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How to relieve a cold at home. Cool indoor air and no drafts. Steaming body treatments

A cold is a colloquial concept that unites diseases caused by hypothermia of the body. But often the following are classified as colds: infectious diseases, such as influenza, laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) and others.

The main causes of colds are:

  1. Hypothermia. If the human body is not prepared for sudden changes temperatures, then irritation of receptors by cold reflexively causes dysfunction of internal organs and favors the development of the disease. Hypothermia is often accompanied by activation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasal cavity. This leads to the development of rhinitis (runny nose).
  2. Weak immunity. Factors that reduce protective function organism, are aggravation chronic diseases, poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of helminths, stress.

Treatment at the first symptoms of a cold

When the first signs of the disease appear, in order to prevent further development of the cold, you can use alternative medicine recipes.

Onion infusion

Chop one onion and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink the entire glass in one gulp.

Phytoncides (bioactive substances that can suppress pathogenic bacteria) that onions contain large quantities, will quickly help cope with the disease at an early stage.

Bath with essential oils and sea salt

You can take a warm bath only when there is no high temperature.

Prepare a bath (t no higher than 38 °C). Add 200-250 grams of special salt and 15 drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint, sage or rosemary to the water.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. Afterwards, the patient needs to wipe himself dry, lie down and warm up under the blanket. Additionally, you can drink warm tea with raspberries, lemon, ginger or honey.

At the first symptoms of a cold, gargling and rinsing the nasal cavity are useful. These procedures cleanse the mucous membranes of viruses and moisturize them.

You need to rinse your nose with warm water. saline solution 2-3 times during the day. Suitable for this pharmaceutical drugs Salin, No-sol, Aquamaris. The rinsing solution is easy to prepare yourself. Per liter clean water stir 1 teaspoon regular salt and 2-3 drops of iodine.

Treatment of colds and runny nose with folk remedies

One of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold is... It manifests itself heavy discharge mucus from the nose.

You can overcome it folk remedies:

  1. Nasal rinsing. It can be made not only with saline solutions, but also with decoctions medicinal herbs(field chamomile, calendula). To prepare a decoction, add a pinch of herb to a glass of water and boil steam bath until it boils. Allow to cool and strain;
  2. Nasal drops. A couple of times a day, drop 3-4 drops of Kalanchoe juice or freshly squeezed into each nasal passage beet juice. You can prepare medicine from onion juice and vegetable oil, mixing them in a 1:1 ratio;
  3. Inhalations. They provide a mild and long-lasting effect of the drug on the nasal mucosa. Inhalations are carried out with a special inhaler or in the traditional way (inhaling steam over a container). For inhalation, you can use any alkaline mineral water (without gas), decoctions of medicinal plants (pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile). You can do inhalations by adding 2-3 drops of essential oil;
  4. Dry heating. Pour heated salt or peas into a small fabric bag. Apply a warm bag to the nasal sinuses. Hold until it retains heat. Repeat warming up in the morning and evening.

You need to know that with any runny nose it is important to blow your nose correctly. You need to blow your nose carefully so that the pressure in the nasal cavity does not rise. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses that are in the nose can enter the auditory tube, which will lead to inflammation of the middle ear. It can also damage the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed.

Folk remedies for colds and sore throat

A cold is often accompanied by a sore and sore throat. You can get rid of them using alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Gargling. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. You can rinse with garlic water (chop 2 medium cloves, pour hot water, after an hour the medicine is ready), diluted tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water), infusion of sage or chamomile (brew a tablespoon of dry herb with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour), tincture of cloves (steam 10 pieces in a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes);
  2. Lubricating the mucous membrane and tonsils with sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day;
  3. Onion juice (not used for treating children). Adults take 1 tablespoon twice a day. After squeezing, the pulp is used as a compress on the neck.

Such procedures help remove pathogenic organisms from the mucous surface of the throat and create conditions unfavorable for their reproduction.

Elena Malysheva tells how to properly treat flu and colds.

How to treat a cough due to a cold at home

Much is known effective methods cough treatment. The most popular of them:

  1. Radish with honey. Wash the black radish fruit and cut off the tail. Make a hole inside and put 2-3 teaspoons of honey into it. The radish should be infused for at least 4 hours. After which, the resulting juice is drunk 3 times a day. For small children, 1-2 teaspoons are enough, children over 6 years old and adults take 1-2 tablespoons. Radish juice thins mucus well and promotes its removal;
  2. Inhalations based on essential oils, alkaline solutions or steamed boiled potatoes. Medicinal substances in a vaporous state they enter Airways and instantly affects inflamed mucous membranes. Inhalations are used to treat both non-productive (without sputum) and productive (with sputum) cough;
  3. Rubbing with fat. Fat of animal origin is used: badger, goat, bear. First you need to melt it in a steam bath, and then grate it chest sick. If the cough is accompanied by wheezing, you can add a pinch of dry mustard to the fat. The result of treatment is noticeable after 3 days;
  4. Plantain decoction. Has a good expectorant effect. Pour a small pinch of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Take the strained drink 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 sips three times a day.

