (fraction 2) against cancer is not yet widely used, but it has received recognition from veterinarians, is approved and is widely used in

Its main property is to provide positive influence on the immune system and normalize all processes at the cellular level, affecting not only individual microorganisms and tissues, but also the entire body as a whole. Main reason various diseases- This stressful state. However, the protective and restorative forces human body are not fully used painful conditions. Therefore, the main purpose of ASD is to awaken these forces of recovery and independently defeat the disease.

Action of ASD (fraction 2)

Antiseptic Dorogov stimulant - this is how ASD-2 stands for. Applications for humans are due to multiple positive action biogenic stimulant. Firstly, it is a pronounced adaptogen, that is, a drug that increases the resistance of body tissues to various adverse effects, especially stress factors. Having a similar structure to living cells, the drug easily penetrates into every cell of various tissues and does not cause a rejection reaction. The drug has no side effects and does not affect the fetus, although it easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. When used, the functions of the peripheral nervous system are restored and activated.

In addition, ASD affects metabolism and has immunomodulatory properties. If you use this drug for a long time, the relationships between organ cells and tissues are restored and the clear and rhythmic functioning of various organs and systems is ensured. And therefore the body itself fights against various pathological processes and restores its functions. In reference books of traditional medicine and on the Internet you can find many articles on the topic “Drug ASD-2, use for humans.” Instructions for use will help you correct selection required dosage and methods of use.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The drug ASD (fraction 2) is absolutely harmless and non-toxic. The drug is well tolerated by patients. It must be taken for quite a long time; symptoms of accumulation and intoxication do not occur. ethnoscience advises combining the intake of ASD (fraction 2) with the use of potent celandine and aconite.

One of the big disadvantages of the product is its strong unpleasant odor. There have been attempts to eliminate this property, but then everything is lost beneficial features ASD-2. Application for people who suffer oncological diseases However, it helps to prolong a person's life. Therefore, smell does not play an important role in these cases.

Animal treatment

The drug is sold in and is in wide demand for the treatment and prevention of diseases of all animals. Marked good results therapy of respiratory diseases, digestive system, genitourinary organs and skin, as well as restoration of weakened animals with the drug ASD (fraction 2). Use for oncology in animals (and our pets also suffer from these diseases) shows excellent results. Reviews from veterinarians about this drug report improvement general condition animals with malignant processes.

Cancer therapy

There are many cases of curing diseases with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant has been widely used in therapy:

Cancer processes in various organs;

Fibrocystic mastopathy;

Leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;

Fibroids or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;

Uterine fibroids;

Nodular goiter;

Polyposis of the stomach and intestines;

Cystic formations of the kidneys and liver.

With these diseases, as well as with infectious diseases patients use ASD (fraction 2). Use in oncology is not the only indication. The drug helped well in the post-war period for the treatment of tuberculosis, venereal diseases: trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

ASD-2: use for humans

The instructions include other indications for use of the drug by people:


Varicose veins;

Severe pneumonia, pleurisy;

Cardiovascular pathologies;





Obesity and many others.

Is not full list all pathologies that the drug fights.

How to use the drug correctly?

To use this medicine, many scientists have developed their own tips and secrets. ASD, fraction 2 (oncology, various infectious diseases, diseases recede under the influence of the drug) will be effective if the medicine is taken correctly, because it acts in minimal doses. Only proper administration and adherence to deadlines will lead to a cure.

The activity of the drug decreases when it comes into contact with air, so after shaking the bottle you need to quickly draw up the medicine using a syringe without opening the bottle. This can be done by puncturing the rubber stopper and drawing out the required amount. The drug must be diluted in boiled cool water.

As already noted, ASD (fraction 2) has an unpleasant odor, so you need to know how to drink it. To do this, you need to take a deep breath, exhale sharply, and, holding your breath, quickly drink the solution. You can close your eyes. After drinking the medicine, you need to take several breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. ASD (fraction 2) is easier to drink in a ventilated room or even outside.

The norms and doses at which the best results were obtained from using the drug ASD (fraction 2) were studied. Oncology is treated if you drink the solution in the morning 30-40 minutes before meals and in the evening 2-3 hours after dinner. Correct technique and compliance with the deadlines will lead to a cure.

It is believed that ASD-2 thickens the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to drink sour juices every day, eat lemon or take half a tablet of Aspirin or Cardiomagnyl. Supporters of the drug ASD (fraction 2) advise drinking a lot of fluid - up to 2 liters per day - to remove various toxic and harmful substances from the body.

Cancer treatment methods

Methods and dosages of the drug ASD (fraction 2) have been developed. Use in oncology involves an intensive course with increasing volume of the drug. Apply 4 times a day every 4 hours: the first 5 days - 5 drops, the second 5 days - 10, the third 5 days - 15, and so on, adding 5 drops each, until the dose reaches 50 drops. Then take 50 drops until complete recovery.

When taken sparingly, add 3 drops to 30-40 ml of water or iced tea on the first day, 5 on the second day, 7 on the third, 9 on the fourth, 11 on the fifth, 13 on the sixth, and a break on the seventh.

In the second, third and fourth weeks, take the same, in the same dosage. Then - a week's break. Start the next course with five drops, gradually adding 2 drops daily, as in the first week. A break is also necessary after a month of taking it.

Taking the drug should not make you feel worse. If this happens, then you should stop using it.