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What breeds of cats and dogs are there? Interesting facts about cats and dogs

According to the English writer George Mikish, people have dogs, and people have cats, apparently classifying them as useful pets. A joke, you say, but, as they say, there is some truth in every joke. Yes, these pets are more independent, characterful and even somewhat arrogant than dogs. But this not only scares people away from them, but makes them respect, love and appreciate them even more. In addition, different breeds have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing your pet.

Representatives of the ancient breed, which were depicted next to the pharaohs, definitely attract attention. Their grace, royal posture and confident look leave no doubt that they were once truly considered sacred. Despite her proud appearance, she is very playful, active and extremely curious. She can show character because she doesn’t like to be held. But the Abyssinian gets along quite well with other pets, as well as with children.

A cat with average proportions and characteristics, but distinguished by amazingly shaped ears. They seem to be turned outward, and curl owners joke - so as not to miss a sound. There are several varieties with different coat lengths, but they all have the longhair gene, and fluffy kittens can also appear in the smooth-haired family. The fur coat of cats is silky, soft and lacks undercoat.

As for character, they are distinguished by intelligence, playfulness and obedience. Raising them will not cause any difficulties, because these cats can even be walked on a leash.

A cat shrouded in mystery, arousing interest and attracting more and more people who want to buy it, regardless of the cosmic price. This is the only cat that has gained popularity without being recognized as a separate breed. According to the authors of the breed, this is the result of crossing cats - Asian leopard and domestic, as well as serval. But skeptics are sure that this is nothing more than a type of savannah.

But, be that as it may, these are graceful, large cats, whose weight can reach 14-15 kg. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a leopard. Like all cats, they are curious, playful and great with children.

The explosive mixture of temperamental wild leopards and docile domestic cats, however, took only best qualities. Her intelligent, graceful appearance and leopard print color immediately catches your eye.

Moreover, from its wild ancestors the cat also inherited a voice ranging from a gentle purr to a roar, and a love of water. Bengals love to communicate, play and are very active. Loneliness is not for them; you won’t be bored with such a pet.

A graceful cat with satiny black fur and a graceful physique, beautiful, with a touch of exoticism and mysticism - this is. Representatives of the breed attract not only their chic appearance, but also their noble origin, balanced temperament and unpretentiousness. Even if a cat gets angry, she will not rush into battle; it is easier for her to hide from everyone and recover in silence.

Powerful, well-developed animals with pleasant plush fur have long gained popularity. They are very colorful, they have serious look and a character to match him. They have all the classic cat habits, but in moderation - curiosity, independence, friendliness and playfulness.

The owners note that it will never completely obey the owner, valuing its own freedom and territory. This can also be called a plus, because such a pet can go without the attention of the owner for a long time and not bother with its presence.

Burma (Burmese cat)

These are representatives of an ancient breed, depicted in temples and worshiped. Today the cat is not only popular among hobbyists, but also among breeders. Thanks to their attention, two types of breed appeared - European, with a triangular muzzle, and American, with a more rounded muzzle.

One of the advantages of cats of this breed is their silky coat, which is very sensitive to external temperature and can even change shade. As for character, this pet is very playful and suitable for families with children. After all, even in the midst of a game, the Burmese will not use its claws and teeth. She does not remember the insult and always remains friendly.

This is the result of breeding work for which the Burmese cat and Persian chinchilla were used. The cat received the muscular body of a Burmese and beautiful fur from a Persian. very sociable animals, they can listen to their owner and even relieve stress.

They have a hard time with loneliness, love to be with their family and get along well with all members - people and animals. These cats have another quality that causes affection - they can smile.

This is a relatively young breed, its representatives have a slightly fabulous appearance. They have a triangular muzzle with huge saucer eyes and large ears. Their main property is a meaningful and very piercing gaze.

– this is a real companion, because the pet will follow on your heels, participating in any activity. Representatives of this breed are playful, curious and sociable. If you need a cat that will walk “on its own,” then the Devon Rex is not suitable.

The history of the breed goes back centuries, and its age is over 3000 years. Moreover, during this time its representatives have remained virtually unchanged. It has the beautiful coloring and grace of a wild cat, but its sociability and need for attention makes it an absolutely domestic animal.

