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Rehabilitation and habilitation of patients with hearing impairment. What is habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled people

Rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled peopleis a set of procedures that is developed individually in order to provide a person with the ability to independently support normal image life. With the help of these procedures, people with disabilities can fully navigate society, work and start families.

About, what is rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people, thinking a large number of citizens. Habilitation is the initial formation of certain skills, and rehabilitation is the return of lost abilities.

With the help of habilitation, people with disabilities develop new abilities. After completing the course, the patient can achieve the goals that he sets for himself. For this purpose, he uses a variety of alternative paths, since due to disability, the use of usual methods is impossible. In most cases, habilitation is carried out in childhood.

Rehabilitation is carried out immediately after injury or diagnosis certain disease. The sooner the procedure begins, the more successful it will be. Rehabilitation requires continuous and step-by-step exercises.

The main content of the concepts of rehabilitation and habilitationhas disabled people distinctive features. But both of these methods are aimed at ensuring that a disabled person can live fully in the modern world.

Stages of habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled people

Compiled by doctorsindividual rehabilitation and habilitation program for disabled peopletaking into account the course of the disease, as well as individual characteristics person. Habilitation and rehabilitation of people consists of several stages:

  1. Restorative medical measures. Rehabilitation involves the use of special procedures that will reduce the limitations in a person’s movement. Rehabilitation can be general and include medication and outpatient monitoring. Patients may also be prescribed specialized rehabilitation, which consists of providing assistance in special centers. Medical habilitation consists of reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and prosthetics, and spa treatment. Medical rehabilitation allows you to completely restore lost functions. For this purpose, restorative treatment, orthoses, prostheses and a variety of technical means. If the mobility of a disabled person is seriously limited, then he needs to purchase wheelchairs and prostheses.
  2. Professional guidance.Rehabilitation and habilitation program for disabled peopleis not only their training, but also their further employment. If the patient has a profession, but cannot practice a certain type activities due to restrictions physical activity, then he undergoes retraining. During the period of employment, the management of the organization reschedules workplace, which will allow the employee to fully and most conveniently perform their work.
  3. Physical education and health activities. To carry them out, disabled people must attend physical education and sports events specially designed for them. Thanks to regular sports activities, improvement is observed general condition health of a disabled person. They provide an opportunity full recovery after an illness or injury.
  4. Social program.Social rehabilitation and habilitationdisabled people are given the opportunity to properly build relationships in the family and society. During the development of programs, the needs of the disabled person are taken into account. Adaptation can be social-environmental and social-domestic. The first of them helps a person fully adapt to new living conditions. In this case, the skills and abilities of the disabled person are taken into account. Psychologists and sociologists work with a person to help determine the opportunities available to a disabled person through which he or she can achieve self-realization. The disabled person is helped to find a new job or receive training. Psychologists use special programs with the help of which the patient improves relationships with family and friends. They also provide psychological assistance in family. Social and everyday habilitation makes it possible to determine the most convenient pace for a disabled person. After completing the course, a person will be able to take care of himself. The most suitable option for the family is being developed cohabitation. In this case, the skills of the disabled person must be taken into account. At the next stage, optimally comfortable living conditions are provided for the disabled person.

No matter whatkinds comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled peopleare used, the person must be introduced into an environment with like-minded people. He is recommended to attend sections, clubs, communicate with creative groups, etc.

A complex approach

In the rehabilitation of disabled people, it is quite important A complex approach. Several specialists work with disabled people to restore skills acquired before injury. In this aspect, several types of rehabilitation are used:

  • Enlightenment. With its help, the opinion about disabled people in society is changing.
  • Leisure. Special programs are being created to provide interesting pastime for people with disabilities.
  • Correctional. With its help, it is possible to fully overcome limitations in a person’s life.
  • Cognitive. In this case, special programs are used to help people with disabilities develop a desire for education and work.

