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How to trim a cat's hair with scissors. Is it possible to cut cats? Features of caring for cats of different breeds

IN summer time Furry cats and cats have a hard time. The body’s almost ideal thermoregulatory system does not help either. Due to the shaggy undercoat, heat exchange is disrupted, and the owner of a luxurious fluffy fur coat literally swelters from the heat. A haircut helps solve the problem.

And finally, the most important thing. The animal will get rid of discomfort and will not suffer from the heat.

Important! Tangles are not easy aesthetic problem or a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora. The appearance of “felt balls” often indicates that the cat has a metabolic disorder and needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

To cut an animal or not to cut it

With all its advantages, haircuts have a number of contraindications. This is especially true for show animals of a certain color. For example, in cats of typing (silver) and colorpoint ("Siamese") color, the overgrown hair on the back and belly may darken.

You shouldn’t take risks with cats that are too temperamental and nervous. The use of anesthesia is not a solution to the problem, since it is associated with many risks (renal and liver failure, cardiac arrest). You should not blindly follow fashion and cut short-haired cats unnecessarily. They do not particularly suffer from the heat, and their shiny coat does not become tangled.

Important! You cannot cut the hair on the animal’s head or paw pads. Under no circumstances should you trim your mustache!

What you need to groom a cat at home

To cut a cat's hair at home, you will need patience along with it.

  • Two trimmers: regular and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Scissors with blunt ends (surgical ones are ideal).
  • Also prepare a bandage, iodine, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide. At the pet's sharp teeth and claws, this cannot be discounted.
  • It is advisable for two people to trim a cat's hair. Coping with this task alone is not so easy.

How to trim a cat: procedure

  • Secure the animal by its hind and front legs, laying it on its side.
  • If the animal is aggressive, put a special collar on it. It might bite!
  • First, remove the tangles using scissors. Then, using a clipper, trim the hair on the back and sides of the animal. It is best to use a 3 mm nozzle. The risk of injuring the animal’s skin is minimal.
  • Hair on the paws (if necessary at all) should be trimmed last.
  • When trimming belly hair, be especially careful around the genital area and nipples. It is advisable to trim the fur in these areas in advance using scissors.
  • It is not necessary to cut the tail. It all depends on your imagination. You can leave a “squirrel” or “fox” fluffy tail, or you can make your pet look like an African relative, leaving a small tassel.

Important! How to cut a cat's hair - with or against its fur? Both options have the right to life. It's up to you to decide. When cutting against the grain, the procedure goes faster. Hair cutting is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the cat feels less discomfort.

Grooming must be done very carefully so as not to injure the animal. Be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to cut your cat’s hair in one go. There's nothing wrong if the procedure will pass in several stages, but without physical and mental trauma for both parties.

Some owners wash their cat after washing and dry it with a hairdryer. This is, to put it mildly, unnecessary. The manipulations associated with a haircut are already a lot of stress for the fluffy. It is much more humane to remove stuck hairs using a piece of suede or a damp cloth. Protect the animal (even in the summer heat!) from drafts: the kitty can catch a cold.

What's the best way to shave a cat?

To avoid the hassle of scissors, you can use an electric razor with the same precautions as with a regular haircut. The fur should not be shaved clean. It's better to just shorten it.

Popular cat haircuts

A haircut a lion. The coat is left intact on the head, front legs, hocks and tip of the tail.

"Puss in Boots"- the same as the “lion”, only the tail is left in its original beauty.

Summer- the most radical option.

As for the options for “salon” haircuts, there are many options. From under the groomer’s scissors, the furry miracle emerges as a “puma”, “harlequin” and even a “dragon”.

What if the cat doesn’t want to get his hair cut?

Well... So, the scissors will have to be put aside. In this case, carefully care for your pet's fur.

  • Brush your cat regularly.
  • Remove tangles periodically (or better yet, prevent them from forming).
  • When bathing the animal, use special softening shampoos and balms.

Buy at veterinary pharmacy special product for removing hair from digestive tract or buy special food with absorbable ingredients. And to prevent heatstroke in an animal, use air conditioning more often.

A cat clipper at home is an indispensable accessory in the house, especially if your pet has long hair.

This device will help you save significant money on pet beauty salons and will not require a groomer.

Cat hair needs to be trimmed primarily for hygienic purposes.

Soft and thin wool is very difficult to cut, however, it tends to form tangles and collect a large number of dirt and debris.

What is a cat clipper at home?

Specially designed for home use Cat clippers usually have low power.

This is very important because cats, like no other pet, are irritated by loud noises.

They are equipped with special knives that cut specific soft hair without any problems. cat hair.

It is especially important that a cat clipper at home can cope with the cat’s undercoat, which is difficult to trim.

Cutting cat hair is quite difficult and not every hair clipper is suitable for it.

In order to be able to cut your pet’s hair comfortably at home, you can choose:

  • A universal model that adapts to any type of coat
  • Special models for cat grooming

What types of machines are there?

