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Liarsin for dogs: instructions for use. Liarsine for cats: general information. application, dosage Liarsin for cats instructions for use injections

The medicine "Liarsin" is an effective homeopathic remedy that is used to treat diseases in animals, in particular in cats. The drug can be prescribed to both adults and small kittens.

Like other homeopathic substances, the remedy is produced on plant based, has an immunostimulating effect, causes the body of sick animals to turn on protective functions. Produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine is the first homeopathic medicine produced in Russia, used for the treatment of animals. Very often, veterinarians recommend using Liarsin for cats. The drug effectively eliminates the consequences long-term use antibiotics. It allows you to normalize the metabolism in the body. Others are also known beneficial properties medicine "Liarsin". It is suitable for cats various ailments. The substances included in the product do not accumulate in the body, which makes the medicine practically safe for warm-blooded creatures.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of animals of any age. The product "Liarsin" (for cats) is used for poisoning, pancreatitis, and allergies. The medication is used in the treatment of pathologies gastrointestinal system, gastroenteritis, colitis, gastritis. The drug is effective for metabolic disorders, skin diseases, eczema, urticaria, dermatitis.

Liarsin product: instructions for use

The injection solution is injected under the skin, as well as into muscle tissue. Animals will need a dose calculated from their weight (0.1 ml per kg). The average volume of medication is from 0.2 to 4 milliliters. You can also use Liarsin tablets. For cats, in this case, one capsule per day will be enough.

If the individual weighs more than 20 kilograms, then two pills should be given. To make the animal take the medicine better, it was made to have a pleasant, sweet taste. If necessary, the drug can be crushed and mixed with water. You can give Liarsin (reviews say so) between meals; cats eat the tablets with pleasure. Injections are considered more effective. To treat pets, two to five injections are sufficient. After this, the animal feels much lighter. At chronic forms pathologies, the duration of treatment can range from two weeks to a month.

Special conditions

Although homeopathic remedies They are relatively safe medications and are not recommended to be used independently. Take pills or do better under supervision an experienced veterinarian. If signs of individual intolerance to the drug occur - urticaria, diarrhea, vomiting - treatment should be discontinued immediately. The medication should be stored at room temperature, away from children. You can use tablets for five years, injections for three years.

Homeopathy is a rather controversial area, but it is still impossible not to admit that some homeopathic medicines actually have a pronounced positive impact on the body of sick animals. Sometimes they actually meet unique means, providing complex action. Liarsin is one of these.

That's what the special is called homeopathic medicine, intended for a complex effect on the animal’s body in order to normalize the functioning of all its systems. The manufacturer reports that the product is especially effective in cases of serious functional disorders protein and mineral metabolism, it helps to normalize the condition of the whole body after serious illnesses and in the postoperative period.

During the entire testing period side effects were not identified, no episodes of drug overdose were recorded either. IN in the rarest cases possible development allergic reactions, which is due to the individual sensitivity of some individuals to the components used in the composition.

Available in the form of injection solutions (can be used as drops) and tablets. The first ones are packaged in glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml. The bottles are closed with rubber stoppers and rolled with aluminum caps. In addition, you can find the drug on sale in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. The tablets are packaged in blisters made of aluminum foil and food-grade plastic. Available in packs of 20 and 50 pieces.

When should the medicine be used?

Below we list the main cases and situations when the drug Liarsin will be especially useful. Here is a short list of them:

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These are the indications for use. As you can see, they include almost all types of pathologies that any cat breeder may encounter in practice.

Basic information about the composition of the drug

The composition includes a large number of alkaloids. Of course, in fact they are quite strong poisons plant origin, but in homeopathic doses they have the most beneficial effect on the cat’s body. It manifests itself most clearly in relation to the central nervous system(more precisely, the medicine mainly acts on its parasympathetic department).

The drug also contains three particularly important connections, due to which the product has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the animal. Firstly, it is lycopodine. The closest analogue is atropine, which is also a natural alkaloid. The substance is a natural regulator salt metabolism, when introduced into the body, it prevents age-related changes blood vessels. Accordingly, it is for this reason that the medicine is very useful for old cats, “burdened” with diseases characteristic of older pets.

