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Accessibility of cultural services for people with disabilities. Activities to ensure accessibility of cultural goods for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities. Application. The procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits

Annex 1

Instructions for entering information about the accessibility of cultural institutions, services and events in the field of culture for people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities in the AIS “Unified information space in the field of culture."

In accordance with the decision of the working group on the creation of conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of society of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2016, on the basis of the automated information system “Single Information Space in the Sphere of Culture” (hereinafter referred to as AIS EIPSC), the collection of information on accessibility was organized cultural institutions, services provided to them and activities carried out for visits by persons with disabilities and people with disabilities.

Automated Information system“Unified information space in the field of culture” (all.culture.ru) – a project of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, created to collect and disseminate cultural events through various information channels.

To add information about the accessibility of the institution, it is necessary to supplement the description of places and events tagged “Accessible environment”. Information about institutions marked with this tag will appear on special maps and in a separate section of the Kultura.rf website.

A place is considered accessible if one of the following requirements is met:

1. Accessibility for disabled people of any service area in a public building. At the same time, provision is made for the arrangement of: common universal traffic routes accessible to all categories of the population, including disabled people; adapted for the needs of disabled people, all or specially allocated from the total number of service places.

2. Allocation of special rooms, zones or blocks at the entrance level, adapted and equipped for people with disabilities. Provision is made for the construction of special entrances, specially equipped parallel traffic routes and service areas for persons with health impairments.

Tagging is carried out if the place is accessible to at least one of the groups of disabled people:

  • those using wheelchairs;

  • with musculoskeletal disorders;

  • with visual impairments;

  • With hearing impairment;

  • with mental development disorders.
Instructions for setting a tag

If the location meets the criteria outlined above, you must add a tag to the description. Attention! The “Accessible environment” tag should also be used to mark events that take place in places that meet the accessibility requirement.

To add a tag to a created place, necessary:

Rice. 1 Selecting the “Accessibility” tag for the location

If a location that meets the accessibility criteria is not already in the system, you should add it following the general guidelines for creating a location. When creating, you must also specify the “Accessible Environment” tag.

To add a tag to a created event, you must:

  1. Go to the event page, click the “Edit” button.

  2. In the “Tags” field, open the list of tags using the button on the right side of the line and select the “Accessible Environment” tag in the “Promotions” block.

  3. Save event.

Rice. 2 Selecting the “Accessible Environment” tag for the event

If an event that takes place in a location marked with the appropriate tag is not yet in the system, you should add it in accordance with the general recommendations for creating an event. When creating, you must also specify the “Accessible Environment” tag.

Theatres, museums, cinema and concert halls, galleries and any other objects of cultural significance should be accessible to all people, regardless of their physical abilities. This category of institutions is provided for by the Accessible Environment program and obliges the management of such facilities to adapt the infrastructure of the building and territory. These measures are necessary for access for people with visual impairments, hearing impairments, people who have difficulty moving or are confined to a wheelchair.

Territory adaptation: where to start?

The very task of organizing an accessible environment inside a building and in the surrounding area can present a lot of difficulties. There are no instructions or standards that could serve as a guide to action; besides, each building has its own nuances and technical features that need to be taken into account when adapting. To make it easier to understand all the intricacies, we have prepared several recommendations for you.

First of all, you need to decide on the equipment to adapt the building itself and the area around it. When compiling an equipment list, it is important to consider any obstacles or barriers that a visitor may encounter. At the same time, the needs of people with hearing and vision impairments, as well as those using wheelchairs, are taken into account.

As an example, here is a list of adaptation equipment, which is necessary in most cases for cultural institutions under the Accessible Environment program:

  • lifting platforms for disabled people (for moving up stairs and overcoming height differences);
  • safety railings and ramps with a special non-slip coating;
  • tactile tiles and navigation system (plates, mnemonic diagrams, etc.);
  • equipment for accessibility of bathrooms (handrails, adaptation of passages);
  • special parking spaces for disabled people;
  • call buttons in places where operator assistance may be required.

If you have to implement measures to adapt a cultural institution, you can confidently rely on the given approximate concept of the facility’s equipment.

Adaptation of cultural institutions: what to pay attention to?

In order for people with disabilities to visit cultural and socially significant objects, comprehensive adaptation measures are required. It is important to pay special attention to issues of comfort and safety. We recommend working out several important nuances:

  • going up on stage. In addition to stairs, stage lifts and handrails or special ramps (stationary or mobile) are required;
  • auditorium. Systems to assist the hearing impaired (for example, an induction loop) must be provided.

Necessary equipment

Still have questions? Just call us - and we will help you solve any problem with the adaptation of your facility!

our clients

in cultural institutions of various types

Caring for people with disabilities and persons with limited health abilities (hereinafter referred to as persons with disabilities) today comes to one of the first places in its importance, since it is one of the criteria for the civility of a state and its moral progress.

In connection with the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the adoption of Federal Law No. 419-FZ of December 1, 2014 “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of social protection of people with disabilities in connection with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." The Ministry of Culture of Russia and the cultural authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation took significant measures in 2015 to improve the accessibility of cultural values ​​and benefits for people with disabilities.

The working group on creating conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of society of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for People with Disabilities approved the Action Plan for 2015 - 2017 to improve the conditions for participation in the cultural life of society of people with disabilities and other persons with disabilities of various categories and a Comprehensive Plan activities for 2015 - 2020 to create conditions for the education of disabled children and persons with disabilities in the field of art education.

Rosstat issued orders to amend sectoral forms of statistical observation in terms of ensuring accessibility for disabled people to objects and services of cultural institutions of the Russian Federation.

In order to empower the Ministry of Culture of Russia with the authority to approve the requirements and procedures for accessibility to cultural and art institutions, taking into account the special needs of people with disabilities, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2015 No. 453 “On amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation” was adopted.

In pursuance of the state program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment", the Ministry of Culture of Russia, in accordance with the powers assigned to it, in 2015, the following orders were developed and approved:

"On monitoring the needs of cultural institutions and educational institutions in the cultural sector for special technical devices";

“On approval of accessibility requirements for cultural institutions, taking into account the special needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility”;

on approval of procedures for ensuring accessibility for disabled people to libraries, museums, cultural values ​​and benefits, objects cultural heritage included in a single State Register cultural heritage sites;

on the list of federal cultural and art institutions that provide accessibility conditions for people with disabilities
(Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 18, 2015 No. 2820);

on the approval of action plans ("road maps") to increase the accessibility indicators for people with disabilities of objects and services provided by libraries, museums, educational institutions, circuses, theatrical and entertainment and cultural and leisure institutions, which are sent as recommendations to the cultural management bodies of the subjects Russian Federation for the development at the regional level of appropriate action plans ("road maps");

on approval of administrative regulations (amending administrative regulations) for the provision of public services by the Ministry.

Within the framework of the state program "Accessible Environment" for 2016 - 2020, the following activities are planned:

Providing subtitling and audio commentary for the most outstanding restored and digitized films of past years for digital theatrical screening;

Development of a model program for sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children, which will be approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia;

Creation Electronic library notes in Braille.