Cat clippers are divided into two main groups: mechanical (manual) and electric.

A mechanical cat clipper looks like ordinary pliers connected with a screw.

There is a cutting surface on their edges.

Mechanical cat clipper

Electric models, in turn, are divided into:

  • Vibrating
  • Pendulum
  • Rechargeable
  • Rotary

Vibrating models with low power are suitable only for home use.

The device produces little noise. Suitable for animals with soft fur middle length, like .

Electric cat clipper

Pendulum devices have more power.

Their main advantage is low cost. They are also used only at home.

The cordless cat clipper for home use is equipped with removable blades.

Its disadvantage is considered to be a short service life, however, you can easily find a way out of this situation by buying a second battery and, if necessary, changing it.

You can also buy a model with mixed nutrition, which allows the device to additionally operate from the network.

Complete cat grooming kit

The most powerful is a rotary clipper for grooming cats at home.

With its help, you can cut even the longest and thickest cat hair, which has not even been combed beforehand.

The built-in air cooling system allows the device to operate for a long period of time.

How to choose the right clipper for your cat

When choosing a cat clipper, you should start with the quality of the blade material; this directly determines how functional the tool will be.

The most the best material For knives, ceramics is considered, since it heats up much less than steel.

As for the noise produced by the device, then, undoubtedly, the optimal models will be those that produce the least possible amount of noise and which will not frighten the animal.

In this case, the animal will not be afraid, and the chances of cutting it evenly and neatly will increase.

Operating the machine should be as simple as possible - ergonomics are extremely important.

This applies to replacing attachments and adjusting the speed of movement of knives.

The package should include accessories and attachments for cutting hair on different areas animal body.

Convenient cat clipper

Secondary, but no less important details The things you should pay attention to when choosing a tool are:

  • battery charge indication,
  • quality of wiring winding,
  • high power, allowing you to cope with coarse undercoat without overheating.

The wide blade width helps cut large animals faster.

For ears and paws there should be special small attachments - trimmers.

How to trim a cat's hair without scaring it

A cat is a rather timid animal, therefore, it is advisable to hire an assistant for grooming, a person well known to the animal, who will hold and calm it.

You should be prepared for the fact that as soon as you make the first movements with the machine turned on, the animal will try to escape.

Persian haircut "like a lion"

Talk to your cat gently throughout the process, this will noticeably calm her down.

First, the armpits and back of the body, the genitals and anus are cut (here you need to be especially careful).

It is advisable to trim the paw pads and tail after cutting with scissors.

The cat's head is not cut; the mane is carefully trimmed, wrapping the animal in a blanket.

The movement of the clipper during cutting can be directed both in the direction of hair growth and against it. Going against the grain will cut off more fur.

It is not advisable to use nozzles shorter than 2 mm, as they increase the risk of injuring the cat.

Don’t forget to cut your animal’s nails if you don’t have a special one in your apartment.

The mats are cut off with scissors, the animal's skin is stretched when shearing, and after the procedure the cat is wiped with a damp cloth or bathed.

Miniature lion

Is it possible to sharpen knives yourself?

It is almost impossible to sharpen knives in the device yourself.

Only a specialist knows the roughness class of the working surface and the direction of the marks on it.

After sharpening, the master must dull the side edges so that you do not cut yourself during the procedure.

The marks must be strictly parallel to the side edges, or at a slight angle.

The main thing is that the working surface is not mirror-like - this will lead to the knives sticking together during operation.

To summarize, we see that sharpening a cat clipper yourself can be done incorrectly, which will ruin it.

In addition, the craftsmen carry out sharpening using professional equipment, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the work performed.

How to care for your instrument

A cat clipper at home does not require complex care.

All that is necessary is to adhere to basic hygiene rules:

  1. The instrument should be cleaned regularly. Wait until it cools down before doing this. Carry out the procedure at least every 5 haircuts;
  2. You need to trim a washed animal so that the clipper does not become clogged with dust and dirt;
  3. To care for the device, you need to use special means– brush and solution;
  4. Lubricate the device every time after cleaning.

The rules of care that are necessary for a cat clipper to last for many years at home are not at all complicated; follow them regularly and you will always be able to keep your pet’s fur in excellent condition.

Original cat haircut

Where to buy a cat clipper

Before purchasing a cat clipper, decide how often you are going to use it and how multifunctional it should be.

The choice of models, the price of which varies quite a lot, directly depends on whether you will simply cut your pet’s hair for hygienic purposes, or plan to create masterpieces of cat hairstyles.

The tool can be purchased at:

  • Online store;
  • Real store;
  • According to the advertisement.

Haircut process

The price in each of these places is different.

The quality of the purchased tool differs in the same way.

Different manufacturers and countries, different specifications And functionality also contribute to the fact that the price of some models may differ significantly from others.

In an online store, as a rule, the most low price on the device, however, the downside is that the product can only be viewed after receipt.

You can choose a product based on customer reviews left on the site.

A cheaper tool can also be purchased second hand. But, in this case, you will not have any guarantees regarding its quality and service life.

