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Why wheezing occurs. Noises that appear at different stages of the respiratory process. Anti-wheezing compresses

If you hear wheezing in the bronchi when exhaling, you should pay attention to this and consult a doctor. Such symptoms can be a very worrying sign.

What is wheezing? Bronchial wheezing is an additional noise effect that occurs when breathing. Characteristic sounds arise due to the fact that the airways are narrowed and also filled with contents of a pathological nature. If all of the above occurs, it means that there are some health problems.

As a rule, wheezing is preceded by a cough. This may be at one of the stages respiratory disease. Wheezing is divided into two types:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.

Wet ones can be heard more clearly when inhaling.

If present, the bronchi are filled with mucus, and the sound occurs due to the difficulty of air passing through the viscous liquid.

Thus, a whistle and a “ragged” sharp sound may occur.

This subspecies is divided, in turn, into three more varieties:

  • small wheezing. These are characterized by a sound similar to gas bubbles in mineral water;
  • medium ones are characterized by a sound reminiscent of bursting bubbles;
  • large-bubble ones are similar in description to the previous ones, but the volume is an order of magnitude higher.

Dry wheezing is caused by damage to the tissues of the bronchi and their narrowing.

Each patient makes sounds at different volumes. Many people are interested in whether this is important and whether this factor indicate the stage of the disease? In this, everything depends solely on the depth of the location of the painful process in the bronchi and on the individual respiratory abilities of a person, because even just loud breathing occurs in healthy people.

What can wheezing indicate when exhaling?

In general, there are many reasons for whistling. They should be considered one by one, because their characteristics can reveal new information about the state of health. It's clear that this problem indicates an unhealthy respiratory system.

Pneumonia is accompanied by wheezing when exhaling, which is clearly audible over certain areas of the lungs. They do not change in any position of the patient and do not disappear after coughing. Pulmonary edema is characterized by moist rales, and depending on the placement of the body, pain may occur at times.

Dry wheezing can be a sure sign of bronchiolitis. Typically, a low, quiet sound is heard when breathing. A slight whistle may also appear, which indicates a narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi, which is caused by deformation of the walls during pneumosclerosis, as well as the presence of threads or lumps in the lumen of the bronchi of a viscous nature. This characteristic is suitable for wheezing due to bronchitis and diseases such as bronchiospasm and bronchial asthma. If you have problems with the respiratory system, you should consult a doctor for advice and a thorough diagnosis.

Hoarse sounds and wheezing when breathing or whistling in the bronchi are noises that are heard during examination of the patient in the lungs, bronchi or trachea.

Whistling or dry sounds and wheezing in the lungs and throat, moist wheezing, coughing - all these are symptoms of colds, bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia. Other serious diseases can manifest themselves this way:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Anaphylaxis.
  4. Pulmonary edema, heart attack, lung cancer.
  5. Bronchiectasis.

If wheezing is heard in the lungs, it is necessary to establish its causes and be sure to treat the pathology.

Reasons why wheezing occurs in the lungs

There are two main causes of wheezing in the lungs and throat:

  • Narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi during their spasm;
  • Inflammatory processes.

Depending on this, wheezing in the throat varies in intensity and location. In addition, mucus may accumulate in the bronchi or throat. Purulent discharge begin to move when inhaling and exhaling and thereby also cause sound vibrations.

A specialist must determine why wheezing in the lungs occurs and how to treat it. Whistling in the lungs and coughing are often symptoms of serious pathologies and can cause complications.

What are the types of wheezing in the lungs?

If sputum, pus and mucus accumulate in the bronchi, then moist rales are observed. To determine their type, the auscultation method is used. When you inhale in the throat, when air passes through the mucus, fine bubble voids appear, they burst - this is how moist rales occur. Wheezing when exhaling occurs much less frequently.

Bubbles may be different sizes- it depends on how much mucus has accumulated in the bronchi and throat, how dense it is, the diameter of the lumen in the bronchi, and the volume of the cavity. On this basis they distinguish:

  1. Fine bubble moist rales.
  2. Medium bubbly moist rales.
  3. Large bubbling wet rales.

A hoarse sound in the lungs when inhaling may be heard when pulmonary infarction, bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia. Fine bubble noises of this nature resemble the hissing of sparkling water.

Medium vesicles cause wheezing in the lungs with bronchiectasis or hypersecretory bronchitis. Wet wheezing in this case sounds like the bubbling of a liquid if air is blown into it through a straw. These are the signs small abscesses in the lungs or bronchi with pneumonia. Similar wheezing when breathing can also be observed at the initial stage of pulmonary edema.

