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What happens if you cut a cat's whiskers? Why does a cat need a mustache? Why do cats need whiskers? What are the whiskers on a cat called?

Cats are amazing creatures. Nature created them in such a way that every part of their body performs an essential function, without which they will have a very difficult time. For example, many people wonder why a cat needs a mustache, long eyebrows and a tail? It would seem that if a person can live without them, then why do animals need them so much? In fact, cats without these parts become practically helpless. Therefore, under no circumstances should you shave your mustache, except in situations where it is necessary urgent treatment. Today we’ll talk about why animals need such long hair above the eyes and in the nose area, and also find out what role the tail plays.

A special term was coined specifically for cat whiskers and eyebrows - vibrissae. Or rather, not only for them, but also for hairs on some other parts of the body, for example, on the chin or on hind legs(although they are shorter there). Their peculiarity is that they are directly connected to the brain and this seriously helps the cat in orientation. There are three main aspects of a cat’s life where it is simply impossible to do without whiskers. In particular:

  1. Hunting.
  2. Orientation.
  3. Communication.

Let's look at them in more detail.

So, when hunting, a cat has to include three main senses: vision, hearing and tactile sensations. The animal presses to the ground and the vibrissae located on the hind legs help to understand which surface is below. As soon as the hunter makes a leap, the victim will have to run away. Streams
air passes through the whiskers and the animal understands where the mouse is trying to go. Moreover, the cat is able to determine only with the help of whiskers whether the meal is alive and how safe it is. The presence of even minimal wounds on a mouse is a risk of infection, which means that no one will eat it. Don't be surprised that cats don't eat everything. The same applies to homemade food, because in any case the animal needs to make sure it is safe. If there are no whiskers, the cat behaves much more carefully, walking around the bowl from different sides, looking at the food, touching it, etc.

Surely you may have noticed that your pet's whiskers are broken. In fact, this is not surprising, since the animal uses them for orientation. Cats are good, but not perfect vision at night, so you have to use tactile sensations. In particular, during its walks, the pet constantly touches the ground with its whiskers, receiving information about possible obstacles. Vibrissae help identify potential interference and bypass it. If a cat lives in a private house and has constant access to the street, a broken whisker is considered normal. Over time, they simply wear out.

Cats are social animals, which means they can’t live without communication. It is enough just to look at the position of the whiskers to find out how the pet is configured at one time or another. In particular:

  • if the cat is friendly, the whiskers extend forward;
  • if the animal is not in good spirits, the whiskers move in different directions;
  • if a pet presses its whiskers to its muzzle, it means it wants to be left alone.

In addition, cats can move their whiskers to the side if they play with each other or with the owner. Cats also press their whiskers to their muzzle if they are frightened by something and want to shrink in size.

One was also noted interesting feature, which scientists can so far explain only with hypotheses. If there are two or more cats in the house, they may not have enough whiskers. Experts are convinced that cats independently break off or pluck each other’s whiskers. For what? It is believed that an animal without a mustache loses confidence, which means it can be subdued.

Why does a cat need a tail?

The tail is also the most important part a cat's body that seriously helps her in every aspect of her life. In fact, it is an extension of the spine, surrounded by muscles and skin. There are two main areas of use of this part of the body. First of all, it's balancing. The tail acts as a kind of rudder, allowing the animal to maintain balance when jumping, running, or falling. It is much easier for an animal to change the direction of movement and control its body.

Moreover, the tail is the most important means communications. For example, if a pet raises its tail like a pipe, it means that it is very happy to see you. If the animal is dissatisfied with something, you can notice that the tip of the tail moves from one side to the other. If the cat waves it strongly, this is an indicator of uncertainty, the inability to make any decision. If the pet is frightened by something, the tail shrinks and presses against the body. Cats can live without this part of the body; there are even some breeds that lack this benefit (for example, bobtail). However, the absence of a tail can still seriously affect the movement of the animal. For example, it is more difficult for him to make a sharp turn while running.

Why does a cat need a mustache? Whiskers not only help the cat determine its location in space, but they also serve as an additional organ of smell. With their help, a cat can “feel an object” without directly touching it, and even “hear rustling noises,” which helps her navigate in space, for example in complete darkness. Whiskers also help to sense the slightest change in temperature and pressure of the surrounding world. Don't worry, cats' whiskers grow back.

What happens if you cut a cat's whiskers?

Doing so much important functions, it is no wonder that having lost them, as, for example, if a cat’s whiskers were cut off as an experiment, the animal became completely inadequate.

If you shave a cat's whiskers

It could bump into objects out of the blue (at night, it generally became completely disoriented in space). In addition, the sense of adequate perception of the world disappeared: often, if a cat’s whiskers were cut off, he could get stuck in a hole, unable to correctly “assess his size.” There were also ridiculous cases when a cat, walking straight, simply fell or, when jumping, did not reach the target (as it flew over).

If a cat's whiskers fall out

A cat's whiskers are somewhat similar to people's hair - periodically they fall out and change. Don’t panic when you find whiskers on the floor - cats’ whiskers are growing and soon there will be new ones - this natural process replacing old ones that have lost sensitivity and a number of properties with new ones.

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Do whiskers break and why does a cat need whiskers?

The most harmless case is genetic predisposition. A cat's whiskers break on their own, for example, in sphinxes.

This is how short a mustache can be

Does your cat's whiskers sometimes become soft and brittle? This is a sure sign of a lack of vitamins - vitamin deficiency. It is worth reviewing your pet’s diet or changing food. Perhaps also add some special vitamins, which can help you choose veterinary clinic. The most unpleasant thing that possibly happened to the cat was that he developed worms. In any case, the sign that cats’ whiskers are breaking does not pose a particular health hazard.

If a kitten’s whiskers break, you should worry a little more, because the baby is still a growing organism. All that can be done in this situation, like a kitten’s whiskers breaking, is to add the kitten to the menu more vitamins: spoon vegetable oil in porridge, a little cottage cheese at night or a little milk in the morning. Or change the dry ration in favor of something more enriched with minerals and everything necessary.

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Does the cat not grow whiskers?

And, probably, the last option is that the cat’s whiskers fall out if he is infected with a tick or lichen. The tick must be treated. And the deprivation must also be detected first: for this, the animal’s face must be illuminated with a special Voodoo lamp (the deprivation will light up emerald color), or take a scraping - in any case, you need to go to a veterinary clinic.

It's hard to imagine a cat without a mustache

There is not much that is attractive about losing a whisker; a kitten or cat may begin to feel not very comfortable. So keep an eye on your pet!

In villages where there are a lot of rodents, it is customary to say: the cat has long whiskers - scatter the mice, scatter the rats. The Maine Coon Missy from Finland would probably make a good catcher. In the Guinness Book of Records he is listed as the cat with the most long mustache- almost twenty centimeters.

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Not only children want to know the answer to this intricate question. In fact, can a cat live without a mustache? Or are they vital to her? Since time immemorial, a cat has been considered a symbol of home comfort, warmth and evidence that good-natured people live in the house. Everyone knew that a kitten’s thick whiskers enhance its sense of smell and when it grows up, it will certainly be an excellent rodent hunter. This would seem to make sense in a rural setting, but why does a cat need a mustache if it lives in the city?

In a cat, each antennae is directly connected to the brain and plays a vital role. They emit vibration, which in the form of a command enters the brain and as a result the cat performs one action or another. Ethologists have identified three of the most important aspects cat whiskers.


When tracking its prey, especially at night, a cat relies not only on vision and hearing, but also on tactile sensations. The antennae, touching the ground, transmit to the animal's brain the slightest vibrations and vibrations that the prey makes when moving: the mouse runs away and the air shudders. When the prey is caught, it begins beating it with its whiskers. With this, the cat “probes” whether the prey is alive or not. Please note that cats do not eat live mice, as this is very dangerous due to the occurrence of wounds and infections. Not only hunting, but also determining the safety of dinner contains “miracle antennas”. Losing a cat's whiskers means changes in behavior- She will have to check the food with her paw, confidence is lost.


It is the whiskers that help the cat find its way, especially in an unfamiliar space. They, like the most sensitive navigator, track and calculate the route and “show” obstacles. You yourself have probably observed how a cat moves with its muzzle bowed low. In this position, the animal’s antennae come into contact with the soil, grass, tree bark, etc.


Whiskers help to understand the cat's mood and attitude towards the owner and to a stranger. Scientists even determine her mood by the location of her mustache. If they are extended forward, this means that the cat is in good location spirit and is happy to communicate. The cat is aggressive - its whiskers bristle in different directions. Her menacing appearance indicates a lack of desire to communicate. It happens that the whiskers seem to be pressed down, which means that the cat is not up to you right now, it needs to be left alone. The same position of the antennae speaks of her other state, of fear and obvious hostility.

Besides this, the cat capable of tearing out a rival's mustache, which is especially often observed during the mating season. Without whiskers, a cat becomes insecure, which allows her rival to dominate her in front of her owners or males.

Many people have probably heard about veterinary whisker trimming? Yes, there is such experience. All this is due to the fact that the veterinarian performs this operation if the area where the antennae grow is wounded and needs treatment. It is in this case that it is necessary to perform this manipulation in order to disinfect the damaged area and eliminate the possibility of bacteria entering the pet’s body.

As you can see, the cat has whiskers perform very important and vital functions. Therefore, you need to protect your pets, take care of the health and condition of the mustache ( keep an eye on the children, who often intend to prove themselves as a cat groomer).

It is well known that felines are distinguished by incredible dexterity and flair. They are excellent at navigating in the dark, instantly reacting to moving objects. Such unique abilities are inherent in them by nature itself and are explained by the physiology of animals. Even a harmoniously developing kitten is not devoid of instantaneous reactions and is able to react to the slightest change in its environment. Why are furry pets able to easily navigate in the dark and pick up the slightest vibrations?

A cat's whiskers are an important sensory organ.

Whiskers in cats have another name - vibrissae. This name comes from Latin word vibrissae (oscillation). Their structure is significantly different from the structure of wool; its main component is a biological protein - keratin. They are much thicker and longer than the hairs of an animal's fur. The average length of a cat's whiskers is six to seven centimeters. But there are also exceptions. Long mustache large sizes Maine Coon cats. At the same time, in some breeds, such as sphinxes, they are short and have a twisted appearance, which, however, does not in any way affect the perception of vibrations. Above the cat's mouth are the longest and, accordingly, the most sensitive whiskers. At the same time, shorter antennae are located above the eyes, on the cheeks and even on the ankles of the animal. Cats have barely noticeable whiskers between the pads on their paws. They can be noticed when the pet releases its claws.

Many people call cats' whiskers antennas. And this is not a figure of speech. Their functionality is manifested precisely in the transfer of captured information directly to the animal’s brain. The root of each individual antennae is located deep in the skin in the hair follicle, which contains many small sensitive receptors. The tips of the whiskers are original transmitters of information that the cat receives from the outside. Therefore, even the slightest vibrations of air falling on the tips of the whiskers are instantly caught by the animal, then the information is processed in the brain and the cat reacts.

Cat whiskers have incredible sensitivity and are able to respond to invisible to the human eye changes in space. It is with the help of them that the animal confidently navigates in the dark, catches the barely audible rustle of a developing curtain or a distant quiet squeak. Nerve impulses in the form of changes in sound, temperature, light, reaching the very tip of the whiskers, instantly transmit information to the animal’s brain, causing it to react accordingly.

Whiskers are indispensable for a cat when hunting. In this case, they help her determine the direction of the wind, which is important for performing an accurate jump on her victim. So, even while playing with a pet, you can watch him, literally without blinking, and it even seems that he is sitting without breathing, quietly hiding, waiting for the right moment to attack a moving object. And one can only wonder how the cat knows exactly at what moment it needs to make a jump. It turns out that the whole point is the presence of a universal sensory organ - the mustache.

It is thanks to the whiskers that the cat can easily navigate in the dark and not bump into objects located in front of it. Barely noticeable touches to objects with the tips of the mustache help to “measure” the safe distance. And now an animal in a dark room can easily climb a cabinet or walk along a windowsill without touching the flower pots standing on it. The mustache located above the eyes, which many call “eyebrows,” also serves as a protective function. Thanks to them, the cat quickly reacts to harsh light and disturbances such as wind or rain. As soon as you touch these vibrissae with your hand, the cat begins to blink. The animal instantly reacts to any irritation and immediately closes its eyelids.

Vibbrissae located between the pads on the paws and ankles allow the animal to detect the slightest vibrations of the surface of the floor or ground. Even if your pet is curled up and fast asleep on the floor, he will certainly feel that someone is moving in the next room. The radius of perception depends on the age and breed of the animal. Among other things, whiskers can tell about a cat’s mood. So, if the pet is in a relaxed state, he is comfortable and calm, then the whiskers are located in a horizontal natural position. If the animal is tense and is alerted by something, the muzzle stretches forward, the whiskers, like locators, take the direction towards the object of interest. But in moments of fright, the cat’s whiskers are pressed tightly to its muzzle.

Mustache problems

Vibrissae in cats perform various functions. Therefore, an animal deprived of them cannot lead full image life. Whiskers, like fur, periodically fall out and are replaced with new ones. Therefore, you should not worry if a cat's whisker is found on the carpet. However, if the mustache falls out too often and in large quantities, then you should contact your veterinarian. Pathological loss of whiskers may indicate that the pet's diet is unbalanced - there is not enough essential microelements and vitamins. The condition of the mustache can be used to diagnose the development of certain diseases. Most often, a brittle, thinning mustache indicates a disease internal organs. At proper treatment cats, damaged whiskers are quickly restored, and the animal regains a sense of confidence and calm.

A cat's whiskers are a very sensitive organ, so they should not be trimmed, much less tugged. An animal that is deprived of its whiskers for any reason loses its unique abilities. The cat can no longer freely navigate in space, feels insecure, looks depressed and may even get sick.

