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Mastiff type dog. Mastiffs - characteristics and photos of the largest dog breeds. Features of training and education

Everyone has seen huge, proud dogs with kind eyes at least once in their life. These are mastiffs. Many people consider them aggressive and ferocious, but this is far from the case. Mastiffs often combine opposite qualities in their character. Over time, the breed became characterized by good nature and sensitivity. They are wonderful guards, but also incomparable devoted loving companions.

Breed characteristics: mastiff

Speaking about mastiffs, it is worth noting that there are varieties of this group of dogs. The most common of them are English, Spanish and Tibetan. We will talk about them further.

Dimensions: weight, height

Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this breed are very beautiful in appearance and have a powerful, solemn appearance. The skeleton is heavy, covered with developed muscles. Tibetan Mastiffs live 15-16 years. No particular attention was paid to the color of these dogs, but over time, a dominant genetic characteristic became noticeable - black fur with markings above the eyes, usually red. But there are other types of colors, for example, brown, gray, and others. The coat is long, the undercoat is soft (its intensity depends on climatic conditions). The coat itself is so good and does not require unnecessary care that even at exhibitions the mastiff is shown in its natural form.

The mastiff's body has an elongated shape. The height of a male is at least 66 centimeters, that of a female is 61 centimeters. The weight of both varies between 60-80 kilograms.

The mastiff's head is massive, strong, with a well-defined protrusion on the back of the head and the transition to the muzzle from the forehead. This makes the muzzle look wide. The eyes are deep-set, almond-shaped, and the color varies according to different areas of the skin. But also wide, the color of the nostrils may depend on the color of the coat. Strong jaws support the muzzle in a square shape. The ears are set high, hanging, but can also be raised. The gait of the English Mastiff is free and light, but at the same time quite stable and powerful. The tail is not very long and has a ball of fluffy fur on it.

Spanish Mastiff. He is calm and balanced. Life expectancy: 10-11 years. The height of a male is at least 77 centimeters, that of a female is at least 72. Weight: from 50 to 60 kilograms. The head has square shape, large in size, with a deep muzzle. The nose is black. Eyes may be brown or hazel. The coat is of medium length and can be fawn, wolf, red, black and red, brindle, white and red. The ears hang down and are raised at the base. The neck is short, the tail is thick at the base and can be raised. The character of the gait is free and elegant.

English Mastiff lives from 10 to 12 years. The height for both sexes is 70-76 centimeters at normal weight 80-86 kilograms of weight. The sizes of body parts are correlated in such a way as to create a harmonious appearance. The muzzle has a long shape, the head itself (skull) should be larger in width than in length. The nose is black and has wide nostrils. The jaw is characterized by flatness and breadth. The eyes are located relatively far from each other, diamond-shaped, dark in color. The ears are set high, with different actions, for example, listening, turn outward. The tail is mobile, set high. The English Mastiff moves easily and confidently.


Tibetan mastiff. The peculiarity, firstly, is a certain typicality and primitiveness of the breed. In addition, dogs of this breed do not always want to please the owner, for example, if he is led on a leash, he will still stretch wherever he wants. The behavior of the Tibetan Mastiff is more cat-like.

This dog is distinguished by its intelligence and ability to make its own decisions, so it copes well with the function of protecting property. At good upbringing becomes a companion, becomes attached to the family, and can show aggression when defending it.

Despite their high intelligence and ability to easily train, it is difficult to train mastiffs, since obedience and the desire to please are much less inherent in their character than in other breeds. But this is compensated and smoothed out by proper upbringing.

Spanish Mastiff. This breed is incredibly calm, combines the qualities of a good protector and true friend. With the family, exemplary behavior, without aggression, needs love, attention and care. Spanish Mastiffs exhibit a sense of self-esteem in their behavior. Unlike Tibetan mastiffs, they love to be praised, which is why they often try to please their owner. In addition, when guarding, Spanish mastiffs are highly vigilant and will never attack without warning. But often even a growl is not necessary, just the appearance of the dog is enough to understand its intentions immediately. These dogs, in addition, are wonderful, gentle and loving towards children and the elderly. If the Spanish Mastiff is brought up correctly and well, it will become a wonderful guard and friend.

In addition, this breed of mastiff very sensitively senses the mood and intentions of not only family members, but also strangers, so determining the safety of the situation will not be a problem for him. If a person with not the best intentions appears on the horizon, the pet’s behavior changes. All senses and protective properties are especially aggravated at night.

English Mastiff. They are often called gentle giants because with their large, almost enormous stature, this dog needs love and care almost as much as a human. One important point when training is that the dog is very sensitive to the emotions of others. Because of this, the owner's scream can greatly upset her. On the other hand, it can be difficult to cope with their stubbornness, but this should already be the skill of the owner - to find an approach, not to demand too much and to react calmly. Perhaps because of its sensitivity, the English Mastiff is somewhat reminiscent of a human. Dogs of this breed, like people, differ from each other. It goes without saying that character and behavior are influenced by conditions of detention, timely socialization, and upbringing. But these dogs also have congenital features character. For example, some individuals are calm, while others are simply full of energy.