Rehabilitation is carried out according to an analytical scheme and can be varied. In this case it is enough important role social rehabilitation plays a role. With its help, a disabled person can realize that he is a full-fledged social subject, despite physical limitations. Thanks to the pedagogical approach, complete rehabilitation of a person as a subject of activity is ensured. IN rehabilitation period the patient is provided with appropriate psychological support, which enables him to assert himself. In order to restore physical health person to maximum high level use medical rehabilitation.

All of the above types of rehabilitation must be used without fail, which will ensure full life disabled person in modern society.

Habilitation should be carried out in early childhood, which guarantees its success. Thanks to the use of certain manipulations, the development of certain functions will be carried out, which will make the life of a disabled person easier in the future. Despite the fact that a child is born with disabilities, he needs the attention, love and care of his parents. They must be fully provided.

Thanks to habilitation, the formation of skills and functions that will make the child’s life easier in the future is ensured. This process is recommended for children who have limited physical capabilities. In case of violations in the moral health of an adult, it is also recommended to use habilitation. With the help of habilitation, a child learns to set goals and achieve them. Universal ways to solve certain problems are developed for the baby, which he can use in accordance with his state of health. Thanks to habilitation, a person learns to compensate for lost functions.

To achieve the effectiveness of habilitation, it is recommended that it be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, it will be characterized by labor intensity and low efficiency. Carrying out rehabilitation measures recommended from the first days of the disease. Classes should be continuous, which will provide the opportunity to obtain the desired result.

Rehabilitation and habilitation are sufficient complex processes, which must be carried out in accordance with a pre-developed program. In this case, the individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account.

Rehabilitation and habilitation of children

During the period of rehabilitation and habilitation for children, it is necessary to use a universal program. In this case, a socio-medical approach is used, which consists of therapeutic exercises and massage. Various can also be used wellness treatments. Some children are recommended to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

It is recommended that young patients be provided with social and domestic assistance. This allows small child learn to serve yourself as fully as possible in everyday conditions. Rehabilitation must be socio-psychological. In childhood, a variety of developmental activities are recommended. It is recommended to provide sociocultural support to a young disabled person. They need to visit theaters, concerts, excursions, etc. All of the above measures must be applied in combination, which ensures high results.

Rehabilitation and habilitation should be carried out using an integrated approach, which will have a positive effect on the vital functions of the body. A program for people with disabilities should be developed only by a highly qualified specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics and degree of disability of the patient.

The definition of habilitation for disabled people is given in Federal Law No. 419 of December 1, 2014, which came into force on January 1, 2016. It sets out the principles for selecting individual programs for social, medical, psychological adaptation, and also distinguishes between the terms “habilitation” and “rehabilitation” .

The concept of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people

What is rehabilitation of disabled people

Stage 3: Physical education and recreation activities

They are carried out on the basis of youth sports schools, physical education and sports clubs for the disabled, and include their involvement in participation in mass physical education and sports festivals, competitions, etc.

Regular sports activities have a beneficial effect on a person’s general physical condition, and also help to recover faster after past diseases and heavy operations.

Stage 4: Social adaptation

By using social rehabilitation build relationships in family and society taking into account the needs of the disabled person himself.

Includes two components:

1. Social-environmental orientation. Helps a disabled person quickly adapt to new living conditions, taking into account his skills and abilities.

Help from psychologists and teachers is provided in the following cases:

2. Social and everyday habilitation. Helps the disabled person choose the most convenient pace of social and family life. To do this you need:

  • teach disabled people to care for themselves;
  • show the family the best option for living together and running a household, taking into account the skills of a disabled person;
  • prepare housing for persons with disabilities to live there.

Much attention is paid to introducing the mentee into an environment where like-minded people with similar interests are united: clubs, sections, creative groups, etc.

Comprehensive rehabilitation

It involves several specialists who help the disabled person regain the skills acquired before the injury.

Includes several types:

1. Educational - helps to change attitudes in society towards persons with disabilities.

2. Leisure - programs are created for leisure activities.

3. Corrective - helps people with disabilities overcome limitations in their life activities.

4. Cognitive - reveals in persons with disabilities a desire for work or social work.

Features of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled children

For children with disabilities, there are specific features in carrying out rehabilitation activities. The sooner recovery procedures begin, the it will pass faster restoring lost skills or acquiring new ones.

For this purpose they are used the following types rehabilitation and habilitation:

1. Social and medical. Includes massage, physical therapy and other types of health measures.

2. Social and household. Help in mastering new skills and abilities in everyday life.

3. Socio-psychological. Various educational activities are held for children.

4. Sociocultural: excursions, theaters, concerts and other types of leisure.

The peculiarity of such events is their complexity. It is necessary to restore the child’s health and develop his physical and mental abilities to the maximum.

About financing habilitation programs

New procedure for determining disability

With the entry into force of the new law, the procedure for determining disability has changed.

Previously, mainly in the process of conducting an examination and establishing a disability group, only 2 criteria were used:

  1. What is the disorder of body functions?
  2. To what extent has the usual level of functioning been limited due to illness or injury?
  • one specific function is partially or completely lost;
  • Is it possible for a person to manage self-care or does he need regular medical and household care, etc.

Now medical and social examination will be guided by only one criterion.

If a person is officially recognized as disabled, then he will be assigned an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program, and its implementation will not only be prescribed, but also monitored.

The degree of disability in each specific case will be determined not by the degree of disability, but by the severity of the functional disorder.

Since 2016, the basis for determining disability has become the definition of functional disorders, and this has significantly changed the entire procedure.

Previously, the basis was taken as a person’s ability to communicate and learn, as well as to control his behavior. Now an objective assessment of the loss of body functionality will be given based on the results of a medical examination.

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Last changes

The draft budget for 2018 allocated 29.3 billion rubles. for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment for disabled people. It is also planned to expand the provided list of TSR with a total volume of up to 900 million rubles.

Government program " Accessible environment» is extended until 2025. In 2019, its key aspect will be rehabilitation. Implementation will begin in 2021. In 2019, federal financial assistance will be provided to 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The money will be allocated on co-financing terms for:

  • purchasing equipment for rehabilitation centers,
  • training of specialists,
  • IS development.

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Rehabilitation of disabled people

For people with disabilities, not only rehabilitation programs are important, but also habilitation ones. They are aimed at maximum socialization of the patient, which will allow him to lead a full life. This article explains what habilitation for people with disabilities is.

What is habilitation

The term habilitation means the implementation of a set of therapeutic and pedagogical measures that are aimed at treating pathology, acquiring new skills, experience, and socialization. This is quite a long process. Its goal is for disabled people to acquire new skills, abilities that were not previously demonstrated, and their development.

This concept implies an integrated approach based on obtaining:

  • medical care;
  • social support;
  • psychological consultation;
  • pedagogical events.

The manipulations carried out in this complex are aimed at compensating for the patient’s impaired or lost function and stimulating potential capabilities. As a result, the patient should develop optimal adaptive skills of social relationships with increased social potential.

Practice shows that it is impossible to develop a single habilitation program for all people with disabilities.

It is necessary for each specific patient to develop an individual program that will take into account:

  • patient mental health;
  • physical characteristics of the body;
  • skills and abilities that the patient still has;
  • severity of illness or injury.

Differences from rehabilitation

Today, most people confuse the definitions of rehabilitation and habilitation. During the medical and social commission, the possibility of assigning a disability and establishing its group is not only determined, but also an individual rehabilitation and habilitation plan is assigned, which consists of:

  • forms of measures that are aimed at restoring lost function against the background general illness or injury;
  • timing of these events;
  • types of assistance provided to disabled people;
  • volumes provided.

Medical rehabilitation consists of a set of measures aimed at reducing the degree of disability of a person with limited mobility. The following types of rehabilitation are distinguished: general, including conservative treatment, patient monitoring, specialized, based on surgical intervention, prosthetics, treatment in special institutions.

Medical habilitation includes activities that replace the lost function:

Rehabilitation measures of a social nature are a set of procedures that determine public order, family and household rules, taking into account the needs of a disabled person. They consist of social-environmental orientation - a set of measures that help to identify the most evident skills in a person with limited mobility. On their basis, his type of social activity is developed.