In real retail pet stores, the price is usually higher, but the advantage of purchasing is that you can immediately inspect the product by holding it in your hands.

Cat grooming (grooming) is becoming increasingly popular. Although just a few years ago, many of our compatriots did not even imagine that cats could be cut in the same way as people or dogs.

What is meant by grooming and why is it needed?

Grooming refers to a whole range of activities necessary to care for an animal:

  • Nail trimming.
  • Combing wool, untangling matted areas.
  • Grooming of domestic cats, especially long-haired breeds.
  • Ear cleaning.
  • Eye care.
  • Trimming the fur between the fingers.
  • Removing tartar and generally caring for your pet’s entire oral cavity.
  • In some cases, grooming includes cleaning the anal and other glands.

The word comes from the ancient designation “groom” - a person whose profession was caring for an animal, primarily a horse. Nowadays, the term has passed on to any “hairdresser” for animals, and the professional himself is more often called a “groomer.”

Why do you need to groom your pets?

There are many situations in which grooming cats is acceptable, if not vital. And we’re not just talking about going to a felinological competition. Very often, veterinarians advise resorting to grooming when they notice a problem with the animal’s fur or skin.

In this regard, all types of haircuts for cats can be divided into two categories:

  1. Model.
  2. Hygienic.

Model grooming is performed mainly for exhibitions and is a real work of art.

Types of exhibition haircuts

Model cat grooming can be done not only for a trip to an exhibition. Many owners regularly visit the salon to give their pet an original look. Each hairstyle is individual. And yet, there are several of the most popular varieties, on the basis of which groomers create their exclusive works of hairdressing art.

  • "French Lion". For this hairstyle, the back, top of the paws and base of the tail are completely trimmed. The head and neck fur remain intact, giving the impression of a luxurious mane. The tip of the tail is not cut either. A specialist can give it the shape of a lion tassel, a pompom, a stepped herringbone or a neat whisk. Sometimes the fur is shortened just a little, resulting in a fluffy squirrel tail. The length of the “socks” and “gloves” on the paws can also vary. Thus, it is created unique image animal.
  • "Puma". This haircut is done in almost the same way as the “Lion” option, but in addition the fluffy shirtfront on the chest is preserved.
  • For the “Dragon” model, the sides and belly are cut smooth, while the hair along the ridge and tail remains untouched. It is only given the shape of a carved comb with sharp teeth.
  • “Puss in Boots” fully corresponds to its name: the animal’s fur is shortened on its back, and top part The paws are cut so that neat boots are obtained.

There are also more intricate haircuts - such as “Modern”, “Continental”, “Harlequin”. All of them are performed only by specialists.

What should you know about grooming?

Grooming cats is a complex process with many nuances.

  • Under no circumstances should you cut your head, ears or whiskers: there is a risk of damaging the whiskers.
  • Don't cut your tail bald: most cats try to chew it and cause serious wounds to themselves. Keep hair on at least one third of the tail.
  • The same applies to the paws: it is imperative to leave “toes” in the area of ​​the toes and the lower joint of the paw. But their length may vary.
  • After shortening, the color of the coat may change dramatically.
  • It is better not to cut animals with color point or tipping color at all: after this, the coat will sharply darken.
  • The ideal length of shortened wool is 3 mm. It feels like velor fabric or plush to the touch, does not prick and does not cause discomfort to the animal. If you cut with a 1 mm nozzle, then the first week the hairs will be very stiff and only then will they acquire their usual softness.
  • Don't cut your cat's hair. The skin of these animals is very delicate and can easily burn even in not too hot sun. In addition, the fur reliably protects them during play, and a hairless cat can seriously be scratched simply by scratching.
  • Tangles can only be removed using a machine. Scissors should only be used when as a last resort and with utmost care. To do this, a fine comb is threaded under the mat, and the wool is carefully cut over it.
  • If you are preparing for an exhibition, take care to do your pet's hair no later than six months in advance. Then it can be corrected a little.

Hair trimming for cats can be done every few years or monthly. It all depends on the speed of hair growth.

Salon or home haircut?

The question of whether to contact a specialized office or trim the pet’s fur themselves arises among owners very often. There are quite a lot of arguments in favor of both options. Grooming cats at home is much cheaper, and many mustachioed purrs perceive trips to the salon as very stressful.

The difficulty is that not all animals tolerate grooming calmly. Some people so actively resist attempts to cut their hair that they have to be sedated. Most often, mild muscle relaxants are used in this capacity: these medications do not completely immobilize the cat, but reduce activity and make all its reactions more inhibited. Choose the right medicine, only a professional can give the injection correctly and monitor the condition of the four-legged patient.

An experienced groomer, while working, always gives advice on caring for the cat and reports any problems he notices, such as incipient dermatitis, excess oily fur, and lack of vitamins.

Even choosing a shampoo for bathing before a haircut sometimes turns into a difficult task. An incorrectly selected grooming product can damage the coat, cause allergies or skin irritation, and in the worst case scenario, even cause the animal to go bald.