In 2015, monitoring was carried out on the accessibility of all types of cultural institutions and educational institutions in the cultural sector for people with disabilities. In order to uniform the methods for determining the accessibility of objects and services of cultural institutions for people with disabilities, relevant methodological recommendations were sent to the cultural management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and subordinate institutions.

Accessibility indicators during monitoring were:

accessibility of cultural and educational institutions for people with disabilities and persons with musculoskeletal, vision and hearing impairments;

availability of accessible versions of Internet sites for people with visual impairments;

availability of employees trained in providing services to people with disabilities;

the number of events held in cultural institutions accessible to people with disabilities and persons with disabilities;

the number of creative teams that include disabled people and persons with disabilities;

the number of disabled children and persons with disabilities receiving education in the cultural sector;

the number of educational institutions in the cultural sector that implement educational programs adapted for disabled children and persons with disabilities;

the amount of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds aimed at improving accessibility conditions for people with disabilities in 2015.

Based on monitoring results:

66% (321 units) of cultural and recreation parks are equipped for persons with musculoskeletal disorders; 55% (431 units) theater and concert organizations; 43% (493 units) of cinema halls; 36% (862 units) of museums; 30% (16 units) of circuses; 26% (9736 units) cultural and leisure institutions; 15% (5491 units) of libraries; 48% (33 units) of educational institutions of higher education in the cultural sector; 34% (76 units) of professional educational institutions; 24% (1102 units) of children's art schools;

for the visually impaired - 38% (299 units) of theater and concert organizations; 32% (157 units) of cultural and recreation parks; 14% (434 units) of museums; 11% (4028 units) cultural and leisure institutions; 10% (3638 units) of libraries; 3.5% (2 units) of circuses; 29% (20 units) of universities; 20% (46 units) of professional educational institutions; 14% (646 units) of children's art schools;

for the hearing impaired - 43% (208 units) of cultural and recreation parks; 37% (289 units) theater and concert organizations; 25% (746 units) of museums; 12% (4650 units) cultural and leisure institutions; 7% (4 units) of circuses; 26% (58 units) of professional educational institutions; 20% (14 units) of universities; 13%
(603 units) children's art schools. Only 3% (38 units) of cinema halls have equipment for film screenings for people with visual and hearing impairments;

21% (211 units) of cinema halls; 16% (131 units) theater and concert organizations; 6% (154 units) of museums; 5% (23 units) of cultural and recreation parks and cultural and leisure institutions (1713 units); less than 1% (292 units) of libraries have versions of Internet sites accessible to persons with disabilities visual impairment formats.

In 2015, about 40 thousand events were held for people with disabilities and people with disabilities in theater and concert organizations, while people with disabilities took part in 8 thousand events. More than 7 thousand exhibitions were organized in museums of the Russian Federation (for example, in the A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo" 4 guides to museum exhibitions with typographical comments were prepared for people with visual impairments. The guides are made in two versions: with enlarged contrasting font and in raised dot Braille).

Disabled people and persons with disabilities are part of about 27 thousand creative teams of cultural and leisure institutions.

The presence in cultural institutions of employees who have been trained in providing services to people with disabilities will become mandatory from 2016
(from the moment the Procedures for ensuring accessibility of cultural values ​​and benefits for disabled people come into force). Moreover, already in 2015, these employees worked in 30% (2420 units) of theater and concert organizations, 13% (321 units) of museums, 4% (1422 units) of libraries, 3.5% (2 units) of circuses .

In 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including the Republics of Chuvashia, Buryatia, Samara, Belgorod regions, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm and Stavropol territories, etc.) 54 additional educational programs are being implemented vocational education(advanced training courses, retraining) for teaching staff and employees of cultural institutions working with persons with disabilities. During 2015, more than 2 thousand employees of the cultural sector completed training in these educational programs.

The volume of budgetary and extra-budgetary financial resources allocated in 2015 for the creation barrier-free environment in cultural institutions and educational organizations, increased 1.5 times compared to 2014 and amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. Largest quantity funds to improve accessibility conditions for people with disabilities were allocated in the Moscow, Kaluga, Novosibirsk, Volgograd regions, Krasnodar Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (from 7 million to 53 million rubles).

Due to the improvement of accessibility conditions in educational institutions of higher education in the cultural sector, the number of students with disabilities and persons with disabilities has increased compared to 2014 (from 0.5% in 2014 to 0.6% in 2015).

Educational programs in the field of arts adapted for disabled children and persons with disabilities are implemented by children's art schools in 45 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, by professional educational institutions in 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and by universities in 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the Moscow cinema "Illusion", in order to introduce audio commentary and subtitling of Russian films, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, together with the OJSC "Research Order of the Red Banner of Labor Film and Photo Institute" has placed standard solutions developed in 2014 and experimental samples of audiovisual assistance complexes for visually and hearing impaired people. implementation of film screening.

Within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia
(2012 - 2018)" in 2015, festivals, events in the field of folk art were held, performances and concert programs were staged, in which people with disabilities and people with disabilities took part. In total, about 10 million were allocated for these events . rubles.

Among the most significant events are the "White Cane" music festival, the III International Theater Festival "We Don't Have to Be the Same", the "Theater + Society" program, the interregional social and creative project for blind and sighted people "Reliefs of Color", the production of a children's play with sign language interpretation for children with disabilities (Tomsk region).

Among the events and projects in 2015 carried out by institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the following should be noted:

Creation of a multi-format publication for blind people, dedicated to the production of the play "Uncle Vanya" at the Moscow Theater "At the Nikitsky Gate";

Carrying out a festival of books printed in Braille, “I see with my hands”, thanks to which a special exhibition of books for blind and visually impaired people was organized as part of the Moscow International Book Fair (at VDNKh);

Conducting an international symposium “Socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people: from art therapy to creative personal fulfillment”, within which there were discussion platforms, exhibitions, concerts and master classes;

Implementation of scientific and educational programs, programs of creative rehabilitation and social adaptation "Kiln tiles in the art of Smolensk masters of the 17th-19th centuries," developed with many tactile elements (Museum-Reserve "Khmelita"), "Bright World", "I will bring the museum to you!";

The play "Touchables" with the participation of deaf-blind actors (organized by the Russian State Academic Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin (Alexandrinsky) and the Foundation for Supporting the Deaf-Blind "Connection").

Educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of Russia conducted charity concerts and theatrical shows for children and persons with disabilities in boarding homes, correctional and rehabilitation centers in collaboration with social protection departments and public charitable organizations.

Among the significant events are the Baikal summer creative school for gifted children with hearing disabilities “Baikal Fantasies”, the festival of rehabilitation programs for people with mental illnesses “Others”.

In the Altai Republic, within the framework of the departmental target program “Formation of a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in the field of culture,” certification and equipment of a number of cultural institutions with the necessary equipment were carried out. technical means(alarm buttons, ramps, handrails). In the Volgograd region, the adaptation of cultural objects is carried out within the framework of the state program of the Volgograd region "Formation of an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and low-mobility groups of the population of the Volgograd region." The regional program “Modernization of cultural, art, educational institutions in the field of culture and art in the Murmansk region” is being implemented in the Murmansk region. The program "Social support for citizens for 2014 - 2018" with the subprogram "Accessible Environment" was developed in the Novgorod, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Vologda regions and other regions.

