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How to stop your cat from waking you up in the middle of the night. How to stop a cat from yelling: simple and effective methods Video - A device that limits a cat’s nighttime activity

Is it possible to stop a cat from yelling? Theoretically, yes, but to do this you will have to identify the reasons why your pet is worried. As you may have guessed, there are a great many of these reasons; let’s look at the most common ones.

Why does the cat constantly yell? Determining the causes destructive behavior- This is the best method to solve the problem. Eliminating the cause of irritation is much easier than changing your pet's habits.

Let us immediately note that there are three main reasons for constant yelling:

  • Instincts.
  • Physiology.
  • Psychology.

Instincts cannot be changed through education; you need to come to terms with this right away. Physiological reasons most often accompanied by discomfort, which the cat expresses by meowing. Psychological problems are always accompanied by stress, which can provoke both behavioral and physiological problems. Let's take a closer look.

The cat screams at night

Cats tend to be active at night because wildlife they start hunting at sunset. Thanks to the special structure of their eyes, cats see perfectly in the dark and are considered universal night hunters.

One of the most common reasons why a cat cries at night is a lack of... physical activity during the day. If your pet sleeps all day, interrupted by eating and going to the litter box, he has no choice but to be active at night to stay healthy.

Most cats, even those that receive adequate exercise, exhibit short periods of activity during the dark hours.

Usually the activity lasts 10–15 minutes, but during this time the cat actively runs, sharpens its claws, screams, and behaves defiantly. After a burst of activity, the pet calmly goes to the lounger and falls asleep for the whole night. If the cat does not receive adequate exercise during the day, bursts of activity can last for hours.

Is the cat screaming for no reason?

If you are sure that your pet is getting enough physical activity and screams for no reason, contact veterinarian before drawing final conclusions. Night cries may be associated with latently developing diseases.

The most common disease, the first symptom of which is the heart-rending cry of a cat, is. With urolithiasis, urine accumulates in the bladder and cannot exit through the urethra because it is blocked by sand or stone. Trying to empty bladder, the cat experiences acute pain, as a result of which it screams.

Urolithiasis may be indicated by:

  • Ignoring the tray.
  • General malaise.
  • Increasing the basic .
  • Apathy.
  • Inflammation of the external genital organs.
  • Small amount of urine during bowel movements.
  • Presence of blood in the urine.

If your cat only cries at night, it is likely that she is reacting to stimuli that she does not hear during the day. The pet may hear the movement of rodents under the floor or in the walls, the crackling of electrical wiring, suspicious sounds from neighboring apartments or from behind the front door.

What should you do if your cat is yelling at your bedroom door?

Many owners prefer to sleep with cats, but when trying to train their pet to sleep on a bed, they encounter a number of behavioral problems. A heart-rending scream under your bedroom door is nothing more than a test of your nerves' strength.

Interesting! If you decide to change your routine in one day, without preparation, because you wanted to, a panicked and hysterical reaction from your pet is quite expected.

If you decide to accustom your cat to a bed, act progressively. For the first few nights, place the bed in the bedroom as this will be more familiar to the cat. Only after the pet has come to terms with sleeping on a lounger within the bedroom can you try to move it to another room.

How he yells in the morning - reasons

A cat's heart-rending cry in the morning most often indicates hunger. Again, you should contact your veterinarian before jumping to any conclusions. Older cats often experience severe pain in the morning as their joints become stiff. Urolithiasis may also cause seizures acute pain in the morning when the cat wants to empty its bladder.

Important! In fact, there are a lot of physiological problems that can make a cat scream heart-rendingly and only a veterinarian can differentiate them.

How to stop a cat from yelling and demanding food?

If your pet is used to yelling and demanding food, it will not be easy to correct its behavior. Best method combating a problem is prevention. As soon as you notice unwanted behavior, exclude your pet from the kitchen until you have filled the bowl and placed it in its usual place.

