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How much do they pay to care for a disabled person? 1. How is the work experience of a person caring for a disabled person calculated? Reasons for terminating old-age care benefits

A group 1 disabled person is a person whose physical or mental abilities differ from normal by 80-90%. Such people need help and constant care, since they do not have the ability to care for themselves. That is why the state prescribes the need to provide disabled people with guardians, who, in turn, are entitled to financial support. How to receive benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1? Let's talk about necessary documents and payment terms.

Requirements for a guardian

The Presidential Decree on financial support for persons caring for disabled citizens was issued in 2008. According to this legislative act, payments for caring for a disabled person of group 1 are accrued monthly to able-bodied citizens who do not receive a salary or pension. Few people know that this decree also applies to those caring for the elderly. In this case, the fact of the presence of family ties or the place of residence of the guardian is not taken into account.

The requirements for a guardian of a disabled person or an elderly citizen are as follows:

  • The person must be able to work.
  • The guardian must not be employed.
  • The guardian must not have other sources of income.

Regarding the last point, it should be added that this requirement is immutable. Even income such as old-age pensions or other benefits are excluded. The reason for this requirement lies in the purpose of the Decree itself - to compensate the guardian for his labor earnings. If a citizen already receives any benefits, then double compensation is made from the federal budget, which should not happen.

The law requires the guardian of a disabled person to inform the Pension Fund if the citizen decides to go to work or begins to receive an insurance pension. This must be done after 5 days. The task of the guardian in these circumstances is to issue a waiver of benefits for caring for a disabled person.

If a citizen did not complete the application on time and managed to receive compensation payments, he will have to return all the money for the period during which he had additional income. Otherwise, the guardian’s actions are regarded as illegal.

Benefit amount

The benefit is accrued for each disabled person under the care of a citizen, since the law does not prohibit a guardian from caring for several elderly or disabled persons at once. Payments are accrued to citizens who have formalized guardianship over the following categories of persons:

  • Citizens with group 1 disabilities.
  • Disabled children.
  • Elderly people who require increased attention and care as determined by a doctor.
  • People who have reached 80 years of age.
The benefit is added to the social disability pension. This increase is paid every month. Its size was set at 1,200 rubles in 2008, when the Decree was issued. In 2017, the benefit amount increased to 1,500 rubles.


To register and start receiving payments, the guardian needs to prepare an impressive package of documents:

  1. Passport with registration, SNILS.
  2. Certificates stating that the guardian or other person who has agreed to care for the disabled person is not listed on the labor exchange as unemployed and does not receive an insurance pension.
  3. A document recognizing a citizen as disabled and assigning him the appropriate disability group. This certificate is issued on the basis medical examination held at the Bureau medical and social examination.
  4. For minors requiring care - a certificate recognizing the child as disabled.
  5. For elderly citizens requiring assistance from outsiders - medical report about the need for ongoing care.
  6. The guardian’s work record book, with a record of dismissal, as well as employment history his ward (if available).
  7. If a child over 14 years of age is ready to care for a disabled person, the Pension Fund must provide written consent from his mother or father, or from adoptive parents or other representatives. The child must receive education at school, and look after the disabled person only in his free time from school.
  8. If a child over 14 years of age is providing assistance to a disabled citizen, he will need a certificate from school or another educational institution, confirming the fact of completion of training in full-time.
  9. A citizen who is ready to care for a disabled person will have to prove that he does not receive pension payments as a former military man, an employee of the internal affairs department and other law enforcement agencies, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an employee of the criminal system, etc., in accordance with the relevant law of the Russian Federation on pension accruals for certain groups of persons.
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  • Application from a guardian to provide care for a disabled person.
  • Written consent of the citizen to receive assistance from the guardian.

An application for consent to receive assistance on his own behalf can be submitted by a legally competent disabled person who has reached the age of 14 years. If a disabled child under 14 years of age, or a citizen requiring care, is declared incompetent, then his parents, guardians or other representatives have the right to submit an application on his behalf.

