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How to properly steam a bath broom made of different breeds. How to steam an oak broom for a bath

For every person, visiting a bathhouse with a fragrant broom is something special. And such procedures cannot be compared with a regular bath or shower; here, under the influence of a broom, the body can completely relax, which will significantly improve blood flow through the skin, even if the vessels are “hidden” deep.

After which she begins to look 10 years younger, without the use of special creams and additives. But to achieve this effect, you should know how to steam a bath broom according to all the rules.

If you have been to a sauna or steam bath at least once, you will have noticed that real steamers usually come with their own broom, which they have lovingly collected and dried. However, this is not enough to experience the beauty of the temperature.

The broom requires proper steaming, otherwise it will disintegrate after the first use, and you will not be able to enjoy it later. Steaming for baths is also often used, which creates a healing aroma in the steam room.

Preparing the broom

Most main point after drying and storage - this is the process of how to steam a broom for a bath in order to get the maximum from the broom positive emotions and eliminate unpleasant sensations.

  1. For dry brooms there are 4 options:
    • Dried.
      To experience the beauty of a steam room, you need to understand, for example, how to properly steam an oak bath broom that you have dried well. Immerse a well-dried broom for 30 minutes in a basin with cold water, as soon as you arrive at the bathhouse. Then drain it and fill it up hot water, but not with boiling water, this is important. Hold the broom in it for 5-7 minutes.
    • Overdried.
      You can correct the failure by steaming. To do this, soak it in cold water about 20 hours before moving it to the bathhouse. After this, it will look like fresh, so there is no need to scald it with boiling water before use.
    • Spontaneous decision.
      It’s not always possible to calculate the time for a bath, so often everything happens suddenly. Therefore, you should know how to steam an oak bath broom under these conditions. Put it in boiling water for 10 minutes while you get ready.
      Cover the basin with a broom so that it gets into steam bath. You will receive a fully prepared “tool” that will allow you to comfortably spend time in the steam room and not feel any inconvenience.
    • Near the steam room.
      What to do when you enter the steam room and have a completely dry broom in your hands? The main thing is not to despair, you won’t have to spend time without him.
      The broom can be steamed, or rather from its steam, and the instructions will tell you about this:
      • pour hot water into the basin;
      • leave the broom in it for 2 minutes;
      • take it out and shake it over the heater.

It will be easy to thread through the broom. But, do not forget that drops of water can burn you. Also, watch and promptly remove leaves that may fall from it so that there is no burning smell in the steam room.


In order to properly prepare a broom, you need a steamer for a bath. This is usually the name given to a wooden container where it is filled with water. It can be with or without a lid; the first option is more preferable, but its price is higher. But the lid will not allow not only the steam to escape, but also the broom to float, and it will steam better.

Steamers for baths are:

  • vertical, similar to a barrel or bucket;
  • horizontal, resembling a pelvis.

The first ones are easier to make, so they are cheaper and more common.

Tip: in a horizontal steamer, broom branches are steamed evenly.

What are bath brooms made from?


The birch broom is considered the leader among bath brooms.

And there are reasons for this:

  • lasting;
  • very flexible;
  • comfortable in using;
  • absorbs sweat well;
  • easily sticks to the body due to the rough and porous surface of the sheet.

The above characteristics appear in full force if the broom is properly steamed.

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of birch.

For example:

  • leaves contain essential oil, tannins and various vitamins;
  • The decoction was used in ancient times to treat wounds, skin diseases, and baldness.

It is still a real panacea, which is why it is prepared with special care. Curly or weeping birch is used for preparation, but other types of wood are also suitable.

Why did you choose them? For example, the leaves of curly birch do not become slippery after steaming and are stored for a long time, but weeping birch is light and flexible. They try to use branches of “mature” trees, although young ones are almost not lagging behind.

Tip: when choosing, make sure that birch leaf it was velvety to the touch, as if with fluff.


