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Thai and Siamese cats. Learning to distinguish between Siamese and Thai cats Thais are different

Before you take another member into your family, you should think carefully about what breed of furry to choose. Many people choose Siamese and Thai. But how to choose between these two breeds and how does a Siamese cat differ? In fact, the Siamese cat and the Thai cat have differences, and they are worth talking about, because they are manifested not only in appearance, but also in character.


Previously, the Siamese and Thai cats were considered one breed, but they were soon divided into two different ones, although they still have a common ancestor - the traditional Siamese. Just a few years ago, many homes had Siamese cats. Or is it still Thai?

The fact is that these animals appeared hundreds of years ago in Thailand, which was previously called Siam (hence, as you might guess, the name) and they belong to the eastern group of breeds. After settling around the world, the breed was subjected to selection and thus varieties appeared in the appearance of animals. Scientists also noticed that the shade of the coat and its thickness may depend on the climatic conditions of the country, in which this or that variety appeared. Today there are about 40 varieties of such cats in the world.


These cats have the same color, which is why they are confused. But in fact, they will be radically different, and it will not be difficult even for a child to notice the differences between them.

First of all, pay attention to the kitten’s head: one of the main features is hidden here.

head siamese cat Unlike the Thai wedge-shaped, and the nose is elongated and straight, the Thai has a rather round head and a deflected nose.

By the way, ears are also distinctive feature: in a Thai, they are proportional to the head and rounded at the tips; in their relatives, the Siamese, the ears are simply huge in comparison with the head.

The Siamese and Thai cats also differ in their body, because in comparison with the Thai cat, the Siamese looks like Koschey the Immortal: a thin body, long paws and tail, and a weight of only 3-4 kg (the Thai has from 4 to 8 kilograms).

Similarities in appearance:

  • eye color - blue, rare for cats;
  • Thai and Siamese cats have a similar color: a characteristic dark mask on the face, while their coat color is light;
  • short hair.

To finally understand, we suggest looking in the photo at the differences between the Siamese and Thai cats. You probably won’t be able to confuse them now.

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© shutterstock


The differences between Siamese and Thai cats are noticeable not only in appearance - which is not at all strange. Since we’ve sorted out the description of the appearance, it’s time to move on.

Although they are often confused, the Siamese and Thai cats are also completely different in character. The Siamese cat differs from the Thai cat in its “dog-like” character: it is smart, attached to its owner, easy to train, but at the same time calm and quite jealous, although it can come to the owner’s defense. Thais are more affectionate, peace-loving, active, and just as loyal.. They love care, are friendly and get along easily with other pets. It is worth saying that there should be no problems when contacting children either - thanks to the affectionate and friendly nature, the baby will easily get along with the tailed family member.

After reading the description, you can easily name the traits that distinguish these two breeds, which means you can easily choose which cat you like best.


Representatives of this breed are not too picky: they will happily eat and homemade food, and special canned food.

Thanks not too much long hair, furry friend It is enough to iron it once a week with a damp hand to collect fallen hairs and save time on cleaning the house and protect the health of your pet. By itself, From time to time they need to be bathed, but the main thing is not to overdo it so as not to spoil your pet's fur.

Hygiene procedures do not differ from those that owners carry out for representatives of other breeds, although the Siamese can show a restive character (but, to tell the truth, your pet will do just fine without a beauty salon).

We hope our short inspection will help you make right choice a pet that will become not only a joy in the house, but also a full-fledged member of your family.

Today, the Siamese and Thai cats are considered one of the most popular breeds. The owners of these cat breeds were people exclusively from high society. However, few of them realized that very often it was not Siamese cats that lived with them, but Thai cats, or vice versa.

This was due to the fact that the animals were brought from Thailand, where Thai cats were raised, but were called Siamese in honor of the Kingdom of Siam. Cats have lived secluded lives at the court of kings for centuries. It was forbidden to take them out of the territory until the beginning of the 19th century.. And only many years later, through selective breeding, was it bred the new kind cats, which were also given the name Siamese.

Main differences between species

  • The body of Thai cats is round, while that of Siamese cats is elongated and very thin.
  • The ears of Thai cats are small and rounded, while Siamese cats are pointed and relatively long.
  • The Thai breed has a tail of standard length, fluffy and thick. For Siamese it is very thin and long.
  • The Siamese cat differs from the Thai cat in the shape and shape of the eyes. The first breed has slightly slanted lower eyelids, while the second breed has rounded lower eyelids.

