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Activated charcoal for dogs with diarrhea: purpose, dosage. Activated charcoal for dogs: can it be given and how can it be given? Can a dog be given activated charcoal?

If a puppy’s diarrhea is presumably due to a cause, then it is necessary to give him some kind of adsorbent so that it removes toxins from the body. Activated carbon is perfect, as it has virtually no contraindications, and young pets are never allergic to it.

Activated carbon It has the appearance of a black fine-grained powder without taste or odor; at the micro level it is a porous substance. Usually sold in the form of compressed carbon tablets weighing 250 milligrams, 10 pieces per package. Composed entirely of carbon, which is extracted from coal, various types coke, but more often the starting material is wood pulp, which is heated to 900oC, and then washed and activated by blowing with steam or strong acids.

Due to its high porosity, a gram of the substance has a surface area of ​​1000 m², that is, 50 grams of activated carbon has a surface area of equal to the area 10 football fields. Because of this property, activated carbon is effective as an adsorbent medical product. Has a high tendency to chemical reactions. Oxidized by oxygen carbon dioxide and ozone (O3).

Mechanism of action

Adsorbs on its surface majority chemical substances, thereby reducing their absorption into the bloodstream from the intestine. Adsorption (not to be confused with absorption) is based on the chemical binding of the toxin to the pores in the activated carbon, which are filled with liquid.

Read also: Vaccination against rabies in dogs

The effectiveness of the drug (adsorption rate) depends on:

  • the rate of absorption of the toxin into the blood;
  • pH value of the environment;
  • volume ratio of activated carbon and toxin;
  • the presence of undigested food residues in the stomach and intestines;
  • the ratio of the mass of activated carbon to the body weight of the animal;
  • kind of animal;
  • the time the drug enters the body after the onset of symptoms of poisoning.

Important! It is worth noting that the adsorption mechanism is a reversible process. Once the toxins are bound, they need to be removed from the body. If the carbon-toxin complex remains in the gastrointestinal tract for too long, it can be destroyed (desorption occurs). As a result, the toxin enters the intestinal lumen and is absorbed into the blood.

When eliminating intoxication, the dose of charcoal can be calculated based on the amount of toxins. The carbon-toxin ratio is 10:1. However, in case of poisoning with substances that participate in enterohepatic recirculation, several doses of activated carbon must be administered.

Such connections include:

  • digitoxin;
  • digoxin;
  • nortriptyline;
  • theophylline;
  • phenobarbital;
  • phenytoin.

The enterohepatic recirculation process is a closed circular process.

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: the drug belongs to the group of sorbents and is a physicochemical antidote. Coal undergoes special preparation, which increases its surface area many times, so the drug has a powerful adsorbing ability. Activated carbon “takes on” alkaloids, drugs, gases, salts heavy metals, barbiturates, toxins secreted by microorganisms, and many other chemical compounds, thereby preventing them from entering the bloodstream. Less effectively adsorbs alkalis and acids, such as cyanides, ethylene glycol, etc. The medicine is absolutely non-toxic, it is excreted from the body unchanged through the intestines 8–10 hours after administration, turning the stool black.

For whom: can be used in all domestic and farm animals and birds for diarrhea, flatulence, increased acidity gastric contents and other digestive disorders. Used for liver diseases, allergic dermatitis, infectious diseases(salmonellosis, etc.), food and household poisoning. It is prescribed to animals that have identified processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Leave form: The drug is available in tablets of 250, 320 and 500 mg. They are porous and black. Manufacturers pack them in paper blister packs of 10 pieces, in carton boxes 20, 40, 100 pieces, in plastic bags of 1000–6000 pieces. Each product unit is necessarily marked with the name of the drug, the date of its manufacture, series and expiration date, as well as the name of the manufacturer, its trademark, legal address etc.

