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Breeding purebred cats as a business. Breeding purebred cats as a profitable business with minimal investment

Cats are many people's favorite pets, so their breeding business can be very profitable. It should be taken into account that in addition to financial investments, this business requires a lot of time and effort. So, before you start, it’s worth understanding all its details in detail.

Where to begin?

Even if cats are beloved pets, this is not enough to open a cat breeding business. It is recommended that a new entrepreneur prepare thoroughly by following these steps:

After theoretical training, it is worth purchasing kittens about 2 months old, since such pets are already able to feed on their own, move and get acquainted with the world around them.

Choosing a cat breed

Today, about 100 species of cats are known, which differ in appearance, length of coat and its color, behavior, etc. Such diversity makes the choice somewhat difficult suitable breeds. It is better for a beginner to choose unpretentious but profitable species. These include the following breeds:

  • British (British). Good-natured, handsome guys with round eyes and a calm character. Once a week you need to thoroughly comb the coat. They are very popular regardless of pedigree.
  • Maine Coons. The most big cats in the world. They are loved for their peaceful disposition and big size. They do not require much grooming, but since the coat is long, it will need to be brushed several times a week.
  • Bengals (Bengal breed). Beautiful cats with a wonderful leopard color. Wool does not require special care. The character is playful and active. Due to the color, the demand for the breed is growing, but the supply is still small.
  • Sphinxes. Hairless breed with an original appearance. Requires careful care - a warm room, possibly warm clothing.
  • Siamese. Playful, active cats with almond-shaped bright eyes and smoky-colored fur.
  • Persian. They were once wildly popular, but have now subsided somewhat. The main problem is grooming.
  • Siberian. An inexpensive, common breed, unpretentious in everyday life and with an easy-going character.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Well suited for an apartment because unpretentious breed. Very cute, reminiscent of a cartoon character.

Separately, it is worth noting that a business can focus on breeding expensive breeds. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the TOP 5 most expensive cats:

  • It is distinguished by beautiful leopard fur and long life. Costing over $20,000.
  • Chausie. It looks like a lynx and it is no coincidence that it is a mixture abyssinian cat and swamp lynx. Costs over $10,000.
  • Burmilla. A mixture of Burmese and Persian breeds. This cat is very cute and usually has different colored eyes. Costs about $5,000.
  • Peterbald (hairless St. Petersburg cats). Elegant and smart cats, which appeared as a result of crossing the Don Sphynx with a shorthaired oriental breed. Cost: $3,500.
  • Manx tailless. The breed was bred in Great Britain. The main feature is the absence of a tail. Costs about $2,700.

In general, it is worth distinguishing 3 groups of kittens:

  • Show class. It is necessary to breed kittens of this class if you plan to regularly perform and win prizes.
  • Breed class. This category includes kittens that have certain defects, but they are not inherited. Such pets are cheaper, and there will be no problems when breeding them.
  • Pet class. Unlike the previous class, this group involves culling all offspring. Of course, there is no need to purchase such kittens.

It is recommended to choose breeds that are popular in a particular area so that there are no problems with sales. Too expensive and rare breeds require large expenses both for acquisition and maintenance. In addition, due to problems with implementation, it may happen that the cat will already grow up while you are looking for new owners for it.

You should definitely buy kittens from reliable nurseries. In addition to visually assessing pets, it is worth asking breeders to provide their pedigrees.

Where to breed cats?

A kitten breeding business can be organized in two types of premises:

  • Apartment. In this case, you can have 2-3 pairs (or only cats with the condition of incoming cats). It is best to set aside for this separate room with mandatory natural ventilation and good heating. For such purposes, an electrically heated floor is often installed, which allows you to not depend on utility companies and not be afraid that the kittens may get sick or die in the off-season. This is especially important for sphinxes and similar “hairless” cats.
  • Non-residential premises . If you plan to create a nursery with enclosures, you must have at least a separate plot of land available. The building must have an area of ​​at least 60-70 square meters. m. It must have running water, heating, electricity, a ventilation system, and sewerage. If such conditions exist, you can have approximately 12-15 cats and 4-5 male cats.

It's worth starting at own apartment, and if it turns out to be profitable, you can expand and open a separate nursery.

Strange as it may seem, you need to start breeding cats with yourself. First ask yourself this question: Why do I need cat breeding?