We are also talking about social and everyday habilitation, represented by a set of measures that allow you to choose the most optimal mode of family life and social activities. It turns out that social habilitation is a subsection of rehabilitation and includes counseling a disabled person, training a disabled person and his family members, and teaching self-care to disabled people.

The list also includes adaptation of the home in which a person with limited mobility lives, for his needs, maintaining a normal lifestyle, the ability to independently care, social-environmental orientation, consisting of acquiring communication skills, learning independence, acquiring the ability to restore strength, and assistance in solving problems personal nature, psychological support.

When is the best time to start habilitation?

Habilitation activities are most suitable for children. Although they can be used for others age groups. Individually designed classes allow you to achieve the desired goal in an alternative way if the usual paths are blocked. They are aimed at adaptation environment for missing functions.

The earlier you start habilitation, the more success you can achieve. Late classes may be ineffective. For example, to help a child with central paralysis to adapt, you need to start speech therapy, pedagogical, therapeutic measures in the first year of life.

If rehabilitation begins from the first days of the baby’s life, then it is better to start habilitation from the moment of monitoring expectant mother and caring for a child with developmental disabilities. Timely started habilitation measures are aimed at improving physical condition patient, better socialization, allow you to find yourself in life.

What is this

Habilitation and rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at adaptation in society and overcoming pathological conditions which can lead to loss of ability to work. This is a therapeutic and pedagogical correction of the motor, speech and mental spheres.

Habilitation relevant in cases of pathology occurring in early childhood when speech and cognitive abilities, fine motor skills and articulation, self-care and social life skills have not yet been developed.

Rehabilitation shown when a person had, but for some reason lost, the skills of socially useful activities. Her goal is to restore work ability in older children and adults.


Pathological conditions that necessitate habilitation and rehabilitation most often result from birth injuries(traumatic brain injury, intrauterine lesions nervous system).

If speak about rehabilitation for older children , it is indicated for such lesions of the nervous system, which lead to injuries to the brain and spinal cord, infectious diseases(encephalitis, arachnoiditis, meningitis, poliomyelitis), pathologies of the nervous system. In adults, pathological conditions can be caused by vascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents.

Habilitation in children at an early age most often caused by lesions of the nervous system, leading to the formation of cerebral palsy syndromes. In such cases it is important complexity and phasing of therapeutic and pedagogical measures: massage, exercise therapy, well-chosen medications, physiotherapeutic and orthopedic procedures, speech therapy qualified assistance and correctional and educational work. Such therapy is a long and labor-intensive process that requires timely initiation and involvement of all of the above mechanisms.

The role of a speech pathologist and/or speech therapist in habilitation and rehabilitation

A speech pathologist and speech therapist work with speech and mental sphere child - key components of the nervous system. Speech therapy involves using special exercises and for the development of articulation, in training visual fixation, in training the mobility of the eyeballs.

The specialist also conducts educational work, during which not only memory and attention are trained, but also perception skills and the ability to work in a team.

Thus, the work of a speech pathologist and/or speech therapist ensures the complexity of therapy and makes it possible to achieve maximum effect in overcoming the socio-pedagogical neglect of the child.

Reserve capacity of the brain

The reserve capabilities of the brain are the potential that is preserved when the functions and analyzers of the nervous system are damaged. It is important to take into account, firstly, the fact that the child The reserve potential of the brain is particularly high, which increases the chances of successful habilitation. Secondly, during treatment it is extremely important compensatory capabilities of the brain, which allow the use of intact analyzers if any one is damaged. So, for example, when a child is blind, his learning and social adaptation most effectively occurs through the active use of the auditory mechanism. And if a child has both vision and hearing affected, the possibilities of touch are widely used in learning.

For vision pathologies

As mentioned above, one of the most effective methods habilitation and rehabilitation therapy is intensive using the functions of safe analyzers: with complete or partial loss of vision this improvement of hearing and skin perception. For example, literacy is taught using a special dotted Louis Braille font. Through tactile perception, the patient gets an idea of ​​the characteristics of objects (shape, size, quality), and the teacher accompanies this cognitive process verbal descriptions.

Social interaction is extremely important in the therapy process: the speech of other people improves the process cognitive activity visually impaired and blind people, and developing joint work skills helps them become full-fledged members of society.

It is worth mentioning use of reserve capabilities– preserved visual abilities. For the visually impaired, it is necessary to develop optical attention - constantly introduce new objects into the room’s furnishings, focus on the details of the picture, give the task to reproduce the details and their sequence from memory. The same applies to the movements performed: it is useful for the child to denote actions in words, to record the sequence of movements (for example, to draw the route along which he walked).

Important! Loss of vision is often accompanied by disorders of the nervous system, so a specialist must dose the load and conduct parallel psychotherapy, which will help get out of depression and overcome the difficulties that are inevitable at the initial stage.

For hearing pathologies

Habilitation and rehabilitation of deaf or hard of hearing children is based on the same principles - the use of intact functions and reserve capabilities of the brain.

Thus, in the process of cognitive activity of hearing-impaired children the main points of support are vision, touch and vibration sensations. It is important for relatives and specialists to understand that hearing pathologies inhibit the development of speech-thinking abilities and to direct all efforts to the development of speech.

At the beginning of therapy, it is intensively applied speech through gestures and facial expressions: this is how the child acquires basic knowledge about the world and communication skills with people. Then the teacher works on pronunciation design: in order for a child to learn to “read lips,” the articulatory image of words must be fixed in his brain. At the same time, the child masters finger speech; This language is based on the fact that each letter corresponds to a certain position of the fingers.

The use of residual hearing is carried out using sound amplification equipment.

For cerebral palsy

The key to overcoming this type of paralysis is suppression of the influence of labyrinthine and cervical tonic reflexes. These reflexes are destructive because they lead to the development of pathological postures and interfere with the child’s motor activity and the normal development of the motor and speech systems.

The basis of therapy the purpose of which is to eliminate these “wrong” reflexes, is muscle relaxation and elimination of pathological reflex activity with the help of massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, orthopedics and some medications. A speech pathologist and a neurologist select an individual set of positions and postures that minimize the influence of pathological reflexes. It is in these positions that everything is carried out therapeutic exercises. These exercises can be using special equipment (ball, stroller, etc.) and are aimed at developing straightening reflexes of the torso: the ability to raise the head, extend the hands, fingers and arms in shoulder joints, lean on your hands.

Huge role in the process rehabilitation treatment his intellectual activity and interaction with other people play a role. Interesting activities that activate brain activity, mobile and Board games(with pictures, cubes, construction sets, etc.). This activity not only develops hand motor functions and motor skills, but also visual perception, observation, and self-care skills.

A speech pathologist also uses music-rhythm therapy, which allows you to diversify the learning process, expand the child’s vocabulary, and normalize emotional background and speech activity, voice characteristics, breathing and motor coordination.

When delayed speech development

Read about signs of speech delay

Speech pathologies are most often associated with malfunctions of the nervous system. Therefore, speech therapy should take place in the most comfortable psychological conditions for the patient - his good mood and interest are necessary - and in conjunction with other therapeutic and restorative measures.

Pedagogical therapy combines work on speech formation (regulation of voice production and breathing, production of separately mixed sounds - hissing, whistling, labial; development of phonemic hearing and the ability to reproduce speech material) and restoration and improvement of motor-manipulative activity of the hands and fine motor skills.

Speech and intellectual development in case of severe motor impairment (see paragraph above on cerebral palsy: even if there is no such diagnosis, the principle is the same). Violation of any motor reflexes can be an obstacle to normal respiratory process, and with it the formation of voice and the development of speech muscles.

In his work, a speech pathologist-defectologist takes into account the difference in the development of speech and motor skills and optimizes the load.