These dogs are very good to keep in a home with children, they can even serve as a babysitter. Mastiffs do not show aggression and do not harm children. These dogs are not prone to bark frequently and without reason; they are usually calm and react normally to noisy environments. But the thought is that they are all phlegmatic and all they do is sleep and eat. But these are just stereotypes. But in fact, they are mobile, they even outrun a person when running, they just often do not prefer to make unnecessary movements.

The Mastiff is a great breed, whether Spanish, English, Tibetan or otherwise.

What to feed a mastiff

Mastiffs are large dogs and grow quickly, so it is important to feed them properly so as not to cause obesity. First about the puppies. Small growing individuals up to 4 months need to be fed 5 times a day, gradually reducing the number of meals with age. So, up to 6 months a puppy is fed 4 times, up to a year - 3 times, after - 2 times and in no case more. The diet should contain quite a lot of cottage cheese, especially for puppies (cottage cheese should be eaten every day). If your pet refuses to eat pure cottage cheese, don’t be lazy, make a casserole.

The mastiff should be fed with foods in which the average amount of protein does not exceed 25%, fat should be no more than 18%, with calcium, a good iodine content - about 5%. This is very important, since feeding, for example, a puppy food with a lot of protein will lead to a sharp increase in growth, and therefore to diseases of the joints and tendons. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is also not too much calcium. The amount of food consumed at a time should also not be too large, this will lead to obesity of the pet.

As for the calculations and ratios of products, they should be as follows: meat (0.5 ration), boiled rice (0.25), powdered milk (0.25), vitamins, mineral tablets. The number of the latter depends on their type and recommendations for use.

Total amount of feed per day for adult dog is calculated at the rate of 60 grams per 1 kilogram of dog weight. The meat should not be very fatty; it should be given to the pet raw, chopped into pieces. Don't forget about other important products.

The nutrition of a mastiff is the key to its health. A properly formulated diet and strict adherence to it will have good service your pet, and he will delight you with his love and devotion.

There are several types of mastiffs that have one common feature- wide mouth and hanging skin:

- reliable, calm dogs. They are not aggressive, but at the same time they are excellent watchdogs. Their health is usually excellent. Spanish Mastiffs require regular training for good physical development.

His appearance is quite impressive: he has thick, smooth, hard fur from blue-gray to red and even fawn. Mastino Napoletano's character is stern and phlegmatic. He treats strangers with distrust, while he simply adores his owner.

is rightfully considered the largest dog of all living on earth. So if you decide to purchase this breed, the first thing you need to think about is whether you have adequate housing for it.

called in French “Dogue de Bordeaux” (Dogue of Bordeaux), because This breed was first presented at an exhibition in Bordeaux in 1863. These are smart, noble and very self-confident dogs. By origin, the French Mastiff is a fighter and gladiator. Therefore, puppies of this breed with early age Aggression should not be encouraged.

The name of the breed - “Tosa-Inu” - consists of two words: “Tosa” - the name of the province where the breed was bred, and “Inu”, which means “dog” in Japanese. This is one of the most rare dogs in the world. It is a Japanese type of fighting dog. He fights like a samurai - fearlessly, steadfastly and silently. The Japanese Mastiff is stubborn by nature, so it is necessary to be persistent when training him.

are considered the best security guards in the whole world. They are gentle and devoted to their family members, and to to strangers very distrustful and even aggressive. No matter what happens, the Brazilian Mastiff will not leave you. Brazilians even have a saying: “Loyal as a fila.” Another unusual feature of the Phil is its graceful gait, like a cat.

- rock mastiffs, when breeding which, first of all, attention was paid to its working qualities. As a result, Tibetan Mastiffs turned out to be hardy, with a powerful body and strong muscles, as well as thick hair. Unlike other mastiffs, this breed is characterized by longevity - the Tibetan Mastiff can live up to 16 years.

was obtained by crossing bulldog-type dogs and mastiffs. This is perfect domestic dog: obedient, loving his master and children, obedient and not prone to dominance, silent and quickly learns commands.

In general, mastiffs are very interesting dogs, remarkable not only for their size and appearance, but also for their character traits. And the main thing is that among them you can choose the variety that is most suitable for you.

Much loved by many people who prefer massive dogs. This dog breed has well-developed muscles, a wide chest and back, short hair and a wide variety of colors. There are many types of mastiffs, and some of them are popular among guard dog lovers. In this article we will talk about the main types of mastiff: English, Brazilian, Neapolitan, Spanish, Tibetan, Bullmastiff, Japanese and French.


The Mastiff, whose species is attributed to the coasts of Foggy Albion, still has some distinctive characteristics spirit of the British Isles. Reliability, confidence, patience, pride and courage - all these qualities can be attributed to the character of our English representative of this breed.