Dosage: The tablets can be given to animals whole or crushed into powder. For greater effectiveness, the powder can be mixed with water and the resulting suspension can be fed to the animal. The single dose depends on the type of animal. For large cattle take 50–200 g of coal per individual, for sheep – 10–50 g, for horses – 20–150 g, for pigs – 5–10 g, for cats – 0.2–2 g, for chickens – 0.2 –1 g, for dogs – 0.5–2 g. Frequency of taking the drug – up to 4 times a day. If poisoning occurs, charcoal should be given immediately upon diagnosis or as soon as possible. short term after poisoning.

Restrictions: the drug is contraindicated in animals diagnosed with gastric bleeding, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, or sorbent intolerance. It should be remembered that activated carbon turns animal feces black.

Reviews about “Activated carbon (tablets) for dogs and cats”:

Thank you for the article. I needed a dosage, and I got even more.

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Except everyone known treatment in case of poisoning of cats, dogs and other living creatures, activated carbon is used as a prophylactic agent. I read that some people give their pets a tablet after a walk (of course, I doubt that one tablet will help with actual poisoning, but still...), but we used activated carbon for other purposes.
My grandmother always added coal to the chickens' food (starting with the young). The bird gets sick less often (tested over the years) and, as they say in the veterinary hospital, the meat of such chickens will be better and cleaner, because they were raised for the family!
We ground the tablets into powder and mixed them with feed (about 2 packs, that's 20 tablets per 1 kg of feed). This was enough for the chickens; they were clean and fluffy (as you know, chicks are most susceptible to intestinal diseases and diarrhea - the first sign of frailty and “not longevity”).
Coal cost (and still costs) pennies.

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I give activated carbon in tablets to my animals periodically in case of poisoning - both as prescribed by a doctor and independently.

These tablets are quite large, big enough for a cat's throat. Animals have difficulty swallowing them - the medicine is made without a shell and slightly clings to the mucous membrane during swallowing (tested on myself).

Of course, in serious cases, activated carbon alone cannot be used, but in milder cases, animals can easily do without this carbon.

IN last time I had to give it in combination with other medications to a cat when she couldn’t really eat for several days. As it turned out later, there was vinegar poisoning. The animal walked on the freshly treated surface, licked off some of the substance and then could not recover for a long time.

At serious symptoms poisoning in an animal, I still recommend consulting a doctor, because activated charcoal alone will not help the animal. And with a set of medications on your own, you may not be able to guess what will only worsen the course of the disease.

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If you have a dog, then you know the feeling that I experience every time on a walk if my little dog returns from the bushes happily slurping something. Since I have no idea what he ate, and I want to somehow protect my animal, in such situations I give him Activated Charcoal. This is a very old absorbent that has been tested for decades, so I don’t have a shadow of doubt about its safety. I also give activated charcoal to animals if they suddenly develop diarrhea. As a rule, if you correctly calculate the dosage by weight, it is enough to give them this drug two or three times.
When my dog ​​was still a puppy, he ate some scattered poison and Activated Charcoal also became part of the comprehensive treatment.
In addition to my dog, my cats also received this drug a couple of times. I gave it to my cat once when he was not even six months old, and he was poisoned by spoiled canned food. Coal contributed the most rapid elimination toxins and soon after starting to take the drug, an improvement in the condition was noted.
So, coal is inexpensive and effective remedy, which we always have at hand.

Proper and regular nutrition, timely vaccinations and, of course, attention. Here's the deposit good health any pet. Caring owner understands this perfectly. And if something in the pet’s behavior or condition has changed for the worse, he immediately asks the question: how to correct what happened? What medications should I use? Is it possible to give a dog or cat what you use to treat yourself?

In this article we will talk in detail about whether dogs are given activated charcoal. And if so, in what situations and doses?

About the medicine

Activated carbon is a drug with high adsorption potential. It contains:

  • charcoal;
  • coal and petroleum coke;
  • coconut shell elements and many others.

When should I take it?