Treatment of headaches and fever due to colds

A cold is much more difficult to bear if it is accompanied by a headache. One of the reasons for its manifestation is an increase in temperature.

Help relieve headaches during a cold:

  1. Balm “Star”. They need to lubricate the forehead, behind the ears, temples;
  2. Lemon. Lemon juice rub your temples and forehead;
  3. Compress. Moisten a gauze cloth in a vinegar solution (warm water and 9% vinegar 1:1) and apply to the forehead.

For any disease, if the patient’s temperature is not higher than 38.5 °C, doctors recommend not taking antipyretics. By raising the temperature, the body reacts to viruses and bacteria that have entered and fights them.

If this condition is poorly tolerated by the patient or the temperature has exceeded 38.5 ° C, it should be lowered. Suitable for this:

  1. Tea with raspberries or currants. You can use jam, dry, frozen berries and even dry leaves. After drinking warm tea, you need to wrap yourself up warmly and try to sleep;
  2. Linden infusion. Brew a pinch of linden blossom in a glass of boiling water. Take as tea three times a day;
  3. Rubbing. They are used if you need to quickly lower the temperature, especially in young children. Wipe with a gauze cloth soaked in a vinegar solution. skin sick. When the skin becomes dry, repeat rubbing again. So 3 times in a row. Typically, after such a procedure, the temperature drops by 1° C.

In addition, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease, the patient must adhere to bed rest.

An effective recipe for treating a sore throat can be found in this video.

Additional measures for colds

All unpleasant symptoms colds - runny nose, headache, painful sensations in the throat, elevated temperature indicate that the patient’s body is fighting the disease. To help him, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions and good care:

  • at high temperature- observe bed rest;
  • drink a lot. Warm, plenty of fluids help remove toxins from the body;
  • food should be light, but complete;
  • use more products containing vitamins. It can be juices, vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • maintain the microclimate in the room: the air should be humid and slightly cool (about 20 ° C), this prevents the spread of pathogenic microbes.


Prevention of colds consists of strengthening the body, increasing immunity, and hardening.

Additional immune support will help avoid colds. In a good way prevention is to take immunostimulants - tinctures of echinacea, ginseng and others.

During the autumn-winter period - the peak of colds - it is especially important:

  • wash your hands when coming home;
  • consume more vitamins, onions, garlic, ginger and enough liquid;
  • Hold cloves or lemon peel in your mouth. This will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms, caught in the nasopharynx;
  • Upon returning home, you can wash your nose with saline solution and rinse your mouth with calendula or propolis tincture.
  • Conclusion

    Using traditional medicine to fight colds, you can soften the symptoms of the disease, alleviate the patient’s condition, and prevent the development of complications. On early stages the disease is easily treated with home remedies. And the effectiveness of these treatment methods has been tested by time.

    In contact with

    It is not an independent disease, but rather popular name groups of infections that occur against the background of hypothermia. Nevertheless, Alternative medicine offers similar methods and means to cure inflammatory processes. They come down to making ointments, infusions, heating, inhalations, etc. Although some diseases may have their own specific therapeutic measures: for example, for flu and sore throat, this will be rinsing.

    You can make your own folk remedies for colds using home recipes. For this purpose, various herbal teas, common pharmaceutical drugs, honey and its derivatives, as well as food and household chemicals.

    Teas and decoctions for oral administration

    In case of acute respiratory infections, most often occurring against the background of hypothermia, great importance drinking large amounts of fluid. It reduces the severity of symptoms of intoxication, washes away mucous secretion and pus containing pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the pharynx. In addition, hot drinks cause increased sweating. This warms up the body, which helps it fight infection.

    Traditional medicine advises using the following drinks during illness:

    Important! Raspberry leaf is contraindicated for pregnant women, since its decoction can cause contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterine wall.

    • Rosehip decoction. Alternatively, you can use syrup, tincture, or an extract sold over the counter. When independently procuring raw materials, it is advisable to harvest them in September-October, when the fruits are already sufficiently ripe and have a red or orange color. The main component of rose hips, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, is vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant regulating metabolic processes in organism. In addition, rosehips contain other vitamins that have a general stimulating effect - groups PP, P, B, K. Rosehip is an effective folk remedy; its use as a pharmacological raw material has long been practiced with the approval of official medicine.
    • Mineral water. The drink contains calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bicarbonates and sulfates. They normalize water-salt balance in the body, which is disrupted during colds. Besides, mineral water It has alkaline environment, unsuitable for life of most pathogenic bacteria.
    • Tea with viburnum fruits. Harvesting can be done in late autumn when fully ripe or after the first frost, then the berries will not have a bitter taste. Fresh fruits can be eaten with sugar, allowing them to brew; dry fruits can be eaten by adding tea. The raw materials contain simple sugars (glucose, fructose), free amino acids, and flavonoids. These substances improve the body's resistance and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. As antiseptics tannins can be found in viburnum fruits, ascorbic acid. They also contain iridoid compounds, which have an immunomodulatory effect.