However, despite the significant work done in the field of regulatory support, creating conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities and persons with disabilities in cultural institutions, and rehabilitation of people with disabilities through art, it is necessary:

continue work to create conditions of accessibility in cultural institutions and educational organizations in the cultural sector, providing funds for this within the framework of budgetary and extra-budgetary funding;

increase the number of creative events in accessible formats for people with disabilities, incl. exhibitions with the possibility of tactile familiarization with objects, performances and other entertainment events accompanied by subtitling and audio commentary.

Work to create conditions for the accessibility of cultural goods for people with disabilities and people with disabilities requires further joint efforts of federal authorities, cultural management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and all-Russian public organizations disabled people non-governmental organizations providing services in the cultural sector.

Conclusions and offers

Russian society is increasingly aware of the importance of folk culture, which is the most important component of the socio-political life of the state, promotes the consolidation of citizens and mutual understanding between the peoples of multinational Russia, and strengthens the spiritual connection of generations.

Work in the field of socio-cultural activities is carried out taking into account the existing unique experience accumulated by centers and houses of folk art.

In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Culture will solve the problem of providing feedback to regional industry structures in the form of socio-cultural monitoring, recording the problems and results of the implementation of the “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”.

In order to promote Russian folk art abroad, the Ministry of Culture of Russia will provide preparatory activities for holding the VI World Folklore Festival in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2020 under the auspices of the international organization “International Council of Organizers of Folklore and Traditional Arts Festivals - CIOFF”, which is an official partner of UNESCO. Also, interaction with foreign experts will be strengthened to attract them to the jury of key all-Russian and international folk art competitions taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Work will continue to develop club institutions, attract citizens of the country to participate in the work of creative teams, and a Concept of club business in the Russian Federation will be prepared, defining strategic objectives for the development of each area of ​​club activity, taking into account the diversity of types of institutions (houses of crafts and folklore, national cultural and ethnocultural centers).



On approval of the Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 10/08/2018, N 0001201810080013).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.92 N 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 46, Art. 2615, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999 , N 26, Art. 3172, 2001, N 1, Art. 2, N 53, Art. 5030, 2002, N 52, Art. 5132, 2003, N 52, Art. 5038, 2004, N 35, Art. 3607 , 2006, N 1, art. 10, N 45, art. 4627, 2007, N 1, art. 21, 2008, N 30, art. 3616, 2009, N 52, art. 6411, 2010, N 19, art. .2291, 2013, N 17, Art. 2030, N 27, Art. 3477, N 40, Art. 5035, 2014, N 19, Art. 2307, N 30, Art. 4217, Art. 4257, N 49, Art. .6928),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Ministers of Culture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

3. This order comes into force on 01/01/2016.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 10, 2015,
registration N 40074

Application. The procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits


by order of the Ministry of Culture
Russian Federation
dated November 16, 2015 N 2800

1. This procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) defines the rules for providing assistance to people with disabilities in overcoming barriers that prevent them from receiving services in the field of culture on an equal basis with other persons, as well as ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities:

- objects (administrative buildings, structures, structures and premises) (hereinafter - objects) of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, federal state unitary and state enterprises, federal state budgetary cultural institutions - theaters, concert organizations, cinemas, circuses, cultural leisure (cultural and educational) and other organizations carrying out activities for the active participation of people with disabilities in cultural life (as creators of cultural works or participants in amateur artistic and cultural creativity) (hereinafter referred to as cultural organizations);

- cultural values ​​and benefits, services in the field of culture provided by cultural organizations.

2. To ensure conditions for accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for people with disabilities, cultural organizations interact with the owners of the objects. The organization of this interaction is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

3. Heads of cultural organizations, as part of activities to ensure the accessibility of facilities and services, instruct or train officials of these organizations authorized to provide services to people with disabilities, taking into account their persistent disorders of body functions and limitations in life activity.

The obligation of officials of cultural organizations to provide services to people with disabilities in an accessible form (including to accept and take into account applications from people with disabilities to create the necessary conditions for accessibility of objects and services), as well as to provide them with assistance in this regard, is determined by the heads of cultural organizations in the regulations for providing services to the population and in the official regulations (instructions) of officials (employees) providing these services.

In order to organize the accessibility of facilities and services, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation develops and sends to the authorities state power constituent entities of the Russian Federation, recommendations on organizing instructing or training specialists working with people with disabilities on issues of ensuring accessibility of facilities and services for them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. The heads of cultural organizations, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, ensure the creation of the following conditions for accessibility of objects for people with disabilities:

- the possibility of unimpeded entry into and exit from specified objects;

- the ability to independently move around the facility in order to access the place where the service is provided, including using the assistance of personnel providing services, assistive and auxiliary technologies, mnemonic diagrams, raised arrows and inscriptions made in raised dot font, as well as a removable wheelchair;

- the ability to board and disembark a vehicle before entering the facility, including using a wheelchair and, if necessary, with the help of facility staff;

- accompanying disabled people with persistent visual impairments when moving around the facility;

- instructing employees who have primary contact with service recipients on familiarizing disabled people with the placement and layout of premises, the sequence of actions and the route of movement when receiving services;

- assistance to a disabled person when entering and exiting a building, informing him about available public transport routes;

- proper placement of media about the procedure for providing the service, its design in a form accessible to people with disabilities, taking into account their life limitations, including duplication of the audio and visual information necessary to receive the service (inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information in the format of relief graphics and signs made in raised dot Braille and on a contrasting background);

- ensuring access to the facility where services are provided or to the place where the service of a guide dog is provided in the presence of a document confirming its special training, issued in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 N 386n (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 07/21/2015, registration N 38115).

5. Cultural organizations providing services, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, are provided with:

- providing disabled people with the necessary assistance in a form accessible to them, drawing up documents established by the regulations (procedure) for the provision of services, and performing other actions necessary to receive the service;

- providing hearing impaired people, if necessary, with services using Russian sign language, including ensuring access to a sign language interpreter, sign language interpreter;

- providing visually impaired people, if necessary, with the service of hidden direct audio commentary conducted by a professional audio commentator, including ensuring access for the audio commentator;

- the presence of an audio circuit, copies of documents, announcements, instructions on the procedure for providing services (including at the information stand), made in embossed dotted Braille and on a contrasting background;

- placement of premises in which the service is provided, mainly on the lower floors of buildings;

- conditions of access for people with disabilities to the operating cash rooms of cultural organizations and the possibility of receiving services during reconstruction, adaptation of all elements of equipment for service (including cash register windows, passages);

- conditions of access to other premises: lobby, cash register lobby, wardrobe, bathrooms, buffets, foyers, corridors and lobbies, auditoriums (theater, concert halls, cinema halls), exhibition (exhibition) halls and premises, workshops, studios, recording rooms, elevator location areas;

- creation of inclusive creative teams operating on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

- providing disabled people with the opportunity to receive services to send an application electronically by filling out a special interactive form on the websites of cultural organizations on the Internet, ensuring identification of the recipient;

- placement of accessible information to ensure the level of accessibility of sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network of cultural organizations, taking into account the requirements of national standards;

Other conditions for ensuring accessibility provided for by the administrative regulations for the provision of services:

- providing disabled people with at least 5% of seats in theater and concert halls (3% in cinema halls), but at least three seats when providing services for showing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances for people with disabilities (including when allocating specialized areas services for disabled people in the building);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on October 19, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated June 27, 2018 N 1017.

