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Is it possible to feed a cat food? Should I feed my cat dry food? Pros and cons of human food

First of all, it is worth noting that tens of millions of people around the world are now feeding their pets dry food. At the same time, nurseries for purebred domestic cats also feed their pupils with dry food. If you are asking or can you give cats dry food?, then we answer - of course it is possible, especially considering the fact that ready-made food contains an optimal balance of substances necessary for a cat. In addition, there are lines that take into account specific needs different breeds or sick certain diseases cats.

But not everything is so good - it is worth remembering that dry food is divided into different classes. The cheapest dry food is harmful to the health of animals and can only be fed to a cat temporarily and extreme cases. But the highest quality ones are suitable as the main diet for the entire life of a cat. About classes of food for cats in the next paragraph, but for now let’s note two important rules feeding dry food:

  • When feeding cats dry food, there should always be access to drinking water. After all, dry food does not have the amount of moisture that is necessary for good digestion, and which a cat needs per day.
  • There is no need to mix feeding dry food with traditional food. The animal's digestive system gets used to a certain type food, therefore you need to feed only one type (the exception is canned food for cats, they can be given as treats).

How to choose good cat food

Remember - cheap things are not good quality. If you only want to feed your pet good food for cats, then be sure to read the next paragraph classes cat food. From it you will learn which of them are of the highest quality without any artificial components, and which are made from by-products (production residues) and are not recommended for feeding cats.

Cat food classes

Below we will briefly talk about each class of cat food, and to get acquainted with them in more detail, follow the links with the names of these classes. We also recommend that you read the articles in which the Murlo website talks about depending on age. Now let's move on to a basic introduction to the classes of food for cats and cats.

Economy class food

The cheapest and least quality is economy class. In terms of its usefulness, it can be compared to mivina - such food is intended only to satisfy hunger. But they are of little use, because in production they use by-products (instead of real meat), cheap food fillers (corn, soy), preservatives, and to ensure that the cat eats all this, they add artificial flavor enhancers and flavors. Economy class includes Whiskas, Meow, Darling, Friskies, Kitikat, Felix. The Murlo website does not recommend feeding your cats this food.

Premium class

The compromise between price and quality is. They still use preservatives and artificial flavors, but there are fewer by-products and real meat. If you can't afford expensive and good food, then you can buy premium class. This includes "", "", "", "", Bozita, Belcando, Eukanuba, Iams, Brit Premium. Although these foods are not very good, customer reviews indicate that in most cases cats eat them long time and without negative consequences.

Super premium food

Holistic food for cats

Holistic class is the most best quality among the existing ones. Most well-known nurseries feed their pupils with dry food of this type. There are no artificial components in holistic products, everything is as natural as possible, and only fresh ingredients are used when manufactured. Holistic brands include the following brands: "", "Origen", "", "", . The price of the products of these brands is high, but if you can afford it, buy it.

It is very important for a cat owner that his pet does not get sick and is active, which is directly related to how balanced and properly the animal eats. Most in demand enjoy ready-made feed for cats, since by buying them you can significantly save time on preparing food for the animal, and you can also be sure that the pet will receive all the nutrients it needs.

If in relation wet food there are no questions, since it consists of soft pieces of meat with various types sauce, there are many nuances regarding feeding dry food. Thus, veterinarians are often asked questions regarding whether a cat can be fed only dry food or whether it is only suitable for good nutrition Is the animal not enough?

Dry cat food - what is it?

Cat food is made quite simply by meat extrusion, offal, vegetables and other additives in conditions high temperature and pressure. To give the food a more appetizing aroma and taste, fat is sprayed onto it. Dry food is a budget option for feeding cats; it is inexpensive and can be stored for a long time, which cannot be said about cooked fish, which after a few hours acquires an unpleasant odor and begins to disappear.

The basis of dry cat food is by-products such as intestines, tendons, kidneys, blood and brains. The dry product may also contain fishmeal, bones, heads and legs. To prevent pieces of the above products from falling apart, corn gluten is also added to the food. Also, the dry product is enriched with vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain good health animal.

How should cats be given cat food?

Dry food has one drawback: it not as appetizing as canned. For this reason, it is very important to add some warm boiled water to it. In any case, this cannot be avoided, since the cat will want to drink after eating its portion, because digestion requires water, and there is no moisture in such food. You should not soak the product, as it will turn into porridge, and the cat is unlikely to want to eat such food.