    These drinks can be drunk in fairly large quantities. However, when sweating, they need to be alternated with plain water to replenish fluid loss from the body and prevent thickening of sputum. Since the active compounds are contained in small concentrations, for therapeutic effect it is necessary to consume teas and decoctions in large quantities. The only thing to be wary of is allergic reactions. For their warning V childhood you need to give drinks gradually, observing the state of the body.

    Nasal lavage

    If a cold manifests itself in and (runny nose), then both doctors and traditional healers recommend. Some experts advise this procedure not only during illness, but also as part of daily hygiene measures.

    Before rinsing, you need to get rid of nasal congestion using the drops intended for this. Take a regular syringe without a needle (disinfect the device by boiling). Draw the solution into a syringe. With my head tilted to the side, gradually Inject the solution into the upper nostril; the liquid should flow freely from the lower nostril. During the procedure you need to breathe through your mouth. As a therapeutic agent you can use:

    1. Isotonic (saline) solution. The dosage should be 0.5-1 teaspoon per 200 ml boiled water. Salt inhibits growth and reproduction pathogens, thins mucus and promotes its removal.
    2. Iodine-salt solution. Add a few drops of iodine to the water along with salt. This enhances the antiseptic properties of the solution.
    3. Soda or iodine-soda solution. Prepared in a similar concentration. Soda creates an alkaline environment in the nasal cavity, unfavorable for the growth of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Traditional recipes for nasal rinsing may vary, but when using them it is important to remember: the liquid should enter the nose gradually, otherwise it may enter the middle ear cavity and spread the infection.

    Nasal rinsing technique


    The complex can promote the outflow of liquid secretions from the nasal cavity special exercises. They will help improve your condition emergency situation when there is no pharmacy or other facilities nearby health treatments. The massage was not detailed scientific research, so it’s difficult to judge its effectiveness. There is also no established system, since each traditional healer tends to bring something of his own to the technique. IN general view it can be reduced to the following steps:

    • Forehead massage. With light movements of all fingers, palms are drawn from the middle of the forehead to its periphery. Repeat up to 12 times.
    • Massage of the wings of the nose. It is carried out from top to bottom simultaneously on both sides with the index fingers. Another description advises to massage with the first phalanges thumbs. The pressure should not be strong, but noticeable. You need to repeat the movements 10-12 times.
    • Massage the corners of the nostrils. At the lowest points under the wings of the nose it is necessary to place index fingers and make circular movements up to 9 times.
    • Massage in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Rub from top to bottom with the outer side of the thumbs. Exercises are repeated up to 12 times.

    Contraindications for the procedure are elevated body temperature (over 37°) and skin irritation.


    It can be used as a therapeutic measure not only for diseases affecting the lower respiratory tract, but also for a common runny nose, as well as all types, since the liquid secretion can in any case flow down, causing. Then the procedure will help to remove it and relieve irritation of the larynx.

    For rinsing at home you can use:

    1. Saline, soda solutions;
    2. Breast preparations prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy;
    3. Propolis tincture;
    4. Hot milk with honey.

    Warming up

    One of the traditional ways for our country to fight influenza and other colds is the bathhouse. Essentially this is special case such medical procedure like warming up. This also includes drinking plenty of hot drinks and mustard plasters. For viral and bacterial infections, they speed up recovery because they contribute to an increase in body temperature (locally, in the area of ​​the source of infection or the whole body).

    You can also influence the affected organ reflexively. Principle this method consists of the statement that an increase in temperature in one part of the body stimulates its growth in another ( foot baths). The possibility of such a connection has not been proven, but neither has it been refuted by official medicine.

    Warming up creates unfavorable conditions for the life of bacteria and viruses, although, it must be said, some microorganisms are insensitive to high temperatures. In addition, as the famous pediatrician points out E.O. Komarovsky:“Thermal effects lead to vasodilation and increased blood circulation in the organ exposed to heat.” This accelerates the flow of immune system cells to the site of infection, increasing the symptoms of inflammation. Warming up cannot always be used. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • At high temperature.
    • During purulent processes.
    • For complications of unknown nature.
    • During pregnancy.
    • When there is a risk that cold symptoms are due to allergies.

    It is necessary to understand that in case of severe disease, warming will make clinical manifestations even more pronounced, which can cause harm to the patient.

    The procedure is often considered as a preventive measure against hypothermia and the risk of colds. In some cases, it is combined with taking medications, which gives a complex therapeutic effect.

    Steam inhalations

    This folk method involves simultaneously heating and entering the nasopharynx cavity active substances. The good thing is that the allergenic load on the body is practically minimal, and the necessary components go directly to the source of infection. Inhalations should be carried out in a well-ventilated, but not cool, area. With the traditional method - deep breathing over a container with a decoction, the procedure time should be 10-20 minutes.