They have a hard time with loneliness and can even be intrusive, demanding affection. Otherwise, Mau are no different from other cats - they love to play, are curious and very smart.

Not a very common cat breed, however, worthy of attention. This is a Thai cat with a blue coat and expressive eyes - orange or amber. Their characteristic quality is affection for their family. They are ready to follow along, showing interest in any processes.

They are also very playful; if you don’t give them special toys, they will find something to occupy themselves with. do not get along with other cats, showing a clear sense of ownership. They will not tolerate other favorites and will be very jealous.

Cornish Rex

Graceful cats with exotic curly hair have already won the love of many. They are stately, have high paws and light body- real aristocrats. Their silky coat is often compared to astrakhan fur - it is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Owners are unanimous - pets have a lot of advantages. They are intelligent, clean, smart and love not the house, but their owner, naturally, the latter cannot help but bribe.

Werewolf cats, werewolves, catwolves - just how many truly strange representatives of this breed are called. They became an accidental result of breeding work, but were still recognized and given the name -. Cats have no fur around the nose and eyes, graying hair and bright yellow eyes, which add mysticism to the animal.

But their appearance does not prevent them from being sweet and friendly; cats love to be the center of attention and sometimes require affection. They can get along with cats and dogs, but small animals and birds will be perceived as prey.

Cats of this breed are called dachshunds or basset hounds because of their low stance. And, indeed, munchkin's is actually excessive short legs. But such physiological feature does not affect the health of the animal and otherwise it is an ordinary cat.

Of course, these cats cannot jump as high as their long-legged counterparts, but this does not detract from their playfulness and activity. They are similar in character to dogs, they do not mind walking with a harness, they are devoted to their family, and are sociable. But at the same time they are able to stand up for themselves.

These are the most beautiful cats - Asian aristocrats who once lived in temples and imperial chambers. She has amazing, crystal blue eyes, the look of which radiates universal calm, and, like other bobtails, a short tail.

Asians are playful and even enjoy apporting; they do not release their claws during play. But they can bite if they feel that a person has crossed the border. Therefore it's not the best option for small children. These cats can get along with other pets, but will definitely show their leadership qualities.

This breed originated from Siamese cats, having adopted some qualities from them. They have an elongated, elongated muzzle, expressive, slightly squinted eyes and amazingly sized ears. very elegant, with long legs and a light body.

Representatives of this breed are not suitable for people who cannot pay enough attention to them. Orientals are trusting, loving, active and talkative. They happily greet their owner and do not hide their emotions.

Not a very common cat breed with wild colors and purely domestic ancestors. - This is the result of crossing Abyssinians with Siamese. They have good physical development and medium sizes. As for their character, they are very sociable, sociable and cheerful pets.

If the owner does not have time to pay attention to the Ocicat, then you can get out of the situation by getting another pet - a dog or a cat. The pet will be able to find mutual language with a new family member and you will be less bored. These cats tend to choose one owner, but at the same time communicate with everyone. They have a loud voice and are not averse to chatting.

Participants and favorites of exhibitions – these cats have long managed to win the love of breeders. They are beautiful, graceful and miniature, have a luxurious, silver-blue coat and emerald eyes. - a real aristocrat who shows restraint and calmness, even if she is torn by curiosity. She will not impose her company, but is not averse to being with her owner.

It takes time to gain her trust, this applies to both people and other animals. The cat loves to explore new things and watch events happening. Therefore, they can often be found looking out the window or exploring all the nooks and crannies of their home.

A very fashionable breed that attracts attention, because it is a large hybrid of a serval and a Siamese cat. Of course, the offspring of such love underwent a lot of changes and selection work, but the result justified itself. inherited wild appearance and qualities domestic cat, but only after a few generations.

The character of the savannah depends on how much wild blood flows in its veins. The less, the more flexible and trusting she is. Of course, the first litter of a serval and a cat will cost fabulous money, but it will be better to keep the pet in an enclosure. Subsequent crossings of offspring with domestic cats reduce the cost of kittens and make them more domesticated.