It’s a complex tree, but if you know how to steam an oak bathhouse broom correctly, you’ll get a birch broom that won’t be much different from it. The beauty of oak leaves is their breadth and density, although they do not absorb sweat as well. Thanks to them, you can perfectly pump up steam in the steam room.

We should also not forget that “communication” with oak has been considered since ancient times as a guarantee of good health. For example, a regular walk in a grove can stabilize blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

The best period for harvesting oak brooms is coming to an end summer season and at the very beginning of autumn from the so-called “winter” oak, which does not shed its leaves for the winter.

Tip: a wonderful oak broom will be made from the branches of a tree under which large burdocks grow.


The healing properties of this tree are known to many.

In addition to inhalations, you can spray its tincture on the walls in the steam room to forget about the disease for a long time respiratory system, including:

  • bronchi;
  • lungs;
  • throat.

The use of a eucalyptus broom resembles inhalation. In the steam room it spreads a pleasant and strong smell. Harvesting brooms should be done at the end of autumn, when the peak of the healing properties of eucalyptus leaves occurs.

It is best to use twig eucalyptus. It is difficult to use thin branches of a plant, so it is better to add them to oak or birch brooms. The therapeutic effect will not change, but it will be more convenient to use.


A broom made from coniferous trees is popular among those who like to take a steam bath, especially from fir. In addition to it, you can also use spruce, which is not inferior in healing properties. They contain sticky resin, which is a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. It can also help with toothache, headaches, and skin diseases.


The juniper broom deserves special mention. He is distinguished by his strong antibacterial properties, until recently, juniper oil was used in surgery to sterilize threads used to stitch wounds. The shrub is also actively used in the treatment of radiculitis attacks, paralysis and skin problems.


Another extreme option for a bath is a nettle broom. Properly prepared, it can reduce pain in lumbar region spine, lower painful sensations for rheumatism and gout. There is a gentle option, when nettle practically does not sting, and there is a regular one, which gives a real effect.

You don't have to whip yourself with a nettle broom. For example, if something is wrong with your kidneys and liver, just steam it and apply it to the sore spots.

Harvesting nettles should be carried out in May-June; shady places should be used for drying. He served once, unlike others. If you want a nettle broom not to burn you, right before use, give it a “ cold and hot shower”, dousing it alternately with hot and cold water several times.


This broom is not as popular as the previous one, but that doesn’t make it any less useful. The herb has a beneficial effect on the skin, and its smell will remain in the bathhouse for several more days.

Harvesting wormwood brooms should be done immediately after flowering. Then the stems will still be strong, but not yet dry. Dry in the shade and store in a cool place. After one use, the broom is thrown away.


A maple broom not only tones, but can also relieve pain. Wood and leaves contain large quantities tannins and ascorbic acid. The maple broom is very flexible and whippy, it absorbs sweat well.

Tip: use various steaming herbs for the bath, which should be poured into a canvas bag and placed in hot water for 15 minutes.
Then sprinkle it on the stones and breathe in the healing aroma.


From the article you learned in detail about how to steam a broom in a bathhouse, as well as what it is made of. Put these tips into practice, and you will get only good impressions from the bathhouse. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Broom made from deciduous branches or coniferous trees- a real symbol of the Russian bathhouse. A massage with a broom invigorates and heals.

But to use it profitably, it needs to be properly prepared - soaked or steamed. Then he will give his all healing substances, vitamins, phytoncides and essential oils.

It’s not so easy for a beginner to immediately figure out how to properly soak a bath broom. Although, it would seem, what’s so complicated about it – pour boiling water over it and worry about your health.

But the point is that dry and fresh brooms are prepared very differently for use in the steam room. During the preparation process, you may need water of different temperatures - from cold to very hot.

Bath attributes made from different breeds trees. Birch wood is processed in one way, and coniferous wood is processed in a completely different way. Otherwise, instead of a fragrant natural massager, you may end up with a bunch of shabby twigs that can hurt you. Also pay attention to how correct it was.

Experienced steam lovers know how to steam brooms for a bath - this, one might say, is sacred information for every steamer:

  • Fresh brooms are not steamed at all, so as not to spoil them. Green branches just need to be rinsed with running water or soaked in a basin and shake off excess moisture. And to strengthen the broom, they do this - by going into the steam room and staying there for some time, they stroke the body, already wet from sweat, with branches. This is how experts in bath procedures “temper” brooms;
  • Coniferous species are not suitable for people with delicate and overly sensitive skin. They can be used in another way - not for body massage, but for aroma. Just put it on the shelves and inhale the unique healing smell;
  • Eucalyptus varieties are beneficial with an abundance of essential oils and disinfectant properties. But a bunch of such branches is not very convenient for use in a steam room - they are thin, and the leaves on them are long and narrow. It’s better to use a little trick: build a combined bundle of oak and birch branches and add eucalyptus branches to them. This broom is convenient and combines the benefits of all trees.

How to properly steam brooms of different types of wood

Brooms made from deciduous trees are popular among people, especially real Russian symbols - birch and oak. Coniferous bath accessories are often made from spruce, pine, cedar, fir and juniper branches.

It is also good to steam with herbal brooms made from nettle, mint and wormwood. They cleanse skin pores, rejuvenate it and add elasticity.

Important! Why is there nothing to do in the steam room without a broom? Bunch of branches or medicinal herbs acts as a natural massager. And all the healing substances contained in properly steamed brooms penetrate the skin well and quickly, providing useful action on the body.

Birch broom

Why do most steam lovers go to the bathhouse with?

It is very durable and flexible, and thanks to phytoncides, essential oils and flavonoids it:

  • Cleanses the skin of toxins;
  • Helps eliminate skin problems, including acne;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Eliminates aches in joints and muscles;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, which helps improve the functioning of internal organs.

To get the maximum benefit from using a birch broom (dry), you need to know the rules for preparing it for bath procedures.

Method No. 1 :

  1. Rinse the broom with running water to remove dust.
  2. Place it in a bowl of cold water for 2 - 3 minutes. Then we transfer it to a container with warmer water, about 40°.
  3. After 5 - 6 minutes, add boiling water, cover the bowl with a broom with a lid and wait for at least 10 minutes.
  4. And the final chord is to hold the steamed bunch of branches over a hot heater for several seconds. Make sure that the leaves do not fall on the stones, otherwise they will start to burn and emit a specific smell.

Method number 2:

A bath accessory made from birch twigs can be prepared in advance. It needs to be placed in cold water for soaking, kept there for 10 hours. Then removed, wrapped in a damp piece of cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the steam room.

About 10 minutes is enough for the broom to acquire the necessary elasticity and begin to release its special birch aroma. And his beneficial features with this method of preparation they will be completely preserved.

Oak broom

Tannins in oak leaves improve the condition of the skin, especially oily skin, and treat acne. Bath procedures tone blood vessels and soothe nervous system, normalize blood pressure.

A bunch of oak branches is prepared for the steam room in the same way as birch branches. There are other ways to soak oak leaf brooms:

  • This method is suitable for those who have time to prepare bath attributes. A day before going to steam, the broom is wrapped in a well-moistened cloth. Within 24 hours, the branches and leaves will be sufficiently saturated with moisture. All that remains is to scald the broom with boiling water, and it is ready for use;
  • Even an hour is enough to bring the broom into proper condition. It is kept soaked in a basin of cold water for half an hour, turning it over periodically. After this, they are placed in water for 15 minutes like a bouquet - cuttings down, leaves up. This way the water will saturate the branches and they will be flexible and strong. The broom is placed in a bag and sent to the bathhouse. There is no need to steam it anymore;
  • If you don’t have time to prepare an oak broom, the classic method will help - place it in a bowl of boiling water for 10 minutes and let it steam. Then the bundle is held directly in the steam room for 5 - 10 seconds over hot stones and after that it can be safely used;

Useful video

Be sure to see how to properly steam an oak broom

Fir broom

A fir broom is a useful thing; it treats rheumatism, colds, allergies, and bronchitis. It emits a special aroma that has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and nervous system.

But the branches of coniferous trees with their needles are prickly and quite hard. Not everyone can afford such a hard body massage.

For your information: For harvesting, take young coniferous branches with small buds at the tips. It is better to work with pine brooms with gloves so as not to get injured by the resin that is released when the pine branches heat up.

How to properly prepare a pine broom for a steam room:

  • To soften fairly hard pine brooms, they should be placed in boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes. You need to close the bowl with the branches with a lid, otherwise the essential oils may evaporate;
  • After steaming, the needles will become softer, more elastic and will not prick as much as dry ones;
  • When the broom is ready, you can massage your body with it, previously steamed in the steam room. Use it carefully, internal parts There is no need to lash your thighs and stomach with branches, so as not to injure your delicate skin.

Steamed pine brooms emit a wonderful healing aroma. But you can also use essential oils in the steam room. They have the effect of relaxation, stress relief, antibacterial and healing effects.

Pour water into a wide bowl, add 7 - 10 drops of essential oil and place the container near the stove. You can steam brooms in this water and water wooden bath shelves with it.

Reference: The water in which the brooms were soaked should not be thrown away. She absorbed all the beneficial properties. It is good to wash your hair with to strengthen hair roots and prevent dandruff. Rinse the body with water to make the skin more elastic. They also sprinkle the infusion on the heater and walls, then the steam room is filled with a healing aroma.

Anyone who knows a lot about the bathhouse treats steaming brooms as a special procedure. After all, you can only get pleasure and benefit from visiting the steam room with a carefully prepared broom in your hands.

In this case, it will be an excellent massager - moderately flexible and elastic. And everything useful that was contained in a bunch of branches or herbs will be absorbed into the skin and saturate the body with healing substances.

Bamboo broom

Recently it has come into use among those who like to take a steam bath. But not as a broom for steaming, but as an excellent tool for massage. Please note that there is absolutely no need to steam this broom.

Photo from banyaspec.com

Going to the bathhouse is a beneficial weekly procedure for health, improves blood circulation in the body, relieves stress, strengthens weakened immunity and relaxes all muscles.

Broom is the main steam room who plays important role. It is made from various varieties of trees, bushes or meadow plants. These are the bath procedures that need to be done to nourish the body with phytoncides and useful substances.

Ask anyone whether it is worth steaming unprepared, most will answer, of course not. Everyone chooses what they like. You can, of course, buy a fragrant bouquet, but there is no guarantee that it is made using the right technology and will suit you.

In our article we will reveal the secrets of the health benefits of brooms, as well as proper preparation to the bath procedure.

Which broom is better to choose

Preparing for a bath is an art. Any tree or plant has medicinal properties.

Products for the steam room are prepared:

  • From birch branches.
  • Duba.
  • Linden trees.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • And even from nettles.

An integral part modern medicines And medical supplies Most are extracts from plants and herbs. Unfortunately, during the preparation of the drug, some of the beneficial properties of the “forest pharmacy” are lost.

A broom is an effective loss compensator. During the massage, in a short period of time and along the shortest path, it transports into the body all the beneficial substances that nature is so rich in.

It is important to choose the right bath accessory, because the effect it will have on the body depends on it.

Each of the brooms is good and has a number of advantages:

  • Birch.

This variety can most often be found in the baths of our country. However, how many have wondered why this happens? It turns out that birch provides a deep and at the same time gentle cleansing effect on the skin. Helps remove salts and toxins from the body.

It has flexibility and elasticity, the leaves absorb sweat well. The roughness ensures that the product does not slip off when it comes into contact with the body.
Besides, Birch buds contain a huge amount of vitamins and essential oils.

Which is an indispensable medicine for convulsions, difficult expectoration and has a good diuretic and choleretic effect.

After such a steam bath session, breathing becomes easier and freer, since a high-quality massage fully cleanses the bronchial network.

  • Oak.

It acts on the skin completely differently than its birch counterpart:

  1. Firstly, it thickens the skin rather than softening it.
  2. Secondly, it prevents sweating, while birch twigs enhance it.

Oak branches are rich in useful substances, the only difference is that best effect It helps with ailments such as hypertension and depression.

Large shoots absorb sweat well and raise heat, which contributes to thorough steaming of the body. The result is a deep cleansing of the body, which helps relieve inflammation.

Oak bark and leaves - richest sources essential oils and tannins. Thanks to this, massage with such a product helps make the skin matte, firm and elastic to the touch.

It is ideal for people with fat type skin and for those who want to get rid of cellulite.

Massage with oak twigs lifts your spirits well and increases the vitality of the body, since the enzymes contained in oak are good sedative for the nervous system.

Photo from the site we build with our own hands.rf

The steamed oak bouquet releases a pleasant, specific aroma.
If necessary, reduce blood pressure simply irreplaceable.

  • Lime.

It was once called the royal plant. Because linden leaves are very delicate, and the linden itself is light.

Linden is popularly considered to be a tree of peace and balance. Collections from linden - common folk remedy which relieve headaches.

Linden enzymes give good result if necessary, prevention and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which precisely contributes to the exacerbation of migraines and insomnia.

Products made from this wood are well used:

  • To cleanse the kidneys.
  • Wound healing.

And, of course, those who have succumbed to colds can appreciate linden with dignity - steamed linden saturates the air with a beneficial aroma, which, when it enters the upper Airways human, contributes to their rapid recovery.
Fights well elevated temperature, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

  • Eucalyptus.
  1. Bruises.
  2. Sprains.
  3. Inflammation of muscle tissue.

To do this, water the heater and the walls of the steam room with eucalyptus tincture.
A healing “cocktail” of cool steam and eucalyptus is created indoors, which will replace a bunch of pills and drugs. Eucalyptus will only enhance healing effect process.

With its help you can quickly cope with colds. To do this, you need to do inhalations, moisten the leaves, pressing them to your face and actively breathe through your nose.

  • Collection from nettle shoots.

Everyone knows that nettle has the ability to “burn” the skin. Therefore, not many people choose nettles.

In order to fully experience all the “delights” of extreme sports, the product is not further processed; the only thing they do is immerse it in boiling water for a short time.

Photo from banyaspec.com

How to steam a bath broom, brew it correctly

True steam lovers prefer to use everything own production. It is better to prepare raw materials for this product in late June or early July. You need to do this when it’s dry outside. Young tree branches are ideal. Typically a bouquet consists of 50 branches.

In Rus', it has long been a custom to steam with a fragrant broom. This is not only an ancient tradition, but also a great way to take care of your health. The fact is that whipping and pulling are nothing more than an effective massage.

  • Massage improves blood circulation.
  • Increases sweating (which means it helps remove waste and toxins from the body faster).
  • Speeds up metabolism.

For a massage to bring maximum pleasure and benefit, it must be properly organized. Before the procedure, the dry collection must be steamed by immersing it in cold water for 10-15 minutes, and then in hot water for 3-4 minutes.

Before soaking, you need to rinse the foliage thoroughly. And do not overdo it with steaming, otherwise the leaves may become flabby and sour.

If the plant has just been collected, you don’t need to do anything with it, just wash off the dirt. After soaking, the liquid is able to absorb some of the beneficial properties, so it is better not to throw it away, but to use it to wash the body.

She will help:

  • Cope with dandruff.
  • Strengthen hair.
  • Give them shine and a special aroma.

