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Social assistance and its types. Who is entitled to social assistance?

Disabled people belong to a preferential category of citizens who require a special approach to financial support due to the complete or partial impossibility of fully going to work. Today, assistance to people with disabilities is provided in the form of various benefits, benefits and subsidies.

The size and rules for their provision undergo changes every year due to the financial situation of the country, as well as the need for indexation taking into account the level of inflation.

Support for people with disabilities at the state and regional level

There are several types of support for people with disabilities. They are determined at the state level, i.e. entitled to citizens with disabilities, taking root in every corner of the country, as well as at the regional level. The latter implies making a decision on the provision of benefits local authorities. As a rule, obtaining them requires official registration of your place of residence in Moscow or the region.

Scroll state benefits provided to citizens with disabilities are specified in Federal law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” In accordance with it, disabled people have the right to receive:

  • a set of social services;
  • disability pensions;
  • cash social security.

In the case of caring for a disabled person by a capable relative, acquaintance or any other person, subject to official registration, payment of appropriate monetary compensation is possible.

In addition to the above measures state support, at the regional level it is possible to receive:

  • benefits for housing and communal services;
  • land plots;
  • apartments;
  • discounts on public transport and taxi fares;
  • advantages for admission to educational institutions.

Thus, regional benefits improve the standard of living of a person with disabilities. Their action is aimed at reducing financial costs.

Dependence of the amount of benefits and benefits on the disability group

According to current legislation, there are three types of disabilities. Each of them is assigned taking into account the degree of disability of the citizen. The disability group is prescribed in documents confirming poor health.

As for citizens minor age, they are assigned the status of a disabled child until they reach 18 years of age. Young citizens and their official representatives also have the right to receive benefits and allowances.

Disability is assigned based on the results of a medical examination. It can only be obtained during the period of validity of documents proving the citizen’s limited capabilities.

The size of the disability pension does not depend on regional programs; it is approved at the state level. In 2018, payments will be for:

  • disabled people of group 1 and disabled children of group 2 - 9919.73 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 2 - 4959.85 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 3 - 4215.90 rubles;
  • disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - 11,903.51 rubles.

The amount of payments increases if the disabled citizen has other dependent persons (no more than three).

Note that a person caring for a disabled person or a disabled child also has the right to receive a pension. The main conditions for its registration are that the person has been assigned disability group 1, i.e. it cannot take care of itself independently.

One-time cash payment to disabled people

One-time cash payment(EDV) is also a government measure to support people with disabilities. Persons of any category can count on receiving it. Payments are assigned to everyone without exception, regardless of financial situation, equating to the level of the low-income population.

EDV is provided in kind and in cash. The choice of assistance depends solely on the disabled person. Based on personal preferences, he independently chooses the preferred type of assistance.

The list of EDV also includes:

  • full social package;
  • free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment;
  • free use of a landline phone;
  • Dental prosthetics once every five years.

You can refuse each type of assistance by choosing its cash equivalent.

In 2018, the EDV will be:

A citizen will be able to exercise the right to EDV only after completing documentation through the Pension Fund. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide:

  • passports or birth certificates (relevant for a disabled child);
  • a medical document confirming the fact of assignment of a disability group.

If an official representative of a disabled person is involved in the registration of EDV, it is also necessary to provide his personal documents and a notarized power of attorney (in the case of representing the interests of an adult citizen). Benefits will be accrued from the actual date of receipt of documents.

Additional assistance for people with disabilities

In addition to monetary payments, people with disabilities have the right to request the provision of adaptations necessary to make their lives easier. The request is submitted to the social service.

A person with disabilities can count on receiving free of charge:

  • strollers;
  • prostheses;
  • specialized shoes;
  • means for self-service;
  • guide dogs;
  • sports equipment;
  • educational aids.

Providing additional help is carried out free of charge. It does not affect the size of the disability pension and the daily allowance.

A disabled person also has the right to receive free assistance from social workers.

Service specialists are required to help clean the apartment (house), prepare food, and go grocery shopping.

Regional benefits for disabled people in Moscow and the region

Citizens with disabilities living in Moscow and Moscow Region have the right to receive additional regional support. The list of benefits includes:

Social taxi

Persons with disabilities have the right to use social taxi services. The only drawback is that you will have to order a car at least 12 hours before departure. IN emergency situations this interval can be reduced to 4 hours, but you will have to wait a long time for the car. A disabled person has the right to take with him one accompanying person, as well as the devices necessary for movement (stroller).

Holiday once a year

Any disabled person, regardless of age and group, can take advantage of the right to receive free travel to the sanatorium. Travel and accommodation are absolutely free. In addition, if it is impossible to travel independently, it is possible to pay for the travel of one accompanying person.

Free public transport

This right is exercised by obtaining a Muscovite social card. , as well as his accompanying person, can travel on any public transport absolutely free of charge. In some areas of Moscow, special bus routes equipped for wheelchairs were launched.

Benefits for utilities

People with disabilities are given a 50% discount on all payments utilities(rent, gas, electricity and others).

Providing free medical care and medicines

Disabled people are served first and free of charge in any state clinic. They also have the right to provide a prescription for free receipt vital medications.

A person with disabilities cannot be denied legally in the implementation of at least one item from the list presented above.

Charitable foundations for disabled people in Moscow

Today it is officially registered in Moscow a large number of charitable foundations, specializing in providing assistance to people with disabilities. Their task is to provide financial and moral support for disabled people.

Any citizen with disabilities can contact such an organization, explaining the essence of their problem. Fund employees help disabled people with operations to restore health, rehabilitation, and purchase equipment and special equipment necessary for life.

Every citizen can contribute to the support of disabled people by transferring funds to the fund’s accounts, personally helping with moral or physical support.

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Providing financial assistance to disabled people in Russian Federation has a rather long history and is very developed today. What support measures are these unfortunate people entitled to receive?

Who is recognized as disabled

First, let's figure out who exactly should be considered disabled. These are all those people who have irreparable violations of certain body functions, limitations in life activity due to illness or injury. All disabled people require social protection.

First group

The first group of disabilities consists of people whose forms of illness are very severe and lead to difficulties in daily activities to the maximum extent.

For example, this includes those who are unable to self-care due to ill health (in need of continuous assistance) and who are unable to move independently.

This disability group is assigned for a period of 24 months, after which a re-examination is arranged.

What can disabled people claim?

IN this moment material aid disabled people of group 1 is as follows:

  • compensation for travel to and from the resort (this fully applies to the person accompanying the sick person, but only one);
  • travel on all types public transport within settlement, except for commercial taxis, free;
  • once a month you can call a social taxi once;
  • sanatoriums and resorts that help fight specific disease or to mitigate its manifestations, are visited by disabled people of group 1 free of charge, including when accompanied by one person (although this is not necessary);
  • Dental prosthetics are also provided free of charge;
  • orthopedic shoes and other prostheses, they are provided at the expense of budget funds, provided that one or another rehabilitation remedy is included in the therapy program.

The current procedure for helping people with disabilities involves cash payments from the state treasury. They can be expressed in a lump sum accrual of funds, pensions and compensations. Such rights also extend to those pensioners who continue to perform work duties.

Non-material benefits

In addition to financial support and treatment assistance, there are some other measures social security, which disabled people of the first group can apply for.

If they do not have specific contraindications, then admission to educational institutions is possible on a non-competitive basis. This does not exempt you from passing the prescribed regulatory documents or the requirements of a particular educational institution for entrance examinations, but upon successful completion, their place is guaranteed.

This scheme is equally valid for both middle and high vocational education, which is provided by state and municipal organizations.

In addition, disabled students have the right to an increased scholarship (half the additional payment to its regular amount). Educational institution and educational authorities must provide special conditions (technical teaching aids, special literature, if necessary - home schooling), which guarantee people with limited health full mastery of knowledge and skills to the same extent as others.

Benefits related to the use of housing

  • Monthly financial assistance to disabled people is also expressed in the provision of subsidies for the payment of utility bills and payments. Half of such expenses should be covered from local budget funds.
  • If we are talking about children with disabilities, then benefits cover not only themselves, but also family members living together.
  • The allocation of land property for development or for the purpose of creating a vegetable garden for disabled people occurs outside the general queue.
  • When providing housing under the housing improvement program, the standard is twice as high as for a healthy person.
  • Directly at their place of residence, people with limited ability to work have the inalienable rights to install means that facilitate the use of housing. This includes ramps.
  • When selling or buying a home, a disabled person is fully or partially exempt from state duties, as well as property taxes.

What you need to get help

Providing benefits always implies establishing and securing the status of a disabled person in the prescribed manner. People are required to undergo a full examination at a medical institution and obtain a conclusion medical and social examination, draw up documents on the status of a disabled person and a specific group. Only after this can you contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

The application to the pension fund must occur within three working days following the day the decision was made by the expert commission.

What about in individual regions?

So, we have characterized the situation in Russia as a whole. However, in individual subjects of the federation, specific measures of state support are used.

Thus, in Moscow, financial assistance from social protection for disabled people is somewhat greater than the national one. And most importantly, it is carried out according to a special scheme: all funds are transferred to social cards, which at the same time serve as the “key” to receiving benefits in kind.

St. Petersburg boasts a developed organization of preferential benefits (10% of real prices) transport provision for the disabled. They are delivered under such conditions, of course, not just anywhere. We are talking about authorities and medical institutions Firstly. Disabled people of retirement age in Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod receive their money from the state, taking into account regional coefficients.

Other rights and benefits of people with disabilities

  • Every person recognized as incapable of work in accordance with the established procedure has the right guaranteed by law to have Free access to information. The actual fulfillment of this requirement is achieved through the creation of audio books, sign language translation, and the use of Braille. Specialized publications are supplied to city libraries.
  • To facilitate the use of the urban environment for people with disabilities, government buildings, residential buildings, shops, train stations, other institutions and city transport are equipped with means that facilitate access with limited access. physical capabilities. In some cases, it is practiced to create special places for parking vehicles belonging to or transporting people with disabilities.
  • For maximum social adaptation and providing access to labor activity, disabled people are provided with increased job guarantees. In particular, organizations of all forms of ownership and any profile of activity are obliged to create special jobs for them, which are not provided to people who do not have health restrictions.

Of course, this takes into account the need to absolutely exclude those effects on the body that can further aggravate existing diseases and reduce the likelihood of recovery from them. A disabled person of the first group must work a maximum of 35 hours a week.