    The following are used as initial solutions:

    1. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula;
    2. Coniferous tree buds soaked in boiling water;
    3. Honey with milk;
    4. Boiled potatoes.

    For dry inhalation use:

    • Garlic;
    • Lemon zest.

    These products have antiseptic properties, which allows you to sanitize the oropharyngeal cavity and cure colds without the use of antibiotics or immunomodulatory drugs.

    Body rubbing

    This is another radical way to treat a cold with folk remedies at its first symptoms. It can be a variant of local heating (when only the legs, back or chest are rubbed) or general (the whole body is rubbed). Rubbing is often used in cases of hypothermia, when it is not possible to resort to medical care or visit a pharmacy (while hiking, during expeditions, in remote populated areas). The main products used include:

    You can add to the selected product essential oils propolis, eucalyptus, caraway. Another home remedy is a mixture of vodka, vinegar and water in a 1:1:1 ratio. The temperature of the resulting product should be comfortable, room temperature.

    Rubbing is carried out in circular, stroking movements, avoiding excessive pressure. During the procedure, it is not recommended to touch the heart area and groin. After rubbing the patient needs to wear warm clothes, Special attention focusing on the feet and hands. It is advisable to go to bed after the procedure and try to sleep.

    Warming can be carried out even for colds in children under one year of age, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Important! IN infancy do not use camphor oil because it can have a bad effect on cardiovascular system child.

    Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children without medications

    Taking alcoholic beverages

    Another favorite the folk way in Russia is to take alcohol containing alcohol at the first sign of malaise. hot pepper. It must be said that such a therapeutic measure has a right to exist, since both alcohol and pepper, firstly, have a warming effect, and, secondly, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    However, this
    the measure is only permissible:

    • In adulthood;
    • If the patient does not have kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal diseases;
    • Before starting antibiotic therapy.

    In addition to pepper, you can add salt to vodka, which also has antiseptic properties. Hot beer warms the throat well, however, the taste of such a drink leaves much to be desired. Many people use mulled wine by heating wine with spices and citrus fruits. This method of treating colds at home is much more pleasant. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol intake, as with other methods; after taking 50 grams of vodka or 100-150 ml of wine or beer, it is better to go to bed.

    Treatment for colds on the lips

    In addition to various types, when cooling, specific “sores” on the lips often appear - labial herpes. Traditional medicine methods involve the use of the following means for their treatment:

    1. Baking soda;
    2. Fir oil;
    3. A bag of black tea.

    The selected product is applied to the affected area and left until dry. Their principle of action is the same; due to the tannins contained in their composition, they promote the exfoliation of mucosal cells and the emergence of new ones that are not affected by the virus. They do not actually fight herpes, but they can speed up recovery. When treating colds on the lips, strong cauterizing agents should be avoided. They can significantly injure the mucous membrane, which will lead to the appearance of a scar.

    You can treat a cold yourself without consulting a specialist only if it is mild and has positive dynamics during the first 2-3 days. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications and the process becoming chronic.

    Video: a cold in the program “Live Healthy!”

    Into the lineups homemade included natural ingredients, helping to strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammation, which helps speed up recovery. Colds can be treated with folk remedies for both adults and children. Pregnant women are also allowed to use alternative treatment methods, but during the period of bearing a child, the choice of such means must be treated with the utmost care.

    Causes and symptoms

    IN medical practice There is no term for "cold". This word refers to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and less commonly, the appearance of herpes on the lips. The main reason The development of these ailments is considered to be the entry of harmful microorganisms, in particular viruses, into the body. If a person has a weakened immune system, then ARVI affects the body within 24 hours.

    Colds develop in several stages. Infection is always preceded by weakening immune protection, occurring as a result of hypovitaminosis, sudden cold snap. Pregnant women are also at risk, especially in the first trimester. The reason is that during hormonal changes The immune system weakens, which increases the risk of catching a cold.

    When pathogenic microorganisms enter the mucous membranes of a person with a weakened immune system, the immune system cannot fight them, and this leads to the activation of the infection. Within 24 hours after infection, the first symptoms of ARVI appear:

    • pain and irritation in the throat;
    • cough;
    • sneezing;
    • nasal congestion and runny nose;
    • increased body temperature;
    • general deterioration of health.

    When symptoms of the disease appear, a person becomes potentially infectious, especially if he visits crowded places.

    To viral diseases, affecting organs breathing, includes influenza, which is provoked by the virus of the same name (types A, B, C). The flu differs from colds in that its symptoms develop at lightning speed. In the first days after infection, the patient suffers from high body temperature, aching joints and chest pain caused by damage to the trachea and larynx. The patient develops painful cough and wheezing. The main danger flu are frequent complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, myocarditis.

    At the first symptoms of ARVI or influenza, a person should consult a doctor, especially when we're talking about about pregnant women and children. After production accurate diagnosis the patient will be prescribed treatment, the regimen of which must be followed until complete recovery. Not only pharmacological drugs can speed up the elimination of a viral infection, but also traditional methods treatment.

    Alternative treatments for adults

    Using these products will help you quickly cure a cold at home alternative medicine. Used at home water procedures, inhalations and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    I have a cold neck - how to treat it at home?

    Oral preparations

    Treatment of colds cannot be imagined without herbal medicine. The use of medicinal plants for ARVI is an effective solution that helps increase immunity, relieve cold symptoms and avoid complications.

    Herbal medicine is also allowed for pregnant women, but before choosing medicinal plants for treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of herbs prohibited for use. The first trimester is a period when taking contraindicated herbs can provoke a threat of miscarriage or direct termination of pregnancy.

    List of prohibited plants:

    • tansy;
    • rue;
    • dill;
    • juniper;
    • St. John's wort;
    • knotweed;
    • millennium.

    Pregnant women are contraindicated to take medications containing alcohol - alcohol infusions, strong alcoholic drinks(vodka, cognac).

    The most effective means, which help cure colds, are prepared according to the following recipes:

    1. 1. You need to take 300 grams of ginger and grind it using a meat grinder. Peel a large lemon and cut into small slices. Mix the ingredients, adding a glass of honey to the natural ingredients. Take the resulting mass one teaspoon in the morning.
    2. 2. Take 5 cloves of garlic and turn them into pulp. Mix with the same amount of honey and put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Take a tablespoon before bed until complete recovery. This remedy is allowed during pregnancy.
    3. 3. Rosehip drink is recommended for colds and flu, because active ingredients Plants improve immunity and cleanse the body of toxins. To prepare, you need to take 5 tablespoons of berries and a liter of water. Place on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Leave for 10 hours in a thermos. The decoction should be drunk a glass every 3 hours. Pregnant women are also allowed to take this folk remedy, but the portion should be halved.
    4. 4. One part of the coltsfoot flowers should be mixed with part of the viburnum berries. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and strain. Take one cup of the medicine before going to bed. This tool Everyone can drink.
    5. 5. A tablespoon of honey should be mixed with a tablespoon of fresh or frozen raspberries, currants and rose hips. Pour the mixture with half a glass of boiling water. Let the workpiece stand for 5-10 minutes. Drink the entire portion of the medicine at one time.

    Recipes for decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants fast action for the treatment of colds in adults:

    1. 1. Take motherwort and chicory root in equal proportions. The herbs are brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for several hours, and half a glass of infusion is drunk in 3 doses per day.
    2. 2. Take 3 parts of nettle leaves, carrot roots, rose hips and a teaspoon of fresh or frozen currants. A tablespoon of ingredients is poured into two glasses of heated water and the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The boiled broth is infused for 1 hour, after which it is drunk, strained, three times a day, half a glass.
    3. 3. A tablespoon of cinquefoil root and herb is poured with a glass of boiling water. The preparation is infused for 1 hour and filtered. The infusion is taken one tablespoon 4 times a day warm.
    4. 4. Take 20 grams of bearberry leaves for half a liter of water. The preparation is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat and left for 20 minutes. An effective folk remedy, take a tablespoon three times a day.
    5. 5. An infusion of clover flowers will help bring down a high temperature. To prepare the medicine, take a teaspoon of flowers, pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material and leave for 30 minutes. The tea is taken with a teaspoon of honey.
    6. 6. Pour a tablespoon of peppermint into a glass of boiling water and boil the decoction for 3 minutes in a water bath. The infusion is taken half a glass three times a day.
    7. 7. A tablespoon of dried dandelion root is poured into a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for several hours, after which it is taken one tablespoon 5 times a day.

    Traditional medicine offers effective method cold treatment, according to which, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to take milk mixed with onions or garlic. To speed up the discharge of sputum, you should take a glass of milk, bring it to a boil, cool slightly and add a teaspoon of fresh garlic juice. Take a teaspoon 5 times a day. Garlic juice can be replaced with onion juice if desired.

    Carrying out procedures

    When you have a cold, rinsing your nose helps speed up recovery. To prepare the solution, take a teaspoon sea ​​salt, 2 drops of iodine and add them to a glass of warm boiled water. The resulting solution is used to rinse each nasal passage in turn. It is also useful to gargle with it.

    To prepare an infusion for rinsing, take a tablespoon of sage herb and chamomile flowers. The raw materials are mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Gargle with the strained product several times a day.

    Rubbing will help get rid of a strong cough and eliminate pain in the sternum. badger fat. Take 1 liter natural component, heat it to a temperature comfortable for the body. Lubricate the sternum area evenly and wrap the chest with a warm cloth. The procedure is carried out overnight.

    In case of severe cough and runny nose, not accompanied by high body temperature, inhalation will help to cure. To prepare the decoction, use eucalyptus essential oil or tea tree, medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, calendula) or fresh onions.

    When using oil, take a pan of boiling water, add a few drops of ether to it and breathe in the resulting vapor for 15 minutes.