- equipping cinemas and cinema halls with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating digital films;

- collective access of a group of disabled people (hereinafter referred to as a special group) to objects and events held by cultural organizations, subject to prior agreement with the organizer of the visit special group- a rehabilitation organization, a public association of disabled people or a social protection body (hereinafter referred to as the organizer).

6. When organizing a visit to a special group, authorized officials carry out preliminary agreement on the conditions of the visit, during which the following are determined: the category, age and number of disabled people and persons accompanying them in the group, the state of ensuring the accessibility of the object and the cultural values ​​represented for people with disabilities, the procedure for a collective visit, methods , introducing disabled people to the cultural values ​​represented, other issues of preparing and conducting a collective visit. The conditions for organizing a collective visit may be included in the relevant agreement.

The cultural organization notifies the organizer in advance (at least 10 working days) of the planned visit of a special group, special rules and safety requirements, and also allocates an employee (employees) and ensures his (their) training for the unhindered receipt of services for people with disabilities (including viewing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances, conducting special excursions, participating in cultural and leisure events) .

7. The assessment of the level of accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for disabled people is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, using the following indicators of accessibility for people with disabilities of objects and services in the field of culture (hereinafter referred to as indicators):

a) the share of cultural organizations’ facilities commissioned from July 1, 2016, that have accessibility conditions for objects and services for disabled people (out of the total number of cultural organization facilities commissioned);

b) the share of objects of cultural organizations that, after major repairs and reconstruction after July 1, 2016, have conditions for accessibility of objects and services for disabled people (of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

c) the share of cultural organization facilities that provide conditions for individual mobility of disabled people and the opportunity for them to move independently around the building (and, if necessary, throughout the facility’s territory) (out of the total number of cultural organization facilities where repair and reconstruction work was carried out after July 1 2016);

d) the share of cultural organizations equipped with assistive devices and adaptive means in order to ensure unhindered access to facilities for people with disabilities (for people with mobility impairments, vision, and hearing) (out of the total number of facilities of cultural organizations);

e) the share of employees of cultural organizations who have undergone training (instruction) on issues related to the specifics of providing services to people with disabilities and who are proficient in methods of providing the necessary assistance to people with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal impairments (of the total number of employees of cultural organizations);

f) the share of cultural organizations providing assistance to employees who, by administrative and administrative act of the cultural organization, are entrusted with the obligation to provide it to people with disabilities (the visually impaired, the hearing impaired) (out of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

g) the share of events of cultural organizations accessible to people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of events held by cultural organizations);

h) the share of cultural organizations that provide at least 5% (for cinemas - at least 3%) of seats in auditoriums equipped for people with disabilities (impaired with mobility, vision, hearing) (of the total number of organizations);

i) the share of cultural organizations that have information on the official website about the accessibility of objects and services for people with disabilities with visual and hearing impairments and people with disabilities who use wheelchairs (out of the total number of cultural organizations);

j) the number of sites of cultural organizations equipped with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating entertainment events (including performances, concerts, circus performances, digital films, cultural, leisure and other events) (from the total number of sites of objects cultural organizations);

k) the share of cultural and leisure institutions that have inclusive creative groups operating on the bases of cultural and leisure institutions (from the total number of cultural and leisure institutions);

l) the proportion of cultural organizations that have websites on the Internet information and telecommunications network that take into account the requirements of national standards;

m) the share of cultural organizations that carry out outdoor events for people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of cultural organizations).

8. Cultural organizations providing services in the field of culture and tourism, when preparing technical specifications and concluding contracts, take measures to ensure the design, construction and acceptance from July 1, 2016 of newly commissioned buildings (premises) that have undergone major repairs, reconstruction, and modernization ), in which the provision of these services is carried out, as well as to ensure the purchase of vehicles purchased from this date to serve recipients of these services, in compliance with the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities established by Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563, 2001, No. 33, Art. 3426; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928) ( hereinafter - Law N 181-FZ), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1521 "On approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of the application of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law is ensured" Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 2, Art. 465, No. 40, Art. 5568).

9. Owners of facilities that cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities accept (prior to their reconstruction or major repairs) agreed upon with one of public associations disabled people carrying out their activities in the territory of a settlement, municipal district, urban district, measures to ensure access for disabled people to the place of provision of services at the place of residence of disabled people or remotely.

10. Cultural organizations providing services in existing facilities (premises) rented for the provision of services, which cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, take measures to conclude additional agreements with the landlord or by including in draft lease agreements provisions on the owner’s fulfillment of the requirements to ensure accessibility conditions for disabled people of this facility and the services provided on it.

11. Cultural organizations providing services, in order to determine measures to gradually increase the level of accessibility conditions for disabled people of objects and the services provided on them, conduct a survey of these objects and services, based on the results of which a certificate of accessibility for people with disabilities of the object and the services provided on it is drawn up (hereinafter, accordingly - examination and certification, accessibility passport).

12. The accessibility passport contains the following sections:

- a brief description of the facility and the services provided on it;

- assessment of the compliance of the level of accessibility of objects for people with disabilities and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions for their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- assessment of the level of accessibility of services for people with disabilities, including the availability of conditions for direct audio commentary, and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- proposed management decisions on the timing and scope of work necessary to bring the facility and the procedure for providing services on it in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Local legal acts of cultural organizations approve the composition of the commission for conducting the survey and certification of the object and the services provided on it (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the timing and plans - schedules for the survey and certification.

14. The Commission includes representatives of public associations of people with disabilities operating in the territory of the settlement, municipal district, urban district where the facility where the examination and certification is planned is located.

15. Based on the results of the inspection of the facility and the services provided on it, the Commission develops proposals for making decisions (taking into account the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 6, Art. 468) to ensure “reasonable accommodation” and “universal design”), which are included in the accessibility passport, including:

- to create (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities) conditions for accessibility of an existing facility and the procedure for providing services there in accordance with Part 4 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ (if it is impossible to ensure full accessibility);

- to determine the measures taken into account in the development plans of the facility, estimates for its capital and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization, in schedules for re-equipping the facility and purchasing new equipment in order to increase its level of accessibility and conditions for the provision of services there (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities);

- by switching on necessary measures in the technical specifications for the development of design and estimate documentation for the design, construction, equipping of newly commissioned facilities where services are provided to the population, provisions providing for their full compliance with the requirements for accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities from July 1, 2016.

16. The accessibility passport developed by the Commission is approved by the head of the cultural organization and sent within 10 working days to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

17. In the case of providing a service in a rented premises (building) or using a rented vehicle, the Commission includes a representative of the owner of the rented premises (building) or vehicle, and proposals to improve the level of accessibility of the facility take into account his proposals that arise from the obligation the owner to ensure conditions for accessibility of objects and services for disabled people in accordance with Part 1 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ.

18. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, taking into account the submitted accessibility passports, in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 3 of the Rules for the development by executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments of measures to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services in established areas of activity approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 N 599 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 26, Art. 3894) approves action plans (road maps) to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility of objects and services for disabled people.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

2) sports facilities - objects real estate or real estate complexes specifically designed for physical education and (or) sports events, including sports facilities;

3) sports facility - an engineering and construction facility created for holding physical education events and (or) sports events and having spatial and territorial boundaries;

4) sports competition - a competition among athletes or teams of athletes in various types sports (sports disciplines) in order to identify the best participant in the competition, held according to the regulations (regulations) approved by its organizer;

5) sports events - sports competitions, as well as training events, including theoretical and organizational parts, and other activities to prepare for sports competitions with the participation of athletes.

II. Ensuring general accessibility of sports facilities

for disabled athletes and disabled spectators,

taking into account their special needs

In order to create an accessible environment for disabled athletes and disabled spectators at sports facilities, when conducting physical education and sports events, it is recommended to ensure:

General accessibility of sports facilities for all categories of disabled people;

Appropriate conditions for physical education and sports for disabled athletes;

Equipping sports facilities with special sports equipment and equipment;

Accessibility of the spectator area.

The design of sports facilities accessible to disabled athletes and disabled spectators, ensuring the process of social integration of disabled athletes and disabled spectators, is recommended to be considered as a continuous process - from the development of the initial concept, design assignment, master plan of the site and ending with the development stage working documentation. In addition, accessibility issues are recommended to be monitored during construction, as well as during the management and maintenance of the structure after its commissioning.

Basic functional areas and space of the sports object:

1) Parking, vehicle pick-up/drop-off area.

Disabled athletes and disabled spectators arrive at sports facilities different ways- by car, minibus, taxi, wheelchair, bicycle, on foot, as well as by public transport.

It is very important that the entrance/entrance from the roadway is clearly marked, well lit and has directional signs to:

Parking, especially special parking spaces;

Drop off locations;

The main entrance to the sports facility.

Given that many disabled athletes and spectators travel to sporting venues by car, it is important to provide suitable parking with easy access from the car park to the entrance.

Provide special places for transport of disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Place special parking spaces next to each other and indicate their location with a sign located next to the main entrance to the building;

Mark special parking spaces with ground markings with designations both on the surface of the parking lot and using a vertical sign. It is recommended to provide signs for the location of special parking spaces at the entrance from the roadway;

Establish a management/monitoring system to ensure that designated designated parking spaces are used only by disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Locate designated parking spaces as close as possible to the entrance to the structure. If the pedestrian path from special parking spaces to the entrance is open, then the recommended distance to the entrance is no more than 50 m; it can be increased to a maximum of 100 m if the pedestrian path has shelter from adverse weather conditions;

Provide a smooth and level surface for designated parking spaces. It is not recommended to use surfacing materials with a non-bonded surface, such as gravel;

The exit from special parking spaces should be equipped with curb ramps located in close proximity to them;

Voice control elements of the barrier can be duplicated by alternative means for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with hearing and speech impairments.

It is also recommended to provide a vehicle pick-up/disembarkation area. It is recommended to equip the place with a shelter for protection from adverse atmospheric conditions and locate it in close proximity to the main entrance. It is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

Organize the length of the boarding/disembarking zone space, which will ensure loading from the rear of the vehicle;

For smaller facilities where it may not be practical to provide a drop-off point at the main entrance, the recommended distance between the nearest drop-off point and the sports facility is no more than 50 m unless the pedestrian access route to the entrance is protected from adverse weather conditions.

For bicycle parking, it is recommended to create conditions in safe places, away from pedestrian paths, and also to ensure that bicycle parking is protected from adverse atmospheric conditions. It is recommended to provide space for modified bicycles and tandems in the bicycle parking area.

Pedestrian routes around the sports facility site.

To ensure that disabled athletes and spectators can move comfortably and safely from the point of arrival to the entrance, it is recommended that great attention be paid to the layout and details of paths, ramps, steps and handrails. It is recommended that all routes be marked with information signs, including audio and tactile ones, in order to help guide disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators.

When planning and organizing pedestrian traffic routes, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

For transport routes and pedestrian paths, it is recommended to use materials of different textures and colors to clearly distinguish them from each other;

In the territory adjacent to sports facilities where the training process is carried out and competitions and events are held, the rules of which provide for the use of special sports wheelchairs, it is recommended to organize and describe in detail the route from the drop-off point, car parking or entrance to the territory of the sports facility to the entrance in such a way as to provide easy access for the disabled athlete and the disabled spectator using a wheelchair and pushing it in front of him;

Landscaping elements and small architectural forms, such as lanterns, trash cans, flowerpots, benches are not recommended to be placed along the route;

In all places where a smooth change in the level of height along the path of movement occurs by more than a height equivalent to the height of one step, it is recommended to provide alternative way overcome height differences using steps;

Carefully select road surface materials. They may have different audible or tactile characteristics and, if these characteristics are used properly, color range, will help determine the location along the route for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments;

Where pedestrian paths intersect with bicycle paths, it is recommended that warning and guidance elements be provided for disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators. It is recommended to ensure that the path to the transition points is free of obstructions or obstacles that pose a hazard, such as guardrails;

Carefully planned plantings will help disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators orient themselves using color and olfactory characteristics, and in some cases become key landmarks for them;

Along routes located on a flat surface, it is recommended to provide resting places at a distance of no more than 50 m from each other for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with musculoskeletal disorders.

Provide an easy-to-clean covering in the walking area and regularly sanitize this area;

Develop service procedures for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with guide dogs;

Keep the walking area free of debris, glass and other dangerous objects;

Provide for the possibility of cleaning the walking area by employees of the operational service of the sports facility.

The entrance should be equipped with a level platform directly in front of the front door to make the entrance accessible to disabled athletes and disabled spectators in wheelchairs;

Ensure universal access to entry for everyone;

Position entrance doors in combination with the direction of the approach path;

If frame metal detectors are to be installed at the entrance, provide alternative path movement past the frame;

In the case of using drainage and dirt collection grates with longitudinal holes, position them so that the holes are oriented perpendicular to the direction of travel;

Ensure that the entrance vestibule is large enough for a disabled athlete and a disabled spectator in a wheelchair to push it in front of them;

In order to prevent moisture from entering the building, provide a cleaning surface/mat located in a recess in the entrance vestibule. It is not recommended to use mats made of coconut fiber or similar materials.

One of the important elements of the entrance group is the reception and registration area for disabled athletes and disabled spectators. When planning this zone, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:

Ensure a clear and logical layout of the reception and registration area and minimize the need to use information signs and indicators to determine the required traffic route;

To ensure good visibility of the reception desk, consider the location of the counter and use colors and lighting that emphasize its presence;

Staff working at the front desk must ensure good review entrance;

If turnstiles are installed, it is recommended that a gate be provided to allow accessible entry for disabled athletes and wheelchair spectators. It is recommended to equip the gate with an electric drive;

Place the elevator, stairs and payphone close to the reception desk and ensure good visibility. If it is impossible to place these elements within line of sight, then it is recommended to indicate their location with signs;

Arrange acoustic conditions in the reception area that promote clear understanding of speech, especially when communicating with staff located behind the reception desk. In the recording area, it is important to acoustically balance hard reflective surfaces such as glass with softer sound-absorbing surfaces such as ceilings, carpets and curtains;

Organize the reception desk so that the accommodation and service conditions for disabled athletes and disabled spectators are comfortable. It is recommended that the special needs of disabled athletes and spectators using wheelchairs, or those with hearing or vision impairments be taken into account;

Provide a visual distinction between the top horizontal and front surfaces of the post to help disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators determine the position of the edge of the post;

Screens and grilles may interfere with effective communication between staff and a disabled athlete or disabled spectator and are therefore recommended to be used only when necessary for safety reasons;

Provide for the presence of induction circuits to provide assistance to disabled athletes and disabled spectators with hearing impairments. In this case, it is recommended to visually mark the area equipped with an induction loop with an international symbol. It is recommended to position the induction loop in such a way as to be accessible in the area where the lower section of the rack is located;

Provide a secure and safe resting place for guide dogs, which may be located adjacent to the area where the reception desk is located.