Today Siamese are successful competitors Persian cats. All this is due to the fact that they have a completely unique character. No one is surprised by this, because their attachment to their owner is similar to that of a dog. Animals are easy to train, and it gives them extraordinary pleasure. Their capabilities are many times higher than a regular game with a mouse or a piece of regular paper.

The Siamese cat has a wedge-shaped head

Cats absolutely love to carry in their teeth various items, so they can easily be taught the “fetch” command. This is how they differ from other breeds.

The owner can also train his pet to sit on command, give a paw, or jump over obstacles. It should be noted that there is no difference between the Siamese and Thai cats. Animals that for a long time They are in the apartment themselves, concentrating all their attention on the owner coming from work. They literally follow him on his heels and treat him with sincere love.

Distinctive features of cats

Scientists distinguish more than 40 species of Siamese cats. Since each of them has its own special features, every owner should know what a Thai Siamese cat looks like and a regular Siamese. There are certain standards for this.

The Siamese's body is incredibly flexible due to its long body and tail. Thinness is also given by the triangular shape of the head and the visual absence of the bridge of the nose due to the straight line passing between the forehead and nose of the cat. The eyes are very expressive due to their sky blue color, which is very rare for animals. The cats have a light beige coat, however, the face is completely brown.

Thai cat - rounder head

Another special feature is that kittens of this species are born completely white. And only in the process of growth do they acquire their traditional color.

The Thai cat is much larger in size. Their body is very massive and fluffy. Head and eyes round shape. The small ears are also rounded at the tips. The paws and muzzle are brown or black.


Many people think that Siamese and Thai cats are very angry and selfish animals. But those who directly live with them claim that they are very smart and easy to train. At the same time, they can be aggressive and jealous.

If the cat suddenly feels that something is threatening the owner, he will definitely protect him.

Thais are very smart; if the owner does not have enough time to play with them, the cat can occupy itself. The character of the Thai cat is playful and very open. Animals are devoted to their owners, very affectionate and loving, and are happy to pose for photos.

Interesting facts about Siamese and Thai cats

  • In Thailand there is a library where old books about cats are kept. Poems about these animals date back to 1700. The pages of the book depict cats of these species.
  • The first Thais appeared in England at the end of the 19th century. Eyewitnesses described them as “the most terrible cats of unnatural color.” A century later, this breed became famous throughout the world.
  • In the kingdom of Siam these animals were called “moon diamond”. Researchers believe this is most likely due to eye and coat color.
  • At the wedding of Queen Elizabeth II, one of the guests gave her a cat of this breed as a gift.
  • Siamese cats are considered one of the smartest. Almost all owners note that they are highly trainable.
  • Animals of both species often suffer from diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • Modern Siamese cats are considered one of the most hypoallergenic animals. But their owners claim that cats can fully compensate for this deficiency with their affection.
  • The average gestation cycle for kittens in these species is 60-70 days.
  • Most of these cats are lactose and sugar intolerant. Therefore, milk in their diet is one of the prohibited foods.

According to WCF, the largest felinological organization in Russia, Thai and Siamese are 2 different breeds, consisting of the same Siamese-Oriental group. Of course, they have a common ancestor - the traditional Siamese (the one that appeared in Thailand). Many people still don’t know the differences, so we’ll do a little comparative analysis.

1. General impression

Left: Thai cat, photo from Friend 09/2008
Right: Siamese GC, RW Ayuthaya Amoretta of Thaifong, Chocolate Point Female,
Breeder: Virginia Wheeldon, Photo Credit: Chanan

Thai cats look plumper than Siamese cats. The Thais body small, compact. Siamese have a long, slender and flexible body.

The Thais limbsmiddle length, Siamese have long ones.

The Thais tail- medium length and plump, for Siamese - very long and thin, like a whip.

The whole Siamese cat is the embodiment of subtlety and elongation. Siamese cats can be compared to catwalk models, and Thai cats can be compared to slender girls and boys from everyday life.