Use this remedy stands when one of the following cases:

  • with flatulence;
  • poisoning;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastritis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • to cleanse the body and lose weight;
  • dysentery, etc.

Effect of the drug

At regular use activated carbon occur following processes:

  • fight against diarrhea;
  • providing a detoxification effect;
  • adsorption harmful substances in organism;
  • removal of gases, salts of heavy metals;
  • absorption of harmful substances appearing on the skin;
  • removal of poisons and toxins from the stomach.

Now that we have figured out what kind of medicine this is, we can begin to consider the issue of whether it is permissible for a dog to use activated charcoal.

Is it possible to give coal to a dog?

This sorbent can be freely taken by both people and animals. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe it when a pet experiences any poisoning or stomach and intestinal diseases. The principle of operation will be absolutely the same.

The consequences of eating activated charcoal in a dog will be the same as in humans. That is, staining stool black. There is nothing dangerous in this, since the drug is released in the same color as it was when used.

ATTENTION! If symptoms of poisoning occur, it is recommended to show the animal to a doctor. Of course, you can give your dog activated charcoal right away. But an incorrectly calculated dose can be harmful. If symptoms do not go away after consuming charcoal, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. This situation may mean that there is serious illness.


If your pet has one of the following disorders, you should not use the medicine:

  • when there is bleeding in the stomach;
  • presence of peptic ulcer;
  • increased sensitivity to the drug or its individual component.

Disadvantages of the drug

There are also situations when giving a dog activated charcoal will be useless. Among them are:

  • lack of knowledge about what the pet is sick with;
  • if the animal is severely dehydrated, the effect of charcoal will be significantly reduced.


For getting maximum effect for medication, you need to give your dog activated charcoal strict observance all norms. Standardly, this is from 5 milligrams to 2 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of animal weight.

ATTENTION! Only a veterinarian should calculate the dose. Based on the symptoms and duration of the disease, he will indicate the required amount of coal, and will also complement the treatment with other drugs.

Can activated charcoal be given to a dog expecting a litter? The answer is yes. The drug is absolutely harmless, and therefore suitable for use not only by pregnant animals, but also by puppies. Its remains are eliminated from the body within 9 hours, along with other harmful and dangerous substances.

The duration of administration of activated carbon is determined only by a veterinarian. And after all treatment recommendations have been received, you need to immediately begin to implement them.

How to give activated charcoal to a dog?

There are several ways to administer medicine to animals. They depend on the size and age of the pet. As an example, the following cases can be noted.

Adults. Activated charcoal can be given to older dogs in tablets. She is quite capable of swallowing them on her own. When administering the medicine in this way, it is recommended to pour a little water from the syringe. To make it easier to swallow.

If your pet vomits, you just need to repeat the procedure. However, the best and most painless way is to dilute the tablets in water until they form a porridge.

When should you give the medicine?

We have already received an answer to the question: is it possible to give activated charcoal to a dog? Therefore, it is worth considering the causes and symptoms that require the use of this medicine.

Actually, the conditions of admission (types of disorders) in dogs are the same as in people. They were listed earlier. Now the signs of severe poisoning in a pet will be examined.

ATTENTION! If a dog experiences acute or prolonged intoxication, the use of activated carbon is useless. This is explained by its operating principle. The drug absorbs harmful substances and fluids in the body and is eliminated along with them. Without getting into the blood.

Signs of the disease

Giving your dog activated charcoal may be necessary. following situations:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Change in urine color.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Change normal level temperatures in any direction.
  • The occurrence of a sharp reaction to light.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Dry nose.
  • Vomiting with bile or mixed with blood.
  • Loss of consciousness.

How to give medicine at the first signs of poisoning?

If the first symptoms of poisoning appear, it is necessary to give the dog activated charcoal as soon as possible. But before that, it is important to do the following:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, you need to place your finger in the animal's mouth. Next, pressure is applied to the root of the tongue (not strong).
  • Organize gastric lavage. Dilute a liter of potassium permanganate solution and pour it into your mouth. This will have to be done by force, since the animal will not want to eat or drink anything. You can use a syringe without a needle or a syringe.