Immunity to anger should not be considered laziness, since the English Mastiff can give out a flash of rage that will result in tragedy for the offender. The participation of such a dog in exhibitions may not bring pleasure to both the owner and the dog. Mastiffs of the English type do not like shows, and tolerate them, probably, only for the sake of their owner, to whom they are devoted. And devotion in this type of dog is developed at a high level.

Important! The purebred English Mastiff has a head length to width ratio of 3:2.

English mastiffs are very good-natured dogs. Many English Mastiff owners say that their pets will never harm other animals or people. This is why you don’t need to lock your dog in another room when you have guests. The English Mastiff enjoys the company of its family members and will proudly protect them.
In addition, no burglar will dare to break into your house. It is difficult to say whether the dog will rush at the robbers, but it is unlikely that they will cross the threshold of your house, since when they see the threatening size of the mastiff, the thieves’ instinct of self-preservation will definitely come into play. By the way, dogs of this breed are very obedient, and training them is not so difficult. Probably, at the subconscious level, they feel that, thanks to their majestic size, they already remain kings among domestic animals.

The English dog looks quite harmonious and proportionally built. In purebred dog breeds, the length of the head is 34% of the height at the withers, and the length of the body is 12% greater than this same length. The dog's coat is not very hard; there are pronounced folds on the muzzle. Experts believe that purebred English mastiffs have certain standards for head shape, by which purebredness is determined.

The muzzle is short, and from the foreground it resembles a square plane. The nose should not be depressed, but it should not protrude above the lip. The jaw is dense and wide, arched.
This breed has well-developed teeth and bite, so the English dog's grip is very powerful. The eyes are small, widely spaced opposite each other, diamond-shaped and dark. The ears are set far apart and hang along the cheeks. When the dog begins to listen, the ears rise slightly.

The chest and back are unusually broad and muscular. Very well developed rib cage, so the lung capacity is also large. The tail is wide and set high. The dog moves evenly and confidently, but due to the large muscle mass, the impression of unbalanced movement is created. Recently, scientists have begun to conduct experiments on connecting English Mastiff lines with others.

Main result- improved gait and movement while running. It should also be noted that the above breed standard (characteristics of the body, head, color, tail, muscles, etc.) can be applied to almost all types of mastiff.


One of the varieties of mastiffs is the Brazilian, or as it is also called, the Brazilian Fila. This dog breed has incredible physical characteristics. She will be an excellent guard for any security company. The Brazilian Fila is loyal and arrogant, showing pronounced aggression towards strangers. Loyal to the owner if he treats him with respect and is obedient when carrying out various commands.

Did you know? Scientists believe that all modern subspecies of the mastiff descended from the Tibetan species of this breed.

The body type of the Brazilian Fille is very similar to the English variety of this dog. The back and chest are still as wide, having a huge muscle mass. The ears are drooping and there are wrinkles on the muzzle. The head is wide, the eyes are small, spaced in one line. The Brazilian Fil is thick skinned and strong tail, which widens at the base.

Color this dog has shades of yellow, brindle, ash, and sometimes dark walnut color. The coat is short and dense, and there may be a black mask on the muzzle. Sometimes there are Brazilian fillies with a purely black color (there may also be white spots on the chest and paws).
The dog's gait resembles that of a camel (the paws on one side move synchronously). Thanks to this step, the Brazilian Fila can cover long distances while expending a minimal amount of energy.

The character of Brazilian mastiffs is very aggressive, but it only manifests itself in relation to strangers. That is why this breed of dog was banned from domestication in some countries. She will defend her territory from strangers to the last, so it is advisable to use the Brazilian Fila in the territories of military warehouses and secret organizations.

But the wolf character does not mean that this dog may show aggression towards the owner. Quite the contrary, she is very sensitive, affectionate and gentle towards close people. In the house she behaves like a cat and will never harm your children. The Fil Brasil is able to tolerate children, walk with them and protect them from other aggressive animals.


The Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Neapolitano is an Italian variety of this dog breed. As they say historical information, it was Mastino Neapolitan that Alexander the Great loved very much, who used it in battles against his sworn enemies. The Romans have long used Mastino Neapolitan for hunting bears and bulls, so this breed It is considered a fighting and hunting animal. Until the outbreak of World War II, it was not recognized in the world, and only after 1945 the Neapolitan Mastiff began to be bred throughout Western Europe.

The breed standard is not much different from other varieties of mastiff. Mastinos often have a black or brindle coat color. They move the same way as other representatives of the breed (there are obvious problems with navigation).
However, the Neapolitan dog is an excellent defender and guard of any territory. He, like the Brazilian Fila, will not allow a stranger into his territory, but the Mastino always shows kindness and affection towards its owner. A properly trained Mastino will not harm other animals in the yard and will constantly play with children.

The Neapolitan Mastino is easy to handle, so the owners do not have any problems with the dog. At the sight of guests, this dog may be slightly wary, but as soon as he feels that there is no danger for him, he will immediately retreat and will no longer pay attention to the guest. The most important thing is not to tease and under no circumstances hit the mastino., since it strong character can give a violent reaction at the most inopportune moment.
It is also important to note that the Mastino should not be kept on a chain, as this will make him angry, and aggression can spill out even on the owner. Neapolitan Mastiffs are free and proud dogs, loving goodness from the owner, in turn answering him in kind.