2. Head

Left: Thai cat Elizaveta, photo shpaginu, Moscow
Right: Siamese cat J-Bar's Misha of Susan, susanssiamese.com

Thai cats have a beautiful round head. Siamese cats have a wedge-shaped head: the tip of the nose and the tips of the ears form an equilateral triangle.

pay attention to ears. Thais have ears - average size with rounded ends. Siamese have very large ears with pointed tips.

3. Profile

Left: Thai cat Matryoshka, photo alina, Moscow
Right: Grand Champion Siamese Shimasu Annie Muldoon of Susan, susanssiamese.com

From the Thai profile- with a slight concavity at eye level. The Siamese has an almost straight profile.

4. We also present to your attention drawings by famous artists, in which the difference between the two breeds is obvious.

Main characteristics of the Thai breed:

  • rounded body contours;
  • small ears;
  • medium size;
  • convex profile.

Main characteristics of the Siamese breed:

  • angular outline, triangle head;
  • big ears, similar to bat ears;
  • everything is elongated, long (body, legs, tail, muzzle);
  • straight profile.

5. Common features between the Thai and Siamese breeds.

  • blue eyes and color point color;
  • wonderful "dog" character;
  • oriental temperament;
  • general history up to the 1960s.

When writing this article, the WCF standards for Thai and Siamese cats were used.

If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments below.

Like any universe, the world of cat lovers is divided into its own camps: some love the friendly hairless cats, others love the freedom-loving longhaired ones. But among cat lovers there is one “category” whose adherents fall in love once and for all. And the name of this love is the Thai cat breed.

Having once adopted such a pet, lovers of oriental cats no longer take other breeds seriously. Each subsequent choice will remain unchanged - a Thai cat. What is so special about this breed?

The Thai cat is one of the ancient breeds. These animals were first mentioned in manuscripts dating back to the 14th century. In those days, the eastern murka was considered a symbol of prosperity - only noble and wealthy families had the right to live under the same roof with a fluffy Thai woman. Also, representatives of the Thai breed were certainly present at the temple of a Buddhist monk.

Europeans became interested in the exotic breed only in the 19th century, when its representatives were taken from their historical homeland to Big world. Unusual cats instantly gained popularity and became the object of experiments by felinologists. Appearance The breed gradually changed - the bred cat acquired new features: a wedge-shaped head, large ears and extremely refined limbs. This is how it was formed Siamese breed, leaving Thai in the shadows - for true lovers of the oriental “classics” of the cat world.

A real Thai cat is considered rare. To confirm that a Murka belongs to the breed, it is necessary to undergo a special examination and many tests. Only after a lengthy procedure and at least two positive expert opinions is the cat added to the ranks of eminent relatives.

To this day, the Thai cat is considered the ancestor of the Siamese; these breeds go hand in hand through history.

Description of the Thai breed

Today, the Thai cat has an exterior similar to that of the Siamese of the 18th century. This is a strong, well-built cat with neat features and an excellent “athletic” build.

The body of a Thai cat is proportional, not long, muscular, and of medium size. The Eastern Murka boasts strong legs with graceful round paws. The tail is not too long, well developed, rounded towards the tip.

The head is round in shape and small rounded ears perfectly complement the graceful features. The distinctive “highlight” of the Thai cat’s appearance is its slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes. There is a legend that these cats received blue eye color as a gift from the gods for their endless devotion.

The Thai fur coat is silky, dense, without undercoat. Special attention The breed standard focuses on color - color point. According to tradition, the light body is accompanied by colored dark color limbs, tail, as well as “darkened” ears and muzzle.

Depending on the color options, Thai cats are divided into varieties:

  • Seal point. Color in cream tones, brown points.
  • Blue Point. The main tones are cold, bluish. Markings are grey.
  • Lilac-point. The colors are purple and pinkish.
  • Torty point. Bright red colors.
  • Faun. White background with gray (or blue) markings.
  • Red point. An original combination of red markings on a white body.
  • Tabby. Graceful points with “stripes” on them.
  • Cream color. Light background combined with cream spots.
  • Сhocolate-point. Ivory is complemented by chocolate paws and tail.

Differences between Thai and Siamese cats

The color of two related breeds - Thai and Siamese - leads to the fact that these cats are often confused. In fact, these murkas are completely different, both in appearance and in “soul”.