ATTENTION! Before giving your dog activated charcoal, make sure that after taking the main medicinal product more than 40 minutes have passed. Otherwise, the sorbent will simply reduce its level of action.


The use of activated charcoal when treating a pet is standard practice in veterinary medicine. However, the dosage this drug should be regulated by the doctor himself. Otherwise, problems with the body may arise that can lead to various diseases.

1. How to give a dog a pill.

2. Tablets can be:

  • put it on the root of the tongue, before opening the dog’s mouth and hold it until it swallows the tablet.
  • grind into powder, mix with a small amount of food and give to the dog before eating.
  • You can grind it in a spoon, add a little water and then pour it into the dog’s mouth.
  • Now they produce safe and easy-to-use tablet holders. Ask for them at your pet store.

2. What is heatstroke and first aid.

Of course, scientifically this syndrome is called a little differently. But the name “heatstroke” is the whole point.

Dogs overheat in different ways.

  • Let's start with the babies who have just been born. The room is warm. But the compassionate housewife takes a small box, puts a hot water bottle on the bottom and puts the puppies in it. Poor kids. They cannot crawl away and their fate is to die slowly and painfully from heatstroke.
  • A dog in a closed car in the sun in summer. I cannot look at this spectacle without tears. But a dog in a car is also doomed to heatstroke.
  • Dog show in the heat. Under the scorching rays of the sun, people and dogs are running in circles on the asphalt. Often after this, an ambulance is called for the dogs, and sometimes their owners.

Avoid these situations. Avoid, I beg you. Have mercy on your dogs.

What symptoms do we see in dogs with heatstroke?

Lethargy, apathy

· Unsteady gait

· For attentive owners, it is clear that the dog has a dull, indifferent look

· Loss of consciousness, fainting

· If you don’t help the dog, then death

First aid for initial stages heatstroke.

· Cool in any way possible. Kids away from the hot heating pad, the dog urgently out of the car into the shade, out of the ring urgently into a cool place.

· Give water, but not ice water. But just water.

· Moisten the dog cold water head, heart area

· If you have cordiamine on hand, 1-2 drops per tongue

· And the dog must lie down.

And then see a doctor for an electrocardiogram. Are there any complications?

Prevention suggests itself. Don't overheat your dogs. It's harmful to them. At the exhibition, put a wet handkerchief on your head, moisten the heart area with water, before the ring, stay only in the shade, preferably on the grass.

3. Activated carbon.

Activated carbon - sorbent; capable of adsorbing gases, alkaloids, glycosides, sleeping pills and narcotics, salts of heavy metals and toxins from gastrointestinal tract before they are absorbed. Used for dyspepsia, diarrhea, flatulence, liver cirrhosis, food intoxication, acute poisoning, incl. medicines.

Pharmachologic effect:
Activated carbon(animal or plant origin) - odorless and tasteless black powder, sorbent.
Activated carbon belongs to the group of polyvalent physicochemical antidotes.
Specially processed and therefore possessing high surface activity, activated carbon is capable of adsorbing gases, alkaloids, glycosides, barbiturates and other hypnotics and narcotics, salts of heavy metals, endo- and exotoxins of bacterial, plant, animal origin, as well as phenol derivatives, salicylic acid, sulfonamides and other chemical compounds from the gastrointestinal tract before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. It is especially effective as a sorbent for hemoperfusion in cases of acute poisoning with barbiturates, glutathimide, and theophylline.
Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol). Does not irritate mucous membranes. At local application in the patch increases the rate of healing of ulcers. To develop the maximum effect, it is recommended to administer immediately after poisoning or within the first hours.
Activated carbon in tablets has a lower adsorption capacity than in powder, but is more convenient for use.