Homeland spanish mastiff The mountainous regions of Extremadura are considered. It was here that these dogs were hunters and protectors of agricultural land 300 or more years ago. Spanish Mastiffs were used as fighting dogs, they could often defeat a wild boar, and even a bear, alone. At the moment, the Spanish type of dog is used in security activities. In 1982, the breed standard was approved.

The Mastiff from Extremadura is one of the. With its impressive height (about 80 cm), it weighs up to 90 kg. Today, perhaps, it is no longer possible to find such dogs among the herd of cows on Spanish territory, since they have begun to be used less and less as guards of the herd. However, on large estates of aristocrats, Spanish mastiffs can proudly strut across the lawn, guarding the territory.

Nature has awarded this breed of dogs with high intelligence and stable psyche. Spanish Mastiffs are easy to train and listen to their owner, but forceful training methods are not applicable to them. Such dogs love space and large territories, so it is better to keep them in a country house and walk them in the vast fields. This dog, although it looks very serious and strict, still needs the love of its owner. His weight is directly proportional to his kindness and affection towards his owner; the dog is very loyal and is ready at any second to give his life for the members of his family.

However, the breed standard and characteristics of the Spanish Mastiff differ little from the characteristics of other dogs of this breed. has the same huge and proportional body, large muscles, wrinkles on the muzzle, a wide and powerful chest and back, a strong tail and short hair.


(Tibetan Great Dane, Do-hi) - has a predominantly black coat color with red tan markings. Looks like a majestic huge lion or a proud fluffy bear. It is believed that the larger the Do-hi at the withers, the more valuable it is. However, the breed standard for the “Tibetan” remains almost the same as for the other representatives described above.

The character of the Tibetan Great Dane is very persistent, however, in the East there are many legends that this beast supposedly crushed many opponents, and alone. This is probably why Do-hee is great watchdog. Moreover, he will never attack a stranger who does not have evil intentions. As the owners of Tibetan Great Danes say, their dogs can sense the bad intentions of a stranger at the subconscious level, and then the latter will definitely not be saved.

Did you know?$1,500,000 is the amount a Chinese coal magnate paid for a real purebred Tibetan mastiff puppy.

There are two varieties of Tibetan Great Danes: some are trained for subsequent show classes and in China are called Tsang-hi, and others are trained specifically for security work (in China these are called Do-hi). There are practically no differences between them, only Tsang-hi is bred specifically for show classes, and he has kindness and calmness at the genetic level. In addition, show-class dogs are expensive and rare, and therefore give their owner a special status.

The health of the Tibetan Dane is quite strong, and some representatives can live up to 15-17 years. There is a line of Tibetan mastiff that is called aboriginal. This line of dogs practically does not suffer from all sorts of diseases, in addition, the aboriginal line of mastiff lives on average about 16 years, while average duration The lifespan of an English Mastiff is only 11 years.

Bullmastiffs rarely show excessive activity, and even bark without much important reason they won't. These dogs only bark when they or their territory is threatened. Moreover, in such cases, bullmastiffs bark very loudly. These dogs do not get along well with other animals (especially other dog breeds) and can often attack them. However, it doesn’t matter, there are special courses socialization, where dogs are made less aggressive towards the people and animals around them. But then the dog’s guard abilities will deteriorate, so the final choice remains with the owner.
Bullmastiffs first appeared in England in the 19th century. This dog breed was developed as a cross between a mastiff and a bulldog. After half a century, bullmastiffs found themselves in the United States, where they began to be actively used to protect various objects. It is known that bullmastiffs were guards of diamond mines in South Africa, and also appeared in the film “Rocky” as watchdogs.

Bullmastiffs have short fur, often colored dark brown or red. This type of coat does not allow dogs to be kept in conditions extreme cold(Siberia, Alaska, etc.). The muzzle is black, wrinkled, and because of the folds, the dog often drools from his mouth. Bullmastiffs are distinguished by their relatively small size in relation to their brothers in the breed. However, they have strong muscles that are perfectly visible from any position, since dogs have short hair.
One well-known Matsiff lover, who created breed standards, once said that Bullmastiffs are flexible, like gymnasts, but not very massive. But flexibility gives such dogs even higher guard qualities, because when chased, it will be difficult to escape from a bullmastiff (unlike other representatives of the Mastiff breed, bullmastiffs run quite fast due to their flexibility). Moreover, such dogs have a huge square head and a powerful jaw; having grabbed the sleeve of an intruder, the dog will never let him go (only at the command of the owner).

