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Splinting teeth after braces - consolidating the result. Comprehensive rehabilitation of jaw fractures

Post date: 24.09.2013 22:51


Good day!
Please advise what to do.
The doctor says surgery is not necessary. Making her choice is yours.
Diagnosis, double fracture lower jaw in the area of ​​the articular process on the right. Body on the right with displacement of fragments/
Thank you.

Post date: 02.10.2013 23:00


Hello, I have a weak fracture of the lower jaw, without displacement, I’ve been wearing a splint for 4 days, I rinse my mouth like a man possessed, but so much food has accumulated between these wires that it’s hard to breathe, little air is allowed through, and the feeling is not pleasant from this plaque on the teeth. Can I remove the rubber bands, clean everything, and tomorrow at the hospital they will reattach my jaws?

Post date: 04.10.2013 00:41

Sanyok S

Hello, I broke my jaw, I had splinting done 2 weeks ago (September 19), when and where to remove this hardware? and another question: is it possible to remove the rubber bands, for example, to brush your teeth and then, of course, put them back on??

Post date: 05.10.2013 08:28

Rubber bands cannot be removed!
Where have you seen people, for example, have a cast removed from their leg so that they can wash it? Nowhere. Same with the jaw, immobilization of fragments should be constant for a month, after which the splints are removed.
ps: there are no weak fractures.

Post date: 22.10.2013 14:21


Splinting is not painful at all, just unpleasant, provided, of course, that the fracture site is numbed. But eating with tires and your mouth bandaged with rubber bands is not fun at all. And it just makes me think, to hell with her jaw, remove the rubber bands, leave only the splints, and at least swallow the soup normally, and not through a straw or a kettle into the corner of the mouth where there are no splints

Post date: 23.10.2013 08:27


Good afternoon. I have a fracture of my lower jaw. left. The doctor came only on the 4th day, squeezed out the pus, put splints and removed the 8th because the fracture rested on it.
I've been wearing the splints for three days now, my teeth have gotten used to it, but... left cheek swollen and I realized that the place where the tooth was pulled out was constantly aching.
Tell me how I can relieve the pain at least a little? How do you know if pus is gathering there again? and when will the swelling start to go away?

Post date: 24.10.2013 06:54

1. Pain can be relieved with Analgesics, after consulting a doctor.
2. The doctor will tell you after the examination whether there is pus there.
3. The tumor will begin to go away without earlier than a week or maybe two.

Post date: 30.10.2013 18:28


Does it happen that a crack (fracture) of the lower jaw heals on its own? It doesn’t really bother me, but the doctors say I need splinting.

Post date: 01.11.2013 07:36

I don’t know, I haven’t seen such cases. Or maybe I didn’t see it because it was healing on its own :) Seriously, I don’t believe in fairy tales about a crack. If there is a fracture in the picture, even without displacement, then splinting is indicated. What if it's a fracture? With any movements of the jaw, the fragments will shift and even their slight mobility will lead to the formation false joint, and this is a lot of problems with the operation, etc., not to mention the money. In short, my opinion is that it is better not to take risks.

Post date: 04.11.2013 12:53


I had an open traumatic mental fracture of the lower jaw with a slight displacement)
They did splinting) two weeks ago everything was removed)
My question is this: Should I treat teeth that have a fracture between them?)
nothing seems to hurt)
Have you heard that nerves are removed?

Post date: 05.11.2013 14:19


How can you tell if your jaw is fused? I. I’ve been wearing splints for the 16th day now, and I went on a business trip, meaning I won’t be able to see a doctor for the next 10 days.
Is it possible to remove the rubber bands and try to move your jaw? Day 16?

Post date: 06.11.2013 18:20


I also understand that the mouth will not open right away. How long does it take to develop a jaw?

Post date: 07.11.2013 01:27

Vadim! It all depends on whether the teeth remain alive or not. If yes, then there is no need to treat. If the pulp inside the tooth has died, then it needs to be treated. This can only be checked in a doctor's office.

Post date: 07.11.2013 01:30

Arkady! The tires last not 16 days, but a month. You can only tell if the jaw has fused together at the doctor’s office or when eating after the splints have been removed and developed. Develop the jaw in 2-3 weeks

A fracture of the jaw bones is often accompanied by their displacement. Splinting of the jaw is designed to fix the bone in a stationary position for the purpose of correct and rapid fusion. Immobilization of damaged bones sometimes takes up to one and a half months. This method of treatment requires compliance certain rules nutrition and oral hygiene. Since the splinting procedure is an important step in eliminating displacement of the jaw bones, each patient should know how the fixation structures are applied and removed, and how long the recovery period takes.

Types of splinting for jaw fractures

The method of splinting depends on the nature of the fracture and the severity of the patient’s condition:

  1. One-sided. It is used in cases where the integrity of the bones of one of the halves of the upper or lower jaw is damaged. In this case, the main condition is the presence of healthy teeth in the area of ​​damage, which will serve as support for the fixation structure. If such units are missing, or they had to be removed, they resort to drilling a hole in the bone to thread copper wire through it.
  2. Two-way. This type of immobilization consists of fixing one of the jaws on both sides using thick wire and rings or hooks installed on the molars.
  3. Double jawed. It is used for complex injuries when a bilateral fracture is associated with the formation of multiple bone fragments and their displacement. In this case, the splint is used to close the jaws. Splinting for a fracture of the lower jaw is performed on the surviving units using rubber rods to maintain the dentition in a closed position.

It is necessary to rinse your mouth after every meal. If it is difficult to clean your teeth from plaque with a toothbrush, you need to purchase an irrigator.

How long does it take for the jaw to heal and when are the splints removed?

No specialist can accurately answer the question of how long it will take for the damaged bones to completely heal. This period depends on the severity of the jaw damage and the quality of treatment, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

In most cases for full recovery it takes 1-1.5 months. For complicated injuries, rehabilitation can take from 6 to 12 months. The speed of recovery largely depends on the patient’s compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations.

A special set of exercises for developing muscles and joints, as well as various physiotherapeutic procedures, helps to speed up the healing of bone fragments. Physiotherapy is prescribed after the splints are removed after a minimum period of healing of the broken bones. Regular visits to your doctor to monitor the correct healing of damaged bones will significantly speed up the recovery process and prevent possible complications.

Tire removal process

Before removing the fixing structures, the doctor must perform a control test. X-ray. If the fracture line is covered by a pronounced bone callus, then there is no point in further using the splint. It is removed by carefully bending back all fastening elements, using special dental instruments.

This process is not complicated and does not take much time. Upon completion of all manipulations, the specialist gives the patient a referral for physiotherapy and teaches the technique of performing developmental gymnastics.

Often, when using splints, due to the inability to fully clean the teeth, diseases of the teeth and gums develop. Upon completion of the jaw immobilization stage, you should definitely visit a dentist to examine the oral cavity and eliminate dental problems if they are identified.

Cost of splinting

The cost of the splinting procedure depends on a number of factors: the region where the service is provided, pricing policy medical institution, immobilization method and materials used. The cost of tire installation is also affected by the degree of damage.

The price for osteosynthesis ranges from 14 to 55 thousand rubles, splinting using fiberglass or aramid thread will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles. for 1 tooth. Additionally, you will have to pay for the services of a doctor to monitor the quality of therapy, physiotherapy courses and dental treatment, which may be necessary if diseases of the teeth or gums develop while wearing a fixation device.

Advanced periodontal diseases often lead to loosening of teeth with the threat of loss. What to do in this situation? Exist various methods preservation, including splinting teeth. It can be used in combination with orthodontic treatment. An orthodontist, Ph.D., talks about what splinting is and how it helps preserve teeth. Svetlana Nikolaevna Vakhney.

In what cases is tooth splinting recommended in orthodontics?

Splinting of teeth is carried out in the treatment of occlusion with periodontopathies, that is, for example, with periodontitis - a widespread and difficult to treat disease. At the same time, on inner surface A small thin splint is applied to the teeth (for periodontitis, usually using the submersible method), that is, a small cut is made along the enamel, into which a wire is placed and covered with a composite material on top.
/> At what stage of treatment is teeth splinting performed?

In order to preserve teeth during periodontitis, it is necessary to carry out a certain set of measures. The first phase of such treatment is treatment by a periodontist. The periodontist relieves the acute inflammatory process in the gums, after which he allows for orthodontic treatment. By using orthodontic treatment The braces system eliminates all malocclusions and incorrect position teeth, which was natural, or occurred as a result of loss bone tissue. Once the gaps or misalignment of the teeth have been corrected, it is time to apply a splint, which will preserve the teeth and achieve a stable result.
/> With periodontitis, as a rule, pathological mobility of teeth occurs due to the fact that the level of bone tissue decreases. Therefore, at the final stage of orthodontic treatment, before removing the braces, a splint is placed that will protect the teeth from mobility and strengthen them when they are together.
/> How long should the splint be worn?

When applying a splint, the issue must be discussed with the patient that this splint should be on the teeth without a time limit. No time limit - means that as long as the splint is on the teeth, this will ensure that the teeth remain motionless. If a tire breaks, it must be repaired as quickly as possible to avoid a relapse. No time limit - this term means that the splint needs to be worn exactly as long as the patient wants the result to be maintained, in other words, it is forever. Since bone tissue is usually lost to a fairly significant extent during periodontitis, only a splint can stabilize the teeth. If for some reason the splint is lost, the teeth will move again and this will lead to relapse.
/> Are there any contraindications for teeth splinting?

There are no contraindications for a retention splint after treatment with a brace system. There are contraindications for treatment with braces: poor hygiene oral cavity and lack of desire to carry out similar treatment. In other words: if the patient does not take good care of his teeth, the doctor has the right to refuse treatment, and during the treatment process even interrupt the treatment itself, that is, simply remove the braces. Because poor oral hygiene, that is, when the patient does not take good care of his teeth, is a great risk for the progression of periodontitis, and the doctor bears this responsibility.
/> Features of orthodontic treatment of patients with periodontal diseases

During orthodontic treatment of patients with periodontitis, it is discussed that periodic visits to the periodontist will be a prerequisite. Also, if some local inflammatory process occurs, the orthodontist sends the patient to a periodontist for some local interventions. The patient should know about this, because it will be temporary and insignificant material costs.

The basic task of splinting a jaw in case of a fracture is to connect bone fragments into an anatomically correct position and return the dental arch to its original (aesthetic) appearance.

The procedure is performed by a dental surgeon. For maximum efficiency further therapy the patient needs first aid for a fracture.

Types of jaw splinting

Depending on the nature of the injury and the condition of the victim, they resort to a certain type splinting at . The table below shows brief description each of them:

Type of procedure Explanation
Unilateral The splinting method is justified in case of damage to the bones of one of the halves of the upper or lower jaw row. The main condition is the presence of healthy teeth in the row (they will become a support for the fixing product). With absence healthy elements(or if the circumstance requires tooth extraction) a hole is drilled in the bone tissue through which a copper wire is passed that will hold the retainer
Two-way The technique is applicable in the case of a bilateral fracture. The affected jaw is immobilized on both sides using thickened wires and rings (hooks) resting on the molars
Bimaxillary Fixation is resorted to especially difficult cases: when, in combination with a bilateral fracture, numerous displaced jaw fragments are visualized. The splint is designed to close the jaws. The role of support for the latch is played by the surviving elements. Rubber rods are used to hold the jaws in a closed position


Jaw fracture

Materials used

Today, the choice of materials for splinting is incredibly large. However, the selection of a splint for a jaw fracture is based on information about the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the injury. The selection of materials, for obvious reasons, is carried out by a specialist.