Representatives of the ancient Thai breed, which were nicknamed “moon diamond” in their homeland. Due to its dark muzzle and paws (point), the Siamese is often confused with other cats, but it is distinguished by a more refined, narrowed muzzle, large ears and almond-shaped eyes.

Very smart and not without willfulness. She loves to attract attention to her person, but she can easily tolerate 10-12 hours of loneliness. Claims that cats of this breed are angry and aggressive are not confirmed, since when proper care And good attitude they make excellent pets.

Amazing cats whose name translates to “snow slippers” are actually an oversight on the part of the cat breeder Siamese breed. Not knowing who the father of the offspring with white socks was, the woman did not ignore this, and, continuing the selection work, identified the culprit; it turned out to be an American shorthair cat.

This is how these proud cats, not devoid of independence, appeared. They love water, sing and are trainable. Thanks to beautiful appearance, these beauties are well suited for an exhibition career.

Due to their external similarity, they are often confused with Siamese cats. The blood of the ancient Siamese flows in their veins, and the Thais themselves were known back in the 14th century. very beautiful, she has a dark muzzle, against which her crystal blue eyes literally shine. But owners who have a Thai dog value its other qualities more - obedience, love, sharp mind and quick wit.

People are sure that if you take Thai cat into the house, then subsequently there will be no talk of pets of other breeds. In addition, there is a belief that a cat of this breed brings happiness and good luck to the house.

Modern breeders are increasingly setting the goal of obtaining an affectionate, domestic cat with the appearance of its wild counterparts. So the toyger was the result of efforts to breed a cat with a tiger-like appearance. The cat turned out to be beautiful, stately, with a striped coat.

And, in addition, careful selection and selection made the pet’s character very attractive. very affectionate, loving, balanced, such a cat is ideal for a family with children. The cat loves to communicate not only with its family, but also with guests.

These are unusual curly cats from the Urals, information about which appeared in the 40s of the last century. They immediately attracted the interest of breeders, who are still improving the breed. The curly coat gives a fun and mischievous appearance.

But even more people who want to have such a pet are attracted by their amazing character. Cats of this breed are very tame, affectionate and loyal. They are unobtrusive, but can support you in difficult times, are patient with children's pranks and are very attentive. The perfect pet for a friendly family.

Another name for the breed is, the representatives of which came from Scotland. Their peculiarity is interesting, curved and hanging ears. In addition, Scottish fold cat has a strong body, round eyes and thick, pleasant fur.

The pet has a very funny appearance that evokes positive emotions. This is especially noticeable when the pet shows curiosity. He is also an affectionate purr, kind and friendly. He will be happy to be with his family, but he can also find something to do alone.

- this is the abbreviated name for representatives of this breed; they are the fruit of crossing American and Persian cats. But the breeders pursued the goal of getting an American female with a Persian color, and the result was a Persian female with short hair. Moreover, the exotic cat is similar in all respects to the Persian, except for the fur coat.

By nature, exotics are gentle purrs who love to sleep with their owner, sit in their arms and be caressed. Due to their phlegmatic nature, the breed is recommended for older people. Such cats provide comfort and a calm atmosphere, without fuss and dirty tricks.

The appearance of these cats is quite ordinary - medium size, short hair, they are compact and well built. But what gives them away is their uniqueness – a short, curved (twisted, straight or kinked) tail. It is like a fingerprint, since no two tails are the same.

They love to play, jump, purr or meow loudly, are noisy and chattering. does not like to sit idle and is constantly busy exploring everything around. But at the same time, cats of this breed are loyal to their owners and have good contact with children and other animals.

Semi-longhair cats

These are representatives of a semi-wild breed, the ancestors of which are considered to be the bobtail from Japan. These pets are called lynx cats, because in appearance they are very similar to them, and, in addition, they are adapted for life in a wild, harsh environment. Life on the Kuril Islands made cats large, hardy and fearless, and crossing them with Siberian cat had a fruitful effect on their character.

- a large cat with a short tail and semi-long, dense hair, the claws of these cats do not retract, they love water very much. They become very attached to their owner and can even protect him, driving away strangers.

