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Rhus toxicodendron (Rus toxicodendron) - poisonous sumac. Homeopathic remedies for acute conditions

Need for movement

A patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type constantly experiences a true physical need for movement, which leads him to excitement, which becomes necessary in order to give him relief in the presence of various manifestations.

Let us study the various “uses” of this “need for movement.”

First of all, let us note this mental characteristic: the patient “cannot remain alone at home.” He is forced to leave the house, for example, after breakfast he goes out into the street, looks at store windows, and walks along the streets. If he happens to be left alone for a while, he becomes sad. This sadness and anxiety intensifies as soon as the weather begins to rain. We often see this in children: they start crying for no apparent reason when the weather gets worse. And not at all because they are deprived of the opportunity to play outside the house, but because their state of mind is significantly affected: the rain makes them sad and melancholy.

Let us note that a subject of the Rus toxicodendron type always feels the need to walk in the open air: if he does not move himself, he becomes restless and anxious.

These are small mental characteristics that should be remembered, since they can be encountered in other patients who are subject to treatment by other means. Thus, a subject like Yoda also becomes restless when he does not eat. If his lunch is late, he gets into a bad mood and becomes very unpleasant for others: he may even have strong outbursts of anger. The White Arsenic type exhibits restlessness especially in the hours between 1 and 3 am. At this time, he wakes up in a state of melancholy and anxiety, is afraid of dying and also becomes very excited. And then he discovers the same need for movement that is so pronounced in a subject of the Rus toxicodendron type. He changes his place every minute, and if, due to a state of prostration (in which a subject of the Arsenic type often finds himself), he is deprived of the ability to move independently, he continually pesters the nurses with requests to change his position in bed.

This need for movement in a patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type cannot be considered as a simple manic state, since the patient has a stimulus for movement - the need to relieve his pain with movement. Ta " headache", which the patient experiences in the morning, worsens if the patient remains alone, and is relieved by walking. The “colics” of the Rhus toxicodendron type are greatly relieved when the patient bends double, like a subject of the Colocynth or Phosphorate of Magnesia type, or when he lies on his stomach, like a subject of the Podophyllus type, but the main thing that characterizes the colics of the Rhus toxicodendron type is that they “ relieved by movement."

Other functional disorder, in a curious way, facilitated by walking, represent “palpitations.” There are patients who, when they experience palpitations, are unable to move, since the slightest movement greatly worsens their heart condition. Such, for example, is a subject of the Arnica type. On the contrary, there are those whose suffering increases when they go into a state of rest, and, on the contrary, they get better when they begin to walk again: this is a clear indication for the use of Rus toxicodendron. Clinically, if cardiac enlargement is present, one should think of the Arnica type; in the presence of an overloaded, forced and hypertrophied heart, Rus toxicodendron is most indicated.

For Rhus toxicodendron, it is also typical to have sensations of “numbness” and “crawling” in the limbs, always worsened by rest and, on the contrary, relieved by movement, fast or slow.

We again discover this need for movement when studying pains of the Rhus toxicodendron type.


These are “shooting”, “tearing” pains, they are accompanied by sensations of “pins and needles” and “numbness”. Cocculus type pain is also accompanied by numbness. With the Gnafalium type, pain alternates with numbness.

Pain of the Rhus toxicodendron type is most localized in the areas of muscles and joints. But you need to understand well that the pains of Rhus toxicodendron are not joint pains, but rather “periarticular” pains. They are especially localized in the area of ​​​​attachment of ligaments and periarticular bursae, the synovial membrane of the joints itself usually remains intact. Rhus toxicodendron type pain is usually a consequence of "dampness", resulting from the subject's exposure to a damp climate or damp area. Most often, it turns out that the patient was suddenly caught in a torrential rain, and the next day after that, a crisis of acute articular rheumatism with its characteristic symptoms plays out: the pain is “relieved by movement” and “worsened by rest.” The more the subject remains at rest, the more pronounced is his tendency to develop ankylosis of the joints. “Painful stiffness,” relieved by rest, is a major characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type. When the patient remains alone in bed, he finds it much more difficult to move his joints and move his limbs, he feels as if he is developing complete functional incapacity, and he feels the need to make a movement in order to overcome the threat facing him development of joint ankylosis. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels completely numb, overwhelmed by paralysis and pain. His first movements are very painful, and then, as his movements intensify, the pain decreases and the patient regains a certain mobility, though not full, but allowing him to walk and resume his activities. The patient himself explains it this way: “I must stretch my joints,” but when he gets tired during the day, his stiffness gradually increases and ankylosis resumes.

Skin rashes

They appear in the form of vesicular elements, since the most basic characteristic of Rhus toxicodendron is the “vesicle”. From the very beginning, the skin swells and turns red, and against the background of this redness, vesicles appear, always “burning” and “pruriginous” (itching), serous, watery fluid flows out of them, always irritating.

This rash is accompanied by extremely severe “itching”, which is very little relieved by scratching. Along with itching, sometimes there is a burning sensation, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, forcing the patient to get up and move at night and walk during the day. Here we again encounter the same physical need for movement, which is the predominant characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type.

We find this form of rash again in herpes simplex, in herpes zoster, eczema, urticaria, and erysipelas. In all these diseases, one can find indications for prescribing Rus toxicodendron if we detect the presence of pruritic vesicles from which fluid irritating the tissue flows (oozes), and this is accompanied by a strong burning sensation. The same is true for the well-known severe forms of measles and scarlet fever.


The patient first develops a “chill” and, according to his description, he has a feeling as if some part of his body (for example, his lower leg) was “soaked in cold water.” This chill is always accompanied by a “dry cough,” which is very debilitating for the subject and lasts throughout the chill: one would like to think that the patient is developing some important respiratory disorder, pulmonary congestion or bronchopneumonia. In reality, it is simply a case of cough due to irritation, accompanied by chills in a patient suffering from Rhus toxicodendron.

The diagnosis here is not difficult to make: the cough intensifies as soon as the subject “sticks his hand out from under the blanket.” If you come to a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type during the period of his chills, and if he extends his hand to shake hands, this is enough to cause the cough to appear or worsen. This is one of the characteristic indications for the Rhus toxicodendron type.

Immediately after the end of the chill, a stage of heat appears, very intense. The patient is very hot and his temperature rises greatly. Sometimes sweat appears, not very profusely and completely uncharacteristic. In contrast, Rhus toxicodendron fever is usually accompanied by a “herpetic eruption.”

Objective signs

What are the objective signs of the Rhus toxicodendron type?

“Herpes”, which manifests itself most on lower lip and around the mouth.

The Sodium Chloride type also has cold sores on the lips, but such a subject's lower lip has a crack in the middle, which is an exclusive characteristic of the Sodium Chloride type. Let us note right away that the middle crack on the upper lip is typical of Selenia. Finally, the sodium chloride type patient also exhibits bloating upper lip, appearing periodically, every three weeks or every month, every two months, etc. Sometimes it even makes one suspect the presence of Quinc's edema.

The red triangle at the tip of the tongue is a sign that is pathognomonic specifically for Rhus toxicodendron and is not found in any of the other types. Let us only note that with the Sulfur type, the edge of the tongue is always very red. Sometimes the subject's tongue may be flat, but only diagonally or on one side. IN similar cases you can think not only about the type Rhus toxicodendron, but also about Daphne mezereum (Wolfberry), the characteristic of which is the “bad” tongue, lined diagonally.

Motor excitement. The patient cannot remain in one place, he has a constant need for movement, which regularly improves all the disorders the subject has, sensory or functional.

Common reasons for indications for use Rus toxicodendron

What are the reasons that can cause the appearance of various characteristic disorders, which we have already considered above, or those diseases that we will consider below?

It's always damp: living in damp areas, staying in a damp climate, or just a more or less long walk in the rain. This is usually the apparent reason for all acute manifestations which the patient discovers.

But we cannot be satisfied with such considerations, since there are also very severe infectious processes such as erysipelas or typhoid fever, which are subject to Rh toxicodendron, in which there is no talk of dampness. Further, there are such chronic diseases as chronic rheumatism, such as deforming rheumatism, in which it is difficult to blame dampness alone for the occurrence of the disease. Tuberculosis often turns out to be real and deep reason disorders subject to Rus toxicodendron. And often it is possible to detect signs of a tuberculinic condition in the patient, which will require the use of some diluted tuberculin, mainly Koch's tuberculin.

Clinical study

Physically overtired subject

The physically overworked subject comes first; There will be no talk here of the intellectually overworked, who, in general, is subject to Arnica. Here we must consider three cases: feverish weakness, overworked heart and pulmonary hemorrhage.

Feverish weakness. Physically overworked, usually one who, for example, has done a long hike in the mountains or indulged in sports competitions (boxing, rowing). And the next day he is suddenly overcome by a feeling of general weakness, a feeling of tension, rigidity, pain in the muscles and joints. He is completely depressed, however, despite this, he cannot remain calm, he must walk or at least move in bed, looking for himself. comfortable spot, since only with constant movement does he suffer less.

We again find indications for the appointment of Rus toxicodendron in those soldiers whose condition is classified as feverish weakness. I want to believe that it is caused in them solely as a result of the increased physical stress to which the individual is exposed, but we also know that such weakness, aching, is especially prone to develop in the presence of tuberculinic conditions. And here we again find further indications for the use of some diluted tuberculin, Koch’s tuberculin or Marmorek’s tuberculin.