Additionally, cat grooming varies greatly in difficulty. Hygienic or the simplest of model haircuts, such as “lion”, “puma” or “puss in boots”, can be easily done at home. Others, more complex ones, can only be done by a specialist. Thus, it is often much easier to pay for a trip to a clinic or salon. Usually a groomer gives a cat a haircut in a equipped office, however, a home call is quite possible.

Grooming a cat at home: what will you need?

If you still decide not to go to the salon, then keep in mind: grooming cats is not the easiest task. You will need a lot of patience and some tools:

  • Hair clipper.
  • The attachments for it are at least 3 mm long (it is best to use veterinary attachments No. 3 for these purposes).
  • Comb-comb.
  • Regular or hairdressing scissors (if you want a “designer” hairstyle, you can take both regular and filer scissors).
  • A high table or ironing board at which you can work comfortably.
  • Just in case, prepare hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool.

And, of course, you need to take into account that for such a procedure you will need an assistant, or better yet two. After all, most animals perceive attempts to cut their hair very aggressively, and someone will have to hold the wayward cat so that she does not injure her “hairdresser.”

Place your pet on the tabletop, holding the front and hind legs so that he couldn't twitch. Carefully trim the fur first on the back, then on the belly, paws and tail. If necessary, trim any stray hairs.

Be sure to stretch the skin to avoid wrinkles. Otherwise, it is very easy to injure the animal. This is especially true for mats of hair in the nipple area.

After completing the procedure, be sure to bathe the animal to wash off any remaining hair on its skin.

Grooming cost

Grooming domestic cats is considered a rather expensive pleasure.

  • In Moscow average cost grooming starts from 1100 – 1200 rubles.
  • In small towns, this amount can be even higher: from 1,500 rubles for a standard hairstyle.

You will have to pay extra for additional services:

  • So, combing out tangles will cost 400 rubles
  • Cutting them is 300.
  • Shortening the nails, treating the ears and eyes, and trimming the fur between the toes also has an additional cost.

Some salons offer discounts regular customers. In this case, the price of cat grooming can be reduced to 800 or even 600 rubles.

Grooming of domestic cats is not mandatory hygiene procedures, but nevertheless, many breeds need to shorten their coat. A step-by-step method on how to trim a cat’s hair at home will be useful for many owners, because it is not always possible to have the procedure done by a veterinarian. This procedure can be carried out for hygienic and decorative purposes, and can also be prescribed by a veterinarian as a treatment.

Read in this article

Reasons for cutting a cat's hair

There are several good reasons why pet grooming is necessary and desirable.
procedure. According to their purpose, haircuts for domestic cats are:

The best quality haircut is, of course, done in a salon. Grooming specialists use special tools and devices that do not damage the skin. But it will be useful for the owner to know how to cut a cat’s hair at home, so as not to overpay every time.

To see how cats are cut in a salon, watch this video:

How often to carry out hairdressing procedures

The regularity of haircuts is determined by the intensity of hair growth. As a rule, fur grows back from 3 to 6 months. The rate of fur growth is affected by the breed of the animal, its condition, and its state of health.

It is recommended to cut the average cat no more than 2-3 times a year. If the procedure involves removing tangles, then it is carried out as they form. Model haircuts can be done more often, but you should take into account the condition of the coat, the season of the year and the health of the pet. Hygienic and therapeutic haircuts are usually carried out as needed.

Some nuances that may arise after a haircut

Owners are often interested in what will happen if they cut their cat’s hair, especially for the first time. Fans of cat hairstyles should know that after cutting the coat, not only the structure of the coat often changes, but even the color. Pets with colorpoint and tipping should not be cut due to darkening of the fur in the belly and back.

a) Color point color variation; b) Solid blue color with a distinct silver tint (the ends of the hair have silver tipping)

Regular trimming can cause the coat to not grow back to its normal length. After hairdressing procedures, the new fur coat may become thinner and quickly become tangled.

The consequences of cutting your hair yourself are often injuries. skin. The risk of developing inflammatory processes increases.

When grooming in a clinic or salon, the animal is often given a light anesthesia or sedatives. However, regular use sedatives and anesthesia adversely affects the health of the pet.

What is needed for the procedure

Before being puzzled by the question of how to cut a cat’s hair himself, the owner should stock up on the necessary equipment and tools. For home grooming, you will need a high, stable table on which you can comfortably place the animal. A wide ironing board will also work for these purposes.

As a hairdressing tool, you need scissors with non-sharp edges and a clipper. Owners who are mastering home grooming are often interested in how cats are cut in the salon and at home. There are many cat trimmers available on the market. There is a tool designed specifically for cutting long-haired breeds. It is distinguished by sharpening of blades and does not injure delicate skin animal.

If your pet is terrified of electric clippers, it is better to use scissors or a manual clipper. Care should be taken when working, as the risk of injury from such a tool is high.