Behind useful action Phytosterol, which is part of the above-mentioned alkaloid, also “responds”. It is a natural stimulator of many processes occurring every minute in a living organism. In particular, it ensures the smooth operation of internal endocrine glands and hematopoietic systems, enhances the nonspecific defense mechanisms of the cat’s body. The compound is also capable of restoring to some extent the reproductive function of aging animals and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it significantly stimulates regeneration processes, which is especially useful in postoperative period. There is also evidence that phytosterol is capable of destroying small stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders.

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In addition, the alkaloid contains organic silicon, which has a beneficial effect on liver function. It promotes the rapid binding of toxins, converting them into insoluble form and evacuation toxic substances into the outdoor environment. In addition, this compound is beneficial for the kidneys, which begin to work more actively, “sending out” toxins from the body.

Arsenicum album (White arsenic)

Of course, arsenic is a generally recognized poison, known to mankind for a long time. But it has also been known since ancient times that in microscopic doses this harmful substance can have a very significant effect on the body. positive action. In particular, it is expressed in sharp increase endurance of muscle tissue.

In addition, it has been proven that homeopathic amounts of arsenic help reduce pathological vascular porosity (which often happens with infectious diseases and generalized forms of allergic reactions). Thanks to arsenic, it is possible to significantly reduce the intensity of the accumulation of effusion in the abdominal and chest cavities, which in some situations will certainly save the cat’s life.

Even ancient healers found out that this poison can be successfully used to relieve severe inflammatory and purulent processes, and even in cases where they are fraught with the development of gangrene and massive tissue necrosis. Thus, Liarsin for cats can be used especially severe cases when the animal's life is in great danger.

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)

The third substance that is part of the medicine we are describing. Phosphorus is extremely important for normal life the body, as it is a key element of many biological compounds, including enzymes, hormones, etc., without which the cat’s life itself would be impossible. They participate in all biochemical processes. Thus, it is not at all surprising that microscopic doses of phosphorus can “reconfigure” errant biological metabolic processes in organism.

Liarsin is a complex drug that is prescribed to animals for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system. The product restores metabolism and is indicated for dysmetabolic disorders in the body. Thanks to homeopathic components, Liarsin is safe and has virtually no contraindications.

Description and dosage forms of the drug

Liarsin is intended for the correction of metabolic disorders, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract in ungulates, as well as minks, dogs and cats. The drug contains homeopathic ingredients, it is effective and safe to use.

Liarsin is available in two dosage forms Oh:

When is Liarsin indicated?

The range of indications for the use of Liarsin is quite wide. It is used for the following indications:

  • Liver dysfunction of various origins, liver diseases.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including damage to the intestinal walls associated with impaired fat metabolism.
  • Pathological changes in the kidneys that occur against the background of obesity.
  • Weakness of the heart.
  • Fatty lesion of the heart.
  • From the outside bronchopulmonary system: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis.
  • Neurological disorders, expressed in nervousness, hyperexcitability.
  • From the outside skin: furunculosis, eczema, urticaria.

Directions for use and dosage

Each dosage form of Liarsin has its own dosage regimen, strict adherence which will allow you to avoid unwanted negative reactions.

Medicinal form Mode of application
Tablets for oral administrationA single dose for a cat is 1 tablet.

At acute pathologies gastrointestinal tract frequency of application from 4 to 6 times a day, duration of treatment - until symptoms disappear.

At chronic diseases the animal should be given 2-3 tablets per day until stable positive effect. The exact duration of therapy for a chronic disease is determined by a veterinarian, based on the characteristics of the pathology and the dynamics of symptoms during the treatment.

InjectionA single dose for cats ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 ml. The solution can be administered to animals either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. WITH for preventive purposes give 2-3 injections with an interval between them of one to one and a half weeks. Therapeutic dose is 4-6 injections with breaks of 1-2 days

Liarsin bottles must not be reused. They must be disposed of with household waste.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

When using Liarsin negative effects unlikely. Contraindications to the use of Liarsin are diagnosed individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

(Manufacturer LLC AlexAnn, Moscow region)


1. Liarsin - complex homeopathic medicine, containing as active ingredients homeopathic components Lycopodium D8; Arsenicum album D12; Phosphorus D30 and as excipients sodium chloride and water for injection ( injection solution) or granulated sugar, calcium stearate (oral drops).

2. Liarsin is produced, packaged in 10 and 100 ml glass bottles of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed and rolled with aluminum caps, as well as 20 ml in polymer dropper bottles.

Store Liarsin in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0 °C to 25 °C.

The shelf life of Liarsin, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Do not use Liarsin after its expiration date.