    For onion inhalation, prepare a pan of boiling water and Fresh Juice vegetable. To prepare the solution, take 1 part juice to 10 parts water. The procedure is performed within 10 minutes.

    Treatment of colds at home involves following a gentle diet, in which foods high in fat, sugar and preservatives are removed from the diet. You need to eat small meals to avoid excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking plenty and frequently helps remove toxins from the body. The patient should drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. In the first few days of the disease, bed rest is recommended.

    Traditional medicine for children

    The secrets of traditional medicine are also used in the treatment of colds in children. But you need to remember that viral infections in a child, first of all, require the use of pharmacological drugs prescribed by the doctor, while alternative ways treatments can be an effective addition to primary therapy.

    The following folk remedies for treating colds are allowed for children:

    1. 1. Linden tea: this drink is allowed for children older than one month. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of linden flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them. The folk remedy is given in a warm form every 2 hours, a teaspoon.
    2. 2. Chamomile tea: take a teaspoon of chamomile flowers per glass of boiling water. The infused drink is given to the child one tablespoon three times a day.
    3. 3. Milk with garlic: this product is given to children over a year old. One clove of garlic is boiled in a glass of milk. The cooled product is taken one tablespoon three times a day. To neutralize bad taste, you can add a little honey.
    4. 4. Instilling diluted aloe juice into the nose will help get rid of a runny nose in a child. Use the juice of a plant that is at least four years old, dilute 1 part with five parts boiled water. The solution is instilled three times a day, 3-4 drops.
    5. 5. When you have a cold, it is useful to take inhalations with decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can also make the child breathe in the vapors of potatoes boiled in their jackets. To do this, mash the vegetable with a fork. If the child is over three years old, then it is allowed to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.

    If a child's cold is accompanied by severe cough, high temperature and feeling unwell for more than 3-5 days, you must call a doctor. Deterioration in health indicates the addition of a bacterial infection, requiring antibiotic therapy.

    The use of traditional medicine to treat colds in adults and children will only be effective if they are properly prepared and used at home.

    The common cold is popularly called respiratory infections, which are called various viruses and bacteria. Many people tend to consider the cold to be a minor illness that does not require medical attention and can be cured at home.

    IMPORTANT: The World Health Organization has collected data that every adult experiences a cold at least three times a year. A schoolchild is infected about 4 times, and a preschooler - 6. The mortality rate from this disease is from 1% to 40%, depending on the area, the type of pathogen and the age of the patients.

    Any disease of this kind, in the absence the right help and regimen, can lead to complications. Which cannot be cured without a hospital.

    How to treat a developing cold?

    Symptoms of this disease are:

    • Heat
    • Weakness, nausea, lethargy,
    • Decreased appetite
    • Redness of the facial skin
    • Nasal congestion
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • Cough
    • Chest pain

    RECIPE: At the first symptoms of a cold, you need to increase drinking regime. Warm water medicinal infusions and decoctions wash away pathogens from the mucous membranes. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended to prevent dehydration due to increased sweating.

    Bed rest for colds plays a role important role. Thanks to it, the body can use more energy to heal rather than perform physical work or other processes. A cold suffered “on your feet” often causes complications.

    IMPORTANT: The first symptoms of a cold appear 1-3 days after the pathogen enters the body. In this case, the first 3-7 days after the onset of cold symptoms make the patient a virus spreader. It can easily infect healthy people. In the normal course of the disease, cold symptoms disappear within a week.

    Cold medicines

    The best medicine against colds is prevention and strong immunity. In order to suffer from such diseases less often, it is necessary to maintain active image life, accept cold and hot shower and quit bad habits.

    But getting sick less often does not mean getting sick at all. Therefore, at the first sign of a cold, you need to increase your diet with rich foods. vitamin C. Vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, are an excellent way to prevent the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria in the body.

    If the development of a cold is detected, you need to take symptomatic medications:

    • "Coldrex"
    • "Teraflu"
    • "Fervex"

    Such products are diluted in warm water and drunk. Coldrex Hotrem is taken every 4-6 hours, no more than four sachets per day. Sugar can be added to the diluted product. Indicated for children over 12 years old.

    Also, in the first days of the disease it is necessary to take interferons. Such drugs include:

    • "Arbidol"
    • "Antigrippin"
    • "Kagocel"
    • "Ingavirin"
    • "Cycloferon"
    • "Olainfarm"
    • "Ergoferon"

    How to treat a cold without fever?

    If a cold occurs without such a symptom as fever, then do not worry. There is nothing special about this, and such a cold does exist. According to one version, a cold without fever is a sign of strong immunity. But that doesn't make it any easier. And in this case, the body needs to be helped to get rid of this problem.

    RECIPE: This form of cold can often be treated alternative methods. At the first symptoms you need to do hot bath for legs. You can add dry mustard to the water. The duration of this procedure should be about 20 minutes.