To comb the fur while cutting, you will need a comb. For this purpose, it is better to purchase a rare comb. All instruments must be individual. Before the procedure, it is advisable to treat the cutting surface with any disinfectant solution.

It is impossible to carry out high-quality independent grooming of your pet without an assistant. You can purchase a special collar that protects the owner from bites from an unhappy pet.

It is better to cut a restless cat in veterinary clinic, where she will be given sedatives if necessary. You cannot use any sedative medications at home.

Before trimming your cat's fur, you should stock up disinfectant solutions, for example, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine to treat possible cuts.

How to cut your hair correctly

Before hairdressing manipulation, the animal should be bathed with shampoo and conditioner. Best to spend water procedure 2 - 3 days before haircut. This will make combing and the process of creating a hairstyle easier. To avoid injury, you should also trim your nails or wear special protective pads on your claws.

It is necessary to carry out a haircut with an assistant. How to cut a cat’s hair with a clipper has its own rules, the implementation of which will greatly facilitate the owner’s task:

  • Using a machine, hair is removed from the sides, back and belly of the pet. As a rule, nozzle No. 3 is used, which corresponds to 3 mm. The abdominal area should be treated especially carefully. It is better to pre-cut the area of ​​the perineum and milk nipples with scissors.
  • Trim the fur in the armpit area, changing the nozzle to 2mm. Then the back of the body is cut.
  • The tail is either not cut at all, or a “tassel” is left at the end.
  • The hair on the paws is trimmed, forming either short “socks” or longer “socks”.
  • If necessary, the hairstyle on the head is shaped using scissors.
  • Use scissors to trim the mane and the “tassel” on the tail.

If you have to decide how to cut a cat’s hair with scissors, if you don’t have a clipper, then in this option you should prepare for a little more difficulties. With the help of scissors, as a rule, the wool is corrected after cutting with a clipper. The hairstyle, when using this one tool, will be uneven and unaesthetic.

After grooming, the animal must be bathed, wiped with wet wipes and dried with a hairdryer.

To learn how to cut a cat's hair at home, watch this video:

Popular hairstyles

The imagination of the owner and the professionalism of the grooming specialists make it possible to give the animal a wide variety of images: from a majestic lion to a creative Dragon-dinosaur. The most common and popular haircuts among cat owners are: Lion, Puma, exhibition haircuts Harlequin, Modern, Continental.

French lion

This type of haircut can be called universal, since it is often used for hygienic purposes and as a fashion hairstyle. It is advisable to choose this option in the hot summer. There are not many difficulties in how to cut a cat’s hair with a lion clipper yourself. The fur is cut using a tool over the entire body. The fur on the limbs is left unchanged in the form of “socks” or “golf”. The base of the tail is cut off, and a “tassel” or “broom” is formed at the end.

The Dragon

Exotic Dragon haircut is an unusual mohawk on the back of the animal. To give the pet an original look, the head is not cut, the fur coat on the body is trimmed. Along the spine and tail, the fur is clipped in the form of triangles. You can also leave scraps of wool and other shapes, it all depends on the imagination of the owner and the professionalism of the groomer.

Exhibition types of haircuts

Haircuts such as Harlequin, Modern, Continental are usually given to show animals. If the animal takes part in an exhibition, then the cats are cut in this case, as if for a fashion show. The purpose of such procedures is to emphasize the exterior features of the animal and, if possible, hide existing shortcomings. The owner will not be able to create such hairstyles for a pet on his own. This complex grooming requires experience and a professional approach and can only be performed by a master in a specialized salon.

A cat owner can do the grooming of a pet for medicinal and hygienic purposes himself. To do this you need to know certain rules and be patient. Exhibition and decorative hairstyles are best left to professionals.

My kitten Samych, we don’t cut him, he posted it for beauty :)

Hello, friends, a few days ago I wrote an article about dog grooming, many regular readers, cat owners, asked me to tell them - is it possible to groom cats?

I'll start with a little story. Last month I had to trim my fluffy cat, you can see him in the photos. I cut it with small nail scissors, despite the fact that the cat behaved relatively calmly, the procedure still lasted about three hours. At the end of the haircut, my hand fell off.

Always cut less than you think. If you are at all unsure about how much to trim, ask your veterinarian or one of the clinic's veterinary technicians. If you accidentally cut your hair, stop the bleeding with a little cornstarch. Keep a small container of cornstarch with your personal care supplies to be on the safe side. I hope you never need it.

If your cat has had a negative experience with nail trimming, you should not attempt to do more than one or nails during each trimming session. It's best to go through the entire procedure and do it before your cat even realizes what happened. If you keep the experience quick and positive, she will be more relaxed next time.

Here's this cat that took about three hours to cut

Almost the entire back of the cat had become matted and turned into a continuous mat, which was very close to the skin; it is impossible to cut it with a clipper in such a situation.

Choose a time to trim nails when your cat is relaxed. Hold the nail trimmer with one hand and grasp your cat's paw in the other hand. Press gently to align the nail and take a quick but careful photo. If she reacts, don't try to do more nails. Always end on a positive note, so it's better to come back and do a few more nails later rather than fight it and undo all the modification work good behavior which you did.