If the cat is used to actively asking for food, carefully review its diet; perhaps the pet constantly feels hungry. Even with a sufficient amount of food, the feeling of obsessive hunger can be associated with vitamin deficiency, a disorder metabolic processes or mineral deficiency.

After feeding your pet, be sure to take it out of the kitchen if you are going to eat. Close the door to the kitchen and ignore the screams. The cat must accept that your food is untouchable, since you are the leader of the “pride”. It is in your best interest not to encourage begging and not to feed your pet from the table, even if he really asks.

The cat screams when no one is home - reasons

If your pet starts screaming when no one is home, you have a long and patient job ahead of you. You need to start by recognizing the problem. It is important for you to make a firm decision to correct your pet's behavior, because if you act inconsistently and irregularly, your pet's behavior problems will only get worse.

Advice: try to accustom your cat to a harness and walks. Regular change of environment gives a lot of emotion and allows you to spend energy. In addition, cats are naturally very curious and tend to explore the world around them.

Before you begin to correct behavior, you need to find a stimulus that will motivate the cat to the desired actions. Depending on your pet’s temperament, you can use the following as motivation:

  • Delicacy.
  • A toy or game.
  • Affection.

It is important to understand that cats do not obey those who do not love them. It may be hard to believe, but four-legged animals are great at sensing human intentions. If you are irritated and very angry with your pet, it is better to silently go into another room and close the door.

Interesting communication with your pet will allow you to establish strong interpersonal contact and quickly achieve what you want from your cat.

Important! Rest assured, problems with your pet’s heart-rending scream will be resolved immediately after he finds another way to expend energy, naturally, provided that he is healthy.

Your cat may be crying alone because he's bored. Make sure your pet has ways to have fun and compensate for natural needs:

  • scratching post– gives you the opportunity to let off steam, sharpen your claws, leave scent marks and brighten up your leisure time.
  • Small toys- An excellent entertainment method for young cats who love to scratch and imitate hunting.
  • Game complex– a must-have accessory for cat owners active rocks. Typically, a play complex consists of several scratching posts, platforms, hanging toys and shelters.

The next important step is setting priorities. The cat must understand that the main thing in the house is the owner. In addition, the pet must clearly distinguish between your reactions. Simply put, if you are unhappy, you need to express it in such a way that the pet is sure to understand you. So that quadrupeds understand the contrast between positive behavior and negative reactions, he needs to be praised often.

Tip: try to celebrate all your pet’s good deeds with praise, an affectionate tone, stroking and other rewards. In this case, when the pet commits unwanted action, your negative reaction will be bright and contrasting.

Try to play with your pet as much and as often as possible, as this is the most reliable way energy consumption. Be sure to use safe, familiar accessories for play. In this case, the pet will have the opportunity to have fun on his own and in the usual way, even if you are not at home.

You can often hear the following from cat owners: everything is fine, the animal is both affectionate and neat, there’s just one problem - the cat wakes up at night. Minutes or even hours of sleep stolen by your pet, especially before work, lead to fatigue and irritability. Is it possible to do anything in this situation?

First of all, you need to realize that by purchasing an animal, you are entering into voluntary coexistence with a representative of a different biological species with behavior different from that of humans. The cat simply does not want, and often cannot, immediately accept your rules of the game and obey the established schedule.

Night is a time of activity

The cat's instincts tell him that best time for hunting it is night. Accordingly, and biological clock animals are configured in such a way that dark time days accounted for a significant share of total activity.

Zoologists have found that domestic cat is in a state of sleep from 12 to 16 hours a day. Moreover, these indicators are strictly individual and depend not so much on the age and breed, but on the characteristics of the pet’s character and lifestyle. Some cats are quite capable of spending only about 4 hours a day in wakefulness.

If you subtract from this time the periods of eating, visiting the toilet and communicating with the owner, there is not much left. And cats spend this “little bit” very actively - they run, play, pester people and other pets, and try to climb somewhere. In general, they waste a lot of energy in a short period of time, causing legitimate resentment if this activity occurs while you are sleeping.

How to deal with this situation and is it possible, in principle, to wean a cat from waking up at night? Here are some recommendations:

  • Put away “loud” toys at night. That is, everything that a cat can chase across the floor, making noise.
  • Close the door to the bedroom, after taking care free access pet to the water and tray.
  • Try to ignore the animal, showing with all your appearance that you do not intend to become a participant in its fun - having lost interest, the pet will sooner or later leave you alone.

You should not punish your cat for waking you up at night - for her, playing in the dark is completely natural, and she simply will not be able to understand the reasons for your dissatisfaction, but trust in an owner who behaves incomprehensibly and aggressively can be seriously undermined .

Give your pet a run before bed!

And perhaps one more main advice, how to stop waking a cat at night: try to move his biological clock in the right direction. In practice, this means that just before you go to bed, spend 20-30 minutes actively playing with your animal.

Chasing a bow on a thread, playing with a feather or special cat toys - anything will do, as long as the pet splashes out the reserves of energy that it saves for the night. It is this simple method that most often allows owners to sleep peacefully until the morning in the company of a tired but happy pet.

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Cats are unusually smart, highly intelligent animals. But sometimes the cat’s behavior does not suit the owner, the pet begins to be considered a stubborn, vindictive beast, and its actions are considered bad habits. However, before you begin retraining your pet, you should understand two points:

Most “bad habits” are natural behavior for a cat (for example, climbing on a table);
- the rest of the “bad habits” appeared as a result of gross mistakes in raising and maintaining a pet (the owner does not change the litter for three days, and then racks his brains over the problem - how to stop a cat from peeing anywhere?).

Those. we're talking about either about the manifestation of instincts, or about the mistakes of the owner. Therefore, there is no reason to be annoyed with your cat. Physical punishment, screaming, ignoring the cat is a waste of time and effort, which will only worsen the situation. A cat does not accept prohibitions, it is not a pack animal, it cannot have a leader. The owner must start with self-education, find out the cause of the unwanted behavior and eliminate the problem with affection and love.

How to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place?

Cats have a highly developed instinct for cleanliness. When a cat suddenly stops “doing business” in her litter box, she tries to convey something to the owner. In order to understand how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere, you need to find out the reason for the abnormal behavior.

Often, suddenly appearing uncleanliness is a consequence developing disease(usually genitourinary system). A cat, when defecating in a litter box, experiences pain and associates it with the place (i.e., the litter box). The cat changes place, hoping in this way to get rid of the pain. Many cats with ICD pee defiantly on sofas, on the owner’s clothes, and sometimes right on the table in front of the astonished owner’s nose - this is a cry for help, the cat is very bad! The first thing you need to do when thinking about the question of how to stop a cat from peeing on the bed is to visit veterinary clinic and get tested.

Cats that feel uncomfortable often soil the apartment with feces, thus showing their dissatisfaction with one circumstance or another. Perhaps the owner pays too little attention to the pet. Or one family member is rude to a proud predator. Maybe the cat doesn’t like the new pet or is worried about frequent family quarrels (cats are sensitive to the atmosphere in the house). In this case, the problem of how to stop a cat from pooping on the bed or in the corners is solved quite simply - you need to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction (if possible) and spend more time communicating with the upset pet.

Other possible reason– change of tray location, change of filler, “sharp” air freshener, insufficiently clean tray. In this situation, everything is obvious - return the old litter or replace it with one similar to the one the cat is used to. Place the tray in its original place or as close to it as possible. Use a different air freshener (preferably an odor neutralizer without aromatic additives). Well, you need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the tray.

If before “doing business” the cat carefully hides and looks for secluded places, buy a tray with a roof (a house similar to a carrier). Perhaps the cat is simply afraid to leave feces in a visible place (self-preservation instinct).

Advice: to scare the cat away from the places where it relieves itself, treat the surface disinfectant, and then thoroughly spray with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon, grapefruit, or onion juice. Praise your cat every time she goes to the litter box.

How to stop a cat from marking furniture and corners?

In nature, cats (and sometimes cats) regularly mark their territory. This method of “communication” between cats is a natural instinct, which is almost impossible to fight. A cat marking its possessions declares to others: “this is mine!” If you punish an animal for marking, the cat feels that it is losing its dominant position and begins to mark furniture and corners even more desperately.

In addition to the labels, one more is added headache– how to stop a cat from yelling all day long? Cats scream for a male two to four times a year. Males can scream all the time, but are most active in the spring and when a female is nearby and ready to mate. The only solution to the problem is castration or sterilization. All kinds of drugs that artificially reduce the level of hormones in the blood are ineffective, and regular use of such drugs negatively affects the health of the pet.

How to stop a cat from shitting in flowers?

Cats living in their natural environment bury their feces in the ground. Therefore, the habit of using a flower pot instead of a tray is just a manifestation of instinct. To redirect attention to the litter box, use an absorbent mineral litter. If possible, flower pots should be temporarily removed from window sills (hanged on the walls or placed so high that the cat cannot reach them). If this is not possible, the pots need to be protected from cat “encroachments.” The most effective methods are described below:

  • Place lemon peel or chopped garlic on the surface of the ground (this will scare away the cat);
  • cover the window sills with foil (most cats will never walk on foil);

  • Stick a row of long branches along the edge of the pot, creating something like a fence (the cat will not be able to “settle in”);

  • Cover the window sill with double-sided tape (the cat will never step on the Velcro).

Once the cat gets used to the tray, it will be possible to free the flowers from the “barricades”.

How to stop a cat from eating flowers?


  • the cat chews flowers to replenish its supply of vitamins. Cats are true predators who do not perceive plant foods. All the vitamins that a cat needs are partially supplied to the body by meat food, partly from the contents of the prey’s stomachs. The rest is produced in the cat's body;

  • cats eat grass and plants to cure themselves of any disease. The cat is unable to understand what is wrong with it. Moreover, she cannot know how to cure herself;

  • a cat will never eat a poisonous flower; it knows which plants are safe. Every year, thousands of cats die due to careless owners who allow their pets to chew on houseplants, many of which are toxic to cats.

In fact, cats eat plants for one purpose - to help their digestion. In nature, a cat eats prey along with feathers or skin, small bones, paws, etc. By eating grass, the cat provokes vomiting, ridding the stomach of difficult-to-digest food. In the same way, cats clean their stomachs of hair accumulated in it, which they swallow while grooming their fur coat.

To stop a cat from chewing houseplants, you need to find out the reason why it does this. If your cat eats a heavy diet (especially boiled meat), you need to switch her to light food. If a cat regurgitates hairballs, you need to improve the quality of the coat so that the hair falls out less intensively (brush your pet more often, regularly give vitamins, feed high-quality food).

And be sure to offer your cat an alternative - sprouted oats or fresh hay.

How to stop a cat from tearing wallpaper?

The answer to the question: “how to stop a cat from scratching wallpaper?” is quite simple - buy your pet a scratching post. The habit of sharpening claws is a natural instinct and vital necessity. In this way, the cat removes dead parts of the claw, and also leaves its smell and claw marks on the surface (marks indicating the cat’s claims to a given territory). When thinking about how to stop a cat from scratching the sofa, you cannot look for a way that will completely deprive the cat of the opportunity to sharpen its claws. Self-adhesive caps or removal of finger phalanges - cruelty in pure form. A loving owner would never abuse an animal like that!

Simple manipulations will help you switch your cat’s attention to the scratching post:

  • bring the cat to the scratching post and gently scratch the surface with its claws;

  • spray the scratching post with catnip infusion (not valerian!);

  • Move the toy around the scratching post, encouraging the cat to climb up to catch the “prey.”

Read more about how to stop a cat from tearing up furniture.

How to stop a cat from scratching and biting?

A cat claws or bites its owner for three reasons:

  • she perceives a person as a big toy;

  • she is afraid (loss of trust);

  • she is in pain (diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, as well as such a very common disease now as opisthorchiasis in cats, etc.).

In the latter case, only a veterinarian will help. In the first two situations, the owner is to blame.

While the kitten is small, people play with it with their hands, playfully “kick” its legs with their toes, allow it to climb up its trouser leg, and when the kitten grows impressive claws, the owners begin to rack their brains over the problem of how to stop the cat from scratching. But the cat is already accustomed to the fact that playing with human legs and arms is fun. She perceives a person as prey. In this case, it is necessary to once and for all prohibit everyone who comes into contact with the pet from teasing the cat with their hands or feet. As soon as the cat targets your hand, distract it with a toy. If the cat still grabs your hand, carefully release your hand and leave the room. The cat must understand that now they don’t play with it with their hands, it’s no longer fun, but quite the opposite - as soon as the claws are released, the owners’ attention is lost.

There is a similar situation with mistrust: the owner forces the cat to endure unpleasant manipulations, wraps it in a blanket to give a pill, roughly grabs it to cut its claws or measure its temperature. And when a cat suddenly stops tolerating “bullying,” a person is forced to rack his brains over the task of how to stop a cat from biting. To regain your cat's trust, never force her to do anything. It can take hours to calmly persuade a cat to let you take its temperature. But gradually the time will decrease, and in the end this manipulation will take only a few minutes - without fighting, without racing around the apartment and without scratched hands.

Important: semi-wild cats and kittens picked up on the street rarely fully trust a person. It is sometimes impossible to wean such a cat from biting and scratching, because... these animals are only partially domesticated.

How to stop a cat from climbing on the table?

In nature, cats rest by climbing to high places - the area is better visible from above. At home, the cat also tries to climb higher, so it feels more comfortable. Therefore, it is quite difficult to wean a cat from walking on tables - you need to either constantly cover the surfaces with foil or film, or offer the pet an alternative (all kinds of shelves and high posts for climbing). If you simply scold the cat, not allowing it to walk on the tables, it will think that the owner is proving his superiority in this way. Such “training” will most likely lead to aggression and “fragrant” marks directly into the shoes.

Another reason for walking around tables is to look for food. Sometimes the owners themselves accustom the cat to human food, feeding your pet. Sometimes a cat, noticing that she is being scolded for her interest in the plate, begins to “hunt” for leftover food - she is interested in stealing food without the owner noticing. In both cases, there is only one way out - to accustom yourself to order and never leave leftover food on the tables.

Important: Many people advise placing rattling trays on the table to scare the cat. Or splash water on the cat. But all these are only half measures - the cat quickly figures out how not to step on the “trap” and avoid water procedures.

How to stop a cat from chewing wires?

Cats quite rarely chew wires, but once such a habit has appeared, it is very difficult to get rid of it. First, you need to put all the wires in special boxes, and rub those that cannot be hidden with a piece of lemon or a rag soaked in diluted vinegar. Secondly, those who like to sharpen their teeth should be offered an alternative - elongated latex or wicker toys (ropes, sausages, snakes, etc.).

Why some cats show increased interest in wires is unclear. Perhaps they just like to play with the wriggling “snake.” Or they find the smell of insulation attractive. But it is necessary to wean the cat from this habit, since sooner or later she will get to the “filling”, and then depending on her luck.

How to stop a cat from meowing?

Meowing is a language that a cat invented specifically to communicate with humans. Cats communicate with each other using other sounds. So, what does a cat tell us when it meows?

I'm hungry

Feed your cat at certain times so that she gets used to the routine. Then the cat will not meow to demand food, since it knows that it will be fed only when the right time comes.

Open the door

Cats do not like restrictions on their movements. To feel comfortable, a cat needs to know that it can go anywhere at any time. This is why a cat sometimes meows at the door for a very long time, and when it gets its way, it doesn’t even cross the threshold. You will either have to leave the doors open or install cat flaps on all interior doors.