You can give dry food along with canned cat food; this is quite acceptable and the dish will be varied and more tasty. There is no need to add additional vitamins and minerals to food; it is best not to skimp on the animal’s health and buy premium food that contains all required composition vitamins and microelements.

How often can you give dry food to your pets?

If a cat loves dry food, she will eat it constantly; often pets get so used to such “drying” that they then refuse meat. However, in reality it turns out that feeding a cat only dry food is still not worth it, and this is the reason. Animals need water for normal digestion. If it is in canned food, then dry food is completely devoid of it, so there should always be a place near the animal’s bowl. saucer with water. However, this does not mean that there will be enough fluid in the body, which will further contribute to the fact that the cat will begin to develop urolithiasis.

In addition, do not forget that dry food contains a lot of carbohydrates, and their excess is harmful for cats, as it can lead to obesity. Fat deposited on internal organs animal can lead to a malfunction in their work and development chronic diseases. Also, do not forget that economy-class dry food has a very poor composition. There is almost no meat there, only by-products, which, among other things, include hooves, nails, and bones, and most importantly, there is no complete protein.

Benefits of feeding cats dry food

For owners, the advantages of using the product are quite clear - this cheap and convenient. Are there any benefits to feeding the cat? It depends on what kind of food the owners buy for her. If it’s an economy class, then you can’t expect much benefit from it, since it doesn’t have everything a pet needs, which is quite logical, since the price of such food is low, so you can’t expect that it’s made from meat. costs.

Concerning quality feed premium class, then they are a worthy alternative regular food. During food production, reputable cat food manufacturers use only modern technologies and also ensure that the products fully comply with quality standards food products. In their composition, meat comes first, and only then by-products - kidneys, heart, skin, bones, and so on. The vitamin and mineral composition of the product is completely balanced; in addition, they contain special preventive additives that strengthen the immune system.

Dry food, due to the nature of production, will not go to waste if you leave it in a cat’s bowl for a couple of hours, which of course cannot be said about boiled meat. Therefore, when going to work, you don’t have to worry that the animal will have a satisfying meal any time it wants.

“Drying” cleans cats’ teeth well; thanks to the food, there is no need to worry that the animal will develop tartar or gingivitis, accompanied by unpleasant smell from mouth.

A good dry food contains everything necessary substances, which the cat needs, therefore no vitamins, no minerals, no additional food additives there is no need to feed her. The pet will remain healthy and active. Dry food is better than homemade food, since it is not balanced; many owners believe that a cat can eat pasta, potatoes, raw fish and sausage, so they calmly feed the animals from the table, but this should never be done. To be sure that the cat receives the required portion of protein, you can supplement it with meat and minced meat from offal or offer ready-made canned cat food.

Convenient and practical, of any, even the most exotic, taste and shape, dry cat food has been the subject of controversy since its invention. The same passions boil over canned food, although their degree is an order of magnitude lower. Is one dry food enough? There is a huge amount of speculation around and the reasons for them are on the surface. From this article you will find out whether it is possible to feed your cat only dry food.

Dry food solved the problem in one fell swoop. balanced nutrition for domestic cats. Initially, this is a complete diet that can satisfy the need for essential elements. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, in general, are what the cat’s body needs. The list is actually long.

Dry food, containing what is necessary, does not require any additions for the cat. It is suitable as a main dish in a mono-diet. Veterinarians are not against combining dry food and other types of food, but they recommend giving cats one thing at a time. That is, there is no need to doubt: a cat can only be fed with complete dry food.

However, not all so simple. Given that our lives are driven by marketing, we can't always trust what's on the label. After all, under the guise of “proteins” there can be not only meat. Proteins of animal origin are skillfully replaced by plant proteins. This is in best case scenario. Without going into details, the leather on the shoes can also be passed off as protein. The desire to reduce the cost of production greatly affects the composition - it can be completely synthetic.

This is where common myths were born that a cat will not live happily ever after eating only dry food.

An important caveat needs to be made here: dry food, which is produced by a conscientious manufacturer who cares about its reputation, does not require any additions for cats. It doesn’t matter whether it’s holistic or economical: it depends on the recipe. Although, you have to be very careful with the latter.

The main advantages of dry food

If dry food is so controversial, why are its sales increasing every year? The answer is simple: our lives are accelerating, we are sorely short of time even for ourselves, and without cats we are still like without hands. Selfish benefits:

  • long-term storage: one package, depending on the volume, will last for several months - a trip to the store is canceled;
  • ease of use: no need to waste time on preparation, mixing in the right proportions, or searching for components. In addition, the cat can be left in the house for a couple of days for the owner. The food will not spoil and will help him alleviate his melancholy.