3. Liarsin is homeopathic complex preparation, which has a regulating effect on protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, restores impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, the drug is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), and does not have a local irritant or sensitizing effect.


5. Liarsin is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to animals of all age groups in case of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism substances, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis).

6. Liarsin solution for injection is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously: in severe cases, daily (1-2 times a day) until disappearance clinical signs. For chronic diseases, 2-3 times a week for a course of 21-28 days. A single dose of the drug per animal is:

    horses 10.0-15.0 ml

    large cattle 5.0-10.0 ml

    pigs 2.5-5.0 ml

    goats, sheep 2.0-2.5 ml

    foals, calves, piglets 2.0-2.5 ml

    dogs of large and medium breeds 2.0-4.0 ml

    dogs small breeds, cats, puppies, kittens 0.5-2.0 ml

    ferrets and ferrets 0.5 ml

    rodents 0.2-0.3 ml

7. Liarsin drops are prescribed orally: for acute gastritis and gastroenteritis 4-6 times a day until clinical signs disappear; to achieve maximum quick effect- every 15 minutes for 2 hours. For chronic diseases, 2-3 times a day until a positive effect appears. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but not more than 1 month. A single dose of the drug per animal is:

    dogs large breeds 3 tablets

    medium breed dogs 2 tablets

    small breed dogs, cats, puppies, kittens 1 tablet

    ferrets and ferrets ½ - 1 tablet

    rodents ¼ - ½ tablet

8. Liarsin does not cause side effects or complications when used in accordance with these instructions.

9. The use of Liarsin does not exclude the use of other medications.

10. Livestock products during and after the use of Liarsin are used without restrictions. The components included in the drug in ultra-small doses do not accumulate in the animal’s body.


11. When working with Liarsin, you should follow general rules safety requirements for working with medicinal products.

It is immediately worth noting the fact that this material, like all others on this project, is presented for informational purposes and is not advisory in nature, since the prescription of any drug and control of its use falls within the competence of veterinarians.

This article provides answers to frequently asked questions about this drug, as well as how to use it, how much it costs, and where to buy it for animals that may need it, and is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Liarsin what kind of medicine for animals

Liarsin homeopathic drug description of the drug

Liarsine contains homeopathic components that immediately affect the entire body. The substances that make up liarsine perfectly enhance each other’s effects.

Liarsine is used for absolutely various diseases animals, since the drug has a wide therapeutic spectrum. Sold as injection solution and tablets.

Liarsine tablets: method of use, instructions for use for cats and price

The dosage of tablets depends on the cat’s body weight. For adults and small cats, the dose is 1 tablet at a time. The instructions do not say in detail how much and how many times to use the tablets.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian individually, based on the type and degree of the disease. Cats drink Liarsine tablets easily, as they have a special pleasant taste for them. Price from 195 rubles per package.

Is Liarsin a painful injection (ampoules), reviews from veterinarians

As veterinarians say, liarsin injections act quickly and effectively, but they are painful for animals.

Liarsine solution for injection, oral use, diluted with water, by mouth

Injection solution 10 ml bottle, dose for cat from 0.5 to 2.0 ml. It is administered to animals intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The duration of treatment varies from several injections to several months. Solution for oral administration in a bottle of 20 ml. Apply the solution in case of protracted illness. The tablets taste good, but if the animal refuses to take the medicine in this form, it can be diluted with water. Give tablets before and after meals.

Liarsin for a pregnant cat, for chronic renal failure, analogues

Liarsin increases the immunity of a pregnant cat, which has a beneficial effect on future offspring. The components of the drug do not accumulate in the animal’s body. Liarsin does not help with treatment of chronic renal failure, but it should be used to improve general condition animal. There are no analogues to liarsine.

Liarsine and veracol in one syringe dosage

In some cases, Liarsine and Veracol can be used in the same syringe in equal proportions. 0.7 ml of each drug.

Can Liarsine be injected subcutaneously, given or drunk to people, and what can be replaced for cats?

Liarsine can be administered subcutaneously to cats. You can feed the animal with liarsine tablets diluted with water. The medicine can only be used on animals. It is impossible to replace the medicine with anything, since there are no analogues.

Liarsine conditions and shelf life after opening

The injection solution is stored for three years from the date of manufacture, tablets - 5 years. The drug should absolutely not be used if the expiration date has expired. After opening, keep in a dry place, protected from the sun, at a temperature not lower than 0 degrees and not higher than 25 degrees.