If pulmonary fibrosis or pneumosclerosis develops, then medium-bubble noises resemble crackling. They occur when the walls of the bronchioles and acini open. Large bubbling moist rales appear if there is accumulation in the throat, lungs and bronchi. a large number of thick mucus. They are heard during auscultation when the patient takes a breath and the air passes through accumulations of mucus.

The bubbling wheeze in the lungs and throat is clearly audible even without special instruments, he says late stage development of pulmonary edema. Sputum accumulates and distant noises appear if the patient has no or mild cough.

Dry rales in the lungs are usually whistling or buzzing. Whistling is heard in asthmatics during an attack of the disease, when bronchospasm occurs and the lumen in the bronchi narrows.

The causes of wheezing in the lungs are the formation of mucous membranes due to inflammation.

How to treat wheezing and cough

Fine-bubbling, large-bubbling, whistling or buzzing noises in the bronchi and lungs require different treatments. It is always aimed at eliminating the cause that caused them. Cough, sniffles, and increased body temperature most often indicate a cold or flu. But if wheezing occurs when breathing, then the reasons are somewhat different.

It is not always possible to clearly localize small bubble sounds during breathing, distant or bubbling sounds even with the use of a stethoscope. Therefore, the doctor may order an x-ray. Severe wheezing in the lungs without fever, bronchospasms and difficulty breathing may be a reason for placing the patient in a hospital setting.

First, the patient will be connected to the machine artificial respiration, and then they will pick optimal program treatment. Medicines are selected that will relieve inflammation, eliminate coughing and narrowing of the bronchial lumens. Dry cough is treated with special medications.

We need to try to liquefy thick mucus and stimulate their withdrawal. On initial stage The patient will have to take medication for treatment various groups and actions. Must be observed bed rest, the patient sits in such a body position that coughing and wheezing bother him as little as possible, without making breathing difficult.

If fine wheezing persists, but there is no sputum discharge, the diagnosis and therapy should be reconsidered. When sputum appears, you need to pay attention to its color and density. Thick, greenish, or yellowish sputum may indicate a serious infection has developed.

Folk remedies can also be used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the patient's condition. From medicinal plants prepare infusions and decoctions that are taken orally or used for therapeutic inhalations. Distributed in folk medicine warm compresses from vegetables, root vegetables and other products. In general, compresses for bronchitis and other lung problems are a very effective remedy.

It is important to remember to take more fluids when you are sick. An integrated approach and the right combination medicines, bed rest, and compliance with all medical prescriptions will allow you to quickly defeat the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic.

Smoking should be stopped during treatment of the disease - this will reduce its effectiveness to zero. In addition, it is recommended to avoid contact with allergens. Diseases of the bronchi and lungs can be prevented if you follow preventive measures. During epidemics of colds, crowded places should be avoided, and if you have to use public transport, wear a bandage.

Support the immune system vitamin complexes, regular use fresh fruits and vegetables. You need to harden yourself, but do not overdo it and avoid sudden hypothermia.

If wheezing and coughing do appear, do not put off visiting a doctor. Timely treatment on initial stages diseases are always faster and more successful.

Although folk remedies alone cannot cure serious diseases of the bronchi or lungs, in some cases they are very effective. Doctors recommend including them in treatment, especially if long time antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken.

Before starting therapy using folk recipes you should make sure that all plants and products do not cause allergies in the patient and will not provoke unwanted side effects. Here are the most proven and simple recipes from wheezing in the chest.

  1. Pour 1.5 liters into the basin hot water and dilute 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda in it. The soda should completely dissolve. Then you need to bend over your pelvis with soda solution, cover with a towel and inhale this steam for 10 minutes. The steam helps to liquefy mucus and improves its discharge. The procedure needs to be done daily, and such inhalations for cough and wheezing will be extremely effective.
  2. You should prepare a paste from the fleshy leaves of perennial aloe and fresh lemon. Combine the products in equal proportions, add the same amount of honey. Transfer the mixture into a glass container, close tightly and leave in a cool place for a week. Then you can take the product one tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment lasts forty days, after which you need to take a ten-day break and repeat the course of treatment.
  3. You need to take thirty grams of birch buds and crush them. At this time, melt half a glass of high-quality butter. Combine both ingredients, place in a pot and place in a warm oven. You need to simmer this product over low heat for about an hour. Then the mixture is cooled, filtered, and combined with a glass of honey. Take the medicine one spoon 3-4 times a day.

Hot milk with soda, butter or a drop of iodine is a remedy familiar to everyone since childhood for coughing and wheezing in the chest. And in conclusion, do not miss the video in this article, in which we'll talk on the prevention of bronchial diseases. Extremely educational video.

Pneumonia without fever and without cough

Pneumonia itself is very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite imperceptibly, without any bright severe symptoms And sharp deterioration well-being. This term is a combination of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each of them has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the disease is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or fever.

