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Methods of sterilizing cats - which is better. How cats are sterilized

Veterinary specialists in modern conditions offer various types of sterilization of cats, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most often, this choice is determined by the technical support of the clinic, the qualifications of doctors and the financial capabilities of clients.

Therefore, before choosing which method is best suited for a particular animal, you should familiarize yourself with the principles of its implementation, possible complications, changes in the physiology and behavior of females after surgery.

Many owners, when getting a purebred cat, do not immediately plan to use it for breeding purposes, but do not completely exclude this possibility in the future. For such cases, a sterilization method has been specially developed, based on the subcutaneous introduction of an implant that suppresses the production of sex hormones.

This allows you to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring without surgery and relieve the animal from the suffering associated with the period of sexual heat in the absence of mating.

Until recently in veterinary practice Covinan was used, the effect of which lasts six months after administration. Despite its high effectiveness, it had significant drawbacks in the form of side effects after frequent use.

Long-term use of the drug led to the development pathological changes in the internal genital organs of females. Therefore, most clinics have now abandoned the use of Covinan and switched to it modern analogue Suprelorin.

Active ingredient this tool is deslorelin, dissolved in animal fat that is biocompatible with the body. Due to its slow resorption, the drug continuously enters the bloodstream in equal portions and suppresses the synthesis of sex hormones for 6-24 months, depending on the breed and individual characteristics animal body. After the end of this period, it must be re-introduced.

Important! A special feature of Suprelorin is the ability to stimulate the production of large amounts of estrogens in females in the first 14 days after implantation, after which their synthesis abruptly stops. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, contact of the cat with males should be completely excluded during this period.

According to studies, Suprelorin does not have side effects, therefore can be used for an extended period of time.

Read also: A cat’s temperature after sterilization: what to do with high and low readings

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of chemical sterilization is its reversibility, that is full recovery reproductive (childbearing) function of females after the end of drug exposure.

Other advantages include:

  • no need to prepare for manipulation;
  • avoiding the effects of anesthesia;
  • the possibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy in animals that have contraindications to surgical interventions;
  • the possibility of interrupting the action of the substance by removing the capsule from under the skin.

Disadvantages of the method

The disadvantages include the unpredictability of the duration of the drug’s effect on the cat’s body. This causes inconvenience to owners of breeding stations and nurseries, where it is necessary to predict the restoration of the reproductive abilities of females.

Radiation sterilization

This method of sterilization is the targeted effect of radioactive isotopes on the gonads of females.


  • no anesthesia;
  • painlessness;
  • no need for postoperative rehabilitation care;
  • high efficiency.

Some experts suggest that radiation exposure may further provoke the development of cancer of the reproductive organs. However, there are no statistical data to support this claim yet.

The disadvantages of this method include its high cost and inaccessibility, since only a large, reputable clinic can afford expensive equipment for its implementation.

Surgical sterilization methods

Currently, there are 3 sterilization methods that completely eliminate the reproductive function of cats.

Tubal occlusion

Represents the application of a ligature to the oviduct, often called ligation fallopian tubes. This makes the process of fertilization impossible, but does not affect hormonal levels. Therefore, the remaining ovaries continue to produce hormones and provoke symptoms of sexual heat.

Tubal occlusion is an outdated method, since it does not stop the suffering of the female during estrus, and can subsequently lead to inflammatory processes in the uterus, the formation of malignant tumors in it, and the appearance of cysts on the ovaries.


The method involves surgical excision of the uterus, but the ovaries remain intact and continue to perform their maintenance function hormonal levels in the female's body. This operation is advisable if it is necessary to save the life of a cat during pathological childbirth, the presence of decomposing fetuses in the uterus, malignant neoplasms and so on.

The disadvantages of hysterectomy are similar to the negative consequences of tubal occlusion, therefore both methods are practically not used in veterinary practice and are replaced by oophorectomy or ovariohysterectomy.


This term refers to the surgical removal of the ovaries, leading to the cessation of hormone production.

Read also: The cat is lethargic after sterilization: reasons, what to do

Since this operation is most suitable for nulliparous females with a sufficiently formed healthy reproductive system, the optimal age for its implementation is considered to be 6-9 months.

Cats with pathologies reproductive organs or mammary glands, oophorectomy is contraindicated.


The essence of the operation is to remove the ovaries, oviducts and body of the uterus. This method is considered universal, since it not only prevents unwanted pregnancy and eliminates the phenomenon of estrus, but completely eliminates the formation pathological processes reproductive organs and minimizes the possibility of breast diseases.

The undoubted advantage of ovariohysterectomy is the absence age restrictions to carry it out. It is used in young animals before their first heat, in females that have given birth, during pregnancy or pathological birth.

The only drawback of this procedure is the use of general anesthesia.

Methods of surgical sterilization of cats

In modern veterinary medicine, the following methods of sterilizing cats are used:

  • making an incision along the white line;
  • extraction of reproductive organs through a lateral incision;
  • laparoscopy.

Their main difference is access to abdominal cavity. The first two methods can be carried out in any clinic, but the last method is carried out only if the appropriate equipment is available.

Sterilization through a midline incision

This is the most common and proven method in veterinary medicine, allowing not only to carry out sterilization, but also to assess the condition of adjacent organs and tissues.

Since the linea alba is formed by a wide tendon plate, there is no bleeding when it is cut. Through this incision, 3 to 5 cm long, the doctor removes the horns of the uterus and ties the blood vessels, and then excises the ovaries and uterus (with oophorectomy - only the ovaries).

Then the specialist injects an antibiotic solution into the abdominal cavity and sutures the peritoneum and skin layer by layer, additionally treating it with an antiseptic. The damaged area is closed postoperatively to avoid wound infection and suture rupture. After 7-10 days, when the edges of the wound grow together, the surgeon removes the sutures.

This operation is performed under general anesthesia and, depending on the qualifications of the specialist, takes from 30 to 40 minutes. If sterility is maintained during manipulation and proper postoperative care, complications are extremely rare.

Sterilization through a side incision

This method is considered low-traumatic. It allows you to minimize interference in the animal’s body, speed up the healing process, and also eliminate the possibility of internal organs falling out through the incision due to accidental rupture of the sutures. This method is used in 100% of cases when sterilizing stray cats, since after the operation there is no need for hospital stay.

Every cat owner at some point faces a choice: to breed kittens or not. If the answer is negative, experts advise sterilization - an operation whose purpose is to suppress the natural instinct of reproduction in an animal. There are different methods for sterilizing cats. Each of them has its own indications and nuances.

The instinct to procreate is present in all animals. Domestic cats are no exception. If the owner has decided not to breed kittens, then sterilization is considered the optimal solution.

The fact is that puberty occurs early in cats. Before reaching one year of age, the pet begins to persistently demand “dates.” If there is no pair within reach, the animal repeats the “search” quite often. Some cats "walk" several times a year. And there are those who go in search of their chosen one every month.

In addition to the moral issue - and it lies in the patience of the owner to withstand the cat's "songs" - there is also the issue of health.

Suppressing the natural instinct of the reproductive system has a negative effect on the animal’s body. In addition to the exhaustion that a cat regularly experiences during heat, there is a real threat to health.

That is why it is not recommended to keep a cat in such a “suspended” state. If kittens are not wanted in your home, it is best to have your pet neutered. This is a fairly simple procedure and does not harm the body, unlike the monthly unsuccessful attempts of a cat to find a mate.

Some owners prefer to “treat” estrus with hormonal drugs, however, this method gives a temporary effect. Moreover, with the constant use of such tablets, the risk of developing diseases of the reproductive system increases sharply.

