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When the brooms for the bath are prepared. Birch brooms for a bath: details of preparation, storage and use

A bath broom is an essential attribute when going to the steam room. Without him wellness treatments will be inferior. The service life also depends on the preparation, choice of raw materials, drying, and storage conditions. No less attention should be paid to the question of how to properly knit brooms for a bath. We will try to understand all the nuances in the article.

Why do you need a broom in a bathhouse?

Brooms have been used in bathhouses since ancient times; their healing properties are legendary. What is this attribute used for?

People say: “Beating yourself with a broom means driving an illness out of your body!” And this is a true statement. Whipping with such an attribute is a kind of massage of the whole body. In addition, metabolism, blood flow and circulation, and sweating improve. A broom helps open pores, remove dirt, impurities, bacteria, and germs. The leaves themselves, which contain phytoncides, are also useful. Getting on skin, they influence pathogens, as a result of which they die. And essential oils stop aging.

Brooms from various breeds trees and plants even help fight serious diseases. Before choosing the desired attribute, you need to learn about its healing properties.

Is it possible to use a broom in the sauna?

When we prepare brooms for a bath, a logical question arises about whether they can be used in a sauna. In order to deal with this, it is enough to find out the conditions that are created in the steam rooms.

In the bathhouse, as is known, relatively slight fever, but at the same time quite high humidity. Using a broom, you can achieve conditions that will be favorable for your body. Using this attribute, you can increase the load on the body by creating even more humidity in the steam room, which will promote profuse sweating and the removal of toxins.

In the sauna, the conditions are opposite: the temperatures are high and the air is dry. At the same time, the body experiences enormous stress, and using a broom will only increase it. WITH low level achieve humidity profuse sweating very hard. The blood begins to circulate quickly, the heart works with furious force. In this case, the use of a broom is contraindicated to avoid heart attack or stroke.

Bath brooms and their preparation: choosing the best time

It is advisable to start preparing raw materials for brooms the day after Trinity, and finish on Elijah’s day. It is believed that during this period the leaves are juicy, soft and tender. You need to collect branches only in dry, warm weather, in the morning, after the dew has disappeared. It is recommended to choose trees only in ecologically clean areas. The crown should be thick and the branches not very thick.

Experienced bath attendants believe that a tree may not be suitable for a person. To understand whether it is yours or not, you need to bring a piece of foil to the trunk - if it sticks, then the broom needs to be prepared from this raw material.

We knit a strong broom

"How to knit brooms for a bath correctly?" - perhaps main question among those who like to take a good steam bath. This attribute should be light, not very thick and massive, so that it is easier to use. Therefore, the raw materials for work must be selected carefully. Once you have collected the required number of branches, you can begin the process itself.

Their lower part must be completely cleared of leaves and twigs, if any. You should leave about 6 centimeters for the handle so that it is comfortable to hold, and tie it with a thick piece of twine or twine. Before this, you need to carefully distribute the branches: thick ones should be in the middle, and thin ones should be along the edges of the bunch. Should be leveled bottom part so that all branches are the same length. To give them round shape You can chop off the protruding leaves with an ax.

The finished broom must be placed under heavy oppression and left there for a day. After this, the leaves will have the same flat shape. You can also lay the brooms on the floor and turn them from one side to the other every day. This process will take an average of a week. The main rule is not to stack them on top of each other, otherwise the foliage will become damp and the process of rotting will begin.

Will a simple rope work?

When wondering how to make brooms for a bath, a special role should be given to attribute binding:

    First you need to tie a place near the foliage. In this way we will secure the branches of the broom so that they do not fall out when whipped. Then you need to tie the broom tightly, leaving small distances between the twine. This must be done until the very end of the broom.

    You can use twine or construction twine.

    The distance for the handle should not exceed 6 centimeters, otherwise the broom will not be connected enough and will quickly fall apart.

Such simple tips will help increase the service life of the attribute, and questions about how to properly knit bath brooms so that they are strong and reliable will not arise.

How to properly dry a broom

When going to the steam room, we want the effect of the visit to be maximum. Not only temperature regime and air humidity affect this process, but also attributes. Let's look at what they should be below.

In order for the steam room attribute to serve for a long time, you should know how to dry bath brooms. It is imperative to adhere to the rules, only then the fragrant “tool” will retain its healing properties, and the leaves will be dense, strong and with a good rich color.