Internal traffic routes in sports facilities.

Internal movement paths in sports facilities can be horizontal and vertical.

When organizing traffic routes in a sports facility, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:

Use a visually different color for the surface of the ramp from the color of the horizontal platform so that disabled athletes and spectators with visual impairments know that they are approaching the ramp;

Firmly secure the anti-slip surface of ramps;

Ensure that the color and brightness of the safety frame of each step of the stairs is different from the step adjacent to it and ensure anti-slip properties;

Ensure that the handrails extend horizontally beyond the beginning and end of the flight of stairs or ramp by at least 0.3 m;

Columns, supports or other obstacles must be marked and/or fenced off;

Clear corridors of obstacles located on traffic routes;

The corners at the junctions of walls in places where the direction changes or where corridors join are made beveled or rounded;

Do not use glazing at the ends of the corridor;

Avoid small changes in level within the same floor. However, where this measure cannot be practically implemented, it is recommended that all ramps and steps be properly designed;

Avoid the use of shiny polished materials, which can create glare and reflections and adversely affect the safety of movement on stairs;

Free open spaces under stairs from dangerous elements that could lead to injury or fence them off;

Use a color of the handrail that is different from the color of the adjacent surfaces and contrasts with them, so that it can be easily seen by disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments;

All handrails should be securely fastened;

The number of doors in the building should be kept to a minimum, as doors make it difficult to move inside the building;

When using double doors, arrange according at least, one flap, the width of which provides free passage for a disabled athlete and a disabled spectator in a wheelchair without the need to open the second flap;

All doors should be positioned in such a way that a free space of at least 0.3 m is provided against the wall on the side of the door that opens towards itself (from the latch side);

Door wings should be equipped with transparent inserts to avoid collisions;

Glass doors can pose a hazard to disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators. It is recommended to clearly mark glass doors using contrasting markers: stripes, yellow circles or colored logos;

It is important that disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators can easily identify the door. Most effective method to achieve this is to make the color of the door different from the color of the wall;

If it is necessary to install a door latch or lock rather than a latch to keep the door closed, we recommend using a lever-type door handle. It is recommended to avoid the use of round door handles because they are difficult to operate for disabled athletes and spectators with impaired motor function of the hands;

Use door handles that contrast in color with the color of the door surface;

Do not use “emergency door openers that require glass to be broken to activate” because they will be an obstacle for disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

If an elevator car is used minimum size, then it is recommended to consider the possibility of equipping a cabin with two-way opening doors so that you can enter and exit the elevator cabin without turning around. Otherwise, it is recommended to place a mirror on the rear wall of the elevator car so that the disabled athlete and disabled spectator in a wheelchair can see the space behind him when leaving the elevator car;

The elevator cabin should be equipped with sound and visual indication of floors, as well as opening/closing of doors;

Use elevator car control panel buttons that are clearly visible, easy to operate, and accessible to wheelchair athletes and spectators. It is recommended to equip buttons with tactile indication of numbers and symbols;

Inside the elevator car, place the control panel on the side wall;

It is extremely important to ensure that the elevator car floor is accurately leveled at each level;

Use an emergency communication system in the elevator car that includes inductive communication elements to assist disabled athletes and disabled spectators who use hearing aids.

If it is not possible to install a passenger elevator in an existing sports facility, then it is advisable to install vertical lifts to move between levels. This kind of lifts will be especially useful when adapting existing sports facilities that have a significant difference in height levels, at which the organization of a large number of ramps is necessary. However, given that the lifts have limited area platforms and can therefore only accommodate one disabled athlete and wheelchair spectator, they are not suitable for use in sports venues with big amount disabled athletes and disabled spectators in wheelchairs.

It is recommended to ensure accessibility of recreational areas for disabled athletes and disabled spectators. All corridors and doors leading to recreation areas, enterprises Catering, enterprises retail, providing other services, it is recommended to adapt it for disabled athletes and disabled spectators.

Recreation places.

Provide seating in any waiting areas (or where queues may accumulate);

Arrange seating areas in such a way that disabled athletes and disabled spectators in wheelchairs do not create an obstacle to common paths of movement;

Provide several seats with a seat height of 0.45 m - 0.475 m, if seats with low position seats;

Provide seats both with and without armrests;

Use seats that visually stand out from the surrounding surfaces.

Catering establishments.

When organizing public catering places, it is advisable to consider the following recommendations:

Use furniture that is stable, but at the same time ensure that the furniture can be moved if necessary;

Consider using tables with legs positioned at the corners rather than a central support. The recommended height of free space under the tabletop is at least 0.75 m, so that a disabled athlete and a disabled spectator in a wheelchair can freely approach the table.

When organizing service counters for public catering establishments, it is recommended:

Ensure accessibility of bar counters and self-service counters;

Provide a lowered section with a height of no more than 0.85 m, with a free legroom of at least 0.75 m (width) x 0.75 m (height) x 0.49 m (depth). The recommended width of such a section is at least 1 m. However, it is important that hot surfaces are not adjacent to lower sections to avoid the possibility of accidentally touching them.

If possible, equip service areas with induction circuits;

Control natural light entering the service area and artificial lighting to avoid glare. It is recommended to avoid the use of large shiny surfaces, which may create glare and cause confusion and discomfort for disabled athletes and visually impaired spectators, as well as make it difficult for disabled athletes and hearing impaired spectators to read lips.

It is recommended to use food and drink vending machines that are equipped with information displays and have clear instructions. It is recommended to place the coin and bill acceptor at a level no higher than 1.2 m from the floor level, and also to provide sufficient free space in front of the machine for turning around for disabled athletes and people in wheelchairs.

III. Ensuring access for athletes with disabilities

During physical education and sports events, disabled athletes are recommended to be provided with access and conditions for a comfortable, safe stay in specialized premises.

In areas where competitions in sports that use wheelchairs are not frequent, it is recommended that some benches be made collapsible to temporarily provide additional mobility space for wheelchair athletes if necessary.

Sports venues provide “buffer” changing rooms to provide changing areas during busy periods. “Buffer” changing rooms can be used as changing areas for disabled athletes (if these areas are not required for general changing).

If there are a large number of locker units, it is advisable to provide some form of orientation assistance. For example, using very strong color contrasts and/or symbols, and also duplicating this measure as part of the key design, using zoning using color.


It is recommended to pay special attention to the lifts with which changing rooms can be equipped. For many disabled athletes, the process of transferring from and to their wheelchair can only be accomplished using a lift located in the locker room.

There are two main types of lifts: ceiling lifts and mobile lifts. If installing a ceiling lift is possible, it is recommended to use this type because a ceiling lift is easier to use than a mobile lift. In addition, the ceiling lift cannot be removed from the room in which it is needed.

Ceiling lifts move along fixed rails, so they are less flexible in use than mobile systems. However, they do not take up floor space like mobile lifts do. Ceiling lifts are also easier to use.

Mobile lifts do not require the installation of rails; they are more versatile to use. However, it will be more difficult for a personal assistant to use them. They are not recommended for use when moving long distances. A mobile lift will also need storage space when not in use.

It is important to ensure that the lift has sufficient power to lift the heaviest disabled athletes, a lifting work area free of any obstructions, and likely the ability to lift the disabled athlete from the floor in an emergency, although it is recommended that this be left to qualified medical personnel .

Both types of lifts use lifting belts.

Sanitary facilities.

It is recommended that the doors of accessible toilet stalls be equipped with easily movable latches designed for disabled athletes with impaired motor abilities, and, if necessary, close automatically. It is recommended to use a contrasting color of the hardware used to open the door in relation to the surface of the door.

The use of twist locks on toilet stall doors is not recommended as they require good motor skills to operate unless equipped with flanged handles.

It is recommended to equip the toilet with a securely fastened lid, which is fixed in a position with a deviation of 10 - 15° from the vertical and which can be used as a back support. If there is no lid or reservoir, it is recommended to provide back support.

It is recommended to equip the toilet with an electronic automatically controlled flush or manual flush control on the side from which the toilet is seated. It is recommended to place toilet flush handles on the side from which you sit on the toilet. This eliminates the need to reach into the toilet to operate the flush.

Toilet bowls are recommended to be equipped with “L”-shaped grab bars, consisting of a horizontal and vertical element 750 mm long, installed with the horizontal element at a height of 230 mm above the toilet seat so that the vertical element is located at a distance of 150 mm in front of the seat.

Toilet paper dispensers are recommended to be installed at a height of approximately 50 - 100 mm below the midpoint of the side rail, but not less than 600 mm above the floor for easy access from a seated position. It is recommended to use dispensers in a contrasting color to the wall.

In addition, conventional open roll-type dispensers are recommended in areas designated for wheelchair athletes, as they require minimal motor skills to operate.

Showers and washbasin areas.

Washbasin sinks intended for use by disabled athletes are recommended to be equipped with a table or a shelf located next to them.

We recommend easy-to-use paper towel dispensers that are lever-operated or hands-free. It is recommended to install dispensers so that they are easily accessible from the sink. Installation on the opposite wall is not recommended.

It is recommended to use automatic touchless faucets. The minimum requirement is to install a single faucet with lever handle and thermostat. Application of taps with separate control for hot and cold water Not recommended.

It is recommended that the accessible shower area be equipped with a portable or wall-mounted folding seat located at a height of no more than 480 mm from the base of the shower floor, the center of which is located at a distance of 500 mm from the adjacent wall. The recommended seat depth is at least 480 mm, length - 850 mm, it is recommended to use waterproof seats with easy-to-clean upholstery.

It is recommended to provide a hand shower with attachment points located in such a way as to provide easy access to the shower from a sitting position. The recommended length of the shower hose is at least 1500 mm.

It is recommended to equip the shower area with handrails measuring at least 750 mm by 900 mm, installed horizontally so that the center line of the handrail is located at a height of 850 mm above the shower floor, and the side 750 mm long is located along the wall on which the seat is installed.

Swimming pools.

Provide removable platforms for the ceiling foot baths when moving disabled athletes in wheelchairs from shower areas to the pool bowl area;

Provide for the installation of a chute or special lifts for the safe descent into water of disabled athletes, whose mobility is entirely dependent on orthopedic devices;

The edge of the pool bathtub along the entire perimeter is marked with a stripe that has a contrasting color in relation to the bypass path;

Provide special tactile strips on the bypass paths in the bathrooms of swimming pools, where athletes with visual impairments can exercise.

Ice arenas.

For physical education and sledge hockey sports events, it is recommended to provide for the installation of walkways from the locker rooms to the ice arena. plastic ice width of at least 900 mm, or provide places (rooms) for storing wheelchairs during the game before entering the ice arena.

If necessary, provide for the placement of plastic ice in the changing rooms;

Use locker rooms and bathrooms intended for disabled athletes, or convert existing locker rooms and bathrooms for disabled athletes;

When holding ice sledge hockey competitions, transform the hockey board by installing transparent sections of the board in the areas of boxes with benches for substitute players and boxes with benches for fined players;

Ensure that the width of the side gates for substitutes and penalized players to enter the ice is at least 0.91 m;

Ensure that the height difference between the floor of the substitutes' and penalized players' boxes and the ice surface is no more than 0.019 m;

For the flooring of boxes with benches for substitute players and boxes with penalty benches, provide plastic ice or other material that does not damage the blades of the sled;

During the training process, regular hockey boxes can be used, with substitute players sitting in the playing area near the board in the area of ​​the boxes for reserve players.

For physical education and wheelchair curling sports events, it is recommended to provide unobstructed access to the playground (it is recommended to ensure that part of the side is opened so that a disabled athlete can independently move into the play area).

Ensure smooth access to the ice;

Any auxiliary structures should be equipped with protective equipment to avoid possible injuries and damage to disabled athletes;

Near the playing area, place specially equipped accessible toilets and warming rooms for disabled athletes.

IV. Ensuring access for disabled spectators

to physical education and sporting events

When planning accommodations for disabled spectators, it is recommended to consider the following:

Places to accommodate disabled spectators in wheelchairs should be evenly distributed in different sectors of the stands. This allows spectators to select the desired sector of the arena view and the price category of tickets;

Seats for disabled spectators in wheelchairs should be located within the general seating area so that accompanying people can sit next to each other in close proximity;

Places for disabled spectators should be located in such a way that this category of citizens does not feel cut off from other spectators;

It is advisable to consider providing space for guide dogs close to their owners, while avoiding blocking paths;

To stimulate additional demand during competitions in sports for the disabled, provide for the possibility of increasing the number of seats for disabled spectators in wheelchairs by dismantling or transforming the seats;

Provide disabled spectators in wheelchairs full review actions, at least to the edge of the playing area;

Provide handrails for accessing stairs to help disabled spectators who move independently;

Arrange barriers, balustrades, handrails and columns so that they do not block the view;

Use a spectator warning system at the facility, supplemented by appropriate assistive devices for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with hearing impairments. For example, induction loop and/or visual text displays;

Provide the possibility of commenting on the progress of competitions or public events for disabled spectators with visual impairments. To do this, it is recommended to place jacks for special headphones in certain places or use a system based on infrared radiation or indoor FM radio broadcasting.

When creating temporary seating, it is also recommended to take into account the design features of open stands. For example, an elevated platform and ramp section may be built into the lower sections of open bleachers with retractable seats.

V. Providing information to athletes with disabilities

and disabled spectators

Use of information means appropriate to the characteristics of disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Timely recognition of landmarks on the territory of sports facilities and during a sporting event;

Accurate identification of your location and the places that are the purpose of your visit;

Possibility of effective orientation for disabled athletes and disabled spectators both in the light and in the dark;

The opportunity to have continuous information support along the entire route of a disabled athlete and a disabled spectator through the sports facility and its area.