Unlike the “hormonal” method, the operation has virtually no contraindications and is performed without complications. And the rehabilitation of an animal after such an intervention depends to a greater extent on subsequent care rather than on the actions of the doctor during the procedure.

Castration and sterilization

When discussing the nuances of the operation, the concepts of “castration” and “sterilization” are often interchangeable and used as synonyms. However, in medical terminology These concepts have radically different meanings. What is the difference between these procedures?

It is important to note that castration and sterilization do not have a “gender specificity.” Both males and females are subject to both procedures.


Sterilization is a surgical intervention during which certain areas of the reproductive system are ligated. In females, the fallopian tubes are “tightened.” Wherein sexual function the animal is completely preserved - reproductive system works as usual. The only difference is that mating does not end with pregnancy.


Castration implies a surgical intervention, as a result of which part of the reproductive organs of the animal is removed. Cats have their ovaries removed (sometimes with the uterus), and male cats have their testicles removed. As a result of castration, the animal's reproductive instinct fades away.

Both methods have their pros and cons. It is worth noting that “sterilization” does not provide a 100% guarantee that the cat’s health will always be excellent. This operation turns the reproductive system into a slow-moving mechanism that can fail at any moment. Therefore, most veterinarians advise giving preference to castration as a more reliable method.

When to sterilize

Sterilization is a simple operation, however, it has certain indications for implementation. In most cases, young cats are spayed.

There are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account if you decide to subject your cat to surgery:

  • The cat must reach sexual maturity. The onset of this moment depends on the breed and health status of the animal, so only a veterinarian can determine whether the pet is ripe.
  • Some veterinarians advise carrying out the procedure even before the onset of the first heat.
  • If there is a heat, it is advised to wait until it ends, since surgery can cause bleeding. It is best if at least a week passes after the end of the “mating season”.
  • Only completely healthy animals are allowed to be sterilized. Therefore, examination before the procedure is mandatory. It is also worth noting that sterilization of pregnant and lactating cats, although possible, is highly undesirable.

Although it is best to neuter young animals, there is a risk of developmental problems if the kitten is too young at the time of surgery. Such interference in the body can cause not only physical developmental defects, but also “mental” abnormalities.

Most veterinarians are inclined to believe that it is optimal to remove reproductive organs between the ages of 7 and 10 months.

Sterilization of older animals has its own nuances. The older the cat, the more undesirable it is to expose its body to such a load. Even if the procedure is successfully performed, the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases significantly!


There is a misconception that a cat must give birth before being spayed. This is a myth and has no basis in argument. The cat has only instincts, so she does not feel the desire to become a mother.

Having allowed a cat to reproduce once, subsequent sterilization may simply not be effective. Even after the operation, Murka will exhibit sexual instincts. And a state of stress can lead to even more serious consequences - a false pregnancy.

Preparing for surgery

So, the animal has been examined, it’s time to prepare for surgery.

In order to choose a suitable day, you need to focus on the owner’s schedule. For two days after the operation, the cat should be under the supervision of a person who can provide assistance to her if necessary.

It is strongly recommended not to feed the animal before the procedure. It is best to fast your pet for 10-12 hours before the start of the process. During “unloading” it is also necessary to ensure emptying digestive tract. In this case, the cat is given a small amount - 1 tsp - of Vaseline oil.

Also, during a hunger strike, the cat must have access to water. Three hours before the start of the operation, the water must also be removed. It is also worth taking care that the cat does not find liquid in other places: remove vases, water for indoor plants and close the aquarium.

Advice on “unloading” must not be violated! Failure to comply with this rule may provoke a gag reflex in an animal under anesthesia. Also, feeding before surgery creates additional stress on the heart, which is already loaded to the limit under the influence of anesthesia.

Before sending to the clinic, you need to prepare everything you need. You will need:

  • a carrier for transporting a pet to the hospital,
  • a basket or box for returning home (the animal will still be under anesthesia, so a carrier will not be suitable for this purpose),
  • a blanket that the cat will need to wear after the operation;
  • litter for the box, sterile diaper;
  • passports - owner and documents of the cat;
  • care products - napkins, towel;
  • You may need a heating pad if your doctor tells you to use it.

A blanket is a must for any surgical procedure. “Clothes” will not only protect the seams from dust and dirt, but will also prevent damage to the integrity of the seams when the animal begins to come to its senses and try to move.


Sterilization of cats involves surgery, which is performed under anesthesia. Before administering anesthesia, the doctor performs so-called premedication. What does this procedure mean:

  • The animal is given drugs that reduce muscle tone;
  • To avoid an allergic reaction, antihistamines are administered;
  • The cat is also given substances that prevent excessive production of saliva and phlegm;
  • If necessary, pressure stabilization is carried out. Drugs that increase vascular tone are also introduced.

All drugs, including anesthesia itself, are administered either intramuscularly or intravenously. The method is determined by the veterinarian.

Intramuscular anesthesia is used more often because it is cheaper and easier to use. The disadvantage of this method can be considered the long awakening of the animal after this type of “sleep”.

Intravenous anesthesia is a more expensive remedy, however, it has more advantages. The method is more manageable. If necessary, the doctor adjusts the amount of the substance during surgery. After such anesthesia, cats wake up faster and recover more easily. The method has fewer side effects and complications.

How is the operation performed?

The entire sterilization procedure consists of several parts:

  • Examination of the animal;
  • Administration of anesthesia;
  • Carrying out the operation;
  • Removing a cat from anesthesia;
  • Rehabilitation.

The operation is performed only on completely healthy animals. If immediately before the procedure any abnormalities in the pet’s well-being are detected, the procedure is postponed until recovery.

The operation itself lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. First, antiseptic treatment is carried out. Next, surgical intervention opens access to the internal organs. Then follow the manipulations regarding the operation itself. After this, the doctor applies stitches.


In addition to classic removal methods genital organs for pets, there is a laparoscopic method. During such an operation, all the same manipulations are performed as during normal castration, but the surgeon does not act through a regular incision, but through a small hole made in the animal’s peritoneum. The incision is about 2 centimeters in length, so wound healing and the rehabilitation period are much easier.

Some owners call this method the “no blanket” method. However, it is not. Since a small seam is still present on the animal’s body, it is best to secure it after the procedure is completed.

Cat care

Regardless of which method of operation was chosen, castration or sterilization, the cat will be weakened after the operation. Such an animal requires constant care and special conditions of detention.

After transporting home, the cat must be placed in a pre-prepared place. This should be an area in the apartment where a weakened animal will feel safe. It is necessary to exclude drafts, as well as eliminate other pets. Children should also not have access to a sick pet.

It is best to place the cat on the floor, providing it with warm, sterile bedding. Murka cannot be placed on a sofa or other surfaces. When recovering from anesthesia, a cat may behave inappropriately and, without calculating its strength, fall from a height.

You should place a bowl of water next to your sleeping area. The cat may refuse food in the first days after surgery, but most likely not water.

For 7-10 days after sterilization, you need to provide the animal with maximum rest. Active games with children and other animals should be excluded. You should also move your cat less and try not to pick her up too much. Load on the sutures can compromise their integrity, so the impact on the wound should be minimal.

Wearing a blanket for the entire period of wound healing is mandatory!

Veterinarians most often use absorbable sutures, so no suture removal is required. Also, upon completion of the operation, antiseptic treatment of the wound is performed, after which care for the sutures is minimal.


The doctor will tell you how long after surgery you can feed your cat. The period depends on the type of anesthesia used. Some medications allow eating as early as six hours after the procedure. Some anesthesia requires a 12-hour fast. It all depends on whether the drug affects the swallowing reflex.

If the cat was wearing a special collar, it is necessary to use a bowl smaller than the diameter of the device for feeding. It is best to place the bowl on a slight elevation to make it easier for your pet to reach the food.

If your pet shows an appetite, you can start feeding him. At first, you need to give food in small portions, after crushing it and soaking it in water. Preference should be given to attractive foods, as well as those lines that have a higher calorie content, so that a weakened animal receives maximum energy from a small amount of food.

Temperament features: before and after

There is an opinion that cats change after sterilization. This is a common misconception.

If the operation was carried out correctly and no complications arose during it, the animal’s temperament will not suffer. The procedure concerns only the reproductive function, which fades away after completion. As for the rest of the instincts, everything remains the same. The hunting skills and character traits of the pet will not tolerate changes.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s diet. After a change in hormonal levels, and this will inevitably happen, the cat may exhibit excessive appetite, which without proper control can lead to excess weight gain. Obesity in cats is a fairly common problem, so the menu for a sterilized cat is best composed of specialized food lines.

Also, to prevent excess weight, it is necessary to encourage the cat to play actively and have an active lifestyle.

Sterilization during heat

Spaying a cat while in heat is possible, however, most veterinarians will try to dissuade the owner from doing so. similar procedure. During this period, the reproductive organs are in an active state, and blood circulation in them is increased. With surgery, there is a risk of complications, and large blood loss is almost guaranteed.

It is better not to expose the animal to such a risk and wait a week.

Pros and cons of the operation

Sterilization has both positive and negative sides. There is no consensus on whether a cat should be sterilized.


  • The cat stops the nightly “songs” and squeaks of the gentleman. Not only the whole family sleeps peacefully, but also the animal itself;
  • The question of placing kittens in good hands disappears. No more thinking about where to put the kids;
  • The unpleasant odor in the house is eliminated, since sterilized animals do not mark the territory;
  • Some cats show a decrease in aggression. Murka becomes affectionate and playful, which is good news;
  • Even a pet that has access to walks will spend more time with the family. The search for the chosen one is replaced by home gatherings on the sofa;
  • The risk of diseases associated with the reproductive system, as well as diseases of the excretory system, is significantly reduced. Neutered cats are less susceptible to developing mammary cancer.


  • Cats that have been neutered are often overweight. Not every owner is able to control the amount of calories consumed, so often the pet becomes like a ball in a very short time;
  • There is no precise definition of when is the best time to have surgery. On the one hand, early castration will save both the animal and the owner from a number of problems. On the other hand, early sterilization is fraught with deviations in the development of the animal;
  • There is a risk of complications. Even the most simple interventions sometimes end in peritonitis, inflammation or hernia. Also, violation of the integrity of the sutures is fraught with bleeding. Therefore, it is possible that after the procedure, the help of a veterinarian may still be needed;
  • It happens that sterilization does not give the desired effect and the cat continues to look for love.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the issue of sterilization is more rhetorical. A person is not given the opportunity to know how an animal devoid of sexual instinct feels, so there is no definite answer to the question.

Sterilization makes changes to the animal's body, so the owner needs to consider the responsibility that falls on him when making such a decision.

How much does the operation cost?

The cost of the operation depends on many factors. The price question is formed taking into account the following factors:

  • The doctor’s experience and the prestige of the clinic. You should not trust your pet to an inexperienced veterinarian. It is best to turn to specialists who can boast of positive reviews;
  • Method of carrying out the operation;
  • Type of anesthesia and cost of drugs;
  • The area where the event will take place. Some doctors practice castration at home. This saves owners from having to transport the animal. However, this method cannot ensure complete safety in terms of hygiene.

The minimum cost of the operation is 2500 rubles. It must be remembered that cheapness will definitely affect the quality, so it is better not to take risks and not use the services of doctors who offer low prices.

If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments section.

Every owner of a furry (or hairless) beauty wonders how cats are sterilized. This is explained by the fact that unwanted offspring, estrus, changes in behavior due to a hormonal surge and the risk of contracting diseases from yard cats begin to cause a lot of trouble.

Why is sterilization necessary?

The need for sterilization of cats by veterinarians is beyond doubt; thanks to this simple procedure, many problems can be solved.

Sterilization is the deprivation of a cat's ability to reproduce.

Positive aspects of sterilization:

  • According to statistics, animals that have undergone surgery to deprive them of the ability to reproduce live 2-3 years longer than unsterilized cats. This is explained by the absence of stress associated with hormonal surges. As well as pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, which wear out the body and make it vulnerable to pathogens.
  • Infection with sexually transmitted infections is minimized for sterilized animals. In addition, the likelihood of tumors, cysts and other pathologies of the uterus and ovaries is practically reduced to zero. The likelihood of developing neoplasms (including malignant ones) in the mammary glands is reduced by 50%.
  • Raging hormones make the cat aggressive, restless, she rushes around in search of a cat to continue her family, and may begin to mark things in the apartment. Such behavior brings a lot of trouble to the owners and the animal itself. Sterilization ensures a loss of interest in breeding and concentrates the cat's attention on interacting with people. The pet becomes affectionate and easy to train, its character becomes calm and balanced, it stops marking everything around, which makes keeping the animal much easier.
  • A cat is able to give birth up to six times a year. Moreover, up to nine cubs can be born in one lambing. Such fertility becomes a real disaster for the pet's owners and complicates the already difficult situation with homeless animals on the streets. Sterilization is the most civilized way to solve the problem of the birth of unwanted offspring.

Methods for sterilizing cats

There are several ways to sterilize cats. Which one to choose depends on which of the methods has been used successfully and for a long time in a particular clinic where the animal owner decided to go for help.

Absence postoperative complications largely depends on the professionalism and experience of doctors who carry out the procedure well.

Methods for sterilizing cats:

  • Ovariectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries while preserving the uterus.
  • Medical sterilization is a way to eliminate estrus through hormonal medications.
  • Tubal occlusion - tubal ligation.
  • Ovariohysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Laparoscopy - removal of the ovaries and uterus through small incisions (punctures).
  • Radiation or chemical method.

Radiation and surgical sterilization of a cat are completely different techniques. Radiation sterilization involves irradiating an animal's ovaries with a carefully calculated dose of radioactive radiation. In this case, a detrimental effect on the cells of other organs and systems is possible. This is how cats are sterilized without surgery.

The surgical method is abdominal surgery. Currently it is the most effective and in a safe way prevent offspring and also get rid of other problems associated with the reproductive instinct.

Features of sterilization

Sterilized cats that have undergone ovariohysterectomy irrevocably lose the ability to produce kittens, their behavior changes dramatically, and estrus is eliminated. In addition, the likelihood of developing diseases of the reproductive organs is zero. For this reason, veterinarians most often recommend using a similar sterilization method.

During estrus, the operation can be performed, but the cat will have difficulty recovering from anesthesia, and the healing of the sutures is slower.

It is recommended to do sterilization 2 weeks before the start of estrus or 2 weeks after its end. This rule can be neglected if estrus is observed for a long period of time, with an interval of 1-5 days. In this case, a fourteen-day break cannot be maintained.

Even an animal can be sterilized during pregnancy if it is necessary to save the cat’s life. In other cases, such an operation is not performed, since global changes occur in the cat’s body during pregnancy at the hormonal and physiological level.

Preparing for surgery

The most favorable period for sterilization by surgical abdominal surgery(ovariohysterectomy, ovariectomy) - the cat is 7-9 months old. When carried out in kittens, it can have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of internal organs. Older cats (over 7 years old) do not tolerate anesthesia well and recover slowly from surgical intervention.

Three to four weeks before the planned sterilization, routine preventive vaccination is carried out. The veterinarian will explain in detail which vaccinations are required.

A few days before the event, a preventive examination of the cat is performed., the owner of the pet is obliged to provide information about the state of its health. If necessary, blood is taken for laboratory analysis, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and a cardiogram are performed.

If the cat is absolutely healthy and there are no contraindications to surgical sterilization, then a date for the operation is set. The day before, the cat needs to trim its claws. This must be done, since after the operation the animal may scratch the suture. Then flea treatment and deworming are carried out.

12 hours before the start of the sterilization operation, the cat should stop giving food, and 3 hours before the start of the sterilization operation, give it water. Such measures are explained by the fact that during recovery from anesthesia, the animal may begin to vomit, which leads to aspiration of the respiratory tract.

Carrying out sterilization

Weighing to determine the exact dose of anesthesia is done in a veterinary clinic, where cats are sterilized; it is better to do the operation in the sterile conditions of a veterinary institution.

The advantage of surgery in a veterinary clinic is the opportunity to avoid complications, the harmful effects of anesthesia on the animal, and the occurrence of unexpected circumstances. The downside for the animal owner is waiting for the end of the procedure; the journey to the clinic will take time.

The advantage of performing the operation at home is that the cat does not experience stress from being in an unfamiliar place.

The doctor can be called at a time convenient for the animal owner. The disadvantage of home sterilization is the impossibility of creating sterile clinic conditions.

Sterilization steps:

  • After intravenous administration After anesthesia and the onset of its surgical stage, the animal is placed on the operating table. Then the hair is removed from the intended incision site and the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  • Carrying out sterilization - watch the video. An incision is made along the white line or on the side, up to 3 cm long. An incision on the side heals faster in postoperative period, more often it is done during oophorectomy (removal of only the ovaries while preserving the uterus). The abdominal cavity is cut along the white line to remove the uterus and ovaries. A ligature is placed on large vessels to prevent bleeding, after which the uterus and ovaries (or only the ovaries) are excised. The uterus and ovaries are removed, self-absorbing sutures are placed on the internal organs, non-absorbable external sutures (usually there are 3), and are removed after 7-14 days. Sometimes they use the technique of cosmetic sutures that do not need to be removed.
  • The postoperative period includes the animal recovering from anesthesia, wound care, and suture removal (if necessary).

Cats are neutered within about half an hour. This period of time does not include the introduction of anesthesia and sleep, as well as the period of recovery from anesthesia.

Features of caring for a cat after surgery

After sterilization, the cat is given to the owner while it is still under the influence of anesthesia and sleeping or at the beginning of the process of awakening from narcotic sleep. It depends on how it is customary to act in a particular veterinary clinic.

While under the influence of anesthesia, the animal cannot yet control its movements and is capable of causing harm to itself.

For this reason, you should ensure your pet's safety and supervision.

Rules of care after sterilization:

  • You need to transport your cat in a special carrier, preferably with a folding top.
  • During narcotic sleep, the animal's breathing and pulse slow down, body temperature decreases, which increases the likelihood of hypothermia. To avoid this, the pet should be covered with a blanket or blanket, and a heating pad or bottle of hot water should be placed nearby.
  • At home, you can leave your pet in a carrier for a while or put it on the floor, after laying down oilcloth and fabric.
  • During narcotic sleep, animals' eyes do not close, so to avoid inflammation of the cornea, the eyelids must be closed every 5-10 minutes. You can instill 0.9% saline solution (NaCl).
  • The awakened pet should be protected from falling and jumping.
  • After finally waking up, there is increased thirst, which is normal. Give your pet more water.
  • Food should be given only when there is an appetite. You cannot force feed a sterilized cat; loss of appetite may occur for up to 3 days after surgery. Most often, the animal asks for food the very next day.
  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the stitches until they are removed. Sutures must be dry and clean; suppuration and soaking are unacceptable. You can treat wounds with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Some veterinarians recommend additionally lubricating the stitches with ointments that accelerate wound healing.
  • After the operation, a special blanket or bandage is put on, which protects the wounds from damage. The pet gets used to this measure within 24 hours, then simply does not notice the bandage.

Adverse effects of sterilization may occur if the operation was performed by a non-specialist in unsanitary conditions. In this case, the animal will begin to get sick and may even die. To prevent this, you should contact a specialized medical institution and carry out sterilization using a method that is successfully used in this veterinary clinic. long time. The experience and professionalism of doctors will allow you to avoid possible post-operative complications.

Although this decision may frighten those who are not aware of why sterilization of cats is needed, in most cases, without this procedure, troubles begin, which are not always possible to cope with and require either a lot of patience or a one-time operation that can solve a lot of problems.

Is it necessary to sterilize a cat if she lives in an apartment and does not ask for a cat and when, the pros and cons and much more is discussed in this article.

Is sterilizing cats humane or a sin, dangerous or not?

According to most people, spaying cats is humane. It’s worth agreeing with them if you look at how many stray animals there are, and they appeared on the street precisely because of unsterilized cats. And if you think about the fact that newborn kittens are drowned... that’s really inhumane and a sin. Sterilized animals are much calmer than their full-fledged counterparts.

They don’t need to think about: - Where to find a couple; - They do not mark the territory in the apartment; - Do not tear up furniture; - The demography of cats is controlled;

Animals do not suffer in love fights.

If you do not want to get kittens from your pet, then it will be more useful to operate on her, otherwise, when adopting later hormonal drugs, the cat may get cancer. The disadvantage of sterilization is that it is still an operation, before which the animal must be anesthetized. While she is walking, anything can happen, and secondly, the moment when the cat recovers from anesthesia is very painful, and time for rehabilitation must also be given.

How cats are sterilized and how you can sterilize a cat without surgery

Sterilization is an operation performed under anesthesia in which the veterinarian removes the cat's ovaries, and sometimes along with the uterus. Sterilizing a cat without surgery means giving an injection or some drops. This method is a direct path to oncology.

How does sterilization affect cats?

Your pets become calmer, more affectionate, they no longer experience discomfort during heat, they do not mark or tear furniture, and in general their character becomes better.

How long does the operation take and how much does it cost?

The duration of such an operation is approximately an hour. And the cost is approximately 2000-3500 rubles.

How can you sterilize a cat at home?

You can sterilize your cat at home by calling a veterinarian to your home. And it will be better for the cat herself, since when she opens her eyes after the operation and sees her family’s faces, she will feel better and calmer.

How cats are sterilized after giving birth, tablets, injection, through a puncture

If the cat has already given birth, then sterilization takes place as usual (surgery - the uterus and ovaries are removed). You can simply remove the uterus, but this is before 7-9- one month old. The cat should not eat 12 hours before surgery. Can you give it a day before? anthelmintics. The operation is done by making an incision along the linea alba on the abdomen below the navel, or a side incision.

At what age and up to what age can a cat be sterilized? Advice from veterinarians

It is advisable to sterilize a cat before the first heat, that is, up to 5-8 months of age. If the operation was not performed during this period, then it can be done at any age of the cat, only on the condition that both the uterus and ovaries will be removed. And when the operation is performed at an age, the cat must be fully examined: blood tests, ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, etc.