Attention! At the end of 2017, the Pension Fund announced a new electronic services service. Now the above applications can be submitted electronically through a personal account on the Pension Fund website or through the government services portal.

Benefit for persons caring for disabled children or those disabled since childhood

Legal representatives of young children who have become disabled, as well as people with disabilities of group 1 since childhood (regardless of age), should be aware of additional features compensation payments for the care of these categories of persons. Thus, the amount of social payments depends on the status of citizens caring for a person in need of help in relation to him.

  • Parents (including non-biological ones - those who have adopted a child), as well as trustees or guardians, receive an increase in the pension of a disabled citizen in the amount of 5,500 rubles. Depending on the regional coefficient, this amount increases to 7,150 rubles.
  • Other persons caring for a disabled child receive compensation in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

These rules on the calculation and payment of benefits are regulated by Presidential Decree No. 175. How are the provisions of the Decree implemented in practice? An example would be a simple situation where a mother is caring for a disabled child. Sooner or later, she may decide to go to work, and then the child will be looked after by the grandmother, who is not the parent or guardian of the disabled person. Should the mother file an application with the Pension Fund for refusal of payments, and will the grandmother in this case receive compensation in the amount of 5,500 rubles?

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In fact, it is necessary to formalize the refusal of benefits for the mother, having managed to do this within 5 days after leaving the service. Now the grandmother will have to fill out an application to receive payments, but for her the amount of payments will be 1,500 rubles. In this case, the grandmother will stop receiving an insurance pension.

It is worth noting that the period of caring for a citizen in need of help is included in the total length of service. The only condition for its accrual is the presence of any period of time during which the guardian of the disabled person was officially employed (before caring for the disabled person or after this period).

Since the end of October 2017, the Administrative Regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have been changed regarding the provision of state services for the issuance of EDV to persons caring for disabled minors, as well as for those who acquired a disability in childhood. The changes concern the deadlines for acceptance/consideration of submitted applications and documents attached to them, depending on the format of their submission. By general rule all applications are accepted for consideration directly on the day of submission, with the exception of those submitted through the MFC, postal services and electronic services.

In the latter case, applications are accepted for consideration no later than the working day following the day they are received by the relevant unit of the Pension Fund.

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Video about how to apply for benefits for caring for a disabled person of the first group.

March 17, 2017, 05:11 March 3, 2019 13:49

What is disability benefits? The disability care allowance in 2017 is paid for caring for elderly people

without disabilities, for disabled people with disabilities, regardless of the relationship of the caregiver and those being cared for.

A disability care allowance is paid for each disabled person if care is provided for several disabled citizens at once.

Who receives disability benefits?

  • To receive benefits for caring for a disabled person in 2017, the caregiver must:
  • Be able to work.
  • Don't work anywhere.

Do not have other sources of income, including pensions and unemployment benefits.

Categories of citizens whose care is paid for by benefits

Senior citizens, over 80 years of age.

Amount of benefit for caring for a disabled person

The allowance for caring for a disabled person in 2017 is paid as an increase to the pension of a disabled person. The amount of this benefit is 1,200 rubles per month.

When caring for disabled children under 18 years of age and for disabled people from childhood of group 1, the amount of the allowance for caring for a disabled person depends on the degree of relationship. The amounts of benefits for caring for disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of group 1 are shown in the table below.


List of changing documents

In order to strengthen social security individual categories citizens I decree:

1. Establish, from January 1, 2013, monthly payments to unemployed able-bodied persons caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age or a group I disabled person since childhood (hereinafter referred to as monthly payments):

a) to a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - in the amount of 5,500 rubles;

b) other persons - in the amount of 1200 rubles.

2. The amount of monthly payments for citizens living in regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, increases by the corresponding regional coefficient applied in the specified areas (localities) at determining the size of pensions in accordance with federal laws of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On state pension provision in Russian Federation"and dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions".

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2014 N 835)

3. Monthly payments are made to the pension established for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of group I during the period of caring for him.

