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Who should care for a disabled person of group 1? Registration of benefits for caring for a disabled person. Necessary documents for assignment of payments

According to, from July 1, 2008, monthly cash payments(EDV) in the amount of 1,200 rubles for non-working able-bodied persons caring for a group I disabled person, a disabled child under the age of 18, as well as for the elderly who are in need due to imprisonment medical institution in permanent care or who have reached the age of 80 years (hereinafter referred to as the allowance for caring for a disabled person).

A benefit for caring for a disabled person is established for one non-working able-bodied person for each specified disabled citizen for the period of caring for him.”

That is, on this moment The monthly payment is 1200 rubles.

In order to apply for a care allowance, you must provide the following documents to the regional office of the pension fund:

  1. Passport;
  2. Application from a person in need of care;
  3. Application from the person who will provide care;
  4. Work record of the person who will provide care;
  5. Work record of the person in need of care;
  6. A certificate from the labor exchange stating that the caregiver is not registered.


1. Before collecting all documents for registration benefits, contact your Pension Fund for advice. The fact is that there are no standard cases in this matter and, for sure, you may have some special circumstances or conditions. Consultation with a Pension Fund specialist will allow you to save time and nerves at the stage of collecting the necessary documents;
2. If all your circumstances are quite standard, then contact the employment service at your place of registration, get a certificate stating that you do not receive unemployment benefits;
3. If you did not obtain a medical certificate in advance about the need for caredisabled, go to the medical institution where the disability certificate was issued and fill out this document. As a rule, it should be given to you without a written request;
4. Then go to the Pension Fund at your place of registration and get a certificate stating that you are not receiving pension payments;
5. At the same Pension Fund you submit documents for registration of benefits. List of documents:

  • a statement from the disabled person that he agrees to your care for him;
  • your statement that you have expressed a desire to court disabled and want to receive allowance By care, necessarily indicating the start date of care.
  • a certificate from the employment service about non-receipt of benefits;
  • certificate from medical institution, confirming that the disabled person needs care;
  • certificate of disability of the person you are caring for.

Cases when payments of benefits for caring for a disabled person are terminated

Payments for caring for a disabled person may be terminated in the following cases:

  • death of a disabled citizen or caregiver;
  • assigning a pension to the caregiver, regardless of its type and size, or unemployment benefits;
  • the entry of a caregiver or a disabled citizen to work;
  • termination of care, confirmed by a corresponding statement from the disabled citizen or his legal representative;
  • expiration of the period for which disability group I was established;
  • placement of a disabled citizen on full state support;
  • change of place of residence by a disabled citizen, entailing a change in the body paying him a pension.

The person caring for him, if he is hired, is assigned a pension, unemployment benefits, as well as in the presence of other circumstances leading to the termination of payment of benefits for caring for a disabled person, is obliged to inform the body that assigned (pays) the specified compensation within 5 days , about the occurrence of such circumstances. Otherwise, it will be held liable and compensation payments will be withheld from it in the appropriate amount.


Do not try to hide your income, even if it is received undocumented. As a result of accident or verification by the Pension Fund, employment service or tax office, you may lose both your right to receive benefits and also become the subject of an administrative offense. Just in case, make photocopies of all documents and passport. You will most likely need them.

Is an increase in the care allowance expected?

The allowance for caring for a disabled person is established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Thus, to change the size, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation is also required.

fee 60%

Hello, Ekaterina!

The legislation only provides for a benefit in the amount of 1,200 rubles if a person is caring for a disabled person of group 1.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2008 N 774 “On additional measures social support persons caring for disabled citizens"

1. Add to the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 N 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1, Art. 201) amendment, stating paragraph 1 as follows:
"1. To establish, from July 1, 2008, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 1,200 rubles to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under the age of 18, as well as for the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need permanent outside assistance care or who have reached the age of 80 years (hereinafter referred to as compensation payments).
Compensation payments are established for one non-working able-bodied person for each specified disabled citizen for the period of caring for him."