Everyone knows that cats are excellent at finding their way in the dark. But contrary to popular belief, this is not connected with the ability to see, but with the ability to feel. And the mustache plays the main role in this. Whiskers, or rather vibrissae (from the Latin vibro, I wriggle, oscillate) are not only an attribute and decoration of a cat’s face, but also the main organ of touch.

A kind of receptor that has changed in the long process of evolution. Vibrissae give the animal all necessary information about the world around them, help navigate in the dark, hunt, notice the smallest changes in the environment and even sense a change atmospheric pressure. Not without reason, a lot folk signs associated with cats.

Vibrissae are not only on the face, as many believe. The most expressive and sensitive ones are actually located on the pads above upper lip. The shorter ones are located above the eyes, on the chin and in the cheek area. And less sensitive, but irreplaceable during hunting, hairs are found on the tail and paws.

The difference between a mustache and hair

Cat whiskers, although they are the closest relatives of hair, have many anatomical and functional differences.

Vibrissa rod, its outer part, differs primarily in length and stiffness compared to other hair. The root of the sensitive antennae is located in the superficial layer of the skin, in the follicle. This is where the fun begins.

The vibrissae are well supplied with blood, their root is located directly in the blood vesicle, the so-called sinus, and is surrounded by mechanoreceptors and tens of thousands nerve endings, which detect the slightest movement of the hair and transmit information to the brain. Where, it is worth saying, each vibrissa has its own place. The coordinated work of the striated muscles allows you to move your mustache.

From the mustache straight to the brain: how do they work?

Interestingly, the information that comes from the sensitive whiskers and from the eye goes along one channel - the ternary nerve.

This allows the brain to summarize signals, process them and create a three-dimensional picture of the world around us. Depending on the lighting, the pupil tends to expand or contract. In complete darkness, it is maximally expanded, meaning it has difficulty focusing on nearby objects. The mechanoreceptors, which are located at the base of the mustache, do not need light; they only pick up the vibration of the hair from air currents. This allows you to determine the location and distance to an object and avoid obstacles in time, even in complete darkness.

The very first hairs that kittens develop in the womb are vibrissae.

As we know from school physics courses, air not only never stands still, but also changes its direction when colliding with an object. Sensitive vibrissae are capable of recreating a clear picture of the surrounding environment based on air movement data. For this reason, it is impossible to approach a cat unnoticed.

She may not see or hear you, but she catches the reflected air flow. The only way to catch the animal by surprise is to approach from downwind.

Vibrissae in cats in the wild

By its nature, a cat is, first of all, excellent hunter, as they say, it’s in her blood. And there is a lot here important role mustache plays. Thanks to them, the cat can right moment close your eyes to protect them from a branch or blade of grass while making your way through thickets and bushes. And then continue the hunt without taking your eyes off the victim. When prey is caught, the predator holds it in its teeth out of sight. At this moment, only the outstretched mustache helps to assess the situation and control the victim’s behavior.

Confident cat jumps are accomplished solely thanks to the vibrissae. By moving them, the cat determines the direction and speed of the wind, this allows it to adjust the force of the push and the position of the body in the jump.

Worn out or broken vibrissae are restored regardless of molting. This once again emphasizes their incredibly important role in a cat’s life.

Particularly long and coarser hairs can be seen throughout the coat. They are much softer and do not play such a significant role as a mustache, but they also have some sensitivity. These hairs help the cat determine the nature of touches and distinguish between dangerous and pleasant contacts.

When meeting a cat, you can easily determine its attitude towards you. Interest, curiosity and friendliness if the mustache is directed forward. But if the animal presses them to its muzzle, then it is better to hold off on stroking, the cat is aggressive. The movement and location of the whiskers is a kind of “gesture language” of these animals.

Damage to a cat's whiskers: consequences

The cat's whiskers (whiskers) are a unique navigation system, damage to which leads to difficulties in orientation.

An animal with damaged or broken whiskers may bump into obstacles, and failure to close its eyes or project a jump can lead to disastrous consequences. Difficulties arise in correctly assessing the size of the hole; the cat may even get stuck. Therefore, if the whiskers are severely damaged, it is recommended to keep the animal at home for several months and not expose it to the risk of injury.

Why does a mother cat chew off her kittens' whiskers?

Sometimes you can see a mother cat chewing off the antennae of small kittens. Why this happens is not yet known for certain. Some experts suggest that in this way, the cat is trying to protect its children from excessive curiosity and leaving the nest too early. After 5-6 months, when the antennae grow, the kitten will be able to fully explore the world around him.

What about hairless cats?

Many will ask, what about the sphinxes? Indeed, in this hairless breed, the vibrissae are most often completely absent or represented by small curled antennae. But what’s interesting is that the animals navigate and hunt no worse than those with luxurious mustaches. Whether this yet another cat mystery will ever be solved, time will tell.

Video review about why cats need whiskers (vibrissae)?

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  • How do they work?
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