Maine Coon (Manx Raccoon)

Cats with lynx tufts on their ears and a raccoon tail, huge (for a domestic feline) size and expressive muzzle are the dream of many. Despite their somewhat wild appearance and size (males can reach 15 kg), these pets are affectionate, playful and sociable.

Of course, they have a number of characteristics, for example, they like to get into the water, not all of them are tame, but all of them are “talkative”. They do not put out their claws unnecessarily and love to always be close to their owners, but do not interfere.

This breed came from Abyssinian cats, but is distinguished by semi-long hair throughout the body and longer hair in the neck, panties and tail. What makes them special is their color, which alternates between light and dark colors, capable of forming stripes. The more stripes a cat has, the higher its price.

Somalis are not couch cats and their playfulness does not fade with age. However, they are not destructive pets and usually do not cross boundaries. They are suitable for large, noisy families with children and other pets.

Representatives of this native breed are quite large, well-built and beautiful animals. Their peculiarity is a special “Van” color - a white fur coat with reddish-reddish spots in the area of ​​​​the muzzle and tail; they are also allowed to be present on the back.

is a very sociable cat, trainable and loving water procedures. She not only loves affection, but is ready to give her back at every opportunity. Representatives of this breed also need walking and feel great on a leash. Of course, they are still not dogs and it is enough for them to walk 1-2 times a week.


This is the abbreviated name for these cats; they have the chic Persian coat and the original color of the Siamese. There are many legends and tales wandering around the breed and they are called “sacred”. It is difficult to say what is true and what is fiction, however, the Burmese are truly distinguished by their “holy” character.

They are playful, but not dirty, active, but in moderation. They do not impose their communication and agree to wait until the owner has time to communicate. Burmese cat gets along with children, but does not like excessive noise and tense surroundings.

They are called Siberians with Siamese sophistication; cats and cats of this breed are beautiful, large and very colorful. But this is by no means a merit of the efforts of the breeders, but the result of an accidental love between a Siberian cat and a cat with a Siamese color (it is not known for sure whether she was Siamese or Himalayan).

It is long-lived, its coat does not cause allergies and does not require painstaking care. She has a certain charisma - she loves to show off, but she is distrustful of strangers. Adapts perfectly to new conditions and loves his family.

Once upon a time, this large, colorful animal with a long luxurious wool lived in the Norwegian forests. Naturally, this caused him hunting qualities and endurance, but selection work turned the cat into a cute domestic creature that retained high intelligence and beautiful appearance.

Suitable for home keeping, she is very balanced and calm. He loves to communicate, but sometimes he doesn’t mind being alone. Finds a common language with other pets and is good with children.

Cats of this breed are hard to miss - after all, they have an extravagant appearance - a wide muzzle with a flattened nose and the most luxurious fur. The breed has undergone a number of changes, not always positive, but today it has no flaws, and its representatives are healthy and active.

- This is an ideal companion who does not like loneliness and is not suitable for living on the street - only with a person does she feel calm and confident.


A young amazing breed of cats that can completely relax all their muscles, which is why its name translates as rag doll. These are quite large animals with beautiful wool. Born with white fur, after a year and a half it acquires the most incredible colors.

– absolutely collective cats, they find it difficult to be alone, and they are ready to follow their owner anywhere. They are phlegmatic, they love to lie around, but they also don’t mind playing, especially with children.

This is a native breed of Siberia, it is believed that it originated from wild forest cats. Stocky, large (cats weigh up to 12 kg), fluffy - cats of this breed cannot leave anyone indifferent.

It has a developed hunter's instinct, therefore, even if it gets lost, the pet will not disappear and will be able to provide itself with food. This quality also helps rid the house of rodents. These pets are unpretentious in all aspects of life, intelligent, but somewhat reserved.

– snow-white (blue and black individuals are less common), graceful beauty – with blue, greenish or different eyes. She is a regular participant in various exhibitions and is popular.

The Turkish Angora does not require special care, it is smart, intelligent, calm, gets along well with children, but can be “on its own” or overly sensitive.