And yes, we blindly believe that this also has obvious benefits for cats:

  • balance: the content of the feed has been verified by specialists. Enclosed in dry pads is almost Vital energy in its pure form;
  • choice: numerous options for taste, color, smell - cats can have real holidays;
  • availability of treatment lines.

When advantages are mentioned, the quality of dry food becomes alpha and omega. Listed benefits guarantee cats a long and happy life, and the owner - no hassle, only if the choice was made correctly.

Benefit or harm?

It will come as no surprise to anyone that food can be harmful. Meanwhile, the more various additives it contains and the weaker the composition is disclosed, the more problems it causes for the cat. Despite the fact that this is a ticking time bomb. The harm may appear several months or years later, when the cat can no longer be saved.

Veterinarians note that the statistics of cat diseases, since the production of food became more a matter of profit rather than caring for pets, has been steadily growing.

Harm for cats is primarily caused by synthetic components of food:

  • dyes;
  • flavorings;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers.

Economy class and partly premium are completely guilty of them.

The opaque composition, the use of cheap raw materials and surrogates, spices, salt and sugar, which are added by careless businessmen, poison the cat from the inside. Not better situation, when the manufacturer tries to minimize additives, but instead makes up a diet of animal waste, carbohydrates, starch, which are not able to compensate for energy costs and become building material for the body.

True, not everything is so bad. Among dry food there are excellent options for cats. Feeding by a professional balanced diets will be the key to health and excellent well-being for many years.

The benefits of such foods are obvious, because they contain:

  • necessary nutrients, in the correct “cat” proportion;
  • vitamins;
  • probiotics;
  • amino acids essential for cats;
  • complex of minerals and many other benefits.

Choosing good food

How not to make a mistake? There are several rules:

  1. Don't settle for a universal option. At a minimum, you need to take into account the needs of cats. A sterilized cat has different needs from a small kitten. The needs of elderly indoor cats are different from those of highly active outdoor cats.
  2. Read the ingredients. Not only analytical, but also a detailed breakdown of products. It is in your best interest to find cat food that tells you how much and what your pet eats.
  3. Read reviews from owners. Unfortunately, they are often biased, as are the recommendations of private veterinarians. But after spending quite a bit of time, you can form your own opinion.
  4. Give it a try. If the cat eats without problems, there are no changes in behavior, allergies, or intestinal disorders, the food is suitable. You can look at the reaction. Violent manifestation of emotions, “hungry eyes”, obvious signs addiction is already a bad “wake up”.

It is important to know what kind of cat food is actually produced and what is their difference:

  • economy The class includes the cheapest options. Feeding is obviously fraught with problems for the cat. There’s definitely no meat here, but there’s more than enough surrogates. The composition is often only analytical. It is impossible to say exactly why it is harmful, only in general;
  • premium There are artificial additives in this food, but the content is an order of magnitude better than in the previous version. If you wish, you can find quite decent options for feeding cats. True, the quality of raw materials is not always impressive;
  • super premium. Certified food, with good content, which does not contain flavorings and dyes. Often expensive, but high quality. The class is heterogeneous;
  • holistic. It would be wrong to separate this food into a separate class, but this is required by the “best of the best” positioning. This dry cat food, unlike super premium food, is prepared from foods that humans eat.

Rules for feeding dry food

The most important thing in feeding a cat dry food is water. There should be a lot of it, in the public domain, clean and fresh. Otherwise there will definitely be problems. Even if the food is holistic.


  • do not make assorted crackers. Different foods have their own specific characteristics in the digestion process;
  • You cannot combine the intake of dry food and natural food or canned food. To digest them, completely different reactions must occur in the stomach. A cat who eats several types of food at the same time may experience problems, including gastritis;
  • food can be changed, but not often;
  • take into account individual characteristics: for a neutered cat it would be good to choose a separate menu;
  • do not neglect preventive examinations: sometimes check how healthy the food is for the cat. A blood test every six months gives a good picture of changes.

Take cat food seriously: recommend some trademark extremely incorrect. Perhaps today it is super premium, and tomorrow facts will become known due to which it will slide into premium. Therefore, your cat’s health is entirely your responsibility.