A physically exhausted type of Rhus toxicodendron cannot be confused with a subject of the Arnica type, since this latter clearly experiences the sensation that his bed has become hard, he also has a sensation of exactly the same areas of the body on which he rests when lying down, like would be bruised, shell-shocked, beaten. A subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type, on the contrary, when he has pain in any joint, feels much better when he lies on something hard. In an Arnica type subject, another small interesting characteristic may be found: the head and face of the subject are hot, but the nose and the rest of the body are cold. Let us also note the subject’s peculiar tendency to develop eschymoses and rashes on precisely symmetrical areas of the body.

Overworked heart. This is an individual who has overworked his heart during a very strenuous bicycle ride, etc. His heart hurts, there are palpitations, but, in a curious and paradoxical way, his palpitations are most pronounced at rest, and when he begins to move, they it weakens or even goes away. Here we again find the same need for movement characteristic of Russian toxicodendron.

You can think about two other Arnica remedies, which are really more suitable for cases of heart enlargement than heart hypertrophy. Cactus. Indications for its use appear in cases where the patient has a feeling of compression: “as if the heart is squeezing in a vice” at the slightest attempt to move. In addition, the Cactus type subject has bleeding (including nosebleeds), dark blood, and often there is a painful irradiation in the left shoulder with the formation of swelling of the left hand (which is an objective sign of this type).

Pulmonary hemorrhage. It is very peculiar, since it is typical and significant in wind instrument players who, after sudden exertion, spit out bloody sputum.

But in all these patients (with aches, feverish, with an overworked heart or exhausted hemoptonic patients) the same need for movement is always expressed, reaching such an excitement that interferes with sleep. When they fall asleep, they are overcome by dreams, always of the same type: dreams of heavy physical effort. And in the morning, when they wake up, they feel aches, weakness and that painful stiffness, rigidity that is so characteristic of the Rus toxicodendron type.

Typhoid patient

We have already described this condition when we studied the type of Bryonia (see the corresponding chapter of this book). Let us recall the basic and significant differences that separate both of these means. The Bryonia type patient is always calm and motionless, any movement worsens his disorders. A subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type is always agitated, he cannot remain calmly in place, although he experiences (typical) aches.

Suffering from rheumatism

What is the main characteristic of rheumatism type Rhus toxicodendron? Painful rigidity always worsened by movement. Progressively, the patient begins to realize that his functional impotence is increasing, that he begins to experience real paralysis of the affected member, in which numbness appears, and at the same time he suffers tearing pains in the area of ​​​​the tendons and places of attachment of ligaments. Let us note the good localization of pain of the Rhus toxicodendron type - perioarticular, and not articular. It is impossible to mix Bryonia and Rhus toxicodendron. With the Bryonia type, the synovial membrane of the joints is affected: we find effusion (hydrarthrosis) in the joint and stretching of its bursa. With the Rhus toxicodendron type, we do not detect fluid accumulation in the joint, while the mucous (synovial) periarterial bursae are always swollen and stretched.

Rheumatic type Rhus toxicodendron shows some features that should be insisted on. During the study, the pain intensifies, as the patient is unable to tolerate the effects fresh air on the skin, which becomes painful. When the blanket is lifted from the patient's bed (whether he is in the phase of chills or fever), he begins to cough. Cough during chills or fever when the patient opens is one of the characteristics of the Rhus toxicodendron type.

The patient experiences a feeling of weakness in his hands and especially in his left hand, paralytic weakness: he tries to take an object with his hand, but cannot, and the object falls out of his hands. This paralytic weakness is worse at night and is accompanied by a sensation of numbness to such an extent that the patient is forced to rub his left arm. right hand in order to disperse these very embarrassing vasomotor disorders.

Finally, a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type may exhibit rheumatism localized in the area of ​​the maxillotemporal joint, which makes its existence known by a crunching sound when chewing. In this case, the joint functions poorly, it becomes painful during chewing movements. The subject even has a feeling as if the lower jaw is about to fall off completely. And all these pains, articular and periarticular, always occur in damp weather, sometimes after a thunderstorm. This is not difficult to understand, since after a thunderstorm it often rains for some time. Let us remember that a subject of the Rhododendron type always experiences aggravation before a thunderstorm rather than after it, and a subject of the Phosphorus type experiences aggravation both before and during a thunderstorm.

A large modality that covers all the symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron is aggravation not only with dampness, but also with changes in weather. The patient feels a significant deterioration when moving from a dry to a damp environment, and especially from warm to cold, when he has to undergo a decrease in barometric pressure.

The patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type has one form of development that should be well known: in rheumatic patients, from time to time there are rheumatic outbreaks in the joints, and little by little he seems to begin to tolerate weather changes much better, but at the same time he notes that his functional impotence increases in an insensible manner, so that he feels a real paralytic weakness in the limbs, which prevents him from walking and performing his usual activities. And here the signs of Rhus toxicodendron no longer appear; The characteristic stiffness of the limbs, which disappears with the first movements, is no longer noticeable, since this stiffness is already persistent. Now the tendons and articular ligaments seem to have shortened (by the patient’s own definition). And at this stage of the process, indications for prescribing Causticum are revealed. Like the subject of the Rus toxicodendron type, the subject of the Caustic type is also excited, however, only at night, during the day he is calm. His excitement manifests itself especially in lower limbs and only at night. The Zinc type subject has constant agitation of the feet, both at night and during the day. In a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type, there is excitation of all members of the body both at night and during the day.

In fact, we usually observe the following clinical stages in a rheumatic patient: stretching of the synovial membrane (Bryonia stages), damage to the mucous membranes and synovial bursae around the joints and retraction of the tendons (Rus toxicodendron stages); progressive impotence and limitation of movements (Caustic stage). In the Bryonia stage the subject tends to remain at rest, in the Rhus toxicodendron stage he is agitated and moves in order to combat his ankylosis and try to reduce the development of scar fibrous tissue, while in the Caustic stage he is already struggling with paralytic impotence.

If indications for Rhus toxicodendron occur in a subject without changes in the weather having been able to make any difference in his condition, then consideration should be given to the use of a very important additional means: Tuberculin. And then it is possible to detect all the signs of a pronounced tuberculinic condition.


If you have erysipelas, you should think about Belladonna, Apis and Rhus toxicodendron.

Belladonna type has characteristic features: high fever, prostration, depression. There is no excitement, except in cases of delirium, and then the patient keeps wanting to run away from his bed. Locally: in one area of ​​the body, first there appears an enlargement of the lymph nodes (ganglionic adenopathy), then a painful redness protruding above the level of the skin, characterized by the fact that it is very hot, with heat radiation. It is enough to place your hand at a distance of a few centimeters from such an area of ​​​​incipient inflammation, you can feel a very clearly expressed feeling of warmth. This is an important characteristic of the Belladonna type. The patient always feels better in a warm room and under the influence of warm applications.

The Apis type reveals an erysipelatous eruption very characteristic appearance. The rash and accompanying manifestations develop with unprecedented force, “violently.” The subject very quickly becomes feverish, depressed, and rashes. This rash is not preceded by outbreaks of swollen lymph nodes. Swelling appears suddenly. At the very beginning, it is manifested by the appearance of a pink color of the integument, then the brightness of the redness increases and they acquire a purple hue.

Erysipelas most often spreads from right to left. Stitching and burning pain appears in the corresponding area. While in the Belladonna type there is simply a sensation of radiating warming, in the Apis type the subject complains of sharp, burning pains, always worse by heat and better by cold. Cold applications bring relief (and for Belladonna type - hot ones).

The Apis type is never thirsty. Some interesting objective signs can be found in him: swelling of the eyelids, with the lower eyelids hanging down, like small bags filled with water, the amount of urine decreases, the frequency of urination also decreases: for entire periods the patient does not urinate at all or almost completely. However, let's remember that he doesn't drink either. The presence of protein can often be detected in the urine, especially in cases where erysipelas manifests itself with great force (“violently”) from the very beginning.

Erysipelas of the Rhus toxicodendron type manifests itself in a completely different way. The rash spreads most often and most from left to right, and not from right to left, as with the Apis type. What is striking is that erysipelas is manifested by the formation of blisters. While with the Belladonna type there is redness raised above the level of the surrounding skin, with the Apis type there is pink swelling, which later becomes more red or purple, with the Rus toxicodendron type there is the formation of blisters against the background of redness and swelling of the tissues, this is the main characteristic of the Rus type toxicodendron and indications for its use.

At the same time, another manifestation may appear, which is generally not common with erysipelas - itching. The blisters are large and itchy. Itching is always combined with burning, debilitating pain, forcing the patient to constantly change place. Thus, in the manifestations of fever with erysipelas, which is subject to Rhus toxicodendron, we find the usual disorders: a physical need for movement, incessant agitation and a feeling of anticipation of the onset of rheumatic complications from the side of the joints. Herpes is found on the lips, with a red triangle at the tip of the tongue. Very strong thirst, whereas in a subject of the Apis type there is no thirst at all: he simply does not drink. Let's add to this desire drink cold milk. Finally, the patient is very depressed and in a state of prostration. Rhus toxicodendron is most suitable for those forms that are accompanied by the appearance of a state of prostration and adynamia.

Clinically, we notice that Belladonna is most suitable for banal forms, and Apis is most suitable for those forms of erysipelas that are accompanied by renal complications or are manifested by extremely acute edema (with “violent” manifestations). Finally, in the presence of a phlegmonous picture, one can think in a more special way about prescribing Rus toxicodendron, especially if there is a tendency to suppuration.


With the Rhus toxicodendron type, the skin is red and swollen, there are blisters, painful, itchy, with pain of greater or lesser intensity. The individual is agitated and always feels worse at night and in damp weather, as well as in winter, not so much in dry frosty weather as in cold and damp weather.

What means (types) must be differentiated here? You can name two here: Oil (Petroleum) and Mezereum (Wolfberry).

Oil. Exactly the same form of rash as with Rhus toxicodendron - blisters, but much smaller. With both types (Rus and Oil), the blisters contain a burning and irritating liquid, which causes itching when it comes into contact with the skin. In a patient of the Oil type, yellowish crusts are formed, which are absent in a subject of the Rus toxicodendron type. The patient feels much worse from the cold. This is how Oil-type rashes are more likely to appear in winter than in summer. They are especially pronounced on the limbs, on the fingers, on the dorsum of the fingers, on the palmar surface or at the edges of the nails, and there are also cracks on the hands, and moreover, only with the Rh toxicodendron type.

Mesereum. Strictly speaking, toxicodendron could be mixed with Rhus, since with this type there is also leakage of liquid. At the beginning of the rash, bubbles form, but they soon form retractions in the form of a navel. Liquid begins to leak out and whitish or yellowish crusts form, under which you can find a thick yellowish liquid, generally dried pus. Mesereum is well suited for the treatment of infected eczema. At the same time, the subject experiences very burning pain, itching, and each vesicle appears surrounded by a very burning red halo.

Another remedy (type) that one might consider is Croton tiglium. Characterized by extremely severe itching. With the slightest scratching or simple touch, the patient immediately experiences relief. Particularly affected are nerve endings. But in this case, you can apply the treatment that was once put forward by Janet: quickly rub over the affected surface with the blunt end of a pencil in order to reveal the gradual inhibition of the endings of the cutaneous nerves. On the other hand, Croton tiglium exhibits an important characteristic: itching occurs mainly after eating. Rhus toxicodendron is a remedy not only for acute indications. We find indications for it in acne, erythema nodosum, urticaria, and chronic deforming rheumatism. Whenever there is an indication for the use of Rhus toxicodendron, you should also think about Causticum or Sodium sulfate (not forgetting Petroleum).

Although it is often regarded as a remedy for arthritis, it treats mental disorders as well as complex pathology nervous system, heart and almost all other systems. General rule This is - patients suffering from damage to joints and muscles remain relatively healthy psychologically. It is not surprising that we do not delve much into the personality traits of the Rhus Toxicodendron patient.
IN psychological state The patient Rhus Toxicodendron shows several stages. Already on early stage As the disease progresses, a cheerful, humorous and very lively patient, distinguished by his intelligence and friendliness, shows strange timidity. This stage of revival is replaced by a stage of internal restlessness and excitement. Often the patient becomes irritable and easily upset. Rhus Toxicodendron can be a very useful remedy for behavioral disorders in children, characterized by motor restlessness, increased irritability and even malignancy. Adult patients are often very serious, work a lot, are impatient and somewhat overwhelmed - rather like.
As the pathology deepens, the patient becomes as inflexible and rigid emotionally as he is physically. At this stage of the disease, we observe depression and isolation in the patient, and later obsessions are discovered. A neurosis of obsessive states and ritual behavior is formed. Rhus Toxicodendron is one of the most superstitious remedies. The patient is taken over intrusive thoughts, and behavior even takes on a ritual character.
Rhus Toxicodendron has pronounced action on nerves, mucous membranes, serous membranes and skin. The leading symptom of the drug is progressive stiffness, often occurring after a period of motor restlessness or after overload at work.

A joker, restless, cheerful patient.
Restless mind; jumps from object to object. Irritable. Impatient.
Worry about your children.
Fears: that will kill someone. Poisoning.
Timid. Shy.
Depression; isolation.
Superstitious; ritual actions; obsessive ideas. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
* General aggravation from cold and cold damp weather.
General improvement in warm weather, from bathing in warm water.
General deterioration from drafts.
Usually worse in cloudy, overcast or foggy weather.
General aggravation from exposure to dampness.
General aggravation from exposure or exposure to extreme cold.
General deterioration before and during the storm.
Usually left-sided complaints.
Periodic complaints, especially chills and fever.
Sudden periodic chills, worse at night.
General deterioration of condition in autumn.
General deterioration from overexertion.
General deterioration in the evening after a busy day.
General improvement from movement; can't sit still. Usually worse in the morning when getting up.
* Parkinson's disease, severe stiffness, better from movement, the patient is rigid in his emotional manifestations and facial expression; tremor.
Chorea. Twitching. Tiki.
Hemiplegia, especially left-sided.
Vertigo, worse on rising, tendency to fall backward.
Headaches, worse in damp weather, worse during thunderstorms, worse when weather changes, better from motion.
Rosacea. Erysipelas on the face.
Rash on the tip of the nose (,).
Fever around lips.
Cracks in the corners of the mouth.
Swelling and inflammation of the eyelids (,). Iritis.
* Red tip of the tongue or a red triangle on it.
Crunching in the jaws. Temporomandibular joint syndrome.
Pharyngitis, better from warm drinks.
Laryngitis and hoarseness; worse after overexertion vocal cords, can get better from talking (moving).
Craving: * cold milk. Cheese. Sweet.
Disgust for: meat.
Wants to drink in small sips.
Desire for cold drinks.

Herpes on the genitals.
Rash on the genitals or inner thighs.
Frequent urination.
Enuresis, especially in boys.
Asthma, especially at the same time or immediately after suppression of eczema.
Cough, worse in cold or damp weather, worse before or during chill.
Pneumonia, often with “rusty” sputum.
Cardiac hypertrophy. Damage to the heart valves.
Angina pectoris, worse from exertion, pain radiating to the left arm.
Pain in the lumbosacral back, radiating along the sciatic nerve.
Back pain, worse when a muscle is strained, as in cases of a car accident or after lifting heavy weights.
Back pain, worse from sitting for a long time, which causes stiffness.

Back pain, better from warmth, hot bath or soul.
Pain in the back, better from movement and therefore forced to get up and walk.
Back pain, better from strong pressure, massage.
Crunching in the neck and back. Torticollis.
Neck stiffness and pain in the trapezius muscle.
Sensation of stiffness in the neck, which causes the patient to stretch and turn the head, worse when moving, worse in damp cold, better from warmth. Stiffness can spread to the back of the head and cause headaches.
* Arthritis, acute or chronic rheumatism.
* Arthritis, worse at night in bed, worse in the morning on rising, worse from wet and cold weather, or before a storm, worse from exertion.
* Joint pain relieved by warmth or bathing in warm or hot water, better in dry weather and from movement.
Pain in left shoulder.
* Pain in the inner, upper part of the left shoulder blade.
Restless movements of the limbs, up to the development of chorea.
Restlessly moves his legs in bed.
Bursitis. Tendinitis. Sprains.
Numbness of an arm or leg from lying on it.
Numbness of the left hand due to heart disease.
Crunching in the joints.
Nodular deformities of joints in arthritis.
Eczema with small vesicles that are very itchy.
* Itching relieved by hot dousing hot water ().
Herpes. Shingles. Rash like poison oak or poison ivy.
Hives. Psoriasis.
Seals on the skin due to long-term skin diseases. Erythema nodosum.
Erysipelas with dark red spots.
Restless sleep, must constantly toss and turn in sleep and cannot find a comfortable position.
I dream about work, or long walks, or physical activity.
Influenza with body aches that force the patient to constantly toss and turn. Temperatures can rise quickly, especially at 10 am.
Chickenpox. Impetigo. Scarlet fever.
Pharyngitis, better from warm drinks, with a feeling of restlessness and discomfort in the body. Upper respiratory tract infections.
Pneumonia, cough with rusty-colored sputum.
Sprains with a feeling of stiffness and pain, but the patient feels the need to move, flex and straighten the joint.
Back injuries.
Damage to tendons or muscles, worse from overexertion.
Angina pectoris. Arthritis. Asthma. Behavioral disorders. Bronchitis. Tension in the neck. Injury, as from a blow from a whip, with a sudden movement of the limb. Chickenpox. Chorea. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Connective tissue diseases. Contusion. Enuresis. Eczema. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Fibrositis. Headache. Hemiplegia. Herpes. Impetigo. Flu. Laryngitis. Pain in the lumbosacral back. Parkinson's disease. Pemphigus. Pharyngitis. Pneumonia. Rheumatic fever. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Shingles. Sprains. Tendinitis. Hives.
Phos - Arthritis, pain relieved by movement and heat, worse before a storm, chilly, desire for cold milk; angina, cough and hoarseness.
Tub - Arthritis with similar modalities, worse at night, cold damp weather and storms; anxiety, ritual actions; desire for cold milk; eczema, respiratory diseases.
Ruta - Arthritis and diseases with similar modalities, stiffness, pain and stiffness of the neck.
Calc - Chilly, worse from cold damp weather, from overexertion; arthritis, cravings for sweets, cracked skin and eczema.
Ars - These two drugs can be easily confused in acute conditions - fever, chills, restlessness, desire to drink in small sips; irritability, skin symptoms, respiratory diseases; there may be a desire for milk.
Apis - Acute rheumatism, fevers, skin symptoms, erysipelas.
Ran-B. Rhod. Cimic. Dulc. Calc-R. Rad-Br. Stel.

The remedy I want to talk about today is a major member of the Anacardiaceae family, namely poison sumac or Rhus toxicodendron. You must remember it as a complement to Bryonia, a fact observed by Hahnemann in his practice during an epidemic of war typhus when he treated several cases, losing only two patients: the success he achieved then is attested on all sides. Since then, many lives have been saved by the administration of these two remedies alternately: this alternation consists of giving Bryonia, if its symptoms are present, and Rhus, when the patient exhibits symptoms requiring this last remedy. This alternation of them is correct. We must also not forget the fact that I have spoken about before, but which is so important that I repeat it here, namely, Rhus tox. hostile to Apis meilifica. Although the symptoms of both seem similar on the surface, for some reason which I cannot explain, it is not good to prescribe them one after the other.

Rus forms the center of a very large group of drugs. If we were to undertake a comparative study of all of them, it would take several hours. For example, dwelling on the important group of typhoid drugs, we find that many drugs used for typhoid conditions of the disease diverge from it, as if in radii. Bryonia, as I have already said, stands in close connection with him. Then Arsenicum moves away from it along another radius. in a still different direction - Acidum muriaticum, Phosphorus. Carbo vegetabilis, etc. with Baptisia and a significant number of other remedies.

Let us first deal with the effect of Rus on the circulatory system. We find that it causes erethism, an increase in blood circulation.

It acts on the central circulatory organ - the heart. Thus, we make it indicated for uncomplicated hypertrophy of this organ, that is, hypertrophy not accompanied by damage to the heart valves. Why does this happen? From excessive stress, as often happens among athletes and mechanics who use heavy tools. Other remedies useful in this condition are Arnica and Bromium. When these remedies are indicated, they should be given persistently for days and even weeks. We find Rhus also indicated for palpitations (palpitatio cordis), which appear after excessive exertion. In cases where Rus is useful for heart diseases, they are usually accompanied by a sensitivity disorder in the form of numbness of the left arm and shoulder. The patient experiences a feeling of weakness in the chest, as if from fatigue of the heart muscle. Stress makes this condition worse. This palpitation can be felt even when the patient is sitting quietly.

Aconitum has itching in the fingers that accompanies heart disease. My fingers feel as if they are going numb. Anxiety always occurs with this remedy.

The same phenomena are observed in Kalmia, which has the same symptoms in the left hand, with heart disease.

Pulsatilla has numbness, especially in the elbow, very often with hypertrophy or dilatation of the right ventricle of the heart.

With Actea racemosa there is a sensation as if the arm were tightly bandaged to the body.

Arnica, Bromium, Aconitum, Kalmia, Pulsatilla, Actea extinguished, Phytolacca dec.



For cardiac

Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Acid. muriaticum, Carbo veg., Baptisia, Arnica, Acid. phosphoricum, Taraxacum, Bryonia.



For typhus.

Arnica, Arsenicum, Sulfur, Petroleum, Ruta, Staphisagria, Kali carbonicum, Ledum, Valeriana, Anacardium, Conium, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Ferrum, Rhus rad., Kalmia, Colchicum, Rhododendron.



For rheumatic

Lachesis, Ailanthus, Arum triphyllum, Belladonna, Calcarea ostrearum.



With scarlet fever.

Mezereum, Nux juglans.



For eczema.

Cinchona, Acid. sulphuricum, Belladonna, Spigelia, Carbo animalis.



For headaches

Calcarea ostrearum, Sepia, Gelsemium, Kalmia.



For ocular

Phytolacca, on the contrary, affects right side bodies. With it, the same sensation occurs in the right hand, as with Aconite, Kalmia and Ruse in the left.

Let us now consider Rus's pulse. Rus tox. produces oppression circulatory system, why the pulse cannot be full and strong, as is observed with Aconite. He is accelerated, but this acceleration is accompanied by weak blows. Sometimes it is irregular or even intermittent; all this is typical for Rus. With this different pulse pattern, we often experience numbness in the left arm, which I just mentioned.

Let us then move on to the typhoid symptoms of Rus. By this I mean typhus-like symptoms, that is, symptoms that reveal the same loss of strength that occurs in diseases of the debilitating type. All other things being equal, we can rely on Rus whenever an acute illness becomes severe. We will find the same to be true for inflammation of the peritoneum, lungs, scarlet fever and diphtheria, under similar conditions and when no other remedy is positively indicated. Rus must therefore act on the blood, since it poisons this fluid.

The symptoms it shows in typhus are mainly the following: first of all, his temperament makes the choice much easier for you.

The patient is of a rather mild temperament. Delirium can be of a quiet nature, not violent. At times the patient, it is true, may express a desire to jump out of bed or try to run away, but when he is in a more or less conscious state, he shows little playfulness and irritability. There is no strong anger here that characterizes Rus. You will notice that this delirium is accompanied by anxiety not only mental, but also physical. The patient constantly rushes around the bed. First he lies on one side, then on the other. He sits down and then lies down. In this case, you observe a constant desire to move and, perhaps, even that the patient receives relief from these changes in position. Sometimes we find, as an exception, at the beginning of the illness, that the patient wants to lie completely still. This indicates severe weakness. He feels completely exhausted. He is indifferent to everything. This feeling of weakness is completely out of proportion to all other symptoms. Sometimes the patient has hallucinations. He imagines that they want to poison him. He doesn't want to take the medicine you prescribe or refuses the food and drink you offer him because he's afraid that people around him want to poison him. (Hyoscyamus has this symptom even more pronounced than Rhus tox.). When the stupor intensifies, the patient answers questions very slowly, as if with displeasure, or in a rude manner; but he is not violent.

He has a severe headache, which he compares to the sensation of having a board strapped to his forehead. This pain is often accompanied by a rush of blood to the head, which is detected by sudden redness of the face. He gets nosebleeds to relieve this headache. Flowing blood is dark in color. Typhoid poison can affect the lungs and cause inflammation with the usual cough that accompanies this disease, difficulty breathing, rust-colored sputum; Along with all these symptoms, you will find the tongue dark brown, dry and cracked. Sometimes the tongue and mouth are covered with brownish, sticky mucus, and sometimes you will find teeth marks on the tongue. In this case, I will ask you not to give Mercury. Mercurius is very little used for typhus, it will be harmful unless you have severe icteric symptoms. The tip of the tongue (I'm talking about Ruse) very often looks like a triangular red nipple. In this case, there is an upset stomach and intestines. The patient suffers from diarrhea with yellowish-brown feces with a cadaverous odor. Bowel movements may pass involuntarily during sleep. Urine flows involuntarily and sometimes leaves a red stain. The patient complains of tearing pain in the limbs with almost unbearable pain in the lower back. If he falls asleep, he is restless.

The surface of the body is dry and hot and often redder than normal. Sometimes red spots are scattered over the body. If the patient has sweat, it is profuse, sour smell and is accompanied by a millet-like rash. The abdomen is tympanic and sensitive, especially in two main points - in the right iliac region and in the region of the spleen, which, by the way, swells. Towards the end, the bowel movements become scanty, greenish and not accompanied by tenesmus. Women may experience uterine bleeding but do not provide any relief from these symptoms. Symptoms of congestion appear in the lungs. Wheezing is heard throughout the chest. Damage to the lower lobes of the lungs is especially clearly visible. The cough is dry at first, then becomes more frequent and freer, with expectoration of blood-streaked sputum. These are the main symptoms that should guide you in choosing Rus in the treatment of typhoid fevers.

Let me show you very briefly how you can distinguish Rus from similar remedies. First I will talk about several remedies that can be prescribed after Rus.

Phosphorus follows Rhus favorably when the symptoms of pneumonia cease to respond to this remedy and when the diarrhea continues. Excreta yellow color, with blood veins, sometimes similar to “meat water”.

Arsenicum may follow Rhus in the erotic form of typhus. Despite the terrible exhaustion (prostratio), the patient is still irritable and fearful, even until the last hours of life. The profound loss of strength continues, the mouth turns black and diarrhea remains, despite Rus's techniques. Let me caution you here. Beginners tend to give Arsenic too early. By prescribing it early, they only accelerate the disorders that they are trying to prevent. Arsenic is an excellent remedy when indicated, but a terrible one when abused. That is why I say not to prescribe it early during typhus unless the symptoms clearly require it. Like Rus, Arsenic has anxiety, prostration and sharp abdominal symptoms. The thirst is strong. The pain is of a burning nature. The stools are dark brown, unpleasant odor, bloody and more often occurs after midnight.

Acidum muriaticum also useful remedy in an erotic form. It has several symptoms in common with Rus. It is preferred for even more significant disorders; prostration is great, the patient is so weak that he slides to the foot end of the bed. Feces and urine come out involuntarily.

But we find Rus similar to those remedies that correspond to the torpid (sluggish) form of this disease. First on this list is Carbo veg. The patient often falls into a state characteristic of Carbo vegetabilis, when he lies completely motionless, without signs of reaction, the limbs are cold, especially the legs from the feet to the knees, and covered in cold sweat. The pulse is fast and small. Bowel discharge has a terrible smell.

The next remedy is Baptisia. It is indicated when, as in Ruse, we have a tongue covered with a brown or blackish coating and a clearly defined fever. The face presents a dark red, insane appearance, like the face of a poisoned person. Intestinal discharge is dark, thin and has a very unpleasant odor. The patient appears sleepy and dull; answering questions, he falls asleep, or he is restless, tossing about in bed, deluding himself that he is double or that he has fallen apart and must try to put himself back together in one place. He complains about the bed, finding it too hard. The tongue is often marked aphthous ulcers, Arnica and Baptisia both have a drowsy, dull state; the patient complains about the bed, that it is too hard, and falls asleep while answering questions. But under the influence of Arnica there is complete apathy; Ecchymoses (bruises) and bedsores appear on the body.

Arnica also causes involuntary stool and urine, and if the lungs are affected, the sputum is bloody.

Acidum phosphoricum usefully follows Rhus when there is severe weakness or prostration with complete apathy.

The stools are bloody and mucous. If there are nosebleeds, they do not bring relief.

One should not forget about Taraxacum. Boenninghausen treated his son who fell ill with typhus. Among his symptoms was the restlessness which I have mentioned as characteristic of Rus. However, this remedy did not bring relief. Looking through the pharmacology, Boe nninghausen found that Taraxacum also has restlessness of the limbs and tearing pains, and in addition has the symptom observed in this case in his son - a card-shaped tongue. He used Taraxacum with complete success.

Regarding the indications for Bryonia in typhoid conditions, I refer you to the lecture when I will read about this remedy in detail.

Let us now consider the disturbances in the circulation of the blood produced by Rus, which manifest themselves in another form of fever, namely, intermittent fever. Rhus is useful in intermittent types of fever, when the chill begins in one leg, usually the thigh. In some cases, the trembling begins between the shoulder blades. (It is very important to always notice the point at which the chill appears in this disease. With Natrum muriaticum and Eupatorium it begins from the sacrum; with Gelsemium it runs along the spine). During the chill there is a dry, painful cough, a symptom which you will also find under Cinchona and Sulfur. Together with the outside cold it happens internal heat. There is no thirst. Often you will also find skin symptoms - hives and fever blisters; the latter are located near the mouth. Sweat all over the body, except the face.

Let us move on to study the action of Rhus on fibrous (fibrous) tissues. Let me include here also tendon sprains (aponeuroses) and muscle tendons, joint ligaments and connective tissue. No remedy has a more profound action on fibrous tissues than Rhus tox. First of all, I will talk about its effect on muscle tendons. We will find Rus useful in all inflammations of these tendons, whether they arise from overexertion or sudden stretching, such as in the case of dislocation. We also find that Rhus can be given for diseases resulting from excessive effort. For example, if a musician suffers from prolonged playing of wind instruments pulmonary hemorrhages, then Rhus will be his medicine. If, as a result of excessive efforts, the patient receives paralysis, then this disease may succumb to the action of Rus.

Let me mention a few other remedies suitable for the evil effects of overexertion, in order that you may distinguish them from the remedy which forms the subject of this lecture.

Arnica acts more on muscle tissue than on ligaments. Therefore, it is indicated when prolonged tension results in severe muscle pain. The patient feels as if he had been beaten. He doesn't have that sense of stretch that happens with Ruse. When it is obvious that the joint is dislocated, Arnica will be the best remedy only when there is considerable inflammation, not of the ligaments, but of other soft parts.

But the main characteristic which will help you to decide in favor of Rus in all these cases is this: the patient obtains relief of his symptoms from continued movement, while at the beginning of this movement he experiences an aggravation of them. The reason for this symptom is that fibrous tissues become flexible due to prolonged movement.

I can tell you that there is some exception to this rule, namely in that painful form known as lumbago (low back pain). I have found that in the beginning of this suffering Rhus is equally useful whether the patient is better from movement or not. The symptoms requiring Rhus are: severe pain when trying to rise; immobility of the back of the head of rheumatic origin due to sitting in a draft; rheumatic pain in the interscapular region, ameliorated by warmth and aggravated by cold. In this case, there may be tightening pain in the back muscles, relieved by bending backwards.

Sulfur also produces rheumatic pains with tightness of the lumbar region, with sudden loss of strength when attempting to rise.

Petroleum and Ruta are useful when these rheumatic back pains are worse in the morning before getting out of bed.

With Staphisagria, lumbar pain forces the patient to get up early.

Kali carbonicum causes sharp pains in the lumbar region, worsening at 3 a.m. and forcing the patient to get up and walk. The pain shoots down to the sacrum.

Ledum causes back pain that can be compared to a feeling of numbness after sitting quietly for a long time. In the evenings there are cramping pains in the thighs. In the morning the legs are stiff and cold.

Valeriana produces, and will therefore cure, severe drawing, piercing, jerking pains in the limbs, coming on suddenly. The patient also experiences a feeling of tension in the lumbar region - a phenomenon of the same nature as pain in the limbs.

In rheumatism, Rhus is shown not so much in its inflammatory forms as in rheumatic diathesis, when the features just mentioned exist and when there is aggravation during damp weather or from staying in damp places. Another feature of Rhus is that the prominent protrusions of the bones are painful when touched, such as the cheekbones. This shows you that Rhus affects the periosteum. It is also characteristic of him that the patient cannot tolerate the slightest influence of fresh air.

In these various rheumatic stages I will ask you to compare Rhus, first, with Anacardium, which causes immobility of the occiput, worse when movement begins.

Conium produces an aggravation of symptoms when moving, but by continuing to move the patient obtains relief.

With Lycopodium and Pulsatilla, relief is obtained by slow movement.

Ferrum has neuralgic and rheumatic pains, relieved by slow movements at night.

Rhus radicans also has drawing, tearing pains in the legs. It also causes rheumatic pain in the back of the head. It is useful for pleurodynia or false pleurisy, when the pain extends to the shoulders.

Kalmi a latifolia has tearing pains going down to the legs, without any swelling or fever, but with great weakness.

Pay attention to its similarity in this case with Colchicum.

Rhododendron causes greater sensitivity to changes in weather, especially the onset of cold winter weather, and to electrical changes in the atmosphere. Rheumatic pains in the limbs, similar to the pains of Rhus, are worse at rest. Rhododendron is especially suitable for chronic rheumatism, when small joints are affected. This is one of the best means for that form of gout when there are fibrous deposits in the joint thumb feet, and not the usual deposits of soda urates (sodium urate).

Ledum is an invaluable remedy for gout and rheumatism affecting the small joints. It is typical that the pain rises upward.

Nodes form near the joints. In gout, Ledum is useful when the pain is aggravated by the warmth of the bed; when there is swelling of the legs; after abuse of Colchicum, when, thanks to this asthenic remedy, the patient became significantly weaker. You will find that both Ledum and Colchicum cause acute cutting pains in the joints, with severe weakness members, numbness and coldness of the body surface.

From the chart above you will notice that Rhus has an effect on tartan. It is useful in inflammation of this tissue (cellulitis), when it accompanies diphtheria, and in orbital cellulitis with the formation of pus. This is the positive difference between Rhus and Apis, since the latter never causes cellulite with the formation of an abscess.

In carbuncle, another form of connective tissue inflammation, Rhus is indicated at the beginning, when the pain is severe and the affected parts are dark red in color. If given early, Rhus can completely abort the disease. Otherwise, it may be necessary to resort later to Arsenicum, Carbo veg. or Anthracinum.

Rhus has a very significant effect on the skin. It produces erythema, rapidly progressing to vesicles, often accompanied by edema, eventually producing pus and eschar. The surface of the skin around the rash is red and inflamed.

Rhus is indicated for eczema. If the face is affected, then there is swelling of the loose tissue of the eyelids, with pain that can be described by the term burning, itching and as if crawling, in order to make a precise distinction between Rhus and Apis, which has burning and stabbing (as if stinging) pain.

Rhus also gives us a complete picture of blistering erysipelas. The places for which this remedy has a special affinity are the scalp and face and the genitals. The affected parts are dark red and the inflammation (in the patient) spreads from left to right.

Apis erysipelas spreads from right to left; the affected parts are light and dark pink or dark red in color. There is no thirst.

Apis is required when edema exists.

In scarlet fever, Rhus is indicated mainly in its adynamic (sluggish) forms and very quickly replaces Belladonna in the presence of the following symptoms. The child becomes drowsy and restless. The tongue is red and sometimes smooth (shiny), a very unusual symptom of scarlet fever. The pharynx is dark red in color and has a particularly swollen appearance. Cervical lymph glands enlarged; There may also be an enlargement of the left parotid salivary gland (parotis). In this case, there may even be a threat of suppuration of these parts. The tissue of the neck is inflamed, so that the surface of the skin here has a dark red or bluish, erysipelas tint. If a child is delirious, then his delirium is always of a quiet nature. The discharge changes, becoming caustic. Not only the cervical glands may enlarge, but also the glands of all other areas of the body, especially the armpits. The body becomes exhausted and the patient becomes weaker.

In this respect Rhus is favorably followed by Lachesis and Ailanthus, but they present an even more adynamic picture.

Ailanthus is especially indicated in cases where the skin is covered with a rare dark bluish rash. Inner surface pharynx swells. The neck tissue is infiltrated. Nasal discharge causing abrasions. The child is drowsy and dull.

Arum triphyllum is similar to Ailanthus in that it has an excoriating (abrasive) coryza. The corners of the mouth are sore, cracked, and bleed. Even saliva is caustic. The child is irritable and restless. (See lecture on Agaceae).

Belladonna also produces similar enlargement and hardening. axillary glands, but she is not often remembered in this state. It is especially useful if this symptom appears in women during menopause.

In smallpox you will find Rhus indicated when the pustules turn black from the effusion of blood into them and when there is diarrhea with dark bloody stools.

For eczema, compare Mezereum with Rhus, especially in scrofulous cases, when hard, thick crusts form, crack, and pus oozes out profusely. The itching is most severe at night, when the patient is warmly wrapped up. Sometimes the main locations of this disease are surrounded by pimples.

Nux juglans is one of our best remedies for scabs (tinea favosa), especially when they attack scalp head and behind the ears. The itching is severe at night, making it difficult for the patient to sleep. Scabs appear on the arms and armpits.

For scarlet fever, compare Rh us with Calcarea ostrearum. Parotid salivary glands are amazed. The rash returns again, leaving the face swollen and pale.

Let us now deal with the action of Rus on the mucous membranes. It produces a profuse runny nose with redness and swelling of the pharynx. It is indicated for influenza with severe pain in all bones, sneezing and coughing. The cough is dry in character and worse from evening to midnight (Mezereum has the same cough feature) and from exposure. Rhus is especially indicated if the disease develops due to the influence of dampness.

In diarrhea requiring Rhus, the stool consists of blood and mucus mixed with reddish-yellow membranes. From this you see that this diarrhea is dysenteric in nature.

In other inflammatory diseases of the abdomen, taking the typhoid form, Rhus may be indicated, as I have already said, whether it be an affection of the peritoneum, intestines, cecum (typhlitis) or its tissue (perityphlitis), or inflammation of the uterus. For diseases of the postpartum period, Rhus is a major remedy if the symptoms are of the typhoid type.

There is colic, which is treated with Rus. It may or may not be of rheumatic origin. This colic is relieved by strong bending of the body and movement. In this way it differs from the colic of Colocynthis, which is also relieved by strongly bending the body forward.

Let's move on to Rus's head symptoms. There is a form of dizziness (vertigo) characteristic of old people, which occurs as soon as the patient rises from a sitting position. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. This undoubtedly indicates some age-related changes in the brain. Rhus tox. one of the means that can palliatively alleviate this condition. Sometimes they have a feeling of noise in the brain when moving. Regarding this sensation of noise in the brain, compare with Rhus the following remedies: Cinchona, Acidum sulphuricum, Belladonna, Spigelia and Carbo animalis.

Rhus is important in some eye affections. We find it useful in scrofulous ophthalmia, when phlyctenes (bubbles) form on and around the cornea. The photophobia is severe. The eyelids, which are also involved in inflammatory process, convulsively closed. If you open your eyelids, yellow pus will spray out. Pain in eyes worse at night.

Rhus can also be used for iritis (inflammation of the iris of the eye), when it is rheumatic or traumatic origin. Inflammation can spread to choroid, but here Rhus will still be there suitable medicine. The pain shoots through the eye to the back of the head and is worse at night. When you open your eyes, hot tears flow profusely. In some cases, inflammation can turn into suppuration.

Rhus has sometimes been usefully used for glaucoma (green water).

For inflammation of the orbital tissue, Rhus is an almost specific remedy. It should always be given in cases where the symptoms do not indicate another remedy.

It is also one of the best remedies we have for paralysis of the upper eyelid (ptosis) in rheumatic patients after exposure to dampness.

Causticum will be the closest analogue (concordant) to Rhus here, but you must also remember Gelsemium, Sepia and Kalmia with this symptom. Last resort has a feeling of stiffness in the eyelids and in the eye muscles.

A local facial symptom requiring the use of Rus in rheumatic patients is pain in jaw joint as if from a broken jaw. Every time the patient makes a chewing movement with his mouth, the jaw cracks. Slight displacement lower jaw requires the use of Rus. Similar to this are Ignatia and Petroleum.

In toothache, Rhus may be indicated if the pain is worse from cold and better from warm poultices. There is, however, an exception to this rule, namely, throbbing toothache, when this pain is instantly relieved by the application of a cold hand. Teeth appear loose or as if they are too long. The gums are sore and feel as if they were ulcerated.

At various forms Rhus paralysis may be indicated especially in rheumatic patients, when the disease occurs from excessive exertion or from dampness, such as from lying on damp ground. In the latter case, the disease is probably caused by rheumatic inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord.

But if the influence of dampness has caused inflammation of the medulla itself (myelitis), then the remedy is Dulcamara.

Rhus can also be used for acute infantile paralysis spinal cord.

In these various forms of paralysis, Sulfur is a complementary remedy to Rhus.

Rhus toxicodendron - poisonous sumac.

The drug Rus toxicodendron can be used for homeopathic treatment children.

Rus toxicodendron homeopathy - indications

Common complaints:

  • Damage to soft tissues;
  • Sprained ligaments and muscles;
  • Hives;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Fever on the lips;
  • Chickenpox.

Characteristic symptoms:

Symptoms are relieved if the child moves continuously.

The child's condition worsens after rest, for example in the morning, as soon as he gets out of bed, or after sitting.

In homeopathy, Rus toxicodendron is used when a child is very restless, fidgets all the time, and cannot sit still.


Worse: as soon as the child begins to move after rest; at night; after exposure to cold, damp weather; after the child gets wet (especially if he overheats); with sprained ligaments and muscles; in case of overvoltage.

Better: warm; in hot weather; with continuous movement of the whole body or only the diseased part of the body; when changing body position.

Typical child behavior

A child who is prescribed the homeopathic drug Rus toxicodendron is very restless and has difficulty sitting still. During the day he moves all the time, and at night he constantly turns in bed. The child may be irritable, fussy and impatient. As a rule, the manifestations of modalities and characteristic symptoms are enough to conclude that it is necessary to use the homeopathic drug Rus toxicodendron.

Rus toxicodendron - indications for use

Face - indications for use Rusa

  • Fever on the lips; the child is often worse in cold, damp weather;
  • In homeopathy, cracks in the corners of the mouth are treated with Rhus toxicodendron.

Respiratory diseases - indications for use of Rusa

  • Tickling cough; worse in cold, damp weather.
  • Asthma, bronchitis, which worsens in cold, damp weather; The child is restless and gets worse with any effort.
  • Complaints of chest pain that appear due to suppressed symptoms of eczema.

Skin - indications for use Rusa

  • Hives and itchy skin rash; better - when doused with very hot water.
  • This homeopathic remedy is recommended for chickenpox, when the child is extremely restless and experiences very severe itching, especially at night.

Sprained ligaments and muscles - indications for use of Rusa

  • Sprained ligaments and muscles due to excessive loads;
  • In homeopathy, Rhus toxicodendron is used for injuries when the child becomes worse if he begins to move after rest;
  • It is better with continuous movement: it becomes easier for the child only if he constantly changes the position of the injured limb.


Let's name four main ones:

- need for movement
- pain
skin rashes
- fever


The patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type constantly experiences a true physical need for movement, which leads him to the excitement necessary to alleviate his condition.

Let us study the various manifestations of this need for movement.

First of all, let us note this mental characteristic: the patient cannot remain alone at home. He is forced to leave the house; for example, after breakfast he goes out into the street, looks at shop windows, and walks along the streets. If he happens to be left alone for a while, he becomes sad. This sadness and anxiety intensifies as soon as the weather begins to rain. We often see this in children: they begin to cry for no apparent reason when the weather worsens, and not at all because they are deprived of the opportunity to play outside the house, but because their state of mind is significantly affected: the rain makes them sad and melancholic.

Let us note that the subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type always feels the need to walk in the open air: if he does not move himself, he becomes restless and anxious.

These are the small ones mental characteristics, which should be remembered, since they can also be encountered in other patients who require other remedies. Thus, the Iodium type also becomes restless when he does not eat. If his dinner is late, he gets into a bad mood and becomes very unpleasant to others; he may even have strong outbursts of anger. The Arsenicum album type exhibits restlessness, especially between 1 and 3 am. At this time, he wakes up in a state of melancholy and anxiety, experiences fear of death, and also becomes very excited. And then he discovers the same need for movement that is so pronounced in the subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type. He constantly changes his location, and if, due to a state of prostration (in which the subject of the Arsenicum album type often finds himself), he is unable to move independently, he constantly pesters the nurses with requests to change his position in bed.

This need for movement in a patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type cannot be considered as a simple manic state, since the patient has a stimulus for movement - the need to relieve his pain with movement. The kind of headache that the patient experiences in the morning is worse if the patient remains alone, and is relieved by walking. Colics of the Rhus toxicodendron type are greatly relieved when the patient bends double, like the Colocynthis or Magnesia phosphorica type, or when he lies on his stomach, like the Podophyllum type, but the main characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron colics is that they are relieved by movement. . Another functional disorder curiously alleviated by walking is palpitations. There are patients who, when they have palpitations, are unable to move, since the slightest movement greatly worsens their heart condition - such as, for example, a subject of the Arnica type. On the contrary, there are those who, for example, if they overwork their hearts while climbing a mountain or in a sporting event, their suffering increases when they go into a state of rest, and conversely, they get better when they begin to walk again : This is a clear indication for the use of Rhus toxicodendron. Clinically, if cardiac enlargement is present, one should think of the Arnica type; in the presence of a heart that is overloaded and hypertrophied, with a rapid rhythm, Rhus toxicodendron is most indicated.

Rhus toxicodendron is also characterized by the presence of numbness and crawling sensations in the limbs, always worsened by rest and, on the contrary, relieved by movement, whether fast or slow. We again discover this need for movement when studying pains of the Rhus toxicodendron type.


These are shooting, tearing pains, they are accompanied by crawling sensations and numbness. Cocculus type pain is also accompanied by numbness. With the Graphalium type, pain alternates with numbness.

Pain of the Rhus toxicodendron type is most localized in the areas of muscles and joints. But you need to understand well that the pains of Rhus toxicodendron are not articular pains, but rather periarticular ones. They are especially common in the area of ​​ligament attachment and in the synovial bursae, while the synovial membrane of the joints itself usually remains intact.

Pain of the Rhus toxicodendron type is usually a consequence of dampness, due to the subject being in a damp climate or damp area. Most often, it turns out that the patient is suddenly caught in a torrential rain, and the next day after this an attack of acute articular rheumatism occurs with its characteristic symptoms: the pain is relieved by movement and worsened by rest. The more the subject remains at rest, the greater his tendency to develop ankylosis of the joints. Painful stiffness, aggravated by rest, is an important characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type. When the patient remains alone in bed, it is much more difficult for him to move his joints and move his limbs, he has a feeling of functional failure, and he needs to make a movement in order to overcome the threat facing him of developing ankylosis of the joints. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels completely numb, overwhelmed by paralysis and pain. His first movements are very painful, and then, as his movements intensify, the pain decreases and the patient regains a certain mobility - although not full, but allowing him to walk and resume his activities. The patient himself explains it this way: “I have to stretch my joints,” but when he gets tired during the day, his stiffness gradually increases and ankylosis returns.


They appear in the form of vesicular elements, since the main characteristic of Rhus toxicodendron is precisely the vesicle. From the very beginning, the skin swells and turns red, and against the background of this redness, vesicles appear, always burning and itching, and a serous, watery liquid flows out of them, always irritating.

This rash is accompanied by extremely severe itching, which is very little relieved by scratching. Along with itching, sometimes there is a burning sensation, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, forcing the patient to get up and move at night and walk around during the day. Here we again encounter the same physical need for movement, which is the predominant characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type.

We find this form of rash in herpes simplex, in herpes zoster, in eczema, urticaria and erysipelas. In all these diseases, one can find indications for the appointment of Rhus toxicodendron if we detect the presence of pruritic vesicles from which fluid irritating the tissue flows (oozes), and this is accompanied by a strong burning sensation. The situation is the same with the well-known severe forms of measles and scarlet fever.


The patient first develops chills, and it feels as if some part of his body (for example, the lower leg) has been soaked in cold water. This chill is always accompanied by a dry cough, which is very debilitating for the subject and lasts throughout the chill: one would like to think that the patient is developing some serious respiratory disorder - pulmonary congestion or bronchopneumonia. In reality, we are talking about a simple cough due to irritation, accompanied by chills in a patient corresponding to Rhus toxicodendron. The diagnosis is not difficult to make: the cough worsens as soon as the subject sticks his hand out from under the blanket. If you come to a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type during the period of his chills, and he puts out his hand to shake hands, this is enough to produce or increase the cough. This is one of the characteristic indications for the Rhus toxicodendron type. Immediately after the end of the chill, a stage of heat appears, very intense. Sometimes there is sweat, but not very much. Fever of the Rhus toxicodendron type is usually accompanied by a herpetic rash.


What are the objective signs of Rhus toxicodendron type?

1. Herpes, most evident on the lower lip and around the mouth. The Natrum muriaticum type also has herpes on the lips, but the lower lip has a fissure in the middle, which is an exclusive characteristic of this type. Let us note here that the middle crack on the upper lip is typical of Selenium. Finally, a patient of the Natrum muriaticum type also exhibits swelling of the upper lip, appearing periodically every three weeks or every month, every two months, etc., which sometimes even makes one suspect the presence of Quinc's edema.

2.Red triangle at the tip of the tongue is a sign that is pathognomonic specifically for Rhus toxicodendron and does not occur in any of the other types. Let us only note that with the Sulfur type the edge of the tongue is always very red. Sometimes the subject's tongue may be coated, but only diagonally or on one side. In such cases one can think not only of the Rhus toxicodendron type, but also of the Mezereum, which is characterized by a “bad” tongue, lined diagonally.

3. Motor excitement- the patient cannot remain in one place, he has a constant need for movement, which improves all the disorders the subject has, sensory or functional.


What are the reasons that can cause the appearance in a subject of various characteristic disorders, which we have already discussed above, or those diseases that we will consider below?

It's always damp: living in damp areas, staying in a damp climate, or just a more or less long walk in the rain. This is usually the apparent cause of all acute manifestations that the patient detects.

But we cannot be satisfied with these considerations, since there are also very severe infectious processes such as erysipelas or typhoid fever that require treatment with Rhus toxicodendron, in which there is no question of dampness. Further, there are chronic diseases such as deforming rheumatism, in which it is difficult to blame dampness alone for the occurrence of the disease. Tuberculosis often turns out to be the real and deep cause of disorders corresponding to Rhus toxicodendron. And often the patient can detect signs of a tuberculinic condition, which will require the use of some diluted tuberculin - mainly Tuberculinum Koch.


Let us study a clinical patient who requires the prescription of Rhus toxicodendron, and see for what diseases we can find indications for its use.


In the first place is a physically overworked subject. There will be no talk here of intellectual overwork, which, in general, corresponds to Arnica. Here we have to consider three cases: feverish prostration, overworked heart and pulmonary hemorrhage.

Feverish weakness. A physically overtired person is usually someone who, for example, has done a long hike in the mountains or indulged in sports (boxing, rowing). And the next day he is suddenly overcome by a feeling of general weakness, a feeling of tension, rigidity, pain in the muscles and joints. He is completely depressed, however, despite this, he cannot remain calm, he must walk or at least move in bed, looking for a comfortable place, since only with constant movement does he suffer less.

We again find indications for the use of Rhus toxicodendron in those soldiers whose condition is classified as febrile weakness. I want to believe that it is caused in them solely as a result of the increased physical stress to which the individual is exposed, but we also know that such weakness and aches are especially prone to develop in the presence of tuberculinic conditions. And here we again find further indications for the use of some tuberculin - Tuberculinum Koch or Tuberculinum Marmoreck.

The physically exhausted Rhus toxicodendron type cannot be confused with the Arnica type, since the latter clearly experiences a sensation as if his bed had become hard; it also seems to him that all the areas of the body on which he leans when lying down seem to be bruised, shell-shocked, beaten. On the contrary, a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type, when he has pain in some joint, feels much better when he lies on something hard. Another little interesting symptom may be found in an Arnica subject: the head and face of the subject are hot, but the nose and the rest of the body are cold. Let us also note the subject’s peculiar tendency to develop eschymoses and rashes on precisely symmetrical areas of the body.

Overworked Heart- an individual who overworked his heart during a very strenuous bicycle ride, etc. His heart hurts, there are palpitations, but in a curious and paradoxical way, his palpitations are most pronounced at rest, and when he starts to move, he has them weaken or even go away. Here we again find the same need for movement characteristic of Rhus toxicodendron. You can think about two other means. Arnica is more suitable for cases of enlargement of the heart rather than hypertrophy. Indications for Cactus appear when the patient has a feeling of compression, “as if the heart is being squeezed in a vice,” at the slightest attempt to move. In addition, the Cactus type has bleeding of dark blood, including from the nose, and often has painful radiating to the left shoulder with swelling of the left hand (which is an objective sign of this type).

Pulmonary hemorrhage- it is very peculiar, since it is typical of wind instrument players who, after sudden exertion, begin to spit out bloody phlegm. But in all these patients (with aches, feverish, with an overworked heart or exhausted patients coughing up blood), the same need for movement is always expressed, reaching such an excitement that interferes with sleep. When they fall asleep, they are always overcome by dreams of the same type: dreams of heavy physical effort. And in the morning, when they wake up, they feel aching, weakness and that painful stiffness, rigidity, which is so characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type.


We have already described this condition when we studied the Bryonia type. Let us recall the basic and significant differences that separate both of these means. The Bryonia patient is always calm and motionless, any movement aggravates his disorders. The subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type is always agitated, he cannot remain calmly in place, although he experiences (typical) aches.


What is large characteristic rheumatism type Rhus toxicodendron? Painful rigidity always worsened by movement. The patient will become increasingly aware that his functional failure is increasing, that he is beginning to experience real paralysis of the affected member, in which numbness appears, and at the same time he suffers tearing pains in the area of ​​the tendons and attachments of the ligaments. Let us note once again the localization of pain of the Rhus toxicodendron type - periarticular, not articular. It is impossible to confuse Bryonia and Rhus toxicodendron. With the Bryonia type, the synovial membrane of the joints is affected: we find effusion in the joint (hydrarthrosis) and stretching of its bursa. With the Rhus toxicodendron type, we do not detect fluid accumulation in the joint, while the mucous (synovial) periarterial bursae are always swollen and stretched.

Rheumatic fever of the Rhus toxicodendron type has some features that need to be identified. During the examination, the pain intensifies, since the patient is unable to tolerate the effects of fresh air on the skin, which becomes painful. When the blanket is lifted from the patient's bed (whether he is in the phase of chills or fever), he begins to cough. Cough during chills or fever when the patient opens is one of the characteristics of the Rhus toxicodendron type.

The patient experiences a feeling of weakness in the arms and especially paralytic weakness in the left hand: he tries to take an object with his hand, but cannot, and the object falls. This paralytic weakness is worse at night and is accompanied by a feeling of numbness, to such an extent that the patient is forced to rub his left arm with his right hand in order to disperse these very embarrassing vasomotor disturbances.

Finally, a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type may have rheumatism localized in the region of the temporomandibular joint and is indicated by a crunching sound when chewing. The joint does not function well and it hurts when chewing. The patient even has a feeling as if the lower jaw is about to fall off completely. All these pains, articular and periarticular, always occur in damp weather, sometimes after a thunderstorm. This is not difficult to understand, since after a thunderstorm it often rains for some time. Let us remember that the type subject always experiences aggravation before a thunderstorm rather than after it, and the Phosphorus type subject experiences aggravation both before and during a thunderstorm.

A major modality covering all the symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron is aggravation not only with dampness, but also with changes in weather. The patient feels a significant deterioration when moving from a dry to a damp environment and especially from heat to cold, when the atmospheric pressure decreases.

In a patient of the Rhus toxicodendron type, there is one form of development of symptoms that should be well known: the rheumatist sometimes experiences rheumatic flare-ups in the joints, and little by little he seems to begin to tolerate weather changes much better, but at the same time he notes that functional failure is imperceptible increases, and he feels a real paralytic weakness in the limbs, preventing him from walking and performing his usual activities. And here the signs of Rhus toxicodendron no longer appear; The characteristic stiffness of the limbs, which disappears with the first movements, is no longer noticeable, since this stiffness is already persistent. Now the tendons and articular ligaments seem to have shortened (by the patient’s own definition). At this stage of the process the indications for the use of Causticum are revealed. Like the subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type, the subject of the Causticum type is also agitated, but only at night, during the day he is calm. His excitement manifests itself especially in the lower extremities and, moreover, only at night. In a subject of the Zincum type there is constant excitation of the feet, both at night and during the day, and in a subject of the Rhus toxicodendron type there is excitation of all the members of the body both at night and during the day.

We usually observe the following clinical stages in rheumatic patients: stretching of the synovial membrane (Bryonia stages), damage to the mucous membranes and synovial bursae around the joints and retraction of the tendons (Rhus toxicodendron stages), progressive incompetence and limitation of movements (Causticum stages). In the Bryonia stage the subject tends to remain at rest, in the Rhus toxicodendron stage he is agitated and moves in order to combat his ankylosis and try to reduce the development of scar fibrous tissue, in the Causticum stage he is already struggling with paralysis. If the indication for Rhus toxicodendron occurs in a subject who does not respond to changes in the weather, then one must consider the use of a much needed additional remedy: Tuberculinum. And then it is possible to detect all the signs of a pronounced tuberculinic condition.

4. Erysipelas

If you have erysipelas, you should think of Belladonna, Apis and Rhus toxicodendron.

The Belladonna type has characteristic symptoms: high fever, prostration, depression. There is no excitement, except in cases of delirium, when the patient constantly wants to run away from his bed. Local manifestations: in one area of ​​the body, first there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes (ganglionic adenopathy), then a painful redness protruding above the level of the rest of the skin, characterized by the fact that it is very hot - with heat radiation. It is enough to place your hand at a distance of a few centimeters from such an area of ​​​​incipient inflammation to feel a very clearly expressed feeling of warmth. This is an important characteristic of the Belladonna type. The patient always feels better in a warm room and under the influence of warm applications.

The Apis type exhibits an erysipelas of a very characteristic appearance. The rash and the accompanying manifestations develop with unprecedented force, violently. The subject very quickly becomes feverish, depressed, and rashes. This rash is not preceded by enlarged lymph nodes. Swelling appears suddenly. At the very beginning, it is manifested by the appearance of a pink color of the integument, then the brightness of the redness increases and they acquire a purple hue.

Erysipelas most often spreads from right to left. Stitching and burning pain appears in the corresponding area. While in the Belladonna type there is simply a sensation of radiating heat, in the Apis type the subject complains of sharp, burning pains, always worse by heat and better by cold. Cold applications bring relief (and for the Belladonna type, hot applications).

The Apis subject is never thirsty. Some interesting objective signs can be found in him: swelling of the eyelids, with the lower eyelids hanging down, like small bags filled with water, the amount of urine decreases, the frequency of urination also decreases, for entire periods the patient does not urinate at all or almost completely. However, let's remember that he doesn't drink either. The presence of protein can often be detected in the urine - especially in cases where erysipelas manifests itself with great force from the very beginning.

Erysipelas of the Rhus toxicodendron type manifests itself in a completely different way. The rash spreads most often and most from left to right, and not from right to left, as in the Apis type. What is striking is that erysipelas is manifested by the formation of blisters. While with the Belladonna type there is redness raised above the level of the surrounding skin, with the Apis type there is pink swelling, which later becomes red or purple, with the Rhus toxicodendron type there is the formation of blisters against the background of redness and swelling of the tissues. This is the major characteristic of the Rhus toxicodendron type and these are the indications for its use.

Then we encounter a phenomenon that is usually uncommon with erysipelas: itching. The blisters are large and itchy. Itching is always combined with burning, debilitating pain, forcing the patient to constantly change place. Thus, in the manifestations of fever with erysipelas, corresponding to Rhus toxicodendron, we find the usual disorders: a physical need for movement, incessant excitement and a feeling of anticipation of the onset of rheumatic complications from the joints. Herpes is found on the lips, and there is a red triangle on the tip of the tongue. Very strong thirst, whereas the Apis subject has no thirst at all: he simply does not drink. Add to this a strong desire to drink cold milk. Finally, the patient is very depressed and in a state of prostration. Rhus toxicodendron is most suitable for those forms that are accompanied by a state of prostration and adynamia.

Clinically, we notice that Belladonna is most suitable for banal forms, and for those forms of erysipelas that are accompanied by renal complications or are manifested by extremely acute edema (with “violent” manifestations) Apis is most suitable. Finally, with a phlegmonous picture, one can think about prescribing Rhus toxicodendron, especially if there is a tendency to suppuration.


With the Rhus toxicodendron type, the skin is red and swollen, there are blisters - painful, itchy, with pain of greater or lesser intensity. The individual is agitated and always feels worse at night and in damp weather, as well as in winter, and not so much in dry frosty weather as in cold and damp weather.

What means (types) must be differentiated here? We can name two here: Petroleum and Mezereum.

Petroleum - exactly the same form of rash as with Rhus toxicodendron - blisters, but much smaller. In both types, the blisters contain a burning and irritating fluid that causes itching when it comes into contact with the skin. In the Petroleum type, yellowish crusts are formed, which are absent in the Rhus toxicodendron type. The patient feels much worse from the cold, so Petroleum type rashes are more likely to appear in winter than in summer. They are especially pronounced on the extremities, on the dorsum of the fingers, on the palmar surface or at the edges of the nails; There are also cracks on the hands.

Mezereum - Strictly speaking, it can be confused with Rhus toxicodendron, since in this type there is also leakage of fluid. At the beginning of the rash, bubbles form, but they soon form retractions in the form of a navel. Liquid begins to leak out and whitish or yellowish crusts form; under the latter you can find a thick yellowish liquid - thickened pus. Mezereum is good for treating infected eczema. At the same time, the subject experiences very burning pain, itching, and each vesicle appears surrounded by a very burning red halo.

Another type of remedy that might be considered, Croton tiglium, is characterized by extremely severe itching. With the slightest scratching or even a simple touch, the patient immediately feels relief. Nerve endings are particularly affected. And in this case, you can apply the treatment that was once put forward by Jean: quickly rub the blunt end of a pencil over the affected surface to reveal the gradual inhibition of the endings of the leg nerves. On the other hand, Croton tiglium exhibits an important characteristic: itching occurs mainly after eating. Rhus toxicodendron is not only an acute remedy - we find indications for it in acne, erythema nodosum, urticaria, and deforming rheumatism. Whenever Rhus toxicodendron is indicated, Causticum or Natrum sulphuricum (not forgetting Petroleum) should also be considered.