Among the most popular elements: metal wires, plastic parts, fiberglass tapes, fixing elastic bands, metal rings and hooks.

Treatment tactics

First health care in case of injury, it involves the administration of an anesthetic and disinfection of the fracture area.

In case of a fracture with the formation of fragments, the patient is advised to undergo osteosynthesis - immobilization of bone elements using special clamps.

Typically, the role of clamps is played by metal plates. In case of uncomplicated injury, the use of a Vasiliev tape splint is justified. If you have to deal with a complicated fracture, the Tigerstedt bimaxillary splint will be indispensable. This product is made to individual specifications.

When is the retainer removed?

The duration of wearing the splint depends on the patient’s age and severity clinical case. So, the older the patient and the more complex the fracture, the longer the victim will have to wear the structure on his teeth. Typically this period varies between 30-45 days.

Rehabilitation period

With the help of dental splinting, you can restore the aesthetic appearance and functional ability of the jaw. However the most important condition a favorable outcome is the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations in postoperative period. Such as:

  1. Antibacterial therapy. For several days in order to prevent the development inflammatory process In the local area, the patient must use antibiotics injected into the damaged area.
  2. General strengthening treatment. It's about acceptance vitamin complexes(C, P, D, group B). The drugs are aimed at accelerating the process of tissue regeneration and restoring leukocyte counts in the patient’s blood.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures. UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, and magnetic therapy are performed. After several procedures, the patient notes a decrease in swelling and a decrease in pain.

    To speed up the process of bone tissue restoration, electrophoresis is used 14 days after a fracture.

  4. Physiotherapy. Exercises help the jaw regain functional ability. Classes can be carried out at home for 4-5 weeks after the removal of the fixation structure and the formation of a bone callus.
  5. Maintaining hygiene. We are talking about irrigation at least 9-10 times a day. If the patient is in unconscious At least twice a day, the patient’s teeth and oral mucosa must be treated with a special solution.

Features of eating food after installation of the structure

The installed splint obliges the patient to change his approach to nutrition. When the jaw bones are damaged, chewing function is impaired. In this regard, the patient’s diet should include exclusively liquid food. Food should be ground with a blender and consumed with a straw (the same applies to drinks). If it is impossible to receive food in this way for any reason, oral cavity a catheter is inserted into the victim. In this case, food enters through the gap behind the wisdom tooth.

To prevent weight loss, the patient's caloric intake should range between 3000-4000 calories ( daily norm). For these purposes, the patient is offered meat broths with fat, fatty kefir, high-calorie cocktails. Every day the patient should eat at least 150 g of pureed meat - this is the daily protein requirement. The temperature of the dishes is 40-45 degrees. Food that is too cold or hot should be avoided.

Attention! During the cooking process, it is not recommended to excessively salt and pepper the ingredients. Best option– completely avoid salt and spices.

The patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol, which can cause vomiting. Since the patient’s mouth is literally “sewn up,” he may choke on vomit.

To speed up the healing process of bone fragments, it is recommended to include foods rich in zinc, phosphorus and calcium in the victim’s diet. In addition, you should drink vegetables and fruit juices without pulp, berry fruit drinks and compotes.

After removing the retainer, it is necessary to return to traditional food gradually so as not to injure the jaw and stomach.

Attention! After each meal, the patient must rinse the mouth with water.

For these purposes, it is preferable to use an irrigator.

How long does it take for the jawbone to heal?

No doctor is able to accurately indicate the period of complete restoration of bone tissue. This fact depends on the severity of the injury, the characteristics of splinting and the patient’s health condition.

Usually it takes a month to a month and a half for the jaw to fully recover. If we're talking about about a fracture with displacement of bone fragments, the regeneration process can take from six months to 12 months.

The speed of tissue restoration largely depends on the patient’s compliance with the specialist’s recommendations.

How to remove a tire?

Before removing the fixation element, the doctor takes an x-ray to make sure that the patient no longer needs a splint. If the fracture line is covered by callus, there is no longer any need to wear the product. Remove the retainer by bending all the elements using special tools.

The process is not labor-intensive and does not require much time. When the splint is removed, the specialist gives the patient a referral for physical therapy and introduces him to the instructions for performing therapeutic exercises.

How much does therapy cost?

The cost of treatment varies depending on the type of injury. The price is determined based on whether osteosynthesis is used during treatment, what splints are used during therapy, and whether the victim has attended physiotherapeutic procedures. The fact that splinting is expensive is obvious: osteosynthesis alone costs from 14 to 55 thousand rubles.

In addition, it is worth taking into account the need for subsequent dental treatment aimed at restoring lost elements of the dentition. Such services usually cost the patient 8-10 thousand rubles (depending on the specifics of the case).

Attention! Often, while wearing a retaining structure, due to the inability to fully clean the dentition, the patient develops oral diseases. This fact obliges the patient to visit the dentist immediately after removing the retainer.

Tooth mobility can be called a common problem that causes many complications, including tooth loss.

An effective treatment in this case is splinting. And, if earlier this process meant the use of massive metal prostheses, today dentists use modern materials, helping to create an attractive appearance without damaging healthy teeth.

The positive response from patients only confirms the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

What is the essence of the procedure?

Dental splinting is the joining of several teeth into a single system in order to secure the dentition. Teeth stability is achieved thanks to special orthodontic equipment.

On early stages treatment, this method can completely eliminate the problem, but if chronic course Diseases resort to splinting mobile teeth to ease the load and use the reserve capabilities of the periodontium.

What teeth look like before and after splinting

Splinting of mobile teeth can be temporary or permanent. They resort to temporary early stages diseases of gingival tissues, injuries, after displacement of the dentition.

Permanent orthopedic splints are installed for reliable fixation of teeth during existing risk their losses. Many patients find it difficult to agree to permanent structures due to a number of their disadvantages:

  • lack of aesthetic appeal;
  • high labor costs;
  • high cost;
  • the need to prepare hard dental tissue.

The doctor’s task, if necessary, is to convince the patient that the prescribed treatment is the only possible one. But despite this, temporary tires have become more widespread.

Indications for tire installation

The procedure is prescribed in case of severe problems with the dentition or the presence of factors that can change it. Indications for installation of orthodontic equipment include:

During the examination, he will be able to assess the situation and prescribe exactly the treatment and type of splinting that will provide the maximum benefit. effective action to stabilize the dentition and preserve teeth.

An orthodontist will tell you about the indications and contraindications for splinting teeth for periodontal diseases:

Materials used

The materials used for the manufacture of orthodontic equipment must meet a number of requirements:

  • Possibility of strong fixation on teeth;
  • ability to stabilize moving teeth;
  • absence of mechanical effects on teeth and surrounding tissues;
  • no difficulties with chewing function;
  • the ability to maintain the patient’s diction;
  • attractive appearance;
  • absence of complicating factors for oral hygiene.

The most commonly used materials are fiberglass, silk and polyethylene due to their inconspicuous nature on the teeth. But due to the high strength of aramid thread, it is often prescribed for installing permanent tires.

Splinting with aramid thread

Immobilization methods

As noted earlier, splinting can be permanent or temporary; this often determines which teeth are affected and the degree of their mobility.

Fixed dentures

The photo shows crowns for splinting

Fixed dentures have a long service life and are very reliable in nature. The shape of the structure is developed during the treatment process in accordance with individual characteristics patient.

A number of factors are taken into account, for example, the number of teeth lost, the stage of the disease, and age. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to grind down the top layer of teeth, including healthy ones. On initial stages For periodontitis, splinting with crowns is not prescribed.