What is a dog's temperament? It’s very simple, some dog handlers and dog breeders determine the dog’s temperament according to its behavior. Judging in this way, the bullmastiff is phlegmatic, but 10% of choleric also exists in it (and at the sight of a stranger with bad intentions, the bullmastiff becomes completely sanguine).
This type of mastiff is quite calm, slow and balanced in a calm environment, but if a cat runs nearby, the unsocialized dog immediately becomes aggressive and violent. The dog treats the owner and his children affectionately and with kindness. In addition, bullmastiffs are very loyal and will fight for their owner to the last.


The Japanese mastiff on the coasts of the Land of the Rising Sun is usually called Tosa Inu. It was here that the method of selection was developed this type fighting dogs. Until the early 19th century, there were no decent dogs in Japan. Any Japanese dog lost fights easily Western dogs. Thus, American and European dog breeders offended the honor of the samurai, and they began to look for ways to breed a completely new and ideal fighting dog.

Important!Tosa Inu and Great Dane are predisposed to certain forms of cancer.

Soon on one of Japanese islands breeders bred a dog that they named Tosa Inu. A few years later, the fame of how powerful such a dog was spread throughout Japan and beyond. Tosa Inu has Matsif, Great Dane, Pointer and even Bloodhound genes. Each genetic chain contributed to a new breed of dog, and today the Tosa Inu is famous for its courage, strength, agility, fearlessness, as well as good searching qualities.

Such dogs are used only for performances in fights, and in different weight categories (that’s why breeders bred dogs with different weights). Guests from Japan are practically not used as pets, except in the estates of aristocrats, where they need reliable security guard, capable of “breaking” every evil stranger.

Average weight Dogs of this breed weigh about 70 kg. Previously, there were individuals that weighed more than 100 kg, but after World War II they completely disappeared, and breeders never restored them. The Tosa Inu's height varies from 65 to 80 cm. Such dogs are distinguished by a single color throughout their entire coat (only small spots on the chest are allowed).
Like all representatives of the Mastiff breed, Tosa Inu has a gentle character. Such dogs are affectionate and kind to their owners, and can play with children for days on end. However, Tosa Inu has a completely opposite reaction to strangers. In addition, due to the genes of sniffer dogs, the Japanese Mastiff is often used by intelligence agencies for various search operations.


The French Mastiff or Dogue de Bordeaux is an ancient type of dog, which since ancient times has protected the huts of butchers and lumberjacks from the attacks of wild animals or robbers. The Dogue de Bordeaux is often compared to the Neapolitan Mastino, and some even claim that the French version of the Mastiff originated from the Neapolitan. Dogues de Bordeaux, like the Spanish and Neapolitan dogs, were often used to guard and hunt large wild animals. Today the dog, originally from France, is often used in dog fights, as it has large and strong muscles and good agility.
Externally, the French Dogue resembles a bulldog, however, the first one is a little bigger size. The breed standard is not much different from the Bullmastiff and other representatives of the Mastiff breed. The Dogue de Bordeaux has a short coat and can be colored in all shades of red. The purebred nature of the breed allows for the presence of a small white spot on the chest (spots on the neck or head indicate that the breed is not purebred).

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a brave, serious, calm and intelligent dog who is very devoted to his owner. He barks little, often doing this only in the most necessary situations. Since the dog is a watchdog, it will immediately attack strangers who come to its territory. However, with children and the owner, the Dogue de Bordeaux is affectionate and soft. He also accepts other animals, including dogs, if he grows up with them from an early age.

The French Mastiff has a terrifying appearance and without proper social learning may behave aggressively. You can keep her in close quarters, but in this case you need to walk her often. The Dogue de Bordeaux, like the English Mastiff, loves space and a lot of freedom; he must feel his omnipotence over other animals. In this case, the dog will remain kind and affectionate.
Finally, I would like to note that this article does not describe all types of mastiffs that can be found in modern world. Breeders are constantly trying to create dogs that will have all the qualities best breeds. However, the eight types of dogs of this breed that we have described are among the most popular in the world among hunters, guards and people involved in dog fighting.

In cynology there is such a thing as ancient breeds. Such dogs differ least from their common ancestor - the wolf. Worldwide 14 breeds belong to the ancients and one of them is the mastiff. menacing dog attracts attention and interest, experiencing a new wave of popularity. Today there are three known mastiffs: English, Tibetan and Neapolitan.

A representative of this breed holds records in the categories “Heaviest Dog” and “Longest Dog”. The length of Zorba (the record holder's nickname) from the tip of the tail to the nose was 251 cm, and the weight at the peak level reached 156 kg.

Temperament and character

English mastiffs cannot be called playful; they have calm and balanced character, which matches the sizes. They are wary of strangers, but without aggression, unless the person's intentions seem threatening. They are also not known for their tendency to loud howls and unjustified barking.

Representatives of the breed do not like quarrels between family members and can stand between quarreling spouses in the hope of stopping the quarrel. Despite his threatening appearance, the dog is quite sensitive to external factors. Even children should not be allowed to treat a puppy rudely, as this can lead to an adult animal being either fearful or overly aggressive.