Possible answers:

1) I want to make money by breeding cats

Such a crazy thought often comes to mind after viewing advertisements for the sale of purebred kittens, which amaze with their price tags. However, for some reason, few people think about how much money needs to be invested in “raising” one kitten. Breeding cats is not profitable business, but rather an expensive hobby that requires, in addition to serious material, also a lot of time and mental investment. However, you can still make a small profit from selling kittens, especially when the main exhibition period of their parents has passed.

2) I bought a purebred cat, why not try cat breeding?

This sounds good, but keep in mind that breeding cats is a complex endeavor that requires certain skills and knowledge. You'll have to learn, and it's not easy. Well, see point 1.: money, physical strength and energy you need.

3) I’m not going to seriously breed cats, it’s just that a cat needs to give birth at least once.

We already wrote in the article about sterilization of cats that a cat does NOT HAVE to give birth; moreover, there is no point in a “one-time” birth; on the contrary, if a cat is sterilized after the first birth, this will have a detrimental effect on its mental and physical health. So it is better not to experiment and immediately sterilize the animal.

4) I was involved in breeding dogs/ferrets/rats/etc., now I want to try breeding cats.

Here you need to understand that cats differ significantly in genetics, living conditions, etc. from other animals, so you should not transfer your experience in breeding ferrets to breeding cats without changes.

5) I always wanted to breed cats, I carefully studied the issue, bought a good cat; I want to breed a fundamentally new breed or significantly improve an old one.

In fact, this is exactly what the ideal answer to the question “why do I want to breed cats?” should sound like. But, alas, it sounds like that extremely rarely.

Where to start breeding cats?

1) Buy a purebred cat

Usually, when beginners in cat breeding start searching on the Internet for “where to start breeding cats,” a purebred cat or cat has already been purchased. If not, then how to choose a purebred kitten for breeding is written in one of our articles. One has only to note that you need to choose a kitten for breeding very carefully, you need to buy it only in trusted nurseries, and before purchasing you should find out what breeds of cats are in demand, so that you don’t have problems selling kittens later.

2) Check the documents for the kitten

Only a cat destined for it can participate in breeding, which means that the contract for the purchase of a kitten must provide for the possibility of participation in breeding. Also, the kitten must have a pedigree drawn up according to all the rules, without the “pet” stamp.

3) Pass a veterinary examination and get vaccinations

Pedigree kittens must be vaccinated according to age, sometimes only one vaccination is given before the animal is transferred to new owners, in which case it is necessary to do it again. In addition, all kittens for breeding should undergo a thorough examination by a veterinarian for hidden defects and infections. Especially those that can be passed on to offspring. Kittens with genetic defects are automatically excluded from breeding.

In the course of his work, a cat breeder must receive various documents: directions for mating, titles, metrics and pedigrees of kittens, etc. These documents are issued by clubs (in European systems: WCF, FIFE, etc.) or the systems themselves (in American systems: TICA, CFA, etc.) via the Internet. Theoretically, it is possible to participate in exhibitions and receive documents (especially in American systems) without joining a club/system, but membership in a club/system always provides certain bonuses: discounts, participation in special competitions, etc.

5) Start a show career

A cat or female cat can receive adult titles from 8-10 months; before this, the pet can be taken to an exhibition so that it gets used to the atmosphere, but, from the point of view of an exhibition career and spending money, this is not advisable.

Different clubs and systems different rules, but, usually, cats with at least one “excellent” rating and cats with a closed title “champion” (in European systems) are allowed to participate in breeding, or there must be confirmation of the cat’s standard at the exhibition ( American systems).

Without participation in exhibitions, a cat cannot be allowed to breed (with rare exceptions).

6) Study the genetics and physiology of cats, breeding rules, basic veterinary medicine, etc.

You can study all the issues on your own, or you can enroll in felinologist courses, which can be full-time or correspondence. The cost of courses ranges from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles for the entire program. At the end of the courses, exams are taken, for successful completion of which a certificate/diploma of felinologist is issued. It is best to begin education in the field of felinology from the moment you purchase a cat, in parallel with participation in cat shows.

7) Organize mating of a cat

Cats are bred after 12 months, having missed 1-2 heats (you CANNOT be bred during the first heat!); cats are bred after 14 months. If the rules of the club/system allow, then representatives of early maturing cat breeds (Peterbald, Cornish Rex, Oriental, Siamese, etc.) can be bred for up to 12-14 months.

Before mating at the club, you must obtain a referral for mating, and animal owners should also enter into an agreement among themselves.

Sometimes the owner of a cat before mating requires that his animal’s partner be tested for certain infections.