It will also help the process if you keep track of which paw you're working on, so you'll know where you left off when it's time to do another couple of nails. The less you have to hold your paw and double check you've already cut those nails, the better.

But the tangles are not the worst thing that happened; under the matted fur, flies laid eggs, from which hundreds of larvae hatched, besides flies, fleas felt comfortable here.

Why did they let the cat go like that? This is a different story. In a nutshell, it was a completely domestic cat who lived for years in an apartment, where he was regularly brushed, but due to certain circumstances he ended up in a private house, to other owners.

How often should you trim your cat's nails?

Typically once a month is enough, but this will depend on how quickly your cat's nails are growing. Don't be surprised if your cat jumps towards her after you trim her nails. Actually it's good way complete the manicure. This is a great way for her to quell any fears she might have about the procedure.

Not a humane option and should not be considered as a way to avoid nail trimming. The ability to scratch is important part be a cat. Failure is the equivalent of mini-amputations. Scratching behavior serves many vital emotional and physical functions for a cat. If your cat is exercising, provide an attractive scratch, place it near the area where she scratches, and reward her for using the message. If you are considering giving up your cat because you cannot trim its nails, your veterinarian will teach you how to do it, or you can bring your cat to have veterinary staff perform nail trims.

This is what the cat looks like from behind

Street life began, communication with simple cats, the cat was fed and taken care of, like others, he walked outside during the day as much as he wanted, and returned to the house at night. As you understand, street conditions are not suitable for all animals; the cat was caught in the rain several times, without necessary care the wool matted, and such problems occurred.

If you have any questions about your cat's health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended to replace veterinary care your cat. Pets - we love them like family, but let's face it: we could do without all the smells that come with them. From trash boxes to unpleasant odor to all the general pet smell, those funky pets can unfortunately become the one thing guests remember most about your home, no matter how well decorated it is.

Here are some of my favorite tips, from simple to extreme, to minimize pet odors. Keep your home clean. Let's start with the obvious - cleaning your home on a regular basis is a must if you want to get rid of unwanted pet odors.

So to cut or not to cut?

Let's return to our question - is it possible to cut cats and my attitude towards cutting cats. I’ll also explain why I started with the story about the cat.

After a haircut, the structure of the hair often changes; the new growing hair becomes thinner and quickly rolls into tangles. The skin also changes, it loses elasticity, firmness, and becomes dry.

Keep your pet clean, too. Another necessity is to frequently clean and groom your pet - from baths to brushing, while maintaining furry friend fresh will go a long way in keeping your house smelling that way. Even small things like trimming nails and brushing teeth can have an impact big influence. If you have a particularly difficult candidate, a grooming service may be the way to go.

And "Don't forget to clean your pet." Not only does your pet need to be stored on top of the mold, all of its accessories need to be supported. Clean daily bed sheets, toys, dishes, cage and litter box. Be careful in the trash box. Cat litter is a big one, so here are some tips that come with a box.

There are cases when, after a haircut, hair does not grow back in some areas, in other words, alopecia forms. Alopecia occurs due to cooling of the skin and, as a consequence, changes correct height hair This pathology It is more common in dogs, but can also occur in cats.

In general, if we compare the arguments for or against a haircut, then we get a positive effect from it only if improper care for wool. Something like the story about the cat that I told you about at the very beginning.

This may sound crazy, but if you have the space, it is recommended that you have at least one litter box per cat. Choosing a crate box - Make sure you choose a small box, large enough to prevent your cat from accidentally stepping outside the box, and preferably choose one with a lid and filter to help contain any odors. Find the right litter for you and your pet - try a few different brands until you find the one that works best for keeping the odor under control. Mix baking soda into your cat's bedding as additional odor protection. Scoop the litter box at least once a day, but the more often the better. . Air from your home.

Surprisingly, many people tell a similar story about a cat and fly larvae falling out of it, as you understand this is extreme. Take proper care of the animal, do not allow tangles to form, and then there will be no such picture.

In conclusion, I traditionally invite you to watch the video on my channel, in which you can see the cat I was talking about. Enjoy watching and see you in new releases.

Even during the colder months, opening your windows and doors once a week for ten minutes can make a huge difference to your home's air quality. Deodorizing floors. Sprinkle baking soda on your carpets a few hours before vacuuming them to help absorb any lingering odors or, better yet, replace wall-to-wall carpeting with a harder surface such as wood, laminate or tile.

If you can't train him, cover him. Use air neutralizers and odor masks, such as carefully placed dryer sheets, carpet fresheners, scented candles, plug-in air fresheners and sprays. Also, make sure that the air ducts are cleaned periodically.

Quite often, owners need to trim their cat. This is a very difficult matter and requires careful preparation. All the pros and cons of this procedure, how often it needs to be done and what tools are needed for cutting - we will consider all this in detail in our article. We will also talk about types of haircuts and which of them can harm your pet.

Take care of your furniture. Keep pets off your furniture, or if you must, choose your furniture wisely—leather is more pet-friendly than fabric, metal is more durable and easier to clean than wood. If your pet has a favorite place to rest, a well-placed throw is much easier to clean than a sofa cushion.

Seal it. If all else fails, try sealing your floors and walls. Even soil and painting can go a long way. If you've done all this and still feel strong smell pets in your home, it may be time to call the professionals.

Why and why a haircut is necessary

The main reason why cats need to be groomed regularly is that the animal's fur falls off and tangles often form. Don't treat this as a minor nuisance. Mats can cause significant harm to the animal, especially if your cat has long hair. Matted hairballs often tighten the skin and cause severe discomfort, causing the animal to become very nervous. It can also interfere with blood circulation and cause itchy skin. Another very important reason The reason why you need to cut a cat is that the animal, when licking itself on its own, swallows a lot of hair, which can lead to digestive problems.

Do you have any other tips or tricks for minimizing pet odors? Check out John Gleeson Connolly's advice on removing pet odor from old homes below! Cursing is the bane of many owners of long-haired pets. Even people who regularly groom their pets can find their comb tugging at yet another tangle. It's not fun for your pet, and it's certainly not fun for you. Here are some tips for dealing with confusion and preventing it from happening again.

The mats are made up of clumps of knotty fur. They can occur anywhere on an animal's body, but are most often concentrated where there is a lot of long fur, such as behind the ears, the backs of the legs and around the tail area. Some people may view them as simply cosmetic problem, but swearing actually poses more of a threat to your pet's health than they realize.

In addition, there is also an aesthetic aspect to the haircut: a well-cut cat looks more well-groomed and beautiful. Therefore, to care for their furry pets, their owners often use the services of a hairdresser. This is usually done before exhibitions, when the appearance of “Murkas” and “Murziks” requires a particularly careful approach. In addition to dealing with tangles and tidying up before the exhibition, long-haired cats also cut in spring. This is due to the fact that animals with thick hair get very hot in the summer and cutting their hair makes life much easier during this period.

They start out as simple combings of the hair, but can grow until they constantly pull on the sensitive nerve endings your dog or cat. Sometimes a "sensitive" pet is actually a pet in constant pain from matting. Mats can hide injuries, encourage the development of hot spots, and cause your pet to lick or bite her skin, leading to further irritation. In the worst case, mats can form around bodily waste, causing illness.

The best way to deal with mats is daily care. Often matted and combed fur is much less likely to occur. The mats that form the shape will generally be small and easy to clear. A few moments every day, even if it has to be scratching "nasty" spots, will keep your pet clean and tidy.

This is interesting! But you shouldn’t get carried away and you shouldn’t cut a cat’s hair unless necessary, as this is associated with a number of difficulties both for the animal itself and for their owners.

How often to cut your hair

Hygienic haircuts are carried out as needed, but not more than 2 times a year, more frequent haircuts can harm the skin and coat structure. Usually representatives of long-haired breeds such as Persians, Siberians, Angoras, etc. are cut. Cats with short hair do not need a haircut at all. For this type of haircut, a special clipper with a 3-5 millimeter nozzle is used; you cannot use less, as this can injure the animal’s skin. After such a haircut, the fur looks like plush, it is very attractive and the animal will feel comfortable in the summer heat. Before an exhibition, cats are groomed approximately 3-4 months before the event. At the same time, it is impossible to cut it too short, since the coat takes quite a long time to recover. It is also necessary to take into account that there is no need to cut the hair on the head and muzzle.

Spraying your pet with coat conditioner can help the grooming process and keep the coat slippery so mats become more difficult to handle. Make sure you buy the conditioner for the right coat for your pets. For example, products intended for cats must be formulated for cats.

Small mats can sometimes be brushed or combed using a liberal spray of spray or mineral oil. A cheek brush and a wide-toothed metal comb can help sort through tangled hair. If you have heavy mats to work with, scissors are not your thing the best option, due to the risk that you may cut your pet's skin, or you may need to buy a splitter. This is a specialized grooming tool that literally cuts through the rug.

It is also necessary to take into account that most cats are extremely aggressive towards similar procedures. To do this, they even use drugs designed to immobilize the animal. Without this, it may be impossible to groom a cat, as they struggle and become nervous. And in order not to injure the cat, they resort to medications. But you need to remember if you use it too often similar drugs, can seriously undermine the health of the animal.

You can find them in some pet or grooming stores. Sometimes the mat is so big and close to the skin that you can't cut it or break it. In this case, you may need the help of an assistant or veterinarian to shave it off your pet. At this point, the mat poses a danger to your pet's health, so use your best opinion for sensitive pets who hate the vibration and noise of the clipper.