Hairless cats

This is the fruit of crossing a short-legged munchkin and a hairless sphinx; it turned out to be squat and hairless. Representatives of the breed have a very touching, defenseless appearance, so they were named like little children -. By the way, long-legged kittens may also appear in the litter of these cats.

These cats are not hunters, so they do not show aggression during play. This allows bambino to be kept in the same nest even with mice. They are gentle, affectionate and playful.

Representatives of the breed have a very exotic appearance, however, were bred on Russian territory. Cats have no fur, they are very elegant, but have developed muscles.

Very inquisitive, active, but not mischievous. He chooses one owner whom he adores. He finds a special approach to the rest - he knows who plays with him, who feeds him.

Folded and bald, however, having won love and reverence, they look very peculiar. They have a warm soft skin, which is pleasant to touch.

As for their character, they are very gentle and devoted, are not jealous of other animals and are not aggressive. They have pride, so they will not humiliate themselves and beg for a treat. But they will definitely try to pull it off.

The birthplace of the breed is the northern capital, where hairless cats with a model appearance appeared. Short-haired ones may also be born, but in character they are not at all different from their hairless counterparts.

These cats will wake you up in the morning, take you to work and greet you joyfully. They are friendly to all family members, but the pets simply idolize the owner. The advantage is their cleanliness, the disadvantage is excessive “talkativeness”.

A rare breed - its representatives are hairless and fold-eared, very attractive to lovers Not ordinary cats. They have a serious, and even angry, appearance, which has nothing to do with their character.

Cats are loving, gentle and loyal. They are easy to train, cheerful and positive, but demanding. It won’t be difficult for them to follow their owner’s heels, putting their backs up or jumping on their laps - they will definitely get their share of affection!

Cats are one of the most amazing and extraordinary pets. They may have different appearance and temperament, small and not very weak, but in any case, they get along with a person and become part of his family.

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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: hairless and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can adopt a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite nursery.

We are in website We became interested in how much the rarest cat breeds cost, and, to be honest, we were surprised. We invite you to find out prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but different blue eyes and color-point coloring (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm nature. A kitten of this breed will cost $500–$1,300.

Scottish lop-eared

The calling card of this breed is its cute ears, which do not stick out upward, like those of ordinary cats, but hang down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with everyone in the family and are never averse to playing. Another one distinctive feature of this breed - they know how to stand on hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.


The Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have slender body, long head shape and large ears set apart. The body may be bald or covered with down. Cats have an affectionate and sociable character and are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400–1,200.

Egyptian Mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3,000 years - since Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500–1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, these are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600–$1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to their curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200–2,000.

Russian Blue


This breed was developed in 1994 in California. It refers to big cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build big ears, spotted color and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600–$2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable amount - $2,000.


This large breed The cat's color resembles a tiger, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the Toyger was bred to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in wildlife. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500–$3,000.

American Curl

This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life their ears curl back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the curl enthusiasts for $1,000–$3,000.


This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto their owner’s shoulders. You can buy a mini leopard for $1,000–$4,000.


This rare breed appeared due to the crossing of an ordinary domestic cat and a South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is on average 11 kg. Become an owner domestic predator possible for $4,000–$8,000.

How often, wanting to start pet, you have to make a choice: cat or dog. Which one will be better?

In favor of cats, there is a cozy, pleasant cat purring, independence and cleanliness. The cat will have no problem staying alone for several hours. It’s easy to care for: you don’t have to walk or bathe her. She will entertain herself and take care of herself. And she eats quite modestly.

But at the same time, dreams of a dog with its unconditional devotion and affection, a true companion, do not leave. There is only one problem - every day you need to walk her more than once, train her, and take care of her. And there is not enough time to do everything.

It turns out that you can get rid of such throwing. And all because there are many extraordinary cats with the character of a dog, they act like dogs, are happy to go for a walk with their owner on a leash, participate in games, even love to swim, while remaining affectionate furry creatures.

Cat breeds with a dog's personality


Very friendly, loves to go for walks fresh air and splash in the water. She doesn’t particularly like being alone and can even become depressed because of it. In the cat world, Abyssinians are almost the most energetic and nimble animals. He will definitely find the tallest object in the house and try to climb on it, and will begin to bring toys in his teeth to play with the owner.