The main rule is that ready-made brooms should dry well, but not under straight sun rays! The best place for these procedures is the attic. It is worth stretching a thick rope that would support more than one broom (and in their raw form they are quite heavy). Bundles are hung on it, maybe in pairs. It is necessary to try to ensure that there is a distance between the manufactured products, so they will dry faster. As a rule, this takes a week. After all this has been done, the brooms are stacked (on top of each other) and periodically swapped. The bottom ones go up, and vice versa.

When wondering how to dry bath brooms, you need to know a few rules:

    avoid exposure to direct sunlight;

    dry only in a cool, dry place;

    do not place brooms on top of each other, there must be some distance.

If the bundles are not properly dried, mold will develop and the branches and leaves will begin to rot.

Not every broom is equally useful. Choose the appropriate option for yourself

There are many types of brooms, they differ in the raw materials from which they are made. Let's look at the most popular:

    Russian bath, oak broom- what else is needed for happiness? The aroma and essential oils of the branches and leaves of this tree help reduce blood pressure, normalize work nervous system. For those with oily skin, oak resins will help narrow pores, while pockets of inflammation, if any, will heal twice as fast.

    Do you suffer from sciatica? Fir and juniper will help in the fight against this disease. A broom made from these plants relieves fatigue in the muscles and spine, and is used for neurological diseases.

They think that the most best brooms are obtained from soft, flexible birch branches.

It is no coincidence that since time immemorial, the most common in Rus' has been birch. But everyone has different preferences. Many people like to steam with oak or linden products. Which one is better? The debate continues to this day...

The harvesting process itself is not too complicated. But in order for the prepared broom to be suitable for the steam room, you must follow certain rules. The preparation of birch brooms for the bathhouse traditionally occurs on Trinity Sunday. But birch does not “ripen” everywhere, and not all types of wood are suitable for brooms. A tall tree with long, thin, straight branches is selected - a weeping birch.

To know for sure whether the branches of this birch are suitable or not, you need to try the leaf with your tongue: if the leaf is rough, the tree is not suitable. The leaf should be velvety and tender. In addition, the taste of the leaf also indicates the harvesting time. As soon as it stops being sweet and begins to taste bitter, it means the time for harvesting has come. Birch trees, from whose branches and leaves brooms will be made, should not grow near roads, near enterprises or in the city center. This should be an ecologically clean area outside the city limits - clearings, edges, clearings. for a bath is carried out in the early morning hours after the dew has disappeared. This should be a careful cutting of unnecessary branches. Mostly young, flexible, well-bending branches with small leaves are used.

Cut raw materials should be dried in the shade for an hour.

How to knit a broom

The withered branches at the base are cleared of leaves and twigs and tied with twine. Thick branches are placed in the middle, and thin ones are placed around them. The broom turns out thick. The handle is made 15-20 centimeters long. Tied brooms are placed under pressure to acquire a flat fan shape until completely dry. Then the broom is hung in a ventilated area for a couple of days. It is best to store brooms in the refrigerator, but if this is not possible, then in a well-ventilated cool room: attic, garage, balcony - for two years. The preparation of birch brooms for the bathhouse is completed. Now is the time to go to the bathhouse. But you need to take a dry product with you, and not a freshly cooked one.

Steaming the broom

Take a dry birch broom into the bathhouse to steam. By the way, do not steam fresh brooms, as they become limp, become heavy, and can burn the skin. Dry brooms are steamed: lowered for 5 minutes into a basin with cold, warm and, finally, hot water. Cover the basin with hot water and a broom so that it steams. When you smell the aroma essential oils from the broom, it can be removed. He is ready to work on your body, massaging it and improving blood circulation, cleansing respiratory system, making breathing easier for asthmatics and smokers, cleansing the skin well. All that remains is to wish you health and light steam with a birch broom!

How to take a steam bath in a Russian sauna? The most important thing here, in the words of a classic, is “a valuable broom.” About, how to prepare brooms for a bath when it is right to do this will be discussed.

  • Brooms, like any other medicinal herbs, need to be harvested in dry, clear weather in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.
  • Try to treat plants with care, cutting off only unnecessary branches. This way you thin out the plant and give the remaining branches the opportunity to grow freely.
  • For brooms, you should choose young plants with flexible, well-bending branches.
  • Freshly cut branches need to be dried in a shaded place for an hour, spread out in 1 layer. It is recommended to transport them without packing them tightly so that the leaves do not fall off due to overheating.
  • After the broom is already tied, it should be placed under pressure so that they acquire a flat shape. After this, the broom is hung in a cool, well-ventilated area for 2-3 days.

When to harvest brooms, which trees are suitable

Birch broom for a bath

Traditionally, birch brooms for the bathhouse are harvested in early to mid-July. First you need to choose a birch tree. It should be a tall tree with flowing branches (weeping birch). However, many advise choosing very young trees for brooms that have never bloomed. Their branches are flexible and their leaves are delicate.

Having chosen a tree, try a leaf “on your tongue”. If outside surface The leaf is rough - this kind of birch tree is not suitable. The leaf should be tender and velvety. Branches should be chosen thin, long, straight.

Oak brooms

Harvesting takes place from June to August in damp, shaded oak forests. One of the characteristics of such a “correct” place is large burdocks under the trees. By collecting branches in such a thicket, you will get a durable broom, which will be enough for several (3-4) visits to the bathhouse.

Oak brooms are intended for hardy, healthy people!

Nettle broom

Harvesting time is mid-summer, immediately before flowering or during the flowering of nettles.

Steaming with a nettle broom is a special pleasure. Don't be afraid of "hotness". Steaming with such a broom, you feel a pleasant tingling sensation, and your body becomes ruddy and light. No blisters or burns - only undoubted benefits to the body. Among other things, by steaming with a nettle broom, you “risk” getting rid of radiculitis, rheumatism, and gout.

The only drawback of such brooms is that they are disposable. But it’s also easier to prepare them.

Cherry and currant

These brooms are not as durable as oak or brooms, but steaming with them is an incomparable pleasure thanks to their delicious aroma. In addition, they are very beneficial for the skin. The harvesting of branches for brooms occurs in early June.

Young unnecessary shoots and root shoots are cut off. The good thing is that you don’t need to go far for such brooms (unless, of course, you live in a private house or have a dacha) - you’ll probably find several currant bushes and cherries in the yard.

Brooms made of linden, rowan, alder, willow and other trees

In principle, brooms can be made from almost any tree. Don't get hung up on traditional ones.

Tree branches are harvested from early July to mid-August. The rules for choosing trees are the same - young trees with flexible, straight branches.

Of course, you cannot collect them near the roadway or industrial enterprise. The distance from “civilization” should be at least 3 km.

How to knit brooms correctly

The side of the branch where the handle will be is cleared of leaves and twigs. Then the required number of branches is tightly wrapped with twine. The thickness of the handle should be approximately 5 cm in diameter. When knitting brooms, thicker branches should be placed in the middle, and thinner ones around them. This way the broom will be dense and will last for several times.

There are no special rules regarding the length of the handle, but leave the handle long enough to be comfortable to hold and not slip out of your hands. It is better to cut the branches longer - after the broom is tied, the handle can be trimmed, thus trimming the ends.

Steaming rules

There are several ways how to steam a bath broom. The fastest of them is this: lower the broom into a bowl with for 2-3 minutes, then for the same time in warm water and finally, into a bowl of hot water (not boiling water). In this case, the basin must be covered so that it “steams”. You will know when to take out the broom by the delicious aroma that it will begin to exude.

Do not throw away the remaining water from steaming: it can be diluted with water and poured over hot stones or walls to fill the steam room with aroma.

Attention! Only dry brooms need to be steamed. Fresh or dried, but not completely dry, do not steam, because... they become limp, become heavy, heat up quickly and can burn the skin.

A bathhouse is an incomparable pleasure, and it is also effective for improving your health. The main thing is not to forget about and take care of your health.

In the bath science, a Russian person cannot have trifles. Moreover, if we're talking about about a bath broom made of birch branches, it’s hard to call it a trifle. It is important to know when to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019 so that the brooms are of the best quality.
It’s hard to imagine a full trip to the bathhouse without a broom. It should not only be beautiful appearance, but also strong. It is for this reason that birch branches need to be collected from the tree at their special time, when they have a lot of sap and strength. And also useful in the summer.

  • How to understand that the time has come
  • How to tie a broom correctly

How to understand that the time has come

So, many experienced bathhouse owners say that the best date to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019 is the date after Peter’s Day. That is, you can collect branches for brooms sometime after July 10th.
But in the old days in Rus' it was believed that the best brooms were harvested from those birches that were in bloom. That is, there should be earrings on the birch tree. It was then that the branches were cut to collect them into strong brooms for the bath. That is, they made preparations somewhere in early June.