This breed good with children, but not too small. It is worth remembering that this is not a horse, you should not ride children on the back of a dog. They are also tolerant of other animals in the house, but if you want to have a second dog, then it is better to make a choice in favor of an individual of the opposite sex.

English mastiff is not the best suitable breed for older people, although they do not require long walks and exhausting physical activity. However, here need a strong hand and quite deep socialization. A well-trained dog will become a wonderful friend and family member.

Few breeders would recommend this breed as a first pet. Need at least little experience in interaction with dogs to cope with this serious dog.

There is an opinion that it is better to keep small dogs at home than large ones. Believe me, the mastiff easily adapts to home living conditions, despite its impressive dimensions.

They can be safely left at home alone - mastiffs tolerate loneliness well, although they prefer to be surrounded by family. Make sure your dog has some toys, otherwise his activities can be destructive. They love to chew anything that is bad.

Representatives of the breed tolerate cool climates, but sensitive to heat.They may overheat and suffer heatstroke.

The animal's coat does not require any special care, but this breed sheds heavily.
When trained, mastiffs respond best to praise and a positive attitude.

For these dogs, a couple of half-hour walks a day is enough; they are not adapted to fast running. Puppies, like all canine children, are very playful and noisy, but it is better not to let them run fast and be careful about jumping until they are 1.5 years old. This is the age of physical maturity of the breed.

You need to feed your pet twice a day, and not leave food in a bowl all the time, then it will remain in good shape. Water should always be available; mastiffs drink a lot.

Major diseases

Mastiffs are dogs with short term lives, on average live up to 10 years, but there are cases when they survived up to 18 years old.

List of diseases to which they are especially susceptible:

  • Hip dysplasia. Refers to hereditary diseases. Therefore, when purchasing a dog, you need to ask the breeder for the results of a test for hip dysplasia. Individuals with this disease are not allowed to divorce. The disease can be aggravated by external factors.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy. The disease leads to blindness, but even a blind dog can live happy life thanks to other senses.
  • Bloating. Big dogs those with deep-set breasts may experience bloating due to large quantity food and activity after a hearty lunch. They are unable to regurgitate excess air, causing blood flow to the heart to be obstructed. The pressure drops and the dog may fall into state of shock. To get help, you should definitely consult a doctor.

There are several specialized nurseries and clubs in Russia; it is better to contact reputable breeders so as not to become the owner of a puppy with a hereditary disease or breed defect.

Puppy price: 40-100 thousand rubles.

Neapolitan Mastiff

This Italian variety of the breed, which has established itself as a reliable guard and protector of family and home. Its impressive size and menacing appearance allowed this breed to star in the role of Fang (Hagrid's dog) in the Harry Potter film series.

Temperament and character

A fearless dog, distinguished by an enviable intelligence and desire for independence. Slow and measured in their actions. The Neapolitan Mastiff loves his family, but shows a strong character and strong willpower.

If the owner himself invites the guest to the house, then the Mastino treats him friendly, with the slightest sign disrespect for the owner can make you wary and even show aggression. If the owners are not at home, then at any cost they will not allow strangers to enter the territory that they consider to be their area of ​​responsibility.

Neapolitans are absolutely doesn't fit people who have never owned dogs before, as well as families with small children. These giants are not always aware of their strength and size and may unintentionally harm a child. They are playful with older children, but tend to be overprotective; for example, they can begin to seriously protect children from their family when they jokingly fight with friends.

The best place to keep mastino is house with its own yard.

Training needs to start as early as possible and be firm. The dog appreciates food rewards and praise. It is important to maintain a positive attitude during training.

The puppy does not need to be overloaded with long walks to avoid joint overstrain. Due to its sensitivity to heat, it is best to walk your Neapolitan Mastiff early in the morning and in the evening after sunset.

Representatives of the breed drink a lot of water, so you need to fill the bowl on time.

Folds on the muzzle dogs should become an object special attention owner, they need to be cleaned regularly and ensure that they do not rot.

Major diseases

Neapolitan Mastiffs live on average 8-10 years, but with proper care they can be long-lived.

There are a number of diseases to which they are susceptible:

  • Hip dysplasia and elbow joints. Very typical hereditary disease for dogs of large breeds.
  • Adenoma of the third century. It looks like severe redness in the corner of the eye and can be removed surgically.
  • Cardiomyopathy. With this disease, the pulse rate increases significantly, the dog may become lethargic, lose appetite and weight, and experience difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, the disease is incurable, but with the help of diet and medication its development can be slowed down.
  • Skin problems, especially in the area of ​​folds on the face.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

The dog was very popular in Russia in the 90s, and then a pool of kennels and breeders was formed.

Puppy price: 50-60 thousand rubles.

In the Celestial Empire, these are almost divine dogs. Recently there was news all over the world that a puppy of this breed was purchased in China for $1.5 million. The buyer chose to remain anonymous. The previous record holder in terms of cost cost a Chinese businesswoman $500 thousand. At the moment, the Tibetan Mastiff is officially considered.

Temperament and character

They were originally bred in China, India and Nepal to protect sheep from leopards. Reliable security guards, thanks to their size, they inspired fear and respect in the uninvited guest. The Tibetan Mastiff has a strong and independent character.

It is believed that representatives of the breed understand people very well, as they have lived side by side with them for thousands of years. But they are quite stubborn and may not obey, if you are sure that you are right. Tibetans are also sensitive to violations of the borders of their territory.

They show friendliness towards regular guests of the house, but do not accept familiarity. This breed is not very suitable for hospitable people who have new people at home every day.

This breed is absolutely not suitable for beginners in dog breeding, as well as those who do not have time to socialize their pet. They need a firm hand and persistent training. You need to establish your leadership over the dog from the very beginning.

Not suitable for families with children, since he is sensitive to sounds, he may confuse joyful screaming and crying with a sign of aggression towards himself. He gets along with other animals if he grew up next to them.

Care and maintenance

This is not a dog for apartment living, but for a country house. Tibetan Mastiffs rarely bark in the house, but if left outside at night, they often bark until dawn, so it is better to take them indoors at night.

Because they are shaggy, they need careful grooming. They cannot tolerate heat and drink a lot of water.

Those who are planning to get this dog need to be sure that they can socialize the pet and resist its stubbornness.

Neapolitan Mastiffs are excellent guards in the territories that are provided to them for protection, and protectors of people. Sometimes some people may misjudge their appearance, which is very calm and even somewhat melancholic if the dog does not see danger around.

The mastiff looks like a large, good-natured dog who is not bothered by anything, but if you try to pose a threat to his owner, to whom mastiffs are incredibly devoted, the dog will immediately become an angry beast that knows no mercy. As for the history of these dogs, it is very old and exciting. Mastiffs demonstrated their strength during gladiator fights, not being afraid of lions, bears and other larger animals.

Breed appearance and character

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large breed of dog that can reach a height of 75 cm, this is especially true for males. As for weight, a male can reach 70 kg, and a female can reach up to 60 kg. Dogs of this breed have abundantly hanging skin over the entire body area, there are many folds on the muzzle, and a massive dewlap is visible in the area of ​​the belly and neck. All this visually increases the appearance of mastino and adds aggressiveness to it.

The back of the dogs is muscular, and the overall body length is usually 10-15 percent greater than the height at the withers. The head is massive and short, and the neck is muscular and strong. The muscles are generally well developed, the paws are powerful and look proportional. The tail of dogs of this breed is saber-shaped and is usually not docked. The mastiff's coat is short and has no feathering, and males usually have a coarser coat. The shades of the Neapolitan Mastiff's coat can vary from black and brindle to blue and dark gray. Sometimes there may be white marks on the limbs.

The list of the most striking character traits includes the following:

  1. Friendliness.
  2. Loyalty - the dog is attached to the family in which it lives.
  3. Calm character, lack of aggression - the dog of this breed is very reasonable.
  4. The desire to protect the owners and the house - the dog will always protect the owner and will not allow anyone to offend him.
  5. Laziness and leisureliness - the dog sometimes rests for too long, and it is difficult to force him to exercise.
  6. Need for socialization.
  7. Some sloppiness and awkwardness.

History of the development of the breed

The Neapolitan Mastiff has a high intelligence, is phlegmatic and calm, and often does not outwardly demonstrate the feelings he experiences. One way or another, many long-time owners of these dogs talk about their extraordinary devotion and love for their owner; the mastiff is able to enter into battle with anyone who threatens the health and life of their comrade. Dogs of the breed rarely speak, and even in a critical situation the mastiff is used to acting quickly. Mastiff owners often note that before letting a guest into the house, the Neapolitan Mastiff will carefully and thoroughly examine the person and sniff him. And only if the stranger inspires trust in the dog, will he be allowed to cross the threshold of the apartment.

An interesting fact is that, despite all the affection and excessive love for the owner, the mastiff has a partly selfish character, often feeling jealous. For this reason, it is not recommended to have such a dog in a family where there are children or many other pets. Such dogs try to give themselves completely to their owner and his peace of mind, therefore they want to receive a corresponding return in their direction. It rarely happens that a mastiff will intentionally harm someone in the household, but large dimensions, errors in upbringing and a number of character traits can lead to harm to health. In addition, such dogs are unlikely to forgive serious betrayal of their owner, so it is worth carefully weighing the pros and cons before getting such a dog. The Mastiff chooses a leader once and for all time.

Mastiff care and maintenance

Considering the large size and massiveness of the mastiff, we can conclude that it is advisable to keep them in private houses located outside the city. But in reality, it often happens that dogs live in a city apartment. One way or another, the dog should have its own corner in which it will feel quite at ease.