Facts about the disease

The main and main respiratory organ is the lungs. They allow oxygen into the human body and remove it from the blood. carbon dioxide. This is where gas exchange of substances occurs, the air is purified from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as the nutrition of every cell. U healthy person pushing air out proceeds normally, the patient’s exhalation is significantly difficult.

As soon as the infection enters the respiratory organs, their functioning and the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects, etc. In addition, both hypothermia and a recent cold can be a factor in the appearance of pneumonia. Not all lungs may be affected, but only certain parts different sizes. This disease is non-contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it is infectious disease.

The term pneumonia without cough was introduced due to the fact that due to inflammation of various areas respiratory organs were identified different types diseases, which, in turn, proceed in different ways. The most dangerous condition- when the patient does not know about the real reason his feeling unwell. He will not feel chest pain, there will be no cough or wheezing, and if there is a temperature, it will be slight (it can easily be confused with a symptom of a common cold).

Note that the risk of getting sick is greatest in older people over 60 and children under 2 years of age.. Having found out the root cause of infection, it is possible to determine how a person became ill: due to an infection that entered the body through the respiratory tract, or due to deterioration of health against the background of an existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Despite the basic prerequisites for the appearance of the disease, Negative influence Both medications and medical interventions can provide relief. This may include the following:

  • organ transplantation;
  • manifestation of the disease after tracheal intubation or artificial ventilation lungs;
  • infection can also occur as a result of visiting the infectious diseases department of a hospital.

How to detect the disease in time

Having analyzed existing species illness, you can be prepared for anything. However, we should not forget that all kinds of bacteria and microbes surround us everywhere. Thus, the causative agent of pneumonia may be one of harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, legionella or chlamydia, which primarily affects lung tissue. As for viruses, the most dangerous here are: herpes virus, pneumonic plague and those that appeared due to complications after influenza (A and B).

The state of the body is also influenced by human living conditions. Reasons such as unfavorable environment, poor nutrition and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious diseases. Therefore, most often patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people suffering from drug addiction and alcohol addiction, immunocompromised and HIV-infected.

Anyone who has a weak the immune system, may not notice the development of infection. The protective capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body cannot fully resist harmful effects environment.

Self-medication and taking medications without medical supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable proliferation of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to their environment and become insensitive to treatment.

Cough is an important indicator of infection respiratory tract. This normal reaction organism to the appearance of foreign pests. This process gets rid of mucus and phlegm. Its appearance means inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

It is accompanied by fever, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone is eager to see a doctor when they have a cough, as they believe that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is exactly how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications, if you do not pay enough attention to treatment (or if the disease is not treated).

No obvious symptoms

With a negligent approach slight cold can accept chronic nature. The mucus does not leave the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect in such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of green or yellow pus. If a person does not have a fever, the following symptoms are possible:

  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest during movement;
  • coughing.

These signs indicate a weakened immune system. This may also be a consequence of an untreated disease. Without consulting a specialist, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis and begin a course of treatment. And after taking medications for one disease, the body is unable to cope with a new wave of infection. If the cough intensifies and lasts more than two weeks (especially in children), then this is a signal for an urgent, more in-depth diagnosis.

If symptoms are detected in a child, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how your child performs physical exercise whether there are signs of drowsiness or decreased appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and tests and, of course, explain the harm of self-medication.

The right approach to recovery

As practice shows, not everyone follows doctors’ warnings about back side self-treatment. We must not forget that without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to determine the right drugs, which will allow you to get rid of the pathogen once and for all. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the person’s condition as a whole, is A complex approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, this is a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can contribute to his recovery in other ways:

  1. Maintain a sleep schedule and proper diet. Eat more products with the presence of protein and zinc.
  2. More fish, cereal dishes, berries, vegetables and fruits. These foods reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
  3. Refusal bad habits will speed up recovery.

It is very important to restore the cough reflex, otherwise sanitation during bronchoscopy is required. In addition to all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.

Relatively folk remedies: Medicine does not prohibit this approach, but relying solely on recovery with the help of homemade decoctions and tinctures is quite dangerous.

Deep chest cough with wheezing without fever

Strong chest cough with wheezing without fever – serious reason for concern. This symptom may indicate the presence various diseases. When of this characteristic You should consult a doctor immediately. Only experienced specialist can determine the etiology of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Deep cough without fever with wheezing, as a sign of bronchitis or pneumonia

There are two possible options for the development of diseases:

  • Bronchitis or pneumonia occurs after a previous cold or infectious disease. Most often, these ailments occur with elevated temperature bodies. Bronchitis or pneumonia, which are complications of these diseases, do not always cause this symptom. Despite the fact that there is no temperature, the patient experiences weakness and gets tired quickly. Breathing may be wheezing and difficult, and inhalation and exhalation are often accompanied by pain in the chest or lung area.
  • Bronchitis or pneumonia can cause a deep cough, wheezing without fever, due to severe hypothermia. The bronchi and lungs are affected very quickly. Pain during breathing and coughing may appear within a few hours after hypothermia.