Activated carbon is non-toxic and is easily excreted from the body. Activated carbon is not absorbed from the intestine and is completely excreted. feces in 7-10 hours. The feces after taking the drug are colored black.

Activated carbon is used for:

 dyspepsia, diarrhea;

 increased stomach acidity;

 flatulence;

 diseases accompanied by processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines;

 chronic renal failure;

 chronic and viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;

bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis;

 preparation for X-ray examinations(to reduce gas formation);

 food intoxication, dysentery, salmonellosis;

 acute poisoning from household, industrial, food poisons;

 poisoning with alkaloids;

 drug poisoning;

 poisoning with salts of heavy metals and other substances.

Directions for use and dosage:
Inside, in the form of an aqueous suspension or in tablets.
For flatulence, dyspepsia, increased stomach acidity, take 1-2 g 3-4 times a day.
To achieve a faster and more pronounced effect, the tablets, after crushing, can be taken in the form of an aqueous suspension. The tablets are ground into powder and diluted in water (1/2 cup of water).
IN more water, prescribed orally in a dose of 20-30 g per dose for poisoning. Moreover, this suspension is also used for gastric lavage.
In addition, in case of intoxication, activated carbon is used as part of a mixture containing 2 parts of the latter and 1 part each of magnesium oxide and tannin. Prescribed in the form of a suspension (2 tablespoons of mixture per 200 ml warm water).
Course for diseases accompanied by processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, increased secretion gastric juice, lasts 1-2 weeks.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract, stomach bleeding, individual intolerance to the sorbent.

Side effect:
When using activated charcoal, constipation, diarrhea, and black stool may occur. In addition, it may occur (if long-term use) depletion of the body in vitamins, hormones, fats, proteins, which requires appropriate medicinal or nutritional correction.
With hemoperfusion through activated carbon, embolism, hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypothermia, and hypotension may develop.

Special instructions and precautions:
When treating intoxications, it is necessary to create an excess of carbon in the stomach (before gastric lavage) and in the intestines (after gastric lavage). The presence of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract requires introduction into high doses, because the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are sorbed by carbon and its activity decreases. Reducing the concentration of carbon in the medium promotes desorption of the bound substance and its absorption (to prevent resorption of the released substance, repeated gastric lavage and administration of carbon are recommended). If poisoning is caused by substances involved in enterohepatic circulation (cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine and other opiates), it is necessary to use charcoal for several days.
Storage in air (especially in a humid environment) reduces sorption capacity.

Drug interactions:
Due to its adsorbing properties, activated carbon can reduce the efficiency medicines, taken simultaneously with it. Therefore, with concomitant pharmacotherapy, activated carbon is taken 1-1.5 hours before or after taking medications.

Since activated carbon is a very common medicine in canine practice, please read carefully what is written above. It is very important. Activated carbon is not indicated for all diseases.

I found information about coal on the websiteallergist.ru

Good luck to you and your pets.

Sincerely, Elena Gordeeva

Activated carbon is an excellent antidote because has a high surface effect and prevents various poisons from being absorbed. Man has been taking coal powder for several centuries, fighting intoxication, cholera, typhoid fever, allergic reactions and dysentery.

The sorbent can also be used for animals, in particular for dogs. The absence of effects after administration and the absence of compounds harmful to the dog’s body in the drug promotes rapid recovery. Active ingredients coal are removed quickly enough and without consequences.

The animal has black stool. Together with them, all toxic elements that have not had time to be absorbed into the blood are removed. This shouldn't be scary. But it’s better to play it safe by visiting a veterinarian, whose authority and power is to promptly and promptly diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe complete treatment.

Dogs are prescribed in such cases:

  1. all kinds of digestive disorders (diarrhea, high acidity, flatulence);
  2. liver disease;
  3. salmonellosis;
  4. allergic rashes;
  5. poisoning;
  6. intoxication.