I'm bored

Often cats meow simply to attract attention. Cats can also get bored, even though they “walk on their own.” You need to play with your pet every day, and communicate (stroking, holding, talking) several times a day. How stronger cat feels the owner’s alienation, the more often and louder she meows, demanding attention to her person.

Meowing should not be encouraged unless you want your cat to learn to meow for hours on end. Before fulfilling the cat's request (for example, opening the door for her), distract the pet with a loud sound or rustling noise (inconspicuously, so that she does not understand that the source of the noise is a person). As soon as the cat is silent, you can open the door.

Important: Sometimes constant meowing indicates that the cat is in pain. Therefore, if a cat meows all the time, and the owner, going through options, cannot find out the reason, you should contact a veterinarian.

Since it is not always easy to stop a cat from scratching furniture, defecating in flowers or walking on tables, try to predict your pet’s actions. " Bad habits“do not appear overnight. Raising a cat is much easier than correcting unwanted behavior - be attentive to it in order to notice changes in character and habits in time. Don’t ignore your pet’s antics; act immediately, without delay. educational process for the eternal “tomorrow”.

Cats can scream so loudly that it is not always clear how loud sound fits in such a small animal. Cats often start screaming at night, causing a lot of inconvenience to their owners. We will tell you why this happens and how to deal with cat yelling in this article.

How to stop a cat from yelling: reasons and solutions

The process of “weaning” a cat from the habit of screaming depends on the reasons for this scream. So cats scream because:

Looking for a sexual partner

Both male and female cats scream heart-rendingly during the “rut”, this is how they signal to their surrounding brothers about their desire to mate, and their readiness for this. Solving this problem is very simple - just castrate the animal, and preferably early.

They want to eat

Cats are nocturnal predators; they are accustomed to feeding at dawn and dusk, in small portions. And they are used to eating when they want, and not when they need to. If you don't want to get up at 4 am to feed your pet, leave him a portion of food at night. If for some reason the cat cannot eat at night or the portion left is not enough for him, do not give in to his requests, otherwise the cat will realize that you are easy to manipulate.

Are sick

In fact, cats very rarely scream in pain, trying to hide their problems until the last moment. But they may scream if they cannot empty their bladder or bowels. If your cat screams while sitting on the tray, you need to show her to a doctor immediately.

They are afraid

Cats may scream in fear, for example, on the veterinarian's table or in a carrier on the way to a new location. But a cat can also be frightened by certain sounds, other animals, strange smells, etc. To help your cat cope with stress, you can give it sedatives (after consulting a doctor) or use pheromones.


Deaf cats may sometimes scream loudly because they cannot hear their own voice or because they are afraid. If you have an old or blue eyes, the reason for her screams is most likely this. And, unfortunately, nothing can be fixed here.


In older cats, veterinarians observe cognitive disorders that are somewhat reminiscent of senile dementia In humans, this condition can lead to unreasonable screaming. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, although calming pheromones may help.


All Siamese-Oriental cats are talkative by nature; Kurilian Bobtails, Anatolian cats, Burmese cats love to chat no less. turkish vans and representatives of some other breeds. Even a mongrel animal can be talkative. But usually, talkative cats do not yell, but simply meow often and sometimes quite persistently. There are no solutions here either - only patience and humility.

Cats can harass even the calmest owner. A situation occurs when an animal begins to scream heart-rendingly at night and among broad daylight. None normal person will not be able to calmly come to terms with this, and sometimes it seems that screaming gives the animal real pleasure and there is no other reason for such behavior. But before you learn how to stop a cat from yelling, you need to study the reasons that prompted the animal to behave this way.

Understanding the reason for the cat’s behavior will help the owner not only eliminate the problem, but also create maximum conditions so that the situation does not recur.

The main reasons when a cat constantly yells are:

  • Hormonal surges;
  • Serious illnesses;
  • A way to attract attention;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Upholding territorial integrity;
  • Yearning.