  1. It is necessary to choose a bedding that is not very hard, but not too soft, otherwise the dog’s bones may become deformed, and a bedding that is too hard will leave unpleasant marks and bald patches on the short coat.
  2. The mastiff's place should have bowls for food and water, a variety of toys (which should be larger than the dog's mouth).
  3. If the dog is kept in an apartment, then it is necessary to walk it at least twice a day. At the same time, it is rare that a mastiff likes long and active walks, so the owner will not be exhausted after a calm and measured walk. In addition, the Neapolitan Mastiff has a negative attitude towards the summer heat, while loving to doze off in the fresh air.
  4. Most often, this breed does not result in major problems and troubles for the owner due to its short coat. In order to increase the dog's blood circulation, clean the coat and get rid of excess fallen hairs, the dog will need to be brushed no more than a couple of times a week.
  5. Such dogs have many skin folds Therefore, without hygiene and improper care, the dog may suffer from infection and irritation. This is important to consider. The areas near the eyes should be kept as clean as possible, and care should be taken to ensure that no pathological discharge. But it is not recommended to expose the dog too often water procedures, it would be better to inspect the folds on the body after eating and walking, wipe them, removing all particles of dirt, food and saliva. At the end of the walk, it is necessary to wash the mastiff’s paws, and it is necessary to bathe thoroughly, using all means, about four times during the year.
  6. There should always be a container filled with food near the dog's place. clean water, and it is recommended to expose the bowl of food to the dog for 20-30 minutes, and then remove and wash it.

Increased salivation is typical for dogs of this breed, and you should also not worry if the mastiff is breathing heavily and snorting. However, this can become a small problem when Mastino lives in a small city apartment.

Sometimes owners of animals of this breed are mistaken, believing that the large size of dogs is invariably associated with an exorbitant appetite. However, overfeeding a mastiff is strictly prohibited, otherwise it may result in obesity.

The process of education and training

A person who is fully training a mastiff must have unconditional dominance over this dog. The character of the mastiff is not devoid of pressure and perseverance, and the dog has an excellent memory. It is for this reason that it is strictly forbidden to scold and reproach the dog for any mistakes it makes when following commands. It should be remembered that in the blood of the Neapolitan Mastiff there is already a desire to protect the owner and protect their home, therefore, with the right and not overly strict approach, the Neapolitan Mastiff will certainly acquire the necessary skills and begin to obey commands.

With daily exercise with the dog, the mastiff can become obedient dog, who understands perfectly well that she needs to do everything that her owner orders her to do. At the same time, it is important to repeat again that training should be done by a person whom the mastiff can trust. Among the character traits that can make the mastiff's training process somewhat more difficult is its slowness, and the mastiff often gets tired if it takes a long time to learn commands. It is worth understanding that constant fatigue will lead to the dog developing a certain dislike for following all commands in the future.

A number of Neapolitan Mastiff owners, unfortunately, believe that it is quite normal to walk their pet without putting a leash or even a muzzle on it. Sometimes they deliberately teach the mastiff even in puppyhood attack small animals and even people. Such misbehavior is truly criminal and will most often end up sad consequences. A mastiff, being incorrectly trained and therefore not particularly controllable, despite its natural calmness, can become a large and dangerous monster.

Neapolitan Mastiff Health

Most often, a mastiff can suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Dysplasia hip joint, which can then turn into osteoarthritis.
  2. Myopathy of the heart muscle (known to be caused by birth defects heart, but sometimes is a consequence of a number of infectious and bacterial diseases, often affecting older dogs).
  3. Infections skin(caused by ticks, injuries, fleas or staphylococcus).

Breed cost and reviews

Buying a Neapolitan Mastino is quite simple; the dogs have been in demand and popular in Russia since the middle of the last century. The main peak of interest in mastiffs occurred at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and nowadays these dogs cannot be found everywhere, but the breed is still relevant.

The cost of a Neapolitan mastiff in Russia can vary unusually from 20 thousand rubles to 60 or more. Of course, a puppy born with an amazing pedigree and titled parents will be very expensive. But even in the list of dogs of this breed that do not have an amazing heritage, there are often puppies that are not inferior in appearance to more purebred ones.

As for reviews of Neapolitan Mastiffs, it is incredibly difficult to find a negative response. And this is surprising, since dogs of this breed have difficult character and a peculiar appearance that requires a lot of care. Despite all this, everywhere you can find only positive reviews about animals, not only in separate groups in social networks, but also on special Internet forums where dog lovers communicate.

  1. The real miracle is the very history of the emergence of such extraordinary dogs, which is shrouded in centuries-old mysteries. Often, drawings depicting a mastiff can be found on ancient bas-reliefs or in books that have managed to survive the effects of time. Surely, any owner of a Neapolitan Mastiff will easily tell more than one entertaining story about his pet. Every owner of a dog of this breed speaks of them warmly, calling them a large, loyal companion who can easily protect even a baby.
  2. In 2004, an extraordinary event occurred - Hercules, a Neapolitan mastiff, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He had an unusually large weight (128 kilograms). At that time he was the largest dog in the world in general, among all existing breeds. During his daily meal, the dog ate over one and a half kilograms of dry food, and in addition to this, one kilogram of meat. This is incredible, considering that Hercules weighed twice as much as the average mastiff.

Video: Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed