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What does metal ceramics look like? Price of a metal-ceramic crown. Selection of colors

Metal-ceramic crowns often used when performing fixed prosthetics. The popularity of such dentures is explained by the combination of strength, aesthetics and variety of raw materials, which allows you to choose a dental design for people of any income. The list of advantages of metal ceramics is also complemented by such properties as long-term operation and high adaptability.

Features of metal-ceramic crowns

The advantage of using metal-ceramic teeth is a combination of aesthetics and high resistance to chewing loads. These dental structures are distinguished by a special manufacturing technology, which involves combining 2 layers.

The inner layer is made of metal based on a plaster cast that follows the relief of the tooth. This ensures a strong fixation of the system. The outer layer is made of ceramic, the shade of which duplicates the tone of closely spaced hard tissues.


In the photo you can see only part of the product - a beautiful layer of ceramics that ensures the aesthetics of the system. It contains elements of the following groups: oxides, carbides, silicides and carbon. A metal-free layer is obtained by layer-by-layer application of material and firing of the structure in a furnace.

The ceramic mass is placed on a metal frame - a rod that follows the relief of hard tissue. Metal-ceramic teeth are made on the basis of the following metal alloys:

  1. Nickel and chrome. The popularity of these materials is explained by their high ductility and affordable cost. The main disadvantage of this combination is insufficient adaptability, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Cobalt and chromium. It is the most popular basis for the manufacture of metal-ceramics, which is explained by the combination of such qualities as strength, bioinertness and affordable cost.
  3. Expensive compositions made of gold, platinum, palladium. They are characterized by maximum survival rate and long service life. In this case, there is no need to seriously undermine hard tissues.
  4. Titanium. It features maximum adaptability and long service life. Such metal-ceramic crowns have the highest cost.

Differences from all-ceramic and metal crowns

Metal-ceramic bridges are an average option between all-ceramic and metal models. The combination of these materials endowed the system with high aesthetics and durability. In the photo of teeth after prosthetics, metal ceramics are no different from natural tissues.

Metal-free ceramic crowns are installed only on the front teeth, which is explained by the high chewing load on the lateral incisors and the insufficient strength of the material (more details in the article:). Metal-free ceramics look the most aesthetically pleasing among all types of dental structures. The main difference between these models is the high abrasion of adjacent hard tissues by metal ceramics. When determining which crowns to install, they are guided by the location of the deformed surfaces and the degree of pressure on them.

A comparison of crowns shows that metal-ceramic systems are an improved version of standard metal models. Possessing strength, they are used to restore lateral teeth, which are exposed to chewing loads to the greatest extent. The difference between the first designs is the imitation of the natural tone of the teeth, allowing them to be inserted in the front row.

Indications and contraindications for installation

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The main indication for metal-ceramic prosthetics is a violation of the shape and color of teeth against the background of acquired ones (caries, medications) or congenital (anomalies of the structure of hard tissues, hereditary lesions of the enamel) pathologies. Semi-ceramic bridges are placed if the following indications exist:

  • loss of 1-3 teeth;
  • increased tooth wear;
  • the impossibility of using inlays and veneers to eliminate defects that have developed as a result of injury;
  • inadmissibility of restoring teeth by filling.

The following circumstances oppose the use of metal-ceramic crowns:

  • patient age under 16 years;
  • weak gums;
  • severe forms of periodontal disease;
  • bruxism;
  • malocclusion;
  • insufficient thickness and height of teeth;
  • individual intolerance to the materials that make up the crown.

Pros and cons of the design

The main advantage of using metal-ceramic dental crowns is the natural color and full recovery chewing function. The installation of such crowns makes the results of the procedure almost invisible. Dentures made using this technology have a natural tone and shape, indistinguishable from natural teeth.

The popularity of metal ceramics is explained by the following advantages of using bridges:

  • long-term aesthetic effect - metal-ceramic models do not absorb coloring components and retain their original tone;
  • high adaptability and painless operation;
  • harmlessness – crowns do not contain toxic substances and rarely lead to the development of allergic reactions;
  • long-term use due to the use of durable materials and a tight fit of the crown to the tooth;
  • wide price range, allowing you to choose a model for any budget.

List of disadvantages of using metal-ceramic crowns:

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

Traditionally, metal-ceramic crowns are classified depending on the material of manufacture. According to this criterion, they are divided into systems made of ignoble, noble metals and titanium. Crowns are the most durable and adaptable to the mucosa last group. Crowns made of cobalt and chromium are of less quality, the installation of which is often accompanied by an allergic reaction and darkening of the gums.

Depending on the degree of aesthetics, crowns are divided into the following types:

  • standard designs that provide for the termination of layers of metal and ceramics at the same level, due to which the mucous membrane comes into contact with the metal;
  • crowns with shoulder mass, characterized by an elongated layer of ceramics, which eliminates contact of metal with the gum and makes the design as aesthetic as possible.

Manufacturing process

Making crowns is a labor-intensive process that takes about 10 days. The fundamental stage of prosthetics is taking an impression that most accurately reflects the features of the tooth relief. After grinding the hard tissues and until the permanent crown is installed, the patient wears a temporary structure.

The manufacturing process of metal-ceramic prostheses includes the following stages:

  1. Casting a plaster model of the patient's jaw from the impression obtained.
  2. Preparing the wax mold of the future metal frame. Transferring the model to the laboratory for casting a base from the selected metal alloy.
  3. Trying on the resulting cap. If the product fits tightly and painlessly to the tooth, it is returned to the technician for grinding with diamond tips and applying a ceramic coating.
  4. Artistic and heat treatment crowns to give it a natural color and shine. Most often they choose ceramics in tone A3.

Stages of installing a metal-ceramic crown on teeth with before and after photos

A metal-ceramic crown is installed after sanitation oral cavity. Dental preparation includes treatment of gum pathologies, filling, and depulpation of teeth. If there is significant deformation of hard tissues, pins or stump inlays are fixed before installing crowns (we recommend reading:). These elements are secured in order to create a support for the crown while preserving the tooth root.

Prosthetics of metal-ceramic crowns includes the following stages:

  1. Grinding of teeth. Preparing teeth for metal-ceramic prosthetics involves adjusting the surface for the crown to minimize the load on the gums. The teeth are ground down to give them the rough texture necessary for a tight fit of the crown to the tooth.
  2. Manufacturing of a metal-ceramic crown by a dental technician based on the impression obtained. Fixation of a temporary metal-free plastic system on ground teeth.
  3. Installation of metal-ceramic dentures. Initially, the crown is fixed for 3 months. This is explained by the need to assess the tightness and comfort of wearing the crown. If there is no discomfort during eating or talking, the structure is permanently fixed.

Care rules and service life

Metal-ceramic dentures require more careful care of the oral cavity. It is necessary to brush your teeth after each meal using a soft brush and fluoride-free toothpaste. It is recommended to introduce the use of irrigators and dental floss into your daily oral hygiene ritual.

The basis of oral care after fixing metal-ceramic crowns is rinsing with special solutions. It is necessary to consult a doctor to select the optimal type of antibacterial liquid. Most often, mint infusion or professional lotions are used to treat the mucous membrane.

The service life of the system depends on the thickness of the metal-ceramic crown, the professionalism of the doctor, subsequent care and ranges from 10-15 years. Products made from gold and titanium can last about 25 years. The life of the crown can be increased by preventing excessive chewing stress and injury.

Patients are interested in the question of how much it costs to fix metal-ceramic crowns from start to finish. Several visits to the dentist will be required, during which the doctor consults the patient, grinds down hard tissues and takes an impression. On at this stage determine the materials for the manufacture of the structure. Consultation costs patients free of charge or up to 500 rubles.

The cost of the service is determined by the value of the material from which the metal-ceramic crown is made, and varies between 4,500-40,000 rubles. The price of one crown is:

  • cobalt and chromium - within 4500-11000 rubles;
  • gold – up to 17,000 rubles;
  • titanium – 35,000 rub.

If depulpation is necessary, the tooth is strengthened with a core insert. The cost of this service varies between 4500-6000 rubles. During subsequent visits to the doctor, the oral cavity is sanitized, the tone of future crowns is determined, and temporary dentures are installed (RUB 1,500).

Metal-ceramic crowns are a popular way to restore teeth when fillings or veneers are not possible. The high strength and aesthetics of the products are combined with a long service life - more than 10 years. To increase the service life of the system, you should thoroughly clean the oral cavity and regularly visit the dentist to prevent periodontal and gum pathologies.

What features does a metal-ceramic tooth have?

The properties and features of metal-ceramic crowns are determined by the materials and manufacturing technologies. In essence, this is a kind of high-tech “sandwich” consisting of two layers:

  1. the inner layer is a cap, which is cast from a dental metal alloy according to a plaster model, and clearly follows the shape of a ground abutment tooth, onto which it is fixed using dental cements.
  2. The outer layer of the crown is a ceramic veneer, similar in color and anatomical details to the enamel of natural human teeth.

This combination of materials provides metal-ceramic dentures with those wonderful properties, thanks to which both patients and dentists prefer metal-ceramic crowns for prosthetic implants and their own teeth.

The main qualities for which metal-ceramic teeth are valued are excellent resistance to chewing loads and a completely worthy aesthetic surface.

Metal-ceramic crowns on teeth, photo

Metal-ceramic crowns, pros and cons

Considering the structure of metal-ceramic crowns, it will not be difficult to understand the pros and cons of these denture structures.


  • Best resistance to chewing pressure
  • Tight fit of the metal-ceramic frame to the ground abutment tooth
  • Good aesthetics of ceramic cladding
  • Affordable price
  • fast production of metal-ceramic crowns (within 1 week)


  • need to grind abutment teeth
  • the need to remove dental nerves from ground abutment teeth
  • good, but not perfect aesthetics crowns
  • exposure of the end metal edges of the metal-ceramic crown frame due to gum loss.

Thus, if we evaluate all the pros and cons of metal-ceramic crowns, the conclusion is clear: today this is the most popular type of crown for dental prosthetics.

Metal-ceramic or zirconium crowns?

As it is introduced into dental clinical practice zirconium crowns lined with ceramics, The question arises: what to choose: “Crowns made of metal-ceramics or zirconium?” Indeed, both dentists and dental technicians unanimously claim that crowns made of zirconium dioxide, lined with ceramics, are not inferior to metal-ceramic ones in strength, and are superior in aesthetics. That's all true, but the price of the question determines the answer. If you can pay three times more for zirconia crowns than for the same products made of metal-ceramic, rest assured, it is better to choose zirconia crowns. Especially if you are going to have dentures on your front teeth.

Metal-ceramic crowns, indications for installation

Taking into account the accumulated application experience, the following can be determined for a metal-ceramic crown: situations when it is worth placing a metal-ceramic crown :

  1. More than 60% tooth decay
  2. Strongly expressed forms dental fluorosis
  3. Severe wedge-shaped dental defects
  4. Pathological abrasion of teeth
  5. For replacing metal and plastic dental crowns
  6. For splinting teeth in mild to moderate stages of periodontitis
  7. If orthodontic treatment of abnormally located teeth is impossible

Metal-ceramic crowns cannot be used for progressive bruxism and severe stages of dental periodontitis.

Metal-ceramic crowns, installation stages

Having chosen metal-ceramic crowns, the patient needs to have an idea of ​​what stages of crown installation he must go through; this helps him better manage his time and not be “tied” to the dental clinic the entire time until they are installed for him.

Before the moment of prosthetics, the abutment tooth is prepared for the fact that a metal-ceramic crown will be fixed on it: the dental nerve is removed from the tooth (depulped), the root canals are filled, and, if necessary, strengthened with a stump metal inlay or a fiberglass pin.

After this comes the stage of prosthetics and installation:

  1. The dentist grinds the supporting teeth and takes impressions of the teeth (clinical stage) during the first visit to the clinic.
  2. A dental technician casts a plaster model using impressions, models a frame from wax, then casts a metal frame for a metal-ceramic crown (laboratory stage)
  3. The orthopedic dentist tries on the sent metal frame in the patient’s mouth and returns it to the dental technician (clinical stage) for the second clinic visit.
  4. The dental technician applies the ceramic mass and returns the finished metal-ceramic crown to the prosthetist (laboratory stage)
  5. The dentist tries on and fixes the finished metal ceramics in the oral cavity. (clinical stage). third visit to the clinic.

If everything went as expected, the patient needs to visit the orthopedic dentist three times to complete the treatment and receive metal-ceramic crowns. On average, this process takes 7-10 days, from the moment of grinding the teeth and taking impressions.

Metal-ceramic crowns on teeth: photos “before” - “after”.

Metal-ceramic crown on an implant

Metal-ceramics on implants is considered the most commonly used crown for implant prosthetics. This option is used for both removable and fixed dentures. Nevertheless, best crown The implant is not metal-ceramic, but zirconium. But zirconium crowns are almost 2-3 times more expensive, so metal-ceramic crowns are installed on implants in 90% of cases.

Metal-ceramic crown on an implant, photo

Life time

When installing metal-ceramic crowns, many patients believe that the service life of such dentures is unlimited. This is a common misconception. On average, given that the abutment tooth on which the metal-ceramic crown is fixed is well prepared, and the dental technician did his job properly, the shelf life of the metal-ceramic crown is ten years. This is due to the fact that the fixing cement dissolves, the seal of the abutment tooth is broken, saliva penetrates under the crown, and secondary caries occurs, which destroys the abutment tooth. Therefore, dentists advise, in order to preserve supporting teeth, to routinely change metal ceramics every 10-12 years.

Is it possible to repair metal-ceramic crowns?

The main problems that repair of metal-ceramic crowns solve are chips of the ceramic lining. Depending on the size and depth of the chip, a more or less high-quality repair of the damaged part is possible.

  1. With a small chip, when the shape does not change, most often the dentist polishes the edges of the chip, smoothes the rough surface with polishers, and that’s all.
  2. For medium and large chips, without exposing the metal frame, the dentist restores the chipped ceramic veneer of the crown with gel composites, polishes the edges, and ensures that the color of both the restoration and the crown matches.
  3. In case of chips that expose the metal frame, the dentist applies an opaque to the metal frame, masking the shine of the metal, and then restores the chipped ceramic lining.
  4. If the metal frame of the crown is cracked, then repair is not possible; a new dental crown must be made.

Caring for metal-ceramic crowns

Complete care of metal-ceramic crowns ensures long-term and comfortable use of these dentures.

In addition to daily brushing and toothpaste morning and evening, it is advisable to use an oral irrigator every day in the evening before bed, as well as using dental floss and a tongue scraper. Once every six months, it is necessary to remove subgingival plaque and tartar in a dental center, and grind the high points (supercontacts) on the chewing surface of metal-ceramic crowns to prevent chips in the ceramic veneer of dental crowns.

Metal-ceramic crowns for teeth, price

How much does it cost to install a metal-ceramic crown? How to make metal-ceramic crowns on teeth inexpensively? In order to understand how much a metal-ceramic crown costs, let’s take into account that the final cost of the crown includes the cost of the work of the dentist, dental technician, taxes, and the profit of the dental clinic. To understand how much one tooth made of metal-ceramics costs, it is important what metal the frame of the metal-ceramic crown is made of and what kind of ceramic veneer was used. Depending on the price segment in which it operates dental clinic, the price for the same type of crowns can vary 2-3 times.

Thus, crowns, the cost of which is significantly higher than the average, can be made more experienced doctors from more modern materials.

If you want to speed up the production of crowns, this adds another 30 to 100% to the standard price. In Russia, the price of metal-ceramic crowns starts from 4,000 rubles, in Moscow from 6,000 rubles.

Treatment history: before and after photos

Patient: Nadezhda Vasilievna, 58 years old

Complaints: Unsatisfactory appearance of teeth upper jaw

Treatment: Before prosthetics, wax modeling of future crowns was made, then dental laboratory 6 metal-ceramic crowns were made


Patient: Olga, 47 years old

Complaints: The patient asked to replace the crowns on her upper jaw made in another clinic; she was not satisfied with the shape of the crowns, and the color was different from the neighboring teeth.

Treatment: Before starting treatment and making new metal-ceramic crowns, the future crowns were modeled on wax, and the patient was able to see what her new teeth would look like. Then high-quality metal-ceramic crowns were made. The patient was completely satisfied with the result

Number of visits to the clinic: 9


Patient: Sergey, 54 years old

Complaints: The patient asked to replace the old metal-ceramic crown, the crown was very different in color from the neighboring teeth

Treatment: The old crown was removed and a new metal ceramic was made. The new crown is indistinguishable from your natural teeth

Number of visits to the clinic: 5


Patient: Evgeniy Vasilievich, 63 years old

Complaints: Abrasion of teeth lower jaw, presence of metal crowns

Treatment: All metal crowns were removed and comprehensive preparation of teeth for crowns was carried out. Wax modeling of future crowns was performed, and then metal-ceramic crowns were made

Number of visits to the clinic: 9


Patient: Andrey, 27 years old

Complaints: Color and shape of teeth in the upper jaw. Shyness when smiling

Treatment: A comprehensive preparation of teeth for crowns was carried out, wax modeling of future crowns was made, and 6 metal-ceramic crowns were made

Number of visits to the clinic: 8


Patient: Victor, 36 years old

Complaints: Unsatisfactory appearance of the dentition, shape and color of teeth

Treatment: a comprehensive preparation of teeth for crowns was carried out, and metal-ceramic crowns were made with preliminary wax modeling

Number of visits to the clinic: 10


Patient: Anatoly, 28 years old

Complaints: The patient asked to replace old crowns

Treatment: Old metal-ceramic crowns were removed and new aesthetic crowns with preliminary wax modeling were made in our laboratory.

Number of visits to the clinic: 9


Metal-ceramic crowns, patient reviews

Kravchenko Nastya. 06/07/2015

I had 8 metal-ceramic crowns made at a promotional price back teeth. All OK! I recommend the clinic because they did it quickly, beautifully and without scamming me for extra money. Before going to the clinic, I checked with a friend how much crowns cost without a discount in Moscow.

Sukhova Victoria Leonidovna.

I was looking for where to put a crown on a tooth inexpensively, in Moscow. I contacted this dentistry for a promotion to get one metal-ceramic crown on the upper central tooth. I was satisfied with the work of the dentist, but not with the crown itself. At the same time, I understand perfectly well about the different types of crowns. No matter how hard the dental technician tried, he couldn’t make a perfect match in color with the neighboring teeth, although I said in advance that I didn’t want to do a zirconium crown. As a result, I refused this crown and my money was returned. Thanks to the management of the clinic for letting me carry this ugly crown until I had it redone elsewhere.

Prokhorov Sergey Vasilievich. Moscow.04/21/2016

I was looking for a dentistry where I could insert metal-ceramic crowns cheaply but with high quality. When I found out how much it costs to install metal-ceramics on sale, I signed up for this dentistry. I consulted with an orthopedic doctor, and 2 weeks after the start of prosthetics, I got new metal-ceramic crowns.


Metal-ceramic dentures are popular and popular orthopedic structures. On the positive side This type of prosthetics is also its cost - this article will help you find out about the pricing policy of metropolitan clinics that offer their patients the installation of metal-ceramic structures.

They are loved by both patients and dentists - metal-ceramics have good aesthetic properties, which make it possible to produce prostheses that are indistinguishable from real teeth with the naked eye, are not difficult to care for, and are easy to manufacture.

Expert opinion. Dentist Avdeev R.K.: “Removable prosthetics in dentistry are used when the patient does not have a large number of teeth. In this case, the remaining intact teeth act as a base for attaching structures. A large area of ​​prosthetics requires the manufacture of special products: caring for dental prostheses made of removable metal-ceramics takes time and additional funds. They must be removed every day for rinsing and cleaning, as well as so that the oral cavity can rest from constant exposure to a foreign object during night sleep.”

There are many types of removable dentures on the dental market, but not all of them allow the use of metal-ceramic teeth. The most popular are durable and reliable, named after the German word bugel (arc). Indeed, their base is a metal arc lined with polymer material simulating gum. In combination with metal-ceramic dentures, clasp is an excellent way to restore missing teeth.

With the help of a clasp prosthesis you can restore chewing teeth.

With the help of a clasp metal-ceramic prosthesis, it is possible to restore both the chewing teeth, on both sides, and the front ones, however, in the case of the latter, we must not forget that this type prosthetics involves the use of metal fasteners, which can be visible from the outside. The locking device allows the patient to remove the prosthesis independently at any time when he needs it.

The cost of a dental prosthesis made of metal-ceramic on a clasp base cannot be called low, but it justifies itself with reliable fixation, the possibility of inexpensive partial repairs and a long service life.

Conditionally removable prosthetics using metal ceramics

No less in demand in the field dental services are conditionally removable dentures: bridges and. They are called conditionally removable because, unlike clasps, they cannot be removed independently - however, during their operation such a need does not arise. The use of bridges allows you to restore several missing teeth in a row - usually no more than three. As for crowns, they are intended for the restoration of severely damaged teeth.

Which denture is better: metal-ceramic or plastic?

In addition to those listed above, it can boast of a number of other advantages:

All of the above factors clearly outweigh when choosing between metal-ceramics and plastic, because polymer is significantly inferior in all respects: it quickly loses its visual appeal, does not allow you to chew hard food, in case of even minor breakdowns it must be completely replaced, and it will last only 2-3 years .

How to care for metal-ceramic dentures?

Caring for dentures depends on their type. In the case of removable prosthetics, it is necessary to remove the structure as often as possible and wash it under running water, and then rinse with a special disinfectant solution. Such care will allow you to wash away food and other deposits from under the prosthesis, neutralize bacteria, and prevent the appearance of inflammatory diseases periodontal If the clasp prosthesis rubs a lot during the first time after installation, it is recommended to use special creams that have a slight analgesic effect and promote a better fit.

As for dentures, in this case, regular daily brushing and rinsing of teeth is sufficient. It is important to remember that the presence of any dentures in the oral cavity requires regular (at least once every 6 months) visits to an orthopedic dentist - he will help carry out general cleaning, check the reliability of fixation, and, if necessary, carry out minor repairs.

Restoring damaged or lost software various reasons dental care today is almost the most popular service that dental centers and clinics provide to their patients. There are many types of such restoration, in particular, metal-ceramic prosthetics.

Metal-ceramics are usually called bridges or crowns that are made of metal and coated by casting or spraying with a thin layer of ceramic material. The entire design is hypoallergenic.

The metal base follows the shape of the tooth itself with great accuracy, and the outer layer helps make it look very similar to real units of the series.

For the most part, this type of prosthetics is popular for restoring those teeth that are called chewing teeth, due to their great strength. However, metal-ceramics are also used on the front teeth, because aesthetic qualities largely depend on the materials used.

For example, the use of non-ferrous precious metals and some special technologies makes it possible to bring the appearance as close as possible to the original.

What does the cost depend on and what is included in it?

There are quite objective factors that can significantly influence the cost of metal-ceramic dental structures. The fact is that the price range in this type of prosthetics is very large.

If we consider the cost in general, according to the market, then the average price will be about 20–23 thousand rubles. However, there are a lot of variations. Minimum prices start from 6–7 thousand and can even reach 40 or more.

The price consists of a different number of components in each specific case. Some of them are mandatory, others are not.

Preparatory stage - therapeutic


In many clinics, especially with very high level service, this service is either free, or its cost will be included in the invoice upon completion of all work. Approximate price – 500–600 rubles.


The first is radiography. Based on the results of the obtained image, a decision can be made to further actions specialist Price starts from 150 rubles and can be increased to almost a thousand, depending on the equipment and the required quality of images, their saving and printing for further use.

Preliminary treatment

If during the research process old fillings were discovered, then their quality can be assessed. If it is not enough, then it is required refilling. The cost of this is from 1000 to 5000 rubles. Here the price depends on the complexity of the work and the material used.

Depulpation may be required, which also involves subsequent filling of the canals. This is done when a focus of inflammation or in some others is detected.

Also, in the case of diseases such as pulpitis or periodontitis, their treatment is mandatory. The cost of all work can reach 6–10 thousand rubles.

Stump tab

If the tooth is no more than half destroyed, the metal-ceramic crown will be installed on a pin. It's simpler and cheaper.

In cases where the destruction is very severe, that is, only the walls remain or there is practically no tooth down to the root, the manufacture and installation of a special stump inlay will be required. This design is essentially a support for the crown; it increases the strength and reliability of the entire structure, including the issuance of guarantees.

Their cost may depend on the degree of tooth decay and materials. Here are approximate prices for one piece with installation:

  • single-root metal - from 2–2.5 thousand;
  • metal double-root - about 3 thousand;
  • three-rooted metal - from 4 thousand or more;
  • inlays made using zirconium dioxide are more expensive, the price starts from about 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for prosthetics, the procedure itself

These two stages are combined into one, since it makes no sense to separate the cost of the work of the dentist, the orthopedist (the process of making crowns) and the installation of metal-ceramics. Just like there is no point in buying a crown separately without installing it.

In almost all clinics the price is announced as a general price. This means that the cost of work and material for metal-ceramic prosthetics are included in one total amount.

There is only one small step that is necessary in most cases. It is paid separately. This is the production and installation of plastic temporary crowns for those teeth that have already been prepared and ground. Such structures are necessary for the aesthetic appearance and protection of already prepared and ground teeth.

The cost of each such crown starts from approximately 150–200 rubles.

Subjective components of cost

The first thing to talk about is materials manufacturer for the manufacture of structures used in prosthetics.

The factor is partially subjective, since, in addition to the fact that each company has specific technological developments and carries out its own pricing policy, there are also objective market reasons for the rise in prices of imported materials.

It is also worth saying that choosing a clinic is also very important. Absolutely similar metal-ceramic dental structures can have different prices even in the same network of clinics.

This is due to the specific location and fame. The more famous a dental center is, the higher the prices may be.

Region in which metal-ceramic prosthetics services are provided, also matters when determining the final cost. If prices in St. Petersburg, Moscow and others major cities even more or less comparable, then in small populated areas You can get the same services much cheaper.

In this case, cheapness (relative) is not an indicator of low quality. Of course, large clinics whose doctors have a huge practical experience, probably provide guarantees for their services. But this does not mean that small clinics will do worse work.

We will learn about some of the nuances of making metal-ceramic crowns from the following video:

Saving factors

Partially it has already been said about what can be saved without compromising the quality of installed metal-ceramic prostheses. Some factors are not so obvious, but they will also be indicated.

Firstly, choosing a specific clinic that provides similar services. It is not always necessary to go to another city to pay less. You need to inquire about the approximate prices for metal ceramics within one city and its outskirts.

However, it is still advisable to inquire whether a particular institution provides guarantees to patients. In some cases, savings can amount to significant amounts, up to 20–30%.

Secondly, all clinics periodically conduct all kinds of stock and provide their patients discounts. Sometimes quite impressive. If the case is not too urgent, then it may make sense to wait a little for the announced shares.

Third, You can save on the materials themselves. For example, the base of a dental crown can vary greatly in price. After all, such metal-ceramic products are made not only from alloys of cobalt, titanium, nickel and chromium. Sometimes platinum or gold is also used (see photo on the left), the latter more often.

Certainly, precious metals have numerous advantages. However, in this case, you can do without them, because other alloys are no worse in terms of reliability for the crown base, and the presence of precious ones increases the cost by about 2-3 thousand for each gram.

Fifth, the number of crowns produced can also affect the cost per unit. The more teeth that are subject to simultaneous prosthetics, the lower their average cost will be.. This is akin to reducing prices for wholesale supplies.

How much does the material cost?

First of all, it is worth saying that there are many manufacturers of similar structures. This will also partially influence the cost.

In particular, prices differ greatly for the ceramic material itself. It is applied separately to a metal frame, after which it is fired in a special oven.

Types of metal - approximate prices

This means a clinic with more or less average prices at a decent level, but without pathos. All figures given in this section relate only to the crowns themselves; the work of the dentist and other components of the price are not taken into account.

  • The manufacturer of the ceramics itself is Germany or Japan, the frame is made of chromium-cobalt alloy - approximately 6-7 thousand rubles per unit.
  • The composition of the materials is similar, but the manufacturers are Belarusian or Russian manufacturers - the price is reduced by about 1-1.5 thousand.
  • The cost of a frame made of precious metal alloys, for example, gold-platinum alloy or gold-palladium, will be more than the cost of an entire crown made of other materials - about 9 thousand. The total cost of the design (one crown) is from 17 thousand. However, it is worth considering that objectively this amount can increase quite significantly as the gold price increases.

Frontal (front visible) teeth and the cost of their prosthetics

It is advisable to carry out such prosthetics immediately for the entire visible row. This significantly increases aesthetic performance. If only one crown is made, then almost always it will look different from the neighboring teeth.

Such a service is provided if there are no other possibilities for restoring or restoring the tooth, that is, if it is almost completely destroyed.

The cost of crowns using a frame made of precious metals here will start from 18–19 thousand, since great skill is required, both from a technician and a doctor, to more accurately perform the work and select the color.

For chewing metal-ceramic crowns, the price may in some cases be even more expensive. Here you need to take into account the amount of materials required per prosthetic unit. However, in this case, you do not need to use precious metals and temporary crowns. This will be quite a significant saving.

It is also worth adding that the price of a metal-ceramic crown installed on a bone implant will be much higher. This is due to the high cost of the implants themselves.

The same crown, only using zirconium dioxide, will cost at least 17–18 thousand, which is equivalent to expensive precious structures.

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Metal-ceramics is one of the most popular materials among all that are used in modern dental prosthetics. This is explained by the fact that the combination of the quality of the resulting structures and their price is optimal. What is metal ceramics, dental prosthetics using it, the pros and cons of this material - read about all this in the article.

The metal-ceramic prosthesis consists of two parts:

  1. Solid frame, which is made of metal alloys. Usually it is chromium with cobalt or nickel; in some cases, precious metals can be used to eliminate allergic reactions and better aesthetics.
  2. Ceramics, which is applied to the metal layer by layer, with mandatory firing. Using this technology, it is possible to achieve a strong bond between metal and ceramics.

The frame can be made of various metals.

Metal-ceramic dentures are made from individual impressions. The metal base exactly repeats the tooth stump, and the ceramic applied to it exactly repeats its original shape.

The material can be used to make several types of prostheses:

  • Crowns. The thickness of their frame is about 0.5 mm, and together with ceramic cladding, the thickness of the product reaches 1.5-2 mm. Crowns are indicated for single prosthetic replacement of a tooth that is more than half destroyed. In addition, metal-ceramic crowns are most often used for implantation.
  • – more complex designs that are used if 1-4 units are missing in a row. In this case, neighboring teeth are also involved in the process, which will serve as supporting teeth. They are prepared so that crowns can be installed on them, which will support the entire structure.

How is metal-ceramic dental prosthetics done?

Work with metal-ceramic teeth follows a certain algorithm, which the doctor must follow.

Therapeutic preparation

Before installing the prosthesis, the tooth must be ground down.

At this stage it is necessary to do X-ray, which allows you to determine the characteristics of the channels and ensure the absence of inflammation. Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a decision on the necessary operations:

  • If inflammation is detected at the root apex, it is carried out in any case. The nerve is also removed from single-rooted living teeth. If there are several roots, the doctor makes the decision to remove the nerves.
  • If deficiencies in filling pulpless canals or the presence of caries are detected, appropriate treatment is carried out.
  • At the same stage, the doctor determines whether it is worth further strengthening the tooth and what method to do it with - using a pin or a stump inlay.


Grinding a tooth involves removing a certain amount of tissue. If prosthetics is done with metal-ceramics, this is usually 1.5-2 mm.

Dissection is an irreversible process. If errors are made during its implementation, ensure High Quality prosthetics will be very difficult.

Using metal ceramics, the doctor in most cases makes a ledge - forms a section of dental tissue that will serve as the border between the prosthesis and the gum. Depending on the situation, the type of ledge is selected.

Most often this is a ledge-shoulder that completely hides the metal base of the prosthesis. This option requires maximum preparation (2 mm), but ultimately results in an optimal aesthetic result.

Making a crown

An impression is taken of both jaws, on the basis of which metal-ceramic dentures will be made. The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • a metal frame is made;
  • Ceramics are applied to it in layers, each layer being fired;
  • the finished product is tried on and installed.

Metal-ceramic crowns can be installed on implants.

The entire manufacturing process usually takes about two weeks. For this period they are set. They are needed to eliminate aesthetic defects, as well as to protect the stump from external influences.

Prosthetics on implants

Metal ceramics are often used as a material for a prosthesis that will be installed on an implant. In this case, the doctor’s sequence of actions is different:

  1. The gum is cut and a channel is made in the bone into which the implant will be inserted.
  2. The implant is fixed in the bone, the wound is sutured.
  3. After the implant has healed (after about 3 months), the gum is cut again and placed.
  4. After some time, an abutment is placed, and the prosthesis is fixed onto it.

However, it can be fixed in different ways:

  • The screw method, when the crown and abutment are connected in the laboratory, after which this structure is screwed to the implant using a special screw.
  • Fixation occurs with cement.

Situations may arise when the structure needs to be removed - for example, if the coating has chipped or if the canal treatment was performed poorly and inflammation has begun. Removing a prosthesis is not an easy process. If it needs to be preserved, ultrasound is used, under the influence of which the fixing cement crumbles.

However, this option is not always possible; much more often the doctor has to saw the prosthesis. In this case, it cannot be restored.

Features of care

With proper care, the product can last up to 15 years.

In order for the inserted prosthesis to last longer, it is important to follow the rules of care for it. These include:

  • Clean daily using a soft brush and non-abrasive toothpaste.
  • to remove food debris from the interdental space.
  • Treatment with a disinfectant solution using an irrigator.
  • Despite the high strength of the material, it is better not to take risks and not to load the dentures with very hard food such as nuts. The frame will certainly withstand such a load, but the ceramic coating may break off.

If there are no errors in preparing teeth and installing structures, their service life can reach 15 years, on average it is 10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal ceramics for dental prosthetics

Scroll benefits, which dental metal-ceramics has, is impressive:

  1. The use of metal-ceramics makes it possible to restore the shape of the tooth and the color of the enamel, so the material is considered to be highly aesthetic.
  2. The products are very stable, they do not wear out and are not afraid of high chewing loads.
  3. Dentures are universal: they can be inserted to restore any tooth, as well as in the absence of one or several units.
  4. With absence medical errors the structures fit very tightly to the stump and protect it from injury and the aggressive effects of oral bacteria.
  5. The materials used to produce the products are non-toxic and highly biocompatible.
  6. Metal ceramics are not susceptible to pathogenic microflora.

This is the main disadvantage of metal-ceramic prostheses.

But besides the advantages, teeth made of metal-ceramics also have flaws:

  • The metal from which the base of the prosthesis is made does not transmit light. Due to this artificial tooth will differ from the real ones, which is especially noticeable when replacing one unit.
  • Prosthetics involves grinding, even if the tooth is healthy.
  • The increased strength of products can negatively affect the condition of opposing teeth, increasing their abrasion and sensitivity.
  • The framework may be noticeable, especially if the gums recede. In this case, a gray metal strip appears between it and the ceramic cladding.
  • Metal can cause allergies. Its symptoms are swelling, swelling of the gums, and a burning sensation.


Before choosing metal-ceramics as a material for the manufacture of dentures, it makes sense to compare it with alternative options used in dentistry:

    1. Ceramics It is distinguished by higher aesthetics, but its strength indicators are much lower. In addition, the price of such structures is noticeably higher.
    2. Metal-plastic It is hypoallergenic and has a low price. However, metal ceramics are noticeably superior both in strength and in their ability to imitate enamel. Plastic in today's dentistry is used exclusively as a material for temporary dentures.
    3. From the point of view of strength, the optimal ones are metal designs. However, such prostheses are the most unaesthetic, since they are, in principle, unable to reproduce natural enamel.
    4. Zirconium dioxidemodern solution. Products made from it meet the highest requirements for both strength and durability. appearance. Their main drawback is their high price.

Due to their increased strength, metal-ceramic products are recommended for use in areas subject to increased chewing load. When replacing front teeth with prosthetics, experts advise giving preference to more aesthetic products made from zirconium dioxide.

Video review from a patient about basal dental implantation with immediate loading with Basal Complex dentures in 3 days.


  1. Kopeikin V.N. Orthopedic dentistry. Moscow, 2001.
  2. Ryakhovsky A.N., Ukhanov M.M., Karapetyan A.A., Aleynikov K.V. Review of methods for preparing teeth for metal-ceramic crowns. // Panorama of Orthopedic Dentistry, No. 4, 2008.