When stuttering

The most important thing in rehabilitation for stuttering is the timeliness of the start of the recovery process: immediately after the appearance of the defect. Equally important is the complexity of therapy, that is, the combination of the work of a speech therapist, psycho- and physiotherapist and doctor. In this process, the interaction of the child with others plays a large role (therefore, it is shown pedagogical work with relatives) and therapeutic physical activity (PT).

Stuttering, which is closely related to disorders of the nervous system, requires a psychological atmosphere that is comfortable for the child. Under no circumstances should one focus attention on a child’s speech defect - otherwise he may develop a fear of any type of therapy and the stuttering will only intensify.

The work of a speech therapist is based on the gradual development of speech. First of all, the specialist provokes speech in a visual situation (with the help of gestures, movement, facial expressions, intonation) and the context of the statement. In this way, the child learns to construct phrases independently, answer questions and ask them.

Occupational therapy in rehabilitation: how it works

The value of occupational therapy lies in the fact that the child sees the positive result of his activities, experiences the joy of creativity, as a result of which the general emotional background increases and the will to recover appears.

Used in rehabilitation restorative, restorative and orientational occupational therapy.

At restorative occupational therapy the main goal is to switch the child’s attention from the disease to the lungs and useful activities: modeling, cutting, stringing beads, help in everyday life. As a result, it increases general tone body, mood, motor skills and dexterity.

Rehabilitation occupational therapy associated with the restoration of motor functions and muscle training. The main goal is the development of basic motor skills and activation of intact organs and muscles so that in the future the patient can fully work in his professional field. In such treatment, it is especially important that the child sees that the result of his work is valued by others: for example, you can organize exhibitions of works and give crafts and drawings to family and friends.

Orientation occupational therapy is aimed at determining the child’s future professional inclinations. Based on the general condition of the body, analysis of the nervous and motor system, a speech pathologist and a doctor determine the child’s capabilities and abilities. For the greatest effectiveness of therapy, classes in creative circles are recommended.

in our Center you will find the services of a speech therapist, neurologist, psychologist for habilitation and rehabilitation of a child with stuttering, hearing and vision impairment, speech delays, cerebral palsy and other problems. Request a call back through - we will advise you and, if necessary, make an appointment.

Habilitation or rehabilitation - what's the difference?

On January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 419-FZ dated December 1, 2014 came into force. It significantly expands the guarantees provided by the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation" In particular, a new concept is introduced – “ habilitation of disabled people ».

What is habilitation and how is it different from rehabilitation?

The term " habilitation"has Latin roots, comes from the word habilitas, meaning “suitability, ability.” In the broadest sense of the word, habilitation means preparation for any activity. For example, in European system Higher education habilitation (habilitation) is the procedure for obtaining the highest academic qualifications, allowing a person with a doctorate to occupy the position of professor. Such a scientist is called a habilitated doctor of science (doctor habilitatus, Dr. habil.).

The term “habilitation” is also used to refer to the process of forming correct habits, ideas, and inclinations in adults (for example, in convicts, in persons for a long time who were in captivity, in closed communities), who did not have the opportunity to learn important things for life, and who needed moral and psychological support. Such people need habilitation to integrate into human society.

The term “habilitation” has long been used by specialists in therapeutic and pedagogical correction. In this case, it means a set of therapeutic and pedagogical measures for the prevention and treatment of pathological conditions in children early age who do not yet have experience and life skills, as well as to correct the consequences of these conditions that affect the quality of future life, the ability to study, work and be adapted to independent life.

In the process of life, a person constantly learns, acquires new knowledge, skills, functions; develops creatively in accordance with natural data and the opportunities provided to him. This development, the acquisition of the necessary experience, begins in the prenatal period of human life. The fetus senses the mother's movements and moves with her. Rocking while walking stimulates vestibular apparatus, lack of oxygen associated with moderate physical activity mother, causes the fetus to move, causing a rush of blood to its own developing organs. He hears his mother's voice and the sounds of the surrounding world, feels the touch of her hands. He and his mother experience mood changes, fear, joy, disappointment, peace. That is why at all times they tried to protect a pregnant woman from everything negative, ugly, cruel, difficult and, at the same time, advised to move, take a walk, and do as much physical work as possible.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of what has been lost, and habilitation is the development of as yet unrealized potential.