Loves to be surrounded by people. Gets along well with children, which is why these cats are called “golden” pets. They have high intelligence, and therefore easily learn various tricks. Manx love it active games, they will bring it in their teeth various items. But you shouldn’t let your pet get bored, otherwise he’ll happily play pranks. Representatives of the breed will enjoy a walk, but they do not know how to climb trees and do not have a love for water.

It looks like a wild cat, but it also has a lot in common with a dog. Representatives of the breed are easy to train, excellent companions on walks, they love to play with water. They can be quite persistent in their desires. They draw attention to themselves with a gentle meow, but if the owner ignores the animal, the meowing turns into a hoarse growl. A Bengal cat can surprise you by turning on the light at night or flushing the toilet, and opening doors on its own will not be difficult at all.

An imposing and leisurely beauty. She is smart, which means she can easily learn various tricks. Loves it interactive games. He loves to walk outdoors and will always greet guests at the door. It will adapt to the owner’s daily routine, spend the morning, pick him up from work, sit on his lap when he is resting, and can even talk, answering him in his own language. If she is left alone, she will certainly find entertainment: she will look for something tasty in the refrigerator, or even turn on the TV using the remote control and start watching it.

Cats of the Chartreux breed are athletically developed, courageous, and in agility they surpass many of their relatives. Ready to learn. They need human company and cannot tolerate rivals. By the way, they are almost voiceless, but they purr to the envy of everyone, with an intensity depending on their mood. They will not get bored in their own company.

Cats whose logic is amazing. They, like dogs, become attached to their owner and are not particularly afraid of strangers, but on the contrary, they will diligently sniff anyone who drops by for a visit. They need active games and exercises every day, and it is better if they are outdoors. Despite its menacing appearance, the Ocicat is “white and fluffy.” Everything new that she studies is certainly tested. And if something is needed and it is within reach, the Ocicat will get it, be it a toy or a treat. A cat will easily open any package if it smells food in it, and if there are a lot of packages, everyone will be bitten. So, you shouldn’t leave your pet alone for a long time.

Once upon a time these amazing cats used in hunting waterfowl. They are naturally intelligent and require activities that match their intelligence. And it’s better if the owner satisfies his pet’s curiosity and provides him with new experiences. They love communication and heart-to-heart conversations, but especially outdoor games. It is worth inviting the chausie to bring various objects in the park, and she will do this with pleasure, and she also loves to walk on a leash. Chausie, as a sign of their affection, will hug their owner with enviable consistency, or even gently put their paw on their owner’s head.

Mekong Bobtail

These short-tailed animals are particularly devoted to their owner. They can learn to fetch newspapers, slippers or toys. If he wants to go for a walk, he will bring a collar. But if they don’t like something, they can growl, even use their teeth, but not their claws. They consider it their duty to protect the house, they even growl and run to the door when they hear the bell. They check the person entering the house, sniff him and make a decision whether or not to let the guest into the house.

The list of cats with the character of a dog includes the following breeds:

  • American and Kurilian bobtails
  • Maine Coon
  • Savannah
  • Turkish van
  • Sphinx
  • Siberian cat

So, if for some reason it is not possible to keep a dog, a cat of any of the presented breeds will adequately replace it. She will be attached and devoted no less than any dog.

Many dog ​​owners, either on their own initiative or at the tearful pleas of children and relatives, are thinking about getting a cat. And although long-standing misconceptions about the irreconcilable enmity between these two animals have long been dispelled, some doubts still remain. Well, how will a cat and a dog live?

In fact, any cat taken into a dog's house correct behavior the owner will not have any trouble. But they say that some breeds are especially suited to becoming man's best friend's buddy. Here are nine of the friendliest cat breeds that are “dog-resistant,” so to speak.

Abyssinian - No. 1 among the friendliest cat breeds

Abyssins are very social cats that can get along with any equally active four-legged animal. And dogs are especially impressed by their activity and playfulness, so if you are not afraid of constant joyful running around in the apartment and do not own big amount antiques placed everywhere, then you can choose Abyssinian.