    RECIPE: There is an alternative to this method. It lies in rubbing feet with vodka or turpentine ointment . After this procedure, you must wear warm socks.
    Contraindications for this method of getting rid of colds are pregnancy.

    IMPORTANT: For any cold, tea with lemon and ginger is recommended. This remedy can not only be treated, but also prevent the disease. Lemon is one of the champions in terms of vitamin C content, and the substances contained in ginger can improve the body's immunity.

    When treating colds without fever, medications are used to relieve the symptoms of this disease.
    RECIPE: Marshmallow syrup and Pertussin thin mucus and speed up its removal from the body. You need to drink this remedy one teaspoon three times a day.

    To treat a runny nose with such a cold, a doctor may prescribe drops:

    • "Naphthyzin"
    • "Sanorin"
    • "Galazolin"

    IMPORTANT: When treating colds without fever, Paracetamol is not used.

    How to treat a cold with fever?

    An increase in temperature is normal reaction body to the effect of the virus. Thus, the immune system fights it.

    However, temperatures above 38 degrees need to be lowered.

    Above 38 degrees it is necessary to shoot down. Otherwise, the fever can affect not only the virus, but also internal organs and processes in the body.

    You can bring down the temperature with folk remedies, drinking plenty of fluids and such drugs as:

    • "Aspirin"
    • "Panadol"
    • "Paracetamol"

    The symptomatic medications described above help relieve fever well.

    How to treat a cough at home?

    One of the symptoms of a cold is a cough. It can be dry or wet. At wet cough it is necessary to speed up the removal of phlegm from the body. For this, expectorants are prescribed.

    RECIPE: A good drug for solving this problem is “Mukaltin”. This product contains marshmallow extract. "Mukaltin" has an expectorant and thinning effect. It is taken one tablet 3-4 times a day.

    RECIPE: Rosehip decoction will also help fight cough.

    RECIPE: Warm milk with honey has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity in solving the problem described.

    RECIPE: If the cough manifests itself in attacks, then regular gargling can be prescribed to treat it. warm solution table salt. To do this, add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle 3-4 times a day.

    Dry cough can be treated with inhalations based on eucalyptus oil.

    How to treat a runny nose at home?

    A cold is often accompanied by a runny nose. A severe runny nose can lead to nasal congestion. You have to use your mouth to breathe. This leads to a dry throat and coughing attacks. Rubbing the wings with motherwort tincture “opens” the nose well.

    Important: At the first sign of a runny nose, you should immediately begin rinsing your nose. This will help not only make breathing easier, but also wash away pathogenic microflora.

    For this purpose, use a solution of sea or table salt, various herbal infusions, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc. Nasal rinses can be purchased at the pharmacy. For example, such as:

    • "Aqua Maris"
    • "Dolphin"
    • "Aqualor"

    At severe runny nose you need medications for nasal instillation. It is best to use products that contain essential oils. “Pinosol” helps well in this regard.
    You can also use means from traditional medicine: onion juice, Kalanchoe, etc.

    IMPORTANT: You should not treat a runny nose with drugs such as Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Xymelin and Xylen. In addition to their main purpose, they can constrict blood vessels. What negatively affects the treatment of colds. These are better potent drugs leave it as a last resort.

    How to treat a cold on the lips?

    Cold sores or herpes viral disease. It is impossible to recover from it. And if a person gets cold, gets wet, or stands in a draft, the immune system does not always have time to cope with the manifestation of herpes. As a rule, colds on the lips are accompanied by burning, itching and the formation of unsightly red blisters.

    RECIPE: You can relieve the symptoms of herpes with folk remedies. For example, lubricate the affected areas with toothpaste.

    RECIPE: Also an excellent remedy for colds on the lips is a grated apple and a few cloves of garlic. The ingredients are mixed together to form a paste and rubbed into the area where itching is felt.

    RECIPE: You can apply aloe or Kalanchoe to the affected area.

    How to treat a cold under the nose, in the nose?

    The herpes virus can appear not only on the lips, but also in the nose. To treat it, again, you need to listen to traditional healers. Why “poison” the body with synthetic (chemical) drugs if you can use natural remedies.

    RECIPE: Celandine juice is good for treating a cold in the nose. This problem can also be resolved using sea ​​buckthorn oil. These products should be smeared on the affected area and rubbed into the skin.

    How to treat an ear with a cold?

    Ear pain can also signal a cold. Experts associate this pain with inflammatory process(otitis) and the consequences of untreated sore throat or sinusitis.

    Very often, ear pain is the consequences of a cold “spent on the legs.”

    RECIPE: If such a disease manifests itself, you must immediately contact an ENT specialist. At home, you can relieve ear pain using dry heat. To do this, take a cloth bag and place it in it. table salt, heated and applied to the ear.

    You can also use drops such as:

    • "Otipax"
    • "Garazon"
    • "Sofradex"

    Folk remedies for colds

    IN folk medicine Many remedies are used to treat colds.