The benefits along with the aroma will be greatly spoiled by such soaking. The product will no longer be suitable for a bath; it will burn strongly, and the steam will be too wet and heavy. After the procedure, the person will feel tortured and disappointed.

Photo from banyaspec.com

Bath broom: what water to soak it in and how long to steam it

Dried rods must be prepared before the steam procedure.

To do this, we have prepared some tips on how to brew the product.

If the product is dried:

  • Put in cool water and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Next, drain the cold water and pour in hot, but not boiling, water.
  • Let it sit for 5 minutes.

To turn a dry bouquet into a fresh one, you can leave it in cool moisture for 2 days. As a result, the plant will not be any different from the one that was just picked. No other processing is required.

When you spontaneously decide to take a steam bath, but nothing is ready:

  • Place the dry twigs in a container.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Then cover with something to prevent the steam from escaping.
  • Wait 10 minutes.

If you are already steaming, but the steam tool still seems very dry, pour boiling water over it with steam coming from the stones:

  • Hot water is poured into the container.
  • Lower the product there for no more than 1.5 minutes.
  • Then immediately bring it to the heater (without shaking off the drops).

The liquid will drip from the leaves and onto the rocks, creating steam. In order for the rods to steam on all sides, they need to be moved and rotated all the time, like on a barbecue. This process can be repeated, but it is not recommended to do it for more than a minute.

Photo from banyaspec.com


A broom is a tool without which a real Russian bathhouse is unthinkable. How much great importance Russian people attached to the presence of an ordinary object during bath procedures from tree leaves, says the following fact. During Russian Rus', the bath fee was quoted at the level of the highest popular goods, and went towards paying taxes.

No wonder this accessory is considered effective means from any physiological and psychological ailments. Its range of effects is quite wide. In most cases, in case of ailments and illnesses, it replaces a wide variety of medications for a person.

Despite progress and new technologies, big choice a variety of medications, a person’s attitude towards the bathhouse has not changed. It continues to be a desirable and exciting health procedure.

Any person who has once experienced the healing power of such a collection will in the future first of all try to solve the problem that has arisen with the help of steam and bath accessories.

With only one condition - you need to select them correctly or make them, because effective and quality treatment First of all, it depends on what we are steaming with.

A good bath attendant knows how to steam a bath broom made of oak, because it is a useful attribute. Massage with a broom made from oak branches allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, saturating the epidermis with useful substances. Leaves and bark transfer valuable microelements, vitamins and essential oils to the skin. The tanning properties of oak make the skin matte, heal wounds, pimples and pustules.

How to steam a broom for an oak bath?

The healing properties of the branches depend on whether a properly soaked bunch, used in a steam room, cures ailments, strengthens circulatory system, reduces sweating, promotes healing women's diseases. This is why oak is used in steam rooms more often than other types of wood.

Method of preparation oak broom very close to birch. The main thing to understand is that there is a difference in how to steam a bath broom made of oak, if it is fresh and if it is dried. Fresh branches should not be steamed with boiling water, otherwise it can be spoiled; simply dip it in warm water.

Recipe for steaming an oak bath broom:

  • - the dried bunch is pre-rinsed warm water;
  • - then place it in cold water for 3 minutes;
  • - transfer to a container with heated water for 5 minutes;
  • - boiling water is poured here;
  • - cover with a lid so that the essential substances do not evaporate.

You should know not only how to properly steam an oak bath broom, but also how to reveal its aroma. Hold the branches over the heated stones for a few seconds and enjoy the luxurious scent. Sticky leaves indicate that the broom is unsuitable; it’s time to change it. Do not keep the broom in water for too long. Do not immediately pour hot water over dry branches, otherwise the leaves will fall off. If you notice that the broom is dry while in the steam room, simply dip it in hot water and keep it over heated stones.

The second method of steaming an oak bath broom

This method how to steam an oak broom for a bath takes more time, but the quality of the product improves. The branches should first be kept in cold water for 5-10 hours. Immediately before bath procedures The bunch should be removed from the water, wrapped in a wet cloth and left on the shelf for several minutes. Next, the broom is rinsed with warm water and can be used for its intended purpose. This method of preparation reveals the wonderful aroma of the oak broom and gives it additional benefits.

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A bathhouse is a leisurely, gradual and consistent affair. Everything must have its own order. The oak broom is the real ruler of the bathhouse empire and it requires special treatment. It is necessary to steam an oak broom for a bath in advance.

Oak broom differs from birch broom in greater strength and density of leaves. A properly steamed broom in a steam room practically does not fall off.

A dense and wide oak leaf captures and brings more bath heat to the body. This broom warms the body well and softens the skin.

However, in order for the beneficial properties of the broom to reveal themselves in full force, you need to know the subtleties of steaming. An improperly soaked broom will lose its leaves, quickly break and scratch the skin.

An overly steamed broom will also not bring pleasure. The branches become limp, the foliage becomes heavy, it heats up very quickly and steaming with it is unpleasant and dangerous. Boiling water drips from the hot leaves onto the body, the leaves stick to the skin and burn very strongly.

To avoid such troubles in the steam room, you need to steam and soak the broom according to the rules.

The first method of steaming an oak broom

Let's start with the fact that any dry brooms must be steamed. This method is suitable for well-dried brooms.

Entering the bathhouse, fill the basin cold water and let the broom sit for twenty minutes. The life-giving power of water will nourish the leaf and return its hidden strength.

After cold soaking, drain the water and immediately plunge into hot, but not boiling, water. After five to seven minutes, the oak broom is ready for use.

The second method of soaking an oak broom

This method is suitable for overdried (burnt out) brooms. You need to prepare such bath accessories in advance. Before going to the bathhouse, soak the broom in cold water 16-20 hours before going to the bathhouse.

Over such a long period of time, the foliage of the broom will be saturated with the power of water and will look like fresh. Then remove the broom from the basin, do not shake off the water, but make a kind of bouquet, place the cuttings in the water.

In this position, the cuttings will also become saturated with water and become strong and elastic.

Additional soaking in hot water Such brooms are no longer required.

The third method of steaming an oak broom

I call this method “on a quick fix" If you are planning to go to the bathhouse spontaneously, you can steam a dry broom in 10 minutes. Boil a kettle and pour boiling water over a broom in a basin or other container. Be sure to cover the bowl with something to prevent steam from escaping.

While you are collecting your bath accessories and getting dressed, your broom will steam and be ready for the bath ritual.

The fourth method of steaming an oak broom

This method is an emergency one and is suitable for a super-dried broom.

If you come to the bathhouse and are ready to take a steam bath, but the broom is monstrously dry, you can try to return vitality oak foliage. It can be steamed with hot steam from a heater. But first…

Dip the broom into a bowl of hot water for one or two minutes. Then take out the broom and do not shake off the water, but shake the broom over the heater.

Water dripping from the broom leaves will give steam, which will steam your dried-overdried broom. In just a few minutes the king of the steam room will be ready!

When steaming an oak broom in this way, you need to be very careful; it’s easy to burn your hands with the steam, so use bath mittens.

Also make sure that leaves from the broom do not fall onto the heater. The leaves will burn and the smell will not be pleasant.

In conclusion, I want to say that fresh oak brooms do not require steaming or soaking.

They are simply wetted exclusively in warm water, because fresh leaf cooks quickly when hot. Instead of the aroma of a fresh oak grove, you will get the smell of boiled hay in the bathhouse.

I think I'm the best Banya broom- fresh, green. Living foliage does not require any treatment with hot water, soaking or steaming.

A fresh broom gives its own benefits, it is flexible and gentle in the steam room. But in the harsh winter you will definitely have to steam an oak broom; at this time you won’t be able to find a fresh one. Have a fragrant steam, be healthy!