4. Monthly payments are established to one non-working able-bodied person in relation to each disabled child or disabled person from childhood of group I for the period of caring for him.

5. Monthly payments are established on the basis of documents available to the body implementing pension provision a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood, group I.

6. Establish that monthly payments are made taking into account the compensation payments made during the period from January 1, 2013 until the day this Decree comes into force, provided for by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 “On compensation payments to caregivers for disabled citizens."

7. Introduce into the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1, Art. 201; 2008, N 20, Art. 2292) amendment, stating the first paragraph of paragraph 1 as follows:

"1. To establish, from July 1, 2008, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 1,200 rubles to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a group I disabled person (with the exception of group I disabled people since childhood), as well as for the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need permanent outside assistance care or who have reached the age of 80 years (hereinafter referred to as compensation payments).

8. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure, in the prescribed manner, the financing of expenses related to the implementation of this Decree, including the costs of delivering monthly payments, and also determine the procedure for making these payments.

9. Recommend to authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, take into account that the establishment of monthly payments should not entail a reduction in the volume and level of measures social assistance and support provided through budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

10. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Documents for receiving benefits for caring for a disabled person

To receive benefits for caring for a disabled person, you must submit the following documents to the regional office of the Pension Fund:

  • Caregiver Statement.
  • Statement by a disabled citizen regarding consent to care by this person.
  • A certificate from the body paying the pension stating that the caregiver is not receiving a pension.
  • A certificate from the employment service authority at the place of residence of the caregiver stating that he does not receive unemployment benefits.
  • Extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen recognized as disabled, sent by the federal government agency medical and social examination to the Pension Fund department.
  • Medical certificate recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled.
  • Conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care.
  • Identity document and work book of the caregiver, as well as the work book of a disabled citizen.
  • Consent of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen student who has reached the age of 14 years.
  • A certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of full-time education of the caregiver.
  • Certificate of non-assignment of care allowance earlier, so that there are not 2 or more carers for one disabled person.

Termination of payment of benefits for caring for a disabled person

Payments for caring for a disabled person may be terminated in the following cases:

  • Death of a disabled citizen or caregiver.
  • Assigning a pension or unemployment benefit to the caregiver.
  • When the caregiver or the person being looked after goes to work.
  • Termination of care, confirmed by a statement from a disabled citizen.
  • Expiration of the period for which disability group 1 was established.
  • Placing a disabled citizen on full state support.
  • Change of place of residence by a disabled citizen, entailing a change in the body paying him a pension.



1. Amend Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1, Art. 201), setting out paragraph 1 in the following editors:

"1. To establish, from July 1, 2008, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 1,200 rubles to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under the age of 18, as well as for the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need permanent outside assistance care or who have reached the age of 80 years (hereinafter referred to as compensation payments).

Compensation payments are established for one non-working able-bodied person for each specified disabled citizen for the period of caring for him."

2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on amendments to Federal Laws of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” and dated March 21, 2005 N 18 -FZ "On federal budget funds allocated to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for reimbursement of insurance premiums for the period of child care until he reaches the age of one and a half years and the period of passing military service on conscription" concerning the payment of insurance premiums for the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80, established by subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 11 Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ "On labor pensions In Russian federation".


Who has the right to receive money intended to create comfortable living conditions for incapacitated people? The care of which citizens with a designated disability group is paid for and under what conditions is state assistance maintained?

Man has largely isolated himself from the natural difficulties of life, but you cannot fool nature. Today, as in all times, the strong and smart live well. The principle of survival has not disappeared and weak citizens, left alone against a huge number of everyday problems, are practically doomed.

Instead of rude physical strength, necessary in the old days, now it is enough to have a wallet tightly stuffed with banknotes. If you have money, life is good. However, very few people win the lottery. In most cases, wealth modern man depends on the amount of labor expended.

What should citizens do who are unable to work due to physical disabilities? Their living conditions are the same as ordinary people, but the health status differs significantly. Without outside help they will not be able to provide for themselves. Children especially suffer, who, due to their young age, are not yet adapted to life, and then there is a serious illness.