Disabled athletes and disabled spectators are encouraged to provide the following information:

Public areas accessible to disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Parking for transport of disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Layout of seats for disabled spectators;

Rules of conduct in emergency situations;

Location of the medical center;

Compliance with safety regulations;

Qualification of service personnel;

Scheme of arrival at the sports facility, including by public transport;

About the rules of personal safety;

On the factors of injury and health risks.

The media system often forms the first impression of disabled athletes and disabled spectators about the sports object and (or) physical education event, sports event. Information about a sports facility and (or) physical education event, sports event can be provided in various ways: using information signs and signs, printed materials (brochures, booklets, competition schedules, rules of conduct), Internet resources, audio information, pay phones. When creating media, it is recommended to take into account the needs of disabled athletes and disabled spectators, including those with hearing and visual impairments.

To facilitate the orientation of disabled athletes and disabled spectators at a sports facility and (or) at a physical education event, a sports event, it is recommended to widely use accessible information devices, tools and systems, in particular:

Visual means of displaying information (signs, signs, stands, scoreboards, large screens, displays), including means that duplicate audio information, and sign language translation devices for people with hearing impairments;

Sound means of reproducing information (speech synthesizers, loudspeakers, loudspeakers), including devices for sound duplication of visual information for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments;

Tactile means of displaying information (signs, signs made in raised font or Braille);

Visual signaling devices (graphic signaling devices, light signaling devices, color signaling devices, including signal colors, color markings, contrasting color stripes);

Sound signaling devices (audio signaling devices for notification alarms, including voice annunciators, sound beacons, as well as audible signaling devices for emergency and warning alarms);

Tactile signaling devices (tactile markings, tactile stripes, tactile coatings, artificial smooth climbs, slopes and shoulders, as well as vibration alarms, tactile vibrators);

One-way communication equipment (loudspeakers, public address systems, microphones, laryngophones, headphones);

Means of two-way communication (loud-speaking means of communication, text means of communication, including “creeping line”, fax machines, payphones).

When placing and choosing the nature of execution of information support elements, it is recommended to take into account a number of points:

The distance from which a message and/or visual information can be effectively perceived;

Angles of the observation field, convenient for the perception of visual information;

Clear outline and contrast, and, if necessary, relief of the image;

Compliance of the symbols or plastic techniques used with the generally accepted meaning;

Access zones for disabled athletes and disabled spectators using wheelchairs;

Reach zones for the tactile cane by disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments;

Elimination of interference with the perception of audio and visual information: glare of signs and signs, glare, combination of coverage areas of various acoustic sources, acoustic shadow.

Information signs and indicators.

A significant proportion of disabled athletes and spectators have sensory impairments (for example, hearing impairment or visual impairment). In order to ensure their independent movement at a sports facility and (or) at a physical education event or sports event, it is recommended to create a clear system of information signs and signs.

It is recommended to combine the information signs and indicators used into a single system of information media in order to provide orientation in space and the choice of routes to certain areas and premises:

Public transport stops;

Special parking spaces;


Admin desks;

Cash desks;

Tribunes, sectors, seats, rows, VIP boxes, seats for disabled spectators in the spectator area;

First aid stations;

Changing rooms;

Law enforcement points;

Retail outlets and catering establishments;

Public toilets and toilets for disabled athletes and disabled spectators;

Press boxes, press conference halls, press center, commentator booths, internet cafe;

Evacuation routes.

It is also recommended that directional signs indicating the path to the nearest accessible facility be provided in the following areas that are inaccessible to disabled athletes and disabled spectators: building entrances, inaccessible public restrooms, showers, bathrooms, elevators, exits and stairs.

In order to ensure the accessibility of information signs and signs for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with hearing, vision, and musculoskeletal impairments, where appropriate, it is recommended to use signs and signs containing information in the following formats: visual, raised font and Braille, audio. Also, to ensure that representatives of other states understand the symbols, it is recommended to post signs in Russian and English.

When placing information signs and indicators, it is recommended to consider the following:

The location of information signs is especially important for disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments, therefore, when placing information signs, it is recommended to create conditions under which a disabled athlete and disabled spectator with visual impairments could get as close as possible to the sign, to examine it or read it by touch;

Place and use the style of information signs and indicators that are identical within the structure or complex;

Where possible, place information signs on the walls, approximately at eye level, use signs with raised symbols, raised pictograms and directional arrows;

If possible, avoid using information signs attached to the ceiling on traffic routes;

Information signs identifying rooms, with the exception of toilets, should be placed on the wall at the front edge of the door so that the information sign is visible even if the door is open;

Wall information boards and floor plans should be placed on landings in front of elevators, on staircase landings and other intersections of traffic routes. It is recommended to place the site plan in a visible place opposite the entrance;

Avoid placing information signs on traffic routes on easel boards or other folding structures, as they may pose a danger to disabled athletes and disabled spectators with visual impairments;

Provide an appropriate level of lighting in places where information signs are placed. It is recommended to avoid dark areas without additional lighting;

Not only when placing information signs and indicators, but when developing them, pay great attention to the contrast of both the inscriptions in relation to the background of the sign, and the background of the sign in relation to the adjacent surface.

When conducting physical education events and sports events, it is advisable to use acoustic (sound) systems to inform disabled athletes and disabled spectators. For disabled athletes and disabled spectators with hearing impairments, it is recommended to provide auxiliary aids. hearing devices, sign language interpreter services.


3. When organizing work on adaptive sports and adaptive physical culture, it is necessary to take into account that all sports facilities must meet established requirements to ensure unhindered access for people with disabilities. Accordingly, when forming the budgets of institutions carrying out activities in adaptive sports and adaptive physical culture, it is necessary to provide funds for ensuring access for people with disabilities to sports facilities (special vehicles and equipment, costs for arranging parapets and lifts, etc.).

Proposals for improvement of the local area in terms of children's sports and play infrastructure, approved by Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2010 N 42053-IB/14


All sites must be provided with entrances for the disabled or ramps.

It is recommended that projects provide conditions for the unhindered and convenient movement of people with limited mobility - people with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as MGD) around the building site or around the territory of a children's playground or sports ground, taking into account the requirements of urban planning standards. A system of information support tools must be provided on all traffic routes accessible to the MGN for the entire period of operation.

Transport passages on the site and pedestrian roads on the way to objects visited by people with disabilities may be combined provided that urban planning requirements for the parameters of traffic routes are met.

The width of the path of movement on the site during oncoming traffic of disabled people in wheelchairs must be at least 1.8 m, taking into account the overall dimensions of wheelchairs in accordance with GOST R 50602.

The longitudinal slope of the traffic path along which disabled people in wheelchairs can travel, as a rule, should not exceed 5%. When constructing ramps from the sidewalk near a building and in cramped areas, it is allowed to increase the longitudinal slope to 10% for a period of no more than 10 m.

Recommendations for the safe operation of physical education and sports facilities of general education organizations, sports equipment and inventory when organizing and conducting physical education, recreation and sports events with students, sent out by Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. VK-710/09