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White cat breed with blue eyes. If your cat is pure white, she may be deaf. Blue-eyed cats are deaf.

With the help of hearing, animals navigate in space and sense the distance to the source of noise or a hypothetical thunderstorm. Hearing loss domestic cat, an unpleasant phenomenon, but not fatal. A deaf cat is quite capable of full life, after some adaptation. If we consider the issue globally, hearing loss can be explained by several factors - genetic disorders, diseases or injuries, abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system.

Elderly pets partially or completely lose their hearing due to degenerative processes and atrophy nerve endings. Most often, the process of hearing loss is irreversible, but against the background of decreased activity, animals adapt well to deafness. Teach your cat in advance basic gestures that will help you communicate with a deaf cat with age-related hearing loss. If your cat has become deaf from old age, she needs to provide appropriate living conditions and minimize the need to take care of her own safety:

  • Isolate the animal from the street.
  • Buy a collar with a bell so you can find your pet if he is hiding.
  • Always say hello, goodbye and encourage your pet tactilely.
  • Do not appear suddenly, wait until the pet sees you or create a vibration that the cat will feel, for example, by stomping on the floor.

Congenital deafness in cats is not necessarily associated with color or heredity. Any disturbances in the development of fetuses during the 1st week of pregnancy can lead to atrophy of auditory receptors. The causes of degenerative processes in the development of fetuses are most often associated with disruption of the nervous system of a pregnant cat - intoxication, acute viral and infectious diseases.

Are everyone deaf? - No, not all. Are all blue-eyed cats deaf? - Again - no! The “stigma” about the deafness of white cats has certain grounds if there were Angoras in the animal’s family, which have a risk of gene damage, as a result, incorrect formation inner ear. And again, not all Angora cats are deaf; if the kitten is purchased from responsible breeders, it has documents confirming the absence of genetic “gaps” in both parents.

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White cats with blue eyes or with heterochromic color of the irises (eyes different colors) are also carriers of Angora blood. It has been established that in cats with different irises, deafness is observed in the ear that is on the same side as the blue eye. The ears of newborn kittens are covered with a film and an outer leathery membrane. In Angora “heirs” with a mutated gene, by the time their ears open, the organ of Corti (the receptors responsible for the perception of sounds) atrophies. That is, the kitten is not born deaf, but the pathology develops in 10–14 days.

A few words about breeding white cats

The claim that white kittens are deaf is based on ignorance. There are a number of arguments that prohibit mating of certain individuals. There is no white color in nature; it is a certain mixture of the basic spectrum that produces white radiation when reflected. When we're talking about about white cats, means:

  • Albinos (lack of pigmentation due to gene mutation)– the wool is white (transparent), the iris is white-blue, pale blue, white.
  • Individuals with the “white spot factor”– visually, the cat looks white, but the color consists of tightly adjacent spots.
  • Individuals with a dominant white gene- a so-called breed of deaf cats in which the genes for all coat and iris colors are suppressed, except for white and bright blue, respectively.

Not all white cats are allowed for exhibitions and breeding. It is strictly forbidden to breed a deaf cat if the disease is caused by genetic disorders. Also, most clubs prohibit “white on white” matings, regardless of the color of the iris, pedigree, physical health and other factors.

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Signs of acquired deafness in cats

Gradually progressive deafness in cats is compensated by the sense of touch and smell, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease in early stages. Even if a pet has 10% hearing, it does not appear deaf. Symptoms indicating complete hearing loss are:

  • The cat doesn't hear voices. Sometimes, pets completely ignore their owners, which is mistaken for deafness.
  • Visually, timidity and uncertainty are noticeable; the animal often turns around. Usually to "appreciate" environment, cats only turn their ears.
  • The animal meows unnaturally loudly.
  • There is discomfort - the cat shakes its head, scratches its ears.
  • With the development of infections, an unpleasant odor from the ears and the release of exudate may be observed.
  • When frightened, the animal prefers to shrink and remain in place.