The state does not leave disabled people without help. Those who are nearby and look after their interests are provided with material support.

Conditions for assigning a pension for caring for a disabled person

Thanks to the Decree Russian President No. 774, citizens who choose to care for disabled people of group 1 and disabled children receive cash benefits. For his purpose the following conditions must be met:

  • not receive pensions;
  • have no restrictions on work due to health;
  • not officially work;
  • do not receive other sources of income.

Government money is not given in vain. The person receiving them is deprived of a source of income. Payments act as compensation for lost opportunities of a person caring for a disabled person.

The amount paid is not fixed. It varies depending on the relationship of the observer and the disabled person, as well as the fact cohabitation. When a person cares for a group of disabled people, the amounts allocated for them add up. This privilege is not given to all citizens with disabilities. People observing groups 2 and 3 are not paid any money.

Disabled children need constant supervision and care. The state also pays for this activity. By law, a child is considered a person under eighteen years of age.

A care pension will only be issued if incapacity is officially confirmed. This fact is established by a commission of medical experts.

Assigned disability is divided according to the degree of harm caused to health. There are first, second and third groups. Disabled citizens in need of care are divided into categories:

  • disabled since childhood;
  • disabled children who received group 1;
  • elderly people in need of care and who have received the appropriate certificate, as well as citizens aged 80 years or older.

The state equates caring for people with disabilities to labor activity. For time spent beneficially for others, tangible benefits are provided. The care period is included in seniority. Upon reaching the 50th birthday of a mother caring for a disabled child. True, for this it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions: work for 15 years of total experience and raise a child up to 8 years of age.

Who is entitled to a pension for caring for a disabled person?

To assign a pension for caring for a disabled person, you must undergo a medical commission. Based on its results, the degree of disability is determined. Next, a certificate is issued about the need to care for the examined person. The amount of benefits for caring for a person unable to work depends on the information recorded in it.

When it comes to disabled children, the amount paid depends on the degree of relationship. In this case monthly payments:

  • 5,500 rubles – to the child’s parents;
  • 1,200 rubles – to unrelated citizens.

A care pension is provided to disabled people since childhood, citizens who have received the 1st disability group, and disabled children. For registration they provide the following documents:

  • Application for long-term care compensation. Here they indicate the period of care for the disabled person and confirm or deny living together with him.
  • Consent of a disabled person to self-monitoring, indicating the identity of the person providing care.
  • An extract from the act establishing disability or its original.
  • When applying for a pension, the applicant is required to confirm his identity. In addition to the agreed documents, the government agency takes a passport and work book.

The degree of harm caused to health varies. A disabled person does not always write a statement on their own. These are the conditions under which deviate from the rules:

  • When Pension Fund employees doubt the authenticity of a signature, they come to the disabled person’s home. Here they find out who actually signed the document.
  • If a person is physically unable to draw up an application or age does not allow it (the disabled person has not reached the age of majority), the application is written by a person authorized by law.
  • Disabled children over 14 years of age who have drawn up and signed an application exempt their parents from this obligation.

The collected papers are given to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund. Its employees can request a certificate of registration from the Employment Center. If a disabled person was officially employed before assigning a group, they will ask for his work record.

The applicant will receive a response 10 days after submitting the documents. If it is positive, the money will be paid in a month. If refused, the citizen will receive written notification. The care pension is not given for life.

Payments are terminated when the following circumstances occur:

  • the caring citizen is assigned other monetary payments;
  • the disabled person or the person caring for him has died;
  • employment of a caring citizen;
  • expiration of the period of disability;
  • moving to another region;
  • when the caregiver himself becomes disabled or reaches retirement age.

A citizen should not hide the cases listed above. He is obliged to report this information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If they received unjustified funds, the excess amount paid must be returned.

How to apply for benefits for caring for a pensioner

In 2019, it is paid, according to the law, to those people who care for an incapacitated person.