Siamese cats have a more graceful physique. Their body is slightly elongated, and their legs are extremely slender and elegant. Thais, on the contrary, are stockier. The legs are proportional and the body is more muscular. If you do not take into account the similar color, then these are two completely different cats. Thais have the cuteness of a small kitten - they are more roundish. Siamese are more like an “adult” animal, moreover, slightly addicted to diets - they are extremely slender and graceful.

There are also differences in the shape of the head: in Siamese it is wedge-shaped with a pointed muzzle. Thai cats are distinguished by their “round” head and small ears. Siamese ears are large and pointed. The same applies to the shape of the eyes.

There are cardinal differences in character. Siamese cats are the standard of “harmfulness”; Thai ones are an indicator of “correctness”; they are excellent students of the cat school.

Personality of the Thai cat

The Thai cat is a unique breed. These animals are so smart that they allow a person to think that he has a pet at home. In reality, everything is completely different. The Eastern Murka happily fulfills all the whims of a person - from strict adherence to the rules of the house, to funny tricks that this cat can easily be taught. And all thanks to the high intelligence that this breed is endowed with.

The Thai pet takes extraordinary pleasure in being close to a person. She may even believe that humans are as smart as cats. If you have taught a Thai certain skills and proudly show your guests tricks performed by your pet, rest assured that the cat thinks quite the opposite. It is he, the cat, who has condescended to human amusements and is playing with you.

The Thai cat is confident that equality reigns in her home. She greets her owner at the door every day not as a pet, but as a friend. And rest assured: you will not find a more faithful comrade among cats. This is the standard of devotion, this is the indicator of friendliness, this is the concentration of affection.

In the house, the Thai cat respects absolutely everyone. Loves to participate in children's games and treats babies as if they were their own kittens. They behave condescendingly with other animals in the house, they get along well even with dogs, but, nevertheless, they prefer the company of a person, as a more intelligent “interlocutor”.

By the way, about conversations. Thai Cat - radio with round-the-clock broadcast. This mug meows almost constantly, and not without meaning. Each “meow” has its own intonation, and each “phrase” is dedicated to some the most important event- a fly flying over a Thai woman’s nest, a speck of dust drifting in a cat’s bowl of water.

Cohabitation with an Oriental Murka

Living next to a Thai cat is not difficult. These pets respect the rules in the house and observe feeding and resting areas. Her exquisite origin and high intelligence will not allow the Thai woman to pass the tray. This clever girl will leave the option with scattered filler to less intelligent animals.

The Thai cat's weakness is jumping. There is no more exciting activity than conquering cabinets and shelves. The cat completely trusts the owner to save things standing on a hill. It was he, the stupid one, who decided to install flower pots where he could climb with pleasure.

What makes it different Thai cat from others, it is virtuoso control of the limbs. The cat is able to lift and throw objects with its front paws, and also eat with them as if with its hands.

There is a wonderful trait in the character of the Thai cat - it is attached not to the house, but to the person. This quality allows owners to travel with their pets, and if they need to move, it makes changing their place of residence less painful.

Thai cats are very attached to people. In communicating with him they find the meaning of their lives, and when long absence the owner falls into real depression. Cats of this breed should be owned by people who can easily set aside time every day to communicate with their pet. Only in this mode will the Murka feel comfortable and delight its owners in a good mood.

There is an opinion that Thai cats are extremely aggressive. This is partly true. But only in the case when the animal has “mixed blood”, if one of the parents was outbred. Street education rewards cats not only with self-confidence, but also with an evil disposition, which they successfully pass on to their kittens. Pure-blooded Thais have not been tested wandering life, so their temperament is soft, fluffy and good-natured.

Caring for a Thai cat

Thai cats are not picky. They do not require special care and get along well in any home. When buying a kitten, you should acquire all the necessary equipment for a comfortable life for your pet.

Grooming takes minimal effort. It is enough to “wipe” the cat with wet hands once a week to remove loose hairs. Domestic Thais do not need bathing. They are quite clean and restore beauty on their own. An exception may be a young individual who managed to get dirty during research at home.

A scratching post will help you care for your claws. It is desirable that it be spacious and high, because Thai women love to climb, and this helps to grind off not only the front claws, but also scratches on the hind legs.

Thai cat diet

The indoor predator undoubtedly needs a special diet. It is necessary to take care of the protein component in the Thai cat's menu. Meat and meat products must occupy at least, half a bowl. Animal products must be processed thermally.