8) Raise and sell kittens

Responsibility for maintaining the litter falls entirely on the shoulders of the cat owner. He must deliver the baby, monitor the growth and development of the kittens, and provide them with proper care. It’s better to invite a cat to your first birth an experienced veterinarian or at least have an emergency contact with him just in case.

After birth, kittens must undergo certification at the club ( European systems) or registration in the system (American systems). Kittens must undergo certification/registration before sale; after this procedure, the kitten receives a metric, which is then exchanged for a pedigree by the breeder or the owner himself.

Direct sale of kittens is carried out after they reach 3 months (buyers can reserve kittens before this period). Kittens are sold with a contract, birth certificate and veterinary passport. Before selling, the breeder must give the kittens at least a primary vaccination, or preferably two at once. Back

Breeding cats is a real lifestyle. It is difficult to deal with cats without loving and knowing this animal, and direct passion for this issue entails appearance at exhibitions, participation in clubs where the breeding of cats is actually controlled.

It should be remembered that breeding expensive cats with a pedigree at the household level without the control of the relevant organizations will not work, which is why we talk about lifestyle. It is necessary not only to buy a kitten with a good pedigree and breed after 12 months adult cat with a cat, it is important to participate in exhibitions, draw up contracts, undergo examinations and finally, activate or register kittens. That is it's a troublesome and complicated business, but exciting. Breeding kittens brings a lot of fun and a lot of positive emotions, and sometimes a good profit.

Reason for breeding cats

Before taking such a serious step, you need to understand the reason why you should breed kittens. If it's just about money, then in reality everything is not as profitable as it seems. One breeder out of twenty actually makes a good profit from kittens, the rest spend more. It is important to be able to choose a breed, find out the demand for it, find regular customers or a circle of people who will help with the sale. You literally have to live with cats, know everything about them, where to save money, where to spend money, how to simplify this or that task, and, most importantly, know people, namely cat clubs and be a member of these clubs.

Choice of animal

First you should buy a kitten, better than a cat, although you can have a cat, here again everything depends on personal preferences and employment. The owner of the cat is involved in the birth, kittens, registering them, and so on, and the owner of the cat rather acts as an observer. On the other hand, participation in exhibitions is mandatory for both parents of future offspring, that is, all responsibility cannot be avoided; it is necessary to move around in this world so that it brings profit and pleasure.

Some breeders do it much simpler and more cunningly, they buy both a male and a male cat, two kittens, which they take to shows together and breed. This saves time searching suitable partner, and if both animals win medals, insignia, honor, then their kittens will also have high demand. So this option is worth thinking about. Many American and European breeders do just that. It requires large funds on maintenance, but it gives the desired fruits and results.

When purchasing, it is important that the kitten is purebred, with an excellent pedigree, which can be checked at the appropriate club. The breeder who sells him will tell you everything necessary information, will show the pet's parents and give everything necessary documents(passport, birth certificate), and will also draw up a sales agreement. It is important that all documents are available and that they are correct, otherwise this will initial stage You can already ruin the whole future business. The lack of even one vaccination or document will negate all cat breeding; the club simply will not give official permission, and this is tantamount to the future sale of kittens on the market without a pedigree.


Immediately after purchasing a kitten, you must take it to the veterinarian, clarify the date of the next one, if it is necessary and what else is needed, perhaps some scheduled pills, injections that have not yet been given. It is also important to examine a kitten, and eventually a male cat, for the presence of congenital pathologies, genetic defects or infections, viruses that can be transmitted to the next generation. , then breeding becomes impossible, so as not to spoil future kittens with diseases.

It is advisable that the cat has a permanent veterinarian who knows about all its habits, characteristics, former illnesses and even injections. This will make it much easier to communicate with him as needed, and eventually invite him to the birth, which is very desirable, especially if it is the first. U different cats in this case, your perception of the process is a dangerous matter that requires the presence of a specialist nearby.

Participation in exhibitions

Breeding is possible only if the cat has participated in exhibitions where they received the “excellent” or “champion” marks; they must be assessed according to breed standards and only in this case are allowed by clubs and systems for breeding. This is done to maintain breed standards so that unplanned mixtures do not occur. different breeds.

In clubs and at exhibitions, the breed standard is determined, whether the animal corresponds to it, how pure the breed is, without impurities, how obedient the animal is and how bright a representative of its kind it is. This is important, even very important, and with constant participation in exhibitions, privileges appear, useful contacts are made, and the issue of breeding cats and obtaining permission to do so is simplified. Membership in clubs is not necessary, but desirable; it allows you to attend closed exhibitions, receive any useful instructions, information that, one way or another, helps in breeding cats and caring for them.

Studying the issue

Knowledge of the issue is not the least important. A felinologist diploma can be obtained in three private lessons, but without knowledge the breeding process will become much more complicated, and without knowing the breed and its characteristics, even banal animal care can become torture, not even breeding. For this reason, before breeding or after purchasing a kitten, you need to study this issue, study the breed, how to breed, what features it has, and so on, brushing it off important moment You can also harm future offspring through your own ignorance.


Main article:
Mating in cats can only occur after 12 months through 2 heats. And in cats after 14 months. To bring a male cat together for mating, you must have permission from the club. It is requested in advance and, if there is no partner for the cat, one is found through the same club. In this case, animals must present passports, show the presence of all vaccinations, and the absence of diseases in order to avoid problems with childbirth and kittens. The owners draw up an agreement, and the mating takes place under full control on both sides, especially if a new breed is being bred.


The birth and care of kittens falls on the shoulders of the cat's owners, but this process is controlled by the cat's owners, and sometimes by the club. After birth, kittens are activated or registered in a club or system to receive a metric, which is eventually exchanged for a pedigree. The selling price is set by the cat's owner depending on the demand for the breed. Before the sale, at least one vaccination is done and with a passport, birth certificate and contract, after 3 months the kittens can be sold.

The pet breeding business attracts us with its prospects. Looking through advertisements for the sale of purebred animals, we see high prices, and accordingly, we come to the conclusion that breeding cats as a business is very profitable.

If you want to start making money from breeding pets, then you need to approach the issue very carefully so as not to lose your investment and make a profit. You must understand that such a business is very unstable, has its pros and cons, as well as the likelihood of incurring risks and losses if, for example, a pet gets sick.

If you think that it is enough to buy a couple of cats and give them the opportunity to peacefully reproduce and provide you with finances, then this is not entirely true. Breeding cats requires some knowledge about the characteristics of these animals, as well as business skills and the ability to correctly calculate all expenses so that they are less than income.

Where to begin

The first thing you must do is make a plan. No successful business does not happen without careful planning. You must take into account everything: the cost of purchasing animals, their maintenance, veterinarian, exhibition. When assessing where to start breeding cats, you need to understand that sometimes unforeseen situations occur that require additional investment.

The next step is preparing the premises. It is more convenient to maintain a nursery with several animals in a private home. In this case, cats will have to be allocated a separate room, and perhaps more than one, depending on how many animals are supposed to be kept. Careful planning of matings and selection of pairs will require you to separately house males, females and recently given birth females with litters.

In addition, you will need an area for walking and playing. An excellent solution is to make an outdoor enclosure. For these purposes, a strong mesh and a sun canopy are usually used. Of course, you can organize the breeding of cats at home, that is, in an apartment, but in this case you can keep no more than one pair, since the space is quite limited.

Cage for breeding cats

Now you must decide how many animals to purchase. You won’t get much profit from one pair, since the cat needs a rest from giving birth, but during this period it still feeds and requires care. This means we calculate how many females we need so that they consistently produce kittens throughout the year. In this case, you will have to take into account how popular the chosen breed is in your city and whether you will be able to sell the resulting number of cubs. If they are delayed, you will incur additional maintenance costs.

Therefore, your business plan should include:

  • expenses for preliminary preparation of the premises;
  • expenses for the purchase of breeding animals;
  • maintenance costs;
  • additional expenses: veterinarian, dietary food for indigestion and certain diseases;
  • costs of feeding kittens;
  • calculation of animal maintenance not only during pregnancy, but also during the rest period.

You are now ready to purchase breeding pairs. There are several options here.

  1. We purchase young kittens and raise them until puberty.
  2. We purchase grown-up cats and female cats from trusted nurseries.
  3. We only purchase cats and then pay for breeding.

Each option has pros and cons. When buying kittens, you still don’t know what will grow out of them, so you need to choose a nursery as carefully as possible, having studied the pedigrees of the parents. When buying older kittens, you get cats that are almost ready for breeding, but, again, you must be sure that the animals were not sold to you. over a year old. If you choose the option of paying for matings, you must be prepared for expenses: the more elite the male, the more expensive the mating will cost. For some breeds it can reach 20-50 thousand rubles.

Read also: Where to start breeding mink at home as a business

What else is needed to maintain a nursery?

In addition to a properly equipped room, you will need the following:

Breeding Features

Professional animal breeding requires certain knowledge. Many nursery owners take felinological courses, where they are told how to select pairs correctly, what they should pay attention to, how childbirth is carried out, features of keeping, participation in exhibitions and other important points.

For breeding you will have to choose a specific breed. It is not recommended to keep several different breeds nearby to avoid accidental crossbreeding.

Animals without genetic defects or health problems are allowed for breeding. You will be a member of a club that approves matings and issues pedigree. Usually no more than two matings are allowed per year. The first mating occurs after the third heat. It is impossible to allow breeding to occur too early, but it is not recommended to do the first mating with an already adult animal.

Of great importance correct selection pairs by color, each breed has its own characteristics. The main breeds that are popular:

  • British;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Maine Coon;
  • sphinx;
  • Persian;
  • Bengali;
  • Abyssinian

Choosing expensive breed, remember that demand for it may be small.

British Persian breed

All animals used for breeding are subject to vaccination. There is one for every cat veterinary passport. Pedigree kittens are usually given away starting at three months. They also receive vaccinations and receive veterinary passports. Pregnancy in a cat lasts on average 65-68 days; in Maine Coons it can last up to 72 days. Estrus in cats lasts about a week, its frequency depends on the breed and characteristics of a particular female. The average number of kittens is from 1 to 6, this large breed, like the Maine Coon, there are more of them.

Pitfalls when breeding animals

In pursuit of profit, you will have to work hard. Animal breeders are forced to devote all their time to them, and the more cats you have, the less time you have for everything else. When starting your business, you will have to invest a lot. For example, a purebred Maine Coon will cost 20 thousand rubles and more, it depends on the specific nursery and the prospects of the kitten itself. Breeders usually sell at a higher price for breeding. Here, of course, you can cheat and say that you are taking a cat for the family, but in any case you will need a pedigree and permission to breed if you want the kittens to sell at a high price.

Many will agree that when your favorite business and income become synonymous, this is just great. Most people love cats. Today it is difficult to find a person who would not like them. You just can't help but love them. Fluffy (or not so furry) animals are capable of bringing a large number of joy and fun, in addition, according to experts, cats have therapeutic effect. It’s incredibly cool to come home after a hard day at work and see this cute creature greeting the owner with a pleasant purr. Consequently, cat breeding as a business can bring good income to an interested entrepreneur and lover of these creatures.

It is worth noting that cats are the most popular pets in the world. This is due to the availability of the ability to fight rodents, the beauty of cats and their character. These animals behave friendly towards people, at the same time they can be cunning and trusting, predatory and affectionate, they love freedom of action and independence. Many monuments have been erected to these animals, a fairly large number of stories, poems and other stories have been dedicated to them. literary works, which tell about amazing abilities and feats that happen in real life.

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What is the cost of the most beautiful and exclusive breeds of these animals?

Today, about 100 species of cats are known, which differ markedly in their appearance, hair length and coloring, behavior and other characteristics that were created as a result of their residence in certain regions of the globe.

Despite the fact that there are quite a large number of these animals, some breeds are very popular in great demand and cost a lot of money. This is due to the fact that some breeds have a certain exoticism and beauty that is unique to them, and at the same time they are a kind of living decoration for the home interior of the middle and rich segments of the population.

In general, we can conclude that cats are great in any case. For those entrepreneurs who share this opinion, it makes sense to get acquainted with a business idea on how to breed cats.

Below is the approximate cost of elite kittens of popular breeds in dollars:

  • British shorthair - $500-1500;
  • Scottish fold - $800-1200;
  • sphinxes - 1000-2000 dollars;
  • Siamese and oriental cats- 1000-2000 dollars;
  • Kurilian bobtails - $600-1000;
  • Persian cats and exotics - $1000-3000;
  • Abyssinian cats - $1000-2000;
  • Russians blue cats- 300-500 dollars;
  • Devon Rex - $500-1000;
  • Siberian cats - 500-600 dollars.

The price will be influenced by factors such as the degree of compliance with the standards of a particular breed and the regalia of the kittens' parents.

In addition, it is worth considering creating a business for breeding the rarest breeds of cats. Among them may be a toyger, a Bohemian rex, a safari cat, and so on. In this way, the entrepreneur will be able to stand out and occupy the most profitable and practically free niche.

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What you need to start a cat business

First of all, breeding these animals requires a preliminary study of the demand and cost of a certain breed of cats in the region where you plan to open a business, and searching for contacts with experienced people who breed these animals. In addition, you will need to read a large amount of literature that describes the requirements for the care and nutrition of cats.

In order to start breeding, it is recommended to purchase kittens at 2 months of age or more. It is at this age that they are already able to independently, without the help of their mother, eat fully like adults, improve their movements, and get acquainted with the world around them.

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Features of keeping such animals at home

To keep cats, it is better to use a separate room or room, which should have constant ventilation and access. fresh air from the street. In addition, such a room should be equipped with drinking bowls, feeders, and a toilet in the form of a tray, which will be filled with soft, finely chopped paper. Breeding cats should only be carried out in such conditions.

It is worth knowing that a cat business can bring good profits, since these animals are quite fertile. The offspring can be about 3 times a year. On average, one litter can have 4-5 kittens, but it is worth noting that occasionally the number can reach up to 10. The duration of pregnancy in cats will depend on the chosen breed, the breeding of which is planned. On average, the period can be approximately 55-65 days. For this period, she will need to be given a special nest (place), which can be, for example, in the form of a wooden box. You will need to put fabric in it that can be easily washed.

Small cats need to be fed at least 4 times a day with milk, meat, rice, fish, grated carrots and apples, and bread. Adult cats only need to be fed 2 times a day.

The cat business requires keeping a diary of mating and estrus dates. This is necessary in order to be fully prepared for the process by the day of birth. It is extremely important not to leave the cat alone during this period. Most of success will lie in a trusting relationship with the animal. The ideal option would be one in which the cat considers the owner to be its mother. This will allow the birth to go smoothly and without any worries.

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What to consider when breeding and selling kittens

Cat breeds that are poorly adapted to survival will need to be fed at least half as much as usual approximately 1 week before giving birth. This will allow the kittens to be born small, which can make the whole process much easier. It is important to note that this will not affect the further size of the cats.

The cat business implies that kittens that are being prepared for sale must be accustomed to a dry closet, a scratching post, and should not scratch while playing. In addition, such animals must respond adequately to noise that may come from household appliances.

Thus, if simple steps related to care and feeding (which were given above) are fully followed, it will be possible to breed beautiful and rare breeds of cats with ease and without any problems.

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Possible ways to advertise and sell purebred kittens

The entrepreneur will need to take care of advertising. There are several ways here. You can inform all your friends that you are planning to breed a certain breed of cat. Most likely, people will immediately appear who want to buy kittens, because today almost every person in Russia wants to get themselves a purebred cat. Advertising is also possible through word of mouth. This means that acquaintances will tell their acquaintances, therefore, information will spread quickly enough, and the business will generate income.

You can resort to the most common and standard method - placing advertisements for the sale of kittens in various newspapers or on the Internet.

In the future, it will also be possible to sell kittens through pet stores or by submitting advertisements to various means mass media. It is worth noting that there are a sufficient number of people who are willing to pay large sums of money for the exoticism and beauty of a given animal.

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Possible financial investments that will be needed to start this business

First of all, breeding cats requires having a cat of the same breed. Therefore, the entrepreneur will need to think through the knitting process. There are 2 possible options here:

  1. Buy a couple of animals from the very beginning.
  2. Agree with the owner of the cat which is suitable for the cat, and carry out mating for monetary reward or a kitten (the amount can range from 50 to 300 dollars, depending on the breed of the cat and the personal preferences of its owner).

It is worth understanding that this business does not require a particularly large amount of cash investment. You will need the following:

  1. To purchase a cat directly, its cost will depend on the chosen breed and range from $500 to $3,000.
  2. Find a cat of a certain breed and pay for the breeding, which will cost about another $100.
  3. The feeder costs about 10-20 dollars.
  4. A tray that will cost another $10.
  5. Scratching post - $30-50 depending on the size and manufacturer chosen.
  6. A sleeping place for cats and kittens (bed or house), the cost of which can vary from 20 to 100 dollars.
  7. In addition, you will need a carrying bag, which is another 30-100 dollars.
  8. A walking collar is another 10-30 dollars.
  9. Food - depending on the chosen manufacturer and the size of the package, the cost can range from 5 to 40 dollars per package (we recommend food from the manufacturer Acana, which contains a fairly large amount of natural ingredients necessary for the health of the cat).

Total total costs can range from approximately $715 to $3,450.