Chest cough without fever due to heart disease

If this symptom bothers you for a long time and is accompanied by chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, aggravated by physical activity, and tingling in the heart area, then most likely we're talking about about diseases of cardio-vascular system. There is a whole spectrum of diseases that occur with similar symptoms. Therefore, if they occur, you should visit a cardiologist.

Deep cough with wheezing without fever in tuberculosis

This symptom is also caused by any form of tuberculosis. A deep and chesty cough with wheezing appears in the miliary form. If it is destructive, it can also be painful, with minor hemoptysis.

With tuberculosis, it most often appears in the morning and does not stop until the lungs are completely free of the sputum accumulated in them overnight. Often this symptom is accompanied by a sore throat and wheezing. If tuberculosis is suspected, the patient is sent for fluorographic examination.

Deep cough, chest pain without fever

The presence of such a sign without an accompanying temperature may also indicate the development of bronchial asthma. This disease, which affects the bronchi, is always accompanied by pain in the chest and severe attacks deep cough with wheezing. In asthma, the bronchi become narrowed. This causes breathing problems and pain when exhaling. Asthma is characterized by a dry, unproductive act with wheezing, attacks of which occur mainly in the evening and at night.

Remember that these symptoms may also indicate the presence of more serious illnesses, for example oncology. Therefore, you should never self-medicate.

Is it possible to hear wheezing in a child’s lungs??? If there is no medical education????



If you were under one year old, the doctor would be obliged to come to your home, even if there is no temperature.
I read your question and immediately remembered Renata Litvinova: “How scary it is to live.”... Why are you stressing yourself out - he doesn’t put on a mask, oxalin does not help (it helps a lot, but it doesn’t help you), there are sick people in the clinic (it would be strange if there were did not have).. . take things easier. Call a paid doctor and your problem is solved


The child and with honey. education sometimes makes it difficult to hear wheezing
Why do you oxolinic ointment don't trust? I saw one-year-old children wearing masks... .

Go with someone, let them take your turn, and at that time you take a walk on the street away from everyone (on the street on fresh air You definitely won’t get infected with anything). Apply oxolinic acid - it helps! When you get home, wash your hands and nose FROM THE INSIDE with laundry soap (kills all germs).
Try embroidering someone’s favorite characters on a mask - I’ve seen a lot of them too and they’re even proud that they have such a mask!!!


Next time never say that the fever has passed. Moreover, you still have a very small toddler. As for the cough, I tried to listen to my baby’s cough, but I really didn’t hear anything except a heart))). Listen to his breathing, if his breathing seems to be whistling, as if something is interfering, then most likely there is wheezing in the lungs. At least that's how it was for us.

Salaam Alaikum

you may hear, but how do you discern what they mean?
Wheezing occurs with pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchospasm and pulmonary edema. And in all conditions they are different and, in fact, they determine what is wrong with the patient.
put influferon in your nose, it's better than a mask and oxolinka, and when you return, rinse your nose with salt water from a pipette.


Call again, say it’s a fever. Why drag such a baby to the clinic? Try going to a paid office, they’ll come to you for money and help


Of course you need to see a doctor, tell him that the temperature should go away. In general, if you really don’t want to go, then take a stethoscope from a blood pressure measuring device (it’s like a doctor’s) and listen to the child

Olga Pavlova

Our doctors also don’t come to your home if you don’t have a fever. When I'm sick, I always say that I have a fever. Let them go themselves, otherwise in the hospital such queues will only torment the child. I don’t care if they scold me or if there are even sicker children. My child is the most important. And if the temperature rises in the evening and there is no way to call a doctor, we go to the emergency room or an ambulance. No wheezing is heard. Sometimes everything seems to be in order, there is wheezing, but once it was such that I was already choking, but my lungs did not go down. Everything is individual. Get well.

Yuri Trofimov

Everything needs to be learned. Even an acoustician on a submarine learns to distinguish sounds and classify them. If I don’t know how, I go to a competent doctor and ask him to listen to my child. And then, based on the information received, I often even make a decision myself. And the doctor must come to such a child, especially during such a period of epidemic. Write a written statement and demand that it be accepted and registered!