For Thai cats it is extremely unwanted product is the liver. It causes a change in color, in particular darkening of the light areas of the coat. This fact is important for participants in cat shows, since the “wrong” coat will serve as a stain on the reputation of the exhibition animal.

Considered a good treat for a Thai cat low-fat cottage cheese, dairy products. But it’s better not to feed your cat milk.

The diet of the Eastern Murka should include grains and vegetables. If a cat shows character by refusing plant food, you should mix porridge with meat. And to lull your pet’s vigilance, mix the ingredients using a blender.

Besides tasty food The cat needs fresh water. This is especially true for animals that eat dry food.

The Thai cat is an excellent companion for people who love purring pets. This is a wonderful friend and a smart assistant in all household chores. If you need an active animal, feel free to get a Thai. It is simply impossible to get bored with him.

Thai and Siamese cats have many similarities and certain differences. But are they really that noticeable or can only professionals see them?

Thai and Siamese cats: what is the difference?

There is a lot of talk about Thai and Siamese cats, and to this day there is debate among admirers of these breeds about which one is better. Some argue that Thai cats have a kinder character than Siamese, but such statements are to a certain extent conditional. After all, these cats have a common ancestor. And this ancestor lived not millions or even thousands of years ago at the time of the birth of Homo sapiens, but quite recently. And the genes of this common ancestor still walk in the blood of both Thais and Siamese.

Siamese cat

Professional breeders and felinologists sometimes almost foam at the mouth trying to prove to ordinary cat lovers that these are completely different breeds, but for most owners of Siamese and Thai cats these differences are barely noticeable. Therefore, we will try to deduce the main differences and similarities between representatives of these two breeds, which would be understandable to any cat lover.

Similarities between Thai and Siamese cats

Firstly, no matter what the professionals say about the quality of wool, its texture, guard hairs and all sorts of “tickings”, it is unlikely that an amateur will be able to determine whose wool adorns his business suit or wig, no matter how much he might like it. Both Thai and Siamese cats have approximately the same color, which could popularly be called beige with chocolate. And if you are the owner of both a Siamese and a Thai, then the hair you find may belong to either of them and even both at once. After all, a wig is a wonderful place to relax.

Siamese cats

Length of claws: Both breeds have fairly long claws. Let's be honest, the extended claws of Siamese (or Thai) cats are not a sight for pampered young ladies. They are especially impressive when animals go hunting. By the way, it has been noted more than once that both are completely indifferent to scratching posts, no matter how many there are in the house. True, there are reports that they can still be accustomed to this cat accessory. But, probably due to the fact that both cats are characterized by amazing willfulness, in most cases they prefer to handle their retractable knives on upholstered furniture or door frames.

Affectionateness is another quality that brings these breeds together. When the owner appears on the threshold, both of them run towards him. At the same time, they are almost ready to fight for their owner’s attention if they suddenly discover a four-legged competitor for the owner’s attention. Even a dog can get it.

Thai cats

What is the difference between Thai and Siamese cats?

First of all, these cats are distinguished by their physique.

Cats look rounder and more massive, but Siamese are much thinner and taller. In addition, they have a narrower, triangular-shaped muzzle. You can also note the huge ears of the Siamese cat, as opposed to the relatively small ears of the Thai cat.


Cats are known for their passion for chatter, which can drive an otherwise quiet owner into hysterics. But in fact, Thai cats are even more talkative. It seems that Thais are ready to tell their owners about everything that happened to them and what they witnessed. In addition, they purr noticeably more often. The Siamese are clearly inferior in this quality to their Thai relatives.

Attitude towards strangers.

Representatives of both breeds treat guests unkindly. However, if the Siamese cat tries to avoid strangers staging real concerts from afar, hissing and arching, then a Thai cat, especially if it is a cat, can even pounce on potential danger. In this regard, they really are similar to dogs, with which they are often compared. Even if the Thai cat does not attack the guest, it will walk around its victim in circles, screaming, hissing and staring intently at it. However, despite such an unfriendly reception, the Thai cat eventually calms down within a fairly short period of time. The main thing is that she does not attack the guest before she has time to cool down. A Siamese cat can spend hours incredulously looking from afar at people who are unnecessary in its understanding, grumbling something under its breath.