Choosing the Right Kitten for Your Kitten

The attachments function as a safety guard to prevent the skin from being cut and leaving the coat at an even length for a smoother finish. appearance. The brushing action is also familiar and comfortable to most pets who accept brushing and combing, but who will not allow an electric clipper anywhere near their bodies. Just take a look at the right cat or trash already at a breeder, farm or animal shelter, your new kitten should have clear eyes, a clean nose and ears, no bloated belly, and a clean anal area.

Important! If you are cutting only tangles, then you need to be especially careful. They should be cut in a circular motion, this way the process will be less labor-intensive and, most importantly, more effective.

What you need to know

When grooming a cat in a special salon, you must take into account that the animal may become nervous along the way, and in an unfamiliar place, nervousness and stress will only intensify. Therefore, it is better to call a specialist to your home. He will come with his tool and do everything quickly and competently, and your pet will feel more relaxed at home.

When grooming cats, you should take into account that they have a hard time with this procedure, both physically and psychologically. They are especially skeptical about cutting the tail, so as a rule, they do not touch it. The tail of cats in general is sore spot and if damaged, it can cause significant harm to your pet's health. No less caution should be exercised when cutting the belly, especially its lower part, where the most delicate and vulnerable places are located. This area contains numerous skin folds and they are very easy to damage.

Before cutting your cat’s hair, you need to carry out preliminary preparation, that is, adapt it to the haircut. This stage can take a long time. First, you need to accustom your cat to regular brushing; it is better to do this on the table. This way, your pet will get used to grooming procedures. Still very important point consists of choosing a hair clipper. It must be silent, otherwise the cat will get scared and it won’t be possible to trim it.

As mentioned earlier, in order to trim a cat's hair, they sometimes use special drugs which help immobilize the animal. But this carries a certain risk, since it is very difficult to completely predict the effect of anesthesia. Therefore, many owners, faced with difficulties when cutting hair, decided to give up in favor of daily care for wool. It may take more time, but it will be calmer for both the owners and the furry pet.

If you cut your cat's hair yourself and she gets very stressed, you need to take pity on her and pet the animal and tell her that she is the most beautiful, show more affection, this will calm her down.

This is interesting! There is an opinion among animal psychologists that one should not laugh at a poorly cut cat. These cute animals are capable of feeling attitudes towards them and can be seriously offended. What cats do and how they act in such cases is well known to every cat lover.

Types of haircuts

There are several types of haircuts, the most common of them are hygienic and model. If everything is clear with the first one, then with the model one everything is more complicated. It is used for aesthetic purposes to give the pet a beautiful or even exotic looking. The most famous model haircuts are “puma” and “dragon”. The puma haircut makes a cat look like a little lion: a short-cropped body and a fluffy head. The result is a real lion's mane, which looks very impressive. Dragon haircut is common name for any curly haircut, in which various symbols, letters and figures are cut on the cat. There are other hairstyles for cats. The “lion” haircut is almost like a “puma”, but in this case the tail is also cut off. The “tassel” and “broom” haircuts are a tail treated in a special way, but doing such a haircut yourself is extremely undesirable due to the fact that it can cause injury to the furry fashionista. “Socks” and “sock socks” - such haircuts, as the name implies, only concern the treatment of the paws, and here everything depends on the length of the coat. You need to know that some types of model haircuts cannot be applied to cats of certain breeds.

Many veterinarians are quite skeptical about model haircuts, since they do not carry practical benefit, but can injure the animal. Moreover, unevenly coated skin causes a disturbance in heat exchange, which will certainly negatively affect the condition of the animal. Therefore, you should not torture your pet for the sake of such dubious exoticism. It’s better to make a simple one if necessary. hygienic haircut. There are also owners who color their cats different colors, which is completely unacceptable.

DIY haircut

If for some reason you decide not to go to a salon to groom animals, then you can carry out this operation at home. First you need to prepare the surface; an ironing board or table is best.

Important! It is better to do the haircut together, one of you will do the haircut, and the other will firmly hold the animal. This must be done carefully so as not to frighten or injure.

Before the procedure, the cat must be full and want to sleep, and a sleepy animal is less mobile and active, which in some cases makes things easier. For cutting, you can use special scissors and a comb, but this method has a significant disadvantage - it is traumatic, but at the same time silent, which does not cause concern. You can also use a special animal clipper. This method will not cause injuries to the cat in the form of cuts and punctures, but during operation it makes a lot of noise, which often frightens the already restless fluffies. Which method to choose, you decide, it all depends on your skill and steadiness of hand.

After finishing the haircut, the cat needs to be bathed to remove excess hair, and then additionally combed., and this is another additional test.

As can be seen from the description, the grooming process is quite labor-intensive, since cats do not tolerate such procedures well. Therefore, you should not subject your pet to such a test without unnecessary need. If you are not confident in your abilities and skills, then it is better to trust professionals in this field.

In conclusion, I would like to say that cat grooming has a number of big advantages. This relieves owners of excess hair in the house, and also makes it easier for the animal to care for its fur. In hot regions, this helps prevent overheating. If done correctly, a haircut is very useful procedure. Good luck to you and health to your pet!