To receive payments to a non-working able-bodied citizen caring for a disabled citizen, the following documents will be needed:

1. statement from the caregiver (indicate the start date of care and place of residence)
2. a statement from a disabled citizen about consent to the care of this person. If a certified signature of a disabled person is required, the signature can be confirmed by the relevant branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which pays a pension to the disabled person. If a person is caring for a disabled child or an incapacitated person, then the signature of the legal representative of the disabled citizen (parent, guardian, trustee, other legal representative) must be included. A disabled person who has reached the age of 14 years can submit an application on his own behalf.
3. a certificate from the body paying the pension at the place of residence or place of stay of the person providing care, confirming that a pension was not assigned to this person;
4. certificate (information) from the employment service authority at the place of residence of the caregiver about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
5. extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen, recognized as disabled, directed by the federal government agency medical and social examination to the body paying the pension; 6. medical report on recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled;
7. conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care;
8. identification document and work book of the person providing care, as well as the work book of a disabled citizen;
9. permission (consent) of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen student who has reached the age of 14 years in his free time from school;
10. help educational institution, confirming the fact of training in full-time caregiver;
11. certificate (information) about the non-assignment of compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision persons who passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agencies and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families" and labor pension for old age, issued by the body paying the corresponding pension.”

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Today, every citizen caring for a person with a group 2 disability is given the right to receive compensation for caring for a person in need of help. In this article, we will consider in what cases care allowance is paid and how to formalize it.

Who is considered a group 2 disabled person?

The main features of this category of disability:

  • the person has limited legal capacity and uses special medical equipment for movement;
  • a person can, with outside help, perform basic activities to service his own requirements;
  • human learning and communication in society can only occur with outside help and under special conditions.

Who is entitled to benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 2?

Any person can take care of a disabled person, regardless of whether there is a blood connection between them or whether it is a complete stranger. At the same time, an individual may have the right to receive state care assistance under the following conditions:

  • incompetent and the trustee came to mutual consent in the matter of care;
  • both parties are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • The guardian is not employed.

Who is not entitled to receive compensation?

According to legal provisions, the following cannot qualify for social benefits:

  • persons registered at the employment center;
  • persons engaged in private activities;
  • persons who are accrued any type of pension benefit.

Payments to a person caring for a disabled person of group 2

Citizens who are able to work, but are not employed due to the care of an incapacitated person, have the right to receive money from the state budget. This amount can vary between 1200 – 5500 rubles.
The amount of 1200 rubles is accrued to the trustees:

  • caring for a person who has become disabled from a disease (injury);
  • caring for a person aged and older with a disability.

The amount of 5,500 rubles is awarded to trustees caring for incapacitated children.

Attention! If the trustee and the incapacitated citizen live in a region with difficult climatic conditions, then the amount of state assistance will be assigned taking into account the regional coefficient.

What documents are needed to apply for benefits?

The list of documents required for registration of state aid includes the following papers:

  1. Application from the trustee.
  2. Application from a person wishing to obtain from this person help. If he cannot sign the application himself, then doctors confirm this fact with a medical examination report.
  3. Certificate from the guardian stating that he is not working.
  4. Certificate from the guardian stating that he does not have a pension.
  5. MSEC act on assigning a category 2 disability to a person and confirming that he needs supervision.
  6. Documents confirming the identity of the applicant.

The process of applying for care benefits

Monthly cash support is assigned to the caregiver at Pension Fund RF. All documents are submitted here. The process of processing social benefits proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. All documents for receiving government assistance are collected according to the list above. (more full information can be obtained from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).
  2. You must contact the Pension Fund with all documentation.
  3. Within 10 days, the documentation is processed, and the applicant receives a notification that the accrual has been agreed upon cash assistance or denial of it.

Methods of obtaining government assistance

According to legislative acts, a person caring for a frail person can receive government support in two ways:

  1. Payments are transferred to the post office at the place of residence of the incapacitated person simultaneously with his pension. If there is an appropriate application, the postman will bring a pension to the disabled person with a state supplement to his caregiver.
  2. The compensation is transferred to the applicant’s bank card. Money from the state treasury is transferred to the card in due date(therefore, dependence on the postman is excluded).

For your information! In order for the compensation to be credited to the card of the person caring for the infirm person, he will need to indicate the bank details and his account number in the application when completing documents for compensation.

Current questions and answers

  • Question one: In what cases can the state refuse to provide benefits to a person caring for an incapacitated person?

    Answer. There are several reasons for refusal:

    • if the person caring for the needy concealed the fact of employment;
    • in the documents for social benefits, the signature of the person in need was forged;
    • if a person aged 14–18 years is caring for a person incompetent, but there is no official consent of the child’s parents for such actions.
  • Question two: A citizen with disabilities (group 2) could take care of himself for a certain time. Over time, his health deteriorated and outside help was required. Will the guardian be able to receive government payments for supervision?

    Answer. In order to receive state benefits for care, a disabled person will have to undergo a social examination, on the basis of which an act will be received on changing the category of disability, which requires outside supervision.

  • Question three: The daughter does not get a job because she is caring for her disabled mother (her mother is over 80 years old) and receives government compensation for this. Will years of looking after a sick person affect your work experience?

    Answer. Yes. All years during which the guardian received benefits will be included in seniority.

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In order for Pension Fund employees to consider an application from a person, it will be necessary ten days. If additional, more thorough consideration is necessary, the period may be extended. up to a month. After this or that decision is made, the person will be sent a corresponding notification, which will indicate whether the payment has been assigned or, on the contrary, it has been refused and for what reasons.

Payments will be assigned to the person from the beginning of the month, however there are some restrictions:

  1. Thus, benefits will not begin to be paid before the person begins caring for a disabled person.
  2. In addition, benefits cannot begin to be paid before the disabled person begins to receive social pension.

Conditions for stopping payments

In some cases, benefits may be stopped. Here are just a few of them:

  • Pay Money may be stopped if care for the disabled person is stopped. Moreover, this can happen various reasons– including if the ward dies.
  • If the caregiver starts working again, the payments will also stop. In addition, they will stop if the person begins to receive unemployment benefits or pension payments.
  • Payments will stop if the child reaches the age of majority, but after that he will not be assigned the first adult groups received due to disability.
  • Since the benefit directly depends on the disability pension, if pension compensation stops, there will be no benefit.

Benefits for employed citizens

Additional benefits may be provided to those citizens who, despite caring for a child, are employed. By the way, this type benefits apply only to those caring for disabled children, but not for those who have been disabled since childhood. What is due to such persons? These are additional days offered for weekends and vacations.

It is clear that caring for a sick child involves a lot of worries, and therefore a working person, according to his written application, is offered every month four paid days off. This is exactly what is stated in Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the caregiver, if he asks, will be given a shortened day, as stated in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As for payment, it will be made in proportion to the time worked, but other benefits will remain with the person.

According to the same Article 262, vacation can be extended to two weeks, but it will not be paid. By the way, vacation can be taken either in full or in parts. In addition, unpaid leave can be combined with paid leave.

As stated in Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is almost impossible to fire a single mother who is raising her disabled child, unless extreme cases– for example, liquidation of an organization.

Important! All of the above labor benefits can be provided to only one parent caring for the child, or to both parents, but alternately.

Other benefits are possible for caregivers - for example, they may refuse to work on weekends or go on business trips. These types of benefits can be provided to both parents at the same time.

Premature retirement

One of the persons caring for the child (with the exception of strangers) may retire ahead of time - that is, before the time comes for retirement. Moreover, this privilege is simultaneously applicable to both working and non-working persons. The latter, by the way, also accrues experience in child care.

According to Federal Law 400 of 2013, receive early retirement The following persons can:

  1. Baby's mother, if she has at least fifteen years of work experience and has reached the age of fifty.
  2. Father who has at least twenty years of work experience and is at least 55 years old.
  3. Guardian. Eighteen months are deducted for each year of guardianship, but total term write-offs cannot exceed five years. In this case, the guardian’s work experience must be the same as in the case of the mother or father.