ATTENTION. The sorbent will give positive result not in all situations. Sometimes imaginary poisoning becomes evidence of serious illness. The animal must be examined by a doctor.

Absorbent preparation It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • opened bleeding in the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • immunity to the drug itself.

Pregnant women and puppies

Due to its harmlessness, it is one of the most best medicines for animals expecting puppies and for babies. The breed of the dog doesn't really matter. Before taking, you should calculate the dose by weight- about 10 kg 1 tablet. You can give a little more. Within 8-9 hours, the coal is excreted in the feces. Along with it, all dangerous substances are removed from the stomach.

Poisoning is often accompanied by dehydration. For pregnant dogs and puppies, this can be fatal. Their body is the most vulnerable and weakened due to certain conditions. Must select proper diet and water your pets more often. You can make a rehydron solution. It has everything necessary substances, which will help maintain water-salt balance in the pet’s body.

How to give?


To receive the long-awaited, and positive effect should give your pet a sufficient dose. In this case, the drug will begin to act. Per 1 kg of weight there is from 5 mg to 2 g.

The amount depends on the complexity of the disease and its should be calculated exclusively by a veterinarian. In case of serious intoxication, in addition to charcoal, the doctor prescribes additional auxiliary medications. Don't let the disease take its course. Untimely and incomplete treatment can lead to dire consequences.

Mode of application

There are several ways to give your dog activated charcoal. For puppies It is more convenient to dissolve the drug in a small amount of water and give it through a syringe. Your pet can easily swallow the mixture of liquid and tablets.

Adults They can swallow the tablet themselves, but it is better to grind it into powder so that the animal does not choke. Do not be afraid if the animal immediately vomits. Then the reception procedure should be repeated. Do not use capsules, as they cannot be opened and the contents cannot be poured out, and the pill itself is difficult for the dog to swallow.


How many days to take the medicine is prescribed by the veterinarian. Only a doctor can correctly determine the severity of the disease by conducting a series of examinations and tests. Once prescribed, begin treatment immediately. By delaying this process, you risk getting long-term treatment. And in some cases, there is a chance of losing your pet altogether. During the period of admission, an additional diet is maintained.

Sorbent analogues

Activated carbon is the most cost-effective and an effective drug. The methods of administration are simple, and the medicine begins to work instantly from the first dose. There are many analogues of it with the only difference being the manufacturer and price. You can also replace it with ordinary “Smecta”. It contains kaolin. It absorbs all toxic elements no worse than coal.

Clay has a softening effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. You should be careful when purchasing this drug for animals. Very often, Smecta analogues contain salicylic acid salts. In this case, it would be correct to use coal.

In case of severe intoxication, only the sorbent will not help. Then on help will come atropine. It is administered intramuscularly in an amount of 2 ml. Additionally, a diuretic is used. The process of releasing toxins from the body will occur faster. To prevent dehydration, give your dog a rehydron solution.

Additional actions in case of poisoning

IMPORTANT. A dog that has consumed unsuitable food or a toxic substance must be rescued as quickly as possible.

At the first signs of poisoning in your pet, you should:

  1. try to provoke vomiting in the dog or give him a large amount of water to drink if more than 2 hours have passed since intoxication;
  2. use an enema for cleansing;
  3. activated carbon inside with Vaseline oil.

The owner’s task is first of all to remove the remnants of unabsorbed toxic elements from the pet’s body. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible. If toxins are fully absorbed into the blood, the treatment will be more difficult and longer. Carry out all subsequent actions in the clinic under the close supervision of specialists. This is especially true for severe poisoning.

Consultation with a doctor is required, even if you observe minor ailments in the animal. It is necessary to exclude possible serious illnesses, hiding behind signs of poisoning. It is impossible to do this on your own.

Dogs are curious creatures. Pets require special care and attention. And although activated carbon is harmless and even useful, any disease must be foreseen before being treated.

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