There is a method to test a cat for deafness. You need to position yourself so that your pet doesn’t see you and knock on any surface. A different range of sounds is produced alternately, from a dull blow to a sharp one, from quiet to loud. At the same time, the cat turns its ears to a quiet sound, and its head to a loud sound. In kittens up to 3–4 weeks of age, deafness is almost invisible; the only sign is a weak “copying” of the behavior of hearing babies.

Important! A cat's whiskers allow you to feel the slightest vibration in the air; during a hearing test, monitor the amplitude of your movements to avoid getting a false result.

Deafness as a consequence of illness

Acquired hearing problems occur due to illness or injury. Changes can only be reversible if timely diagnosis and treatment. Do not self-medicate, contact a veterinarian who, based on experience, will narrow the “diagnostic circle” and tell you what to do first. Among the common ailments, causing loss hearing can be noted:

  • infectious lesion ear canal. An infection that has entered the cavity of the inner ear causes inflammation and, in progress, the formation of pus. Acute otitis media a very painful disease leading to partial or complete loss hearing Without treatment, the animal dies from complications in the form of inflammatory process in the brain.
  • Sulfur plugs– due to malfunction excretory system, the ear canals become clogged with a dense brown mass. To determine how to treat a patient, the discharge is submitted for analysis to identify the root cause of the deviation, there are two “typical” options - a “bouquet” of impaired metabolism, worm damage and weak immunity or ear mite infestation.

As you know, in nature, especially in the wild, white color in animals is extremely rare. The only exception is the inhabitants of polar latitudes, where color is developed through natural selection over many generations. But cats originated from Africa, and they were originally brown. Their brownish fur served as protection from scorching sun rays, as well as camouflage in order to quietly sneak up on prey and hide from larger predators. How did you manage to survive? white cat?

Sometimes even among black rooks absolutely snow-white chicks are born. And even among people (including the Negroid race) there are individuals with very snow-white, as if gray hair and reddish eyes. This phenomenon is called albinism. In fact, an albino does not have a white color, but the absence of one. The skin, fur and eyes of highly organized creatures contain melanin - a substance that protects the body from solar radiation and colors it in color. Representatives of this enzyme have more, the European northern race has less, and albinos do not have it at all. The latter includes the white cat.

But if in wildlife Such individuals most often die early without producing offspring, then domestic animals are lucky in this sense. Unusual color was valued back in the days Ancient Egypt, where he was considered a symbol of purity and innocence. People diligently cultivated already dominant gene albinism. Nowadays, a white cat is highly valued, and standards have been developed that exclude light beige, silver and soft fawn cats from participating in competitions. Only a rich, even snow-white color without any shades, as well as multi-colored spots, is allowed. The only exception is kittens, which may have small spots on their heads - these should disappear with age.

Animals with copper or orange eyes (Copper Eyed White), despite the snow color, are less susceptible to deafness, but a white cat with (Odd Eyed White, strange eyes) is likely to have minor hearing problems. She can only be deaf

in one ear, or be hard of hearing. In any case, neither the milk-colored color nor the color is a definitive indicator that the animal is deaf. But if it gets scared when you come up from behind and touch it, then there is cause for concern. Among these cute pets special place occupied by a white cat with blue eyes (Blue Eyed White). She is not full albino: her body contains a small amount of melanin, which colors the lower layers of the iris black, and the absence of this substance in the upper layers creates a blue effect. The most prized animals are those with very rich blue eyes. Unfortunately, about 20% of the Blue Eyed White breed are born deaf. The epistatic and dominant W gene is responsible for this, which goes “hand in hand” with the heavenly color.

Needs special care, even if her hearing is fine. Firstly, such a fur coat is very easily soiled. Secondly, on a white background they are especially visible dirty ears and sour eyes. Thirdly, the albinism gene makes these animals extremely vulnerable to solar radiation. Melanin does not protect the skin and the cat can get sunburn, and if this happens often, then you will get skin cancer.

As one of the greats said, “even a cat is beautiful.” Some people like fluffy, healthy cats, while others are crazy about statue-like, graceful cats whose skin is not covered with hair. But almost everyone agrees that snow-white cats with blue eyes are among the most beautiful.