This benefit does not apply to adoptive parents.. And for the father, mother or guardian it is limited to the age of eight years for a disabled child.

It should be recalled that according to normal rules For women, retirement occurs at 55 years of age, and for men at 60 years of age. And this is with sufficient work experience.

Sick leave

According to Order 624n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, guardians, as well as parents of a child, have their own peculiarities regarding the duration of sick leave and its payment.

Thus, sick leave is issued to one of the parents who care for a disabled person under 15 years of age, for the entire duration of treatment, which, however, cannot exceed one hundred twenty days for all types of disease per year. This takes into account both the days spent in the hospital and the entire period of outpatient treatment.

Sick leave payment for this period is carried out as follows:

  • If a parent or guardian is in a hospital with a child, then sick leave is paid according to average daily earnings.
  • If we're talking about about outpatient treatment, then the first ten days will be paid according to 100% tariff, and the rest of the days - half of the average daily earnings.

In addition, there are some nuances regarding the duration of sick leave:

  1. If the child is over fifteen years old, then outpatient treatment Sick leave is issued to the parent for a maximum of 3 days, and with the participation of a medical commission - for a week. If treatment is carried out in a hospital, then sick leave is completely not paid.
  2. If a child’s disability occurs due to radiation exposure of his parents, then sick leave is paid regardless of where the patient is treated and how long the sick leave lasts.
  3. If the child is cared for by one or the other parent, the duration of the total sick leave cannot exceed 120 days.
  4. If the parent is on vacation or on vacation, the vacation will be issued from the moment he returns to work.

Important! The terms indicated above are “floating” and can be extended depending on the decision of the medical commission. As for the sick leave itself, it opens on the day when the parent or guardian goes to the attending physician or to the hospital on the first day.

By the way, in ordinary cases the timing sick leave for children are completely different:

  • If we are talking about children under seven years old, then their day maximum number sick days is 90.
  • The number of days for one illness cannot exceed 15.

Additional leave

According to Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every parent caring for a disabled person until the age of majority has the right to additional leave equal to two weeks(however, only one parent has the right to such a privilege, even if this is stated in the organization’s collective agreement). Regarding this additional leave There are the following nuances:

  • Such days are not paid in any way.
  • Days can be taken in whole or in parts, with or without main leave.
  • If the caregiver did not have time to take vacation this year, then the days of such vacation for next year will no longer be transferred.

To get leave, you need to collect a small package of documents:

  1. An application written in the form specified by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1055n of 2014.
  2. A document issued by the Medical Expertise, which states that the child actually has a disability.
  3. A certificate showing exactly where the child lives.
  4. If there is a court decision to accept guardianship, then that should be granted.
  5. If there is a second parent, then you must take a certificate from his place of work indicating that he has not yet taken advantage of the additional “bonus” this year.

Important! The desired days should be provided when it is convenient for the caregiver, and not when management needs it. But the legislative acts do not say anything about whether the supervisor can change the vacation time after it is included in the annual schedule or not.

Severance pay

Article 262 directly states that persons looking after a disabled person can additionally take four days off in a month. In this case, you need to write a corresponding statement, and such days will be paid in the same way as regular days off. If we are talking about single mothers living in rural areas, then they have the right to one more additional day off, which, however, is already will not be paid.

The following rules will apply to such holidays:

  • They can be divided equally or in parts between two parents.
  • Those days that were not used in the current month do not carry over to the next month.
  • Registration of such days must be formalized by an appropriate order from the management of the organization where the parent is employed.
  • The number of days will not change depending on how many sick children there are in the family.

In order to receive such days, you need to collect the same documents as for additional leave. In this case, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. If you have already collected all the necessary papers to the HR department once, each time you need to submit only the relevant ones.
  2. If the child has a second parent, then a work certificate from him will be needed every month.
  3. The frequency of how often the application is written is agreed upon at the place of work with the employer.


In addition to monthly accruals, the person caring for a disabled person is accrued work experience for the entire period of his care. And, of course, pension points. So, for each year of care, a year of experience is accrued. As for the points, then 1.8 points will be awarded on SNILS for each year of care.