A non-working able-bodied citizen who has taken custody of a person with disabilities(disability of the first type, with the exception of a disabled minor, an elderly person who needs according to instructions medical institution in round-the-clock assistance, or a citizen over 80), has no influence on whether the guardian and the ward live together, whether they have a direct relationship with each other, the state establishes monthly payment compensation.

The rate this year is 1200 rubles. At the same time, this assistance is paid with the required pension accruals that the incapacitated person receives.

Parents, guardians, adoptive parents and other representatives who care for incapacitated minors or people with the first group of disabilities receive fixed assistance.

Each month the amount is calculated:

  • Direct relatives and adoptive parents – 5.5 thousand rubles.
  • Other legal representatives – 1.2 thousand rubles.
These payments are calculated when a person who cares for or wants to care for a disabled person applies for registration of rights with a number of documents and a petition. Documents are submitted to Pension Fund, which is authorized to calculate payments and length of service for these candidates.

For individuals who are in the Far North and nearby areas, in other hard-to-reach and difficult conditions, where additional material and physiological efforts of living people are required, the rate of payments due will be increased according to the established regional coefficient.

Guardianship time is accrued to a citizen who cares for an incapacitated person, a disabled minor, and someone who is already 80 years old. In this case, work experience is calculated in the form of 1.8 pension points for every 12 months. The caregiver is given the opportunity to save pension savings in order to receive an insurance pension.

State auxiliary payments for maintenance are received by one non-working sane and capable person per one incapacitated citizen. Citizens who receive social payments, scholarships, pension amounts, under guardianship, they will no longer be able to receive additional government payments, since they already have income. Documents are submitted to the Pension Fund, and it is checked whether the person has the ability to provide comfortable conditions to the weak.


This year, the governing body for labor and social support of individuals is providing assistance to citizens and asking for it from persons who wish to take the right to care for disabled people, agree to undergo testing and training for this procedure, so that disabled persons feel comfortable.

Such persons receive, depending on the situation and situation, one of the types of state auxiliary payments:

  • Financial compensation for citizens who provide support to people in need, in accordance with the updated legislation.
  • Capable citizens who were forced to give up work due to caring for the infirm, the elderly and disabled children.
  • Financial assistance to citizens who have adopted a disabled person with a psychological disorder into their family, who needs round-the-clock care.

How is each method calculated and determined?

In each region, for more than 10 years, every year in the process of forming financing, payments according to the above list are separately provided. Currently, every city, without exception, is given such a benefit. The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers approves the scheme for registering and making payments of benefits for the care of disabled people to citizens who provide social support to those who are waiting for her.

If you follow this bill, non-working individuals Those who permanently care for citizens over 80 years of age, disabled people of the first two groups, disabled minors, people unable to independently care for themselves and in need of round-the-clock care must receive appropriate funding for their work.

As practice and calculations show, in 2012, 1047 people received this compensation, among them 239 people who left their jobs to provide services, 808 unemployed citizens providing these services. This year, in the first half of the year, 989 people who care for someone received payments for their social services.

Compensation is calculated taking into account the needs of the person and the needs for him in case of loss of work due to guardianship of an incapacitated person (if the able-bodied person agreed to guardianship):

  • 15% are citizens caring for disabled people of the first group;
  • 10% - to those who care for disabled minors, those in the second group;
  • 7% are citizens who care for insolvent people, disabled people of the third group, and those who have been assigned round-the-clock care.

Documentation for processing payments

A candidate for a state payment submits the necessary documentation to register guardianship over a disabled person:

  • a well-formed application;
  • information confirming the insolvency of a person, this may be a passport, pension data, certificates from medical institutions;
  • confirmation of a person’s ability to work. Characteristics from the last place of work, confirmed financial capabilities;
  • information about the candidate’s housing, if the disabled person will be staying with him;
  • personal passport data.

It is also necessary to undergo training for this position. The pension fund has the right to refuse to assign the status of a guardian if he has committed misconduct that spoils his reputation, or he is limited in any rights.