Should I feed my cat dry food? - this is very complex issue. There are too many negative myths created about feeding cats dry food.

In previous articles, we have already talked about how and what to feed a cat, and what, on the contrary, is contraindicated for it. But myths about dry food need to be discussed separately.

Should you feed your cat dry food: myths about dry cat food

Dry cat food myth #1: Dry cat food provokes urolithiasis(ICD)

Urolithiasis in cats is caused not so much by dry food as such, but by the lack of moisture in it. The cat is initially a desert animal, its body is organized in such a way that it is more convenient for it to obtain water from food, so cats often do not drink at all if they are fed canned food or natural food. If a cat eats dry food, then it should drink one and a half times more moisture than the food it eats. Therefore, when feeding dry food, it is critical that the cat free access there was always fresh water.

However, not all cats drink enough water; it is almost impossible to force them to drink; such cats should have a mixed diet.

In addition, cheap dry cat food must be given in large quantities (otherwise your pet will not get enough to eat). No cat drinks as much water as it eats. bad food, therefore, the risk of urolithiasis is indeed extremely high if the animal eats only dry “whiskas” or “kiteket” for several years.

However, the list of dry food names is not exhausted by these two widely advertised brands; just look at our rating of dry cat food to be convinced of this. In addition, a cat can get urolithiasis by eating so-called “homemade food” - borscht, fish, pasta.

In addition, usually, if a cat has already fallen ill with urolithiasis, she is prescribed special medicinal dry food/canned food.

Dry cat food myth #2: Dry cat food causes allergies.

Myth about dry cat food No. 5 A cat cannot eat only crackers.

A cat can easily eat dry food alone. All complete food available on our market is balanced taking into account the needs of the cat. A cat does not need a variety of tastes; it is not a person. Remember that in nature a cat eats birds and mice.

If it is the dryness of the food that bothers you, then it is worth noting: polar explorers and astronauts eat freeze-dried food every day, which does not prevent them from doing complex and hard work and feeling good.

Dry cat food myth #7: Cats don't like dry food.

Indeed, for many, especially courtyard and mongrel cats, dry food looks unattractive and smells bad. However, most purebred cats On the contrary, they eat nothing except dry food.

If your cat doesn't like dry food, then most likely she is simply unfamiliar with it. It is quite simple to accustom a cat to dry food: first you need to add water to it, turning it into a paste, and over time the amount of water should be reduced. This way the cat will get used to the new food.

Sometimes, the cat really doesn’t like a certain food, then just change its taste and/or brand.

Dry cat food myth #8: Dry cat food is not suitable for show cats.

Dry nutritional food is suitable for all cats without exception, including cats for breeding and exhibitions. Moreover, the exhibition condition of an animal depends 90% on how and with what you washed and dried it.

Obviously, breeding cats and female cats need more nutritious food than food for domestic castrates, but for this it is enough to choose lines for active animals and pregnant/kittens, respectively.

Most breeders feed their animals dry food.

Myth about dry cat food No. 9: Dry food produced in Russia is of poor quality.

Unfortunately, the majority of dry food produced in Russia according to our own recipes actually belong to economy class food (“Our brand”, “Night Hunter”, “ All year round" and etc.). However, dry cat food produced in our country under license (royal canin) is no different from its counterparts produced abroad. The parent companies carefully check their Russian factories and their suppliers, technologies are strictly observed.

All owners of feline friends are faced with choosing the appropriate food for their pet. I want the cat to be healthy and make his family happy. On good condition influenced by many factors, one of which is good diet. It is still not known which feeding is considered best, natural or dry food.

Owners who feed animals with food that they themselves eat run a very high risk of harming their pet. The body is not designed for human food, and the consequences can be dire. Liver diseases, gastritis, impaired digestion and many other troubles await the eater of the wrong food. Therefore, you should know how to feed your cat properly without risking its health.

  • roast;
  • conservation;
  • sweets;
  • salted and seasoned foods.

A prerequisite for proper nutrition of a cat is the presence drinking water in the diet. Considering the capacity of the mechanical one, we can say with confidence that the cat will be constantly fed with fresh, germ-free water and tasty dry food, which has retained its quality even in a plastic feeder.

What to choose?

Experts still cannot say which type of feeding is better. Many people argue about this. But in the end, you have to make your own choice about how to feed your cat.

If you don't have big amount time, then dry food is more suitable. They contain everything necessary to provide for the animal.

If you are willing to work hard and provide your mustachioed with a variety of foods, then natural food is perfect. In this case, you must choose the right components.

Do not alternate types of feeding. They are absorbed differently by the body and have different substances, which, together, will cause an imbalance.

How much should a cat eat per day?

The amount of food is selected individually for each animal. According to standards, the animal should eat 2 times a day and the volume should be from 150 to 200 grams, pets with overweight can consume 120-130 grams. We recommend that you rely on these standards when calculating how much your cat should eat per day.

Dry food and canned food

U ready-made feed there are many advantages:

  1. Practicality. No need to cook, pour it into a bowl and enjoy your meal.
  2. Saving. Dry food is cheaper than a full range of natural products.
  3. Diversity. There is food for different types cats For sedentary, active, pregnant, neutered and many others.
  4. Balance. Manufacturers have included sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that the animal needs.

But be careful when choosing food. Carefully study the manufacturer's brands to avoid purchasing a low-quality product.

Don't listen to friends who give advice based on own experience, and look on the package for instructions on how to properly feed your cat dry food. Each animal is unique and reacts differently to everything. The cat’s body may not accept this or that food, adverse reaction may be an allergy.

If you want to eliminate the occurrence of such problems, it is better to use natural food.

How to feed natural food?

  1. The cat can choose what to eat. Based on her preferences, you will choose the right diet.
  2. Ability to regulate food. You can choose an individual menu that suits your furry.
  1. Take a lot of time. Buying and preparing food is not a quick task, but if you have the opportunity to be a personal chef for a cat, then this is not a minus.
  2. It is difficult to choose a menu so that the animal does not gain weight or lose weight.

This type of food should contain: meat, cereals, dairy products, vegetables. Below is a list of recommendations for proper feeding cat natural food:

  • The meat should be lean, so beef, poultry or rabbit are more suitable. Pork is very fatty and should be avoided;
  • All porridges are suitable, with the exception of legumes. They are difficult for the body to digest and cause bloating;
  • Dairy products are very good for bones; it is recommended to give sour cream, kefir, and cottage cheese. Milk is quite heavy for a cat's digestion;
  • All vegetables can be given to your cat, as long as they are not salted, canned or fried.

Various treats are an important component in the diet of any animal. They are made from natural meat ingredients and contain an admixture of fiber and large quantity amino acids. In addition, it contains an extensive vitamin and mineral complex that is necessary for the cat’s body.

How much water does a cat need per day?

The daily rate of water consumption is from 20 to 40 ml per 1 kilogram of weight. For example: a cat weighing six kilograms should drink 180 ml. To understand how much a cat should drink per day, you need to weigh your pet and calculate.

There should be a drinking bowl near the food bowl. It is recommended to give filtered. There are animals that love fresh water and try to drink from taps, cups and other sources. Find out what is most convenient for your pet to drink from, and create the necessary conditions.

Cats that eat dry food need plenty of fluids. Those on fresh feeding consume liquid much less often.

Pay attention to how much water your cat drinks. Increase in volume or complete failure may indicate a disease.

Nutrition for castrated and sterilized animals

After surgical intervention cats need special nutrition. Because of hormonal changes the animal changes. Deprived main goal the cat switches to the second - food.

You should prepare for changes before surgery to avoid stress. In the future, you must choose how to properly feed a neutered cat.

The optimal alternative to a boring diet will be. It is made in Germany and looks like an ordinary home garden with herbs. But it is difficult to overestimate the composition of Gimpet, which is full of various nutrients, including essential vitamin B. In addition, the herb helps cleanse the stomach of waste and toxins.

With dry food everything is very simple. There are specially developed foods for such animals and how much should be given to the animal is indicated on the packaging.

Natural nutrition should be reviewed and a few rules should be followed:

  • lean meats: beef and poultry. Mix with cereals one to one;
  • dairy products can be the same as in a regular diet, only with a lower percentage of fat content;
  • Foods containing carbohydrates will ensure good digestion and reduce the occurrence of constipation.

Operated cats do not differ from their male relatives. Their diet changes similarly. The right diet for a sterilized cat is indicated above.

Do not allow the animal to have constant access to the plate. The animal will not control how much it eats, in which case obesity is guaranteed. Don't forget about water, cats love to drink fresh water.

Carefully study the packaging of dry food, and strictly feed the amount indicated there. Remember, you can't alternate different types nutrition.

By adhering to these rules, you will have a healthy cat enjoying life.