Hormonal changes. One of the main factors that causes a cat to behave quite aggressively. Cats who have not undergone the procedure of removing the gonads (), with enviable regularity, babble about their desire to see cats located in the territorial proximity. The instinct for procreation in animals is developed by top level, but cats do not experience pleasure. Cats in period hormonal surges experience physical and psychological suffering. Animals cannot overcome their instincts, so there are two ways to solve the problem - find a mate for the groom, or take him to an appointment with a qualified veterinarian and perform castration.

Various diseases. Neutered cats can also scream at night, just like their uncastrated male cats. The problem of cat screams lies in other reasons. It is worth paying attention to the cries of your pet for those owners who already have an elderly animal.

Nervous disorders lead to irritability in cats. Processes irreversible developing in the body cannot be overcome by any methods other than prescription medications, allowing for a slight improvement general condition cat Often the cause of screaming is painful sensations in the abdominal area (especially).

Pay attention! A young animal that has undergone surgery to remove the gonads may scream when going to the toilet.

This obvious signs development ( frequent complication after castration with an incorrectly selected diet).

Read also: How a cat eats: unusual preferences

Pain during urination or inflammation of the genitourinary system will not give the cat peace, which he will loudly notify his owners about.

Territorial boundaries. Cats tend to mark territory, considering it their property. By placing specific signs, the animal indicates to other brethren that this area is under vigilant control. Marking territory or meeting an unfamiliar cat in “their” area, cats begin to yell and perhaps even get into a fight.

The cat yells when he asks for food

Attracting the owner's attention and feeling fear. If the kitten is small and begins to scream heart-rendingly at night, then this may indicate that the animal is simply simply bored.

Demanding communication or begging for a treat, the cat will meow loudly until the owner does what he wants. The cat will perform the same manipulations when asking for food. Neither breeders nor veterinarians recommend constantly following your pet's lead. This is due to the fact that cats are very smart and cunning, and subsequent times they will use this cunning maneuver to achieve their goals. The best solution is to accustom your pet to a certain regimen.

Why does a cat yell when no one is home?

Another important aspect that causes cats to scream is a feeling of danger or anxiety. Cats subtly sense the approach of natural disasters, earthquakes or other unpleasant events.

If a previously calm and affectionate animal suddenly starts yelling, you should listen to your pet. Feeling danger or loneliness, a cat may scream when no one is home. If the animal is simply bored, it is important to make sure before leaving that the pet always has fresh water, food and entertainment while the owner is away.

Read also: Do cats sweat: we understand the physiological features of your pet

Yearning. Most often, melancholy occurs in kittens when they are separated from their mother in early age. As soon as the baby arrives in a new home, he is surrounded by a new environment and begins to worry. You can eliminate the kitten's cries by giving him affection, care and large number attention. In the future, the cat will get used to it and the situation will stabilize.

Weaning rules

Any owner must remember that if a previously calm and affectionate animal begins to cry heart-rendingly, especially in the morning, it is necessary, first of all, to contact a veterinary hospital. Qualified specialist will help you find the problem and suggest the right way out of the situation.

Unneutered young cats that scream heart-rendingly to attract a female should be allowed to go for a walk. Without planning to receive offspring from such a pet in the future, it is recommended to perform a procedure to remove the reproductive internal organs.

You can use special hormonal and herbal medications to suppress sexual instincts. But in this case, it is important to remember that various drugs, affecting the body from the inside, can lead to severe consequences and complications in the future.

Pay attention! Neutered cats can continue to scream. As a rule, this occurs a short period of time after the operation.

It is necessary to be patient as this is related to the circulating amount of hormones in the bloodstream. After some time it goes away.

It happens that sterilized cats continue to scream. In this case, this indicates an unsatisfied instinct of the hunter. It is recommended to introduce active exercise to the animal, which includes imitation hunting and various active games. This will allow the animal to spend more energy reserves, and at night the pet will have a good rest.

Veterinarians advise giving hyperactive kittens heavy food before bed, which the body will spend more energy processing. But this advice should be avoided by owners of already neutered cats. This is due to the fact that heavy food and large quantities of it can provoke the onset of obesity.