Katya Fedotova

Try to come 10 minutes before closing, as a rule there are not enough people at this time, a cough is no joke, so get ready and go listen, we go several times, you don’t want to get pneumonia, but in general, when he’s sleeping, put your ear to the back and they can There may be wheezing due to bronchitis or inflammation; they can be heard clearly; do not confuse it with wheezing if the nose is breathing poorly. And if everything is quiet, then most likely everything is fine, but this is for your own peace of mind, and you shouldn’t neglect a visit to the doctor!

The child has wheezing

Wheezing is a non-physiological noise or additional sound that occurs during breathing. If the child is breathing heavily and wheezing is heard, you should seek help from a doctor. Parents cannot independently determine the cause of wheezing.

Treatment of wheezing in children

Once the cause of wheezing is determined, treatment can be prescribed. Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract are stopped medicines. Steroids, for example, quickly and easily relieve swelling. They are usually given by injection or spray. If the airways are swollen due to an allergen, then doctors also use adrenaline.

Wheezing may occur due to infection. In this situation, treatment of wheezing in a child must be carried out with antibiotics. The drugs are administered intravenously or orally.

Wheezing in the lungs of a child

In order to establish the cause of wheezing, it is necessary, at a minimum, to listen to the chest with a phonendoscope.

Wheezing can be whistling, dry, wet, and so on. Dry wheezing occurs when an air stream passes through a narrowing obstruction. If there is fluid in the airways, the wheezing becomes moist. The tone of wheezing depends on the viscosity of the liquid and the diameter of the affected airways.

In order to identify the disease, it is necessary to understand what symptoms are associated with wheezing in the child’s lungs.

Wheezing in a child's throat

A healthy child breathes smoothly and evenly. If your breathing becomes harsh or the timbre changes, you should consult a doctor.

If wheezing is accompanied by whistling, this means that the child has caught respiratory infection. The baby has difficulty breathing and sleep is disturbed. Wheezing occurs with bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

A child's wheezing in the throat can be treated with a tincture of coltsfoot leaves, plantain, aromatic peppermint and marshmallow root. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. The resulting infusion can be gargled or taken orally, two dessert spoons three times a day.

Banana puree is good for coughs. It is prepared as follows: take a banana, mash it, add honey and water. This medicine can be given to your child throughout the day.

Wheezing may occur if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. Buttons, berries, small balls and berries often end up in the baby's nose. It is not necessary to independently remove a foreign body that is deeply embedded; it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance.

The child has wheezing when breathing

Breathing problems may occur due to swelling, foreign body or muscle spasm. If the skin around the lips turns blue, the child is breathing heavily and cannot speak, you need to call an ambulance.

In a child, wheezing when breathing occurs due to bronchospasm, respiratory tract disease or other reasons. A child may start coughing if the air in the room where he is is too dirty. Parents who smoke in the house should remember this.

The child has wheezing and fever

The most serious illnesses respiratory tract in childhood Pneumonia and bronchitis are considered. They can be successfully treated if the diagnosis is made correctly and good medications are prescribed.

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. This disease can be acute or chronic. Bronchitis occurs much more often in children than in adults. First of all, the throat becomes inflamed, then the infection goes down and affects the bronchi.

A child's wheezing and fever may be due to bronchitis, pneumonia and other reasons. Acute bronchitis does not require specific treatment. However, in any case, it is better not to self-medicate. As soon as the mother realized that something was wrong with the child, she should immediately go to the doctor. There is no need to be afraid that your child will be admitted to the hospital. After all, bronchitis can be easily treated at home; the main thing is to know what and how to treat it.

Cough and wheezing in a child

Coughing is a complex reflex act in which a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles occurs and a powerful release of air occurs. When the receptors of the trachea, larynx, pleura and large bronchi are irritated, the cough reflex is triggered. When you cough, the air that leaves the lungs takes with it foreign bodies and phlegm. A cough is needed to clear the airways of various foreign bodies.

Coughing and wheezing in a child may occur due to infection, foreign body, or other reasons.

U infant wheezing may appear immediately after birth. Causes may include spasms of the respiratory tract, swelling, fluid accumulation, and so on.

Wheezing in an infant occurs due to natural features structure of the respiratory tract. The systems and organs of newborns are not yet fully formed; the larynx, for example, does not have the necessary hardness, so sometimes it vibrates the nasopharynx.