    RECIPE: When you first notice the symptoms of this disease, you need to finely chop the onion, horseradish and garlic. Place this mixture in a jar and periodically inhale its vapors. These vegetables can not only make breathing easier when you have a runny nose, but also relieve other cold symptoms.

    RECIPE: You can relieve a sore throat, which often accompanies colds, with the help of cumin decoction. To do this, ground cumin powder is added to warm water and cook until boiling. Then reduce the heat and wait 15 minutes. After which the broth should be cooled, a teaspoon of cognac should be added to it and taken every 30 minutes. In three hours the sore throat will go away.

    RECIPE: Medicinal plants such as thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, sage, calendula and many others contain essential oils and phenolic compounds that cope well with viruses and bacteria that cause colds. Each of these plants or all together is infused with alcohol and consumed one teaspoon every three hours.

    RECIPE: An excellent remedy that can be recommended at the first symptoms of a cold is tea with red wine. Hot tea (100 g), red wine (100 g) and raspberry jam (100 g) are poured into a 300-gram mug. This remedy should be drunk hot, and then go to bed.

    Tip #1. When you have a cold, you need to limit the body’s consumption of “excess” energy. You should not engage in heavy physical labor, but it is better to use bed rest.

    Tip #2. Drink more fluids.

    Tip #3. Ventilate the room frequently.


    Olga. I have been treated only with Theraflu for a long time. The main thing is to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment. Three or four sachets and every other day you’ll have a cold like never before.

    Masha. The 21st century is just around the corner. Colds and other similar illnesses need to be treated with immunomodulators. "Derinat" excellent remedy for both adults and children. Thanks to him, I completely forgot about the cold.

    Video. Prevention and treatment of colds

    Hello dear readers. The cold weather has arrived and it is not uncommon to see people with colds. Changes in weather greatly affect the condition of the body. Reduced immunity immediately makes itself felt. You can catch a cold quite quickly, but you can recover just as quickly. This is especially important if an important meeting or event is planned. At such moments, we involuntarily puzzle ourselves about how to cure a cold in 1 day, and is it possible? This is possible if you start treating a cold at the first symptoms of its manifestation.

    Banal laziness or busyness prevents us from paying attention to ourselves, and then the situation worsens and can lead to unpleasant consequences. There are some tips that help cure a cold quickly.

    I don’t argue that the easiest way to treat is to go to the pharmacy and buy a lot various drugs, which will very quickly help you recover from a cold. But there are no less effective and safe methods that will help cope with cold symptoms in 1 day.

    By using proven fast-acting remedies, you will boost your immunity and restore your body. So, at the first sign, do not hesitate, but get down to business.

    And it will be very great if you spend one day at home, then you can devote it only to yourself.

    Herbs to protect our health

    Prepare yourself a decoction or infusion of rose hips, which is very rich in vitamin C.

    You can cure a cold by adding it to a glass. warm milk a pinch of soda, a piece of butter and a spoon of honey. Normal butter can be replaced with cocoa butter.

    This remedy must be used at night. After wrapping yourself up and sweating it out, you'll feel much better the next morning.

    When you have a cold, it is very useful to remove toxins from the body; (uzvar) will help with this. Dried fruits contain amino acids, glucose, fructose, iron, which allows you to restore strength. This compote should be drunk in fairly large quantities.

    Nasal lavage

    You can also resort to the procedure of rinsing your nose with a solution of sea salt. Add a pinch of sea salt to a glass of water and rinse your nose with the warm solution.

    Pay attention that the solution is not too salty, because it can burn the mucous membrane. The pharmacy usually sells ready-made solutions that you can use to rinse your nose at home.

    Mustard for colds

    One of the effective folk remedies for colds is a bath with mustard at night. But it is indicated only in cases where the body temperature is normal. At high temperatures, you should not steam your feet with mustard.

    A handful of mustard powder for a couple of liters hot water will be quite enough. After you have steamed your feet, you need to wipe them dry and put on socks. Go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. I know that not everyone likes it, but this is a proven and quite effective remedy.

    Nutrition for colds

    Preference should be given light dishes. Chicken broth is very useful for colds.

    Chicken broth is not only tasty and healthy, but is also a real medicine that helps restore strength.

    You can add half and half to the broth chicken egg and any greens, as well as crackers.

    If you have no desire to consume food, you can only drink. Drink teas, herbal infusions, compote (uzvar) from dried fruits.

    At this treatment, taking into account all advice and recommendations, light form cold at its initial stage, will disappear after 6 hours, in more difficult situations you will feel better within 12 hours.

    The most important thing is to start at the first sign of a cold. timely treatment, then, in enough short time, you will be able to cure your cold.

    Therefore, she turned to me for advice, asked me to tell me how to cure a cold in 1 day. I shared with her the folk remedies that I take myself.

    But I also want to note that if you cannot quickly cure your cold, then treatment should be continued, and if the symptoms only worsen and you begin to feel worse, you should consult a doctor.