The most popular and effective look prosthetics is because their inner part equipped with thin arches that cover each tooth individually. This makes the splint as stable as possible and the chewing reflex is not impaired. The advantage of clasp dentures is the ability to fasten missing teeth.

Use of fiberglass

Splinting teeth using fiberglass is relatively new, but has already proven itself with the best side technology. The process of applying a splint begins with grinding a horizontal groove along the entire length of the future splint.

It is important to fasten together not only mobile teeth, but also stable ones, in order to redistribute the load from weakened teeth to healthy ones.

A fiberglass tape is placed in the furrow and filled with composite. On the lower incisors, the tape is attached at the back, usually using the fangs. Upper teeth most often splinted in the front.

For more grip on chewing teeth the tape is pulled from above. The photo shows the process of applying splints to the lower front teeth.

Fiberglass tape is good because it is invisible and looks aesthetically pleasing. With its use, you can eliminate the space between teeth. If necessary, the tape can be removed, and any unevenness can be corrected using a filling that will not affect general form. There are many advantages due to which this method is preferred:

With cable-stayed splinting, the process is completely identical with the only deviation being the material used. Instead of fiberglass, a high-strength aramid thread is placed in the furrow.

Removable immobilization

Removable dentures are used when one or more teeth are missing. The prosthesis is made according to an individual project, so the equipment secures loose teeth and fills gaps in missing places.

Usually transparent plastic is used metal constructions, but the choice of material and shape directly depends on the problem, the characteristics of the patient and a number of other factors.

In some cases, removable immobilization is the only appropriate treatment method. This may be due to the recovery period after a jaw fracture.

The prosthesis secures the dentition and prevents it from being damaged during the healing process.

What do ordinary people say?

Splinting teeth can scare some patients, but reviews once again prove that the installation of orthodontic equipment has an effective effect on treatment and helps preserve teeth. Modern methods allow you to make the tires almost invisible, which looks aesthetically pleasing.

I was very scared when my teeth began to loosen, but somehow there was no way to visit the dentist until one of the teeth fell out. Fortunately, the doctor not only strengthened the loose teeth with splinting, but also installed artificial tooth in place of the one that fell out.

The fiberglass and the material of the new tooth are so similar in color to their own that no one notices the difference. I myself am amazed at the strength of my teeth after the procedure. Very useful technique treatment.

Valentina, Irkutsk

On duty, my appearance plays great importance, I am the head of a large company, but I have problems with periodontal disease, heredity. Despite constant compliance preventive measures, the teeth still began to lose stability.

The attending physician prescribed splinting. I thought my whole mouth would be covered in iron, so I started reading a lot about materials. In the end, fiberglass was used. The result is amazing, the smile resembles a natural one, the teeth are strong.

Konstantin, Moscow

I am terribly afraid of dentists, but when I asked for help, my condition was critical. Almost all of my front teeth began to loosen, and I was afraid of losing them.

Dentist advised fixed dentures, which were installed over my teeth. I had to grind off my own, I must admit, the procedure is not pleasant. But now I feel comfortable, I can bite off apples without fear of being left without teeth.

Ksenia, Sochi

I prepared for prosthetics for a long time. After an active career in boxing, I can’t boast of teeth. The question arose of choosing between fiberglass and dentures; the dentist recommended the latter. I trusted and did not regret it. I've been going here for seven years now, and so far I have no complaints. Many thanks to the lying doctor.

Victor, St. Petersburg

What does the cost depend on?

Prices for splinting vary depending on the material chosen, the method of installing the equipment, the chosen clinic, and the degree of neglect of the case.

Approximate prices:

And although many may be intimidated by such a word as “splinting,” it is often the most The best decision, which will allow not to reverse the process, but to significantly reduce the speed of its impact on the dentition.

Most patients respond positively to the achieved effect, even considering the sometimes large investments. Since treatment takes place over a long period of time, the required costs are usually spread over the entire period.