And it’s not for nothing that the Abyssinian tops the list of the friendliest cat breeds - it will be an excellent companion for your dog both at home and in the yard, given that these cats adapt well to a harness.

American Shorthair - Friendly Breed #2

These cats are distinguished by their flexible disposition and intelligence, which allows them to accept the situation as it is and adapt to it.

If your dog is not spoiled by the slavish worship of everyone around him and is able to respect installed by cat boundaries of communication, then they are quite capable of making friends and, if they mutually desire, will play together.

Burmese - 3rd place in the ranking of dogs' best friends

One of the most flexible breeds with a soft and friendly character. The Burmese dog will only be happy with the attention of the dog and will perceive it not as importunity, but as a natural desire to make friends with such a wonderful creature like itself.

Burms love company, and you will soon notice that your cat and dog do everything together: eat, sleep and get into mischief.

Bombay – 4th on the list of cat breeds that are friendly with dogs

Bombays are playful and active, which in itself makes them good companions. But the main thing is that they have great affection in common with the dog.

Bombays are distinguished by truly canine devotion for everyone in the family, of which the dog is a full member.

Bobtails (Kurilian, Thai, Japanese) - 5th place

Having a cat of this breed, they say, you will get another dog. Bobtails are highly trainable, leash-trained, and love to go for walks.

The owners of these friendly cats claim that their pets perform the “fetch” command in a way that dogs have never dreamed of. So the bobtail is an excellent choice for any person who considers himself a convinced dog lover.

Maine Coon - 6th place

These cats are called gentle giants, and all the lucky ones who have such a treasure at home claim that they are surrounded by truly canine worship and love.

Coons follow their owners around, share all their activities with them and get bored when they are left alone. But if you have a dog, then the latter does not threaten them - your pets will get along great, and you will gain another “tail”.

Norwegian Forest - 7th place

In the photo Int.Ch. Claus NorWood. photographer Andrey Medvedev. Breeder Diana Bibikova, Novosibirsk. Norwood Nursery.

This is incredible beautiful cat, like all beauties, has a difficult character. Large, strong and self-confident, she, of course, will not allow herself to be pushed around. At your dog's first attempt to establish dominance, the Norwegian Forest will immediately demonstrate the spirit of its wild ancestors. But nothing bad will happen - dogs have an innate respect for strength.

Very soon they will both appreciate the benefits of spending time together and will happily indulge in fun together.

Ragdoll - 8th place

Quite a rare breed here, but extremely popular in the USA. The translation of its name into Russian - “rag doll” - speaks for itself. You cannot find a more flexible, calmer and gentler cat.

And where there is gentleness of character, there is complete readiness to reconcile with everyone around you. Ragdolls will treat even the most obnoxious dog with complete equanimity, which will first plunge it into complete bewilderment, and then simply force it to love itself.

Siberian cats - 9th place

Only one form of relationship is possible with these animals - complete submission. The will of the Siberians is adamant and unbending, but like everyone else strong-willed beings, they are generous and fair.

They will never deliberately offend a dog, and if the dog accepts them for who they are, they will find the best friend of all cats. With a different mind, complex forms of behavior, and phenomenal intelligence, Siberians will not only have fun for your dog - they will be interested!

Larisa Solodovnikova

What canned food tastes best for cats?

RESEARCH ATTENTION! You and your cat can take part in it! If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are ready to regularly observe how and how much your cat eats, and also remember to write it all down, they will bring you FREE WET FOOD SETS.

Project for 3–4 months. Organizer - Petkorm LLC.

Interesting Facts about cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs are constant companions of humans. They have long become pets and best friends for humans. These pets remain faithful to their owners, constantly demonstrating their love and devotion. They give us so much positive emotions. Therefore, it is interesting to get acquainted with some facts of their life.

From time immemorial, people have respected cats. For example, in Japan, figurines of cats were specially placed at the gates of the house, which symbolized the warmth of the hearth, and in Russia, new house Until now, the cat is the first to be launched.

Cats love to sleep on paper - for them this rustling material is the warmest and softest, so when choosing a place for your pet to rest, you should take into account its taste.

In England, cats are readily recruited to guard granaries. One cat hunting mice can save up to 10 tons of grain in a year. Cats are also used to guard food warehouses, and they are officially paid for.

In the fifties of the last century in Texas, a cat named Dusty set a record for fertility - for his long life more than 400 kittens were born from him. Moreover, his last kittens were born when he was already over 18 years old.

The domestic dog has been one of the most popular workers and pets throughout human history;

There are hundreds various breeds dogs. Here are just a few of them: bulldog, German Shepherd, collie, Golden retriever, Saint Bernard, Greyhound, Chihuahua, Labrador, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Cocker Spaniel, and many others. Most popular breed Labrador was recognized in the world. They have a gentle character, they are obedient, intelligent and boundlessly energetic. Labradors are excellent at looking after pets and are very reliable workers. They often act as guide dogs;

The average lifespan of dogs is about 10-14 years;

The bond between man and dog became so strong that people began to say that a dog is best friend person;

Domestic dogs can eat a variety of food products such as grains, vegetables, meat or dry food. You cannot combine these two types of nutrition; you need to choose one type of nutrition and stick to it.

People train different breeds of dogs to take part in competitions and various competitions. The criteria for such events are agility, obedience, endurance, strength, courage;

In total, about 400 million dogs live on earth;

Foods that contain caffeine, chocolate, Australian nuts, and fried onions are extremely harmful to dogs.

According to Chinese astrologers, people born in the year of the dog are very faithful and reasonable. But they can also be more temperamental than other signs.

Medieval Great Danes, dressed in plate and armor, were taken with them to the battlefield.

The dog has a special skeleton - its shoulder blades are not connected to the rest of the parts, this increases the flexibility of the animal and ensures speed when running.

Dogs have three pairs of eyelids, the third of which is the nictitating membrane, which protects the eyes and provides lubrication.

Dogs don't see colors, but at least fully, like people. Certain breeds of dogs can distinguish two or three colors from each other, but no more. The most sharp vision among dogs, greyhounds have.

A dog's hearing range is almost twice that of a human, and the number of smells a dog can pick up makes a dog's nose an indispensable assistant person.

If a cat stands near you with its tail raised and its tail slightly trembling, this is an expression of its love for you.

Domestic cats do not communicate with each other by meowing. They use this “language” exclusively to communicate with people.

Most dogs sleep in the same positions, performing an identical set of actions before leaving for the kingdom of Morpheus.

Each dog's nose print is as unique as a person's fingerprint.

A dog can distinguish up to 500,000 different odors, but a person can only distinguish several thousand. However, the ability to smell different dogs different. The dog always sniffs the air, all kinds of objects or the ground. She needs this for orientation. In the area of ​​a dog's forehead is the part of the brain that is responsible for the sense of smell.

The whiskers help the cat not only determine whether it will fit through the hole, but also navigate the space as a whole and receive information about temperature, wind direction and other environmental parameters.

Dogs are able to sense the slightest touch of fur. As the air temperature drops, the dog's coat becomes fuller. This is why northern dogs are able to sleep right in the snow without experiencing discomfort.

A dog can “recognize” its marks up to a year after being marked.

Dogs perceive a moving object better than humans. however, they perceive less object detail. If the object is located far away and static, then it is practically invisible to the dog. Studies have shown that dogs cannot see their owner if he stands 300 yards away and does not move. On the other hand, a dog sees a person a mile away if he waves his arms. Dogs have a wider field of vision than humans. Hounds have vision of 270 degrees, although dogs typically have vision of about 250 degrees. But a person is capable of a 180-degree view.

Cats are quite farsighted and see well from a distance of at least 70 cm.

The first dogs were domesticated wolves, which about 12,000 years ago were attracted to the first settlements in which man began to live permanently.

Plato once said that a dog has the soul of a philosopher.

Dogs were often depicted in ancient Greek art, including Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to King Hades's dungeon, and hunting dogs always accompanied the goddess and patroness of hunters, Diana.

Touch is the first sense that a dog develops (all puppies are born blind and deaf). The dog's entire body, including the pads of its paws, is riddled with nerve endings that are sensitive to touch.