If the patient has a cold, it is important to determine the characteristics of the noise:

  1. If the wheezing is dry, air masses move through the bronchi with mucus; it may also be tissue swelling or swelling. Symptoms of whistling appear if a person suffers from asthma or the main focus of inflammation is hidden in the bronchi. The timbre of the sound during bronchitis may change, the noise disappears after the patient coughs properly. Dry wheezing is localized only in one side if the lung is damaged or the patient suffers from tuberculosis.
  2. Wet noises occur when there is a large volume of sputum; this sound is more like the bubbling of air, which is blown through, directing the air flow through a tube into the water. Moist rales are most often felt when inhaling. When the cough changes from dry to wet, that is, the sputum leaves, the sounds in the chest disappear. This means that the doctor needs to prescribe treatment to thin the mucus and remove it as quickly as possible, otherwise stagnation may occur. Stagnation is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes and their spread through the respiratory tract. Consequences of protracted inflammatory process in this case, the most serious ones are pneumonia and abscess.

Treatment regimen for wheezing in the lungs

You can treat wheezing in the lungs at home, but it is better to do it in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. If the patient complains of increased body temperature, impotence, weakness, malaise, in order to ease the load on weakened organs, he is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus.

The usual treatment regimen includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications that remove phlegm and expand to normal values lumen in the bronchi.

Even dense purulent mucus can be dissolved thanks to the powerful drugs Cysteine, Mukobene, Mucomist. After the sputum begins to advance, they switch to the expectorants Lazolvan, Mucaltin, ACC.

Together with these drugs, gastroenterologists recommend supporting organs digestive tract adult patient with probiotics and enveloping agents. Common budget medications in this group are Laktovit Forte, Linex, Yogurt, Phosphalugel, Smecta, Maalox, Almagel.

If a patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, attending physiotherapy and massage sessions will not hurt. A professional approach to these manipulations helps to normalize blood circulation and improve the amount of mucus discharge in the patient.

Smoking during the therapeutic course is strictly prohibited. The lungs are already affected, nicotine and tar can finally finish off the respiratory system. Complications after such experiments can be the most dangerous. Medical practice there are cases where smoking during pneumonia or bronchitis led to chronicity of the process and allergic reaction which turned into asthma.

Adults with wheezing in the lungs when breathing are advised to place warm compresses on the chest. Thanks to them, blood circulation increases, and softened sputum leaves faster. If a person tolerates steam inhalation well, you can add a couple of drops of mint or eucalyptus steam to the water. Make sure that the steam does not burn the larynx, but only warms it. The feeling after the procedure should be envelopingly pleasant.

To increase immunity, multivitamin complexes will not hurt. Eat desserts made from fresh fruits and vegetable salads more often.

Wheezing in the throat when breathing - alarming symptom, requiring attention. A hoarse voice and wheezing can accompany many diseases, some of which are relatively harmless and some that are deadly. To figure out what caused the wheezing in the throat and how to get rid of it, you need to determine some central concepts in this topic. First, you need to be able to distinguish between the concepts of “wheezing” and “hoarseness.”

Wheezing - medical definition pathological noises that occur during breathing during inhalation or exhalation.

Wheezing occurs when the air flow encounters an obstacle in its path - phlegm, tumors, etc. If the airways are narrowed in some area, wheezing is accompanied by whistling. Such symptoms accompany many diseases. Among them are pneumonia, bronchitis, heart failure and others.

The throat may become hoarse due to extreme fatigue. vocal cords, drinking cold liquid or food, general hypothermia. Hoarseness can also be caused by frequent exposure to dusty rooms.

In this article we will talk in more detail about what help is needed if your throat is hoarse, and what to do if your throat wheezes when breathing.

Disorders of the larynx

The larynx is an organ that is located between the pharynx and trachea. It performs many functions - it participates in breathing, the act of swallowing and the processes of speech formation (the vocal cords are located in the larynx).

If the vocal cords are inflamed or compressed by swelling, the voice sounds different than usual. Hoarseness and hoarseness may appear, and in some cases it may disappear altogether.

Inflammation of the larynx is called laryngitis. Laryngitis is usually of an infectious nature, predominantly viral.

Since viruses penetrate a hypothermic body more easily, laryngitis usually occurs after long stay outdoors in bad weather, as well as drinking iced drinks, ice cream, etc. In addition, the larynx can become inflamed as a result of overstraining the vocal cords. This often happens to teachers, announcers, presenters who are forced to speak loudly and for a long time.

Symptoms of laryngitis in adults and children:

  • change in voice - hoarseness, hoarseness;
  • sore throat, discomfort;
  • labored breathing;
  • wet superficial cough, attacks of which usually occur in the morning, after waking up;
  • body temperature may increase slightly (usually does not reach 38C);
  • general weakness, malaise.
  • A change in voice can be caused not only by laryngitis, but also by other diseases of the larynx - papillomatosis, syphilis of the larynx, the formation of benign or malignant tumor. If laryngitis does not respond standard treatment within 7-10 days, consult a doctor.

Treatment of laryngitis

What to do to get rid of laryngitis? First, you need to give your vocal cords time to recover. Try to talk as little as possible for 3-4 days until your voice returns to normal.

You should not speak in a whisper - this requires even more tension from the vocal cords than usual during speech. If you need to say something, speak quietly, but not in a whisper.

Treatment of an inflamed larynx consists of performing the following therapeutic measures:

  • warm gargling aqueous solution soda (a teaspoon per glass) or salt (a teaspoon per liter of water);
  • gargling with an infusion of medicinal plants (you can use eucalyptus leaves, chamomile, anise, etc.);
  • heat-steam inhalations mineral water or water with the addition of infusions of medicinal plants;
  • use large quantity water (pure, mineral, and also in the form of tea, compotes, etc.);
  • If you have an annoying cough, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of using cough syrups (for example, with ivy or plantain extract).

What types of wheezing are there?

Wheezing that occurs during breathing can be dry or wet. Determining the type of wheezing plays a role important role when making a diagnosis.

  • Dry wheezing is a whistling noise when breathing. They occur if the lumen of the respiratory tract is significantly narrowed (in the absence of sputum). A sharp narrowing of the bronchi is called bronchospasm. In addition, the lumen of the respiratory tract can be partially blocked by a tumor, cyst, or foreign object.
  • Wet wheezing accompanies diseases in which fluid accumulates in the bronchi or alveoli (sputum, blood, pus, etc.). Moist rales occur with pneumonia, pulmonary edema, tuberculosis and other diseases of the lower respiratory tract accompanied by inflammation.

Determining the type of wheezing yourself is quite difficult. It is better to trust a specialist in this matter - a pulmonologist.

Noisy breathing usually indicates a malfunction of the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs. When making a diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to in which part of the respiratory act whistling and wheezing appear - during inhalation or exhalation. Wheezing and difficulty breathing during inspiration are observed with cardiac asthma (inspiratory dyspnea), and during exhalation - with bronchial asthma, pulmonary edema (expiratory dyspnea). Also, noise can be observed both when inhaling and exhaling.

The main causes of wheezing when breathing:

  • long-term smoking;
  • consequences of surgery on the larynx (for example, removal of tumors) or on the thyroid gland;
  • pneumonia (pneumonia) - in this case, the patient has a significantly increased body temperature and a strong wet cough;
  • bronchial asthma - wheezing when breathing is accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing, rapid breathing, and has a paroxysmal nature;
  • pulmonary edema - in this case, wheezing is accompanied by a cough with the release of foamy pink sputum;
  • bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi) - accompanied by a dry cough, which turns into a wet cough within a few days;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by rough wheezing when breathing, shortness of breath, annoying cough and irreversible changes in the structure of the bronchi;
  • respiratory allergies (to dust, components household chemicals, animal hair, plant pollen, etc.);
  • wheezing combined with swelling of the legs and face may indicate heart problems.

Diagnosis and treatment of noisy breathing

Play an important role in making a diagnosis associated symptoms- presence or absence of cough, sputum discharge, body temperature, etc. The doctor also takes into account the patient’s profession, his age, past illnesses and other individual characteristics. During the examination, the lungs must be listened to and the patient’s throat is examined. In most cases, the patient is referred for an X-ray examination of the organs. chest(fluorography), and also recommend a general blood test, and, if necessary, other tests.

Treatment of noises during exhalation and inhalation is determined by the causes and diseases. Naturally, heart failure requires different treatment than bronchitis or allergies. After the examination, the doctor will not only make a diagnosis, but also prescribe the treatment that suits you. So, if the cause of wheezing is the accumulation of sputum, it is recommended to take mucolytic and expectorant drugs (Bromhexine, Mucaltin, Lazolvan). For dry wheezing associated with bronchospasm, you will need bronchodilators - drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi. If a patient is diagnosed with bronchial asthma, first of all an inhaler intended for emergency care when the attack begins. A person suffering from bronchial asthma should always carry an inhaler with them.

Do not self-medicate wheezing. Remember that this symptom may be associated with serious illnesses that cannot be treated at home.

Wheezing in the lungs when breathing in an adult without fever or cough indicates the presence of organ pathology respiratory system. This may be a mild, sluggish inflammation in the bronchi, which is a consequence of not fully cured acute bronchitis, or a much more complex disease with the systematic formation of mucus in the bronchial lumen. The latter process requires detailed study by a pulmonologist in order to make a final diagnosis and establish the cause of the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, through the presence of which wheezing is heard from the lungs during inhalation and exhalation. You can independently understand the cause by comparing the symptoms and conditions for each condition that we have collected for you in this article.

In any case, this disease is not typical for pulmonary pathology, since most respiratory diseases cause a rise in temperature in an adult and a urge to dry or wet cough. Wheezing can form in the bronchi even due to the presence of a small amount of blood in them. This phenomenon is often observed in patients prone to internal bleeding when the concentration of platelets in the blood is reduced and its clotting function is impaired.