Unfortunately, there is a myth that white cats cannot hear anything. People believe that if a cat has beautiful white fur and light, bottomless eyes, then with almost one hundred percent probability this cat is deaf. Is this really true?

Why do many people think that white cats are deaf?

The fact is that in snow-whites the epistatic gene W is dominant. It is often confused with albinism, but in fact it is not the same thing at all. It is the presence of this gene that explains the fact that 2 out of 10 white cats actually cannot hear anything.

But this gene can high degree chances of being in the genotype of red cats, and black cats, and even tabby cats, and they may just as well turn out to be deaf. Moreover, this gene is passed on from parent to offspring, so some of the kittens in such a litter may be deaf, regardless of the color of their fur. And for white wool is still responsible for albinism, which is in no way connected with deafness.

How can you tell if a white cat can't hear?

If you still want to get yourself a white kitten, but are not ready to provide care for a deaf animal, then you need to determine whether the cat is deaf before you take him into your home. As a rule, a deaf kitten differs from its brothers and sisters in that the sounds it makes are louder than the others, because it cannot hear itself. More adult cat, who has hearing problems, does not respond to sounds so dear to a cat’s heart, such as the rustling of food being poured into a bowl or the sound of the refrigerator door opening. You should be especially wary if the cat gets scared when you approach it from behind. Hearing ordinary cat very thin and she should hear your steps.

If a deaf cat lives in your house, always watch your step and ask your guests to do the same. Unfortunately, deaf cats are more susceptible to injury than ordinary cats, because one of their senses is atrophied and they may not react to danger in a timely manner. These cats still need a little more attention than ordinary cats, but otherwise they are just as sweet, playful and gentle pets as hearing ones.


  • Does white mean deaf?

Unfortunately, several percent of cats suffer from congenital deafness. It is generally accepted that these cats are usually white; in fact, different genes are responsible for the color of an animal and for deafness. The coincidence of their combination in the same animal is nothing more than an accident. Is it possible to somehow determine that a cat cannot hear anything?


Imagine that you decide to take a kitten home. Of course, you would want it to be a beautiful, good-natured and completely healthy animal. Think for yourself, a deaf cat or a cat in the family is not exactly a problem, but such a pet can create certain inconveniences. For example, in order to calm an overly “talkative” animal without hearing impairments, it is usually enough to calmly but firmly ask him to shut up. If the cat is deaf, then you will have to correct its behavior using some other method of influence.

Before you take your kitten home, check how well he hears. To do this, stand behind him or hide in a place where the baby cannot see you - for example, around a corner or door. Make some noise - clap your hands, for example, or whistle. If the kitten flinches, jumps back, or simply looks around in fear with its ears pinned down - in general, it reacts adequately to unusual sounds coming from out of nowhere - everything is completely fine with the hearing of this particular animal. If there is no reaction to the noise you made, then it cannot be ruled out that the baby has poor hearing or is completely deaf.

If you suspect your cat is deaf, try this test. When the animal has just dozed off, drop an empty pan on the floor in the same room or loudly slam the door. If a cat distinguishes sounds, he will jump up from his seat in fear; a deaf animal will continue to sleep serenely, without even changing its position.

Don’t panic if you suddenly discover that the cat living in your home can’t hear anything. First, make sure that the animal does not actually distinguish sounds. This can be confirmed to you with 100% certainty by either veterinarian, or a felinologist specialist. If the animal is truly deaf, then this is not so scary, because this defect is usually compensated for in him hypersensitivity to air movement and floor vibration. You will hardly be able to sneak up on an adult deaf cat unnoticed, because only the kitten does not yet know what the vibrations of the floorboards under its paws mean. An adult animal not only understands that someone is trying to approach it, but is also able to distinguish which family member is doing this.

You should not let a deaf cat out into the street, because, despite its sharp vision and hypersensitive tactile receptors, the animal may not have time to react to a sudden source of danger. A deaf cat can be attacked by a dog or hit by a car, so take care of your pet and do not let him go outside the house.

Probably those who had white cats noticed that they had hearing problems. Why does this happen and how can you check how deaf a cat is?

Causes of deafness

Indeed, statistics show that some cats with blue eyes have little or no hearing because they have inner ear degeneration.

Moreover, such a pathology can be:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

It is difficult to understand this fact: a truly deaf cat is usually blue-eyed. But cats with white fur have not only blue eyes, but also green (like most cats) and yellow (sometimes even bright orange). But there are also such handsome men who have eyes of different colors. And if one of them is blue, then the white cat will be deaf in the ear on the side of which this eye is located. Paradox? But that's true.

Scientists have known about this feature of albinos for a long time, starting from the 19th century. Even Charles Darwin wrote about them. Over time, more and more specialists found a direct connection between:

  • coat color;
  • blue eye pigment;
  • lack of ability to hear.

Why are white cats deaf?

Deafness in white cats is explained by certain genetic characteristics. The white color gene, which is dominant, specifically affects the processes that occur in a small organism at the stage of embryonic development, and it also affects the development of hearing. This has been proven through numerous experiments.

If the kitten had representatives or Thais in the family, then the presence of blue eyes does not fully guarantee that the grown cat will be deaf. This is explained by the fact that the gene with such a pathology was taken from Siamese cats that don't have this problem.

Kittens of many breeds are born with blue eyes, but their color later changes. Therefore, when you see a blue-eyed white kitten, do not be alarmed: it is not a fact that he will remain with that eye color and will not hear. Wait a little, let him grow up, and everything will fall into place.

People who decide to have a white kitten need to know all the nuances associated with the peculiarities of its development. Not all kittens are equally deaf. Before buying a new family member, you should find out what type of hearing he or she has already at the stage of selecting an applicant. After all, it may well be that not everyone is able to provide normal life to a deaf child and teach him to understand a person.

Judge about physical features It is not entirely correct to identify a cat or cat solely on the basis of coat color and eye color. However, the stereotype that all blue-eyed cats with white coats are deaf is very persistent.

Scientists began to mention cases of deafness in white blue-eyed cats back in the 19th century. In particular, Charles Darwin described this problem in his work “The Origin of Species.”

Years passed. There is growing evidence of a relationship between white coat pigmentation, blue eyes and deafness in cats. And thus, over time, the situation transformed almost into a genetic fact.

And although the connection between coat pigmentation and various neurological problems may occur in cats, we should not forget that each animal has its own set of genes and not every such “set” is fraught with deafness.

It is known that genetically white colors are divided into five varieties:

1. With completely suppressed color (white color is, in fact, not a color at all, but the absence of pigmentation).

2. Dominant white color(appears due to an epistatic gene that suppresses all colors and patterns). And it is this gene that is “to blame” for the deafness of newborn white, blue-eyed kittens. It happens that this gene appears in the genotype of black, red and even tabby cats, but much less frequently.

3. With solid white spots.

4. Albinos

5. Albinos with blue eyes.

Thus, geneticists have proven that not all cats with white fur and blue eyes are necessarily deaf. As they say, it's all in the genes!

How can you tell if a white kitten is deaf?

If you want to have a snow-white, blue-eyed cat, but you are not sure that you can provide proper care for a deaf animal, then you need to try to distinguish a deaf kitten from its healthy counterparts at the selection stage.

The sounds made by deaf kittens are an order of magnitude higher than those of their brothers and sisters. If the kitten does not respond to noise stimuli (the clapping of hands from the animal’s back, the rustling of a bag of food, etc.), we can assume that he has hearing problems. A “hard of hearing” kitten will continue to sleep peacefully, even if a shelf with dishes collapses in the kitchen. A deaf cat will be scared if you approach her from behind and touch her fur, because she did not hear your steps. But an experienced veterinarian will help you confirm your guesses about your pet’s hearing with 100% certainty.

A deaf kitten is unlikely to grow into a first-class hunter. A hearing kitten very quickly begins to understand that it is necessary to sneak up on mice and birds as quietly as possible, but a deaf baby may never understand this. And, of course, such special cats should always live at home under supervision. The street is fraught with too many dangers for them (dogs, cars, children). In general, deaf pets are just as gentle, playful and affectionate animals as their hearing counterparts, they just need a little more attention.