During the postoperative period, the cat should be limited in movement so that it does not jump or run. It's better to hold her in your arms for a while. You cannot feed on this day, but there should be unlimited water. The next day she needs to be given an anesthetic injection, and every day before the stitches are removed, treat the wound with peroxide. A bandage is required to be worn after surgery. It is necessary to ensure that the cat’s stitches do not get wet, veterinarians advise. Cats often become overweight after neutering, so reduce the amount of food they eat or purchase a low-calorie food. And if you have any suspicions about your pet’s health, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How to sterilize an aggressive, stray, feral, barn, or street cat

Nobody wants to sterilize stray cats: neither the state, nor people, there is a small percentage of compassionate people who cannot calmly watch how stray cats and dogs breed. Some of them donate money for sterilization, but basically everyone is stopped by the lack of money for post-operative maintenance.

Can a cat be spayed during or after her first heat or if she hasn't given birth?

When a cat is in heat, sterilization surgery cannot be performed. A best time for this purpose, when the cat is in sexual rest, even if she has already given birth. The type of operation that will be performed depends on whether the cat has given birth or not: removal of only the ovaries or along with the uterus.


Sterilization of cats

Not all owners of domestic cats want the animal to continue its family line and have offspring. To exclude the possibility of unwanted pregnancy, veterinarians recommend performing an irreversible surgical contraception procedure.

Why is cat sterilization necessary?

This is a procedure aimed at stopping the reproductive functions of the body through surgery. For female cats, it is simply necessary if you do not plan to breed her. This is due to the fact that long-term use medications from estrus can lead to hormonal imbalances and serious violations genitourinary system. You shouldn’t risk your pet’s health, so worry about this issue in advance.

Types of cat sterilization

What types of surgical contraception are there? At this stage of development of medicine, there are three types:

  1. Ovariectomy. The ovaries of females are surgically removed, which implies the disappearance of attraction to individuals of the opposite sex and changes in hormonal levels. This method is suitable for young individuals who have not yet given birth to kittens.
  2. Tubal ligation. It only involves ligation of the oviducts, that is, the main reproductive organs continue to function, but no physical ability get pregnant even after mating. The pet remains in heat, as well as an instinctive desire to continue the race. This technique is dangerous because inflammation of the fallopian tubes can occur.
  3. Ovariohysterectomy. The process of removing the ovaries and uterus of an animal. Completely disappears after surgery sexual desire, the pet’s behavior is corrected. This sterilization method is suitable for all representatives of the family.

There is also the concept of hysterectomy, when only the uterus is removed, after which the instinctive aspirations of the pet are preserved, but she will no longer be able to get pregnant. This operation does not correct behavior during estrus, so it is done extremely rarely.

Each type of procedure is considered a full-fledged operation and is therefore performed under general anesthesia. All methods are relatively safe for life if carried out under proper conditions and under the guidance of a veterinarian.

There is an opinion that this procedure can be performed at any age. Let's take a closer look at whether this opinion is true or not.

Sterilization and age of cats

The period of puberty in female cats depends on the individual characteristics of the body, breed, diet and activity. Veterinarians believe that it is advisable to perform the operation after the onset of the first heat. Based on this, we can conclude that optimal age sterilization of a cat – 6-12 months. Surgery is not performed during pregnancy, estrus or illness.

Of course, if you did not have time to carry out the operation in the required period, then you can do it later. However, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure on females in adulthood, as they have a hard time with anesthesia and have difficulty adjusting to a new diet.

What is the best way to sterilize a cat? Typically, veterinarians recommend an ovariohysterectomy, removing both the uterus and ovaries. All other methods are effective, but over time can lead to inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, urinary tract and other organs (depending on the type). Ligating the fallopian tubes is ineffective, since the pet will retain all its reproductive instincts and will cause a lot of trouble with its behavior.

Stages of sterilization

Remember that surgical contraception should only be performed when veterinary hospital experienced specialist. Depending on the method of execution, there are also several types of operations: abdominal, radiation and laparoscopic.

  • Abdominal surgery is the most common way to sterilize a pet.
  • Radiation - involves irradiating the testicles with radiation in a certain dosage. The method is painless, but very dangerous for the pet’s entire body.
  • Laparoscopy is the safest, but most expensive method, which has its own distinctive features.

Minimal incisions are made, and then a special device equipped with surgical devices for sterilization is inserted into the body. The risks of infection during laparoscopy are minimized, and the postoperative period is shorter. mild form.

The process of abdominal surgery occurs in several stages:

  1. A small area of ​​fur on the abdominal surface is shaved off.
  2. A dose of general anesthesia is administered.
  3. An incision of 2-2.5 cm is made.
  4. Using special hooks, the ovaries and uterus are removed.
  5. Reproductive organs are removed surgical scalpel.
  6. Stitches, a special bandage and blanket are applied.
  7. The animal comes out of anesthesia.
  8. After 7-10 days, the sutures are completely removed.

The whole process lasts about 30-40 minutes. After this, the pet is given to the owner, which implies intensive care and keeping a close eye on her.

Remember that surgical contraception should only be performed in a veterinary hospital by an experienced specialist. Source: Flickr (Grhm_Rpr)

The process of recovery from anesthesia in the cat family is painful and long. At first, the animal is half asleep, coordination of movements is impaired, and the temperature is slightly reduced. Make sure that she cannot climb onto a high surface; cover her with a warm blanket. At the next stage, the pet experiences discomfort and pain, so it may meow loudly. Do not scold your pet, calm her down with stroking and gentle treatment. Do not give her water or food for 10-12 hours after the anesthesia.

The healing process of sutures lasts from 7 to 14 days. To prevent the patient from damaging the stitches, special bandages (blankets) are used that limit access to the wounds. As a rule, in addition to treatment after sterilization of a cat, veterinarians prescribe antibiotic therapy to avoid infectious inflammation.

Follow all doctor's orders. Then you definitely need to visit the clinic again so that the specialist can remove the stitches and check general state pets.

Remember that after forced contraception, the female’s hormonal levels change, so adjust your diet. High-quality postoperative care for your cat will ensure rapid restoration of strength and activity for your cat.

Sterilization of cats: reviews

Feedback about this procedure is quite contradictory, since most animal owners are not aware that the process postoperative recovery complex and lengthy.

Diana, St. Petersburg:

“Before sterilization, our cat was very wild, sometimes aggressive. After the procedure, she began to happily lie down on her knees, is not afraid of guests, purrs and enjoys playing with children.”

Violetta, Moscow:

“We spayed our Nika when she was 7 years old. The operation was successful, but the postoperative period was terrible. She screamed and twitched for a long time, tried to get up on her paws, but everything was unsuccessful. After prolonged suffering (about 6 hours), she came to her senses, but was in a very lethargic state. We took her to the veterinary clinic again. The doctor said that this was due to the age of our cat and recommended waiting. Only a few months later our darling recovered completely. It’s very good that everything worked out.”

Svetlana, Krasnodar:

“The memories of the operation itself and the period after sterilization are not very pleasant, but now our favorite Mona has become calm and cheerful. The only negative is that you have to carefully monitor her diet so that she does not gain excess weight. We feed her special food for sterilized pets. Food is expensive, but we are calm about her health and nervous system”.

Pros and cons of the operation

The sterilization process has its positive and negative sides, which every owner of furry pets needs to know.

First, let's look at the advantages:

  1. Preserves the health of the female - refusal of hormonal drugs will protect the animal from cancer, uncomfortable behavior and preserve the nervous system.
  2. Normalization of behavior - the pet will not run away, behave aggressively or be overly affectionate.
  3. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy - after the procedure, the cat does not retain reproductive functions, which will save you from unnecessary hassle in distributing kittens.

We must remember that sterilization is an operation, so you need to take into account possible Negative consequences:

  1. Allergic reaction to anesthesia.
  2. A long process of recovery from the state of anesthesia.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to obesity.
  4. Infectious postoperative complications.

Negative factors can be avoided by correct implementation surgery, as well as proper care in the postoperative period. Do not forget that the health of your pet depends on your awareness and attentive attitude.

Video on the topic


Cat sterilization: laparoscopic, pros and cons, at what age to do it, preparation

When purchasing a small kitten or an adult cat, you need to immediately decide what role the animal will play in your life. Is fate destined for him? expectant mother for the purpose of breeding mustachioed offspring, or it will just be a family friend and caring for kittens is not included in your plans.

In the second case, sterilization of the cat is definitely necessary in order to exclude from her (and your) life a lot of unpleasant moments in the form of unwanted kittens, regular estrus with wild meowing and many diseases of the genital organs.

Sterilization or...

Why do veterinary specialists usually insist on surgical intervention and do not encourage regular use of hormonal drugs that affect the reproductive system? At the time of puberty (approximately at the age of 5-8 months), the cat begins to intensively produce the sex hormone estrogen. It is he who is the culprit of what many cat owners consider “inappropriate” behavior during this period, called estrus. It lasts about 1-2 weeks. The genital organs and the body as a whole undergoes all the changes inherent in preparation for potential conception and pregnancy.

If mating (fertilization) does not occur, then estrogen is replaced by progesterone - a hormone that “calms” the cat’s body, and it becomes as usual. In such cases they say that there has been a “vacation” or “the animal has been empty.” Despite the fact that cats are considered dicyclic animals (the sexual cycle occurs twice a year), the frequency of “empties” can be much higher precisely because of the lack of fertilization. All these changes bring enormous stress to the animal. Exactly like all kinds of hormonal drugs (drops, tablets and injections) that cat owners use to interrupt their estrus and completely change the functioning of the reproductive hormonal system.

All these hormonal surges, interruptions of cycles and periods of “empty periods” negatively affect general health cats, becoming the causes of the development of endo- and pyometritis (inflammation of the uterus), degeneration of the uterine mucosa (hyperplasia), the appearance of cancerous tumors and ovarian cysts. In some cases, these diseases lead to the death of the pet. It is to avoid all of these problems that veterinarians insist on surgical sterilization.

At its core, this operation causes absolutely no harm to the animal, and its outcome largely depends only on the surgical experience and skills of the surgeon.

Types and methods of sterilization of cats

Sterilization (or castration) is a surgical procedure in which a cat will have part or all of its genitals removed, depriving it of its reproductive abilities. Also, after sterilization, the release of sex hormones responsible for general sexual activity is reduced.

Sterilization or castration - what's the difference?

There is a fundamental difference between sterilization and castration. In the first case, only the ovaries are removed (oophorectomy), and the uterus is left. The cat remains in estrus, but fertilization does not occur. This method is more suitable for cases when the cat has Free access to the street and can satisfy his sexual physiological needs.

In the second case, all of the cat’s genital organs – the ovaries and uterus – are completely removed (ovariohysterectomy). Used for domestic cats that do not have access to the outdoors. Castration is considered the most reliable way to interrupt an animal's sexual activity, because in the case of the remaining uterus, the risks of developing all kinds of inflammatory processes due to the lack of full function of the organ.

Currently, castration is carried out, and not sterilization in its true manifestation. But for the convenience of communication in everyday life, sterilization is called an operation performed on cats, and castration on cats.

Sterilization (castration) happens:

  • chemical;
  • surgical:
    • Tubal ligation is practically not used, because estrus and attraction to cats persist;
    • removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy) - also rarely used, because in the absence of estrus, but the preservation of the uterus, the risk of various inflammatory pathologies genitals;
    • removal of the ovaries along with the uterus (ovariohysterectomy) is the most commonly used method of castration, eliminating estrus and reducing inflammation to zero.

Chemical castration is temporary and involves inserting a hormonal implant under the cat's skin. If suddenly the owner wants offspring, the implant is removed and its own hormonal system and the sexual cycle returns.

The results of surgery remain forever. The most commonly used access surgical field- through an incision along the white line of the abdomen (in the very middle), and the most modern (and expensive) is sterilization using a laparoscope.

Laparoscopy, despite its high cost, has many practical advantages:

  • minimal tissue trauma;
  • increased level sterility;
  • excellent visibility and convenient access to the abdominal cavity;
  • minimal postoperative recovery period.

Preparing a cat for surgery

Cats are never spayed without some preparation. The exception is cases when it is necessary to urgently rescue an animal. In all other planned cases, preparation for surgery consists of:

  • deworming and treatment against cutaneous blood-sucking insects (lice eaters, fleas, ticks);
  • trimming claws to prevent the cat from injuring itself during the postoperative period;
  • the animal must be vaccinated, and at least 3 weeks must pass from the last vaccination to the operation;
  • full examination cats (only healthy animals are allowed for planned operations);
  • additional in-depth examination methods if the cat is elderly or has a breed predisposition to diseases that provoke anesthetic risks after anesthesia (Sphinx, Maine Coon, Scottish and british cats);
  • 12-hour diet on the eve of planned surgery;
  • Do not give the cat anything to drink 2-3 hours before sterilization.

General course of the operation, postoperative period

Usually the operation is performed in a veterinary hospital. But sterilization of cats at home is also practiced. If the veterinarian has sufficient experience and competent organization of the procedure, it will be no different from that carried out in a veterinary institution. Direct sterilization lasts a maximum of 15-25 minutes if the process is favorable.

Cat age for sterilization

Most favorable period For sterilization of cats, the age considered to be 7-8 (9) months from birth until symptoms begin to appear initial signs puberty. If the first heat was missed, then the operation is prescribed during the period of hormonal rest and before the onset of the next sexual cycle (1.5-2 weeks before and 1.5-2 weeks after). It is not recommended for kittens that are too young (5-6 months) to undergo surgery under general anesthesia, because... At this age, animals have a hard time withstanding anesthesia and there is a high risk of postoperative complications.

When can a cat be spayed after giving birth?

If the cat becomes pregnant and gives birth, surgery will have to be postponed until the kittens are weaned from breastfeeding. After stopping feeding the offspring, you need to wait another 2-3 weeks until the mammary glands reach their pre-pregnancy state. If fertilization occurs again during this period, then pregnancy in the early stages will not be a contraindication to sterilization such as oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries).

Is it possible to feed a cat before sterilization?

No, 12 hours before surgery is indicated starvation diet. This is explained by the fact that at the time of introduction to a state of anesthesia, the animal may experience a gag reflex and if there are food remains in the stomach, the animal may choke, suffocate and die.

Subtleties of the operation

After anesthesia, the animal is fixed on the operating table and surgery is performed using one of the described methods.

Sutures are applied in three ways: interrupted cutaneous, continuous cutaneous and continuous intradermal. A continuous skin suture is easier to remove, holds the edges of the wound well and gives a cosmetic effect (virtually no marks remain).

After the operation, a special bandage is put on the cat, which prevents the animal from injuring the suture during the postoperative period.

When and how are sutures removed?

If the wound healing is favorable, it is recommended to remove the sutures on the 7-10th day by a veterinarian (the continuous intradermal suture is not removed, it dissolves). Processing holes left from suture material, it takes a few more days until they are completely tightened.

General information about the postoperative period:

For more information, see the article for instructions on caring for a cat after sterilization.

  • all postoperative care is aimed at preventing infection from entering the wound and rapid recovery of the cat and usually does not cause any difficulties;
  • from the end of the operation until the animal awakens, it can take from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours;
  • Waking up from anesthesia does not mean a complete return to consciousness of the cat - unsteadiness of gait, disorientation, and a desire to constantly run or hide somewhere will be noted. In general, the cat's behavior after sterilization may seem somewhat inappropriate, so the animal should be supervised;
  • seam processing is carried out according to the instructions veterinarian and the means recommended by him (sometimes a single treatment per day is enough);
  • carrying out antibiotic therapy (on your own, taking it to a veterinary clinic for injections or inviting a doctor to your home);
  • You will need to monitor your diet, because... interference with hormonal levels is fraught with increased appetite and obesity;
  • a cat may refuse to eat for up to 2 days and only drink, but usually the appetite appears the next day;
  • do not remove the bandage (blanket) until the postoperative wound has completely healed;
  • Castration does not affect the cat's character in any way.

Sterilization of cats: all the pros and cons

Like any surgical intervention, sterilization has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of sterilizing cats:

  • Prevention of unexpected pregnancy and unwanted offspring.
  • Elimination of peculiar cat behavior during estrus, which regularly causes inconvenience to the pet's owners.
  • Reducing the risk of breast cancer - after sterilization carried out before the first cycle, the risks tend to zero.
  • The cat does not have diseases of the reproductive organs, because they are absent (purulent lesions of the uterus, tumors, endometritis, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.).
  • Minimizing the risk of contracting diseases transmitted through wounds in fights (leukemia, immunodeficiency states).
  • The lifespan of neutered cats is somewhat longer, while maintaining the playfulness and perky character of kittens.

Disadvantages of sterilizing cats:

  • Anesthetic risk after general anesthesia. Young individuals recover from anesthesia without any problems. The older the animal, the harder it is to recover after general anesthesia. There are also pedigree post-anesthesia risks for those breeds of cats that have a predisposition to cardiac pathologies: British cats, Scottish folds, Sphynxes, Maine Coons (thromboembolism).
  • Postoperative complications are possible - suture dehiscence or inflammation, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity or in the area of ​​the suture or adhesions.
  • Sudden weight gain. Many owners are touched by fat cats, but you need to understand that obesity is a disease even for cats. Regular physical activity, active games and appropriate nutrition reduces this risk.

Cost of the operation

How much does it cost to sterilize a cat? This is the very first question that all cat owners ask. On average, the price for an operation ranges from 2500-6000 rubles. To adequately assess whether it is expensive or not, you need to understand what is included in this cost.

The price for sterilization depends on:

  • complexity of the operation (planned/emergency);
  • condition of the cat (young/old, healthy/has pathologies);
  • time spent on the procedure;
  • materials spent on the operation, dressing and postoperative period (suture and dressing, medications, anesthesia);
  • experience and qualifications of a veterinarian.

Too much low price should always be on your guard. There are only two explanations: either the postoperative period is not included in the price, and additional costs will still arise. Or the clinic is definitely saving on something, because... No one will work at a loss. They usually save on the qualifications of a veterinarian-surgeon, on anesthesia, or on the suture and dressing materials used. The consequences of this saving do not need to be explained.

But you shouldn’t focus on very high prices either - many veterinary clinics include their own prestige and banal popularity in the price. There is no point in paying several times the price for your cat to be operated on in a clinic that simply bears the name of some outstanding scientist in the field of veterinary medicine and is therefore known to everyone.

If you do not plan to breed kittens and care that your beloved mustachioed pet lives a long and healthy life, it is simply necessary to sterilize (castrate) her.


Sterilization of cats: methods of implementation

Many pet owners are faced with the question of whether sterilization of cats is necessary. If you get an animal out of love for these graceful and sweet creatures, then you should decide whether you need offspring. If there is no need for kittens, then you should protect your pet from unwanted pregnancy.

Some breeders consider the best method to exclude pregnancy to use special tablets, which are contraceptive chemicals. However, not everyone is aware of the risks associated with their regular use. These drugs cause hormonal imbalances in the cat's body, as a result of which the animal develops pathologies of the reproductive organs.

If there is no need for kittens, the pet behaves restlessly during heat, and the dangers of using contraceptives are known, the best solution would be to sterilize the cats.

This term means artificially interrupting the reproductive functions of an animal. There are several methods of sterilization: ovariohysterectomy, oophorectomy, tubal ligation.

The cat tolerates the latter method most easily. In this case, sterilization of cats is carried out by a veterinarian, who makes an incision in the side of the animal's body and ties the oviducts. However, after this intervention, the animal experiences prolonged estrus and complications very often arise.

Sterilization of cats by oophorectomy involves removal of the ovaries - the gonads. However, after such an operation, the animal may develop uterine diseases in the future.

Many veterinarians believe that the best method is ovariohysterectomy; such sterilization of cats has minimal consequences for the health of the animal. During the operation, both the uterus and ovaries are removed from the animal at the same time. In medical terminology, this procedure is called castration. This method of preventing unwanted pregnancy in an animal is very common not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Speaking about the problem “Sterilization of cats: pros and cons”, it is necessary to say about the positive aspects of this operation. After a successful intervention, the cat forgets about estrus, which stops, and at the same time the threat of ovarian cysts, mammary tumors, false pregnancy, and uterine diseases disappears.

The emotional state of the pet due to the absence of cubs is not disturbed, since physiologically the cat does not need kittens. Since animals have an aggressive character, after the operation they become calmer. Sometimes sterilization of cats is simply necessary to ensure the safety of others and owners. From an ethical point of view, performing sterilization seems even more humane than destroying newborn kittens or adding to the number of stray animals.

The best age to perform the operation is when the cat is 7-8 months old. Ovariohysterectomy is performed both in specialized animal clinics and at home.

Pregnancy for a pet, the period of “binge” is a huge stress for the body pet. In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, veterinarians perform sterilization of cats - an operation under anesthesia, during which part of the internal genital organs is removed. Sometimes the procedure is performed without surgery, using pharmaceuticals (chemical castration).

What is cat sterilization

After the procedure, the animal loses the ability to produce offspring. This happens due to partial removal organs. The operation is performed exclusively in specialized veterinary clinics Oh. An attempt to sterilize at home may result in the death of the animal. Often, owners independently try to prevent their pet’s pregnancy with hormonal drugs, which causes irreparable harm animal. Sterilization of cats should only be carried out by a veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sterilization of cats, like any procedure, has a number of positive and negative traits. The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • absence of periods of estrus;
  • organism for a long time remains healthy due to the absence of constant pregnancies and childbirths;
  • the problem of having kittens disappears;
  • The animal's character becomes calmer and more docile.

Before performing surgery on a pet, the owner should familiarize himself with negative sides procedures:

  • dysfunction endocrine glands;
  • need for specialized nutrition;
  • high risk of postoperative wound infection;
  • long recovery period;
  • increased aggressiveness in some cases due to hormonal imbalance.

At what age are cats spayed?

Veterinarians recommend sterilizing pets after at least 7-8 months have passed since birth. Early surgery for a kitten is highly undesirable, the body is not yet mature, the internal organs are not fully formed, which is why the risks of complications increase many times over. Experts note a lag in physical development in animals that underwent surgery at the age of 6 months or younger, which is justified strong changes proportions of hormones.

Older kittens (more than 8-9 months from birth) are also sterilized, but it should be remembered that the older the pet, the higher the risk of complications after cardiovascular surgery. excretory systems animal body. This happens due to exposure to anesthetic vapors. They are much more toxic to animals than to humans. When to sterilize a cat is up to the owner, but you should listen to the opinion of experts. If she is already pregnant, the operation can be performed at any stage.

Is it possible to spay a cat during heat?

The operation is carried out during the hunting period, but the postoperative period, wound healing, and recovery of the pet can be significantly delayed. If the operation is performed during estrus, then a very sharp change in hormonal levels occurs in the body. Without urgent need, veterinarians do not recommend sterilizing pets during this period. Optimal timing for the procedure - two weeks before the start of estrus or a week after its end. Sterilization of cats during pregnancy is also undesirable.

Types of sterilization

With the development of veterinary medicine as a science, more and more methods are emerging to prevent pregnancy in female pets. New types are more gentle; you can choose your own type of procedure for each pet, taking into account age, presence of diseases, breed and much more. On this moment There are the following types:

  • tubal ligation;
  • removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy);
  • removal of the ovaries and uterus (ovariohysterectomy);
  • chemical exposure on the reproductive system with the help of drugs.


Surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus (ovariohysterectomy) is one of the most optimal operations from the point of view of veterinarians. Ovariohysterectomy completely prevents unwanted pregnancy, but also has the fewest complications. Surgical removal of internal reproductive organs, according to many veterinarians, is the most optimal way to prevent pregnancy in a female.

Ovariectomy of a cat

Spaying (oophorectomy) – The veterinarian removes only the ovaries, leaving the uterus. Hunting periods cease. Disadvantages of the procedure: high probability of polycystic ovary syndrome or oncology. The main advantage of the procedure is that the risk of malignant breast tumors is reduced. Ovariectomy should not be used for cats older than one and a half years old - they are more prone to developing polycystic ovary syndrome, cysts, and tumors of internal organs.

Chemical sterilization

Removing the ability to reproduce using hormonal drugs is called chemical sterilization. The most dangerous of all types, they resort to it only if surgical intervention is impossible. The result of such intervention may be inappropriate behavior of the animal, the appearance of tumors and ulcers on the skin (photos can be found on the forums), obesity of the pet, and loss of hunting instincts. Sterilization of cats with drugs is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Tubal occlusion

Tubal ligation (tubal occlusion) is rarely used, due to the fact that periods of estrus persist and the female continues to attract males. After the procedure, there remains a high risk of inflammation of the uterine mucosa and the development of cancer. Tubal occlusion is not a reliable method; a cat can become pregnant and give birth, due to the fact that the instinct to reproduce and the health of the reproductive organs are preserved.

Methods for sterilizing cats

IN operative surgery Animals There are several methods for sterilizing cats. The choice of one method or another depends on several factors:

  • presence or absence in the clinic necessary equipment;
  • features of the pet’s physical structure, the presence of tumors;
  • qualifications of a veterinarian.

Access along the white line of the abdomen

This method of operation is considered optimal and convenient. In the area of ​​the white line of the abdomen there are no large subcutaneous vessels, nerves, ducts of the mammary glands and vital organs. In addition, central access allows for wide access to the internal organs of the animal and a large number of manipulations. The suture on the white line heals well, due to the structural features of the aponeurosis tissue. The disadvantage of this method is the large postoperative wound, which has a high risk of bleeding.

Side cut

This type of access to internal organs is the most suboptimal; it is used when a practical incision along the linea alba of the abdomen is impossible (there is a large vessel or tumor). The lateral incision is inconvenient especially when performing ovariohysterectomy and oophorectomy, so it is used only for tubal ligation. The advantage of access through a lateral incision is that it heals well and is small. postoperative wound. An assistant helps the doctor apply sutures for a lateral incision.


The least traumatic method is laparoscopy. This procedure is carried out using special equipment - an optical camera, a monitor. The doctor makes three punctures on the front wall of the abdomen, through which a camera and instruments are inserted into the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopy is used very rarely in veterinary medicine due to the high cost of the equipment. The laparoscopy technique is somewhat more complicated than the abdominal surgery technique.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization

Cat owners need to make sure there are no contraindications for surgery. The cat should be held instrumental studies, analyses. After the veterinarian approves the operation, the owner must begin the immediate preparation of the animal. The most important thing is not to give your pet food 12-14 hours before surgery, and to remove access to water an hour before, since the intestines and bladder should be empty. You need to buy special blankets at the pharmacy in advance to maintain the health of your internal organs.

How does the procedure work?

To understand how cats are sterilized, you can ask your veterinarian about the details of the operation. The main stages of the operation are as follows:

  • premedication;
  • putting the cat into a state of anesthesia;
  • the actual operation;
  • post-operative procedures(sutures, their processing);
  • drip, bringing the animal out of anesthesia;
  • applying a bandage;
  • administration of supportive medications (vitamins, nutrient solutions) and medications to prevent infections (antibiotics)

How to help a cat after sterilization

Surgery for an animal is extremely stressful. The pet may be frightened due to pain, experience discomfort due to the blanket put on it, and feel disorientated in space after anesthesia. The owner’s task is to alleviate the suffering of the pet during the rehabilitation period by properly caring for it for the first time after the operation: providing rest, proper nutrition and assistance from a veterinarian.

Postoperative care

The most important thing when caring for an animal after the procedure is to monitor its nutrition and wound, treat the sutures in a timely manner, and give painkillers prescribed by the veterinarian. During the first two to three days, you should not leave the animal alone; due to stress, the pet may begin to bite itself or the blanket. A sterilized cat may not get up from its sleeping place for several hours - this is the norm. If there are other pets in the house, it is necessary to temporarily isolate them, as the cat's behavior may be aggressive in the first time after surgery.

Suture in a cat after sterilization

The size of the seam and its location depend on the type of sterilization of cats and the method of its implementation. After the laparoscopic procedure, only one or two stitches remain on each wound, and with direct or lateral access, ten stitches or more are applied. A doctor at a veterinary clinic must treat and remove sutures. Self-treatment of the wound by the owner is allowed if continuous sutures made of absorbable material were applied.

In the first few days, you should treat the wound at least once or twice a day with Chlorhexidine. Use brilliant green yourself or alcohol solution iodine is strictly prohibited - it can provoke chemical burns skin. After three to four days, the seam is processed once a day. If the pet owner notices strong purulent or bloody issues, you should immediately take the animal to the clinic or call a veterinarian at home. Neutering cats rarely causes the death of a pet.

Possible consequences and contraindications

Complications of the procedure and a list of contraindications depend on the method of implementation. The first negative consequences can be noted during the early postoperative period:

After cats have been neutered, side effects may take several months or years to appear. The most common of these is animal cancer. It develops due to an imbalance in the proportions of hormones (especially if a course of drugs was administered). Meet benign neoplasms, but they can also lead to death - blocking a large vessel, or the respiratory center in the brain.

Contraindications are based on complications statistics, deaths during procedures at various veterinary clinics. The list of contraindications for the procedure is not very long:

  • the animal is less than six months old;
  • chronic diseases of organs and systems;
  • older age of the animal (more than six years);
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of certain types of non-malignant tumors.

Proper nutrition for a sterilized cat

After the procedure is completed, a nutrient solution is administered intravenously. During the early postoperative period (on the first day after surgery), feeding the pet is strictly prohibited - intestinal peristalsis can provoke the opening of a surgical wound or internal bleeding. Then you can start giving the animal soft or liquid food. After 7-10 days, you can switch to specialized food. If the owner feeds the pet “from the table”, then in the postoperative period the animal should be given porridge with water.

How much does it cost to sterilize a cat?

The price of cat sterilization in Moscow depends on many factors: the territorial location of the clinic building, the cost of drugs used by veterinarians, and the range of services included in the procedure. For example, in one hospital the cost of cat sterilization includes an initial examination and premedication, but in another it does not. The price at the first clinic will be higher, but there will also be more services provided, therefore, you need to carefully study the price list of each clinic, reviews on websites, forums.