If the air passes unhindered, and the characteristic whistle from the lungs is heard only when exhaling, then such wheezing is called wet. Dry wheezing is often combined with a cough, but without fever.

The whistle coming from the patient's throat is physiological process, occurring in the lungs, which is a spasm of the bronchial lumen. The degree of its contraction determines how noisy the wheezing will be. Bronchospasm can occur from the reaction of the respiratory organ to internal or external stimulus, or due to periodic excess mucus.

In modern pulmonology there are following reasons the occurrence of wheezing in the lungs in adults without cough and fever:

  1. Not typical pneumonia or Chronical bronchitis. Often these diseases do not necessarily occur with fever. They may not be noticeable for a long period of time if the inflammatory focus affects a small area.
  2. Bronchial asthma. On average, in 90% of cases of wheezing during inhalation and exhalation during breathing, this is an allergic spasm of the bronchial lumens. This reaction of the body can be considered a severe degree of allergy. Bronchial wheezing always intensifies at the onset of an attack. Depending on the severity of the disease, it may accumulate in small quantities or be absent altogether. Treatment of this respiratory pathology is always specific and is based on the patient’s susceptibility to certain potential allergens.
  3. Stagnation of blood in the lungs. If an adult has a disease such as heart failure, blood circulation in vascular system in most cases it is severely impaired. Congestion in the lungs often develops. Then in this organ it increases blood pressure And the smallest vessels capillaries cannot withstand overload. They burst and a small amount of blood enters the bronchi. This foreign biological fluid in this part of the body irritates the respiratory system and provokes wheezing.
  4. Oncological pathology. Until the 2nd stage of tumor development, the patient does not experience a cough and the disease signals itself only by periodic bronchospasms. In this regard, a characteristic whistle is heard from the lungs. This symptom is not long-lasting, so adults sometimes ignore the signs serious illness. The disease is diagnosed using an X-ray or MRI of the lungs.

Depending on the individual characteristics In a person, there may be other reasons that can affect the respiratory system and the stable process of gas exchange occurring in the lungs. All these factors are established during the examination of the patient to make a final diagnosis.

General characteristics of wheezing without fever and cough

The presence of a characteristic whistle when inhaling and exhaling during breathing is always one of the manifestations of inflammation in the lungs. Even if an adult does not experience fever and cough, the following symptoms are always present: loss of appetite, shortness of breath after minor physical activity, weight loss and weakness. To these indirect signs Respiratory diseases require special attention.

According to the type of manifestation, wheezing without coughing is divided into the following types:

It is important to remember that each type of wheezing emanating from the bronchi is characteristic of a certain category of lung pathologies. The presence of extraneous sounds during the patient’s breathing allows the doctor to only tentatively suspect the presence of a particular disease. The final diagnosis is made only after a more detailed examination.

Treatment of wheezing in the lungs in adults

Therapy for a patient who has wheezing during breathing during inhalation or exhalation begins immediately after the cause of their origin is established. In most cases, hospitalization in a hospital setting is not required and the patient is treated on an outpatient basis.

Depending on the type of infectious or viral pathogen, several types of drugs can be used in combination.

If there is asthmatic wheezing in the lungs, the patient must be consulted by an allergist. At this stage, it is especially important to identify the source of the allergy, which systematically irritates the bronchi, provoking their spasm. An individual diet is developed for an adult, which contains only biologically healthy foods nutrition (cereals, lean chicken, wholemeal bread). For the period of treatment, citrus fruits, apricots, alcohol, tea, coffee, chocolate, sea and ocean fish, tomatoes and all dishes made from them are removed from the diet. It is recommended to use vasodilating drugs such as Drotaverine, Eufillin, Spazmolgon.

Wheezing during breathing caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system does not require special treatment. All efforts of doctors are aimed at compensating for the negative impact of heart failure. As the heart, blood vessels are treated and blood circulation is restored, the patient is given mucolytic drugs in order to remove from the bronchi the remaining fluid that has accumulated due to a violation of the small circulatory cycle in the respiratory organs. As a rule, wheezing during inhalation and exhalation disappears immediately after recovery normal operation heart and blood flow.

The most difficult process is the treatment of wheezing without cough and fever, the appearance of which is associated with an oncological process in the lungs. In such cases, it is impossible to remove extraneous noise without eliminating the tumor body that narrows the bronchial lumen. The patient is treated with chemicals, cytostatics, and undergoes radiotherapy. If necessary, prescribe surgical intervention with removal of foreign tumors. In particular severe cases Even resection of part of the lung is possible.