A newborn child begins to learn life with extraordinary intensity. During the first five years of life, he acquires an infinitely vast experience, incomparable with all subsequent experience and of fundamental importance for the entire subsequent life of a person.

A child at this age needs constant proper influence on him, care, concern, education, educational games, conversations, communication, attention and love. Even a completely healthy newborn, left without attention, communication, or education, suffers irreparable damage to his subsequent psycho-physical development. What can we say about children born with functional limitations? Such children need increased attention; in order to develop the necessary vital functions they need additional help, versatile, specialized and personalized, suited specifically to his case. This type of assistance is called “habilitation.”

Habilitate means “to make capable, wealthy, suitable.” The term " habilitation" means the initial development of some non-existent skills. The familiar word “rehabilitation” literally means “to make capable again,” since the Latin prefix re- (lat. re-) means “again, back.” The word rehabilitation means that functions existed, were lost for some reason and are now being restored. Accordingly, “rehabilitate” means “restoring what already existed.”

Habilitation measures can begin with monitoring and correction of antenatal (intrauterine) development of the fetus, followed by nursing the baby and correcting missing functions. At the same time, an adult who, for some reason, has lost his previous skills and abilities and must learn again, may also need habilitation activities.

Rehabilitation program for disabled people involves continuous step-by-step training that begins immediately after the onset of illness or injury.

Children's habilitation with disabilities includes the treatment and correction of physical and cognitive disorders. Its important task is to learn to achieve goals in other ways, if the usual natural ways closed. Besides habilitation of disabled people involves adapting the environment to fill missing functions.

In the process of habilitation, they work simultaneously in different directions in order to develop all the child’s inclinations, make the most of his potential, and provide the child with the opportunity to live a life as close as possible to the one he could lead if he had no health limitations .

Complex therapeutic, pedagogical, and speech therapy interventions must begin as early as possible, preferably in the first year of life. The later children with cerebral palsy and severe speech delays begin to receive the necessary support, the less the effect of habilitation may be. At the same time, achieve expressed positive results much more difficult than with early habilitation.

Article 9 Federal Law“On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, rehabilitation of disabled people is defined as “a system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social, professional and other activities.” In the same article, habilitation of disabled people is called “the system and process of developing the abilities that disabled people lack for everyday, social, professional and other activities.” The law defines the task of rehabilitation and habilitation as “the elimination or as complete compensation as possible of the limitations in the life activity of disabled people for the purpose of their social adaptation, including their achievement of financial independence and integration into society.”

Thus, habilitation and rehabilitation pursue the same goal

The main areas of activity in the rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people do not differ. These include: therapeutic and reconstructive medical measures, health improvement at resorts and sanatoriums, ensuring professional independence of disabled people, their acquisition of education and profession that can ensure financial independence, integration of disabled people into social environment, measures to maintain them healthy image life through physical education and sports.

Consolidation of the concept of habilitation of a disabled person at the legislative level has great importance, since the concept of rehabilitation, enshrined in law much earlier, is more applicable to a person with preserved intelligence, education and profession, whose disability is caused by injury. Meanwhile, a significant part of disabled people, including children, have intellectual disabilities and need habilitation, training from scratch, “from scratch.”

The legislative consolidation of the concept of habilitation of a disabled person is accompanied by the emergence of individual program habilitation (IPA). The law makes it possible to include measures for psychological, pedagogical and social adaptation in such programs. The law also provides for budget funding for these purposes.

Habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children at the First Step medical center is carried out by a large team of professionals in the field of medicine, rehabilitation, psychology, and pedagogy. We use the most modern methods treatment, rehabilitation and training, the best experience of European medicine and thousand-year traditions Chinese medicine.

Motor rehabilitation and habilitation of children and adults, treatment with various non- invasive methods, classes with a speech therapist and defectologist allow our patients to take the first step into independent life, towards becoming a full member of society, a financially independent, accomplished person.