IN modern world When preparing bath birch brooms, you need to pay attention to the climate. So, it is difficult to identify a universal time when to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019. But it is definitely believed in modern bath art that branches with earrings are not suitable for making brooms. Perhaps they were suitable for royal baths, but today everything has changed. So, it is best to harvest branches on a broom in mid-July: this will be the most optimal solution.

About the correct preparation of brooms

When you have chosen the date to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019, you need to collect the twigs. After this, you need to properly dry them and collect them into brooms, which are really...

What is important to know when harvesting birch branches for bath brooms:

It is best to collect those branches that are closer to the ground;
Harvesting should be carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather;
The branches that are closest to the ground are the youngest. These are exactly what are needed to prepare strong brooms;
If the foliage is wet, then when drying the product it will become dark and curl, which is very bad for the quality of the broom;
Wet branches collected in a broom can quickly fly off;
If you collect branches for a broom incorrectly, then birch Banya broom will lose most its beneficial properties;
It is also important to choose the right birch tree from which you will take branches. The ideal option is when branches are collected from a young tree. In general, it is ideal if the tree has not bloomed even once, and its leaves are delicate and silky.
The birch tree itself should be beautiful and smooth, there should be no growths on it: after all, trees, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. A sick tree's foliage and branches will also be weak and will not bring the maximum benefit that every person expects from going to a Russian bathhouse.

There is no need to collect branches from birch trees that grow next to roads. They absorb dirt from cars. So, it’s best to go to the forest or clean grove for supplies. It is ideal if the birch tree grows near a stream or river.

To feel the tree and its strength, you need to pick one leaf. Next you will need the bottom part of the sheet: it should not be rough (otherwise the broom will be rough and hard when used). The appropriate leaf is velvety and smooth.

How to tie a broom correctly

In this case, words will be superfluous, and especially for you we found a step-by-step photograph. A correctly assembled broom is half the success, and the other half is to choose the right period when to harvest birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019, as well as to choose the right tree to collect the material.

Brooms are the hallmark of the Russian bathhouse. They are the ones who create that unique atmosphere and spirit of the steam room. Without them, the steam room would be no different from a sauna. There is a whole tradition associated with the preparation of brooms and their use. It would seem that it could be easier to prepare? Cut branches about 60-65 cm long, tie and dry. However, in reality there are some subtleties that allow you to preserve the aroma of the leaves and at the same time prevent the branches from falling off.


The preparation of brooms for the bathhouse begins every year in certain period. As a rule, this is Trinity Day. It usually falls in mid-June.

Before you start harvesting, you need to pay attention to the weather.

IN raw time When it rains, the branches are not collected. But dew will be very favorable for harvesting.

It is better to choose the first half of the day for this event. This is the time when the dew has barely left the vegetation.

The question may arise: when to collect brooms for a bath if it rains on Trinity Sunday? If the weather is unfavorable, the procedure is postponed for a couple of days.

Brooms are definitely useful. They produce a massage effect. Besides, positive influence The various substances they contain affect the body.

The main condition is the environmental purity of the product.

The collection of branches for brooms should be done outside the city, preferably in the forest.

If it is not possible to do all this yourself, then you can buy ready-made ones. They are made in rural areas specifically, observing the technology that was used by our ancestors.

Types of brooms

There are brooms:

  • oak;
  • birch;
  • juniper;
  • fake;
  • combined.

These branches are most often used for knitting. However, hobbyists can add other branches to traditional brooms. It is known that in medicinal purposes You can place nettles among the oak branches. Combined ones can combine branches of oak, linden and birch.


Birch broom is the most popular in urban environments. It is aromatic and has medicinal properties and very gentle.

In order to make them, you need to choose correct tree. Experts recommend paying attention to the so-called “weeping” birch trees. They have long, flowing branches that bend towards the ground.

Good brooms are made from young birch trees. Before you start collecting, you need to touch the leaves. WITH outside they should be smooth and tender. If the surface of the leaves is rough, then it is better to find another tree.

Thin and flexible branches are a guarantee of a good fragrant broom. Before drying, the birch is not tied very tightly; there should be free space between the branches. Otherwise, the leaves may lose their quality and color.


For a juniper broom, you need to collect branches of this bush, lovers bath procedures know its value. Harvesting occurs in late spring and early summer. Juniper produces resins that have a beneficial effect on health.

During collection, you should not tear branches of one bush. It could hurt him. You have to be careful and reasonable. Juniper branches are used in the bath in three cases:

  • for knitting juniper brooms;
  • to be included in the regular ones;
  • for lining the floor in the steam room.

The harvesting period for juniper branches lasts until mid-summer.

Before use, such brooms are steamed with boiling water for half an hour to make them suitable for a bath.


Oak is a real classic along with birch. The branches of this tree are harvested in the second half of summer, usually in August-September. Young shoots are ideal for this.

Oak brooms do not absorb sweat well and are always dry. However, they hardly fly around and are well suited for people with oily skin. Oak also helps with hypertension. The tannins contained in this plant perfectly cleanse the skin.


Nettle brooms are often used for medicinal and health purposes. They do not burn the skin if prepared correctly. When to harvest nettles? It is better to choose the period when the plant is still quite young. This time is from May to July.

It is necessary to cut the nettle shoots in a clean area. In urban conditions, it is difficult to find ecologically clean thickets of this plant. Nettles growing along highways will not work.

Nettle tones, relieves muscle pain, radiculitis and aching joints.

To prevent it from burning the skin, you need to alternately dip the broom in boiling water two or three times and cold water. After this, you can safely use it in the steam room.


The harvesting period for eucalyptus is the end of July - August. Eucalyptus brooms are excellent for removing various colds, relieve a runny nose, tone up. They also restore women's health.

They are used mainly in the Caucasus, where it is easier to get eucalyptus. You can buy such brooms in Russia. The aroma of this plant is unique.

Eucalyptus branches are used not only for baths, but also for medicinal purposes. For example, in the form of inhalations.

Wormwood brooms have long been popular in Russian baths. This plant leaves a special aroma that cannot be compared with anything else. Wormwood is also added to birch, nettle and oak brooms.

Wormwood begins to be collected during the flowering period. This is when it is most useful.

Wormwood is dried in bunches.

Before drying, you need to thoroughly check all the branches. The first stage of drying occurs immediately after collection, when the branches are loosely tied, after sorting through and removing all defective ones. Then such bundles are hung on a rope or poles and left for a week.

When the week is up, you can start knitting brooms. Not everyone knows how to do this. So:

  • thick branches should be on the inside, and thin branches on the outside;
  • the handle for the broom needs to be made longer; for this, the lower sides of the branches are cleared of leaves and twigs;
  • Having firmly grasped the branches with your left hand, you need to tie the handle with twine as tightly as possible.

After the binding is completed, it is necessary to make the correct installation for storage.

It is better to place the brooms one on top of the other so that later they take the shape of a fan rather than a broom. Products of this shape are the highest quality, they are enough for about 3 times in the steam room.

When the brooms are tied, the question arises of how and where to store them. There are several storage methods.

  1. Dry dressing room - a good place in order to lay out fresh brooms there. They are stacked on top of each other and gradually flattened, their heads taking on the shape of a fan.
  2. Can be stored in the attic with hay underneath. The main thing is that the place is dry and ventilated.
  3. In urban environments, a good place for storage is on the balcony or in an insulated, ventilated garage. On the balcony they need to be protected from moisture.

During storage, the brooms can be rearranged, placing the damp ones on top and the already dried ones down. The resulting leaves should appear green and fragrant. If the sheet has lost color, then the drying was carried out incorrectly. Such products can be considered damaged.

History of the bath broom

The history of the bath broom is as vague as the history of the Russian bath. However, it is known that it began to be used by the Slavs, who believed that this “bouquet” of leaves doubles the benefits of the steam room and improves health.

The most popular are two types: oak and birch. They were considered medicinal. Healers used them in medical purposes to expel illnesses.

When the West decided to adopt the Russian pair tradition, they still could not implement it completely. Firstly, not a single Westerner could withstand the heat that the Russians love so much. And, secondly, only in the Russian bathhouse there was a broom left.

Brooms are not used in the sauna because it is impossible. The air there is too dry, and they simply fly around. Some historians connect the appearance of the Russian bathhouse with the Turkish one. However, in no country is there a custom to steam with a broom. That's why this attribute is - distinguishing feature specifically Russian doubles.

Until the 19th century, the tradition of steaming in the Russian outback was closely connected with various rituals. For example, they took a steam bath after their wedding night. Moreover, the newlyweds took a bath together. We also took a steam bath before going to church. It was believed that a bathhouse and a broom would cleanse one from sins.


The process of preparing brooms in the following video:

Useful information about the properties of various brooms: